Kirmes & Park Revue EAS Extra Issue 2017

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16:56 Uhr

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European Star Award 2017

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16:57 Uhr

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10:54 Uhr

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We invite all Top 10 parks to celebrate this year's success together with friends and manufacturers. All Top 5 parks will be receiving looping sculptures, which are exclusively handmade from Bohemian crystal.

ISSN 1436-6525 appears 12 x per year ■ Gemi Verlags GmbH Pfaffenhofener Straße 3 85293 Reichertshausen Tel.: +49 (0) 84 41/40 22-0 Fax: +49 (0) 84 41/718 46 ■ Managing Directors Gerd Reddersen Rudolf Neumeier ■ Editoral Manager EAS-Special


very hearty "Herzlich Wilkommen" to this year's Euro Attractions Show in the reunited capital of Germany.


We wish you a pleasant stay and lots of fun in the all-new and simultaneously historic cityscape of Berlin,

with its well known party locations and museums of east and west.

Frank Lanfer ■ International Representative Translation, Advertisements Agi Reddersen Phone: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 10 57 Facsimile: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 61 05 ■ Representative USA Shari Viox ■ Representative Great Britain Michele Emmett ■ Editorial Assistant

History is accessible always and everywhere in Berlin. And the event location of this year's Star Awards is also seeped in history. The "Columbia Theater" was not only the first US-cinema in Germany, but is located directly opposite the defunct Tempelhof airport, from where the Allies supplied millions of Berlin people with food and fuel during the Russian blockade (1948/49) from the air, so that West Berlin didn't finally fall under eastern power.

Heike Genz ■ Proof Reader Owen Ralph ■ Production

These days the runway in the centre of Berlin is a popular skater meeting place.

Westner Medien GmbH ■ Printing

We began the first presentation of the European Star Award in conjunction with the EAS 2012 in Berlin. This

Kössinger AG Schierling ■ Advertisements

year we are celebrating the sixth edition in a row, and during this period the award has become Europe's most important award for the leisure industry. In fact, this non-profit award is dedicated explicitly to the European

GEMI Verlags GmbH ■ Sales and Marketing

theme park industry, bringing attention to entrepreneurial courage and innovations.

Gerd Reddersen ■ Subscriptions

Winners are voted by an international team of experts in 13 categories. In each category members of the trade

DataM-Services GmbH Postfach 91 61 97091 Würzburg phone: +49 (0) 931/4170-178 (Mo-Tu 8-17, Fr 8-15) Facsimile +49 (0) 931/4170-179 ■ Cover Photo

jury were able to vote for their three personal favourites. Choices could be made from theme parks and water parks throughout Europe, including Russia and Turkey, with the minimum criteria of at least one ride attraction in operation. Remaining however is the independence of these awards – a very special event for us as an independent trade magazine, when at the same time one or the other voting result was a surprise to us as well. However that is exactly what keeps the European Star Award young and exciting, which we wish to promote with a slightly

Europa-Park ■ Photo Credits

changed jury each year.

We like to say thank you to all parks and our authors ■ Free Special Edition Online

We would like to say thank you to this year's sponsors – Popcorn Affairs, MoniQuE, and Complet-Services. But

Free online version on:

in particular we wish to thank our long term main sponsor The Coca-Cola Company for their support in making it all possible.

Please visit our website:

We are pleased to congratulate all Top 10 parks, and we wish all visitors to the Euro Attractions Show a wonderful

Follow us on facebook:

time in Berlin, and that they obtain many inspirations for future attractions, which perhaps will be awarded a All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be duplicated or published without written permission from the publisher. This prohibition also pertains to the commercial duplication by copying, input into an electronic database, and duplication onto a CD-ROM.

European Star very soon! We wish you all a happy and peaceful winter break and a successful new 2018 season.

Certified active member of the

With good wishes Frank Lanfer



16:59 Uhr

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9:23 Uhr

Seite 4


Gerardo Arteaga

Gerardo Arteaga (Chile)

of leisure and attraction assignments including feasi-

Gerardo is General Manager at his family's amuse-

bility studies, reviews of operational performance, eco-

ment park, Fantasilandia, located in the heart of his-

nomic impact analyses, and due diligence for a num-

toric Santiago, Chile ( In 1978,

ber of large-scale attractions and attraction groups. In

the park was founded by his father, and up until today,

2014, Natalia became a partner at Leisure Develop-

it is still the only large amusement park of its kind in the

ment Partners (LDP). LDP excels at market and eco-

country. Meanwhile, on the seven-hectare grounds,

nomic testing for both new projects and existing oper-

there are currently 40 rides and attractions in opera-

ations, providing services to the development, invest-

tion, with new and exciting additions and innovations

ment and operations communities

scheduled every year. The Arteaga Family and Fanta-


silandia are also prominent supporters of the Chilean Nergis Aslan

“Make-A-Wish” foundation and the "Hogar de Cristo"

Jeff Bertus (Netherlands)

charity. Furthermore, the family business also includes

During the past 40 years, Jeff Bertus has gained high

a chain of FEC's called Happyland, located in Chile,

repute, particularly for his work and creative activities

Peru, Colombia, and Mexico. Gerardo is an active

in the field of leisure and amusement parks, not only in

member of IAAPA serving as Immediate Past Chair-

the Netherlands, but also internationally. Jeff was

man and participating in a number of committees and

mainly active as Executive Director at “Club van Elf”

the Board of Directors. In his function as IAAPA Chair-

(Dutch Association of Leading Visitor Attractions), Vice

man last year, he visited and familiarised himself with

President at IAAPA Europe, and initiator of the Euro-

many European theme parks. Gerardo is 43 years of

pean Office for IAAPA. He was Executive Director at

age, and has four children together with his wife

Europarks (the European Federation of National

Catalina. In his free time he enjoys skiing, playing

Amusement Parks & Attractions Associations), Mem-

tennis, sailing, and flying remote control aeroplanes.

ber of the Board of the Dutch Employers’ Association VNO-NCW, and Member of the Dutch Platform of

Natalia Bakhlina

Nergis Aslan (Turkey)

Tourism & Recreation, VNO-NCW/MKB Nederland.

Nergis Aslan is the founding partner of Tureks Ulusla-

Furthermore he was Government Consultant within the

rarası Fuarcılık, the organizer company of ATRAX Ex-

framework of various projects regarding “traffic and

hibition, which is the only specialized trade fair of the

leisure” and “Reduction of Overload of Rules & Regu-

amusement industry of Turkey and the region. With her

lations in the Leisure Industry”, and Consultant/

profound knowledge about and experience in the

Treasurer of ETAG (European Travel & Tourism Action

global amusement and recreations industry, Ms. Aslan

Group). Nowadays, he runs his own business: Jeff

played an important role in gathering the players of the

Bertus Leisure operates in the leisure industry. This

sector under one roof for the first time in Turkey. Along

term can be taken in the broadest sense of the word.

with ATRAX Exhibition, she continues to contribute to

Jeff Bertus

the efforts aimed at further development of the sector

Victor Cavaller (Spain)

with the Shining Star Awards-Amusement Awards and

Victor is the Managing Director of the Garmisch Con-

the Atraksiyon Magazin as well. She also carries out a

sulting Group (, the

detailed sectorial analysis and statistical study in the

TAA Design firm based in the German Alps. Among

amusement and recreations industry of Turkey, which

others, he has led since the start of the GCG Concept

has never been done before. With a view to monitoring

and Design Development for New Rides at FWAD in

the development of the industry closely, she continues

Abu Dhabi, Themed Hotels and Aquariums for Merlin

to travel globally. Nergis Aslan has an undergraduate

Entertainments, and Shopping Mall FECs for Parques

degree in Sociology from the Hacettepe University.

Reunidos. Prior to leading GCG, he was part of Opartners and Thinkwell Europa, serving as Show Pro-


Natalia Bakhlina (Great Britain)

ducer for the 2007 “Furius Baco” coaster at PortAven-

She has 13 years of consulting experience in real

tura, as Producer for the 2006 “Batman Begins &

estate economics with emphasis on entertainment

Police Academy Stunt Shows” at Parque Warner

destinations and complex mix-use developments, in-

Madrid, as well as Project Manager for “Ice Age

cluding both urban and resort schemes. Natalia be-

Adventure!” at Movie Park Germany, and Ski Dubai’s

gan her career as an analyst at Knight Frank in

Snow Park at the Mall of the Emirates in Dubai. Victor

Moscow, where she led the office real estate market

was also a part of the team responsible for the award-

analytics. She moved to the UK in 2006, where she

winning “FiestAventura Nighttime Spectacular” and

joined Economics Research Associates (ERA), and

the “Templo del Fuego” attraction at Universal Port

has since worked across Europe, Middle East, and

Aventura. He has a degree in Audio/Visual Communi-

Asia. Over the years she has completed a wide range

cation from the University Autonoma de Barcelona. His



9:23 Uhr

Victor Cavaller

Seite 5

Rik Engelen

Francesco Fabris

credits in Spain as Executive Producer also include the

tion and on-site testing of rides worldwide for this com-

feature films “Cravan vs. Cravan”, “La leyenda del

pany. Although he knows the business behind the

tiempo” and “La maleta mexicana”.

magic, he still likes to visit parks, and loves to get some

Dr. Felix Fritz

Marshall Hill

airtime on a good roller coaster.

