Učebnice Bloggers 3 - ukázka

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BL  GGERS3 Connected with the world of English

Mgr. Pavlína Hrabětová Mgr. Zdeňka Španingerová Soukupová Karen Cryer

Odpovědná redaktorka: Mgr. Jana Leštinová Jazyková korektura: Mgr. Gertrude Jičínská Autorka oddílu English-speaking countries a BIG CHALLENGE: Mgr. Jana Tučková © originální vydání: Difusión, S.L., Barcelona 2017 © mezinárodní vydání: Éditions Maison des Langues, Paříž 2017 © nové přepracované vydání: Pavlína Hrabětová, Zdeňka Španingerová Soukupová, Karen Cryer, Klett nakladatelství s. r. o., Praha 2020 Na hodnocení učebnice se podíleli tito vyučující anglického jazyka: Mgr. Černý Radek, Mgr. Daniela Javorská, Kateřina Bušková, Mgr. Michaela Mikulková, Mgr. Radka Krunclová, Mgr. Kateřina Přibylová, Mgr. Petra Ratajová, Bc. Silvie Strunová, Mgr. Petra Švanová, Mgr. Romana Švestková, Mgr. Gabriela Zemanová Děkujeme za spolupráci. Obálku s použitím fotografií ze shutterstock.com graficky zpracovala: Krista Nováková Ilustrace: Jana Kiliánová Layout a sazba: Krista Nováková AUDIO: ADK Praha, Makovského 1338, 163 00 Praha 6 – Řepy DVD: Zbyněk Riedl Vytiskl: TNM print s. r. o. Nové Město 14 503 51 Chlumec nad Cidlinou © Pavlína Hrabětová, Zdeňka Španingerová Soukupová, Karen Cryer © Klett nakladatelství s. r. o., Praha 2020 Klett nakladatelství s. r. o. Jičínská 2348/10 130 00 Praha 3 – Vinohrady E-mail: info@klett.cz www.klett.cz NEPRODEJNÝ VZOREK


BL  GGERS3 učebnice



kladné tvary

Pracujte ve dvojicích / ve skupinách.

Přečti si.

záporné tvary

Podívej se.



Každou lekci uvádí jeden z hrdinů učebnice, který pochází z bilingvní rodiny.

Aktivity spojené se sledováním videa.

Zde je přehled dovedností, které si v průběhu lekce žáci osvojí.

Autentické video o Českém Krumlově, Vancouveru, Cardiffu, New Orleans, Lousianě a Glasgow. Nová gramatika se nachází v modrých rámečcích. Pro lepší zapamatování různých gramatických tvarů jsou použity barvy a ikony: pro kladné slovesné tvary, pro záporné tvary a  pro otázku.

Rámeček MINI CHALLENGE jsou aktivity realizované ve dvojicích nebo skupinách, které mají za cíl hravě procvičit dovednost mluvení.

Lekci tvoří uzavřené dvojstrany A, B, C, D, které slouží k osvojení nové slovní zásoby a gramatických jevů pomocí jazykových dovedností. Důraz je kladen zejména na poslech a mluvení.

five 5

Nová slovní zásoba se nachází v oranžových rámečcích. Slovní zásobu má učitel i žáci k dispozici jako audio nahrávky. Hrdinové učebnice se objevují v celé učebnici. Každá lekce obsahuje v jednom oddílu A–D video, které je tematicky propojené s lekcí.

Videa v učebnici se formátem přibližují youtuberským videím. Novinkou v Bloggers 3 jsou videa ve formátu vlogů ze života hrdinů. Jsou tedy silným motivačním prvkem učebnice a zároveň plní didaktický účel.

V rámečku Let’s play naleznete krátké jednoduché hry, které jsou časově nenáročné jak na přípravu, tak na realizaci.

V učebnici naleznete různé druhy textů (blog, inzerát, příběh, e-mail, články), se kterými se žáci setkávají v reálném životě. Texty jsou nahrané v podobě audia. Na stránku zaměřenou na čtení navazuje strana na procvičení psaní s přehlednou tabulkou s návodem.

Na konci učebnice se nachází strany zaměřené na reálie a dále doplňkové texty ke čtení, mapy a seznam nepravidelných sloves.

Na konci každé lekce se nachází ilustrace k seznamu slov (obrázkový slovník). Zároveň slouží k realizaci aktivit na mluvení, které jsou na vedlejší straně. Aktivity jsou řazeny od nejjednodušších po nejtěžší. 6 six


BL  GGERS3 pracovní sešit

snadná cvičení

středně těžká cvičení

těžká cvičení

Na úvodní dvojstraně pracovního sešitu se nachází instrukce, které vedou žáky k vytvoření vlastní myšlenkové mapy.

Modré gramatické tabulky s českými popisky jsou určené pro samostudium.

Pracovní sešit je barevný a nabízí velké množství cvičení, která jsou pomocí ikon rozlišená na snadná, středně těžká a těžká. Je proto vhodný pro smíšené skupiny s různou jazykovou úrovní.

V pracovním sešitě naleznete také cvičení na fonetiku a opakování učiva.

Na konci pracovního sešitu se nachází seznamy slov ke každé lekci.

seven 7





UNIT 0 0A Sports My last weekend Sports Český Krumlov 0B Food Food 0C Teen idols Films, verbs 0D At the cinema Verbs



0A Past simple – was, were 0B Past simple – regular verbs 0C Past simple – irregular verbs 0D Past simple – negative, questions

Chris’s diary – a blog

1A So do I. / Me too. / I don’t.

