Cannes Lions Daily News 2011 Issue 4

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Radio jury decides crash campaign is a knockout

9.30 CHEIL WORLDWIDE PRESENTS: WILL SMART TV MAKE YOUR LIFE SMARTER? How will smart TV transform our lives? Listen to the experts’ views and projections 10.30 MOFILM PRESENTS: CAN CROWDSOURCING BUILD BIG BRANDSActor Jesse Eisenberg and General Motors’ Paul Edwards explore crowd creativity and the value of ‘outsider perspective’ 11.30TIME WARNER PRESENTS: THINKING INSIDE THE BOX [THE GOLDEN AGE OF TV. EVERYWHERE.] Piers Morgan, David Simon and Aaron Sorkin join Time Warner’s Jeff Bewkes to discuss creating content for TV’s second Golden Age 12.30 GOOGLE PRESENTS: INTERNET, INNOVATION AND IMAGINATIONA glimpse into how the internet — and Google — are changing the world 13.30THE GUARDIAN AND DR EDWARD DE BONO PRESENT: IS CREATIVITY FOR MAD MEN OR PR GURUS? Be inspired by the founding father of modern creative thinking 14.30 MICROSOFT ADVERTISING PRESENTS: DISCOVER NEW INNOVATIONS TURNING ORDINARY ENTERTAINMENT INTO SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY Find out what happens when creatives put consumers in the centre of the action 15.30 R/GA PRESENTS: WHAT’S NEXT? Barry Wacksman and Bob Greenberg explain how R/GA intends to grow and thrive in the age of disruption 16.30 LEO BURNETT PRESENTS: THE LANGUAGE OF THE 21ST CENTURY Learn why the world’s great brands are speaking a new language 17.30 FACEBOOK PRESENTS: SOCIAL BY DESIGN Carolyn Everson explains how businesses are being creatively transformed through Facebook ALL SEMINARS ARE IN THE DEBUSSY UNLESS INDICATED


Eugene Cheong

THE RADIO Grand Prix has been won by Net#work BBDO Johannesburg for a “piece of magic” for Mercedes-Benz. Jury president Eugene Cheong described the campaign for the luxury car-maker’s accidentavoidance features — a series of surreal melodramas about relationships that could have been avoided with the use of the blind-spot and fatigue-prevention technology — as “a leftfield idea” that was so original as to be “post-modern”. Net#work BBDO Johannes-

burg also made off with two of the nine Gold Lions, along with two of the 15 Silver Lions awarded. The jury also granted a total of 24 Bronze Lions. Cheong, regional executive creative director of Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific, praised his “fair and thorough” jurors, who had worked diligently through 1,360-plus entries, determined not to “allow any great work slip through the gap”. He added: “We ended up with a shortlist to be proud of.” When asked about overcom-

ing language differences in a medium that is dependent on the spoken word — and the special challenge of migrating humour across cultures — Cheong cited Tolstoy’s War And Peace, written in Russian, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years Of Solitude, written in Spanish. He had read both novels in translation, he said, but they had lost none of their power. But Cheong issued a warning to agencies submitting radio campaigns in languages other than English — the language of advertising in general and the Cannes Lions in particular. “Make sure the translation is perfect, or don’t bother,” he said. While the Radio jury had heard some “stunning work”, many of the humorous entries had been disappointingly basic. “We were looking for original ideas, not just funny sounds and voices.” In terms of raising quality, he added, “I think the trick is to get great creative people working specifically for radio again. Radio needs to become more attractive to talent.” ^

Korea gains first Grand Prix KOREA gained its first Grand Prix when the Media results were announced yesterday. “After the double Grand Prix success yesterday for McCann Erickson Romania and now Korea today, we are seeing something very interesting happening,” Festival CEO, Phil Thomas, said. According to Media jury president Maria Luisa Francoli Plaza, the HomePlus Subway Virtual Store campaign for Tesco by Cheil Worldwide featured a remarkable piece of

Maria Luisa Francoli Plaza


consumer insight. “It was also a very effective blend of outdoor, the oldest form of advertising, and the very latest technology,” she said. After re-branding from Tesco to HomePlus, the retailer was looking for a way to overhaul the market leader without opening new shops. The fact that Koreans work very long hours led to a radical solution: to open virtual stores in places where people commute, starting with subway stations, where they could turn to page 3

Olivier Altmann

BING BRINGS OUTDOOR HARMONY ALREADY a Gold winner in Direct Decode Jay-Z With Bing, by Droga5 New York, was the unanimous choice of the Outdoor jury for a Grand Prix. “Following initial discussion about which campaign deserved the Grand Prix it was clear that this campaign had everyone’s vote, something the organisers told us was extremely rare,” jury president Olivier Altmann said. “It wasn’t merely the best campaign, it also shows the future of outdoor.” The campaign, aimed at increasing the profile of the rapper’s autobiography among young people, featured all 350 pages on billboards around the world, the sites chosen from places mentioned in the book. There were also a collaboration with Gucci, which sewed pages into leather jackets and a bronze plaque was put up in the Marcy Projects where Jay Z grew up. Clues to the location of pages, which included a hotel swimming pool and a plate in a restaurant, were searchable through Bing. “This campaign shows how outdoor can lead a whole campaign,” juror James Cloete, of Draftfcb Johannesburg, said. The jury awarded 40 Gold Lions and 69 Silvers. Altmann instructed jurors to judge the entries as people not as professionals. “I asked the team to be prepared to be surprised, shocked and moved rather then impressed,” he said^


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Time Warner Chairman/CEO

Journalist/ Television Host

Journalist/ Author/TV Producer

Playwright/ Screenwriter







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Richard Woolley



DEPUTY EDITOR Debbie Lincoln


REPORTERS Marlene Edmunds Juliana Koranteng Gary Smith Phil Sommerich


Hana Kundratova and Katerina Hunova: tackling “a difficult task”

Sunnie Antonia

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Czech Young Lions win with rainforest rescue strategy GOLD in the Young Lions Media competition has gone to the Czech Republic team of Hana Kundratova and Katerina Hunova. But the judges were so impressed by others of the 23 teams that they awarded two special commendations in addition to the medals. Bronze went to Bastian Raschke and Felix Kleipoedszus of Germany, bronze to Andre Gramorelli and Guilherme Barbato of Brazil. The Australian team of Lachlan Williams and Jessica Woodford, and Elisabeth Seiser and Katharina Zweng of Austria both received special commendations. The client was Iracambi, the charity that is trying to halt and even reverse the destruction of the Atlantic rainforest in Brazil, and the mission was to encourage corporate funding. The brief was presented by Philippa White of The International Exchange (TIE), who is in Cannes to promote both

Iracambi and TIE’s mission of getting creatives to work on briefs for NGOs. The Czech team’s winning entry was in the form of a desktop application which allows companies to make donations and enables employees to press for such payments to be made. The application can be personalised for individual companies, Kundratova said. “It was a difficult task,” she added, “because Iracambi does so many things and we had to choose just some of them. The target group was corporations and it was difficult to personalise that.” The judges, Alan Cohen of OMD, Graham Bednash of Mindshare Worldwide and Sarah Ivey of Initiative, noted that, although the brief was to target companies, several teams adopted the tactic of persuading employees to pressure their bosses to make the donation. ^

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Media Grand Prix ... from page 1 order the virtual goods displayed in the racks using their smartphones. The order would be delivered to the customer’s home a short time later. “For me the essence of the Media category is how all the different elements work together, and HomePlus is great exam-

ple of that,” Francoli Plaza said. “Among the Gold Lions, the Save As WWF and June 16th 2014 campaigns were very, very good, with media being put to the service of people. But, in fact, every single one of the 14 campaigns awarded a Gold Lion is very impressive.”^



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Arab Spring reinforces power of social media SOCIAL media’s role in the Arab Spring has lessons for the advertising industry — and David Eastman, JWT’s CEO of North America and director of worldwide digital, will be exploring them in tomorrow’s seminar, The Power Of The People Is Greater Than The People In Power. Eastman is quick to stress that he and his fellow panellists — filmmakers Jehane Noujaim and Amr Salama, and actor, director and producer Fisher Stevens — are not “trivialising” recent events in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria and Jordan, but rather studying the lessons that are rele-

David Eastman: “We are all consumers”

vant to today’s brands and how they talk to consumers. “At our heart we are all consumers,” Eastman added. “The most successful organising principle the world has ever known is the simple guarantee that we can buy and do things for no other point than our own happiness. It’s ultimately what unites us as human beings. So even though democracy and freedom were what those people were fighting for, that was a means to an end: the end is to live a life of self-determination, whether that’s buying soap powder, drinking a can of Coke or having access to medical care. And that’s very relevant to our industry.” For Eastman, the interesting thing about the Arab Spring uprising was that it happened spontaneously — unlike, for example, Barack Obama’s grassroots campaign, which was a carefully orchestrated political operation. “There’s something fascinating about people deciding they want to do something and getting together to do it,” he said. “I think social media has enabled that. There’s nothing secret about the technology — it’s just that it allows people to connect with each other and to amplify a message. It allows information to move more quickly and be more transparent, open and honest.”^

Marcel Fenez: “growth at a realistic level”

Latam, China and Russia lead four years of growth RECENT global stock market turmoil does not quell Marcel Fenez’s belief that the advertising industry is in for four years of solid growth — if practitioners adapt to the Golden Age of the Consumer. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ global entertainment and media industry leader, in Cannes to present PwC’s Global Entertain-

ment and Media Outlook 20112015, said: “The numbers we are putting out are showing growth at a realistic level. We built into them certain uncertainties.” The report forecasts that global advertising will increase at a 5.5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), from $442bn in 2010 — a year that

Talent hemorrhage draining creative firms of life blood MANAGERS attending tomorrow’s conference Fixing Advertising’s Talent Crisis, hosted by Arnold Worldwide, may just prevent the loss of their most precious assets. Andrew Benett, global CEO of Arnold Worldwide and global chief strategy officer of Havas Worldwide, recently rocked the industry with the results of a survey of more than 3,000 employees and 500 executives at US multinaWEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2011

tional creative firms, addressing the issue of why they were losing talented staff. It found that 30% of staff said they would be gone in 12 months, 70% said they would return a recruiter’s call and 96% were confident of getting another job easily. “The two biggest shock factors were myths that were debunked,” Benett said. The first was that many creatives were itching to quit agencies

for companies such as Google and Disney. “That is definitely not the case. Most want to go to another agency,” Benett said. The second shock was what Benett called “the talent management hourglass”. He explained: “We train people when they come into the industry and we train our senior managers, but we ignore the people in the middle.” Yet senior managers insisted they did

Andrew Benett: exploding myths

saw a 5.8% rebound from recession — to $578bn in 2015. While internet advertising will lead the way with 13% CAGR, television will remain the key platform with 6.5% CAGR, the report says. Much of that growth will come from Latin America, China and Russia, with North America and EMEA remaining subdued. Key to that, Fenez said, will be the industry’s relationship with a digitally empowered consumer: “The device revolution of the last 18 months has enabled consumers to take advantage of the ‘anywhere, any time consumption’ we have been talking about for years. That has given the consumer access to more content than they have ever had before. Sadly, they are not paying for it.” With two-thirds of the world’s population forecast to own smart devices by 2015, that trend can only grow, meaning the industry can no longer address only “the top tier of consumers”, Fenez said. He identified five things consumers will pay for: “the experience of consuming content that is important to them”, quality, convenience, prestige and participation. He used the example of American Idol, in which consumers are actively engaged. “There is a huge amount of money to be made out of that participation,” he added. “That brings back live TV — and live TV is what drives primetime — at a time when primetime TV is dying.” Truly integrated campaigns, addressing individuals by understanding local cultural and linguistic nuances, and taking on brands from unfamiliar parts of the world are among challenges the report identifies. ^

provide training for all staff. The survey also found that many creatives felt they lacked career development and had no relationship with management.To address these issues, Benett has assembled a panel including Emily Lawson of McKinsey, Grant Duncan of Spencer Stuart and, on the client side, Bob O’Leary of Citi, Marc Mathieu of Unilever and Alexis Nasard of Heineken. Benett plans to extend his research beyond the US and warned that, with the world coming out of the economic downturn, talented staff would feel even more pressure to switch jobs.^

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With Panelists: Producer, Entertainer and Technology Advocate

Tod Machover Composer, Inventor and Educator

Moderator: Nick Brien Chairman and CEO, McCann Worldgroup

Marc Landsberg CEO, MRM Worldwide

Johan Jervøe Vice President, Creative Services and Digital Marketing, Intel Corporation

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Redford’s advice to brand creators: you must get real

Why Mad Men are still telling women what to buy WOMEN hold just 3% of the top creative positions in the advertising industry but are responsible for 85% of the purchases made around the world. That was among the statistics thrown up at the IPG seminar Beyond Mad Men: Toward Gender Balance In Creative Roles. Martha Stewart, founder of Martha Stewart Living OmniMedia, said 70% of the people in her organisation were women and that included the top creatives. She added, however, from her experience, “the truth and the reality of Madison Avenue is very much worse” than what is depicted in the ABC drama series Mad Men. Gale Heimann, vice-chair of Weber Shandwick, said the reasons for the dearth of women were complex but the industry itself was about swagger. “It is largely testosterone-driv-

Robert Redford: authenticity and quality

HE MAY not like it, but Robert Redford admits that his Sundance empire of independent film production and showcasing has become a brand. And, he told a packed and rapt audience in Cannes, a brand should have two qualities: authenticity and quality. Talking with Ross Levinsohn, executive vice-president, Americas, for Yahoo! In the session Content As Conversation Catalyst, he said of those qualities: “Both lead to trust, and you have to have a certain amount of integrity to achieve that.” The two qualities also guide Sundance’s moves to embrace online platforms, he said, and explain why it is partnering with Yahoo!. Levinsohn announced that Yahoo! will sponsor the shorts contest at WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2011

the 2012 Sundance Festival and show many of the entries online. Redford did, though, warn against uncritical enthusiasm for new technologies. “Just because something is invented doesn’t mean you have to use it.” Of 3D he said: “A lot of people are trying to grab it without analysing whether it is good for their movie. You have to find out if it fits.” Sundance, he said, aimed to be a haven for creativity — a safe place where young artists had the freeedom to take risks. “You have to look at failure not as the end of the road but as a step forward.” Asked by Levinsohn to name his favourite film, he admitted it was Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid. Originally, he said, Paul Newman —

who was a much bigger name than the young Redford — was cast as Sundance and the title was to be The Sundance Kid And Butch Cassidy. But the two actors met in a New York bar and realised that they wanted to switch roles, so the title was reversed. He also recalled his first visit to Cannes. As an 18-year-old hitching from Paris to Florence, he arrived late one night and had to sleep on the beach under a jetty outside the Carlton hotel. “I could hear music and people having fun, and wondered what must it be like to be in a tuxedo and with money.” Sixteen years later he was invited to the Cannes Film Festival, stayed in the Calton and one night realised his room was overlooking that jetty.^

Martha Stewart: it’s worse than Mad Men

en. How do you get women to deliver that idea?” Carol Lam, managing director and chief creative officer of McCann Erickson Shanghai, said women in China don’t have to balance work with taking care of the children. “In China, we have only one child per family, so the grandparents, and everyone, wants to help take care of the child.” Kimberly Kadlec, worldwide vice-president, global marketing, at Johnson & Johnson, said opportunities for women in the future may be wide open. “Leadership styles are changing from the traditional hierarchical structure to a more networkand matrix-oriented style.” IPG’s chairman and CEO Michael Roth said: “Women constitute the largest emerging buying power in the world.” IPG has made inclusion and diversity a critical objective of the company, he added.^

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Todd Sampson, left, Peter Bosilkovski and Andy Dilallo of Leo Burnett Sydney struck PR Gold with the Water Mark campaign for Diageo

Tom Beckman, left, and Marcus Wenner of Prime PR Stockholm receive Gold from PR jury president Dave Senay for the Electrolux Vac From The Sea campaign

Huh Won Gu (left) and Nam Jae Wook of Cheil Worldwide Seoul with Alexander Schill . Cheil won a Direct Gold Lion for their Homeplus Subway Virtual Shop campaign

THE FIRST GOLD RUSH The Debussy was packed on Monday night as the curtain went up on the first Lions 2011 awards ceremony, covering the Promo & Activation, PR and Direct sectors

Nik Studzinski, executive creative director, Droga5 New York, receives Gold from Direct jury president Alexander Schill for the Decode Jay-Z With Bing entry


A PR Grand Prix for Ant Keogh, executive creative director at Clemenger BBDO Melbourne, for the National Australia Bank Break Up campaign, presented by PR jury president Dave Senay

Victor Croitoru, planning director at McCann Erickson Romania, was a victor indeed, receiving a Grand Prix from Planning & Activation jury president Warren Brown to match the one he received in Direct

Armin Jochum (left), Michael Kittel and Alexander Norvillas of Jung von Matt Hamburg gain a Promo & Activation Gold Lion for their Save As WWF campaign

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NEWS The Ogilvy New York team of, left to right, Pierre Wendling, Niels West and Jason Marks picked up Gold in PR as well as Silver for the IBM Watson project


The team from Ogilvy Argentina pictured with festival chairman Terry Savage and Alexander Schill celebrating winning Direct Agency Of The Year. Akestam Holst of Stockholm came second and Ogilvy Brazil was third

Kevin Craig (left) Rebecca Newsom and Greg Martin of the UK’s PLMR with their PR Gold Lion for the Durand School project

Damir Maric (left) and Armin Jochum of Jung von Matt Hamburg with PR jury president David Senay. The duo won a Gold Lion for the Tramp A Benz campaign

Matthew Ryan, creative director of 4th Amendment Wear received a warm embrace and two Gold Lions from Promo & Activation jury president Warren Brown for his company’s Metallic Ink underwear campaign

Gold winners for the Response campaign for Old Spice Body Wash Wieden + Kennedy’s Mark Fitzloff (left) with P&G’s Charlene Patten and Direct jury president Alexander Schill

Jeremy Miller of TBWA\Chiat\Day with jury president David Senay. Miller won his PR Gold Lion for Digital Death, part of an AIDS awareness campaign


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Inspiration flagging? Try taking a shower ADVERTISING professionals might not use “anterior superior temporal gyrus” and “alpha waves” in their everyday vocabulary, but Monday’s Exploring The Science Of Creativity session indicated they probably should. They are part of how the brain functions and, if advertising executives want to understand how consumers make decisions about brands, then knowledge of neuroscience might not be a bad thing, suggested Matthew Willcox, executive director at the Institute for Decision Making, part of ad agency group Draftfcb. Draftfcb values the relationship between art and science and how it influences consumers. To demonstrate that point, the agency invited author Jonah Lehrer, whose best-selling books include How We Decide and Proust Was A Neuroscientist, to the Festival to analyse creativi-

ty’s impact on consumers’ actions. The goal is to unlock the secret to making consumers feel comfortable. “The anterior superior temporal gyrus is uniquely good at generating words of association that trigger actions. And when you’re doing something that puts you at ease, you end up with many alpha waves,” Lehrer said. He added: “We shouldn’t assume productivity means always being at the desk staring at a screen. You need to walk away and have a warm shower — that’s when the moment of inspiration comes.” Yet, the truth is much more complex, Lehrer continued: “To be productive in the real world, you need to be at your desk. Also, no one can do everything on his or her own. Collaborations are essential. It is easier to come up with effective new ads if done through collaborations.”^

Author Jonah Lehrer: analysing the relationship between art and science

Federated Media’s John Batelle: print publishers struggling to adapt

Is the writing on the wall for traditional publishers? PRINT magazines produced on digital platforms have yet to gain traction among readers, but Festival panelists at the session Advertising Meets Digital Publishing: The Hot Issue believe the necessary tools will soon be in place. Hosted by Adobe Systems, the digital-publishing technology provider, the speakers said print publishers must move faster to create original interactive platforms to which advertisers can contribute. The emergence of internetpowered computer tablet devices looks set to change how future readers interact with print titles, but it is still not

clear that the publishing industry understands how, said Hamish Robertson, Vanity Fair’s digital design editor. “Things have started to happen,” he said. “But we’re in the development phase and it is still experimental.” John Batelle, executive chairman and chief strategy officer of Federated Media, which aggregates the works of independent web publishers via an ad-funded platform, argued that traditional glossy print publishers are finding it difficult to adapt. “Magazine people want to make something that is beautiful and connects with an audience, but it has been

hard to do that very well in the internet space during the last two years.” A frustrated Steve Simpson, Ogilvy & Mather’s chief creative officer, North America, pointed out that sending brand messages on digital print platforms remains a challenge. “We are still at that early stage when everything needs to be spelt out to the audience,” he said. Yet Christian Haas, executive creative director and associate partner at Gooby, Silverstein & Partners, is confident that the print publishing sector is moving in the right direction, saying that interactive platforms “offer immense opportunity”.^


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The Mio: built by Fiat, designed by the world

Music has ‘a great future’ if it works in tune with brands

Fiat’s Joao Batista Simon Ciaco

CAR-MAKER Fiat is in Cannes to prove the revolutionary benefits of crowdsourcing via digital media. Speaking at Embracing Openness To Make The Car Of The Future, the seminar hosted by media agency AgênciaClick Isobar, Fiat explained how its crowdsourcing initiative resulted in the creation of the Fiat Mio. It is one of Brazil’s most popular cars, yet it was built from scratch using consumers’ ideas. “Between August 2009 and August 2010, more than 17,000 consumers from 160 countries registered to participate in the initiative, and nearly 11,000 ideas were submitted,” said João Batista Simon Ciaco, advertising and marketing director at Fiat Brazil and Latin America. “We were expecting no more than 500 ideas.”

The groundbreaking aspects of the Fiat Mio are even more astonishing considering the auto industry’s conservative culture, said Pedro Cabral, AgênciaClick’s CEO and chairman of Isobar Global Team. There are more than 600 million cars worldwide today. But “consumers always come in at the end of the process,” Cabral said. For the Mio, he added, they were placed at the forefront. Using Facebook and its Factory blog, Fiat kept the consumer participants informed of all the Mio’s developments. “The consumer had the final word,” said Abel Reis, AgênciaClick Isobar’s president and Isobar Brazil’s COO. “It was the biggest communication strategy ever built in Brazil without using traditional mass-communications channels.” ^

Pharrell Williams: “This is the moment, the day of reckoning”

THE MUSIC industry’s future will increasingly rely on a symbiotic relationship with brandowners, declared music megastar Pharrell Williams yesterday. Speaking at the Digitas & Vevo seminar, Artists, Brands And The Marriage Of Music And Marketing, he said: “There is a great future for music because music will survive better juxtaposed next to brands. This whole panel is about the future. This is the moment, the day of reckoning.” As the global

sale of CDs declines and consumers go online for their entertainment, music labels are struggling to invest in tomorrow’s artists. That is why brands are stepping in, added Williams, who has worked with various high-profile brands such as Louis Vuitton. Williams said: “Brands are necessary for acts because it is the only [source of finance] many of this generation’s artists know thus far.” He observed that brand-own-

ers like Apple and Microsoft “are getting it right because they concentrate on servicing people. Where the music industry is getting it wrong is that it still talks about selling records.” Laura Lang, CEO of Digitas, agreed with Williams and even predicted: “In the future, I think half of the music industry’s revenues will come from brands.” However, she stressed: “You can no longer talk at people — you need to engage with them. Music has touched every single one of us, so the future of these partnerships depends on brands understanding what people are passionate about.” The recording-music sector is embracing brands, according to Rob Wells, president of global digital business at Universal Music Group (UMG). He said: “Consumers not comfortable paying for music will have theirs paid for by brands.” UMG has a stake in Vevo, the US music-video website designed to attract high-end advertisers. Yet Rio Caraeff, Vevo’s president and CEO, warned: “We can’t afford to sit back and let the Yahoo!s and Apples save the day because they are using our music for their business.”^

In pursuit of ‘uplifting experiences’

Flight of ideas: ‘Mighty Eagle’ Peter Vesterbacka, chief marketing officer of Finland’s Rovia Mobile, spoke at yesterday’s Hill & Knowlton seminar on what brands can learn from the phenomenal success of Angry Birds Photography by Talouselämä/Janne Næss WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2011

GLOBAL media agency Starcom MediaVest (SMG) Group’s ‘ideas partnership’ with TED at this year’s Festival illustrates the radically changing role of media agencies in the digital era. Instead of focusing on selling and buying airtime and print space, media agencies should concentrate on creating experiences from ideas, said Laura Desmond, SMG’s US-based CEO. She was speaking shortly after The Meaning Of The Connected Experience, the session SMG co-hosted yesterday with TED, the international conference organisation set up to spread original ideas and new thinking. “Two years ago, we clarified our purpose as a media agency to create one that transforms human behaviour by developing uplifting experiences,” Desmond said. “This is a broad remit, but we think it’s perfect for the emerg-

Starcom MediaVest Group’s Laura Desmond: “transforming human behaviour”

ing digital world.” She explained that is how SMG and TED, which jointly held an off-site event near the Festival last year, cemented their relationship. Desmond added: “TED cares about human experiences and, about two years ago, they asked us to help them make a connection with the advertising busi-

ness. I couldn’t think of a more appropriate place for them to do that than at the Festival.” At their session on the connected experience, TED’s European director, Bruno Giussani, offered the audience a glimpse of the TED philosophy by introducing them to first-time festival speakers, including performance poet Sarah Kay. ^

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anonymous (left) and anonymous

#TWEETGENCY @CANNES IN 140-PLUS WORDS A Q&A with Tweetgency, the world’s first Twitter-based agency … Twitter is fundamentally tribal, how do you best harness that? We'll be the first to admit we didn't really have a plan to tap into key influencers and all that. There are a lot of rules people create with Twitter now that everybody wants to be an influencer, or friends with an influencer, or wants a million followers. That being said, we're sort of lucky that a few influencers have helped spread the word about Tweetgency from the first day we went online. It's something that just sort of happened, and we've just been riding that wave ever since and hope that it continues to grow. To follow back or not to follow back? We're friendly and always try to follow back unless they're asking us to check out naked pictures of themselves. We can't believe we need to pay for that when Congressmen in the US give that up for free. What gives? Is telling a valid and engaging story in 140 characters really possible? It's a nice challenge to have to focus on the idea — no fancy schmancy art direction or persuasive long copy here. 140 characters forces us to be clear and concise. And every once in a while, like if we can sense that you're a gentle soul, we'll throw in a sketch. Then again, who knows if it's really possible — we're free, what do you expect? Though we hope you get a laugh out of it. ^

Mauricio Fernandes: “We want to look like Caesar’s wife”

Mauricio Fernandes briefs the Young Lions Cyber competitors

Young Lions’ Cyber mission: help UN save planet Earth THE 36 teams participating in the Young Lions Cyber competition are the luckiest contestants in Cannes, Mauricio Fernandes assured them. The executive director of the Planet Earth Institute was giving the brief for the contest, explained: “You will be working for a cause that saves lives and makes the world a better place.” Fernandes explained that the institute was established as a

result of the United Nations International Year of Planet Earth, in 2007-09. It now has 86 national committees, three regional centres and a target audience of 5.5 billion people. The organisation addresses themes including water, natural resources, food, climate change, megacities, waste, geneder equality, transport and energy, taking a science-based perspective. It has a global scientific com-

mittee which meets regularly to discuss ways of furthering its objectives. One example is the volcanic island of Cape Verde. “It is possible in 10 or 15 years this small island, which is completely dependent on fossil fuels, will be able to create its own geothermal energy.” Another example is the Centre of Excellence in Science for Africa, which aims to enrol 10 PhD students a year in Angola

to undertake study in earth sciences. For once, Fernandes said, the competitors’ task was not to seek funds, but to raise brand awareness. He quoted the saying: “To be Caesar’s wife, you have to look like Caesar’s wife.” He added: “We want to look like Caesar’s wife.” At present the institute has little public profile, he said, and the Young Lions’ task was to change that.^

Hatchuel Academy gets ever-younger NOW IN its ninth outing, the Roger Hatchuel Lions Academy each year enlists some of the best and brightest students aged 18-23 to come to Cannes for an intensive week of training and education, and to rub shoulders with leaders of the advertising industry. “They have the opportunity to really grow, to soak up everything that the festival has to offer,” said Rick Boyko, dean of the Academy, and director and professor of VCU Brandcenter in the US. “Were getting interest at a much younger age now. Previously students have been mainly in their last year of studies at university or have even graduated. This year we’ve got students as young as 18.” This year’s Academy is sponsored by Draftfcb. Students are

given not only daily tutoring and access to all events but also talks by industry veterans such as Sir John Hegarty, worldwide creative director and founder of Bartle Bogle Hegarty, and executive creative director for Draftfcb North America Tom O’Keefe. One sign of the times, said Academy tutor Clive Challis, is that all of the students have websites or blogs or both. “I don’t think we need to teach young people anything about new media,” Challis added. “They understand it and use it by osmosis.” Boyko added that, unlike previous years, students are increasingly less willing to specify a discipline or narrow their field of interest. “It’s a lesson the industry itself can learn. Our business is about telling sto-

The Roger Hatchuel Academy in session

ries, and we need to stop narrowly defining our disciplines.” The Academy is also hoping to work closely with the new Cannes Creative Academy for

Young Marketers. The two bodies have already come together to hear talks by industry leaders, among them AOL chairman and CEO Tim Armstrong.^ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2011

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WED 22ND 16.30 - 17.15 Debussy Theatre, Palais des Festivals What defines an effective brand today? To truly connect with people, the world’s great brands are speaking a new language of communication – a language which doesn’t just speak to consumers, but instead, speaks the language of people. Mark Tutssel, Chief Creative Officer Leo Burnett Worldwide, returns to Cannes for the Wildfire Seminar along with Jay Benjamin, Michael Canning and Kieran Antill of Leo Burnett New York, to discuss their views on the brands which will lead the conversation of the 21st century, and define a new benchmark of effectiveness.


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Wind, rain and hard climbs — then the sun of Provence Brad Avery, managing partner of Batch Film, New Zealand, continues his reports from the saddle of the Fireflies Tour in aid of Leuka

DAY 4 WOKE up to a foggy morning. By the time we finished breakfast and discussed what to wear, the rain had set in. When we got to the top of the first climb the rain had soaked us. Some stopped in the van and some pressed on for the 20km descent to Briancon and the beginning of our last Alp climb before heading towards Provence. The weather eased at the bottom and came back in force about halfway up the climb. We all just put our heads down and continued on. Conversation was kept to a minimum. Once at the summit, some lingered to urge others on, some put even more layers on and got off the mountain as fast as they could. Lunch was at Guillestre where the early riders converged on a grotto-like pizza place and

sought a seat close to the oven. Water formed puddles under seats. Copious amounts of food and hot chocolate were consumed. The rain continued as we set off again, but the temperature was rising, which meant Provence was ahead. Small groups formed pelotons to make riding in the wind easier. Suddenly the road was dry, the landscape had softened and we savoured the pastoral views as Gap, the hotel and a hot shower drew near. Our earliest arrival yet, so a number of riders cleaned their bikes while others soaked in the pool.

DAY 5 WOKE to a sunny day, finally. The weather had taken its toll and, while there was a positive feel about the flatter roads and

warmer temperatures, the past few days had taken a toll. Everyone was quiet as they tried to find a comfortable position on the seat to ease the pain. Legs did not spin quite as fast at the beginning. As the day warmed up, the Fireflies did too and speeds started to increase as we followed smooth roads through lavender, barley and hay fields. The smells and views were delightful. The Alps in the distance reminded us of where we had been and made us enjoy the heat of the sun and the softness of the landscape even more. After lunch we found ourselves on a lovely canyon road with a slight downhill that seemed to go on for ever. By the end, it was plain to see in the faces of everyone arriving at the hotel, N today was a reward after so much bad weather. ^

Tim Mellors talks to Patti Smith: 5th Grey Cannes Music Legends Seminar 1:45 Debussy Theatre Friday 24th June

Patti Smith, 2007 Š Edward Mapplethorpe


Photo: Andy Rudak

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WINNERS OUVERTURES A+D:25•01 front 22/06/11 00:12 Page19






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20 MEDIA WINNERS Grand Prix A04/011 BEST USE OF OUTDOOR Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Art Director Copywriter Photographer Illustrator Account Manager Creative Director Computer Graphic Entered By



Gold Awards A03/015 BEST USE OF PRINT Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Media Agency, City Business Development Superviser


Kaihei Uragami, HAKUHODO DY MEDIA PARTNERS Producer Gen Kashiyama, IWATE NIPPO Takahiro Mori, IWATE NIPPO Chief Technical Media Producer Kensuke Joji, HAKUHODO DY MEDIA PARTNERS Art Director Azumi Maruyama, HAKUHODO DY MEDIA PARTNERS Development Manager Tomomi Nakano, PLUS PLUS Development Department Manager Mikihiro Hayashi, PLUS PLUS Corporate Officer Shinich Hori, HAKUHODO Copy Writer Tomohiko Kawanishi, HAKUHODO Designer Akihiro Azuma, HAKUHODO MIsugi Yokoo, HAKUHODO Entered By HAKUHODO DY MEDIA PARTNERS Tokyo A05/051 GERMANY BEST USE OF AMBIENT MEDIA: SMALL SCALE Title SPORTY VOUCHERS Advertiser SPORTSCHECK Product/Service SPORTS STORE Entrant Company, City OGILVY FRANKFURT Advertising Agency, City OGILVY FRANKFURT Executive Creative Director Michael Kutschinski, Ogilvy Creative Director Uwe Jakob, Ogilvy Copywriter Christian Urbanski, Ogilvy Art Director Christian Urbanski, Ogilvy Designer Uwe Jakob, Ogilvy Photographer Mathias Köhler, Ogilvy Producer Stefan Kriznjak, Ogilvy Photo Editor Christian Urbanski, Ogilvy Account Executive Katharina Marsenger/Frank Apel, Ogilvy Production Company HMD Druck, Entered By OGILVY FRANKFURT A07/156 FRANCE BEST USE OF SPECIAL EVENTS AND STUNT/LIVE ADVERTISING Title CRUSH HOUR Advertiser EUROPCAR Product/Service AUTOLIBERTE Entrant Company, City OGILVY FRANCE Paris Advertising Agency, City OGILVY FRANCE Paris Creative Director Chris Garbutt, Ogilvy France Art Director Emmanuel Bougneres, Ogilvy France Copywriter Benjamin Dessagne, Ogilvy France Agency TV Producer Laure Bayle, Ogilvy France Antoine Bagot, Ogilvy France Film Director Gustav Johansson, Production Company Night Shift, Executive Director Nathalie Heckel, Ogilvy France Account Director Delphine Watenberg, Ogilvy France Head of Digital and Brand Content Frederic Levron, Ogilvy France Film Director Laurent Tonnelier, Europcar Entered By OGILVY FRANCE Paris


A08/076 GERMANY BEST USE OF BRANDED CONTENT Title THE MISSING CHILD Advertiser INITIATIVE VERMISSTE KINDER Product/Service MISSING CHILDREN’S INITIATIVE Entrant Company, City KEMPERTRAUTMANN Hamburg Advertising Agency, City KEMPERTRAUTMANN Hamburg Creative Director/ Account Manager Marcell Francke, kempertrautmann Creative Director/Account Manager/Programming Patrick Matthiensen, kempertrautmann Art Director/Graphic Designer Leif Johannsen, kempertrautmann Copywriter Sebastian Merget, kempertrautmann Graphic Designer Bruno Luglio, kempertrautmann Account Manager Carolin Panier, kempertrautmann Biljana Retzlik, kempertrautmann Production Alexander Kate, cmp Involved Agency fischerappelt AG Entered By KEMPERTRAUTMANN Hamburg A08/102 UNITED KINGDOM BEST USE OF BRANDED CONTENT Title GT ACADEMY Advertiser NISSAN / SONY PLAYSTATION Product/Service NISSAN SPORTS CARS AND GRAN TURISMO 5 Entrant Company, City MANNING GOTTLIEB OMD London Media Agency, City MANNING GOTTLIEB OMD London Executive Producer Andrew Hill, Fuse/Manning Gottlieb OMD Rabin Mukerjea, Fuse/Manning Gottlieb OMD Project Manager Kathryn Allen, Fuse/Manning Gottlieb OMD Strategy Director Andy Reynolds, OMD Entered By MANNING GOTTLIEB OMD London A10/006 BEST LOCALISED CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Media Agency, City Managing Director Planning Director Media Manager Group Broadcast Manager Joint Head of Broadcast Regional Supervisior Regional Account Director Senior Account Manager Account Manager Planning Director Head of Leith Account Executive Senior Account Manager Entered By


A10/104 BEST LOCALISED CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Media Agency, City Chief Planner Planner Independent Designer Strategic Planning Director Marketing Account Manager General Director Brand Manager Futbol Account Manager Entered By


BRUZIL AG BARR IRN BRU PHD London PHD London Jason Spencer, PHD North Lorraine Jones, PHD North Ian Dolan, PHD North Laura Davis, PHD Danny Barnes, PHD Paula Martino, OMG Argentina Lesia Buszczak, OMG Argentina Janice Macgregor, Burt Greener Stacey Blevins, Burt Greener Phil Adams, Blonde Ed Brooke, The Leith Agency Claire Patterson, The Leith Agency Gillian Howell, The Leith Agency PHD London

NIKE CITY CUP NIKE NIKE MPG Mexico MPG Mexico Omar Villaseñor, MPG Eduardo Villalpando, MPG Mr Kone, Mr Kone Stephanie Valdés, MPG Joaquín Labora, Havas Sports Ricardo Escamilla, Anónimo Horacio Navarro, Anónimo Pepe Reynoso, Nike México Jorge Rocha, Media Contacts MPG Mexico

A15/009 GERMANY BEST USE OF OTHER DIGITAL MEDIA Title SAVE AS WWF Advertiser WWF Product/Service WWF Entrant Company, City JUNG von MATT Hamburg Advertising Agency, City JUNG von MATT Hamburg Media Agency, City GOSIGN MEDIA Hamburg Creative Director Doerte Spengler-Ahrens, JUNG VON MATT Jan Rexhausen, JUNG VON MATT Art Director Michael Kittel, JUNG VON MATT Copywriter Henning Mueller-Dannhausen, Lisa Glock, JUNG VON MATT Graphic Alexander Norvillas, JUNG VON MATT

Account Manager

Creative Director Editor Camera Composer Production Programming Conception

Entered By

Jose Luis Carretero Lopez, JUNG VON MATT Miriam Paneth, Benjamin Wenke, JUNG VON MATT Sven Loskill, JUNG VON MATT Florian Panier, JUNG VON MATT Jesse Rosten, Gerrit Winterstein, WHITE HORSE MUSIC Klaas Nocken, WHITE HORSE MUSIC Florian Paul, JUNG VON MATT Knud Alex Mueller, JUNG VON MATT Lana Nugent, JUNG VON MATT Simone Bitzer, JUNG VON MATT DEDERICHS REINEKE & PARTNERSCHUMANN BACH JUNG von MATT Hamburg

B01/280 USA BEST USE OF INTEGRATED MEDIA Title FOLLOW THE GREEN LINE Advertiser FIDELITY INVESTMENTS Product/Service FIDELITY INVESTMENTS Entrant Company, City MPG Boston Advertising Agency, City MEDIA CONTACTS Boston Media Agency, City MPG Boston Senior Vice President/ Group Account Director Shea Kelly, MPG Account Director Patrick La Croix, MPG Media Planning Supervisor Femaris Peña, MPG Media Planner Samuel May, MPG Assistant Media Planner Megan Conlin, MPG Senior Vice President/ Group Account Director Tracey Reiner, MPG National Broadcast SupervisorTracy Nesbit, MPG National Broadcast Buyer Sarah Buckley, MPG National Broadcast Assistant Buyer Allison Beatrice, MPG Account Director Kazi Ahmed, MEDIA CONTACTS Blair Lerner, MEDIA CONTACTS Media Supervisor Michele Szobosiak, MEDIA CONTACTS Alexandra Butmi, MEDIA CONTACTS Media Planner/Buyer Samuel Burke, MEDIA CONTACTS Kellie O’Conner, MEDIA CONTACTS Entered By MPG Boston C01/055 PUERTO RICO FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS Title 20 PERCENT MORE Advertiser PROCTER & GAMBLE Product/Service DURACELL Entrant Company, City STARCOM MEDIAVEST GROUP San Juan Media Agency, City STARCOM MEDIAVEST GROUP San Juan Innovation Director Alejandro Rosado, Starcom Mediavest Group Entered By STARCOM MEDIAVEST GROUP San Juan C01/095 INDIA FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS Title THE WORLD’S FIRST NEWSPAPER ON 100% RECYCLED NEWSPRINT Advertiser L’OREAL Product/Service GARNIER Entrant Company, City LODESTAR UM Mumbai Media Agency, City LODESTAR UM Mumbai Chief Executive Officer Shashi Sinha, Lodestar UM Chief Operations Officer Nandini Dias, Lodestar UM General Manager Sujata Pawar, Lodestar UM Media Controller Rajeshwari Narayanan, Lodestar UM Business Head of Brand Experience Dhruv Jha, Lodestar UM Account Executive Nikita Khambe, Lodestar UM Associate Vice President Meghna Godkhindi, Interactive Universal Ashish Bhushan, The Times Of India Chief Manager Aniruddha Hajare, The Times Of India Deputy Chief Manager Sohini Bose, The Times Of India Deputy Manager Dimple Agarwal, The Times Of India Assistant Manager Rahul Porwal, The Times Of India Entered By LODESTAR UM Mumbai C07/005 KOREA RETAIL AND E-COMMERCE, INCLUDING RESTAURANTS Title HOMEPLUS SUBWAY VIRTUAL STORE Advertiser TESCO Product/Service RETAIL Entrant Company, City CHEIL WORLDWIDE Seoul Advertising Agency, City CHEIL WORLDWIDE Seoul Executive Creative Director Joungrack Lee, CHEIL Art Director Youna Chung, CHEIL Youbin Bang, CHEIL, Yeonjoo Lee, CHEIL Copywriter Misu Yi, CHEIL Photographer SKYTEAM

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MEDIA WINNERS 21 Illustrator Account Manager Creative Director Computer Graphic Entered By

Sungmin Jee, Joowon Han, CHEIL Youna Chung, CHEIL MOON & SUN CHEIL WORLDWIDE Seoul

C08/024 PUBLICATIONS & MEDIA Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City


Media Agency, City Creative

Media Planner Strategy Consultant Band Production Entered By

HEARTBREAKER<3 KAIZERS ORCHESTRA ORCHESTRA STARCOM NORWAY Oslo ANORAK Oslo/ HAALAND EIDSVAAG & STROEM Oslo STARCOM NORWAY Oslo Simen Idsøe Eidsvåg, Haaland/ Eidsvaag & Stroem Jens-Petter Aarhus, Anorak Anders Gudmundstuen, Anorak Eirik Johansen, Anorak Jens Bjørklund, Anorak Ingar Haug Steinholt, Anorak Jens Jørgen Krogsveen, Anorak Tone Helene Angsund, Starcom Norway Peder Mittet, Starcom Norway Kaizers Orchestra, Petroleum Records NRK P3, NRK P3 STARCOM NORWAY Oslo

C11/090 TUNISIA CHARITIES, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title JUNE 16TH 2014 Advertiser BRAND COLLECTIVE Product/Service TUNISIA Entrant Company, City MEMAC OGILVY LABEL TUNISIA Tunis Advertising Agency, City MEMAC OGILVY LABEL TUNISIA Tunis/ OGILVY PUBLIC RELATIONS WORLDWIDE Tunis Media Agency, City MINDSHARE Tunis Managing Director Syrine Cherif, Memac Ogilvy Label Creative Director Nicolas Courant, Memac Ogilvy Label Associate Creative Director Gerald Heraud, Memac Ogilvy Label Copywriters Mehdi Lamloum/Asma Kanzari/Yosri Mimouna/ Yassine Boughaba/Moez Achour, Memac Ogilvy Label Digital Planner Mehdi Lamloum, Memac Ogilvy Label Strategic Planner Cherifa Benslamia, Memac Ogilvy Label Business Director Hela Helioui, Memac Ogilvy Label Web Producer Bedis Benamor, Memac Ogilvy Label Public Relations Manager Sana Triki, OgilvyPR Managing Director Hayet Raïs-Skandrani, Mindshare Tunisia Webdesign/Developer/ Community Management Mohamed Ali Elloumi/Ali Boulila, Accesstoe Business Broadcast Director Moez Sinaoui, Nessma TV Managing Director Nourredine Boutar, Mosaique FM Editor in Chief Lotfi Ben Sassi, La Presse Managing Director Hechmi Ammar, Webmanager Center, Olfa Mellouli, UNPA Communication Director Najla Chaar, Tunisiana Managing director Kaouther Ben Salem Larbi, Delice Marketing Manager Stijn Vandervorst, STIAL Group Marketing Manager Philippe Rouchier, Sotubi/Sotuchoc Entered By MEMAC OGILVY LABEL TUNISIA Tunis

Silver Awards A01/038 BEST USE OF SCREENS Title

Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City Media Agency, City General Media Director Media Director Entered By A02/023 BEST USE OF AUDIO Title Advertiser RIGHTS Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City



Executive Creative Director Account Superviser Creative Director

Mathias Stiller, Jung von Matt Ilan Schäfer, Jung von Matt Maximilian Millies/Marius Lohmann, Jung von Matt Copywriter Nicolas Linde, Jung von Matt Art Director Duc Nguyen, Jung von Matt Account Manager Julia Kottowski, Jung von Matt Director Christian Schwochow, Bigfish Filmproduktion Producer Jule Everts/Andrea Roman, Bigfish Filmproduktion Director of Photography Konstantin Freyer, Bigfish Filmproduktion Hidden Camera Steven Enderlein/Hardy Hergt, Bigfish Filmproduktion Line Producer Oliver Marquardt, Bigfish Filmproduktion Presenter/Radio Voice Matthias Weidenhöfer, Bigfish Filmproduktion Casting Susanne Abbassian, Bigfish Filmproduktion Sound and Monitoring System Tonfabrik, Tonfabrik Entered By JUNG von MATT Hamburg A02/037 BEST USE OF AUDIO Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Creative Director Associate Creative Director/ Art Director Senior Copywriter Copywriter Art Director Copywriter Head of Tribal DDB Head Of Technology Associate Director of Technology Chief Client Officer Account Director Account Manager Entered By


A03/090 BEST USE OF PRINT Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City Copywriter Art Director Creative Director Agency Producer Digital Account Director Web design Development OUT Account manager Strategic Planner Photographer French Translator English Translator Shooting/Editing Sound Studio Production Company Director/Producer Executive Producer Director of Photography Editor Visual Effects/ Post production Sound Design Fench Translator English Translator Entered By


MUSICAL FITTING ROOMS STARHUB ONLINE MUSIC STORE DDB SINGAPORE DDB SINGAPORE Neil Johnson, DDB Joji Jacob, DDB Thomas Yang, DDB Khalid Osman, DDB Lester Lee, DDB Mark Lim, DDB Elmy Thong, DDB Selena Soh, DDB Jeff Cheong, Tribal DDB Yeo Wee Lee, Tribal DDB Ciaran Lyons, Tribal DDB Rowena Bhagchandani, DDB Brenda Bey, DDB James Tan, DDB DDB SINGAPORE