Rik Engelen (Belgium) Rik lives in the Flanders region of Belgium. He has a

Marshall Hill (Great Britain)

law degree and works at the Belgian insurance com-

Marshall Hill is the immediate past-chairman of

pany Ethias. The 42-year-old has always had a child-

BALPPA (British Association of Amusement Parks,

hood fascination for everything theme park-related,

Piers and Attractions). Prominent at the association's

particularly coasters and water rides. He grew up with

meetings and other many industry events/trade

his hometown park Bobbejaanland. Once he began

shows, he is known for his down-to-earth and ap-

working and had his own car, he started to visit other

proachable personality. Marshall is the third genera-

European parks. His passion, along with his other inter-

tion of his family to operate the Funland amusement

est in photography, makes a good combination for also

park in Hayling Island on the south coast of England.

writing for Kirmes & Park Revue and other magazines.

He also buys and sells rides from time to time on be-

For example, somewhere around 2001 he started co-

half of other parks and also travelling showmen. He is

operating with, and for a few years now

married to Helen Pawley whose family owns and oper-

has been handling the site’s photo management. His

ates Drayton Manor theme park. Marshall's votes were

wife is also just as passionate about roller coasters as

not allowed to include his own park or that of his wife.

Dr. H. Jürgen Kagelmann

he, so they always travel together to fill in the blank spots on their theme park map.

Dr. H. Jürgen Kagelmann (Germany) As a qualified psychologist and tourism researcher,

Francesco Fabris (Italy)

Jürgen is a lecturer on tourism, leisure psychology, and

For nearly 20 years engaged in the amusement in-

sociology at the Duale University Baden Württemberg

dustry, both independently and through Amusement

at Ravensburg. He was appointed Professor of

Project (Italian consulting firm), Francesco has always

Tourism and Recreation in Chur/Graubünden in 2009

combined his deep passion for the amusement parks

and has been generally operative in the scienceof

with the interest in studying and improving all the

tourism since 1987. He is co-founder of the "Deutschen

issues that belong to this complex, but at the same time

Gesellschaft für Tourismus" (German Association of

engaging business. The goals he always puts in first

Tourism Sciences), the publisher of the standard work

place are to achieve a memorable experience while

"Tourismuspsychologie und -soziologie", and the

maintaining a high level of guest satisfaction in a well

author and publisher of over 30 books and studies.

organized and optimized environment.

Addtionally he is occupied as a travel journalist (focal

Alex Lemmens

points: theme parks, experience worlds, health and

Dr. Felix Fritz (Germany)

wellness tourism, applied vacation psychology), and

Felix has been fascinated by theme parks, and some

publisher of trade literature in the areas of tourism and

time later by roller coasters, ever since his father took

recreation (

him to Europa-Park as a child. As a result, after attaining his degree in mechanical engineering, he worked

Alex Lemmens (Netherlands)

on “roller coaster dynamics” during his time as a doc-

After his mechanical and electrical studies at the tech-

toral candidate. During this time he established con-

nical university, Alex worked for a few years in the

tact to TÜV SÜD in Munich (

timber industry until he joined Efteling in 1975 as

These days he does reviews of technical documenta-

Director of technical services. From 1987 to 1992 he




Mario O. Mamon

François Mayné

Shaun McKeogh

9:23 Uhr

Seite 6

was Park Manager and from 1992 to 2005 responsible

Shaun McKeogh (Australia)

for project development and realization. Large pro-

Shaun is recent past Chair of the IAAPA Human

jects such as “Python”, “Pirana”, “Haunted Castle”,

Resources Committee and currently serves on the

“Villa Volta”, “Fata Morgana” and “Dream Flight” were

IAAPA Asia Pacific Education Committee. He is co-

created under his responsibility. In 2000 he was organ-

author of the attractions industry recognition book

izer of the first Carousel Festival at Efteling and Chair-

"Reasons 2 Reward", and is Vice President of the

man of the international conference "TilE" (Trends in

Management Resources and ProFun Management

Leisure and Entertainment) in Maastricht in 2004.

Group. Prior to working with the attraction industry's

After a working period of more than 30 years in Efte-

most trusted operational planners and consultants,

ling, he decided to make use of the possibility of "ear-

Shaun was on the opening leadership team for

ly retirement" in 2005. He started his own consulting

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, and managed the culture and

company (Alex Lemmens Consultancy) for the leisure

people development of Australia’s premier theme

industry in 2005 and is a permanent adviser to the

parks, including Warner Bros. Movie World, Sea World,

leading design company BRC Imagination Arts. He is

and Wet ‘N’ Wild Water World. Shaun has held man-

also advisor for the Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam, theme

agement roles in theme park operations, training,

park Toverland, and "TVE" advertising productions in

human resources and admissions. His career has in-

St. Oedenrode. In 2014 a documentary about his work-

cluded experience across the breadth of the amuse-

ing life was made, produced by "De Vijf Zintuigen",

ment & attractions industry including family entertain-

which is the largest fan club of Efteling and can be

ment centers, theme parks, hotels, zoos, water parks,

seen on and youtube

cultural centers, museums and destination resorts.

Mario O. Mamon (Philippines)

Frederic Pastuszak (France)

He is the Chairman and President of Enchanted King-

Frederic's passion for the theme park industry started

dom, the Philippines’ first and only world-class theme

at a young age. In 1989, he visited Europa-Park for the

park. For more than twenty years, Enchanted Kingdom

first time, and in his exploration he realised and found

( has been in the forefront

his lifetime vocation – the profession of designing and

of the amusement and attractions industry in the

planning theme parks, creating amazing rides and

Philippines, and is expected to continue to do so in the

attractions, and leaving timeless memories through

coming years as it prepares to transform from a stand-

storytelling. After graduating as an architect in 2004,

alone themed amusement park into an integrated

he spent the early years of his career working over-

attractions destination resort. The park is divided into

seas. In Dubai, he worked for Atelier Artistique du

seven meticulously themed zones that transport the

Béton (AAB) art directing the largest themed shopping

park visitor into a certain place and time in history,

mall in the country, and eventually joined the Paris

accentuated by various rides, attractions and enter-

team where he worked as a Master Planner and Them-

tainment offerings in each of the different zones. Mario

ing Consultant for various park projects across Europe,

became the Third Vice-Chairman of IAAPA in 2011,

China, and the Middle East. In 2007, he joined the

rising to become the association’s first Asian Chairman

creative team of PGAV Destinations and participated

in 2014. In the course of his official duties with IAAPA,

in many outstanding projects at the SeaWorld and

he had been able to travel extensively around the world

Busch Gardens parks. He returned to Europe in 2009

including Europe, visiting and familiarizing himself with

to become Creative Director and Project Architect for

many European theme parks and attractions.

Europa-Park (he was blocked from voting for EuropaPark). In late 2014 he moved and spent a year in China,

Frederic Pastuszak

François Mayné (France)

to be consultant and advisor to the Chimelong Group

Born in Brussels, Belgium, François has had a passion

in their ambitious expansion plan of their theme parks.

for the theme park industry for years. At the beginning

Currently he is based in the United Arab Emirates and

of the 2000's, he was involved in the management of

works as an Art Director for a high-profiled project in

several websites that formed the core of an emerging

the Middle East.

french-speaking fan community. After obtaining a de-


gree in marketing, François decided to create his own

Wolfgang Payer (Austria)

business company, and became the editor of News

Born in 1957 in Vienna, the electrical engineer is em-, an online news magazine dedicated to the

ployed in the field of commerce and engineering by

professionals of the theme park industry. After a suc-

the Vienna airport. Since 2009 he has been photo-

cessful 3-year run, he chose to focus on another web-

graphing coasters as well as other theme park attrac-

site, developed for a mainstream audience: www.

tions professionally, and publicizes them in various is an online guidebook about theme parks

trade magazines. His special direction in photography

around Europe. Together with running that business,

is his "Rollercoastercompositions," which he personal-

François also offers his services as a freelance reporter

ly calls "coasterart" and the series “Model&Coaster”

for trade publications covering the attractions industry.




9:23 Uhr

Wolfgang Payer

Seite 7

Marek Pisarski

Owen Ralph

Marek Pisarski (Poland)

culture and leisure” and was subsequently awarded a

Marek is a consultant in the sector of edutainment and

scientific degree of PhD in Pedagogy. Igor has pub-

is owner of PAIT Consulting, Marek Pisarski Imagineer-

lished a great number of articles and publications for

ing. He is the author of many projects in the leisure in-

Russian and foreign industry specialized magazines,

dustry, and in the sector of science and discovery

and he acts as a speaker at many conferences and

centres in Poland ( He also

forums. He regularly takes part in the international

writes articles about the Polish leisure industry, and he

trade shows of the amusement industry, has attended

also produces different attractions and decorations.

many Russian and foreign amusement parks and lei-

Marek also provides consultancy for different govern-

sure complexes, and lectures at the Moscow State Uni-

ment institutions, and organizes and arranges designs

versity of Culture and Arts on “Attractions and tech-

for different themed and interactive exhibitions, parks

nical support of the leisure industry”.

