ESA 2012 special

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EAS Special: European Star Award 2012



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ISSN 1436-6525 appears 12 x per year

For this year’s award we have had exclusive handmade glass sculptures

■ Gemi Verlags GmbH

created as prizes for first place winners

Pfaffenhofener Straße 3 85293 Reichertshausen Tel.: +49 (0) 84 41/40 22-0 Fax: +49 (0) 84 41/718 46 ■ Managing Directors Gerd Reddersen Rudolf Neumeier ■ Editoral Manager EAS-Special Frank Lanfer ■ Responsible According to the Press Law Frank Lanfer


■ International Representative Translation, Advertisements Agi Reddersen Phone: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 10 57 Facsimile: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 61 05


■ Representative Great Britain

ing Düsseldorf (2002) and Munich (2008). And for the first time, Europe’s leading trade

Michele Emmett Phone: +44(0)7811 915118

magazine, the Kirmes & Park Revue, is awarding the independent European Star Award – a

his year’s Euro Attractions Show in Berlin with over 360 exhibitors from 80 different countries is the largest in its young history, and it is the third event to take place in Germany follow-

prize specifically applying to the European theme park industry.

■ Editorial Assistant Heike Genz ■ Production Westner Medien GmbH ■ Printing

The prize has come about by the assistance of an international team of experts voting their rankings in 10 different categories, which acknowledge the efforts within the European amusement park branch, and brings attention to entrepreneurial courage and exceptional innovations.

Kössinger AG Schierling ■ Advertisements

The European Star Award is as independent as our monthly trade magazine, and with that can

GEMI Verlags GmbH

be considered without a doubt as opinion-forming. For this reason it was important to us that

■ Sales and Marketing

there was a clear and straight voting system: each member of the expert jury could award

Gerd Reddersen

three, two, and one star(s) simultaneously for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placing. Finally the stars were

■ Subscriptions

counted together – and the winning theme park or alternatively attraction, was chosen by the

DataM-Services GmbH Postfach 91 61 97091 Würzburg phone: +49 (0) 931/4170-178 (Mo-Tu 8-17, Fr 8-15) Facsimile +49 (0) 931/4170-179

majority of stars received.

■ Photo Credits

were not up for selection. In the three main categories “Europe’s Best Parks”, “Europe’s Best

We like to say thank you to all parks and our authors

Family Parks” and “Europe’s Best Water Parks” (indoor or outdoor) there was a focus on the

Please visit our new website:

meals/refreshments, value for money.

Follow us on facebook:

Choices could be made from all theme parks throughout Europe (including Russia and Turkey) with minimal criteria of at least one (ride) attraction in the park. As a result experience worlds with a representative or museum character such as Autostadt, Zoo Hannover, or Puy du Fou

following criteria: attractions, attractiveness, theming, landscaping, friendliness, cleanliness,

We are also planning our second free voting for the European Star Award at the end of the 2013 peak season. Are you an unprejudiced and objective expert, do you know the European park scene well, and are you interested in taking part next year as jury member? Then please

All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be duplicated or published without written permission from the publisher. This prohibition also pertains to the commercial duplication by copying, input into an electronic database, and duplication onto a CD-ROM.

forward an email to: We are pleased to congratulate all top 5 parks and wish all visitors to the Euro Attractions Show a great time in Berlin, together with many stimulating inspirations for future attractions!

Certified active member of the

Warm greetings to you all Frank Lanfer




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Without him many developments would never have been possible: Dr. Werner Stengel

schaft und Kulturarbeit IFKA e.V. (translation: Department of Leisure Studies and Cultural Work), a recognised institution of leisure and tourism research at the Bremen university. It has been in existence for more than 25 years, and orientates on social science. Recreational research for museums, experience worlds and events are important focus points. Furthermore, concepts are developed and tested with partners in the practice of informal learning in experience worlds, and qualification of employees. Regular international congresses and workshops take place covering the themes amusement branch and leisure studies.

Francis Stokkel (USA) For the first time we are awarding

Dr. Werner Stengel (Germany)

Since 1996, the native-born Dutch has been involved in the amusement industry as project developer, and

the European Star Award for which we have asked 18 experts

There’s hardly a second person who has characteris-

has directed a vast number of projects in the industry

for their votes. We introduce

ed the amusement branch as strongly as Dr. Werner

areas of hotel, retail, entertainment, recreation and

them to you on the following

Stengel, who these days is 76 years old.

theme parks. Additionally he was also employed by a


In 1964 the first German steel coaster was build ac-

number of leisure companies as department head for

cording to his plans. In 1976, thanks to his ingenuity,

design and construction, amongst others, the

the first modern coaster in the world with vertical loop-

European projects of Warner Bros. and Six Flags. As

ings was realized. In 1978, he invented the principle of

architect and project developer, his assignments are

twisting the tracks around an imaginary heart-line,

all facets of project development right up to completion

which made a comfortable ride experience and faster

and hand over of the projects.

speed possible. In 1982 the first coaster with a para-

His broad knowledge and know-how in the areas of

bolic hill was realized, that offered zero-gravity for the

project management, implementation of US-design

first time. From 1984, the Stengel-team constructed at-

and theming in projects, budgeting, control and

tractions according to the Space-Curve principle. In

management flows into his German company Leisure-

1992 with the encouragement of two Swiss engineers,

Cert, which has already worked for clients like Lego-

the first Inverted Coaster came into being. And since

land, Parques Reunidos, Bobbejaanland and many

1974, Werner Stengel has been a working member of


the German standard committee for DIN 4112 (amusement rides) and parts DIN 1055 (wind loads).

Victor Cavaller (Spain)

In the meanwhile Dr. Stengel had stepped back from Francis Stokkel

Dr. Dieter Brinkmann

active office work, however... in 2005 the Faculty of

He is a founding partner of O-partners, the Spanish-

Science at the Göteborg University awarded an honor-

based design and production firm that specializes in

ary doctorate to Werner Stengel, in recognition of his

conceiving and bringing to life the entertainment ex-

enormous creativity in connecting physics and design

periences that each venue requires. Victor’s focus is

with the experience of the human body in roller

on media production and project management.

coasters and other rides. And in 2009, Dr. Stengel was

Prior to the starting of O-partners in 2009, he was part

awarded the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of

of Thinkwell Europe, serving as Show Producer for the

Germany, for his outstanding achievements.