Join us! – an advertisement

1B Expressing quantity Comparison 1C Past simple – irregular verbs 1D Abilities Opinions

Answering an advert


Writing a diary (last weekend)

Page 10 – page 23

UNIT 1 Be creative! Vancouver

1A I am creative Creative activities How often do you... ? 1B Screen time 1C Meet famous artists Character features 1D Our culture blog

Organise a Teen Talent Show

Page 24 – page 39

UNIT 2 Once upon a time Cardiff

2A Fantastic characters Literature Body parts Describing a character 2B Meet Harry Potter Personality adjectives 2C Let me tell you about... 2D Roald Dahl – The Witches

Mia’s dream – a story

2B Past simple – irregular verbs 2C Past continuous 2D Past simple × continuous

Write a new superhero comic – a comic

Writing a story

Page 40 – page 55

UNIT 3 Let’s celebrate New Orleans

3A You are invited! A birthday party 3B Celebrating my graduation My graduation

3C American holidays 3D Our traditions Czech traditions Page 56 – page 71 8 eight

3A Suggestions 3B Future plans Accepting an idea, offer Refusing an idea, offer 3C Dates

Traditions in the UK – a blog

Writing an article (traditions)

An American-themed school party – a flyer

TOPICS UNIT 4 The Pelican State Lousiana

VOCABULARY 4A Welcome to Lousiana Lousiana I, Lousiana II 4B Where is it? Points on the compass Landscape 4C Let’s go South Things to pack 4D Let’s go on a trip Holiday activities



Leila’s visit – an e-mail

PROJECT Skype conversation – a video

4C Should, shouldn’t 4D Be going to

Writing an informal e-mail

5A Will, won’t

Transport in London – an article

Page 72 – page 87

UNIT 5 A trip to Scotland Glasgow

5A Visiting Loch Ness Scotland 5B The weather in Scotland Weather 5C The city of Glasgow In the city Directions 5D At the tourist information centre At the tourist information Means of transport Buying a train ticket

Plan a trip to Scotland – an itenerary

5C Would like to, wouldn’t like to

Writing an article (transport)

Page 88 – page 103

Englishspeaking countries

Sports are superb, Food is fun, Music makes me move, Save science

Page 104 – page 111

Extra reading UNIT 1–5 Page 112 – page 116


The USA, The English-speaking world, The British Isles

Page 117 – page 119

Irregular verbs Page 120 – page 121

nine 9


One, two, three …!

Unit 2


Once upon a time Hey Mia, what’s up?

Not much.

What are you doing?

I’m reading a book.

Which one? Harry Potter. Book 4. Do you know it? eah. I know the story. I didn’t read the book but Y I saw the film last year. Do you know the video games based on the Harry Potter series? es. They are cool, too. But I prefer reading. Y A book gives me more space to imagine things and to enjoy the atmosphere... I read quite a lot! Oh, I didn’t know you were such a bookworm! :-) es, I am. And I also like going to book fairs, Y autographings, book readings and writing workshops! Next year, I want to go to the Children’s Lit Fest in... Wait, I’ll send you a link to a video about the city. hat sounds cool! By the way, can I borrow your T book when you finish it? Sure! But start with Book 1! :-)

In this unit you will • focus on stories and characters • describe heroes and villains • use the past continuous



Your challenge You will write a story about Avatars.

40 forty

LOL :-)

Unit 0 LET’S GO! 1

Work in pairs. Look at the map and answer the questions. Then check your answers with the video. a) W here does the Children’s Lit Fest take place? b) What do you know about the city?


Watch the first minute of the video. What are the first six words in the city alphabet? a) A is for ... b) B is for ... c) C is for ...



d) D is for ... e) E is for ... f) F is for ...

Watch the rest of the video. Which places a)–d) can you see? Which can’t you see?

a) Central Market

b) The National Museum

c) The Pierhead Building

d) The Millenium Centre

Read the information from the tourist leaflet. Match it to the places in the boxes. Solve the puzzle using the capital letters at the end of the texts. Write the solution in your exercise book. 1 Cardiff Castle 2 The Millenium Stadium 3 The National Museum 4 Central Market

b iconic c Enjoy a us and io ig t  unique elsh A pres W f shoppin o e experie a hom g nce in t Discover art, na venue, e that d c la h p e heart tural history an e h o t f d t h th century. n e a d ll c a it b geology. Make y gby t . u o th r U nder on It is from e 11 pic Fo sure you visit m g r ly e e O a t glass ro the Marine Gal rs slept he hosted of, you Roman soldie lery where yo can find port is t S . s e u h ca n a wide see the world ights held matc (FF) ’s largest leathe range o here, noble kn Cardiff! f o d p f rb o r ac o k ducts. ( sit this turtle and the lifeblo IL) court here... Vi skeleton of a (DA) humpback wha medieval fort! le. (OD) 1 2 3 4


forty-one 41

2A 1

Fantastic characters

Listen and repeat.



Speak about ?????literature.

Literature a genre

a writer

a pirate

a novel

a reader

a witch

a story

a hero

a wizard

a fairy tale

main character(s)

a hobbit

a comic book

a villain

an e-book

an author

a fairy

a library

2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Then write 6 sentences about your classmate in your exercise book.

a) How often do you read books? b) W hat genre(s) do you usually read? c) Do you agree that young people read less than their parents? Why? d) Do you read books in English? e) Do you read e-books? f) D o you borrow books from the library or do you buy them? g) Who is your favourite author? h) D o you prefer reading a book or watching a film?

3 Listen to Sarah and Chris talking about their favourite book. Write the answers in your exercise book.

a) What is his / her favourite book? b) What is the genre of the book? c) Why does he / she like it? d) Does he / she prefer the book or film?

4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. a) What is your favourite book? b) What genre is it? 42 forty-two

c) Who are the main characters? d) What is the book about? WB p. 46, 47, 48, 49

Unit 2 a j

5 Listen and repeat.



Body parts

c + d

Describing a character


a tooth / teeth (pl.)


a foot / feet (pl.)



a mouth

a nose


a head


to have a beard / a hook / a moustache / a scar / wings


to wear a cape / a dress / glasses / a hat / a robe / tights g

6 Work in pairs. Look at the picture. Name the body parts a)–j).

7 Work in pairs. Look at the poster. Find a wizard, a pirate, a hobbit and a fairy. Match them to their original books. a) Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling


b) T he Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

c) Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

Tinker Bell

saruman Dolores Umbridge Gollum


Peter Pan Harry Potter


Captain Hook

Hermione Granger


Work in groups of 4.

2 Student A: Think of one character from exercise 7 and don’t tell anyone.

3 Students B, C and D: Ask Student A YES/

NO questions about the character (his/her appearance, clothes and body). Take turns.

WB p. 46, 47, 50, 51

4 Student A: Answer the questions. Answer only YES/NO.

5 Students B, C and D: Guess the character. 6 The first student who guesses the character correctly wins the game.

7 The winner can choose another character. forty-three 43



Speak about the Harry Potter books.

