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Contacts and Absence
Official House Address:
Twitter Account:
Contact Details:
House (Staff Office number): House Staff Duty Mobile: House (Pupil Payphone): School Office: Finance Office:
Summerhill Kingswood School Bath BA1 5RT
https://twitter.com/KWS_Summerhill Mrs Alex Matthews Senior Houseparent amatthews@kingswood.bath.sch.uk 01225 734457 07436 152345 01225 734455 01225 734200 01225 734300
Please feel free to contact me any time between 7.45am and 10.30pm on the House Duty mobile, House office phone or via email. If you have an urgent message for me, during the day, please contact the School Office. There will always be a member of staff in the House between 4.30pm and 5.30pm and again between 8.30pm and 10.30pm, who will be able to take a message if I am not available and they will have the duty House phone on them from 4.30pm until 10.30pm. Resident duty staff have the House mobile with them overnight, in case of emergencies. The best time to ring your child is between prep and bedtime. We would really appreciate no later than this as it can disturb other roommates.
If there are any issues that arise on academic or extra - curricular matters, then in the first instance, please contact the tutor directly. Please do not hesitate to contact me over anything with regard to your child. I would far rather deal with things as they occur and not let them develop into bigger issues. I would also love to hear about successes your child has outside of School.
If your child is going to be absent from school, please email myself and your child’s tutor. If your child is absent due to unplanned reasons (illness, last minute medical appointments or for any other circumstances on the day), then again please email the tutor, Houseparent and registration@kingswood.bath.sch.uk If the absence is planned please can you send an email prior to the day of absence. In all cases of absence, an email is required. The school is required by law to keep detailed and accurate registers and documentary evidence is required from parents to cover every period of absence.
If your child is ill and needs to go home, they must only do this through the Medical Centre and not phone parents directly to collect them. The Medical centre will ring and inform you and will also let us know if your child has had to go home.
When leaving campus for authorised reasons during the day, your child must sign out at the Main School Office and back in at the School Office, if they return before the end of the school day.