1 minute read
Its incredible how our way of life has changed so much in such a short space of time. However, this national emergency and ‘Lock Down’ has brought out the best of communities and highlighted the need for everyone to look locally for sourcing help and support. This drastic change in life has also created some unexpected benefits such as cleaner air and a reduced carbon footprint. And its how our communities and businesses adjust and adapt to this new world order that is key.
After our in-house team started distributing the April editions we were of course disrupted by the Government ‘stay at home’ advice. Overnight, we had to adapt by using the Royal Mail Door-to-Door distribution service in order to ensure that all copies of the magazines were distributed - which is how this edition has been delivered.
In particular, I would like to thank our advertisers for supporting us in these extremely challenging conditions. I would also like to thank our readers who have risen to the challenge of supporting the weak and vulnerable with deliveries of food and medicines. And we hope our magazines can do there bit by highlighting what products and services are available locally.
Although it is an extremely testing time for everyone, there is a lot to be said for being more locally centric, if only for the good of the planet. Richard Milbourn, Editor E: editor@carnahpublications.com
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Magazine Issue Editorial/Advertising Print Run Deadline Horsham Pages South June/July 2020 11th May 12,500 Burgess Hill Pages June/July 2020 11th May 12,000 Southwater Life June 2020 11th May 4,200 Horsham Pages North July/Aug 2020 11th June 12,500 Haywards Heath Pages July/Aug 2020 11th June 12,000
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