BL GGERS3 Connected with the world of English
Mgr. Pavlína Hrabětová Mgr. Zdeňka Španingerová Soukupová Karen Cryer
Odpovědná redaktorka: Mgr. Jana Leštinová Jazyková korektura: Mgr. Gertrude Jičínská Autorka oddílu English-speaking countries a BIG CHALLENGE: Mgr. Jana Tučková © originální vydání: Difusión, S.L., Barcelona 2017 © mezinárodní vydání: Éditions Maison des Langues, Paříž 2017 © nové přepracované vydání: Pavlína Hrabětová, Zdeňka Španingerová Soukupová, Karen Cryer, Klett nakladatelství s. r. o., Praha 2020 Na hodnocení učebnice se podíleli tito vyučující anglického jazyka: Mgr. Černý Radek, Mgr. Daniela Javorská, Kateřina Bušková, Mgr. Michaela Mikulková, Mgr. Radka Krunclová, Mgr. Kateřina Přibylová, Mgr. Petra Ratajová, Bc. Silvie Strunová, Mgr. Petra Švanová, Mgr. Romana Švestková, Mgr. Gabriela Zemanová Děkujeme za spolupráci. Obálku s použitím fotografií ze graficky zpracovala: Krista Nováková Ilustrace: Jana Kiliánová Layout a sazba: Krista Nováková AUDIO: ADK Praha, Makovského 1338, 163 00 Praha 6 – Řepy DVD: Zbyněk Riedl Vytiskl: TNM print s.r.o. Nové Město 14 503 51 Chlumec nad Cidlinou © Pavlína Hrabětová, Zdeňka Španingerová Soukupová, Karen Cryer © Klett nakladatelství s. r. o., Praha 2020 Klett nakladatelství s. r. o. Jičínská 2348/10 130 00 Praha 3 – Vinohrady E-mail: NEPRODEJNÝ VZOREK
UNIT 3 – Let’s celebrate
Mind map
Pronunciation 3
Revision UNIT 3
UNIT 4 – The Pelican State
Mind map
Pronunciation 4
Revision UNIT 4
UNIT 5 – A trip to Scotland
Mind map
Pronunciation 5
Revision UNIT 5
Vocabulary list UNITS 3-5
five 5
My vocabulary
6 six
Unit 3
Use the words from the orange table in Student’s Book Unit 3A (A birthday party). Create a mind map. Use space a). / Použij slova z oranžové tabulky v učebnici v části 3A (A birthday party). Vytvoř myšlenkovou mapu. Použij rámeček a).
Use the words from the orange table in Student’s Book Unit 3B (My graduation). Create a mind map. Use space b) and the tip below. / Použij slova z oranžové tabulky v učebnici v části 3B (My graduation). Vytvoř myšlenkovou mapu. Použij rámeček b) a tip níže.
Hal l o w ee n
Ind ep
e nc
sg nk
en de
TIP: Put the verbs and nouns in different bubbles. / Napiš slovesa a podstatná jména do odlišných bublin.
Nouns! d
3 Use the words from the orange
St N ic la
4 Use the words from the orange
Day of
ls ’
Al l
L ov e
table in Student’s Book Unit 3C (American holidays). Create a mind map. Use space c). / Použij slovesa z oranžové tabulky v učebnici v části 3C (American holidays). Vytvoř myšlenkovou mapu. Použij rámeček c).
table in Student’s Book Unit 3D (Czech traditions). Create a mind map. Use space d) and the tip below. / Použij slovesa z oranžové tabulky v učebnici v části 3D (Czech traditions). Vytvoř myšlenkovou mapu. Použij rámeček d) a tip níže. TIP: Draw a picture of each tradition. / Nakresli ke každé tradici obrázek.
seven 7
3A 1
You are invited!
Match the pictures to the words. / Spoj obrázky se slovy. 1
a) candles b) beverages c) balloons d) a birthday cake e) biscuits (UK), cookies (US) f) a present = a gift g) marshmallows h) a costume
2 Match the words to their definitions. / Spoj slova s jejich definicemi. 1 2 3 4 5 6
a present a candle a party hat beverages a balloon an invitation card
a) You send it to your friends when you want them to come to a party. b) A colourful rubber thing filled with air used for decoration at parties. c) Drinks of any type. d) A gift. e) It is made of wax and it is usually on a birthday cake. f) It is usually made of paper; people wear it on their heads.
3 Complete the sentences with the missing words in the box. / Doplň do vět chybějící slova z rámečku. costumes | birthday cake | barbecue | cookies | throw a party | clown
a) Carly baked a very tasty b) I usually c) We invited a
for Luke. when it is my birthday. to our birthday party. He was so cool.
d) We are having a some meat. e) My friend had a party and we had to wear f) People in the UK eat biscuits but people in the US eat 8 eight
party this year. We are going to grill . .
Unit 3 4 Look at the picture and answer the questions. / Podívej se na obrázek a odpověď na otázky. a) Who is in the picture?
b) Where are they?
c) What are they doing?
5 Look at the picture in exercise 4 again. Read the sentences. Are the sentences true (T) or false
(F)? / Podívej se na obrázek ze cvičení 4 ještě jednou. Přečti si věty. Jsou věty pravdivé (T) nebo nepravdivé (F)? T F a) It is a costume party.
b) There are some beverages.
c) They are not wearing party hats.
d) There are some balloons and streamers.
e) There is a clown at the party.
6 Write an invitation card to your birthday party. Answer the questions below. / Napiš pozvánku na svoji narozeninovou oslavu. Odpověz na otázky níže. When?
What time?
What kind of party?
nine 9
You are invited!
Let’s celebrate! Why don’t we throw a surprise party for… ? What about throwing a costume party? How about having a birthday party?
Pojďme slavit! Proč neuspořádáme tajnou oslavu pro… ? A co takhle uspořádat oslavu v kostýmech? A co takhle uspořádat narozeninovou oslavu?
