4th Annual Kips Bay Decorator Show House Palm Beach Journal

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$GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÀFH 800 Northpoint Parkway, Suite 204 West Palm Beach, FL 33407 561.683.3287 / www.bgcpbc.org OFFICERS Robert B. Dunkin, II, Chairman Hon. Danielle H. Moore, Immediate Past Chairman Thomas M. Kirchhoff, Chairman Elect Kim E. Fonseca, Treasurer Sylvia S. James, Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Bertisch Brooks O. Bishop Reid Boren Jackie Breckenridge Michael Connors Pamela O. Dean Michael R. Donnell David S. Donten Edward F. Dunn Margaret Duriez Jeff J. Fiser Mary F. Freitas Ted A. Gardner Judith S. Giuliani Bari L. Goldstein

Lauren Johnson Julie Kime Troy Maschmeyer H. Woodward Middleton, Jr. Michael M. Mullin, III Christine Pitts Thomas C. Quick Charles A. Schumacher Joseph B. Shearouse, III Charles E. Sieving Eddy M. Taylor Wally Turner Keith L. Williams Margaret A. Zeidman

CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS John Backer Timothy Bryant Phil Davis Elizabeth DeBrule

Louis Eisenberg Jim Spafford Josh Renick

SENIOR MANAGEMENT Jaene Miranda, CEO Julie Bass, CFO Kimberly Sovinski, CDO Steve Cornette, COO Victor Rivera, VP of Operations Tim Tracy, VP of Development Mary O’Connor, VP of Philanthropy

Father arrives with his daughter to the Father-Daughter Dinner Dance

Project FACT is an exciting new program created in 2020 to empower fathers and encourage them to be more involved in their children’s lives. FACT stands for Fathers And Children Together. Project FACT hosted several large events in its ÀUVW \HDU LQFOXGLQJ D IDWKHU GDXJKWHU GDQFH and a Father’s Day celebration. Rather than be canceled due to the pandemic, these events were transformed into drive-thru parties to allow for social distancing. The well-attended events helped to bring the community together while promoting the importance of fatherhood. Project FACT also hosts smaller 10-week courses WR KHOS IDWKHUV QDYLJDWH D UDQJH RI WRSLFV VSHFLÀFV to fatherhood. Younger fathers are teamed up with experienced fathers to act as mentors. The JRDO LV WR DIÀUP WKH UROH WKDW IDWKHUV SOD\ LQ WKH lives of their children.

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