Cheam Clarion July 2017

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The Cheam



ISSUE No. 2 - JULY 2017

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WELCOME TO THE CLARION The Clarion aims to keep you informed of all facets of village life in Cheam and engender a greater community spirit he Clarion aims to cover the news and activities of all the local associations, clubs, groups and societies. It never ceases to amaze me how many activities are going on in the community which you never hear about. A good example is Sutton Movie Makers who are a thriving club and produce movies that entertain and gain audiences a long way beyond Surrey. They meet on Wednesday nights in the Parochial Rooms, Cheam Village and you can find out how to join them on page 18. Another important organisation you might not be aware of is the Belmont and South Cheam Residents’ Association (BSCRA) which represents


the residents of Belmont and South Cheam and has over 2,200 members. The BSCRA publish a newsletter twice a year and regular E-bulletins and with an annual subscription of only £1 per year you can find out about all the local issues. To find out more about BSCRA, please contact Peter Mattey at Finally, if you are an association, club, group or society who was not aware of the Cheam Clarion, its not too late, and I would welcome any articles for the next issue which will be published on 15th October with an editorial deadline of 15th September. Richard Milbourn, Editor Email:

The Cheam Clarion Forthcoming issue dates: Magazine Tadworth & Walton Tribune Kingswood Village Voice Banstead Beacon Cheam Clarion


Editorial/Advert’g Deadline Print Run August 30th June 3,200 Sept 31st July 1,600 Oct 31st Aug 3,600 Oct 15th Sept 3,400

All magazines are A5 sized and published quarterly with advertisements costing as little as £64 for a half page or £108 for a page with the series discount. For further details, please contact Richard Milbourn, Editor, on 0844 561 1230 or email Carnah Events Ltd., 3 Mount Hill, Mogador, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 7HZ. Statements and opinions in The Clarion, unless expressly written, are not necessarily those of The Editor. Material in The Clarion may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the Editor.

JULY 2017 3



The Mayor of Sutton.

Paul Scully bowling.

hat a lovely surprise when the Mayor of Sutton checked in at the Cheam Fields Club Bowls stall at the recent Cheam Charter Fair. He joined in the fun, taking part in a mini tabletop bowls competition, and found out more about playing lawn bowls at Cheam Fields Club. The Mayor led the opening procession at this year’s 759th event where there were over 70 stalls and entertainment for all the family. “We had a fantastic response to the tabletop bowls competition,” says Cheam Fields Bowls member Maralyn Butler. “The Mayor of Sutton as well as Paul Scully MP and Henry VIII (not the real one!) were among our many visitors. The game attracted a lot of attention and many people showed an

interest in coming along to try out lawn bowls at our friendly Club.” For anyone who would like to give bowls a try, the Bowls section offers a friendly welcome to new players every Wednesday evening from 5.30pm. “We invite new bowlers to join us for an evening of fun when they can get out onto the green and experience bowls for FREE,” explains Maralyn. “You just need to wear comfortable shoes or trainers. It’s a great opportunity to meet other members and learn a few basics.” Cheam Fields Club also has Tennis, Bridge and Social sections as well as a subsidised, fully licensed bar. For more information, please call Maralyn Butler on 020 8715 8728 or 07778 881 267 (mobile). Or visit the Club’s website:


4 JULY 2017

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THE OLD FARMHOUSE Jason Plent takes a detailed look at one of Cheam’s oldest landmarks, The Old Farmhouse, and its function in the village

The Old Farmhouse, Cheam.

he grade II listed ‘The Old Farmhouse’ has stood in the middle of Cheam village, even back in the days when it was West Cheam, and consisted of only a handful of houses close to East Cheam and the village of Cuddington. It’s very difficult to travel back 500 years and more to know exactly what happened when the house was built, but by looking closely at the architecture it is possible to piece together a history of the house that fits with the events of the time. The east end of the house (near to St


6 JULY 2017

Dunstan’s Church) is clearly older than the rest of the building. From top to bottom is the best way to look at it, with the first clue being the late medieval structure of the roof supporting beams. The house has three crown post structures in a line going north to south, a traditional medieval building technique that was replaced in the early sixteenth century with the side purlin method we still use today (as triangles are stronger). The second clue is the long carpenter’s marks on the rook beams used by the craftsmen to help in the


Crown Post.