THE VOICE REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION PUBLICIS BRUSSELS PUBLICIS BRUSSELS Kwint Demeyer, Publicis Daniel Vandenbroucke, Publicis Paul Servaes, PublicisAlain Janssens, Publicis Dominique Ruys, Publicis Nadia Dafir, Publicis Denis Evlard, Publicis Sebastien Desclée, Publicis Mikaël Ogor, Publicis Vincent d’Halluin, PublicisTom Theys, Publicis Getty images, Getty images Fabrice Storti, Publicis Richard Wells, Publicis Dimitri Ryelandt , Think’n Talk Rabbit Brussels Gunther Campine , Ruben Goots , Kassim Ahmed , Jan Hameeuw , The Fridge Yves De Mey@Sonicville, Fabrice Storti , Richard Welss , PUBLICIS BRUSSELS

A04/024 HUNGARY BEST USE OF OUTDOOR Title SOPRONI PERFECT DRAUGHT Advertiser HEINEKEN Product/Service BEER Entrant Company, City INITIATIVE BUDAPEST Media Agency, City INITIATIVE BUDAPEST Chief Operating Officer Gábor Bíró, Initiative Media Hungary Client Service Group Manager Diana Csizmadia, Initiative Media Hungary Group Brand Manager Gergely Tóth, Heineken Hungary Entered By INITIATIVE BUDAPEST

A06/021 GERMANY BEST USE OF AMBIENT MEDIA: LARGE SCALE Title EQUIPPING THE MOST EXPOSED Advertiser STADA Product/Service GRIPPOSTAD C FLU MEDICINE Entrant Company, City INITIATIVE MEDIA Hamburg Media Agency, City INITIATIVE MEDIA Hamburg Innovations Consultant Marie-Louise Schulz, Initiative Bastian Raschke, Initiative Managing Director Peter Lund, eachfilm Innovations Consultant Lukas Brocks, Initiative Entered By INITIATIVE MEDIA Hamburg A06/111 USA BEST USE OF AMBIENT MEDIA: LARGE SCALE Title KALEIDOSCOPIC FASHION SPECTACULAR Advertiser TARGET Product/Service TARGET Entrant Company, City MOTHER NEW YORK Advertising Agency, City MOTHER NEW YORK Agency Mother, New York Entered By MOTHER NEW YORK A07/018 TURKEY BEST USE OF SPECIAL EVENTS AND STUNT/LIVE ADVERTISING Title KOC GROUP MEDIA PITCH Advertiser MINDSHARE Product/Service MINDSHARE SERVICES Entrant Company, City MINDSHARE Istanbul Media Agency, City MINDSHARE Istanbul Chief Executive Officer Demet Ikiler, GROUPM General Manager Ozer Sata, MINDSHARE Director Hande Ergun, MINDSHARE Isil Sevinc, MINDSHARE Berrin Inaluk, MINDSHARE Onder Balci, MINDSHARE Manager Gamze Gulcu, MINDSHARE Entered By MINDSHARE Istanbul A07/051 JAPAN BEST USE OF SPECIAL EVENTS AND STUNT/LIVE ADVERTISING Title THE 250KM WAVE Advertiser KYUSHU RAILWAY COMPANY Product/Service BULLET TRAIN Entrant Company, City DENTSU Tokyo Advertising Agency, City DENTSU Tokyo Creative Director Yuya Furukawa, Dentsu Planner/ Art Director Atsushi Oogi, Dentsu Copywriter Takuya Isojima/ Hirokazu Ueda, Dentsu Planner Kota Tohata/ Sayaka Arimoto, Dentsu Art Director Urara Mano, Dentsu Keiichi Higuchi Strategist/ Campaign Planner, Dentsu Web Planner Shinya Seino, Dentsu Web Producer Miyo Sekimoto, Dentsu Agency Producer Hikaru Ikeuchi/ Mariko Shitara, Dentsu Acount Executive Takafumi Nogami, Dentsu Event Planner Ryo Miura, Dentsu Production Producer(Tokyo) Nobuko Nogami/ Yohei Tanaka, Engine Film Production Producer(Kyushu) Tsuguto Shiraishi, T&E Production Manager Osamu Kawakami, T&E Designer Taro Kodai/ Shinsuke Ishihara, J.C Spark CM Director Tsuguhisa Tanaka, BildYuriko Taki, Dentsu Tokyo Event Producer Koichi Uchida/ Akio Kamachi/ Mari Shibata, Cast Web Designer(Tokyo) Takehide Kunii/ Mao Takagi, Taki Corporation Web Designer(Kyushu) Akihiko Kumagai, Anysense Entered By DENTSU Tokyo A08/121 USA BEST USE OF BRANDED CONTENT Title MY IDEAL DOG Advertiser MARS Product/Service DOG ADOPTION Entrant Company, City HAVAS MEDIA Miami Advertising Agency, City HAVAS SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT Miami Media Agency, City HAVAS MEDIA Miami Senior Vice President/ Catalyst Director Liliana Caro, Havas Media International Miami Managing Director Miami Manuel Reis, Havas Entertainment Chief Executive Officer Natalia Vasco, Havas Media International Miami Client Services Director Rossana Corniel, MPG International Miami Discovery Communications Jesse Leon, Sales Executive Bruno Martinez, Creative Director Pet Marketing Director Viviana Gutierrez, MARS Adriana Montano, MARS Managing Director Miami Fernando Monedero, Havas Digital Entered By HAVAS MEDIA Miami


D4-20-26 Media Winners BAT:25•01 front 22/06/11 23:20 Page22

22 MEDIA WINNERS A09/026 BEST USE OF SPONSORSHIP Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City Media Agency, City Managing Director Chief Executive Officer General Manager Corporate Development Manager Marketing Director General Manager Managing DIrector Account Director Managing Director Account Director Director of Marketing and Communications Entered By

A10/040 BEST LOCALISED CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Media Agency, City Innovation Director Account Director Head of Planning Client Service Director Content Supervisor Content Manager Associate Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Head of Production Film Director Entered By

CHILE MISSION IMPOSSIBLE GASCO GAS HAVAS SPORTS & ENTERTAIMENT Santiago De Chile ARENA CHILE Santiago/VOXCOM Santiago HAVAS SPORTS & ENTERTAIMENT Santiago De Chile Rainer Grob, Havas Sports Esteban Calvo, Havas Media Gerardo Cood, Gasco José Miguel Melo, Gasco Andrea Bustos, Gasco Christián Díaz, Auto Gasco Gabrielle Lothholz, VOXCOM Cristián Adasme, VOXCOM Fernanda Gana, VOXCOM Francisco Hojas, Arena Media Marcelo Rivera, Arena Media Sebastián Haritcalde, Havas Media HAVAS SPORTS & ENTERTAIMENT Santiago De Chile SPAIN GATECRASH THE WORLD CUP BURGER KING FAST FOOD INITIATIVE Madrid INITIATIVE Madrid Leticia Pérez de Camino, Initiative Sara Mouriño, Initiative Ana Romano, Initiative Anthony Glynn, Crispin, Porter & Bogusky Irene Nomdedeu, Crispin, Porter & Bogusky Daniel Albretch, Crispin, Porter & Bogusky Fernando Rubin, Crispin, Porter & Bogusky Robert Aquadro, Crispin, Porter & Bogusky Joakim Khoury, Crispin, Porter & Bogusky Bill Doig, Crispin, Porter & Bogusky Pepe Puenzo, Taxi Films INITIATIVE Madrid

A11/129 ARGENTINA BEST CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT Title THE FRIENDSHIP MACHINE Advertiser COCA-COLA Product/Service COCA-COLA Entrant Company, City OGILVY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Advertising Agency, City OGILVY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Executive Creative Director Gaston Bigio, Ogilvy Argentina Head of Art Jonathan Gurvit, Ogilvy Argentina Creative Director Javier Mentasti, Ogilvy Argentina Ignacio Ferioli, Ogilvy Argentina Copywriter Nicolas Vara, Ogilvy Argentina Art Director Ignacio Flotta, Ogilvy Argentina General Planning Director Julieta Rey, Ogilvy Argentina Agency Production Jose Cardelli (Ogilvy Action Yunes), Ogilvy Argentina Accounts Director Karina Aiello (Ogilvy Action Yunes)/ Guadalupe Acuña/Natalia Noya, Ogilvy Argentina Production Chief Marcelo Ramos (Central de Producers), Ogilvy Argentina Agency Producer Esteban García Ciraldi, Ogilvy Argentina Client Guido Rosales/Luis Gerardin/ Alberto Velazco, Coca-Cola Entered By OGILVY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires A11/180 HONG KONG BEST CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT Title IT’S ‘FACE’ TIME! Advertiser VITASOY INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS Product/Service VITASOY - SOY DRINKS Entrant Company, City PHD HONG KONG Advertising Agency, City DDB GROUP HONG KONG Media Agency, City PHD HONG KONG Chief Executive Officer Ray Wong, PHD General Manager Cedric Lam, PHD Strategic Planning Director Deric Wong, PHD Planning Manager Kat Chan, PHD Buying Manager Stephenie Lee, PHD Executive Creative Director Jeffrey Gamble, DDB Creative Director Karen Wong, DDB


Associate Creative Director Senior Copywriter Senior Art Director Art Director Business Director Account Director Account Manager Entered By

Kym Ma, DDB Joe Chan, DDB Claudia Wong, DDBWallace Wan, DDB Ra Tang, DDBLam Kam Bun, DDB Lisa Ip, DDB Wynie Chan, DDB Caitlin Cheung, DDBCafy Choi, DDB PHD HONG KONG

A11/247 FRANCE BEST CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT Title A HUNTER SHOOTS A BEAR Advertiser BIC / TIPP-EX Product/Service POCKET MOUSE Entrant Company, City BUZZMAN Paris Advertising Agency, City BUZZMAN Paris Chief Executive Officer/ Creative Director Georges Mohammed-Cherif, BUZZMAN Managing Director Thomas Granger, BUZZMAN Copywriter Tristan Daltroff, BUZZMAN Art Director Louis Audard, BUZZMAN Account Executive Antoine Ferrari, BUZZMAN Digital Production Manager Mélanie Rohat Meheust, BUZZMAN Laurent Marcus, BUZZMAN Film Production/TV Producer Elodie Jonquille, BUZZMAN Digital Production Assistant Bastien Chanot, BUZZMAN Community Manager Xavier Le Boullenger, BUZZMAN Interactive Producer Emmanuel Saccoccini, GROUEK Lead Flash Producer Yoann Gueny, GROUEK Film Producer Willy Morence, Elegangz Film Director Olivier Bennoun, Elegangz Entered By BUZZMAN Paris A13/033 SWEDEN BEST USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Title F**K TREE Advertiser THE NATIONAL HIV COUNCIL Product/Service HIV & STD AWARENESS Entrant Company, City STARCOM SWEDEN Stockholm Media Agency, City STARCOM SWEDEN Stockholm Account Director Gustaf Sehlstedt, Le Bureau Art Director Emma Eriksson, Le Bureau Producer Johanna Jöhncke, Le Bureau Copywriter Claes Kjellström, Le Bureau Copy Assistant Johanna Alverbratt, Le Bureau Client Service Director Jonas Nyvang, Starcom Sweden Digital planner Christian Ullmark, Starcom Sweden Director Mikael Marcimain, B-Reel Photographer Hoyte van Hoytema, B-reel Producer Frida Askelöf, Acne Client Karin Ragesjo, Nationella HIV radet Fredrik Abbemo, Nationella HIV radet Entered By STARCOM SWEDEN Stockholm A13/133 USA BEST USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Title OLD SPICE RESPONSES Advertiser PROCTER & GAMBLE Product/Service OLD SPICE Entrant Company, City WIEDEN+KENNEDY Portland Advertising Agency, City WIEDEN+KENNEDY Portland Executive Creative Director Mark Fitzloff, Wieden + Kennedy Susan Hoffman, Wieden + Kennedy Global Executive Interactive Creative Director Iain Tait, Wieden + Kennedy Creative Director/Director/ Copywriter Jason Bagley, Wieden + Kennedy Eric Baldwin, Wieden + Kennedy Copywriter/Art Director/ Director Craig Allen, Wieden + Kennedy Eric Kallman, Wieden + Kennedy Interactive Producer Ann-Marie Harbour, Wieden + Kennedy Digital Strategy/ Community Manager Dean McBeth, Wieden + Kennedy Digital Strategy Josh MIlrod, Wieden + Kennedy Group Planning Director Britton Taylor, Wieden + Kennedy Account Director Jessica Monsey, Wieden + Kennedy Account Supervisor Diana Gonzalez, Wieden + Kennedy Management Supervisor Michael Dalton, Wieden + Kennedy Developer John Cohoon, Wieden + Kennedy Trent Johnson, Wieden + Kennedy Interactive Studio Artist Matthew Carroll, Wieden + Kennedy Executive Producer Emily Fincher, Don’t Act Big Line Producer Bernadette Spear, Don’t Act Big Group Media Director Bill Morgan, Wieden + Kennedy Entered By WIEDEN+KENNEDY Portland

A14/057 AUSTRALIA BEST USE OF MOBILE DEVICES Title THE COMMBANK PROPERTY GUIDE APPLICATION Advertiser THE COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA Product/Service HOME LOANS Entrant Company, City IKON COMMUNICATIONS Sydney Advertising Agency, City THE WHITE AGENCY Sydney/VIVANT Sydney Media Agency, City IKON COMMUNICATIONS Sydney Executive Marketing Manager Paul Argus, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia Marketing Manager Prue Walker, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia National Digital Director Ellie Rogers, Ikon Communications Digital Strategist James Collier, Ikon Communications Digital Director Sandra Wee, Ikon Communications Strategy Director Georgia Thomas, Ikon Communications Agency Director Pat Crowley, Ikon Communications Executive Creative Director Darwin Tomlinson, The White Agency Creative Director Marcus Robertson, The White Agency Senior Copywriter Luke Sandral, The White Agency Senior Designer Greg Miller, The White Agency Producer Kathleen Hyland, The White Agency Strategic Director Rachael Maughan, The White Agency Planner Abby Johnston, The White Agency Account Director Phillip McCann, The White Agency Senior Account Manager Susan Montgomerie, The White Agency RP DataVivant Entered By IKON COMMUNICATIONS Sydney A14/096 USA BEST USE OF MOBILE DEVICES Title THE SAMPLER Advertiser CONVERSE Product/Service MOBILE APP Entrant Company, City R/GA New York Advertising Agency, City R/GA New York Creative Director Trevor Eld, R/GATara Greer, R/GA Senior Interaction Designer Kajal Gala, R/GA Executive Creative Director Ian Spalter, R/GA Senior Visual Designer Yzabella Munson, R/GA Junior Visual Designer Jen Leartanasan, R/GA Copywriter Jonny Leicht, R/GA Managing Director, ProductionAmeer Youssef, R/GA Technical Director Erik Laurenceau, R/GA Software Engineer Joseph Lin, R/GA Mobile Technical Director Robert Spychala, R/GA Senior Software Engineer Josh Stephenson, R/GA Software Developer Tacit Knowledge, R/GA Entered By R/GA New York B01/008 AUSTRALIA BEST USE OF INTEGRATED MEDIA Title DATED PILLOWS Advertiser PACIFIC BRANDS Product/Service PILLOWS Entrant Company, City HAPPY SOLDIERS Sydney Advertising Agency, City HAPPY SOLDIERS Sydney Media Agency, City MEDIACOM Sydney Executive Creative Director John Kane, HAPPY SOLDIERS Creative Ben Sampson, HAPPY SOLDIERS John Kane, HAPPY SOLDIERS Agency Producer Meredyth Judd, HAPPY SOLDIERS Director Rey Carlson, PLAY BIG Producer Bonnie Fay, PLAY BIG Strategy Director Mark Sareff, HAPPY SOLDIERS Channel Planner Sophie Price, HAPPY SOLDIERS Business Director Lindsey Evans, HAPPY SOLDIERS Account Director Emma DiGiacomo, HAPPY SOLDIERS Designer Tim Haynes, HAPPY SOLDIERS General Manager Adam Heathcote, TONTINE Product Development and Marketing Manager Lucinda Kew, TONTINE PR Zarr Marketing, ZARR MARKETING Media Implementation Mediacom, MEDIACOM Entered By HAPPY SOLDIERS Sydney B01/085 UNITED KINGDOM BEST USE OF INTEGRATED MEDIA Title THE MEGANE EXPERIMENT Advertiser RENAULT Product/Service MEGANE Entrant Company, City PUBLICIS LONDON Advertising Agency, City PUBLICIS LONDON / PUBLICIS MODEM London Media Agency, City MANNING GOTTLIEB OMD London Creative Robert Amstell, Publicis Matthew Lancod, Publicis

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MEDIA WINNERS 23 Executive Creative Director Creative Director/ Copywriter Director Producer Agency Producer Production Assistant Designer/ Typographer Art Director Photographer Digital Art Director Digital Copywriter Digital Creative Director Digital Producer Digital Account Manager Executive Director Account Director Digital Account Director Strategy Director Planner Entered By

Tom Ewart/ Adam Kean, Publicis Ed Robinson, Publicis Henry Alex- Rubin, Smuggler Drew Santarsiero, Smuggler Ray Leaky, Smuggler Joe Bagnall, PublicisColin Hickson, Publicis Sam Holmes, Publicis Paul Belford, This Is Real Art David Hillyard, Publicis Paul Murphy, Mark Wesley, Publicis Christian Horsfall, Publicis Modem Ian Sweeny, Publicis Modem Alix Pennycuick, Publicis Modem Ken Blake, Publicis Modem Pascal Meline, Publicis Modem Steve Edwards, Manning Gottlieb OMD Tom Cocker, Manning Gottlieb OMD Laura Quy, Manning Gottlieb OMD Stephen Stokes, Manning Gottlieb OMD Bhavin Pabari, Manning Gottlieb OMD PUBLICIS LONDON

B01/123 ROMANIA BEST USE OF INTEGRATED MEDIA Title AMERICAN ROM Advertiser KANDIA DULCE Product/Service SNACK Entrant Company, City BV MCCANN ERICKSON Bucharest Advertising Agency, City BV MCCANN ERICKSON Bucharest Media Agency, City UM ROMANIA Creative Director Adrian Botan, McCann Erickson Group Creative Director Dinu Panescu, McCann Erickson Catalin Dobre, McCann Erickson Account Director Ruxandra Savulescu, McCann Erickson Strategic Planner Ileana Serban Parau, McCann Erickson Media Planning Director Victor Croitoru, Universal McCann Media Manager Alina Carasol, Universal McCann Art Director Ionut Cojocaru, McCann Erickson Copywriter Florin Florea, McCann Erickson Art Director Andra Badea, McCann Erickson Account Director Online Cristina Birleanu, MRM Parteneri Art Director Online Laurentiu Stere, MRM Parteneri Entered By BV MCCANN ERICKSON Bucharest C01/040 BRAZIL FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS Title GOL OOOL Advertiser COCA-COLA Product/Service COCA-COLA 2010 WORLD CUP Entrant Company, City JWT BRAZIL São Paulo Advertising Agency, City JWT BRAZIL São Paulo President/Chief Creative Officer Mario D’Andrea, JWT Creative Director Roberto Fernandez, JWT Art Director Filipe Cuvero, JWT Copywriter Christian Fontana, JWTFábio Leão, JWT Account Director Renata Máximo, JWT Account Team Isabel Castro, JWTTiago Lima, JWT Gabriela Lorenzetti, JWT Head Of Planning Ken Fujioka, JWT Planner Paulo Macari, JWTJoyce Moraes, JWT Marcelo Bazan, JWT Head Of Media Ezra Geld, JWT Media Director David Ralitera, JWT Media Team João Dabbur, JWTCristina Omura, JWT Client Supervisor Jonathan Lawlor/Luciana Feres/Ana Paula Castello Branco/Cristina Turnes/Gian Mar, Coca-Cola Entered By JWT BRAZIL São Paulo C03/006 AUSTRALIA OTHER CONSUMER PRODUCTS (INCLUDING DURABLE GOODS) Title DATED PILLOWS Advertiser PACIFIC BRANDS Product/Service PILLOWS Entrant Company, City HAPPY SOLDIERS Sydney Advertising Agency, City HAPPY SOLDIERS Sydney Media Agency, City MEDIACOM Sydney Executive Creative Director John Kane, HAPPY SOLDIERS Creative Ben Sampson, HAPPY SOLDIERS John Kane, HAPPY SOLDIERS Agency Producer Meredyth Judd, HAPPY SOLDIERS Director Rey Carlson, PLAY BIG Producer Bonnie Fay, PLAY BIG Strategy Director Mark Sareff, HAPPY SOLDIERS Channel Planner Sophie Price, HAPPY SOLDIERS Business Director Lindsey Evans, HAPPY SOLDIERS Account Director Emma DiGiacomo, HAPPY SOLDIERS Designer Tim Haynes, HAPPY SOLDIERS

General Manager Product Development and Marketing Manager PR Media Implementation Entered By

Adam Heathcote, TONTINE Lucinda Kew, TONTINE Zarr Marketing, ZARR MARKETING Mediacom, MEDIACOM HAPPY SOLDIERS Sydney

C03/007 SOUTH AFRICA OTHER CONSUMER PRODUCTS (INCLUDING DURABLE GOODS) Title WASHING TUNNEL Advertiser LG ELECTRONICS Product/Service WASHING MACHINE Entrant Company, City Y&R SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Advertising Agency, City Y&R SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Media Agency, City MINDSHARE SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Media Buyer Angela Geyser, Mindshare Chief Sales & Marketing Officer Gavin Smith, Megapro Executive Creative Director Liam Wielopolski, Y&R South Africa Creative Director Ian Franks, Y&R South Africa Copywriter Eric Wittstock, Y&R South Africa Art Director Bruce Murphy, Y&R South Africa Copywriter Katherine Glover, Y&R South Africa Art Director Steve Dirnberger, Y&R South Africa Producer Hansa Winshaw, Born in Africa Gerry Jennings, Alight Productions Entered By Y&R SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg C03/017 THE NETHERLANDS OTHER CONSUMER PRODUCTS (INCLUDING DURABLE GOODS) Title SAMSUNG LED 3D TV Advertiser SAMSUNG Product/Service LED 3D TV Entrant Company, City STARCOM THE NETHERLANDS Amsterdam Advertising Agency, City MUSE AMSTERDAM Media Agency, City STARCOM THE NETHERLANDS Amsterdam Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer Richard van der Wilk, Starcom Director Digital & Operations George Goudsblom, Starcom Sr. Consultant Communication & Media Suzanne Bertus, Starcom Sr. Consultant Digital & Media Sabine Poort, Starcom Creative Director Sander Ejlenberg, Muse Amsterdam Art Director Liat Azulay, Muse Amsterdam Planner Karlijn van den Berg, Muse Amsterdam Account Manager Julien Rappy, Muse Amsterdam Project Manager Wouter Donkers, Muse Amsterdam Designer Elano Collaco do Monte Teixeira, Muse Amsterdam Cas Hamers, Muse Amsterdam Client Service Director Michael Littaur, Muse Amsterdam Marketing Manager Raymond Mesterom, Samsung Electronics Benelux Product Manager Hans de Jong, Samsung Electronics Benelux Online Campaign Manager Monique van Overveld, Cheil Netherlands Founder Media Monks Wesley ter Haar, Media Monks Creative Account Manager Xander Amo, Media Monks Entered By STARCOM THE NETHERLANDS Amsterdam C05/015 INDIA COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICES INCL. HEALTHCARE & MEDICAL Title WE MIXED INDIA! Advertiser TATA SKY Product/Service SATELLITE TV SERVICE Entrant Company, City MAXUS Mumbai Media Agency, City MAXUS Mumbai Managing Director Ajit Varghese, MAXUS Managing Partner Kartik Sharma, MAXUS Client Leader Rajendra Dwivedi, MAXUS Business Director Anish Appukuttan, MAXUS Business Manager Vikash Modi, MAXUS Business Executive Ramya Akhileshwar, MAXUS Client Leader Pratik Rathod, MAXUS Business Manager Tauseef Unea, MAXUS Group Head Pascual Monteiro, MAXUS Business Director Anne Velankar, MAXUS Entered By MAXUS Mumbai C06/010 JAPAN TRAVEL, ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE Title THE 250KM WAVE Advertiser KYUSHU RAILWAY COMPANY Product/Service KYUSHU BULLET TRAIN Entrant Company, City DENTSU Tokyo Advertising Agency, City DENTSU Tokyo Creative Director Yuya Furukawa, Dentsu Planner/ Art Director Atsushi Oogi, Dentsu

Copywriter Takuya Isojima/ Hirokazu Ueda, Dentsu Planner Kota Tohata/ Sayaka Arimoto, Dentsu Art Director Urara Mano, Dentsu Keiichi Higuchi Strategist/ Campaign Planner, Dentsu Web Planner Shinya Seino, Dentsu Web Producer Miyo Sekimoto, Dentsu Agency Producer Hikaru Ikeuchi/ Mariko Shitara, Dentsu Acount Executive Takafumi Nogami, Dentsu Event Planner Ryo Miura, Dentsu Production Producer(Tokyo) Nobuko Nogami/ Yohei Tanaka, Engine Film Production Producer(Kyushu) Tsuguto Shiraishi, T&E Production Manager Osamu Kawakami, T&E Designer Taro Kodai/ Shinsuke Ishihara, J.C Spark CM Director Tsuguhisa Tanaka, BildYuriko Taki, Dentsu Tokyo Event Producer Koichi Uchida/ Akio Kamachi/ Mari Shibata, Cast Web Designer(Tokyo) Takehide Kunii/ Mao Takagi, Taki Corporation Web Designer(Kyushu) Akihiko Kumagai, Anysense Entered By DENTSU Tokyo C07/041 CANADA RETAIL AND E-COMMERCE, INCLUDING RESTAURANTS Title THE ROTISSERIE CHANNEL Advertiser CARA OPERATIONS Product/Service SWISS CHALET RESTAURANT Entrant Company, City BBDO CANADA Toronto Advertising Agency, City BBDO CANADA Toronto Media Agency, City MEC Toronto VP, Marketing Mark Daprato, Cara Operations Inc. SVP, Executive Creative Director Carlos Moreno, BBDO Toronto Peter Ignazi, BBDO Toronto Copywriter Kurt Hagan, BBDO Toronto Art Director Doug Bramah, BBDO Toronto Copywriter Frank Macera, BBDO Toronto Art Director Sungho So, BBDO Toronto Alice Blastorah, BBDO Toronto Agency Producer Tracey Azzopardi, BBDO Toronto Production House Radke Films Director Craig Brownrigg, Radke Films Production House Producer Miriana DiQuinzio, Radke Films Cinematographer Tico Poulakakis, Radke Films Editing House Ricochet Post production Editor Gord Koch, Ricochet Post Production Art Director Jonathan Guy, BBDO Toronto Copywriter Johnny Pavacic, BBDO Toronto Flash Developer Edward Ayoub, Zingbias Entered By BBDO CANADA Toronto C11/044 SPAIN CHARITIES, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title KIMBO Advertiser UNICEF Product/Service UNICEF Entrant Company, City JWT Madrid Advertising Agency, City JWT Madrid Managing Creative Director/ Creative Director Miguel Bemfica, JWT Creative Director/Art Director Ivan de Dios, JWT Copywriter Alberto Espeja, JWT Gaston Guetmonovitch, JWT Producer Luciano Firmo, JWT Pablo Garcia, JWTJesus Cabanas, Entered By JWT Madrid C11/064 ARGENTINA CHARITIES, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title SILHOUETTES IN MEMORIAM Advertiser AMIA Product/Service JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTRE Entrant Company, City OGILVY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Advertising Agency, City OGILVY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Executive Creative Director Gaston Bigio, Ogilvy Head of Art Jonathan Gurvit, Ogilvy Creative Director Diego Sanchez, Ogilvy Copywriter Fernando Carrera, Ogilvy Art Director Víctor Alvarado, Ogilvy Producer Federica Suarez Santiago, Gotama Productora General Planning Director Julieta Rey, Ogilvy Planner Matias Asencio, Ogilvy Accounts Directors Ramiro Dirube/Pilar Lopardo, Ogilvy Agency Producer Rolo Lambert, OgilvyMagalí Almeyra, Ogilvy Entered By OGILVY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires


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24 MEDIA WINNERS Bronze Awards A01/015 BEST USE OF SCREENS Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Media Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Art Director Account Supervisor Graphic Design Photographer Production Company Entered By A01/029 BEST USE OF SCREENS Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City Media Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Creative Director

Global Equity Director Group Account Director Management Supervisor Senior Project Manager Executive Producer Director Head of Comms Planning Group Director/ Commucations Planning Associate Director/Producer Brand Manager Entered By A03/024 BEST USE OF PRINT Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City Media Agency, City Copywriter Art Director Account Director Account Manager Copywriter Art Director Account Director Copywriter Account Director Mac Designer Production Company Entered By A03/045 BEST USE OF PRINT Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City Execuive Creative Director Creative Director Art Director Copywriter Account Team Agency Producer Innovation Strategy Team Entered By


GERMANY NICKELODEON AND LEGO TURN TV STATION OFF LEGO LEGO BOARD GAMES MEDIAPLUS Munich MEDIAPLUS Munich Alex Schill, Ekki Frenkler/Petra Hornberger/ Jochen Lenhard, Sybille Stempel, Mirko Becker/Jochen Lenhard, Hans Zieringer, Benjamin Kohl, Neverest, MEDIAPLUS Munich USA CHARMIN PRE COMMERCIALS PROCTER & GAMBLE TOILET PAPER PUBLICIS NEW YORK PUBLICIS NEW YORK CARAT New York Rob Feakins, Publicis New York David Corr, Publicis New York Dan Cohen, Publicis New York Steven Emry, Publicis New York John Wagner, Publicis New York Gail Hollander, Publicis New York Colleen Dunphy-King, Publicis New York Jordan Liebman, Publicis New York Maghan Haggerty, Publicis New York Jennifer Guliner, Publicis New York Joanna Quinn, Beryl Productions Doug Ray, Carat New York Lars Hyman, Carat New York Matthew Newcomb, Liquid Thread Jacques Hagopian, Procter & Gamble PUBLICIS NEW YORK NORWAY TEST DRIVE VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN TRY ADVERTISING AGENCY Oslo TRY ADVERTISING AGENCY Oslo MEDIACOM Oslo Petter Bryde, TRY Advertising Agency Thorbjorn Ruud, TRY Advertising Agency Morten Polmar, TRY Advertising Agency Cathrine Wennersten, TRY Advertising Agency Eva Sannum, APT Markus Lind, APT Ole Hustad, APT Jonas Grønnern, TRY Advertising Agency Lars-Kristian Harveg, TRY Advertising Agency Ole Jakob Boe Skattum, TRY Advertising Agency Thomas Braten, TRY Advertising Agnecy Mobiento, Mobiento TRY ADVERTISING AGENCY Oslo CHINA SCIROCCO CUP VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN OGILVY BEIJING OGILVY BEIJING Doug Schiff, Ogilvy Beijing Gina Sim, Ogilvy Beijing Robin Hu, Ogilvy Beijing Sam Sun, Ogilvy Beijing Wendy Zhang/Michael Meng/Echo Kong/ Tracy Chen, Ogilvy Beijing Wang Daqing/Zhuang Yu, Ogilvy Beijing Sascha Engel/Rita Yang, Ogilvy Beijing OGILVY BEIJING

A03/064 BEST USE OF PRINT Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City Media Agency, City Creative Director Art Director Copywriter Account Director Entered By

BELGIUM PROBABLY THE BEST AD IN THE WORLD CARLSBERG BEER DUVAL GUILLAUME ANTWERP/MODEM DUVAL GUILLAUME ANTWERP/MODEM INITIATIVE MEDIA Brussels Geoffrey Hantson/Lansen Walraet, duval Guillaume / Modem Kristoff De Prins, duval Guillaume / Modem Philippe Blondé, duval Guillaume / Modem Dimitri Mundorff, duval Guillaume / Modem DUVAL GUILLAUME ANTWERP/MODEM

A05/081 GUATEMALA BEST USE OF AMBIENT MEDIA: SMALL SCALE Title SPONGEPILL Advertiser GLAXOSMITHKLINE Product/Service PAIN RELIEF Entrant Company, City 4 AM SAATCHI & SAATCHI Guatemala Advertising Agency, City 4 AM SAATCHI & SAATCHI Guatemala Chief Creative Officer Miguel Mayen, 4 AM / Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Director Marco P. Ramirez, 4 AM / Saatchi & Saatchi Designer Vinicio De Leon, 4 AM / Saatchi & Saatchi Entered By 4 AM SAATCHI & SAATCHI Guatemala A05/098 POLAND BEST USE OF AMBIENT MEDIA: SMALL SCALE Title SAFE CHILD ON THE NET Advertiser NOBODY CHILD FOUNDATION Product/Service INTERNET SAFETY Entrant Company, City PUBLICIS Warsaw Advertising Agency, City PUBLICIS Warsaw Creative Director Bartek Rams, Publicis Sp. z o.o. Senior Art Director Slawomir Figura, Publicis Sp. z o.o. Senior Copywriter Dagmara Witek-Kusmider, Publicis Sp. z o.o. Account Manager Ewa Wasniewska, Publicis Sp. z o.o. Print Production Group Head Grzegorz Jedrych, Publicis Sp. z o.o. Entered By PUBLICIS Warsaw A05/117 RUSSIA BEST USE OF AMBIENT MEDIA: SMALL SCALE Title BOOKS FRESHENERS Advertiser 100 000 BOOKS Product/Service CHAIN OF BOOKSTORES Entrant Company, City VOSKHOD Yekaterinburg Advertising Agency, City VOSKHOD Yekaterinburg Creative Director Andrey Gubaydullin, Voskhod Art-Director Vladislav Derevyannykh, Voskhod Junior Creative Director Evgeny Primachenko, Voskhod Copywriter Aleksandr Parkhomenko, Voskhod Designer Dmitry Maslakov, Voskhod Copywriter Aleksey Nikiforov, Voskhod Entered By VOSKHOD Yekaterinburg A05/150 GERMANY BEST USE OF AMBIENT MEDIA: SMALL SCALE Title FUR FUR AWAY TOWELS Advertiser PROCTER & GAMBLE Product/Service GILLETTE Entrant Company, City BBDO GERMANY Düsseldorf Advertising Agency, City BBDO GERMANY Düsseldorf/ BBDO PROXIMITY Düsseldorf Chief Creative Officer Christian Mommertz, BBDO Proximity Sebastian Hardieck, BBDO Proximity Wolfgang Schneider, BBDO Germany Creative Director Olaf Reys, BBDO Proximity Junior Art Director Philipp Alings, BBDO Proximity Junior Copywriter Isabel Campagna, BBDO Proximity Account Director Alexander ten Hompel, BBDO Proximity Junior Account Executive Eva Backes, BBDO Proximity Entered By BBDO GERMANY Düsseldorf A06/087 CHINA BEST USE OF AMBIENT MEDIA: LARGE SCALE Title BIG STAIN Advertiser PROCTER & GAMBLE Product/Service ARIEL Entrant Company, City SAATCHI & SAATCHI GREAT WALL ADVERTISING Guangzhou Advertising Agency, City SAATCHI & SAATCHI GREAT WALL ADVERTISING Guangzhou Executive Creative Director Fan Ng, Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Director Wendy Chan, Saatchi & Saatchi Interactive Creative Director Jonathan Ip, Saatchi & Saatchi Interactive Producer Henry Chu, Pill & PillowZhao Yi, Saatchi & SaatchiTet Chen, Pill & Pillow

Regional Executive Creative Director Andy Greenaway, Saatchi & Saatchi Chief Creative Officer Edmund Choe, Saatchi & Saatchi Art Director Ocean Ye, Saatchi & Saatchi, Liu Zhong Qing, Saatchi & Saatchi, Kobe Yu, Saatchi & Saatchi Copywriter Qi Lin, Saatchi & Saatchi Producer Dorothy Zeng, Saatchi & Saatchi Account Supervisor Ann Jingco, Saatchi & Saatchi Neel Chaurasia, Saatchi & Saatchi Account Manager Sam Wong, Saatchi & Saatchi Account Executive Polly Wang, Saatchi & Saatchi Planner Angie Ma, Saatchi & Saatchi Account Executive Sophia Luo, Saatchi & Saatchi Photographer Chen Xi Qiang, Chen Xi Qiang Studio Entered By SAATCHI & SAATCHI GREAT WALL ADVERTISING Guangzhou A06/090 ARGENTINA BEST USE OF AMBIENT MEDIA: LARGE SCALE Title SILHOUETTES IN MEMORIAM Advertiser AMIA Product/Service JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTRE Entrant Company, City OGILVY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Advertising Agency, City OGILVY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Executive Creative Director Gaston Bigio, Ogilvy Head of Art Jonathan Gurvit, Ogilvy Creative Director Diego Sanchez, Ogilvy Copywriter Fernando Carrera, Ogilvy Art Director Víctor Alvarado, Ogilvy Producer Federica Suarez Santiago, Gotama Productora General Planning Director Julieta Rey, Ogilvy Planner Matias Asencio, Ogilvy Accounts Directors Ramiro Dirube/Pilar Lopardo, Ogilvy Agency Producer Rolo Lambert, OgilvyMagalí Almeyra, Ogilvy Entered By OGILVY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires A06/091 UNITED KINGDOM BEST USE OF AMBIENT MEDIA: LARGE SCALE Title GET LOST IN THE WEST END Advertiser WEST END PARTNERSHIP Product/Service TOURISM CAMPAIGN Entrant Company, City CAKE London Media Agency, City CAKE London Campaign Director Jace Tyrell, West End Partnership Managing Director Chris Wood, Cake Global Creative Director Mark Whelan, Cake UK Creative Director Simon Moore, Cake UK Media Strategist Jodie Butt, Cake UK Director of Live Events Will Parkinson, Cake Senior Account Manager Sarah Hunt, Cake Account Manager Sarah Manktelow, Cake Account Assistant Yasmin Malcolm, Cake Entered By CAKE London A07/103 BELGIUM BEST USE OF SPECIAL EVENTS AND STUNT/LIVE ADVERTISING Title LITTLE ROBIN Advertiser OPVOEDINGSLIJN Product/Service PARENT ADVICE HELPLINE Entrant Company, City DUVAL GUILLAUME ANTWERP/MODEM Advertising Agency, City DUVAL GUILLAUME ANTWERP/MODEM Creative Director Geoffrey Hantson, Duval Guillaume / Modem Art Director Koenraad Lefever, Duval Guillaume / Modem Copywriter Dries De Wilde, Duval Guillaume / Modem Account Director Jonathan Moerkens, Duval Guillaume / Modem Entered By DUVAL GUILLAUME ANTWERP/MODEM A07/147 USA BEST USE OF SPECIAL EVENTS AND STUNT/LIVE ADVERTISING Title KALEIDOSCOPIC FASHION SPECTACULAR Advertiser TARGET Product/Service TARGET Entrant Company, City MOTHER NEW YORK Advertising Agency, City MOTHER NEW YORK Agency Mother, New York Entered By MOTHER NEW YORK A07/162 FRANCE BEST USE OF SPECIAL EVENTS AND STUNT/LIVE ADVERTISING Title WELCOME AND GOODBYE Advertiser VOYAGES-SNCF.COM Product/Service ONLINE RAILWAY BOOKING SITE Entrant Company, City DDB PARIS Advertising Agency, City DDB PARIS Executive Creative Director Alexandre Hervé, DDB Paris Creative Director/ Art Director/Copywriter Alexander Kalchev, DDB Paris Siavosh Zabeti, DDB Paris

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MEDIA WINNERS 25 Account Supervisor Account Manager Account Officer Production Director Post Production Sound Production Entered By

Stephane Hardel, DDB Paris Fabien Donnay, DDB Paris Hélène Lardier, DDB Paris -, Moonwalk Films The Glue Story, Moonwalk Films -, Nightshift -, THE DDB PARIS

A07/174 UNITED KINGDOM BEST USE OF SPECIAL EVENTS AND STUNT/LIVE ADVERTISING Title WELCOME BACK Advertiser T-MOBILE Product/Service TELECOMMUNICATIONS Entrant Company, City SAATCHI & SAATCHI London Advertising Agency, City SAATCHI & SAATCHI London Media Agency, City MEDIACOM London Executive Creative Director Paul Silburn, Saatchi & Saatchi Kate Stanners, Saatchi & Saatchi Copywriter Stephen Howell, Saatchi & Saatchi Art Director Rick Dodds, Saatchi & Saatchi Agency Producer James Faupel, Saatchi & Saatchi Account Director Sarah Galea, Saatchi & Saatchi Account Manager Laura Mills, Saatchi & Saatchi Anna Mills, Saatchi & Saatchi Account Director Charles Pym, Saatchi & Saatchi Director Henry Alex-Rubin, Smuggler Production Company Producer Ray Leakey, Smuggler Director of Photography Brett Turnbull, Editors Spencer Ferzst/Patric Ryan, Marshall Street Editors Post Production The Mill, Sound Design Ben Leeves, Grand Central Arranger/Music Director Shai Fishman, Choreographer Javier De Frutos, Entered By SAATCHI & SAATCHI London A07/178 USA BEST USE OF SPECIAL EVENTS AND STUNT/LIVE ADVERTISING Title BURMA Advertiser HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH Product/Service PETITION TO FREE BURMA’S POLITICAL PRISONERS Entrant Company, City JWT NEW YORK Advertising Agency, City JWT NEW YORK Chief Creative Officer Harvey Marco/Peter Nicholson, JWT Executive Creative Director Andrew Clarke, JWT Head of Art Aaron Padin, JWT Art Director Roy Wisnu, JWT Copywriter Chris Swift, JWT Director of Photography Izzy Levine, JWT Director of Integrated Production Clair Grupp, JWT Director of Production Nick Scotting/Kit Liset, JWT Account Executive Lindsay Gash, JWT Art Buyer Elizabeth Corkery/Sara Levi, JWT Project Manager Elaine Barker/Jessie Hoyt, JWT Photographer Izzy Levine/Bill Bramswig/Platon, Production Company Cigar Box Studios Inc./Graphic Technology/ Uni-Graphic/Print International/ Circle Graphics/C2 Graphics Editing House JWTwo Entered By JWT NEW YORK A07/203 UNITED KINGDOM BEST USE OF SPECIAL EVENTS AND STUNT/LIVE ADVERTISING Title BOOB HIJACK Advertiser COPPAFEEL! Product/Service BREAST CANCER CHARITY Entrant Company, City archibald ingall stretton... London Media Agency, City archibald ingall stretton... London Founding Partner Steve Stretton, archibald ingall stretton... Copywriter Paul Pearson, archibald ingall stretton... Art Director Laila Milborrow, archibald ingall stretton... Copywriter Rishi Dastidar, archibald ingall stretton... Graphic Designer Darren Rackham, archibald ingall stretton... Group Account Director Liz Barnsdale, archibald ingall stretton... Account Director Natalie Powell, archibald ingall stretton... Entered By archibald ingall stretton... London A08/055 CHINA BEST USE OF BRANDED CONTENT Title UNBEATABLE BRANDED DRAMA Advertiser UNILEVER Product/Service SHAMPOO Entrant Company, City PHD Shanghai Media Agency, City PHD Shanghai Associate Content Director Qian Li, PHD Media Digital Director Ali Kazmi, PHD Media

Planning Director Brand Building Director Media Director Entered By

Kindy Lei, PHD Media Maxwell Xu, Unilever Patrick Zhou, Unilever PHD Shanghai

A09/020 BEST USE OF SPONSORSHIP Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City


Advertising Agency, City Media Agency, City Group Communication Strategy Director Communication Strategy Director Communication Strategist Group Account Director Account Manager Associate Creative Director


Amanda Sklad, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Nancy Jeng, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Nancy Reyes, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Michael Crain, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Marc Sobier, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Jonathan Graham, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Senior Interactive Producer Alex Burke, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Print Producer Hillary Talltree, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Vice President Alisa Feinstein, Ketchum PR Digital Supervisor Mandy Murawsky, OMD Digital Strategist Adam Gendelman, OMD Group Brand Strategy DirectorTed Florea, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Brand Strategist Charlie Hauser, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Agency Partner The Marketing Arm Entered By GOODBY SILVERSTEIN & PARTNERS San Francisco A11/106 PUERTO RICO BEST CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT Title HEART OF PUERTO RICO Advertiser PEPSICO Product/Service GATORADE Entrant Company, City JWT SAN JUAN Advertising Agency, City JWT SAN JUAN Media Agency, City OMD PUERTO RICO San Juan Vice President/ Regional Creative Director Jaime Rosado, JWT San Juan Copywriter Lizette Morazzani, JWT San Juan Art Director Andrés Justo, JWT San Juan Interactive Creative Director Manuel Torres, JWT San Juan Interactive Copywriter Pablo Torres, JWT San Juan Interactive Producer Claudio Chea, JWT San Juan Designer/Animator Juan C. Montes, JWT San Juan Designer Daniel Vicente, JWT San Juan Agency Producer Noro Sebastián, JWT San Juan Sound Engineer Carlos Dávila, JWT San Juan Technology Assistant Mizael Morales, JWT San Juan Programmer MDI, MDI Account Director Ileana Figueroa, JWT San Juan Account Executive Miguel Souss, JWT San Juan Entered By JWT SAN JUAN A11/113 CHINA BEST CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT Title 2010 PRINCE’S HAPPY ADVENTURE Advertiser KRAFT FOODS Product/Service SNACKS Entrant Company, City SAATCHI & SAATCHI Shanghai Advertising Agency, City SAATCHI & SAATCHI Shanghai Media Agency, City CARAT CHINA Shanghai Executive Creative Director Yewfei Cheong, Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Director Maurice Yang, Saatchi & Saatchi Senior Account Director Shelley Xu, Saatchi & Saatchi Senior Art Director Andy Lau, Saatchi & Saatchi Senior Copywriter Cecily Yao, Saatchi & Saatchi Group Head Calvin Shi, Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Director Elaine Young, Saatchi & Saatchi Head of Sisomo Ran Yin, Saatchi & Saatchi Producer Sissy Yang, Saatchi & Saatchi Entered By SAATCHI & SAATCHI Shanghai A11/151 SWEDEN BEST CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT Title GETAWAY STOCKHOLM Advertiser MINI Product/Service MINI COUNTRYMAN Entrant Company, City JUNG von MATT Stockholm Advertising Agency, City JUNG von MATT Stockholm Media Agency, City CARAT Stockholm

Creative Director Art Director Copywriter Account Director Planner Visual Director Final Art Project Manager

