Written by
Noel Ahlers
Chase Scene Project
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Unported License
INT. HALLWAY ADAM, 15, is skipping through the hallways. He is wearing skinny jeans and a red plaid shirt, smiling from ear to ear with his PHONE in his hand. He stops for a minute and looks at
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puts the phone back in his pocket. PAN TO:
INT. HALLWAY LOCKERS JOLI, 16, wearing a simple gray top with black jeans. He RUMMAGES through his locker and pulls out a picture of his girlfriend. He smiles, but soon becomes a frown until he spots Adam walking down the hallway. JOLI (JOYFUL) Adam! Adam looks to Joli and skips towards him. When Adam is close to him, he high-fives Joli, following it with a shoulder bump and then a hug. ADAM (EXCITED) Hey Jol~ Sup? JOLI Well, I•m looking for my notebook. Might be late for class.
Joli SIGHS as he lowers his head.
JOLI Ugh... Can I barrow your phone so I can text my girlfriend?
ADAM No prob! Adam hands the phone to Joli, who sees his texts. Joli looks at Adam, suddenly serious. Adam begins to LAUGH awkwardly and begins backing away, keeping eye contact.
ADAM (CONT•D) (NERVOUSLY) What•s wrong pal? You•re looking at me funny again.
JOLI This is unforgivable... lunch on the roof is what I•ll be doing with MY girl.
ADAM But... it•s my ketchup heart.
Joli slams the locker door.
JOLI What did you say?
ADAM Oh, I was just saying that there•s this amazing and cute little heart in the middle of this bento box and-
JOLI A ketchup HEART? My ketchup heart?
ADAM Actually, it•s my ketchup heart...
JOLI No, it•s MY HEART. She•s MY GIRL. He grabs the collar of Adam•s shirt tightly.
JOLI (CONT F D ) (CONT•D) And you stole BOTH of them away from me! I•m gonna kill you Adam! When Joli lets go of Adams collar, Adam gulps and backs away slowly. He then begins to run as quick as he can down the hallway. ADAM Why is he acting so... scary? Adam turns sharply at a turn as Joli chases him down. Joli is still a bit far from Joli, but is catching up. Adam finally reaches the elevator button and quickly presses the it a few times, then smashes the button quickly. When he looks back to see Joli approaching him more and more, he squeals fearfully. JOLI (SHOUTING) I•m gonna kill you! The elevator doors finally opens, Adam dashes in and closes the door. 3
INT. ELEVATOR Adam SIGHS, leaning against the back of the elevator. CUT TO:
INT. HALLWAYS Joli hits the exterior doors of the elevator and GRUNTS, looking at the phone furiously. JOLI Ohh not he didn•t! He is not getting away with this! He soon runs towards the stairwell and walks down and off camera. CUT TO:
INT. FIRST FLOOR The doors of the elevator opens up as Adam walks out calmly, humming as he goes for the doors. Joli suddenly appears behind Adam, looking at him and PANTS HEAVILY into Adam•s ear, making Adam jump. When Adam looks behind himself, he SQUEALS like a pig and walks backwards quickly. Joli notices the look on his face and begins to smile. JOLI Really, I don•t know what she sees in you. ADAM I swear Jol, it•s not how it looks like. Aren•t we bros? Joli smiles and nods his head. JOLI Yeah, we are. Get over here, bro. Adam tackle hugs Joli, then gets off and begin to out the building. Joli drops Adam•s phone and kicks it before the doors close.