polisMOBILITY Trade fair magazine

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Trade Fair & Conference Cologne, 18–21 May 2022

Wo wir Mobilität für eine lebenswerte Zukunft neu denken. Where we reinvent mobility for a brighter future. polis-mobility.com

Save the date Köln | Cologne, 24.-27.05.2023

EDITORIAL Dear Readers,

passes all sectors, we see the trade fair as more than a mere product showcase. It is conceived as a platform.

OLIVER FRESE Chief Operating Officer Koelnmesse

I’m delighted to welcome you as one of our visitors at

It is our ambition to create opportunities to glean new

polisMOBILITY. By attending the event, you are un-

perspectives and, ideally, to identify potential coopera-

derscoring how important the issue of mobility is – and

tions and solutions.

with it the related question of how we want to shape the reality of our lives, our cities and regions to create a

We are staging a conference of immense topical rele-

liveable future. All our exhibitors and our partners have

vance and one that is unique in Germany in terms of

contributed significantly to the success of polisMOBI-

its high quality standards and its scope. Acclaimed

LITY. I would like to express my warm thanks to all of

thought leaders who have distinguished themselves in

them for their commitment.

the mobility debate will discuss the challenges of the transition. Our exhibition builds on the conference by

One thing is clear: Cities and local authorities are facing

presenting innovative, networked solutions and the

far-reaching changes. As we consider the question of

technologies that support them. Last but not least, we

how we want to live in the future, every person, every

involve our visitors in the event’s concept.

company and every local authority will contribute their own personal responses to the debate. But what will

polisMOBILITY therefore extends beyond the trade

prove crucial will be finding a way for all the stake-

fair grounds with the cityHUB, where our exhibitors

holders to come together around a joint solution that

and partners will present best-practice examples on

represents a goal worth striving for to all of us.

the urban test tracks in the area around Cologne’s Rudolfplatz. From electric bicycles to cargo bikes and

In this context, the question of how we shape urban

e-car sharing, the cityHUB brings together a large

mobility will assume a decisive role. First of all, we

selection of modern vehicles for local mobility with

must promote intermodality to enable individual mobi-

alternative and zero-emissions drives. An all-day

lity models. To be viable, mobility concepts must make

shuttle shuttle service connects the cityHUB with the

it possible to switch flexibly and efficiently between

trade fair ground.

different modes of transport and different routes. The paradigm of our future mobile lifestyles will shift fun-

One of the event’s centrepieces will be polisCAMP, hos-

damentally in relation to means of transport, moving

ted by the City of Cologne in collaboration with Koeln-

away from owning and towards using and sharing.

messe and located right alongside the cityHUB on the eastern part of Rudolfplatz. Formed of six construction

Rapidly developing technologies are emerging as a re-

trailers with front gardens and with its own programme,

sult of digitalisation. With their real-time data transfer

this forum for interaction will host an open dialogue

rates, these technologies will pave the way for future

and provide a stage for numerous initiatives and stake-

mobility solutions. But also pedestrian and bicycle mo-

holder groups to present perspectives from civil society

bility are assuming an increasingly important role in the

on the human-scale city and tomorrow’s mobility.

mobility transition. Many challenges therefore remain. We at Koelnmesse have made a firm decision to be a We must reach an agreement on what our priorities are

part of the solution – because we are aware that exis-

and on how to create a place for mobility in our cities

ting trade fair concepts are insufficient to do justice

in a way that is intelligent, efficient and puts people’s

to this complex issue. The task we faced was therefo-

needs first. Focusing the mobility transition solely on

re to rethink the trade fair intelligently. The result is

individual sectors will be neither sufficient nor con-


structive. We must look for strategies and solutions collectively with an integrated approach.

With these thoughts in mind, I hope you will enjoy polisMOBILITY and come away with many enlighte-

As the organisers of polisMOBILITY, we are facing up to

ning ideas.

this challenge, which concerns all members of society. We want to make our contribution to a successful mo-

Warm regards,

bility transition by providing a transdisciplinary forum

Oliver Frese

for joint dialogue and creativity for all the relevant

Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse

stakeholders. As our approach to the issues encomEDITORIAL


© GreenMobility

© Norbert Ittermann


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CONTENT polisMOBILITY 2022 www.polis-mobility.com




Oiver Frese, Chief Operating Officer Koelnmesse





COLOGNE AS A REALLIFE LABORATORY Best practices and traffic trials




mobilityHUB Our event hub for everything that will make up the future of urban mobility


TRANSDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE ON TOMORROW'S MOBILITY How do we want to live and be mobile in the future?











CITIES MOVE PEOPLE – PEOPLE MOVE CITIES Markus Lewe, President of the Association of German Cities (Deutscher Städtetag), Mayor of the City of Münster


Prof. Johannes Busmann, Publisher of polis magazine

MOBILITY TRANSITION MADE IN COLOGNE Henriette Reker, Mayor of the City of Cologne

OPINION THE PUBLIC INTEREST On the challenging path to a new (mobile) world


startupHUB our accelerator for strong ideas to drive tomorrow’s urban transport


E-MOBILITY FOR CRAFTS our mini-expo event dedicated to the electric future of the skilled crafts sector


© vom Stein, Stadt Wuppertal

© Koelnmesse GmbH










GOING BEYOND INNOVATIVE MOBILITY Building the city of the future with TOYOTA CLIMATE-NEUTRAL MOBILITY FOR NORTHRHINE WESTFALIA Danish car sharing company GreenMobility launches in Cologne and Düsseldorf SHELL CITY SOLUTIONS Powering progress with cities


THE ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS WAY TO GET ABOUT THE CITY Making cargo transport as easy as riding a bike. The UM CargoBike is tomorrow’s energy-efficient transporter. A CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE FIT FOR THE CITY Steve Kalthoff, Director of Marketing & CRM at Qwello GmbH







© Kinsmen






















HENRIETTE REKER Mayor of the City of Cologne © Stadt Köln



Dear Readers,

and a diverse experience of the new mobility on Rudolfplatz and in

Dear polisMOBILITY Visitors, Dear Guests,

many other places in the city.

I’m delighted to welcome you to Cologne’s first mobility trade fair.

As polisMOBILITY opens to the public, I would like us to take ano-

As the city’s mayor, I am proud that Cologne is being transformed

ther look at Cologne and to consider all the changes that we have

into a living lab for the future of urban mobility for this event.

already set in motion in the field of mobility over the past years.

Together with Koelnmesse, the City of Cologne is bringing the core

One of the most powerful tools at our disposal is the reallocation

issues of the mobility transition to the trade fair and the city.

of the transport space. Especially in densely built, car-centric cities, such as Cologne, there is absolutely no alternative but to

polisMOBILITY is in good hands with us: As a city with more than

reduce the areas available for car and parked traffic and to redistri-

a million residents, which serves as one of the most important

bute this space primarily to pedestrian and cycle traffic. Promoting

transport hubs in Western Europe, we want Cologne to make a

cycling is – alongside promoting local public transport – one of the

decisive contribution to a successful mobility and climate tran-

anchor points of the mobility transition, a transition that is forging

sition across the entire region and beyond. This is a particularly

ahead in Cologne. It can already be experienced on one of the key

demanding task in Cologne. After our city was largely destroyed by

routes through our city, the Cologne Ring, where two car lanes

war, the urban structures that had evolved over the course of the

have been made into cycle paths. In many places we are rolling out

centuries were not rebuilt. On the contrary, with a broad stroke,

such projects and creating a continuous cycle path network.

a new car-centric city was planned, and built-in priority given to passenger vehicles. This approach to Cologne’s reconstruction was

Some other headlines from the rapid transition in Cologne: the

implemented so thoroughly – and became so deeply entrenched

one thousand new charging points on public streets to promote

mentally – that today our city’s car-centricity is a heavy burden to

e-mobility, the largest amount of public funding for cargo bikes in

shoulder as we embark on the transformation of urban mobility.

Germany to support zero-emissions goods transport on the last mile, more recreational spaces, more outdoor cafes and restau-

In the 21st century, the requirements that we expect of mobility in

rants instead of car-parking spaces, one of the first micro hubs

a metropolis and a likeable, liveable city are very different. People

for smart city logistics in Cologne’s Deutz district, many other

want to be able to get about conveniently by foot and bike; they

innovative projects to digitalise the transport systems. By 2030,

want an attractive local public transport system. They long for

all the buses operated by the municipal transport authority, Kölner

green urban spaces, for streets that give a sense of well-being and

Verkehrs-Betriebe, are to be zero-emissions. By running longer

for a slower pace in residential and commercial areas. They want

trains on busy routes, the light-rail network will be able to trans-

independent, smart and interconnected ways to travel across the

port more passengers, and connections to other city districts and

city. All these expectations stand against the backdrop of the

the surrounding region will be improved. We want to make the

climate emergency. In Cologne, we have set ourselves the target

connections between the two banks of the Rhine even better with

of already being climate-neutral by 2035. This can be achieved

new cycle bridges and a water-bus pilot project. We have introdu-

only by acting with determination in the field of mobility as well.

ced on-demand services in the outlying districts of the city.

We must transform our mobility in the true sense of the term. So, there is a lot happening here in Cologne, and the changes It’s clear to me that we have no time to lose. We need safe foot

are becoming more and more visible. You can find out more for

and cycle paths, a well-developed bus and rail network with

yourself at our stand at polisMOBILITY. One thing is particularly

attractive timetables, climate-neutral logistics and, in private

important to me as we embark on transformation: that we have

transport, we absolutely need to switch to climate-friendly dri-

the citizens on board and that we engage in a dialogue with them.

ves – and we need all of this today, not tomorrow. If we want to

I’m therefore delighted that there are so many free opportunities

reduce the share of motor vehicles in the transport mix, this me-

for all the people of Cologne to get involved – at the cityHUB and

ans expanding alternative provision in all areas and approaching

the polisCAMP on Rudolfplatz, for instance, but also in many other

mobility with networked thinking. Thanks to digitalisation, we are

places across the whole city.

able to develop entirely new mobility services that suit people’s individual situations.

For all of us, polisMOBILITY can be a source of inspiration for a successful mobility transition that takes place in people’s minds

It is against this backdrop that polisMOBILITY brings everyone to-

just as much as it does on the streets.

gether around one table: decision makers from politics, the economy and public administration, managers from the fields of mobility

I hope you will find plenty of inspiration at polisMOBILITY. Enjoy

and transport planning, innovative mobility companies, transport

discovering the mobility metropolis Cologne!

authorities and last, but by no means least, the broad public – because without the willingness to make the change on their part,

Henriette Reker

any mobility transition is doomed to fail. I am looking forward to

Mayor of the City of Cologne

an interesting exchange of ideas from very different perspectives, to exciting trade fair showcases, a strong conference programme




MARKUS LEWE President of the Association of German Cities (Deutscher Städtetag) Mayor of the City of Münster © Deutscher Städtetag



Whichever way you look at it, cities, people and movement

When we hear the words “mobile” or “getting about”, our cars

belong together. Mobility was, is and will remain a fundamental

shouldn’t be the first thing that comes to our minds. That is

need that we have to, and want to, meet. And we want to do

why we need good alternatives in situations where the distan-

so with human-, environment- and climate-centred mobility

ces are longer. This means demand-responsive public transport

for everyone. But what does this mean in practice? The answer

provision with a much greater density. By the same token, good

to this question has changed over recent years and decades.

cycle path and foot path networks, mobility stations, sharing

Some time ago, the cities set out to overcome the model of

systems and cycle parking can increase the attractiveness of

the car-centric city and promote sustainable, forward-looking


and climate-friendly mobility. Never has the political and social consensus on the need to transform, change and renew our

Who do the roads belong to?

transport systems been greater.

If we really want to make public spaces more attractive to spend time in, if we want to turn our city streets and squares

To achieve this goal with all the stakeholders involved, to de-

into places for interaction and community, then we must

velop new ideas and find new partnerships, we need trade fairs

change how we use public space. This will affect parked traffic

like polisMOBILITY. The cities are key players in the transport

first and foremost. Cyclists and pedestrians need more space

transition. But there are many other actors that want to con-

so that they can get about safely and conveniently. And be-

tribute and must do so – the Federal Government, the Federal

cause more space won’t appear by magic, we need to redistri-

States, transport companies, industry, the skilled trades and

bute the existing space in a different way. The goal is the right

the logistics sector – we need all of them to transform mobility.


All the theme worlds that polisMOBILITY has called into being and presented can also be found in our cities – whether that

The cities want to shape many things: space, the modal split

is “Mobile en route”, the “Green city” or “Planning & building”.

and traffic on the roads. To do so, they need the scope to be

The mobility of the future is an essential component of the

creative. Specifically, they need the decision-making compe-

human-scale city of the future. As “the voice of the cities”, the

tences and the freedom to try out new models. The cities want

Association of German Cities is proud to be the patron of this

to make traffic on their streets more efficient, more environ-


mentally friendly and safer. Traffic safety, attractive living environments and recreational spaces, good design, but also

Do we need more mobility or less? The compact city

acceptable traffic flows are high on their lists of priorities. The

Even though the cities have already taken the first steps, there

cities know best which speeds are required and appropriate on

is still much to do. If the transport sector wants to deliver its

which roads.

agreed contribution to reaching the climate policy goals by 2030 and 2045/50, it must continue to reduce its emissions

Moving Cities

and noise pollution significantly. The share of fossil-fuel ve-

The subtitle of this year’s polisMOBILITY is “Moving Cities”.

hicles must fall considerably, and vehicles must be used more

These words stand for the future of mobility and urban life. I’m


delighted that this is an issue that moves people – literally and emotionally. We need to look to the future. polisMOBILITY will

polisMOBILITY 2022 has embraced the mission of shaping the

bring together so many different stakeholders in a forum where

cities of the future together. The city of the future is a compact

they can share their ideas for tomorrow’s mobility. The event is

city. We must avoid expanding residential districts without con-

an extraordinary opportunity and one we must take.

necting them to environmentally friendly transport systems. More cooperation between cities and their surrounding regions

I hope you will all discover some exciting, new ideas at polis-

is needed. By developing high-density neighbourhoods with

MOBILITY. Let’s listen to other people’s suggestions with an

housing and leisure amenities for all income levels, distances

open mind and enjoy some excellent discussions!

can be reduced. Markus Lewe But that future is still a long way off – the quick wins will have

President of the Association of

to be achieved in other areas: We need car sharing in regional

German Cities (Deutscher Städtetag)

commuter traffic with convenient facilities for changing ve-

Mayor of the City of Münster

hicles on motorways and highways. We need more and more attractive park-and-ride parking. And from the perspective of energy security and climate protection, we must also review the maximum speed limits on motorways and other roads.




© Berenika Oblonczyk

TEXT: Prof. Johannes Busmann, Publisher of polis Magazine & initiator of annual polis Convention

We could press ahead with the whole change and renewal process with our minds firmly focused on our goals if it were merely a case of launching a new innovation cycle. Instead, we are becoming more and more aware that the bearings we followed to successfully develop the car and hence the organisation of public space and its accompanying hierarchy are no longer serving us. Even the very question of which technologies will be viable to support tomorrow’s mobility, thereby assuming a defining role, still remains open despite the growing general inclination towards electromobility. The innovations in battery technologies show that more crucial developments are undoubtedly still to be expected in this field in the coming years. The same applies to other potential energy carriers, namely hydrogen and synthetic fuels. All these developments demonstrate that the question of what form tomorrow’s mobility will take will inevitably be decided by the energy question. Fuel cells, batteries, synthetic fuels – none of these technologies can function successfully without resolving the questions of energy generation and supply. The mobility of the future can emerge only from a cross-sector perspective on the issue of energy.

The word “mobility” has entered everyday language over the past few years, so much so that we use it quite naturally. It has become a key term in the sociopolitical debate on the future of products, systems and services and the use of the available public space. At the same time, it marks – apparently tacitly – the transition from the automobile age towards a complex understanding of locomotion. But as easy as it may be for us to use the word, the path to the new mobility is anything but simple. It is becoming increasingly evident that bidding farewell to the product-focused century of the car has not simultaneously given us a clear picture of what to expect of a new mobility in tomorrow’s world.



But why will we actually need to be mobile? The organisation of modern cities, based on the functionally separate development of their different spheres, is becoming less and less relevant. Where do we work? Will we still have to commute, or will the home office make this need for mobility increasingly obsolete? Will the inner city finally lose its privileged position as the commercial centre with the rise of ecommerce, or will the energy costs of logistics lead to a new appreciation of the city centre? Are the metropolises facing a crisis, while the surrounding regions can look ahead to a renaissance because hardly anyone can afford the commutes and the high housing prices? Which transport systems and mobility offerings will meet the needs of this highly differentiated and more complex reality and succeed in it? And over and above all these open questions, we face the task of making mobility sustainably climate-neutral and accessible for all members of society. Liveable cities, districts and neighbourhoods will not emerge from the new mobility; rather, they will define the requirements for what we need from diverse and efficient mobility. The social acceptance of future mobility offerings will be determined by whether they serve the public interest in a healthy environment and an open society.


"The guiding principles of the car-oriented and function-oriented

The themes of the polisMOBILITY Conference:

decades. Against the backdrop of global technological develop-

Urban and Neighbourhood Development

we are now on the threshold of a "mobility-friendly" city that will

gital Mobility in Municipalities | Mobility Stations/Mobility Hubs | Digi-

city have determined the premises of urban planning for many ments in digitalisation, artificial intelligence and energy storage, open up completely new possibilities for us to design a sustainable

and liveable city. With polisMOBILITY, we want to accompany this

Multi/Intermodality | Transport Infrastructure | Transport Space| Dital Planning Tools| Mobility and Traffic Management

change and be a partner in the dialogue between business, sci-

Autonomous & Connected

lisher of polis Magazine & initiator of annual polis Convention.

tivity | System Development | Sensor Technology | Smart City | Mo-

ence, politics and urban society." – Prof. Johannes Busmann, pub-

From 18 to 21 May 2022, Koelnmesse, in cooperation with the polis

Data and Cyber Security | AV Systems and Platforms| V2X Connecbility Data| Data Platforms

Magazine for Urban Development & polis Convention, will therefo-

Mobility Services

"How do we want to live and be mobile in the future?”

nagement / Mobility Budgets

re be holding a transdisciplinary conference. The guiding question:

At a wide-ranging specialist conference on the Koelnmesse trade

fair grounds, polisMOBILITY will host a dialogue between stakehol-

ders from the fields of public policy, urban and transport planning,

MaaS | Shared Mobility | Micro Mobility | Corporate Mobility Ma-

Drive Technologies

Electric Drives | Fuel Cells

research and economy. Together, they will propose solutions to the

Electrification & Sector Coupling

cessful mobility transition in our cities and regions. The polisMO-

of Supply

crucial questions arising from the need for a sustainable and sucBILITY conference programme spans a broad spectrum of topics

ranging from technological developments, such as autonomous and connected mobility and new drive technologies, to the trans-

formation of the automobile and automotive sector and issues in urban and transport planning all the way through to questions concerning citizen participation. 150 international speakers

Around 150 renowned speakers from Germany and abroad have taken up the invitation to engage in an active and constructive

exchange of ideas. At the polisMOBILITY Conference, they will dis-

Hydrogen Economy and Logistics | Economic Protection / Security

Active Mobility

Bicycle Mobility| Infrastructure/Planning | Local Mobility | Cargo Bikes Public Mobility

Public Transport | On-Demand Services | Cable Cars | Shuttles | Transport Operators City Logistics

Last-Mile Concepts | e-Commerce | Logistics Hubs | Micro Depots

cuss the issues, needs, challenges and solutions in the context of

Charging (curated by Hubject)

mate change and digitalisation as these communities seek to

Cities and Municipalities | EV Charging Ecosystem

the transformation of cities and regions due to urbanisation, cli-

realise a vision of human-centred mobility. Themunicipal focus in

Charging Stations/Charging Infrastructure | Customer Experience |

the consideration of technological topics is the guiding theme of

In addition, interdisciplinary sessions will shed light on: Structural

a view into market dynamics and technological developments as

nal/Municipal) Development Strategies | International Partnerships

polisMOBILITY. The contributions from private-sector actors provide

a basis for forecasts and planning for municipal representatives.

Development | Transformation of the Automotive Industry | (Regio-

The discussion rounds, keynote speeches, panels and workshops

The programme and further information on the conference and

als of mobility technologies and solutions in the urban context and


will provide information about possible applications and potentiare intended to lead to a shared understanding of future-oriented

participation are available at:




CONFERENCE DAY 1 WEDNESDAY – 18.05.2022 Welcome to the premiere of the polisMOBILITY trade fair & confe-

Another main topic is automated, connected and autonomous dri-

urban area around Rudolfplatz!

port, legal framework conditions or aspects of safety and reliability.

rence, which is opening its doors on the Koelnmesse site and in the

ving, be it the use of automated mobility concepts in public trans-

The first day of the polisMOBILITY conference will start with a cere-

The panel on operational mobility management will offer muni-

and Oliver Frese (Chief Operating Officer, Koelnmesse) in Hall 1 of

efficient mobility management can succeed and how it can be

monial opening by Henriette Reker (Mayor of the City of Cologne) the fairground. Afterwards, there will be an exciting discussion about

how we will get around in the city of short distances in the future:

cipalities and companies suggestions on how sustainable and supported by cooperation.