2007 “Furius Baco” coaster at PortAventura, as Pro-

Over the past decades Ingenieurbüro Stengel has de-

ducer for the 2006 “Batman Begins & Police Academy

veloped the design of over 600 coasters plus roughly

Stunt Shows” at Parque Warner Madrid, as well as

600 other ride attractions worldwide. And Stengel

being Project Manager for “Ice Age Adventure!” at

GmbH has been significantly involved in around 70%

Movie Park Germany and Ski Dubai’s Snow Park (the

of all existing roller coasters.

first indoor cold play area of its kind in the world) at the Mall of Emirates in Dubai. Victor was also a part of the

Dr. Dieter Brinkmann (Germany)

team responsible for the award-winning “FiestAventura Nighttime Spectacular”, the “Templo del Fuego” at-


Since the end of the 1980s, Dr. Brinkmann has re-

traction, as well as the “Sea Odyssey” simulator at Port

searched and taught at the Institut für Freizeitwissen-




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Victor Cavaller

Victor Cavaller has a degree in Audio/Visual Com-

Dr. H. Jürgen Kagelmann

Dr. Sacha Szabo

Stefan Zwanzger (VAE)

munication from the University Autonoma de Barcelona, and has produced many Spanish feature films,

After the 33-year-old had founded the Online-Market-

documentaries, industrial films, made-for-TV movies,

ing portal and earned a small fortune, he

and commercials for television. His credits in Spain

also became active in film production. In 2005 the

include the feature films “Cravan vs. Cravan”, “La ley-

German separated himself from all his companies and

enda del tiempo” and “La maleta mexicana”.

emigrated to Abu Dhabi. Since 2007, Stefan Zwanzger does nothing else other than travel the world and visit

Dr. H. Jürgen Kagelmann (Germany)

theme and water parks. His experiences, reviews, construction updates and photography – including ex-

Already during his course of studies in Regensburg

clusive aerials – can be viewed on:

and Freiburg, he had written about the subject social

science research of mass media and tourism. This was followed by many publications about the phenomena

Jochen Peschel (Germany)

of comics. Since 1987 the certified psychologist is occupied with tourism research. Dr. Kagelmann is lec-

The patent attorney in a Munich lawyer office is

turer at various universities, among them Munich, Mag-

occupied in the area of Intellectual Property and other

deburg, Zurich, Ravensburg and Bremen, and in 2009

themes, as well as questions concerning commercial

was appointed Professor for Tourism and Recreation

legal protection in the amusement branch. Already as

in Chur/Graubünden. Additionally he is the founder of

student he was able to take a look behind the scenes

the Profil Verlag and publishes social study specialist

of the Pützchens Markt, with his interest in fairgrounds

literature and documents on the subjects tourism and

and theme parks being awakened during his electric-

recreational research.

al engineering studies in Aachen. Since then he is

Stefan Zwanzger

responsible for the contents of the online magazine

Dr. Sacha Szabo (Germany)

Coastersandmore. A career as engineer at a ride manufacturer never came into question, and instead

Born in Freiburg, he was already fascinated by the

he concentrated on being a part-time specialist-jour-

Europa-Park from his earliest childhood. During his

nalist in the area of technical aspects of roller coasters

studies of sociology, German philology, philosophy,

and co.

Jochen Peschel

and cultural management, he also undertook an academic view of recreational worlds such as theme parks,

Marcus Gaines (Great Britain)

showmen, cinemas, and even computer games. This led to the promotion of amusement attractions (Title

Graduating from university in 1999 with an honours de-

“Rausch und Rummel”). And these days? Naturally he

gree in Media Production and Technology, his first job

delights in testing new attractions, but Sacha Szabo is

was as a show technician for Disney Cruise Line.

just as enthusiastic about putting his nose into the la-

These days he works for one of the UK’s largest broad-

test research. All in the name of the science of pleas-

casters as cameraman and satellite engineer. Over the

ure – or perhaps a pleasurable form of science?

past 12 years he’s worked on several documentaries and news features about the amusement industry.




Marcus Gaines

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Tim Herre

Wolfgang Payer

Marc Spies

And pleasure is also combined with work in his private

accounting at the Vienna airport for many years. His

life: on his countless tours through the parks of the

first contact to theme parks was in 1989, when he

world, radio features are prepared for his employer. For

visited Disney World with his two daughters. Since then

a few years now, Marcus Gaines also writes exclusive

his interest in theme parks and in particular coasters

reports for the Kirmes & Park Revue.

has continually increased. He is a member of various fan-clubs and a master in photography.

Stefan Rothaug (Taiwan) Marc Spies (Germany) Already during his studies of economic sciences he was from time to time employed in the marketing divi-

Following his course of studies in social work, he is

sions of Fort Fun, Panoramapark and Phantasialand.

mainly occupied in stationary youth welfare, and also

After he fell in love with the Asian continent through

occupied in adult education consultancy as well as

countless trips to Japan and Korea, he moved to Tokyo

being a freelancer for medium companies. He has

in 2006 and later to Taiwan, from where he observes

been interested in fairs, parks and water parks since

the Asian park scene to this day. With the development

his early childhood, and with increasing age and

of the branch, Stefan’s focus has changed: whilst in the

mobility travels often inland and abroad, in order to test

early years he was mainly travelling in Japan, the first

novelties and to experience the classics. For the

and foremost in his calendar in the meantime is

Kirmes & Park Revue he is mainly occupied in the

Chinese parks. Stefan has been actively working for

areas of water parks and water slides.

the Kirmes & Park Revue as author for ten years, and has during this time written more than 50 articles. He

Matteo Crepaldi (Italy)

enjoys connecting his enthusiasm for Asia, theme parks, and travelling to his journalistic activities.

He already has a Bachelor Degree in Aerospace Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, but that wasn’t

Stefan Rothaug

Tim Herre (Germany)

enough for the young Italian, and he decided to pursue further studies, and now he’s very close to his

Matteo Crepaldi

Following his studies at the School of Audio Enginee-

receiving his Master of Science in Space Engineering.

ring and various other stations in life, the man with the

He wants to enjoy the weightlessness of outer space

clever comments and charming patter is mainly oc-

on earth as well, and for this reason he travels to parks

cupied as an advertising copywriter. These days he’s

in Europe and North America. He has been active for

senior copywriter in a leading US-advertising agency.

the Kirmes & Park Revue since 2010.