That’s a good idea. Yes, why not. I (don’t) think it’s a good idea. Well, we can…
To je dobrý nápad. Ano, proč ne. (Ne) myslím si, že je to dobrý nápad. No, můžeme…
Chceme-li někomu něco navrhnout nebo něco zjistit, používáme v angličtině vazby Let’s + sloveso, What / How about + sloveso v -ing tvaru nebo Why don’t + podmět + sloveso. Odpovědí může být celá řada, v tabulce najdete pár příkladů.
7 Fill in Let’s, What about, How about, Why don’t into the sentences. Sometimes there is more than one option. / Doplň do vět Let’s, What about, How about, Why don’t. Někde je více možností správných. a)
you call Peter? He knows more about it than me.
go to the cinema.
buying some sweets, marshmallows and biscuits?
meet at the café at 4 pm.
inviting Michael? What do you think?
we buy some beverages?
8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. / Doplň do vět sloveso ve správném tvaru. a) Let’s b) How about c) Why don’t we d) What about e) Let’s f) How about g) Why don’t you h) What about 10 ten
(go) swimming in the afternoon! (throw) a costume party next weekend? (buy) some party hats for the costume party? (bake) a cake for her? (ask) our teacher. She will help us. (decorate) our garden with balloons? (do) it now? (have) a barbecue party tomorrow?
Unit 3 9 Answer the suggestions from exercise 8. Your answers can be positive or negative. / Odpověz na návrhy ze cvičení 8. Tvoje odpovědi můžou být kladné nebo záporné. a) b) c) d) e) f)
10 Fill in the gaps with your own ideas. / Doplň do mezer svoje nápady. You:
is turning
. What about
You: Well, we can
Your friend:
Your friend: That’s a good idea! Let’s
You: Perfect. What about
Your friend: Oh, yeah! That’s a great idea. How about
You: Yes, why not.
Your friend: What about
Your friend: Why don’t we
You: Yeah, that’s cool.
11 Write a birthday card for your friend. / Napiš pro svého kamaráda / kamarádku narozeninové přání.
Dear I wish you
(name), ,
(What?). (another wish or text)! Your
eleven 11
3B 1
Celebrating my graduation!
Identify the words. There are always 2 words. / Odhal slovíčka. Vždy jsou tam 2 slova. a) G O G R A D U A W N T I O N
b) C E C O N R E M O N Y D U C T
c) G Y M M A N A R C H S I U M
d) P R I N R E C E C I P A L I V E
e) O F A U D I T O R I F E R U M
f) T A K E I N U N I P L A C E S O N
2 Read the definitions and complete the crossword. / Přečti si definice a vylušti křížovku.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10
12 twelve
Graduates typically wear a cap and a
in their school colours.
Graduates usually shake the
A place where pupils and students have their PE lessons.
A large building or hall used for ceremonies.
Graduates march in
The ceremony can
The graduates come to the
To get...
Family and friends sometimes
To organise...
’s hand and quietly thank him.
, while music is played. at the school’s football stadium. one by one to receive their diploma.
their children small gifts.
Unit 3 3 Read the article about graduating in the UK and complete the sentences with the words from the box. / Přečti si text o promoci ve Velké Británii a doplň do vět slova z rámečku.
stage | music | gown | Latin | ceremony | conduct | university | graduation
GRADUATION IN THE UK In the United Kingdom, unlike the United States, students usually graduate from a)
(for example in Oxford, Cambridge, St Andrews etc.). They normally
leave secondary school without a formal b) begin the c)
. Many universities in the UK
with a procession of academics while d)
is played. After this, graduates are called to the e)
to shake hands with
a senior official (the chancellor or the vice-chancellor). Graduates typically wear a cap and a f)
. The graduates don’t receive the actual degree certificates during
the ceremony itself but they are sent by post to the graduate’s home address. Some of the older universities g) in h)
their graduation ceremonies , even though few students understand this language.
The ceremony can include the Student Anthem, which is called the De Brevitate Vitae, also known as Gaudeamus. Zdroj informací:
a procession = průvod; academics = vysokoškolští pedagogové; a senior official = vysoký představitel; a chancellor = rektor; a vice-chancellor = prorektor; to include = obsahovat; an anthem = hymna
4 Read the article about graduating in the UK again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? / Přečti si text o promoci ve Velké Británii ještě jednou. Jsou věty pravdivé (T) nebo nepravdivé (F)?
a) There is no formal ceremony after students leave secondary school in the UK.
b) Graduates shake the principal’s hand.
c) Graduates receive the certificates at the end of the ceremony.
d) You can listen the Student Anthem during the graduation ceremony in the UK.
e) All graduation ceremonies in the UK are conducted in Latin.
5 Answer the questions about graduating in the UK. / Odpověz na otázky o promoci ve Velké Británii. a) What is graduating in the UK? b) What do students typically wear for the graduation ceremony? c) How do the graduates get their certificates? d) What is the Student Anthem called?
thirteen 13
Celebrating my graduation!
Future plans
Budoucí plány
I’m / I am
throwing a party
in the afternoon.
Odpoledne pořádám oslavu.
You’re / You are
Zítra máš/máte promoci.
He’s / He is
going shopping
on Tuesday.
V úterý půjde nakupovat.
She’s / She is
having a training session
this Saturday.
Tuto sobotu má trénink.
It’s / It is
going to the cinema
this weekend.
Jde do kina tento víkend.
We’re / We are
meeting my friend
next week.
Příští víkend máme sraz s kamarádem/kamarádkou.
They’re / They are
having a barbecue
this evening.
Večer budou grilovat.
Přítomný čas průběhový jsme se již učili v 1. díle Bloggers a používáme ho pro děje, které probíhají teď, právě, v tuto chvíli. Zároveň přítomný čas průběhový použijeme tehdy, když chceme popsat pevně naplánované činnosti, tzn. naše plány. Ve větách často zmiňujeme, kdy máme tyto činnosti v plánu. V otázkách je pořadí podmětu a pomocného slovesa BE (am, is, are) opačné. I’m meeting my friend in the afternoon. = Odpoledne se potkám s kamarádem. They’re throwing a birthday party on Saturday. = V sobotu pořádají narozeninovou oslavu. What time are you leaving tomorrow? = V kolik hodin zítra odjíždíš? Is he having a training session this evening? = Má/Bude mít dnes večer trénink?