Dr. Igor Rodionov

Richard Rodriguez

and attractions. His interests and passions are Imagineering and searching for ideas for new themed

Richard Rodriguez (USA)

attraction realizations, as well as informal learning, the

Richard Rodriguez is a native of New York City where

interactive form of education.

he attended Columbia University and earned a B.A. in America History and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing. He

Owen Ralph (Great Britain)

was a frequent visitor to Coney Island and an avid

Owen has been writing about theme parks, funfairs

enthusiast of its classic wooden coasters. In August

and attractions for over 20 years, for industry publica-

1977, Richard set his first Guinness World Record for

tions/media including the Kirmes & Park Revue, Bloo-

roller coaster "endurance riding" and rode the Coney

loop, Park World, and the World's Fair. Interested in

Island “Cyclone” non-stop for a record of almost 104

rides and attractions from an early age (growing up 30

hours. He was to go on to set 17 more roller coaster

minutes from Blackpool Pleasure Beach probably

endurance riding marks. His current world record was

helped), he shows no signs of growing out of it any time

obtained at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, where he rode

soon, and is pleased to have made many friends and

“Big Dipper” and “Big One” for 405 consecutive riding

contacts in the business on a professional basis. He's

hours (set in 2007). In pursuit of the records, Richard

also partial to a pint of beer and a slice of cake.

has raised funds for charity organizations. Having

Stefan Rothaug

served in the U.S. Army, he devotes time to working on

Dr. Igor Rodionov (Russia)

behalf of the military veterans organizations in his

Igor is 32 years old and a graduate of the Moscow

home state. He also participates in theme park activi-

State University of Culture and Arts. Currently he is the

ties with roller coaster clubs. Richard has been an

Vice President of the Russian Association of Amuse-

attendee of the IAAPA trade show for over 37 years,

ment Parks and Attractions RAAPA, and Chief Editor

and is currently writing an autobiography of his life ex-

of the Russian industry specialized magazine Attrac-

periences on the roller coaster marathon circuit. He re-

tions and Entertainments. He is a founder of a training

sides in Murphy, North Carolina, where he works as an

centre for specialists of amusement parks and family

educator and writing instructor.

Dennis L. Speigel

entertainment centres, where so far over 1,000 specialists from different companies in the amusement in-

Stefan Rothaug (Taiwan)

dustry have been trained and certified. Since 2010,

Born in Germany, his first contact with theme parks

Igor has been acting as a Director of RAAPA Expo

came about in his early childhood. During his studies

( In 2011, Igor wrote and defended

of economic sciences he was employed in the marke-

his thesis on the topic “Development of cognitive

ting divisions of Fort Fun Abenteuerland, Panorama-

activity of children and teenagers in the parks of

park, and Phantasialand from time to time. After he fell




Marc Spies

9:23 Uhr

Seite 8

in love with the Asian continent through countless trips

modern coaster with a vertical loop. Since 1974, he

to Japan and Korea, he moved to Tokyo in 2006 and

has been an active member of the German standard

later to Taiwan, from where he observes the Asian park

committee for DIN 4112, now the EN 13814. In 2004,

scene to this day. With the development of the park

he stepped back from office work, allowing his son-in-

scene, Stefan's focus has changed from Japan to

law Andreas Wild and colleague Harald Wanner to take

parks in China and Southeast Asia more and more. The

over office leadership. In 2005, the Faculty of Science

37 year-old enjoys connecting his enthusiasm for Asia,

at the Göteborg University awarded an honorary doc-

theme parks, and travelling, with his journalistic activi-

torate to him. In 2009, Dr. Werner Stengel was award-

ties. Recently he has joined the Taiwanese ride sup-

ed the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Ger-

plier Brogent Technologies in a marketing role (the

many. And last but not least, in 2013 he was bestowed

reason he was blocked from voting for Brogent attrac-

with the first European Star Award’s Life-Time Award

tions). But there is still nothing more enjoyable for him

for outstanding achievements in the amusement

than to return to Tokyo from time to time, and to take a

branch. Over the past decades, his firm Stengel GmbH

walk through his favourite park DisneySea.

has developed the design of 700 coasters plus another 600 other ride attractions worldwide.

Dr. h.c. Werner Stengel

Francis Stokkel

Dr. Sacha Szabo

Dennis L. Speigel (USA) He is the President of International Theme Park Ser-

Francis Stokkel (USA)

vices, Inc. (ITPS), a leading, independent full-service

The native-born Dutch engineer began his career in

management/consulting firm in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

the industry with Warner Bros. Theme Park in Germany,

( Dennis is an internation-

and now has almost 30 years of experience in the lei-

ally recognized leader and expert in the theme park

sure industry. Francis was involved in numerous

and leisure industry with over 50 years of experience.

theme park projects such as Ferrari World in Abu

He began in 1960 as a seasonal employee at Coney

Dhabi, Warner Bros. Europe, Six Flags Holland, and

Island Amusement Park (Ohio), and worked his way up

Tropical Islands in Germany. Currently he is working as

to manage Kings Island (Ohio), Kings Dominion (Vir-

Project Executive on the world’s tallest coaster, the

ginia), and then became Vice President of International

“Polercoaster” in Orlando. With his broad knowledge

Operations for the Taft Broadcasting Company’s Lei-

and know-how in project management and develop-

sure Division. He is also a Former President of IAAPA,

ment, technical and operational facility management,

and currently serves on the Board of Directors. In 2010

budgeting, control and management, he sees oppor-

he received the Life-Time Achievement Award for his

tunities and looks outside the box for unique and suc-

service to the theme park industry. Quoted daily, he

cessful solutions to keep the project within budget and

regularly appears in the Wall Street Journal, New York

on schedule. He is a team positive builder who be-

Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Financial

lieves that a rising tide lifts all ships; he knows that no

Times, China Daily, and other news publications

one achieves success alone. As an analytical driver he

around the world. His company has worked on over

has a passion for working with collaborative cross-

500 projects in more than 50 countries. Mr. Speigel is

functional teams. He also has deep knowledge in all

regarded as one of the pioneers of the leisure industry.

kind of rides and ride constructions.

Marc Spies (Germany)

Dr. Sacha Szabo (Germany)

Marc is a social education worker, and is now mainly

Dr. Sacha Szabo is a sociologist and works as a trend

occupied in stationary youth welfare. He also works in

researcher at the “Institut für theoriekultur” (www.

adult education consultancy, as well as freelancing for in Freiburg examining popular

media companies. He has been interested in fairs,

culture. He has been a guest lecturer at the Uni Frei-

parks, and water parks since his early childhood, and

burg and the HfMT Hamburg. He wrote his PhD thesis

with increasing age and mobility often travels inland

about cultural dimensions of thrill and amusement

and abroad, to test novelties and to experience the

rides, and has written a number of books and articles

classics. For years now he has been indispensible in

about amusement culture such as Rausch und Rum-

the area of water parks for the Kirmes & Park Revue,

mel, which examines rides from a scientific view and

but also reports about coasters and fairs.

edits the “Kultur des Vergnügens.” In 2015 he published Sozioanalyse des Alltags making some con-

Dr. h.c. Werner Stengel (Germany)

clusions about fairs like Oktoberfest, for example. Cur-

There’s hardly another person who has impacted the

rently he works on the socio-phenomenological

amusement industry as strongly as Dr. Werner Stengel,

effects of funfairs.

who is now over 80 years of age. In 1963, he began


his work together with Anton Schwarzkopf on the first

Alex Villarroya (Spain)

German steel coaster. Together with other manufac-

Alex is CEO at His state-

turers as well, he later repeatedly revolutionized the

ment: “We are dream makers, inspiring people to plan

amusement branch, with for example the world’s first

their perfect theme park visit, review parks, and buy



9:23 Uhr

Seite 9

their e-tickets with the best theme park deals with one big benefit: skip the gate lines.” It is an all-inone web/mobile platform with the latest technology, and is full of tips from the entire community. More than 2 million visitors and 50,000 theme park reviews each year, endorses this website as a leader. And of course, Alex loves travelling to theme parks and immersive attractions around the world. Alex Villarroya

Prof. Dr. Torsten Widmann

Piotr Wiecha

Prof. Dr. Torsten Widmann (Germany) The 46-year-old studied tourism geography, business

Melanie Yankers-Lauterbach (Germany)

administration and economics at the University of Trier.

Melanie received a diploma in journalism and has

Since 2007, he has been a Professor for Tourism and

worked ever since for the popular weekly knowledge

Leisure Management, initially at the Cologne Business

magazine "Abenteuer Leben" for over 14 years, shown

School, and since 2009 he is Director of the bachelor

by the German TV station Kabel 1 (

course of studies “Management of Leisure and

tv/ abenteuer-leben). As editor she produces her own

Recreation Facilities” at the Cooperative State Uni-

documentaries, and she is additionally also Deputy

versity of Baden-Württemberg, Ravensburg (www.

Duty Editor, plans and organises shows, and super- The study path has since de-

vises her colleague's films. In her reports for “Aben-

veloped into a proven cooperative education model,

teuer Leben”, she has often covered various aspects

joined together with numerous training partners for

of theme parks and ride attractions. For example, she

junior managers for the amusement industry. A prac-

has accompanied showmen from fairground to fair-

tical training in partner operation evolved within the

ground, has documented the build-up of attractions at

frames of the dual study, the theoretical training at

theme parks, or reported about the opening of water

Campus Ravensburg. New partner operations are very

parks. Thus she has become a top insider of the lei-


sure industry virtually in passing, as part of her job.