Listen and repeat.


Personality adjectives VIDEO


















Harry Potter is quite / really / very intelligent.

2 Read the cards with the Harry Potter characters. Focus on the adjectives.

3 Work in pairs. Look at the cards again. Say sentences about the Harry Potter characters using the adjectives and adverbs (quite, very, really).

Example: Hermione Granger is/isn’t very / quite / really intelligent.

MINI CHALLENGE: A CARD GAME (group work) You are going to play a memory game with your classmates.


Work in groups of 3 to 5.

2 Complete the blank cards your teacher gives you with information about other characters.

3 Gather all the cards and place them face down.

4 Pick two cards and place them face up.

44 forty-four

5 Everyone in your group must memorise

the information on the cards. After 30 seconds, turn the cards face down again.

6 Write 5 sentences describing the characters (as in exercise 3).

7 Check the sentences with the information on

the cards. Score one point if the information is correct, plus one point if your English is perfect. WB p. 46, 47, 52, 53

Unit 2 4 Study the table. Past simple – irregular verbs Infinitive

Past simple


Past simple

























5 Work in pairs. Put the verbs in the brackets in the past simple tense and choose a), b), c) or d).


arry Potter (get) … from Hogwards H School of Witchcraft and Wizardry unexpectedly.


Harry Potter easily (learn) how to … a) find the Philosopher’s Stone.

a) an SMS

b) dance.

b) an e-mail


c) a letter

c) fight against Lord Voldemort.

d) a phone call

d) fly on a broomstick.

he magical Sorting Hat (send) T Harry to …


Professor McGonall (give) Harry …

a) Gryffindor.

a) Hedwig, an owl.

b) Slytherin.

b) a Nimbus 2000.

c) Hufflepuff.

c) a Hogwarts T-shirt.

d) Ravenclaw.

d) an invisibility cloak.

6 Work in pairs. Put the verbs in the brackets in the past simple tense. Are the sentences a)–d) true (T) or false (F)? Discuss.

a) H arry Potter (come) to Hogwards School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when he was 10. b) Harry Potter (know) more than 10 spells. c) Ron Weasley (break) Harry Potter’s wand. d) Harry Potter (drink) ginger beer in the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. WB p. 54, 55

forty-five 45

2C 1

Let me tell you about ...

Speak about past ????? actions in progress.

Study the table. Explain the rules for the past continuous positive and negative to your classmates.

What was going on yesterday at 4 pm? 4 pm YESTERDAY

Past continuous – positive I


Past continuous – negative football.


















He She


was playing

were cooking


football. wasn’t playing

weren’t cooking

chess. golf.

dinner. pasta.

Use: Longer actions that were in progress (not finished) around a certain time in the past.

2 Listen to the dialogues

1)–4) and match them to the pictures a)–d). What were the people doing yesterday at 4 pm? Write the answers in your exercise book.





3 Work in pairs. Say what the people in exercise 2 weren’t doing at 4 pm yesterday. Example: He wasn’t waiting for a bus.

4 Study the table. Past simple – questions


What were you doing yesterday at 4 pm?

You were cooking dinner. Were you cooking dinner? What were you cooking?

Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.

I was playing the guitar. And you? Were you doing your homework?


5 Work in pairs. Read the dialogue. Then act out similar dialogues. Use the information in a) and b).

No, I wasn’t doing my homework. I was watching TV.

a) at 6 am / getting up / having breakfast / sleeping b) at 11 am / sitting at school / riding a bike / talking to a friend 46 forty-six

WB p. 56, 57

Unit 2 6 Watch the video until ——:——. Choose a), b) or c). The children slept a) in a hotel. b) in Amelia’s room. c) in the classroom.

hile they were W sleeping, they heard a) a scary noise. b) a teacher’s voice. c) a caretaker’s dog.



efore they went to B sleep, they a) watched a film. b) t old each other horror stories. c) played some games. 2



Mia thinks it was a) a cat. b) a ghost. c) a classmate. 4

7 Watch the rest of the video. What were the children doing in their dream before they woke up? Match the names 1)–4) to the options a)–d). 1


a) was dying in a battle.



b) was dreaming about a magical garden.



c) was winning over Hulk.



d) was talking to a fox.

8 Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Ask and answer the questions. 1 2

Which books or films were the children’s dreams inspired by? Do you know the stories? a






9 Answer Amelia’s questions about your dream. And what about you? What did you dream about last night? What were you doing, when the alarm clock started ringing? WB p. 58, 59

forty-seven 47


Roald Dahl –

Retell ????? a story.

1 Study the tables. Match the tables a) and b) to the explanations 1) and 2) below. a) Past simple

b) Past continuous



at 5 o’clock.



him yesterday.


was sleeping


didn’t visit

her last summer.


wasn’t sleeping

last night at 7 o’lock.

were talking

when Tom arrived.

weren’t talking

when the bell rang.



We You They


them last week.


didn’t meet

my teacher yesterday.

You They



We use ... to talk about longer actions that were in progress (not finished) around a certain time in the past.

We use ... to talk about events, states or habits that happened and finished at a definite time in the past.

She was cooking lunch 1

longer action



when John came home. 2

short event

2 Read the sentences. Which verb describes a longer action in the past and which describes a short event?

a) The phone rang when I was washing up. b) When he was going home, it started to rain. c) When I saw him, he was juggling 5 apples. d) She was taking a shower when the light went off. e) We were sitting in the garden when we saw the UFO. f) He arrived when they were watching a funny film. g) The children were listening to music when they heard a bang. h) When I entered the classroom, you were sitting in my place. LET’S PLAY

Work in groups. Play the Mime game. 1 2 3

Work alone or with 1 or 2 classmates. Act out one of the sentences from exercise 2. The group guesses your sentence.

48 forty-eight

WB p. 60, 61

Unit 0 2 3 Look at the picture of the characters from The Witches, a novel by Roald Dahl. Answer the questions. a) Who are they?

b) What do they look like?

c) What are they doing?

DID YOU KNOW? ROALD DAHL (1916–1990) was a Welsh writer. He is famous for his children's books and for his short stories with unexpected endings.