6 Match the questions 1)–5) to the answers a)–e). / Spoj otázky 1)–5) s odpověďmi a)–e). 1 2 3 4 5
What are you doing on Friday? What time are you leaving tomorrow? Are you having a training session on Tuesday? Who are you meeting this weekend? Is he going to London next month?
a) No, I’m not. On Thursday. b) Yes, he is. He’s meeting his aunt there. c) My best friend. It is her birthday on Saturday. d) I’m going on a trip to Vienna. e) At 1:30.
7 Write questions in the present continuous. Write true answers. / Napiš otázky v přítomném čase průběhovém. Napiš pravdivé odpovědi. a) you / meet your friend / tomorrow?
b) your parents / have a barbecue party / on Saturday?
c) your classmate / go to the cinema / in the evening?
d) your friend / throw a birthday party / this month?
e) you / have a training session / on Wednesday?
14 fourteen
Unit 3 8 Write your plans for the following week. Write at least 1 activity for each day. / Napiš své plány na následující týden. Napiš alespoň 1 aktivitu na každý den.
weekly planner monday
wednesday thursday
9 Ask your classmate and write down his/her answers. / Zeptej se svého spolužáka/své spolužačky a napiš si jeho/její odpovědi.
Example: Student A: What are you doing on Monday? Student B: I’m visiting my grandparents. My classmate
on Monday.
My classmate
on Tuesday.
My classmate
on Wednesday.
My classmate
on Thursday.
My classmate
on Friday.
My classmate
at the weekend.
Accepting an idea, offer
Přijetí nápadu, nabídky
Refusing an idea, offer
Odmítnutí nápadu, nabídky
Yes, it’s a good idea.
Ano, to je dobrý nápad.
I’m sorry, I can’t.
Omlouvám se, ale nemůžu.
Yes, I can.
Ano, můžu.
I’m sorry, I can’t make it.
Omlouvám se, ale nezvládnu to.
OK, why not.
Dobře, proč ne.
Unfortunately, I can’t.
Bohužel nemůžu.
Pokud někdo něco plánuje a pozve nás, můžeme jeho/její nabídku přijmout nebo odmítnout. Odpovědí může být celá řada. V tabulce najdete pár příkladů.
10 Write a positive or a negative answer to the invitations. / Napiš kladnou nebo zápornou reakci na pozvání.
a) It’s my birthday tomorrow. Can you come? b) What about going to the cinema? What do you think? c) Can you join us for the surprise party? d) The tennis match starts at 6. Can you make it?
fifteen 15
3C 1
American holidays
Match the two parts of the phrases. Translate them into Czech. / Spoj 2 části frází. Přelož je do češtiny.
2 Unscramble the phrases a)–g) and match them to the pictures 1)–7). / Vylušti slovní spojení v přesmyčkách a)–g) a spoj je s obrázky 1)–7). 1
a) T E A Y E U T R K b) T C H W A I E O F R W S K R c) I L G P R I M F T H R S E A d) S H A E R F D O O
e) A M R C A N E I F A L G f) T E H F O R U T H F O Y U J L g) A W C H T A E I A M R C N O O A F T B L L 3
3 Put the phrases from exercises 1 and 2 in the correct group. / Napiš slovní spojení ze cvičení 1 a 2 do správné skupiny.
Independence Day
16 sixteen
Unit 3 4 Complete the texts about American holidays with expressions from exercises 1, 2 and 3. / Doplň do textů o amerických svátcích slovní spojení ze cvičení 1, 2 a 3. American I
is celebrated on the F
. It’s the birthday of the USA. It commemorates
the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. People usually H
or a barbecue. They like to dress in the colours of the A
: red, white and blue.
In the evening, they go to a public park or to the coast to
is another popular holiday. It’s on the fourth
Thursday of November. It commemorates the first harvest of the P
who shared their meal
with the Native Americans on the very first Thanksgiving in 1621. To S
holiday – people E
is still the main idea of this
, duck, goose, squash,
corn and many other foods during the family dinner. Many families also W
while preparing the Thanksgiving meal – sport is a big
part of the celebration for sports fans, too.
is the second most popular holiday in the US. It is
famous for its gothic origins, scary costumes and horror film festivals. People C
into scary
jack-o’-lanterns and decorate their houses to look as scary as possible. Some families celebrate by having a party where everybody has to
W too. Children G
. They play special games like bobbing for apples, –
to collect candy around
their neighbourhood.
5 Answer the questions. / Odpověz na otázky. a) W hy do the Americans celebrate 4th July? b) What do they usually do on Independence Day? c) What food do they usually eat for Thanksgiving? d) What is the mood like during Halloween?
seventeen 17
American holidays
6 Match the dates in the calendar 1)–6) to how we read them a)–f). / Spoj data v kalendáři s jejich čtenou podobou. 1
a) the sixth of October b) the fifth of March c) the third of December d) the first of May e) the second of February f) the fourth of July 3
7 Write the dates in words and numbers. / Zapiš datum slovem a číslem. Example:
31st January – the thirty-first of January – 31. 1.
a) 17th March
b) 23rd September
c) 1st April
d) 22nd June
e) 5th August
f) 28th November
8 Complete the crossword with the names of some American holidays. / Doplň do křížovky názvy amerických svátků.
1. It’s on 25th December. – ... Day
2. It’s in March or April. 3
3. It’s on 27th May. – ... Day 4. It’s on 4th July. – ... Day
4 5
5. It’s on 17th March. – St ... ’s Day 6
6. It’s on 28th November. 7. It’s on 1st January. – ... ’s Day
8. It’s on 31st October. 9. It’s on 21st or 22nd December, it’s the longest night of the year. – Winter ...
8 9 1
What is a carnival celebration in New Orleans called? 18 eighteen
Unit 3 9 Fill in the words from the box to complete the text about this carnival celebration. / Doplň slova z rámečku do textu o karnevalové oslavě.
floats | costumes | green | party | fun | beads | cake | music
It is the biggest
, celebration and parade in
New Orleans, Louisiana. Its name means Fat Tuesday. During this day, people have , take part in a parade and enjoy good food before the Lent season starts. In the parade, people ride specially decorated vehicles called , they throw There are lots of
and dance in colourful
bands, too. Traditional sweet food is called King . It is decorated in traditional colours: purple,
and gold.