The internationally renowned Prof. Marco te Brömmelstroet, known

Furthermore, start-ups will be introducing their work in short pit-

tion of what urgently needs to be changed in our mobility behaviour.

lutions for the future of mobility.

as the "bicycle professor", will give a Dutch perspective on the ques-

ches and offer visitors an insight in future business models and so-


FORMS OF MOBILITY IN THE COMPACT CITY visionSTAGE, 1:00 PM - 2:10 PM The city of short distances and the demands of New Urbanism –

i.e. the advantages of the European city – are well known and are

currently experiencing a determined renaissance. How suitable © vom Stein, Stadt Wuppertal

are micromobility offers for everyday use and who do they bene-

fit? How can short-distance mobility be made as sustainable as

possible and how can changes be accepted by the population? What solutions are there in other parts of the world? After keynote speeches by Katja Schechtner (MIT Boston) on how we can learn

from the global South and by Prof. Uwe Schneidewind (Mayor of the City of Wuppertal) on sustainable forms of mobility, these pres-

sing questions will be additionally discussed in a panel with Juliane Krause (office owner plan&rat), Christine Wenzel (Director Public

Policy DACH & CEE, TIER Mobility) and moderator Andrea Reidl.

“Smart means to cleverly link new technologies and a changed mobility culture!" Prof. Uwe Schneidewind, Mayor of the City of Wuppertal



V2X: AUTONOMOUS – CONNECTED – UNSAFE? THE IMPORTANCE OF SAFETY AND RELIABILITY IN AUTONOMOUS MOBILITY visionSTAGE, 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM You don't have to be a prophet to predict that autonomous mobility systems will come onto the market in the coming years. An important point regarding the future acceptance of these systems lies in

the area of safety and reliability. Where are we today? What needs to be done? Which industries can we learn from? Prof. Andreas Braasch (IQZ Wuppertal), Dr. Ludwig Fazel (Head of Strategie and Head of Platform Business, Volkswagen Group) and Philipp Reusch (Reusch Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH) will put these questions up for discussion in the lecture.

© Stadt Aachen Andreas Steindl

"Some large and medium-sized companies in our city have gone ahead and installed company mobility management with our support in the #AachenMove! project. A really important step towards achieving our municipal goals!" Frauke Burgdorff, Head of Urban Development, Construction and Mobility of the City of Aachen


You can't do without a car. Really? Despite working from home, we are often stuck in traffic jams with emissions and noise. Large parts of our journeys are commutes. At the same time, vehicles in com-

muter traffic have an average occupancy rate of only 1.2 people – despite the recent rise in fuel costs. And switching to public transport is often associated with challenges.

So what needs to be done? How can employers motivate their em-

ployees to commute sustainably? What alternatives are there to the classic company car? What measures can the city or the pu-

blic sector take? What offers need to be created? What alliances

need to be forged? How can potentials be tapped, where are the pitfalls? Moderated by Sylvia Lier, Frauke Burgdorff (Head of Urban Development, Construction and Mobility, City of Aachen), Jan Stuckert (Consultant, IHK Dortmund), Hannes Davieds (Head of Mobility Management, R+V Versicherungs AG), Theo Jansen (Future Network Mobility NRW & Chairman DEPOMM) and Michael Minis

(Co-founder & CEO, MOQO) will get to the bottom of these questions on our activeSTAGE.



CONFERENCE DAY 2 THURSDAY – 19.05.2022 Thursday then also comes up with numerous exciting topics. On the

visionSTAGE the morning is, for example, dedicated to the range of sustainable driving technologies. At the beginning, a keynote will

with the internationally renowned Danish architect Prof. Jan Gehl holding a keynote on "Liveable Cities for the 21st Century".

shed light onto whether the electric drive is really the most sustai-

After further informative events dedicated to "Active Mobility" and

limits of the hydrogen-based fuel cell will be examined, and finally

cy makers: How can we shape tomorrow’s mobility?” will conclude

nable alternative to the combustion engine, then the potentials and the discussion forum “Whatever drives your car” will offer a closer look at new drive technologies and their market relevance.

On the second day on the openSTAGE we will focus on the topic of

"Mobility as a Service", the Forum ”Local authorities, industry, polithe eventful day. Representatives of politics, industry and municipalities will address fundamental strategic questions on the design of tomorrow's mobility.

urban planning: first with a lecture by Stephan Willinger, then with a discussion panel on the fair distribution of traffic space and finally

HIGHLIGHTS MOVING CITIES: WHY THE TRANSPORT TRANSITION CALLS FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION openSTAGE, 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM "Urban planning as we have understood it so far no longer exists", says Stephan Willinger from the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development. In his lecture, he therefore discusses the new

understanding of urban development as co-production, using examples from Germany and Europe. In doing so,

Willinger sheds light on mobility in interplay with questions of urban development and urban planning. The lecture

will provide insight into which new actors are currently attracting the attention of urban research, how the ideas and projects of as many actors as possible can be incorporated into the conception of urban development and what the role of administrations should look like in these new constellations.




The change in mobility particularly affects the automotive industry. The topic of zero emissions is set; the technical solution is usually called "electric". Whether this is a good path to take will be measured

at the latest by whether there continues to be affordable and easy access to mobility for everyone. Domain knowledge and methods

from automotive engineering can play a key role in the design and selection of the right vehicle, from the fleet to the mobility system,

as Dr. Rittmar von Helmolt (AVL List GmbH) will discuss in detail in his presentation.

WHOM DOES THE TRANSPORT SPACE BELONG TO? ON CLAIMS, EQUITY AND INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS openSTAGE, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM On foot, by bike, in a car or on an electric scooter: the ways of getting around in inner cities are as diverse as the people who use them. But does the distribution of traffic space adequately reflect this diversity? How can urban space be distributed fairly and how can new spaces be created? Will there be enough space for spatial and eco-

logical upgrading in the end? And how should municipalities act now? Answers to these questions will be discussed

by Lars Zimmermann (Architect and Co-Founder CITIES FOR FUTURE), Isabel Strehle (Head of Urban Development, City of Aachen), Steven Reinhold (Senior Policy Manager - Germany, Dott) and Martha Wanat (Managing Partner

© Norbert Ittermann

MOND Mobility New Designs, BICICLI Holding GmbH) together with moderator Totinia Hörner.

"My vision is shared, sustainable and always available mobility for everyone. We need to use the potential of digitalisation to offer citizens a diverse and flexible mobility experience beyond their own cars." Dr. Olga Nevska, Managing Director Telekom Mobility Solutions

Travelling through the city in an intermodal manner or booking a one-stop ride in an app: Mobility as a Service – mobility without ownership – offers new ways of being mobile, both from a private sector perspective and in combination with public transport systems. Dr.

Olga Nevska (Managing Director Telekom Mobility Solutions), Marcel Philipp (CEO E.Mobility. Hub), Claudia Falkinger (Co-Founder & CSO Punkt vor Strich GmbH) and Prof. Malte Ackermann (Nürtingen-Geislingen University) will discuss, how services need to be designed in

order to be accepted by customers, how thereby a sensible transformation of individual

mobility behaviour can be supported and how those services can be integrated in urbane space and systems.



Whether it’s e-mobility, traffic planning or urban development: There are trend-

setting concepts and examples of best practice in almost all fields of mobility. But what must be done for the mobility transformation to be successful? What kind of political framework is needed? And where are new forms of coopera-

tion necessary in order to make mobility climate friendly? These questions will be focused on during the final panel discussion on Thursday by moderator Daniel Rettig together with Ferry M. M. Franz (Director Hydrogen Affairs Europe &

Group Representative Office Berlin, Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA), Dr. Alexandra

Millonig (Austrian Institute of Technology), Hilmar von Lojewski (Head of Urban Development, Construction, Housing and Mobility, Association of German Cities – Deutscher Städtetag), Christian Hochfeld (Director Agora Verkehrswende) and Dr. Dirk Rompf (Managing Director of ifok GmbH).



CONFERENCE DAY 3 FRIDAY – 20.05.2022 On Friday, "transformation" is one of the focus topics of the polis-

"last mile", a panel discussion on cyber security – "The Achilles’ heel

to the transformation of the automotive industry, the Verband

After other formats from EIT Urban Mobility, HANDWERK.NRW and the

MOBILITY conference programme: While openSTAGE will be home Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen e.V. (Association of German

Transport Companies) will take a look at the changes awaiting us in public transport on our journey towards innovative urban mobility. In addition to a review of the implementation of a sustainable

of the mobility and energy transition?" – will set exciting accents.

Stadt.Land.Digital initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, among others, the day will conclude with a lecture by sociologist Prof. Harald Welzer.

© Bayern Innovativ GmbH


"The challenges for the automotive industry and related sectors are immense and force it to act, because the mobility of tomorrow is to be multimodal, environmentally and climate compatible as well as highly digitalised. Here, as pilots, we must rely on understanding, foresight and openness to technology. I think it's beneficial to bring two perspectives to the transformation – the technological and the human." Holger Czuday, Project Manager Technology, Head of Automotive Cluster, Bayern Innovativ GmbH




In 2020, the automotive industry generated sales of around 380

billion euros and directly employed more than 800,000 people. It is

therefore of central importance for Germany as a business location. After many years of growth and steady internationalisation, it is now

undergoing a longer-term transformation. The associated effects also have a significant impact on Germany as an industrial location, whereby the effects on the individual federal states vary greatly. The

panel discussion "Transforming the Automotive Industry" will focus on the different ways in which the individual federal states are affec-

ted and the specific political implications associated with this.

© privat

"The potential for more sustainable logistics on the 'last mile' in cities is huge. With innovative, cooperative approaches and good collaboration between all relevant stakeholders, we can leverage this potential for cities and the people living in them." Dr. Kathrin Konrad, Traffic Engineer, City of Dortmund

MAKING THE LAST MILE SUSTAINABLE: WHERE ARE WE NOW, AND HOW CAN WE MOVE FORWARD? visionSTAGE, 12:10 PM - 1:20 PM Making city logistics more sustainable is becoming increasingly urgent and is an important part of a successful transforma-

tion. What is the status quo and which concepts and technologies are promising? How can the players involved be brought together? And what influences are currently preventing a fully sustainable "last mile"? Nomo Braun (Head of Public, Partner and Member of the Executive Board) and Dr. Sebastian Stiehm (Senior Consultant Public Management) from agiplan GmbH ad-

vocate discussing urban logistics much more strongly as a basic function of existence in the city and, above all, to "just do it". Under their leadership, Christian Kühnhold (shareholder ecoCARRIER AG), Dr. Kathrin Konrad (traffic engineer, City of Dortmund),

Andreas Fritsch (General Manager, Dachser) and Gerd Seber (Group Manager City Logistics & Sustainability, DPD Germany) will speak on these issues.


Companies and municipalities are affected by cyberattacks on

a daily basis. The impact varies from unnoticed incidents to to-

tal failures of IT systems. The panel discussion with Sandra Balz (Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V.), Christian Endreß (Alliance for

Security in Economy West e.V.), Florian Haacke (Alliance for Secu-

rity in Economy e.V.) and Wolfgang Strasser (@yet) informs about current threats and protection and raises awareness for a crucial strategy: prevention.

Lecture by Prof. Harald Welzer


Mobility is a question about the kind of movement that a modern society needs. This question is not answered by the solutions of the 20th century. The

mobility of the future must be sustainable and democratic as part of the provision of public ser-

vices. The development of a mobility for the 21st century also includes strategies for avoiding mo-

vement. – Prof. Harald Welzer will give a lecture on this topic on the visionSTAGE on Friday at 4:00 pm.



CONFERENCE DAY 4 SATURDAY – 21.05.2022 With coffee and sandwiches, it's a good start to the last day of the

on the local public transport of the future – from cable cars to on-

the visionSTAGE. From 11:00 am, science YouTuber and researcher

zeiger will top off the conference day with the question: What must

conference! At 10:30 am we welcome you to a little breakfast at Jacob Beautemps will hold an exciting lecture and give inspiration and new insights. At the same time, the mobility day of the IHK

demand transport – the panel discussion of the Kölner Stadt-Anactually happen for Cologne to achieve the traffic turnaround?

Cologne will take place on our activeSTAGE. Starting at noon, the

The conference programme of polisMOBILITY closes at 3:30 pm. All

bility transformation, which will then be examined under the gui-

open until 6:00 pm or relocate to the Rudolfplatz in Cologne, were

transformation and how civil society can be involved in the pro-

is an event by the city of Cologne which also addresses questions

focus will be on national and international examples of urban moding question of which instruments work well for urban transport

cess. After a pitch session with room for questions and discussion

visitors are warmly invited to explore the trade fair which will be

the stage programme of polisCAMP begins at 4:00 pm. polisCAMP

of future mobility in cooperation and dialogue with the civil society.

COFFEE & SCIENCE WITH JACOB BEAUTEMPS – THE FUTURE IS NOW visionSTAGE, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM What are the promising technologies of tomorrow? What defines

a technology, that can change our lives? And how much of the

future is already in the present? We will focus on those questions during a lecture by Jacob Beautemps, discovering that in many aspects we even live more luxuriously than Rockefeller. What will the future be like?

“If you didn’t properly understand something, you cannot explain it in a simple way. (apparently a quote by Einstein)” Jacob Beautemps, YouTuber and Scientist



© Breaking Lab


© Regina Hügli für Mobilitaetsagentur Wien

"We are made for walking. That is why it is important to create good conditions for walking. This is how cities become peoplefriendly and liveable - and also climate-friendly and resilient." Petra Jens, Commissioner for Pedestrian Traffic of the City of Vienna

THE URBAN TRANSFORMATION TOOLBOX: HOW CAN THE TRANSPORT TRANSITION SUCCEED IN PRACTICE? visionSTAGE, 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM How did the city of Vienna manage to reduce the number of “parent taxis” in school traffic? And what can industrialised nations learn from transport solutions in developing and emerging countries? With various keynote speeches on Saturday on visionSTAGE, we will have

a look at examples of urban transformation and mobility – from Austria and beyond. In a

subsequent panel discussion, moderator Michaela Heiser will explore the question of which instruments promote the transformation of transport and how to involve civil society in this

process with Petra Jens (Pedestrian Traffic Officer of the City of Vienna), Bernhard Ensink (Strategic Consultant at Mobycon) and Frank Zimmermann (ifok GmbH) among others.

PRESS FEATURE: WHAT MUST HAPPEN FOR COLOGNE TO ACHIEVE THE MOBILITY TURNAROUND? visionSTAGE, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Cologne faces the big challenge of drastically reducing the share of car mobility. Public transport and cycling routes are supposed to be expanded in order to motivate the people of Cologne to use more environmentally friendly means of transport. Though first

changes can already be seen, the transformation is not proceeding fast enough and a lot of those changes seem fragmented. Tim Attenberger, local Head of Kölner Stadt-

Anzeiger, discusses those issues with Ascan Egerer (Head of the Department of Mobility, City of Cologne) and Reinhold Goss (Bicycle Mayor and Co-founder of ”Ring frei”).




For updated information see the event app, the website and information at the stage.

Wednesday 18.05.2022 visionSTAGE 10.00

openSTAGE Press conference polisMOBILITY

Thursday 19.05.2022 activeSTAGE


Opening of polisMOBILITY

Firmenauto Testdrive E-mobility in practice: Charging, batteries, consumption (DKV) (separate registration)


Keynote Dr. Rittmar von Helmolt Sustainable mobility is a given, but how efficient?

Keynote Stephan Willinger Moving cities: Why the transport transition calls for social innovation

All or nothing? The hydrogen system in focus

Whom does the transport space belong to? On claims, equity and innovative solutions

CIVITAS CONNECT Municipal mobility data - The role of the municipality and municipal enterprises between data sovereignty and the economy Forms of mobility in the compact city


Shell H2 StartUp Accelerator powered by Plug and Play Shaping the Hydrogen Ecosystem of tomorrow

CAMO Shaping automated mobility in local authorities: Should we get started or wait?

Talk Prof. Günther Schuh The new shuttle: bigger, cheaper, more flexible

Urban cable cars: Potential and system integration


innocam.NRW | Kompetenznetzwerk automatisierte und vernetzte Mobilität Focus topic workshop: Shaping tomorrow’s automated and networked mobility together

Whatever drives your car New drive technologies and their market relevance




Firmenauto Testdrive Opening and welcome (separate registration)




BASt Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen The Mobilithek mobility data platform: Mobility data and data platforms for modern mobility management and smart mobility

Hubject • The electrification of international cities and municipalities





• Inspire you! Ready for the municipal charging concepts of the future

Keynote Prof. Marco te Brömmelstroet Why we need to promote different types of mobility and stop promoting the current mainstream

ORACLE Innovations in mobility – the next generation of transport sofware

Hubject The city’s role as an ally of the electromobility of the future

Corporate Mobility Management: How local authorities and companies can shape sustainable mobility

Active Mobility Using smart tools to promote safe, active mobility in cities

Keynote Prof. Jan Gehl Liveable Cities for the 21st Century

Koelnmesse elevatorPITCH

15.30 Keynote Philipp Reusch Law: The system dynamite

Mobility as a Service MaaS: Seam- and careless mobility?



V2X Autonomous – connected – unsafe? The importance of safety and reliability in autonomous mobility


cargobike.jetzt Opening of the European specialist conference Koelnmesse startupPITCHES

Cities, industry, policymakers: How can we shape tomorrow’s mobility?


18.00 1


Hubject eMobility Success factors for local authority charging infrastructure

Happy Hour sponsored by SAMSUNG

Mix and Mingle

Programme 18.-21.05.2022 – Hall 1 Friday 20.05.2022 visionSTAGE

Saturday 21.05.2022 openSTAGE




activeSTAGE 10.00

VDV Desire – expectation – reality: What changes lie ahead on the path to the mobility transition?

automotiveland.nrw The automotive industry in transformation: the federal states’ perspectives

Koelnmesse startupPITCHES


Handwerkskammer zu Köln Mobility day hosted by the Cologne Chamber of Crafts



Coffee & science with Jacob Beautemps The future is now


agiplan Making the last mile sustainable: Where are we now, and how can we move forward?

EIT Urban Mobility An European initiative for more liveable cities Cyber Security The Achilles’ heel of the mobility and energy transition? HANDWERK.NRW What moves the skilled trades Transport policy forum 2022

The urban transformation toolbox: How can the transport transition succeed in practice?



13.00 Local public transport: What does the future hold?

EIT Urban Mobility An initiative to create more liveable urban spaces


NaKoMo Nationales Kompetenznetzwerk für nachhaltige Mobilität Holistic mobility management in Cologne Highlights from the Digitalisation of Municipal Transport Systems (DkV) funding programme. A discussion within the NaKoMo network (National Competence Network for Sustainable Mobility)


Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Press feature What must happen for Cologne to achieve the mobility turnaround?

Mobility Hubs Centres of new mobility Shared Mobility Market outlook from local authorities’ perspective


Stadt.Land.Digital Best practices in the digital transformation of local authorities

Keynote Prof. Harald Welzer Turnaround instead of turning in circles: Of maturity and decisiveness for transformation in mobility attitude


CIIPA China International Investment Promotion Agency China and Germany: Forging the transformation of the automotive industry as partners

15.30 COLOGNE, RUDOLFPLATZ City of Cologne polisCAMP Programme with different groups of actors from urban and civil society


Koelnmesse cityHUB Numerous presentations by various manufacturers and mobility providers






© Koelnmesse GmbH


Transport transition, experienced live in the heart of Cologne

favour of pedestrians and cyclists. The project managers will de-

ces that are taking place, visitors have the opportunity to find out more

the heart of Cologne’s Old Town as part of polisMOBILITY.

Alongside the many polisMOBILITY trade fair events and the conferenabout various city-authority and private mobility projects in Cologne.

The mobility trade fair offers tangible insights into innovations, data and

trends in Cologne. How can city traffic be made more climate neutral?

What has been done in the region to improve charging infrastructure? And how does modern roadworks mapping look? From neighbour-

hood development about the latest developments in cycling to the

Best practices at a glance 1.

LSA: How the latest traffic light systems work / DiMAP:


Automatic Roadwork Registration Cologne (ABK)


digitalisation of city traffic – examples of best practice give trade visi-


facilitate direct exchange with the relevant responsible experts on site.


tors fascinating insights into a broad spectrum of mobility projects and

Traffic trials

The city’s transport planners are constantly examining how demand

for transport in Cologne can be managed in a more human-cen-




tred and environmentally friendly way. Following careful considera-


pre-implementation traffic trials, which focus on temporarily redis-


tion and appropriate reviews, their concepts often feed into initial tributing the available transport space without rebuilding work. This

can include measures such as restricting or banning particular types of transport or expanding provision by promoting ecomobility.

In cramped yet highly frequented inner-city neighbourhoods, which

may be of international significance, the primary objective is to re-

duce flowing and stationary car traffic and to redistribute space in


monstrate what this can look like in practice in Ehrenstraße and in



12. 13.