4 Listen to the summary of The Witches. Put the paragraphs a)–f) in the correct order. Then read the story.


nce upon a time, there was O a boy who lived in England. The boy's parents died in a car accident. When he was moving to Norway to live with his grandmother, he was very sad. His grandma started telling him stories about witches to make him feel better.


uddenly, another boy, S Bruno Jenkins, entered the conference room. One of the witches decided to try her magic powers on him! The boy saw how she was transforming Bruno into a mouse!


ome time later, the boy and S his grandmother moved back to England. One summer, grandma was planning to take the boy on a holiday to Norway but suddenly, she became very ill. So they stayed in a hotel in Bournemouth, England.


he boy was scared. He was T hiding behind a curtain but the witches found him and transformed him into a mouse, too.

c W hen the boy was playing with his pet mice in a conference room in the hotel, he saw a group of witches. They were having a meeting. They were planning to kill all the children in England!


hen the two boys, now T two mice, were running to the grandmother's room while the witches were chasing them... Luckily, they escaped and asked her for help. Finally, the boy and his grandmother decided to destroy all the bad witches in the world...

5 Work in pairs. Cover the texts a)–f) in exercise 4. Look at the pictures and retell the story. WB p. 62, 63

forty-nine 49

Mia’s dream 1

Read a story.

Work in pairs. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Example: Student A: This morning at 6 am I was eating breakfast. Student B: This morning at 6 am I was sleeping. a) This morning at 6 am I… b) Yesterday at 6 pm I...

c) Last Friday at 10 am I… d) 2 hours before this class I…

e) At lunchtime I… f) Last night at 9 pm I...

2 Look up the meaning of the words below in a dictionary. gloomy | to shelter | crash | froze | to shake | hooked | pointy broomstick | spell | treetop

3 Listen and then read about Mia’s dream.

Last night, I had the strangest dream! Sarah, Chris, Tom and I were playing a PC game at my house. Suddenly, there was a flash of light and the next minute, we were in the Avatar World! Sarah and I were fairies, we were wearing long white robes and had wings. Chris and Tom were both wearing capes (and tights!) and we were all walking through a forest. We were getting tired, when it started to rain and the sky was dark and gloomy. As we were searching for a place to shelter from the rain, we heard a very loud crash and bang. We all stopped and froze and I remember feeling really scared, but Sarah was brave and walked ahead. Tom, Chris and I were sitting and shaking with fear, when Sarah came back with a witch with a hooked nose and a pointy hat! She said she was flying on her broomstick, when an evil wizard cast a spell on her and made her fall off. He stole her magic stones and flew away. As she was telling her story, we all decided to help her to fight back against the villain and to get her magic stones back. She was a good witch and I was feeling more adventurous! We all sat on her broomstick and then we were flying! We were looking over the treetops, trying to find the wizard, when everything went bright white and I couldn’t see anyone or anything. That’s when I woke up! I guess I’ll never know if we found that evil wizard…

4 Work in pairs. Discuss a possible ending to Mia’s dream. Remember to use past tenses!

Did we find the evil wizard? Did we help the witch to get her magic stones back? What do you think? 50 fifty

Unit 2 1

Work in pairs. Do you remember Mia’s dream? Complete the sentences 1)–6) with a suitable ending a)–f). 1 2 3 4 5 6

We were getting tired, when it… As we were searching for a place, we… Tom, Chris and I were all sitting and shaking, when Sarah… She was flying on her broomstick, when an evil wizard… As she was talking, we all… We were trying to find the wizard when…

a) heard a loud crash. b) came back with a witch. c) cast a spell on her / made her fall off. d) started to rain. e) everything went bright white. f) decided to help her.

2 Study the table. Writing a story Step 1 – The beginning

Once upon a time there was… / A long time ago… I / he / she was / we / they were walking / sitting / flying / running… when suddenly I / he / she / we / they saw / heard...

Step 2 – Describe the people in the story.

I / he / she was / we / they were wearing a robe / a hat / a cape / tights. I / he / she / we / they had a beard / a moustache / wings / a hook.

Step 3 – Build on the story.

Then I / he / she was / we / they were walking / falling / flying… when I / he / she / we / they heard / saw... It started raining. / There was a bright light. / Everything went dark.

Step 4 – T he end

Finally, / In the end, I / he / she / we / they found the treasure / battled the villain / saved the boy. I / he / she / we / they went home / left the Avatar World / lived happily ever after!

3 Write a story from the Avatar World about the Bloggers or you and your friends. Use the blue table and the tips below to help you.

TIPS Remember to use the past simple and the past continuous. Don’t forget to describe the people and the surroundings where the story happened (e.g. a forest, a city, a castle). Describe surroundings. Was it dark? Was it cold? Was it raining? All good stories need a beginning, a middle and an end! Use your imagination. Get inspired by your own dreams, your favourite book or your hero!

fifty-one 51

Our Book Swap 1

Watch a video.

Work in pairs. Look at the photo. Ask and answer the questions. 1 2 3

Which books can you see? Who are the authors? What are the genres of these books?



2 Watch the video. Complete the sentence. Choose a), b) or c).

The Book Swap is a) a meeting when friends meet to talk about books and to borrow them from each other. b) an event organised by schools where students exchange books. c) a website where people share their reader’s experience.

3 Watch the video again. The Bloggers brought their favourite books for the Book Swap. Match the titles to the authors. 1 2 3 4 5 6

The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings Gangsta Granny, The Boy in the Dress, The World’s Worst Children Hunger Games The Chronicles of Narnia Harry Potter Game of Thrones

a) J.K. Rowling b) J.R.R. Tolkien c) George R.R. Martin d) David Walliams e) C.S. Lewis f) Suzanne Collins

4 Work in pairs. Say sentences. Who brought the books from excercise 3? Who borrowed them? Example:

Tom brought Gangsta Granny. Tom borrowed Harry Potter.

5 Work in pairs. What are these two books about? Retell the stories using the words below.

Hunger Games

Gangsta Granny

future | teenagers | fight | win | die

granny | Ben | boring | thief | the Crown Jewels

6 Imagine that your class is organising a book swap. Which books are you going to bring? Write a list of books in your exercise book.