Entered By

Johan Jäger, Jung von Matt Daniel Wahlgren, Jung von Matt Magnus Andersson, Jung von Matt Jan Casserlöv, Jung von Matt Leon Phang, Jung von Matt Daniel Forero, Jung von Matt Jon Palmqvist, Jung von Matt Ida Modin, Jung von Matt Media Agency, Carat Production Company App, Monterosa Production Company Web/Backend, Suddenly Film Production Company, Duo Blau Public Relations, Domingo PR JUNG von MATT Stockholm

A13/141 BELGIUM BEST USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Title FASHIONTAG Advertiser FLAIR Product/Service WOMEN’S MAGAZINE Entrant Company, City DUVAL GUILLAUME BRUSSELS Advertising Agency, City DUVAL GUILLAUME BRUSSELS Creative Directors Katrien Bottez & Peter Ampe, Duval Guillaume Brussels Copywriters Peter Ampe, Mattijs Devroedt, Duval Guillaume Brussels Art Directors Lander Janssens, Katrien Bottez, Duval Guillaume Brussels Account Director Greet Wachters, Duval Guillaume Brussels Account Manager Annekatrien Chielens, Duval Guillaume Brussels Strategic Planner Mattijs Devroedt, Duval Guillaume Brussels Online Producer Lander Janssens, Duval Guillaume Brussels Design Company The Parking Lot, The Parking Lot Art Directors Marlies Verschueren, Jan Neyens, The Parking Lot Production Company S2 Media, S2 Media Entered By DUVAL GUILLAUME BRUSSELS A13/190 USA BEST USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Title DIGITAL DEATH Advertiser KEEP A CHILD ALIVE Product/Service AIDS AWARENESS Entrant Company, City TBWA\CHIAT\DAY New York Advertising Agency, City TBWA\CHIAT\DAY New York Chairman and Chief Creative Officer Mark Figliulo, TBWA\Chiat\Day Creative Director Lisa Topol, TBWA\Chiat\Day ACD/Copywriter Jonathan Marshall/Josh Di Marcantonio, TBWA\Chiat\Day ACD/Art Director Eric Stevens, TBWA\Chiat\Day Copywriter Ani Munoz, TBWA\Chiat\Day Art Director Isabella Castano, TBWA\Chiat\Day Head of Production/ Digital Producer Rober Valdes/Josh Morse, TBWA\Chiat\Day Print Production Katherine D’Addario/Joni Adams, TBWA\Chiat\Day PR Director Jeremy Miller, TBWA\Chiat\Day Brand Experience Chris Reardon, TBWA\Chiat\Day User Experience Designer Will Weems, TBWA\Chiat\Day Designer Erik Kopicki, TBWA\Chiat\Day Developers Dima Farer/Scott Jones/Michael Bester/ Peter Kuang, TBWA\Chiat\Day Front End Developers Richard Levi Brooks/Jordan Farrell/ Matt Farmer, Use All Five Account Director Nikki Maizel, TBWA\Chiat\Day Account Supervisor Keiko Kurokawa, TBWA\Chiat\Day Photographers Markus Klinko/Indrani, Markus Klinko & Indrani Director Earle Sebastian, Keep a Child Alive Producer/Editor Viet-An Nguyen/Sonejuhi Sinha, Final Cut NY Executive Producer Jonny Fego, My Active Driveway Entered By TBWA\CHIAT\DAY New York A15/029 CANADA BEST USE OF OTHER DIGITAL MEDIA Title M&M’S FIND RED Advertiser MARS Product/Service M&M’S Entrant Company, City PROXIMITY CANADA Advertising Agency, City PROXIMITY CANADA Executive Creative Director John Gagné, Proximity Associate Creative Director Rene Rouleau, Proximity Jon Ruby, Proximity Jeffrey Da Silva, Proximity Ari Elkouby, Proximity Copywriter Rene Rouleau, Proximity Jon Ruby, Proximity, Ryan Lawrence, Proximity


D4-20-26 Media Winners BAT:25•01 front 22/06/11 23:21 Page26

26 MEDIA WINNERS Art Director Jeffrey Da Silva, Proximity Associate Technical Director Darrin Patey, Proximity Developer Iftikhar Ahmed, Proximity Edwin Locke, Proximity Information Architect Patrick Jordan, Proximity Director Chris Hutsel, Soft Citizen Account Director Priyanka Goswami, Proximity Chris Perron, BBDO Account Coordinator Jesse Abrams, Proximity Agency PR Shari Balga, Proximity Entered By PROXIMITY CANADA B01/143 UNITED KINGDOM BEST USE OF INTEGRATED MEDIA Title WELCOME HOME Advertiser T-MOBILE Product/Service CONSUMER PAY AS YOU GO Entrant Company, City MEDIACOM London Advertising Agency, City SAATCHI & SAATCHI London Media Agency, City MEDIACOM London Director Anna Berry, Mediacom Associate Director Andrew Pascoe, Mediacom Anna Whincello, MediaCom Senior Buyer Echo Ao, MediaCom Associate Director Lucinda Johnson, MediaCom Entered By MEDIACOM London B01/195 BRAZIL BEST USE OF INTEGRATED MEDIA Title REPÚBLICA POPULAR DO CORINTHIANS Advertiser NIKE Product/Service CORINTHIANS Entrant Company, City F/NAZCA SAATCHI & SAATCHI São Paulo Advertising Agency, City F/NAZCA SAATCHI & SAATCHI São Paulo Creative Director Fabio Fernandes/Eduardo Lima/ Theo Rocha, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Head of Art João Linneu, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Copywriter Eduardo Lima/Mariana Borga/ Pedro Prado, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Art Director Fabio Brigido/João Linneu/Rodrigo Castellari, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Illustrator André Maciel/Mauro Ferreira/ Flavia Gonzalez/Ricardo Alonso, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Photographer Caio Guatelli/Bruno Rondinelli/André Faccioli, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Typographer and Art Buyer Jomar Farias/Leandro Ferreira/ Robson de Vitto/Cibele Fontoura/ Edna Bombini, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Agency Producer Igor Ferreira, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Programmers Paulo Pacheco/Jefferson Russo, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Account André Gustavo/Saulo Sanchez/ Camila Hamaoui/Frederico Steinhoff/ Mayra Pellegrini, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Planner Fernand Alphen/Bertrand Cocallemen/ Utymo Oliveira, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatch Media Lica Bueno/Fernanda De Lamare/ Sandro Cachiello/Bruno Flocke/Diego Viudes, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatch Producer Delicatessen Filmes, Delicatessen Filmes Director Airton Carmignani/Ricardo Jones, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Editor Danilo Abraham, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Visual Effects Editor Bruno Garcia, Delicatessen Filmes Motion Fernando Lanças/Estevão Puggina, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Sound Satélite, Satélite Producer Kito Siqueira, Satélite Locution Happin Hood, Happin Hood Entered By F/NAZCA SAATCHI & SAATCHI São Paulo C01/006 UNITED KINGDOM FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS Title RAINY DAYS Advertiser PEPSICO Product/Service WALKERS Entrant Company, City OMD UK London Media Agency, City OMD UK London Business Director Jon Ghazi, OMD UK Associate Director Kate Osborne, OMD UK Planning Manager Alex Pilcher, OMD UK Digital Associate Director Pauline Kho, OMD UK Digital Planner Santadip Roy, OMD UK Buying Director Carl Connaughton, OMD UK Entered By OMD UK London


C01/105 THE PHILIPPINES FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS Title FASHION LAUNDRY Advertiser PROCTER & GAMBLE Product/Service ARIEL DETERGENT Entrant Company, City ACE SAATCHI & SAATCHI Makati City Advertising Agency, City ACE SAATCHI & SAATCHI Makati City Executive Creative Director Andrew Petch, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi Manila Creative Director Trixie Diyco, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi Manila Associate Creative Director Bia Fernandez, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi Manila Head Of Art Carl Ugino, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi Manila Art Director Janette De Veyra, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi Manila Print Producer Rodel Quitain, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi Manila Final Artist Rod Alonzo, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi Manila Account Supervisor Lou Santos, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi Manila Account Manager Crissy Ancheta, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi Manila, Carlos Domingo, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi Manila Vice President Integration Tony Sarmiento, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi Manila Entered By ACE SAATCHI & SAATCHI Makati City C02/021 UNITED KINGDOM CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Title THE MEGANE EXPERIMENT Advertiser RENAULT Product/Service MEGANE Entrant Company, City PUBLICIS LONDON Advertising Agency, City PUBLICIS LONDON / PUBLICIS MODEM London Creative Robert Amstell, PublicisMatthew Lancod, Publicis Executive Creative Director Tom Ewart/ Adam Kean, Publicis Creative Director/ Copywriter Ed Robinson, Publicis Director Henry Alex- Rubin, Smuggler Producer Drew Santarsiero, SmugglerRay Leaky, Smuggler Agency Producer Joe Bagnall, PublicisColin Hickson, Publicis Production Assistant Sam Holmes, Publicis Designer/ Typographer Paul Belford, This Is Real Art Art Director David Hillyard, Publicis Photographer Paul Murphy, Mark Wesley, Publicis Digital Art Director Christian Horsfall, Publicis Modem Digital Copywriter Ian Sweeny, Publicis Modem Digital Creative Director Alix Pennycuick, Publicis Modem Digital Producer Ken Blake, Publicis Modem Digital Account Manager Pascal Meline, Publicis Modem Entered By PUBLICIS LONDON C08/028 PUBLICATIONS & MEDIA Title Advertiser Product/Service Entrant Company, City Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Art Director Copywriter Account Director Operations Director Production Director Featured Photojournalists


THE VOICELESS CAMPAIGN THE ZIMBABWEAN NEWSPAPER TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG John Hunt, TBWA Damon Stapleton, TBWA Shelley Smoler, TBWA Raphael Basckin, TBWA Bridget Langley, TBWA Carol Soames, TBWA Craig Walker, TBWA Dirk-Jan Visser/James Oatway/ Robin Hammond, Creative Assistants Christof van der Walt/Michael Grobler/ Lucas Mathebula/Tebogo Suping, TBWA Editor Tongai Furusa, 14 10th Street Productions Project Manager Leanne Ferris-Woods, TBWA Retoucher Rob Frew, Stills Producer Simone Allem, TBWA Technical Consultant on VoiceBox Rose Shuman, Open Mind Entered By TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG C10/014 AUSTRALIA CORPORATE IMAGE & INFORMATION Title ONE LAPTOP PER CHILD Advertiser TELSTRA Product/Service TELSTRA BRAND Entrant Company, City OMD Sydney Media Agency, City OMD Sydney Account Director Noel Gate, OMD Communications Manger Melanie Watson, PULSE COMMUNICATIONS Account Director Dannika Coleman, DROGA 5 Group Account Director Naren Sanghrajka, DROGA 5 Integration Manger Brad Timmins, SMG RED Producer Nathan Richman, PROJEKTA Account Manager Katrina Jones, OMD Strategy Director Jacquie Pierson, OMD Entered By OMD Sydney

C11/020 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC CHARITIES, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title I SWIM WITH MARCOS Advertiser UNITED NATIONS Product/Service POVERTY AWARENESS Entrant Company, City PAGÉS BBDO Santo Domingo Advertising Agency, City PAGÉS BBDO Santo Domingo Media Agency, City OMD DOMINICANA Santo Domingo Vice President/ Chief Creative Officer Rodolfo Borrell, Pages BBDO Creative Director Rodolfo Borrell, Pages BBDO Marino Peña, Pages BBDO Marcos Diaz, Pages BBDO Head Of Art Miguel Peña, Pages BBDO Interactive Director Michael Baron, Pages BBDO Art Director David Muñoz, Pages BBDO Damian Dominguez, Pages BBDO Web Designer Abel Levasseur, Pages BBDO Paul Jimenez, Pages BBDO Account Director Raysa Coste, Pages BBDO Account Executive Purissa Veras, Pages BBDO Mayra Diaz, Pages BBDO Copy Vanessa Tavera, Pages BBDO Project Manager Natalia Benz, FMD 2nd Project Manager Yasmara Mejia, FMD Director Archi Lope, Panamericana FilmTuto Guerrero, Guerrero Films Photographer Alex Otero, Otero OMD Belkis de la Cruz, General Media Director Alejandra Martes, Media Planner Entered By PAGÉS BBDO Santo Domingo C11/069 BRAZIL CHARITIES, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title BOOTS Advertiser ASICS Product/Service ANTI RACISM Entrant Company, City BABEL São Paulo Advertising Agency, City BABEL São Paulo Creative Ricardo Chester, BabelSolon Miranda, Babel Media Luis Gini, BabelLenira Brito, Babel Client Giovani Decker, AsicsAndrea Longhi, Asics Entered By BABEL São Paulo C11/085 PUERTO RICO CHARITIES, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title HIDDEN MESSAGES Advertiser CASA PROTEGIDA JULIA DE BURGOS Product/Service SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN Entrant Company, City GREY PUERTO RICO Hato Rey Advertising Agency, City GREY PUERTO RICO Hato Rey Creative Director Alejandro Aguilera, Grey Art Director Carlos Díaz, Grey Entered By GREY PUERTO RICO Hato Rey C11/100 SERBIA CHARITIES, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title BRIDGE PROJECTION LIFESAVER Advertiser SUICIDE PREVENTION CENTER Product/Service SOS INFO LINE Entrant Company, City McCANN ERICKSON BELGRADE Belgrade Advertising Agency, City McCANN ERICKSON BELGRADE Belgrade Senior Art Director Marko Savic, McCann Erickson Belgrade New Business Manager Milos Stankovic, McCann Erickson Belgrade Creative Director Jana Savic Rastovac, McCann Erickson Belgrade Vladimir Cosic, McCann Erickson Belgrade Consultant Yaniv Mlinarski, Producer Rade Markovic, Momentum Entered By McCANN ERICKSON BELGRADE Belgrade C11/117 ARGENTINA CHARITIES, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title SR. AMOR Advertiser SALVATION ARMY Product/Service SALVATION ARMY Entrant Company, City JWT ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Advertising Agency, City JWT ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Executive Creative Director Pablo Alvarez Travieso Gonzalo Vecino, Creative Director Ariel Abadi, Copywriter Damián Isaak, Art Director Ezequiel Orlandi, Director Kika Tarelli, Designer Milagros Alberdi, Account Supervisor Ines De Azkue, Account Manager Marcos Rico, Entered By JWT ARGENTINA Buenos Aires

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WINNERS OUVERTURES A+D:25•01 front 22/06/11 00:12 Page28





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RADIO WINNERS 29 Grand Prix A10/033 SOUTH AFRICA CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title BUD Advertiser MERCEDES-BENZ Product ACCIDENT AVOIDANCE FEATURES Length 60 Seconds Advertising Agency, City NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg Executive Creative Director Rob McLennan Creative Director Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Scriptwriter Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Agency Producer Tanja Rae/Natalie Sutton Account Supervisor Karen Carr Production Company, City FIRST#LEFT Johannesburg Sound Studio First#Left Sound Engineer David Law Entered By NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg A10/034 SOUTH AFRICA CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title LOVE Advertiser MERCEDES-BENZ Product ACCIDENT AVOIDANCE FEATURES Length 60 Seconds Advertising Agency, City NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg Executive Creative Director Rob McLennan Creative Director Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Scriptwriter Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Agency Producer Tanja Rae/Natalie Sutton Account Supervisor Karen Carr Production Company, City FIRST#LEFT Johannesburg Sound Studio First#Left Sound Engineer David Law Entered By NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg A10/035 SOUTH AFRICA CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title TOBY Advertiser MERCEDES-BENZ Product ACCIDENT AVOIDANCE FEATURES Length 60 Seconds Advertising Agency, City NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg Executive Creative Director Rob McLennan Creative Director Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Scriptwriter Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Agency Producer Tanja Rae/Natalie Sutton Account Supervisor Karen Carr Production Company, City FIRST#LEFT Johannesburg Sound Studio First#Left Sound Engineer David Law Entered By NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg

Gold Awards A03/020 NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Scriptwriter Agency Producer Production Company, City Sound Studio Account Manager Entered By A07/026 PHARMACYCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer

THAILAND KILLER BEES MAI TAN ICHITAN DOUBLE DRINK 60 Seconds Y&R THAILAND Bangkok Trong Tantivejakul/Ian Reichenthal/ Scott Vitrone/Marcus Dave Canning/Jittra Thiuthipsakul/ Trong Tantivejakul Tanabodee Nelabusabanon SOUND ART Bangkok Sound Art Co./Ltd. Sanjay Bhasin/Tida Vibulvanich/ Ratanawadee Lertviriyavanich Y&R THAILAND Bangkok SOUTH AFRICA BRAD GALDERMA BENZAC ACNE TREATMENT 60 Seconds NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg Rob McLennan Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Tanja Rae/Natalie Sutton

Account Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Entered By

Karen Carr FIRST#LEFT Johannesburg Fist#Left David Law NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg

A07/027 PHARMACYCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Entered By


A11/018 RETAIL STORES Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Scriptwriter Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Entered By


A11/027 RETAIL STORES Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Account Manager Planner Entered By


GLENDA GALDERMA BENZAC ACNE TREATMENT 60 Seconds NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg Rob McLennan Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Tanja Rae/Natalie Sutton Karen Carr FIRST#LEFT Johannesburg Fist#Left David Law NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg

AWESOME LIGHT SAMROC PAINT & HARDWARE COLOUR MIXING 30 Seconds LOWE & PARTNERS SINGAPORE Clinton Manson/Dominic Stallard Steve Straw Steve Straw Aisha Lo Felicia Goh THE GUNNERY Singapore Steve Straw The Gunnery Evan Roberts Aisha Lo LOWE & PARTNERS SINGAPORE

HOLIDAYS IKEA KITCHEN INSTALLATION 30 Seconds THREE DRUNK MONKEYS Sydney Justin Drape/Scott Nowell Leslie Ali Tim Cairns/Tim Green Thea Carone Carolyn Contois EARDRUM Sydney Ralph Van Dijk Son Zu Astrid Jones/Ted Bergeron Fiona Lake THREE DRUNK MONKEYS Sydney

A14/006 USA ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURECAMPAIGN Title CAMERON Advertiser CINE LAS AMERICAS Product INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Length 67 Seconds Advertising Agency, City LATINWORKS Austin Chief Creative Officer Sergio Alcocer Creative Director Ciro Sarmiento/Diego Castillo Scriptwriter Ciro Sarmiento Agency Producer Michael Mclaughlin Account Supervisor Christy Kranik Advertiser’s Supervisor Eugenio del Busque Production Company, City PERSONAL MUSIC Miami Sound Engineer Luis Gomez/Pablo Caceres Other Credits Voice Over: Mark Carballo Entered By LATINWORKS Austin A14/007 USA ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURECAMPAIGN Title MERKEL Advertiser CINE LAS AMERICAS Product INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL

Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Engineer Other Credits Entered By

72 Seconds LATINWORKS Austin Sergio Alcocer Ciro Sarmiento/Diego Castillo Ciro Sarmiento Michael Mclaughlin Christy Kranik Eugenio del Busque PERSONAL MUSIC Miami Luis Gomez/Pablo Caceres Voice Over: Mark Carballo LATINWORKS Austin

A14/008 USA ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURECAMPAIGN Title OBAMA Advertiser CINE LAS AMERICAS Product INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Length 66 Seconds Advertising Agency, City LATINWORKS Austin Chief Creative Officer Sergio Alcocer Creative Director Ciro Sarmiento/Diego Castillo Scriptwriter Ciro Sarmiento Agency Producer Michael Mclaughlin Account Supervisor Christy Kranik Advertiser’s Supervisor Eugenio del Bosque Production Company, City PERSONAL MUSIC Miami Sound Engineer Luis Gomez/Pablo Caceres Other Credits Voice Over: Mark Carballo Entered By LATINWORKS Austin A18/062 GERMANY COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title HIKING Advertiser MODERN MUSIC SCHOOL Product MUSIC LESSONS Length 45 Seconds Advertising Agency, City GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg Executive Creative Director Ralf Heuel Creative Director Ralf Heuel Scriptwriter Ralf Heuel/Christian Möhler/ Verena Bartholdt/Heiner Twenhäfel Account Supervisor Thomas Eickhoff/Ina Bach/ Nils Rüsenberg Advertiser’s Supervisor Hans-Peter Becker Production Company, City STUDIO FUNK Hamburg Director Torsten Hennings/Ralf Heuel Sound Studio Studio Funk Hamburg Sound Engineer Torsten Hennings Music Supreme Music Edition, So Supreme/EMI Music Publishing Entered By GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg A18/063 GERMANY COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title BREAK UP Advertiser MODERN MUSIC SCHOOL Product MUSIC LESSONS Length 38 Seconds Advertising Agency, City GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg Executive Creative Director Ralf Heuel Creative Director Ralf Heuel Scriptwriter Ralf Heuel/Christian Möhler/ Verena Bartholdt/Heiner Twenhäfel Account Supervisor Thomas Eickhoff/Ina Bach/ Nils Rüsenberg Advertiser’s Supervisor Hans-Peter Becker Production Company, City STUDIO FUNK Hamburg Director Torsten Hennings/Ralf Heuel Sound Studio Studio Funk Hamburg Sound Engineer Torsten Hennings Music Supreme Music Edition, So Supreme/EMI Music Publishing Entered By GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg A18/064 GERMANY COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title CHRISTMAS TREE Advertiser MODERN MUSIC SCHOOL Product MUSIC LESSONS Length 43 Seconds Advertising Agency, City GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg Executive Creative Director Ralf Heuel Creative Director Ralf Heuel


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30 RADIO WINNERS Scriptwriter Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Sound Engineer Music Entered By

Ralf Heuel/Christian Möhler/ Verena Bartholdt/Heiner Twenhäfel Thomas Eickhoff/Ina Bach/ Nils Rüsenberg Hans-Peter Becker STUDIO FUNK Hamburg Torsten Hennings/Ralf Heuel Studio Funk Hamburg Torsten Hennings Supreme Music Edition, So Supreme/EMI Music Publishing GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg

B01/069 COLOMBIA BEST USE OF MUSIC AND/OR SOUND DESIGN Title THE CODE Advertiser ARMED FORCES OF COLOMBIA Product ARMED FORCES SUPPORT Length 168 Seconds Advertising Agency, City DDB COLOMBIA Bogotá Chief Creative Officer Rodrigo Davila. Rodrigo Bolivar. Creative Director Juan Carlos Palma. Juan Carlos Espitia. Alfonso Diaz. Scriptwriter Alfonso Diaz Agency Producer Ddb Account Supervisor Claudia Fernandez Advertiser’s Supervisor Alfonso Diaz. Mario Leon. Juan Pablo Navas. Production Company, City RADIO BEMBA Bogotá Director Carlos Portela Sound Studio Radio Bemba Sound Engineer Amaury Hernandez. Diego Bautista Music Natalia Gutierrez Y Angelo. Canción Mejores Días Account Manager Luis Fernando Castilla Other Credits Bibiana Pinzon Entered By DDB COLOMBIA Bogotá B02/044 BEST SCRIPTWRITINGCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Entered By


B02/045 BEST SCRIPTWRITINGCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Entered By


B02/046 BEST SCRIPTWRITINGCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor



BUD MERCEDES-BENZ ACCIDENT AVOIDANCE FEATURES 60 Seconds NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg Rob McLennan Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Tanja Rae/Natalie Sutton Karen Carr FIRST#LEFT Johannesburg First#Left David Law NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg

LOVE MERCEDES-BENZ ACCIDENT AVOIDANCE FEATURES 60 Seconds NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg Rob McLennan Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Tanja Rae/Natalie Sutton Karen Carr FIRST#LEFT Johannesburg First#Left David Law NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg

TOBY MERCEDES-BENZ ACCIDENT AVOIDANCE FEATURES 60 Seconds NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg Rob McLennan Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Tanja Rae/Natalie Sutton Karen Carr

Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Entered By

FIRST#LEFT Johannesburg First#Left David Law NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg

B04/045 BEST USE OF RADIO AS A MEDIUM Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Scriptwriter Agency Producer Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Sound Engineer Music Account Manager


Other Credits Entered By

WHAT’S THAT NOISE? NOAH ANIMAL PROTECTION 0 Seconds JUNG von MATT Hamburg Fabian Frese Torben Otten/Georg Baur/Fabian Frese Tilman Gossner JUNG von MATT Hamburg Florian Panier Studio Funk Torsten Hennings/Philipp Feit Philipp Feit Frederike Wassekampf/ Wiebke Verena Baehr Michael Slama/Michael Krueger JUNG von MATT Hamburg

Silver Awards A02/012 ALCOHOLIC DRINKS Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


A02/013 ALCOHOLIC DRINKS Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


A03/019 NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer


Scriptwriter Agency Producer Production Company, City Sound Studio Account Manager Entered By

REAR ENTRY 4 PINES BREWING COMPANY CRAFT BEER 60 Seconds JAY GREY Sydney Jay Furby Jay Furby/Sio Ifopo Sandi Gracin Jaron Mitchell PLUSH FILMS Sydney Plush Films Sydney Steve Hessell Adrian Lugg Barry Disco Voiceover Artist: Lee Perry JAY GREY Sydney

FRIDGE 4 PINES BREWING COMPANY CRAFT BEER 60 Seconds JAY GREY Sydney Jay Furby Jay Furby/Sio Ifopo Sandi Gracin Jaron Mitchell PLUSH FILMS Sydney Plush Films Sydney Steve Hessell Adrian Lugg Barry Disco Voiceover Artist: Lee Perry JAY GREY Sydney

BULLY MAI TAN ICHITAN DOUBLE DRINK 57 Seconds Y&R THAILAND Bangkok Trong Tantivejakul/Ian Reichenthal/ Scott Vitrone/Marcus Dave Canning/Jittra Thiuthipsakul/ Trong Tantivejakul Tanabodee Nelabusabanon SOUND ART Bangkok Sound Art Co./Ltd. Sanjay Bhasin/Tida Vibulvanich/ Ratanawadee Lertviriyavanich Y&R THAILAND Bangkok

A04/010 HOUSEHOLD Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Account Supervisor Production Company, City Account Manager Planner Entered By


A06/034 COSMETICS & BEAUTY, TOILETRIES Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Creative Director


Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor

Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Director Account Manager Planner Entered By

BEAR PROCTER & GAMBLE TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT 60 Seconds LEO BURNETT DUBAI Malek Ghorayeb Munah Zahr Sunny Deo/Simon Raffaghello Marwan Farraj BKP Dubai Rania Merhej Manal Khater LEO BURNETT DUBAI

OATH OF OFFICE PROCTER & GAMBLE SCOPE MOUTHWASH 47 Seconds PUBLICIS NEW YORK Rob Feakins David Corr Dan Cohen/Steven Emry/ Dave Hermanas Shawn Gauthier - Creative Director Marissa Schaeffer Angela Passqualuci Global Equity Director/Melissa Schulz Global Account Director Doreen Bayliff/Clark Reinhard BAR 1 PRODUCTIONS New York Joe Barone Rachel Silverman Erica Herman/Johanna Salas PUBLICIS NEW YORK

A07/028 PHARMACY Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Entered By


A11/017 RETAIL STORESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Scriptwriter Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Entered By


A11/020 RETAIL STORESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer


GAV GALDERMA BENZAC ACNE TREATMENT 60 Seconds NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg Rob McLennan Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Tanja Rae/Natalie Sutton Karen Carr FIRST#LEFT Johannesburg First#Left David Law NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg

SLAP SAMROC PAINT & HARDWARE COLOUR MIXING 30 Seconds LOWE & PARTNERS SINGAPORE Clinton Manson/Dominic Stallard Steve Straw Steve Straw Aisha Lo Felicia Goh THE GUNNERY Singapore Steve Straw The Gunnery Evan Roberts Aisha Lo LOWE & PARTNERS SINGAPORE


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RADIO WINNERS 31 Creative Director Scriptwriter Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Entered By

Steve Straw Steve Straw Aisha Lo Felicia Goh THE GUNNERY Singapore Steve Straw The Gunnery Evan Roberts Aisha Lo LOWE & PARTNERS SINGAPORE

A11/021 RETAIL STORESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Scriptwriter Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Entered By


A15/031 PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Scriptwriter Production Company, City Account Manager Entered By

CHAINSAW SAMROC PAINT & HARDWARE COLOUR MIXING 33 Seconds LOWE & PARTNERS SINGAPORE Clinton Manson/Dominic Stallard Steve Straw Steve Straw Aisha Lo Felicia Goh THE GUNNERY Singapore Steve Straw The Gunnery Evan Roberts Aisha Lo LOWE & PARTNERS SINGAPORE

A20/029 CHILE PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title DEMOCRACY Advertiser AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Product AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Length 32 Seconds Advertising Agency, City JWT CHILE Santiago Executive Creative Director Leo Farfan Creative Director Fernando Aljaro Scriptwriter Felipe Bobadilla Agency Producer Nena Walker Account Supervisor Rodrigo Gálvez Advertiser’s Supervisor Sergio Laurenti Production Company, City CLIO EXPRESS Santiago Director Caco Lyon Account Manager Marcelo Leniz Entered By JWT CHILE Santiago

A11/022 RETAIL STORESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Scriptwriter Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Entered By


A20/095 COLOMBIA PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title DOCUMENTARY Advertiser TELETîN Product DISABILITY AWARENESS Length 76 Seconds Advertising Agency, City JWT COLOMBIA Bogotá Executive Creative Director Rodrigo Torres Creative Director Jaime Perea Production Company, City ZAPATO SOUND Bogotá/ SONIC BOOM Bogota Director Alex Sánchez/Ricardo Buitrago Sound Engineer Daniel Herrera Other Credits Creative Vice President: Rodrigo Torres; Copywriter: Jaime Perea; Art Director: Nicolás Acosta; Account Director: Lina Aguirre Entered By JWT COLOMBIA Bogotá

A15/012 PUBLICATIONS & MEDIA Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Entered By


A15/030 PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Scriptwriter Production Company, City Account Manager Entered By


LOOK AT ME DAD! SAMROC PAINT & HARDWARE COLOUR MIXING 30 Seconds LOWE & PARTNERS SINGAPORE Clinton Manson/Dominic Stallard Steve Straw Steve Straw Aisha Lo Felicia Goh THE GUNNERY Singapore Steve Straw The Gunnery Evan Roberts Aisha Lo LOWE & PARTNERS SINGAPORE

FEMALE VOICEOVER INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS CAREER TIMES 20 Seconds LOWE BULL Cape Town Kirk Gainsford Alistair Morgan Aron Harris/Simon Lotze Adeila Emeran Vicki Hey Michael Vale SPACED OUT SOUND Cape Town Spaced Out Sounds Tully McCully Taryn Bownes LOWE BULL Cape Town

PRINCE TMC CONTENT GROUP BEATE-UHSE.TV 70 Seconds KEMPERTRAUTMANN Hamburg Florian Schimmer/Michael Götz Michael Götz/Alexander Lipp NHB TON Hamburg Jan Rütten/Joana Gläscher KEMPERTRAUTMANN Hamburg

GERMANY FAIRY TMC CONTENT GROUP BEATE-UHSE.TV 75 Seconds KEMPERTRAUTMANN Hamburg Florian Schimmer/Michael Götz Michael Götz/Alexander Lipp NHB TON Hamburg Jan Rütten/Joana Gläscher KEMPERTRAUTMANN Hamburg

A21/002 SOUTH AFRICA FUNDRAISING & APPEALSCAMPAIGN Title NELSON MANDELA Advertiser NELSON MANDELA FOUNDATION Product CHARITY Length 60 Seconds Advertising Agency, City GREY SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Executive Creative Director Cath Ireland Scriptwriter Wynand Prinsloo/Wihan Meerholz Agency Producer Elisa Hadebe Production Company, City STERLING SOUND Johannesburg Director Wynand Prinsloo Sound Studio Sterling Sound Sound Engineer Lorens Persson Account Manager Sizakele Marutlulle Entered By GREY SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg A21/003 SOUTH AFRICA FUNDRAISING & APPEALSCAMPAIGN Title MARTIN LUTHER KING Advertiser NELSON MANDELA FOUNDATION Product CHARITY Length 64 Seconds Advertising Agency, City GREY SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Executive Creative Director Cath Ireland Scriptwriter Wynand Prinsloo/Wihan Meerholz Agency Producer Elisa Hadebe Production Company, City STERLING SOUND Johannesburg Director Wynand Prinsloo Sound Studio Sterling Sound Sound Engineer Lorens Persson Account Manager Sizakele Marutlulle Entered By GREY SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg

A21/004 SOUTH AFRICA FUNDRAISING & APPEALSCAMPAIGN Title OLIVER TAMBO Advertiser NELSON MANDELA FOUNDATION Product CHARITY Length 59 Seconds Advertising Agency, City GREY SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Executive Creative Director Cath Ireland Scriptwriter Wynand Prinsloo/Wihan Meerholz Agency Producer Elisa Hadebe Production Company, City STERLING SOUND Johannesburg Director Wynand Prinsloo Sound Studio Sterling Sound Sound Engineer Lorens Persson Account Manager Sizakele Marutlulle Entered By GREY SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg A21/005 SOUTH AFRICA FUNDRAISING & APPEALSCAMPAIGN Title ALBERTINA SISULU Advertiser NELSON MANDELA FOUNDATION Product CHARITY Length 59 Seconds Advertising Agency, City GREY SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Executive Creative Director Cath Ireland Scriptwriter Wynand Prinsloo/Wihan Meerholz Agency Producer Elisa Hadebe Production Company, City STERLING SOUND Johannesburg Director Wynand Prinsloo Sound Studio Sterling Sound Sound Engineer Lorens Persson Account Manager Sizakele Marutlulle Entered By GREY SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg B01/043 GERMANY BEST USE OF MUSIC AND/OR SOUND DESIGNCAMPAIGN Title HIKING Advertiser MODERN MUSIC SCHOOL Product MUSIC LESSONS Length 45 Seconds Advertising Agency, City GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg Executive Creative Director Ralf Heuel Creative Director Ralf Heuel Scriptwriter Ralf Heuel/Christian Möhler/ Verena Bartholdt/Heiner Twenhäfel Account Supervisor Thomas Eickhoff/Ina Bach/ Nils Rüsenberg Advertiser’s Supervisor Hans-Peter Becker Production Company, City STUDIO FUNK Hamburg Director Torsten Hennings/Ralf Heuel Sound Studio Studio Funk Hamburg Sound Engineer Torsten Hennings Music Supreme Music Edition, So Supreme/EMI Music Publishing Entered By GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg B01/045 GERMANY BEST USE OF MUSIC AND/OR SOUND DESIGNCAMPAIGN Title CHRISTMAS TREE Advertiser MODERN MUSIC SCHOOL Product MUSIC LESSONS Length 43 Seconds Advertising Agency, City GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg Executive Creative Director Ralf Heuel Creative Director Ralf Heuel Scriptwriter Ralf Heuel/Christian Möhler/ Verena Bartholdt/Heiner Twenhäfel Account Supervisor Thomas Eickhoff/Ina Bach/ Nils Rüsenberg Advertiser’s Supervisor Hans-Peter Becker Production Company, City STUDIO FUNK Hamburg Director Torsten Hennings/Ralf Heuel Sound Studio Studio Funk Hamburg Sound Engineer Torsten Hennings Music Supreme Music Edition, So Supreme/EMI Music Publishing Entered By GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg B02/034 BEST SCRIPTWRITINGCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length



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32 RADIO WINNERS Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By

JAY GREY Sydney Jay Furby Jay Furby/Sio Ifopo Sandi Gracin Jaron Mitchell PLUSH FILMS Sydney Plush Films Sydney Steve Hessell Adrian Lugg Barry Disco Voiceover Artist: Lee Perry JAY GREY Sydney

B02/035 BEST SCRIPTWRITINGCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


B02/036 BEST SCRIPTWRITINGCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


B02/047 BEST SCRIPTWRITING Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Entered By


B02/060 BEST SCRIPTWRITING Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Account Supervisor Production Company, City Account Manager Planner Entered By



FRIDGE 4 PINES BREWING COMPANY CRAFT BEER 60 Seconds JAY GREY Sydney Jay Furby Jay Furby/Sio Ifopo Sandi Gracin Jaron Mitchell PLUSH FILMS Sydney Plush Films Sydney Steve Hessell Adrian Lugg Barry Disco Voiceover Artist: Lee Perry JAY GREY Sydney

DUDE 4 PINES BREWING COMPANY CRAFT BEER 60 Seconds JAY GREY Sydney Jay Furby Jay Furby/Sio Ifopo Sandi Gracin Jaron Mitchell PLUSH FILMS Sydney Plush Films Sydney Steve Hessell Adrian Lugg Barry Disco Voiceover Artist: Lee Perry JAY GREY Sydney

BRAD GALDERMA BENZAC ACNE TREATMENT 60 Seconds NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg Rob McLennan Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Jenny Glover/Brent Singer Tanja Rae/Natalie Sutton Karen Carr FIRST#LEFT Johannesburg Fist#Left David Law NET#WORK BBDO Johannesburg

BEAR PROCTER & GAMBLE TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT 60 Seconds LEO BURNETT DUBAI Bechara Mouzannar Malek Ghorayeb Munah Zahr Sunny Deo/Simon Raffaghello Rania Merhej BKP Dubai Marwan Farraj Manal Khater LEO BURNETT DUBAI

Bronze Awards A01/014 FOODS Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Engineer Entered By A04/035 HOUSEHOLD Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Production Company, City Entered By

SOUTH AFRICA WOULD YOU RATHER... MARS FOODS SNICKERS 80 Seconds 140 BBDO Cape Town Mike Schalit Ivan Johnson Mike Pearson/Ross Nieuwenhuizen Carla Bokombe Daniel Becker/Andrew Watson SIDNEY AND SEYMOUR STUDIOS Cape Town Johnny Seymour 140 BBDO Cape Town USA BRIDGE CRAFTSMAN HAND TOOLS 60 Seconds Y&R CHICAGO Bob Winter Pam Mufson/Jeremy Smallwood/ Jon Eckman Pam Mufson Jona Goodman SONIC UNION New York Y&R CHICAGO

A05/015 NORWAY HOME APPLIANCES, FURNISHINGS, ELECTRONICS & AUDIO VISUAL Title SISTER-IN-LAW Advertiser DOVRE Product FIREPLACES Length 40 Seconds Advertising Agency, City FUTATSU INDUSTRIES Oslo Creative Director Aris Theophilakis Scriptwriter Martin Midtbø/Hedda Mjøen Advertiser’s Supervisor Anette Solheim Production Company, City VERDENS STERKESTE MANN Oslo Director Espen Nordahl Sound Studio Kjetil Røst Nilsen Sound Engineer Kjetil Røst Nilsen Account Manager Sonja Njølstad Entered By FUTATSU INDUSTRIES Oslo A05/018 GERMANY HOME APPLIANCES, FURNISHINGS, ELECTRONICS & AUDIO VISUAL Title BANK Advertiser LG Product CINEMA 3D TELEVISION Length 39 Seconds Advertising Agency, City Y&R BERLIN Berlin Chief Creative Officer Jan Leube Creative Director Markus Rieser/Esben Ehrenreich Production Company, City STUDIO FUNK Berlin Sound Engineer Nima Gholiagha Entered By Y&R BERLIN Berlin A05/027 BRAZIL HOME APPLIANCES, FURNISHINGS, ELECTRONICS & AUDIO VISUAL Title DRAGOSTEA Advertiser MOTOROLA Product MOTO ID MUSIC IDENTIFICATION Length 60 Seconds Advertising Agency, City OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Anselmo Ramos Creative Director Cassiano Saldanha/Fred Saldanha Scriptwriter Claudio Lima/Megan Farquhar/ Guilherme Nobrega Agency Producer Mauricio Granado Account Supervisor Fernanda Costa Advertiser’s Supervisor Gabriela Vianna Production Company, City SATELITE AUDIO São Paulo Director Kito Siqueira Sound Studio Satélite çudio Sound Engineer Satélite çudio Music O-Zone/»Dragostea Din Tei» Account Manager Evandro Guimarães Other Credits Composer: Dan Mihai Balan; Singer: Marcelo Minici Entered By OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo

A05/033 INDIA HOME APPLIANCES, FURNISHINGS, ELECTRONICS & AUDIO VISUALCAMPAIGN Title TERMINATOR Advertiser MIRC ELECTRONICS Product ONIDA DVD PLAYERS Length 35 Seconds Advertising Agency, City McCANN WORLDGROUP Mumbai Chief Creative Officer Prasoon Joshi Executive Creative Director Prasoon Joshi Creative Director Akshay Kapnadak/Rahul Mathew/ O.r. Radhakrishnan Scriptwriter Akshay Kapnadak/Rahul Mathew/ O.r. Radhakrishnan Agency Producer Amol Sonawane Account Supervisor Parvathy Nair Production Company, City RHAPSODY Mumbai Account Manager Dhanwinder Singh Entered By McCANN WORLDGROUP Mumbai A05/035 INDIA HOME APPLIANCES, FURNISHINGS, ELECTRONICS & AUDIO VISUALCAMPAIGN Title A FEW GOOD MEN Advertiser MIRC ELECTRONICS Product ONIDA DVD PLAYERS Length 30 Seconds Advertising Agency, City McCANN WORLDGROUP Mumbai Chief Creative Officer Prasoon Joshi Executive Creative Director Prasoon Joshi Creative Director Akshay Kapnadak/Rahul Mathew/ O.r. Radhakrishnan Scriptwriter Akshay Kapnadak/Rahul Mathew/ O.r. Radhakrishnan Agency Producer Amol Sonawane Account Supervisor Parvathy Nair Production Company, City RHAPSODY Mumbai Account Manager Dhanwinder Singh Entered By McCANN WORLDGROUP Mumbai A05/057 THAILAND HOME APPLIANCES, FURNISHINGS, ELECTRONICS & AUDIO VISUAL Title SFX Advertiser MAHAJAK Product AUDIO EQUIPMENT Length 34 Seconds Advertising Agency, City OGILVY & MATHER Bangkok Executive Creative Director Wisit Lumsiricharoenchoke/ Nopadol Srikieatikajohn Scriptwriter Rudee Surapongraktrakool/ Kris Garford Spindler Agency Producer Thitipun Satitamorntham Account Supervisor Roongnapa Mahaphol Production Company, City CINE DIGITAL SOUND Bangkok Sound Engineer Pracha Selawarn Entered By OGILVY & MATHER Bangkok A06/036 COSMETICS & BEAUTY, TOILETRIES Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor

Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Director Account Manager Planner Entered By

USA WAITRESS PROCTER & GAMBLE SCOPE MOUTHWASH 47 Seconds PUBLICIS NEW YORK Rob Feakins David Corr Dan Cohen/Steven Emry/ Dave Hermanas Shawn Gauthier - Creative Director Marissa Schaeffer Angela Passqualuci Global Equity Director/Melissa Schulz Global Account Director Doreen Bayliff/Clark Reinhard BAR 1 PRODUCTIONS New York Joe Barone Rachel Silverman Erica Herman/Johanna Salas PUBLICIS NEW YORK

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RADIO WINNERS 33 A07/032 PHARMACY Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Sound Engineer Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


A10/022 CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Account Manager Other Credits


Entered By

PRODUCT PLACEMENT RECKITT BENCKISER STREPSILS THROAT LOZENGES 158 Seconds EARDRUM Sydney Ralph van Dijk Ralph van Dijk Lesley Chambers Lesley Chambers Ralph van Dijk EARDRUM Sydney Ralph van Dijk Eardrum Sydney Ralph van Dijk Lesley Chambers Ralph van Dijk Cal Nichols EARDRUM Sydney

CONDITION SUBARU CANADA SUBARU WRX 60 Seconds DDB CANADA/TORONTO Andrew Simon Andrew Simon David Ross/Paul Wallace Caroline Clarke/Andrew Schulze Mike Davidson Geoff Craig PIRATE RADIO & TELEVISION Toronto Terry O’Reilly Pirate Radio & Television, Toronto Peter Brough/Brian Tod Associate Creative Director: Paul Wallace/David Ross; Talent: Julie Khaner/Kris Ferguson DDB CANADA/TORONTO

A12/023 SOUTH AFRICA RESTAURANTS & FAST FOOD OUTLETSCAMPAIGN Title BILLY Advertiser McDONALD’S Product BIRTHDAY PARTIES Length 45 Seconds Advertising Agency, City DDB SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Executive Creative Director Grant Jacobsen Creative Director Phil Mailer Scriptwriter Kenneth van Reenen/Vincent Osmond/ Jade Manning/Greig Watt/Hital Pandya Agency Producer Kathy Scharrer Account Supervisor Tsitsi Dhlamini Production Company, City SONOVISION STUDIOS Johannesburg Sound Engineer Paul Geddes/Grant Harris/ Thabo Mdluli/Nathi Luthango Other Credits Voiceover: John Whitely Entered By DDB SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg A12/024 SOUTH AFRICA RESTAURANTS & FAST FOOD OUTLETSCAMPAIGN Title THEODORE Advertiser McDONALD’S Product BIRTHDAY PARTIES Length 50 Seconds Advertising Agency, City DDB SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Executive Creative Director Grant Jacobsen Creative Director Phil Mailer Scriptwriter Kenneth van Reenen/Vincent Osmond/ Jade Manning/Greig Watt/Hital Pandya Agency Producer Kathy Scharrer Account Supervisor Tsitsi Dhlamini Production Company, City SONOVISION STUDIOS Johannesburg Sound Engineer Paul Geddes/Grant Harris/ Thabo Mdluli/Nathi Luthango Music Library Music Other Credits Voiceover: John Whitely Entered By DDB SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg

A12/025 SOUTH AFRICA RESTAURANTS & FAST FOOD OUTLETSCAMPAIGN Title TIFFANY Advertiser McDONALD’S Product BIRTHDAY PARTIES Length 50 Seconds Advertising Agency, City DDB SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Executive Creative Director Grant Jacobsen Creative Director Phil Mailer Scriptwriter Kenneth van Reenen/Vincent Osmond/ Jade Manning/Greig Watt/Hital Pandya Agency Producer Kathy Scharrer Account Supervisor Tsitsi Dhlamini Production Company, City SONOVISION STUDIOS Johannesburg Sound Engineer Paul Geddes/Grant Harris/ Thabo Mdluli/Nathi Luthango Other Credits Voiceover: John Whitely Entered By DDB SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg A13/059 SPAIN TRAVEL, TRANSPORT & TOURISMCAMPAIGN Title VALENTIN PIZARRO Advertiser NH HOTELS Product HOTELS Length 83 Seconds Advertising Agency, City McCANN ERICKSON Madrid Chief Creative Officer Leandro Raposo Executive Creative Director Monica Moro/Pablo Colonnese Creative Director Monica Moro Scriptwriter Mercedes Lucena Agency Producer Luis Felipe Moreno Account Supervisor Jesus Martinez Soria Production Company, City MEDIA SOUND Madrid Entered By McCANN ERICKSON Madrid A13/060 SPAIN TRAVEL, TRANSPORT & TOURISMCAMPAIGN Title VICENTE LOUREIRO Advertiser NH HOTELS Product HOTELS Length 94 Seconds Advertising Agency, City McCANN ERICKSON Madrid Chief Creative Officer Leandro Raposo Executive Creative Director Monica Moro/Pablo Colonnese/ Pablo Stricker Creative Director Monica Moro Scriptwriter Mercedes Lucena Production Company, City MEDIA SOUND Madrid Account Manager Jesus Martinez Soria Entered By McCANN ERICKSON Madrid A13/061 SPAIN TRAVEL, TRANSPORT & TOURISMCAMPAIGN Title MARIA CARMEN GOMEZ Advertiser NH HOTELS Product HOTELS Length 96 Seconds Advertising Agency, City McCANN ERICKSON Madrid Chief Creative Officer Leandro Raposo Executive Creative Director Monica Moro/Pablo Colonnese/ Pablo Stricker Creative Director Monica Moro Scriptwriter Mercedes Lucena Production Company, City MEDIA SOUND Madrid Account Manager Jesus Martinez Soria Entered By McCANN ERICKSON Madrid A15/054 PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Music Account Manager Entered By

