Cataloging Folio 2019
Preface Thank you so much Emily for being such a nice and great tutor. I have learnt many things during this course from value of pointcloud, attitude that we should have with it, technical for processing and registering pointcloud. One of the most importance things I learned from you is how to use pointcloud as a communication tool for ideas and how we as a architect can manipulate and design virtual architecture with them. Although this is the first course that run by you and there might have some inconvenient during the class, you still manage to conduct class really well. I really appreciate with all the effort you had put into this. I hope you keep being supportive like this and be more confidence because you are awesome!! Thank you so much Emily :) warm regards,
Kitrawee Rudeejaruswan S3754613
Cataloging Folio 2019
Cataloging Folio 2019
Cataloging Folio 2019 week 2
Initial study room manipulation by mirror points ontable to the ceiling.
Section view
SCENE Software interface
Faro Scene Processing and Cropping Week task 2 based on student get more comfortable with working with pointcloud by manipulating through Rhinoceros plug-ins, such as Tarsier and Volvox to slightly alter from the original pointcloud. Also SCENE software will be using during the semester for process, register and crop of raw scane or e57 file.
10 Cataloging Folio 2019 week 3
Chunk selected, table corne
Section view
attractor point
Table corner manipulation with point attractor for moving points according to direction and distance from attractor point.
Manipulate and meshing During this week we need to select some chunks of pointcloud from level 6 study room and manipulate those point. However, this week we are lack of ideas of legibility and our attitude toward pointcloud is just set of points. Which with this idea, it made us manipulate it without any concern to it original and context, but more focusing on form and shape of mesh.
Meshing with Meshlab
12 Cataloging Folio 2019 week 4
Lyon House Museum Facade vortex manipulation
Other iteration with higher green value selected for manipulation
Original Lyon house museum facade
Lyon House Musem Facade an Idea of manipulating this facade is using the pointcloud that contain higher value of red color. Which show in the picture above. By selecting only point with higher red value, we can keep some of the legibility of this facade. However, the process of manipulation with rotation and color changing made the pointcloud and mesh lose all legibility.
Other iteration with higher green value selected for manipulation
14 Cataloging Folio 2019 week 5
Light particle manipulation into glass installation in level 2 gallery
Located floating on a Bar of supertight gallery and reflecting projector light inside gallery
Pointcloud of Light reflecting from mirror installation in Lyon house Museum gallery
Light reflection Manipulation 3D Scanner can capture the phenomenal that happen only a moment. Which give us an opportunity to manipulate and solidify the moment that human can not capture into physical. Although it can keep the moment of abnormal, the immaterial form proved to be hard to reamin legibility after manipulate.
Front view of abnorminal phenomenal lighting from Lyon house musem
16 Cataloging Folio 2019 week 6
Stray point og light that projected to other side of wall
1.Meshing of light from projector inside level 2 gallery that shine from projector that install close to wall
2.The iteration of mesh that mesh UV cell are retopologu by using drape command from rhinoceros.
3. After meshing, various of mesh have gone through process of mesh reduce to create low resolution file
0.1 layers height 3D printing
4. Next mesh is smooth by using rhino command to remove part that might be hard to fabricate by 3D printer
0.2 layers height 3D printing
5. Mesh cell are compared between original mesh and mesh after reduce and smooth
0.3 layers height 3D printing
Projector light Solidify Process from manipulation to fabrication are needed to be evaluate in every process in order to keep the legibility of the original pointcloud. Most importance process is the initial pointcloud manipulation with geometry, gradient, density, and color. This initial step will made the manipulation evaluation process more easier.
18 Cataloging Folio 2019 week 7
Initial analysis of pointcloud by reducing number of points to state of losing legibility. This would made us know what are the key elements of the chunk
Pointcloud of painting are manipulate by using the light value from black and white grey scale where white is 0 and black is 100
Pointcloud of painting after being meshed
Meshing the abstract The challenge of this chunk is the picture of painting that has been abstracting before making into painting. This made the process of keeping the legibility of this chunk seem to be almost impossible, due to the perception of people on this pointcloud will not be the same. The best way to maintain legibility is to select chunks that are easy to recognize that have a strong and clear shape to maintain legibility of pointcloud.
Comparison between pointcloud and mesh to evaluate legibility of mesh
20 Cataloging Folio 2019 week 8
Sequence of approach to facade in virtual exhibition
Facade superimpose The idea of using lyon house museum facade as a wall or canopy to celebrate its own functionlity of facade that define space and interior. By placing in the middle of gallery this would act as a wall in the gallery to split the circulation into two by using the solid effect of pointcloud when observe from a distance. In addition, the facade is oriented in abnormal way to provoke the users at first that it was place in a different way of it normaly be to change the perception of users towards this chink.
