KLSFEA Profile

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The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Furniture Entrepreneur Association 吉隆坡暨雪兰莪家具企业商会

The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Furniture Entrepreneur Association

The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Furniture Entrepreneur Association 吉隆坡暨雪兰莪家具企业商会

隆雪家具企业商会成立于2002年,主要是促进同 业的交流,团结力量,分享知识,共同促进家具业 的发展,携手面对国际竞争. 自成立以来,在推动 会务和团结同业的过程中,我们发现必须制定一 KLSFEA was established in 2002 with the initial

objective to foster interaction and unity among

furniture entrepreneurs, sharing knowledge and

promoting the development of furniture businesses in response to international competitions and challenges.

Since its establishment with a clear strategy to

套可持续、明确的发展蓝图,以确保各项发展计 划能贯彻始终,有传承及依据,不至于因人事流转 而阻碍工作进展. 配合政府5年一期的“大马计划”,本会也以5年 为一个战略期,分阶段推动595大方向,确保595大 方向如期往前推进,每5年就取得明确的战略成 果,而不是沦为空谈或是停滞不前.

promote association activities, we have realised

that it is important to set up a clear master plan that hinges on sustainable development program, to ensure all development plan can be ex-

ecuted systematically, without allowing for manpower turnover to impede work progress.





In line with the government’s 5-year Malaysia

Plan, our association will also have a five years strategic period to promote the 595 directions

phase by phase, ensuring 595 directions are

planned and carried out with clearly defined vivid

strategic results every five years – statements that are just voiced out but clearly executed.

1+2.KLSFEA Main Entrance 商会正门口 3.Member Lounge 会员会所交流厅 4.Meeting Room 会议室

Sustainable Development of 595 Directions 5 Main Goals, 9 Major Plans, 5 Strategic Years

595 Directions:

5 Main Goals: A 5 long term and macro development plan. 9 Major Plans: A 9 plans that would help achieve intermediate target 5 Strategic Years: To achieve the 9 plans in 5 strategic years.

Reasons of setting up “5 Goals, 9 Major Plans, 5 Strategic Years”: To ensure sustainability of works and objective, even when there is a replacement of administration staff or committees, to avoid stagnation cause by personnel turnover, and to strengthen the sustainable development. To avoid duplication in communication and misunderstanding cause by miscommunication, and to increasing productivity To ensure all members to understand the vision, objectives, works and plans of the association so that it is easier to carry out plans and strategy to unite furniture entrepreneur Draw a clear and unified written development objective and work direction, so as to avoid personnel to deviate from the original purpose. Embrace entrepreneurial and professionalism into association operation; to enhance the conventional practise of association and to pursuits for improving.

595 Directions 5 Main Goals, 9 Major Plans, 5 Strategic Years Basis in forming 595 Directions 595 align with government’s policy 595

595 Directions working closely with government’s national development policy, we will make every effort to get government support through every “Malaysia Plan” to help to further promote development on furniture industry.

595 align with market

595 is a development strategy that synchronizes with market, especially international market and development trend, integrated macro and real time factors, very flexible and practical, not something behind close door.

595 share prosperity with furniture entrepreneur

595 Directions is a development blueprint made for furniture entrepreneur in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, where every member will benefited from it, and with knowledge sharing to build up a strong team to get a strong international competitive edge.

Mission of 595 Directions

Enhance members international competitiveness Through personnel training, establish International Furniture City; establish “Malaysia Hall” International Team, and to enhance member’s international competitiveness.

Build up furniture brands, free from limitation of OEM

Through education and international interaction program, raise member’s awareness on building brand, enhance determination to build up brand. Increase enterprise value through building up brand and get away from the dilemma of OEM.

Nurturing talent to ensure sustainable development

Human resource is the core element in furniture industry sustainable development. Training through Furniture Industry College and others training program to train upstream and downstream personnel as endless driving force into the furniture industry.

Enhance Image of Furniture Industry

Change society’s negative impression on furniture industry as “sunset industry”. Use the attractiveness of brand to attract more talents to join and utilize international performances to showcase furniture industry emerging future.

5 Main Goals – Relentless Work of 595 Directions

5 main goals are the drive of 595, represent determination and ambition of KL and Selangor Furniture Entrepreneur Association to strive for the best and integrate with international standard.