SINGAPORE FOOD CRISIS THE ECONOMIST AUDIO VERSION FOR iPHONE & iPAD 90 Seconds OGILVY SINGAPORE Steve Back Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping James Brook-Partridge Yulin Loh Bala Shetty FUSE AUDIO Singapore Fuse Singapore Fuse Singapore Fuse / The Family Stone Dan Gibson OGILVY SINGAPORE

A15/055 PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Music Account Manager Entered By


A15/056 PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Sound Engineer Music Account Manager Entered By


A15/060 PUBLICATIONS & MEDIA Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Creative Director


Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Account Manager Entered By A15/080 PUBLICATIONS & MEDIA Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Director Sound Engineer Account Manager Entered By

INEQUALITY THE ECONOMIST AUDIO VERSION FOR iPHONE & iPAD 90 Seconds OGILVY SINGAPORE Steve Back Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping James Brook-Partridge Yulin Loh Bala Shetty FUSE AUDIO Singapore Fuse Singapore Fuse Singapore Fuse / The Family Stone Dan Gibson OGILVY SINGAPORE

SOMALI PIRATES THE ECONOMIST AUDIO VERSION FOR iPHONE & iPAD 90 Seconds OGILVY SINGAPORE Steve Back Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping James Brook-Partridge Yulin Loh Bala Shetty FUSE AUDIO Singapore Fuse Singapore Fuse Singapore Fuse / The Family Stone Dan Gibson OGILVY SINGAPORE

ADULTERY VRT KLARA CLASSICAL RADIO 30 Seconds FAMOUS BRUSSELS Tim Driesen/Joeri Van Den Broeck/ Christophe Ghewy Iwein Vandevyver/Tom Jacobs Myriam Maes/Lander Engels Veronique Mattheeuws Peter Claes/Chantal Pattyn/Ellen Moriau SONICVILLE Brussels Marlies Neudt FAMOUS BRUSSELS BRAZIL BRIAN JOHNSON 91 FM ROCK ‘N’ ROLL RADIO 92 Seconds JWT BRAZIL São Paulo Mario D’Andrea Mario D’Andrea/Fabio Miraglia Marco Pupo/Ricardo Marques/ Fabio Miraglia Fabiano de Proença/Renata Soares Gabriela May/Silvia Rohrig Carlos Gomes/Ricardo Schneider LUA NOVA São Paulo Teco Fuchs/Ricardo Fleury Julio Brasileiro/Fernando Martinez Gabriela May/Silvia Rohrig JWT BRAZIL São Paulo


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34 RADIO WINNERS A16/017 SOUTH AFRICA BANKING, INVESTMENT & INSURANCECAMPAIGN Title STAR JUMPS Advertiser FRANK.NET Product LIFE COVER Length 40 Seconds Advertising Agency, City FoxP2 Cape Town Executive Creative Director Justin Gomes/Andrew Whitehouse Creative Director Justin Gomes/Andrew Whitehouse Scriptwriter Gavin Williams/Michael Lees-Rolfe Agency Producer Katherine Tripp Account Supervisor Kaylin Mendes Production Company, City THE WORK ROOM Cape Town Sound Studio The Work Room Sound Engineer Stephen Webster Account Manager Morgan Tomes Planner Rebecca Warne Other Credits Adam Behr Entered By FoxP2 Cape Town A16/018 SOUTH AFRICA BANKING, INVESTMENT & INSURANCECAMPAIGN Title 2012 Advertiser FRANK.NET Product LIFE COVER Length 35 Seconds Advertising Agency, City FoxP2 Cape Town Executive Creative Director Justin Gomes/Andrew Whitehouse Creative Director Justin Gomes/Andrew Whitehouse Scriptwriter Gavin Williams/Michael Lees-Rolfe Agency Producer Katherine Tripp Account Supervisor Kaylin Mendes Production Company, City THE WORK ROOM Cape Town Sound Studio The Work Room Sound Engineer Stephen Webster Account Manager Morgan Tomes Planner Rebecca Warne Other Credits Adam Behr Entered By FoxP2 Cape Town A16/019 SOUTH AFRICA BANKING, INVESTMENT & INSURANCECAMPAIGN Title MALL Advertiser FRANK.NET Product LIFE COVER Length 40 Seconds Advertising Agency, City FoxP2 Cape Town Executive Creative Director Justin Gomes/Andrew Whitehouse Creative Director Justin Gomes/Andrew Whitehouse Scriptwriter Gavin Williams/Michael Lees-Rolfe Agency Producer Katherine Tripp Account Supervisor Kaylin Mendes Production Company, City THE WORK ROOM Cape Town Sound Studio The Work Room Sound Engineer Stephen Webster Account Manager Morgan Tomes Planner Rebecca Warne Other Credits Adam Behr Entered By FoxP2 Cape Town A17/001 USA BUSINESS EQUIPMENT & SERVICES Title EPIPHANY Advertiser FEDEX Product GROUND SHIPPING SERVICE Length 61 Seconds Advertising Agency, City BBDO NEW YORK Chief Creative Officer David Lubars Executive Creative Director Greg Hahn/Mike Smith Scriptwriter Tom Kraemer/Scott Kaplan Agency Producer Chris Cassar Account Supervisor Chava Ziff Production Company, City BAR 1 PRODUCTIONS New York Director Joe Barone Sound Studio Bar 1 Sound Engineer Tim Leitner Other Credits Senior Creative Directors: Tom Kraemer/ Scott Kaplan; Mixer: Tim Leitner Entered By BBDO NEW YORK


A20/061 CANADA PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title CHUCK Advertiser SPECIAL OLYMPICS CANADA Product SPECIAL OLYMPICS CANADA Length 30 Seconds Advertising Agency, City GREY CANADA Toronto Executive Creative Director Carl Jones Creative Director Gerald Schoenhoff/Shane Ogilvie Scriptwriter Neal Khosla Agency Producer David Smith Account Supervisor Hanh Vo Production Company, City PIRATE RADIO & TELEVISION Toronto Director Steve Gardiner Entered By GREY CANADA Toronto A20/069 MALAYSIA PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGES Title REWIND Advertiser FLY FM Product ANTI-SPEEDING AWARENESS Length 60 Seconds Advertising Agency, City BATES 141 MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur Executive Creative Director Ajay Bakhshi Creative Director Roni Johann Scriptwriter Vix Chandra Agency Producer Sandra Duarte Advertiser’s Supervisor Adam Zain Production Company, City REAL TIME STUDIOS Petaling Jaya Entered By BATES 141 MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur A21/020 FUNDRAISING & APPEALS Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Production Company, City Sound Studio Entered By

THE NETHERLANDS RAPE DUTCH FUND FOR VICTIMS DONATIONS APPEAL 36 Seconds PUBLICIS Amsterdam Marcel Hartog/Jeroen van Zwam Marcel Hartog/Arnout Robbe/ Paul Wagemaker Elsbeth Zantvoort Nicole Franken Maike van Warmerdam STUDIO DE KEUKEN Amsterdam Studio De Keuken PUBLICIS Amsterdam

A21/041 FUNDRAISING & APPEALS Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Scriptwriter Account Supervisor Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Account Manager Planner Entered By


A21/055 FUNDRAISING & APPEALS Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Scriptwriter Agency Producer Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Sound Engineer Music Account Manager


Other Credits Entered By

THE CALL RONALD McDONALD BARNFOND FUNDRAISING APPEAL 40 Seconds DDB STOCKHOLM Andreas Dahlqvist Nick Christiansen/Joel Ekstrand Pelle Josephson SARA HAAG Stockholm Sara Haag Redpipe Jeanette Ytterman Karl Wikström DDB STOCKHOLM

WHAT’S THAT NOISE? NOAH ANIMAL PROTECTION 0 Seconds JUNG von MATT Hamburg Fabian Frese Torben Otten/Georg Baur/Fabian Frese Tilman Gossner JUNG von MATT Hamburg Florian Panier Studio Funk Torsten Hennings/Philipp Feit Philipp Feit Frederike Wassekampf/ Wiebke Verena Baehr Michael Slama/Michael Krueger JUNG von MATT Hamburg

B01/049 SINGAPORE BEST USE OF MUSIC AND/OR SOUND DESIGNCAMPAIGN Title FOOD CRISIS Advertiser THE ECONOMIST Product AUDIO VERSION FOR iPHONE & iPAD Length 90 Seconds Advertising Agency, City OGILVY SINGAPORE Chief Creative Officer Steve Back Executive Creative Director Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping Scriptwriter Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping Agency Producer James Brook-Partridge Account Supervisor Yulin Loh Advertiser’s Supervisor Bala Shetty Production Company, City FUSE AUDIO Singapore Sound Studio Fuse Singapore Sound Engineer Fuse Singapore Music Fuse / The Family Stone Account Manager Dan Gibson Entered By OGILVY SINGAPORE B01/050 SINGAPORE BEST USE OF MUSIC AND/OR SOUND DESIGNCAMPAIGN Title INEQUALITY Advertiser THE ECONOMIST Product AUDIO VERSION FOR iPHONE & iPAD Length 90 Seconds Advertising Agency, City OGILVY SINGAPORE Chief Creative Officer Steve Back Executive Creative Director Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping Scriptwriter Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping Agency Producer James Brook-Partridge Account Supervisor Yulin Loh Advertiser’s Supervisor Bala Shetty Production Company, City FUSE AUDIO Singapore Sound Studio Fuse Singapore Sound Engineer Fuse Singapore Music Fuse / The Family Stone Account Manager Dan Gibson Entered By OGILVY SINGAPORE B01/051 SINGAPORE BEST USE OF MUSIC AND/OR SOUND DESIGNCAMPAIGN Title SOMALI PIRATES Advertiser THE ECONOMIST Product AUDIO VERSION FOR iPHONE & iPAD Length 90 Seconds Advertising Agency, City OGILVY SINGAPORE Chief Creative Officer Steve Back Executive Creative Director Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping Scriptwriter Jagdish Ramakrishnan/Richard Copping Agency Producer James Brook-Partridge Account Supervisor Yulin Loh Advertiser’s Supervisor Bala Shetty Production Company, City FUSE AUDIO Singapore Sound Studio Fuse Singapore Sound Engineer Fuse Singapore Music Fuse / The Family Stone Account Manager Dan Gibson Entered By OGILVY SINGAPORE B04/036 BEST USE OF RADIO AS A MEDIUM Title Advertiser Product Length Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Scriptwriter Agency Producer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor

Production Company, City Director Sound Studio Music Account Manager Planner Entered By

BRAZIL WAVIN’ FLAG COCA-COLA 2010 WORLD CUP 191 Seconds JWT BRAZIL São Paulo Mario D’Andrea Mario D’Andrea/Roberto Fernandez Filipe Cuvero/Christian Fontana/ Fábio Leão Marcia Branco Renata Máximo/Isabel Castro/ Tiago Lima/Gabriela Lorenzetti Jonathan Lawlor/Luciana Feres/ Ana Branco/Cristina Turnes/ Gian Martinez/Maria Zerk/Flavia Gama DR. DD ELETROMUSICA São Paulo Dudu Marote Dr. DD Skank And K’naan/»Wavin’ Flag» Renata Maximo Ken Fujioka/Joyce Moraes/ Marcelo Bazán JWT BRAZIL São Paulo

D4-AD:Mise en page 1 22/06/11 23:38 Page 35

Introducing the new all singing, all dancing poster. No, seriously. We’ve also got posters that know what you’re looking at, what you’re wearing, and what sex you are. Touch screen posters with pages you can turn, posters you can look at and be in at the same time, posters you can even play tennis with. As far as we’re concerned there’s still no medium that can communicate as singlemindedly as a poster. So visit the Clear Channel screens displayed in the Palais. See the very latest innovations in outdoor. Your next all singing, all dancing idea may depend on it.

D4-AD:Mise en page 1 22/06/11 23:39 Page 36

It’s like

cheating. Nobody knows more about how consumers think, act, feel and talk about brands. Our proprietary tools, honed for over 40 years, let us see things that are invisible to other agencies. When this kind of intelligence is used to inspire creative ideas, it give our clients, an unfair advantage. It’s like cheating. Whether we’re solving a communications problem, a brand problem, a product problem or even a consumer experience problem. If you’re tired of the group-think of traditional agencies and digital shops, give Louise Coulson a call on +44 (0) 20 8 735 8000 or email

WINNERS OUVERTURES A+D:25•01 front 22/06/11 00:12 Page37





D4-37-55 Outdoor Winners BAT:25•01 front 22/06/11 00:13 Page38

38 OUTDOOR WINNERS Grand Prix C04/206 USA STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title DECODE JAY-Z WITH BING Advertiser BING/JAY-Z Product DECODE JAY-Z WITH BING Advertising Agency, City DROGA5 New York Executive Creative Director Duncan Marshall/Ted Royer/Nik Studzinski Creative Director Neil Heymann Copywriter Adam Noel Art Director Jon Kubik Photographer Paul Mcgeiver/Xiao Li Tan/Fernando Sanchez Account Supervisor Shawn Mackoff Account Manager Megan Collins Planner Director Of Digital Strategy: Hashem Bajwa Other Credits Creative Chairman: David Droga/ Head Of Integrated Prodution: Sally-Ann Dale/ Ceo: Andrew Essex Entered By DROGA5 New York

Gold Awards A06/001 HOUSEHOLD: OTHER Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Manager Other Credits Entered By

Vino El Khatib Soulaf Tahtah Nadine Ghossoub Designer: Shahir Zag Y&R DUBAI

A15/027 RETAIL STORESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


A15/028 RETAIL STORESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


A15/029 RETAIL STORESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


A15/030 RETAIL STORESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


A15/031 RETAIL STORESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter


DEFIBRILLATOR HARVEY NICHOLS DEPARTMENT STORE Y&R DUBAI Shahir Zag Shahir Zag/Komal Bedi Sohal Shahir Zag Komal Bedi Sohal/Shahir Zag James Day Sarah Locke Vino El Khatib Soulaf Tahtah Nadine Ghossoub Designer: Shahir Zag Y&R DUBAI


WITH 10 YEARS OF LIFE TOSHIBA CORPORATION LED BULBS DENTSU Tokyo Masumi Nakazawa Junpei Iwata/Yuichi Kitada/Sayaka Arimoto Tsubasa Adachi Shingo Fujimoto Atsushi Utsunomiya Agency Producer: Akiko Seino Designer: Takahiro Shibata/Chihiro Shiraishi DENTSU Tokyo

A12/038 CHINA CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIES Title HEAVEN AND HELL Advertiser SAMSONITE Product SUITCASES Advertising Agency, City JWT SHANGHAI Executive Creative Director Yang Yeo/Elvis Chau Creative Director Hattie Cheng/Rojana Chuasakul Copywriter Marc Wong Art Director Hattie Cheng, Rojana Chuasakul, Haoxi Lv, Danny Li, Surachai Puthikulangkura Illustrator Surachai Puthikulangkura/ Supachai U-Rairat (Illusion) Account Supervisor Sophia Ng, Lily Zheng Account Manager Lily Zheng Other Credits Production House:illusion/Print Production:joseph Yu/Lulu Zhang/Isaac Xu Entered By JWT SHANGHAI A15/025 RETAIL STORESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


A15/026 RETAIL STORESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor



Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By

AIRHORN HARVEY NICHOLS DEPARTMENT STORE Y&R DUBAI Shahir Zag Shahir Zag/Komal Bedi Sohal Shahir Zag Komal Bedi Sohal/Shahir Zag James Day Sarah Locke Vino El Khatib Soulaf Tahtah Nadine Ghossoub Designer: Shahir Zag Y&R DUBAI

ALTITUDE SICKNESS PILLS HARVEY NICHOLS DEPARTMENT STORE Y&R DUBAI Shahir Zag Shahir Zag/Komal Bedi Sohal Shahir Zag Komal Bedi Sohal/Shahir Zag James Day Sarah Locke

LIPSTICK STAIN REMOVER HARVEY NICHOLS DEPARTMENT STORE Y&R DUBAI Shahir Zag Shahir Zag/Komal Bedi Sohal Shahir Zag Komal Bedi Sohal/Shahir Zag James Day Sarah Locke Vino El Khatib Soulaf Tahtah Nadine Ghossoub Designer: Shahir Zag Y&R DUBAI

SMELLING SALTS HARVEY NICHOLS DEPARTMENT STORE Y&R DUBAI Shahir Zag Shahir Zag/Komal Bedi Sohal Shahir Zag Komal Bedi Sohal/Shahir Zag James Day Sarah Locke Vino El Khatib Soulaf Tahtah Nadine Ghossoub Designer: Shahir Zag Y&R DUBAI

PERSONALIZED TOWELS HARVEY NICHOLS DEPARTMENT STORE Y&R DUBAI Shahir Zag Shahir Zag/Komal Bedi Sohal Shahir Zag Komal Bedi Sohal/Shahir Zag James Day Sarah Locke Vino El Khatib Soulaf Tahtah Nadine Ghossoub Designer: Shahir Zag Y&R DUBAI


Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By

Komal Bedi Sohal/Shahir Zag James Day Sarah Locke Vino El Khatib Soulaf Tahtah Nadine Ghossoub Designer: Shahir Zag Y&R DUBAI

A22/043 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title PICADILLY CIRCUS Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London A22/044 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title LEICESTER SQUARE Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London A22/045 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title COVENT GARDEN Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London A22/046 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title OXFORD CIRCUS Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London A22/047 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title MARYLEBONE Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London

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OUTDOOR WINNERS 39 A22/048 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title TAXI NUMBERS Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London A22/049 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title LATEST SCORES Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London A22/050 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title RESTAURANT REVIEWS Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London A22/051 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title CINEMA TIMES Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London A22/052 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title FTSE 100 Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London A22/053 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title EXCHANGE RATES Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty

Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Typographer Account Manager Planner Entered By

Nick Gill Ashidiq Ghazali Mark Lewis Matt Fitch Rich Kennedy Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao BBH London

A22/054 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title TICKET RESERVATIONS Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London A22/055 UNITED KINGDOM COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title TRAVEL UPDATES Advertiser GOOGLE Product GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH MOBILE APP Advertising Agency, City BBH London Chief Creative Officer John Hegarty Executive Creative Director Nick Gill Creative Director Ashidiq Ghazali Copywriter Mark Lewis Art Director Matt Fitch Typographer Rich Kennedy Account Manager Rowena Minhas/Lucy Scott/Tove Svensson Planner Jason Gonsalves/Lawrence Kao Entered By BBH London A22/058 USA COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICES Title DECODE JAY-Z WITH BING Advertiser BING/JAY-Z Product DECODE JAY-Z WITH BING Advertising Agency, City DROGA5 New York Executive Creative Director Duncan Marshall/Ted Royer/Nik Studzinski Creative Director Neil Heymann Copywriter Adam Noel Art Director Jon Kubik Photographer Paul Mcgeiver/Xiao Li Tan/Fernando Sanchez Account Supervisor Shawn Mackoff Account Manager Megan Collins Planner Director Of Digital Strategy: Hashem Bajwa Other Credits Creative Chairman: David Droga/ Head Of Integrated Prodution: Sally-Ann Dale/Ceo: Andrew Essex Entered By DROGA5 New York B05/041 CHINA CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIES Title HEAVEN AND HELL Advertiser SAMSONITE Product SUITCASES Advertising Agency, City JWT SHANGHAI Executive Creative Director Yang Yeo/Elvis Chau Creative Director Hattie Cheng/Rojana Chuasakul Copywriter Marc Wong Art Director Hattie Cheng/Rojana Chuasakul/ Haoxi Lv/Danny Li/Surachai Puthikulangkura Illustrator Surachai Puthikulangkura/ Supachai U-Rairat (Illusion) Account Supervisor Sophia Ng/Lily Zheng Other Credits Production House:illusion/Animator:illusion Co./ Ltd/Print Pruduction:joseph Yu/ Lulu Zhang/Isaac Xu Entered By JWT SHANGHAI B06/432 RUSSIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title SPACESHIP Advertiser LEGO Product LEGO Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT MOSCOW Moscow Executive Creative Director Mikhail Kudashkin Copywriter Rodrigo Linhares

Art Director Illustrator Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Entered By

Arina Avdeeva Ninjafilms Studio Oxana Shevchenko Stanislava Yankovskaya Evgenia Karpenkova LEO BURNETT MOSCOW Moscow

B06/433 RUSSIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title BEETLE Advertiser LEGO Product LEGO Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT MOSCOW Moscow Executive Creative Director Mikhail Kudashkin Copywriter Rodrigo Linhares Art Director Arina Avdeeva Illustrator Ninjafilms Studio Account Supervisor Oxana Shevchenko Advertiser’s Supervisor Stanislava Yankovskaya Account Manager Evgenia Karpenkova Entered By LEO BURNETT MOSCOW Moscow B06/434 RUSSIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title DEEP OCEAN EXPLORER Advertiser LEGO Product LEGO Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT MOSCOW Moscow Executive Creative Director Mikhail Kudashkin Copywriter Rodrigo Linhares Art Director Arina Avdeeva Illustrator Ninjafilms Studio Account Supervisor Oxana Shevchenko Advertiser’s Supervisor Stanislava Yankovskaya Account Manager Evgenia Karpenkova Entered By LEO BURNETT MOSCOW Moscow B09/288 PORTUGAL FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title MUGSHOT 1 Advertiser AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Product AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Advertising Agency, City FUEL LISBOA Creative Director Marcelo Lourenco/Pedro Bexiga Copywriter Marcelo Lourenço Art Director Pedro Bexiga Photographer João Pina Account Supervisor Sergio Resende Account Manager Joana Gomes Pedro Planner João Ribeiro Entered By FUEL LISBOA B09/289 PORTUGAL FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title MUGSHOT 2 Advertiser AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Product AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Advertising Agency, City FUEL LISBOA Creative Director Marcelo Lourenco/Pedro Bexiga Copywriter Marcelo Lourenço Art Director Pedro Bexiga Photographer João Pina Account Supervisor Sergio Resende Account Manager Joana Gomes Pedro Planner João Ribeiro Entered By FUEL LISBOA B09/290 PORTUGAL FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title MUGSHOT 3 Advertiser AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Product AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Advertising Agency, City FUEL LISBOA Creative Director Marcelo Lourenco/Pedro Bexiga Copywriter Marcelo Lourenço Art Director Pedro Bexiga Photographer João Pina Account Supervisor Sergio Resende Account Manager Joana Gomes Pedro Planner João Ribeiro Entered By FUEL LISBOA


D4-AD:Mise en page 1 22/06/11 23:41 Page 40

Every brand has a story to tell. Through a combination of immersive consumer experiences, collaborative content, and innovative technologies, Microsoft速 Advertising is empowering brands to tell their stories at scale.

Let creativity do its thing. Please join us this week at Cannes Lions!

Microsoft Advertising Cyber Lounge

Enter to win one of three wickedly powerful Samsung 9 Series Notebooks with Windows 7! Drawings held on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday @ 15:00. The Cyber Lounge is located at Palais des Festival, Toscan du Plantier and offers wired workstations and wireless internet to all Cannes Lions delegates. Notebook drawing details and rules are posted in the Cyber Lounge.

BBDO Seminar Your Next Billion - Monday, June 20, 10:30-11:15 How do you earn your next billion? BBDO, Microsoft and IPSOS OTX have joined forces for a proprietary study of multi-platform campaigns leveraging both creativity and technology to identify a groundbreaking framework for marketing success.

Microsoft Seminar

Discover New Innovations Turning Ordinary Entertainment Into Something Extraordinary Kudo Tsunoda, Creative Director, Kinect for Xbox 360 - Wednesday, June 22, 14:30-15:15 Discover what happens when creatives put consumers in the center of the action. Ordinary entertainment becomes extraordinary with new innovations like Natural User Interface leading the possibilities for the future of home entertainment.


The Things People Say Microsoft Advertising Global Creative Solutions Team - Wednesday, June 22, 15:30-17:30 The goal of this workshop is to make you smarter, faster, leaner marketers. We will discuss, share and learn the best ways to tackle the largest challenges in digital advertising. Activities will include a college style debate session, live polling on controversial topics and your chance to voice your thoughts and perceptions about digital marketing.

Join in the conversation! @msadvertising | #canneslions

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OUTDOOR WINNERS 41 C01/118 USA BARS, RESTAURANTS & STORES, ETC. Title DECODE JAY-Z WITH BING Advertiser BING/JAY-Z Product DECODE JAY-Z WITH BING Advertising Agency, City DROGA5 New York Executive Creative Director Duncan Marshall/Ted Royer/Nik Studzinski Creative Director Neil Heymann Copywriter Adam Noel Art Director Jon Kubik Photographer Paul Mcgeiver/Xiao Li Tan/Fernando Sanchez Account Supervisor Shawn Mackoff Account Manager Megan Collins Planner Director Of Digital Strategy: Hashem Bajwa Other Credits Creative Chairman: David Droga/ Head Of Integrated Prodution: Sally-Ann Dale/ Ceo: Andrew Essex Entered By DROGA5 New York

C04/049 USA STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title BURMA Advertiser HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH Product PETITION Advertising Agency, City JWT NEW YORK Chief Creative Officer Harvey Marco Executive Creative Director Andrew Clarke Creative Director Head Of Art: Aaron Padin/ Director Of Photography: Izzy Levine Copywriter Chris Swift Art Director Roy Wisnu Photographer Izzy Levine/Bill Bramswig/Platon Account Manager Lindsay Gash Other Credits Director: Clair Grupp/Nick Scotting/Kit Liset/ Project Manager: Elaine Barker/Jessie Hoyt Entered By JWT NEW YORK

Silver Awards

C03/131 SPECIAL BUILD Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


A08/018 HONG KONG HOME ELECTRONICS & AUDIO-VISUAL CAMPAIGN Title MOZART Advertiser THINKING GROUP Product WESTONE EARPHONES Advertising Agency, City DDB GROUP HONG KONG Executive Creative Director Jeffry Gamble Creative Director Paul Chan/Ong Shi Ping Copywriter Paul Chan/Ong Shi Ping/Ciff Luk Art Director Ciff Luk/Ong Shi Ping/Paul Chan/ Karen Au Young Photographer Tim Lau Entered By DDB GROUP HONG KONG

C03/141 SPECIAL BUILD Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Copywriter


C04/062 JAPAN STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title THE 250KM WAVE Advertiser KYUSHU RAILWAY COMPANY Product BULLET TRAIN Advertising Agency, City DENTSU Tokyo Executive Creative Director Yuya Furukawa Creative Director Atsushi Oogi Copywriter Takuya Isojima/Hirokazu Ueda Art Director Atsushi Oogi/Urara Mano Photographer Keisuke Kazui/Masahiro Shoda Account Supervisor Takafumi Nogami Advertiser’s Supervisor Yosuke Yamamoto/Hiroko Kaku Account Manager Kenichi Mizunoo Planner Atsushi Oogi/Ryo Miura Other Credits Keiichi Higuchi/Kota Tohata/ Sayaka Arimoto/Mariko Shitara Entered By DENTSU Tokyo

Art Director Photographer Account Manager Planner Other Credits

Entered By C03/148 SPECIAL BUILD Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Account Manager Other Credits

Entered By C03/234 SPECIAL BUILD Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Account Supervisor Account Manager Other Credits

Entered By

OPERATION CHRISTMAS MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA NACIONAL GUERRILLA DEMOBILIZATION CAMPAIGN LOWE-SSP3 Bogotá Jose Miguel Sokoloff Alejandro Benavides Santiago Mesa Sergio Leon Carlos Andres Rodriguez Jose Maria Angel - Jaime Gonzalez Juan Pablo Garcia Marcela Duran Emiliano Arango Maria Alejandra Urbina Alejandro Aponte - Mario Lagos LOWE-SSP3 Bogotá

SEAFOOD AQUARIUM LG ELECTRONICS SOLAR DOME MICROWAVE Y&R THAILAND Bangkok Trong Tantivejakul/Marcus Rebeschini Jon Chalermwong Parist Auttayatamavittaya/ Jon Chalermwong/Trong Tantivejakul Jon Chalermwong/Somchok Kunjaethong/ Marcus Rebeschini Jasda Trivittyanuruk/Fiftyone Bangkok Narong Chokpiboonkarn/ Chotirot Rattanawaraha/Apiporn Kunakorn Editor: Watchara Eamsangsai Image Composer: Kae-Dad/ Director: Panusard Thanachindawong/ Production House: The Film Factory Y&R THAILAND Bangkok ARGENTINA THE FRIENDSHIP MACHINE COCA-COLA COCA-COLA OGILVY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Gaston Bigio Javier Mentasti/Ignacio Ferioli Nicolas Vara Ignacio Flotta Karina Aiello (Ogilvy Action Yunes)/ Guadalupe Acuña/Natalia Noya. Head Of Art: Jonathan Gurvit/ General Planning Director: Julieta Rey/ Agency Production: Jose Card OGILVY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires USA THE HONEST STORE HONEST TEA ICED TEA SS+K New York Marty Cooke Sam Saunders/Sam Mazur/Matt Ferrin Alex Mailman Laura Blackburn Samme Menke/Public Relations Manager/ Kat Kirsche/Senior Ae/Jesse Merrill/ Marketing Director SS+K New York

C04/157 UNITED KINGDOM STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title WELCOME BACK Advertiser T-MOBILE Product TELECOMMUNICATIONS Advertising Agency, City SAATCHI & SAATCHI London Executive Creative Director Paul Silburn/Kate Stanners Creative Director Sound Design - Ben Leeves @ Grand Central Copywriter Stephen Howell Art Director Rick Dodds Photographer Director - Henry-Alex Rubin Illustrator Production Company - Smuggler Typographer Production Co Producer - Ray Leakey Account Supervisor Sarah Galea Advertiser’s Supervisor Post Production Account Manager Laura Mills/Anna Mills Planner Tom Gibson Other Credits Business Leader - Charles Pym/Arranger/ Music Director - Shai Fishman Entered By SAATCHI & SAATCHI London C04/204 USA STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title TARGET KALEIDOSCOPIC FASHION SPECTACULAR Advertiser TARGET Product TARGET RETAIL Advertising Agency, City MOTHER NEW YORK Chief Creative Officer Mother Ny Entered By MOTHER NEW YORK C06/013 DIGITAL OUTDOOR Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Illustrator Account Manager Other Credits Entered By

KOREA VIRTUAL STORE TESCO HOMEPLUS CHEIL WORLDWIDE Seoul Joungrack Lee Joungrack Lee Youna Chung Misu Lee Youna Chung/Youbin Bang/Yeonjoo Lee Skyteam Sungmin Jee Joowon Han Moon And Sun (Computer Graphic) CHEIL WORLDWIDE Seoul

A06/003 HOUSEHOLD: OTHER Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Copywriter Art Director Illustrator Account Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Assatiani Entered By

MEXICO MARIO GALAXY 2 ENERGIZER LITHIUM BATTERIES DDB MEXICO Hernan Ibarra/Walter Aregger Rodrigo Rothschild Victor Rojas Victor Rojas Stephanie Roldan Matías Del Campo Juan Luis Isaza Software Development: Konstantin Tokarev DDB MEXICO

A08/019 HONG KONG HOME ELECTRONICS & AUDIO-VISUAL CAMPAIGN Title BEETHOVEN Advertiser THINKING GROUP Product WESTONE EARPHONES Advertising Agency, City DDB GROUP HONG KONG Executive Creative Director Jeffry Gamble Creative Director Paul Chan/Ong Shi Ping Copywriter Paul Chan/Ong Shi Ping/Ciff Luk Art Director Ciff Luk/Ong Shi Ping/Paul Chan/ Karen Au Young Photographer Tim Lau Entered By DDB GROUP HONG KONG A08/020 HONG KONG HOME ELECTRONICS & AUDIO-VISUAL CAMPAIGN Title TCHAIKOVSKY Advertiser THINKING GROUP Product WESTONE EARPHONES Advertising Agency, City DDB GROUP HONG KONG Executive Creative Director Jeffry Gamble Creative Director Paul Chan/Ong Shi Ping Copywriter Paul Chan/Ong Shi Ping/Ciff Luk Art Director Ciff Luk/Ong Shi Ping/Paul Chan/ Karen Au Young Photographer Tim Lau Entered By DDB GROUP HONG KONG A12/027 FRANCE CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIESCAMPAIGN Title H2 Advertiser VF EUROPE Product WRANGLER Advertising Agency, City FRED & FARID PARIS Creative Director Fred And Farid Copywriter Frederic Raillard/Farid Mokart Art Director Frederic Raillard/Farid Mokart/ Juliette Lavoix/Celine Moeur Photographer Cass Bird Account Supervisor Emmanuel Ferry Advertiser’s Supervisor Adam Kakembo Account Manager Nathalie Chopra/Johanna Najar Entered By FRED & FARID PARIS A12/030 FRANCE CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIESCAMPAIGN Title H5 Advertiser VF EUROPE Product WRANGLER Advertising Agency, City FRED & FARID PARIS Creative Director Fred And Farid Copywriter Frederic Raillard/Farid Mokart Art Director Frederic Raillard/Farid Mokart/ Juliette Lavoix/Celine Moeur


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42 OUTDOOR WINNERS Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Entered By

Cass Bird Emmanuel Ferry Adam Kakembo Nathalie Chopra/Johanna Najar FRED & FARID PARIS

A12/033 FRANCE CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIESCAMPAIGN Title H8 Advertiser VF EUROPE Product WRANGLER Advertising Agency, City FRED & FARID PARIS Creative Director Fred And Farid Copywriter Frederic Raillard/Farid Mokart Art Director Frederic Raillard/Farid Mokart/ Juliette Lavoix/Celine Moeur Photographer Cass Bird Account Supervisor Emmanuel Ferry Advertiser’s Supervisor Adam Kakembo Account Manager Nathalie Chopra/Johanna Najar Entered By FRED & FARID PARIS A12/055 CHILE CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIESCAMPAIGN Title CAMP Advertiser ODIS Product TRAVEL LOCKS Advertising Agency, City OGILVY & MATHER CHILE Santiago Chief Creative Officer Cesar Agost Carreno Creative Director Francisco Camacho Copywriter Juan Pablo Tyrer/M. Jesus Jarpa/ Felipe Hernandez Art Director Jaime Bustamante/Juan Pablo Alvarez/ Constanza Cortinez/Cristobal Oviedo Illustrator La Mano Estudio Account Manager Eric Krohn Entered By OGILVY & MATHER CHILE Santiago A12/056 CHILE CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIESCAMPAIGN Title UNIVERSITY Advertiser ODIS Product TRAVEL LOCKS Advertising Agency, City OGILVY & MATHER CHILE Santiago Chief Creative Officer Cesar Agost Carreno Creative Director Francisco Camacho Copywriter Juan Pablo Tyrer/M. Jesus Jarpa/Felipe Hernandez Art Director Jaime Bustamante/Juan Pablo Alvarez/ Constanza Cortinez/Cristobal Oviedo Illustrator La Mano Estudio Account Manager Eric Krohn Entered By OGILVY & MATHER CHILE Santiago A12/057 CHILE CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIESCAMPAIGN Title AIRPORT Advertiser ODIS Product TRAVEL LOCKS Advertising Agency, City OGILVY & MATHER CHILE Santiago Chief Creative Officer Cesar Agost Carreno Creative Director Francisco Camacho Copywriter Juan Pablo Tyrer/M. Jesus Jarpa/ Felipe Hernandez Art Director Jaime Bustamante/Juan Pablo Alvarez/ Constanza Cortinez/Cristobal Oviedo Illustrator La Mano Estudio Account Manager Eric Krohn Entered By OGILVY & MATHER CHILE Santiago A14/075 MEXICO CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title OLD LADY Advertiser FORD MOTOR COMPANY Product LOBO Advertising Agency, City JWT MEXICO Mexico City Chief Creative Officer Manuel Techera Executive Creative Director Enrique Codesido Copywriter Leonardo Varela/Jorge Ortega Art Director Abraham Navarrete/Leonardo Varela Photographer Garrigosa Studio Account Manager Ademir Marquez Entered By JWT MEXICO Mexico City A14/076 MEXICO CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title BOY Advertiser FORD MOTOR COMPANY


Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Manager Entered By

EXPLORER JWT MEXICO Mexico City Manuel Techera Enrique Codesido Leonardo Varela/Jorge Ortega Abraham Navarrete/Leonardo Varela Garrigosa Studio Ademir Marquez JWT MEXICO Mexico City

A14/077 MEXICO CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title DOG Advertiser FORD MOTOR COMPANY Product EDGE Advertising Agency, City JWT MEXICO Mexico City Chief Creative Officer Manuel Techera Executive Creative Director Enrique Codesido Copywriter Leonardo Varela/Jorge Ortega Art Director Abraham Navarrete/Leonardo Varela Photographer Garrigosa Studio Account Manager Ademir Marquez Entered By JWT MEXICO Mexico City A18/132 MALAYSIA ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURECAMPAIGN Title CATERPILLAR Advertiser LEGO Product LEGO Advertising Agency, City OGILVY MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur Executive Creative Director Gavin Simpson/Robert Gaxiola Creative Director Eric Yeo Copywriter Greg Rawson/Ross Fowler Art Director David Stevanov Illustrator Tan Tsun Wen Andrew/David Stevanov/ Greg Rawson Other Credits Lego Artist - Nicholas Foo/Lego Builders Too Jun Jie/Inessa Loh/Darshan Kadam Entered By OGILVY MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur A18/133 MALAYSIA ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURECAMPAIGN Title MONSTER Advertiser LEGO Product LEGO Advertising Agency, City OGILVY MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur Executive Creative Director Gavin Simpson/Robert Gaxiola Creative Director Eric Yeo Copywriter Greg Rawson/Ross Fowler Art Director David Stevanov Illustrator Tan Tsun Wen Andrew/David Stevanov/ Greg Rawson Other Credits Lego Artist - Nicholas Foo/Lego Builders Too Jun Jie/Inessa Loh/Darshan Kadam Entered By OGILVY MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur A18/134 MALAYSIA ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURECAMPAIGN Title WHALE Advertiser LEGO Product LEGO Advertising Agency, City OGILVY MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur Executive Creative Director Gavin Simpson/Robert Gaxiola Creative Director Eric Yeo Copywriter Greg Rawson/Ross Fowler Art Director David Stevanov Illustrator Tan Tsun Wen Andrew/David Stevanov/ Greg Rawson Other Credits Lego Artist - Nicholas Foo/Lego Builders Too Jun Jie/Inessa Loh/Darshan Kadam Entered By OGILVY MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur A19/017 GERMANY PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title BUSH Advertiser MTV NETWORKS Product SAFE SEX MESSAGE Advertising Agency, City GREY WORLDWIDE Düsseldorf Chief Creative Officer Andreas Henke/Sacha Reeb Creative Director Moritz Grub/Regner Lotz Copywriter Janus Hansen Art Director Alphons Conzen/Frederico Gasparian/Reto Oetterli Illustrator Gary Davidson Account Manager Marco Köditz Other Credits Miami Ad School Europe/ Award Management: Felicitas Katzemich Entered By GREY WORLDWIDE Düsseldorf

A19/018 GERMANY PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title TOILET Advertiser MTV NETWORKS Product SAFE SEX MESSAGE Advertising Agency, City GREY WORLDWIDE Düsseldorf Chief Creative Officer Andreas Henke/Sacha Reeb Creative Director Moritz Grub/Regner Lotz Copywriter Janus Hansen Art Director Alphons Conzen/Frederico Gasparian/Reto Oetterli Illustrator Gary Davidson Account Manager Marco Köditz Other Credits Miami Ad School Europe/ Award Management: Felicitas Katzemich Entered By GREY WORLDWIDE Düsseldorf A21/006 THE NETHERLANDS BUSINESS EQUIPMENT & SERVICES Title MALE STRIPPER Advertiser INTERBEST Product OUTDOOR ADVERTISING Advertising Agency, City Y&R NOT JUST FILM Amsterdam Creative Director Marq Strooy/Robin Zuiderveld Copywriter Robin Zuiderveld Art Director Marq Strooy Photographer Morad Bouchakour Account Supervisor Florent Luyckx Advertiser’s Supervisor Meindert Van Den Heuvel Account Manager Jacqueline Loomans Entered By Y&R NOT JUST FILM Amsterdam A24/029 SINGAPORE PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETYCAMPAIGN Title PIMPLE Advertiser BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION Product BREAST CANCER AWARENESS Advertising Agency, City DDB SINGAPORE Chief Creative Officer Neil Johnson Executive Creative Director Joji Jacob Creative Director Thomas Yang Copywriter Joji Jacob/Khairul Mondzi Art Director Thomas Yang/Andrea Kuo Photographer Allan Ng (The Republic) Illustrator Andy Yang Account Supervisor Dominic Lee/Ng Ling Kai Account Manager Rowena Bhagchandani Other Credits Agnes Teo Entered By DDB SINGAPORE A24/030 SINGAPORE PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETYCAMPAIGN Title BIG BOTTOM Advertiser BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION Product BREAST CANCER AWARENESS Advertising Agency, City DDB SINGAPORE Chief Creative Officer Neil Johnson Executive Creative Director Joji Jacob Creative Director Thomas Yang Copywriter Joji Jacob/Khairul Mondzi Art Director Thomas Yang/Andrea Kuo Photographer Allan Ng (The Republic) Illustrator Andy Yang Account Supervisor Dominic Lee/Ng Ling Kai Account Manager Rowena Bhagchandani Other Credits Agnes Teo Entered By DDB SINGAPORE A24/031 SINGAPORE PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETYCAMPAIGN Title BAD HAIR DAY Advertiser BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION Product BREAST CANCER AWARENESS Advertising Agency, City DDB SINGAPORE Chief Creative Officer Neil Johnson Executive Creative Director Joji Jacob Creative Director Thomas Yang Copywriter Joji Jacob/Khairul Mondzi Art Director Thomas Yang/Andrea Kuo Photographer Allan Ng (The Republic) Illustrator Andy Yang Account Supervisor Dominic Lee/Ng Ling Kai Account Manager Rowena Bhagchandani Other Credits Agnes Teo Entered By DDB SINGAPORE

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OUTDOOR WINNERS 43 A24/042 UNITED KINGDOM PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETYCAMPAIGN Title BOYS Advertiser TOWER HAMLETS Product ROAD SAFETY Advertising Agency, City ABBOTT MEAD VICKERS BBDO London Executive Creative Director Paul Brazier Copywriter Mike Sutherland Art Director Ant Nelson Typographer Aaron Moss Entered By ABBOTT MEAD VICKERS BBDO London A24/043 UNITED KINGDOM PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETYCAMPAIGN Title GIRLS Advertiser TOWER HAMLETS Product ROAD SAFETY Advertising Agency, City ABBOTT MEAD VICKERS BBDO London Executive Creative Director Paul Brazier Copywriter Mike Sutherland Art Director Ant Nelson Typographer Aaron Moss Entered By ABBOTT MEAD VICKERS BBDO London A25/008 SINGAPORE PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGESCAMPAIGN Title BELTS Advertiser PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS ASIA PACIFIC Product ANIMAL CRUELTY CHARITY Advertising Agency, City McCANN WORLDGROUP SINGAPORE Chief Creative Officer Farrokh Madon Executive Creative Director Farrokh Madon Creative Director Chow Kok Keong Copywriter Vidhi Shah Art Director Chow Kok Keong Photographer Koh Kin Yee @ Teo Studio Illustrator Jimmy Leow Typographer Chow Kok Keong Account Supervisor Farrokh Madon Advertiser’s Supervisor Jason Baker/Ashley Fruno Account Manager Farrokh Madon Planner Other Credits Gaia Films (Post Production)/ Yellow Box (Audio House)/ (Music) Entered By McCANN WORLDGROUP SINGAPORE A25/009 SINGAPORE PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGESCAMPAIGN Title SHOES Advertiser PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS ASIA PACIFIC Product ANIMAL CRUELTY CHARITY Advertising Agency, City McCANN WORLDGROUP SINGAPORE Chief Creative Officer Farrokh Madon Executive Creative Director Farrokh Madon Creative Director Chow Kok Keong Copywriter Vidhi Shah Art Director Chow Kok Keong Photographer Koh Kin Yee @ Teo Studio Illustrator Jimmy Leow Typographer Chow Kok Keong Account Supervisor Farrokh Madon Advertiser’s Supervisor Jason Baker/Ashley Fruno Account Manager Farrokh Madon Planner Other Credits Gaia Films (Post Production)/ Yellow Box (Audio House)/ (Music) Entered By McCANN WORLDGROUP SINGAPORE B01/119 FOOD & DRINKCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Illustrator Account Manager Other Credits Entered By

COLOMBIA PRISON CASA LUKER LUKAFÉ COFFEE SANCHO BBDO Bogotá Giovanni Martinez/Hugo Corredor Andrés Norato/Claudia Murillo Andrés Norato Claudia Murillo/Juan Camilo Hernández Zoom Argentina Juanita Mejía Oscar Romero SANCHO BBDO Bogotá

B01/120 FOOD & DRINKCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Illustrator Account Manager Other Credits Entered By

COLOMBIA VOYEUR CASA LUKER LUKAFÉ COFFEE SANCHO BBDO Bogotá Giovanni Martinez/Hugo Corredor Andrés Norato/Claudia Murillo Andrés Norato Claudia Murillo/Juan Camilo Hernández Zoom Argentina Juanita Mejía Oscar Romero SANCHO BBDO Bogotá

B02/197 THE PHILIPPINES COSMETICS & BEAUTY, TOILETRIES & PHARMACYCAMPAIGN Title BUTCHER Advertiser BAYER PHILIPPINES Product SARIDON Advertising Agency, City BBDO GUERRERO Makati City Chief Creative Officer David Guerrero Executive Creative Director David Guerrero/Brandie Tan Creative Director Gary Amante/Rey Tiempo Copywriter Rey Tiempo/David Guerrero Art Director Gary Amante/Peepo David Photographer Paolo Gripo/Abet Bagay Account Supervisor Cindy Evangelista Advertiser’s Supervisor Edward Go Account Manager Iking Uy Other Credits Vilma Magsino/Manny Vailoces Entered By BBDO GUERRERO Makati City

B03/085 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Other Credits Entered By B03/146 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Manager Other Credits