Born in Hamburg and by choice Düsseldorf resident, he has been on the KPR-team for 15 years now, and

Olaf Esser (Germany)

has been enthusiastic about the amusement branch since he was ten years old. He’s particularly taken with

The social security specialist has worked as software

American, Asian, and Scandinavian parks.

developer for the statutory health insurance for 15 years, and has as freelancer written for our magazine

Wolfgang Payer (Austria)

for many years. He has made many USA tours in the past to ride the largest coasters in the world, however


The electrical engineer with ten years professional ex-

he travels the theme parks in Germany and Europe as

perience in field service as engineer for EDV-equip-

well, and the Benelux countries especially for our

ment, has been responsible for controlling and cost




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Olaf Esser

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Karl Ruisinger

Ralf Schmitt

Frank Lanfer

Karl Ruisinger (Kirmes & Park Revue)

Frank Lanfer (Kirmes & Park Revue)

He studied German Philology and journalism at the Mu-

He has a diploma in architecture and began his main

nich university. He has been Chief Editor at Gemi Ver-

occupation as editor for the KPR end of 2001. Part-time

lag since 1988 not only the Kirmes & Park Revue, but

he is occupied with theme park planning. Projects up

also for all other magazines of the firm. Karl by the way

until now were: Space Park Peenemünde (competition

was the founder of the Kirmes & Park Revue in 1989.

for the re-use of a military airport), Jura Park Germany (recommendation for the use of a stone quarry), Family

Ralf Schmitt (Kirmes & Park Revue)

Fun Park (Master planning for a family park in Morocco), Tabaluga World (development plans for a

Ralf studied Management in Kaiserslautern and later

theme park on behalf of Peter Maffay), and Tabaluga

moved south and has worked as Editorial Manager for

Bad Griesbach (concept design for a region).

the “Kirmes“ section of the magazine.

We congratulate Heide-Park and Tripsdrill for winning the European Star Award

Colossos, Heide Park Soltau Germany, 2001 Wood Structure + Assembly

Mammut, Tripsdrill Germany, 2008 Overall Responsibility

Ing.-Holzbau Cordes GmbH & Co. KG Waffensener Dorfstrasse 20 D-27356 Rotenburg / Wümme Telefon: +49-(0)4268 933-0 Telefax: +49-(0)4268 933-20



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or those who already know the Europa-Park, this


Additionally the five park-owned theme hotels make

award comes as no surprise. There’s not another

Europa-Park a top class multiple-day resort. Europa-

park that can be defined by its innovations and

Park has a large array of attractions, and with that

willingness to invest, its family led forthrightness, as

caters to the taste of all target groups. Moreover, the

well as its impressive thematic and architectural image

choice of themes used, relate the cultures of various

in Europe.

countries to visitors.


his year, the famous Dutch park


celebrates its 60th anniversary.

And since ever Efteling stands for fairytales, fun and entertainment for the whole family, as well as breathtaking ride attractions for the younger public, some of which do not exist a second time. The thematic implementation at Efteling can only be described as spectacular, and the themed vacation resort Bosrijk as amazing.


aturally the French Disney


dependance is not missing,

when it’s all about the best theme parks in Europe. There’s no other park that has a brand name as strong as Disneyland, and no other park has so many satisfied visitors as in the land of children’s dreams. No wonder then that the Disneyland Resort has also been awarded first place in the category of family parks.




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here’s no doubt that there is no other park in Europe


The well known

that causes as many shining children’s eyes (and

Disney charac-

adults) as Disneyland Resort Paris. This park with its

ters that have

hotels and entertainment possibilities is not only a

spanned over

huge vacation destination, but simply a universe for all

generations accompany visitors on a fantastic trip into

children with its mainly family orientated attractions.

the world of fantasy – lasting more than a day. ■

TOVERLAND overland is a distinctive feature of the


European park scene. Here, family

recreation can be enjoyed even in rainy weather and during winter: in addition to the constantly extended outside area over the past years, the indoor area entices children into a beautifully designed magical world, which indeed also includes a number of larger attractions such as a coaster.

TRIPSDRILL he original themed park offers original


attractions that the wishes of the whole

family extremely well. The special characteristic is the overall theming in Swabian atmosphere, which can’t be found anywhere a second time. Due to the large attractions that have been installed over the past years, Tripsdrill has also become very interesting for adolescent visitors.




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he water park that opened in 2008 on Tenerife not

features, is the first “Green Water Park” in Europe. The

only has an unusual concept and exciting theming,

18.5 hectare sized grounds themed in a Thailand style,

but it also has the largest variety of slides in Europe.

contains the longest Lazy River, a wave pool with the

Additionally the park, due to its exemplary water

highest artificial waves, and the highest Thai building

management with its own desalination plant and other

in Europe.

he Galaxy Dome is part of a


huge water and thermal par-





where experience is not only centred on thrill, but also on flow. In addition to the outside area and the very generous sauna-world, there are also thermal pools and rest areas. However, the Galaxy by its own is a huge and compactly arranged slide world that offers something for every taste.


he combination of a breath-


taking and over 100 metre high

hall structure, the abundant subtropical vegetation and aroundthe-clock swimming can be found nowhere else in the world. There are additional overnight accommodation possibilities in exclusive suites or simple but adventurous tents, as well as restaurants, bars, and a huge sauna-world – and all this within an artificial firmament.■




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But “Shambala” is also more than convincing due to its comfortable


ith a track difference of 78 metres, it’s the high-

generosity in seat distance, intensive airtime on the

est steel coaster in Europe – and it has a con-

parabolic shaped hills, and the nearly never-ending

vincing setting on the Mediterranean Sea, because the

1,564 metre long track, which as is usual for B&M con-

location is PortAventura, right in the centre of the tourist

structions, uncoils smoothly. It is the new and majestic

stronghold Salou/Tarragona/La Pineda.

figurehead of the European coaster scene.

WODAN TIMBURCOASTER his almost 40 metres high and 1,050 metre long


wooden coaster from Great Coasters Inter-

national can well be considered as the company’s masterpiece: perfect engineering, a very varied layout, and never before combined ride-gimmicks vibrate the track bed from beginning to end – a successful new interpretation of wooden coasters at Europa-Park. “Wodan” allows guests to experience the elementary power of physics.

POLAR X-PLORER he new type of track attraction from


Zierer is something totally different to

other coasters: It contains not only a speedy coaster ride, but also a Darkride sequence and a real freefall! This also takes place in the dark section and simulates the breaking into arctic ice. The 500 metre long and up to 20 metre high “PolarX-plorer” is the new highlight at Legoland Billund.




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oliday Park Plopsa was able to

In addition to a smooth course thanks to the perfect

secure this category for itself

pliability and a varied layout with parabolic hills, air-

with its 52 metre high and over

time hills, and steep curves, the first drop carries all

1,200 metre long steel coaster

responsibility. It offers an 80° steep drop with a simul-

from Intamin, erected in 2001.

taneous quarter turn on its own axis.


his steel roller coaster


voted as best new at-

traction for 2012 attained second place in this category – a good placing for a new construction that not everybody knows as yet. However due to its imposing appearance and maximum airtime, it will without a doubt be right in front in the upcoming years.


here are only five “Giant Inverted Boom-


erangs” from Vekoma worldwide – and

this is the only one in Europe (2013 will see another example at Sochi, Russia). So it’s not any wonder that this unusual coaster creation at Parque Warner Madrid has made a jump onto the Top 5 list. As is usual for normal Vekoma-Boomerangs, the train travels the course forwards and backwards within a minute and in the process goes through six inversions. But with a height of 58 metres, ”Stunt Fall” is simply giant!