10 Write the names of the American holidays under each of the typical slogans. / K typickým sloganům napiš jména amerických svátků. a) b)
c) d)
e) f)
g) h)
nineteen 19
3D 1
Our traditions
Match the expressions a)–f) to the pictures 1)–6). / Spoj výrazy a)–f) s obrázky 1)–6). 6
a) kiss under a tree b) burn the straw witch c) light candles d) walk up the hill e) get candy f) St Nicholas
2 Fill in A, E, I, O, U, Y to get expressions connected to Czech traditions. Translate them into Czech. / Doplň A, E, I, O, U, Y tak, abys dostal/a výrazy spojené s českými tradicemi. Přelož je do češtiny. a) B — — L D — B — N F — R — b) M — K E — S T R — W W — T C H c) B — — L D — M — — P — L — d) R — M — M B — R T H — D — — D e) G — T — S — C K — F C — — L f) L — — F L — W — R S
3 Unscramble the words to get more collocations. Write them down in English and in Czech. Then match them to the pictures 1)–6). / Vylušti přesmyčky dalších slovních spojení. Napiš je anglicky a česky. Poté je spoj s obrázky 1)–6). a) E T H N L G A E b) E H T E V L D I c) W T N R E I S I O R V E d) I V S T I H T E A E V G R S e) W R E A C T S M S O U E f) L Y A W E R A T H S
20 twenty
Unit 3 4 Write the activities from exercises 1, 2 and 3 in the table. Add some more activities. / Napiš aktivity ze cvičení 1, 2 a 3 do tabulky. Přidej další aktivity.
D ay of Love
All Souls’ Day
W itch Burning
5 Match the dates to the traditions. Write the dates in words. / Spoj data s tradicemi. Napiš data slovem. 1
a) Day of Love b) All Souls’ Day c) Witch Burning d) St Nicholas Tradition
twenty-one 21
Unit 3 8 Unscramble the verbs in the past simple and complete Chris’s blog about St Nicholas
Tradition. / Vylušti slovesa v minulém čase prostém a doplň je do Chrisova blogu o Mikuláši.
Chris’s blog
Topic: St Nicholas Tradition Okay, here is a photo from yesterday! It was 5th December. My sister, my friend and I P P R R E A E D
what we call "Mikuláš" or "Saint
Nicholas" for my aunt’s children. My friend W S A Jane D R S S D E E
as the Angel and I H D A
the mask of Saint Nicholas. It T K O O
us about 4 hours to get ready.
I think our costumes W R E E
really scary!
Then we W N T E S W A
the Devil,
to see my little cousins. When they us, they E E W R
quite scared
at first! But then little Ben noticed my blue boots and Jane’s red trainers under her white dress and he S T R T D E A
to smile. Then he quickly a poem and his little sister S N G A
R E I C T E D a song. They both P R M I S E D O
to be good all year.
The Angel G V E A They G T O
them a big basket full of goodies. some candy but also a lot of fruit and nuts!
My aunt wants them to eat healthily.
9 Write a blog post or an e-mail explaining another Czech tradition to foreign friends. You can use
the Internet and the questions below to help you. Don’t forget to add pictures or photos to illustrate your work. / Napiš blog nebo e-mail, ve kterém vysvětlíš další českou tradici zahraničním kamarádům. Na pomoc můžeš použít internet a seznam otázek níže. Nezapomeň na obrázky nebo fotografie pro ilustraci. What is the name of the tradition in Czech and in English? When is it celebrated? Why is it celebrated?
What do you do before / on that day? Do you need any special things? What happens in your town or village? Do you like the tradition? Why?
My ideas:
twenty-three 23
Pronunciation UNIT 3 THE PRONUNCIATION OF A. / VÝSLOVNOST A. A vyslovujeme třemi způsoby. Vždy záleží na tom, kde se ve slově nachází. a) Pokud za a následuje písmeno r, vyslovuje se jako [ɑː]. b) Pokud se a nachází uprostřed slova, které končí souhláskou, pak se často (ne vždy) vyslovuje jako [æ]. c) Pokud se a nachází uprostřed slova, které končí na e, pak se často (ne vždy) vyslovuje jako [eɪ].
1 Listen to the words and write them in the correct group according to the pronunciation of a. / Poslouchej slova a napiš je do správné skupiny dle výslovnosti a. a) [ɑː]
b) [æ]
c) [eɪ]
2 Listen to the words again and repeat them. / Znovu poslouchej slova a opakuj. 3 Listen to the words. Concentrate on the pronunciation of a in the bold syllables. Cross out
the word that does not belong to the group. / Poslouchej slova. Soustřeď se na výslovnost a v tučně označených slabikách. Vyškrtni jedno slovo, které do skupiny nepatří. a) banner
c) candy
b) cake
d) carneval parade
marshmallow decorate
4 Listen and repeat the words. / Poslouchej a opakuj slova.
5 Listen and repeat the tongue twisters. / Poslouchej a opakuj jazykolamy.
We carve pumpkins for our Halloween party. We are baking a cake . om and decorating the ro
24 twenty-four
Revision UNIT 3
Unit 0
Listen to the recording. Then answer the questions. / Poslechni si nahrávku. Poté odpověz na otázky.
a) When is the party?
b) Where is the party?
c) W ho is organising it?
d) W hat activities are they going to do?
e) What are they buying?
Write 12 sentences about your favourite holiday. Use the tips below. / Napiš 12 vět o svém oblíbeném svátku. Použij následující tipy.
• When do you celebrate it? • Who with? • What do you do? • What do you eat/drink? • Why do you like it?