Digitalisation of municipal map-based junction data Introduction of a ride-sharing app in the public sector: opportunities and challenges

TALAKO – wireless charging for electric taxis

ParkPilot: digital parking management in Cologne-Nippes Old Town Traffic Routing Plan – attractive streets instead of cars

RingFrei – Cyclist-friendly redesign of the Cologne Ring

Friesenwall: Traffic space reallocation – Bicycle boulevard sets new standards for pedestrian and cycle traffic Cycle lanes on Aachener Straße

Fleischmengergasse bicycle boulevard

Bicycle boulevard on the north-south axis – Priority measure to improve the Neumarkt crossing

Ehrenstraße under the magnifying glass – attractive streets instead of cars I/D Cologne

Registration for the individual programme items is required: www.polis-mobility.com/bestpractice

LSA: How the latest traffic light systems work / DiMAP: Digitalisati-

Introduction of a ride-sharing app in the public sector: oppor-

Traffic light systems: The roundabout by Cologne’s trade fair

Protecting the climate is more important than ever! Sustainable

on of municipal map-based junction data

grounds is equipped with the latest signalling technology. Here, the

team in charge of the project explain how state-of-the-art traffic

control systems work and what technical components they require. DiMAP: The implementation of C-ITS services throughout Germa-

tunities and challenges

employee mobility contributes to a company’s climate targets and actively improves its carbon footprint. Employees can use the go-

FLUX ride-sharing app to offer or find lifts, forming climate-friendly carpools for short trips and commutes.

ny requires a standard definition of technical specifications for

Based on a collaboration between goFLUX Mobility and the Land-

(map data) and the necessary processes.

best-practice presentation shows how the app can be successful-

the provision of urban intersection topologies and geometries

As part of the DiMAP mFund project, the specifications for creating maps were defined and the processes for providing map data were established. In addition to data content and data profiles, data management processes were also described. The City of Cologne was actively involved in this project. Thursday, 19 May 2022

2.30 p.m., 3.30 p.m., 4.30 p.m., 5.30 p.m. | duration 30 min. each Friday, 20 May 2022

10.30 a.m., 11.30 a.m, 12.30 p.m, 1.30 p.m. | duration 30 min. each

schaftsverband Rheinland (Rhineland Regional Association), the ly introduced in a company and how CO2 emissions can be reduced in the daily commute.

Thursday, 19 May 2022 – 2.00 p.m. | duration 60 min. Friday, 20 May 2022 – 11.00 a.m. | duration 60 min.

Presentation | participation free | talk language: german |


Meeting point: Kennedy-Ufer 2, 50679 Cologne

Limited number of participants | getting there: make your own travel arrangements

Presentation | without prior registration | participation free |

TALAKO – wireless charging for electric taxis

Meeting point: Messekreisel / Deutz-Mülheimer Str., 50679

emissions, such as those emitted by most taxis, are considered

talk language: german | outdoor Cologne

Getting there: make your own travel arrangements Automatic Roadwork Registration Cologne (ABK)

Problem: Around 22,500 building projects that result in traffic restrictions take place in Cologne each year. The points in time of the

Car traffic causes high levels of air pollution in inner cities. Diesel particularly harmful. Vehicles with an electric powertrain are an

environmentally friendly alternative. However, the wired charging systems for currently available e-taxis are unsuitable for daily operation, as the vehicles have to gradually advance along the taxi rank while waiting for customers.

construction activity often deviate from the planning in practice.

In collaboration with energy supplier RheinEnergie AG and five

tion gaps cause traffic jams with the corresponding environmental

ternational Automotive Management at the University of Duisburg-

Recording of the deviations takes place manually. These informaburdens. Automatic real time verification of the building projects is required for effective traffic control.

other partners, the Chair for General Business Administration & InEssen has launched the pilot project “Taxi charging concept for electric taxis in public space” (TALAKO for short).

Project goal: The aim is to provide chronologically and geogra-

The project team are integrating inductive charging systems into

way, the exact activation of adequate traffic strategies for the im-

transferring energy between a charging plate with an integrated

phically accurate information concerning building projects. In this provement of the traffic flow is enabled.

Execution: The project provides for equipping construction site

lights with LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) and GPS.

It will in this way be possible to transmit sensor data, such as the

location, the date and the time at which the lights are activated, and to compare them with the approval data for the construction site. The data transfer takes place on the geo-information and mo-

nitoring systems, as well as at the traffic control centre. Traffic no-

tifications are generated there, are forwarded to the mobility data marketplace and made useable for navigation devices. Thursday, 19 May 2022

2.00 p.m., 3.00 p.m., 4.00 p.m., 5.00 p.m. | duration 30 min. each Friday, 20 May 2022

10.00 a.m., 11.00 a.m, 12.00 p.m, 1.00 p.m., 2.00 p.m. | duration 30

min. each Presentation | without prior registration | participation free | talk language: german | outdoor

Meeting point: Messekreisel / Deutz-Mülheimer Str., 50679


Getting there: make your own travel arrangements

the vehicles and the taxi rank. Charging is then carried out by

coil installed in the vehicle and the taxi rank. The project duration is three years and it is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Action with two million euros.

Thursday, 19 May 2022 – 2.30 p.m. | duration 30 min. Friday, 20 May 2022 – 2.30 p.m. | duration 30 min.

Presentation | participation free | talk language: german | outdoor Meeting point: Cologne central station, Bahnhofsvorplatz, 50667 Cologne

Limited number of participants | getting there: make your own travel arrangements

ParkPilot: digital parking management in Cologne-Nippes

ParkPilot is one of the world’s most innovative and state-of-theart parking guidance systems. A total of 27 LED displays have

been installed on lampposts to show motorists in Cologne’s Nip-

pes district the exact number of available public parking spaces and where they are located. To do this, 89 sensors monitor around 800 parking spaces in the 0.5 km² project area – in real time.

The digital parking management system significantly reduces

both the volume of traffic searching for spaces and the associated



© Stadt Köln

emissions. The system takes into account all the data protection re-

Thursday, 19 May 2022 - 3.00 p.m. | duration 60 min.

mented on a section of Neusser Straße, which has been dubbed


gulations applicable to public spaces. The project is being implethe Klimastraße (Climate Street). There, the project partners are

demonstrating and trialling innovative ideas and forward-looking technologies that protect the environment and simplify urban life. Wednesday, 18 May 2022 - 11.30 a.m. | duration 60 min. Thursday, 19 May 2022 - 2.30 p.m. | duration 60 min.

Presentation | participation free | talk language: german | outdoor

Meeting point: Neusserstr. 295, 50733 Cologne

Limited number of participants | getting there: with the shuttle from Koelnmesse, hall 1 basement (P1) or make your own tra-

vel arrangements

Meeting point: Corner Unter Goldschmied / Kleine Budengasse, 50667 Cologne

RingFrei – Cyclist-friendly redesign of the Cologne Ring

The RingFrei project was initiated by a citizens’ initiative of the same

name whose goal is the cyclist- and pedestrian-friendly redesign of the six-kilometre-long Cologne Ring, a semi-circular boulevard

running around the inner city. The Ring’s redesign was already part of the Inner-City Cycling Plan, which was adopted in 2016, but it was

not prioritised as urgent. The initiative’s core objectives have been adopted by municipal committees over the past few years and im-

plemented by the municipal administration.

Old Town Traffic Routing Plan – attractive streets instead of cars

The implementation took place in various phases. First, the obligati-

framework for the development of transport options in that area of

has now been introduced throughout the Ring. To this end, all the

The traffic routing plan for Cologne’s Old Town provides the basic

the city. The objectives behind the plan are to make the Old Town a more attractive place to visit and live in, to promote cycling and walking, to reduce the overall amount of parking in the area’s public spaces and to decrease motor vehicle traffic in the district. In additi-

on, the situation for pedestrians will be improved significantly, as the amount of pedestrian traffic in this area is particularly high.

The plan is being implemented gradually. In a first step, pedestrian zones were set up in places where no structural changes were

necessary. They can also be used by cyclists and are only open to

on to use the cycle paths was removed. A 30-kilometre speed limit traffic signalling systems were replaced. For the first time in Cologne, one of the two car lanes was turned into a cycle lane. This spatial reallocation has now been implemented along more than half of

the route. Construction work on further sections is currently under way. The narrow brick cycle paths on some parts of the roadside are

being removed, and these areas will be made available to pedestrians. All the short-stay parking spaces are being converted into loa-

ding areas, taxi ranks and cycle parking spaces. The loading areas are available as residents’ parking at night.

delivery vehicles between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., or until 2:00 p.m.

The implementation of the first sections has already significantly re-

streets have been removed, making room for attractive uses of

sent an important signal about the reallocation of space in favour of

in some cases. In addition, all short-stay parking spaces on public the urban environment. There is sufficient capacity for short-stay parking in the Old Town’s underutilised car parks. Bicycle racks,

cargo bike parking, car-sharing and disabled parking spaces and

loading areas have been set up in the areas that have become available.

The public space has also been enhanced by high-quality, mo-

bile design features, such as planting, street furniture and, where possible, outdoor dining.


Presentation | participation free | talk language: german |


duced the volume of car traffic on the Ring. The RingFrei project has cyclists and pedestrians in Cologne. Numerous plans based on the RingFrei model are now being developed and implemented. Wednesday, 18 May 2022 - 4.00 p.m. | duration 60 min.

Presentation | participation free | talk language: german | outdoor

Meeting point: Hohenzollernring 2-10, 50672 Cologne

Limited number of participants | getting there: make your own travel arrangements

Friesenwall: Traffic space reallocation – Bicycle boulevard sets new standards for pedestrian and cycle traffic

The first section of the bicycle boulevard on Friesenwall was of-

these areas as residents’ parking. In addition, space was created for (cargo) bicycle and e-scooter parking.

ficially approved in May 2019. The project was honoured with se-

Plans to construct a continuous cycle lane of a comparable width

usage conflicts and in order to implement municipal regulations

nalstraße and the Deutz district are currently in development. This

cond place in the German Cycling Prize in 2020. Due to various for bicycle boulevards, the traffic space has been reallocated in favour of pedestrian and cycle traffic.

Municipal regulations for bicycle boulevards were applied con-

along the entire inner-city west-east axis between Innere Katype of cycling infrastructure was already created on the section of

Aachener Straße running from the vicinity of Aachener Weiher into the inner city in 2021.

sistently for the first time on Friesenwall. Removing around 50 car

Thursday, 19 May 2022 - 4.00 p.m. | duration 30 min.

carriageway from three metres to four. This has created a com-


parking bays created space to increase the width of the street fortable route for cyclists, including for those going against the di-

rection of travel for motor traffic on the one-way street, and they can often ride alongside each other.

Presentation | participation free | talk language: german | Meeting point: Aachener Straße 40-44, 50674 Cologne

Limited number of participants | getting there: make your own travel arrangements

Pedestrians’ needs were taken into account in all the measures

Fleischmengergasse bicycle boulevard

In addition to a wider carriageway, the reallocation of the traffic

on the north-south axis through Cologne’s inner city. The route

to improve cycle traffic, and they were involved in the redesign. space has created a “multifunctional lane”, which integrates va-

rious elements. As a result, 120 new bicycle parking spaces were created, benches with combined planters installed, and sign-

posts and parking ticket machines moved. By integrating these elements into the multifunctional lane, the pavements could be

decluttered, and illegal parking physically prohibited. The first

post-implementation traffic count showed that the share of cycle traffic has doubled within two years following the creation of the bicycle boulevard and now predominates over car traffic.

The reallocation of the traffic space described here has now been

applied to other sections of Friesenwall as well. A further section covering 1,100 metres is in the pre-implementation stage. Friday, 20 May 2022 - 2.00 p.m. | duration 45 min.

Presentation | participation free | talk language: german | outdoor

Meeting point: Rudolfplatz 2, 50672 Köln

Limited number of participants | getting there: make your own travel arrangements

Cycle lanes on Aachener Straße

The section of Aachener Straße between Rudolfplatz and the main

railway lines around Cologne’s city centre has been characterised by conflicts between cyclists and pedestrians up until now. In particular, the section between Brabanter Straße and Moltkestraße had a cycle path that ran close to busy outdoor food service outlets.

Fleischmengergasse forms part of the crucial cycleway running was defined as a bicycle boulevard in the Inner-City Cycling Plan. It was created in late summer 2021. One of its special features is

the centrally positioned loading area, which residents are permitted to use for parking after 6 p.m. In preparation for the implementation, access to Fleischmengergasse from Cäcilienstraße was permanently closed to car traffic back in October 2019.

Prohibiting access and introducing a combination of parking lanes/loading areas has created two lanes, both of which are signposted as bicycle boulevards. The southbound lane from Neu-

markt is signposted as a bicycle-only boulevard. Car traffic is no longer permitted. In the direction of Cäcilienstraße, the bicycle boulevard is signposted as “access only” and serves as a one-

way street for car traffic. In addition to installing the correspon-

ding traffic signs, large bicycle boulevard pictograms were applied to the carriageway, and the parking and delivery areas were laid out with innovative markings.

Prior to this, extensive road resurfacing was undertaken, and the

signalling systems in the Neumarkt/Fleischmengergasse area were replaced. The new signalling technology means that pe-

destrian and cycle traffic can cross Neumarkt in one traffic light

phase, thereby eliminating waiting times in the vicinity of the track crossing. In addition, the crossing was widened around the traffic

signals with the aid of markings, and the advanced stop lines for pedestrian and cycle traffic adjusted to enclose a larger area.

Restaurant visitors’ chairs often intruded onto the cycle path, or

Friday, 20 May 2022 - 3.00 p.m. | duration 30 min.

to the high volumes of pedestrians. Deliveries in the crowded area


waiting staff had to step onto the cycle path to serve visitors due were made across the cycle path.

Transferring cycle traffic onto the carriageway significantly increased traffic safety for all road users. Cyclists now share a comfortable, 2.50-metre-wide cycle lane. Pedestrians and outdoor food

Presentation | participation free | talk language: german | Meeting point: Fleischmengergasse / corner Lungengasse 2, 50676 Cologne

Limited number of participants | getting there: make your own travel arrangements

service outlets now have all the pavement at their disposal. To

Bicycle boulevard on the north-south axis – Priority measure to


The creation of a bicycle boulevard running on the north-south

achieve this, one of the previously two lanes for motor vehicles was

The short-stay parking areas on the roadside were turned into loa-

ding areas. At nights and weekends, residents are allowed to use

improve the Neumarkt crossing

axis between Weidengasse/Eigelstein and Eifelplatz was approved with the Inner-City Cycling Plan. The axis runs across Neumarkt, a square that acts as a large barrier to cycle traffic.



A new signalling system was therefore installed as a priority mea-

Parallel to these measures, the planning process for the structural

tion in 2018. This has created a new set of priorities and shorter

ence gained from the first stage, which was recently implemented

sure to improve the Neumarkt crossing in the southbound direc-

routes for cyclists. While westbound car traffic on the Neumarkt carriageways stops at the red light, cyclists have sufficient time

within a short time.

to cross the car lanes safely when the green light shows and pro-

Friday, 20 May 2022 - 4.00 p.m. | duration 30 min.

and pictograms.


ceed to a large bike box area, which is signposted with markings

Prior to improving the Neumarkt crossing, the right-hand traffic lane on Cäcilienstraße in the direction of Rudolfplatz was converted into a cycle lane. As part of this measure, an indirect left-turn

lane was also installed on the recently created Fleischmengergasse bicycle boulevard.

To increase traffic safety (by removing non-light-controlled rightturn lanes) and to improve the Neumarkt crossing for cyclists and

pedestrians heading north, access to Fleischmengergasse was

prohibited for motor vehicles in 2019. In 2021, Fleischmengergasse was redesigned as a bicycle boulevard.

Friday, 20 May 2022 - 3.00 p.m. | duration 30 min.

Presentation | participation free | talk language: german | outdoor

Meeting point: Neumarkt No. 7 / corner Richmodstraße, 50667 Cologne

Limited number of participants | getting there: make your own travel arrangements

Ehrenstraße under the magnifying glass – attractive streets instead of cars

Street furniture and plants, more space for pedestrians and cyclists, fewer cars – this is how we are currently improving the si-

tuation in Cologne’s so-called “Lupenräume” (spaces under the magnifying glass) in a short period of time through quickly implementable and simple measures.

The spaces we are putting under the magnifying glass are central

Presentation | participation free | talk language: german | Meeting point: Ehrenstraße 31, 50672 Köln

Limited number of participants | getting there: make your own travel arrangements I/D Cologne

I/D Cologne marks the creation of a new office park in the city’s Mülheim district. Right from the beginning, it has followed the phi-

losophy of giving its future users a space for ideas and the scope to contribute their individual input to its design. An attractive business campus that offers a new standard of work and life is emerging on the grounds of the former goods station.

Mobility also plays a crucial role in this vision: with the campus’s car-sharing service, provided by KINTO (Toyota), and additional

elements in the form of a bicycle highway serving the office park

and an overview of local public transport in the campus app, users have a variety of options for their daily commute to and from I/D Cologne.

Wednesday, 18 May 2022 - 2.00 p.m. | duration 60 min. Thursday, 19 May 2022 - 11.30 a.m. | duration 60 min.

Presentation | participation free | talk language: german | outdoor

Meeting point: Am Kabellager 11-13, 51063 Cologne

Limited number of participants | getting there: with the shuttle from Koelnmesse, hall 1 basement (P1) or make your own tra-

vel arrangements

areas in the Old Town and inner-city commercial centres whe-

Registration for the individual programme items is required.

we want to create high-quality spaces where people can enjoy


re, in addition to convenient routes for pedestrians and cyclists, spending time. We are therefore pursuing the following objectives: •

To upgrade urban spaces

To promote walking and cycling

• • •

To make the areas more enjoyable to visit To reduce the traffic load

To convert parking spaces into public spaces

Ehrenstraße and Breite Straße are busy shopping streets in

Cologne’s city centre. They are notable for narrow pavements and

traffic searching for parking spaces. In the urban development

master plan for Cologne’s inner city, Ehrenstraße was identified as one of the areas requiring urgent intervention to enhance the quality of the area.

By putting pragmatic solutions into practice, we are quickly improving the situation for pedestrians. We will designate Ehrenstraße

and Breite Straße as pedestrian zones in the spring of 2022. A traffic

concept for the district will make sure it is still accessible for motor vehicle traffic. We will also visually upgrade Ehrenstraße with mobile design elements.


redesign of Ehrenstraße is under way. It is drawing on the experi-


Registration and further information at: www.polis-mobility.com/




Cologne, 24.–26.05.2022 GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!

Koelnmesse GmbH | Messeplatz 1 | 50679 Köln, Germany | Tel. +49 1806 121 000 | tirecologne@visitor.koelnmesse.de POLIS MOBILITY



As part of polisMOBILITY, we aim to make tomorrow’s mobility ac-

finishes alongside Cologne’s Friesenwall, which has been converted

platz into a cityHUB within the framework of our expo event.

bicycle traffic – and returns to Rudolfplatz.

cessible to everyone. This is why we are turning Cologne's Rudolf-

E-bikes, cargo bikes and electric car sharing: right in the heart of

On the other hand, those interested are given the unique opportu-

transition up close and personal alongside the citizens of Cologne.

public traffic and experience the vehicles in a real city environment.

the cathedral city, polisMOBILITY visitors will experience the mobility

For this purpose, the cityHUB combines a broad selection of modern vehicles for local mobility, with both alternative and emission-free drivetrains.

On the one hand, we are offering a test ride for two-wheeled vehicles: The round course begins with a converted car lane on the Co-

logne rings, which has been turned into a comfortable cycle lane.

The route continues along a short section of Palmstrasse. The circuit


into a cycle lane – at this point, car traffic must be subordinate to


nity to book guided test drives at the Rudolfplatz to start directly in

In parallel, manufacturers and retailers from various sectors will

present their products in designated themed areas at the cityHUB and explain the added value of their solutions for the city of the fu-

ture – from smart city applications to pioneering traffic concepts. At the same time, street food stations will give ample opportunity for

frank discussion about the experiences – entirely in keeping with the social principle of the mobility station.

© Koelnmesse GmbH

An all-day shuttle service between Rudolfplatz and Koelnmesse will

ensure that all spontaneous citizens will be able to conveniently

experience all the other highlights of the polisMOBILITY on the right side of the Rhine.

Meeting place polisCAMP

One of the highlights right next to the cityHUB will be polisCAMP, hos-

ted by the City of Cologne in the eastern part of Rudolfplatz. Formed of six construction trailers with front gardens, this forum for interac-

tion will provide a stage for numerous initiatives and stakeholder groups to present perspectives from civil society on the humancentred city and tomorrow’s mobility. infoHUB

If there are open questions about polisMOBILITY and the exciting

world of new mobility, the on-site team of our infoHUB is always on

hand at the Rudolfplatz to inform our guests about the many offers of our Event & Expo format.

This is how the cityHUB at Rudolfplatz brings the city and the po-

Participating exhibitors •

2Rad Prumbaum


• • • • • •


CCB Cologne Cargo Bike UG Dott

Estrima S.p.A

• • • • • • •

EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG VCD - Verkehrsclub Deutschland Ford Share the Road FREE NOW

GermanXia Mobility GmbH

GreenMobility Germany GmbH Hermann Hartje KG Lime

Miles Mobility GmbH

Piaggio Deutschland GmbH

Further information:

cambio Rheinland

promises of a new, future-orientated mobility, you have to expeheart of the city.