Piotr Wiecha (Poland)

Stefan Zwanzger (Singapore/Hong Kong)

Piotr is a theme park enthusiast and professional, and

Stefan grew up in Munich and founded the online mar-

is also from a third generation in the showman industry.

keting portal after he left school and earned

Currently he is also publisher of the internet magazine

a small fortune. He was also active in film and movie, which is dedicated to the leisure in-

production prior to emigrating from Germany in 2005.

dustry in Poland, and which is one of the main sources

Since 2007, he travels around the world, visiting, pic-

within the industry in Poland. The independent con-

turing and trying to understand theme parks and wa-

sultant is working on many on-going projects in theme

ter parks from every angle, whether operating, under

parks in Poland. Furthermore he is also sales re-

construction or abandoned. So far he has been to more

presentative in Poland for Heimotion GmbH and

than 150 countries and over 350 parks worldwide:


Melanie Yankers-Lauterbach

Stefan Zwanzger



the independence of the

Frank Lanfer

Agi Reddersen

Karl Ruisinger

Ralf Schmitt

votes. Targeted advertising sales began only after the count of votes. However, we want to thank all advertising clients as well as our sponsors for their support, helping us to keep this non-profit award alive. Thank you!




17:06 Uhr

Seite 2





ince the Star Award was first

spectacular attractions through to the five on-site

bestowed in 2012, Europa-

hotels, creating an integrated multiple day resort. The

Park has been voted continuous-

family run destination is testimony to honesty and

ly to first place. Undoubtedly the

integrity in management, and a great willingness to

park's consistent theming is re-

invest. It also has one other great advantage: no other

sponsible, which is extended

park has the good fortune that the operating family is

from the both family-friendly and

also a major international manufacturer of rides.


lso home to one of the

the five park-owned hotels and easy access to the sea,

best theme parks on

can also be described as a holiday destination. Europe's

A the




only Sesame Street themed area and lavish vegetation

Spanish resort PortAven-

make PortAventura an experience for both young and

tura World. Visitors to the

old. Together with the new Ferrari Land, water park, golf

Costa Dorada destination

course, and its own beach club, PortAventura World

find a convincingly themed

offers an extensive experience, which cannot be found

property, which thanks to

in another park in the world, let alone Europe.

thrills the European Star Award



17:15 Uhr

Seite 1



17:07 Uhr

Seite 4




Pirates of the Caribbean, many of the Disney favourites

among the best theme parks in

are here. In fact, it contains considerably more thrill

the world, and so too its European

attractions (among them two looping coasters) than

incarnation outside the French

any other Disney park in the world. The wider Disney-

capital. Disneyland Park Paris is

land Resort Paris is, with its two theme parks, huge

consistently the busiest theme park

hotels and varied evening entertainment options, an

in Europe. From Space Mountain to

attractive holiday destination for all age groups.





ince 1923 located within the city borders of

well as the thrill seeker. No wonder it's Sweden's top

Gothenburg, it is built on and below a hill. With its

amusement park. Liseberg, which is owned by the city,

six large coasters and countless other attractions (e.g.

is also considered locally to be the first choice for

this year’s new „Loke” swing ride) of all sizes, the park

evening entertainment due to its concerts, gastronomy

offers exactly the right mix both for the family public as

and festive atmosphere.



or over 60 years Efteling has

as a huge fairytale land for children and a convincing

stood for high quality fun and

theme park for young persons and adults. Its high

classic fairytales, with a reputation

quality shows and theming enrich the experience for

that extends far beyond its base

all, while a golf course, hotel and two holiday villages

location in The Netherlands. The

including the new Loonsche Land provide a multi-day

200 hectare resort functions both


thrills the European Star Award



17:15 Uhr

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17:08 Uhr

Seite 6





he family-run enterprise that stemm-

the first large coaster arrived. These days Erlebnispark

ed from an excursion destination

Tripsdrill offers its 730,000 annual guests an attractive

founded in 1929 is considered to be the

mix of original family attractions, modern thrill rides and

oldest surviving theme park in Germany.

characterful Swabian theming. Its offer is rounded off

It was in 1960 that the first ride construc-

with a wildlife park and a small overnight resort compris-

tion was erected, but not until 1998 that

ing of high class tree houses and shepherd huts.


enmark's most northern theme park was opened in 1975. Since


then it has been steadily extended, for example in 1989 with a

water park, which is now the nation's largest. Fårup's rides and attractions, including noted European constructions from S&S, Gerstlauer and Vekoma, bring a lot of attention to the park. Additionally Hotel Fårup, opened in 2016 and located in the centre of the facility, offers the popular North Jutland holiday region with some stylish accommodation.

thrills the European Star Award



17:08 Uhr

Seite 7 17



17:08 Uhr

Seite 8



aving developed in 1971 first as Minilandia and

due to the establishment of Italy's first Peppa Pig themed

later under Zamperla management into a showcase

area. Last season 800,000 guests visited the park as it

with countless attractions, the family park located near

introduced new licensed characters including Masha

Bergamo (outside Milan) underwent a boom from 2015

and the Bear. This season the Smurfs were added.



he park in the French Ardennes was founded in

(four from Mack Rides alone), guests can enjoy a 60

1987 by the showman brothers Philippe und Patrick

metres high Ferris wheel and Sky Fly from Gerstlauer,

Géli. Over the 30 years that have followed, it has

and a 100 metres Freefall Tower from Funtime, along-

developed into a notable theme park containing quite

side which sits a family tower from Zierer for the less

a few unusual attractions. As well as six roller coasters




ounded in 1971 by showman Wolfgang Schneider,

Europe's first Sky Rocket (Premier Rides). Since the Bel-

and taken over by the Plopsa Group in 2010, this

gian takeover, Holiday Park has been transformed into a

facility in Rhineland-Palatinate helped write European

true theme park, offering intergenerational characters

amusement park history. It was here that the very first

from the catalogue of Plopsa parent company Studio

Rapid Ride in Germany opened, the first Freefall Tower

100. Children and adults can now enjoy themed adven-

and the first Hyper Coaster (all from Intamin), as well as

tures with Heidi, Maya the Bee, Tabaluga and Wickie. ■

thrills the European Star Award



17:15 Uhr

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17:08 Uhr

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theme park continues

to entertain families with its storybook of classic fairytales set inside a comprehensive theme park environment. Efteling is an institution in the Netherlands and a milestone in the European leisure industry. The overnight accommodation possibilities that have been added in recent years, in perfect harmony with nature, also make the establishment unique in the sector.


nly a few votes away from first place, the flagship


meetings with their favourite characters. Known and

park of Disneyland Resort Paris stands as a

loved over many generations, the likes of Mickey and

reference point for theme parks worldwide. There is no

Minnie Mouse are united with Pixar brands such as Toy

other park in Europe that can make dreams come true

Story and Cars, and soon Star Wars too – making this an

as it does, with children (and adults) enjoying personal

“out of this world” destination for European families.

thrills the European Star Award



17:16 Uhr

Seite 1



17:08 Uhr

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t is Germany's only theme

gue (which once extended as far as Russia). In tandem

park located directly on the

with the idiosyncratic theming, breathtaking attractions

sea, but its very special them-

continue to be erected, such as the 73 metres high hy-

ing make Hansa-Park unique

per coaster Kärnan as well as attractive family-friendly

too. There is no other park in

constructions like Der kleine Zar. The well grown vege-

the world dedicated to the

tation and the breathtaking view of the Baltic Sea make

history of the Hanseatic Lea-

the facility one of the real pearls among theme parks. ■


close to Paris, the "Romans" and others have to be careful if they don't want to lose their stomach contents



such as Goudurix, Tonnerre de Zeus, Trace Du Hourra or the European Star Award winning B&M inverted coaster OzIris. Remarkable also is the theming and the division of the various theme lands that are all dedicated to the Gauls. A 3-star family ince 1989, what is arguably Europe's most popu-

hotel rounds off the offering at the park operated

lar comic hero has had his own theme park. Here,

by Compagnie des Alpes.


hall of attractions and an outside area including Vekoma's



Motorbike Coaster and a flume ride from Mack. Since then, the outdoor offering has expanded considerably – as has the Whilst





coaster Troy continues to keep the thrill seekers happy, there's still lots to please younger guests, pened in 2001 as an indoor park, this Dutch fac-

including some nice play equipment and the interactive

ility grew only three years later into with a second

Toverhuis from Lagotronics.


thrills the European Star Award



17:16 Uhr

Seite 1

ww w. T





17:09 Uhr

Seite 14





he aquatic paraside that

freefall slide that leads through a shark pool, holiday-

opened on the island of

makers can also enjoy the world's longest lazy river and

Tenerife in 2008 not only has

a large wave pool with Europe's highest artificial

spectacular theming, but also

breakers. Unattractive steel slide towers found in other

truly breathtaking water slides,

parks don’t exist at Siam Park, as all the slides have been

all from ProSlide. As well as a

cleverly integrated into the naturally sloping grounds. ■

he water park at Spain's

tion has an attractive Caribbean flair with lush vegeta-



tion, a large wave pool and a number of water slides

which is divided into three

that provide a tropical holiday atmosphere. An exten-

theme areas, opened in

sion added in 2013 provided Sesame Street theming,

2002. In addition to a small

flat water areas for the kids, as well as the highest

indoor area, the outside sec-

water slide in Europe, 31 metres tall.



