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kers to Great gadgets from simple trac the smartest smartwatches
One of the simplest and cheapest exerc , which tells yotrackers is the pedometer howmanystepsyou’vewalkedinagivehow many steps youve walked in a give There are lots of them around foperiod. alittle money: for example, the Omron W , a Style One Step Counter pocket-sized , is around £16.pedometer , if you’d like to track more thanHowever
These aren’t necessarily much more . tracker s attractive and expensive – you can get Huawei’ fective Huawei Band 4 for less than £30 – but ef they’re more useful, as they typically add heart
atch SEApple W
This atch and itApple Wis the current mid-range s ’ fectivelffef y a cut-down version of the range-topping Series £269, Apple.c com

rate monitoring, activity tracking, calories burnedandotherkeydata.Somealso burned and other key data. Some also Although they’re fer sleep tracking. of battery-powered they usually last much longer than smartwatches, typically going
Sigma ROX 7.0 Cycle Computer
If youpreferpedallingtopoundingpavemmentsyou prefer pedalling to pounding pavem ,
S s GPS cycle computer can track igma’ your performance on every ride and deliver every conceivable kind of statistic. ig£59, W gle.co.uk
for over a week between charges and There are not needing long to recharge. versions designed for kids, too, such as the es. Ace, which track activity but not calories.Fitbit s watch is the market leader Apple’smart watch. s also one of the most expensive, here, but it’ and you can get good smartwatches such as i the Samsung Galaxy (£159) or the Huawei teSasugGaay( 59))ote uae ThGT2e (£99) for a lot less. hese devices features and usually connect to your smartphone to share data w with your
trackers is blurred. For example, the ersa Lite is a smartwFitbit V watch, but tracker and unlike more expensive devices you can’t install you ur own apps. Thelatestgenerationofthe The latest generation of the atchAppleW Apple W is really impressive, both as a smartwatch latest model, the Series 6, starts at £379 – but
atch SE starts at Apple W atch Series 3 is £199, Apple WThe older £269. although we think the SE is more capable and .worth paying slightly more for
lki StlO 20Stalking Style One 2.0 StepW Omron W C p Counter
This pocket-sized device contains the same smaartphonesenablingyoutotrackyyourstepsartphones, enabling you to track y your steps, kil lometres and miles. £15.99, Argos.co.uk
Fitbit Inspire HR This Fitbit is cheap but that doesn’t s lacking in features. Imean it’ t has a workout monitor and heart rate sensing as well as step and calorie counting, and it syncs nicely with s phonFitbit’ £59, Fitbit.e app. com
Honor B rackerand 5 Smart Fitness T s what this little That’u under £30? marvel f s a great rom Honor delivers. It’ little device available in a range of colours. £29.99, Amazon.co.uk