Wall in loft.

construction. For some reason is was fashionable to use long Roman numerals in the late medieval and short Roman numerals in Tudor times. ‘The Old Farmhouse’ has many long Roman numerals on the timbers in this end of the house. There is even a patch of the original ‘Cheam Green’ wattle and daub walls in the loft space (see photograph top right). Out of the roof and in the rooms of the house below, the major beams have no chamfers where they join. Adding a cut before a major building joint only became a feature in the Tudor period as the Tudors discovered it made the wood stronger where strength was needed. All of these features makes the house a rare example, within suburban London definitely, of a vernacular English 'Home Farm' which was usually the name given to the largest farmhouse on any estate where the yeoman farmer lived and where the smallholders paid their dues to landowner. As ‘The Old Farmhouse’ was for many years called ‘Home Farm’ before it was renamed by a developer in the 1970s, this seems likely to be the story of this house. The

house was also close to the Church, as it is today, and over the way from the mansion house of the local Lord of the Manor (now the site of Cheam library). The house has developed and expanded over the centuries, but its layout is that of a Baffle House (you are ‘baffled’ by the wall in the hallway and have to go right or left - this design was typical of late 15C, as ‘hall’ and ‘corridor’ house styles fell out of favour and bedrooms were desirable). The second major part of the building’s design history is the expansion that took place in Tudor times with a very large chimney in Tudor brick and English bond added around 1530, about the same time Henry VIII was building Nonsuch Palace (in Nonsuch Park), so we imagine someone working on the Palace bought a one up and down cottage next to the Church and using the original parts of the medieval building expanded it to build a much more important house. The large Tudor stack has spiral flues and a large fireplace with integral seat and four bread ovens up inside. C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 8

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However, much to the surprise of the present owners (The Plent family) it turned out that the house was hiding two very large cellars rooms under the main two rooms downstairs. Using an archaeological scanner the Plent family scanned the downstairs floors looking for a cellar and found a Tudor kitchen under the main room on left (looking form the front). The access stairs were found under the modern kitchen at the back. The existence of a large kitchen underground fits with the presence of a well and brewery/chicken house in the garden (which was there until the early 20C). Often the ‘Home Farm’ would be a place for local people to congregate after Church on a Sunday and buy beer, bread and chicken from the owners (a precursor to the Sunday lunch we know today). The next building stage of the house was the seventeenth century as the west end of the house was extended to add another room and break the symmetry of the front. This second extension added rooms and a storage platform for foodstuffs. Two brick chimneys at the rear and side were added in the 18C as coal became cheaper and warmth became an affordable possibility. In 2011 the current owners added a kitchen extension at the rear of the house after much consultation with Sutton Council, to ensure any alterations fitted in with the style of the building but made it functional as a 21st Century home. Unusually the house had been owned by Sutton Council for a number of years between 8 JULY 2017

St Dunstan’s Church behind.

Sale plan.

Old photograph of the front.

TH E  O LD   FA R M H O U SE 1972 and 1999, and had been used as offices and even nurses accommodation. The house layout now has three receptions, a kitchen and dining room on ground floor, with five bedrooms and two bathrooms on the first floor. The master bedroom has a cathedral ceiling. Most of the rooms have oak beams on view to go with the large fireplaces, two very old iron fire hearths, one with an early Italian marble surround and one with a very large Tudor limestone surround. The garden at front is an impressive formal courtyard garden with a chevron brick path to timber porch and split front door. The front garden has a very large, very old and impressive protected horse chestnut tree which looks spectacular in the Spring. The house is part of a listed

conservation group which includes the Old Rectory, seventeenth century and Tudor cottages, as well as the lychgate, the Lumley chapel and the 18C St. Dunstan's Church. There is a tour group that takes in The Old Farmhouse as well as the other interesting and ancient features of Cheam Village. Please visit: ex.php/heritage-walk Jason Plent