thrills the European Star Award



17:09 Uhr

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17:09 Uhr

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top class subtropical world located where once

Swimming is possible 24 hours a day, and overnight

huge airships were built has been entertaining

accommodation is available under the more than 100

visitors from Berlin and beyond since 2004. The

metres high dome, in tents on the sandy beach, or in

world's largest unsupported hall offers two bathing

suites. Since 2016, Tropical Islands also has an over

coves, a slide tower, a kiddie playground, a number of

3.5 hectare sized outdoor swimming area with addi-

restaurants and bars, plus a huge nudist sauna.

tional overnight accommodation possibilities.




urope's largest thermal baths, located not far

world's longest family slide and the High Fly ski jump.

from Munich airport, comprises five large in-

All of the light-flooded, architecturally interesting indoor

door theme areas, three nude saunas, three vital-

halls can be opened during favourable weather con-

ity oases, two family worlds, as well as the Galaxy

ditions, and in the summer months the outdoor area

slide world. The latter features such offerings as the

offers an 18.5 hectare water experience world.



thrills the European Star Award




17:09 Uhr

Seite 17




17:09 Uhr

Seite 18





he newly opened Ferrari Land is the

height. The very evident Intamin Accelerator launch

current theme park sensation of

coaster steels the record from PortAventura's own

Europe! And the highlight of the park at

Shambhala by 36 metres. The maximum speed of Red

Port Aventura World sets a new and pro-

Force is 112 km/h and the dominating colour is Ferrari

bably unsurpassable record: Europe's

red, as is the case throughout the whole motorsport

tallest roller coaster at 112 metres in

themed park.


he Polish


park has

existed since 1956, but it was massively extended from 2014 on-

Vekoma. This high speed ride leaves nothing to be

wards and relaunched as a theme park. And now it has

desired right from the start with its steep and twisted

a large and most noteworthy new attraction in the

drop, through to the Corkscrew that twists its way

shape of this 908 m long and 40 m high coaster from

through the station building.

thrills the European Star Award



17:16 Uhr

Seite 1



17:11 Uhr

Seite 20


ovie Park Germany


Star Trek theming. Not only does the design appear

has done everything

more up to date than ever, but also the 780 metres long

right with this new LSM

and 40 metres high coaster corresponds to current

launch coaster from Mack

trends in the amusement branch with its multiple

Rides and its spectacular

catapult drive.


offers not only attractive theming, but also a very varied track course. Beginning with a moderate friction drive launch and banked steep curve, the chain lift is


arc Astérix has erected a family coaster unique


followed by a number of curved parallel turns, an

in Europe, as this 918 metres long and up to

indoor stop-off and a lively reverse section back to the

21 metres high ride experience from Gerstlauer

station. Riders never know what to expect next!


thrills the European Star Award



17:11 Uhr

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17:11 Uhr

Seite 22




lthough the 2012 opened Shambhala


this year. The now second highest coaster still has much

from B&M had to give up its record as

going for it, such as the consistent stringing together of

the highest coaster in Europe to its internal

the parable formed hill, which offers long running and

PortAventura World competitor (Red Force

breathtaking airtime. The ride's 1,564 metres of pure air-

at Ferrari Land), its status as best steel

time exhilaration is interrupted only by an overbanked

coaster in Europe was nevertheless retained

turnaround in the form of a standing figure eight.



his absolute

ble 1,320 metres long course of Taron in the theme area

mega coaster

Klugheim travels along the narrowest of areas and

has called Phan-

more under than over ground level. But everything is

tasialand home

just right here: The perfect hardware with a double

since 2016. The

launch course and intensive airtime moments interac-

extremely varia-

ting with a perfect theming lacks in nothing.

thrills the European Star Award



17:17 Uhr

Seite 1



17:11 Uhr

Seite 24


urope's most varied roller


inversions, but also two launch courses, a track differ-

coaster is located at the

ence of 51 metres and 1,300 metres of track in a lively

famous Swedish park Lise-

layout on a mountain slope. And despite all this, the

berg. Helix not only has

complete course is not visible, which leads to many sur-

seven completely different

prising moments – for both passengers and viewers. ■


he Inverted Coaster from B&M erected at Mirbilandia

theming is in Mayan style and for an attraction of this size

in 2000 is still the longest of its kind in Europe

is very successful. Its height of 50 m brings attention both

(together with Monster at Walygator Parc in France). The

to the ride and the Italian park itself from afar.







opened last year at

Walibi Holland is, with its 680 metres of track and highest point of 32 is neither the longest nor the highest ride on the continent by far. Nevertheless the coaster sensation is satisfying. Due to its short, 8-seat cars, manoeuvrable figures are possible that could be hardly be mastered by a full train.

thrills the European Star Award



17:17 Uhr

Seite 1



9:52 Uhr

Seite 2




ince the European Star Awards

longer open, Balder becomes the undisputed winner in


2017. The ride's 1,070 m of tracks were prefabricated




“woodie” has always undertaken a

exactly according to CNC calculations and erected on a

head-to-head race for the top spot

compact site at the famous park in Gothenburg. Riders

with Colossos at Heide Park, Ger-

can enjoy countless airtime moments and many "near

many. However as the latter will no

misses" whilst travelling through the wooden structure. ■

t's exactly the same length as


airtime, but also an attractive visual pleasure for all

Balder (1,070 metres) and only a

visitors to Toverland. The fierce attraction, celebrating

metres shorter in height. Troy from

its 10th anniversary in 2017, marked a turning point for

Great Coasters offers not only a

what had previously been more or less a child-focused

great ride experience with a lot of

indoor park.


thrills the European Star Award



17:17 Uhr

Seite 1



9:53 Uhr

Seite 4



ayto Park was until 2014 a tranquil zoo and adven-

that offers twister as well as out-and-

ture playground. However then came the opening

back style elements. Additionally,

of the largest and fastest wooden coaster in Europe!

The Gravity Group built a 115° steep

Particularly unusual is the 1,092 metres long course

curve into the attraction.


he almost 40 metres high and 1,050


number of unusual ride gimmicks allow the track bed

metres long construction is a

to vibrate from beginning to end. Wodan – Timbur-

master work in wooden roller coaster

coaster remains an absolute hit with the more adven-

construction. A varied layout and a

turous visitors to Europa-Park.


trong drops, racy


with fewer than one million visitors annually are also

curves and quite a

capable of erecting a convincing wooden coaster. As

few airtime moments

with other attractions at Tripsdrill, the theming is also

articulate a clear mes-

successful, including the dark ride sequence on the

sage: Theme Parks

860 metres long installation.

thrills the European Star Award



17:18 Uhr

Seite 1



9:53 Uhr

Seite 6





t long last

rican Disney Parks have entered Europe. The largest

the spec-

and best themed is the “Voletarium” at Europa-Park. In

tacular Flying

the two theatres from Brogent, 1,400 passengers per



hour can experience a flight over Europe – naturally

are located at

with Europa-Park as the start and destination. The ex-

Northern Ame-

pensive film was produced by Mack Media.


fteling celebrated its 65th anni-


find themselves inside an enchanted castle again. At the

versary with a new attraction, and

end of the waiting area a trackless "Multi Mover" from ETF

since then the gigantic “Symbolica”

Rides is ready to transport passengers on three different

palace sits enthroned at the end of the

routes through the estate. In the process, visitors can dis-

entrance. The exterior is already over-

cover secret passages and magic rooms and enjoy

whelming, however the visitors then

everything without shooting or throwing equipment.

thrills the European Star Award



17:18 Uhr

Seite 1




9:53 Uhr

Seite 8



ast year's world novelty that went into

theme area "Ninjago World" was erected in celebration

operation at Legoland Billund is now also

of its 15th anniversary. Since then both small and adult

present at other Legoland parks, including

Ninja-aspirants can help to fight the villains per ges-

Legoland Deutschland, for which the new

ture control.





he world's first and up to now only Freefall

wish to experience to drop into the depths from 60

Tower with four different seating positions has

metres height. Designed as a drilling rig in a Wild West

opened at the French Fraispertuis City. Park

look, the "Golden Driller" fits perfectly to neighbouring

guests are allowed to decide which thrill level they

attractions thematically.


thrills the European Star Award




17:18 Uhr

Seite 1



9:54 Uhr

Seite 10




he first attraction with a connection between ride con-


theming has been conceived: The 40-seat passenger

struction and storyline is something very special at

carrier has been designed as a discus, and in the year

Parc Astérix, and called the "Discobélix". Whilst a "Disc'-

of the Olympic Games Asterix's strong friend Oberlix

O" Coaster from Zamperla is already present at many

throws for the Gallic nation team. Since then "Discobélix"

theme parks, in this case a logical as well as harmonious

has convinced both passengers and viewers.


he same goes for the "Sky Fly" from Gerstlauer:


An attractive design combined with a convincing

overall composition. The 22 metres high standard ride from Gerstlauer could be set in the scene by way of the partial facade of the roman Colosseum at the Austrian family park.

