RTR studio: Components group
PREFACE Thank you so much for taking care of us during this semester, we have learned many new things and working with different tools is really exciting us. Although we might not get to the point where we can do the full real time robotic, overall the class and all I really happy with it. p.s. I do really need to apologize to Charlie if I made our meeting akward, it was just my insecure when I changed the course to Master of Architecture.I do really love the digital fabrication things and looking forward to be working in this field, that’s why I pressure myself too hard because I don’t want to dissappoint you guys. (but at the end it still ruined it) .There are many thing that I need to adjust but it’s getting better and better. Thank you and sorry again, looking forward to be learning with you guys later. Kitrawee Rudeejaruswan (S3754613)
RTR studio: Components group
Lattice Disclination Double Curvatures surface is made by using technic called “Lattice Disclination“. Where the original matrix of the surface has altered by adding or removing cell into the original surface. This would resulting in saddle or hyperbolic surface. Which this method have been using in order to develop gyroid surface from various hyperbolic surface.
Martin, A.G., A basketmaker’s approach to structural morphology, in: Int. Assoc. Shell Spatial Struct. (IASS) Symp., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2015.
RTR studio: Components group
Gyroid Surface This surface has been chosing as our base surface due to two main reasons. The first one is repeatable surface pattern in irregular shape to form gyroid surface. The second one is the modular system that allow us to develop complex shape by using 6 components.
Gyroid surface one module made of 6 components
Initial design of component and half of gyroid surface from the components
RTR studio: Components group
Base surface
Base surface with components
Surface after connect all components
Final Surface design Final iteration of the complex double curvatures surface contain of 9 modules of gyroid surface. This iteration made out of 36 components which at the end will be in the size of 800x800x1200 mm.
RTR studio: Components group
Surface after connect all components
From flat to Double curvature surface The script develop by Charlie Bowman and Natalie Alima enable us to projected 2D curve onto double curvature surface and then flatten the design into 2D for fabrication with material that has a flexible and elasticity property.
Surface after connect all components
RTR studio: Components group
Color Sensor IR Emitter
IR Reciever
Depth sensor type Red, Green & Blue (RGB) Camera resolution Infared (IR) resolution Field of view of RGB image Field of view of depth image operative measuring range (Default) operative measuring range (Near) Skeleton joints defined Maximum skelatal tracking
Structured light 640 x 480, 30 fps 320 x 240, 30 fps o o 62 x 48.6 57 x 43 0.8 m. - 4m. 0.4 m. - 3.5 m. (Near) 20 joints 2
Kinect Specification Kinect has its own limitation, by studying it spect and limit can helps us to reflect back to design a proper components that suit the scan ability of kinect.
RTR studio: Components group
Scan distance
Black White Red Green Blue
40 cm.
50 cm.
60 cm.
70 cm.
80 cm.
90 cm.
1,026 pts.
691 pts.
894 pts.
941 pts.
1418 pts.
691 pts.
349 pts. 648 pts 554 pts 429 pts
456 pts. 596 pts 526 pts 579 pts
Scanning distance, accuracy, color The most suitable working length for kinect to operate is 80 cm. away from target. Also, the surface that kinect scan well is “Black matte color“. The lesser reflective surface is the better scanning outcome.
423 pts. 556 pts 485 pts 530 pts
443 pts. 563 pts 504 pts 536 pts
411 pts. 560 pts 456 pts 546 pts
456 pts. 596 pts 526 pts 579 pts
RTR studio: Components group
Kinect V1 800mm. higher frrom base.
Component for scan with markers
Calibration grid
Work station Setup Working area for this project will be setting kinect over scanning area 800 mm. from above. Calibration grid is placed to measure the distance between world position and digital position. Since kinect always scan from origin point (0,0,0) with this method calibration would be more accuracy and efficientcy.
RTR studio: Components group
KINECT SETTING & SCAN component from ‘Tarsier’ for kinect version 1 can connect grasshopper to kinect. Also, in option we can crop scanning area and distance to initially clen up the pointcloud. In this project we use scan distance of 0 mm. to 780 mm.
RTR studio: Components group
CLOUD CLIP Cloud clip component from ‘Tarsier’ can easily clip the cloud by using ‘Brep’ object. This object will be elevated 5 mm. higher from (0,0,0) point to remove the kinect reference point from scanned pointcloud
ARGB FOR COLOR PICKING After deconstruct cloud, the output that we will get are Points, Colors, Normal. Putting color with ARGB we can read value of Red, Green, and Blue from each points and give condition to select some spesific color from pointcloud.