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A BRIEF HISTORY OF CHEAM This is the second part of a history of Cheam which looks at the history of Lumley Chapel and Nonsuch Mansion he Lumley Chapel was the chancel of the original Cheam church which was left when the rest of the church was demolished in the 1860s. The Lumley Chapel is the oldest standing building in the London Borough of Sutton, as the fragments of blocked window in the north wall is of late Saxon or early Norman date. The Archbishop of Canterbury acquired Cheam in 1018 and it is likely that the church was founded soon after. The dedication to St. Dunstan, who was Archbishop of Canterbury 959 - 988, fits well with this. He was the cathedral's most important saint until he was displaced by St. Thomas Ă Becket. The blocked arch on the other (south) side of the chapel was for an aisle which was added to the church in the 12th century. In the 1590s John Lord Lumley converted the building into a memorial chapel for himself and his two wives. He rebuilt the ceiling, which is dated 1592, and constructed the three remarkable tombs which dominate the chapel today. Lumley's principal seat was Lumley castle in County Durham, but he married Jane, who was the daughter and co-heiress of the Earl of Arundel.


10 JULY 2017

St Dunstan’s Churchyard, Cheam. The Lumley Chapel in the early 19th century when it was still the Chancel of Cheam Church. From a painting by Gideon Yates in the Sutton Heritage Collection.

Queen Mary sold Henry VIII's palace of Nonsuch to the Earl of Arundel in 1556 and Lumley inherited it in 1580. Lumley was a leading Elizabethan connoisseur who had a magnificent collection of books and paintings and also developed a major garden at Nonsuch.


Nonsuch Mansion stands on the eastern side of Nonsuch Park.

The tomb on the right as you enter is the tomb of Lumley's first wife Jane Fitzalan (d.1577) who was the daughter of the 12th Earl of Arundel The main part of the tomb is of alabaster with marble pilasters. The decoration is partly Heraldic with the Lumley arms ( the parrot-like popinjays) and those of Arundel (the prancing horse). The front panel shows Jane's three children at prayer in the chapel within Nonsuch Palace. Note the fine incised stone medallion with a knight and dragon at the top of the tomb which is extremely unusual and very fine. The first tomb on the opposite side of the chapel is for Lumley's second wife Elizabeth Darcy who died in 1617. The tomb is a mixture of alabaster and marble and is decorated with areas of fine low relief carving. The tomb to Lord Lumley (d.1609) stands next to Elizabeth's. It is of alabaster and marble and, although it

is of fine workmanship, it is less unusual and interesting that the other two. It is heavily decorated with heraldry which reflects Lumley's pride in his ancestry. Although the tombs vary in style they must all have been commissioned by Lumley before 1590 as they are shown in the Red Velvet Book which contained an illustrated inventory of his most choice possessions. The chapel contains many other memorials including ones to the Pybus family who lived in Cheam House which stood on the east side of the Broadway to the north of Whitehall and to the Antrobus's of Lower Cheam House in Gander Green Lane between Sutton and Cheam. There is also a tablet (on the south wall) to Ann Gilpin the five year old daughter of the Rev William Gilpin, a headmaster of Cheam School and writer on picturesque landscape. C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 1 2

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The chapel contains several brasses including ones to: l Thomas Fromond (d.1542) and his wife Elizabeth Yerde. The Fromonds were one of the leading families in 16th and early 17th century Cheam. They remained Catholics after the reformation and suffered persecution in the later part of Elizabeth's reign. l John Yerde (d.1449) and his wife. l John Compton (d.1458) and his wife. l William Woodward (d.1459). Since 2002 the Chapel has been in the care of The Churches Conservation Trust. Nonsuch Mansion It is probably on the site of the Keepers Lodge which stood in Little Park which was attached to Henry VIII's Palace of Nonsuch. Parts of the

present mansion date from the 18th century but the greater part, including the south front and the state rooms, were built 1802 - 6 for Samuel Farmer. The architect was Jeffey Wyatt (later Sir Jeffery Wyattville) who also worked on Windsor Castle. The Friends of Nonsuch open the Service Wing of the Mansion including the kitchen, larders, sculleries and laundries and an exhibition of rare English hand painted and antique European stained glass. The opening times are 2pm - 5pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month from April to September plus Bank Holidays in May and August. Admission £1.50 adults, 50p children. Senior citizens £1. Friends of Nonsuch 50p. The Mansion is nearest to the Cheam Gate to the park where there is a car park.