thrills the European Star Award



9:54 Uhr

Seite 11


t was the world's first "Giant Frisbee" from Huss Park Attractions when it


went into operation in the 2004 season at Belgium's Bobbejaanland. With

a side outward swing of 120° and a maximum flight height of 42 metres, this version of a swing ride is the largest of its type, reaching a speed of up to 100 kilometres per hour.


he 18 metres high suspended version of the successful series model


"Top Spin" from Huss Park Attractions has been built six times world-

wide. The most attractive version is located in Germany's Phantasialand. Half enclosed in an Aztec cave and accompanied by special effects such as water fountains, mist and balls of fire, the attraction enjoys great popularity. Accompanied by impressive background music, an atmospheric overall picture has been attained, attracting many viewers.



thrills the European Star Award



9:54 Uhr

Seite 12






505 metres long course. A large part of the four minute

opened in 2004 is a

main attraction of the indoor world "Arthur – Im König-

never before combination

reich der Minimoys" travels inside, passing film scenes



of the cinema hit of the same name, before landing out-


side by way of a speedy drop. The onboard sound






with horizontally rotating

system, a consistent theming right down to the last

cars. The trains move at a

detail, and a very moderate minimum size of 100 cm

variable speed over the

make "Arthur" an experience for the whole family.


urope's longest and perhaps also wettest boat-battle


ride. The water canal winds through the impressive Cam-

is located in the Spanish PortAventura Park. So it's

bodian landscape and through aiming at various targets,

good that one can depend on the Spanish sun mostly,

different actions can be triggered. There is no age or size

as every passenger becomes really wet, and receives a

restriction, so the whole family can enjoy wet and happy

good portion of refreshment along the 323 metres long

fun on "Angkor: Adventure in the Lost Kingdom".

thrills the European Star Award



17:18 Uhr

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9:55 Uhr

Seite 14


he perfect "beginner" co-


a size from 100 cm can already board and enjoy a

aster for all future coaster

speedy and varied ride over the nine metres high and

fans is located at Hansa-

200 metres long track course. The lift is located in the

Park on the shores of the

interior building and the curvy ride takes place mostly

Baltic Sea. Passengers with

over a water surface.

MAMMUT TREE n innovative ride system


makes it possible to ex-

perience the nightmare of every skier: The fall of the ski lift. "Mammut Tree" from Swiss Rides is a convincing realistic combination of a customary cableway and breathtaking special effects. The 16-seat gondola is brought to a controlled crash in complete darkness, before it returns to the station – a family ■

ride with thrill factor.



hen the first "Family Boomerang"

reverse ride on the large Shuttle Coaster. Although it is

from Vekoma opened in 2011, all

without inversions it has a significant lift height of 20

children from a height of 100 cm could

metres and a speed of 60 km/h, as well as a speedy

at long last experience a forward and

curve combination, offering maximum ride fun.

thrills the European Star Award



17:19 Uhr

Seite 1



9:55 Uhr

Seite 16




very year the indoor log flume from Disney is right up front, and is a


permanent component at every Disneyland in similar versions. No

wonder then that the excellent theming and the clever storyline is convincing in all aspects. Additionally there is no age restriction. In the case of Disneyland Paris, the 1992 erected hardware is from Intamin and as feature has a vertical lift.


n the interactive Darkride


from mice. In seven scenes the rodents have to be hit

from ETF Rides (ride techno-

with clumps of cake glaze, which can be shot out of

logy) and Alterface (3D-tech-

piping bags by the passengers. The four-seat gon-

nology) passengers have to

dolas appear to rotate aimlessly along the 159 metre

attempt to free a cake factory

long ride course.

thrills the European Star Award



17:20 Uhr

Seite 1



9:56 Uhr

Seite 18



he fact that an outdated Darkride can be

video game "The Raving Rabbids" from Ubisoft, which

successfully pimped up has been

has in the meantime also produced a cartoon series, an

proved by the experts at JoraVision in 2014,

attractive storyline was developed to interact with

when devising "The Time Machine" for the

current 3D-Full-HD-Technology, special effects, and ani-

technology park Futuroscope. Based on the

matronics, resulting in an unusual and new adventure. ■


hose who maintain that


Freefall attractions cannot

be themed will be taught a lesson at the Disney Studios Park in Paris, as the almost 56 metres high tower is presented as an indoor ride completely there.




accommodate 21 passengers who are secured by simple two-point belts, even though the attraction drops at 31 m/s. A number of stops and scenes at various heights, as well as up and down riding, provide a pleasant disorientation.



thrills the European Star Award



9:56 Uhr

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9:56 Uhr

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ue to the confined space conditions a new

pleasant airtime, but also a

solution had to be found for the 2014 erected

switch system that brings the

water ride to have a maximum course length and to

boat from one water canal to

offer maximum fun. The result is a prototype with a

the other at lightning speed.

new type of technology. And so there are not only

"Chiapas" also has an impress-

lively drops including one with a Double-Dip and

ive Mexican theme.



completely new type of water ride was opened in

high U-formed track a number of times, before water

Belgium a year ago. A 20-seat boat is accelerated

flows in a flash into a part of the basin, surprising both

per LSM on the 217 metres long and up to 45 metres

passengers and viewers with a huge splash.

thrills the European Star Award



9:56 Uhr

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9:56 Uhr

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he significant element


of the water coaster

erected in 2012 at Italy's Mirabilandia




metres high double vertical lift. What follows then is a drop just as deep and the first plunging into cool wetness, before the speedy coaster sequence is reached. As finale there is a further soaking. The total length of this attraction is 800 metres, 550 metres of which is the coaster se■



ater coasters are


more popular than

ever, as they combine real coaster elements with the advantages of a refreshing water attraction. But despite this fact there are not so many in Europe. "Vonkaputous" at the Finnish Linnanmäki Park begins as a completely normal coaster with 10-seat cars/boats that speed over the 330 metres long and 24 metres high course, before shooting into the water ■



here are two water


coasters at Europa-

Park with "Poseidon" having the longest coaster sequence. The 836 metres long and 23 metres high attraction



Rides has two built in lifts, and each lift is followed by a coaster ride with an ensuing water sequence. An airtime hill has been built into the final drop. The successful integration in the Greek theme area is an optical pleasure as well.

thrills the European Star Award



9:56 Uhr

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9:56 Uhr

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he construction erected in the

partly roofed over figure 8 sequence, before an eight

French Aqualand Fréjus in

metres deep drop follows with surprising airtime. A

2012 was the first of, in the mean-

Sidewinder – alternatively Boomerang element is wait-

time, countless structurally ident-

ing that is a recreated snake head spitting water. The

ical "King Cobra" slides. They all

colours and theming of the slides also make them

lead the sliders initially through a

something very special.


iam Park presented a world

Blaster" on which the three-seat tubes are transported



per LIM, the 240 m long course also contains the so-

opened in 2015. In addition to the

called "Flying Saucer" curves that due to their open con-

three uphill sections of the "Rocket

struction provide an unexpected feeling of freedom. ■





thrills the European Star Award



9:56 Uhr

Seite 25


t the Swiss Aquaparc Le Bouveret two tried and tested slide types have been


united. In this case the "Constrictor" with the "Rattler" elements, with the result

of a slide combination that offers a completely new experience. On 140 slide metres, "the Houla Hoop" changes in varied diameter sized pipes and curve combinations with funnel-akin elements, to the great surprise of the guests.



novelty in water slide construction has been erected in the Turkish


bathing resort Cesme. "Space Race" makes it possible for the first

time to have two slide tubes in one so-called "Bowl" funnel element. The spectacular but safe operation is accomplished by the use of two completely separate slide paths.



thrills the European Star Award




17:22 Uhr

Seite 2

Roland Mack

Between Tradition and Innovation G

ermany's leading theme park, second in Europe

el, periodically alone and calm, or with a critical or

only to Disneyland Paris, is his life's work. Roland

reflective gaze whilst watching the colourful goings on

time, his personality and human-

Mack is the embodiment of what stands there, as well

in the park and its expansive resort.

ness shine through. Entrepre-

as what thrives and flourishes. Yet self-praise is not his

Elegant yet sporty, he is often seen alongside his

neur and family man, a master of

nature. Roland Mack is keen to share such recognition

buggy; he loves to be able to go from A to B and from

communication and a great host,

with his parents, his brother JĂźrgen, and his family, as

B to C. Movement and speed appear somehow to

engineer and top entertainer, an

well as the people and friends who stood by the Macks

define the life of Roland Mack. He's always close to

expert and connoisseur; that is

during the founding years.

what is happening, near his people and the visitors.

how the co-founder and -owner

The next generation is taking over more and more

And that's where he wants to be. He takes the well-

of Europa-Park comes across.