Speak about an American celebration. Say 10 sentences. / Vyprávěj o jednom americkém svátku. Řekni o něm 10 vět. Example: Halloween is celebrated on 31st October. People carve pumpkins. ...
Read the text. Then answer the questions. / Přečti si text. Poté odpověz na otázky.
Saint Patrick’s Day is a celebration that happens every year on 17th March. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland so it is originally an Irish tradition, but a lot of Americans, Canadians, Britons, Australians and New Zealanders celebrate this day too. For example, in New York City, there is a really big parade and a lot of New Yorkers go out in the street to watch the marching bands playing Irish music. Traditionally, on Saint Patrick’s Day, people wear green, they eat corned beef and cabbage and drink Irish beer. And everybody has a great time. 1. When is it celebrated? 2. Where is it celebrated? 3. How is it celebrated? 4. What is the traditional food? 5. What is the traditional drink?
MY EVALUATION I can speak about celebrations. I can describe an American holiday. I can understand an article about a holiday.
twenty-five 25
Vocabulary list
1 Listen and repeat. / Poslouchej a opakuj. podstatné jméno, přídavné jméno, zájmeno, sloveso, příslovce, předložka, spojka, ostatní slovní druhy, množné číslo (pl.), jednotné číslo (sg.), britská angličtina (Br.), americká angličtina (Am.)
3A We are having a barbecue this evening. When is your birthday? I got a big chocolate birthday cake. We can meet in the café close to our house. People light candles at Christmas. Children love eating cookies. I have to buy a gift for my brother. Marshmallows are my favourite candies. What about throwing a surprise party?
balloon barbecue
[bəˈluːn] balonek [ˈbɑː.bɪ.kjuː] grilování
beverage birthday birthday cake
[ˈbev.ər.ɪdʒ] nápoj [ˈbɜːθ.deɪ] narozeniny [ˈbɜːθ.deɪ] [keɪk] narozeninový dort
birthday party biscuit (Br.) café
[ˈbɜːθ.deɪ] [ˈpɑː.ti] narozeninová oslava [ˈbɪs.kɪt] sušenka [ˈkæf.eɪ] kavárna
candy candle
[ˈkæn.di] sladkost [ˈkæn.dəl] svíčka c
clown cookie (Am.) costume gift
[klaʊn] klaun, šašek [ˈkʊk.i] sušenka [ˈkɒs.tʃuːm] kostým [ɡɪft] dárek, dar
invitation card marshmallow
[ˌɪn.vɪˈteɪ.ʃən] [kɑːd] pozvánka [ˈmɑːʃˌmæl.əʊ] žužu, pěnový bonbon
party hat present surprise party
[ˈpɑː.ti] [hæt] papírový klobouk [ˈprez.ənt] dárek [səˈpraɪz] [ˈpɑː.ti] tajná oslava
to throw a party
[θrəʊ] [ə] [ˈpɑː.ti]
[ɔː.dɪˈtɔː.ri.əm] posluchárna
cap ceremony to conduct gown
[kæp] promoční čepice m [ˈser.ɪ.mə.ni] obřad, ceremoniál [kənˈdʌkt] řídit (činnost), vést [ɡaʊn] talár
graduation gymnasium
[ˌɡrædʒ.uˈeɪ.ʃən] promoce [dʒɪmˈneɪ.zi.əm] tělocvična
pořádat oslavu
3B The graduation takes place in the auditorium. Students wear gowns and caps during the ceremony. There is a modern gymnasium at our school. 66 sixty-six
Unit 3
in unison [ɪn] [ˈjuː.nɪ.sən] společně Graduates march in unison. to march [mɑːtʃ] pochodovat to offer [ˈɒf.ər] poskytnout, nabídnout, nabízet The principal is the head principal [ˈprɪn.sə.pəl] ředitel, ředitelka školy, of a secondary school. děkan Students receive their diploma to receive [rɪˈsiːv] obdržet, dostat on the stage. to take place [teɪk] [pleɪs] konat se
3C Christmas is my holiday [ˈhɒl.ə.deɪ] svátek, prázdniny, favourite holiday. dovolená to carve [kɑːv] vyřezat, vydlabat People usually decorate to decorate [ˈdek.ə.reɪt] zdobit the house. to go trick-or-treating [ɡəʊ] [ˌtrɪk.ɔːˈtriː.tɪŋ] koledovat (na Halloweena) People carve pumpkins. pumpkin [ˈpʌmp.kɪn] dýně b picnic [ˈpɪk.nɪk] piknik They eat roast turkey turkey [ˈtɜː.ki] krocan k on Thanksgiving. to watch fireworks [wɒtʃ] [ˈfɑɪərˌwɜ:ks] sledovat ohňostroj Children wear costumes. to wear a costume [weər] [ə] [ˈkɒs.tʃuːm] mít na sobě převlek, kostým být nalíčená to wear make-up [weər] [ˈmeɪk.ʌp]
3D angel [ˈeɪn.dʒəl] anděl f back [bæk] zadní část r být u konce, skončit to be over [biː] [ˈəʊ.və ] vatra, velký oheň j bonfire [ˈbɒn.faɪər] People build a bonfire. to build [bɪld] postavit, vybudovat burned/burnt [bɜːn] [bɜːnd] hořet, spálit to burn Bad kids get a sack of coal. coal [kəʊl] uhlí couple [ˈkʌp.əl] pár, partnerská dvojice We remember all the dead. dead [ded] mrtví, nebožtíci devil [ˈdev.əl] čert, ďábel e to enjoy [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] radovat se, užívat si fertility [fəˈtɪl.ə.ti] plodnost, úrodnost People lay flowers and wreaths flower [flaʊər] květina on the graves. He is standing in the front. front [frʌnt] přední část grave [ɡreɪv] hrob harvest [ˈhɑː.vɪst] sklizeň, úroda, žně We had fun at the party. to have fun [hæv] [fʌn] bavit se
sixty-seven 67
Unit 3
Couples kiss under a blooming tree. Young men build a maypole. My mum roasted a turkey. People burn a straw witch. The tourists walked up the Petřín Hill.
