Kirmes & Park Revue EAS Extra Issue 2018

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European Star Award 2018

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We are inviting all Top 10 Parks to celebrate their success together with friends and manufacturers. All Top 5 Winners are receiving looping sculptures – which are exclusively hand-made from real Bohemian Crystal.

ISSN 1436-6525 appears 12 x per year ■ Gemi Verlags GmbH Pfaffenhofener Straße 3 85293 Reichertshausen Tel.: +49 (0) 84 41/40 22-0 Fax: +49 (0) 84 41/718 46 ■ Managing Directors Gerd Reddersen Rudolf Neumeier ■ Editoral Manager EAS-Special


very warm "Welkom" to this year’s European Star Award and to the Euro Attractions Show in the beautiful


and open-minded city of Amsterdam.

Frank Lanfer ■ International Representative Translation, Advertisements Agi Reddersen Phone: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 10 57 Facsimile: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 61 05 ■ Representative USA Shari Viox ■ Representative Great Britain

The European Star Award 2018 is presented at one of Amsterdam’s top tourist destination: The Heineken Experience. This year we are celebrating the 7th edition in a row, and during this period the award has become Europe's most important award for the leisure industry. In fact, this award is dedicated explicitly to the European

Michele Emmett ■ Layout

theme park industry, bringing attention to entrepreneurial courage and innovations.

Frank Lanfer, Heidi Jeude ■ Production

In 14 categories, winners were voted by an international team of 40 experts. In each category, members of the

Westner Medien GmbH ■ Printing

trade jury were able to vote for their personal favourites. Choices could be made from theme parks and water parks throughout Europe including Russia and Turkey, with the minimum criteria of at least one ride attraction

Kössinger AG Schierling ■ Advertisements

in operation.

GEMI Verlags GmbH ■ Sales and Marketing

An important note regarding this year’s results: A number of attractions were opened very late. In some

Gerd Reddersen ■ Subscriptions

instances, too late to be able to be taken into account before the end of voting. Unfortunately, as a result some attractions are not reqresented in the Top 10. The European Star Award remains a non-profit organization. But to keep this independent award alive, we requested supporting ads only after the voting was completed. However, we would like to give thanks our this year's sponsors – Creative Amusement Factory and Popcorn Affairs. In particular, we also wish to thank our

DataM-Services GmbH Postfach 91 61 97091 Würzburg phone: +49 (0) 931/4170-178 (Mo-Tu 8-17, Fr 8-15) Facsimile +49 (0) 931/4170-179 ■ Cover Photo Energylandia ■ Photo Credits

main sponsor The Coca-Cola Company for the long-term cooperation. We are pleased to congratulate all Top 10 winners, and we wish all visitors to the Euro Attractions Show a great time in Amsterdam, together with many stimulating inspirations for future attractions! With kind regards… or to say it in Dutch: Met vriendelijke groet Frank Lanfer

We like to say thank you to all parks, manufacturers and authors ■ Free Special Edition Online Free online version on: Please visit our website: Follow us on facebook: All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be duplicated or published without written permission from the publisher. This prohibition also pertains to the commercial duplication by copying, input into an electronic database, and duplication onto a CD-ROM. Certified active member of the



14:58 Uhr

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THE EXPERT-JURY OF THE EUROPEAN STAR AWARD 2018 Prof. Dr. Salvador Anton Clavé (Spain)

he runs his own business: Jeff Bertus Leisure operates

Salvador is Professor at the Faculty of Tourism and Geo-

in the leisure industry. This term can be taken in the

graphy at the Rovira i Virgili University and Director of the

broadest sense of the word.

Doctoral Programme (

Dr. Salvador Anton Clavé

He is also Senior Research Scholar at the International

Victor Cavaller (Spain)

Institute of Tourism Studies at the George Washington

Victor is the Managing Director of Garmisch Consulting

University as well as Research Director at the Science

Group (, the TAA Design

and Technology Park for Tourism and Leisure of Cata-

firm. Among others he has led since the start of GCG

lonia. He is author of the book “The Global Theme Park

Concept and Design Development for new rides at

Industry” (CABI, 2007). His research concentrates on the

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, themed hotels and aquariums

analysis of the evolution of tourist locations, theme parks

for Merlin Entertainments, and FECs for Parques Reu-

and visitor attractions, destination image, policies and

nidos. Prior to leading GCG he was part of Thinkwell


Europe, serving as Show Producer for the 2007 “Furius Baco” coaster at PortAventura, as Producer for the 2006

Nergis Aslan

Nergis Aslan (Turkey)

“Batman Begins & Police Academy Stunt Shows” at

Nergis is the founding partner of Tureks Uluslararası

Parque Warner Madrid, as well as Project Manager for

Fuarcılık, the organizer company of ATRAX Exhibition,

“Ice Age Adventure!” at Movie Park Germany, as well as

which is the only specialized trade fair for the amuse-

Ski Dubai’s Snow Park at the Mall of the Emirates in

ment industry of Turkey and the region. With her profound

Dubai. Victor was also a part of the team responsible for

knowledge in the amusement industry, Nergis played an

the award-winning “FiestAventura Nighttime Spectac-

important role in gathering the players of the sector

ular” and the “Templo del Fuego” attractions at Universal

under one roof for the first time in Turkey. Along with

PortAventura. He has a degree in Audio/Visual Com-

ATRAX, she continues to contribute to the efforts aimed

munication from the University Autonoma de Barcelona.

at the further development of the sector with the “Shining

Bas Bakkers

Star Awards-Amusement & Attraction Awards” and the

Rik Engelen (Belgium)

“Atraksiyon Magazin” as well. She also carries out a

Rik lives in the Flanders region of Belgium. He has a law

detailed sectorial analysis and statistical study in the

degree and works at the Belgian insurance company

amusement and recreations industry of Turkey, which

Ethias. He has always had a childhood fascination for

has never been done before. With a view to monitoring

everything theme park-related, particularly coasters and

the development of the industry closely, she continues

water rides, and he grew up with his hometown park

to travel globally. Nergis has an undergraduate degree

Bobbejaanland. Later he started to visit other European

in Sociology from Hacettepe University.

parks. His passion, along with his other interest in photography, makes a good combination for also writing for

Bas Bakkers (Netherlands)

the Kirmes & Park Revue and other magazines. In 2001

Bas is working for the Coca-Cola Company and leads

he started cooperating with, and for a

the international engagement with the Leisure and Hotel

few years now has been handling the site’s photo

Industry. Bas has 20 years of experience in the Coca-

management. His wife is also just as passionate about

Cola system where he was responsible for sales and

roller coasters as he, so they always travel together to fill

business development roles in the home and away from

in the blank spots on their theme park map.

home markets in The Netherlands.

Francesco Fabris (Italy)

Jeff Bertus

Jeff Bertus (Netherlands)

For nearly 20 years engaged in the amusement industry,

During the past 40 years, Jeff Bertus gained high repute,

both independently and through Amusement Project

especially for his work and creative activities in the field

(Italian consulting firm), Francesco has always com-

of leisure and amusement parks, not only in the Nether-

bined his deep passion for the amusement parks with

lands, but also internationally. Jeff was mainly active as

the interest in studying and improving all the issues that

Executive Director of “Club van Elf” (Dutch Association

belong to this complex but at the same time engaging

of Leading Visitor Attractions), Vice President at IAAPA

business. The goals he always puts in first place are to

Europe, and initiator of the European Office for IAAPA.

achieve a memorable experience while maintaining a

He was Executive Director at Europarks (the European

high level of guest satisfaction in an well organized and

Federation of National Amusement Parks & Attractions

optimized environment.

Associations), Member of the Board of the Dutch


Employers’ Association VNO-NCW, Member of the

Dr. Felix Fritz (Germany)

Dutch Platform Tourism & Recreation of VNO-NCW/MKB

Felix has been fascinated by theme parks, and some-

Nederland. Furthermore, he was Government Con-

time later by roller coasters, ever since his father took him

sultant within the frameworks of various projects regard-

to Europa-Park as a child. As a result, after attaining his

ing “traffic and leisure”, and consultant/treasurer of ETAG

degree in mechanical engineering, he worked on “roller

(European Travel & Tourism Action Group). Nowadays,

coaster dynamics” during his time as a doctoral candi-



13:00 Uhr

Victor Cavaller

Seite 5

Rik Engelen

Francesco Fabris

date. During this time, he established contact to TÜV

Egeskov Castle, and of the Board of Knuthenborg Safari

SÜD in Munich ( These days he

Park. In his function as Chairman of the Board of Danish

does reviews of technical documentation and on-site

Amusement Parks, he’s one of this year’s jury members,

testing of rides worldwide for this company. Although he

but was suspended to vote in the category “Best Theme

knows the business behind the magic, he still likes to

Parks <1 Mio. Visitors”.

Dr. Felix Fritz

Marcus Gaines

visit parks and loves to get some airtime on a good roller coaster.