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12 JULY 2017 49


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Amit Mohindra talks about coaching at Cheam LTC' What can I expect as a member? Cheam LTC resides in a picturesque setting and offers five brand new floodlit courts - including two state-of-the-art synthetic clay courts. The atmosphere is fun and friendly and the clubhouse has a large bar and sky TV on a huge projection screen. There’s regular social tennis during the week on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons and several competitive men’s and ladies’ teams, with organised matches on Sunday mornings. The recent upgrade with the new facilities has been fantastic and I would recommend anyone who wants to play tennis in the area to come along to see for themselves or join in one of our social sessions. How does coaching at the club work? I have been head coach at Cheam LTC for over twelve years and the coaching has gone from strength from strength. We have an extensive programme to suit all ages and abilities, with individual and group coaching during the week and a designated after school junior programme. Holiday camps run in the school holidays and we will soon be running all day camps, which will 14 JULY 2017

include multi-sports as we have fantastic facilities and great coaches. What have been the highlights of coaching at Cheam LTC? I am passionate about tennis and I hope that comes through in my coaching. I enjoy teaching all levels of players (from beginners to performance) and I love seeing players that I have taught at a very young age continuing to play and representing the club in the adult teams. I have developed long standing friendships at the club - which is testament to its relaxed and friendly nature. Tennis has given me such joy; it’s a pleasure to spread the game to more people. SPECIAL PROMOTION FOR CLARION READERS If you join as a member there is a promotional discount for Clarion readers: five group lessons for free and 30% off membership. For Junior coaching, if you join and enroll in the coaching programme for the Autumn term before the end of August, you will receive 20% off the coaching fee. Please enquire about Summer Holiday Camps. Amit Mohindra, Cheam LTC Head Tennis Coach Facebook: Ace Amit Coaching 07947 408901

N E I G H B O U R H O O D   WAT C H   A S S O C I AT I O N

LOOK OUT FOR POSTAL FRAUD he fastest growing crimes in the UK are various types of attempt to defraud or scams. Neighbourhood Watch has an important role to warn people how to avoid these attempts themselves and the things they should watch out for if they have potentially vulnerable friends or relatives. An aging population and increases in life expectancy plus the impact of various early forms of dementia unfortunately means that more people are vulnerable to fraud. A lot of attention has been focused on email and internet fraud but many older people who do not use computers are still falling victim to postal fraud. Those falling victim to postal scams are often older people living alone and around 75 years of age although anybody can fall victim to increasingly sophisticated scammers. Scammers can identify potential victims in a variety of ways, examples being those responding to fake promotional adverts such as an offer for a free hearing aid and even those whose partner has recently been reported as deceased. Postal scams can take the form of fake lotteries, fake offers of an inheritance, clairvoyance related offers, counterfeit goods offers, fake investment opportunities and more recently what appear to be genuine letters from banks or government agencies such as HMRC seeking personal details. A large percentage of scam mail appears to originate from abroad often utilising return addresses in The Netherlands, Austria and Australia. Steps have been taken to halt some of these operations. For example after 300 scam linked PO Boxes in The Netherlands were closed down, mail volumes to The


