European Star Award 2014

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EAS 2014




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SPECIAL The handmade glass sculptures for all first, second, and third place winners of the European Star Awards

As already mentioned in our exhibition report, this year's Euro Attractions Show had many new exhibitors, showed a visitor record, and offered many highlights. One of them of course was





European Star Awards.


Frank Lanfer


Wolfgang Payer, Frank Lanfer, ParkWorld

European Star Award A

lready for the third time now, Europe's leading

The Members of the Jury in 2014

trade magazine, the Kirmes & Park Revue, pre-

sented this independent award, dedicated explicitly to

This year’s changed trade jury is intended to keep

the European theme park industry.

the European Star Award young and exciting – and so we were able to have the following jurors cast

Awards at Heineken Experience World

their independent votes in 2014 (in alphabetical order):

The event took place on the evening of the first day

■ Michael Badelt (Intya, Germany)

of the exhibition in the famous and trendy Heineken

■ Natalia Bakhlina (LDP, Great Britain)

Experience World in the city centre of Amsterdam.

■ Anastasia Buzhor (EAAPA, Russia)

There the awards were bestowed on all five best

■ Victor Cavaller (Garmisch Consulting Group, Spain)

placed theme and water parks in eleven cat-

■ Matteo Crepaldi (Aerospace Engineer, Italy)

egories. And for the first time it was not only the first,

■ Rik Engelen (Lawyer, Belgium)

but all second and third place winners which

■ Dr. Michael Faber (Landesmuseum für Volkskunde)

manufacturer Premier Rides

received the exclusive, handmade glass sculp-

■ Dr. Felix Fritz (TÜV Süd, Germany)

had his example signed

tures – both park operators and manufacturers. Our

■ Marcus Gaines (Media Producer, Great Britain)

personally by Steve Van den

heartfelt congratulations once again to all prize

■ Bart Gees (The Coca-Cola Company, Belgium)

Kerkhof, CEO Plopsa Group


■ Dr. H. Jürgen Kagelmann (Profil-Verlag, Germany)

Jim Seay from American

■ Mario O. Mamon (IAAPA President, Malaysia)

The Selection Criteria

■ Francois Mayné (OOPARC, France) ■ Frédéric Pastuszak (Architekt, France)


This award has been created with the assistance of

■ Wolfgang Payer (Ingenieur, Austria)

an international team of experts voting the rankings

■ Jochen Peschel (IP Lawyer, Germany)

in eleven different categories, acknowledging the

■ Marek Pisarski (Magazyn Atrakcje, Poland)

The best theme parks and

efforts within the European theme park branch, and

■ Stefan Rothaug (Wirtschaftswissenschaftler,Taiwan)

attractions in Europe can be

bringing attention to entrepreneurial courage and

■ Dr. Igor Rodionov (RAAPA, Russia)

found in the past October issue

exceptional innovations.

■ Dennis L. Speigel (President ITPS, USA)

and in our special edition, as well

Choices could be made from all theme parks

■ Marc Spies (Soziologe, Germany)

as online:

throughout Europe, including Russia and Turkey,

■ Dr. Werner Stengel (Stengel GmbH, Germany)

with the minimum criterion of at least one ride

■ Francis Stokkel (Project Manager LeisureCert, USA)

attraction at the park.

■ Dr. Sacha Szabo (Cultural Management, Germany)




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SPECIAL Almost 200 invited guests enjoyed the Heineken Experience World taking part in good discussions with colleagues, enjoying a lot of music, and naturally this year's European Star Awards

■ Prof. Dr. Torsten Widmann (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Germany) ■ Andrej Woiczik (freizeitpark-welt, Germany) ■ Melanie Yankers-Lauterbach (Chefredakteurin Kabel 1, Germany) ■ Stefan Zwanzger (The Theme Park Guy, UAE) ■ Further along, votes were cast by the following editorial mem-

bers of the Kirmes & Park Revue: Frank Lanfer, Agi Reddersen, Karl Ruisinger, and Ralf Schmitt. Further information about our jury members this year as well as the prize winners can be found in our special award issue, which naturally can also be viewed online and downloaded free of charge. Our heartfelt thanks go to all jury members, friends and sponsors, who with their support, have contributed to the successful awards