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and a spectacular minimum gforce of up to – 1.5 g. Since


his gigantic wooden coaster from Intamin (general

2009 – after the “Son of Beast” was shut down in the

contractor) and Cordes (wooden construction),

USA – “Colossos” is the highest wooden coaster in the

was erected at Heide-Park in 2001. Since then the 52

world! And this woodie simply has to be experienced,

metre high and 1,344 metre long attraction offers all

as it most probably has the most consistent airtime

passengers a maximum acceleration of up to + 4.5 g,


TROY he 31 metre high and 1,070 metre long wooden


attraction doesn’t quite fit to the general pro-

duct range of Toverland that is basically designed for families with children. However, the indoor and outdoor park has become significantly more interesting for adolescent visitors. ”Troy” from Great Coasters Int. doesn’t only offer a great ride experience to its passengers but also an attractive look for all other visitors.

TWISTER he fact that wooden coasters don’t always


have to be big in order to provide a lot of fun is

proved impressively by the “Twister” at Sweden’s Gröna Lund, which opened in 2011. Airtime, lateral forces, delusional curve radii, nearmisses, and a fantastic setting on the waterfront make this Hybrid Coaster (it has in fact wooden tracks on steel supports) from The Gravity Group unique.




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his ride construction from Mack Rides is something

With its well designed layout and a successful inte-

very special as it connects up real coaster ele-

gration in the Greek theme area, the 836 metre long

ments with a final and wet drop, which even has an

and 23 metre high “Poseidon” has enriched Europa-

intensive built-in airtime hill (a kind of a double drop).

Park since the 2000 season.


leasurebeach Blackpool erected


this indoor water ride with a length

of 610 metres and a height of 20 metres in the year 2000. The steepest drop has a 70° angle, and is 10 metres deep. However, it’s the bombastic effects (for example change of temperature from -20° to +40° Celsius), the overall thematic experience and a delusionary moisture level that gives the feeling of absolving a boat ride without a boat, is what makes “Valhalla” from Intamin (design from Sarner, effects from Technifex) unusually different. ■


he water attraction from


Disney is an unequalled

classic with excellent theming and elaborate storyline at all parks within the group. And in the case of the Disneyland Park Paris, the hardware of the 1992 erected attraction comes from Intamin and has a vertical lift as one of its many features. The exciting water ride with drops in the dark is open to riders of all (!) age groups.




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waiting area is a part of the whole experience. The excellent overall hose who claim that a freefall tower cannot be


design, the fantastic inside architecture and the per-

themed will learn differently here. Fantastic ride fun

fectly attuned scenes and sequences make the 55.8

with multiple drops is nothing for those with weak

metres high “Tower of Terror” (lift system from Otis) the

nerves, but here everything is simply right – even the

best designed attraction in general.

SYNKOPE larger version of a swing con-


struction with rotating discs is

rare at European theme parks. “SynKope” from Mondial is one of them and has been located and operated at Terra Mitíca since 2004. This attraction reaches a flight height of 35 metres and a speed of up to 90 kilometres per hour.

TALOCAN he inverted version of the sales


hit “Top Spin” from Huss Rides

has received a grandiose theming at Phantasialand, and is considered – justifiably – as one of the best attractions in Europe. The looping attraction erected in 2007 is equipped with water and fire effects, and even the setting that encloses the 18 metre high attraction is simply impressive.




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distinctive feature among the many kiddie ride constructions is the 13


metre high viewing tower from abc rides, in which the ride guests can

determine the height themselves by using a joystick. In addition to the rotation of the mast on its own axis allows the eight gondolas to swing out correspondingly. Passengers can already partake of the ride from the age of three years, accompanied by an adult. Erlebnispark Tripsdrill erected ■

the “Maibaum” in the 2006 season.


he nine metre high and 200


metre long kiddie coaster





convincing due to its lively layout, good ride features, and a great theming in indoor and outdoor sequences. For this reason the child-orientated coaster at Hansa-Park offers a lot of high standard action, not only for small park guests with a minimum height of one metre, but also adults.


he Splash Battle type of ride


produced by Zamperla is a

good addition for Minitalia Leolandia and a great ride for the whole family. The theming, which will be completed for the next season, is already impressive: the ride vehicles are perfect representations of the Marine Republic’s ships, and the Mediterranea castle includes a small dark ride section.




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he unusual colour scheme of this water slide from

prisingly weightless drop

Polin alone deserves a prize. However the attrac-

into a sidewinder-element

tion offers much more: “Le King Cobra” at Aqualand

follows, to present all slid-

Fréjus is the first of its type in Europe and offers two

ers with a dangerous look-

parallel running lanes, so that sliding couples on tubes

ing snake head spewing

can race each other. After passing a type of figure-8-

water on them on the other

sequence that is partly covered over, a deep and sur-




iam Park, which has been voted best water park,

ctually the 2010 erected construction from Wie-



“Drágon” from ProSlide is not only one of the very few

of a ride on a cannonball a la Baron of Lies Münch-

funnel slides in Europe, but is also fantastically themed

hausen. Here at Area 47 water park, bathing guests

are catapulted per water pressure a number of metres

also contains the third best water slide in Europe.

with one of the largest sized dragon statutes.

gand-Maelzer is no longer a water slide, but more

in a high arch into the pool – an effective, clear and very refreshing water slide.




15:31 Uhr

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INTERVIEW He is Park Manager and manufacturer in personal union: the successful entrepreneur Roland Mack

Roland Mack is Owner of the Europa-Park and Owner of the manufacturing company Mack Rides... and he is the first German Chairman of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA). We met up with him for an interview.


Frank Lanfer


Europa-Park, Mack Rides

Interview: Roland Mack Mr. Mack, you are the first German Chairman

The theme “going green” is in actual fact a sub-

of the International Association of Amusement

ject that has become very important over the past

Parks and Attractions (IAAPA). Your one year per-

years, even if it isn’t in the foreground of our efforts. As

iod of office ends in November 2012 at the IAAPA

a family business, the term sustainability was actually

exhibition in Orlando. What were your main object-

a major aspect in all areas from the word go. I am also


convinced that there is the possibility of a good balance between amusement and environmental com-

As President of IAAPA I had set myself four im-

patibility. For this reason we are working with TÜV Süd

portant goals. Already during the past year I had re-

on the certification of Europa-Park (Green Amusement

quested, together with my Board colleagues, that IAA-

Parks Certification) to make further approaches that

PA strategies be aligned in the long term. Another ob-

promise an improvement in this area. Currently we are

jective, and without a doubt the most important topic

also working on a programme for increase in energy

in our branch, was my focus on the subject safety. But

efficiency, and are convinced that new standards can

the themes sustainable development and an improve-

be set for the branch here as well.

ment in the cooperation between the individual regions were also very important to me.