52 fifty-two

Your challenge

WRITE A NEW SUPERHERO COMIC You are participating in a contest. 1 2 3 4 5

ork in groups. Discuss the title of the comic and the characters (their appearance W and character features). Invent the story. Discuss the design and the content of the pictures. Prepare the text which you will write in the bubbles. Use the present simple or the present continuous tense. The sentences must be short. Draw the pictures and write the text in the bubbles. Present the comic to your classmates. Choose the best comic.

fifty-three 53

Vocabulary list


f h



k a











54 fifty-four

My heroes


Work in pairs. Name the hereos 1)–4) in the picture. Example: a wizard...


Work in pairs. Be creative. Come up with the names of the heroes. Example: The wizard’s name is Zorg.


Work in pairs. Name the body parts of the heroes. Which body parts are non-human or unusual? Discuss. Example: head, legs, teeth… The pirate has got a hook. It is non-human.


Work in pairs. What are the heroes wearing? Example: Student A: The wizard is wearing a cape. Student B: He is also wearing a robe.


Work in groups. What are the heroes like? Use adjectives describing character. Example: The wizard is old and wise.


Work in groups. Compare the heroes. Use comparatives and superlatives. Example: Student A: The wizard is older than the pirate. Student B: The monster is stronger than the pirate. Student C: The superhero is the most powerful.


Work in groups. Choose one of the heroes and describe him/her. Your classmates guess who it is. Example: Student A: He is old and wise. He is wearing a robe and a cape. Student B: The wizard.


Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. a) Who is old and wise? b) Who is young, beautiful and brave?


Work in groups. Choose one hero and make up a story about him/her. Example: Student A: Once upon a time there was a superhero called Powerboy. Student B: He was tall and very strong. Student C: He helped to save women and children. Student D: Then he met an evil man called Dire…

c) Who is strong, adventurous and honest? d) Who is strong, evil and violent?

10 Work in groups. Make up a story about all the heroes in the picture. Example:


Student A: T he wizard, the superhero, the monster and the pirate had superpowers like the Avengers. Student B: They were on a mission to save the planet because…

Work in groups. Come up with titles for books or films about the heroes in the picture. Example: Student A: The Wizard Zorg from Zorgland. Student B: How Powerboy Saved the Earth.

fifty-five 55


One, two, three …!

Unit 3


Let’s celebrate Hi, Jane! You okay?

Yeah, good, you?

reat. I’m working on a presentation for our G project on American traditions. It’s good fun. Is it? What are you writing about? Mardi Gras.

Mardi Gras? What’s that?

I t’s a celebration, a party, a parade and a carnival. All in one! I found some really cool videos. Check this link... WOW! That’s awesome! What a brilliant topic! Thanks. :-) aniel, can you help me? I have no idea D what to write about. mmm, let me think... What about H graduation? It’s typical for the USA and it’s super interesting! antastic! Thanks a lot! You’re the best F classmate ever! :-)

In this unit you will • learn about American traditions • learn how to suggest an activity and accept or refuse a suggestion • read and write about traditions in the UK and in the Czech Republic

Your challenge You will create a flyer for an American-themed school party.

56 fifty-six



Unit 0 LET’S GO! 1

Work in pairs. Look at the map and answer the questions. Then check your answers with the video. a) W here does Mardi Gras from Daniel’s video take place? b) What country is it in?


Watch the first 40 seconds of the video. Which of the words in the bubble below do the people use to explain what Mardi Gras is? a party | a carnival | a parade | a barbecue | a celebration | a festival


Watch the rest of the video. Unscramble the words connected to Mardi Gras below the pictures 1)–6).













Read the texts a)-f) and match them to the pictures 1)–6) in exercise 3. Read the slogan from the orange words below and explain its meaning. a

They play jazz music during the parade. There are lots of musicians in them. They play various musical instruments – trumpets, trombones, saxophones and drums. TIMES



This is the meaning of Mardi Gras – the biggest party based on old traditions. People celebrate the last night eating rich, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season starts. LET


You can eat it during the carnival. It’s oval shaped and it’s decorated in traditional Mardi Gras colours: purple for justice, green for faith and gold for power. !!!



These are traditional Mardi Gras masks. In the past, wearing masks was a way to escape ordinary life – all people could have fun together and be whoever they wanted for a moment. ROLL

They are very colourful. In the past, they were made of glass but today they are mostly made of plastic. People throw them and catch them. You can wear them around your neck. THE


They are enormous! Some of them look like funny trains or beautiful boats. People in masks ride on them during the parade. GOOD

fifty-seven 57

3A 1

You are invited!

Speak about????? a birthday party.

Listen and repeat. A birthday party



an invitation card


a balloon


a birthday cake

biscuits (UK) = cookies (US)

a candle

a clown

a present = a gift

a costume

a marshmallow

a barbecue

a party hat

to throw a party = to have a party

2 Work in pairs. Look at the photos and answer the questions a)–d). Example: In photo 1, I can see... There are also some... The people are in the... They are celebrating...

a) Who is in the photo? b) What is in the photo?

c) Where are they? d) What are they doing?

2 1

3 Listen to Gary describing his birthday party. Which photo from exercise 2 is he describing? LET’S PLAY

Work in groups of 4. Play a memory game. 1

Your teacher hands you two sets of cards.


Lay the cards out face down in rows.


Pick up a card from each set.


I f the two cards match, you can keep them. Then pick up two more cards.


If they don’t match, put them back face down where they were.


The winner is the player with the most cards.

58 fifty-eight


WB p. 6, 7, 8, 9

Unit 3 4 Study the table. Answers

Suggestions Let’s celebrate! Why don’t we throw a surprise party for… ? What about throwing a costume party? How about having a birthday party?

That’s a good idea. Yes, why not. I (don’t) think it’s a good idea. Well, we can…

5 Listen to Mia and Sarah. They are planning a surprise party for Chris. Then read the dialogue in pairs. hris is turning 13 next Saturday. What about throwing C a surprise party for him? h, why not? But where do you want to have the party? O He mustn’t know about it. ell, we can have a surprise party this Thursday at the café near W to our house. My parents are fine with it. What do you think? That’s a good idea! Let’s send invitation cards to his friends. erfect. I can also bake a birthday cake for him... And what about buying some P balloons to decorate the café? Oh, yeah! That’s a great idea! How about buying some birthday hats? Yes, why not. How many?