hill to kiss
[hɪl] kopec [kɪs] políbit, líbat
to lay to light love mask maypole parade to remember to roast sack surprisingly straw witch to symbolise tradition to walk up
[leɪ] položit, pokládat [laɪt] zapálit, zapalovat [lʌv] láska h [mɑːsk] maska, škraboška [ˈmeɪ.pəʊl] májka [pəˈreɪd] přehlídka, průvod r připomenout si [rɪˈmem.bə ] [rəʊst] péct, opéct [sæk] pytel [səˈpraɪ.zɪŋ.li] překvapivě, kupodivu [strɔː] [wɪtʃ] čarodějnice ze slámy [ˈsɪm.bəl.aɪz] symbolizovat [trəˈdɪʃ.ən] tradice, zvyk [wɔːk] [ʌp] jít nahoru
[riːθ] věnec
READING People dance to bagpipe music. bagpipe blew up to blow up It is a Christian celebration. celebration Christian They commemorate the life to commemorate of Robert Burns. contest Children dress up. to dress up We cook pancakes during during Pancake Day. effigy to fast feast Can you flip a pancake? to flip to go bad went bad I drink hot beverages to keep warm kept warm to keep me warm. Men wear kilts. kilt line Merry Christmas! merry Who won the race? race pancake I am really proud of you. proud of turnip welcome
68 sixty-eight
[ˈbæɡ.paɪp] dudy [bləʊ] [ʌp] [bluː] [ʌp] vyhodit do povětří [ˌsel. əˈbreɪ.ʃən] oslava, slavnost [ˈkrɪs.tʃən] křesťan, křesťanský [kəˈmem.ə.reɪt] připomínat si [ˈkɒn.test] [dres] [ʌp] [ˈdʒʊə.rɪŋ]
soutěž, závod převléknout se za během, v průběhu
[ˈef.ɪ.dʒi] figurína i [fɑːst] držet půst [fiːst] hostina, hody [flɪp] obracet, přetočit [ɡəʊ] [bæd] zkazit se [went] [bæd] [kiːp] [wɔːm] udržet v teple [kept] [wɔːm] [kɪlt] tradiční skotská sukně [laɪn] čára [ˈmer.i] veselý, radostný [reɪs] závod [ˈpæn.keɪk] palačinka, lívanec d [praʊd] [əv] hrdý na [ˈtɜː.nɪp] tuřín [ˈwel.kəm] vítaný
Unit 4
1 Listen and repeat. / Poslouchej a opakuj. podstatné jméno, přídavné jméno, zájmeno, sloveso, příslovce, předložka, spojka, ostatní slovní druhy, množné číslo (pl.), jednotné číslo (sg.), britská angličtina (Br.), americká angličtina (Am.)
Alligators can be very dangerous. The train crossed the border between Austria and Italy. Is it true that crawfish only live in clean water? There is a large steamboat in the dock. I want to go kayaking, it looks fun! Numerous types of mushrooms are poisonous. I like oysters with a little bit of lemon. I prefer swimming in the sea to swimming in the river. Shrimps are my favourite seafood. I can’t wait to go trekking in Austria this summer.
[ˈæl.ɪ.ɡeɪ.tər] aligátor
[ˈbɔː.dər] hranice
centrepiece crawfish
[ˈsen.tə.piːs] ústřední bod [ˈkrɔː.fɪʃ] rak
diversity dock
[daɪˈvɜː.sə.ti] rozmanitost [dɒk] (přístavní) dok
flag gulf kayaking
[flæɡ] vlajka [ɡʌlf] záliv [ˈkaɪ.æk.ɪŋ] jízda na kajaku
lake national park numerous
[leɪk] jezero [ˈnæʃ.ən.əl] [pɑːk] národní park [ˈnjuː.mə.rəs] početný
[ˈɔɪ.stər] ústřice
pelican port river
[ˈpel.ɪ.kən] pelikán [pɔːt] přístav [ˈrɪv.ər] řeka
[ʃrɪmp] kreveta
steamboat swamp trekking
[ˈstiːm.bəʊt] parník [swɒmp] bažina [ˈtrek.ɪŋ] túry, pěší turistika
[juːˈniːk] jedinečný
Bohemia Brno is the largest city city in Moravia. east eastern There is a field of take cornfield field to our house.
[bəʊˈhiː.mi.ə] Čechy [ˈsɪt.i] (velko)město [iːst] východ [ˈiː.stən] východní [fiːld] pole
sixty-nine 69
Unit 4
You can sometimes see Prague from the top of that hill. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. What’s the difference between a pond and a lake? Italy is in the south of Europe. Karlovy Vary is a town located in the west of Bohemia. There are beautiful vineyards in the south of Moravia. The tallest waterfall in the world is called Angel Falls. The Czech Republic shares its western border with Germany.
forest hill
[ˈfɒr.ɪst] les [hɪl] kopec
Moravia mountain
[məˈreɪvɪə] Morava [ˈmaʊn.tɪn] hora
north northern northeast northwest peak pond
[nɔːθ] sever [ˈnɔː.ðən] severní [ˌnɔːθˈiːst] severovýchod [ˌnɔːθˈwest] severozápad [piːk] vrchol [pɒnd] rybník
region Silesia south southern southeast southwest stream town
[ˈriː.dʒən] oblast, kraj [saɪˈli:ziə] Slezsko [saʊθ] jih [ˈsʌð.ən] jižní [ˌsaʊθˈiːst] jihovýchod [ˌsaʊθˈwest] jihozápad [striːm] potok, proud [taʊn] město (menší)
[ˈwɔː.tə.fɔːl] vodopád
west western
[west] západ [ˈwes.tən] západní
vinice, vinohrad
Don’t put on too much bug bug spray [bʌɡ] [spreɪ] sprej proti hmyzu spray. (= insect repellent) [ˈɪn.sek] [rɪˈpel.ənt] down jacket [daʊn] [ˈdʒæk.ɪt] péřová bunda My new gloves are very warm. gloves (pl.) [ɡlʌvz] rukavice hiking boots [ˈhaɪ.kɪŋ] [buːts] pohorky rain jacket [reɪn] [ˈdʒæk.ɪt] bunda do deště sleeping bag [ˈsliː.pɪŋ] [bæɡ] spacák sunglasses [ˈsʌŋˌɡlɑː.sɪz] sluneční brýle Sunscreen protects you from sunscreen [ˈsʌn.skriːn] opalovací krém getting a sunburn. swimming trunks [ˈswɪm.ɪŋ] [trʌŋks] pánské plavky (typu boxerky) You should pack a swimsuit swimsuit [ˈswɪm.suːt] dámské plavky when you go to the seaside. (jednodílné) tent [tent] stan I can’t believe I forgot to bring umbrella [ʌmˈbrel.ə] deštník my umbrella to London. 70 seventy
Unit 4
My grandma made me a red woollen hat.