Marc Lacombe (Canada) Marc has been a theme park fan all his life, and his love

Marcus Gaines (Great Britain)

for parks comes from his parents. He realized his dream

Marcus grew up as a theme park and funfair fan. Family

and worked as an international worker at Disneyland

holidays as a child involved visiting at least one theme

Paris on “Space Mountain”. Marc then moved on to La

park somewhere in the world. As the father of two young

Ronde in Montreal and then had the privilege to be a

boys, Marcus now pays as much attention to family rides

guest relations host at Epcot in Florida. He is currently

as thrilling roller coasters. Graduating from university in

working for a major airline and runs the Park Vault blog

1999 with an honours degree in Media Production and

( after holding the responsibility of

Technology, his first job was as a show technician for

international reporter for Newsparcs. Park Vault concen-

Disney Cruise Lines. These days he works for one of

trates on the historical aspect of the industry, and

Britain’s largest broadcasting companies and is often

readers can find everything from a water park case

called upon to use his knowledge of the amusement

study, to the full history of a supplier.

Marshall Hill

industry to work on related documentaries and news features. Marcus is currently working with a number of

Alex Lemmens (Netherlands)

ride manufacturers to produce their promotional videos

After his mechanical and electrical studies at the techni-

for trade shows and their websites. More information on

cal university, Alex joined Efteling in 1975 as Director of

technical services. From 1987 to 1992 he was Park Manager, and until 2005 was responsible for develop-

Marshall Hill (Great Britain)

ment of projects such as “Python”, “Pirana”, “Haunted

Marshall is the past-chairman of BALPPA (British Asso-

Castle”, “Villa Volta”, “Fata Morgana” and “Dream Flight”.

ciation of Amusement Parks, Piers and Attractions).

In 2000 he was organizer of the first Carousel Festival at

Prominent at the association’s meetings and many other

Efteling and Chairman of the international conference

industry events and trade shows, he is known for his

"TilE" (Trends in Leisure and Entertainment) in Maastricht

down-to-earth and approachable personality. Marshall is

in 2004. After a working period of more than 30 years at

the third generation of his family to operate the Funland

Efteling, he decided to make use of the possibility of

amusement park on Hayling Island on the south coast of

"early retirement" and started his own consulting com-

England ( He also buys and sells

pany (Alex Lemmens Consultancy) for the leisure in-

rides from time to time on behalf of other parks and also

dustry in 2005, and is a permanent adviser to the leading

travelling showmen.

design company BRC Imagination Arts. In 2014 a docu-

Søren Kragelund

mentary about his working life was made and can be

Søren Kragelund (Denmark)

seen (subtitled in English) on and

Together with his father, he founded Fårup Sommerland

on YouTube.

in 1975. The amusement park was further developed during the years, e.g. with a large water park area and

Christine Lindenthal (Austria)

an own hotel. Nowadays the park receives more than

Christine is the publisher of and

600,000 guests annually. Fårup Sommerland had the

ended her course of studies successfully in Tourism and

honour of being voted as one of the best parks in Europe.

Leisure Management at the IMC University of Applied

After he sold the park in 2016 to his cousin Henrik

Science in Krems. Parallel to her full time job in tourism,

Schnack, he continued as a member of the Board of

she recently passed her General Management studies




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Seite 6

at the JKU in

Yves Merienne (France)

Linz. But apart

Yves has been passionate about parks since his child-

from her pro-

hood. It's thanks to some pictures in the encyclopedia



“Tout l'Univers” that he discovered Disneyland California,

work, Christine

before he visited his first amusement park in 1979. It was

is a real expert

Avenirland, now called Walibi Rhône Alpes, which had

in the area of

just opened. Since the 1990's, he has been traveling



extensively in Europe, the United States and Asia to dis-


cover new parks. It is by meeting other French ent-

She has made

husiasts during his travels around the world that he had

countless tours

the idea to create Parks Passion in 2002. With this, he

throughout the

wanted the parks to have a link especially with the fans

whole of Euro-

and to make discover the job to the fans. In his everyday


Marc Lacombe

Alex Lemmens

pe, North America, and the Persian Gulf, to

Shaun McKeogh

the most breathtaking parks and coasters in the world.

life, he works in a Foundation that cares for people with autism. He never wanted to work in a park, because he prefers to be I wants to stay a “professional guest”, as Alain Trouvé, former director of Parc Astérix, named him.

The Disney parks, however, are always at the top of her list. Unbounded ambition is in Christine's private life the greatest motivation, regardless of whether during sport or taking on players on an ice hockey rink.

François Mayné (France) Born in Brussels, Belgium, François has had a passion for the theme park industry for years. At the beginning of the 2000s, he was involved in the management of several websites that formed the core of an emerging French-speaking fan community. After getting a degree in marketing, François decided to create his own business company and became the editor of News, an online news magazine dedicated to the professionals of the amusement park industry. After a Christine Lindenthal

successful 3-years run, he chose to focus on another website developed for a mainstream audience: www. is an online guidebook about theme parks around Europe. Together with running that business, François Mayné also offers his services as a freelance reporter for trade publications covering the attractions industry.

Frédéric Pastuszak (France) Frédéric’s passion for theme parks started after his first visit to Europa-Park in 1989, where he found his lifetime vocation. After graduating as an architect, Frédéric developed his skills and expertise of creativity and innovation in planning, design and art directing of parks, leisure and entertainment developments, creating amazing rides and attractions and leaving timeless memories through storytelling. During his 15 years within the industry, working in various project locations worldwide, his greatest achievements are the acclaimed attraction "Arthur - In the Minimoys Kingdom" at Europa-Park, where he was Creative Director, and most recently, as Senior Art Director, for the newly opened Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi.

Wolfgang Payer (Austria) Born in 1957 in Vienna, the electrical engineer is employed in the field of commerce and engineering by the Vienna airport. Since 2009 he has been photographing coasters as well as other park attractions professionally,

Shaun McKeogh (Australia) Shaun has extensive experience across the breadth of

and publicizes them in various trade magazines. His special direction in photography is his "Roller-

the amusement and attractions industry including family

coastercompositions", which he personally calls "coaster

entertainment centres, theme parks, hotels, zoos, water


parks, museums and destinatino resorts. His expertise

François Mayné


lies in Human Resources, Training and Operations

Prof. Ann-Marie Pendrill (Sweden)

Management to build strong workplace cultures that

Ann-Marie is professor of Science Communication and

support employees achieving their very best. As a high-

Director of the Swedish National Resource Centre for

ly respected specialist for the attractions industry, Shaun

Physics Education at Lund University. She has used

is particularly passionate about workplace reward and

amusement park examples in physics teaching for more

recognition, leadership, performance management and

than 20 years, developed curriculum material and been

quality Service Excellence systems. He is co-author of

involved with arrangement of large-scale events at the

an industry leadership book “Reasons 2 Reward” and

Liseberg and Gro_na Lund parks. Ann-Marie has a back-

author of numerous attractions industry features. Shaun

ground in computational atomic physics at the University

is currently Chair for the IAAPA Asia Pacific Education

of Gothenburg, where she studied how the weak inter-

Sub Committee and member of the IAAPA Global Edu-

action makes even an atom slightly different from its

cation Committee. He also serves as faculty for the

mirror image. Her current work also involves supporting

IAAPA Institute for Attraction Managers. Shaun is

physics teaching in schools, through curriculum mater-

founder and president of Attractions Academy (www.

ial and teacher professional development. Her articles, providing global attractions

on amusement park physics can be found under:

training development, delivery and consultancy.



13:00 Uhr

Yves Merienne

Seite 7

Frederic Pastuszak

Wolfgang Payer

Jochen Peschel (Germany)

tions from an early age (growing up 30 minutes from

The patent attorney in a Munich law firm is occupied in

Blackpool Pleasure Beach probably helped), he shows

the areas of Intellectual Property and other topics, as well

no signs of growing out of it any time soon and is pleased

as questions concerning commercial legal protection in

to have made many friends and contacts in the business

the amusement branch. As a student, Jochen was able

on a professional basis. He's also partial to a pint of beer

to take a look behind the scenes of the Pützchens Markt,

and a slice of cake.

Prof. Ann-Marie Pendrill

Jochen Peschel

with his interest in fairgrounds and theme parks being awakened during his electrical engineering studies in

Darya Ratmanskaya (Russia)

Aachen. Since then he is responsible for the contents of

Darya studied law at the Peoples’ Friendship University

the online magazine A

of Russia, and has gained many years of vast and

career as engineer at a ride manufacturer never came

successful experience working for the Russian Associa-

into question, and instead he concentrated on being a

tion of Amusement Parks and Attractions, participating

part-time journalist specialized in the area of the techni-

in and the promoting of key professional events of the

cal aspects of roller coasters and other amusement

amusement industry on the national and international


arena. Together with her family, she’s a very keen traveller and visitor to theme parks worldwide.