Bolt Technology OÜ

e-bility GmbH

rience them for yourself right where they are happening – in the

Bike Parking & Charging / EnergyBus.org

lisMOBILITY grounds at Koelnmesse together in a unique way. We strongly believe that to understand the changes, challenges and

Akkurad GmbH / Lohmeyer Leichtfahrzeuge

• • •

nextbike GmbH

Polestar Automotive Germany GmbH TIER Mobility SE

Toyota Deutschland GmbH Uber

vit:bikes Rheinland e.K.

Volvo Car Germany GmbH

• • • •

VOI Technology AB SENEC GmbH

Steereon / PLEV Technologies GmbH Zeus Scooters GmbH





A mobility station describes a vision of practical multimodal mo-

bility in our cities. The idea: acting as central hubs, they bundle car sharing services, public transport connections, bicycle parking spaces, e-charging stations, and many other mobility services. What’s more, thanks to attractive retail providers, relaxing chill-out

areas, wi-fi hotspots and the like, mobility stations allow us to re-

Participating exhibitors •




think how we live together in urban areas – creating an attractive

work, shop, and find some peace and quiet.

KVB | Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe

ONgineer GmbH

environment in the middle of the city that invites people to linger,

For polisMOBILITY, we were so inspired by this vision that we turned the concept of the mobility station into reality as a showcase on site in the form of our mobilityHUB.

• •

for the future of inner city mobility. And much more.


Shell Mobility Systems‘

ments for joint travel. Public transport operators present their offers


social encounters as a whole: here, ride sharing providers present lights of their portfolios. Ride sharing services make good argu-


SBD Automotive

their new apps. Car sharing companies showcase the latest high-


A highlight of our expo event, the mobilityHUB reflects the added

value of the interplay between mobility providers, stay offers and


Shell EV Charging Solutions Swobbee GmbH TIER

Zeus Scooters

Zukunftsnetz Mobil NRW

Thanks to an inviting lounge area complete with catering, our mo-

bilityHUB also encourages open discussion about the future of multimodal transport.

Acting as a place for encounter and dialogue, the mobilityHUB brings the idea of the mobility station to life at polisMOBILITY and

provides municipalities with hands-on solutions regarding how interplay between urban mobility services can succeed in practice.

© Koelnmesse GmbH

Further information: www.polis-mobility.com/mobilityhub



© Koelnmesse GmbH




Halle 1, G-010


10:00 am to 6:00 pm



polisMOBILITY is THE platform for the exchange around topics for

the mobility turnaround. In addition to the established players from the committed industries, it is also fresh, new and partly uncon-

ventional ideas that can provide important impulses for future mobility in cities and urban regions. Impulses of the kind that can

come primarily from start-up companies. In order to promote this

In the elevatorPITCH, 25 start-ups present their company and their ideas for the intelligent mobility of the future.

The elevatorPITCHES will take place live at the activeSTAGE on Thursday, May 19, 2022, starting at 3:00 pm.

spirit, polis­MOBILITY also offers the young companies a very spe-

Following the pitch, all participants will meet at the evening event

taking advantage of the opportunity to actively participate in the

sation with all participants in a relaxed atmosphere.

cial forum. This year, 22 start-ups from four countries are already

discussion on future mobility. The business fields of the registered

companies range from smart parking and autonomous driving to innovative digital mobility solutions.

"Mix & Mingle". Here is the opportunity to get into personal conver-

Further start-up pitches will take place on Wednesday, May 18, from 4:30 p.m. and on Friday, May 20, from 10:30 a.m. at active STAGE.

We directly involve the start-up community in our open polis­

MOBILITY conference program - for example, with the chance to use the activeSTAGE stage for elevator pitches.



© Koelnmesse GmbH


A change in mindset on the “last mile” is one of the most effective levers for advancing the mobility transition in our cities and

Participating exhibitors

achieve a breakthrough. After all, when plumbing companies, de-

communities and helping locally emission-free transport systems livery services, supply lorries and the like cover their usually-ma-

nageable distances electrically or with human power, the vision of sustainable mobility in the city becomes more tangible.

This is why we are bringing our specialAREA “e-Mobility for Crafts”

to polisMOBILITY in cooperation with Handwerk.NRW and Cologne’s Chambers of Trade. The exclusive exhibition area is intended for

commercial customers from the skilled trades, as well as delivery

and transport companies, to showcase flexible and sustainable solutions for last-mile mobility – including light electric utility vehicles, cargo bikes and innovative charging technology.

In addition, guests from the trades sector can consult with experts who will be happy to provide them with guidance and advice.

• • • • • • •

kkurad GmbH / Lohmeyer Leichtfahrzeuge Cenntro Automotive Europe GmbH (ehemals Tropos Motors Europe) Dachser SE e2trail


Elexon Charging GmbH

Kinto Deutschland GmbH PSA Retail GmbH

Toyota Deutschland GmbHT

Innovative Mobility in the Skilled Crafts – Mobility Day of the Cologne Chamber of Skilled Crafts

Date: Saturday, 21 May 2022, 10.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Location: Halle 1 - activeSTAGE Host: Stefan Hagen •

Opening of the Cologne Chamber of Skilled

Crafts Mobility Day

Hans Peter Wollseifer, President of the • •

Chamber of Skilled Crafts Cologne Lecture and discussion forums

Presentation of the campaign "E-mobility in the skilled crafts sector in the Cologne-Bonn

region" (free test weeks with electric utility Organiser

vehicles for skilled crafts companies) with signing of the campaign agreement by

representatives of the skilled crafts sector,

representatives of the cities of Cologne and

Bonn, energy suppliers and other campaign

partners. 32


© Frantzen/Thümling/TH Köln

SCIENCE MEETS CITY URBAN MOBILITY TRANSFORMATION – FUTURE VISIONS How can cities become more livable? How can urban spaces and urban mobility be designed to be sustainable and fit for the future? The symposium "Science meets City" will address current research approaches to the many challenges related to urban life and the way we use mobility.

The event will focus on modern urban infrastructure development, innovative mobility concepts and devices, as well as the collaboration between science, cities and citizens. Hamburg, Kyoto, Liege, Paris and Rotterdam serve as guiding examples focusing on the most pressing questions in urban mobility. Architect Prof. Jan Gehl's keynote address on "Sciences meets City – Perspectives from Close Up to Far Away" will use the example of Copenhagen, one of the world's most livable cities, to highlight the close collaboration between university and city as an important factor in this urban development. For several decades, the city of Copenhagen served as a laboratory for the study of public life and public spaces. "A good city is about mobility but certainly also about good places and spaces for living and enjoyment just as it is the case in a good dwelling”, Prof. Gehl says. “Good living spaces rather than corridors are what really counts.” Afterwards, other national and international experts will report on their projects and experiences in short speeches on the two main topics "Sustainable mobility planning and public transport systems" and "Urban living, planning and building". After each respective thematic block, there will be the opportunity for an open exchange and discussion on the speaker topics also as additional topics at round tables. This mixture of impulses and personal discussions creates the ideal basis for new ideas, contacts and cooperation. The event will be rounded off by a panel discussion in which questions

from the participants will be interactively included. The scientific symposium was initiated by the City of Cologne, which supports the “Science meets City” format together with the KölnBusiness agency. The University of Applied Sciences Cologne organizes and realizes the symposium with the network office of the Cologne Science Forum (KWR) and the support of KWR members. The free event will take place (after prior registration by 29 April; if you wish to take part, please enquire about the possibilities with the contact below) on 20 May 2022 in English, at CC East Koelnmesse, Congress Hall. Scientists, urban planners and experts from the fields of "Sustainable Mobility and Transport Planning, Urban Living, Planning and Building" are invited to register for the symposium. The free event will be held in English.

Kerstin Broichhagen +49 221 2875 3187 wissenschaftsrunde@koeln.de www.science-meets-city.de



GOING BEYOND INNOVATIVE MOBILITY BUILDING THE CITY OF THE FUTURE WITH TOYOTA The construction of the Woven City has begun on Mount Fuji. Since early 2021, Toyota has set out to realise its concept of a city of the future that means much more than innovative mobility and zero emissions. With its Beyond Zero vision, Toyota wants to lay the groundwork for a society that lives in harmony with the

© Toyota

environment. GOING BEYOND ZERO – FOR ALL OF US Going beyond zero is Toyota’s strategy. This means zero emissions are just the beginning for the company. Toyota is not just developing innovations and solutions that have no or minimal impact on the environment. Toyota also wants to improve life, our experiences, society and the planet.

MORE THAN MOBILITY For a long time, Toyota was seen as just a car company. But Toyota is much more than that. As a company that cares about every single person’s mobility – regardless of their individual abilities – Toyota is responding to the constantly changing mobility needs in our society.

In renderings, the Woven City is already coming to life.

For what is already more than 20 years, Toyota has been researching solutions for sustainable coexistence. As this endeavour goes beyond innovative mobility for the company, Toyota is now building a prototype city near Tokyo: 2,000 people will live and work in the Woven City ecosystem to begin with. The city will be supplied by renewable energies and hydrogen. The plan is to use materials from regenerative sources for the construction. Wood, processed using robot-assisted technologies with low CO2 emissions, will play a crucial role. Hydrogen fuel cells will be used to generate electricity, supplemented by solar power from photovoltaic systems on the roofs – and the water produced will be collected and recycled by an integrated system. The homes will be equipped with the latest assistance systems, including sensor-based in-home robots. Self-driving, zero-emissions cars will circulate on the roads; the Toyota e-Palette will be used for delivery transport. The city is divided into a three-level road system: Alongside routes for fast vehicles, there are others designed for lower speeds, including cyclists and pedestrians, as well as a third level, which is reserved exclusively for pedestrians and formed of avenues and parks. Indigenous vegetation



Want to learn more? Visit Toyota at stand H020 G019 in hall 1.2 and at the cityHUB located at Rudolfplatz in Cologne. and hydroponics will ensure sustainable planting. As a kind of “living lab”, the Woven City will also house numerous researchers, who will study and test innovative technologies for a completely connected smart city. This vision includes robots, smart homes and individual mobility provided by shared, self-driving, zero-emissions vehicles that are linked to an integrated system with the aid of artificial intelligence.

TOYOTA DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Toyota-Allee 2 50858 Köln Deutschland kundenbetreuung@toyota.de www.toyota.de/beyond-zero www.woven-city.global



GreenMobility offers its users a simple, flexible and sustainable solution and seeks to create benefits for cities by reducing private car ownership in the long term and contributing to reducing air pollution on a daily basis. The company’s solution is aimed at both private users and local businesses. Via the GreenMobility app, all users have easy access to the company’s cars – anytime, anywhere in its zones. Per-minute pricing and a range of packages mean that every user can find a personal mobility solution to suit them with GreenMobility. “In the coming years, the European car-sharing market is expected to continue to follow a significant, positive growth trend. We have focused on a growth strategy, which includes increasing our user base and activity in existing markets. Furthermore, we are entering new markets with a view to establishing a presence spanning a number of major European cities. Due to our highly flexible cooperation concept, we are capable of leveraging synergies to provide the best and most cost-effective mobility solutions to all cities. I am confident that GreenMobility is ready for the future”, says Thomas Heltborg Juul, Group CEO.

GreenMobility also launches its car sharing service in Cologne.

GreenMobility is a free-floating car-sharing company, founded in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2016. Ever since then, the company has sought to become the leading provider of environmentally friendly mobility solutions. Today, GreenMobility already operates 1,200 electric vehicles in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Malmö, Gothenburg, Antwerp, Ghent, Brussels, Helsinki, Düsseldorf and Cologne. The company has more than 160,000 registered users. Its vision is to offer the best concept for sustainable urban mobility and to be represented in 35 cities by 2025.

Want to learn more? Visit GreenMobility at stand G010d in hall 1.2 and at the cityHUB located at Rudolfplatz in Cologne.

GREENMOBILITY GERMANY GMBH Alsterarkaden 13 20354 Hamburg Deutschland Stefan Mizera Operations Manager smi@greenmobility.com +49 173 7802750

Driven by global megatrends – urbanisation, sustainability and the sharing economy – the market GreenMobility serves is set to grow rapidly with the expansion of car sharing in cities. EXHIBITORS


SHELL CITY SOLUTIONS POWERING PROGRESS WITH CITIES Germany has the energy to make the transition: Shell, one of the most important energy companies in the market, has declared its full support for the climate protection goals of the Paris Agreement. The company has already begun to make its contribution as a significant player in Germany’s energy transition. Shell has set a group target to become a net-zero emissions company by 2050, in step with society. As part of this commitment, it is focussing

© Shell

on the opportunities for implementing concepts for city solutions.

A global corporation reinvents itself: Shell on its way to becoming an energy company, meeting the challenges of the future by tackling them today.

Population growth and increasing prosperity are set to send demand for energy soaring in the coming years. Based on rough estimates, the world’s population could rise to more than nine billion people by the middle of the century, with 70 % of them living in cities. One of the key questions is therefore how to design urban space and draw up sustainable urban development plans that respond specifically to the challenges of growing numbers of residents and the associated impact on energy supplies. New energy sources will emerge, while others will struggle to keep pace with developments. An unprecedented collaboration between political decision makers, industry and consumers is needed to build more sustainable cities, tackle the pressure on resources and simultaneously create cleaner ways to supply households and vehicles with electricity.



The challenges of individual urban development and learning from expert exchanges in global networks Studies have shown that, while every city may be unique, there are fundamental needs that are the same in most cities and must be prioritised to meet our goal of building sustainable cities. This is both a local and a global task. One of its most important aspects is devising intelligent urban development plans for supplying the population and the economy with energy and providing mobility. Shell is responding by restructuring its portfolio and strengthening its focus on commercial and public partnerships in order to promote progress jointly by providing more and cleaner energy and mobility solutions. The company follows a user-centred approach, whereby it

collaborates with urban planners to develop and test innovative concepts, scenarios, technologies and business models in real-world living environments. As part of these explorations, Shell is supporting the development of a series of innovative solutions, based on commercially viable business models, that will contribute to reaching cities’ carbon dioxide reduction targets. With its many years of global experience in the seamless implementation of energy supplies, Shell can bring its specialist expertise to bear here. It also provides unique access to an extensive network of technology partners, suppliers and contractors.

Many sustainable solutions are already available When it comes to energy for life and work, green electricity is not the only option for private, local authority, commercial and industrial energy users – biogas is also an alternative. Shell is striving for strong growth in the electricity sector in particular. Its approach to the expansion of its business in this field is holistic, starting with wind turbines and solar panels to actively promote the expansion of renewable energy supplies and ranging all the way through to offers designed to make switching easier for customers. The Shell Group is looking beyond conventional paths, such as its planned entry into the production of offshore wind energy and green tariffs for customers, and is also following decentralised strategies. For instance, its portfolio includes sonnen, a supplier of energy storage solutions for household solar power systems. Marketed as sonnenBatterie, they enable customers to share the solar electricity that they generate via the sonnenCommunity network. Networking decentralised renewable electricity production is also the strategy followed by Shell’s subsidiary Next Kraftwerke, which operates one of the biggest virtual power plants in Europe, intelligently connecting electricity producers, consumers and storage facilities. Shell is naturally also in the fast lane when it comes to mobility – with solutions ranging from fast charging at Shell service stations to innovative charging points for use at home, work or public places via retrofitted street lamps. In urban areas in particular, electromobility is set to assume a key role in mobility concepts. Shell is supporting this development with solutions that shorten charging times and provide more charging options, with the aim being to simplify the switch to battery-electric vehicles and thereby promote the transition to electromobility.

Electricity and hydrogen – the energy for urban mobility Shell already offers access to thousands of charging points via Shell Recharge Solutions. Its target is to operate over 500,000 charging points worldwide by 2025. For business customers, there are also integrated Shell offers for charging points to assist with the electrification of light vehicles, such as passenger cars and vans. With this range of services, Shell offers reliable charging stations for company locations of any kind. Compatible with all electric vehicles and easily expandable, the stations are linked to a series of intelligent charging solutions – from company-wide station management to opportunities to increase cost-efficiency and automated invoicing. The services also include a mobile app and a charging map, which provide access to more than 250,000 charging points in over 35 countries – the biggest charging network in Europe. What’s more, Shell’s subsidiary ubitricity has developed a solution that converts street lamps into charging points for battery-electric vehicles (BEV). Retrofitting a lamp post is three to four times cheaper than

installing a new charging point. The company is working with local authorities in Europe to integrate BEV charging facilities into the existing street infrastructure, such as lamp posts and bollards – as will be rolled out in Berlin from this year. This solution is affordable and simple – for anyone who wants to charge their vehicle while it is parked on the street. With these initiatives, Shell is promoting the expansion of the rapidly growing on-street charging market for electric vehicles and broadening its core competencies in order to scale its overall charging offer. This already includes more than 8,000 public charging points worldwide at Shell petrol stations, on streets and at various public locations like supermarkets and parks. Hydrogen offerings are poised to assume an equally important role in the long term. Shell therefore wants to play its part in making hydrogen a feasible option for commercial road traffic. The Next Mobility Accelerator consortium, formed of Shell, Paul Nutzfahrzeuge and MaierKorduletsch, has already developed one of the industry’s first medium-duty fuel cell trucks (14-18 t; 24 t including trailer). In another consortium – H2Accelerate (H2A) – Shell and its partners Daimler Truck AG, IVECO, OMV, Volvo Group, TotalEnergies and Linde are seeking to develop a pan-European hydrogen infrastructure for heavy-duty transportation with the aim of helping hydrogen achieve an international breakthrough. Shell is also working closely with H2 MOBILITY Deutschland to accelerate the expansion of the hydrogen refuelling infrastructure.

From energy-intensive industries to climate-neutral businesses – Shell is also making the shift At the same time, Shell is implementing its own sustainability strategies. One of their key elements is the transformation of Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rheinland. The complex in Wesseling is to end crude refining from 2025. Petroleum is to be replaced as a raw material by installing new plant or adapting existing technologies. To expand its portfolio of low- or zero-carbon products, Shell’s use of hydrogen, circular waste materials and biogenic feedstocks will increase. Together, all these activities will enable Shell to implement its Powering Progress strategy for accelerating the transition of its business to net-zero emissions. They pave the way for long-term collaborations in new fields and for Shell to take a lead in promoting efficient solutions that benefit society.

Learn more about Shell’s Powering Progress strategy in Hall 1.2, Stand: C002 D011.

SHELL DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Suhrenkamp 71-77 22335 Hamburg Germany presse@shell.com www.shell.de/citysolutions



THE ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS WAY TO GET ABOUT THE CITY MAKING CARGO TRANSPORT AS EASY AS RIDING A BIKE. THE UM CARGOBIKE IS TOMORROW’S ENERGY-EFFICIENT TRANSPORTER. Climate protection and carbon neutrality are the most important issues of our times. The online shopping boom, which intensified due to the coronavirus pandemic, has made them even more critical, both worldwide and especially here in Germany. The consequences of the growing delivery traffic in cities are rising carbon dioxide and noise pollution for residents and gridlocked city centres. Environmentally responsible urban logistics Cities and local authorities are looking for solutions to tackle the congestion caused by trucks and passenger vehicles in inner cities. This calls for new mobility concepts, in particular for transporting the continually growing volumes of parcel and food deliveries. The need for action is even more pressing due to the access restrictions barring trucks and diesel vehicles from certain streets in urban areas and the reallocation of car lanes to cycle traffic. But how are parcels to be distributed in cities and delivered to end customers? Urban Mobility’s vision is a new mobile world, one that is environmentally friendly and sustainable. Urban Mobility GmbH was founded by



experts from the fields of aviation, mechanical engineering and logistics with the shared aim of developing and producing environmentally friendly transport vehicles that are perfectly suited to urban areas. Urban Mobility’s logistics specialists define the product’s applications and characteristics, while their engineers ensure excellent manufacturability, ease of maintenance and the required robustness.

The innovative UM CargoBike made in Germany Every single part in the UM CargoBike is made in Germany with a minimal carbon footprint. The highly robust heavy-duty cargo pedelec has a long lifespan and is ideally suited for delivering parcels, part loads

and cargo on Euro pallets or quarter pallets. This makes it the perfect choice for commercial delivery services, shipments, and courier, express and parcel (CEP) services. Businesses that have already adopted the UM CargoBike include food retailers, beverage delivery services, chemists, and parcel delivery and logistics companies. The UM CargoBike boasts an impressive 2.0-cubic-metre cargo volume, a 250-kilogram payload in addition to the rider, and a range of up to 100 kilometres. Thanks to its patented tilting technology and full suspension, the cargo pedelec is as intuitive and as comfortable to ride as a normal bicycle. The UM CargoBike’s technology makes cornering easy while providing excellent riding stability and improved safety. It has a maintenance-free electronic chain and is exceptionally energyefficient due to its regenerative brake, which employs a recuperation mechanism to recover energy during the braking process and store it in the battery. Depending on the specific requirements, the UM CargoBike can be supplied with various cargo add-ons or as a pick-up. The heavy-duty 4"or 8" wheels are positioned under the load platform to provide access to the load area from three sides. With the selection of cargo add-ons, a wide range of goods, from tools to parcels and even furniture, can be easily transported. The items can also be loaded with a forklift. The potential applications are diverse. Delivery services and commercial transport operations are not the only businesses that can use the UM CargoBike efficiently in their daily work – other sectors, including the skilled trades and service providers, can also reap immense benefits. The UM CargoBike is classified as a pedelec 25 in Germany. This means that it can also be ridden on cycle paths and the rider does not need a driving licence.