responsibilities. Both Roland Mack’s and wife Mari-

being of his guests personally, and hospitality is his top

anne's sons Michael and Thomas have been ap-

priority. This is the reason that Europa-Park is so differ-

pointed to management partners, and daughter Ann-

ent from other theme parks and amusement parks. The

When one sits opposite Dr.-Ing. h.c. Roland Mack for the first

Kathrin is working on her first project, involved in the

extraordinary dream world that is shared with visitors


StĂŠphane Kayser

planning of the new Water World at Europa-Park as an

to the park at Rust near Freiburg is impeccable. It's for




this reason that all involved must carry out their con-

Running into Roland Mack in his 'empire', one may be

cerns with full commitment, whether family member or

greeted with a friendly smile or laugh, sometimes with

employee. The boss is strict but undoubtedly fair. His

a serious expression during discussions with personn-

x-ray vision means he doesn't miss even the slightest




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SPECIAL 1982: Roland and Marianne Mack with their sons Michael and Thomas; group picture with the Euromaus that was called Kitty between 1975 and 1981

detail. His demands of his staff are many. But just like

barriers even during leisure time, and there is no in-

his late father and park co-founder Franz Mack, he

compatibility between amusement and spirituality.

does not ask for anything that he's not ready to under-

Those without faith may simply enjoy the positive

take himself.

feeling offered by the closeness to nature. This philo-

"Alpenexpress" / 2015: The

Contemplation also has its place at Europa-Park.

sophy of life explains Mack's inner balance. In his un-

"Alpen-express" was to become

Despite the thrill-experiences, visitors should also find

derstanding of the world, it's all about values such as

Europa-Park's first Virtual Real-

inner peace, and be able to leave behind their prob-

practicing Christian charity, and it's for this reason that

ity Coaster; here Roland Mack

lems and worries. And it's exactly this feeling that is

he and his family are involved in social projects.

with Godfather Willi Mack,

conveyed to guests in the ambience of the resort's five

A lot has been written and discussed about Roland

brother of Franz Mack and father

themed hotels. Visitors also have the opportunity for

Mack, but one can only really understand him after

of Gerhard Mack, as well as be-

reflection at one of the consecrated chapels or the

having visited the parental home at Waldkirch, within

ing the only shareholder of the

church on the park and resort grounds. Faith has no

the factory grounds of parent company Mack Rides.

Heinrich Mack GmbH (these

1984: Opening of the

days Mack Rides)

1975: Both photos on the opposite page were taken in the opening year, among others Roland Mack and Kitty Maus making a round on the "Monza Piste"




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It's an impressive location where time seems to have

Balthasar Castle restaurant or at the Hotel Santa

Roland Mack's father is located

stood still: To cap of Franz Mack hangs close at hand,

Isabel. The cartoon adventure “The Time Carousel” in

directly on the factory premises

as though he were to emerge from the lounge and

the “4D MagicCinema”, is an ovation to grandfather

in Waldkirch

head out to work, full of ideas. Guests immediately feel

Heinrich Mack. Time travels are introspection for the

comfortable in the room where many business matters

very authentic Roland Mack.

are finalised. And naturally the globe with the famous

The company Mack Rides of Waldkirch was founded

company logo – “Die weite Welt ist mein Feld” (mea-

in 1780 when the itinerant cartwright Paul Mack

ning “The Wide World is my Playground”) – stands on

settled in the Black Forest town to build wagons and

the table.

coaches. In the second half of the 19th century, the con-

The lounge of the family home leads to Franz's study.

struction of wagons for the local organ manufacturer

Pens are arranged around the drawing board, ready

followed, and so the contact to the showman industry

for the next project. It is here that ideas sprouted and

was formed. In the 1920s the wagon builder began the

many ride constructions were born that went on to be-

manufacture of transportable constructions. The first

come worldwide hits. The contrast between the home-

rollercoaster "Made in Waldkirch" saw the light in 1921.

ly, down-to-earth, character found in Waldkirch and the

In the 1930s the firm of Roland Mack's grandfather

sophisticated, self-confident, media-savvy entrepre-

Heinrich asserted itself in the amusement sector. After

neur is what makes Roland Mack so fascinating.

the Second World War, the family company continued

The Europa-Park owner knows where he comes from

on its successful course. The positive development of

and honours the family heritage wherever he can. The

the "Economic Miracle" years consolidated the product

park is alive with vestiges of the Mack past. The res-

range more than ever.

pect and the gratitude towards the parental home is

In 1951 the first wooden bobsleigh went into operation,

Mack (r.) introducing the “new”

experienced by the attentive visitor in many areas of

and shortly after, the Macks made a foothold in the

Euromaus, while celebrating

the resort, such as in the Teatro dell'Arte, in the historic

USA. Roland Mack was born into this historical period:

The old house from

2000: Roland and Jürgen

the park’s 25th anniversary




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1995: Roland Mack with park architect Ulrich Damrau, father Franz, and brother Jürgen (f.l.t.r.) Born in 1949, he belongs to the first post war genera-

studies of mechanical engineering at the Karlsruhe

tion. Roland Mack and his brother Jürgen grew up in

Institute of Technology were the subject of discussion

the parental business between craftsmen, circus

within the family. Nevertheless Roland Mack per-

artists and showmen, who ordered and picked up their

severed and after five years, in 1974, he became a

new products, and even pitched up their winter

qualified engineer. Alongside his studies, he was also

quarters, at the Mack premises in Waldkirch.

working in the family business and abroad, completing

And so it was a happy childhood. Dutifully young

several internships. Roland Mack´s ability to speak

Roland Mack accompanied his father to the customers

several languages enriched the future of the prospect-

at fairgrounds and circuses, growing up in the world

ive engineer.

of thriftiness, work and diligence. In the succeeding

On the 12th July 1975 the most important step in the

decade the building of mobile sales wagons, Dodgem

history of the family -company followed. Franz Mack

tracks and cult ride constructions followed such as the

and his eldest son opened Europa-Park in Rust, de-

Wild Mouse, Music Express, Calypso, Hully Gully, St.

signed as a showcase for their in-house products. A

Petersburg sleigh ride and Sea Storm Attraction.

decisive role for this undertaking was a three-year trip

In particular, the company made a name for itself with

earlier by father and son to the USA, where they were

various ghost trains and and water rides. Mack Rides

captivated by Disneyland. On the flight back, the first

was also one of the first ride manufacturers to work with

sketches emerged on serviettes and beer coasters.

polyester (fibreglass) for the decoration of ride con-

These valuable documents can be viewed in the

structions. In the 1980s the Mack Rides-Salon travel

"Historama" section of Europa-Park. "It started with a

vans were the most prestigious dwellings on tour.

flight" – then became the slogan of a documentary film

Roland Mack knew that sooner or later he would take

pertaining to the development history of the park,

over the responsibility of the company, and for Franz

inspired by the Disney slogan, "it all began with a

Mack it was the earlier the better. The elder son's


2010: This photo was taken shortly before the passing of Franz Mack in the Balthasar castle gardens with both his children Roland and Jürgen, as well as his grandchildren Michael and Thomas




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SPECIAL Merlin Entertainments Group paying a visit, among others with Nick Varney, Joseph Baratta and Pascal Tiemann (son of Heide-Park founder)

The Europa-Park is often visited by colleagues; here Marc Shapiro (centre) from Six Flags Entertainment Corp.

Contact to the showman industry is also excellent: Roland Mack with Albert Ritter and Helmut Gels from DSB (f.l.t.r.)

In October 1974, Roland Mack married Marianne, who

up. Their children Michael (born 1978), Thomas (1981)

also stemmed from a craftsman's workshop, that of a

and Ann-Kathrin (1989) grew up in the world of Euro-

Contract signing at

local butcher business. Yet she gave up her own pro-

pa-Park, and fully immersed in the theme park and at-

Waldkirch: Nick and Amanda

fession as an airline stewardess to dedicate herself to

tractions industry. Contrary to observers' predictions

Thompson are opening a Double

the family enterprise. The young couple lived in a

of the time, the park was a success from day one!

Launch Coaster at Blackpool

house in the park, an affinity that was never to be given

Roland Mack believed in the future of the sector and

Pleasure Beach in 2018

envisioned strong growth. In 1978, he became a founding member and later on vice-president of the German Association of Amusement Parks the VDFV (Verband Deutscher Freizeitparks und Freizeitunternehmen e.V.). New dream worlds were to be created at Europa-Park, blending seamlessly with authentic witnesses to the past such as Balthasar Castle and the 15th Century Schwarzwälder Vogtshaus. The park and its features were neither pale imitations of Disney successes nor soulless scenes. In 1982, with the help of stage designer Ulrich Damrau, the ambience of various European nations was reproduced inside the park. Historic references as well as construction materials from the original countries were integrated. In recognition of Rust's former Balthasar Castle Park, local residents were offered free entry into the world of Ed Euromaus, a privilege they can enjoy to this day. Ed, the Europa-Park mascot, may appear to have similarities to his Disney peer. Yet, just like Roland




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Mack, he has his own character. Mack's courage to

was to specialise in rollercoasters and new, even more

2012: In that year Roland

carry out new ideas meant that in 1984 Europa-Park

ambitious water attractions. With the “blue fire Mega-

Mack was Acting IAAPA Chair-

overtook the parent company in Waldkirch in turnover.

coaster powered by Gazprom”, realised first at Euro-

man and rode the "blue fire"

In 1989, Roland took over the place of his father in the

pa-Park in 2009 but now the basis for many roller-

coaster together IAAPA

management of Mack Rides, alongside Gerhard Mack

coaster installations around the world, the Waldkirch

President Chip Cleary

and Kurt Mack-Even.

company was back in the driving seat as one of the

New areas of business were explored throughout the

industry's leading ride manufacturers.