B02/198 THE PHILIPPINES COSMETICS & BEAUTY, TOILETRIES & PHARMACYCAMPAIGN Title LAUNDRY Advertiser BAYER PHILIPPINES Product SARIDON Advertising Agency, City BBDO GUERRERO Makati City Chief Creative Officer David Guerrero Executive Creative Director David Guerrero/Brandie Tan Creative Director Gary Amante/Rey Tiempo Copywriter Rey Tiempo/David Guerrero Art Director Gary Amante/Peepo David Photographer Paolo Gripo/Abet Bagay Account Supervisor Cindy Evangelista Advertiser’s Supervisor Edward Go Account Manager Iking Uy Other Credits Vilma Magsino/Manny Vailoces Entered By BBDO GUERRERO Makati City

Entered By

B02/199 THE PHILIPPINES COSMETICS & BEAUTY, TOILETRIES & PHARMACYCAMPAIGN Title CARPENTER Advertiser BAYER PHILIPPINES Product SARIDON Advertising Agency, City BBDO GUERRERO Makati City Chief Creative Officer David Guerrero Executive Creative Director David Guerrero/Brandie Tan Creative Director Gary Amante/Rey Tiempo Copywriter Rey Tiempo/David Guerrero Art Director Gary Amante/Peepo David Photographer Paolo Gripo/Abet Bagay Account Supervisor Cindy Evangelista Advertiser’s Supervisor Edward Go Account Manager Iking Uy Other Credits Vilma Magsino/Manny Vailoces Entered By BBDO GUERRERO Makati City

Entered By

B03/084 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Other Credits Entered By

THE PHILIPPINES JELLY FISH PACIFIC PAINT BOYSEN PAINTS TBWA\SANTIAGO MANGADA PUNO Makati City Melvin Mangada Jake Tesoro Bryan Siy Jake Tesoro/Manuel Villafania And Nolan Fabular G-Nie Arambulo Kara Filamor Jacqueline Ongking Final Artist: Rusby Gonzales TBWA\SANTIAGO MANGADA PUNO Makati City

B03/147 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Manager Other Credits

B03/148 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Manager Other Credits

Entered By B03/258 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Illustrator Other Credits Entered By

THE PHILIPPINES SNAIL PACIFIC PAINT BOYSEN PAINTS TBWA\SANTIAGO MANGADA PUNO Makati City Melvin Mangada Jake Tesoro Bryan Siy Jake Tesoro/Manuel Villafania And Nolan Fabular G-Nie Arambulo Kara Filamor Jacqueline Ongking Final Artist: Rusby Gonzales TBWA\SANTIAGO MANGADA PUNO Makati City THAILAND FISH MMP CORPORATION M WRAP CREATIVE JUICE\BANGKOK (TBWA) Bangkok Thirasak Tanapatanakul Prangthip Seelos Nattawut Sittiwaraphan Anchalika Ketwattanachai / Thirasak Tanapatanakul Anuchai Secharunputon/Nok Pipattungkul Pongsuree Asanasen Agency Producer : O Krudpoo/ Witsawut Nuchpoom/ Retoucher : Remix Studio Bangkok/ Producer : Vorator CREATIVE JUICE\BANGKOK (TBWA) Bangkok THAILAND CHICKEN MMP CORPORATION M WRAP CREATIVE JUICE\BANGKOK (TBWA) Bangkok Thirasak Tanapatanakul Prangthip Seelos Nattawut Sittiwaraphan Anchalika Ketwattanachai / Thirasak Tanapatanakul Anuchai Secharunputon/Nok Pipattungkul Pongsuree Asanasen Agency Producer : O Krudpoo/ Witsawut Nuchpoom/ Retoucher : Remix Studio Bangkok/ Producer : Vorator CREATIVE JUICE\BANGKOK (TBWA) Bangkok THAILAND PORK MMP CORPORATION M WRAP CREATIVE JUICE\BANGKOK (TBWA) Bangkok Thirasak Tanapatanakul Prangthip Seelos Nattawut Sittiwaraphan Anchalika Ketwattanachai / Thirasak Tanapatanakul Anuchai Secharunputon, Nok Pipattungkul Pongsuree Asanasen Agency Producer : O Krudpoo/ Witsawut Nuchpoom/ Retoucher : Remix Studio Bangkok / Producer : Vorator CREATIVE JUICE\BANGKOK (TBWA) Bangkok THAILAND CHAMELEON RECKITT BENCKISER SHIELDTOX NATURGARD EURO RSCG BANGKOK Asawin Phanichwatana Asawin Phanichwatana/Sittichai Okkararojkij Sitthichai Okkararojkij Krisda Chamchuen Remix Studio Bangkok/Nok Pipattungkul Anuchai Secharunputong Computer Artist : Anuchai Secharunputong EURO RSCG BANGKOK


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44 OUTDOOR WINNERS B03/259 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Illustrator Other Credits Entered By

THAILAND FROG RECKITT BENCKISER SHIELDTOX NATURGARD EURO RSCG BANGKOK Asawin Phanichwatana Asawin Phanichwatana/Sittichai Okkararojkij Sitthichai Okkararojkij Krisda Chamchuen Remix Studio Bangkok/Nok Pipattungkul Anuchai Secharunputong Computer Artist : Anuchai Secharunputong EURO RSCG BANGKOK

B04/088 BRAZIL CARS & AUTOMOTIVESCAMPAIGN Title TIGUAN MAGIC Advertiser VOLKSWAGEN Product TIGUAN Advertising Agency, City ALMAPBBDO São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Marcello Serpa Executive Creative Director Marcello Serpa Creative Director Luiz Sanches Copywriter Renato Simoes Art Director Bruno Prosperi Account Supervisor Fernao Cosi Advertiser’s Supervisor Herlander Zola Entered By ALMAPBBDO São Paulo B04/089 BRAZIL CARS & AUTOMOTIVESCAMPAIGN Title PUPPETS Advertiser VOLKSWAGEN Product TIGUAN Advertising Agency, City ALMAPBBDO São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Marcello Serpa Executive Creative Director Marcello Serpa Creative Director Luiz Sanches Copywriter Renato Simoes Art Director Bruno Prosperi Account Supervisor Fernao Cosi Advertiser’s Supervisor Herlander Zola Entered By ALMAPBBDO São Paulo B04/090 BRAZIL CARS & AUTOMOTIVESCAMPAIGN Title ORIGAMI Advertiser VOLKSWAGEN Product TIGUAN Advertising Agency, City ALMAPBBDO São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Marcello Serpa Executive Creative Director Marcello Serpa Creative Director Luiz Sanches Copywriter Renato Simoes Art Director Bruno Prosperi Account Supervisor Fernao Cosi Advertiser’s Supervisor Herlander Zola Entered By ALMAPBBDO São Paulo B06/267 BRAZIL ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title BIRTHDAY Advertiser BANDSPORTS Product SPORTS CHANNEL Advertising Agency, City OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Anselmo Ramos Creative Director Fred Saldanha Copywriter Hugo Veiga Art Director Eduardo Doss Photographer Getty Images Account Supervisor Carolina Vieira Advertiser’s Supervisor Alexandre Bortolai Account Manager Evandro Guimaraes Other Credits Toco Monteleone - Media Director Entered By OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo B06/268 BRAZIL ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title FAMILY PORTRAIT Advertiser BANDSPORTS Product SPORTS CHANNEL Advertising Agency, City OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Anselmo Ramos Creative Director Fred Saldanha Copywriter Hugo Veiga Art Director Eduardo Doss


Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Other Credits Entered By

Getty Images Carolina Vieira Alexandre Bortolai Evandro Guimaraes Toco Monteleone - Media Director OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo

B06/269 BRAZIL ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title GRANDPA Advertiser BANDSPORTS Product SPORTS CHANNEL Advertising Agency, City OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Anselmo Ramos Creative Director Fred Saldanha Copywriter Hugo Veiga Art Director Eduardo Doss Photographer Eduardo Doss Account Supervisor Carolina Vieira Advertiser’s Supervisor Alexandre Bortolai Account Manager Evandro Guimaraes Other Credits Toco Monteleone - Media Director Entered By OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo B06/429 INDIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title DALAI LAMA Advertiser AUDIO BOOK INDIA Product AUDIO BOOKS Advertising Agency, City TAPROOT INDIA Mumbai Chief Creative Officer Santosh Padhi/Agnello Dias Executive Creative Director Santosh Padhi/Agnello Dias Creative Director Santosh Padhi/Agnello Dias Copywriter Durvesh Gaikar Art Director Durvesh Gaikar/Santosh Padhi Photographer Getty Image Bank Account Supervisor Manan Mehta Entered By TAPROOT INDIA Mumbai B06/430 INDIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title NELSON MANDELA Advertiser AUDIO BOOK INDIA Product AUDIO BOOKS Advertising Agency, City TAPROOT INDIA Mumbai Chief Creative Officer Santosh Padhi/Agnello Dias Executive Creative Director Santosh Padhi/Agnello Dias Creative Director Santosh Padhi/Agnello Dias Copywriter Durvesh Gaikar Art Director Durvesh Gaikar/Santosh Padhi Photographer Getty Image Bank Account Supervisor Manan Mehta Entered By TAPROOT INDIA Mumbai B06/431 INDIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title HITLER Advertiser AUDIO BOOK INDIA Product AUDIO BOOKS Advertising Agency, City TAPROOT INDIA Mumbai Chief Creative Officer Santosh Padhi/Agnello Dias Executive Creative Director Santosh Padhi/Agnello Dias Creative Director Santosh Padhi/Agnello Dias Copywriter Durvesh Gaikar Art Director Durvesh Gaikar/Santosh Padhi Photographer Getty Image Bank Account Supervisor Manan Mehta Entered By TAPROOT INDIA Mumbai B09/013 INDONESIA FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title FAMILY Advertiser UNICEF Product UNICEF Advertising Agency, City LOWE INDONESIA Executive Creative Director Din Sumedi Creative Director Ferly Novriadi Copywriter Ferly Novriadi Art Director Tania Huiny Photographer Anton Ismael Other Credits Di : Alexander Loppies/Magic Cube Entered By LOWE INDONESIA

B09/014 INDONESIA FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title KIDS Advertiser UNICEF Product UNICEF Advertising Agency, City LOWE INDONESIA Executive Creative Director Din Sumedi Creative Director Ferly Novriadi Copywriter Ferly Novriadi Art Director Tania Huiny Photographer Anton Ismael Other Credits Di : Alexander Loppies/Magic Cube Entered By LOWE INDONESIA B09/015 INDONESIA FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title KITCHEN Advertiser UNICEF Product UNICEF Advertising Agency, City LOWE INDONESIA Executive Creative Director Din Sumedi Creative Director Ferly Novriadi Copywriter Ferly Novriadi Art Director Tania Huiny Photographer Anton Ismael Other Credits Di : Alexander Loppies/Magic Cube Entered By LOWE INDONESIA B09/191 ARGENTINA FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title SWING Advertiser VOLKSWAGEN Product RESPONSIBLE DRIVING Advertising Agency, City DDB ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Executive Creative Director Hernán Jáuregui/Pablo Batlle Creative Director Lisandro Grandal/Fernando Tchechenistky Copywriter Emilio Yacón Art Director Alejandro Hara Account Manager Cecilia King Entered By DDB ARGENTINA Buenos Aires B09/192 ARGENTINA FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title POOL Advertiser VOLKSWAGEN Product RESPONSIBLE DRIVING Advertising Agency, City DDB ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Executive Creative Director Hernán Jáuregui/Pablo Batlle Creative Director Lisandro Grandal/Fernando Tchechenistky Copywriter Emilio Yacón Art Director Alejandro Hara Account Manager Cecilia King Entered By DDB ARGENTINA Buenos Aires B09/193 ARGENTINA FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title STAIRS Advertiser VOLKSWAGEN Product RESPONSIBLE DRIVING Advertising Agency, City DDB ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Executive Creative Director Hernán Jáuregui/Pablo Batlle Creative Director Lisandro Grandal/Fernando Tchechenistky Copywriter Emilio Yacón Art Director Alejandro Hara Account Manager Cecilia King Entered By DDB ARGENTINA Buenos Aires B09/212 SOUTH AFRICA FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title WILD DOG Advertiser ENDANGERED WILDLIFE TRUST Product WILDLIFE PROTECTION PROGRAMME Advertising Agency, City TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG Chief Creative Officer John Hunt Executive Creative Director Damon Stapleton Creative Director Adam Weber Copywriter Jared Osmond/Lizali Blom Art Director Lizali Blom Photographer Donated Images From Wildlife Photographers/ Image Collections/Mari Keyter

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OUTDOOR WINNERS 45 Typographer Account Supervisor Account Manager Other Credits Entered By

Lizali Blom Bridget Langley Katiso Maarohanye Creative Group Head: Miguel Nunes TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG

B09/213 SOUTH AFRICA FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title WATTLED CRANE Advertiser ENDANGERED WILDLIFE TRUST Product WILDLIFE PROTECTION PROGRAMME Advertising Agency, City TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG Chief Creative Officer John Hunt Executive Creative Director Damon Stapleton Creative Director Adam Weber Copywriter Jared Osmond/Lizali Blom Art Director Lizali Blom Photographer Donated Images From Wildlife Photographers/ Image Collections/Mari Keyter Typographer Lizali Blom Account Supervisor Bridget Langley Account Manager Katiso Maarohanye Other Credits Creative Group Head: Miguel Nunes Entered By TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG B09/214 SOUTH AFRICA FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title DUGONG Advertiser ENDANGERED WILDLIFE TRUST Product WILDLIFE PROTECTION PROGRAMME Advertising Agency, City TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG Chief Creative Officer John Hunt Executive Creative Director Damon Stapleton Creative Director Adam Weber Copywriter Jared Osmond/Lizali Blom Art Director Lizali Blom Photographer Donated Images From Wildlife Photographers/ Image Collections/Mari Keyter Typographer Lizali Blom Account Supervisor Bridget Langley Account Manager Katiso Maarohanye Other Credits Creative Group Head: Miguel Nunes Entered By TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG

C01/025 AUSTRALIA BARS, RESTAURANTS & STORES, ETC. Title SUSHI TRAIN Advertiser JAPAN EARTHQUAKE APPEAL Product DONATION APPEAL Advertising Agency, City JWT SYDNEY Sydney Executive Creative Director Angus Hennah/Mark Harricks Copywriter Jason Ross Art Director John Lam Account Supervisor Anne Gibson Other Credits Jesse Mcelroy - Cameraman/Editor/ Senior Account Manager - John Kim Entered By JWT SYDNEY Sydney C02/113 BRAZIL SMALL SCALE SPECIAL SOLUTIONS Title AXN TV BOXES Advertiser SONY PICTURE RELEASING OF BRASIL Product TV CHANNEL Advertising Agency, City PUBLICIS BRASIL São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Hugo Rodrigues Executive Creative Director Hugo Rodrigues Creative Director Hugo Rodrigues/Kevin Zung Copywriter Luis Felipe Figueiredo Art Director Antonio Correa Photographer Thiago Antonovas Account Supervisor Elaine Elias Advertiser’s Supervisor Stefania Granito Other Credits Production Company: Casa Da Mãe Joana/ Video Director: Diogo Ekizian Entered By PUBLICIS BRASIL São Paulo C03/003 SPECIAL BUILD Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director

B09/215 SOUTH AFRICA FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title RIVERINE RABBIT Advertiser ENDANGERED WILDLIFE TRUST Product WILDLIFE PROTECTION PROGRAMME Advertising Agency, City TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG Chief Creative Officer John Hunt Executive Creative Director Damon Stapleton Creative Director Adam Weber Copywriter Jared Osmond/Lizali Blom Art Director Lizali Blom Photographer Donated Images From Wildlife Photographers/ Image Collections/Mari Keyter Typographer Lizali Blom Account Supervisor Bridget Langley Account Manager Katiso Maarohanye Other Credits Creative Group Head: Miguel Nunes Entered By TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG

Photographer Illustrator Typographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By

B09/217 SOUTH AFRICA FUNDRAISING, CHARITIES, APPEALS, NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY, PUBLIC AWARENESSCAMPAIGN Title NORTHERN WHITE RHINO Advertiser ENDANGERED WILDLIFE TRUST Product WILDLIFE PROTECTION PROGRAMME Advertising Agency, City TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG Chief Creative Officer John Hunt Executive Creative Director Damon Stapleton Creative Director Adam Weber Copywriter Jared Osmond/Lizali Blom Art Director Lizali Blom Photographer Donated Images From Wildlife Photographers/ Image Collections/Mari Keyter Typographer Lizali Blom Account Supervisor Bridget Langley Account Manager Katiso Maarohanye Other Credits Creative Group Head: Miguel Nunes Entered By TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS JOHANNESBURG

Planner Other Credits

C03/226 SPECIAL BUILD Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Art Director Illustrator

Entered By

INDONESIA MUD-FLOW JARINGAN ADVOKASI TAMBANG (JATAM) ANNIVERSARY OF MUD-FLOW DISASTER PUBLICIS INDONESIA Jakarta N/A Randy Rinaldi Maulana Sagala Dono Yuniarto/Achsa Zenada/Maulana Sagala/ Randy Rinaldi Dimaz Muktiarto/Iswanda Mardio/ Arius Budiman/Randy Rinaldi Marco Widjaja Teguh Yuswanto Dimaz Muktiarto Maulana Sagala Andrie S. Wijaya N/A N/A N/A PUBLICIS INDONESIA Jakarta GERMANY GEGENPOL FC ST. PAULI FOOTBALL CLUB INTERPOL+- Berlin Lars Ruehmann Tim Schierwater/Mark Hoefler/Oliver Schock Artemio Tensuan/Marcel Grein (Junior)/ Jan Paepke(Junior)/Sebastian Suess Mathias Mueller-Using/Michael Becker Michael Meeske/Jan Schierwater/ Mario Blumhagen/Christian Blazevic/ Dubravko Hotko/Kjeld Meyer (Didid) INTERPOL+- Berlin

C04/076 USA STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title ONLINE SCAMS TAKEN OFFLINE Advertiser MICROSOFT Product INTERNET EXPLORER 8 Advertising Agency, City CRISPIN PORTER + BOGUSKY Boulder Chief Creative Officer Rob Reilly/Andrew Keller/Jeff Benjamin Executive Creative Director Tim Roper (Group Creative Director) Creative Director Dave Steinke (Cd)/Mark St. Amant/ Justin Ebert/Dj Pierce/Caprice Yu/ Tim Geoghegan (Acds) Copywriter Justin Ebert/Ian Falcon Art Director Dj Pierce/Slava Morshch

Account Supervisor

Advertiser’s Supervisor Planner Entered By

Ryan Skubic (Account Director)/ Kate Higgins (Management Supervisor)/ Ben Haynes Alex Kayne Graham Furlong CRISPIN PORTER + BOGUSKY Boulder

C04/119 THE NETHERLANDS STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title CANAL BIKE Advertiser GO FAST! Product ENERGY DRINK Advertising Agency, City Y&R NOT JUST FILM Amsterdam Creative Director Robin Zuiderveld/Marq Strooy Copywriter Lionell Schuring Art Director Theo Korf Advertiser’s Supervisor Wim Van Gilst Entered By Y&R NOT JUST FILM Amsterdam C04/122 NORWAY STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title SURPRISE CATWALK Advertiser FRETEX Product SALAVATION ARMY SECOND HAND SHOP Advertising Agency, City KITCHEN LEO BURNETT Oslo Copywriter Thomas Askim Art Director Eirik Stensrud Account Supervisor Rune Roalsvig Advertiser’s Supervisor Trine Gjermundbo Account Manager Mette Loland Other Credits Ingvild Selliaas/Christian Lauritzen Entered By KITCHEN LEO BURNETT Oslo C04/125 BRAZIL STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title SHARE WITH THOSE WHO NEED... Advertiser ASSOCIAÇÃO EDUCACIONAL E ASSISTENCIAL CASA DO ZEZINHO Product CHILDREN’S CHARITY Advertising Agency, City ALMAPBBDO São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Marcello Serpa Executive Creative Director Marcello Serpa Creative Director Luiz Sanches Copywriter Fabio Ozorio Art Director Daniel Manzi/Vinicius Sousa Account Supervisor Dagmar Garroux Advertiser’s Supervisor Marina Fernandes Entered By ALMAPBBDO São Paulo C04/134 BRAZIL STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title SANTA’S FORGOTTEN LETTERS Advertiser COCA-COLA Product CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Advertising Agency, City OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Anselmo Ramos Creative Director Claudio Lima Copywriter Fred Aramis/Megan Farquhar Art Director Izabella Cabral/Pedro Izique Illustrator Rubens Angelo Account Supervisor Claudia Bastos Advertiser’s Supervisor Guido Rosales Account Manager Luis Carlos Franco/Ana Paula Perdigão Other Credits Production Company: Hungry Man/Producer: Susanne Shropshire/Alex Mehdeff/Editor: Ricardo Mehdeff Entered By OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo C06/015 DIGITAL OUTDOOR Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Illustrator Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Other Credits

Entered By

GERMANY TRANSPARENT WALLS DAIMLER CAR SAFETY SYSTEM JUNG von MATT Hamburg Sascha Hanke Jo Marie Farwick/Jens Pfau/Tobias Grimm Alphons Conzen/Florian Hoffmann/ Henning Robert/Jan-Hendrik Scholz Frederico Gasparian/Benjamin Busse/ Damjan Pita Samuel Huber Sven Doerrenbaecher Damir Maric/Lena Ernst Dajana Crantz/Marijke Fisser Director: Mortimer Hochberg/ Production Company: Erste Liebe Filmproduktion Gmbh/ JUNG von MATT Hamburg


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46 OUTDOOR WINNERS C06/046 DIGITAL OUTDOOR Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City


ANDES FRIEND RECOVERY ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV BEER DEL CAMPO NAZCA SAATCHI & SAATCHI Buenos Aires Executive Creative Director Maxi Itzkoff/Mariano Serkin Creative Director Fernando Militerno Copywriter Charlie Lanus Art Director Pedro Porcaro Account Supervisor Jaime Vidal Advertiser’s Supervisor Ricardo Fernandez/Eduardo Palacios/ Benjamin Mountford Other Credits Production Companies: Sake Integrated Co/ Primo Buenos Aires Entered By DEL CAMPO NAZCA SAATCHI & SAATCHI Buenos Aires

Bronze Awards A02/038 FRANCE SWEET FOODS & SNACKSCAMPAIGN Title ACTION MAN Advertiser PERFETTI VAN MELLE Product MINI CHUPA CHUPS Advertising Agency, City DDB PARIS Creative Director Bertrand Pallatin Copywriter Gwen Vatin Art Director Sophie Montfort Photographer Nicolas Descottes Account Supervisor Marie-Laure Dangeon/Audrey Niguet Advertiser’s Supervisor Sonia Depoilly/Fatima Chafai Entered By DDB PARIS A02/039 FRANCE SWEET FOODS & SNACKSCAMPAIGN Title SINDY Advertiser PERFETTI VAN MELLE Product MINI CHUPA CHUPS Advertising Agency, City DDB PARIS Creative Director Bertrand Pallatin Copywriter Gwen Vatin Art Director Sophie Montfort Photographer Nicolas Descottes Account Supervisor Marie-Laure Dangeon/Audrey Niguet Advertiser’s Supervisor Sonia Depoilly/Fatima Chafai Entered By DDB PARIS A02/045 FRANCE SWEET FOODS & SNACKSCAMPAIGN Title BODY BUILDER Advertiser MARS CHOCOLATE FRANCE Product SNICKERS Advertising Agency, City CLM BBDO Boulogne-Billancourt Chief Creative Officer Jean-Francois Sacco/Gilles Fichteberg Copywriter Vincent Cusenier Art Director Victor Mutel Illustrator Am I Collective Typographer Am I Collective Account Supervisor Julien Lemoine/Hadrien Bizot Advertiser’s Supervisor Anne Geisert Account Manager Elodie Touati/Thomas Laurent Planner Veronique Bernard Entered By CLM BBDO Boulogne-Billancourt A02/046 FRANCE SWEET FOODS & SNACKSCAMPAIGN Title NERD Advertiser MARS CHOCOLATE FRANCE Product SNICKERS Advertising Agency, City CLM BBDO Boulogne-Billancourt Chief Creative Officer Jean-Francois Sacco/Gilles Fichteberg Copywriter Vincent Cusenier Art Director Victor Mutel Illustrator Am I Collective Typographer Am I Collective Account Supervisor Julien Lemoine/Hadrien Bizot Advertiser’s Supervisor Anne Geisert Account Manager Elodie Touati/Thomas Laurent Planner Veronique Bernard Entered By CLM BBDO Boulogne-Billancourt


A02/047 FRANCE SWEET FOODS & SNACKSCAMPAIGN Title BLIND MAN Advertiser MARS CHOCOLATE FRANCE Product SNICKERS Advertising Agency, City CLM BBDO Boulogne-Billancourt Chief Creative Officer Jean-Francois Sacco/Gilles Fichteberg Copywriter Vincent Cusenier Art Director Victor Mutel Illustrator Am I Collective Typographer Am I Collective Account Supervisor Julien Lemoine/Hadrien Bizot Advertiser’s Supervisor Anne Geisert Account Manager Elodie Touati/Thomas Laurent Planner Veronique Bernard Entered By CLM BBDO Boulogne-Billancourt A04/026 BRAZIL NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKSCAMPAIGN Title CASTAWAY Advertiser AGRO FOOD Product CAFÉ TAINç Advertising Agency, City GIOVANNI+DRAFTFCB São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Adilson Xavier Executive Creative Director Ricardo John Creative Director Ricardo John And Benjamin Yung Jr (Head Of Art) Copywriter Ricardo John Art Director Benjamin Yung Jr Illustrator Andrey Gordeev Account Supervisor Patricia Marinho And Tânia Müller Advertiser’s Supervisor Poliana Lima Account Manager Tânia Müller Entered By GIOVANNI+DRAFTFCB Rio de Janeiro A04/027 BRAZIL NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKSCAMPAIGN Title PRISIONER Advertiser AGRO FOOD Product CAFÉ TAINç Advertising Agency, City GIOVANNI+DRAFTFCB São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Adilson Xavier Executive Creative Director Ricardo John Creative Director Ricardo John And Benjamin Yung Jr (Head Of Art) Copywriter Ricardo John Art Director Benjamin Yung Jr Illustrator Andrey Gordeev Account Supervisor Patricia Marinho And Tânia Müller Advertiser’s Supervisor Poliana Lima Account Manager Tânia Müller Entered By GIOVANNI+DRAFTFCB Rio de Janeiro A05/025 FRANCE HOUSEHOLD: CLEANING PRODUCTSCAMPAIGN Title LORD’S DOG Advertiser PROCTER & GAMBLE Product FEBREZE PET ODOUR ELIMINATOR Advertising Agency, City GREY PARIS Chief Creative Officer Frederic Temin Creative Director Luissandro Del Gobbo - Giovanni Settesoldi Copywriter Luissandro Del Gobbo-Giovanni Settesoldi Art Director Giovanni Settesoldi-Luissandro Del Gobbo Photographer Tony D’orio Illustrator Scott Giannini Advertiser’s Supervisor Maureen Kingston Account Manager Frederic Wolff Entered By GREY PARIS A05/026 FRANCE HOUSEHOLD: CLEANING PRODUCTSCAMPAIGN Title GRANDMA’S DOG Advertiser PROCTER & GAMBLE Product FEBREZE PET ODOUR ELIMINATOR Advertising Agency, City GREY PARIS Chief Creative Officer Frederic Temin Creative Director Luissandro Del Gobbo - Giovanni Settesoldi Copywriter Luissandro Del Gobbo-Giovanni Settesoldi Art Director Giovanni Settesoldi-Luissandro Del Gobbo Photographer Tony D’orio Illustrator Scott Giannini Advertiser’s Supervisor Maureen Kingston Account Manager Frederic Wolff Entered By GREY PARIS

A05/027 FRANCE HOUSEHOLD: CLEANING PRODUCTSCAMPAIGN Title CELEBRITY’S DOG Advertiser PROCTER & GAMBLE Product FEBREZE PET ODOUR ELIMINATOR Advertising Agency, City GREY PARIS Chief Creative Officer Frederic Temin Creative Director Luissandro Del Gobbo - Giovanni Settesoldi Copywriter Luissandro Del Gobbo-Giovanni Settesoldi Art Director Giovanni Settesoldi-Luissandro Del Gobbo Photographer Tony D’orio Illustrator Scott Giannini Advertiser’s Supervisor Maureen Kingston Account Manager Frederic Wolff Entered By GREY PARIS A06/007 HONG KONG HOUSEHOLD: OTHERCAMPAIGN Title CORNFLAKES Advertiser FRESHLOCK CHINA Product FRESHLOCK CLIPS Advertising Agency, City DDB GROUP HONG KONG Executive Creative Director Jeffry Gamble Creative Director Paul Chan Copywriter Paul Chan Art Director Sum Leung Photographer Steve Wong Other Credits Illustrator : Thomas Ho Entered By DDB GROUP HONG KONG A06/008 HONG KONG HOUSEHOLD: OTHERCAMPAIGN Title RAISINS Advertiser FRESHLOCK CHINA Product FRESHLOCK CLIPS Advertising Agency, City DDB GROUP HONG KONG Executive Creative Director Jeffry Gamble Creative Director Paul Chan Copywriter Paul Chan Art Director Sum Leung Photographer Steve Wong Other Credits Illustrator : Thomas Ho Entered By DDB GROUP HONG KONG A06/009 HONG KONG HOUSEHOLD: OTHERCAMPAIGN Title CRACKERS Advertiser FRESHLOCK CHINA Product FRESHLOCK CLIPS Advertising Agency, City DDB GROUP HONG KONG Executive Creative Director Jeffry Gamble Creative Director Paul Chan Copywriter Paul Chan Art Director Sum Leung Photographer Steve Wong Other Credits Illustrator : Thomas Ho Entered By DDB GROUP HONG KONG A07/050 TURKEY HOME APPLIANCES & FURNISHINGSCAMPAIGN Title APOLLO 13 SUCCESS Advertiser DANK Product SECOND HAND FURNITURE Advertising Agency, City DDB&CO. Istanbul Creative Director Karpat Polat Copywriter Eduardo Marques Art Director Lucas Zaiden Account Supervisor Gulin Erdogan Entered By DDB&CO. Istanbul A07/051 TURKEY HOME APPLIANCES & FURNISHINGSCAMPAIGN Title BERLIN WALL Advertiser DANK Product SECOND HAND FURNITURE Advertising Agency, City DDB&CO. Istanbul Creative Director Karpat Polat Copywriter Eduardo Marques Art Director Lucas Zaiden Account Supervisor Gulin Erdogan Entered By DDB&CO. Istanbul A07/052 TURKEY HOME APPLIANCES & FURNISHINGSCAMPAIGN Title OBAMA ADDRESS Advertiser DANK Product SECOND HAND FURNITURE

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OUTDOOR WINNERS 47 Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Account Supervisor Entered By

DDB&CO. Istanbul Karpat Polat Eduardo Marques Lucas Zaiden Gulin Erdogan DDB&CO. Istanbul

A10/011 TOILETRIESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Typographer Account Supervisor Account Manager Planner Entered By


A10/013 TOILETRIESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Typographer Account Supervisor Account Manager Planner Entered By


A10/014 TOILETRIESCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Typographer Account Supervisor Account Manager Planner Entered By


A11/056 PHARMACY Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Illustrator Entered By


A13/017 MISCELLANEOUSCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director


Photographer Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Other Credits Entered By

KEBAB JOHNSON & JOHNSON LISTERINE JWT LONDON London Russell Ramsey Dominick Lynch-Robinson Ryan Lawson/Andy Smith Andy Smith/Ryan Lawson Kevin Summers Casa Hamid Alex Walker Harriet Knight Bernard Walsh JWT LONDON London

BURGER JOHNSON & JOHNSON LISTERINE JWT LONDON London Russell Ramsey Dominick Lynch-Robinson Ryan Lawson/Andy Smith Andy Smith/Ryan Lawson Kevin Summers Casa Hamid Alex Walker Harriet Knight Bernard Walsh JWT LONDON London

SUNDAE JOHNSON & JOHNSON LISTERINE JWT LONDON London Russell Ramsey Dominick Lynch-Robinson Ryan Lawson/Andy Smith Andy Smith/Ryan Lawson Kevin Summers Casa Hamid Alex Walker Harriet Knight Bernard Walsh JWT LONDON London

TRAFFIC BLUES GLAXOSMITHKLINE PANADOL EXTRA OGILVY MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur Gavin Simpson Gavin Simpson Gavin Simpson Adam Chan Yee Wai Khuen/Gavin Simpson/Julian Yap Quah Kwan Guan/Lim Sok Lin/David Lok Anne Yong/Yusrizal Yusof OGILVY MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur

DOG CV GOLD ELITE INDUSTRIES BUBBLES PET COLOGNE GREY GROUP Singapore Ali Shabaz Gavin Sanusi Marsha Savira/Adriano Qalbi Rachmat Pratama/Ang Sheng Jin/ Galvin Sanusi/Iswanda Mardio Jeremy Wong (Nemesis Pictures) Aris Senardi Maselite Randy Rinaldi/Agus Sudradjat Retoucher: Evan Lim/Krist Tan (Magic Cube) GREY GROUP Singapore

A13/019 MISCELLANEOUSCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Other Credits Entered By

SINGAPORE CAT CV GOLD ELITE INDUSTRIES BUBBLES PET COLOGNE GREY GROUP Singapore Ali Shabaz Gavin Sanusi Marsha Savira/Adriano Qalbi Ang Sheng Jin/Galvin Sanusi/Iswanda Mardio/ Rachmat Pratama Jeremy Wong (Nemesis Pictures) Aris Senardi Maselite Randy Rinaldi/Agus Sudradjat Retoucher: Evan Lim/Krist Tan (Magic Cube) GREY GROUP Singapore

A14/016 SWITZERLAND CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title GRETA Advertiser MERCEDES-BENZ Product BRAKE ASSIST PLUS Advertising Agency, City JUNG von MATT/LIMMAT Zürich Executive Creative Director Alexander Jaggy Creative Director Fernando Perez/Livio Dainese Photographer Hannes Kutzler Account Supervisor Thomas Hinderling Account Manager Urte Krause Entered By JUNG von MATT/LIMMAT Zürich A14/017 SWITZERLAND CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title WOLFGANG Advertiser MERCEDES-BENZ Product BRAKE ASSIST PLUS Advertising Agency, City JUNG von MATT/LIMMAT Zürich Executive Creative Director Alexander Jaggy Creative Director Fernando Perez/Livio Dainese Photographer Hannes Kutzler Account Supervisor Thomas Hinderling Account Manager Urte Krause Entered By JUNG von MATT/LIMMAT Zürich A14/018 SWITZERLAND CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title WIEBKE Advertiser MERCEDES-BENZ Product BRAKE ASSIST PLUS Advertising Agency, City JUNG von MATT/LIMMAT Zürich Executive Creative Director Alexander Jaggy Creative Director Fernando Perez/Livio Dainese Photographer Hannes Kutzler Account Supervisor Thomas Hinderling Account Manager Urte Krause Entered By JUNG von MATT/LIMMAT Zürich A14/024 GERMANY CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title TRAFFIC SIGN SPEED Advertiser DAIMLER Product MERCEDES-BENZ TRANSPORTER Advertising Agency, City SCHOLZ & FRIENDS BERLIN Chief Creative Officer Martin Pross Executive Creative Director Matthias Spaetgens Creative Director Robert Krause/David Fischer/Philipp Woehler Copywriter Stefan Sohlau Art Director Melanie Specht Photographer Account Supervisor Stefanie Wurst Account Manager Anna Gabriel Other Credits Art Buying: Kirsten Rendtel/Postproduction: Appel Grafik Entered By SCHOLZ & FRIENDS BERLIN A14/025 GERMANY CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title TRAFFIC LIGHT Advertiser DAIMLER Product MERCEDES-BENZ TRANSPORTER Advertising Agency, City SCHOLZ & FRIENDS BERLIN Chief Creative Officer Martin Pross Executive Creative Director Matthias Spaetgens Creative Director Robert Krause/David Fischer/Philipp Woehler Copywriter Stefan Sohlau Art Director Melanie Specht Photographer Account Supervisor Stefanie Wurst

Account Manager Other Credits Appel Grafik Entered By

Anna Gabriel Art Buying: Kirsten Rendtel/Postproduction: SCHOLZ & FRIENDS BERLIN

A14/088 ARGENTINA CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title RUGBIERS Advertiser FORD Product FORD TRUCKS Advertising Agency, City JWT ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Chief Creative Officer Pablo Alvarez Travieso/Gonzalo Vecino Executive Creative Director Pablo Alvarez Travieso/Gonzalo Vecino Creative Director Diego Correa/Esteban García Copywriter Esteban García Art Director Diego Correa Illustrator Estilo 3d Account Supervisor Romina Rodriguez Account Manager Eduardo Parapugna Planner Gonzalo Fonseca Entered By JWT ARGENTINA Buenos Aires A14/089 ARGENTINA CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title MEXICAN WRESTLERS Advertiser FORD Product FORD TRUCKS Advertising Agency, City JWT ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Chief Creative Officer Pablo Alvarez Travieso/Gonzalo Vecino Executive Creative Director Pablo Alvarez Travieso/Gonzalo Vecino Creative Director Diego Correa/Esteban García Copywriter Esteban García Art Director Diego Correa Illustrator Estilo 3d Account Supervisor Romina Rodriguez Account Manager Eduardo Parapugna Planner Gonzalo Fonseca Entered By JWT ARGENTINA Buenos Aires A14/090 ARGENTINA CARS & AUTOMOTIVE SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title WOODCUTTERS Advertiser FORD Product FORD TRUCKS Advertising Agency, City JWT ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Chief Creative Officer Pablo Alvarez Travieso/Gonzalo Vecino Executive Creative Director Pablo Alvarez Travieso/Gonzalo Vecino Creative Director Diego Correa/Esteban García Copywriter Esteban García Art Director Diego Correa Illustrator Estilo 3d Account Supervisor Romina Rodriguez Account Manager Eduardo Parapugna Planner Gonzalo Fonseca Entered By JWT ARGENTINA Buenos Aires A15/014 RETAIL STORES Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Entered By

GERMANY STORE OPENING IKEA IKEA GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg Ralf Heuel Tom Hauser/Dirk Siebenhaar Ole Lisberg/Martin Grass/Tom Hauser Tim Hartwig/Djik Ouchiian/Stefan Schoembs Denise Ewald/Thomas Canzer/Laura Becker Claudia Willvonseder/Gerrit Kaminski GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg

A17/024 THE PHILIPPINES TRAVEL, TRANSPORT & TOURISM Title LIMESTONE Advertiser DEPT. OF TOURISM & SMART COMMUNICATIONS Product TOURISM Advertising Agency, City DDB DM9JAYMESYFU Makati City Chief Creative Officer Merlee Jayme Executive Creative Director Eugene Demata Creative Director Louie Sotto Copywriter Louie Sotto Art Director Herbert Hernandez Illustrator Allan Montayre Account Supervisor Alex Syfu/Merlee Jayme Entered By DDB DM9JAYMESYFU Makati City


13.6.2011 JOB NO: 47627/12831





Description & Size: CannesLions Chesterfield Ad 315x470


WIDESPREAD in Africa is the belief that one should raise one’s bed (or in this case the equally comfortable Chesterfield sofa) to prevent the unwelcome advances of little spirits called Tokoloshes. Some Europeans may find this practise a trifle strange – yet will think nothing of crossing fingers, touching wood or even donning a favourite pair of underpants to bring good luck. Superstitions, it’s clear, take many forms and guises. As do bricks.

47627 TJDR Chesterfield Ad Cannes Lion(new).indd 1

Take the BRIC acronym. Coined in 2001 by Jim O’Neil of Goldman Sachs, he predicted that by 2014 four key emerging economies, Brazil, China, India and Russia, would account for over 60% of global growth. (To his lasting credit he settled on BRICs and not CRIBs). Historically, South Africa sat on the sidelines, no doubt marvelling at the power and status wielded by this supreme quartet. Then, late last year, something

remarkable happened. Arguably, something even more significant than hosting the first FIFA World Cup on African soil. Along with the Christmas cards, an invitation arrived on the desk of South African President Jacob Zuma. It was from the Chinese President, Hu Jintao, requesting South Africa joins the BRICs group of major emerging markets. BRICs becomes BRICS. And the simple metamorphosis of the

letter ‘s’ from lower to upper case will almost certainly alter the entire destiny of a continent. At The Jupiter Drawing Room (South Africa), an agency that is SA born and bred, we celebrated with wild aplomb on our agency heirloom; an original Chesterfield sofa (our first item of furniture remains convincingly emblematic of the creativity and craftsmanship at the heart of the agency). We concur with the sentiments expressed by the International


Marketing Council, who see the BRICS announcement as recognition that South Africa is the gateway to a continent of one billion consumers undergoing astonishing economic transformation. In March last year a Newsweek feature proclaimed: ‘Africa – The New India – How an Economic Explosion is Transforming the Continent’. Africa now has the highest rate of growth outside Asia. Africans are already richer than Indians.

Dear old Jim O’Neil himself predicts the combined GDP of the eleven largest African economies could reach US$13 trillion by 2050, making them bigger than Brazil and Russia. And, for good measure, The New York Times reports that by 2040 Africa’s workforce (aged 16 to 64 years old) is likely to reach 1,2 billion, making it bigger than those of China and India! Clearly, marketers can no longer ignore the significance of

Africa as a vibrant melting pot of burgeoning consumers. And that’s where we come in. If you have aspirations for your brand in Africa, doesn’t it make sense to talk to an agency that’s had a modicum of success building its own there? Last year, FinWeek’s AdReview declared The Jupiter Drawing Room (South Africa), to be the first independent to win the Overall Agency of the Decade crown. We like to believe this was, in

part, recognition for our twenty years at the coal face, successfully building brands on the world’s second largest continent. Why not e-mail As we see it, along with an understanding of each market (superstitions included) bricks and BRICS will, for different reasons, provide the right foundations. But when you’re exposed to our credentials, you’ll hopefully discover that for yourself. On the Chesterfield. Of course.

2011/06/14 9:34 AM

13.6.2011 JOB NO: 47627/12831





Description & Size: CannesLions Chesterfield Ad 315x470


WIDESPREAD in Africa is the belief that one should raise one’s bed (or in this case the equally comfortable Chesterfield sofa) to prevent the unwelcome advances of little spirits called Tokoloshes. Some Europeans may find this practise a trifle strange – yet will think nothing of crossing fingers, touching wood or even donning a favourite pair of underpants to bring good luck. Superstitions, it’s clear, take many forms and guises. As do bricks.

47627 TJDR Chesterfield Ad Cannes Lion(new).indd 1

Take the BRIC acronym. Coined in 2001 by Jim O’Neil of Goldman Sachs, he predicted that by 2014 four key emerging economies, Brazil, China, India and Russia, would account for over 60% of global growth. (To his lasting credit he settled on BRICs and not CRIBs). Historically, South Africa sat on the sidelines, no doubt marvelling at the power and status wielded by this supreme quartet. Then, late last year, something

remarkable happened. Arguably, something even more significant than hosting the first FIFA World Cup on African soil. Along with the Christmas cards, an invitation arrived on the desk of South African President Jacob Zuma. It was from the Chinese President, Hu Jintao, requesting South Africa joins the BRICs group of major emerging markets. BRICs becomes BRICS. And the simple metamorphosis of the

letter ‘s’ from lower to upper case will almost certainly alter the entire destiny of a continent. At The Jupiter Drawing Room (South Africa), an agency that is SA born and bred, we celebrated with wild aplomb on our agency heirloom; an original Chesterfield sofa (our first item of furniture remains convincingly emblematic of the creativity and craftsmanship at the heart of the agency). We concur with the sentiments expressed by the International


Marketing Council, who see the BRICS announcement as recognition that South Africa is the gateway to a continent of one billion consumers undergoing astonishing economic transformation. In March last year a Newsweek feature proclaimed: ‘Africa – The New India – How an Economic Explosion is Transforming the Continent’. Africa now has the highest rate of growth outside Asia. Africans are already richer than Indians.

Dear old Jim O’Neil himself predicts the combined GDP of the eleven largest African economies could reach US$13 trillion by 2050, making them bigger than Brazil and Russia. And, for good measure, The New York Times reports that by 2040 Africa’s workforce (aged 16 to 64 years old) is likely to reach 1,2 billion, making it bigger than those of China and India! Clearly, marketers can no longer ignore the significance of

Africa as a vibrant melting pot of burgeoning consumers. And that’s where we come in. If you have aspirations for your brand in Africa, doesn’t it make sense to talk to an agency that’s had a modicum of success building its own there? Last year, FinWeek’s AdReview declared The Jupiter Drawing Room (South Africa), to be the first independent to win the Overall Agency of the Decade crown. We like to believe this was, in

part, recognition for our twenty years at the coal face, successfully building brands on the world’s second largest continent. Why not e-mail As we see it, along with an understanding of each market (superstitions included) bricks and BRICS will, for different reasons, provide the right foundations. But when you’re exposed to our credentials, you’ll hopefully discover that for yourself. On the Chesterfield. Of course.