Delivery transports that used to be made in trucks and Sprinter vans in cities will be fulfilled on cargo bikes in the future. Many environmentally conscious companies and local authorities are increasingly adopting cargo bikes in urban areas to make their services or courier deliveries environmentally friendly. Cargo bikes are an eco-friendly alternative to diesel- and petrol-powered vehicles. Around 400 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions could be cut each year by handling 80 % of urban parcel delivery traffic on cargo bikes. In addition, they are more flexible, more mobile and easier to manoeuvre than vans. Urban space could be used much more efficiently by adopting small, agile cargo bikes, and the resources consumed per delivery would be reduced significantly, resulting in real savings for users. Switching to a UM CargoBike cuts carbon dioxide emissions considerably, which means that the users help to make their companies and our cities environmentally responsible. The UM CargoBike combines a large cargo volume and a high payload with convenience and ease of use in a single product that contributes significantly to protecting our environment. Visit Urban Mobility at stand H021 in hall 1.2.

URBAN MOBILITY GMBH Münchener Straße 84 84453 Mühldorf am Inn Germany Pauline Souchard Marketing & Sales +49 8631 605-700 info@urbanmobility.online www.urbanmobility.online




Future-oriented mobility concepts at municipal level increasingly favour a highly diverse mix of sustainable solutions. The focus here is always on making the city of the future a place that offers a better quality of life, while also taking the mobility demands of a liberal society into account.

© Qwello (2)

Designed from the outset with the user in mind and for use in urban areas - the Qwello charging pole impresses with its simple handling and easy handling and a design suitable for urban furniture. 40


Combining traffic calming in city centres, the further development of pedestrian zones, the urgently required extension of cycle path networks and the necessary expansion of shared mobility services will create attractive city centres where people can live and thrive. Sustainable private transport options or flexible sharing services are at the interface between micromobility, such as scooters or e-bikes, and local public transport. Both enable mobility on demand and thus combine the attractiveness of mobility with the urgent need for it to be environmentally acceptable.

Integration options in urban parking monitoring or traffic guidance systems as well as widespread 5G coverage through small cells are preparing the ground for future developments.

Making the case for the market economy

Visit Qwello at stand A014 in hall 1.2.

A well-thought-out pricing concept also makes the best use of what is currently still a scarce resource: charging infrastructure. It requires onethird fewer charging points – freeing up space in the urban environment and marking another step towards the smart city of tomorrow.

All these measures – coupled with the grid upgrades required by the energy transition and the expansion of renewable energies – call for fast, efficient and targeted action at regional and municipal level. In this context, it is important to optimise the use and allocation of the available budgets, even outside the existing funding framework. The development of Qwello’s charging infrastructure service has therefore always focused on a participatory solution for the installation of charging infrastructure in public spaces. Today, the central idea is to support this process and to maintain or even expand the options available to cities to take action by having private-sector investment capital take over the roll-out without affecting public budgets. As part of its concept for public spaces, Qwello offers a complete financing package through investments as well as the construction and operation of municipal charging infrastructure.

Helping e-mobility to become established The present public debate is very much centred on the availability of charging infrastructure, and the anticipated exponential growth in new registrations of electric vehicles means that the role of cities and municipalities is becoming increasingly important. Their ambition and goal is to offer the use of modern, sustainable and high-quality infrastructure, not only to local residents but also to those visiting the city for tourism or business – and competition with other regions in the country or internationally is an additional factor that should not be dismissed.

The democratisation of e-mobility Cities and those charged with developing neighbourhoods also want to offer a suitable means of participating in the mobility transition to the large number of urban users who don’t have the option to charge their vehicles at their place of work or at home via a garage wallbox. Only a minority of all employees in Germany have access to a company car park, and even fewer have a charging facility on their employer’s premises. Similarly, fewer than half of all Germans own a home with its own parking space and thus the possibility of having a private wallbox – which in most households would in any case have to be shared by several vehicles. Developing public charging infrastructure therefore also makes an effective contribution towards improving the inclusivity and democratisation of the mobility transition that is taking place.

Smart design – by design! In developing the comprehensive approach to building public charging infrastructure, the user experience has been deliberately placed centre stage. This has been hugely successful and widely approved by users, as is currently evident in Stockholm, Munich and Hamburg.

STEVE KALTHOFF is Director of Marketing & CRM at Qwello GmbH. As part of his role, he is also a member of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries’ (BDEW) charging infrastructure project group, an expert committee for the association’s work on preparing the BDEW’s future positions regarding public infrastructure. Kalthoff holds a degree in economics and for many years managed the Marketing, Service and New Business division of the Süddeutsche Zeitung and companies in the Burda media group. In 2010, he founded and became the Managing Director of the German arm of a London-based international premium service agency, where he was responsible for building up the German business, serving clients such as Deutsche Bank, Porsche and Audi.

ABOUT QWELLO Founded in Munich in 2017, Qwello builds and operates charging infrastructure in public spaces. The company bears the entire investment cost of setting up and operating the charging infrastructure independently of subsidies within the framework of a concession model agreed with individual cities. Large-scale infrastructure roll-out has already begun in Stockholm and Frankfurt – but the company’s charging points, which are both visually attractive and extremely user-friendly, can also already be found in Munich, Hamburg and Berlin.

QWELLO Münchner Technologiezentrum Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1 80992 München Germany Steve Kalthoff +49 89 954 59 59 40 ska@qwello.eu www.qwello.eu



© Kinsmen

For Dott, the safety of his fleets is a top priority.

DOTT PRESENTS THE DOTT WAY With a multimodal fleet of 40,000 e-scooters and 10,000 e-bikes, Dott is a reliable city partner, providing safe and responsible micromobility services in 40 cities and municipalities across Europe.



The benefits of Dott’s permanent employment model Another benefit of Dott’s model is that professionally maintaining and repairing its vehicles means that Dott operates a full life-cycle management system that gives every vehicle a very long lifespan. The first generation of its e-scooters were brought onto the market in 2019 and are still on the roads today. Almost 1,000 of Dott’s e-scooters have already covered 6,000 kilometres. The company has tested the hardware on its e-scooters up to 30,000 kilometres and assumes that, providing they are still safe, the first generation can remain in use. In addition, Dott recycles replaced parts and the vehicles that have been taken out of service altogether.

Dott at polisMOBILITY

Responsibility based on permanent employment

© Kontnt (2)

Dott’s sector’s current challenges can be overcome not so much with future technologies, but rather with good regulation and responsible operations. Dott stands out because it is a responsible employer: All of its warehouse employees have permanent positions subject to social security contributions. A strong team in every town and municipality has helped Dott to win tenders in cities such as London, Paris and Milan. Currently 21 employees work in the company’s warehouse in the Ehrenfeld district of Cologne and undertake maintenance, repair and cleaning work on its fleet of e-scooters and e-bikes.

“We look forward to speaking to you either from 9:00 a.m. on 19 May 2022, when the gates will be open at our new warehouse in Vitalisstraße 160 (Ehrenfeld), Cologne, for an Open Doors Day, or at polisMOBILITY at stand H027 in hall 1.2.” – Steven Reinhold, Senior Policy Manager Dott.

Dott’s permanent employment model means first and foremost that every member of the team has a permanent part-time or full-time employment contract as well as the option to buy shares in the company. The company sees this as an expression of the social sustainability of its operations. But it also gives Dott complete control over, and full responsibility for, every aspect of its processes so that the company can guarantee safe fleets and safe systems. All the repairs, maintenance work and checks on the fleet are completed by the company’s trained staff. Dott’s replaceable batteries are safely charged at fireproof charging cabinets at all its locations. This means that Dott operates a safe fleet.

Smaller ecological footprint • Longer vehicle lifespan • Environmentally friendly vehicle fleet • Renewable energy

↑ Safe vehicles, safe systems • Preventive maintenance • High-quality repairs • Environmentally responsible operations • Safe warehousing

→ Responsible micromobility based on sustainability

Investment in people and places • Warehouses with tools and equipment • Employee salaries and company shares • Local partnerships and cooperations

↓ Positive workplace • Employment contracts with additional benefits and support • Training and further development

DOTT Vitalisstraße 160 50827 Köln Germany Steven Reinhold Senior Policy Manager +49 162 21 433 51 steven@ridedott.com ridedott.com




URBAN LOGISTICS AND STANDARDISATION EKUPAC We are in the midst of the mobility transition and face the huge challenge of finding new paths towards a better future – paths that are not far-off visions but implementable in the real world. For more than 25 years, EKUPAC has increasingly specialised in holistic approaches and concepts in the field of reusable transport packaging and hence urban logistics. Many projects have already been successfully implemented, including the aubergine-coloured fruit and vegetable crates for ALDI Süd, the reusable crates that esprit uses to supply its stores, and the plastic Euro pallets and quarter pallets, which are utilised in diverse ways in industry and commerce. In close collaboration with its partners and the companies in which it holds an interest, EKUPAC is a specialist in comprehensive solutions – and not just in theory but tried and tested in practice because the company steers all its concepts from the test phase through to market roll-out and optimises them together with its customers. For some years, its work has gone beyond mere transport packaging and now provides some urgently needed logistics solutions for urban environments.

Transport solutions: Goods transport on the penultimate and last mile Our cities are at their limits. Transports in and out of them are overburdening the infrastructure, which hasn’t kept up with this growth, and causing severe congestion every day.



Solution: the penultimate mile With its company Smart City Loop, EKUPAC has shown how goods can be transported underground on some sections of their routes through urban areas. The team has developed a concept for the penultimate mile. Goods are transported by an autonomous transport system from an urban hub at the city’s periphery to a city hub. From there, they continue their journey to the customer on vehicles such as cargo bikes or e-scooters, or customers collect the items in person. Conversely, finished products or recyclable materials are transported out of the city in the same way. A feasibility study in Hamburg has shown that a single pipe can eliminate up to 1,500 transport trips per day. This contributes significantly to traffic calming and air quality while enhancing the attractiveness of the urban environment for residents. All the components of the Smart City Loop system are tried and tested and represent the state of the art in technology – the pipe construction, conveyor systems and automated industrial trucks. This means that the implementation is technically feasible within a very short timescale – three years have been estimated from the start of construction to the go-live in Hamburg.

Digitally networked from dispatch at the city’s periphery to the end customer – congestion-free, low-emissions and on time.

Solution: the last mile Transporting goods with e-cargo bikes on the last mile requires not just well-positioned city or micro hubs and optimal route planning but also reliable e-cargo bikes equipped for long-term use. This is precisely the service that the company offers with the ecoCARRIER. German engineering and production are combined with the knowledge of experienced logistics specialists to offer an all-round service in this field.

Packaging solutions: Reduce – reuse The circular economy From the manufacturer via suppliers to the end consumer – pragmatic, environmentally and economically viable, quickly implementable and holistic concepts are urgently needed here. One such solution is currently in a very promising test phase. Customers pack their purchases from a bricks-and-mortar store in a folding crate and pay a refundable deposit for it at the checkout. The next time they go shopping, they return the crate, for example to a returns machine, and their deposit is reimbursed. Another crate is selected in the store for their new purchases. All the crates are washed and inspected after their return, ensuring that customers always receive a clean and hygienically impeccable crate. Online orders? No problem with this system. Instead of getting their shopping in lots of paper bags, as is currently the case, customers would also receive their deliveries in a folding crate with a refundable deposit. Now there are two options: the customer can either return the crate to the store or exchange the empty crate for a full one the next time they buy online. Ideally, this would not be a siloed solution, but applied on a wide scale, thereby strengthening customer acceptance, increasing the number of return stations, and allowing all the processes in the service to run efficiently. Further innovations address the issue of store displays: To start with, there are solutions that achieve the same stability as current displays, but with much less cardboard, which saves resources and cuts costs. But the multifunctional reusable display presents an alternative approach. Versatile in its applications and capable of being restocked again and again – additional cardboard is no longer needed with this solution.

Future Council for the Circular Economy for Consumer Goods (Zukunftsrat Konsumgüterwirtschaft Circular Economy e.V.) EKUPAC is a founding member of the Future Council. The Council’s vision is to accelerate the transition to an efficient and sustainable circular economy for consumer goods and to promote sustainable economic growth. It aims to drive research and to shape and steer the transformation from a purely commercial business model to a sustainable one. At all stages in the circular economy, sustainable added value is generated, and efficiency gains are unlocked through supply and demand in particular. What’s more, this creates the impetus for joint action, and all these benefits are strengthened through collaboration between participants in the circular economy.

“We therefore call on all market participants, politicians and associations to tackle the pressing issues with this mindset. To not waste any more time on party politics, unworkable ideas or personal vanities. Together, we must address the urgently needed sustainability issues with the determination to change and the necessary pragmatism. We must pool the available resources and invest them in concepts and solutions that are feasible – and feasible now! Certainly, there are many visionary ideas for the distant future – but it’s five past twelve – let’s start with what’s feasible today.” Ingrid Janßen, Managing Director of EKUPAC GmbH

The Future Council will present market participants – end customers, companies and other stakeholders – with implementable proposals and offer them investment security. The association is currently being established. Its goal is to address the questions of the circular economy and sustainability in all their diversity from an independent, neutral and cross-sector perspective. This will range from providing an information platform for end consumers to tangible support for projects.

Logistics real estate Green – multifunctional – attractive urban architecture Innovative concepts in the field of logistics real estate are still often overlooked by cities despite their importance as a key to car-free and more human-scale urban environments and their potential to support bricks-and-mortar retail. Diverse solutions in the form of micro hubs, multi-hubs with different use concepts and the rezoning of no-longer-required space can secure supplies to residents. It is up to cities and local authorities to recognise that logistics solutions must be provided with land at market-based prices and included in plans when developing new neighbourhoods. This naturally also applies to existing neighbourhoods that must be adapted over the coming years. Such hubs do not necessarily have to contain solely logistics space. Rather, they could be designed as meeting places and communication centres for residents – with car- and bike-sharing stations, e-charging infrastructure, parcel pick-up points, food service outlets and event venues. Designed in harmony with the urban architecture, these would be places that make city life worth living. With its partners, EKUPAC offers sophisticated concepts and solutions in this field – for both urban and rural areas.

Visit EKUPAC at stand H021 in hall 1.2

EKUPAC GmbH Rösrather Straße 2 - 16 51107 Köln Germany +49 221 861428 info@ekupac.de www.ekupac.de, www.smartcityloop.de

HOW SELF-SERVICE ANALYTICS HELPS CITIES UNDERSTAND URBAN TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY Over the past decade, the urban mobility landscape has changed enormously. Not only have new modes of (micro)mobility emerged; traffic and mobility management is experiencing a surge in innovation.

Traffic diverted from the closed A45 motorway is causing a major obstruction in the German town of Lüdenscheid. The heatmap shows northbound motorway traffic that has been rerouted through the town centre. Blue represents faster traffic, and pink slower traffic. This analysis is straightforward to perform with xyzt.ai and connected vehicle data and does not require any data science skills. Any user can obtain these insights directly and report on them within minutes.



xyzt.ai is a self-service analytics and reporting tool for cities. It handles an extremely broad range of spatio-temporal mobility data sources, including floating car data (see image), traffic count data and air quality data, to name just a few. Analysts can obtain immediate insights from interactive data exploration using spatial, temporal and attribute filtering, allowing them to generate velocity profiles, origin–destination analyses, change and trend analyses, and much more besides. xyzt.ai scales to big data sources, including floating car data with billions of records.

Just think of the many new ways to measure traffic, for instance. They now range from conventional traffic counters, licence plate recognition, CCTV cameras and image recognition to floating car data obtained from modern always-connected vehicles and privacy-preserving crowdsensing data. This is creating immense opportunities to understand the real-time and historical mobility situation and its evolution, both within city centres and the surrounding areas. Given the importance of sustainability and safety in public policy today, cities need to be in control and must leverage these new and alternative data sources. However, quickly extracting insights from this big data is no easy feat. While large cities can invest in a team of data scientists to do the number crunching, this is beyond the financial reach of medium-sized and small cities. And even if the municipal administration has a data science unit, it can take months to integrate a new data source and answer the questions posed by the press or policymakers. With xyzt.ai, this time can now be dramatically reduced from months to minutes.

xyzt.ai is an easy-to-use, self-service spatio-temporal mobility analytics platform. It works with any data that has a geospatial component (where) and a temporal component (when). Any other attributes, such as velocity, acceleration, trip length or CO2 emissions, are compiled with these two basic components and then leveraged to help the user understand what is happening. xyzt.ai serves as an intuitive BI tool, but it is specifically designed to handle the many new sources of mobility data. You can work with the existing data in the platform and feed in your own data. xyzt.ai allows you and your team to manage projects independently and generate reports via the interactive dashboards. It equips you with the tools you need to analyse, visualise and report in minutes instead of months, putting you in control of the mobility situation.

Contact xyzt.ai at nick.debeer@xyzt.ai for more information or a live demo, or visit www.xyzt.ai. Visit xyzt.ai at stand G010c in hall 1.2.

XYZT.AI Brouwersstraat 80 3000 Leuven Belgium Nick De Beer Head of Global Business Development +32 (0) 478065970 nick.debeer@xyzt.ai www.xyzt.ai



Your comfortable journey to polisMOBILITY At polisMOBILITY, everything revolves around the topic of mobility. We offer our visitors a wide variety of mobility solutions to make their journey to the fair as comfortable and easy as possible. By train You can easily reach the ICE station „Köln Messe Deutz“ and the stop „Messe/Deutz“ (underground/ subway/bus) directly in front of the exhibition grounds by Deutsche Bahn and public transport. You then have various options for getting directly to the polisMOBILITY entrance:

By autonomous shuttle Autonomous driving is already a reality for us today. An autonomously-driving shuttle vehicle from the company Auve Tech will transport our visitors from the South Entrance (next to Deutz station) to Hall 1. Stopping points: Times: Capacity:

South Entrance and parking area below Hall 1 18-21 May 2022, 10:00 - 12:00 h and 16:00 - 18:00 h 7 seats

By e-scooter or bicycle For the last few metres to the fair, you can also use our micromobility solutions with e-scooters and bicycles from dott, TIER and KVB-Rad. To do so, you can register with the respective provider via smartphone and off you go. Micromobility parking spaces are near the South Entrance and at the West Entrance.

By car For a congestion- and stress-free car journey, we invite you to use the NUNAV Navigation app. If you arrive with an e-car, there will be the possibility to charge it on site in the parking lot. A limited number of charging points from the company chargeX will be available there.

Our mobility partners on site:



Hallen- und Geländeplan · Hall and site plan A5


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CC Nord


Eingang Nord Entrance North Congress-Centrum Nord Congress Centre North


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10 Messeparkhaus Zoobrücke Car Park Zoobrücke


Eingang West Entrance West Confex


Hauptbahnhof Central Station



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Eingang Ost Entrance East Congress-Centrum Ost Congress Centre East



Theater am Tanzbrunnen

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Eingang Süd Entrance South



Barmer Straße





Lenneper Straße Bahnhof Köln Messe / Deutz – Sonderhalte ICE- und IC-Züge Train Station Köln Messe/Deutz – Special stops rapid trains


Lanxess Arena

1, 9 Opladener Straße 3, 4

Parkhaus Car Park

1, 9 Deutzer Freiheit

Deutzer Brücke

Fußweg Pedestrian route Fußweg Messeparkhaus Zoobrücke Pedestrian route Car Park Zoobrücke

Pendelbus Shuttle Bus

A4, Aachen A59, Flughafen Köln/Bonn Airport Köln/Bonn

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Parkplatz Parking

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Dom Cathedral

Taxi Taxi

Straßenbahnhaltestelle Tram Stop

U Bahnhof Train Station

U-Bahn Subway

S-Bahn Koelnmesse – Flughafen Köln/Bonn Suburban Railway from Koelnmesse to Cologne/Bonn Airport





Termine, Öffnungszeiten und Preise • Dates, opening hours and prices Dauer der polisMOBILITY Mittwoch, 18.05. bis Samstag, 21.05.2022

Date Wednesday, 18 May to Saturday 21 May 2022

Öffnungszeiten Für Besucher: Täglich 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr Für Aussteller: Täglich 09:00 – 19:00 Uhr

Opening hours For visitors: Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm For exhibitors: Wednesday to Saturday 9:00 am – 7:00 pm




149 €


99 €

Tageskarte ermäßigt* Bedienstete öffentlicher Dienst

49 €

Tageskarte ermäßigt* Studentinnen und Studenten mit fachlichem Bezug


Tageskarte Citizen


Gültig ab Freitag (20.05.22) ab 13 Uhr oder Samstag (21.05.22)

*Bitte entsprechenden Nachweis vor Ort bereithalten

Season ticket

149 €

Day ticket

99 €

Day ticket discounted* Public servants

49 €

Day ticket discounted* Students with professional background


Day ticket Citizen


Valid from Friday (20 May) from 1 p.m.or Saturday (21 May)

*Please have relevant proof ready on site

Koelnmesse Tochtergesellschaften, Repräsentanzen und Auslandsvertretungen Koelnmesse subsidiaries, representatives and foreign representations


Unser Vertriebsnetzwerk ist in über 100 Ländern für Sie da. Scannen Sie den QR Code, um für Ihr Land den richtigen Ansprechpartner zu finden.