The ability of pointcloud that get more loose when you approach and dense when at a distance can help to create space in virtual exhibition
Sequence of approach to facade in virtual exhibition
Painting Viewing Point Placing the chunk of painting at the corner of the room, which the way we manipulate this point make it legible only at one point. By placing along the circulation while aprroaching it from small entrance on level 2, The painting will be seen as an installation at the corner, after moving pass the elevator, users will be able to see the picture of this painting and see the police officers in the painting. After passing users will see this chunk as something elase and changing the way users can see this chunk.
Manipulating pointcloud to be able to observe only in one point in a virtual exhibition.
22 Cataloging Folio 2019 week 9
Security walking passage section
Floral walk The chunk of painting that was manipulate by moving in one direction made this painting to be legible when users are in front of this paiting only. This give us an opportunity to approach this chunk from side which users will be able to walk pass the mist cloud of painting pointcloud. This create a new experience to be walking inside the painting.
24 Cataloging Folio 2019 week 10
Original facade on high rise building that have a sequence of balcony
The facade is put in the middle of space to form an exterior space out of emptiness of level 2 gallery pointcloud
Amphithetre facade The ability to be read and redefine the value of pointcloud can challenge the ways users interact with chink of pointcloud. By recognise the similarity in geometry, designer can change the perception of giant facade to be an amphitheatre that can use for landscape and vice versa.
Scale changing can have a huge impact on perception of object functionality of the pointcloud.
26 Cataloging Folio 2019 week 11
The chunk of moving car with abnormal shape are chose for manipulation. This chunk would challenge us how to exaggerate the experience of speed
The advantage of this chunk is that we it can be clearly see the gap between circle of tire and car, also the void of window shape that helps users to recognize this as a car in moving.
Cloud manipulation to create boxes in one direction to make a perception of moving in one direction and exaggerate characteristic of speed.
Virtual exhibition to form a space that might make users feel the dynamicness of car moving in oval shape space.
Speed is Baroque Use the language of baroque architectures where space was designed with oval shape to influence the dynamicness and movement of space. The same technique is being use for manipulation this pointcloud or car moving by bending and streching.
From top view can be seen that the cars are shaping the space in between for users to occupy.
28 Cataloging Folio 2019 week 12
thechunkoftrashcan.Therearethreethingsthatmakeit legibleasbinnamelysilhouette,Melbournecity’slogo,and green color
Noticing the idea what makes a bin, we can set a new relationship between bin (plinth) and garbage (statue)
Modeling bin to have a descending steps base and engraving logo into plinth would help to create “classical style”
Classical statue of Bin have been done through the manipulation process. The idea of what is “art“ have been challenging. Can an object on a plinth be called art?
Art of Trash One characteristic of 3d scan is the ability to redefine value of pointcloud to be more meaningful . As pointcloud of scanned objects have been elevated over context, time, materiality and geometry. With appropriate manipulation, desginers can give a new meaningful value to pointcloud, even though it was a useless garbage before.
Color variation iteration have been represented by using pop art color pallete to give more artistic look for trash can
30 Cataloging Folio 2019
32 Cataloging Folio 2019
Lending reciting of Tutenkhamen An idea of “the death of the Author� where citations are collective of quotes, is making us question the notion of authenticity and originality. How can we consider facsimiles as original? And do the materials, technic of reproduction or its location matter to the uniqueness of artifacts? One of the essential features of the facsimiles is that they are immune from the time and temporalities of which the original artifacts cannot avoid. There is a case of archaeology site that destroyed from the tourist visiting after opening for a century. Therefore, the original objects are at risk of disappearing and degenerate, although they are well preserved. Site less is another benefit of the copy artifacts. The value of the artifacts that exhibit in museums is not going to lose its value. The details and the story of itself that audiences are seeking. With these notions, we must reconsider the value of the facsimiles in its way apart from the originality. In the present, the reproduction of facsimiles is through the process of 3D scanning, which can be considered as a collection of quotes. The main reason for copying historical artifacts is for preserving. By repeatedly reviving and recover what is lost and might be lost from the works of great masters instead of making with plaster but pixels. The reproduction process causes us to think differently about the artifacts past and the possible future, over time and space factors. The scanned objects can be translated into the perfect version of the original that may help the audience to have a richer understanding of artifacts and its authentic. By the ideas and the advance fabrication process, the facsimiles should be considering in its purpose and value that enrich the experience of reading the original artifacts.