1990s, such as hotels experience gastronomy and

With the success of Mack Rides, Europa-Park and his

what the family coined 'Confertainment'. Roland Mack

many other professional activities – including a term as

was always convinced of his direction, making him a

the first ever German chairman of the board at IAAPA

pioneer in many areas of business. Not only is he a

(International Association of Amusement Parks and

global amusement industry leader, he's now also

Attractions) in 2012 – Roland Mack's opinion is highly

Germany's leading hotelier.

respected within and the worldwide leisure industry

Roland Mack has always had the foresight to recog-

and beyond.

nise the signs of the times and react accordingly.

Europa-Park itself goes from strength to strength. Its

Whilst the travelling fairgrounds were declining, inter-

winter season, introduced at the end of 2001, has

est in stationary attractions grew. However, the pro-

played a significant role in increasing annual attend-

duction methods at Waldkirch were outdated, so the

ance. The resort's 4-star and 4-star superior hotels

building of showman's wagons was discontinued and

help reduce seasonality and widen geographical

challenge didn't pass Roland

the Macks were forced to rethink at the turn of the

reach. A new level of high-end gastronomy was

Mack by / Roland Mack and


reached in 2014 when the fine-dining restaurant

Werner Stengel met up together

Roland Mack redefined and restructured the family

“Ammolite – The Lighthouse Restaurant” at the hotel

for the opening of "Helix" at the

business by investing in cutting-edge technology and

Bell Rock attained the status of the world's first

Swedish Park Liseberg – one of

new production methods. From now on Mack Rides

Michelin starred restaurant in a theme park (it now

the countless projects that they

2014: The water bucket

realised together




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2017: Eurowings has

boasts two stars). The Europa-Park boss, ceaselessly

approaches retirement, he can enjoy the dividends.

painted one of its planes in the

and untiringly, strives to drive the business forward as

The park's founder does not relinquish his links to the

Europa-Park colours

it wins plaudit after plaudit – from Best Theme Park in

showman industry and the circus world either. Roland

Europe (European Star Award, 2012 to 2017) to Best

Mack recalls the lively evenings with friends from the

Theme Park Worldwide (Golden Ticket Award, 2014 to

sector to this day. The entrepreneurial spirit of the


parent company in Waldkirch is most felt in the “El

The park is the now one of the most visited tourist

Circo Bar” of the hotel El Andaluz. But, the splendidly

attractions in Germany, welcoming over 5.5 million

restored salon-carousel “Eden Palladium” and the

guests annually. With 17 individual themed areas,

historic pavilion of mirrors “Traumpalast”, illustrate the

more than 100 attractions and shows, 59 gastronomy

nostalgic attachment he has to the company's roots.

operations, a 4,500 bed hotel resort (with an occu-

Everything that Roland Mack does is carried out with

pancy rate of 98%), a wellness offer and golf course,

heart and soul. The liberal minded businessman en-

it is a true holiday destination these days. The new

joys the company and biting humour of his colleagues,

Europa-Park WaterWorld, scheduled to open in 2019,

and he is happy to engage them in discussion over the

will only add to the multi-day offering at a business that

occasional glass of wine or beer. He celebrates as he

already employs more than 3,700 staff. And all this

works – there's no such thing as half-heartedness with

remains a pure family company!

Roland Mack.

Very often the Macks have had to take the full financial

And he doesn't take himself too seriously either.

"Voletarium" opened; Thomas,

risk in order to bring new projects to fruition, from the

Roland Mack’s facial features can clearly be seen on

Marianne and Roland Mack as

founding of the park through to the first hotels. Banks

the Kolumbusbüste (Columbus bust) in the “Kolum-

well as Miriam, Mauritia and

may not have had the courage to back such ideas, but

busjolle” reception area. His wife Marianne is the

Jürgen Mack relaxing in the VIP

Roland Mack has always had the conviction. As he

patroness of the café “Chez Marianne”, as well as the

2017: The new attraction

lounge (v.l.t.r.)




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sailing ship "Santa Marian". “Mack” has been cleverly marketed over the years; a trademark as well as a family name. There's Mack Rides and Europa-Park with their multi-faceted areas of operation, Mack Solutions, the Europa-Park Hotels, Confertainment and gastronomy,





(Michael Mack's “baby”) with everything from radio stations to 3D/4D and virtual reality content, both in and out of the park. Roland Mack has been remarkably successful in reproducing the cultural diversity of Europe in his theme park resort. He is a cultural supporter as well as cultural creator. As an art enthusiast and connoisseur, many small pearls from his collection can be found in Europa-Park's hotels and bars. Roland Mack finds sport, particularly football, an invigorating counterpart to disciplined duties in the park whenever he has some free time, which hopefully soon will be a little more often. Roland Mack is a visionary and a role model. His backbone is his family, his faith, historical awareness and wide knowledge. His method of working: gathering expertise and competence. A diplomat, he makes no political statements. To him it is important to bring people together. Roland Mack’s efforts regarding German and French friendship are remarkable. This philanthropist and staunch European is a true ambassador of our industry.




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Already over 4,000 years ago, the Aztecs had been eating popcorn as a snack, and in Asia popcorn from corn and rice had been popular and known for thousands of years. In the 1920s, popcorn made its entry into the cinemas in the USA, with Europe following closely. Since then sales have increased rapidly.

Popcorn Affairs delivers gourmet quality


opcorn at the movies has become indispensable.

macadamia nuts, or savoury varieties with chilli or

And it's not only a proven business approach or a

sesame for hotels are in the programme as well. In

"nice" additional article, but is much more one of the

addition to individual requirements, seasonal varieties

biggest mainstay of earnings in cinemas these days.

are also available.

And at fairground events and theme parks, popcorn

Additionally individual concepts are offered to the

has always played a big role.

hotel, gastronomy, event, leisure and showman

A new popcorn trend found its way to Europe from the

branches. Founder Till von Geldern is convinced by

USA via Asia: Popcorn in the most diverse flavours and

his experiences that marketing is an important suc-

colours. Different to the classic popcorn, these ver-

cess factor. The buyer wants an optical as well as tasty

sions are basically pre-manufactured, and one has to

experience right from the first test. And with the "Pick

decide between industrially manufactured mass

& Mix" concept the buyer may choose and mix person-

production, and the so-called gourmet popcorn.

ally. The popcorn is delivered in various forms of pack-

The Popcorn Affairs Company prepares this type of

aging, gifts with brands and loose wares as well as pro-

Gourmet popcorn with a number of manual steps,

duction and event equipment. For the park operator

which remains crunchy and tastes as though freshly

individual concepts are developed to respond

able in many different flavours

produced for around six months. The Munich Com-

effectively to the trendy experience and high spirits of

with natural ingredients, which

pany is one of the few manufacturers that offer high

the park visitor.

are even partially available in

quality Gourmet Popcorn in an ultra crunchy fruit

Popcorn Affairs is one of our sponsors of this year's

superior bio-quality

range. Currently 17 gourmet popcorn types are being

European Star Awards. In light of this, all interested

produced, among them also flavours created accord-

customers and operators can test the "Pix & Mix" range

ing to customer requirements, such as for example

available at the Kirmes & Park Revue booth as a

Eggnog popcorn as a White Label solution. All types

giveaway. A test set is also available under:

of popcorn with ingredients such as caramel with

Gourmet-Popcorn is avail-





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Seite 4


Up until now, monitoring systems on the market have carried out millions of measurements that require the professional analysing by an expert, in order to deter-

Coasters and other attractions nd so that this situation doesn't arise in the first


mine the state of the machine and give possible

place, daily visual control as well as maintenance

recommendations personally, regarding the next step

monitored in all western and

and inspections are mandatory at regular intervals.

to be taken by the attraction operator. "MoniQuE"

most other countries by (partly

However, recognising material fatigue or the smallest

however is a self-learning system that analyses the

governmental) technical organ-

hairline cracking before it's too late, is definitely not an

results and trends about the condition of the con-


easy endeavour.


caution, spectacular accidents

Standstills, malfunctions and even personal injuries

Warnings are given about possible defects: These are

do happen from time to time.

cause serious economic and reputational damage. An

triggered within the fames of the imminent progress of

intelligent monitoring system can prevent a long stand-

the "trends" before possible damage occurs, so that

still or something even more serious already before-

for example spare parts can be obtained early, or other

hand, as an occurring weak point can be recognised

measures (e.g. a planned standstill) can be under-

at an early stage, and a replacement part, for example,

taken. The expected time frame until the next mainten-

can be ordered from the manufacturer, before

ance is ascertained and fitted to the customer-specific

consequential damages arise. "MoniQuE" is such an

operating mode, in order to constantly improve the

intelligent linkage between people, machines and

accuracy of the analysis.

operation, over and through the internet – a product

Other additional benefits can come about such as

that within the area of monitoring of one or a number

reduction of maintenance costs, value retention of the

of constructions (viewed holistically), produces not

attraction, improvement in communication with other

only millions of measured values put forth in partly

operating facilities, planning calculability of services,

cryptic presentation and evaluation in real-time, but

cost reduction of storage of spare parts, and lower

also simultaneously displays comprehensible remarks

insurance costs.

and interpretations of these numbers and trends.

More information can also be found at their websites:

Corresponding prognoses are created, and eventual

preventative and required actions are described.






creational fun, and are basically








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