2011/06/14 9:34 AM

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50 OUTDOOR WINNERS A17/047 INDIA TRAVEL, TRANSPORT & TOURISMCAMPAIGN Title NUCLEAR Advertiser WHITE COLLAR HIPPIES Product TRAVEL COMPANY Advertising Agency, City BBDO INDIA Mumbai Chief Creative Officer Josy Paul Executive Creative Director Rajdeepak Das Creative Director Sandeep Sawant/Josy Paul/Rajdeepak Das Copywriter Yohan Daver/Josy Paul/Rajdeepak Das Art Director Sandeep Sawant/Rajdeepak Das Photographer Avadhut Hembade Advertiser’s Supervisor Sachin Parikh/Vikrant Chheda Account Manager Luv Chaturvedi Other Credits Hitesh Shah/Sandeep Sawant/Vinayak Kurade/Sameet Koyande/Shankar Yelugu Entered By BBDO INDIA Mumbai A17/048 INDIA TRAVEL, TRANSPORT & TOURISMCAMPAIGN Title SEA LEVEL Advertiser WHITE COLLAR HIPPIES Product TRAVEL COMPANY Advertising Agency, City BBDO INDIA Mumbai Chief Creative Officer Josy Paul Executive Creative Director Rajdeepak Das Creative Director Sandeep Sawant/Josy Paul/Rajdeepak Das Copywriter Yohan Daver/Josy Paul/Rajdeepak Das Art Director Sandeep Sawant/Rajdeepak Das Photographer Avadhut Hembade Account Supervisor Luv Chaturvedi Advertiser’s Supervisor Sachin Parikh/Vikrant Chheda Other Credits Hitesh Shah/Sandeep Sawant/ Vinayak Kurade/Sameet Koyande/ Shankar Yelugu Entered By BBDO INDIA Mumbai A18/034 ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Other Credits Entered By

GERMANY PLAYING THE UNDERGROUND JEUDI CLUB MUSIC EVENT JUNG von MATT Hamburg Sascha Hanke Jo Marie Farwick/Jens Pfau/Tobias Grimm Florian Hoffmann Benjamin Busse Print: Kleinhempel Gmbh JUNG von MATT Hamburg

A19/073 BRAZIL PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title IRON MAIDEN Advertiser BILLBOARD Product MAGAZINE Advertising Agency, City ALMAPBBDO São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Marcello Serpa Executive Creative Director Marcello Serpa Creative Director Luiz Sanches Copywriter Andre Kassu Art Director Marcos Medeiros Illustrator Marcos Medeiros Account Supervisor Antonio Camarotti Advertiser’s Supervisor Filipe Bartholomeu Entered By ALMAPBBDO São Paulo A19/074 BRAZIL PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title LADY GAGA Advertiser BILLBOARD Product MAGAZINE Advertising Agency, City ALMAPBBDO São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Marcello Serpa Executive Creative Director Marcello Serpa Creative Director Luiz Sanches Copywriter Andre Kassu Art Director Marcos Medeiros Illustrator Marcos Medeiros Account Supervisor Antonio Camarotti Advertiser’s Supervisor Filipe Bartholomeu Entered By ALMAPBBDO São Paulo A19/075 BRAZIL PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title MADONNA Advertiser BILLBOARD Product MAGAZINE


Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Illustrator Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Entered By

ALMAPBBDO São Paulo Marcello Serpa Marcello Serpa Luiz Sanches Andre Kassu Marcos Medeiros Marcos Medeiros Antonio Camarotti Filipe Bartholomeu ALMAPBBDO São Paulo

A19/076 BRAZIL PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title MICHAEL JACKSON Advertiser BILLBOARD Product MAGAZINE Advertising Agency, City ALMAPBBDO São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Marcello Serpa Executive Creative Director Marcello Serpa Creative Director Luiz Sanches Copywriter Andre Kassu Art Director Marcos Medeiros Illustrator Marcos Medeiros Account Supervisor Antonio Camarotti Advertiser’s Supervisor Filipe Bartholomeu Entered By ALMAPBBDO São Paulo A19/133 PUBLICATIONS & MEDIA Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Entered By


A19/137 TURKEY PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title OBAMA Advertiser CNN TURK Product WORLD NEWS Advertising Agency, City DDB&CO. Istanbul Creative Director Karpat Polat Copywriter Can Faga Art Director Hande Guler Account Supervisor Ozlem Delikanli Entered By DDB&CO. Istanbul A19/138 TURKEY PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title MERKEL Advertiser CNN TURK Product WORLD NEWS Advertising Agency, City DDB&CO. Istanbul Creative Director Karpat Polat Copywriter Can Faga Art Director Hande Guler Account Supervisor Ozlem Delikanli Entered By DDB&CO. Istanbul A19/139 TURKEY PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title PUTIN Advertiser CNN TURK Product WORLD NEWS Advertising Agency, City DDB&CO. Istanbul Creative Director Karpat Polat Copywriter Can Faga Art Director Hande Guler Account Supervisor Ozlem Delikanli Entered By DDB&CO. Istanbul A19/140 TURKEY PUBLICATIONS & MEDIACAMPAIGN Title SARKOZY Advertiser CNN TURK Product WORLD NEWS Advertising Agency, City DDB&CO. Istanbul Creative Director Karpat Polat Copywriter Can Faga Art Director Hande Guler/Koray Sahan Account Supervisor Ozlem Delikanli Entered By DDB&CO. Istanbul

A20/029 TURKEY BANKING, INVESTMENT & INSURANCE Title HAND TO HAND MONEY Advertiser IS BANKASI Product MONEY TRANSFER Advertising Agency, City MEDINA TURGUL DDB Istanbul Creative Director Kurtcebe Turgul Copywriter Talha Yuksel/Arda Erdik Art Director Mert Kunc/Baris Sarhan Entered By MEDINA TURGUL DDB Istanbul A23/007 CORPORATE IMAGE Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City


A24/006 PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Account Supervisor Account Manager Entered By


ALL NAMES IN THE COUNTRY SHARE THE LOGO STRAUSS GROUP CONSUMER INVOLVEMENT PLATFORM SHALMOR AVNON AMICHAY/ Y&R INTERACTIVE TEL AVIV Chief Creative Officer Gideon Amichay Executive Creative Director Tzur Golan Creative Director Yaneev Avital/Roy Cohen/Sagi Blumberg Copywriter Michal Perry/Nadav Raviv Art Director Dan Shani/Adva Alon Account Supervisor Hagit Erez/Amichay Kattan Account Manager Sivan Talmor/Lia Gat/Michal Kalish Planner Ayelet Esformes/Inbal Leitner Other Credits Exec. Client Director:adam Polachek/ Head Of Strategic Planning:yoni Lahav Entered By SHALMOR AVNON AMICHAY/ Y&R INTERACTIVE TEL AVIV

COCAINE FOUNDATION AGAINST DRUG CONSUMPTION ANTIDRUGS FOUNDATION DDB SPAIN Madrid José Mª Roca De Viñals Guillermo Santaisabel Isabel Villarroel/Guillermo Santaisabel Cristina Rodríguez Helena Chamorro Ana Alonso DDB SPAIN Madrid

A25/087 USA PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGESCAMPAIGN Title BABY Advertiser PETA Product PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS Advertising Agency, City Y&R CHICAGO Chief Creative Officer Bob Winter Creative Director Pam Mufson/Jeremy Smallwood Copywriter Pam Mufson Art Director Jeremy Smallwood Entered By Y&R CHICAGO A25/088 USA PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGESCAMPAIGN Title PASSION Advertiser PETA Product PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS Advertising Agency, City Y&R CHICAGO Chief Creative Officer Bob Winter Creative Director Pam Mufson/Jeremy Smallwood Copywriter Pam Mufson Art Director Jeremy Smallwood Entered By Y&R CHICAGO A26/036 HONG KONG FUNDRAISING & APPEALSCAMPAIGN Title MELT Advertiser GREENPEACE Product CAR FREE DAY Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT Hong Kong Executive Creative Director Connie Lo Creative Director Brian Ma/Alfred Wong/Wen Louie Copywriter Alfred Wong/Joey Chung/Wen Louie Art Director Brian Ma/Nicky Sun/Kenny Ip Illustrator Matt Johnstone Account Supervisor Sherona Mak Advertiser’s Supervisor Fanny Lee Other Credits Designer: Nicky Sun Entered By LEO BURNETT Hong Kong

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OUTDOOR WINNERS 51 A26/037 HONG KONG FUNDRAISING & APPEALSCAMPAIGN Title DROUGHT Advertiser GREENPEACE Product CAR FREE DAY Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT Hong Kong Executive Creative Director Connie Lo Creative Director Brian Ma/Alfred Wong/Wen Louie Copywriter Alfred Wong/Joey Chung/Wen Louie Art Director Brian Ma/Nicky Sun/Kenny Ip Illustrator Matt Johnstone Account Supervisor Sherona Mak Advertiser’s Supervisor Fanny Lee Other Credits Designer: Nicky Sun Entered By LEO BURNETT Hong Kong A26/038 HONG KONG FUNDRAISING & APPEALSCAMPAIGN Title FLOOD Advertiser GREENPEACE Product CAR FREE DAY Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT Hong Kong Executive Creative Director Connie Lo Creative Director Brian Ma/Alfred Wong/Wen Louie Copywriter Alfred Wong/Joey Chung/Wen Louie Art Director Brian Ma/Nicky Sun/Kenny Ip Illustrator Matt Johnstone Account Supervisor Sherona Mak Advertiser’s Supervisor Fanny Lee Other Credits Designer: Nicky Sun Entered By LEO BURNETT Hong Kong B01/123 FOOD & DRINKCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser


B01/124 FOOD & DRINKCAMPAIGN Title Advertiser


OFFICE WORKER SHANGHAI DAI ZHI MEN FOOD & BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT Product DIAMOND COFFEE Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT Hong Kong Executive Creative Director Connie Lo Creative Director Nutchanun Chiaphanumas Copywriter Spring Liu/Nutchanun Chiaphanumas Art Director Nateepat Jaturonrasmi Photographer Nok Pipattungkul Illustrator Remix Studio Bangkok Account Supervisor Kennie Chung Advertiser’s Supervisor Xiuhua Li Account Manager Karen Peng Entered By LEO BURNETT Hong Kong

SCHOOL BUS DRIVER SHANGHAI DAI ZHI MEN FOOD & BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT Product DIAMOND COFFEE Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT Hong Kong Executive Creative Director Connie Lo Creative Director Nutchanun Chiaphanumas Copywriter Spring Liu/Nutchanun Chiaphanumas Art Director Nateepat Jaturonrasmi Photographer Nok Pipattungkul Illustrator Remix Studio Bangkok Account Supervisor Kennie Chung Advertiser’s Supervisor Xiuhua Li Account Manager Karen Peng Entered By LEO BURNETT Hong Kong B02/092 INDIA COSMETICS & BEAUTY, TOILETRIES & PHARMACYCAMPAIGN Title OSAMA/BUSH Advertiser WOCKHARDT Product OSTEOARTHRITIS THERAPY Advertising Agency, City SORENTO HEALTHCARE COMMUNICATIONS Mumbai Chief Creative Officer Rajesh Rai Copywriter Sarvesh Raikar Art Director Dinesh Ghosalkar Illustrator Pritesh Rane Account Supervisor Sheron Thomas Account Manager Dorelle Kulkarni Other Credits Sachin Bugade Entered By SORENTO HEALTHCARE COMMUNICATIONS Mumbai

B02/093 INDIA COSMETICS & BEAUTY, TOILETRIES & PHARMACYCAMPAIGN Title BATMAN/JOKER Advertiser WOCKHARDT Product OSTEOARTHRITIS THERAPY Advertising Agency, City SORENTO HEALTHCARE COMMUNICATIONS Mumbai Chief Creative Officer Rajesh Rai Copywriter Sarvesh Raikar Art Director Dinesh Ghosalkar Illustrator Pritesh Rane Account Supervisor Sheron Thomas Account Manager Dorelle Kulkarni Other Credits Sachin Bugade Entered By SORENTO HEALTHCARE COMMUNICATIONS Mumbai B02/103 VIETNAM COSMETICS & BEAUTY, TOILETRIES & PHARMACYCAMPAIGN Title PORCUPINE Advertiser UNITED PHARMA Product DECOLGEN FORTE PE FLU REMEDY Advertising Agency, City JWT VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh City Executive Creative Director Andy Soong Creative Director Hasnah Mohamed Samidin Copywriter Le Chi Nguyen/Hasnah Mohamed Samidin Art Director Andy Soong/Ho Hoang Quy Photographer Illustrator Ho Hoang Quy/Rizal Adnan Typographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Luis Morelos/Tran Thi Xuan Tho Entered By JWT VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh City B02/104 VIETNAM COSMETICS & BEAUTY, TOILETRIES & PHARMACYCAMPAIGN Title TORTOISE Advertiser UNITED PHARMA Product DECOLGEN FORTE PE FLU REMEDY Advertising Agency, City JWT VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh City Executive Creative Director Andy Soong Creative Director Hasnah Mohamed Samidin Copywriter Le Chi Nguyen/Hasnah Mohamed Samidin Art Director Andy Soong/Ho Hoang Quy Photographer Illustrator Ho Hoang Quy/Rizal Adnan Typographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Luis Morelos/Tran Thi Xuan Tho Entered By JWT VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh City B02/105 VIETNAM COSMETICS & BEAUTY, TOILETRIES & PHARMACYCAMPAIGN Title CHEETAH Advertiser UNITED PHARMA Product DECOLGEN FORTE PE FLU REMEDY Advertising Agency, City JWT VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh City Executive Creative Director Andy Soong Creative Director Hasnah Mohamed Samidin Copywriter Le Chi Nguyen/Hasnah Mohamed Samidin Art Director Andy Soong/Ho Hoang Quy Photographer Illustrator Ho Hoang Quy/Rizal Adnan Typographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Luis Morelos/Tran Thi Xuan Tho Entered By JWT VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh City B03/011 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Manager Other Credits Entered By

THAILAND OFFICE IT WORKS SECURITY SYSTEMS HAKUHODO ASIA PACIFIC/SPICY H Bangkok Woon Siew Hoh Bee Lee Irvine Prisilia/Bee Lee Apiwat Pattalarungkhan/Adam Pamungkas/ Woon Siew Hoh Clarissa Peddy Photography Kawin Chaiyakiat Oic!/Masterscene HAKUHODO ASIA PACIFIC/SPICY H Bangkok

B03/012 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Manager Other Credits Entered By B03/013 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Manager Other Credits Entered By

THAILAND HOUSE IT WORKS SECURITY SYSTEMS HAKUHODO ASIA PACIFIC/SPICY H Bangkok Woon Siew Hoh Bee Lee Irvine Prisilia/Bee Lee Apiwat Pattalarungkhan/Adam Pamungkas/ Woon Siew Hoh Clarissa Peddy Photography Kawin Chaiyakiat Oic!/Masterscene HAKUHODO ASIA PACIFIC/SPICY H Bangkok THAILAND LABORATORY IT WORKS SECURITY SYSTEMS HAKUHODO ASIA PACIFIC/SPICY H Bangkok Woon Siew Hoh Bee Lee Irvine Prisilia/Bee Lee Apiwat Pattalarungkhan/Adam Pamungkas/ Woon Siew Hoh Clarissa Peddy Photography Kawin Chaiyakiat Oic!/Masterscene HAKUHODO ASIA PACIFIC/SPICY H Bangkok

B03/055 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Illustrator Typographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Entered By


B03/056 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Illustrator Typographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Entered By


B03/057 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Illustrator Typographer Account Supervisor Account Manager Planner Entered By


CAR DIA SUPERMARKET CAT FOOD Z+ São Paulo Alan Strozenberg Leonardo Macias V. Meier Elias Carmo Pedro Junior Elias Carmo Gustavo Pereira Flávia Akamine E Rafael Paulino Márcio Trevizani Rodrigo Cerveira Z+ Sao Paulo

REFRIGERATOR DIA SUPERMARKET CAT FOOD Z+ São Paulo Alan Strozenberg Leonardo Macias V. Meier Elias Carmo Pedro Junior Elias Carmo Gustavo Pereira Flávia Akamine E Rafael Paulino Bruno Gizondi Rodrigo Cerveira Z+ Sao Paulo

KNIVES DIA SUPERMARKET CAT FOOD Z+ São Paulo Alan Strozenberg Leonardo Macias V. Meier Elias Carmo Pedro Junior Elias Carmo Gustavo Pereira Bruno Gizondi Rodrigo Cerveira Z+ Sao Paulo


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52 OUTDOOR WINNERS B03/335 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Typographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Other Credits Entered By

SINGAPORE MOUSE DIY LIVING DIY FURNITURE PUBLICIS SINGAPORE Calvin Soh Ajay Thrivikraman Ranadip De Kris Ng/Tattoo Yar Shooting Gallery/Sebastian Siah Kris Ng Alix Cotonnec Edwin Tay Wishing Well/Lau PUBLICIS SINGAPORE

B03/336 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Typographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Other Credits Entered By


B03/337 HOUSEHOLD CAMPAIGN Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Typographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Other Credits Entered By


B04/145 CARS & AUTOMOTIVES Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Illustrator Typographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


HIDE & SEEK DIY LIVING DIY FURNITURE PUBLICIS SINGAPORE Calvin Soh Ajay Thrivikraman Ranadip De Kris Ng/Tattoo Yar Shooting Gallery/Sebastian Siah Kris Ng Alix Cotonnec Edwin Tay Wishing Well/Lau PUBLICIS SINGAPORE

HANDY MAN DIY LIVING DIY FURNITURE PUBLICIS SINGAPORE Calvin Soh Ajay Thrivikraman Ranadip De Kris Ng/Tattoo Yar Shooting Gallery/Sebastian Siah Kris Ng Alix Cotonnec Edwin Tay Wishing Well/Lau PUBLICIS SINGAPORE

PRICE CITROèN CHEVERNY CIRTOèN JUMPER NEW360 Belo Horizonte Joao Delpino Juliana Uchôa Juliana Uchôa Juliana Uchôa Francis Alan Citroën Image Bank N/A N/A Caroline Souto Rodrigo Boaventura/Thiago Maia Bruno Terra Carlos Henrique Vilela N/A NEW360 Belo Horizonte

B04/148 BRAZIL CARS & AUTOMOTIVESCAMPAIGN Title TEACHER Advertiser KIA MOTORS Product AIR CONDITIONER DUAL ZONE Advertising Agency, City MOMA PROPAGANDA São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Rodolfo Sampaio Executive Creative Director Rodolfo Sampaio Creative Director Rodolfo Sampaio Copywriter Adriano Matos Art Director Marco Martins Illustrator Quanta Estudio Advertiser’s Supervisor Christiane Baptista Account Manager Marco Piza Entered By MOMA PROPAGANDA São Paulo


B04/149 BRAZIL CARS & AUTOMOTIVESCAMPAIGN Title PRINCESS Advertiser KIA MOTORS Product AIR CONDITIONER DUAL ZONE Advertising Agency, City MOMA PROPAGANDA São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Rodolfo Sampaio Executive Creative Director Rodolfo Sampaio Creative Director Rodolfo Sampaio Copywriter Adriano Matos Art Director Marco Martins Illustrator Quanta Estudio and Sattu Advertiser’s Supervisor Christiane Baptista Account Manager Marco Piza Entered By MOMA PROPAGANDA São Paulo B05/025 BRAZIL CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIESCAMPAIGN Title PANTS Advertiser PENALTY Product RUNNING SHOES Advertising Agency, City Z+ São Paulo Executive Creative Director Alan Strozenberg Creative Director Leonardo Macias Copywriter Leonardo Macias Art Director Leonardo Macias Photographer Rodrigo Ribeiro Illustrator Boreal Typographer Leonardo Macias Account Supervisor Gustavo Pereira Advertiser’s Supervisor Leandro Ramiro Heine Dos Santos Account Manager Gustavo Pereira Planner Rodrigo Cerveira Entered By Z+ São Paulo B05/026 BRAZIL CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIESCAMPAIGN Title T-SHIRT Advertiser PENALTY Product RUNNING SHOES Advertising Agency, City Z+ São Paulo Executive Creative Director Alan Strozenberg Creative Director Leonardo Macias Copywriter Leonardo Macias Art Director Leonardo Macias Photographer Rodrigo Ribeiro Illustrator Boreal Typographer Leonardo Macias Account Supervisor Gustavo Pereira Advertiser’s Supervisor Leandro Ramiro Heine Dos Santos Account Manager Gustavo Pereira Planner Rodrigo Cerveira Entered By Z+ São Paulo B05/027 BRAZIL CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIESCAMPAIGN Title SHIRT Advertiser PENALTY Product RUNNING SHOES Advertising Agency, City Z+ São Paulo Executive Creative Director Leonardo Macias/Alan Strozenberg Creative Director Leonardo Macias Copywriter Leonardo Macias Art Director Leonardo Macias Photographer Rodrigo Ribeiro Illustrator Boreal Typographer Leonardo Macias Account Supervisor Gustavo Pereira Advertiser’s Supervisor Leandro Ramiro Heine Dos Santos Account Manager Gustavo Pereira Planner Rodrigo Cerveira Entered By Z+ São Paulo B05/100 BRAZIL CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIESCAMPAIGN Title WAVE SOUND LONDON Advertiser 3M DO BRASIL Product NOISE CANCELLING HEADPHONES Advertising Agency, City GREY BRASIL São Paulo Executive Creative Director Guy Costa/Alexandre Scaff Copywriter Alexandre Scaff Art Director Daniel Prado Illustrator Leandro Esparca Typographer Alexandre Garcia/Gustavo Santos/ Account Supervisor Amanda Oliveira/Patricia Panzoldo Account Manager Andrea Fernandez Entered By GREY BRASIL São Paulo

B05/101 BRAZIL CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & ACCESSORIESCAMPAIGN Title WAVE SOUND NEW YORK Advertiser 3M DO BRASIL Product NOISE CANCELLING HEADPHONES Advertising Agency, City GREY BRASIL São Paulo Executive Creative Director Guy Costa/Alexandre Scaff Copywriter Alexandre Scaff Art Director Daniel Prado Illustrator Leandro Esparca Typographer Alexandre Garcia/Gustavo Santos/ Account Supervisor Amanda Oliveira/Patricia Panzoldo Account Manager Andrea Fernandez Entered By GREY BRASIL São Paulo B06/005 MALAYSIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title RIOT Advertiser NEW STRAITS TIMES PRESS Product NEWSPAPER Advertising Agency, City McCANN ERICKSON MALAYSIA Petaling Jaya Executive Creative Director Ean-Hwa Huang/Szu-Hung Lee Creative Director Jules Tan Copywriter Benjamin Ng/Zaidee Zainal/Primus Nair/ Szu-Hung Lee Art Director Jerome Ooi/Jules Tan Photographer Loh Lin Shan Account Supervisor Andrew Pinto Advertiser’s Supervisor Zuraida Mohamad Account Manager Alexis Young Other Credits Computer Artists - Soon/Byee Entered By McCANN ERICKSON MALAYSIA Petaling Jaya B06/006 MALAYSIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title SMUGGLING Advertiser NEW STRAITS TIMES PRESS Product NEWSPAPER Advertising Agency, City McCANN ERICKSON MALAYSIA Petaling Jaya Executive Creative Director Ean-Hwa Huang/Szu-Hung Lee Creative Director Jules Tan Copywriter Benjamin Ng/Zaidee Zainal/Primus Nair/ Szu-Hung Lee Art Director Jerome Ooi/Jules Tan Photographer Loh Lin Shan Account Supervisor Andrew Pinto Advertiser’s Supervisor Zuraida Mohamad Account Manager Alexis Young Other Credits Computer Artists - Soon/Byee Entered By McCANN ERICKSON MALAYSIA Petaling Jaya B06/007 MALAYSIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title EXPLOITATION Advertiser NEW STRAITS TIMES PRESS Product NEWSPAPER Advertising Agency, City McCANN ERICKSON MALAYSIA Petaling Jaya Executive Creative Director Ean-Hwa Huang/Szu-Hung Lee Creative Director Jules Tan Copywriter Benjamin Ng/Zaidee Zainal/Primus Nair/ Szu-Hung Lee Art Director Jerome Ooi/J Ules Tan Photographer Loh Lin Shan Account Supervisor Andrew Pinto Advertiser’s Supervisor Zuraida Mohamad Account Manager Alexis Young Other Credits Computer Artists - Soon/Byee Entered By McCANN ERICKSON MALAYSIA Petaling Jaya B06/090 GERMANY ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title ROAD CROSSING Advertiser ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE Product INITIATIVE MONEY FOR MUSIC Advertising Agency, City OGILVY FRANKFURT Chief Creative Officer Dr. Stephan Vogel Executive Creative Director Dr. Stephan Vogel Creative Director Helmut Meyer Copywriter Taner Ercan/Dr. Stephan Vogel Art Director Eva Stetefeld Photographer Stockmaterial Account Supervisor Dr. Stephan Vogel Advertiser’s Supervisor Rainer Schmidt Other Credits Project Consultants: Peter Heinlein/ Georg Fechner Entered By OGILVY FRANKFURT

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OUTDOOR WINNERS 53 B06/091 GERMANY ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title BABY Advertiser ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE Product INITIATIVE MONEY FOR MUSIC Advertising Agency, City OGILVY FRANKFURT Chief Creative Officer Dr. Stephan Vogel Executive Creative Director Dr. Stephan Vogel Creative Director Helmut Meyer Copywriter Taner Ercan/Dr. Stephan Vogel Art Director Eva Stetefeld Photographer Stockmaterial Account Supervisor Dr. Stephan Vogel Advertiser’s Supervisor Rainer Schmidt Other Credits Project Consultants: Peter Heinlein/ Georg Fechner Entered By OGILVY FRANKFURT B06/092 GERMANY ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title AIRCRAFT Advertiser ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE Product INITIATIVE MONEY FOR MUSIC Advertising Agency, City OGILVY FRANKFURT Chief Creative Officer Dr. Stephan Vogel Executive Creative Director Dr. Stephan Vogel Creative Director Helmut Meyer Copywriter Taner Ercan/Dr. Stephan Vogel Art Director Eva Stetefeld Photographer Stockmaterial Account Supervisor Dr. Stephan Vogel Advertiser’s Supervisor Rainer Schmidt Other Credits Project Consultants: Peter Heinlein/ Georg Fechner Entered By OGILVY FRANKFURT B06/093 GERMANY ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title PRISM Advertiser ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE Product INITIATIVE MONEY FOR MUSIC Advertising Agency, City OGILVY FRANKFURT Chief Creative Officer Dr. Stephan Vogel Executive Creative Director Dr. Stephan Vogel Creative Director Helmut Meyer Copywriter Taner Ercan/Dr. Stephan Vogel Art Director Eva Stetefeld Photographer Stockmaterial Account Supervisor Dr. Stephan Vogel Advertiser’s Supervisor Rainer Schmidt Other Credits Project Consultants: Peter Heinlein/ Georg Fechner Entered By OGILVY FRANKFURT B06/354 MALAYSIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN Advertiser PENGUIN BOOKS MALAYSIA Product PENGUIN AUDIOBOOKS Advertising Agency, City Y&R MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur Chief Creative Officer Edward Ong Creative Director Gigi Lee Copywriter Edward Ong/Andrea Yap Art Director Yuet Kie/Joshua Tay Illustrator Cue Art And Design Typographer Yuet Kie Account Supervisor Edward Ong Advertiser’s Supervisor Chung Yaw Hwa Other Credits Creative Group Head: Joshua Tay Entered By Y&R MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur B06/355 MALAYSIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title THE JUNGLE BOOK Advertiser PENGUIN BOOKS MALAYSIA Product PENGUIN AUDIOBOOKS Advertising Agency, City Y&R MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur Chief Creative Officer Edward Ong Creative Director Gigi Lee Copywriter Edward Ong/Andrea Yap Art Director Yuet Kie/Joshua Tay Illustrator Cue Art And Design Typographer Yuet Kie Account Supervisor Edward Ong Advertiser’s Supervisor Chung Yaw Hwa Other Credits Creative Group Head: Joshua Tay Entered By Y&R MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur

B06/356 MALAYSIA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title THE WIZARD OF OZ Advertiser PENGUIN BOOKS MALAYSIA Product PENGUIN AUDIOBOOKS Advertising Agency, City Y&R MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur Chief Creative Officer Edward Ong Creative Director Gigi Lee Copywriter Edward Ong/Andrea Yap Art Director Yuet Kie/Joshua Tay Illustrator Cue Art And Design Typographer Yuet Kie Account Supervisor Edward Ong Advertiser’s Supervisor Chung Yaw Hwa Other Credits Creative Group Head: Joshua Tay Entered By Y&R MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur B06/394 GUATEMALA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title MILK AND COOKIES Advertiser LA JUGUETERêA Product HOTWHEELS Advertising Agency, City OGILVY GUATEMALA Chief Creative Officer Ramiro Eduardo Creative Director Herberth Monterroso/Miguel Mayen Copywriter Otto Gramajo Art Director Fernando Mira Photographer Alfredo Artiga Account Supervisor Tete Del Cid Advertiser’s Supervisor Ivette Molina De Nájera Entered By OGILVY GUATEMALA B06/395 GUATEMALA ENTERTAINMENT, RETAIL, RESTAURANTS, PUBLICATIONSCAMPAIGN Title LEMONADE AND CANDIES Advertiser LA JUGUETERêA Product HOTWHEELS Advertising Agency, City OGILVY GUATEMALA Chief Creative Officer Ramiro Eduardo Creative Director Herberth Monterroso/Miguel Mayen Copywriter Otto Gramajo Art Director Fernando Mira Photographer Alfredo Artiga Account Supervisor Tete Del Cid Advertiser’s Supervisor Ivette Molina De Nájera Entered By OGILVY GUATEMALA B07/060 BAHRAIN FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title LONDON BUS Advertiser BERLITZ Product LANGUAGE SCHOOL Advertising Agency, City FP7/BAH Manama Creative Director Fadi Yaish Copywriter Aunindo Anoop Sen Art Director Gautam Wadher Photographer Remix Studio Bangkok Other Credits Mar Wai May ( Agency Integrated Producer) Entered By FP7/BAH Manama B07/061 BAHRAIN FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICESCAMPAIGN Title NEW YORK TAXI Advertiser BERLITZ Product LANGUAGE SCHOOL Advertising Agency, City FP7/BAH Manama Creative Director Fadi Yaish Copywriter Aunindo Anoop Sen Art Director Gautam Wadher Photographer Remix Studio Bangkok Other Credits Mar Wai May ( Agency Integrated Producer) Entered By FP7/BAH Manama B08/067 BRAZIL BUSINESS EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS & SERVICES AND CORPORATE IMAGECAMPAIGN Title WAR Advertiser JAMUTE AUDIO STUDIO Product AUDIO PRODUCTION Advertising Agency, City Z+ São Paulo Executive Creative Director Alan Strozenberg Creative Director Danillo Ferrari/Leonardo Macias Copywriter Rodrigo Nogueira Art Director Danillo Ferrari/Leo Macias Illustrator Pedro Junior/André Rodrigues Account Supervisor Gustavo Pereira Advertiser’s Supervisor James Feeler Account Manager Gustavo Pereira Planner Rodrigo Cerveira Entered By Z+ São Paulo

B08/068 BRAZIL BUSINESS EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS & SERVICES AND CORPORATE IMAGECAMPAIGN Title DINOSAUR Advertiser JAMUTE AUDIO STUDIO Product AUDIO PRODUCTION Advertising Agency, City Z+ São Paulo Executive Creative Director Alan Strozenberg Creative Director Danillo Ferrari/Leonardo Macias Copywriter Rodrigo Nogueira Art Director Danillo Ferrari/Leo Macias Illustrator Pedro Junior/André Rodrigues Account Supervisor Gustavo Pereira Advertiser’s Supervisor James Feeler Account Manager Gustavo Pereira Planner Rodrigo Cerveira Entered By Z+ São Paulo B08/086 SPAIN BUSINESS EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS & SERVICES AND CORPORATE IMAGECAMPAIGN Title KURT Advertiser MONKEY WEEK Product MUSIC FESTIVAL Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT IBERIA Madrid Executive Creative Director Chacho Puebla Creative Director Francisco Cassis Copywriter Francisco Cassis Art Director Bruno Nakano Illustrator Bruno Nakano Account Manager Ricardo Del Campo Entered By LEO BURNETT IBERIA Madrid B08/087 SPAIN BUSINESS EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS & SERVICES AND CORPORATE IMAGECAMPAIGN Title DAFT Advertiser MONKEY WEEK Product MUSIC FESTIVAL Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT IBERIA Madrid Executive Creative Director Chacho Puebla Creative Director Francisco Cassis Copywriter Francisco Cassis Art Director Bruno Nakano Illustrator Bruno Nakano Account Manager Ricardo Del Campo Entered By LEO BURNETT IBERIA Madrid B08/088 SPAIN BUSINESS EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS & SERVICES AND CORPORATE IMAGECAMPAIGN Title EMINEM Advertiser MONKEY WEEK Product MUSIC FESTIVAL Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT IBERIA Madrid Executive Creative Director Chacho Puebla Creative Director Francisco Cassis Copywriter Francisco Cassis Art Director Bruno Nakano Illustrator Bruno Nakano Account Manager Ricardo Del Campo Entered By LEO BURNETT IBERIA Madrid B08/089 SPAIN BUSINESS EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS & SERVICES AND CORPORATE IMAGECAMPAIGN Title MADONNA Advertiser MONKEY WEEK Product MUSIC FESTIVAL Advertising Agency, City LEO BURNETT IBERIA Madrid Executive Creative Director Chacho Puebla Creative Director Francisco Cassis Copywriter Francisco Cassis Art Director Bruno Nakano Illustrator Bruno Nakano Account Manager Ricardo Del Campo Entered By LEO BURNETT IBERIA Madrid B08/111 BRAZIL BUSINESS EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS & SERVICES AND CORPORATE IMAGECAMPAIGN Title TWITTER Advertiser MEIO & MENSAGEM Product MAXIMIDIA SEMINARS Advertising Agency, City MOMA PROPAGANDA São Paulo Chief Creative Officer Rodolfo Sampaio Executive Creative Director Rodolfo Sampaio Creative Director Rodolfo Sampaio Copywriter Adriano Matos Art Director Marco Martins


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digital media, events, gaming and publishing”. Within this enterprise is another publicly backed body, The Abu Dhabi Film Commission (ADFC), whose role is to promote Abu Dhabi as a location. Between them, twofour54 and the ADFC have three core goals. First, to encourage foreign companies to produce in Abu Dhabi. Second, to get them to base offices in the city-state. And third, to facilitate the kind of knowledge transfer that will help Abu Dhabi to develop a locally based panArab talent pool. On the subject of shooting in Abu Dhabi, ADFC director David Shepheard cites a number of advantages: “There are the deserts, of course, but there is also the iconic cityscape that is still being built. There are so many interesting structures that it’s the perfect backdrop for subjects like car launches.” At the same time, Shepheard says, it is increasingly easy to manage logistical issues such as filming permits, transport and accommodation: “Everyone realises the importance of content creation to the economy. The support and enthusiasm is there.” On the relationship between Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the Abu Dhabi contingent sees it as complementary, not competitive. “We work closely with our colleagues in Dubai,” Shepheard says. “Of course there’s competition between hotels and crews on price and offer, but the underlying goal is to attract brands to the UAE and have them hire local talent.” Dubaibased businesses do not seem to be threatened by Abu Dhabi’s emergence, since they have a decade’s head start in terms of developing a media-industry infrastructure. Instead, they have viewed it as an opportunity. According to Don Productions’ O’Rourke: “The financial problems in Dubai, combined with the crisis around the world, certainly affected advertising. However, much of the slack has been picked up by government and private-sector spending in Abu Dhabi. Many Dubai companies, including Don, are working with Abu Dhabi-based clients or filming for foreign agencies that choose Abu Dhabi as a location due to their clients’ involvement with local part-

SLICING UP THE PIE RESEARCH agency IPSOS provides valuable insights into the anatomy of the MENA advertising market. Shown below are some of its headline figures for advertising spend during the period July-December 2010. While the recent political unrest might lead to a drop in 2011, there are a few points worth noting. First, Egypt accounted for 18% of total MENA ad spend, of which 79% went into TV alone. Contrast this with Saudi Arabia, where a meagre 7% of ad spend was directed at TV (because TV is highly regulated in Saudi). As a result, brands get to Saudi Arabia by acquiring airtime on pan-Arabic channels, which is why that figure is so high. But there is an important point here about cultural openness and how this impacts on TV consumption. Look at the UAE, where just 5% of domestic ad spend is TV-targeted. Compare this with Iraq, where 98% of the total ad spend goes on TV. No wonder The Talkies sees Iraq as a growth opportunity further down the line.


n Panasonic spot shot in Egypt by The Talkies

ners. For example, we are seeing more Japanese clients filming in Abu Dhabi to showcase their involvement there.” Filmworks’ Wright takes a similar line: “Dubai is still shooting more TVC projects than Abu Dhabi. However, last year we had a range of projects through our Abu Dhabi office, including Baynounah, Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority and Abu Dhabi Tourism Development & Investment Company. Its important to maintain an Abu Dhabi presence to promote and strengthen relationships with our clients there — and the Abu Dhabi market is still growing significantly.” Looking again at the overall MENA picture, Lebanon and UAE companies tend to be involved in producing ads for external territories (ie, not for their own markets, or at least not exclusively for their own markets). For the most part, this takes the form of production services for international ads or ads targeted at the cash-rich Saudi Arabian market. Among the most high-profile sectors are automotive, FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods), energy/corporate and, recently, telecoms. Standing slightly separate is Egypt. With a population of 82 million and some of the world’s most distinctive landmarks and locations, Egypt is significant both in terms of consumer consumption and commercial production. But it tends not to require input from Lebanon and the UAE because it has its own high standards of production creativity and capabilities. The Talkies has a base in Egypt, but Joy Films’ Azarmi says: “When we were looking at setting up offices in the region, Egypt was not really an opportunity for us because of the strength of its domestic talent. For us, a better opportunity would be Iran, where the industry is less mature.” Egypt’s prowess as a production market has started to earn it international recognition. Last year, for example, saw a breakthrough at the Cannes Lions, with Leo Burnett Cairo, Advantage Marketing & Advertising and Elephant Cairo all achieving recognition for their work. This year, Egypt’s growing creative reputation was confirmed when Coca-Cola Egypt was named Advertiser Of The Year at the prestigious Dubai Lynx Awards. These, however, are complex times in Egypt following the revolution earlier in the year. There is a view among agencies that, in the medium term, the people’s revolution will unleash a new kind of creativity. But in the short term, the unrest in the country has resulted in some brands reducing spend — particularly those at the big-ticket and luxury end of the market. “We have an office in Cairo that mainly handles international servicing work,” says The Talkies’ Chamoun. “And it is fair to say there has been less work since the revolution.” This is unfortunate, Chamoun adds, because the day-today reality is that recent unrest in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and Syria is not affecting the ability of most companies to do

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OUTDOOR WINNERS 55 Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Other Credits

Veronika Sikvolgyi Barbara Windisch Artist: Julius Popp/Director: Thomas Bausenwein OGILVY FRANKFURT

Advertising Agency, City Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Account Manager

C03/175 SPECIAL BUILD Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Entered By


Other Credits

C03/219 SPECIAL BUILD Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Entered By


C03/229 SPECIAL BUILD Title Advertiser


Entered By

BILLBOARD POWERED BY ORANGES PEPSICO TROPICANA DDB PARIS Alexandre Hervé Alexander Kalchev/Siavosh Zabeti Alexander Kalchev/Siavosh Zabeti Alexander Kalchev/Siavosh Zabeti Clemens Ascher Julie Régis Rachel Milutinovic Edouard Teixeira DDB PARIS

VENDING MACHINE WORLD KITCHEN CORELLE DINNERWARE GREY GROUP CHINA Beijing Chee Guan Yue/Attlee Ku Chee Guan Yue/Attlee Ku/Rocky Hao Rocky Hao/Celia Zhang Marx Zhu/David Yang/Kevin Ji Wang Feng Janet Shao Nanny Tang GREY GROUP CHINA Beijing

BIG ALICE WALT DISNEY STUDIOS MOTION PICTURES, ITALIA Product ALICE IN WONDERLAND 3D MOVIE Advertising Agency, City AUGE HEADQUARTER Milan Chief Creative Officer Giorgio Natale Federica Ariagno Executive Creative Director Federica Ariagno Giorgio Natale Creative Director Federica Ariagno Giorgio Natale Copywriter Niccolò Bossi/Anita Rocca Art Director Davide Mosconi Account Supervisor Marianna Bennici Qmi Account Manager Arianna Federici Qmi Entered By AUGE HEADQUARTER Milan C04/010 JAPAN STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title PEACE SHADOW PROJECT Advertiser HIROSHIMA PEACE MEMORIAL MUSEUM Product NUCLEAR WEAPONS AWARENESS Advertising Agency, City HAKUHODO Tokyo Executive Creative Director Tatsuo Miyajima Creative Director Tsubasa Oyagi Copywriter Tsubasa Oyagi Art Director Rikako Nagashima/Naonori Yago Photographer Kenichi Muramatsu(Free)/ Chimani Uematsu (Free) Planner Seiichi Ookura(Interactive Director) Other Credits Kampei Baba(Web Director/Bascule Inc)/ Suguru Takeuchi(Film Director/Free) Entered By HAKUHODO Tokyo C04/047 SPAIN STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title SAVE THE BEACH HOTEL Advertiser GMODELO EUROPA Product CORONA BEER Advertising Agency, City JWT Madrid Chief Creative Officer Miguel Bemfica Executive Creative Director Miguel Bemfica Creative Director Juan Garcia-Escudero/Jaime Chavarri/ Curro Rubira/Fernando Godoy Copywriter Jaime Chavarri/Ruben Caldera Art Director Juan Garcia-Escudero/Jose Torrado/ Alejandro Canadas Entered By JWT Madrid C04/051 GERMANY STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title THE MISSING CHILD Advertiser MISSING CHILDREN’S INITIATIVE Product GERMANY WILL FIND YOU CAMPAIGN

Entered By

KEMPERTRAUTMANN Hamburg Marcell Francke/Patrick Matthiensen Sebastian Merget Leif Johannsen Carolin Panier/Biljana Retzlik/ Marcell Francke/Patrick Matthiensen Designer: Bruno Luglio/Production: Alexander Kate (Cmp Gmbh)/ Involved Agency: Fischerappelt Ag KEMPERTRAUTMANN Hamburg

C04/054 USA STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title FOOTPRINTS Advertiser UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HOLLYWOOD Product KING KONG 360 3D RIDE Advertising Agency, City DAVIDANDGOLIATH El Segundo Chief Creative Officer David Angelo Executive Creative Director Colin Jeffery Creative Director Ben Purcell/Steve Yee Copywriter Aroon Mukhey Art Director Bryan Carroll/Ben Salas Photographer Jonathan Alcorn Account Supervisor Jana Wentz Account Manager Mike Braue Entered By DAVIDANDGOLIATH El Segundo C04/085 ARGENTINA STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title BIG NOSES Advertiser BGH Product AIR CONDITIONERS Advertising Agency, City DEL CAMPO NAZCA SAATCHI & SAATCHI Buenos Aires Executive Creative Director Maxi Itzkoff/Mariano Serkin Creative Director Diego Medvedocky/Ignacio Ferioli Copywriter Diego Medvedocky Art Director Ignacio Ferioli Account Supervisor Mariano Cafarelli Advertiser’s Supervisor Nicolás Videla/Carina Catalano/ Sebastián Nugnez Account Manager Juan Manuel Aralda Other Credits Production Company: Peluca Films/ Directors: Diego/Vlady Entered By DEL CAMPO NAZCA SAATCHI & SAATCHI Buenos Aires C04/095 SWEDEN STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title THE SPEED CAMERA LOTTERY Advertiser VOLKSWAGEN Product BLUEMOTION TECHNOLOGIES Advertising Agency, City DDB STOCKHOLM Chief Creative Officer Andreas Dahlqvist Creative Director Andreas Dahlqvist Copywriter Martin Lundgren Art Director Martin Lundgren Photographer Simon Higby/Martin Lundgren Typographer Niklas Andersson Account Supervisor Jerker Fagerström Advertiser’s Supervisor Katarina Lakowitz/Åke Lundberg Account Manager Barbro Långjuth Planner Michael Bugaj Other Credits Idea The Speed Camera Lottery: Kevin Richardson. Web Producer: Linda Eriksson. Entered By DDB STOCKHOLM C04/152 USA STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title THE FILM ROOM Advertiser NIKE Product APPAREL Advertising Agency, City R/GA New York Chief Creative Officer Nick Law Executive Creative Director Taras Wayner Creative Director Colin Kim, Jason Hoff Copywriter Jason Hoff Art Director Saulo Rodrigues Entered By R/GA New York C04/194 SPAIN STUNTS & LIVE ADVERTISING Title UNEXPECTED LUGGAGE Advertiser SPANAIR Product CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN Advertising Agency, City SHACKLETON Madrid Executive Creative Director Enric Nel-Lo Creative Director Pipo Virgós/Paco Badia

Copywriter Art Director Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Entered By

Santi Garcia Carla Mercader Isabel Cisneros/Elena Dominguez Nuria Tarré/Cristina Serra/Mercè Adroher/ Toni Moliner Sergio Martínez Llunell/Yolanda Agra SHACKLETON Madrid

C05/059 TRANSIT Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Chief Creative Officer Copywriter Art Director Typographer Account Supervisor Advertiser’s Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By


C06/006 DIGITAL OUTDOOR Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City


Chief Creative Officer Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Account Supervisor Account Manager Planner Entered By

LITTLE ACCIDENT ALLSECUR CAR INSURANCE OGILVY AMSTERDAM Darre Van Dijk Piebe Piebenga Darre Van Dijk Jan Willem Kunnen Tom Ijzer Johan Van Den Neste/Ron Adams Annelotte Pera Michel Mac Donald Aluminium Centrum Amsterdam OGILVY AMSTERDAM

THE WORLD’S BIGGEST HUG CONSELHO NACIONAL DO SESI TRUE AFFECTION CAMPAIGN MONUMENTA Brasília/AGNELO PACHECO COMUNICACAO Brasilia Carlos Grillo Raphael Pontual/Frank Engelbert Paula Cunha Cloves Menezes/Glauber Dorotheu Livia De França Martha Leticia Ferreira Fernando Torres MONUMENTA Brasília

C06/022 DIGITAL OUTDOOR Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Photographer Account Manager Planner Entered By


C06/036 DIGITAL OUTDOOR Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City


Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Account Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits Entered By C06/055 DIGITAL OUTDOOR Title Advertiser Product Advertising Agency, City Executive Creative Director Creative Director Copywriter Art Director Account Supervisor Account Manager Planner Other Credits

Entered By

12 SECOND STRIP RENAULT WIND ROADSTER PUBLICIS LONDON Tom Ewart/Adam Kean Gavin Kellet Johnny Leathers Perou Kelly Grindrod Mike Wade/Julian Earl PUBLICIS LONDON

ANGEL AMBUSH UNILEVER LYNX EXCITE MINDSHARE London/GRAND VISUAL London/ MIND’S EYE MEDIA London Daniel Dawson Hughie Phillips Ben Wilson/Ben Taylor Cate Murden Becca Sawyer/Jeremy Way Alice Brady/Nick Bedford Neil Morris/James Dean/Olivia Coupe/ Tim Last/Ryan Locke/Richard Hayes MINDSHARE London UNITED KINGDOM LOTUS T5 IBM LOTUSLIVE OGILVYONE WORLDWIDE London Emma De La Fosse/Charlie Wilson Emma De La Fosse/Charlie Wilson Katriona Gordon Kristal Knight Phil White Kieran Bradshaw Nina Mynk Pavlos Themistocleous Head Of Digital Creative/ Mark Sweatman- Technical Lead OGILVYONE WORLDWIDE London


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f It’s cooler inside! A Talkies studio shoot

Culturally and commercially, there’s a world of difference between Beirut and Bahrain, Israel and Egypt. But the diverse countries of the MENA region have some common camera-friendly attributes: great weather, aweinspiring locations and a drive to succeed. Andy Fry reports

Sunshine, sea, sand ...

action! B ECAUSE the vast majority of its 340 million inhabitants are Arabic-speaking Muslims, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is often characterised as a single market by global brands, ad agencies and TV channels. But closer inspection reveals there is a high degree of cultural and economic diversity between the dozen or so countries in the region. Not surprisingly, these differences have helped shape the way the region’s media and marketing sectors operate. The Lebanese capital Beirut, for example, has grown out of a liberal, entrepreneurial Mediterranean-facing tradition. Blessed with a good climate and access to great locations, it established itself as a TV and commercials production hub many years ago. “There aren’t many places in the world that can match what Lebanon has to offer,” says Rolly Dib, who founded services company Olive Tree Productions two years ago. “You have eight or nine months of sunshine and very mild winters. In terms of locations, there is so much diversity of landscape and architecture within a very small geographic area that you can control costs easily.” These natural assets, combined with its open-minded attitude, probably explain why Lebanon was one of the first countries in the MENA region to build up a skilled media-production sector. “Today, you’ll find Lebanese talent working right across the region,” Dib says. “Lebanese directors are in strong demand for both film and commercials.” If it were not for various armed conflicts, Lebanon would rank higher as a location choice and as a prospective site for regional HQs. But Dib believes it is time for the international community to change its perception of Lebanon: “It’s a safe country that is now regarded as a very hot tourist destination. If people give us a chance, they’ll see just what the Lebanese are capable of doing.” By contrast with the Lebanese media’s organic expan-


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sion, the emergence of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) citystate Dubai as a regional media hub is more about top-down policies aimed at diversifying the economy. Starting in 2000, Dubai has been successfully luring broadcasters and ad agencies into its Media City with the promise of tax breaks, superb infrastructure and close proximity to the Saudi Arabian market (the most important single market in MENA for advertisers). In response, producers have put down roots to be close to the action. For Takashi O’Rourke of Dubai-based Don Productions, all the above are good reasons to be based in the city. In addition, O’Rourke cites the proximity of awe-inspiring desert locations, observing: “This is crucial when filming with talent.” Some observers say Dubai is expensive compared to other locations. But this is offset by the quality of crews, which are experienced, flexible and quick-thinking, according to O’Rourke: “I think crew costs in the UAE are fair considering the high quality and experience you get. And we don’t face some of the high costs associated with overtime and holiday rates you find in countries in Europe. We get a lot done with less than in other locations.” Furthermore, O’Rourke reports that there are several post-production houses in Dubai that produce world-class work: “So we don’t see a reason to do post-production abroad. Especially for local ads using Arabic graphics and VOs [voice overs], it’s hugely beneficial to have the post-production and client in the same place.” Exchange rates are also working in Dubai’s favour right now, O’Rourke adds: “The UAE currency, the dirham, is pegged to the US dollar — and the dollar has been relatively weak, lowering costs for international productions that shoot in the UAE.” Given the respective strengths of Beirut and Dubai, some leading commercials companies have established bases in both

n Spot shot in Lebanon by The Talkies, for the Ministry of Economy and Central Bank of Lebanon


cities. An example of this is The Talkies, a market-leading producer that set up in Beirut in the late 1980s, then opened an office in Dubai in 2004, later adding offices in Cairo and Casablanca. The Talkies CEO Gabriel Chamoun confirms that it is important to be in Dubai, because this is where many agency decisions get made: “But most of our production takes place in Beirut, partly because it’s more cost-effective and partly because Dubai’s temperatures are often well above 40 degrees. We have everything here, from excellent kit rental companies to post-production.” You get a similar assessment from Ali Azarmi, managing partner of Joy Films, a commercials producer that carved out a strong reputation internationally before opening offices in Dubai in 2008 and Beirut in 2009. “Dubai has some interest-


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TALENT, TEMPLES AND TECHNOLOGY ISRAEL stands apart culturally from the rest of the MENA region, but it shares several attributes from a commercials production perspective. Meirav Vizer, who set up services company Ooops Films in 2007, says that Israel has many great locations to offer: “The combination of a modern country with deserts and urban landscapes gives producers an advantage in terms of budget, because they don’t need to fly to a location or drive more than three hours tops.” Echoing the offer from nearby Lebanon, Vizer says: “Israel has some very good quality post-production houses, our crews speak English and other languages, and our casts are varied, since we are a very mixed population here.” Among Israel’s 2010 productions was the Orange M6

France campaign and a Barilla commercial. This year, the country has hosted a project for Ikea Warsaw and several Russian spots. In terms of countryside, the main locations are beaches, wheat fields and deserts. But if you think of Israel’s urban environment as comprising stables and temples, you would be wide off the mark, says Andrea Turek, a producer who started up her own service company, TNKS!, in 2010. “One of the big attractions in Israel is the city of Tel Aviv, which has great style. It has beautiful, distinctive architecture, a fascinating nightlife and is pretty well free from rain from May through to October. Tel Aviv has a unique look that can make a commercial stand out — and it’s just a short flight from continental Europe.”