16 JULY 2017

Netherlands were reduced by 250,000 items per month! However, the scammers are resourceful and will certainly try to set up new addresses. Signs for relatives or neighbours to look for are: l Unusual quantities of mail l Relatively high usage of cheques l Shortage of money – shown by economising on heating etc. It seems that scammers share details about their victims in so called “suckers’ lists” and this is what results in the increased mail volumes Many lonely victims get involved in replying to the various fake offers as it gives them something interesting to do and, even when warned by friends or relatives that these are scams, will continue to correspond with the fakers as they are to some extent addicted to the activity. If you are aware of a successful fraud perpetrated on yourself or a relative this should be reported to the Police using the non-emergency 101 number or online reporting mechanisms. Unfortunately many people can be ashamed at having been duped and do not report the crime but this may allow the scammers to strike again. If you are aware of a failed attempt at a scam this can be reported to Action Fraud – this is the agency that monitors trends in frauds and assesses the likelihood of a successful prosecution before deciding whether to pass details to local Police or Trading Standards as appropriate. Action Fraud can be contacted online or via 0300 123 2040. Mike Fox, Secretary Surrey Neighbourhood Watch Association 01737 350452.


NEW HORIZONS FOR MOVIE-MAKERS Sutton Movie Makers is a thriving club and members have demonstrated their ability to entertain and gain audience attention a long way beyond Surrey

Rooftop filming of aerial flight sequences for Sutton Film Makers’ superhero epic The Divider.

sing a camcorder, digital camera or just a mobile phone, it's never been easier to shoot movies, Today's technology is a lot a lot sharper, more affordable and versatile than it was in the old days of Super-8 film and VHS tapes. "But putting your clips together into a coherent production can still be tricky", comments Peter Leverick, a former BBC and freelance Director of Photography who has been president of Sutton Film Makers for


18 JULY 2017

several years. This informal, drop-in club meets around 7.30pm every Wednesday evening in Cheam Village and aims to provide a social, supportive meeting place for amateur movie-makers. "By sharing ideas and projects with like-minded enthusiasts, members get ample opportunity to make complete films which they can happily show to friends and family," Peter observes. "They can also feel confident about entering their work in the fastexpanding world of movie

NEW HO RIZON S  F OR   M O V IE-M A K ER S competitions and festivals." Sutton Film Makers was established in 2004 to help film enthusiasts learn about the latest digital technology and widen their creative horizons, whether making low-budget shorts, local documentaries or full-scale movies. Members' extensive output since then has covered everything from original drama, comedies and music videos to sponsored projects for community groups. The club is regularly asked to help theatre groups, schools, local authorities, businesses and charities with creating and making videos. Early examples included an investigation for the Hyperactive Children's Support Group on the adverse effects of food additives on juvenile behaviour; and two reports which celebrated the culinary and cultural diversity of the London Borough of Sutton. Club documentaries initiated by individual members have included "When the Red River rocks", charting the lively indie folk-rock music scene along the River Wandle. "Sutton's River Wandle", likewise featured the river but from an historical and environmental standpoint. The "Real Relay" probed the true story behind the passing of the Torch by Surrey athletes prior to the 2012 London Olympic Games. The Club's ambitions have even extended to the world of full-length cinema, as with the haunting psycho-drama "Parallel Lines", scripted, produced and financed by Club member Jackie Clark and

Production in progress of Sutton Film Makers’ full-length drama Parallel Lines.

premiered at a Leicester Square cinema in 2015. The previous year saw the completion of Jim Rodgers' one-and-a half hour long super-hero epic "The Divider", which featured several innovations in green screen and other special effects. In these and more modest projects, Club members have demonstrated the ability to entertain and gain audience attention a long way beyond Surrey. Will Tribble, an early Club member, was one of the UK's first film-makers to "go megaviral" with satirical shorts; his original "Forrest Gump in One Minute/One Take" has so far scored over 3,695,000 hits on YouTube. Former journalist Bruce Whitehall, who joined Sutton Film Makers in C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 2 0

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Sutton Film Makers filming atmospheric sequence for full-length movie Parallel Lines. C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 1 9

2009, won Best Comedy Short at the American Motion Picture Society international awards for his 3 minute "Sound of Fury". Recently joined father-and-son members Nick and Luke Baumkotter have notched up two awards already this year for their prolific output of horror spoofs. Diverse membership The Club's membership, currently numbering over 50, covers the age spectrum, from 14-plus to seniors, from cinema buffs to novices. It includes youngsters taking Media Studies at school or college as well as business-people seeking to improve their communications skills. There are also actors, musicians and entertainers, plus several professionals with a background in the film and TV industry who are happy to share their knowledge and experience. As well as Cheam, 20 JULY 2017