Our sales network is available for you in over 100 countries. Scan the QR code to find the right contact person for your country.

Länder, die in der Übersicht unseres Vertriebsnetzwerk nicht aufgeführt sind, werden von Köln aus betreut. Kontaktieren Sie hierzu das Team der polisMOBILITY unter sales@polis-mobility.de, Tel. +49 221 821 2213.

Countries that are not included in the overview of our sales network are looked after from Cologne. Contact the polisMOBILITY team via sales@polis-mobility.de, Tel. +49 221 821 2213.


NUNAV – der clevere Weg zur Koelnmesse the smartest way to Koelnmesse Intelligent geführt und staufrei bis zu Ihrem Messeparkplatz Intelligently guided and jam-free to your trade fair parking





Services and Information from A to Z • Service- und Informationsstellen von A bis Z Exhibitor Sales Phone +49 221 821-2213, -2264, -3581 sales@polis-mobility.de Exhibitor Support Service-Center West - Passage 2/4 additional Exhibitor-passes, Tickets: Phone +49 221 821-2994, Telefax +49 221 821-3437, tickets@exhibitor.koelnmesse.de Downpayment for additional services Phone +49 221 821-3941 services@exhibitor.koelnmesse.de Visitor Support on Site Please contact one of the information counter. Investigation Service (Theft Reporting Service) • Distribution level east: Offices: 44 & 46 • Phone +49 221 821-2573 First aid See Medical Station Fire Emergency Call Phone +49 221 821-3333 Lost and Found Messewache East (close to Entrance East) Phone +49 221 821-2549, -2550 Hotel-Services www.polis-mobility.com/trade-fair/traveland-accommodation/overnight-stay/ Phone +49 221 821-3998, Telefax +49 221 821-3999, hotel-services@koelnmesse.de Infopoint • Entrance West, Passage 2/4 • Hall 1 NetCologne Telecommunication services, WLANVoucher: Passage 2/4, Phone +49 221 284-9000, Telefax +49 221 284-9999 No copy / Patent Agent Please see one of the info counters Police Siegburger Straße 195 a, 50679 Köln, Phone +49 221 229-5530, -5533



Press Frank Habekost, Phone +49 221 821-2063 f.habekost@koelnmesse.de

Aussteller-Vertrieb Telefon +49 221 821-2213, -2264, -3581 sales@polis-mobility.de

Medical Station • Medical Station Hall 11.1 • Emergency number polisMOBILITY: +49 221 821-2606 • Regular number: +49 221 821-2608

Aussteller Betreuung Service-Center West - Passage 2/4 zusätzliche Ausstellerausweise, Tickets: Telefon +49 221 821-2994, tickets@exhibitor.koelnmesse.de Nebenkosten Vorauszahlung: Telefon +49 221 821-3941, services@exhibitor.koelnmesse.de

Security See Lost an Found Forwarding Agent SCHENKER Deutschland AG Pfälzischer Ring 105 (via P 22), 50679 Köln Phone +49 221 98131-0, Telefax +49 221 98131-8890, fairs.koeln@dbschenker.com www.schenkerfairs.de Stand Construction Service • Service-Center West Passage 2/4 • Systemstand.TeamA@ koelnmesse.de, Phone +49 221 821-3616 Stand Security VSU Wachdienst Rheinland Westfalen GmbH, Phone +49 221 284-8003, 284-8000

Besucherservice im Vorfeld der Messe Telefon +49 1806 103101* polis-mobility@visitor.koelnmesse.de *(0,20 EUR/Anruf aus dem dt. Festnetz, max. 0,60 EUR/Anruf aus dem Mobilfunknetz) Besucherservice vor Ort Bitte wenden Sie sich an einen der Infocounter. Ermittlungsdienst (Aufnahme von Diebstahlanzeigen) • Verteilerebene Ost: Büros: 44 & 46 • Telefon +49 221 821-2573 Erste Hilfe Siehe Sanitätsstationen

Stand Catering Aramark Restaurations GmbH, Webshop: www.messeshop-koeln.aramark.de Phone:+49 221 284-8500 Telefax +49 221 284-8599 vertrieb.koelnmesse@aramark.de

Feuer-Notruf Telefon +49 221 821-3333

Telecommunication services see NetCologne

Hotel-Services www.polis-mobility.de/uebernachtung, Telefon +49 221 821-3998, Telefax +49 221 821-3999, hotel-services@koelnmesse.de

Customs Clearance Customs Clearance Koelnmesse GmbH Pfälzischer Ring 105 (via P 22), 50679 Köln Phone +49 221 284-9403 poststelle.abfst-koeln-messe@zoll.bund.de

Fundbüro Messewache Ost (nahe Eingang Ost) Telefon +49 221 821-2549, -2550

Infopoint • Eingang West, Passage 2/4 • Halle 1 NetCologne Telekommunikations- und Datenkommunikationsdienstleitungen, WLAN-Voucher: Passage 2/4, Telefon +49 221 284-9000, Telefax +49 221 284-9999 No Copy / Patentanwaltsdienst Bitte wenden Sie sich an einen der Infocounter

Groups of Products • Die Systematik des Teils Produkte Polizei Siegburger Straße 195 a, 50679 Köln, Telefon +49 221 229-5530, -5533 Presse Frank Habekost Telefon +49 221 821-2063 f.habekost@koelnmesse.de Sanitätsstationen • Sanitätsstation Halle 11.1 • Notrufnummer polisMOBILITY: +49 221 821-2606 • reguläre Tel.: +49 221 821-2608 Sicherheitsdienst siehe Fundbüro Spedition SCHENKER Deutschland AG Pfälzischer Ring 105 (über P 22), 50679 Köln, Telefon +49 221 98131-0, Telefax +49 221 98131-8890 fairs.koeln@dbschenker.com www.schenkerfairs.de

Vehicles 12 Fahrzeuge

Vehicle Technologies



Infrastructure (Digital and Physical)


Infrastruktur (digital und physisch)

Energy and Sustainability


Energie und Nachhaltigkeit

Mobility as a Service (Information, Booking, Payment) Mobility as a Service (Informieren, Buchen, Bezahlen)

Society 16 Gesellschaft

Solutions for the City of Tomorrow


Lösungen für die Stadt von morgen

Standbau-Service • Service-Center West Passage 2/4 • Systemstand.TeamA@ koelnmesse.de, Telefon +49 221 821-3616 Standbewachung VSU Wachdienst Rheinland Westfalen GmbH, Telefon +49 221 284-8003, 284-8000 Standcatering Aramark Restaurations GmbH, Webshop www.messeshop-koeln.aramark.de Telefon +49 221 284-8500 Telefax +49 221 284-8599 vertrieb.koelnmesse@aramark.de Telekommunikationsdienstleistungen siehe NetCologne Zoll-Abfertigung Zoll-Abfertigungsstelle Koelnmesse GmbH Pfälzischer Ring 105 (über P 22), 50679 Köln Telefon +49 221 284-9403 poststelle.abfst-koeln-messe@zoll.bund.de




Produkte • Products

Fahrzeuge 1000 Vehicles

Cargo Bikes


Cargo bikes DACHSER SE (Germany) 1, I 20 e2trail GmbH 1, H 18/J 5 (Germany) Stadt Aachen 1, D 12 Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Stadt Köln - 1, E 12/E 6 Stabstelle Events (Germany) Toyota Deutschland 1, H 20/G 19 GmbH (Germany) Urban Mobility 1, H 21 GmbH (Germany)

Mikromobile 1020 Micromobiles BIRÒ | Estrima S.p.A 1, B 15 (Italy) 1, B 7 emTransit GmbH 1, H 27 (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 ONgineer GmbH 1, E 1 (Germany) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Stadt Aachen 1, D 12 Fachbereich 61 (Germany) TIER Mobility SE 1, E 3 (Germany) TROPOS MOTORS 1, C 22/E 25 EUROPE GmbH (Germany)

E-Roller und -Motorrad


Electric scooters and motorcycles CORDIT ION GmbH 1, C 12/D 13 (Germany) 1, C 18 Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) ONgineer GmbH 1, E 1 (Germany) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany)



Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) TIER Mobility SE 1, E 3 (Germany) Varroc Lighting 1, C 12/D 13 Systems GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Fahrrad und E-Bike 1040 Bicycles and electric bikes CARLA CARGO 1, G 10 Engineering GmbH (Germany) CORDIT ION GmbH 1, C 12/D 13 1, C 18 (Germany) 1, H 18/J 5 e2trail GmbH (Germany) Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) emTransit GmbH 1, H 27 (Germany) GermanXia Mobility 1, C 22/E 25 GmbH (Germany) GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) KVB AG (Germany) 1, G 11/G 7 Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) ONgineer GmbH 1, E 1 (Germany) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Smoove (France) 1, F 1/F 3 Stadt Aachen 1, D 12 Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Stadt Köln - 1, E 12/E 6 Stabstelle Events (Germany)

TIER Mobility SE (Germany) Varroc Lighting Systems GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic GmbH (Germany)

1, E 3 1, C 12/D 13 1, C 12/D 13

Autos mit 1050 alternativem Antrieb Cars with alternative drive systems CORDIT ION GmbH 1, C 12/D 13 1, C 18 (Germany) Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) Ford Motor Company 1, A 1/B 1 (Germany) GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 1, H 32 Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Stadt Aachen 1, D 12 Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Toyota Deutschland 1, H 20/G 19 GmbH (Germany) Varroc Lighting 1, C 12/D 13 Systems GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Lieferfahrzeuge 1070 und Kleintransporter Delivery vehicles and vans CORDIT ION GmbH 1, C 12/D 13 (Germany) 1, C 18 DACHSER SE (Germany) 1, I 20 e2trail GmbH 1, H 18/J 5 (Germany) Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany)

Ford Motor Company 1, A 1/B 1 (Germany) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Toyota Deutschland 1, H 20/G 19 GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Kleinbusse / Shuttles


Minibuses / Shuttle buses Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany)

Busse 1090 Buses KVB AG (Germany) Stadt Aachen Fachbereich 61 (Germany)

1, G 11/G 7 1, D 12

Autonome 1100 Fahrzeuge Autonomous vehicles CORDIT ION GmbH 1, C 12/D 13 (Germany) 1, C 18 Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) 1, C 12/D 13 GTS Flexible Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) 1, C 12/D 13 Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany)


Produkte • Products Varroc Lighting Systems GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic GmbH (Germany)

1, C 12/D 13 1, C 12/D 13

Schiene 1120 Railways KVB AG (Germany) Nahverkehr Rheinland GmbH (Germany) Stadt Köln - Stabstelle Events (Germany)

1, G 11/G 7 1, E 12/E 6 1, E 12/E 6

Wasserfahrzeuge 1160 Water vehicles HGK AG (Germany) Stadt Köln - Stabstelle Events (Germany)

1, G 11/G 7 1, E 12/E 6

Sensorik 2030

Fahrzeug- 2000 technologien Vehicle Technologies

V2X 2010 V2X Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Autonome 2020 Technologien Autonomous technologies Elmos Semiconductor SE (Germany)

GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Varroc Lighting 1, C 12/D 13 Systems GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

1, C 12/D 13

Sensory Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) 1, C 12/D 13 GTS Flexible Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) 1, C 12/D 13 Varroc Lighting Systems GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Assistenzsysteme 2040 Assistance systems Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) Ford Motor Company 1, A 1/B 1 (Germany)

GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Mobileye Germany 1, E 7 GmbH (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Infotainment/ 2050 Entertainment Infotainment / Entertainment Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) 1, C 12/D 13 Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Neue 2060 Fahrzeugkonzepte New vehicle concepts CARLA CARGO Engineering GmbH (Germany) e2trail GmbH (Germany) Elmos Semiconductor SE (Germany)

1, G 10

GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) Nahverkehr 1, E 12/E 6 Rheinland GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) 1, C 12/D 13 Varroc Lighting Systems GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Infrastruktur 3000 (digital und physisch) Infrastructure (Digital and Physical)

Datenplattformen 3010 Data platforms Hubject GmbH (Germany) MDS - Datenraum Mobilität GmbH (Germany) NetCologne mbH (Germany) RheinEnergie AG (Germany) Stadt Aachen Fachbereich 61 (Germany) xyzt.ai (Belgium)

1, B 14 1, C 22/E 25 1, G 11/G 7 1, G 11/G 7 1, D 12 1, G 10

Mobilfunk / 5G 3020 Mobile telephony / 5G NetCologne mbH (Germany) RheinEnergie AG (Germany)

1, G 11/G 7 1, G 11/G 7

1, H 18/J 5 1, C 12/D 13



3030 Datenmanagement 3030 Data management Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Hubject GmbH 1, B 14 (Germany) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Landesbetrieb 1, G 5/F 2 Straßenbau NRW (Germany) Mobileye Germany 1, E 7 GmbH (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) 1, G 11/G 7 NetCologne mbH (Germany) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) RheinEnergie AG 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Security 3040 Security Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) 1, C 12/D 13 Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)



Produkte • Products Cloud 3060 Cloud RheinEnergie AG (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln GmbH (Germany)

1, G 11/G 7 1, G 11/G 7

Blockchain 3070

ONgineer GmbH (Germany) RheinEnergie AG (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln GmbH (Germany)

Ladesäulen / Schnellladen

1, E 1 1, G 11/G 7 1, G 11/G 7


Charging points / Fast charging

Blockchain Stadtwerke Köln GmbH (Germany)

1, G 11/G 7

Wallboxen 3080 Wallboxes Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) elexon GmbH 1, I 22 (Germany) GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) ONgineer GmbH 1, E 1 (Germany) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) RheinEnergie AG 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) The Future Drive 1, G 10 GmbH (Germany) TIER Mobility SE 1, E 3 (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Induktives Laden 3090 Inductive charging Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany)

1, H 32

Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) Bender GmbH & Co. KG 1, B 10 (Germany)

Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) ebee smart 1, B 10 technologies GmbH (Germany) elexon GmbH 1, I 22 (Germany) Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) Ford Motor Company 1, A 1/B 1 (Germany) GT Emission 1, G 10 Solutions GmbH (Germany) GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) KVB AG (Germany) 1, G 11/G 7 Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) ONgineer GmbH 1, E 1 (Germany) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Qwello GmbH 1, A 14 (Germany)

RheinEnergie AG 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Stadt Aachen 1, D 12 Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) ubitricity Ges. für 1, C 2/D 11 verteilte Energiesysteme mbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Wasserstoff- 3110 tankstellen Hydrogen refuelling stations Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 RheinEnergie AG 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany)

Smart Charging 3120 Smart charging Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) ebee smart 1, B 10 technologies GmbH (Germany) elexon GmbH 1, I 22 (Germany) Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) Ford Motor Company 1, A 1/B 1 (Germany) GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) ONgineer GmbH 1, E 1 (Germany) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany)


Produkte • Products Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) TIER Mobility SE 1, E 3 (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Bidirektionales 3130 Laden Bidirectional charging Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) 1, H 32 Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Smarte 3140 Lichtsignalanlagen Smart traffic lights RheinEnergie AG (Germany)

1, G 11/G 7

Infrastruktur- 3150 sensorik Infrastructure sensor technology Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy)

KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) Varroc Lighting 1, C 12/D 13 Systems GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Fahrbahn- 3170 markierung Road markings Stadt Köln - Stabstelle Events (Germany)

1, E 12/E 6

Bahnhöfe 3180 Stations Nahverkehr Rheinland GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) Stadt Köln - Stabstelle Events (Germany)

1, E 12/E 6 1, I 32 1, E 12/E 6

Umsteigepunkte 3190 Interchange stations Nahverkehr 1, E 12/E 6 Rheinland GmbH (Germany) 1, I 32 NaKoMo (Germany) 1, E 12/E 6 Stadt Köln - Stabstelle Events (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany)

Energie und Nachhaltigkeit


Energy and Sustainability

Erneuerbare 4010 Energien und zugehörige Technologien Renewable energies and associated technologies Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) elexon GmbH 1, I 22 (Germany) GT Emission 1, G 10 Solutions GmbH (Germany) KOSTAL Industrie 1, C 12/D 13 Elektrik Gmbh (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) RheinEnergie AG 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany)

Energieerzeugung 4020 Energy production Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) Eco Urban Scooters 1, G 10 Limited (Ireland) elexon GmbH 1, I 22 (Germany) RheinEnergie AG 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany)

Wasserstoff- 4030 herstellung/ -distribution Hydrogen production and distribution Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany)

Energie- 4040 speicherung/ Batterietechnologie Energy storage / Battery technology CORDIT ION GmbH 1, C 12/D 13 (Germany) 1, C 18 Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) elexon GmbH 1, I 22 (Germany) Elmos 1, C 12/D 13 Semiconductor SE (Germany) Ford Motor Company 1, A 1/B 1 (Germany) GTS Flexible 1, C 12/D 13 Materials Ltd. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Ideas & Motion S.r.l. 1, C 12/D 13 (Italy) Murata Electronics 1, C 12/D 13 Europe B.V. (Netherlands) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) PGUB Management 1, C 12/D 13 Consultants GmbH (Germany) Prysmian Kabel und 1, C 12/D 13 Systeme GmbH (Germany) Rutronik 1, C 12/D 13 Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) TankE GmbH 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany) Varroc Lighting 1, C 12/D 13 Systems GmbH (Germany) Vishay Electronic 1, C 12/D 13 GmbH (Germany)

Brennstoffzellentechnologie 4050 Fuel cell technology Ford Motor Company 1, A 1/B 1 (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32

Emissionstracker 4060 Emissions trackers GT Emission Solutions GmbH (Germany)

1, G 10




Produkte • Products

Technische Hochschule Köln (Germany)

1, I 27

Gamification 4070 GT Emission Solutions GmbH (Germany) Technische Hochschule Köln (Germany)

1, G 10 1, I 27

E-Fuels GT Emission Solutions GmbH (Germany)

1, G 10


Mobility as a Service (Information, Booking, Payment)

Mobility Hubs / 5010 Mobilstationen Mobility hubs / Mobility stations



1, E 3

Sharing/ Pooling/ 5030 Ride-Hailing Ride-sharing / Carpooling / Ride-hailing

E-Fuels 4080

CARLA CARGO Engineering GmbH (Germany) Shell Deutschland GmbH (Germany) e2trail GmbH (Germany) ecoCARRIER AG (Germany) GreenMobility Germany GmbH (Germany) KVB AG (Germany) Nahverkehr Rheinland GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) RheinEnergie AG (Germany) Stadt Aachen Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln GmbH (Germany)

Seamless travelling TIER Mobility SE (Germany)


Mobility as a Service (Informieren, Buchen, Bezahlen)

Seamless Traveling 5020

1, G 10 1, C 2/D 11 1, H 18/J 5 1, H 21 1, G 10 1, G 11/G 7 1, E 12/E 6 1, I 32 1, H 32 1, G 11/G 7 1, D 12 1, G 11/G 7

BIRÒ | Estrima S.p.A 1, B 15 (Italy) 1, B 7 e2trail GmbH 1, H 18/J 5 (Germany) Eco Urban Scooters 1, G 10 Limited (Ireland) goFLUX Mobility 1, G 10 GmbH (Germany) GreenMobility 1, G 10 Germany GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) 1, G 11/G 7 RheinEnergie AG (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) TIER Mobility SE 1, E 3 (Germany)

On Demand- 5040 Services/ -Angebote On-demand services Ford Motor Company 1, A 1/B 1 (Germany) KVB AG (Germany) 1, G 11/G 7 NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 RheinEnergie AG 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany)

Apps zu 5050 Informieren, Buchen, Bezahlen Apps zum Informieren, Buchen, Bezahlen EasyPark GmbH (Germany) GreenMobility Germany GmbH (Germany) KVB AG (Germany) RheinEnergie AG (Germany) Stadt Aachen Fachbereich 61 (Germany)

1, D 4 1, G 10 1, G 11/G 7 1, G 11/G 7 1, D 12

Stadtwerke Köln GmbH (Germany) TankE GmbH (Germany)

1, G 11/G 7 1, G 11/G 7

Data platforms

Neue 5060 Mobilitätsmodelle (Abos, Flatrates) New mobility models (subscriptions, flat rates) Shell Deutschland GmbH (Germany) e2trail GmbH (Germany) GreenMobility Germany GmbH (Germany) KVB AG (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln GmbH (Germany) TIER Mobility SE (Germany)

Datenplattformen 5110 Stadt Aachen Fachbereich 61 (Germany) xyzt.ai (Belgium)

1, D 12 1, G 10

Gesellschaft 6000

1, C 2/D 11


1, H 18/J 5 1, G 10 1, G 11/G 7 1, G 11/G 7 1, E 3

Mobilitäts- 5080 plattformen Mobility platforms BIRÒ | Estrima S.p.A 1, B 15 (Italy) 1, B 7 Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) GreenMobility 1, G 10 Germany GmbH (Germany) KVB AG (Germany) 1, G 11/G 7 Nahverkehr 1, E 12/E 6 Rheinland GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 1, G 11/G 7 RheinEnergie AG (Germany) Stadt Aachen 1, D 12 Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) TankE GmbH 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) xyzt.ai (Belgium) 1, G 10

Mobile Payment 5090 Mobile Payment Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) TankE GmbH 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany)