I have many friends that live abroad. Let’s go to the beach! My brother loves board games but I prefer computer games. Today I tried to build a tent for the first time. I go fishing with my dad every summer. I invited eight friends to my birthday party. Today I will stay at home. I don’t like staying at the campsite, I prefer staying at a hotel. The food on the plane isn’t usually very tasty. I have a lot of homework for tomorrow so I can’t relax yet.
woollen hat
[wʊlən] [hæt]
vlněná čepice
do/v zahraničí
at the seaside badminton barbecue beach biking board game
[ət] [ðə] [ˈsiː.saɪd] u moře [ˈbæd.mɪn.tən] badminton [ˈbɑː.bɪ.kjuː] grilování 17 [biːtʃ] pláž [ˈbaɪ.kɪŋ] jízda na kole [ˈbɔːd ˌɡeɪm] stolní hra
boating to build
[ˈbəʊ.tɪŋ] jízda na loďce/člunu [bɪld] postavit
bus campfire campsite car cards castle cross-country skiing to do sports downhill skiing fishing
[bʌs] autobus [ˈkæmp.faɪər] táborák 4 [ˈkæmp.saɪt] kemp, tábořiště [kɑːr] auto [kɑːdz] karty 14 [ˈkɑː.səl] hrad, zámek 9 [ˌkrɒsˈkʌn.tri] [ˈskiː.ɪŋ] běžkování [duː] [spɔːts] provozovat sporty [ˌdaʊnˈhɪl] [ˈskiː.ɪŋ] sjezdové lyžování 2 [ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ] rybaření 12
přítel, kamarád
to go [ɡəʊ] jít, jet hiking [ˈhaɪ.kɪŋ] (pěší) turistika, túry home [həʊm] dům, domov hotel [həʊˈtel] hotel
ice hockey ice-skating to invite local food mountain museum plane
[ˈaɪs ˌhɒk.i] lední hokej [ˈaɪs ˌskeɪ.tɪŋ] bruslení 11 [ɪnˈvaɪt] pozvat [ˈləʊ.kəl] [fuːd] místní jídlo [ˈmaʊn.tɪn] hora [mjuːˈziː.əm] muzeum 18 [pleɪn] letadlo
to play picnic to relax
[pleɪ] hrát (sport) [ˈpɪk.nɪk] piknik 8 [rɪˈlæks] uvolnit se, relaxovat
[səˈfɑː.ri] safari
seventy-one 71
Unit 4
sightseeing [ˈsaɪtˌsiː.ɪŋ] prohlížení památek snow fort [snəʊ] [fɔːt] sněhová pevnost Do you want to build snowman [ˈsnəʊ.mæn] sněhulák 3 a snowman with me? to stay [steɪ] zůstat, pobývat summer camp [ˈsʌm.ə ˌkæmp] letní tábor 7 to sunbathe [ˈsʌn.beɪð] opalovat se 10 swimming [ˈswɪm.ɪŋ] plavání 13 tent [tent] stan 5 train [treɪn] vlak to travel [ˈtræv.əl] cestovat Let’s go on a trip this weekend. trip [trɪp] výlet to try something new [traɪ] [ˈsʌm.θɪŋ] [njuː] vyzkoušet něco nového to visit [ˈvɪz.ɪt] navštívit zoo [zuː] zoologická zahrada
By the way, my name is Peter, not Paul. My grandparents have a cottage in the countryside. He’s definitely going to come. I am looking forward to meeting your family. There will be plenty of time for that later. You should wear thick socks when you go hiking. When I was in London last year, it rained the whole time.
72 seventy-two
to be prepared bug by the way
[biː] [prɪˈpeəd] být připravený [bʌɡ] hmyz, brouk [baɪ] [ðə] [weɪ] mimochodem
countryside definitely high heel shoes if to look forward to
[ˈkʌn.tri.saɪd] venkov [ˈdef.ɪ.nə] rozhodně, (zcela) určitě [haɪ] [hiːl] [ʃuːz] boty na podpadku [ɪf] jestli(že), pokud [lʊk] [ˈfɔː.wəd] [tʊ] těšit se (na co)
mine outside plenty
[maɪn] můj [ˌaʊtˈsaɪd] mimo, vně [ˈplen.ti] spousta, hodně
thick socks
[θɪk] [sɒks]
tlusté ponožky
whole time
[həʊl] [taɪm]
celou dobu
chata, chalupa
Unit 5
1 Listen and repeat. / Poslouchej a opakuj. podstatné jméno, přídavné jméno, zájmeno, sloveso, příslovce, předložka, spojka, ostatní slovní druhy, množné číslo (pl.), jednotné číslo (sg.), britská angličtina (Br.), americká angličtina (Am.)
to enjoy [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] užívat si (co), těšit se (z čeho) I want to explore the pyramids to explore [ɪkˈsplɔːr] (pro)zkoumat in Egypt. I enjoy hiking more than to hike [haɪk] chodit na túry/výlety watching TV. It’s impressive that Tom can impressive [ɪmˈpres.ɪv] působivý, úchvatný speak Chinese. loch [lɒk] jezero (ve Skotsku) moor [mɔːr] vřesoviště path [pɑːθ] pěšina, stezka, cesta Paris is a very romantic city. romantic [rəʊˈmæn.tɪk] romantický That was a spectacular show! spectacular [spekˈtæk.jə.lər] velkolepý, působivý, úžasný (podívaná ap.) to ride a train [raɪd] [ə] [treɪn] (pro)jet (se) vlakem Our trip to Japan was unforgettable [ˌʌn.fəˈɡet.ə.bəl] nezapomenutelný unforgettable! Linda is a wonderful person, wonderful [ˈwʌn.də.fəl] skvělý, báječný, úžasný I like her very much.