Marek Pisarski (Poland) Marek is a consultant in the edutainment sector and owns

Dr. Igor Rodionov (Russia)

PAIT Consuting, Marek Pisarski Imagineering (www.

Igor is 33 years old and a graduate of the Moscow State Over many years, he has authored

University of Culture and Arts and earned a PhD in

tens of Polish projects in both the leisure and the dis-

Pedagogic sciences. He is Vice President of the

covery science sectors. He was also responsible for the

Russian Association of Amusement Parks and Attrac-

changes in the Polish tourism industry; in many articles,

tions (, General Director of the RAAPA

he focuses on the Polish leisure industry. He also pro-

Training & Education Centre that provides training for

vides consultancy for different government institutions

entertainment centres and amusement park operators,

and arranges designs for different themes and exhibi-

is Chief Editor of the “Attractions and Entertainments”

tions, parks and attractions. Imagineering and the quest

magazine (Russia), and also senior lecturer at the

for novel ideas and fresh themed attractions are his

Moscow State Institute of Arts. Igor has published a great

passionate pursuits along with informal, interactive edu-

number of articles and publications for Russian and for-

cation. Being a true trailblazer, he is behind some of the

eign industry specialized magazines, and he acts as a

modern solutions in the Polish edutainment sector

speaker at many conferences and forums.

Marek Pisarski

currently, and in tourism formerly.

Richard Rodriguez (USA) Sven Popelier (Belgium)

Richard Rodriguez attended Columbia University and

Sven is living in Ghent, Belgium, and beside working as

earned a B.A. in American History, and an M.F.A. in Crea-

a Product Manager at Beobank, he’s definitely a theme

tive Writing. He is an avid enthusiast of classic wooden

park enthusiast. In Dutch, he writes for the website

coasters. In August 1977, Richard set his first Guinness and Brakesection Magazine. In English,

World Record for roller coaster ‘endurance riding’ and

he’s writer and manager of the European division of

rode the Coney Island “Cyclone” non-stop for a record

California Coaster Kings.

of 104 hours. He was to go on to set 17 more endurance

Sven Popelier

riding marks. His current world record was obtained at

Owen Ralph (Great Britain)

Blackpool Pleasure Beach, where he rode the “Big

Owen has been writing about theme parks, funfairs and

Dipper” and “Big One” for 405 consecutive riding hours

attractions for over 20 years, for industry publications/

(set in 2007). In pursuit of records, Richard has raised

media including Kirmes & Park Revue, Blooloop, Park

funds for charity organizations. Having served in the U.S.

World, and World's Fair. Interested in rides and attrac-

Army, Richard devotes time to working on behalf of mili-




Owen Ralph

Adam Sandy

13:00 Uhr

Seite 8

Darya Ratmanskaya

Dr. Igor Rodionov

Richard Rodriguez

tary veterans organizations. He also participates in

over 80 years of age. In 1963 he began his work together

theme park activities with roller coaster clubs. Richard

with Anton Schwarzkopf on the first German steel

works as an educator and writing instructor and is

coaster. Together with him, and later with other manu-

currently writing an autobiography of his life experiences

facturers also, he repeatedly revolutionized the amuse-

on the roller coaster marathon circuit.

ment branch, with for example, the world’s first modern coaster with a vertical loop, and later with the heartline

Adam Sandy (USA)

principle of design and others. Since 1974, he has been

Adam is Ride Entertainment’s Chief Business Develop-

an active member of the German standard committee for

ment officer and has been a part of the team since 2004.

DIN 4112, now the EN 13814. In 2004, he stepped back

He oversees all of the company’s ride sales, contracts

from daily office work, allowing his son-in-law Andreas

for the installation division, and works on special pro-

Wild and colleague Harald Wanner to take over office

jects. During his tenure, Adam has been involved with

leadership. Over the past decades, his firm Stengel

hundreds of millions in sales. Working with groups like

GmbH has developed the design of 700 coasters plus

Six Flags, Herschend Family Entertainment, and family-

another 600 other ride attractions worldwide.

owned parks such as Canobie Lake Park. He has sold

Dennis L. Speigel

and run projects throughout the world. Adam was res-

Francis Stokkel (USA)

ponsible for multi-million dollar installations like Dolly-

The native-born Dutch Engineer began his career in the

wood’s famed “FireChaser Express” and the roll-out of

industry with the establishment of the Warner Bros. Mo-

Six Flags’ 11 “SkyScreamer” towers across North

vie Park in Germany (now Movie Park Germany) and has


now almost 30 years of experience in the leisure industry. Francis was involved in numerous theme park

Dennis L. Speigel (USA)

projects such as Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, Six Flags

He is the President of International Theme Park Services,

Holland and Tropical Islands in Germany. Currently he is

Inc. (ITPS), a leading, independent full-service manage-

working as Project Executive on the world’s tallest

ment/consulting firm in USA (

coaster, the “Polercoaster” in Orlando. He has broad

Dennis is an internationally recognized leader and ex-

knowledge and know-how in project management and

pert in the theme park and leisure industry with over 50

development, technical and operational facility manage-

years of experience. He began in 1960 as a seasonal

ment, budgeting and control. As an analytical driver he

employee at Coney Island Ohio, and worked his way up

has a passion for working with collaborative cross-

to manage Kings Island, Kings Dominion, and then

functional teams. He also has deep knowledge in all

became Vice President of International Operations for

kinds of rides and ride constructions.

the Taft Broadcasting’s Leisure Division. He is also a Dr. h.c. Werner Stengel

Former President of IAAPA and currently serves on the

Dr. Sacha Szabo (Germany)

Board of Directors. In 2010 he received the Life-Time

Dr. Sacha Szabo is a sociologist and works as a trend

Achievement Award for his services to the theme park

researcher at the “Institut für theoriekultur” (www.institut-

industry. Quoted daily, he regularly appears in the Wall in Freiburg, examining popular culture.

Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, Financial

He has been a guest lecturer at the Uni Freiburg and the

Times, China Daily, and other news publications around

HfMT Hamburg. He wrote his PhD thesis about cultural

the world. His company has worked on over 500 projects

dimensions of thrill and amusement rides, and has

in more than 50 countries. Dennis is regarded as one of

written a number of books and articles about amusement

the pioneers of the leisure industry.

culture such as “Rausch und Rummel”, which examines rides from a scientific view, and edits “Kultur des Ver-


Dr. h.c. Werner Stengel (Germany)

gnügens.” In 2015 he published “Sozioanalyse des

There’s hardly another person who has impacted the

Alltags” making some conclusions about fairs like

amusement industry and especially the roller coaster

Oktoberfest, for example. Currently he works on the

technology as strongly as Dr. Werner Stengel, who is now

socio-phenomenological effects of funfairs.



13:00 Uhr

Francis Stokkel

Seite 9

Dr. Sacha Szabo

Alex Villarroya

Alex Villarroya (Spain)

Piotr Wiecha (Poland)

Alex is CEO at With this web-

Piotr is theme park enthusiast and professional, and is

site he wants to inspire people to plan their perfect

also the third generation working in the showman in-

amusement park visit, review parks and buy their e-

dustry, being engaged in the industry since he was born.

tickets with the best theme park deals with one big

He grew up with the Silesian Amusement Park (now

benefit: to skip the gate lines. It is an all-in-one web/

Legendia), the only park during the communist times in

mobile platform with the latest technology, and full of tips

Poland, spending whole days there working with his

from the entire community. More than 2 million visitors

parents. Piotr has personally visited the majority of Euro-

and 50,000 theme park reviews each year, endorses this

pean parks, including smaller ones, and is a fan of

website as one of the leaders. Alex loves traveling to

wooden and classic coasters. He is also founder and

theme parks and immersive attractions around the world.

publisher of Parkmag, an internet magazine dedicated

Prof. Dr. Torsten Widmann

Piotr Wiecha

to the leisure industry in Poland ( As

Prof. Dr. Torsten Widmann (Germany)

independent consultant he’s working on many ongoing

Torsten studied tourism geography, business admin-

projects in Poland.

istration, and economics at the University of Trier. Since 2007 he has been Professor for Tourism and Leisure

Melanie Yankers-Lauterbach (Germany)

Management, initially at the Cologne Business School,

Melanie received a diploma in journalism and has

and since 2009 as Director of the Bachelor course of

worked ever since for over 15 years for the popular week-

studies “Management of Leisure and Recreation Facil-

ly knowledge magazine "Abenteuer Leben", shown by

ities” at the Cooperative State University of Baden-Würt-

the German TV station Kabel 1 (

temberg. The study path has since developed into a

abenteuer-leben). As editor she produces her own docu-

proven cooperative education model, joined together

mentaries, and she is additionally also Deputy Duty

with numerous training partners for junior managers for

Editor, plans and organises shows, and supervises her

the parks and amusement industry. A practical training

colleague's films. In her reports for “Abenteuer Leben”,

in partner operation evolved within the frames of the dual

she has often covered various aspects of theme parks

study, the theoretical training at Campus Ravensburg.

and ride attractions. She has accompanied showmen

New partner operations are very welcome:

from fairground to fairground, has documented the build-

up of attractions at theme parks, and reported about


water parks. Thus she has become a top insider of the


leisure industry virtually in passing, as part of her job.