Do you consider also manufacturers as duty bound to produce ride constructions with lower

Which targets were accomplished?

energy consumption? Is this at all possible and effective?

Together with the team at IAAPA Washington, the offices in Brussels, Hong Kong and Mexico, as well as

On the subject optimization of energy consump-

with Board colleagues, we have been considerably

tion, I also consider that manufacturers should be duty

successful in bringing all these themes a lot further. In

bound in the future. For ecological as well as eco-

many areas we were even able to make a lot more pro-

nomical reasons, it is sensible to optimize energy con-

gress than originally expected.

sumption with regard to new constructions. Naturally it’s difficult with some attractions, but attaining further


One of your most important concerns is the

improvements in this aspect is possible by co-

conservation of resources. But a theme park lives

operation between manufacturers, suppliers, and the-

from emotion and needs much energy for move-

me parks. As already mentioned, our own Europa-Park

ment, lighting, and amusement. How do you master

will be the first amusement park that is certified by the

these divergences at your own park?

TÜV, with the objective of improving energy efficiency.



15:31 Uhr

Seite 3

Mr. Mack, you are, as is generally known, a pro-

managed by concerns. Europa-Park is without a doubt

ducer of amusement rides and operator of a theme

a prime example of the fact that family operated com-

is a mechanical engineer and

park. Both companies are firmly in family hands. In

panies can function by attaching great importance on

likes to check if everything is in

your opinion, what advantages and disadvantages

quality, and not solely on shareholder value consider-

order personally; here super-

does this form of business model have, in compa-

ation. A deciding factor for success is also an attrac-

vising the wheel suspension of

rison to private equity managed companies?

tive value-for-money ratio. I consider it wrong to at-

the “blue fire” coaster

Safety First: Roland Mack

tempt to convince guests of the attraction of the range The synergies out of the simultaneous operation

with discounts. My opinion is that it’s a lot more import-

of Europa-Park and Mack Rides are a huge advantage

ant to present a great park with convincing attractions.

for the development of our company. Being an over

Experience has shown that price marketing does not

230 year old family tradition that is not goal-orientated

result in a long-term successful strategy. The basic

on the next quarterly report but on the next company

prerequisite is the quality of the range on offer.

generation, is of significant advantage. This long-term strategy was positively proven, particularly during the

How do you as manufacturer and IAAPA-Pres-

crises periods of the past. We could adjust to gener-

ident view the many almost true to original copies

ally changed conditions more quickly, and survive

of European ride attractions in China? Is there a

difficult times. In the area of planning and developing

safety risk here, or only unpopular competition?

new attractions, we are in the position to react a lot quicker after a short decision-making period. On the

Naturally no manufacturer is happy to see their

other hand there is no room for making big investment

own concept being copied in other countries, infring-

mistakes for medium-sized enterprises. For this reason

ing on patent rights. This is not acceptable and,

we must make very careful decisions.

together with my colleagues at IAAPA, I have set in motion that infringement of patent rights be pursued

Do you see a basic danger in the fact that there

consistently, and supported by IAAPA, to instigate

are fewer family managed theme parks in Europe

arbitration proceedings, in order to protect the rights

now? And is it possible that larger park chains and

of the manufacturer. In actual fact there are resulting

their price politics threaten individual medium-

safety risks that are a huge problem, as a number of

sized companies?

incidents have shown in the past. IAAPA will pay even more consistent attention at all exhibitions in the future,

The market in Europe has indeed changed con-

so that this development counteracts the problem. We

siderably. There are an increasing number of parks

have prosecuted quite a number of exhibitors alone

that are operated by large concerns. It remains to be

from China due to patent rights infringement, and

seen what affect this process of concentration will have

some have even been banned from the exhibitions.

in the long-term. I welcome every positive development, but do see also the definite advantages of family managed operations in comparison to those facilities

Didn’t it take IAAPA far too long to react to patent rights violation?




15:31 Uhr

The regular evening illumination at Europa-Park

Seite 4

The subject unfortunately is much more complex

And how do you see the future of the amuse-

as it looks at first glance. There were initially a number

ment branch in general? Will it become more im-

of difficult legal question to clarify. However, together

portant, or will the recurring economic crises over-

with our team, we have made sure that there wasn’t

take it sometime, as well as operators and visitors?

only talk but also action taken, and this to the advant-

Will the boom in the Asian countries continue?

age of the German as well as international manufacturers. In the future there will be specialist lawyers

It is naturally difficult to predict the future of our

onsite at the exhibitions, who will persue patent rights

branch exactly. We will have attractive, high quality,

Among others a hydro-

infringements thoroughly. This has already caused

and in particular technically highly developed proto-

electric power station and a

bewilderment to a number of exhibitors in Hong Kong,

types on offer for our guests in the future as well. And

huge solar collector provide in-

who had not worked correctly.

so we – parks as well as fairs – can count on good re-

house power at Europa-Park

sonance even in economically difficult phases. Theme parks have also developed into short-holiday destinations over the past decades. I see a continuation of this trend, and with that, new chances for the development of theme parks. Basically however, good quality has to be on offer – a deciding criteria in international competition. And it’s particularly in the Asian countries that we see a dynamic growth. Alone in China it is presumed that the visitor numbers in the upcoming twenty years will increase six times. The Mack company and the showman industry – this is an association that has been in existence for centuries, and is inseparable. After all Mack Rides had delivered attractions and mobile homes to all international showman and circus enterprises until the 1980s, before focusing on stationary operator. What were the reasons? The showmen were the most important clients of the Mack enterprise for decades. There was hardly an important circus company or well known showman that had not been associated with Mack at least once. We had built in addition to attractions and caravans, also sales booths and all types of power-driven and special vehicles. However the market changed significantly. Eventually the high quality caravans from Mack had hardly any buyers who were willing to buy vans of this quality. And even in the area of ride attractions, the demand changed radically. This led to the fact that these days it’s almost exclusively theme parks that are Mack Rides customers, and that the business has become more international. The changed investment behaviour of the showman and the increasing importance of the theme parks worldwide are without a doubt the most important reasons for the change.