Welsh star soprano Lauren Francis and pop star Keith Tynes from

occasion. We are particularly proud about the fact that The Coca-

The Platters sang a duet together for the first time, and led through the

Cola Company was our main sponsor again.

evening event

Agi Reddersen (KPR, International Representative) was given prompt and friendly assistance from our colleagues from the Park World Magazine, Mark Burgess and Jacqui Hunter, putting the golden wrist bands on guests from our sponsor YouChip




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Sophie Bolliger having a conversation with Michael Mack (left)

Mike Oswald (ProFun; former General Manager Yas Waterworld & Ferrari World) and Sascha Rigling (Mack Rides; centre)

F.l.t.r.: Klaus-Michael Machens (VDFU), Sieglinde Wagner-Haigerer and Erich Wagner (Fantasiana), Willy Walser (abc rides), Dr. Ulrich Müller-Oltay (VDFU)

Dennis L. Speigel (President ITPS; former IAAPA Chairman) und Frank Lanfer (KPR)

Bart Gees, Travel & Leisure Manager The Coca-Cola Company

Andreas Andersen, CEO and President Liseberg Group

“The European Star Award is becoming an annual fixed part of the

“Liseberg is a proud recipient of two European Star Awards, and

EAS program for a lot of key stakeholders within the major European

these awards really mean something – to our guests, to our em-

Theme Parks and ride suppliers. A casual event where the industry

ployees and to me. I keep them in a very prominent place in my

can socialize and celebrate the great attractions that make our


business so exciting.” Erich Wagner, Owner Fantasiana Erlebniswelt Straßwalchen Jacob Helenius, Head of Development at Tivoli

"We view this award as encouragement for even more great

“We are tremendously proud of the fact that ‘Vertigo’ has been

investments with the corresponding background, so that the smaller

named ‘Europe’s Best Attraction’, and we are incredibly pleased. It’s

parks in comparison to the big ones still remain in the visual field, in

the craziest ride we have and a ride that gives the biggest rush.

order to make our visitors happy. We are currently planning a new

You’re subjected to a g force of 5.2 when you’re spun around at 100

attraction, and I think that this attraction will also be worthy of an

kilometres an hour. And it’s unique.”





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Steve Van den Kerkhof, CEO Plopsa Group

Michael Mack, Member of the Executive Board Europa-Park

"This is a reward for our work.’Sky Scream’ is a unique coaster

"I'm really thrilled about this award for ‘Arthur’ as one of the top

throughout Europe. We are very happy about this recognition. It is

novelties in Europe. It is the pay-off for many years of hard work, and

also an honour because two parks from the group were awarded a

a reward for my family, the complete team, and naturally also Mack


Rides, who have all played a significant part in this really unique attraction. The award for ‘Arthur’ will definitely have a place of honour

Jim Seay, President Premier Rides

in the attraction. To be considered as the best theme park in Europe

“We are extremely proud that ‘Sky Scream’ was selected for a

by such a trade jury that is comprised of real branch experts, is for

European Star Award in the category of ‘Best New Rides 2014’. It

us a huge honour, and at the same time also an incentive for the next

was an honour to work with the Plopsa Group, one of the fastest-

years and decades."

growing and most successful entertainment companies in Europe. The Holiday Park staff was passionate about creating a first-class

Yann Caillère, CEO Parques Reunidos

highly-themed thrill ride unlike any other in Europe. The results speak

“We are very proud of the awards our parks and attractions in Europe

for themselves.”

have received, which are recognition of the passion we at Parques Reunidos put into innovating and optimizing our assets to create

Werner Nowotny, Maintenance Manager Merlin Oberhausen

even better experiences for our customers.”

"Merlin Entertainments is proud about so many awards. ‘Kirmes & Park Revue’ is a valuable magazine for the industry in view of

Tolga Ali¸so˘glu, CEO Vialand

inspiration and information. But it also fits our Merlin value: ‘…make

“Vialand as the youngest theme park in Europe is a proud recipient

it fun.”

of two European Star Awards. These awards are very important not only for our Turkish guests but also for our guests in the surround-

Jean Pierre Joyaux, Project Manager Parc du Futuroscope

ing area which extends from Middle East to Russia and Balkans.”