Melanie Yankers-Lauterbach



the independence of the

Frank Lanfer

Agi Reddersen

Karl Ruisinger

Ralf Schmitt

votes. Targeted advertising sales began only after the count of votes. However, we want to thank all advertising clients as well as our sponsors for their support, helping us to keep this non-profit award alive. Thank you!




13:01 Uhr

Seite 2





hat’s just impressive and

extended from the both family-friendly and spectacu-

speaks for itself: Seven years

lar attractions through to the five on-site hotels, creat-

in a row, Europa-Park has been

ing an integrated multiple day resort. No other park has

voted continuously as best major

the good fortune that the operating family is also a

theme park on this continent. Un-

major international manufacturer of rides. So, Europa-

doubtedly the park's consistent

Park is not only a popular recreation destination, but at

theming is responsible, which is

the same time a showcase for Mack Rides.


ortAventura World, loc-


among them the world’s only 5-Star Hotel in a theme park,

ated south of Barcelona

PortAventura Park is more than convincing with first class

could also retain its top pos-

top attractions, a consistent holiday atmosphere, and

ition and counts justifiably

lavish vegetation under the Spanish skies. With Europe’s

to the best top theme parks

unique Sesame Street theme area, the park impresses

in Europe. In addition to

children, and with party atmosphere until deep in the

Ferrari World, a huge water

night young adults, too. The vicinity to the Mediterranean

park, and five theme hotels,

makes it a perfect holiday destination.

thrills the European Star Award



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he park that opened in 1923 has

large coasters and countless round rides in its portfolio.

not lost its appeal to this day, in

Many of the attractions make use of the topography

fact just the opposite. Despite its

which results in a very special experience being on offer,

inner city location, the park beside

which hardly is offered a second time anywhere. Pop and

and on its namesake Liseberg

rock concerts, a rich gastronomy offer, and a party

could be constantly renewed and

atmosphere every evening with festive illumination,

extended. Since 2018 there a 7

make this park a fashionable address to experience. ■


he only park that is represented in two categories in the


Dutch theme park continues to entertain families with its

Top 5 is Efteling: In Europe’s “Best Major Parks” and “Best

storybook of classic fairytales set inside a comprehensive

Family Parks”. In actual fact the park is both: A classic fairytale

theme park environment. Efteling is an institution in the Nether-

park and a modern theme park simultaneously! The historic

lands and a milestone in the European leisure industry.



he park that was opened in 1967 by a

under the circumstances has made a virtue of necess-

puppeteer and showman developed very

ity: In the extremely compact area the attractions oper-

quickly to one of the most popular parks in

ate in part on a number of levels, and large coasters and

Germany. For years now Phantasialand has

huge Freefall Towers have been erected here as spec-

been bursting at the seams, and resident com-

tacular indoor attractions in a breathtaking setting (as

plaints have done the usual. Despite this, the

noise protection). Two theme hotels and a convincing

park has time and again been reinvented and

theming result in an integrated experience.

thrills the European Star Award



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or the first time the Dutch theme park stands at the

latest now, has become a fully-fledged outdoor park

very top in the Star Awards! Toverland that opened

with this year’s huge extension, and many first-class

in 2001 as an indoor park has a magical history behind

attractions in the indoor and outdoor areas search for

it. The park was continuously extended and at the very

a match.


he theme park that came into being in 1929 from an excursion


destination and dance club is considered even these days as the oldest

existing leisure park in Germany. Although it was only in 1960 that the first ride construction was erected and in 1998 the first large coaster, the partly rustic Swabian local colour could be retained as the overall theme. These days Erlebnispark Tripsdrill offers an attractive mix of original family attractions and modern thrill rides. Its offer is rounded off with a wildlife park and a small overnight resort.

thrills the European Star Award



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he family owned theme park in Denmark not only offers a large

“Orkanen” (Vekoma). Special value was placed on the extension

selection of attractions for the whole family, but also thrill rides

to a multiday resort in the past years: And so Denmark’s largest

such as for example the wooden coaster “Falken” (S&S), the

outdoor water park was opened in 2010, as well as the park’s own

Launch Coaster “Lynet” (Gerstlauer) and the Family Inverter

hotel in 2016 that is located in the middle of the park area.


he second Danish Sommerland is a direct


them three large Intamin coasters. More and more

competitor at a distance of 50 kilometres. The

attention has been made to the theming, especially in the

owner family has deliberately invested in large thrill

kiddie areas. And so it’s no wonder that Djurs Sommer-

attractions that can compete Europe wide – among

land has been voted in the Top 5 for the first time.


igloland was founded in 1987 by the two showman brothers Philippe und


Patrick Gélis, and has developed into an impressive theme park that

leaves nothing to be desired. In only a few years the park has erected among others six coasters, a 60 metres high Ferris wheel as well as a 100 metres high Freefall Tower to mention only a few top attractions.

thrills the European Star Award



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ndisputedly Disneyland is among the best theme parks in the world, and


so too its European incarnation outside the French capital. The flagship

park of Disneyland Resort Paris stands as a reference point for theme parks worldwide. There is no other park in Europe that can make dreams come true as it does, with children (and adults) enjoying personal meetings with their favourite characters. Known and loved over many generations, the likes of Mickey and Minnie Mouse are united with Pixar brands such as Toy Story and Cars, and shortly soon Star Wars too – making this an “out of this world” destination for European families.


or over 60 years Efteling has


resort functions both as a huge storybook land for children and

stood for high quality fun and

a convincing theme park for young persons and adults. Its high

classic fairytales, with a reputation

quality shows and theming enrich the experience for all, while

that extends far beyond its base in

a golf course, hotel, and two holiday villages deep in the

The Netherlands. The 200 hectare

surrounding forest, provide a multi-day destination.

thrills the European Star Award



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urope's most popular comic hero

other countless ride adventures that can be experienced

also had his own theme park, when

together with the fearless Gauls, the overall theming is

in 1989 Parc Astérix opened its gates

particularly remarkable, as in full awareness European

near Paris. Coasters from B&M, Vekoma,

themes have been used, and with that makes the park a

Mack und CCI as well as attractions from

sharp contrast to the nearby Disney competitor. A 3-star

Aerophile, Zamperla and Intamin can be

family hotel and a very new 4-star hotel that looks like a

found there. In addition to these and

tree-top hotel, rounds off the offering at the park.


ocated on the Baltic Sea coast makes Hansa-Park unique in Germany. And as if


that’s not enough, the overall theming is unique worldwide: The world and history

of the Hanseatic League can literally be “experienced”. And at the very latest after the opening of the 73 metres high Hyper Coaster “Kärnan” from Gerstlauer (2015) with a unique reverse freefall worldwide and a real “Heartline” figure (Looping in Looping), the family operated Hansa-Park is one of the big ones in the branch. ■


he Belgian Meli-Park was oper-


ated between 1936 and 1999 by

honey producer Florizooneand had even then had a bee-theme. With the takeover by the Belgian company Studio 100, more specifically the Plopsa Group, the popular Maya the Bee received a “real” place to stay. Other well-known comic characters will also move in soon, for example Vicky the Viking, as well as the very popular Heidi from the Alps. In addition to over 30 ride constructions, the first class theming matching popular European kiddie series, can be described as extremely remarkable. ■

thrills the European Star Award



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ot only because of the immen-

that the often seen steel slide towers elsewhere, do not

se variety of slides but also the

need to be erected. With an area of 18.5 hectares, it is,

unusual complete theming, Siam

together with Therme Erding, the largest water park in

Park on Tenerife is an outdoor water

Europe, and contains among others Europe’s longest

park that is unrivalled. Additionally,

Lazy River, a wave pool with the world’s highest artificial

all slides are integrated very

breakers, many novelties from company supplier Pro

cleverly into the craggy terrain, so

Slide, and an exemplary water management.


his water park is part of Port


16 slides, generous waves and relaxing pools, but

Aventura World, and spreading

particularly by its theming: Whilst a section is in

over a total of 6.5 hectares. In ad-

Caribbean style with lush vegetation, the new area has

dition to an indoor area, the Costa

many scenery pieces from Sesame Street as well as

Caribe is convincing not only by its

the 31 metres highest water slide in Europe.

thrills the European Star Award



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he waterpark has been named after the


