August 2016 RE/MAX Newsletter

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Our Future RE/MAX Client

Cheesy Chili Dog Macaroni Bake Page 14

Are You a Showing Superstar? Page 5/6

Five Reasons You Can’t Afford Not to Hold Open Houses Page 10 August 1, 2016


Management Team…………………………3 Letter from Kirk Short…………………..…4 Are You a Showing Superstar…....…5/6 U.S. Home Construction Gains…...…..7 Wichita Then & Now………..…..…7/8/9 5 Reasons You Can’t Afford Not Hold Open Houses…………..……………………10 Luxury Buyers Want More Land.…..11 Rock River Rapids Pictures……...12/13 Educational Classes, Office Education Classes, Birthdays Classes & Anniversaries..14 Office meeting, Sympathy, etc.…..….15 Real Estate Humor…..………..............16 Cheesy Chili Dog Macaroni Bake …..16 4 of 5 Americans Rate………..…………17 Agents…………………….…………………….18 Office Staff………………….…….…..….....19 Come on over to our team. You’ll be glad you did. We have the top agents, friendly atmosphere, wonderful education & technology classes. Don’t be left outside call 722-0001. You’ll be glad you did!.

If you’re enough lucky to be Irish……. You’re lucky enough!!


Hello, Believe it or not…summer is here! The heat, humidity, excess rain, high winds and of course allergies. Welcome to Kansas! “Stick around long enough & the weather will change.” That’s what most people would say when I was little. I believed them. After all, they were adults. You respected your elders & believed what they said. When I was (much) younger, we didn’t have air conditioning. You slept with your windows and doors open for that “summer breeze” to cool you off at night. (wrong!!) You looked forward to staying outside to play hide & seek, collect lighting bugs. You got to stay up later so you laid in the grass so you could count the stars. Oh and yes the ants crawled all over you as did chiggers ate you alive. The heat never seemed a problem. Now that I’m older I realize I was gullible as to what my peers said. They didn’t tell you that the humidity would make your allergies go ballistic. You won’t breath very good. You’ll cough till your body hurts. You find mosquitoes will eat you alive. And those “warm” days are HOT!!! You waited all winter dreaming of summer days. Now that you’re older you spend your time inside with the AC blasting wondering where those fun summers went. Why was it not this hot when you were young? You spend a fortune on medicines to help through all your allergies. But it’s ok because you can breath when your inside. Now I look out the window waiting for Fall. Maybe then I can go outside. Enjoy what summer you have left. I’ll be day dreaming of cooler times!

If you have anything that you would like in the paper, let me know.

Donna Schulze Editor Email: Office Phone: 554-2828 Cell Phone:734-0734 Extension: #104

Hi Agents, It’s August and summer is passing quickly. Our calendar is a little empty this month. I will be teaching an Ethics Class on August 11th. More information is on page 14. Remember that school will be starting soon. You will need to start paying attention to school zones and kids walking in the area. We have a lot of changes coming with the cross over of

836 N. Caddy Lane Wichita, Kansas 67212

Managers at our office. There will be an Office meeting on the 11th of August here at the West office at 10:30 AM. Be sure to come so you can keep up with what all is going on. The Rock River Rapids was a success. It was wonderful to see so many clients show up. Thanks to everyone that helped out with getting food ready and taking count as the clients & family came through the gates. There is a lot of good in the future of this company. You’re in the right place at the right time. Happy Selling Cheryl Huebert Broker Adam L. Hamilton - President PH: 316-942-8228 Cell: 316-992-8555 Fax: 888-602-1141 E-mail: Adam@PHOENIXMORTGAGEGROUP.COM