RTR studio: Components group
Distance Condition Center cell points with distance greater than 3 mm. will be culled out. With this algorithm, we are enable to locate the individual position of each targets.
Searching Cell The first steps of identify each object position is to locate its appoximately position. Achieving this by moving all point into 2D posiotion (Z=0) and create searching grid to measure distance between center of cell and filtered pointcloud.
Region union and Culled Next, draw circle at every point position and region union all the circle. Resulting in cropping area of each markers into one Brep area. Also area of regions are used to select only markers area with high density of point, not some 1 or two point of noise.
RTR studio: Components group
Clip markers out of Pointcloud All region union are needed to be put into Boundingbox and extrude beyond scanning distance before clipping.
Construct point around Markers Then clip the area with only markers targets and create mesh from pointcloud. We can get an output of center of Markers mesh to get the center of marking point for using in the next process of toolpaths generation.
RTR studio: Components group
Red pointclouds Selecting Red marker pointclouds are selected by using a series in the same amount of list length minus by 1 (to remove the green marker).
Filter Marker color Before progress, we need to clean up some unuse data which is the pointcloud with marker color to reduce point of unuse for the next stage.
RTR studio: Components group
Limbs ends identification we use the same method of objects searching from previous steps to identify the position of limbs. Using patched surface from pointcloud and use cell center point to measure distance.
Circle rotation For better tool path generating, we need to draw circle at center of marker and rotate them in different rotation due to the limbs position around it. This would help to draw a better toolpath for the next stage.
RTR studio: Components group
Points selection The drawing toolpath diagram are shown below. To get this pattern, we need to divide circle by four and select only points in the middle , which can be done by measuring the distance from point at the end of limbs and sorting them, then select point in the middle
Weaving and Drawing Lastly, All points are weaving in pattern of ( limb1, center1, limb2, center2, ... ,limbn, centern ) We have to weave the data in case sometimes there are more than two limbs.
RTR studio: Components group
Reposition in xy position Then, we need to move the toolpaths from 3D scan mapped with world position. This can be done by placing know position object on the base and move object according to that. We use grid paper to calibrate kinect position to world position.
Reposition in Z direction Scanned pointcloud from kinect will be mirrored to original object. As a result we need to mirror the toolpath to z- posiyion. This would map the toolpath on the appoximately position to scanned object in world.
RTR studio: Components group
Robot simulation UR10 Robot work with various parameter from speed, tools and plane. Setting up the right parameter require a series of experiment. The most importance factor is the plane rotation of moving point. As a resukt of, robot will follow every plane and rotate its tool along the way which will change to posture of robots.
RTR studio: Components group
This script require the pointcloud and center point on marking area.
2nd point is to correct nozzle orientation before robot touching the surface
Robot Simulation to Pointcloud Robot simulation according to kinect scanned pointcloud needed multiple contact point, in order to robots to follow and create toolpath in different angle and plane rotation
RTR studio: Components group
Surface generate from pointcloud To get a better plane orientation, patch coponent is used to create the surface of scanned object. This will be using to find normal vector of each point to be perpendicular to surface.
Robot move along surface After normal vector of points are generated. Robot will be moving along those point. While it moving perpendicular to surface, we are ensured that it can avoid collision to model or markers.
RTR studio: Components group
Height (mm.) Speed (%) Thickness (mm.)
5 50 5
5 30 5
2 30 7
5 50 5
10 30 3
3 30 7
Luquid nail testing Liquid nail is used for bonding two different material or wood together with the property that can stick on various materials. The best outcome from the test is the one that can balance between thickness and height which is “D“
RTR studio: Components group
Height (mm.) Speed (%) Thickness (mm.)
10 30 3
2 30 7
3 30 5
8 30 10
5 60 3
3 30 10
Transparent silicone bonding The silicone is also being tested. Although they give a better and more consistency outcome. The flexibility and the expansion property made this material too soft to with stand the compression force of the component module.
RTR studio: Components group
Robot glueing
2 limbs joint
Robot automate detecting markers and draw toolpath around each joint to cennect the components together. This can proof the work flow between human and robot where robot does not need to working in closed environment.
3 limbs joint
However, working in open environment may effect the accuracy of the job that robots are doing. There need an improvement in scanning sensor to get a higher resolution glueing outcome.
Robot simulation of tracing along markers
RTR studio: Components group
Final Model The model is set up on a mdf base with supports to fix position of the model. In further research, there should be focusing on scanning the final model and robot tracing along the path of model to apply the second layers of reinforce model structure. Therefore, this model can stand alond without any external support.