1. Establish International Furniture City 2. Establish Branded Furniture City at overseas. 3.Establish “Furniture Industry College”. 4.Establish “Malaysia Hall” in international exhibition 5.Establish International Base and Office

9 Major Plans – The Execution of 595 Directions Plan 1: Malaysia Fair

Plan 2: Overseas International Fair and Study Group Plan 3: Special Permit to Employ Foreign Workers Plan 4: Government Affairs Plan 5: Organization Development Plan 6: Human Resources Development

Plan 7: Establish Information Management System Plan 8: Furniture Magazine Plan 9: Welfare and Cultural

5 Strategic Years – Intermediate Strategy for 595 Directions

Align with government’s five year “Malaysia Plan”; we will also have a five year strategic period to implement 595 directions in stages. Ensuring 595 directions to be implemented as scheduled and achieve a clear strategic outcome every five years, rather than degenerate into empty promise, or a stand still situation.

Targets of first 5 strategic year of 2010-2014 are: Value added for enterprises:

Enterprise to upgrade and improve on brand, design and international competitiveness, and more willing to participate in international exhibition and enterprise value increase 20% or above. Through upgrading enterprises to change public perception on furniture industry to become an industry with bright future. Successfully establish a quality enterprises team to become pioneer in establish a “Malaysia Hall”, to drive Malaysian furniture enterprises to build up international brand. Enterprise to fully understand government’s policy and various incentives, assistance and grants.

Innovation in Our Association

Our association to have complete information technology and professional management towards generating profit as ultimate goal. Our association will realize organization growth; establish professional advisory board and laying the status of official representation.

永续发展之595大方向 5大目标,9大计划,5年战略

595大方向: 5大目标:意指5项长远及宏观发展的工作目标。








制定“5大目标,9大计划,5年战略”的 595大方向的使命 提升会员企业的整体国际竞争力。 原因是: 确保在行政人员及理事会更换下,保持工作和目标的持续


性,避免因人废事,巩固 永续发展 的成长势态。


避免重复沟通和语言传达的误解,提高工作效率。 所有会员对本会的宗旨和目标,工作和计划有清晰的认








促进本会的运作朝向企业化和专业化,摆脱社团组织因循 苟且的恶习,力求精进,团结同业。

培养人才,确保永续成长 人才是家具业提升和永续成长的核心因素,通过建立家具

595大方向 5大目标,9大计划,5年战略











595与市场同步 595大方向是与市场同步的发展策略,特别强调紧扣国际市 场的发展势态,综合宏观和即时的因素,有丰富的弹性和实 践性,绝非闭门造车。


5大目标—— 595大方向持续不懈的工作


5大目标就是595的驱动力,是代表吉隆坡及雪兰莪家具企 业力争上游,与国际接轨的决心和宏愿。


1.建立国际家具城 计划9:福利与文教 2.建立品牌家具购物城 3.建立家具产业教育学院

5年战略——推动595大方向的 阶段战略 配合政府5年一期的“大马计划”,本会也以5年为一个战


略期,分阶段推动595大方向,确保595大方向如期往前推 进,每5年就取得明确的战略成果,而不是沦为空谈或是停



9大计划——推动595大方向的执行力 注重教育及培训,培养人才。

首个5年战略2010-2014的目标是: 同业升值:




进,更勇于参加国际展销会,企业升值20%或以上。 通过提升同业,社会对家具行业的印象改观,成为有前途的


行业。 成功建立优质会员企业团队,成为国际展览会上“马来西


亚馆”的先驱,从而带动整个马来西亚家具企业在国际的 品牌定位。


同业充分理解政府的各项奖掖、补助、津贴等相关政策和 优惠。

计划4:政府事务 革新本会 计划5:人力资源发展

本会完成资讯化、专业化管理,以期迈向可盈利的终极目 标。


本会实践组织成长,建立专业顾问团队,奠定在官方的代表 性地位。


Project 1 Malaysia Fair 第一计划:马来西亚展销会


Domestic Fair


(MF3) organized by our association since 2008,


exhibitors to jump start their product lines and


and tips on transforming and improving homes


edge on Malaysian furniture brands.