I wanted to take a moment and let all of you know that it has been a real pleasure being in the ownership role in this company the last 3 years with Alicia and Jeff. We have been doing some soul searching the last several months on what we needed to do to move forward as a Company and what kept coming up was that we needed someone other than myself to focus on the growth of the company. This is how Michelle and Brian came into the picture. Me and Alicia are so excited about the new ownership group as it brings 2 amazing agents into this role that have extremely good business sense and a major desire to improve this Company for the betterment of everyone. Since I am not personally going anywhere and will remain a RE/MAX agent for many years to come‌this was very important. I will still remain on in an advisory role here only and Alicia will be here assisting Michelle and Brian. I am now able to work on growing my personal business and figure out what this whole team concept is all about and how to make it effective. I look forward to sharing successes and the pitfalls from the things that I do with my personal Real Estate. I will always be here for anyone and care very deeply for everyone at this awesome company. Please feel free to stop in and ask me anything! Kirk


Committee Chair Comments…..

Arron McCorkendale

Are you a showing superstar? If you ask agents that question, most will answer yes. The reality is most likely a resounding not. I’m not being mean, just realistic. Most agents begin their career primarily as buyer agents. This means our least experienced members have the most interaction with both sides of the transaction. In this article I hope to give some useful information that will help all of us prepare better and improve the public’s perception of our profession. 1.

If you will be showing multiple properties in a session, use the tools provided from your MLS and Centralized Showing Service. You can schedule the properties through a link on the MLS to CSS. Once on the CSS site you can use the map feature to help determine travel time between properties and what order to schedule. It goes a long way to always be on time.


Read and follow showing instructions! I usually write them on the data sheet for each listing I will show. It is never fun to set off an alarm or open a door to a large dog that is not happy to see you.


Unless specifically noted in showing instructions NEVER lock the door between the house and an attached garage! This has led to a lot of unhappy sellers and is big negative to our collective image.


Keep shoe covers in your vehicle at all times when you are showing. There are many homes with clean carpet and few buyers with clean footwear.


Do not allow clients/customers to use a bathroom in someone’s home. This cannot always be avoided, but be mindful of your clients by scheduling a stop to a public restroom during your showing. Continued on Page 6


Continued from Page 5

Are you……

6. Be the leader of your tour, a showing is most effective if you lead them through the property and point out features. Don’t allow clients/customers to invade privacy of the owners of the property your showing. 7. Be sure to know facts about the property such a school district and area amenities. 8. Provide Feedback! Even if your buyer isn’t interested, it goes a long way to say “thank you for allowing me to show your property.” Hopefully some of these tips will help you become if not a superstar at least very effective showing agent. It should also help to strengthen the public perception of our profession.

U.S. Home Construction Gains The Wichita Eagle July 20,2016 Associated Press – Washington

New-home construction posted a solid increase in June, led by a surge of building in the Northeast and West. The Commerce Department says housing starts rose 4.8 percent to a seasonally adjusted amount rate of 1.19 million from 1.14 million in May. That was the highest level since February. Construction of single-family homes rose 4.4 percent to 778,000. Home construction jumped 46.3 percent in the Northeast and 17.4 percent in the West. Super-low mortgage rates and a growing job market have encouraged home buying.


Then and Now: The History of Mentholatum

How many of you remember growing up that when you got a cold or couldn’t breath, your mom got out the mentholatum? She either rubbed it on your nose, rubbed it on your chest or one of the many things that it took care of. It was to help sunburns, sore throat, tired feet, chapped skin and kitchen burns. I remember that even the next morning when you took your bath, you still smelled of the menthol and everyone else could smell you and knew you were sick. One thing you might not know is that the Mentholatum Company started right here in Wichita. It began in September 1889 known as the Yucca Company. It was a venture that began with three Wichita, Kansas, businessmen during the depression. Walter Binkley, a former partner of the Stallings Palmole Soap Co.. He saw an opportunity to start his own soap business. But D.W. Stallings sold out to investors. Mr. Binkley had already developed a method of manufacturing vegetable-based soaps using the indigenous yucca or “soap tree,” which grew in abundance on the Kansas prairie. He needed to get started with financing. Binkley met Clayton K. Smith, a pharmacist trained at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy who had recently arrived in town and convinced him to join the venture. They capitalized their new company with $600 from Smith’s brotherin-law, Albert Alexander Hyde, “a local real estate developer and smallbusiness investor.” The gentlemen set up the Yucca Co. on the ground floor of a three-story brick building owned by Hyde on Douglas Avenue, Wichita’s main thoroughfare and route of the old Chisholm Trail. The Yucca Company started manufacturing a cough syrup containing a blend of camphor and menthol, names Vest Pocket Cough Specific, Hyde became interested by the antiinflammatory effects of menthol. Years of research & experimentation, the Continued on Page 8