Well, Iet’s say 5? 6?

I think 5 is fine.

What about a present?

Why don’t we ask Amelia?

Yeah, let’s call her now.

6 Work in pairs. You are planning a party for your best friend. Prepare a similar dialogue. Change the words in bold. Speak about the things in the bubble below.

When? | Where? | What kind of party? | Present(s)? | How many guests? Food? | Beverages? | Decorations?


Work in pairs. Think of a party theme.

2 Write the invitation to the party. Include the theme, the day, the time, the address and some activities that you are going to do.

3 Show the invitation to your classmates. Who has got the best invitation? WB p. 6, 7, 10, 11

fifty-nine 59

3B 1

Celebrating my graduation!

Speak about plans.

Listen and repeat. Then look at the photos. Say which words you can see. My graduation graduation



a ceremony







a cap and gown an auditorium a gymnasium a principal in unison to take place to conduct to march to receive to offer

2 Listen and then read the article about graduation in the USA.


2 3



G raduation is an important event for students in the US. It marks their last year of school. This ceremony, which happens in May or June, is carefully organised and conducted. S tudents typically wear a cap and gown in their school colours.

T he ceremony takes place at the school’s football stadium, auditorium or gymnasium. Graduates march in unison, while music is played.

he graduates come to the stage one by one to receive T their diploma. When receiving the diploma, they shake the principal’s hand and quietly thank him.

A fter the ceremony, parents often organise a barbecue or a party with family and friends and they sometimes offer their children small gifts.

Zdroj informací: Ashley Koerner Graduation Traditions in the US (2016)


Identify in which paragraph you can find the answer to the questions a)–e). a) What do students typically wear for the graduation ceremony? b) What do students usually do after the ceremony? c) What does graduation mean in the US?

60 sixty

d) W here does the graduation ceremony take place? e) What do students get during the graduation ceremony? WB p. 6, 7, 12, 13

Unit 3 4 Study the tables. Future plans I’m / I am

throwing a party

in the afternoon.

You’re / You are



He’s / He is

going shopping

on Tuesday.

She’s / She is

having a training session this Saturday.

It’s / It is

going to the cinema

this weekend.

We’re / We are

meeting my friend

next week.

They’re / They are having a barbecue

this evening.

Accepting an idea, offer

Refusing an idea, offer

Yes, it’s  a good idea.

I’m sorry, I can’t.

Yes, I can.

I’m sorry, I can’t make it.

OK, why not.

Unfortunately, I can’t.

5 Read about Melissa and Alison who are trying to find a day when they are both free. Write their plans in your exercise book and find out when they can meet.

Melissa: Hey Alison, what are you doing on Wednesday afternoon? Alison: My sister is graduating. Why? What are you planning? Melissa: Oh, I see. Jack, Oliver and I are going to play tennis. What about the evening? Can you join us? Alison: I’m sorry, I can’t. We are having a barbecue party in our garden. Melissa: How about Tuesday? Alison: I’m sorry, I can’t make it on Tuesday. In the afternoon, we are going to the supermarket. We need to buy some food and beverages for the party. In the evening, we are going to prepare everything for the barbecue. Melissa: Hmm, alright. Let’s meet on Monday. Can you make it? Alison: Unfortunately, I can’t. I have to buy a new skirt and new shoes for the graduation. I have nothing to wear. Melissa: OK. When are you free then? Alison: I’m free the day after the graduation. What about you? Melissa: Yeah, Thursday is fine for me. What time suits you best? Alison: I’m busy between 3 and 5. Other than that, I’m free. Let’s say at 6 pm? Melissa: Fine for me. So at 6 o’clock in front of the sports centre? Alison: Perfect. See you there.

6 Listen to Melissa and Alison. There are 5 differences. Can you find them? Use your notes from the exercise book.

7 Work in pairs. Prepare a similar dialogue about you and your classmate. Discuss when, what time and where you can meet.

Situation 1

Situation 2

Student A: You want to go on a trip. Student B: You want to throw a birthday party, buy some food and beverages, decorate the garden.

Student A: You want to go to the zoo. Student B: You want to go to a family celebration, buy some presents, help your parents with the preparations.

WB p. 14, 15

sixty-one 61

3C 1

American holidays

Speak about ?????holidays.

Listen and repeat. American holidays carve a pumpkin

have a barbecue / a picnic

decorate the house

watch fireworks

eat turkey

wear a costume

go trick-or-treating

wear make-up

2 Match the pictures 1)–3) to the texts a)–c). 1




1st January 2nd February 3rd December 4th July 5th March We read the dates in the following way: It’s on the 4th of July. Today is the 4th of July. a) 4th July! It’s Independence Day. I am watching the fireworks! b) It’s 28th November today. We are celebrating Thanksgiving at my grandma’s. I am stuffing the turkey and my little sisters are helping me. c) 31st October! My brother is getting ready to go trick-or-treating. His make-up is scary!

3 Listen to a radio programme. Match the facts a)–i) to each holiday: Independence Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving. a) It commemorates the Declaration of Indepencence – the birthday of the USA. b) It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. c) People usually have a picnic or a barbecue on this holiday. d) On this day, Americans often dress in red, white and blue. e) Before this holiday, Americans carve pumpkins into scary jack-o’-lanterns. f) Watching a football game is an important part of this celebration. g) For this holiday, some families decorate their houses to look scary. h) The traditional meal is turkey. i) It’s not as old as other festivals but it’s very popular. 62 sixty-two


ce day

en independ 2

thanksgiving 3


ween WB p. 16, 17

Unit 3 4 Work in pairs. Look at the American holiday calendar. Ask and answer questions about the holidays and the dates. Then cover the calendar and try again! Example: Student A: When is Mardi Gras? Student B: What do the Americans do on the 28th of November?

Student B: It’s on the 5th of March. Student A: They celebrate Halloween.



1st January NEW YEAR’ S DAY

19th April – 27th April EASTER

31st October HALLOWEEN

5th March MARDI GRAS





25th December CHRISTMAS DAY

MINI CHALLENGE: A HOLIDAY CALENDAR (group work) Your English class is creating an American holiday calendar for your school.