Having worked out of Israel for 15 years, Turek is now based in France, where she offers brands both Israeli and Argentinian packages. One area in which she feels Israel is exceptionally strong is the quality of its directors: “They are very creative, work very fast and are not tied down to one genre. Because they work across a range of domestic subjects, they can adapt to different Israeli brands fast.” capital Tel Aviv Not to be overlooked “which has is the fact that Israel great style” punches above its weight in terms of TV and digital-media production. As home to a number of leading game-show, telenovela and multiplatform producers, it is well placed to offer the kind of branded-content solutions that clients are now seeking.

ing cityscapes and access to deserts, but Lebanon has a wider range of locations and a more diverse population,” Azarmi says. “This is good for casting purposes and also means that the country has a more developed wardrobe and styling sector.” For multi-hub companies, the balance of work between territories depends, to some extent, on where a company originates and how and when it entered MENA. The Talkies, for example, is a home-grown business, while Joy Films’ production operation is overseen by Rita El Hachem, an experienced Lebanon-based commercials producer. By comparison, Filmworks set up shop in Dubai just over a decade ago, when that was the only real choice in the region. For this reason, the company’s profile is more Gulf-centric, with offices in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and, more recently, Qatar. “Our recent office opening in Doha continues our commitment to offering an extensive regional service,” says Filmworks’ marketing research manager, Mike Wright. “Our experience in Qatar spans many years with projects for government initiatives, including Qatar Financial Centre and Qatar Foundation. Looking ahead, we are open to facilitation and agencies’ projects to support Qatar’s development leading up to the World Cup 2020.” Having said this, Wright also recognises the benefit of having hubs elsewhere: “Our Beirut and Cape Town offices continue to grow with shoots from Pepsi, 7Up, Lays and Samsung, among others. These offices allow us to offer a wider range of locations, as well as providing some cost-effective

solutions.” Testament to the strength of Dubai-based companies is that they have continued to deliver top-quality work despite the economic crash that hit the country early last year. “The start of this year has brought us more regional car shoots including GM and Ford, “ Wright says. “The GM campaign was huge, with director Janos Deri shooting the first spot of the campaign, and director/DOP Mark Toia mixing Red and Canon 5D on the remaining spots.” Another leading Dubai-based firm, Shane Martin’s Boomtown Productions, has invested in 3D, keen that the region plays an active part in this latest creative wave. Boomtown also came home from the 2010 Cannes Lions with two awards — for campaigns by the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority/TBWA\Raad and Mercedes/Impact BBDO. Those were the first-ever Lions for Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Reference to Abu Dhabi is apt, since Dubai’s status as the media capital of the UAE has been challenged in recent years by its neighbouring city-state. Initially slow to act, Abu Dhabi’s vast wealth has been put to good effect recently as it attempts to rival Dubai and Qatar as the Gulf’s strategic hub. Put simply, Abu Dhabi wants to diversify its economy so that it is not completely reliant on oil revenues. Having identified media as a growth opportunity, it set up its own media zone, which is overseen by twofour54. The organisation’s vision is to “position Abu Dhabi as a centre of excellence in content creation across all platforms including film, broadcast, music,

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digital media, events, gaming and publishing”. Within this enterprise is another publicly backed body, The Abu Dhabi Film Commission (ADFC), whose role is to promote Abu Dhabi as a location. Between them, twofour54 and the ADFC have three core goals. First, to encourage foreign companies to produce in Abu Dhabi. Second, to get them to base offices in the city-state. And third, to facilitate the kind of knowledge transfer that will help Abu Dhabi to develop a locally based panArab talent pool. On the subject of shooting in Abu Dhabi, ADFC director David Shepheard cites a number of advantages: “There are the deserts, of course, but there is also the iconic cityscape that is still being built. There are so many interesting structures that it’s the perfect backdrop for subjects like car launches.” At the same time, Shepheard says, it is increasingly easy to manage logistical issues such as filming permits, transport and accommodation: “Everyone realises the importance of content creation to the economy. The support and enthusiasm is there.” On the relationship between Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the Abu Dhabi contingent sees it as complementary, not competitive. “We work closely with our colleagues in Dubai,” Shepheard says. “Of course there’s competition between hotels and crews on price and offer, but the underlying goal is to attract brands to the UAE and have them hire local talent.” Dubaibased businesses do not seem to be threatened by Abu Dhabi’s emergence, since they have a decade’s head start in terms of developing a media-industry infrastructure. Instead, they have viewed it as an opportunity. According to Don Productions’ O’Rourke: “The financial problems in Dubai, combined with the crisis around the world, certainly affected advertising. However, much of the slack has been picked up by government and private-sector spending in Abu Dhabi. Many Dubai companies, including Don, are working with Abu Dhabi-based clients or filming for foreign agencies that choose Abu Dhabi as a location due to their clients’ involvement with local part-

SLICING UP THE PIE RESEARCH agency IPSOS provides valuable insights into the anatomy of the MENA advertising market. Shown below are some of its headline figures for advertising spend during the period JulyDecember 2010. While the recent political unrest might lead to a drop in 2011, there are a few points worth noting. First, Egypt accounted for 18% of total MENA ad spend, of which 79% went into TV alone. Contrast this with Saudi Arabia, where a meagre 7% of ad spend was directed at TV (because TV is highly regulated in Saudi). As a result, brands get to Saudi Arabia by acquiring airtime on pan-Arabic channels, which is why that figure is so high. But there is an important point here about cultural openness and how this impacts on TV consumption. Look at the UAE, where just 5% of domestic ad spend is TVtargeted. Compare this with Iraq, where 98% of the total ad spend goes on TV. No wonder The Talkies sees Iraq as a growth opportunity further down the line.


n Panasonic spot shot in Egypt by The Talkies

ners. For example, we are seeing more Japanese clients filming in Abu Dhabi to showcase their involvement there.” Filmworks’ Wright takes a similar line: “Dubai is still shooting more TVC projects than Abu Dhabi. However, last year we had a range of projects through our Abu Dhabi office, including Baynounah, Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority and Abu Dhabi Tourism Development & Investment Company. Its important to maintain an Abu Dhabi presence to promote and strengthen relationships with our clients there — and the Abu Dhabi market is still growing significantly.” Looking again at the overall MENA picture, Lebanon and UAE companies tend to be involved in producing ads for external territories (ie, not for their own markets, or at least not exclusively for their own markets). For the most part, this takes the form of production services for international ads or ads targeted at the cash-rich Saudi Arabian market. Among the most high-profile sectors are automotive, FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods), energy/corporate and, recently, telecoms. Standing slightly separate is Egypt. With a population of 82 million and some of the world’s most distinctive landmarks and locations, Egypt is significant both in terms of consumer consumption and commercial production. But it tends not to require input from Lebanon and the UAE because it has its own high standards of production creativity and capabilities. The Talkies has a base in Egypt, but Joy Films’ Azarmi says: “When we were looking at setting up offices in the region, Egypt was not really an opportunity for us because of the strength of its domestic talent. For us, a better opportunity would be Iran, where the industry is less mature.” Egypt’s prowess as a production market has started to earn it international recognition. Last year, for example, saw a breakthrough at the Cannes Lions, with Leo Burnett Cairo, Advantage Marketing & Advertising and Elephant Cairo all achieving recognition for their work. This year, Egypt’s growing creative reputation was confirmed when Coca-Cola Egypt was named Advertiser Of The Year at the prestigious Dubai Lynx Awards. These, however, are complex times in Egypt following the revolution earlier in the year. There is a view among agencies that, in the medium term, the people’s revolution will unleash a new kind of creativity. But in the short term, the unrest in the country has resulted in some brands reducing spend — particularly those at the big-ticket and luxury end of the market. “We have an office in Cairo that mainly handles international servicing work,” says The Talkies’ Chamoun. “And it is fair to say there has been less work since the revolution.” This is unfortunate, Chamoun adds, because the day-today reality is that recent unrest in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and Syria is not affecting the ability of most companies to do

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AIMING FOR EXCELLENCE TWOFOUR54’s mission is to establish a sustainable Arabic media industry, with Abu Dhabi becoming a regional centre of excellence for the creative industries, according to the organisation’s deputy CEO and chief operating officer, Wayne Borg. Borg adds: “We are currently home to 110 companies and have created well in excess of 1,000 new jobs at our integrated campus in Abu Dhabi. This includes many of the biggest names in the regional and international advertising and production industries.” The roll call includes TBWA, which has established its regional creative hub at twofour54, JCDecaux, All About Brands Group and

Lambie-Nairn. Twofour54’s production team has also worked with BBH and BBDO on assignments. As this list suggests, Borg sees advertising as “a vitally important” sector: “Ad agencies and ad producers are a major source of production and provide numerous opportunities for talent to develop and hone their skills. Some of the most successful film and television producers came from the adproduction world. We see this sector forming part of the broader arc in the region, helping to lift standards, drive quality and build a strong employment base.” Twofour54 wants Abu Dhabi to become “a one-stop shop in the region, where all needs

their work. “It’s a problem we have had in Lebanon,” he says, “which is that the perception is worse than the reality. For example, one market that is growing for us is Iraq, which might surprise people in Europe or the US. For me, more of an issue than security is the global economic situation, which has encouraged some brands to shift in favour of low-cost commercials — which in turn has a downward impact on margins.” This issue of perception is something you also encounter in Eastern Europe, where emerging markets such as Serbia have to work extra

WAYNE BORG advertising is “a vitally important” sector

can be met — whether it’s accessing the best technical and creative talent via our freelance visa scheme, or supporting end-to-end production in the region’s only state-ofthe-art facilities via our HD studios, which include the region’s largest green screen, and our HD post services”. Given the strength of that offer, how does Borg see Abu Dhabi’s relationship with Dubai? “We are complementary initiatives,” he says. “MENA is home to 340 million people, has a youthful demographic and is bound by a common language. The region represents a tremendous opportunity that the UAE is well placed to serve.”

hard to persuade producers of their merits. In the context of MENA, it tends to work in favour of the UAE. “The UAE has a history of being very stable, politically and economically, and this won’t change any time soon,” O’Rourke concludes. “The UAE distinguishes itself with its highly popular government, vast amount of oil wealth and, perhaps most importantly, ease of conducting business. The bottom line is that this region is growing economically and is increasingly becoming an important centre for international business.”^


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n Christians protect Muslims during prayer in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, February 2011, in an image famously tweeted by freelance copywriter Nevine Zaki, who is based in Cairo

Lost in the clouds of conflict Across much of the Middle East, marketing campaigns have been put on hold as military campaigns preoccupy populations. Iain Akerman of Campaign ME assesses the cost of conflict and potential peace dividends


HE last thing on the minds of most people across the Middle East and North Africa is advertising. Syrians, Bahrainis, Tunisians, Egyptians, Yemenis and Libyans have, for obvious reasons, far more pressing concerns. They have little or no desire to consume advertising, and clients have a similar level of enthusiasm for advertising amid bloodshed and civil unrest. The immediate result has been a predictable fall in ad spend in the affected countries, with the disruption of planned advertising campaigns also affecting pan-Arab broadcasters such as MBC and Rotana. A realistic picture of the region is painted by ZenithOptimedia, which predicts that Egypt’s advertising spend will fall by 20% this year — despite relative calm returning to the country — followed by a 12.1% recovery in 2012. The troubles in Bahrain — which are complicated by sectarian divisions — will result in a drop of at least 18.7%, from $176m in 2010 to $143m this year, while Oman, which has been only marginally affected by the


Arab Spring, will see its market fall by a similar amount, down 18.8%. Figures for Syria, Libya and Yemen — countries with almost embryonic advertising industries — are unavailable, although the intensity of the fighting in those countries leaves no doubt that the impact will be severe. As Kamal Al-Dailami, general manager of Brothers Media in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, says: “Fighting stopped the wheel of the commercial market, except for food and fuel.” For the Middle East as a whole though, the picture isn’t so gloomy. Much of the decline in ad spend in those countries witnessing political and social upheaval will be offset by growth in others, with the UAE bouncing back from recession and predicted to grow by 5.2% this year. Even more impressive is the fact that historically volatile Lebanon is for once being viewed as a stable country amid a sea of unrest, although optimism is tempered by knowledge that the one thing the Middle East will always be is unpredictable. Of course, the one subject everyone has been talking about

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is social media and its role — real or perceived — in affecting political change during the Arab Spring. It is a divisive issue. To what extent did it help empower revolutionaries — particularly in Egypt — and will increased social-media usage lead to a lasting erosion of the power of TV and print in the Arab world? Two major conferences in the region have sought to provide answers. First, a panel at ArabNet in Jordan, led by Samih Toukan, founder of Maktoob (bought out by Yahoo! in 2009), downplayed the role of social media in the uprisings. It pointed out that many, if not most, of the protesters were not on Facebook or Twitter, and that it was oppression and injustice that drove people on to the street. Second, and more recently, was the Arab Media Forum in Dubai, where panellists dismissed the idea of a Facebook revolution as a myth. Social media was viewed purely as a facilitator, helping to communicate the struggle to both those within Egypt and to the outside world — an appraisal not dissimilar to the Iranian protests of 2009. In an article for Campaign ME in April, Ghanem Nuseibeh, a founder, partner and director at Cornerstone Global Associates, said the social media sector is supposed to improve the aggregation of opinions and the construction of collective wisdom. “We need to distinguish between its success in spreading opinion, and any contribution to rational outcome,” he said. “Social media is not alone in creating momentum behind the Arab uprising. Satellite television and internet news sites have all played a massive role. One might even argue that without Al Jazeera, the YouTube footage of the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi might have only resulted in another forgotten number on the decades-long Arab victims’ roll of honour.” There are those, however, on the other side of the fence. For example, Alexandra Tohme, a digital strategist at Leo Burnett Dubai, asks: “Would we have seen such a wide scale of group action on the streets and the domino effect from country to country without social media playing a key role? I doubt it. Decisions made in these groups seem to be much riskier than those that would have been made in fragmented pockets of society or by individuals. “If we look at social media as allowing groups to form, and then study the impact of social and behavioural psychology within those groups, and decision-making processes, we may be better able to assess the effect these channels have had on any Arab uprising.” What is certain, however, is that consumers are adopting social media more quickly than ever before across the Arab world. “The impact of social media on the current political and economic climate has brought to light the power of the medium,” says Karim Khouri, managing director of Impact BBDO Cairo. “Every single one of our clients recognises social media as a new opportunity for dialogue with their consumers.” In an essay in Campaign ME this year, Ziad Skaff, group director, and Nina Fedorczuk, business intelligence manager, at Integral OMG, said: “Consumers have realised the value it adds to their lives in a very specific set of conditions and will find it hard to let go. In these networks, they have found a voice, an

assertiveness they will find very hard to let go of. “The growth in Facebook’s user base in the region is driven by the critical 1844 age demographic in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and in Libya. These events will prove to be a catalyst for consumers in North Africa and further afield in the whole of the MENA region, whether the countries were affected by the unrest, like Bahrain or Yemen, or not. It is therefore likely that brands will find an even greater audience and richer environment once the situation settles and the focus returns to more peaceful considerations.” Rightly or wrongly, advertisers have not been slow in attempting to piggyback those revolutions so far deemed successful. In Egypt in particular, everyone from Coca-Cola to Vodafone has been pushing out ads that, in some way or other, tap into the spirit of change. This spectacularly backfired for JWT Cairo, however, when a video was released implying that Vodafone had helped inspire January’s revolution. Combining JWT’s awardwinning Kowetna campaign with events in Tahrir Square, the video was for presentation purposes only, but nevertheless created a backlash against both JWT and Vodafone. It was especially grating for consumers who viewed Vodafone as one of the mobile phone operators which had closed down its network at the behest of Hosni Mubarak at the height of the revolution. A less reported — but arguably equally as important — aspect of the protests sweeping the region is the influence of unrest on Saudi Arabia, where there is an ongoing push in the ultra-conservative country for women to have more of a say in their lifestyles. The main initiative is Women2Drive, which represents a group of Saudi women in a co-ordinated drive to push for equality on the roads. Manal al-Sharif, who was arrested after she posted on YouTube videos of herself driving, may have been released, but she represents one of the most important consumer groups in the Gulf, and their emancipation would have an untold impact on advertisers. Women in the Middle East will control close to $400bn of the region’s wealth before year-end and such forecasts are driving more and more advertisers to allocate campaigns that appeal to this influential target. Unfortunately, what should have been viewed as two positives for the Gulf and a tonic for advertisers — Qatar’s winning of the rights to host the FIFA World Cup in 2022 and the Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix — have turned into PR disasters. Qatar was in raptures when it won the rights to host the World Cup. Now it stands accused of “buying” the tournament and faces an irreversible tarnishing of its country brand as part of FIFA’s investigation into corruption. Quietly going about its business in the middle of all the regional upheaval is Dubai. Much was made of the emirate’s fall from grace during the recession. Little will probably be written about its resurgence. Confidence is returning, ad spend is up, and the emirate is viewed — rightly or wrongly — as an oasis of calm. As a magazine that’s based in the emirate, let’s hope it continues. ^


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f Nirvana Films and Stark Communications’ 2010 Kerala Tourism campaign


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A mix of

the young with the traditional In economic terms, India is an emerging superpower. But, as Marlene Edmunds reports, its media scene blends traditional platforms such as TV and smartphones snapped up by its dynamic youth population


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foCus on india

n Bang Bang’s L’Oreal Shoot with Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai


NDIA is a territory in the midst of an explosion in creativity and on the cusp of a mobile-driven communications revolution that could affect every aspect of indian life. the territory is being driven by some astounding demographics: 50% of the population is below the age of 25; 70% still live in rural areas; tV is still the prevailing mass medium, but more than the 800 million indians are using mobile phones today and many are moving over to smartphones. Creativity is being influenced by a rediscovery of indian culture and style, its literature and music, but also by the culture of bollywood and a digital future that is just around the corner. on the creative side, there is a lot of fresh thought and more experimentation in work, says prasoon Joshi, executive chairman, mcCann worldwide group india, and chairman, worldwide, mcCann erickson Creative leadership Council. “newer storylines are being explored and there is a kind of deep dive into the local ethos that is making work more layered,” he says. “a certain kind of confidence and playfulness is emerging in the work which i think is just kick ass.” mobile is an important part of the story, especially given the country’s “less than optimum internet penetration”, Joshi says, adding: “there is a lot of interest from youth of all socioeconomic strata and a lot of excitement around the different apps and information through mobile. apart from a work tool, it’s a social-connectivity tool for millions.” Joshi assesses the implications: “internet through mobile is empowering people and that is a big story for india.” education and knowledge have been the prerogative of the very few. affordable smartphones are changing that. “a huge youth population is now, through smartphones, gaining access to knowledge and information not previously available to them.” while digital is engendering a lot of excitement, “mass media such as tV will remain so until digital achieves critical mass in rural areas of india”, Joshi says. in contrast to trends elsewhere, in india creativity for tV is still very important and still being explored, he points out. piyush pandey, executive chairman and creative director, south asia, for ogilvy & mather india board, mumbai, believes


the biggest challenge for the creative market is talent. a fastgrowing economy and proliferating career options mean india needs to attract more talent, to be exciting, refreshing and rewarding, and possibly re-examine the client remuneration structure if the best creatives are going to be hired. indian creativity is making its mark not just in hindi, the major language group, but also many other regional indian languages. pandey says: “i have met thousands of indians who travel abroad, commenting that when they see the stuff on the tube outside india, they feel proud that they get to see far superior work back home.” he believes that if the percentage of international awards for india is low, “the percentage reflecting the impact on the hearts of a million indians is huge and highly creative”. indian demographics are pushing two major trends, according to alok agrawal, chief operating officer, Cheil worldwide

“internet through mobile is empowering people and that is a big story for india” prasoon Joshi, mcCann worldwide

southwest asia. one is a drive by young people to take risks in order to get ahead in life, and the second is rapid adoption of new technologies. Cheil is a relatively new agency in india and mainly involved with samsung products. agrawal points to the massive mobile user population, noting that a decade ago many outside urban areas in india did not even have a phone. “there is a belief that cheaper technology will gather momentum; people will start innovating and use that cheap technology to find solutions to WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2011

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what appear to be insurmountable problems.” Guru is a subbrand conceived for the Indian mobile market, competing with Nokia. “Product differentiation is not significant at these price points so we took an emotional platform, using famous Bollywood star Amir Khan,” Agrawal explains. “We created a series of ad films under the umbrella campaign My Heart Is In My Pocket.” In the campaign, Khan portrays an ambitious but grounded rural youth going to the city for the first time to take up a job. The campaign shows how the phone and its various features help him and his family stay connected. The launch ad film, shot on location at Wai, a small town about 200 miles from Mumbai, included lyrics from Oscar-winning writer Gulzar and directed by award-winning movie director Anurag Kashyap. “Our success with Samsung mobile is not just about the Guru campaign but rather a sustained effort across multiple segments, Guru at entry level, Metro and Champ at the mid level and the work has paid off well.” Samsung Mobile’s share of the market grew from 3% to about 24%. New campaigns for Hero 3G and TVC for Galaxy were being worked on recently. Digital is the fastest growing segment of the Indian advertising market, Agrawal adds, but he argues that most brands are just testing the waters. “It is still very small in our market, less than 2-3% of the advertising spend, and digital penetration is far lower than traditional media, only 12% as opposed to 76% for TV.” Nevertheless, a huge part of the industry is preparing for the digital future. Pandey says: “Internet penetration is low at this point of time, but I am sure in a few years digital will have a significant presence, and therefore we have to be ready not just to embrace, but to perfect digital communication.” Among companies that are jumping on the digital train are Bang Bang, a production and service company with a growing international reputation. Bang Bang’s brands arm, Jack In The Box, works directly with clients which this year included Puma, Conde Nast and L’Oreal Paris. “For Conde Nast, we did the online video content for Vogue and GQ’s India sites, and we’re also handling social media for L’Oreal Paris,” says Roopak Saluja, co-founder and managing director of Bang Bang and Jack In The Box Worldwide. Like others in India, Saluja says connectivity is a major forward step for India. “There are a large number of local manufacturers coming on the market with really cheap smartphones. People who make less than 250 dollars a month and previously would have found it hard to think about having a basic mobile are now able to afford smartphones. The upshot of that is also a massive explosion on the content side.” The line-up of production shoots for Bang Bang reflects the company’s growing reputation internationally as well as at a local level. Among major jobs recently was a Tata Aria shoot for Ogilvy Bombay for the launch of the hybrid SUV. The job was


“THOUSANDS COMMENT THAT WHEN THEY SEE THE STUFF ON THE TUBE OUTSIDE INDIA, THEY FEEL PROUD THAT THEY SEE FAR SUPERIOR WORK BACK HOME” Piyush Pandey, Ogilvy & Mather led by the UK’s Gerard de Thame for Believe@Bangbang, the partnership with Los Angeles-based Believe Media. The shoot took place in the Kalahari desert near the Botswana border, with local South African service company Razorfish facilitating. Saluja says: “Because of the simplicity of the concept, the burden was on us to executive it perfectly. Five of us were in the desert for three days for the shoot, whose storyline had two cars racing towards each other. The collision took place within the safe confines of the post-production studio. “We shot in the Kalahari because we needed a salt pan and the topography wasn’t right in India.” It is no surprise that Bang Bang shoots regularly involve Bollywood talent, including for two massive L’Oreal productions featuring former Miss World Aishwarya Rai, shot in Bombay in May and December 2010. Recently it was on location for a third campaign, with LA-based director Jim Sonzero. Three Pepsodent campaigns for Unilever were also shot in Bombay, the last in April. These involved Bolllywood star Shahrukh Khan. Another shoot, for mango drink Slice for Pepsi India, starred


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Bollywood’s Katrina Kaif and was shot in Thailand. Corcoise Films founder and director Prasoon Pandey, whose company has bagged two Lions already in Cannes, believes that it is a great time for advertising in India. Corcoise works on about 30 commercials a year on average, with Pandey directing 10 of them. “Among the random commercials on TV in India any evening, six out of 10 could be fairly intriguing, whereas elsewhere in the world the average ad slot is often full of just promotions, offers, etc, and very few engrossing commercials.” Glue manufacturer Fevicol has been one of Corcoise’s main clients for some 15 years and was the subject of one of his latest shoots in January, titled Fevicol – Cyclist. “It’s a great client that really values ideas but, to be fair, it is also an exceptional client. The biggest problem in India is that, unlike Fevicol, other clients don’t normally give you enough time to work on a commercial.” Often, he says, by the time they come to a director with a script, they are leaving only about 25 days from the time he first looks at the script to when they want the commercial delivered. “If I were an advertiser, I’d give my money a little more respect than that. You need to live with an idea and explore it fully or you will end up doing what you have already done before. Ultimately, those are the projects that I politely opt out of.” What Pandey really liked about Fevicol - Cyclist is that it is “a very lateral thought for a glue and is also a great insight into a typical small-town life. That a husband is proudly taking out his new wife in his new truck to steal a few moments of privacy with her, away from their large joint family, and is strangely followed by a cyclist and very curiously is unable to shake the cyclist off. “It makes for a wonderfully intriguing story. Not only is the husband unable to lose the cyclist, he also begins to fear that his wife may be slowly getting impressed with the cyclist’s perseverance. It is a very evolved thought that the cyclist is stuck to the couple’s lives, like a strong glue, not because of a strong glue.” Nirvana Films has jumped on the digital bandwagon with its award-winning Vodafone Zoozoo characters. “We have been shooting all our Vodafone Zoozoo films on digital cameras, as it’s just easier and faster, and we have a few other candid-style films that are being planned in digital,” says co-founder Sneha Iype. She warns, though, that digital is not for every job. “There are some films that totally require shooting on film stock.” The company has also worked on a portal for books called Nirvana and Stark Communications picked up several awards for its Kerala Tourism campaign that was launched later in 2010 for the state government. Kerala is a favoured destination for European tourists and the Prakash Varma-directed title, Your Moment Is Waiting, is largely aimed at that target. Kerala is also Varma’s home state. Iype says: “Unlike most tourism films, it has very deep spiritual overtones. It doesn’t showcase so much as actually capture the mystique and ethereal quality of the place.” The film’s cinematographer is KU Mohanan, with music by Baba Maal. Nirvana’s Flipkart campaign was a 12-day rush job from start to finish, and also directed by Varma for Happy Creatives on behalf of client web portal Iype says: “It has a lovely flow and relies on an age-old story-telling technique that begins with ‘Once upon a time…’ with cinematography by Vicci Turpin and music by Mike McCleary.” ^


NOMAD ON TWO WHEELS INDIA may not as yet be on top of the world when it comes to bringing home bags full of awards, but Nomad Films’ Amitabh Bhattacharya is the first Indian member of the Leuka Fireflies. As such he’ll be pedalling furiously 1,000 kilometres through the French Alps on his way to Cannes as part of a contingent of Cannes delegates raising money for charity. Money raised by the charity goes to help continue groundbreaking work in the fight against leukaemia.


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r DDB partnered with award-winning Chinese director Lu Chuan in a campaign featuring the new VW Touareg in Lu Chuan’s native Xinjiang region


Asia moves ahead Powerful ideas and a fast growing internet and mobile culture and has put Asia forward as a significant pan-global player in the world of advertising. Marlene Edmunds reports


SIA’s growing economy and media metrics are attracting considerable attention worldwide. Mobile advertising is expected to climb to more than to US$1.16bn in the next three years across the region, growing 158% by 2014, according to Emarketer. The Asia Pacific outdoor market will be worth around $12bn dollars by 2014, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers. Internet

ad spend in China in 2010 grew by 67% over the previous year and the number of Chinese users rose to 457 million, according to China’s State Administration of Industry and Commerce – Data Centre. Internet penetration rose to 34% of the Chinese population, with netizens accounting for 23.2% of the world’s internet users and 55.4% of Asia’s internet users. The 3/11 disaster in Japan has focused the attention of WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2011

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n The Samsung NX100 campaign, which included a partnership with band OK Go

the creative community on just how much ideas and perhaps even brands can do to help activate change in times of crisis. Akira Kagami, executive advisor & global executive creative advisor Dentsu, Tokyo, plans to talk about some of the campaigns on the part of advertisers to help in disaster relief at Dentsu’s annual Asian Diversity seminar. “What is most relevant and urgent is how advertising can be the best and most effective in driving back up the everyday economic activity in Japan in order to support the recovery,” Kagami says. Now in its 11th year at Cannes, the seminar — this year titled Asian Diversity, Anime Diversity — features Japanese pop culture evangelist Danny Choo talking about trends in anime and the implications for creativity. While the topic of anime was chosen before 3/11, Kagami says: “After talking to people in the affected areas, I decided not to change it. The feeling is that “WITH CANNES BEING THE GLOBAL the best path to recovery is that people who are not affected HOT-SPOT OF CREATIVE MINDS, WE should go back to living, workBELIEVED THAT WE COULD DO ing and partake in economic activity as usual.” SOMETHING HERE TO SUPPORT JAPAN” He says that the popularYasuhito Naae, AOI ity of anime globally is an interesting phenomenon in that it is the rest of the world that “discovered” Japanese animation. “It hadn’t occurred to Japan to take Japanese animation international. It rather catered to the specifics and niches of the finely tuned domestic market.” He adds: “Somehow, it came to be accepted in many cultures across Asia, and now even beyond to western cultures.” iDEA! FOR LiFE!, an extension of top Japanese art director Chie Morimoto’s creative activities, is a movement to share ideas


for bettering lives that has involved the country’s top advertising creatives. After 3/11, iDEA! FOR LIFE! gained additional momentum by supporting the disaster-affected regions in Japan. The goal of iDEA! FOR LiFE! is to transform good ideas into a reality, says Morimoto in a blog at “We want to make images, create signs, propose ideas, and gather people with the ability to turn ideas into reality together, so that we can transform those ideas into action,” Morimoto says. After the earthquake, advertising creatives involved in iDEA! FOR LiFE! produced a raft of communication tools, among them a design for donation boxes for international use, catchy ‘Saving Energy’ posters, useful memo-notes such as I Am Here! I Am Searching! and convenient labels serving to idenify the types of relief goods required for the disaster-hit regions. All of the ideas on the website and the ideas are free for anyone to use as necessary. In addition, #ideaforlife was created on Twitter to spread the call for ideas. To help further those efforts, Tokyo-based production company Aoi Advertising Promotion has collaborated with iDEA! FOR LiFE! to launch a campaign in Cannes. The aim is to raise awareness in the international creative communities, of the fact that Japan is still in the midst of efforts to save lives and to recover. “With Cannes being the global hot-spot of creative minds, we believed that we could do something here to support Japan,” Aoi’s managing director Yasuhito Nakae, says. The impact of the disaster on the economy of Japan and the ripple effect on Asia at large is yet to be determined, but Tay Guan Hin, regional ECD, JWT SouthEast Asia, global ECD of LUX, Unilever, believes brands can play a part in such crises by building trust. JWT’s AnxietyIndex report ( indicates there is a leadership vacuum caused by the indecisiveness and bureaucratic hesitation in Japan. “As recovery efforts drag out, brands can fill the leadership gap by providing clear deci-

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n Internet spot for Audi (Beijing), directed by feature film director Angel Gracia

sive innovative solutions that can help to build trust, which could cement relationships in the future,” Tay says. On the purely creative front, awards over the last year have begun to roll in to territories such as Japan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia, The Philippines, India and Indonesia —and much more so than in previous years. Creative experimentation is also on the rise: “JWT Singapore wanted to make golf accessible to as many Singaporeans and inspire them to attend the HSBC Women’s Golf Champions 2011,” Tay says. “Using accelerometer and augmented reality, they turned an iPhone into a golf club. Anyone can play a round of golf anywhere.” He adds: “They then launched the HSBC Live Challenge, a live re-creation of an interactive golf tournament in the heart of a popular shopping district. Over $1.2m of free PR was generated via bloggers and journalists.” The shift to digital is indisputably among the chief trends in Asia. The continent dominates the world’s biggest social networking markets and Facebook is already the face for most brands according to Tay. He adds: “One of the big trends is


taking advantage of the ‘like’ button to acquire a stronger fan base. Who knows? For the TV remote of the future, there’s might soon be a ‘like’ button.” Tay’s home base, Singapore, houses a number of significant media outfits, among them Moviola, which has been in business in Hong Kong for 20 years, China for 15 years, and Singapore 13 years. The company has networks and contacts across the world and a client list that reads like a Who’s Who of the top advertis-


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n Biscuit Filmworks director Noam Murro on location for ‘The Surgeon’


ers on the planet. Among them are 7-Up, American Express, Audi, Bank of China, DBS Bank, Unilever, Ford Motors, Nestle, Panasonic, and MasterCard. Some 70% of the work is still shot on film, with the other 30% in digital, Ronnie Lee, executive producer for Moviola Asia, says. The company last year picked up a win in Cannes in the Craft category for MCYS (Singapore Ministry of Community Development/Youth And Sports) for ‘Father And Son’, directed by David Tsui with DOP Terry Shum. More recent shoots include DBS Insignia Card, a new card launched by DBS Bank with a credit limit of $1m or more and aimed at the very rich. The shoot on Red Camera format in March of 2011 in Singapore was with film director and DOP Adrian Tan. “Tan’s got a good eye for detail,” Lee says. Other recent shoots included Maybank’s ‘Family And Friends’, also filmed in March — in Perth, Australia, with director Tai Heng and DOP Terry Shum; and Canon Digital, in August 2010, with Tai Heng and DOP Jimmy Yu, in Valencia, Spain. “China is in the middle of a major digital explosion, with social networks and video sites attracting the most attention,” Chen Yong, president of Modern Advertising, China’s largest design and advertising publication, says. Chen adds: “Social media has provided a channel for marketers to interact with potential consumers. It is a phenomenon

“SOCIAL MEDIA … IS A PHENOMENON THAT IS HAVING A DEEP INFLUENCE ON PEOPLE’S LIFESTYLES AND HOW THEY COMMUNICATE” Chen Yong, Modern Advertising that is having a deep influence on people’s lifestyles and how they communicate.” He says that brands are increasingly being promoted through social media because it is more time-efficient. That trend, Chen adds, is also causing a profound change in the media matrix and a migration of clients away from traditional agencies. Nonetheless, DDB China has announced revenues up 27% in 2010 over the previous year, and pre-tax profits up 15%. Dick van Motman, president and CEO of DDB Greater China, believes that one of the major changes in China is the level of confidence: “You can see it in the Volvo Gelee which has become one of the top three car manufacturers in China,” he says, adding that Zheijiang Gelee merged the best of both worlds, taking the market-

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n Canon Digital, shot in August 2010, with Tai Heng and DOP Jimmy Yu, in Valencia, Spain

ing force of China and its ability to produce cheaply, and the European understanding of quality and design. China’s trends in advertising are being fuelled by a twinengine economy based on imports and exports, and an explosion in luxury growth and spending power. “You can see it manifest abroad through spending sprees on art, real estate, and wines,” Van Motman says. “We are also seeing our clients increase their understanding of how their brands should be managed. They are doing it on a vertical level which allows more idea-centric brand building efforts,” he adds. An example is China’s new Volkswagen Touareg. The aim was to connect with educated, affluent but down-to-earth Chinese, on an emotional level that links their urban experience with the country’s diverse landscape and cultures. DDB partnered with award-winning Chinese director Lu Chuan in a campaign featuring the new model in Lu Chuan’s native Xinjiang region. The short film centred on the adventures of a Beijing photographer as he drives his Touareg through stunning landscapes, and meets native Kazakh people in remote parts of Xinjiang. The film culminated in a race between the car and nomadic horsemen. Shanghai has cultural and creative credentials that span many decades and is often the first port of call for creatives look-

production co.,ltd.

Big Blue Production Co.,Ltd. 15, Sukhumvit 61 Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel. +662 7140921 Fax. +662 3914858

Malinee Tosakul - June - Vareevan Arunsilp -


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n Akira Kagami, executive advisor & global executive creative advisor Dentsu

ing to shoot in China. Shanghai’s P.I.G. is a production company doing about 75% director-driven production and 25% service. “We work almost exclusively with international directors but we use them for the local market,” executive producer, Nick Dodet, n Japanese art director Chie says. Morimoto One of P.I.G.’s more recent shoots was with Ogilvy Shanghai for Ferrero Rocher, with Fiona Chen as creative director and Jean Claude Thibaut as director. “It was interesting because it had a black and white theme but also because it was aimed at Valentine’s Day consumers,” Dodet says. “The Chinese tend to operate with checklists and Ferraro Rocher being Italian, had very specific ideas associated with the concept of romance and lovers. They wanted it shot in Italy but the budget couldn’t accommodate it. We found a small square in the suburbs of Shanghai that had been built to look like Piazza San Marco. Colin Lai, managing partner and executive director at “WHAT THE NEW TECHNOLOGY FROM The Shanghai Job says that SAMSUNG IS ALLOWING US TO DO NOW clients in international brands in China are starting to use more IS TO REALLY USE THE TV SCREEN AS A local Chinese people — or overWINDOW TO PEOPLE’S WORLD” seas returnees — in their marketing departments, which in Bruce Haines, Cheil Worldwide turn is having a big impact in the decision making process for TV campaigns. “The big international companies are joint ventures (49% foreign owned and 51% Chinese owned), and usually you have to deal with both the foreign client and the local clients. For example VW, Mercedes and Shanghai GM. The upshot is that one must juggle and please many parties in order to deliver the goods,” Lai says. The Shanghai Job’s latest internet spot for Audi (Beijing) was directed by feature film director Angel Gracia (From Prada To Nada) and released late last year. “It was shot over four days on location in Shanghai with the offline edit at The Shanghai Job — the rest of the post completed in Los Angeles,” Lai says. South Korea’s second biggest advertising agency, Cheil Worldwide has been rapidly expanding across the globe. While its main client is Samsung, it is growing its client list and in that respect, China has been tremendously successful. “Well over 20% of the revenue in China is coming from non-Samsung companies in just an 18-month period,” Bruce Haines, global chief strategy officer, Cheil Worldwide, says. Cheil has offices across Asia but each territory has different strategic importance: “VietWEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2011

nam is very important to us because, like China, many of our Korean domestic clients are active there.” He adds: “We have the Barbarian Group which is highly talented in the digital area, but we want to also look at the more traditional areas — especially broadcast,” Haines says. The Samsung NX100 campaign, which included a partnership with band OK Go, was a good example of the use of many media routes to bring one story to the target market. On their concert tour, the band used the camera to take photographs of their audience from the stage, and posted the shots on Facebook where fans could tag themselves. Samsung’s annual seminar in Cannes this year is focused on its connected SmartTV brand. “The industry has been saying for a long time that it was not about TVs or computers, it’s all about screens and content on screens. What the new technology from Samsung is allowing us to do now is to really use the TV screen as a window to people’s world. It’s appropriate that the communication industry steps up and plays a part in that new technology,” Haines says. Thailand’s political problems last year kept it from optimum performance, but the territory is back in force. “The past nine months have been healthy business-wise,” Big Blue Production Thailand’s international producer, Chin Lai June, says. “We’ve had a steady stream of work, both from international advertising agencies in this region as well as foreign production companies. Beauty care spots made up most of our full production jobs, not surprising given the nature of the market here, but there were also several production service gigs for electronics that came in as well.” One such gig brought the opportunity to work with Biscuit Filmworks director Noam Murro on a spot by McCann Worldwide that debuted at the Superbowl. The ‘Surgeon’ TV commercial for the new Xperia Play Android smartphone brings to life the Android robot character. The shoot was in January but for Big Blue, the process began in early December when a bid involving a robot mysteriously in search of something, wandering through the atmospheric back alleys of downtown Bangkok (the capital was mentioned by name in the script crafted by McCann Erickson NY) came our way,” Chin says. “It was a terrific experience for Big Blue. The spot required numerous streets, and during the recce, we were akin to tourists going on an excursion of Bangkok city, exploring on foot its myriad kaleidoscopic facades, from welcoming neon lights to criminal dark cul-de-sacs, complete with hawker cries and wok fire sizzles to dogs barking. The sweltering Bangkok heat was only marginally reduced by our shooting at night,” Chin adds.^

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Asian creativity: new

emerging forces and sectors based on results from regional and international award shows. Antipodeans held six of the top ten positions for 2010, including number-one spot for Clemenger BBDO’s Ant Keogh. The agency rankings told the same story, with six of the top ten agencies based out of Australia, with Leo Burnett Sydney the highest place at number two. For Jarek Ziebinski, president, Leo Burnett & Arc Asia Pacific, this situation is not surprising. He says that the two markets have been consistently strong, and that the Sydney office has EWIND 12 months and the enthusiasm surround- also long been one of Leo Burnett’s best. “However, what is intering Asian creativity on the global stage appeared esting to observe in the years ahead will be how fast the other to have softened. Agencies from the region came markets of Asia Pacific catch up to match the strength of Ausback from the 2010 Cannes Festival with suitcases tralia and New Zealand,” he says. much lighter than had been the case in 2008 and In terms of overall agency performance across Asia Pacific 2009. Asia Pacific won just two Grand Prix — for Leo Burnett over the past 12 months, four agencies have stood out in terms Sydney and Special Group New Zealand respectively — a big of new business, creative success and industry-leading initiadrop from the six Grand Pix picked up the year before tives. DDB, which was named Campaign Asia-Pacific’s creative But although medal hauls may have been down, there was agency of the year, had an outstanding performance throughout much to be positive about post-Cannes. One of the most inter- the region, with China a stand out market. Leo Burnett showed esting observations from the Festival — and something that its strength in Australia and India and enjoyed something of a gained even more momentum over the 12 months that have fol- revival in Hong Kong. Ogilvy & Mather still dominates in terms lowed — was the quiet rise of creative excellence in Asia’s emerg- of sheer scale and was named Campaign’s agency of the year for ing markets, evi- both Southeast Asia and India and the Sub-continent. Meandent from the while, BBDO — in particular the awards factories at Colenso Gold Lion award- and Clemenger — confirmed its position at the top table in Asia ed to Y&R Jakar- Pacific. ta in the Outdoor But as with the emerging markets trend, other agencies category, a first are snapping at the heels of the established players. Lowe is for that country. impressing in Vietnam and Indonesia; Y&R is beginning to look The Y&R win was like the agency it has always promised to be in Asia; and Grey is no anomaly — impressing as it steps out from under the P&G corporate shadalready in 2011 ow. Elsewhere, BBH, TBWA and JWT have continued to persome of the best form well. results for Asia at One thing is clear, any talent that comes into the Asia marthe global award ket, either from within the region itself or, as in Fink’s case, importshows are coming ed from overseas, will need to be fully versed in what are two of from the Jakarta the biggest concerns for the industry going forward. offices of Lowe, First is the growing importance of effectiveness as a measLeo Burnett and ure of agency output. The 2011 Asian Marketing Effectiveness Y&R. Festival, held in Shanghai in early May, received a total of 858 According entries, double the amount entered in the previous year and an to Din Sumedi, all-time high for the event. “The parameters of effectiveness are chief creative offi- playing a larger role in the definition of creativity,” says Ziebinscer at Lowe ki. “There is an ever greater need to illustrate brand or business Indonesia, there success as a result of creativity in order for it to be considered a are a whole num- winner.” ber of reasons for this development, which he feels is not limited Second, is the continuing democratisation of integrated to Indonesia but is also relevant to Vietnam, Malaysia and other campaigns, which again is being seen most clearly in the region’s Southeast Asian countries. Key, though, is the mobility of talent. emerging markets. The growth of social media in particular, is Agencies in the region are increasingly investing in talent with changing the rules of engagement, while increasingly savvy the experience of producing award-winning campaigns for big- clients are making integration a necessity rather than an excepname accounts and Asia’s emerging markets are no exception. tion. “Agencies preach about being fully integrated but the genWhile Asian emerging markets are one to keep an eye on uinely integrated work tends to come from the likes of TBWA in 2011, two long-established markets still hold strong in the and Ogilvy,” says Dim Sumedi. “But because of the simplicity of region, namely Australia and New Zealand. Creatives from these social media, fully integrated campaigns have become accessitwo markets dominated the final 2010 standings of Campaign ble to all agencies. Technology is the key. You no longer need Asia-Pacific’s Creative Rankings, the most comprehensive Asia- specialised departments. There is no excuse for agencies not to Pacific ranking of creatives, agencies, networks, countries, brands adopt technology and use it for clients.”^