THEN: First home of the Mentholatum Company at 1213 E. Douglas

Now: Yucca Company Building today.

Credit: Wichita, the Magic City, Craig Miner.

Company introduced the original “Mentholatum Ointment” in December 1894. It consisted of a combination of menthol and petrolatum. Sales went wild. In 1909 a new factory was built in Wichita at the corner of Cleveland & Douglas, which is shown below. It was Wichita’s first reinforced concrete building and

. .

THEN: Mentholatum Building photographed in 1928 by Edgar B. Smith. Credit: Edgar B. Smith Photography Collection: Special Collections, WSU.

NOW: Mentholatum building as it stands at present time.

was polychrome instead of the familiar white decorating it today. In 1903, Hyde opened a second office in Buffalo, New York, to handle sales and distribution east of the Mississippi River. In 1919 a second factory was built in Buffalo. The Mentholatum Company was family owned for 99 years, until 1988 when it was acquired by Rohto Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Of Osaka, Japan. The Wichita factory was closed after the death of A. A. Hyde in 1935. The corporate offices were moved to Wilmington, Delaware, in 1937 and later to Buffalo in 1945. As I researched things about the Mentholatum Company, there was a section . that was titled to “Wichita Opens .for Business.” It goes as follows: As the tired drovers approached Wichita, they were greeted by a sign posted at the edge of town that read, “Everything Goes in Wichita,” with one exception listed at the bottom: “Leave your revolvers at police headquarters and get a check.” The dusty streets and boardwalks were crowded with men on horseback and foot, and endless herds of “beeve critters” passing through to the stockyard east of town. There were bowlegged Texas cowboys, Mexican


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Vaqueros, ex-slaves, Plains Indians, long-haired frontiersmen, immigrant sodbusters, merchants, Eastern adventures, gamblers, and assorted loose characters. Bert Hyde, as A. A. was known by family and friends, recalled that the gambling houses and saloons, which operated all night and day, recalled that the gambling houses and saloons, which operated all night and day, outnumbered grocery and outfitting stores. A brass band played all afternoon seated on a balcony perched over the sidewalk. Bert wrote in his diary: “So much swearing I never heard before…the majority can hardly construct a sentence with out an oath as emphasis.” He also observed, “The principal occupation here seems to be loafing. In front of every store the whole length of the street (half a mile) you will see from one to a dozen men occupying themselves whittling, talking or dozing. Whether it is the nature of the country or the nature of the inhabitants I have been unable to discover, possibly both.” My dad use to tell me how Wichita was a wild town and the Delano District was known as the “RED Light and wild side of Wichita.” After what I read in the previous paragraph, I guess he was right. I hope you learned a little more about Wichita. All my information came by searching on Goggle for Mentholatum Co. There is still lots to learn and very interesting information about the Hyde family and the company that made Wichita famous. So, NOW you know the THEN & NOW of the company that kept you breathing, kept your feet feeling good and saved you from those nasty burns.