Group. The park themed with artificial rocks is equipped in

resort in Antalya, which also contains a

part with spectacular slides from Polin Waterparks, that leave

theme park. Further components are a type of

nothing to be desired. But children don’t miss out either; the

City Walk shopping mall with evening activities,

Lazy River invites relaxation, the gigantic wave pool offers a

and a first class 5-Star-Hotel from the Rixos

lot of calming pastime, and a new VR-slide is also there.



he slide Galaxy is part

world only for adults, there are a row of extraordinary

of the largest thermal

slides located in the “Galaxy” area, that exist nowhere

baths complex in Europe,

else. The roofs of the indoor slide world can be opened

and is located not far from

widely, however the outside area for summer operation

the Munich airport. In ad-

is also attractive equipped with a large slide complex

dition to the huge sauna

from wiegand.maelzer, a Lazy River and a large pool. ■


roatia’s first mod-


ern water park has

been erected on a mountain slope in a bay. The seven hectares sized park has really something: In addition to a number of pools and slide attractions from Polin Waterparks, there are also individual


here such as an unusually steep multilane slide as well as a flight slide.

thrills the European Star Award



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he investments made by the new


coaster in Europe: “Hyperion” is with a height of 80

Polish theme park just don’t end!

metres and a length of 1,447.5 metres and an Out-and-

This year, not only was there the opening

Back layout and a succession of airtime hills compar-

of a 50 metres high water coaster from

able to “Shambhala”, but also offers a very attractive

Intamin, but also the second highest

finale and a maximum banking of almost 180°.


ogether with the new theme area “Avalon”, two new attractions have come into


being: The water journey “Merlin’s Quest” from Mack Rides, and “Fenix” from B&M.

This new main attraction of the park is with 813 metres length and 40 metres height the largest Wing Coaster in Europe. With a speed of 95 km/h, the Firebird whooshes over the new theme area with 24 courageous passengers.

thrills the European Star Award


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lone the construction is

Rides has been installed in the middle of the track en-

a master achievement:

tanglement of other coasters at Blackpool Pleasure

The new, 1,143 metres

Beach. And the up to 85 km/h speedy ride takes place


in the centre of the historic park areas, which makes it



Coaster “Icon” from Mack

a very special experience, looking for an equal.


t’s less the naked numbers that make up this 618


evening hours particularly, when the fire,thanks to the

metres long and 22 metres high Wooden coaster

clever effect from Holovis is “ignited”, that guests have

from Great Coasters. It’s much more the first and

the queasy feeling and the adrenalin-loaded impress-

actually impossible connection of wood and fire

ion to be speeding through the burning structure of

that make “The Wicker Man” unique. It’s in the

“The Burning Man”.



ith the opening of the theme park area in the Turkish holiday resort

part from Legoland, Karls Erlebnis-Dorf near Berlin is the first Brand-



also went into operation. This attraction, with a height of almost 43 metres

has been opened, which is based on the potaoe, and also contains a

Land of Legends, a 1,270 metres long coaster from Mack Rides

contains the highest looping in the world.

land in Germany. With “K2” a 530 metres long coaster from abc rides

themed ride.

thrills the European Star Award



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hambhala” from B&M which opened in

metres high course comprises a consistent stringing

2012 has to be satisfied with the title of

together of the parable formed hill, which offers long

only the “third highest coaster in Europe”

running and breathtaking airtime. This airtime exhila-

since this year – but what are record titles

ration is interrupted only by an overbanked turnaround

anyway when a record layout can be

in the form of a standing figure eight. The breathtaking

shown? The 1,554 metres long and 78

view of the nearby ocean plays its part too.


he track attraction on the green hill in


into Liseberg’s mountain slope, probably the most

the centre of Göteborg is with its

varied coaster in Europe. “Helix” is, with a track differ-

seven completely different inversions,

ence of 51 metres and a length of 1,300 meters an

two launch sections and a buoyant track

experience without breathing space on the green hill

course that has been perfectly integrated

of Göteborg.

thrills the European Star Award



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steel track means a steel coaster – it


doesn’t matter if the tracks are on the

grounds or on a steel or wooden structure. That’s why “Wildfire” is listed in this category. This RMC Hybrid Coaster is the first one in Europe. The cheeky track course and the fresh elements that are found nowhere else make this coaster truly breathtaking. Additionally, there’s the fantastic setting in Kolmårdon, a zoo located in the proximity of fiords but still in the forest. Added to that, the coaster has been built onto a craggy slope – a better relationship to nature can’t exist, even if not all passengers are likely to be able to enjoy the view on the 1,265 metres long and up to 56 metres high construction. ■



verything is perfect here: The perfect hardware and the perfect theming.

of necessity, so that quarrelsome neighbours, sensitive to noise remained un-

The park had to dig a deep 30 metres chasm to install the coaster and

disturbed. A double launch and a sheer and incalculable track course of the

equip it with noise barriers that also features a successful theming as a matter

compact layout provide for maximum variety on the 1,320 metres long track.■



he high speed coaster opened a year ago is the master work of Dutch

40 metres high experience begins with a steep and twisted drop, and con-

manufacturer Vekoma. “Lech Coaster” offers from the beginning to the

tains among others three inversions, among them a Corkscrew travelling

end a butter-smooth, top class ride experience. The 908 metres long and

through the station building.

thrills the European Star Award



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espite its length of 1,070 me-

ticularly these “near misses” that make the huge appeal

tres, the Wooden Coaster at

of the attraction. Additionally, the tracks have been pre-

Liseberg is an extremely compact

fabricated exactly according the CNC calculations – an

construction. The tracks wind

absolutely special feature on wooden coasters. Addition-

countless numbers of times over

ally, the 37 metres high and up to 70° steep “Balder” does

and under each other. And it’s par-

not do without airtime moments of happiness.



he 1,070 metres long woodie

door theme park for all visitor groups. Great Coasters

marked one of the first turn-

were not only able to realise an intensive ride ex-

ing point of Toverland from

perience with a whole lot of airtime moments, but also

indoor family park to a real out-

created an attractive visual pleasure for all visitors. ■

thrills the European Star Award



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he almost 40 metres high and

out and a number of unusual ride gimmicks allow the

1,050 metres long construction

track bed to vibrate from beginning to end. This un-

is a master work in wooden roller

usual Wooden Coaster gives the opportunity to ex-

coaster construction. A varied lay-

perience the elementary forces of physics.



ith this coaster the earlier

largest and fastest woodies in Europe! However, it

tranquil zoo and brand land

becomes something really special through its unusual

has become a real amusement

track course: The 1,092 metres contain Out-and-Back as

park. And this coaster is one of the

well as Twister sequences at the same time.



he GCI Wooden Coaster has made it to the Top 5

something (among others with a Double-Up and

this year. No wonder, as not just is the 618 metres

Double-Down), but also has a great Alp theming,

long and 22 metres high course filled with airtime really

where Heidi also would feel at home.

thrills the European Star Award



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egendia’s latest attraction is the interactive Darkride “Bazyliszek” from Alter-


face (theming from JoraVision and ride system from ETF). The special

characteristic here is that during the 4.5 min ride through 7 scenes, no 3Dglasses are necessary! This makes the use of the ride uncomplicated, also for children. Nevertheless, a very attractive three-dimensional impression is made through the use of decoration, film projection, and 3D-Mapping.


urope’s most probably best themed Swing Ride is located at the Austrian Erlebnispark


Fantasiana since this season. For the 35 metres high attraction from SBF-Visa an own theme

area was created, and the façade design as well as the small pre-show are convincing right up to the last detail. Additionally, there’s the attractive flight experience, as well as for this type of ride, the safest passenger safety device that is available currently.

thrills the European Star Award



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he “Shake R5” supplied by Mondial was skilfully set in the scene by

attraction enchants with great prism effects in the roof, and in the evening

the Tivoli designers and has been presented as a clockwork

the disco atmosphere is unsurpassable. “Tik Tak” is a very successful anni-

mechanism and as a beautifully refined top attraction. During the day, the

versary attraction for the 175-year-old Tivoli.


he new round ride from Technical Park has 8 two-seat chaises that can

up to 90°. A very attractive maritime theming has been created at Hansa-

be individually controlled, in order for the sideward swingout to reach

Park for the ride.




n innovative concept has been realised at Bayern-Park: An interactive

his new type of round ride at Eifelpark Glondorf is a type of drifting-



tronics has created a fun and exciting adventure with four attractive scenes

actual fact even change the radius in order to be able to climb up the very

dark ride on confined space (12 metres diameter). Nevertheless, Lago-

with child orientated “carrot” canons, surprisingly clear-cut to operate.

adventure. However, the two-seat vehicles not only tilt out but can in

steep wall.

thrills the European Star Award



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iseberg’s “Giro Swing” from Intamin has been named after a Nordic


Godhead and catapults its riding guests a number of times into the

sky, as, after all a maximum ride height of 40 metres are reached. Together with the rotating gondola and the swing-out sideward at 120°, a breathtaking speed of up to 100 km/h is reached.