Banstead and Sutton, members also hail from the boroughs of Merton and Croydon, and further afield in Surrey, including Ashtead, Tadworth and Leatherhead. Several members are additonally active in the Mole Valley Script Writing Group. Attractions of joining Sutton Film Makers are numerous, not least a varied and constantly updated programme of weekly activities and workshops. Cost of membership is modest, at £25 per year plus £3 per head for refreshments on attendance nights. All Club revenues go towards collectively-financed purchase of equipment to which members gain free access. "Some members have their own kit, including ancillary equipment like drones for aerial filming," comments Club treasurer Aidan Rich. "But everybody has, after three months' membership, free access to

NEW HO RIZON S  F OR   M O V IE-M A K ER S all the club equipment. That includes the latest professional cameras such as cinema-standard Black Magic and Go-Pro systems – plus ancillary kit like tripods, dolly-andtrack systems, lighting rigs, video projectors, microphones, sound recorders, multi-channel mixers and editing software on a laptop. And we are always experimenting with special effects such as prosthetics and green screen rigs(for superimposing actors onto backgrounds for use in editing). Interested in joining Sutton Film Makers? Meetings are open to everyone over 14 and take place at the Parochial Rooms, Malden Road, Cheam Village between 7.30 pm and 10.30pm every Wednesday. More information can be obtained from

Filming a music video.

the club's informative website ( or you are welcome to email, or just drop in. First two weeks' membership is free.

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JULY 2017 21



The beach in Taormina.

even volcanic islands, just 45 minutes by


views of the volcanic landscape. The town itself

hydrofoil from mainland Sicily, rise out of

boasts several fabulous restaurants to enjoy

the cobalt seas off Sicily’s northeast

fresh and local Sicilian cuisine at its very best.

islands are a little piece of relatively

largest and liveliest so the ideal introduction to a

undiscovered paradise, offering stunning waters

stay in this stunning area. For some volcanic

for water sports enthusiasts, swimmers and

action, a spot of nature and complete

divers as well as trek worthy volcanoes, bubbling

relaxation, a stay on Vulcano is a must - a boat

thermal springs and a gourmet heaven not to

trip from Vulcano to Stromboli, which erupts

mention an outstanding view. The seven Aeolian

every 15 minutes and provides a stunning

Islands are Lipari, Vulcano, Panarea, Salina,

backdrop to any cocktails-at-sunset boat

Stromboli, Filicudi and Alicudi.

excursion, should not be missed. The other

coast. These Unesco-protected pearl drops of

For a beginner’s Aeolian experience, a

Lipari, the ‘capital’ of the islands, is the

islands provide a mix of accommodation and

relaxed tour of the islands will make you want to

can be explored with differing levels of


adventure. The itinerary below offers a taste of

Start with a couple of days in the historic

what the islands have to offer and can be

town of Taormina on mainland Sicily – fabulous

completely tailormade.

accommodation lies on the beach and in the

Day one

town itself. Mount Etna dominates the east coast

Fly to Catania and transfer to Taormina for 2

of Sicily and rises majestically above Taormina.

nights. Why not stay at the beautiful La Plage

Adventurous travellers can explore Etna by 4x4

Resort - on the beach and close to the town.

or cable car – less ambitious visitors can stop

Day three

half way and enjoy the extraordinary panoramic

Transfer to Milazzo to meet the hydrofoil which

22 JULY 2017


The beautiful Sicilian coastline.





Therasia Resort & Spa in Vulcano.

will whisk you on a 45 minute journey across

neighbouring islands.

the crystal blue waters to Lipari for 2 nights.

Day eight

Enjoy a couple of days at beautiful Hotel Mea,

Transfer back to Milazzo then onto Catania for

privately owned and a haven of tranquillity just

flight home

a hop, skip and jump from the lively town

For more information on this fabulous

centre and its plethora of typical local

destination or for some general travel inspiration,

restaurants and bars.

please pop into one of our shops or call one of

Day five

our travel experts.