“This recognition underlines the creative and collaborative work between the Futuroscope Teams, the Ubisoft Company, and artistic

Søren Kragelund, President Fårup Sommerland

partner Circus Agency, which specializes in animation and digital

”We are very pleased to have received the prize, especially because


this is the second prize that ‘Orkanen’ received within a year. Last year, when ‘Orkanen’ was built and launched it was immediately

Christoph Kiessling, Vice-President Siam Park

recognized as the second best new coaster in Europe. We believe

"We feel very proud hand honoured about the third award in a row

that we have managed to build a roller coaster that is both wild and

as ‘Europe’s Best Water Park’. The repeated award is for us a

fun – and at the same time children from 1.05 meter are allowed to

wonderful incentive to continue our work with the same love of detail

try it. ‘Orkanen’ emphasizes Fårup's values, which is all about fun

as before."

and good times for the whole family. Furthermore, the combination of technology and design is also a success.” Christoph Andreas Leicht, Owner Hansa-Park

"Both of this year's awards are an occasion for elation, and will serve as an incentive for the future to continue the same way: that our name continues to symbolize, and to continue to delight our visitors. The award ‘Best Family Park Europe Place 3’ fills us with a lot of pride in particular, because not only all our personnel are equally honoured, but we are also in the league of awardwinning leading performers in Europe."




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Michael Mack (Member of the Executive Board, Europa-Park)

Giovanni Modena (Operations Director, PortAventura) and

happily receiving the Award “Europe’s Best Theme Park” from KPR

Choni Fernández (Director for Procurement, PortAventura) are

editor Frank Lanfer

thrilled about second place in the category “Best Theme Parks”

Eric Cosset (Director Park Operations, Disneyland Resort

In the category “Europe’s Best Theme Parks” Tivoli Gardens

Paris) received 3rd place in “Europe’s Best Theme Parks” and sim-

reached a good 5th place – Jacob Helenius (Head of Design, Tivoli)

ultaneously also 1st place in “Europe’s Best Family Parks” (down)

and Will Gurley (Designer Tivoli; right)

Christoph Andreas Leicht (Owner,


Werner Nowotny (Merlin Entertain-

Hansa-Park) thrilled about 3rd place in cat-

ments Oberhausen) receiving the 3rd and 4th

egory “Europe’s Best Family Parks”

places for Legoland Deutschland



Steve Van den Kerkhof (CEO

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The title “Europe’s Best Water Park” was

Costa Caribe is the second best water-

Plopsa Group) received 5th place for

gladely received by Christoph Kiessling (Vice

park; here Oriol Garcia (Press Officer) with

Plopsaland de Panne

President, Siam Park)

Choni Fernández (both PortAventura Resort)

Patrick Kastner (Marketing,

Torsten Schmidt (Wiegand-

“Helix” was honoured as “Europe’s Best New Ride” – much to

Officer,Tropical Islands) happy

Maelzer) received the 4th place on

the joy of Andreas Andersen (President, Liseberg Group) and

about 3rd place

behalf of Galaxy

Christian von Elverfeldt (Managing Director, Mack Rides)

“Arthur” is the second best novelty in Europe,

F.l.t.r.: Premier Rides President Jim Seay, his colleagues Sara Ingram and

much to the satisfaction of Jakob Wahl (Executive

Joanna Guy and Steve Van den Kerkhof (CEO Plopsa Group) are thrilled that “Sky

Assistant, Europa-Park) and Christian von Elverfeldt

Scream” at Holiday Park achived 3rd place in “Best New Rides”




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“Nefeskesen” at the Turkish Vialand was also

“Shambhala” was also awarded “Europe’s Best Steel Coaster”; the prizes

voted as one of the best novelties in Europe – very

were received by Giovanni Modena and Choni Fernández (PortAventura) as well

happy were Gerard Slenders (Intamin) and Cem Tuna

as Sophie Bolliger (Head of Marketing, Bolliger & Mabillard)