he 18 metres high “Suspended Top Spin” from


Huss Park Attractions enjoys huge popularity at

many theme parks around the world. However, the 2007 erected version at Phantasialand gives a thrilling ride experience in all senses due also to its intense theming: Water and fire effects and a setting that half encloses the ride are quite simply impressive.

thrills the European Star Award



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ven a little higher than the “Loke”, the attraction from Huss Park Attractions


is the world’s highest “Giant Frisbee”. The first construction of this type was

opened in 2004 at Bobbejaanland, which was voted to 3rd Place this year. With a flight height of 42 metres, it has an impressive appearance. With an outward swing of 120° and an up to 110 km/h speed, it is a spectacular experience. ■


ith its even proud 66


metres the “Golden

Driller” may not be the highest Freefall Tower in Europe, but is nevertheless the most diverse! Each of its four drop lanes offers a different experience: Suspended seats, tilted suspended seats, tilted stand-up seats, tilted stand-up seats floorless. There’s not a second one like it in all of Europe! Additionally, the design as a drilling rig is an impressive



overall ■


he “Condor” is one of the success models of Huss, and the “Condor


2G” is a further development on the basis of the tried and proven

characteristics and new suspension: Each two gondola crosses with classic gondolas and with suspended seats with a spectacular view to the front. The first work at Tivoli Gardens is also very elaborately designed. ■

thrills the European Star Award



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large section of the 505

coaster with a permanent current collector with sus-

metres course of the attrac-

pended gondolas that can even rotate horizontally.

tion runs under the 16 metres

Simultaneously the construction is also a type of Dark-

high dome of “Arthur – Im

ride with consistent theming, an ingenious on-board-

Königreich der Minimoys”, the

sound system and a perfectly coordinated motion se-

world’s first Inverted Powered

quence. Children already from a height of 100 cm may

Coaster, in other words a

partake in the four-minute experience coaster ride. ■


urope’s longest boat-water battle was opened in

ive and artificial temple landscape of Cambodia. The

2014 and is called “Ankor: Adventure in the Lost

very wet adventure lasts a whole ten minutes in the

Kingdom” from Mack Rides. The 323 metres long

Spanish PortAventura Resort and is operated without

water canal winds and meanders through the impress-

any age limit – a real family ride!


thrills the European Star Award



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high track offers not just attractive theming, but also a

family coast-

very varied track course. Beginning with a moderate

er from Gerst-

friction drive launch and banked steep curve, the chain

lauer with its 918

lift is followed by a number of curved parallel turns, an

metres long and

indoor stop-off and a lively reverse section back to the

up to 21 metres

station. Riders never know what to expect next!


TWEESTRYD his is a “Duelling Fam-


ily Boomerang Coast-

er” from Vekoma Rides, which is unique in the world, and is here the main attraction at the new Wildlands Adventure Zoo. Both courses are 218 metres long and 20 metres high, but apart from the double lifts, the courses do not run parallel but cross each other mutually. Huge fun for all age groups!


ith its 72 met-


res length the

kiddie coaster from Zierer (Type “Force Zero”) is undoubtedly among the smallest in the world. However, due to the great ride characteristics it is the perfect starter model for all future coaster fans. The theming is also very convincing and has been thought out to the last detail.

thrills the European Star Award



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EAS 2018 Amsterdam, Sept. 25 - 27 Booth No. 1-1612

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he giant “Symbolica” castle sits enthroned at the end of the entrance axis.


The exterior is overwhelming, however the visitors then find themselves in-

side an enchanted castle again. At the end of the waiting area a trackless "Multi Mover" from ETF Rides is ready to transport passengers on three different routes through the estate. In the process, visitors can discover secret passages and magic rooms and enjoy everything without shooting or throwing equipment. ■


ogether with the rat


gers through impressive settings that almost melt in

Rémy, the main fig-

with the visual animation on the screen. Thanks to the

ure in “Ratatouille”, a 4D

cars in rat design, the trackless ride system, and a

darkride with elaborate

child orientated size approval, the attraction is fun for

theme carries passen-

the whole family.

thrills the European Star Award



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n 2017, the largest and most

pa-Park. In the two separate theatres from Brogent, 1,400

heavily themed Flying Theatre

passengers per hour can experience a flight over Europe

outside Northern America was

– naturally with Europa-Park as the start and destination.

erected as “Voletarium” at Euro-

The movie was produced by MackMedia itself.



horpe park is a draw

effect attractions. The virtual reality variation “Derren

for the youthful public

Brown’s Ghost Train” came about in a cooperation

in particular, and is well

between Intamin and Simworx, Severn Lamb, and

known for its psycho-

other firms, and is an outstanding example.


he world novelty from 2016 (at Legoland Billund) and an identical ride


at Legoland parks in Germany and Britain are still extremely popular.

Together with the new "Ninjago World" area, it’s heavily themed. Since that time, both small and adult Ninja-aspirants can help to fight the villains per gesture control.

thrills the European Star Award



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he water attraction “Chiapas” from Intamin was a


channels here – due to the confined

top class prototype. Almost all component parts

space conditions – run directly beside or

were used for the first time, for example the switch-

under each other. Phantasialand has pro-

point system so that boats could be moved from one

duced an impressive theming, perfectly

water canal to the other at lightning speed,as the

integrated into the Mexican theme area. ■



he indoor water ride at Blackpool Pleasure Beach is 160 m

Intamin into something very special: The elaborate design, the

long and has a height difference of 18 metres. Neverthe-

grandiose effects, the temperature fluctuations from -20° to

less, it is the incomparable overall concept (Design from

+ 40° Celsius and – typical England – the unbelievable humidity

Sarner; effects from Techniflex), that has made “Valhalla” from

levelsare the outstanding features.

thrills the European Star Award



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he Rapid Ride from Intamin in existence since 1996

former “Unendlichen Geschichte” has become “Ex-

has had a strong update from the Leisure Expert

calibur” with new decorations in the inside and outside

Group and shines in new splendour since this season

areas. Added to that,there are water and special

– and with a completely new princely theme! The

effects, paired with new sound.


his is a type of water


coaster with an amaz-

ing theming inside and outside. Even the coaster sequence from the tall drop outside to the splash moment, is unusually intensive. A large part of the 3.5 minute (and 420 metres long) ride takes place as a Darkride, which – typically Efteling – is abundantly



well thought out, telling the story of the Flying Dutchman. ■






high attraction is

a classic white-water ride from Interlink. It offers three in part very wet drops (one backwards)


the approx. 700 metres long course. The theming is also very successful: The 6seat



through a mountain massif, a Viking village, and past industry ruins.

thrills the European Star Award



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ot only due to its colours is

one another, and then follows in a type of figure-8

“Le King Cobra” at French

sequence partly roofed over, the eight metres deep

Aqualand Fréjus convincing, as

and surprisingly intense airtime drop into the Side-

it’s a Racing, Airtime, and Side-

winder/Boomerang element. In the meantime, the

winder Slide all in one. Initially

2012 opened slide has been built quite a number of

two slide courses run parallel to

times worldwide.







“Big Bang” is the unusual slide course, as here the


direction changes before travelling through an S-

comprises the two elements

curve to the second element. In the process speeds of

“Bing Bang” and “Side-

up to 45 km/h and acceleration from and up to +3g are

winder”. The highlight of


thrills the European Star Award



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iam Park presented a world novelty with a slide that opened in 2015.


In addition to the three uphill sections of the "Rocket Blaster" on

which the three-seat tubes are transported per LIM, the 240 metres long course also contains the so-called "Flying Saucer" curves that due to their open construction, provide an unexpected feeling of freedom. ■


his signature slide was one of the original attractions, when

a shark pool was also the first slide that included interaction with

Siam Park opened in 2008. The freefall slide that leads through

animals – years before SeaWorld took this step with Aquatica.



t is one of the most intensive


and exciting water slide ex-

periences that currently exists on the market. The slide course is determined predominantly by the attraction’s wave-shaped open




powerful water nozzles direct the four-seat rafts unerringly along in the direction of the flow off, but not before a number of oscillations to the side. “Surf Safari” by Polin made its worldwide debut at the beginning of 2015 at the Turkish Rixos Premium Tekirova Resort.

thrills the European Star Award



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supported by

www. glueh weint assen .de



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he black and yellow “Batman” slide is part of a new

combination slide with an “AquaSphere” and a “Ratt-

addition at the water park next to Parque Warner

ler” element from WhiteWater West. The total length of

theme park near Madrid. In actual fact it’s a 4-person

the slide path is 158.2 metres.



his slide from ProSlide is also

a completely new experience. In this case a “Funnel”

one that for years has used

and a “Bowl” element have been combined and

popular combination slides from

connected with both open and closed course sections

various elements in order to attain

in part.

thrills the European Star Award



13:28 Uhr

Seite 29



his stand-up slide from Swiss manufacturer System Klarer is a

ginners, as well as a large 110 metres long outdoor slide for the

real world novelty – not once but twice because AquaMagis in

well advanced. In both cases, water park guests slide down stand-

Plettenberg has erected both a small 35 metres version for be-

ing and can stabilise themselves on high handrails.


t first glance there


is nothing unusual

about this slide from Polin. It’s not particularly long and not particularly high. It only consists of a simple Bodyslide pipe. Nevertheless,


being used it proves to be the world’s first sound-slide, as periodically



been loudspeakers affixed, and the slide itself serves as a body of sound!


wo popular slide types have been united to make the “Houla Hoop”. Combining the


"Constrictor" with the "Rattler" elements, this 140 metres long attraction offers speedy

curves with varied diameter sized pipes and a funnel-akin element – much to the surprise of the guests. Simultaneously, it was the first installation of a fusion-type slide in Europe.

thrills the European Star Award

62_63_Coca_Cola_xx_Sponsoren 17.09.18 12:17 Seite 2


Slush Puppie have been experts

in frozen drinks for almost 45 years. Since 1974 they have

created a household name brand

which is recognised by 95% of

consumers. Famous for creating

high quality frozen drinks the

company has expanded rapidly across the European Zone.