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5 Reasons You Can’t Afford Not to Hold Open Houses RE/MAX ABOVE Magazine Current Issue On Line

Nate Brill

January 2016 Open houses have helped Nate Brill generate more than $7 million in sales volume from clients he met hosting the events. Here are five reasons he says to give this classic sales strategy another look. 1. The leads come to you “All those years with my previous job [with an auto parts wholesaler] I was on the road, seeking out leads, but with open houses they come to me. I met a couple my second weekend in the business, and working with them helped springboard me into a higher price-point neighborhood. I sold six houses in the area in six months from clients I met doing open houses.” 2. You make better connections “Social media and technology are a big part of the society we live in now, which is exciting. But personal connection is now craved more than ever. If you want to stand out, you have to make a connection. You’ll never find me being passive at an open house. I actively engage visitors to find out what drew them in and how I can help.” 3. You refine your pitch “I’ve heard you’ve got to go on 50 listing appointments before you get it right. Well with open houses, I have the opportunity to do 50 appointments in one weekend. Then when you do go for a listing appointment, you’ve already practiced what you’re going to say.” 4. Consistency builds presence “If I hold open houses consistently in a neighborhood, people are seeing my logo and contact information. Even if the neighbors don’t come in, they see me out there working. People say all the time, ‘I saw you out there running with the signs. That’s the kind of person I want to sell my house.’” 5. You make a big impression “There was one weekend when it seemed everyone else in the area was out barbequing, but I decided to hold an open house and met five new clients. Ultimately, I sold a $400,000 house for one of them. These clients hired me because they saw I was willing to work when no one else was. That’s what holding open houses can mean.”


Luxury Buyers Want More Land Daily Real Estate News | Monday, August 01, 2016 A high demand for land is driving up prices in the luxury market. Median list prices for prime lots in the nation’s top luxury markets climbed 8.7 percent in the first half of the year compared to a year ago,®’s data shows. Read more: Luxury: Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone The South saw the highest increases compared to any other region. The median list price in the South rose 13.33 percent in the past year. Robert Dietz, chief economist of the National Association of Home Builders, told The Wall Street Journal that the housing crisis in 2007 is what contributed to most of the current shortage. Builders couldn’t get funding from banks at the time and that stopped or slowed the pace of developing land for future construction, Dietz says. The data shows that the median list price for a lot in a high-end neighborhood is $635,000 nationwide. The largest increases in median land prices in luxury markets has occurred in Beverly Hills, Calif.; Southampton, N.Y.; Chicago, and downtown neighborhoods in Miami. Source: “Land Scarce for Luxury Homes,” The Wall Street Journal (July 27, 2016)


RE/MAX REALTY BUSINESS PARTNERS 2016 Use only the best Need work done? Use the suppliers that RE/MAX Agents trust. Contact any of the advertisers in our magazine.



UP COMING EDUCATIONAL CLASSES Aug. 11th – Thursday – 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Back to School: The Cool Kids Ethics Course Instructor: Cheryl Huebert CE: 3 Elective Hours & Fulfills the NAR REALTOR membership requirement. Course Registration Fees: R%SCK Members - $29 or E-Card / Non-Members - $49 Course Registration: Online or Call 316-263-3167 August 15th – Monday – 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM – e~PRO Certification Day 1 Course Instructor: Lynn Channer CE: 6 Elective Hours Course Registration Fees: RSCK Members - $80/ Non Members - $130 Aug. 17th – Wednesday – 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM – Lunch & Learn: Real Estate Investing: Real Money for Your Future. Registration: Online/or Call 316-263-3167 Course Registration Fees: RSCK Members ONLY - $10 or E-Card Registration must be made by 5:00 PM on August 15th! August 23rd – Tuesday – 9:30 AM to 11:00 PM or 11:00 AM to Noon – Tech Tools for Real Estate Professionals Registration Fees: FREE Registration: email or call 316-263-3167 To make Reservations, Please Call (316)263-3167 Note: There will be a $10 charge for NO-SHOW, if you make a reservation and fail to cancel within 24 hours of your scheduled class.

UP COMING COMPANY EVENTS & CLASSES August 11th – Thursday – 10:30 AM - OFFICE SALES MEETING – WEST OFFICE in Lower class room. This is important!! We want to see everyone there. Mark Your Calendars.