A short 10 minute boat hop across to Vulcano

Symphony World Travel, Kingswood 01737

for a relaxing stay for 3 nights. Therasia Resort

362626 - Symphony World Travel, Fetcham

and spa is a great choice - utter bliss and offers

01372 375361.

360 degree views of the beautiful ocean and

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JULY 2017 23


ARE DEBTS SPOILING YOUR LIFE? eing in debt can be stressful. It’s hard to know what to do first especially if you’re constantly getting letters and calls from companies you owe money to. You might be thinking about taking out a loan to pay back money you owe. But this might make the problem worse and there could be a better way. In time, every debt problem can be managed and solved. Really. However long it takes, getting free of debt can improve your credit rating and let you start planning for the future. Citizens Advice has a 5-step ‘Help with debt’ process that lets you find a way to deal with your debts that suits your own situation – go to You can complete each step to see what you should do first; what you can deal with on your own; where you might need specialist help. And where to get help. The 5 steps are:


Gather information about each debt Check which ones are priority debts l Work out what you can afford to pay l Negotiate with your priority creditors l Negotiate with your non-priority creditors. Remember! Contact Citizens Advice immediately if you’ve received court papers, you’re about to be evicted, or you’re expecting bailiffs. For help on this or other issues, contact Citizens Advice Reigate & Banstead 03444 111 444, 10am-4pm Mon-Friday or drop-in at The Horseshoe Banstead (go to for opening hours). l l

CAN YOU HELP? ocal Charity, Dyscover, has been in the village of Walton on-the-Hill for 12 years – providing vital services for people with aphasia. This specialist charity attracts members that travel up to 40 miles to reach their weekly Speech and Language therapist led support group. Described by many as their ‘Lifeline’ Dyscover would like very much to stay within this locality to continue to meet the long terms needs of its existing members and new referrals. As the search for a new


24 JULY 2017

home becomes increasingly more urgent, Dyscover are reaching out to its community for some help. If you have or know of any premises to let with disabled access please do contact Dyscover on: 01737 819419 or

WHAT’S ON C H E A M   &   C U D D I N G T O N   H O RT I C U LT U R A L   S O C I E T Y

he Cheam & Cuddington Horticultural Society’s Summer Show is the 15th of July at St Dunstan’s C of E Primary School, Anne Boleyns Walk, Cheam, Surrey SM3 8DF. The show is open to the public from 24.30pm. In addition to the show, there are plants and refreshments on sale, plus horticultural advice. There is ample free parking in the school grounds. Admission is free to members and 50p to non-members. If you miss our Summer Show, put the Autumn Show in your diary. The Autumn Show is the 9th of September (same location and times as above). Come along and see what people in your area grow in back gardens and local allotments. For more information about the Society, visit:


CHEAM CRICKET CLUB Sunday 16th July start 12 o'clock 20/20 competition 50th Anniversary of Save The Children. Four local teams competing: Cheam, Beddington,Worcester Park and Sutton. 26 JULY 2017

Monday 17th July Cheam v Jason Gillespie Academy from Adelaide. 50 overs start 11.30. All support welcomed We are always looking for sponsorship.

WHAT’S ON EP S OM P LAYH O U SE Jongleurs July Fri 28th July 2017 at 8pm Tickets £13.50 Your regular dose of comedy brought to you by Jongleurs, the UK’s number one comedy company; they’ll have you rolling in the aisles with laughter. Purple Zeppelin Saturday 29th July 2017 at 7.30pm Tickets £20 Back at The Epsom Playhouse again with their New Show! This time, the first set is played 'Unplugged' on acoustic instruments, comprising well known songs from both bands. Then, in the second set, they’ll plug in and play all the classic hits. Close Up Magic at The Playhouse Saturday 29th July 2017 at 7.30pm Tickets £16.50 Prepare to be amazed! A Playhouse regular, Close Up Magic is one of the most impressive forms of the art and this unique format showcases some of the best and most skillful exponents. Audiences get to experience the magic in an informal, close up setting, often taking part themselves and witnessing the impossible from only inches away. An intimate evening of close up magic, trickery and sleight of hand. Little Mix Experience Sunday 30th July 2017 at 5.00pm The Little Mix Experience! Back at The Epsom Playhouse by popular demand! If you’re a fan of one of X Factor’s finest exports you’re sure to L.O.V.E them! 28 JULY 2017