Kommunen 6010 und Städte Local authorities and cities e2trail GmbH 1, H 18/J 5 (Germany) EasyPark GmbH 1, D 4 (Germany) emTransit GmbH 1, H 27 (Germany) HGK AG (Germany) 1, G 11/G 7 KVB AG (Germany) 1, G 11/G 7 NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) NetCologne mbH 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Planersocietät 1, H 25 Mobilität. Stadt.Dialog. Dr.-Ing. Frehn, Steinberg & Parter (Germany) Qwello GmbH 1, A 14 (Germany) RheinEnergie AG 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Stadt Aachen 1, D 12 Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Stadt Köln - 1, E 12/E 6 Stabstelle Events (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) TankE GmbH 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany)

Bund und Länder 6020 Federal government and states Die Autobahn GmbH 1, G 5/F 2 des Bundes (Germany) Landesbetrieb 1, G 5/F 2 Straßenbau NRW (Germany) Ministerium für 1, C 22/E 25 Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)


Produkte • Products NaKoMo (Germany) Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany)

1, I 32 1, H 32

Institute 6030 und Stiftungen Institutes and foundations Forschungszentrum 1, C 22/E 25 Jülich GmbH, Projekttr (Germany) IFEMA MADRID - 1, H 23 Global Mobility Call (Spain)

Hochschulen 6040

1, E 12/E 6

1, H 32

Verbände 6070 Associations Automotiveland.NRW 1, C 22/E 25 (Germany) Businessclub 1, H 18/J 5 Handwerksjunioren (Germany) Ford Motor Company 1, A 1/B 1 (Germany) Handwerkskammer 1, H 18/J 5 zu Köln (Germany) Nahverkehr 1, E 12/E 6 Rheinland GmbH (Germany) Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) 1, A 10 ZVEI e.V. Verband der Elektro- und Digitalindustrie (Germany)

Vereine 6080 Organisations 1, H 18/J 5

Initiativen und 6090 Arbeitsgruppen Initiatives and working groups e2trail GmbH (Germany)

DVV Media Group GmbH (Germany)

1, H 30

Lösungen für die 7000 Stadt von morgen

Erste und letzte 7010 Meile-Lösungen First- and last-mile solutions


e2trail GmbH (Germany)

Newspapers and websites

1, H 18/J 5

Fördermittel 6060 Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany)

Zeitschriften, 6100 Webseiten

Solutions for the City of Tomorrow

Universities e2trail GmbH (Germany) Stadt Köln - Stabstelle Events (Germany)

IFEMA MADRID - 1, H 23 Global Mobility Call (Spain) Innocam.NRW | 1, C 22/E 25 Kompetenznetzwerk automatisierte und vernetzte Mobilität

1, H 18/J 5

BIRÒ | Estrima S.p.A 1, B 15 (Italy) 1, B 7 1, G 10 CARLA CARGO Engineering GmbH (Germany) DACHSER SE (Germany) 1, I 20 e2trail GmbH 1, H 18/J 5 (Germany) ecoCARRIER AG 1, H 21 (Germany) EKUPAC GmbH 1, H 21 (Germany) Ford Motor Company 1, A 1/B 1 (Germany) GreenMobility 1, G 10 Germany GmbH (Germany) Handwerk NRW 1, H 18/J 5 (Germany) KVB AG (Germany) 1, G 11/G 7 Nahverkehr 1, E 12/E 6 Rheinland GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Planersocietät 1, H 25 Mobilität. Stadt.Dialog. Dr.-Ing. Frehn, Steinberg & Parter (Germany) Stadt Aachen 1, D 12 Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Stadt Köln - 1, E 12/E 6 Stabstelle Events (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany) TIER Mobility SE 1, E 3 (Germany)

Smart Parking


Smart parking EasyPark GmbH 1, D 4 (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 ONgineer GmbH 1, E 1 (Germany) Stadt Aachen 1, D 12 Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany)

Intelligente / 7030 multimodale Verkehrssteuerung Intelligent / multimodal transport control AWB Köln GmbH 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Die Autobahn GmbH 1, G 5/F 2 des Bundes (Germany) EKUPAC GmbH 1, H 21 (Germany) KVB AG (Germany) 1, G 11/G 7 Landesbetrieb 1, G 5/F 2 Straßenbau NRW (Germany) Mobileye Germany 1, E 7 GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 NetCologne mbH 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) 1, D 12 Stadt Aachen Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany)

Intermodales 7040 Routing Intermodal routing Landesbetrieb Straßenbau NRW (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) Technische Hochschule Köln (Germany)

1, G 5/F 2 1, I 32 1, I 27

Barrierefreiheit 7050 Disabled access KVB AG (Germany) Nahverkehr Rheinland GmbH (Germany)

1, G 11/G 7 1, E 12/E 6

NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) Planersocietät 1, H 25 Mobilität. Stadt.Dialog. Dr.-Ing. Frehn, Steinberg & Parter (Germany) Qwello GmbH 1, A 14 (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany)

Umweltsensitive 7060 Verkehrssteuerung Environmentally sensitive transport control AWB Köln GmbH 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) EKUPAC GmbH 1, H 21 (Germany) Ford Motor Company 1, A 1/B 1 (Germany) 1, G 10 GreenMobility Germany GmbH (Germany) KVB AG (Germany) 1, G 11/G 7 1, G 5/F 2 Landesbetrieb Straßenbau NRW (Germany) Mobileye Germany 1, E 7 GmbH (Germany) 1, I 32 NaKoMo (Germany) 1, D 12 Stadt Aachen Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany)

Cradle-to-Cradle 7070 und Recycling Cradle to cradle and recycling AWB Köln GmbH (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln GmbH (Germany) Technische Hochschule Köln (Germany)

1, G 11/G 7 1, G 11/G 7 1, I 27

Betriebliches 7080 Mobilitätsmanagement Enterprise mobility management BIRÒ | Estrima S.p.A 1, B 15 (Italy) 1, B 7 e2trail GmbH 1, H 18/J 5 (Germany)



7080 GreenMobility Germany GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) ONgineer GmbH (Germany) Stadt Aachen Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Technische Hochschule Köln (Germany)

Produkte • Products 1, G 10 1, I 32 1, E 1 1, D 12 1, I 27

Tourismus- 7090 Mobilität Tourism mobility BIRÒ | Estrima S.p.A 1, B 15 (Italy) 1, B 7 GreenMobility 1, G 10 Germany GmbH (Germany) Nahverkehr 1, E 12/E 6 Rheinland GmbH (Germany) ONgineer GmbH 1, E 1 (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany)

Pendlermobilität 7100 Commuter mobility BIRÒ | Estrima S.p.A 1, B 15 (Italy) 1, B 7 Die Autobahn GmbH 1, G 5/F 2 des Bundes (Germany) goFLUX Mobility 1, G 10 GmbH (Germany) GreenMobility 1, G 10 Germany GmbH (Germany) 1, G 5/F 2 Landesbetrieb Straßenbau NRW (Germany) Nahverkehr 1, E 12/E 6 Rheinland GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Stadt Köln - 1, E 12/E 6 Stabstelle Events (Germany) 1, G 11/G 7 Stadtwerke Köln GmbH (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany) TIER Mobility SE 1, E 3 (Germany)

Stadtplanung 7110 Urban planning CARLA CARGO Engineering GmbH (Germany)



1, G 10

e2trail GmbH 1, H 18/J 5 (Germany) EKUPAC GmbH 1, H 21 (Germany) GreenMobility 1, G 10 Germany GmbH (Germany) Mobileye Germany 1, E 7 GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) ONgineer GmbH 1, E 1 (Germany) Planersocietät 1, H 25 Mobilität. Stadt.Dialog. Dr.-Ing. Frehn, Steinberg & Parter (Germany) Qwello GmbH 1, A 14 (Germany) Stadt Aachen 1, D 12 Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Stadt Köln - 1, E 12/E 6 Stabstelle Events (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany)

Quartiere der Zukunft


Tomorrow’s urban neighbourhoods CARLA CARGO 1, G 10 Engineering GmbH (Germany) Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) e2trail GmbH 1, H 18/J 5 (Germany) GreenMobility 1, G 10 Germany GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) Planersocietät 1, H 25 Mobilität. Stadt.Dialog. Dr.-Ing. Frehn, Steinberg & Parter (Germany) Qwello GmbH 1, A 14 (Germany) Stadt Köln - 1, E 12/E 6 Stabstelle Events (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) TankE GmbH 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany)

Neue Wege der 7130 Mobilität New avenues for mobility Bergische 1, C 22/E 25 Universität Wuppertal (Germany) CARLA CARGO 1, G 10 Engineering GmbH (Germany) Shell Deutschland 1, C 2/D 11 GmbH (Germany) e2trail GmbH 1, H 18/J 5 (Germany) ecoCARRIER AG 1, H 21 (Germany) EKUPAC GmbH 1, H 21 (Germany) 1, G 10 GreenMobility Germany GmbH (Germany) GT Emission 1, G 10 Solutions GmbH (Germany) Landesbetrieb 1, G 5/F 2 Straßenbau NRW (Germany) Mobileye Germany 1, E 7 GmbH (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) 1, I 32 Nationale Leitstelle 1, H 32 Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) ONgineer GmbH 1, E 1 (Germany) Planersocietät 1, H 25 Mobilität. Stadt.Dialog. Dr.-Ing. Frehn, Steinberg & Parter (Germany) Stadt Köln - 1, E 12/E 6 Stabstelle Events (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln 1, G 11/G 7 GmbH (Germany) TankE GmbH 1, G 11/G 7 (Germany) Technische 1, I 27 Hochschule Köln (Germany) TIER Mobility SE 1, E 3 (Germany) WITTE Automotive 1, C 22/E 25 GmbH (Germany) Zukunftsagentur 1, C 22/E 25 Rheinisches Revier GmbH (Germany)

Lebenswerte 7140 Innenstädte Liveable city centres BIRÒ | Estrima S.p.A (Italy) CARLA CARGO Engineering GmbH (Germany)

1, B 15 1, B 7 1, G 10

Shell Deutschland GmbH (Germany) e2trail GmbH (Germany) ecoCARRIER AG (Germany) GreenMobility Germany GmbH (Germany) GT Emission Solutions GmbH (Germany) HGK AG (Germany) NaKoMo (Germany) Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur (Germany) ONgineer GmbH (Germany) Qwello GmbH (Germany) Stadt Aachen Fachbereich 61 (Germany) Stadt Köln - Stabstelle Events (Germany) Stadtwerke Köln GmbH (Germany) TankE GmbH (Germany) Technische Hochschule Köln (Germany) TIER Mobility SE (Germany)

1, C 2/D 11 1, H 18/J 5 1, H 21 1, G 10 1, G 10 1, G 11/G 7 1, I 32 1, H 32 1, E 1 1, A 14 1, D 12 1, E 12/E 6 1, G 11/G 7 1, G 11/G 7 1, I 27 1, E 3

Logistik- 7150 dienstleister Logistics service provider CARLA CARGO 1, G 10 Engineering GmbH (Germany) DACHSER SE (Germany) 1, I 20

INTERMOT COLOGNE, 04.–09.10.2022

OPEN FOR ALL: 06.–09.10.2022


INTERMOT-COLOGNE.COM Koelnmesse GmbH, Messeplatz 1, 50679 Köln, Telefon +49 1806 022 522, intermot@visitor.koelnmesse.de POLIS MOBILITY


Index, systematical


Vehicles 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1070 1080 1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160

Cargo bikes Micromobiles Electric scooters and motorcycles Bicycles and electric bikes Cars with alternative drive systems Delivery vehicles and vans Minibuses / Shuttle buses Buses Autonomous vehicles Hyperloop Railways Cable cars / Suspension railways Urban air mobility Drones Water vehicles

2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070

V2X Autonomous technologies Sensory Assistance systems Infotainment / Entertainment New vehicle concepts Manufacturer of alternative drives

3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 3060 3070 3080 3090 3100 3110 3120 3130 3140 3150 3160 3170 3180 3190

Data platforms Mobile telephony / 5G Data management Security Artificial intelligence Cloud Blockchain Wallboxes Inductive charging Charging points / Fast charging Hydrogen refuelling stations Smart charging Bidirectional charging Smart traffic lights Infrastructure sensor technology Roadside units Road markings Stations Interchange stations

Vehicle Technologies

Infrastructure (Digital and Physical)

Energy and Sustainability 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 4080

Renewable energies and associated technologies Energy production Hydrogen production and distribution Energy storage / Battery technology Fuel cell technology Emissions trackers Gamification E-Fuels

Mobility as a Service (Information, Booking, Payment) 5010 5020 5030 5040 5050 5060 5070 5080 5090 5100 5110 5120



Mobility hubs / Mobility stations Seamless travelling Ride-sharing / Carpooling / Ride-hailing On-demand services Apps zum Informieren, Buchen, Bezahlen New mobility models (subscriptions, flat rates) Gamification Mobility platforms Mobile Payment Insurance Data platforms Software developer

Society 6010 6020 6030 6040 6050 6060 6070 6080 6090 6100 6110

Local authorities and cities Federal government and states Institutes and foundations Universities Think tanks Funding Associations Organisations Initiatives and working groups Newspapers and websites IT/ Business consulting

Solutions for the City of Tomorrow 7010 7020 7030 7040 7050 7060 7070 7080 7090 7100 7110 7120 7130 7140 7150

First- and last-mile solutions Smart parking Intelligent / multimodal transport control Intermodal routing Disabled access Environmentally sensitive transport control Cradle to cradle and recycling Enterprise mobility management Tourism mobility Commuter mobility Urban planning Tomorrow’s urban neighbourhoods New avenues for mobility Liveable city centres Logistics service provider

Index, alphabetical

5050 3050 2040 6070 2020 1100 1040 3130 3070 1090 1130 1010 1050 3100 3060 7100 7070 3030 3010 5110 1070 7050 1150 4080 1030 4060 4020 4040 7080 7060 6020 7010 4050 6060 5070 4070 4030 3110 1110 3090 2050 3150 6090 6030 5100 7030 3190 7040 6110 7140 6010 7150 2070 1020 1080 5090 3020 5010 5080 7130 5060 2060 6100 5040 6080 1120 4010 5030 3170 3160 5020 3040 2030 3120 7020 3140

Apps zum Informieren, Buchen, Bezahlen Artificial intelligence Assistance systems Associations Autonomous technologies Autonomous vehicles Bicycles and electric bikes Bidirectional charging Blockchain Buses Cable cars / Suspension railways Cargo bikes Cars with alternative drive systems Charging points / Fast charging Cloud Commuter mobility Cradle to cradle and recycling Data management Data platforms Data platforms Delivery vehicles and vans Disabled access Drones E-Fuels Electric scooters and motorcycles Emissions trackers Energy production Energy storage / Battery technology Enterprise mobility management Environmentally sensitive transport control Federal government and states First- and last-mile solutions Fuel cell technology Funding Gamification Gamification Hydrogen production and distribution Hydrogen refuelling stations Hyperloop Inductive charging Infotainment / Entertainment Infrastructure sensor technology Initiatives and working groups Institutes and foundations Insurance Intelligent / multimodal transport control Interchange stations Intermodal routing IT/ Business consulting Liveable city centres Local authorities and cities Logistics service provider Manufacturer of alternative drives Micromobiles Minibuses / Shuttle buses Mobile Payment Mobile telephony / 5G Mobility hubs / Mobility stations Mobility platforms New avenues for mobility New mobility models (subscriptions, flat rates) New vehicle concepts Newspapers and websites On-demand services Organisations Railways Renewable energies and associated technologies Ride-sharing / Carpooling / Ride-hailing Road markings Roadside units Seamless travelling Security Sensory Smart charging Smart parking Smart traffic lights


5120 3180 6050 7120 7090 6040 1140 7110 2010 3080 1160

Software developer Stations Think tanks Tomorrow’s urban neighbourhoods Tourism mobility Universities Urban air mobility Urban planning V2X Wallboxes Water vehicles



Halle • Hall




A A-012 A-010 A-014



B-010 B-014




1, C 2/D 11







D D-010/E-005






media LOUNGE C-026


E E-002 E-012/E-006 F-001 PLAZA E-020/G-013 G-005/F-002


mobilityHUB E-024/G-017



mobilityHUB G-026

activeSTAGE G-002/H-005

startupHUB G-010


startupHUB H-026




Check-in testdrive

Elektromobilität im Handwerk H-018/J-005


H-023 H-025 H-027

I-020 I -022 I-027




openSTAGE I-028/J-021

J testdriveAREA WC





Aussteller • Exhibitors e.Mobility.Hub GmbH

1 D 10/E 5

Akkurad GmbH / Lohmeyer Leichtfahrzeuge 1 Im Benzfeld 51, 73527 Schwäbisch Gmünd (Germany) H 18/J 5 Tel. +49 7171 9058710, info@akkurad.com www.gallope.de

e2trail GmbH Sonnenleite 17a, 86938 Schondorf (Germany) Tel. +49 8981929988997, info@e2trail.com www.e2trail.com

1 H 18/J 5

ASEAG Aachen + Better Mobility GmbH

EasyPark GmbH Große Düwelstraße 28, 30171 Hannover (Germany) Tel. +49 1733917158, julian.pankratz@easypark.net easyparkgroup.de

1 D4

ebee smart technologies GmbH Torgauer Straße 12-15, 10829 Berlin (Germany) Tel. +49 30 60983710, office@ebee.de, www.ebee.de

1 B 10

Eco Urban Scooters Limited Ravenswood Lodge, Bunclody Y21PW77 (Ireland) Tel. +353 872633401, david@zeusscooters.com www.zeusscooters.com

1 G 10

ecoCARRIER AG Lautenschlagerstraße 23a, 70173 Stuttgart (Germany) Tel. +49 711 18422688, rassillier@ecocarrier.eu www.ecocarrier.eu

1 H 21

EKUPAC GmbH Rösrather Straße 2-16, 51107 Köln (Germany) Tel. +49 221 861428, ij@ekupac.de, www.ekupac.de

1 H 21

elexon GmbH Gewerbepark Brand 70, 52078 Aachen (Germany) Tel. +49 17621053873 nicole.glutting@elexon-charging.com www.elexon-charging.com

1 I 22

4traffic SET GmbH

Automotiveland.NRW Kölner Straße 8, 42651 Solingen (Germany) Tel. +49 212 881606993, info@automotiveland.nrw info@automotiveland.nrw

1 D 10/E 5

1 D 10/E 5 1 C 22/E 25

Auve Tech OÜ Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 1-304, 13522 Tallinn (Estonia) Tel. +372 53097555, paula.adamson@auve.tech https://auve.tech AWB Köln GmbH Maarweg 271, 50825 Köln (Germany)

1 G 10

1 G 11/G 7

Bender GmbH & Co. KG Londorfer Straße 65, 35305 Grünberg (Germany) Tel. +49 6401 8070, Fax +49 6401 807259 info@bender.de, www.bender.de

1 B 10

Bergische Universität Wuppertal Gaußstraße 20, 42119 Wuppertal (Germany) Tel. +49 202 4390, Fax +49 202 4392904 info@uni-wuppertal.de, www.uni-wuppertal.de

1 C 22/E 25

BIRÒ | Estrima S.p.A Via Rovereto 20/b, 33170 PORDENONE (Italy) Tel. +39 0421760365, info@estrima.com www.estrima.com

1 B 15 B7

Businessclub Handwerksjunioren Heumarkt 12, 50667 Köln (Germany) Tel. +49 221 2022293, fesser@hwk-koeln.de

1 H 18/J 5

Elmos Semiconductor SE 1 Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 1, 44227 Dortmund (Germany) C 12/D 13 Tel. +49 231 75490, info@elmos.com, www.elmos.com

CARLA CARGO Engineering GmbH Pfarrmattenweg 1, 79341 Kenzingen (Germany) info@carlacargo.de, www.carlacargo.de

1 G 10

emTransit GmbH Vitalisstraße 198, 50827 Köln (Germany) support@ridedott.com, www.ridedott.com

Charge Garage GmbH Jutequartier 25, 48683 Ahaus (Germany) Tel. +49 15143246842, matthias@chargegarage.de www.chargegarage.de

1 G 10

Ford Motor Company Henry-Ford-Straße 1, 50735 Köln (Germany)

CORDIT ION GmbH 1 Ingolstädter Straße 22, 80807 München (Germany) C 12/D 13 Mobil +49 179 5085500, a.garr@cordition.com C 18 DACHSER SE Thomas-Dachser-Straße 2, 87439 Kempten (Germany) Tel. +49 831 59160, Fax +49 831 5916777 info@dachser.com, dachser.de Das Projekt „Care and Mobility Innovation“

Shell Deutschland GmbH Suhrenkamp 71-77, 22335 Hamburg (Germany) Tel. +49 40 63246386, Fax +49 40 6321051 kristin.billerbeck@shell.com Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes Friedrichstraße 71, 10117 Berlin (Germany) Tel. +49 30 403680800, kontakt@autobahn.de www.autobahn.de Ducktrain DVV Media Group GmbH Heidenkampsweg 75, 20097 Hamburg (Germany) Tel. +49 40 23714100, info@dvvmedia.com https://www.dvvmedia.com

1 I 20

1 D 10/E 5

1 C 2/D 11

1 G 5/F 2

1 D 10/E 5 1 H 30

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Projekttr Karl-Heinz-Beckurts-Straße 13, 52428 Jülich (Germany) Tel. +49 2461 690601, info@elektromobilitaet.nrw www.elektromobilitaet.nrw