International Fair


The Malaysian Furniture & Furnishings Fair


aims to provide an effective branding platform to


sales. The MF3 is also a source of information for consumers, as well as increasing their knowl-

Export Furniture Exhibition (EFE) organized by

马来西亚家具同业联合总会(MFEA)主办“大 机,及拥有一个良好的出口市场销路趋向。 具展。

Malaysia Furniture Entrepreneur Association (MFEA), an exhibition that brings together key

exporters to showcase Malaysia’s reasonable

prices, efficient processes and viable business opportunities.


www.mf3.my 1.YB Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok, Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities is be the honorable guest at the Opening Ceremony. 马来西亚种植及原产业部部长YB丹斯里柏纳东博(中)为开幕贵宾。

Guang Zhou

Welcome to Malaysia Furniture & Furnishings Fair 2011


New York


Project 2 Trade Fair And Trade Mission 第二计划:海外国际展及考察团


The Malaysian Furniture Promotion Council

(MFPC) and Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) cooperate


together to encourage member participation in international market initiatives, exhibitions and

1.Moving ahead is the next step as business opportunities are capitalized. 本会跨出成功的一大步,开拓新商机,大家在曲美家具前拍照留 念。 2.KLSFEA and Shen Zhen Furniture Trade Association organized the "The 25th Shenzhen International Furniture Fair - Malaysia's Pavilion," to enhance Malaysia’s brand in the China market. 隆雪家具企业商会与中国深圳家具行业协会联手打造马来西亚风 情馆,并举办隆重的推介礼。 3.President, Richard Ko (right) with Chairman of Shenzhen Furniture Association, Huang Wei Ye (left) signing of the Memorandum of association. 本会会长许烺裕(右)与深圳家具行业协会会长黄伟业(左)签下结 盟备忘录。

studies to provide updated market   strengths and business opportunities.

配合马来西亚家具促进局(MFPC)及马来西亚 对外贸易发展机(MATRADE)的国际市场计划, 鼓励会员参与国际家具展,组团参展及考察以 获得最新资讯为会员开拓参展商机。 3


Project 3 Special Permit To Employ Foreign Workers 第三计划:申请外劳特许

Applying to the government to allow us to establish a "Company that specialises in special

permits for foreign worker in the furniture industry", in order to solve foreign worker shortage problem while helping the government to resolve social problems caused by foreign workers.

向政府申请成立"家具业外劳申请特许公司", 解决家具同业面对外劳短缺问题。


Project 4 Government Affairs 第四计划:政府事务


Enhancing communication with government departments in order to help furniture entrepre-

neurs understand incentive policies given by the government and on how to useloans, subsidies,

assistance and grant to buy machinery, train workers, explore market potential and research new products.


The most important thing is to obtain the support

of the Selangor State Government to establish a "1,000 acres Selangor World Furniture Industry City".

加强与政府部门的沟通,协助同业了解政府的奖 掖措施,善用各种贷款、津贴、援助金、补助金 购买机器、培训人员、开发市场,研发新产品。 最重要的使命是争取雪州政府的支持,落实建 立“1000英亩“雪州国际家具城”。


1.KLSFEA committee and Minister of Tourism Dato Sri Ng Yen Yen exchange opinion during MF3 2010 Launch Ceremony. 旅游部长拿督斯里黄燕燕(中)并与本会交 流,交换意见。 2..Chief Minister of the State of Selangor (right) and KLSFEA Committee having the Selangor Furniture International City Meeting. 雪州大臣丹斯里卡立(右)与本会交流,讨论 雪州家具城进展,促进州政府与家具业者的 联系。 3.KLSFEA and member visit to the Furniture Testing Lab at FRIM. 本会与会员前往大马森林研究院“家具检 测中心 ,深入了解家具行业息息相关的检测 中心。


Project 5 Human Resources Development 第五计划:人力资源发展

To enable the furniture industry to have a sustainable development, our goal is to establish a "Furniture Industry College"

Establish a professional advisory board to provide advice and consultation to members on any enquiry related to the industry.