Decide which month your group will be in charge of.

2 Choose an American holiday for that month. 3 Write a short text describing the holiday and how it is celebrated in the USA.

4 Add drawings or photos. WB p. 18, 19

JANUARY MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY Martin Luther King Day is celebrated on ... It commemorates ... sixty-three 63


Our traditions

Speak about????? Czech traditions.

1 Listen and repeat. Czech traditions Witch Burning

Day of Love

All Souls’ Day

St Nicholas Tradition

winter is over


to remember the dead

the Angel

to build a bonfire

to walk up the hill

to visit the graves

the Devil

to make a straw witch

to kiss under a tree

to light candles

to wear costumes

to burn the witch

to build a maypole

to lay flowers / wreaths

to get candy / a sack of coal or potatoes

2 Listen and then read about typical Czech traditions. Match their descriptions a)–d) to the pictures 1)–4).

a) T his day falls on 2nd November. On that day, people remember all the dead in their families. They visit their graves, lay flowers and wreaths on the graves and light candles. The weather is usually chilly and rainy. It’s a quiet and spiritual time. b) It is celebrated on 1st May. Couples go out and kiss under a blooming cherry tree. In Prague, lovers walk up Petřín Hill. In some small towns or villages, young men build a maypole in the square or in front of houses where unmarried girls live. c) On 5th December, you can see a group of three characters wearing costumes: Saint Nicholas, the Angel and the Devil. They visit small kids at home and ask them if they were good. Good children say yes and sing a song. Then they get candy. Bad kids can get a sack of coal or potatoes – which does not happen often! d) O n the evening of 30th April, Czechs build a huge bonfire – the bigger, the better! They also make a straw witch dressed in old clothes. When the night comes, they burn the witch. The bad witch loses its magic powers and the winter is over!



Witch Burning

All Souls’ Day 2

Day of




n Traditio s la o h St Nic

Work in pairs. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? a) Witch Burning is on 30th April. b) Couples kiss under the apple tree.

64 sixty-four

c) Bad kids get a carrot from St Nicholas. d) All Souls’ Day is a quiet tradition. WB p. 20, 21

Unit 0 3 On the first of May, we don’t walk up a hill. And we don’t build a maypole in my village. People in love go out and kiss under a tree.

4 Speak about the traditions from exercise 2. Use the questions a)–c) below to help you.

a) Which of the traditions do you celebrate in your town or village? b) Is the celebration the same or different? c) What other traditions do you have?

5 Watch Jane’s vlog about another Czech tradition. Answer the questions.

a) What traditional celebration are the children preparing for? b) What are they planning for the smaller kids? c) W hat can you tell about this Czech tradition? d) Why is Mia unhappy with her mask? e) What does Daniel think about his mask? f) What idea does Mia get in the end?



6 Watch the video again. Unscramble the names of the traditional costumes 1)–3) and match them to their characteristics a)–c). 1

H T E  T H E A D


E T H  R B A E


T E H  H S R O E

a) You need two people to wear this mask: one at the front and one at the back. b) Young women dance with this character when they want a baby. The mask symbolises fertility and a good harvest, too. c) Surprisingly, it is a very positive character. It symbolises the end of the winter.

7 Answer Jane’s questions. Use the words from the box and the pictures to help you. And what about you? Do you celebrate Masopust in your town or village? How do you celebrate it? It’s your turn now!




a parade | make / wear costumes | walk from house to house | dance | have fun enjoy good food | play music | listen to music | roast a pig WB p. 22, 23

sixty-five 65

Traditions in the UK 1

Read a culture blog.

Work in pairs. Look at the word lists a)–c) below. They are connected to traditions. There is always one word in each list that doesn’t fit. Find the words which don’t fit and say the tradition for each list. Witch Burning | Halloween | Independence Day a) to burn, bonfire, kiss, winter, straw

b) pumpkin, scary, turkey, costume, candy

c) fireworks, picnic, July, football, birthday

2 Listen and then read about traditions in the UK. Traditions in the UK

BURNS’ NIGHT People in Scotland celebrate Burns’ Night at the beginning of the year. It happens on 25th January and it celebrates the life of the famous Scottish poet, Robert Burns. Scotland is very proud of Robert Burns and during his life he wrote many beautiful poems. To remember him, friends and families meet to eat a traditional Scottish meal of haggis (which tastes similar to jaternice), turnips and potatoes. People read Burns’ poems during the evening, men often wear kilts, and everyone dances to bagpipe music. It is a merry night and always a welcome celebration in the dark cold days of January.

PANCAKE DAY Pancake Day is also called Shrove Tuesday. It is the day before Lent begins. Lent is the 40 days before Easter when Christians fast. In the past, people ate all the food that would go bad in 40 days and cooked pancakes to use all their eggs and milk. It’s like the feast at Masopust. Almost everyone celebrates Pancake Day. Sometimes students cook pancakes during class and they learn about the symbolism of this day at school. When children get home from school, they make and eat pancakes with lemon and sugar with their families. Some villages organise pancake races, where people run and flip a pancake in a pan at the same time – the winner runs to the line first with their pancake in one piece.

GUY FAWKES NIGHT Guy Fawkes Night – or Bonfire Night – is celebrated on 5th November. It is to remember when a man called Guy Fawkes almost blew up the Houses of Parliament. People around the UK meet to watch fireworks and build a huge bonfire to celebrate. There is a ‘Guy’ Contest, where children make effigies of Guy Fawkes. The best Guy is put on the bonfire, which is really similar to the Czech Witch Burning, where the straw witch is burned. Children also take part in a fancy dress contest and the winner gets sweets. There is always hot chocolate to keep warm and sausages to cook on the fire. At the end of the night there are fireworks.

3 Work in pairs. What do you remember about the traditions in the UK? Choose the correct endings for each sentence. 1

urns’ Night celebrates B a) Scotland. b) a poet.


ancake Day is celebrated P a) 40 days before Easter. b) during Lent.


n Burns’ Night people read O a) songs. b) poems.


uy Fawkes Night is also called G a) Bonfire Night. b) Fireworks Night.