1 H 27 1 A 1/B 1 1 C 22/E 25

Gemeinschaftsstand Innovationssandort Aachen GermanXia Mobility GmbH Donatusstraße 119, 50259 Pulheim (Germany) Tel. +49 2234 6883308, info@germanxia.com www.germanxia.de

1 D 10/E 5 1 C 22/E 25

goFLUX Mobility GmbH Weißhausstraße 30, 50939 Köln (Germany) Tel. +49 22125919732, hallo@go-flux.de, www.goflux.de

1 G 10

GreenMobility Germany GmbH Alsterarkaden 13, 20354 Hamburg (Germany) kontakt@greenmobility.com https://www.greenmobility.com/de/de

1 G 10

GT Emission Solutions GmbH Hagsche Poort 6, 47533 Kleve (Germany) Tel. +49 15111255109, philip.weykamp@greentrax.de www.fairnergy.org

1 G 10

GTS Flexible Materials Ltd. 1 41 Unit 41 Rassau Industrial Estate C 12/D 13 EBBW VALE NP23 5SD (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) gtsde@gtsflexible.com, www.gtsflexible.com Handwerk NRW 1 Georg-Schulhoff-Platz 1, 40221 Düsseldorf (Germany) H 18/J 5 Tel. +49 15792354768, info@handwerk.nrw




Aussteller • Exhibitors

Handwerkskammer zu Köln Heumarkt 12, 50667 Köln (Germany) Tel. +49 221 2022293, fesser@hwk-koeln.de

1 H 18/J 5

HGK AG Scheidtweilerstraße 4, 50933 Köln (Germany)

1 G 11/G 7

Hubject GmbH EUREF-Campus 22, 10829 Berlin (Germany) ron.hoyme@hubject.com, www.hubject.com Ideas & Motion S.r.l. Via Santa Margherita n. 8, 12051 ALBA/CN (Italy) Tel. +39 0172062668, info@ideasandmotion.com www.ideasandmotion.com

1 B 14 1 C 12/D 13

IFEMA MADRID - Global Mobility Call Avenida Partenón 5, 28042 Madrid (Spain) Tel. +34 917223000, globalmobilitycall@ifema.es https://www.ifema.es/en/global-mobility-call

1 H 23

Innocam.NRW | Kompetenznetzwerk automatisierte und vernetzte Mobilität Steinbachstraße 7, 52074 Aachen (Germany)

1 C 22/E 25

Kinto Deutschland GmbH Toyota-Allee 5, 50858 Köln (Germany) Tel. +49 22341023990, info.share@kinto-mobility.de www.kinto-mobility.de

1 G 26

KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderung Börsenplatz 1, 50667 Köln (Germany) Tel. +49 152 22538911, info@koeln.business koeln.business

1 H 26

KOSTAL Industrie Elektrik Gmbh Lange Eck 11, 58099 Hagen (Germany) Tel. +49 2331 8040800, info-industrie@kostal.com www.kostal-charging-solutions.com

1 C 12/D 13

KVB AG Scheidtweilerstraße 38, 50933 Köln (Germany)

1 G 11/G 7

Landesbetrieb Straßenbau NRW 1 Wildenbruchplatz 1, 45888 Gelsenkirchen (Germany) G 5/F 2 Tel. +49 209 38080, kontakt@strassen.nrw.de www.strassen.nrw.de MDS - Datenraum Mobilität GmbH Karolinenplatz 4, 80333 München (Germany) Tel. +49 89 5203090, info@mobility-dataspace.eu www.mobility-dataspace.eu

1 C 22/E 25

Metropolitan Cities Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Berger Allee 25, 40213 Düsseldorf (Germany) Tel. +49 211 617720, poststelle@mwide.nrw.de wirtschaft.nrw

1 D 10/E 5 1 C 22/E 25

Mobileye Germany GmbH Lütticher Straße 132, 40547 Düsseldorf (Germany) Tel. +49 1737364830, moritz.hegmann@mobileye.com Murata Electronics Europe B.V. Wegalaan 2, 2132 JC HOOFDDORP (Netherlands) www.murata.com/en-eu

1 E7 1 C 12/D 13

Nahverkehr Rheinland GmbH Glockengasse 37-39, 50667 Köln (Germany) Tel. +49 221 208080, Fax +49 20 80840, info@nvr.de https://www.nvr.de/ NaKoMo Invalidenstraße 44, 10115 Berlin (Germany) Tel. +49 30 3116116100 franziska.greiser@now-gmbh.de, www.bmvi.de Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur Tauentzienstraße 14, 10789 Berlin (Germany) Tel. +49 303116116100, ladeinfrastruktur@now-gmbh.de https://nationale-leitstelle.de



1 E 12/E 6

1 I 32

1 H 32

NetCologne mbH Am Coloneum 9, 50829 Köln (Germany) Fax +49 221 22227354, www.netcologne.de

1 G 11/G 7

ONgineer GmbH Hindenburgring 9a, 32339 Espelkamp (Germany) Tel. +49 5772200940, info@ongineer.de www.ongineer.de

1 E1

payactive GmbH Bautzner Straße 48, 01099 Dresden (Germany) hello@payactive.eu, www.payactive.eu

1 G 10

PGUB Management Consultants GmbH 1 Hagenauer Straße 47, 65203 Wiesbaden (Germany) C 12/D 13 www.pgub-consult.de Planersocietät Mobilität. Stadt. Dialog. Dr.-Ing. Frehn, Steinberg & Parter Gutenbergstraße 34, 44139 Dortmund (Germany) Tel. +49 231 9999700, info@planersocietaet.de https://planersocietaet.de/ Prysmian Kabel und Systeme GmbH Alt-Moabit 91D, 10559 Berlin (Germany) Tel. +49 30 367540, kontakt@prysmiangroup.com www.prysmiangroup.de

1 H 25

1 C 12/D 13

PSA RETAIL GmbH Raderberggürtel 4, 50968 Köln (Germany) Tel. +49 221 5309990, Piero.Interrante@stellantis.com www.stellantisandyou.com

1 H 18/J 5

Qwello GmbH Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1, 80992 München (Germany) Tel. +49 89 954595999, info@qwello.eu, qwello.eu

1 A 14

RheinEnergie AG Parkgürtel 24, 50823 Köln (Germany) Fax +49 221 1783322 Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH Industriestraße 2, 75228 Ispringen (Germany)

1 G 11/G 7 1 C 12/D 13

SBD Automotive Germany GmbH Burgunderstraße 27-31, 40549 Düsseldorf (Germany) Tel. +49 211 97531530, Fax +49 211 97531539 vertrieb@sbdautmotive.com, www.sbdautomotive.com

1 G 26

Shell Mobility Systems / Shell TapUp B.V. Zweigniederlassung Hamburg Bürgerweide 12E, 20535 Hamburg (Germany) Tel. +49 40 73937717 dominik.freudenthal@shellmobilitysystems.com

1 G 26

Smoove 105 Avenue Jean Jaurès, 69600 OULLINS (France) Tel. +33 660307091, camille.delattre@fifteen.eu Stadt Aachen Fachbereich 61 Lagerhausstraße 20, 52058 Aachen (Germany) Tel. +49 2414326077, axel.costard@mail.aachen.de www.aachen.de

1 F 1/F 3 1 D 12

Stadt Köln 1 Eisenmarkt 2-4, 50667 Köln (Germany) E 12/E 6 Tel. +49 221 22126018 stabsstelle-events@stadt-koeln.de, www.stadt-koeln.de Stadtwerke Köln GmbH Parkgürtel 26, 50823 Köln (Germany) Tel. +49 221 1780, d.lindemann@stadtwerkekoeln.de

1 G 11/G 7

TankE GmbH Methweg 6-8, 50823 Köln (Germany)

1 G 11/G 7

Technische Hochschule Köln Betzdorfer Straße 2, 50679 Köln (Germany) www.fh-koeln.de The Future Drive GmbH Marienstraße 29, 52399 Merzenich (Germany) Tel. +49 1731883599, g.nocera@co2-quote.de www.co2-quote.de

1 I 27 1 G 10


Aussteller • Exhibitors TIER Mobility SE C/O WeWork Eichhornstraße 3, 10785 Berlin (Germany) Tel. +49 30 56838651, info@tier.app, tier.app

1 E3

Toyota Deutschland GmbH Toyota-Allee 2, 50858 Köln (Germany) Tel. +49 22341020, olga.baumgarten@toyota.de www.toyota.de

1 H 20/G 19

TROPOS MOTORS EUROPE GmbH Heitkampsfeld 20, 44652 Herne (Germany) Tel. +49 2325589600, info@tropos-motors.de www.tropos-motors.de

1 C 22/E 25

ubitricity Ges. für verteilte Energiesysteme mbH EUREF-Campus 7-8, 10829 Berlin (Germany) sales.de@ubitricity.com, https://www.ubitricity.com

1 C 2/D 11

Urban Air Mobility-Initiative (UAM) der Stadt Aachen

1 D 10/E 5

Urban Mobility GmbH Münchener Straße 84, 84453 Mühldorf (Germany) Tel. +49 8631 605700, info@urbanmobility.online www.urbanmobility.online Varroc Lighting Systems GmbH Toyota-Allee 7, 50858 Köln (Germany) Tel. +49 22349594333, vlsinfo@varroclighting.com www.varroclighting.com Velocity Region Aachen GmbH

1 H 21

1 C 12/D 13

1 D 10/E 5

Vishay Electronic GmbH Dr.-Felix-Zandman-Platz 1, 95100 Selb (Germany) Tel. +49 9287 710, business-europe@vishay.com www.vishay.com

1 C 12/D 13

WITTE Automotive GmbH Höferstraße 3-15, 42551 Velbert (Germany) Tel. +49 2051 4980, service@witte-digital.de www.witte-automotive.de

1 C 22/E 25

xyzt.ai Brouwersstraat 80, 3000 Leuven (Belgium) Tel. +32 478065970, info@xyzt.ai, www.xyzt.ai

1 G 10

Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier GmbH Am Brainergy Park 21, 52428 Jülich (Germany) Tel. +49 2461 690180 zukunftsagentur@rheinisches-revier.de www.rheinisches-revier.de

1 C 22/E 25

ZVEI e.V. Verband der Elektro- und Digitalindustrie Lyoner Straße 9, 60528 Frankfurt (Germany) Tel. +49 69 63020, info@zvei.org, www.zvei.org

1 A 10



EVENT PROGRAMME polisMOBILITY 17. - 21.05.2022 EVENT/SPECIAL AREAS TRADE FAIR GROUND e-Mobility for Crafts Location: Hall 1, Stand H 18/J 05 Date: 18.05. - 21.05.2022 Time: 10:00 am - 06:00 pm Organiser: North Rhine-Westphalia’s Chamber of Trade (HANDWERK.NRW) and Cologne’s Chamber of Trade (Handwerkskammer zu Köln) in cooperation with Koelnmesse GmbH Participating exhibitors: PSA Retail GmbH, Toyota Deutschland GmbH, TROPOS MOTORS EUROPE GmbH, Dachser SE, Kinto Deutschland GmbH, Akkurad GmbH / Lohmeyer Leichtfahrzeuge, ecoCARRIER AG, e2trail GmbH, Elexon Charging GmbH Further information: This is where we are bringing our specialAREA e-Mobility for Crafts to polisMOBILITY in cooperation with North Rhine-Westphalia’s and Cologne’s Chambers of Trade. The exclusive exhibition area is intended for commercial customers from the skilled trades, as well as delivery and transport companies, to showcase flexible and sustainable solutions for last-mile mobility – including light electric utility vehicles, cargo bikes and innovative charging technology.

mediaLOUNGE Location: Hall 1, Stand C26 Date: 18.05. - 21.05.2022 Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH Further information: Here, speakers, hosts and media representatives have the opportunity of exchanging ideas or prepare for appointments and contributions.

mobilityHUB Location: Hall 1, Stand E 24/G17 and G26/H26 Date: 18.05. - 21.05.2022 Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH Participating exhibitors: KVB | Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe, Kinto, goFlux, Shell EV Charging Solutions, Qwello, Zukunftsnetz Mobil NRW, dott, TIER, GreenMobility, Zeus Scooters, Bolt, fifteen, ORACLE, SBD Automotive, Shell Mobility Systems Web: www.polis-mobility.com/mobilityhub



PLAZAS cityPLAZA Location: Hall 1, Stand E20/G13 Date: 18.05. - 21.05.2022 Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH Further information: Our meeting points and chill-out areas in an urban setting: Do you want to exchange your insights with other guests and expand your personal network at the same time? Would you like a refreshing drink and comfortable seating to rest a little in the free time between talks? Or do you wish to recharge your batteries for the upcoming sessions at various street food vendors? In that case, our PLAZAS are the perfect destinations for you! As a visitor of the polisMOBILITY, you have the opportunity to review the exciting topics of the conference at any time in an informal atmosphere at one of these openly-designed meet & greet areas. The cityPLAZA is the perfect place to gather for expert discussions. Web: www.polis-mobility.com/plaza

outdoorPLAZA Location: Outdoor, Hall 1 Date: 18.05. - 21.05.2022 Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH Further information: The outdoorPLAZA is our chill-out area under the open sky. Web: www.polis-mobility.com/plaza

testdriveAREA testdriveAREA Location: Outdoor, Hall 5.2 North Date: 18.05. - 21.05.2022 Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH Participating exhibitors: PSA Retail GmbH, Dachser SE, Ford Motor Company, Toyota Deutschland GmbH, Akkurad GmbH / Lohmeyer Leichtfahrzeuge, Karsan Automotive Further information: At the testdriveAREA trade fair, visitors can test drive today what will be used worldwide tomorrow. The testdriveAREA is the central start and finish zone for the test drive. There are only a few metres between the advice at the exhibition stand and the check-in of the vehicles. Web: www.polis-mobility.com/testdrivearea

CITY SPACE Best Practice and traffic trails Location: City area Date: 18.05. & 19.05.2022 Time: Information on the web; prior registration via the polisMOBILITY website required, see also pages 22-26 Organiser: Municipal and private partners in cooperation with Koelnmesse GmbH Participating exhibitors: See pages 22-26 Further information: See pages 22-26 Web: www.polis-mobility.com/bestpractices

cityHUB Location: Rudolfplatz & Cologne rings Date: 18.05. - 21.05.2022 Organiser: City of Cologne in cooperation with Koelnmesse GmbH Participating exhibitors: See page 27 Further information: See page 27 Web: www.polis-mobility.com/cityhub

infoHUB Location: Rudolfplatz Date: 18.05. - 21.05.2022 Time: 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH If there are open questions about polisMOBILITY and the exciting world of new mobility, the on-site team of our infoHUB is always on hand at the Rudolfplatz to inform our guests about the many offers of our Event & Expo format.

polisCAMP Location: Rudolfplatz Date: 18.05. - 21.05.2022 Time: see www.polis-mobility.com/poliscamp Organiser: City of Cologne

CONFERENCE/ PROGRAMME elevatorPITCHES Location: activeSTAGE, Hall 1, Stand G02/H05 Date: 19.05.2022 Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH Further information: At the elevatorPITCH, up to 20 start-ups will present their ideas on what intelligent mobility will look like in the future. Web: www.polis-mobility.com/startuphub

Happy Hour sponsored by SAMSUNG Location: cityPLAZA, Hall 1, Stand E20/G13 Date: 19.05.2022 Time: 5:45 pm - 7:45 pm Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH

STAGES activeSTAGE Location: Hall 1, Stand G02/H05 Date: 18.05. - 21.05.22 Time: See pages 20-21 Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH in cooperation with Müller + Busmann GmbH & Co. KG Further information: See pages 11-21 Web: www.polis-mobility.de/pmkonferenz

openSTAGE Location: Hall 1, Stand I28/J21 Date: 18.05. - 21.05.22 Time: See pages 20-21 Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH in cooperation with Müller + Busmann GmbH & Co. KG Further information: See pages 11-21 Web: www.polis-mobility.de/pmkonferenz

visionSTAGE Location: Hall 1, Stand B21 Date: 18.05. - 21.05.22 Time: See pages 20-21 Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH in cooperation with Müller + Busmann GmbH & Co. KG Further information: See pages 11-21 Web: www.polis-mobility.de/pmkonferenz

PARTNER CONFERENCES AND EVENTS Chargetec: Charging technology and charging infrastructure for e-vehicles Location: Congress Centre East, Congress hall Date: Tuesday, 17.05.2022 Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Date: Wednesday, 18.05.2022 Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Organiser: SV Veranstaltungen GmbH Registration required! Web: www.sv-veranstaltungen.de/Chargetec

TAXI DRIVING INNOVATION Location: Congress Centre East, Offenbach hall Date: Tuesday, 17.05.2022 Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Organiser: Bundestaxiverband und Mietwagen e.V. Registration required! Web: www.bundesverband.taxi

NaKoMo Workshop „The implementation of mobility platforms - exchange and experience report“ Location: Entrance West, Kristall hall Date: Wednesday, 18.05.2022 Time: 10:00 am – 1:15 pm Registration required! Web: www.nakomo.de

Cargo Bike Sharing Europe – 1st European expert conference for Cargo Bike Sharing Date: Wednesday, 18.05.2022 Time: 4:15 pm - 5:30 pm Location: Hall 1, openSTAGE Date: Thursday, 19.05.2022 Time: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Location: Congress Centre East, Congress hall Organiser: cargobike.jetzt GmbH Registration required! Web: www.cargobikesharing.eu

Logistics forum of the City of Cologne Location: Congress Centre East, Conference room 3-5 Date: Thursday, 19.05.2022 Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Organiser: City of Cologne By invitation only!

OCA Academy: „Vulnerable road users“ Location: Congress Centre East, Europa hall Date: Thursday, 19.05.2022 Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Organiser: Open Traffic Systems City Association e.V. Registration required via info@oca-ev.org Web: www.oca-ev.org/akademie

Science meets City I Urban Mobility Transformation – Future Visions Location: Congress Centre East, Congress hall Date: Friday, 20.05.2022 Time: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Organiser: KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH Registration required! Web: www.science-meets-city.de

SHUTTLE KOELNMESSE polis­ MOBILITY– cityHUB RUDOLFPLATZ Shuttle polisMOBILITY Location: Koelmesse, Entrance West – Rudolfplatz Date: 18.05. - 21.05.2022 Time: 1:30 pm - 6:30 pm Organiser: City of Cologne in cooperation with Koelnmesse GmbH Further information: A shuttle service between Rudolfplatz and Koelnmesse will ensure that anyone who decides to spontaneously can visit all the highlights of the polisMOBILITY Conference & Expo and the cityHUB in comfort.

DEUTZ STATION – polisMOBILITY Autonomous shuttle Stopping points: Koelnmesse South Entrance and parking area below Hall 1 Date: 18.05. - 21.05.22 Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm & 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH in cooperation with Auve Tech OÜ Further information: An autonomouslydriving shuttle vehicle from the company Auve Tech will transport our visitors from the South Entrance (next to Deutz station) to Hall 1. See also page 44

Near-mobility/Micromobility By e-scooter or bicycle Location: South Entrance – West Entrance Date: 18.05. - 21.05.2022 Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Organiser: Koelnmesse GmbH Further information: For the last few metres to the fair, you can also use our micromobility solutions with e-scooters and bicycles from dott, TIER and KVB-Rad. To do so, you can register with the respective provider via smartphone and off you go. Micromobility parking spaces are near the South Entrance and at the West Entrance. See also page 44




Many thanks to our patron & our partners and sponsors Patronage Partners


IMPRINT polisMOBILITY Koelnmesse GmbH Müller + Busmann GmbH & Co. KG Organiser Koelnmesse GmbH Messeplatz 1 | 50679 Köln Germany Phone +49 (0) 221 821 0 Fax +49 (0) 221 821 2574 info@koelnmesse.de www.koelnmesse.de Management board Gerald Böse Chairman of the Management Board

Publisher Prof. Dr. Johannes Busmann V.i.S.d.P.

Editor-in-Chief Susanne Peick peick@polis-magazin.com

Verlag Müller + Busmann GmbH & Co. KG Hofaue 63 | 42103 Wuppertal Germany

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Marie Sammet sammet@polis-magazin.com

busmann@mueller-busmann.com Phone +49 (0) 202 248 36 - 0 Fax +49 (0) 202 248 36 - 10 www.mueller-busmann.com www.polis-magazin.com Visit us on social media:  / polismagazin  / polis_magazin

Editorial management polisMOBILITY Csilla Letay letay@polis-magazin.com Editors Marina Fischer fischer@polis-magazin.com Lana Horsthemke horsthemke@polis-magazin.com

Oliver Frese Managing Director

Authors of this issue Steve Kalthoff

Herbert Marner Managing Director

Creative Director Prof. Dr. Johannes Busmann

Art Direction Ceren Bulut Graphics Manuela Baglio Esra Güner Cover © Koelnmesse GmbH Editing Verlag Müller + Busmann GmbH & Co. KG The work including all its texts is protected by copyright. Any exploitation outside the narrow limits of copyright law without the consent of the publisher is inadmissible and liable to prosecution. This applies in particular to reproductions, translations, microfilming and storage and processing in electronic systems. © Verlag Müller + Busmann GmbH & Co. KG



Wo wir Mobilität für eine lebenswerte Zukunft neu denken. Where we reinvent mobility for a brighter future. polis-mobility.com

Save the date Köln | Cologne, 24.-27.05.2023



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