14:29 Uhr

Seite 1



14:53 Uhr

Seite 6

INTERVIEW The extension of a standard “Wild Mouse” was done for a German showman company Eberhard & Sohn

Earlier, many inventions came from the show-

have their own character and complement each other.

men themselves, who went to their trusted manu-

Countless fairs have developed to be a well known

facturer with their ideas.

Has this innovative

brand, and are an appreciated and familiar event well

strength declined, or do German manufacturers no

over national boundaries. The deciding factor for both

longer dare to take the risk of a new development?

is to adjust to the changed requirements of the guests, and for each to develop its own success strategy.

The history of the Mack Rides firm was always dependant on new designs, and in the past years there have been new attractive projects such as the water

s there still a bond between showmen and Europa-Park?

coaster “Poseidon” and the looping coaster “blue fire”.

Every now and again

Although there were many ideas from showmen ear-

Even these days there is still a bond between

lier, the fact is that these days, the design demands

countless showmen and Europa-Park. Showmen are

considerably more time and other resources. A pro-

welcome guests, and I very much value the inter-

found knowledge of the branch was always the suc-

change. I am impressed by the entrepreneurial

cess factor in the cooperation with showmen. The

achievements and the pragmatism with which show-

close interconnection between client and manufactur-

men run their companies – hats off to them! I have en-

er is still a deciding factor for success in the building

joyed many years of friendship with many showmen,

of a new construction. To design really new attractions

and I’m always very happy about a personal meeting

is becoming more exacting and more difficult. Never-

with them.

theless, Mack is still open to ideas from showmen.

showmen are engaged by Europa-Park, here the Traber Group

Would you recommend this type of coEven the founding of Europa-Park, as is the case with other parks in central Europe, is based

operation to other park operators as well, or is this a phenomenon of only Europa-Park?

among others, on the impulse of the showman essA meeting of Albert Ritter and Roland Mack

ence. With the increased success of the theme

I view fairgrounds and parks as a complement to

parks however, fairs

each other, both of which can be more successful

are often considered

when each utilizes their own individual strengths. The

as second class enter-

effort to offer high quality entertainment for our guests

tainment. How do you

is what bonds us together.

see the situation? In your function as IAAPA-President you have On the occasion of

also met Albert Ritter, President of the German

the founding of Europa-

Showman Association (DSB). Are there any con-

Park, showmen were a

crete examples of cooperation?

force standing behind


us. Even today I am full

As IAAPA President, I have naturally also had talks

of respect and hold the

with him. We met and exchanged and followed up the

achievements of show-

objective target of a closer cooperation. There are also

men in high esteem. I

subjects here that have to be taken into hand in the fut-

find it incorrect to be

ure. But we are open with each other at all times.

contemptuous of the

Incidentally I am also very pleased about the good


interexchange between the DSB and the VDFU.





14:29 Uhr

Seite 1



14:53 Uhr

Seite 8

INTERVIEW Up into the 1990s Mack produced attractions predominantly for the showmen; here the one-track “Meteor” for Bornhäuser & Christ (1955)

The relationship between IAAPA/EAS and

cept for the European market, which due to successful

DSB, which until 2002 was the organiser of the larg-

numbers, has resulted in the largest EAS since its com-

est amusement trade exhibition in Europe at that

ing into being. It was an important matter for both the

time, certainly appears to be, putting it politely,

European members of IAAPA and me personally to fur-

somewhat cool. Since the entry of IAAPA into the

ther strengthen the European region, and this has re-

EAS, many members, especially from Italy, Great

sulted in positive feedback from our colleagues in the

Britain and Germany, complain about the increased

USA. I think we can talk about a successful European

influence in European matters. Would a stronger

exhibition, which through its positive development will

regionalization be sensible here?

further strengthen the region of Europe. But naturally once again it’s all about rigorously keeping on the ball

Undoubtedly, talks between IAAPA and the DSB


were not successful in the past. In my view the EAS in the meanwhile offers an exceptionally interesting con-


Thantk you very much for this interview. ■


ere stood one of the last four existing Salon

Palladium” from Ecomusée d’Alsace was built in 1909

carousels in the world. This actually means a horse

and has a front length of 24 metres and a height of 9.5

carousel of the luxury status that is operated indoors –

metres, with a diameter of 11 metres. After a detailed

Michael Mack, the eldest son of

in a tent – with the construction being festively framed

restoration, the attraction will be located in the

Roland Mack, is also committed

by two mirrored parlour wings, where guests can eat

entrance area of Europa-Park from the winter season

to the roots of the traditional

and drink at a sophisticated level. Before the First


company. A matter of the heart

World War, these types of

led the member of the Europa-


Park management to Ecomusée



showman attraction at Euro-


spring 2012.




were a



pe’s grand events. The “Eden

Michael Mack taking over the historic “Eden Palladium”


an Star Europed 2012 r Awa BEST COASTER WOODEN

Europea Star Award n 2012 BEST STEEL CO ASTER



15:25 Uhr

Seite 2

TECHNOLOGY The “Hullámvasút” in Budapest is one of the very few originally retained roller coasters with cable lift in the world

Coasters are only machines. And for this reason they require energy to do what they do – namely to ply the human body with g-forces, and as a sideline according



generate either fear or fun. The drive that delivers this energy is the subject of this article. Even if many variations are examined, this report cannot cover all types

Coaster Drive Systems


Text & Photos:

Jochen Peschel

Views of the cable lift and motor of the “Hullámvasút”


s it’s all about up and down on a roller coaster, the


In a theoretical loss-free system without friction, the

decisive energy forms are potential energy and

train can travel from standstill at the highest point along

kinetic energy. The potential energy has plural com-

a track of arbitrary length and return exactly to the

ponents, but in this article we only address the energy

original height by its kinetic energy. Naturally, in reality

that results from height and weight – or more precise-

a coaster train has friction that generates warmth, just

ly: the mass – of an object. The higher it is, the higher

as the remaining kinetic energy in the final brakes is

is the potential energy. Kinetic energy is also termed

converted into warmth (or in rare cases won back

as movement energy, and is dependent on the speed


and the weight of the object.

At any point throughout the track the train needs new

The law of conservation of energy implies that energy

energy. It typically receives it at the beginning of the

is neither generated nor destroyed, but rather convert-

ride. The classic approach is the lift hill where the train

ed. And this is exactly what happens on a coaster:

is pulled upwards, through which its potential energy

potential energy is converted into kinetic energy when

is increased. Thirty-five years ago the catapult start

the train travels down a drop, and during the ascent

was introduced, which accelerates the train, therefore

reverts back to potential energy again.

increasing its kinetic energy.