While awards may be down, Michael O’Neill, editor, Campaign AsiaPacific, observes a quiet, creative revolution across Asia …


n The Campaign for LG that won the 2010 Outdoor Gold Lion for Y&R Indonesia


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Heavy traffic at the crossroads An ancient bridge between Asia and Europe, Turkey is also fast becoming a modern tourism magnet. And where holidaymakers go, location hunters and production talent follow, as Andy Fry discovers

j Motion Films’ Turkey shoot for Coca Cola


F YOU’RE looking for a stunning place to shoot an ad, then it doesn’t get much better than Turkey. Sitting at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, it offers an exotic blend of architectural styles, beautiful beaches, islands, mountains and forests. But, as any advertising executive knows, there’s more to making an ad than pretty pictures. You need good kit, great crews, decent infrastructure and a can-do attitude among the locals. So how does Turkey stack up against these measures? Extremely well. One way to judge is the trend in Turkeybound tourism. In the last decade, the number of visitors to the country has grown from 8 million a year to a staggering 30 million, a growth curve which speaks volumes for the reception on arrival. Another is the dynamism of the country’s domestic media industry. Not only is Turkey’s broadcasting sector expanding rapidly, but the country also boasts a dynamic film business. Currently, about 50% of box-office revenue goes to domestically produced films, a figure which supports a wide range of production and post-production talent. By now, brands and agencies that haven’t already discovered Turkey ought to be taking note. But there is another important point to make about Turkey: the economy in this country of 75 million is booming. While most major economies have been grappling with the horrors of recession and debt, Turkey’s economy grew 9% in 2010 and is poised to expand a further 6% this year. In other words, Turkey isn’t just a place to shoot nice-looking ads, it’s an attractive consumer market in its own right. Most top commercials producers are based in Istanbul, says Esen Yesilirmak, who founded Complete Works in 2000. She calls it “a full-service production company that caters for the local advertising market as well as providing services to associate companies in Europe and the Middle East”, adding: “We work with agencies in Turkey and abroad, helping them to shoot their global campaigns in Turkey. We also have a very sophisticated table-top company that specialises in food, chocolate, drinks demo work. Working with one of the world’s top tabletop directors, David Wynn Jones, we shoot 80% of demos in our local market and have now started to service jobs from all over the world.” Typical of the kind of service work flowing through the company have been campaigns for cosmetics brand Max Factor (agency, Leo Burnett London, producer, 2 AM Films) and financial services brand Mint (producer, Traffic Film UK). Closer to home, Complete Works produced an ad for Rexona (agency, Lowe Worldwide MENA and Istanbul). Yesilirmak believes Turkey’s offer compares favourably with other countries: “Shooting in Turkey is a good way to deal with shrinking budgets. Shooting in the Czech Republic or South Africa no longer really provides cheap solutions, due to the strength of the euro and the rand. And, with the current political instability in the Middle East, Turkey has also become a safe haven for commercial directors that shoot there.” According to Yesilirmak, Turkey’s lower cost doesn’t mean a compromise on quality. “There are well-equipped studios that are home from home for most Europeans. Set construction and labour is relatively cheap and there are excellent art directors.” Yesilirmak’s arguments are echoed by Tuba Guvelioglu of Motion Films, another leading commercials producer based in Istanbul. “Turkey is a great place to shoot,” she says “The crews, facilities and equipment are excellent. While it is not the cheapest place to shoot, it’s affordable. In addition, the locals are very helpful and really go out of their way to help with the production.” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2011

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foCUS on tUrKeY

guvelioglu says that Motion is “mainly focused on service production in turkey. We do about 80% service, 20% local work across commercials, tV series, documentaries and features. the service industry in turkey has been growing steadily over the years. We have many foreign clients who come to turkey to shoot for reasons such as pricing, locations and weather. one thing that is very attractive to clients is that you can find many different looks in istanbul and parts of turkey.” in terms of the kind of work Motion does, guvelioglu says: “We just did a commercial for the russian market for Megafon, and also recently finished an egyptian tV series called nagy Attalah which shot in istanbul for two weeks. We like working with different mediums and doing different types of production. Working on a high-end commercial, then doing a low-budget documentary and moving on to a tV series opens our horizons and makes us more creative as producers, finding different solutions and using different techniques.” While turkey might look like a long way to go to shoot an ad if you are based in western europe, the country is well positioned when it comes to servicing markets such as russia and the Middle east, guvelioglu says. “our primary work comes from russia because turkey is easy for them to get to and requires no visa. the weather is also warmer.” Yesilirmak also cites russia as an important source of service work. A good case in point is Complete Works’ recent involvement in a Bochkarev beer campaign, managed by Publicis Moscow and produced by russia’s Bazelevs. “there is no visa requirement for russia or Ukraine, which is a big issue when shooting abroad for these markets.” having said which, it would create a false impression to suggest that all of turkey’s work comes from neighbours. Complete Works does good business with London, while golge film (istanbul) has worked with UK, french and german producers. At Motion, guvelioglu cites the US and germany on its client list. Another advocate of shooting in turkey is Alex Sutherland, head of production at istanbul-based AZ Celtic films. having initially set up to service tV and film, the company last year moved into the commercials business, shooting an ad for Colin’s Jeans. According to Sutherland: “in the last five years there has been a complete change within the country. Local crews have become accustomed to international filming standards and qual-

ity of work. turkey is now ready to be judged on the same playing field and compete with established countries that lead the field of location filming.” in terms of the nuts and bolts, he says, most of the equipment needed is available in turkey and prices are reasonable, particularly once you get outside istanbul, “because there is room to negotiate attractive rates for hotels and local labour”. Also worth noting is the role of the government in trying to drum up work. “it has set up a department with the sole purpose of attracting additional business into the country. our company is working closely with them to make the process as simple as possible.” Sutherland says proof of what turkey can offer is the commercial his company shot for Colin’s: “We were given the brief that the commercial had to be shot with an American-style backdrop. So we looked at shooting in various countries and found that Kayseri in central turkey offered us the best all-round option on the budget. the turkish agency was sceptical that we could achieve the brief but the director, doP and myself were confident it would work. to this day i have not met anyone in turkey who thinks the commercial was shot here. in fact, everyone thinks it’s an international commercial shot in the US. it was also a great success here for the company, with sales up by more than 30%.” in terms of the structure of the turkish commercials industry, istanbul is the centre of the action, with a decent number of production companies. this is good for foreign agencies and producers, but not so good for the producers, which find themselves having to negotiate down on price. Most of the leading players try to combine international servicing work and local work. in the case of international campaigns, companies are usually expected to work with foreign directors attached by the brand, agency or lead producer. But there is also a pool of talented turkish directors for campaigns which require an understanding of local culture, tastes and humour. Some top companies offer both. Karma films, to cite one example, has two local directors on its books, Kerem Altug and Ketche, alongside foreign talent. the quality of turkish directors is also on view at Bocek Yapim, a commercials production company set up by turkish director Ömer faruk Sorak in 1997. A graduate of Ankara University, Sorak has shown a real ability to deliver messages that are culturally relevant (for brands such as Cornetto,


for SoMething different TURKEY is a huge country that borders greece, Bulgaria, Syria, Azerbaijan, iran, iraq, georgia and Armenia.... no surprise then that it can offer a wide variety of climates and locations, says Bocek Yapim producer Selma Mehmetoglu. “it carries a history dating back thousands of years and is surrounded by seas on three sides and mountains on the other. if you are looking for a modern european city, a village with adorable lambs, fields (hazelnut, tea, olive, wheat), a vineyard, an ancient theatre, a plateau where the green seems endless, a beautiful beach with turquoise colour, an old bazaar or town, a palace, a mountain with a’s here.” A part of turkey’s appeal is that it can mimic famous locations, for example the taurus Mountains look like the Alps and South-eastern turkey can resemble the Middle east. But there are also some unique


features which you won’t find anywhere else. for example: istanbul: Previously known as Byzantium then Constantinople, this is one of the world’s iconic cities. these days it offers a mix of classic architecture, cafe culture and modernity. Cappadocia: Located in central Anatolia, famous for its amazing rock/cave formations which work well as a damatic backdrop. Bodrum: Known by the ancient greeks as halicarnassus, this busy and beautiful port on the Aegean was home to one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Mardin: Situated on a rocky mountain overlooking the plains of northern this stunning place is known primarily for its Arabic architecture. Pamukkale: the name means cotton castles and this UneSCo World heritage Site in south-western turkey has huge white terraces of minerals left by flowing water.

Striking architecture at Mardin

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n Bocek Yapim’s spot for Cerezza

Cerezza, Cola Turka, Vodafone and Efes). He has also built up a team of Turkish directing talent to work with him at Bocek (examples being Serdar Isik, Eralp Vardar and Alphan Eseli). For servicing work, he can also call on a roster of international director talent such as Stuart Douglas. Having a mix of talent is important, says Bocek Yapim producer Selma Mehmetoglu, because the company wants to take on a wide range of jobs: “We produce mainly for the local market, but we are in Cannes because we want to operate in a more global arena. At Bocek Yapim we find it exciting, challenging and essential working for international campaigns. And there is an economic movement in the world so that makes us to move accordingly. Russia, USA, Western Europe, India are our main territories for the international work — but we did just shoot a campaign in the Maldives.” In terms of Turkey’s offer, Mehmetoglu echoes her compatriots: “We have a fast-working English speaking crew. Permissions are easier, locals are always welcoming and hospitality is one of our characteristic traits. We have the latest technology which enables us to provide a full production service. And after shooting, you can go to one of the fantastic bars with a view, get a drink, enjoy the fascinating view of the Bosphorus…” While producers and directors are often the first names on the team-sheet for agencies, an added bonus is that Istanbul can also offer leading-edge post-production houses such as 1000 Volt, which is equipped to provide telecine, editing, vfx, animation, 3D stereoscopy and audio. Campaigns which have been finished off in Turkey by 1000 Volt include a Coke campaign from Motion Films, an ING Bank one from Taxi Filmworks and a Fiat Fiorino campaign from Depo Films. Other regular clients through the door at 1000 Volt include Bocek with Cola Turka, Kanal D and Maylo. Also at the cutting edge of post-production in Turkey is Mojo. A producer and post-production house, Mojo is well known for its vfx and animation work and, like 1000 Volt, has strong relationships with leading agencies and producers. Examples of its recent work include ads for Turkish bank AkBank (agency, Publicis Yorum) and Burger King (Reklamevi). If there’s a final point worth making in Turkey’s favour it’s that the country is better integrated into the international community than you think. While some European countries have resisted Turkey’s membership of the EU, the fact that there are big Turkish communities in territories such as the UK and Germany mean there is a direct channel of communication to these major markets. Sutherland, an expat living in Turkey, explains: “For me, a fascination about Turkey and Istanbul is the cultural diversity. After London, Paris or New York, I can think of few places that have more. Turkey is a very hard-working and proud country, and, once you live and work here, you can see it has adopted European standards and work practices. This is the future the Turkey sees itself having, more foreign companies operating here.” ^






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3D breaks through j The 3D spot for Lexus: in competition in Cannes this year



HERE was a world pre-Avatar, and there is a world post-Avatar — and the two are completely different. In the pre-Avatar world, the film’s creator James Cameron needed almost 10 years to get the technology up to scratch in order to be able to make the 3D epic, which overtook his own Titanic as the world’s highest-grossing movie ever. In the post-Avatar world, most producers and directors will now agonise over whether or not they should produce in 3D, and if they do, the job won’t take them 10 years. And, in the post-Avatar world, should they decide to produce in 3D, one thing is for certain: there will be plenty of cinemas around the world that will be equipped to show the film. Avatar kick-started the 2D-3D conversion process for cinemas the world-over, and today the plastic bins full of glasses in the WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2011

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Geneva Film Co. is your partner for Live Action, CG, 2D-3D Conversion and 3D Production Services

Seeing is


3D production services

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n The banana plane featured in the Innocent 3D spot


“When 3D TV finDs a mass auDience, Then aDVerTising Too Will folloW in greaTer numbers” elizabeth anyaegbuna, Tmi cinema lobby are the norm, not the exception. so now who’s having to play catch-up? Yes, the commercials producers. if cinema audiences are kitted-up to watch the movie in 3D, then they will be kitted up to watch the commercials in 3D too. but how many 3D commercials are there — and how many people know how to make them? saWa, the screen advertising World association, has been addressing this issue for some time in cannes, and this year is holding the first-ever cannes 3D educational workshop today. “There has been such an explosion in 3D in the cinema over the past two years that all of a sudden there’s this opportunity to do 3D advertising for cinema screens — and the technology is changing so fast that education is an important part of the effort to keep up with those changes,” says saWa general manager cheryl Wannell. “Two years ago i scratched around to find half a dozen 3D commercials throughout the world to run at cannes as part of our seminar. This year there are hundreds to choose from. it’s really grown. The digital deployment around the world has been driven by 3D movies since 2010 so the opportunity for 3D ads has exploded as well.” one of the speakers at today’s 3D workshop — entitled The mad men of 3D - The next Dimension in advertising (10.00 – 12.00) — is Ken Venturi, cco and executive vice-president of national cinemedia (ncm). The company produces firstlook 3D, the 3D format preshow that shows in theatres across the us, while its production division, ncm creative services, has produced over 20,000 original cinema ads for clients nationwide including microsoft, lexus, sony, universal studios, lego, the navy, and regal entertainment group, in both 2D and 3D. Venturi says that three years ago when he started tracking the development of 3D in cinema, there was nowhere to distribute a 3D commercial. “You had very, very limited viewing environments. if you think back to the u2 concert that was shot three years ago (u23D, hailed as ‘the first-ever live-action 3D film’), it had an incredibly limited release because there just wasn’t the infrastructure in place to playback 3D, whether it was on TV or cinema,” he says. “clearly it was cinema that led

the way. When we started our roll-out three years ago, it took us a full year and a half before we felt we had critical mass, where we could actually offer a national (3D) ad sales deal that could scale across enough screens to reach enough of an audience to get the interest of a big brand.” Venturi says it was around march of last year when the cinema in the us finally achieved audiences that would make 3D a viable proposition, and that was when it launched firstlook 3D: “We timed that around the Disney release of alice.” Venturi says that now most of his energy is spent with advertisers and creative’s, “educating them on 3D”. laura hyppönen is producer and director at stereoscape, a helsinki-based company which specialises in stereoscopic 3D production services, 2D to 3D conversions, and training. The finnish government contributed to the development of the company, and hypönnen got involved in 2007. “up until 2008/2009 it was very much an r&D-type scenario; they were testing equipment, developing stories around 3D and so on and then an equity investor got on board, saw the potential and that’s when a lot of restructuring started,” she says. “and quite soon after that they won their first feature film gig, moomins and The comet chase, which was a conversion from a 2D puppet animated feature film into stereoscopic 3D. stereoscape was in charge of managing the process.” Then came avatar, and in 2009 the company was commissioned to make finland’s first 3D commercial — for eD, the energy drink from finnish company hartwall — to run in front of cameron’s movie in cinemas across the country. like almost anyone involved in 3D, stereoscape is also involved in 3D training, and has spent some time with students at the finland film school and the finnish academy of fine arts, aware that the uptake of 3D, in all media, is happening faster than the acquisition of 3D skills by the industry generally. David bush, head of marketing at sony corporation’s uK headquarters says the need to acquire 3D skills at all levels, throughout the cinema, TV and gaming industries, has meant that companies collaborating with each other much more than WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2011

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“The digiTal deploymenT around The world has been driven by 3d movies since 2010 so The opporTuniTy for 3d ads has exploded as well” cheryl wannell, sawa they would normally. “we’ve seen some great examples of collaboration between companies that you may easily have thought would be in a competitive space,” bush says. “espn and sky are probably good examples. There’s been tremendous collaboration between those organisations, in order to share learning and experiences of producing 3d content — and yet, of course, at another level they are very much in competition.” he adds: “i think it’s about people understanding that there’s still a lot to be done. although 3d is not a new subject, there are still very, very few skilled practitioners out there, and only through collaboration are we going to keep turning the audience on to it.” paul cameron is training developer based at the sony corporation uK headquarters: “ever since man has found a way of capturing a moment in time on screen, there has been a small group of determined people who have pondered the idea of capturing the same scene in 3d,” cameron says. “of all the previous advances in image technology, it stands somewhat alone. 3d has largely been seen as a novelty and curious technology. however, recent players in this field have come to realise that the success of 3d will depend largely on the ability of the media industry as a whole to develop 3d as a serious contender — to make 3d as accessible and normal as any other of the recent developments in broadcast technology, like hd, digital cinematography, or bluray.” so what stands in the industry’s way? in short, according to cameron: “The methods of capturing, shooting and editing the content is a complex decision process.” founder and director of ontario-based geneva film company, James stewart, joins venturi and others who are imparting their expert knowledge at sawa’s 3d workshop in cannes. in a recent presentation at the ontario centres of excellence (oce) discovery 2011 conference, stewart showed that the use of 3d in advertising brings considerable returns in memory retention with audiences showing 92% total recall of an ad, with 68% of that number showing a higher likelihood of following through with a purchase of the product advertised — a significant increase over the same commercial in 2d. Quoting studies from a number of independent sources — including espn, xpand and Texas instruments — the data stewart presented showed an average increase in viewer retention of 15%. “most 3d advertising is in the cinema right now,” stewart said. “but next is Tv — on sky in the uK, on espn and on (sony/discovery 3d channel) 3net in the us. Those are the main places — the Tvs didn’t sell very well last year but they’re selling well now.” The geneva-produced 3d ad for lexus is in competition in cannes this year and stewart will also be showing it at the sawa 3d workshop. stewart says that of the brands that are being proactive in 3d, Toyota is among those at the forefront. “Toyota, globally, i think has been the leader,” he says. “it’s interesting because they’re a non-3d brand. obviously sony, panasonic and samsung have done 3d ads because they have to sell 3d Tvs, but Toyota has done 3d work for their cars: they’ve done lexus, they’ve done scion — there was a big 3d scion campaign that attik did out of the us — and we did 3d work for Toyota in Japan years ago, for the company’s live events. so they really get it.” Turner media innovations (Tmi) is the advertising and media consultancy division of Turner entertainment. Tmi was recently involved in the production of a 3d commercial for innocent drinks’s smoothies for kids promotion; elizabeth anyaeg-


buna is Tmi’s group account director. “we did this by bringing the innocent gang to life in a fun and fruity 3d animated environment.” she says. innocent had cinema activity scheduled as part of its campaign, and, as it was at the time of the release of carlos saldanha’s 3d animation rio, it was decided that the company would convert the ad to 3d. “when we made the initial ad, it was just for Tv, so there weren’t specific considerations at the time of production,” anyaegbuna says. “however, the ad has a very rich quality and benefits from content which lends itself to 3d, giving it a relevance to the medium. as well as the innocent characters themselves, filmgoers could see things like a blackberry waterfall and a raspberry volcano almost jumping off the screen!” 3d commercials are at the moment largely confined to the cinema, “but when 3d Tv finds a mass audience, then advertising too will follow in greater numbers,” anyaegbuna says. “given that 3d films currently tend to skew towards family or action, they’re attracting advertisers relevant to those genres. and at the moment it’s companies like innocent who are seizing the opportunity to stand out by being one of the first in.”

but, she adds: “for many advertisers, the cost implications of 3d advertising are still prohibitive.” where young audiences particularly are concerned, there have been discussions about the dangers of 3d — that it can cause headaches, dizziness, and disorientation. but James stewart says the issue is more about bad filmmaking, than whether the film is in 2d or 3d. “ideally 3d will not hurt your eyes. if it’s not shot well you can end up with footage that cannot be fixed in post, but that doesn’t happen in the commercials world because the stakes are higher and the budgets are higher and the key people are all professionals who have done it before. we’re seeing in some Tv work, and documentaries and lower-budget work generally, that people are shooting material that is terrible. but nobody really does low-budget commercials. They do for youTube, but not for cinema.” and that is why stewart also engages in training — part of the industry collaboration that david bush speaks about: “it’s important that people don’t produce bad 3d because it just reflects badly on the whole concept.” he adds: “i think in the future everything will be in 3d and everyone will have a 3dTv. i’m not a futurist, but i have seen the trends in technology. cinema is pretty-well done. most of the major movies this year are going to be in 3d, because if they are not in 3d they are leaving 20% on the table — 20% of revenue. so there is a huge incentive for all films to be in 3d. and this year is a huge year for storytelling in 3d — we have werner herzog, martin scorcese, wim wenders — they all made a film in 3d, so i think the days of it being just for big budget action and animated kids films are over as of 2011.”^

n James Stewart in 3D action


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SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2011




Seventy-one per cent of US women can identify the phrase ‘Because I’m Worth It’ as the L'Oreal signature. Goviral believes it is the result of a ‘long idea’ — the concept that familiarity breeds contentment 11.30 SAPIENTNITRO PRESENTS: CULTURE CLUBBING WITH THE BRAND

Brands that stand the test of the social revolution are those that create cultural capital 12.30WGSN PRESENTS: ALIGN TO THE MACRO TRENDS DRIVING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT

Impress creative directors and prospects by being completely aligned to the macrotrends driving product development 13.30 UM, L’OREAL & BMW PRESENT: ENTREPRENEURS ARE THE NEW CREATIVE DEPARTMENT (AND VICE VERSA)

The new art of creativity is being driven by the ideas, products and solutions created by new businesses as they adapt 14.30THENETWORKONE PRESENTS: THE INDEPENDENT AGENCY SHOWCASE 2011

Award-winning work and challenging views from Elephant Cairo, Special Group and MUH•TAY•ZIK/HOF•FER 15.30 IMC2 PRESENTS: FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS

In the digital world, Venn diagrams’ overlapping intersections represent not only where values are shared, but also where relationships are found, forged and exploited 16.30 FLEISHMAN-HILLARD PRESENTS: SOCIAL MOBILE MARKETING

Mobile is seen as a potential equaliser — but it is also seen as adding a new complexity level that could deepen differences 17.30 NAKED PRESENTS: THE THREE CS OF MODERN CREATIVITY

Naked Communications’ Jon Wilkins introduces the three C's of modern creativity — community, crowdsourcing and co-creation — and demonstrates how these themes are shaping innovation ALL SEMINARS ARE IN THE DEBUSSY UNLESS INDICATED

Patti Smith

Arianna Huffington

Robert Redford

Big names add weight to a record-breaking week THE POWER of global creativity is focusing media attention on Cannes this week. With a record-breaking 29,000-plus competition entries, the Festival expects more than 9,000 registered delegates this year, who will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in over 50 seminars featuring leading names from the worlds of media and entertainment. Among the names is singer, poet and performer Patti Smith, who will be speaking on Friday at

the annual Grey New York music seminar. Following in the footsteps of Yoko Ono, Donovan, John Legend, Tony Bennett and Little Steven van Zandt, Smith will be discussing music, creativity and her career so far with Tim Mellors, global creative director and vice-chairman of Grey Group. On Monday, Dana Anderson, senior vice-president of marketing strategy and communications for Kraft Foods, will be exploring the paradoxes of

innovation with Blink and The Tipping Point author Malcolm Gladwell. At the Yahoo! seminar on Tuesday, under the banner Content As Conversation Catalyst, Ross Levinsohn, executive vice-president of Americas region at Yahoo!, will be joined by actor, director, and producer Robert Redford, and Electus founder Ben Silverman. The trio will be discussing who, if anyone, is the king of the content kingturn to page 5 dom.

Festival honours Effectiveness THE NEWLY launched Creative Effectiveness Lions will reward creativity that has shown a measurable and proven impact on a client’s business — creativity that affects consumer behaviour, brand equity, sales and, where identifiable, profit. With ROI (return on investment) of growing importance to clients, the Festival intends that the category will establish a direct correlation between creativity and effectiveness. Creative Effective-

Jean-Marie Dru

ness jury president Jean-Marie Dru, president and chairman of TBWA\Worldwide, said: “I feel truly honoured to serve as the jury president for the first-ever Cannes Creative Effectiveness Lion. It took years for the idea of creativity to become accepted as being a source of effectiveness. Cannes has participated in raising that awareness. And the incredibly rich and varied Cannes Lions environment has also helped a lot.” turn to page 5




10.30 MOFILM PRESENTS: CAN CROWDSOURCING BUILD BIG BRANDSActor Jesse Eisenberg and General Motors’ Paul Edwards explore crowd creativity and the value of ‘outsider perspective’ 11.30TIME WARNER PRESENTS: THINKING INSIDE THE BOX [THE GOLDEN AGE OF TV. EVERYWHERE.] Piers Morgan, David Simon and Aaron Sorkin join Time Warner’s Jeff Bewkes to discuss creating content for TV’s second Golden Age 12.30 GOOGLE PRESENTS: INTERNET, INNOVATION AND IMAGINATIONA glimpse into how the internet — and Google — are changing the world

14.30 MICROSOFT ADVERTISING PRESENTS: DISCOVER NEW INNOVATIONS TURNING ORDINARY ENTERTAINMENT INTO SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY Find out what happens when creatives put consumers in the centre of the action 15.30 R/GA PRESENTS: WHAT’S NEXT? Barry Wacksman and Bob Greenberg explain how R/GA intends to grow and thrive in the age of disruption 16.30 LEO BURNETT PRESENTS: THE LANGUAGE OF THE 21ST CENTURY Learn why the world’s great brands are speaking a new language 17.30 FACEBOOK PRESENTS: SOCIAL BY DESIGN Carolyn Everson explains how businesses are being creatively transformed through Facebook ALL SEMINARS ARE IN THE DEBUSSY UNLESS INDICATED


9.30 INITIATIVE PRESENTS: RETHINKING PAID, EARNED AND OWNED Learn the new rules for driving marketing performance 10.30 BBDO PRESENTS: MEET THE SCREENS How do you earn your next

billion? Find out here 11.30 KRAFT FOODS PRESENTS: KRAFT

12.30 DRAFTFCB PRESENTS: EXPLORING THE SCIENCE OF CREATIVITY Find out what science can tell us about creativity 13.30 PHD PRESENTS: BEYOND THE HORIZON A preview of the incredible

technology on the horizon and what it will mean for advertising and marketing 14.30AOL PRESENTS: THE RE-CALIBRATION OF FORM AND FUNCTION ONLINE

AOL’s Tim Armstrong and Arianna Huffington outline what the brave new digital world can, should and will look like 15.30 (ESTEREL) SAWA PRESENTS: CINEMA – THE MEDIUM THAT INNOVATES AND INSPIRES An exploration of the best

uses of cinema from around the world 15.30ADOBE PRESENTS: ADVERTISING MEETS DIGITAL PUBLISHING: THE HOT ISSUE A look at the new opportunities for


Making sense of the new world order for marketing 17.30ACT RESPONSIBLE PRESENTS: HOW ADVERTISING CAN SUCCESSFULLY ADDRESS SOCIAL ISSUES A discussion of the best practices in social messaging Mark Holden, PHD Worldwide

business leaders giving their views on the industry, among them Hamish Pringle, outgoing director general of IPA; Adam Morgan, founder of eatbigfish; and Andy Fennell, chief marketing officer at Diageo. Mark Holden, global strategy and planning director at PHD, will be presenting his vision of the future in the Beyond The Horizon seminar tomorrow at 13.30. Holden believes that the social-media revolution has fundamentally changed the fabric of society and that this, in turn, is changing the physics of how marketing works. ^




FOODS WITH MALCOLM GLADWELL Author Malcolm Gladwell explores the link between an organisation’s culture and its ability to innovate


MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2011

Eric Schmidt

Frank Holland

Ross Levinsohn

Interactive impact draws A-list digital delegation THE GROWING presence of technology companies at Lions is testament to the fact that the digital eco-system is now an essential and fully integrated part of modern creativity. HP and AlmapBBDO are hosting a master class, featuring Marcos Medeiros, senior art director of AlmapBBDO, on Friday, when he will discuss the strategy and execution behind the award-winning Billboard campaign. Madeiros will also be talking about how the creative engineering movement led to a highly interactive campaign experience that tapped into the passion of music fans and leveraged the impact of personalisation through the power of digital

printing. Microsoft’s Frank Holland, newly appointed as corporate vice-president of advertising and online business, is responsible for meeting the needs of the company’s advertising customers and partners. “One month ago we introduced a new online advertising format called Filmstrip, which has been very well received by brands, especially car manufacturers,” he said. “We have also developed a way to use the Xbox Kinect system to interact with advertising using gestures, which opens up a huge range of possibilities for engaging with consumers. “When you take into account that globally there are 55 million Xboxes, and that 2.1 billion

hours are spent on the Xbox Live Network every month, we believe this is a very exciting innovation.” YouTube has created a space where delegates can recreate ads and star in them, while Nokia and Samsung have created hi-tech networking areas with interactive kiosks. Yahoo! will once again be an unmissable presence during the Festival, with Ross Levinsohn talking to Robert Redford. Google’s Eric Schmidt is the Cannes Lions Media Person Of The Year 2011 underlining Google’s contribution to changing the way people around the world access information. Facebook, Adobe, Dolby and AOL are also all in Cannes this week. ^

Holding companies in contention ANOTHER global measure of successful creativity is launched at this year’s Festival — the Holding Company Of The Year award. The first winner of this award will be announced on Saturday, honouring the holding company that obtains the highest scores for successes in the Film, Film Craft, Press, Outdoor, Radio, Media, Cyber, Direct, Promo, Design, PR, Titanium and Integrated sections. Phil Thomas, the Festival CEO, explained: “We found that each company calculated its results


using a different methodology. We have a strict methodology for calculating the Agency Of The Year, Independent Agency Of The Year and Network Of The Year. We felt it was important to use the same for holding companies so we got official rankings using our methodology.” All agencies or companies owned 20% or more by a holding company will contribute points to the award in all categories. All shortlisted entries and awards won by affiliates will be included in the cal-

culations. If an entry is shortlisted and goes on to win an award, the shortlist point is not counted. In the event of a tie, first the number then the rank of the awards will be taken into consideration, and then, if necessary, the full shortlist points. Award points are: 12 each for Titanium Grand Prix and Creative Effectiveness Grand Prix; 10 for all other grands prix and for Titanium Lion; seven points for a Gold Lion; five for Silver; three for Bronze; one point for shortlisting.^

“WELCOME to the very first International Festival of Creativity. It is, of course, the 58th Cannes Lions, but this is the latest in a series of strapline changes for the Festival. Launched as the Festival du Film Publicitaire, English was adopted as the event’s language in the 1980s, with the International Advertising Film Festival dropping ‘Film’ in the 1990s (to many howls of protest) as other entry sections were added. “But now, as the industry shifts its shape, and communications becomes more complex, Cannes Lions is no longer simply about ‘advertising’, as indeed the industry is no


10.30 IPG & WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP NETWORK PRESENT: BEYOND MAD MEN: TOWARD GENDER BALANCE IN CREATIVE ROLESWomen are the world’s largest emerging market. So why aren’t there more of them at the top? Martha Stewart joins the panel debate 11.30 YAHOO! PRESENTS: CONTENT AS CONVERSTION CATALYST Robert Redford, Ben Silverman and Ross Levinsohn discuss storytelling and the technology that fuels it 12.30 STARCOM MEDIAVEST GROUP & TED SMG PRESENT: TED@CANNES: THE MEANING OF THE CONNECTED EXPERIENCEA 45-minute session about online, offline, social networks, storytelling and looking differently at the world 13.30YOUTUBE PRESENTS: GOOD WORK How can creative minds most positively impact upon humanity’s most critical issues?

15.30TEXTAPPEAL PRESENTS: THE 99 — THE FIRST GLOBAL ISLAM-INSPIRED FUSION BRANDAn insight into the global success of The 99 Islamic comic superheroes 16.30 COCA-COLA PRESENTS: LIQUID AND LINKED MYSTIQUE Coca-Cola execs explain the company’s new ‘Liquid And Linked’ strategy

longer simply about advertising. With the interweaving of PR, Design, Media, Digital and much more, the question then was: what does describe what the Festival is all about? Well, that decision was easy: Cannes has always been, and will always be, about one thing above all others: creativity. “Every Cannes throws up something new, and right now we don’t know what’s in store this week. Except that, if the last 58 years are any kind of guide, it will be surprising, educational, eye-opening and a lot of fun. Enjoy the Festival, I hope you go home inspired.”^


“CANNES Lions is about

9.30AGÊNCIACLICK ISOBAR & FIAT PRESENTS: EMBRACING OPENNESS TO MAKE THE CAR OF THE FUTUREA look at the creation of the first-ever crowd-sourced car— the Fiat Mio

14.30 DIGITAS & VEVO PRESENT: ARTISTS, BRANDS AND THE MARRIAGE OF MUSIC AND MARKETING Musician Pharrell Williams joins the panel debate on artists, brands and the evolving connection between them

Phil Thomas, Festival CEO

TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2011



Direct action … Schill and his jurors turned the tables on photographers by rising as one to take pictures of them

Double triumph for ‘brave’ McCann Erickson Romania MCCANN Erickson Bucharest won twice within hours at the Festival yesterday, carrying off Grands Prix in Promo & Activation and Direct with a daring campaign for a Romanian chocolate bar. Promo & Activation jury president Warren Brown said his group’s decision was unanimous: “We discussed it at some length and, in so doing, the campaign only got better. The effect was a bit like meeting your best mate for a drink and finding he has had a sex change. It’s an absolutely fantastic and very brave campaign that had built-in creative accountability, because it had to work and it had to work quickly.” Alexander Schill, Direct jury president, found only one dissenter from awarding the top prize

to the Rom chocolate bar campaign when three entries were in contention. He approved of the double win: “If you take away the Direct — the participation of the consumer — it wouldn’t work. They forced the consumer to act and interact.” Rom bars, sold since 1964 and bearing the Romanian flag on the wrapper, had lost touch with the country’s youth, who were disillusioned with all things Romanian. McCann Erickson’s solution was to replace the normal wrapper with the American flag and, for a week, adverts were run in English with an American proclaiming the bars as “the taste of coolness”. “After one week, in which Facebook pages were started and flash mobs

demonstrated in Bucharest, the campaign was revealed as being a joke,” Brown said. “There was a 79% increase in sales and the product outperformed the market by over 20%.” The Promo & Activation jury awarded five Gold Lions, including one for the StarHub campaign by DDB Singapore — also a contender for a Grand Prix — as well as 17 Silver and 30 Bronze Lions. The Direct jury presented 10 Gold, 15 Silver and 30 Bronze Lions. Festival chairman Terry Savage agreed that Romania rarely appeared among Lions winners. “The first time they won a Bronze Lion, when they returned home the president of the country re-presented the Lion to them.” ^

learning and education. It is about understanding the industry as it evolves with an ever-increasing velocity. It is about networking and meeting with our peers to discover what is happening in different markets across the globe. Underlying that is the one thing we all aspire to and get inspired by, and that is great creative work — work that lingers in our minds long after we have seen the executions; work that makes us want to go home and do better. In a sense what happens in Cannes is not as important as what you take home from Cannes; take home for your use and for the use of others with whom you work. To do that, however, you must immerse yourself in all aspects of the Festival — the screening rooms, the seminars and workshops, the master classes and the award ceremonies, as well as the many social events scheduled each day. Fact is, anyone that is sent to Cannes by their company is privileged and they should use that privilege to advance themselves, their associates and their companies on their return. That is the sort of payback that will see you here next year and for many years after.” ^

Aussies scoop PR Grand Prix CLEMENGER BBDO Melbourne has won the PR Grand Prix with a campaign for National Australia Bank (NAB), described by jury president David Senay as “brilliant”. “The campaign was based on the idea of breaking up, because the bank wanted to distinguish

itself from the other large banks of Australia,” Senay said. “And what it achieved was remarkable because it not only re-positioned NAB and transformed its image, but it also de-positioned the bank’s competitors. It’s a highly creative and very opportunistic campaign that,


in using the idea of the break up of a relationship — something that everyone has experienced — achieved a kind of conceptual ju-jitsu by using the power of the opposition against itself.” When asked why an advertising agency was again the winner of the turn to page 3

Terry Savage, Festival chairman



Radio jury decides crash campaign is a knockout

9.30 CHEIL WORLDWIDE PRESENTS: WILL SMART TV MAKE YOUR LIFE SMARTER? How will smart TV transform our lives? Listen to the experts’ views and projections

13.30THE GUARDIAN AND DR EDWARD DE BONO PRESENT: IS CREATIVITY FOR MAD MEN OR PR GURUS? Be inspired by the founding father of modern creative thinking

IR JOHN HEGARTY of BBH, and Keith Weed and Babs Rangaiah of Unilever are among those whose views can be seen and heard via the firstever Cannes Lions app, which offers delegates the chance to tap into video interviews conducted as part of an augmented reality project by PHD Worldwide running at this year’s Festival. PHD has teamed up with mobile augmented-reality company Zappar to bring to life a print campaign featuring 15 industry luminaries. Delegates can download the Cannes app with in-built Zappar technology to activate videos on their mobiles by scanning the ‘Advertising Moves On’ posters and flyers around the Palais, and print ads in Lions Daily News. The videos show


Eugene Cheong

THE RADIO Grand Prix has been won by Net#work BBDO Johannesburg for a “piece of magic” for Mercedes-Benz. Jury president Eugene Chong described the campaign for the luxury car-maker’s accidentavoidance features — a series of surreal melodramas about relationships that could have been avoided with the use of the blind-spot and fatigue-prevention technology — as “a leftfield idea” that was so original as to be “post-modern”. Net#work BBDO Johannes-

burg also made off with two of the nine Gold Lions, along with two of the 15 Silver Lions awarded. The jury also granted a total of 24 Bronze Lions. Cheong, regional executive creative director of Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific, praised his “fair and thorough” jurors, who had worked diligently through 1,360-plus entries, determined not to “allow any great work slip through the gap”. He added: “We ended up with a shortlist to be proud of.” When asked about overcom-

ing language differences in a medium that is dependent on the spoken word — and the special challenge of migrating humour across cultures — Cheong cited Tolstoy’s War And Peace, written in Russian, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years Of Solitude, written in Spanish. He had read both novels in translation, he said, but they had lost none of their power. But Cheong issued a warning to agencies submitting radio campaigns in languages other than English — the language of advertising in general and the Cannes Lions in particular. “Make sure the translation is perfect, or don’t bother,” he said. While the Radio jury had heard some “stunning work”, many of the humorous entries had been disappointingly basic. “We were looking for original ideas, not just funny sounds and voices.” In terms of raising quality, he added, “I think the trick is to get great creative people working specifically for radio again. Radio needs to become more attractive to talent.” ^

Korea gains first Grand Prix KOREA gained its first Grand Prix when the Media results were announced yesterday. “After the double Grand Prix success yesterday for McCann Erickson Romania and now Korea today, we are seeing something very interesting happening,” Festival CEO, Phil Thomas, said. According to Media jury president Maria Luisa Francoli Plaza, the HomePlus Subway Virtual Store campaign for Tesco by Cheil Worldwide featured a remarkable piece of

Maria Luisa Francoli Plaza


consumer insight. “It was also a very effective blend of outdoor, the oldest form of advertising, and the very latest technology,” she said. After re-branding from Tesco to HomePlus, the retailer was looking for a way to overhaul the market leader without opening new shops. The fact that Koreans work very long hours led to a radical solution: to open virtual stores in places where people commute, starting with subway stations, where they could turn to page 3

Olivier Altmann

BING BRINGS OUTDOOR HARMONY ALREADY a Gold winner in Direct Decode Jay-Z With Bing, by Droga5 New York, was the unanimous choice of the Outdoor jury for a Grand Prix. “Following initial discussion about which campaign deserved the Grand Prix it was clear that this campaign had everyone’s vote, something the organisers told us was extremely rare,” jury president Olivier Altmann said. “It wasn’t merely the best campaign, it also shows the future of outdoor.” The campaign, aimed at increasing the profile of the rapper’s autobiography among young people, featured all 350 pages on billboards around the world, the sites chosen from places mentioned in the book. There were also a collaboration with Gucci, which sewed pages into leather jackets and a bronze plaque was put up in the Marcy Projects where Jay Z grew up. Clues to the location of pages, which included a hotel swimming pool and a plate in a restaurant, were searchable through Bing. “This campaign shows how outdoor can lead a whole campaign,” juror James Cloete, of Draftfcb Johannesburg, said. The jury awarded 40 Gold Lions and 69 Silvers. Altmann instructed jurors to judge the entries as people not as professionals. “I asked the team to be prepared to be surprised, shocked and moved rather then impressed,” he said^


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Lions Daily News

Screening Lounges

Seminar Screening Area

Rehearsal Room and Briefing Room

sponsored by Wunderman

Cannes Creative Academy For Young Marketers

sponsored by Draftfcb

Roger Hatchuel Academy

Cannes Creative Leaders Programme

Young Lions Competition

Young Lions Zone

Interactive Kiosks

Screening Lounge

Workshop Room

Shortlist Exhibitions

Magazine Racks


11.01: A&F Korea 11.03: Milliyet 11.05: Fábrica 11.07: Sharethrough 11.11: Luerzers Archive 11.13: shots 11.15: Com&Call Phone Rental 14.01: Grupo Estado 14.02: Navteq 16.01: Cirkus 18.01: Grupo MM 19.01: ABE Design 17.20: ACC Japan 20.02: IIAC

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Cannes Creative Leaders Programme

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s ion e s L Stor e n e n Ca andis rch e M

Main Entrance

Press Centre


Microsoft Advertising Cyber Lounge


Debussy Theatre

Grand Auditorium

Auditorium A

Debussy Theatre Balcony

Grand Auditorium Balcony

Auditorium J

Auditorium K

De sig n


Seminar Screening Area


01 18.





Salle Estérel

19 .01


2 20.0

11. 15 11. 1 11. 3 11. 11 07 11. 05 11. 03 11. 01


VISITTHEDEN+MAP8:25•01 front 20/06/11 17:55 Page 63


This schedule is subject to change. Please consult the Lions Daily for the latest screening schedules. Grand Audi

Audi A








11:25 - 12:20 16:20 - 18:05

16:05 - 17:00


A01. Savoury foods A02. Sweet foods & snacks A0 3. Alcoholic drinks A04. Non-alcoholic drinks A05. Household: cleaning products A06. Household: other A07. Home appliances & furnishings A08. Cosmetics & beauty A09. Toiletries A10. Pharmacy A11. Clothing, footwear & accessories A12. Miscellaneous A13. Cars A14. Other vehicles, auto products & services A15. Home electronics & audio-visual A16. Retail stores A1 7. Restaurants & fast food outlets A18. Travel, transport & tourism A19. Entertainment & leisure A20. Publications & media A21. Banking, investment & insurance A22. Business equipment & services A23. Commercial public services A24. Corporate image A25. Broadcast idents & sponsorships A26. Public health & safety A2 7. Public awareness messages A28. Fundraising & appeals

10:15 - 11:25 12:40 - 13:00 19:20 - 20:00

14:00 - 15:45 11:35 - 12:45 15:45 - 16:15 18:55 - 19:15

18:30 - 19:10 19:05 - 19:50 11:25 - 11:50 19:25 - 20:00

18:30 - 19:20 11:20 - 11:30 13:30 - 16:10

19:10 - 20:00 09:55 - 10:10

09:00 - 09:55 18:05 - 20:00 09:00 - 10:15 14:00 - 16:20 12:30 - 14:55

09:00 - 12:40 18:05 - 18:30 09:00 - 10:15

10:00 - 11:15

19:15 - 19:45 18:10 - 19:05 17:00 - 18:55 17:55 - 18:40 11:50 - 13:05 09:00 - 11:25 09:00 - 11:35 18:40 - 19:25 14:15 - 17:55 14:00 - 16:05 12:45 - 13:10 16:15 - 18:10

09:00 - 10:00

12:20 - 13:20

B. OTHER FILM CONTENT Entries in the ‘B. Other Film Content’ section will be available throughout the Festival in the Screening Lounge on Level -1.


This schedule is subject to change. Please consult the Lions Daily for the latest screening schedules. Audi K








A01. Production design A02. Direction A0 3. Best Production Value A04. Cinematography A05. Editing A06. Script A07. Best use of music A08. Sound design A09. Special effects & computer graphics A10. Animation

12:55 - 20:00 18:35 - 20:00

18:35 - 20:00 14:05 - 16:50 09:00 - 11:20

11:00 - 13:35 14:25 - 18:35 09:00 - 10:45 10:45 - 12:40


Lionsscreenings4.indd 64

Saturday 25 June Estérel 09:00 - 16:00 Audi A 09:00 - 20.00


Saturday 25 June Audi K 09:00 - 16:00

PROMO & ACTIVATION SHORTLIST SCREENINGS Sunday 19 June Estérel 09:00 - 20:00



Monday 20 June Estérel 09:00 - 12:00

16:50 - 18:35


11:20 - 13:35

Monday 20 June Audi A 09:00 - 20:00




A01/001-050 A01/051-100 A01/101-150 A01/151-200 A01/201-239 A01/240-290 A01/291-336 A01/337-385 A01/386-440 A01/441-480

Grand Audi 09:00 - 20:00 Estérel 09:00 - 20:00 Audi A 09:00 - 20:00

Audi A 09:00 - 20:00

09:00 - 11:00


Friday 24 June

14:00 - 14:15 14:55 - 17:35 17:35 - 18:05

16:10 - 18:30


09:00 - 11:05 11:05 - 13:10 14:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 18:15 18:15 - 20:00



09:00 - 11:05 11:05 - 13:05 13:50 - 16:05 16:05 - 18:15 18:15 - 20:00

Audi A 09:00 - 20:00

20/06/11 17:49

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