Shaw digital doppelgangers There are three mains implication of 3D scanning on the physical objects that can be helping the architects to explore and understand the built environment apart from field research. For example, a direct physical environment scanning, documentation beyond human sense limitation and lastly scanning the rapidly changing events, this essay will examine the possibility and suggest the implication in the architecture field. Looking at the direct physical environment scanning, this method is done by capturing the distance from the landscape to 3d scanner to create a set of points cloud that store the coordinate, colour and normal of the physical space into the digital format. With this type of data collecting, architects can see existing as it is as this would lead to more precision data of physical objects. Furthermore, this process may reduce the human error of surveyor for more accurate construction and fabrication. Even though one might argue that human can record with a non-bias view or with a perfect survey procedure, human sense has its limitation. With the 3D scanning that can collect the Infrared and ultraviolet, they expand the way architects can understand the environment further than what we can perceive. For example, architects might use this technology to capture the temperature of the objects or trace of the human inside the interior where users touch. Capturing the rapid alteration of the space or non-permanent objects is the final aspect of the 3D scanning by capturing continuum movement of space, environment or people. Architects are now possible to investigate the space-occupying of people, and fabricating the flow of moving people from the point cloud. To represent the rapidly changing event that even the video camera cannot produce. For instance, architects may use this opportunity to capture the movement of users and fabricate the space that super tight to one particular user and mass customisation the only area for that person. In conclusion, although there are many possible ways for architects to see and manipulate these data, we might want to look at them as a group of numeric number without any context or reference to the original. And how the designer can alter these points and create a new experience and perception from this input is another challenge for the architects.
34 Cataloging Folio 2019
Critical Reflection 3D scanner is one of the most cutting-edge technologies of this century that gives machine an ability to capture and preserve the physical objects. The applications of 3d scan, however, for architecture industries are developing and challenging architects to reconsider their traditional procedure from documentation, representation, design process, and virtual architecture space. In this essay, the value and opportunities 3D scanner that might improve architect’s workflow will be discussed. Looking first at scanning as a tool for documentation, with the ability to document every details of architecture in high details. Which different from how human document architecture but eyes and memories have a limitation in focusing. Leading to bias of data while 3D scanner capture architecture value honestly with no hierarchy and focus. Every point is treated the same. With this way of documentation, the ideas and elements of architecture will be preserved which audiences can access to this data digitally. Digital documentation free architectures from decline and age. Although scanned architectures might be demolished, the ideas and experiences of the scanned architectures will be saved and preserve forever. On the other hand, although 3D scanners can capture every detail in high resolution, the point cloud that capture from 3D scanners usually capture abnormality phenomenal. For instance, light, shadow, and movement which may adding contaminate data to the documentation process. When 3D Scanners capture those phenomenal in point cloud cluster, all these contaminations when they are read again without context and background this may leads to false documentation Moving to scanning for representation, 3D scanners give architects an ability to capture architectures exterior, interior and landscape from time and context. There are some benefits that architects can preserve the architecture as representation. The first and most interesting aspect is by preserving architectures in form of point cloud. This process frees architectures from time and space, out of its context. Architects must redefine the role of virtual architecture as architectures have become time and site less. This challenges the value of architectures when they are out of their context. Do architectures remain its value when we remove all the context out of it? Even though architects can preserve every details and condition of architectures, the process of scanning and how scanner processing scans from the way machine operate can lead to some parts of the scan, that away from scanning position, will have ripple like patterns or gradient effects which may changing the perception and how audiences read architecture for people without any knowledge or background of the scanned architectures.
When all the data are collected in XYZ coordinate, RGB color value and inequal distance between each point might alter the perception and how audience perceive architectures in a different way. Next, 3D scanner provides various benefits for architects on designing process. One of the benefits of this technology is the ability to capture architectures and possibility of altering the architecture space beyond the limitation of actual construction and scale. Since all data are collected in form of coordination and color. The ability to manipulate and alter reality into a new form and shape can be done easily. Also, the ability to perceive space from planar of points is done through the collection of points in a specific area in a proper distance between points. With this notion, there are plenty of possibility that architects can design architecture with points and color instead of building materials. The ability to stitching multiple point clouds and space in one place. This work like how architects and artist explore with collage where designers value all the point cloud cluster all the same. The ability to stitch different cloud together can elevate how architects can explore with ideas and exaggerate ideas in 3D space. Which might lead to new forms of communication through collections of point. Lastly the value of 3D Scanning to virtual exhibition, people are getting more and more used to explore virtual space, especially younger generate, this leads to architects can design virtual exhibition that may create a new experience to audience. However, there are some aspects that architects need to consider. The first one is the ability to form solidness or planar perception of point cloud from a distance. The ability to perceive from various distance gives artist more possibility to perceive architectures as occupy space at close while seeing its as objects or sculpture in an distance. The relationship of fix scale is challenging. How designers can explore the work of point cloud in a fluid and continuously change of scale. The second one is the way audience navigate in virtual exhibition as in reality audience usually explore architecture in linear line from a curate experience of architects, however, in virtual exhibition people are free to hover around and explore space base on what they interest and see. This may result in totally different virtual exhibition from its physical exhibition where narratives are nonlinear and not based on gravity anymore. In summary, although there are some disadvantages of 3D scan point cloud, the benefits and possibility of point cloud are challenging designer who are free from various constrain and limitation to design and explore the role and value of architecture in this early develop virtual architecture