15:25 Uhr

Seite 3

In the case of the first coasters, real manual work was

In the year 2000, Intamin brought new life to the cable

required in order to bring the vehicle to its initial height.

lift when a cable was used again for the “Millennium

cable lift: “Millennium Force” at

That changed in 1826 when M. Lebonjer installed the

Force” at Cedar Point. A very speedy cable lift was

Cedar Point (left) and to the right

first mechanical lift with a cable, which pulled the cars

installed for WSkyrush” at Hersheypark in 2012.

the Chain-Dog on “Skyrush”,

upwards. From the six remaining Scenic Railways with

However it didn’t circulate, but pulled an adaptor, the

both built by Intamin

brakes, five still use this principle – the exception is the

so-called Catch Car that engages the train. When the

construction at Great Yarmouth. A clamp on the train

train reached the highest point, the drive direction of

engages the cable slightly slips during the process,

the cable is reversed, and the Catch Car is driven back

and that makes a jerk-free transition onto the lift

to the station.

possible. Very soon after, a circulating chain was used

The drives described until now have the disadvantage

instead of a cable. A so-called Chain Dog was affixed

that they require a straight ascent. In the case of larger

to the train that latched into the chain. Normally during

lift heights, there must be a lot of space available. The

the process there is a jolt through the train, which

barrel lift does not have this problem, as the lift tracks

travels quicker to the lift entrance than the chain,

are formed like a spiral. A barrel rotates in the centre

becoming slower on the lift, with the chain then taking

of the spiral with a carrier that pushes the train up the

the train with it. In order to prevent this happening,

lift. Well known examples of this variation are “Eurosat”

friction drive wheels were applied, which, synchronis-

and “Euromir” at Europa-Park. Alternatively there are

ed with the chain speed, pushed the train onto the lift.

vertical lifts that basically function like an elevator.

Complex technology resulted in an effect, which was

There is also a prominent example at Europa-Park,

cable lifts: left “Millenium

common over hundreds of years, by other means.

namely the “Wilde Maus Matterhorn Blitz”.

Force” and right, the Chain-Dog

Two modern examples with

A closer look at modern

on “Skyrush”




15:25 Uhr

Seite 4

TECHNOLOGY An earlier example of a coaster with chain lift can be found at Skyline Park (here a Wild Cat from Schwarzkopf)

The modern “Huracan Condor” from Gerstlauer (at

Another approach was made by Anton Schwarzkopf

Belantis) also uses a chain for

for his mobile coasters. He placed friction drive wheels

the amazing 90° lift

on a curved ascent, which transported the train from the station on the front side of the construction to the highest point on the rear side. In order not to have to equip every friction drive wheel, or at the very least each friction drive wheel pair, with its own motor – that

An inverted example of a chain lift: the transportable “Eurostar” from Giovanola


would have been difficult to build up – a cardan drive

and grip a functional surface in the form of a blade,

ran under the lift tracks that supplied all friction drive

which runs perpendicular lengthwise underneath the

wheels from a central motor. This was simultaneously

vehicle. In the case of the variant using only one friction

very cunning, because in instances of a lift being long-

drive wheel, this wheel is built in vertically, with the

er than the train, the rolling stock does not cover all fric-

functional surface being parallel to the floor of the veh-

tion drive wheels at the same time. The central motor

icle. This principle is reversed for Powered Coasters,

didn’t need to be as strong as the allotted motors to-

which are a continuously power driven attraction: the

gether, but only as strong as the motors of the maxi-

friction drive wheel together with the motor are located

mally overlaid friction drive wheels by the train.

on the vehicle, and the functional surface is located

Friction drive wheels were already used earlier on

along the track.

straight lift hills. The most well known and most widely

Lift hills with a chain or cable have the problem that

spread coasters with a friction drive lift have to be the

they always have to be pre-stressed. Normally a

“Tivoli Coaster” from Zierer in various sizes. The dis-

tensioning device with a moving weight or a spring

advantage however is certain moisture sensitivity that

system is used. It’s particularly during a heavy load, in

reduces the friction, resulting in the friction drive

other words when the train is moved, that the chain or

wheels slipping through, especially on heavily loaded

the cable lengthens. When the lift is long, then the

trains. Friction drive wheels are more popular for posit-

lengthening is of corresponding size. This is manage-

ioning and manoeuvring of the vehicle, particularly in

able by using an appropriate tensioning element, but

the station area.

with the 97 metre high “Steel Dragon” at Nagashima

Friction drive wheels are normally used in pairs. Both

Spaland another solution was chosen in 2000: two sep-

wheels lie in a plane parallel to the floor of the vehicle,

arate chain drives were built in one after the other.



14:30 Uhr

Seite 1



15:26 Uhr

Seite 6

As described initially, the interaction of potential and

the cable sheave by a friction clutch that transmitted

kinetic energy is a deciding factor for the ride dynam-

the stored energy to the train. As spectacular as the

ics. At the end of the lift the train has a certain kinetic

launch effects were in those days, the more complex

energy due to the lift speed, with an additionally in-

the maintenance, which was the reason that the con-

creased potential energy. From standstill a train would

cept could not be established permanently. Although

“Gipfelstürmer” from Gerstlau-

reach a 113.84 km/h top speed on a 50 metre drop

Zamperla still uses this principle on its current “Moto-

er uses friction drive wheels

when frictional losses are ignored. In this case how-

Coaster” constructions, the trains are significantly

ever one cannot simply add the lift speed to this speed,

lighter than those of the Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loops,

because the law of conservation of energy must be ap-

which disburdens the clutch considerably.

plied. When the train begins to roll into a drop not from

Shortly before the turn of the century B&M did on the

still stand, but at a 10 km/h speed, the top speed is

“Incredible Hulk” at Universal Studios Islands of

minimally increased to 114.28 km/h. Even at 40 km/h,

Adventure not use friction drive wheels for the constant

which currently is the highest lift speed, not more than

transport of the train up the lift hill, but increased the

120.53 km/h is reached. The lift speed has almost no

rotating speed during the ascent – the first hybrid of

influence on the highest speed attained, particularly in

lift and launch was born. The armada of friction drive

the case of high coasters.

wheels is impressive owing to the heavy trains. Since

In 1977 Anton Schwarzkopf revolutionised the coaster

then the principle of friction drive wheel launch is used

world in that he did not transport the train upwards per

rather in the case of lighter vehicles, but the system

lift, but accelerated his Shuttle Loop from a standstill.

also did not really become established. Noteworthy

A cable was used leading over two cable sheaves with

are only three constructions from Intamin, because the

an added carrier. One of the cable sheaves was then

friction drive wheels on these attractions are hydraulic-

powered and catapulted the train onto the track via the

ally powered.

carrier. With his first installation, the drive was still

The success story of the catapult start began firstly

attained by a falling weight that dropped inside an ap-

with the magnetic drive, which is basically contact free

proximately 20 metre high steel pipe, setting the cable

and thus works almost wear-free. So called stators are

sheave in rotation over a cable drive, but he later

arranged along the launch tracks and are controlled

changed to a flywheel. Acceleration was achieved by

so as to generate a wandering magnetic field, which

a relatively weak electric motor that produced the

in turn drives the vehicle. There are however two

rotational speed. Finally the flywheel was connected to

different subtypes.