本会的目标是成立 "家具产业教育学院" ,以确 保家具行业的永续发展 成立专业顾问团,网罗专业人士,为会员提供即时 咨询服务

Seminar of Successful Marketing Formulas for Retail Business – Speaker: Roger Bugh. 由Roger老师主讲零售业务-卓越销售方程式,吸引约百人参与。


Project 6 Organization Development 第六计划:组织发展

To promote the growth of the furniture industry,

the association will pool the members together

为了推动家具业成长,本会必须广招会员,将组织多元 化,以更有效争取同业利益及推动家具业成长,同时建

for better business interests and promote the


grated administrative support system.

"组织成长" 工作及目标:成立青年组,培养接班人,精

growth of the furniture industry, providing an inte-

细分工及借助专业人士,让各组专注发挥。 Organization development and objectives: es-

tablishing youth groups to train successors, manpower management and helping professionals to focus on core business areas.


1.KLSFEA Youth Group. 隆雪家具企业商会青年团。


CRM Website






Project 7 Establish Of Information Management System 第七计划:建立资讯化管理系统

Build a website to enable international buyers for making enquiry and enable public to un-

derstand the activities and getting information needed.

建立网站以方便国际买家查询会员资料以 及创造商机,让公众了解本会活动和获得最 新的资讯。

KLSFEA Magazine 2010 7TH March 2010, 2.30PM


Project 8 KLSFEA Magazine 第八计划:《隆雪家具》专业期刊


KLSFEA Magazine is specially produced for

KLSFEA Members. It is full of market information of furniture industry and it is important to enhance industry image.

专为会员而出版,提供丰富市场资讯,提高行 业形象及营业额。 家具期刊将分发给政府部门代表性的社 团,各州友会,家具同业们及各国马来西亚对 外贸易发展机构。







government body, well established NGOs, state

affiliate members, upstream and downstream furniture entrepreneur, Matrade office throughout the world.

1.Souvenir presentation to Tan Sri William Cheng.赠 送纪念品给丹斯里钟廷森(左)。


Chinese New Year Charity 2011


Project 9 Welfare, Cultural and Education 第九计划:福利与文教


Enhance interaction and cooperation among members to create more business opportunities. Organize family days.

Organize members’ gatherings every month. 促进会员联谊,加强互动,为会员之间创造合作的 契机。 在特定节日举行会员家庭日。 每个月的首个星期六举行会员联谊日。

2 1.KLSFEA Academic Excellence Awards 2011 隆雪家具企业商会会员子女奖励金 2011。 2.KLSFEA went to Sungai Buloh Leprosy Settlement Centre for Mid Autumn Charity Event. 本会前往双溪毛糯麻风院,派发月饼给麻风病患,让他们也感受到中秋佳节的温馨。

Advantages of KLSFEA Membership 加入隆雪家具企业商会会员的十大好处


Bridging Links between the Furniture Industry and Government Bodies KLSFEA will play the role of linking members with the Government in order to facilitate information exchange among the industries and incentive applications. Besides that KSLFEA is working closely with the Malaysian Furniture Promotion Council (MFPC) and Malaysia External Trade Development Agency (MATRADE) in international market plans, to explore new market possibilities and to provide study tours for members to be in touch with latest industries updates. 与政府沟通的桥梁 本会扮演会员与政府的沟通桥梁,协助同业了解及申请政府的 奖掖措施;同时也密切配合马来西亚家具促进局促局(MFPC)及 马来西亚对外贸易发展机构(MATRADE)的国际市场计划,组团 参展及考察以获得最新资讯,为会员开拓参展商机。



Comprehensive Member Services Assists members in application of Market Development Grants (MDG). Asia Pacific Business Travel Card (APEC) and regularly informs of relevant forums in the areas of wood and furniture, and financial management. Comprehensive collections of trade journals and reference guides are available at the association office to widen the knowledge of members to provide an edge in the competitive market. 完善的会员服务 本会为会员服务,协助申请市场开发辅助金(MDG)、亚太商旅 卡(APEC)等,并且定期通知会员相关的金融、木业、国际家 具等各项座谈会详情,传达行业的重要资讯。同时本会底层交 易厅及图书馆备有各类行业相关书籍,让会员参考,以提升自 我,加强竞争优势。


Creating Business Opportunities for International Markets The Association had formed an alliance with the ShenZhen Furniture Trade Association (SZFA). Through this, both parties and their members will be able to exchange and share business matters by forming a strategic business joint venture and participation in overseas trading fairs including the Export Furniture Exhibition Malaysia (EFE).