Little Mix were formed exclusively for the eighth series of The X Factor in 2011 and became the first, and so far, only group to win the competition. Edustage Musical Theatre Summer School (8-12 years*) Mon 31 July - Fri 4th August at 10.00am London based EduStage offers two creative weeks of rehearsals and performance for young people. Working with professional directors, participants will do drama, games and sing songs from West End shows. Students will also be given the opportunity to act, sing and dance in an original musical to be performed on the main stage at The Epsom Playhouse, with sound, lights and costumes. This takes place on the final afternoon of the summer school at 3pm. No experience necessary. That'll Be The Day - Brand New Show 3 August 2017 at 7.30pm The UK’s premier Rock & Roll production That’ll Be The Day returns with another Brand New Show! Highly acclaimed for its stunning LIVE entertainment value, That’ll Be The Day is an outstanding celebration for all true fans of the golden era of popular music.This latest production features a fantastic new-line-up of smash hits spanning the 50s, 60s, 70s & 80s, plus more side-splitting comic sketches, all performed live on-stage! Musical Theatre Summer School (Ages 12-16yrs*) C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 3 0

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Monday 14 August - Friday 18 August from 10.00am London based EduStage offers two creative weeks of rehearsals and performance for young people. Working with professional directors, participants will do drama, games and sing songs from West End shows. Students will also be given the opportunity to act, sing and dance in an original musical to be performed on the main stage at The Epsom Playhouse, with sound, lights and costumes. This takes place on the final afternoon of the summer school

at 3pm. No experience necessary. Milton Jones Thursday 31 August 2017 at 7.30pm Milton Jones is Nearly 0ut There: Work in Progress. Milton Jones is back on the road with another tour but unfortunately it isn’t quite ready yet. Don’t panic though he’s a professional, it’s the guy with the loud shirts and messed up hair from Mock the Week, Live at the Apollo, Michael McIntyre’s Roadshow and multiple series on Radio 4. An evening in the company of an idiot. Or is he? Yes he is. Only come if you like jokes though. If not you’ll be cross.

We stock a wide range of knitting yarns including Rico, Patons, Kingcole, Wendy, Peter Pan, Robin plus a large selection of baby yarns and DMC stranded cottons. We also have a wide range of knitting pins, crochet hooks, circular needles, haberdashery and knitting patterns.


30 JULY 2017

Opening Hours Mon to Sat 10-16.30 (Wed 10-13.00) Tel: 0208 643 3211 or email: 7 Station Way, Cheam Village, Surrey SM3 8SD

Local magazines covering local issues

Forthcoming issue dates: Magazine Tadworth & Walton Tribune Kingswood Village Voice Banstead Beacon Cheam Clarion


Editorial/Advert’g Deadline Print Run August 30th June 3,200 Sept 31st July 1,600 Oct 31st Aug 3,600 Oct 15th Sept 3,400

All magazines are A5 sized and published quarterly with advertisements costing as little as £64 for a half page or £108 for a page with the series discount. For further details, please contact Richard Milbourn, Editor, on 0844 561 1230 or email Carnah Events Ltd., 3 Mount Hill, Mogador, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 7HZ.

JULY 2017 31

Getting married ? There are wedding dress trends aplenty that will whet your fashionloving taste buds. Bridal jumpsuits have been around for a while, but for the summer 2017 designers switched things up a notch, with sheer lace trousers and more couture style. 3D details will still be a big 2017 wedding dress trend: think applique flowers and chunkier embellishments. Finally, sexier wedding dresses we've seen in recent years got a demure update with high-necked nude underlayers.







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