66 sixty-six

Unit 3 1

Work in pairs. Speak about the three UK traditions. Decide which one you like the best and say why. Example: Student A: I like Burn’s Night because I like Scottish food and music. Student B: My favourite is Guy Fawkes Night because fireworks are cool.

2 Study the table. Writing an article about traditions This tradition / celebration is called... Step 1 – What is it called?

Step 2 – W hen is it?

The name of this tradition / celebration is Burns’ Night / Thanksgiving / Witch Burning / Pancake Day / Independence Day / Halloween. It is… / It happens… / We celebrate it… / the day before Lent / on 25th January / at the end of winter / in the middle of the year. We / people celebrate it to commemorate the dead / a famous person.

Step 3 – W hy is it celebrated?

It is tradition to celebrate this to remember a historical event / the end of winter. It symbolises the beginning of Lent / the beginning of spring / harvest. We / people make masks / costumes / straw witches.

Step 4 – H ow is it celebrated?

We / people build a bonfire / watch fireworks / have a parade / meal / feast / race. We / people dance / sing / play music / eat / dress up / lay wreaths / flowers. Children get sweets / candy / coal / potatoes.

3 Write an article about a Czech tradition or celebration. Use the table and the photos below to help you.

TIPS Remember these 4 questions – what, when, why, how?

Easter St Nic

Include a short background / history.


Think about what makes it special –



traditional food, clothes, some ceremony. Is it different for children and adults? Is it different in villages and cities? Choose something you enjoy, so you have fun writing it!






sixty-seven 67

Our surprise party 1

Watch a video.

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions a)–d). Guess the answers.


19 Mia




a) Who’s birthday is it? b) How old is he / she? c) Who is throwing a surprise party? d) Where is it?

2 Watch the video and check. Complete the missing information.

It is … 's birthday (today) and HE / SHE IS … years old today. … , … and … are throwing a surprise party in a … . 3 Work in pairs. What do the Bloggers need for the birthday party? Match the words to the pictures. a) party hats b) a birthday cake c) balloons d) a present e) confetti f) candles



5 4



4 Work in pairs. Choose a), b) or c). melia and Daniel are coming A later because a) t hey went to a shop to buy a present. b) A melia has a ballet lesson and Daniel is at baseball practice. c) they forgot about the party. 1

hris comes to the café C because a) he is thirsty and wants something to drink. b) he knows that there is a birthday party. c) he thinks that he is having an extra maths lesson there. 2

hris got… as a birthday C present. a) drawing classes b) cooking and baking classes c) extra maths lessons 3

5 Answer the questions a)–d). Use the adjectives from the box below. moved | surprised | happy | excited a) How does Chris feel when he comes to the party? b) How does he feel when he blows out the candles?

c) How does he feel when he says that it is his best birthday? d) H ow does he feel when he gets his birthday present?

6 Write 10 sentences about your last birthday in your exercise book. 68 sixty-eight

Your challenge

Create a flyer for an American-themed School Party Your class is organising an American-themed party at your school. 1 2 3 4 5

Choose several American holidays from the unit. Choose things from each celebration that you want to have at the party: food, decorations, activities, etc. Think of a name and a date for your party. Organise the agenda of the day. Create a flyer. On the one side, present the party, invite the students, detail the events of the day and include recommendations for those who will come. On the other side, write information about the American holiday that you chose.


AL TRADITION AMERICAN ING THANKSGIV MEAL ericans Every year, Am giving ks an Th celebrate th ur fo e th on ovember. Thursday of N , mashed They eat turkey berry sauce potatoes, cran pie. and pumpkin

We’re having a Thanksgiving meal at the canteen at 12 pm. We’re… at… Come dressed in red, white and blue! Let’s celebrate like Americans!

sixty-nine 69

Vocabulary list 1



b c








6 h

8 7




10 9

70 seventy



Our traditions


Work in pairs. Name the things in the pictures 1)–10). Example: Fireworks, a flag…

2 Work in pairs. Name the festivals and celebrations that the pictures represent. Example:

Number 1 represents Independence Day.

3 Work in pairs. Name the countries where these festivals are celebrated. Are they Czech, British or American (Canadian)? Example: Independence Day is celebrated in the USA.

4 Work in groups. Which festivals are celebrated in winter, spring, summer or autumn? Which can be celebrated anytime? Example: Halloween is celebrated in autumn.

5 Work in pairs. When exactly are they celebrated? Match the festivals to the dates. a) on 31st October b) on 5th November c) on somebody’s birthday d) on 5th December e) at the end of the school term f) on 4th July

g) on 2nd November h) on Tuesday in February or March i) on 1st May j) on the fourth Thursday in November (the USA) or on the second Monday in October (Canada)

6 Work in groups. Say what people do during these festivals. Example:

People walk in parades, watch fireworks and wave flags on Independence Day.

7 Work in groups. Which celebrations are similar? What do they have in common? Which are completely different? Compare and contrast them. Example: Independence Day and Thanksgiving are both American holidays. People remember important moments in their history.

8 Work in groups. Use adjectives to describe the festivals. Example:

Halloween is spooky, funny and creative.

9 Work in groups. Choose one festival and describe it. Do not say the name and let the others guess it. Then swap. Example: Student A: It is celebrated in October. Children wear scary costumes and go trick-or-treating. People carve pumpkins to make lanterns. The group: Halloween

10 Work in groups. Think of one festival and do not say its name. Let the others ask questions and guess the name of the festival. Example: Student A: Is it in autumn? Student C: Do children wear scary costumes?

Student B: Yes. Student B: No.

11 Work in groups. Which holidays and celebrations are not in the picture? Think of one

and draw your own image of the symbols of this festival. Then present it to your classmates and let them guess the holiday.

seventy-one 71

AUDIO Děkujeme za spolupráci při natáčení audií. Mluvčí: Jane Sowada Hasik, Caroline Barnard, Amálie Hague, Agáta Bezděková, Kryštof Bezděk, Mathew Beck, Tobiáš Jírovec, Ema Janečková, Sofie Hasik, Jonáš Doležal DVD Děkujeme za spolupráci při natáčení videí. Představitelé hlavních rolí: Caroline Barnard, Amálie Hague, Agáta Bezděková, Kryštof Bezděk, Oliver Krutý, Tobiáš Jírovec, Ema Janečková, Sofie Hasik

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