Branding Malaysia’s Furniture at International Markets Working together with the state government of Selangor, to establish the “Selangor International Furniture City” to bring together a more professional and focused business marketing strategy, KLSFEA will assist domestic and international buyers by more centralised purchasing and create a better branding identity.

开拓海外市场 本会与中国深圳市家具行业协会(SZFA)缔结成兄弟协会。透 过结盟,整合双方的优势与资源,为两国家具行业打造一个拓展 市场的平台,让会员有机会参与海外展销会,同时也招揽业者前 来参观大马出口家具展(EFE),共创商机。

打造本地家具行业的国际形象与品牌 本会将配合雪州政府,落实建立“1000英亩雪州国际家具 城”。让会员集中经营家具企业,专业规划及统一系统,利于国 内外买家集中采购,打造集体品牌,以提升效益。



Privileged Opportunities to Access Local Market through MF3 KLSFEA members will be able to participate in Malaysia Furniture and Furnishing Fair (MF3) which works as a platform for manufacturers to introduce new products to the market. 建立优质的内销平台 会员将享有特别优惠参加本会主办的马来西亚家具与装饰展销 会(MF3),借展览会的平台,厂商能推出新产品,打开知名度,提 升营业额。


Widest Business Network KLSFEA creates an opportunity for members to meet with other states furniture manufacturers for business networking. KLSFEA also organises regular “Members’ Gathering Day” for sharing of ideas and networking among members. 拓展商务网络 通过家具总会,会员们有机会接触外州同业,扩大商务网络。同 时本会将定期举办“会员联谊日”,让会员与同业们一起交流 及分享。


Fast and Secure Borderless Network Communication to Members We have established an ICT informative system management online to reach out to international buyers. This will create a strong networking without border among peers and allow members receive the latest updates from the association. 无边界网络交流 本会并时并进,建立资讯化管理系统的网站,方便国际买家 查询资料以创造商机,达致无边界的网络交流,并让会员了 解本会活动及获得最新资讯。

Provide Informative and the Latest Furniture Market Information “KLSFEA Magazine” is a magazine specially produced for our members, the contents and designs of which highlights that domestic furniture’s quality and have indeed reached international standards. It is full of market information for the furniture industry and has great reading value for the general public. The well-received association’s publication is distributed among government departments, representative associations, state furniture associations, embassies and overseas furniture manufacturers to widen the scope of marketing potential. Members will benefit from advertising in the Magazine at a discounted price. 提供市场动脉与资讯 本会出版《隆雪家具》专业期刊,是为本会会员而出版的刊物, 内容和设计时尚化,凸显国内家具品牌优质的国际水准,对同业 而言有丰富的市场资讯,对读者而言也有丰富的阅读价值。《 隆雪家具》专业期刊将分发给政府部门代表性的社团,各州友 会,家具同业们、各国驻马大使馆及海外家具业者等。会员将 享有特价在期刊刊登广告。


Organized trainings to Enhance Furniture Industry Skills and Knowledge To provide courses and training related to the field, KLSFEA plans to set up a “Furniture Training Academy” for the grooming of local talents in the industry. Professional consultants will provide advice and consultation services. 提升家具业者知识与技术 本会计划成立“家具产业教育学院”,并举办与家具业相关的 课程及培训活动,培养家具行业链所需要的全方位人才,同时成 立专业顾问团,提供即时的咨询服务。


Solidarity and Care for Community KLSFEA brings the members of the association together as a caring community through the annual charity events, creating awareness of the need of philanthropy. Furthermore, the association will be working towards providing scholarships to the children of members to encourage academic achievements. 团结与关怀 本会团结会员的力量,一同关怀社会,并借由一年一度的慈善活 动,希望发挥抛砖引玉的效果,唤醒更多人投入慈善事业。同时 本会也计划提供奖学金,鼓励学业成绩优异的会员子女。

The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Furniture Entrepreneur Association 吉隆坡暨雪兰莪家具企业商会 www.klsfea.org.my

37 A-C. Jalan Kati/E, Seksyen U19, Taman Medan Mas, Kg. Baru Seri Sg. Buloh, 40160 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan Tel : +603-6140 1202 Email : secretariat@klsfea.org.my Fax : +603-6156 0946

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