Coca-Cola refreshments at

Florence Odeon


ecently the company has partnered with the

expands into sweet swirling sensations to create

world’s largest beverage company to bring

flawless product perfectly service in a dome vessel.

together Slush Puppie’s frozen drink expertise with

The New Fanta Frozen range are low sugar and


the world’s largest soft drink brand to create Coca-

below the Soft Drinks Industry Levy threshold in

Cola Frozen & Fanta Frozen. This creates a unique

the UK.

sales opportunity for everyone in the Leisure business.

Good Times for all the Family

What are Frozen Carbonated Drinks?

Coca-Cola Frozen & Fanta Frozen are strongly

Frozen Carbonated Beverages are a sparkling sen-

family. Typically consumed by teenagers and

sation, delivered in a liquid formation that magically

young adults who love the experience of drinking a

associated with good times on a day out with the

62_63_Coca_Cola_xx_Sponsoren 17.09.18 12:17 Seite 3

frozen drink and mixing their own flavours together.

of flavour combinations! The machines also come

The consumption of frozen drinks is as much about

with the iScreen feature with bespoke digital media

fun as it is refreshment and a proven vehicle to drive

showcasing the range and drawing attention to the

sales of frozen drinks which are truly incremental.

frozen drinks. Slush Puppie provide support for POS items and where feasible even bespoke retail units

A Unique Frozen Opportunity

to maximise the potential for frozen sales. Put simply

Coca-Cola Frozen & Fanta Frozen are served in our

Frozen and Fanta Frozen product, breadth of the

state-of-the-art freezers that ensure a high-quality

range, brand strength and dedication of customer

frozen drink every time. There is a large range of


no-one else can match the quality of the Coca-Cola

flavours to choose from and given most consumers prefer to mix their own drink an endless possibility

So please get in touch at to find

out more!


The new Coca-Cola Store

at Grรถna Lund in Sweden


64_65_Coastergirl_xx_Sponsoren 17.09.18 12:18 Seite 2


The RollercoasterGirl is an avid

theme park fan who’s always

looking for the next adrenaline

kick and is experienced in deal-

ing with social networks. Start-

ulia was the first RollercoasterGirl in 2017. This


she takes its social media fans on a yearlong excit-

year’s RollercoasterGirl Jessica is a lively, enthu-

ing journey through the most exclusive events, the

siastic and spontaneous girl from The Netherlands,

wildest rollercoaster rides and spectacular shows.

with a need for speed! Ever since she was a little

She uses Instagram to report on all trips and events

ing at the season opening in

girl, she has had a passion for theme parks. For her

live. She also publishes her impressions and ex-

it is like a magical place where everything is

periences in Vlogs, as well as regularly producing

possible. That passion never faded away! Every

other video formats for the You Tube channel.

exciting journey through the

or small, it feels like there is

spring, she’ll take her social media fan community on an wildest roller coaster rides, ex-

clusive events; and the most

time she visits a theme park, big something special in the air. People are always smiling and

spectacular shows. Behind the

everything feels like a fairytale or

goal is to find an authentic theme

team of a Dutch news channel,

annual search for the RollercoasterGirl is Mack Rides. The

park enthusiast to represent new

attractions, great rides, theme

parks, and events.

a movie! Jessica is part of the social media which she has been doing since 2014. She also has her own YouTube channel where she visits a lot of theme parks and reviews them. As the RollercoasterGirl

ack Media searched for the RollercoasterGirl for 2017


initially. The idea came from Michael Mack, who didn’t

want a super model, but the “Girl Next Door” who enjoyed

life and who was linked to the media as well as being a theme

park and rollercoaster fan. The friendly promoter was to represent the park scene – and in fact parks and manufac-

turers generally. Since then, there’s a new girl to vote each

year. Applications can be made by young women between

the ages of 18 and 29 (with parental permission already from

16 years of age) on



64_65_Coastergirl_xx_Sponsoren 17.09.18 12:18 Seite 3

Jessica has already had a very exclusive tour in the

“Merlin’s Quest” at Toverland or the V.I.P. opening

Mack Rides factory, she had the chance to meet the

of “Eurosat CanCan Coaster”. She made her very

famous YouTube stars, and she is also invited to

own music video with rapper Fargo, and Jessica is

special park events as the opening of “Fenix” and

visiting the EAS in Amsterdam this year.


66_67_Popcorn_xx_Sponsoren 17.09.18 12:17 Seite 2


Following the successful sale of Gourmet-Popcorn already in a

Munich cinema, manufacturer

Popcorn Affairs began to offer

its new concept “Popcorn Pick &

Mix” also to theme parks exactly

a year ago. We spoke with

founder and owner Till von Geldern about whether the concept

could be established.

An indoor and an out-

door shop at Heide-Park

Mr von Geldern, what has your experience

been to date?

A year ago we began to market a known pro-

duct in a “new and trendy look”. Gourmet-Popcorn

in various flavours is a trend that has found its way

to Europe over Asia from the USA. This trend fits perfectly to theme parks. Popcorn Affairs offers a

colourful trend-product with an experience concept

for parks. Modern and creative theme park opera-

tors were convinced very quickly about the particu-

lar attractiveness of our “Pick & Mix” concepts. In

the meantime, important experience worlds such as Bayern-Park,


concept begins, as the customer may also, contrary

to the customary, explore this curiosity by tasting.

This special and very positive experience results in

a significantly greater willingness to buy.

The customer is therefore animated by a number of interlocking perceptual levels to buy the product.

Consequently, the customer may choose according

to taste from the colourful chutes, and fill them in the already purchased sales packaging. In other

words, an integrated and satisfying buying experi-

ence. And in summer Gourmet-Popcorn can also be

used as a topping for ice-cream: “Pop on Top” is the

summer experience for the park visitor. Ice-cream

Heide-Park Soltau, Safari-und

with self-selected popcorn topping.

among our customers. Foreign

kern or Sea Life are counted


our company such as The Eye

The colourful variety is the central element of our ex-

in Poland.

different flavours, and with that we have visually pro-

Serengeti Park, Schloss Dan-

countries have also decided on

in Hungary, and Energylandia

What exactly do you

mean by the experience concept?

The experience concept is

a multilevel active buying ex-

perience that appeals visually

to the customers already at first

contact. Popcorn is an impulse

product. The striking product

presentation in the high con-

Does your popcorn also have various

perience concept. Currently we are offering over 25

mised and lit a “coloured and flavourful fireworks”

in popcorn heaven. Our products range from the red

raspberry popcorn over yellow pineapple right up

to our red-blue popcorn with an energy drink taste,

chocolate and black Espresso. The list can of

course be extended as needed.

What are the most popular flavours? “Everybody’s Darling” is as classic flavour

direction our caramel popcorn, followed closely by

the fresh and colourful mixture “Cine Stars”. These

trast, colourful “Pick & Mix” sta-

are the most popular types in a mix: Pineapple,



tion draws the complete atten-


awakens curiosity. And it’s exactly here that that





raspberry, green apples, blueberries, coconut and

66_67_Popcorn_xx_Sponsoren 17.09.18 12:17 Seite 3

Coloured popcorn sounds very artificial, in

other words unnatural. What ingredients are used?

We attach the utmost importance to sustain-

ability and raw materials. We produce all popcorn

and after paying can fill them with the chosen pop-

corn themselves. This means that the cashier only

undertakes one function with the customer – selling

the product package. There is no weighing of goods

a manufacturing company. We actually plant our

market until now?

Bavaria, in order to be sure of what type of natural resources we are working with.

What does the business model “Pick & Mix”

look like to park operators?

