To Focus on the Goal By Noel Ahlers
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
EXT. GRASS FIELD - AFTERNOON DARREN FARMER, a 16-year-old boy wearing a baseball jersey and shorts, sits on the sidelines and is wrapping his hand with bandages as he looks at his TEAMMATES all practicing their batting and throwing the ball. DARREN FARMER (V.O.) I probably don’t need these bandages, but its necessary for playing out there with all the risks. As he continues, he bites his lip as his heart begins to race slightly. DARREN FARMER (V.O.) I can’t afford that. Not on the team. Whether its minor, major, or just a cut, I can’t... I can’t do it. MICHAEL AYONN, a 15-year-old boy wearing a plaid shirt and jeans along with wearing a dark book bag, sneaks up from behind Darren and smiles. MICHAEL AYONN (EXCITED) Surprise Darry boy! DARREN FARMER (Jumps and turns around quickly) Jesus Michael, tryin’ to give me a heart attack? Michael nods and looks at Daren with glee, then GASPS and takes off his bag. MICHAEL AYONN (opens his bag and begins rummaging through it)How come you’re not practicing like them, ey? DARREN FARMER My partner’s absent today, can’t practice without him.(coughs weakly and looks at the practicing teammates.) Michael nods and slowly begins to take out a plush toy out of his bookbag and smile.
2. MICHAEL AYONN Good thing I brought Gus the stuffy! DARREN FARMER (Scoffs)I can’t believe you brought that thing today. MICHAEL AYONN This ’lil guy is going to help you win, been with us for a long time, ey? DARREN FARMER We’re big kids now though, we don’t need that anymore.
Michael’s smile fades and he quietly sits down besides Darren, then looks at the practicing players. Darren joins along. CUT TO: One of the teammates accidentally losing grip of the ball as it ends up bolting towards another teammate, which knocks his head and leaves him to collapse. No one except the COACH, Michael, and Darren sees this happen as everyone else nonchalantly goes about their practicing as normal. MICHAEL AYONN I knew that was going to happen... Man, this is why I can’t play sports, can’t take the pain. Darren closes his eyes and begins to rub his temples. His breathing begins to become staggered and everything begins to blur. Michael turns to see Darren in this state and lowers his eyebrows. CUT TO: Close-Up of injured teammate holding his head in pain as the Coach tries to help him. DARREN FARMER (V.O.) One mistake... And the pain will start again. I’ll be injured,never to play again and CUT TO: (CONTINUED)
Michael shakes Darren violently, trying to snap Darren out of his current state. It doesn’t work. COACH Darren Farmer, you’re in! Michael GULPS and looks around frantically for anything to help Darren, but suddenly looks at the plush toy in his hands and gives it to Darren. Darren begins to feel the softness and fur of the toy and begins clinging onto it, finally blinking as his breathing becomes slowly normalized. He finally shakes his head and looks around, then notices the coach. COACH Come on Farmer, we ain’t got all day! And put that stupid toy away! Michael smiles and lets out a HUM of relief, then takes the toy back and pats Darren’s back. Darren gives a small chuckle and smiles, nodding his head as he begins walking to the field. Quickly, he is given the old teammate’s bat and is partnered up with a PITCHER. He stares into Darren’s eyes. Darren gets into place, weilding the bat with his left hand. The pitcher throws the ball once, it drawing closly towards him. Darren flinches and swings. A miss. A strike. Darren gets the ball and throws it to the pitcher and shudders as he looks at his bandages begin to come off. He gets into place again and holds the bat again. The pitcher swings, and Darren doesn’t even swing. Another miss. Strike two. The coach looks at Darren worriedly along with Michael. Before the coach begins walking to Darren, Michael shouts. MICHAEL AYONN Do it for Gus! Don’t hurt him and hit it! Darren looks at Michael and the toy as the word "hurt" begins to burn through his mind. He moves his foot, holds the bat, and goes into place. The pitcher throws the ball again once more. Darren swings. The bandages fall off.