(Operations Manager, Vialand)

The prize for the second best steel coaster (“Expedition Ge-

The 3rd best steel coaster according to the votes was “Orkanen”;

Force”) was received by Steve Van den Kerkhof (Plopsa Group) and

the prize was given to Har Kupers (Technical Director, Vekoma Rides)

Sascha Czibulka (Executive Vice President, Intamin AG)

and Rasmos Altenborg (Archifunture / Architekt Fårup Sommerland)

Benoit Spriet (CDA Productions) and Sophie Bolliger (B&M) receiving 4 place for “OzIris” at Parc Astérix th


“blue fire” was also among the top 5; here Dr. Volker Klaiber (Director Operations, Europa-Park) with Christian von Elverfeldt (Mack)



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Sascha Czibulka (Intamin) and Werner Nowotny (Merlin) thrilled about the 1st prize “Colossos” at Heide-Park, for the titel “Europe’s Best

Andreas Andersen (Liseberg) and Sascha Czibulka (Intamin) happy to receive 2nd place for “Balder”

Wooden Coaster”

Dirk Engelhardt (Represent-

Yann Caillère (CEO Parques Reunidos) and

“Poseidon” at Europa-Park was totally in

ative Great Coasters) glad about 4th

Sascha Czibulka (Intamin) with 1st place for

front in “Europe’s Best Water Ride” category;

place for “Joris en de Draak”

“DiVertical” at Italy’s Mirabilandia

here Michael Mack and Christian von Elverfeldt

Eric Cosset (Disneyland Resort Paris) receiving

The 2nd place in the category “Best Dark Rides” went to “Raving Rabbids”:

1 place once again for “Twilight Tower of Terror” at

Jan Maarten de Raad (CEO JoraVision), Jean-Pierre Joyaux (Chief Project, Parc

Disney Studios Park

du Futuroscope) and Florence Adelbrecht (JoraVision)





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Yann Caillère (Parques Reunidos) received 3rd place in segment

Particularly proud were Sieglinde Wagner-Haigerer and

“Europe’s Best Dark Rides” for the Gerstlauer-Indoor-Coaster “Van

Erich Wagner (Owner, Fantasiana Straßwalchen) about the 5th

Helsing’s Factory” at Movie Park Germany

place for their Indoor Freefall Attraction “Knights Ride Tower”

PortAventura, here Giovanni Modena and

This year the kiddie coaster “Die Schlange von Midgard” was honoured

colleague Choni Fernández, also receiving 1st place for

as 2nd best Family Ride in Europe, about which Christoph Andreas Leicht

the new Family Ride “Angkor” from Mack

(Hansa-Park) was very pleased

3rd place prize for “De Grote Golf” at Plopsaland was received by Nicola Masin (Europe Sales Manager, Zamperla) and Steve Van den Kerkhof Roby Gasser (Owner, Connyland) was awarded 4th place in category “Europe’s Best Attractions” for his novelty “Mammut Tree”




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Maria and Mathijs Bembom from French OK Corral

Fabio Martini and Marco Grigolo (both Technical Park) as well as

reached 5th place with their Jetski attraction “Alligator Island”

Jacob Helenius and Will Gurley (both Tivoli Gardens) very pleased

from Zierer

about 1st place in category “Europe’s Best Attractions”

Managing Director Gerd Reddersen (left) awarded 5th place in

Mariano Alarcón and Christoph Kiessling (both Siam Park)

category “Europe’s Best Attractions” to Froukje Knijpstra and Theo

received 1st place for “Kinnaree” from ProSlide as best water slide

van Zwieten (both Mondial) for “SynKope” at Terra Mítica


Söhret Pakis (Director of Marketing, Polin) received 2nd place

Paul Chutter (Vice President Sales, WhiteWater West) and

for the “King Cobra” at Aqualand Fréjus and 5 place for “Super

Grant Poje (European Vice President Sales, WhiteWater West)

Combo” at Aqua Fantasy Resort

happy about the 3rd place for “Family Rattler” at Aqua-Lazika





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