RE/MAX ANNIVERSARIES & Agents Birthdays RE/MAX ANNIVERSARIES: Ken Barr – 16 yrs. (8/1), Jason Cain – 7 yrs. (8/3), Jerry Warren – 1 yrs. (8/1), Jharon Ellis – 1 yrs. (8/3), Chasity Henderson – 1 yr. (8/10). Thank You for your years of service with RE/MAX Realty Professionals. Happy Birthday to: Kelly Bates (8/4), Karen Blume (8/12), Cliff Schoonover (8/20), Cheryl Huebert (8/28). We wish you a Very Happy Birthday and a great year ahead.


News about Donna Osterman

Our condolences and prayers go out to Alicia Short who recently lost her grandmother. We hope with time that little part of your heart will mend and all the beautiful memories you have of her will fill your heart with joy.

OFFICE MEETING We are we having a Office Meeting on Thursday, August 11th. It will be at 10:30 AM at the West Office. It is important for everyone to be here. Please make note of the date and time as this is a different day than normal. We are looking forward to seeing all of you there!

Donna Osterman with Security 1st Title will be going into the hospital to have her knee replaced. She will go in on August 26th and will be out for 2 months. It is something that has bothered her for quite some time. She is ready to get this done and back on her feet with no pain in her knee. We want to wish her well and let her know that she will be in our prayers. Jennifer and her family will keep us posted and we will get the information to you. Donna, You will be missed! Especially your laughter that we all love hearing. Get well quick and do what the Doctors tell you. Come to think of it, that might be a problem for you!!! We Love You. Our prayers will be there with you!

Make sure you call us with your questions and concerns and of course, your closing through out the year. Till next Month, Donna Osterman Branch Manager/Escrow Officer Office #: 416-554-2872


CHEESY CHILI DOG MACARONI BAKE Ingredients 1 cup - elbow macaroni 1 can - (15 oz.) prepared chili with beans 4 - Ball Park Angus Beef Franks, cut into ½ inch pieces 1 can – (14.5 oz.) diced tomatoes 1 cup – (4 oz.) shredded mild cheddar cheese, divided 1 cup – crushed corn chips




Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare macaroni according to package directions; drain. Combine chili, franks & tomatoes in medium saucepan. Cook and stir over medium heat until hot. Stir in macaroni and ½ Cup of the cheese. Spoon into a 2-quart baking dish; cover. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove cover and top with remaining cheese combined with . 10 minutes or until corm chips. Bake for hot.

A great easy meal for those hot summer nights. Kids love this!



4 of 5 Americans Rate Housing a Good Investment DAILY REAL ESTATE NEWS | THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016

The majority of Americans say that owning a home is a good investment, according to a new poll of more than 2,800 registered voters commissioned by the National Association of Home Builders. Read more: Home Ownership Rate Finally Makes Gains "The survey shows that most Americans believe that owning a home remains an integral part of the American Dream and that policymakers need to take active steps to encourage and protect home ownership," says NAHB Chairman Ed Brady. Those surveyed were split on which one of the current presidential candidates they felt would be best for housing, at 37 percent each, while 25 percent of those surveyed said they “don’t know.” The survey found that 72 percent of Americans say that they support the government providing tax incentives to encourage home ownership. Eighty-one percent of 18-29 year olds surveyed say they want to be able to buy a home one day. However, obstacles still remain in their path, as well as for others too. Among all those polled, 55 percent say that the biggest obstacle to buying a home is finding a home at a price that they can afford. Fifty percent said they were prevented from buying due to insufficient savings for a down payment, and 41 percent say they are struggling to get approved for a home loan. Still, 36 percent of the more than 2,800 Americans surveyed say they hope to buy a home within the next three years, the survey showed. Source: National Association of Home Builders On Line Realtor Magazine July/August 2016




































Chasity Liz Sherri Reeves: Morning Receptionist West office. Stephanie Hill: Aftersoon Receptionist West Office. Sherri is now at the West Office. Chasity: Bookkeeper Liz Hallacy: Assistant to Kirk Short.


RE/MAX REALTY PROFESSIONALS 10100 W. Maple Wichita, Kansas 67209 316-722-0001

for the opportunity to serve you.

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