The park operator receives the completed “Pick

& Mix” station installed by us professionally for free,

filled with pre-produced popcorn. That means the

How has your system been accepted by the

It has been well received until now. We are

proud that already in the first year we have been able to place over 10 stations.

That sounds highly promising.

purchases the crisp and lasting popcorn from us

number 5-914. We are striving to be-

and can set his own prices. Most park operators sell Is there no popcorn produced on-site any-


Exactly. That’s another advantage for the park

operator. The popcorn produced by us remains

are also present at the EAS, stand come the European market leader in

the area of high quality popcorn with experience marketing. We will con-

vince other parks of their high-end





through our popcorn “Pick & Mix”

system for demanding customers with an even more colourful, tasteful

crisp and fresh for up to six months. And because

and more attractive design.

“Pick & Mix” station can be operated without any

tion. So we are looking forward to

there isn’t any sort of production expenditure, the

problems by existing staff. The “Pick & Mix” station

is normally integrated into an already existing sales

area. Park guests try the popcorn, choose one of the

four different sized sales packages delivered by us,

Budapest Eye available

After our positive and interesting

experiences during the first year, we

with an over 100% margin.

Gourmet-Popcorn at

How do you plan to continue?

initial start-up of a popcorn station is completely

risk-free for the operator. The operator actually only

Dankern Resort (above)

and there is no need for further contact with the


own corn right before the front door so to speak in

SeaLife (right) and at the Schloss

cashier. Here we speak of an “Easy-to-Handle”

sorts without gene technology and use no kind of

azo dyes. All our products are handmade, so we are

Popcorn Affairs at Munich

Thank you for all the informa-

be able to discover your innovative

concept in more parks throughout

Europe very soon.



68_70_CAF_xx_Sponsoren 17.09.18 12:19 Seite 2


We are very proud of our spon-

sor this year for the amazing

show programme. The portfolio

orresponding to the name of the company is also

closely together to get the design and realization the

the claim and philosophy: “Welcome to the Fun

customer expects. Services and communication


from the Creative Amusement

Factory”. For Creative Amusement Factory GmbH

ways are optimized, to also react quickly if changes

or short CAF, this is not just a claim but an attitude

are necessary, or when problems occur. Partners

towards life. As a full-service provider, CAF is avail-

means that CAF is the exclusive service and dis-

CAF introduces its activities

able 24/7 to their customers, and this is not just an

tribution agent of a specialist company, so CAF is

advertisement message, it is a promise. Core of the

coordinating every one of their premium partner’s

company is the idea to be one of the only full-service

activities. It all began with the biggest premium part-

providers for amusement parks and adventure

ner, the family owned SBF VISA Group. It offers a

Factory contains however a lot

more. On the following pages itself.

Halloween events are the

fastest growing business field / Tobi van Deisner is Europe’s

best balloon entertainer (right)


destinations all over Europe, and CAF is able to offer

portfolio of over 600 different children, family and

all under one roof. Out of this idea the premium part-

thrill rides, such as roller coasters, flume rides, tower

ner concept was born to expand the possibilities.

rides such as freefall towers, observation towers,

This means that for every relevant branch of busi-

XXL chain swingers, ferris wheels, pendulum rides

ness, CAF offers a solution, and the important point

and interactive rides, just to give a few examples out

is the cross sectional connection between the in-

of this giant portfolio. All the rides of course fulfil the

volved partners. So the development branches of

EN13814 norm, and can be TÜV approved or ap-

every involved partner together with CAF work

proved by other third parties.

68_70_CAF_xx_Sponsoren 17.09.18 12:19 Seite 3

Over the last three years more than 35 SBF VISA

prevention regulations. Furthermore, Robinia is the

rides have been supplied to Germany and Austria.

longest lasting type of wood for playgrounds. Mehr-

The latest installation is the award winning 35m

tens is one of the few companies manufacturing ad-

swing tower at Fantasiana park in Austria. All types

venture playgrounds that is able to combine high

of large family waterslides, spray parks and water

playing value together with unique design and

playgrounds are completed together with the Mazur

fantasy, so in the end the results will be like a unique

firm from Poland, which is also family owned. All of

jewel among playgrounds. A good example of

the Mazur projects are individually planned, so

CAF’s cross sectional work is for example the com-

there will never be one project like the other, and

bination of a SBF VISA “3 Loop Compact Spinning

Mazur loves the challenge of individual projects. All

Coaster” together with a playground. Furthermore,

slides and playgrounds are manufactured accord-

CAF is able to deliver an interactive playground,

ing to nom EN-1069 and EN-1176. Individually

which is an in-house concept from CAF, and will

planned adventure playgrounds are made of 100%

guarantee that repeat visitors will continue to have

Robinia wood that CAF is offering from the company

fun. With Wasspa, CAF is offering coin operated

Mehrtens Abenteuerspielplätze. 100% Robinia

caterpillars, cranes and truck-mounted cranes. The

guarantees that it can also be used in indoor appli-

unique point here is that it is the only company in the

cations, as the material adheres and is fitting to fire

world able to equip attractions with Euro joystick

Full show and event

equipment from CAF /

“Elemental Fire” is one of CAF’s exclusive artists

Also part of the CAF port-

folio: High rail rope course from CETEC (left) as well as rides

from SBF-Visa like the Swing

Tower for Fantasiana Park


68_70_CAF_xx_Sponsoren 17.09.18 12:19 Seite 4

control, just like real machines from construction sites. The second main product of Wasspa is water

place at Europa Park, one of entertainment parks’

playgrounds made with stainless steel channels

top ones in the world. During this show, children

(not including water slides). Those searching for a

voluntarily take the smartphone, and follow and take

rope course with a single lock system, are not likely

part in this fascinating show. The last section of the

to find many suppliers in the branch, but Cetec is

company is one of the fastest growing fields in the

one of the rare ones. Cetec’s High Rail Rope

industry – Halloween events and mazes. CAF de-

courses use a unique system, where users are just

signs, builds and executes its own Halloween

clicked in a safety guiding rail at the entrance of the

mazes and haunted houses. All the effects are pro-

rope course, and are completely secure during the

duced in-house by the creative team, and no maze

total rope course until arriving back at the entrance

is anything like the other. One of the unique selling

point. This allows for operation with just one opera-

factors is that Halloween mazes are also on offer for

tor/instruction personnel. The second product for

children, which are a little bit spooky, but not very

which Cetec is famous is XXL trampolines, which

shocking, so children still exit with a smile in their

are present in nearly all indoor halls and trampoline

faces. Coordinating this huge portfolio is CAF’s am-

parks, and are getting more and more popular in

bition, and although CAF has such a large portfolio,

recent times. Bell Audio System is the leading inter-

the company tries to always have one of the Manag-

national manufacturer for sound and speaker

ing Directors personally in charge of a current pro-

systems and all types of indoor and outdoor audio

ject, so decisions are always fast. This is possible

systems. Bell has developed a world innovation, the

due to the fact that the executives of CAF have long

so called OS12 speaker, which is a must for all com-

years of experience in the fields of amusement

mercial indoor sound applications. Where other

parks and adventure destinations, and also be-

systems need a huge number of clusters connected

cause everyone is specialized in a certain field.

together, the OS12 is an all-in-one system. And so

Firstly, Christoph Wunderlich has focused on the

this OS12 speaker perfectly fulfils what CAF stands

rides of SBF VISA Group, Mazur on water attrac-

for. CAF does not just execute the conception and

tions, Cetec on rope courses and trampolines, and

planning steps, but also the installation and com-

Wasspa on coin operated caterpillar cranes and

missioning of every system. The company Event-

truck mounted cranes, as well as water channel

attraktionen is a specialist for event equipment,

playgrounds. Secondly, Ulrich Gebhardt has fo-

event hardware, catering and inflatable playing ele-

cused on the creative part of all extraordinarily crea-

ments and playing modules. In this field, Event-

tive works, including master plans, designs or

attraktionen belongs among the five biggest pro-

visualizations, consulting services, adventure play-

viders. In addition to this portfolio, CAF is complet-

grounds from the already mentioned company

ing the circle with its own products. This means CAF

Mehrtens, as well as the complete section of shows,

runs its own marketing and design department, and

events and artist agency. Finally, Patrick Kerner is

employs its own web designers who are specialists

the technical expert and takes care of all technical

for CEO optimization. Another big field of business

matters, for example at shows and events. He also

is CAF’s own artist, show and event production

leads the team which invents innovative atomization

agency. CAF owns the necessary hardware equip-

and effect controls. His section also contains one of

ment for shows and events, which offers a great deal

the fastest growing branches, Halloween mazes

of flexibility, and brings the advantage that the cus-

and events. Although all three Managing Directors

tomer has no need to rent a second service provider

are specialized in their own field, they also have

for hardware. Entertainment must also excite children, therefore CAF has developed an in-house inter-


active children’s show, which for example takes

knowledge in other areas, or could quickly request

special assistance from specialized colleagues. n



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