chilly [ˈtʃɪl.i] chladný, studený (pokoj apod.) Tomorrow will be cloudy cloudy [ˈklaʊ.di] oblačný, zatažený a with some showers. cold [kəʊld] chladný, studený (i člověk) b It was a cool summer day. cool [kuːl] chladný, chladivý It’s foggy today. foggy [ˈfɒɡ.i] mlhavý, zamlžený It’s zero degrees and I am freezing [ˈfriː.zɪŋ] ledový, mrazivý, freezing! mrznoucí c Last summer was very hot. hot [hɒt] horký, rozpálený d to rain [reɪn] pršet rainy [ˈreɪ.ni] deštivý e shower [ʃaʊər] sprcha, přeháňka I hope it will snow before we to snow [snəʊ] sněžit go skiing. snowy [ˈsnəʊ.i] zasněžený, sněhový Is it always sunny in California? sunny [ˈsʌn.i] slunný, slunečný g
seventy-three 73
Unit 5
The temperature today is below zero. I am afraid of thunderstorms.
[ˈtem.prə.tʃər] teplota
thunderstorm warm windy
[ˈθʌn.də.stɔːm] bouřka [wɔːm] teplý h [ˈwɪn.di] větrný
Tate Modern is a very famous art gallery [ɑːt] [ˈɡæl.ər.i] galerie umění art gallery in London. botanical garden [bəˈtæn.ɪ.kəl] [ˈɡɑː.dən] botanická zahrada There are many interesting city centre [ˈsɪt.i] [ˈsen.tər] centrum města sights in the city centre. It’s important to know how to directions [daɪˈrek.ʃənz] pokyny, cesta ask for directions. (jak se někam dostat) There is no entrance fee. entrance fee [ˈen.trəns] [fiː] vstupní poplatek, vstupné exhibition [ˌek.sɪˈbɪʃ.ən] výstava The lighthouse of Alexandria lighthouse [ˈlaɪt.haʊs] maják was one of the Seven Wonders of the world. museum [mjuːˈziː.əm] muzeum opening hours [ˈəʊ.pən.ɪŋ] [ˈaʊəz] otevírací doba The hotel is close shopping area [ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ] [ˈeə.ri.ə] nákupní oblast to the shopping area. Continue straight on. straight [streɪt] rovně At the end of the road turn left. to turn [tɜːn] zahnout, zatočit
adult [ˈæd.ʌlt] dospělý Tom always stays at the Hilton always [ˈɔːl.weɪz] vždy, pokaždé, stale Hotel when he is in Paris. It’s not worth it. to be worth [biː] [wɜːθ] mít hodnotu, stát (za co) bus [bʌs] autobus car [kɑː] auto i Students can enter free free of charge [friː] [əv] [tʃɑːdʒ] zdarma of charge. group discount [ɡruːp] [ˈdɪs.kaʊnt] skupinová sleva means of transport [miːnz] [əv] [ˈtræn.spɔːt] dopravní prostředek I often go to school by bus. often [ˈɒf.ən] často place of interest [pleɪs] [əv] [pleɪs] pamětihodnost, turistická zajímavost plane [pleɪn] letadlo n I prefer travelling by train to prefer [prɪˈfɜːr] dávat přednost, to travelling by bus. mít raději price [praɪs] cena return [rɪˈtɜːn] zpáteční jízdenka
74 seventy-four
Unit 5
I’d like a single to Prague, please. One adult ticket, please. London underground is also called the Tube.
sometimes taxi ticket tourist information train the Tube
[ˈsʌm.taɪmz] někdy, občas [ˈtæ] taxi l [ˈtɪk.ɪt] lístek, jízdenka [ˈtɔː.rɪst] [ˌɪn.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən] turistické informace [treɪn] vlak j [tʃuːb] Londýnské metro m
[ˈjuː.ʒu.ə.li] obvykle
jednosměrná jízdenka
bus stop [bʌs] [stɒp] autobusová zastávka It’s not very common to see common [ˈkɒm.ən] běžný, obvyklý, a cat and a dog become friends. společný competition [ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən] soutěž, konkurence That dress costs only five cheap [tʃiːp] levný, laciný pounds? That’s very cheap! double decker [ˈdʌb.əlˈdek.ər] dvoupatrový autobus k Anne only likes expensive expensive [ɪkˈspen.sɪv] drahý, nákladný presents. fast [fɑːst] rychlý in style [ɪn] [staɪl] se vkusem, stylově Level nine in the game was level [ˈlev.əl] úroveň, stupeň very difficult. line [laɪn] čára, linka (i dopravní) What was your nickname nickname [ˈnɪk.neɪm] přezdívka at school? option [ˈɒp.ʃən] možnost, volba I can’t believe I passed the test, to pass a test [pɑːs] uspět u testu It was very difficult. public transport [ˈpʌb.lɪk] [ˈtræn.spɔːt] veřejná doprava railway [ˈreɪl.weɪ] železnice, železniční trať slow [sləʊ] pomalý spots in the city [spɒt] [ɪn] [ðə] [ˈsɪt.i] (zajímavá) místa ve městě, Let’s meet at the station station [ˈsteɪ.ʃən] stanice, nádraží at 3:30. The road was closed so we traffic jam [ˈtræf.ɪk] [dʒæm] dopravní zácpa stuck in traffic jam. tunnel [ˈtʌn.əl] tunel underground [ˌʌn.dəˈɡraʊnd] metro, podzemní dráha (Br.)
seventy-five 75
76 seventy-six
seventy-seven 77
78 seventy-eight