The friction drive system of the “Olympia Looping”

Even the Shuttle Coaster

LIMs from Vekoma: ”Xpress” at Walibi Holland and “Big Thunder Mountain” at Disneyland Park Paris (right)




14:30 Uhr

Seite 1

Builders of the highest Quality Wooden Coasters in the World! Turn-Key Design and Existing Ride Improvement!

Contact: G端nter Engelhardt GmbH Bischofsholer Damm 77 D-30173 Hannover / Germany



15:26 Uhr

Seite 8

With the LIM (Linear Induction Motor), stators build an

The general advantage of magnetic drives is, apart

with LSM-drive: “Anubis” from

air gap in which a copper or aluminium blade mounted

from the low wear and tear, the fact that vehicles don’t

Gerstlauer at Plopsaland De

on the vehicle moves. The roaming magnetic stator

have to be hooked up to a catch car, and with that can

Panne and “Freischütz” from

field induces an eddy current of moving electrons in

be accelerated whilst in movement. Therefore one

Maurer Rides at Bayern-Park

the blade. Moving electrons on their part generate a

wonders at first glance about the Vekoma decision to

magnetic field that interacts with the magnetic stator

use a magnetically accelerated catch car on the LSM-

field. More precisely the magnetic fields repel each

driven coasters “Xpress” at Walibi Holland and the two

other and thus push the vehicle forwards.

“Rock’n’Roller” coasters for Disney. However, through

The induction of a magnetic field in the blade and

this system the already available trains could be used

therefore the propulsion power, depends on the re-

without having to carry out adjustments caused by the

lative speed between the blade on the vehicle, and the

weight of the magnets. On the other hand Vekoma

roaming stator magnetic field. If both are at the same

used for example the LIM-module on the “Big Thunder

speed, then there is no forward propulsion. The control

Mountain” as a luxury friction drive wheel set, for

of the stators must prevent this situation and should

manoeuvring the trains in the station and maintenance

generate an ideal relative speed. However as the stat-


or magnetic field induces its own magnetic field in the

The next development was the pneumatic drive, which

blade, the demand on control isn’t particularly high.

was made popular worldwide by S&S, when the com-

Nevertheless the energy conversion efficiency of ap-

pany transferred it from freefall towers to coasters in

proximately 50 % is not optimal; a lot of energy is lost

2001. Air is compressed in a number of large tanks,

due to the warming of the blade caused by the eddy

and led one after the other into an acceleration cylin-

current. The LSM (Linear Synchronous Motor) doesn’t

der. The cylinder runs along the track, and is divided

have this problem, as permanent magnets are affixed

into two parts by a piston. The piston in turn is connect-

to the vehicle instead of a blade. Therefore no energy

ed to a steel cable that is led into the launch track over

from the magnetic stator field is used for induction,

pulleys and is connected to the train via a catch car.

which is partly converted to heat loss. Through this,

When the air streams into a chamber in the cylinder,

energy conversion efficiency from 60 to 90 % is reach-

the piston is pushed like a syringe and accelerates the

ed, nevertheless at the cost of an obviously complex

catch car together with the train. During this process

control system, due to the stator magnetic field having

counter pressure is built up in the second chamber that

Two coaster examples

to always keep a certain relative position to the

decelerates the piston and with that the catch car as

Rossa” at Ferrari World is at

permanent magnets. Additionally the position of the

well. The achieved acceleration of over 4g is almost

240 km/h the fastest coaster in

vehicles during the start has to be well established,

brutal. However a high final speed and a longer launch

the world and functions with a

down to the exact millimetre.

track require a longer cylinder.

Intamins “Formular

hydraulic launch




15:26 Uhr

Seite 9

In 2002 Intamin produced a new drive technology for the “Xcelerator” at Knott’s Berry Farm: the hydraulic launch. As the system from S&S, a medium was compressed in a pressure accumulator over a certain period of time. In this case however it’s nitrogen that is housed in the chamber of a piston cylinder. Pumps lead oil from a storage tank into the other chamber so that the pistons move continuously, and with that compress the nitrogen. Finally valves in the oil circuit are opened, so that the oil shoots back through the hydraulic motors into the storage tank, driven by the compressed nitrogen.

lift hill, and that by using a chain drive. Whether a cable

The hydraulic motors propel a cogwheel that is

with a catch car pulls the train slowly up the hill or ac-

at Happy Valley Beijing is

connected to a winch. Two steel cables are wound up

celerates it to its maximum speed is merely a matter of

operated with pneumatic

and down on the winch, which in turn drive a catch car

providing the required energy. Appropriately controll-


for the train. The constructions reach a maximum

ed, a pneumatic or hydraulic launch system could

acceleration of 2g, although higher values can be

easily be used for a “regular” lift, which actually is the

reached with more hydraulic motors. In contrast to the

case, as launch tracks are normally upwards inclined

Liseberg functions with a hy-

system from S&S, the launch can more easily be

so that the train doesn’t have to be collected on the

draulic start/ photos down:

designed to be considerably longer, and so “Formula

track after a false start. The launch

nitrogen storage and oil tank

Rossa” holds the record for being the fastest coaster

in the case of “Furious Baco” is

in world with a speed of 240 kilometres per hour. The

particularly near to a lift, as the

speed of the Motorbike coasters from Vekoma is still

track plunges directly after the

somewhat distant in comparison, even though they are

launch – a type of first drop.

also operated with a hydraulic system and a cable with

One way or another the actual

an adaptor.

simple energy supply is often a

Even though there is a clear difference shown between


the classic lift hill and catapult starts in this article, the

Whether one builds up a sense of

transition is smooth. Strictly speaking the station fric-

excitement through a never-en-

tion drive wheels of the train accelerate the train from

ding lift hill, or prefers the kick of a

a standstill to the lift. In the case of the spinning coaster

catapult start is, as most things in

“Tornado” at Bakken, the vehicle is accelerated on the

life, a simple matter of taste.




S&S’s “Extreme Rusher”

Intamin’s “Kanonen” at



It’s exciting. It’s funny. It’s amazing.






It’s coming to you.

IAAPA_ADV_A4_01_PM.indd 1

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14:30 Uhr

Seite 1

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