Pr konicaminolta jtsuite 6

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Kon nica Miinolta’’s JT S Suite 6 takes s new w modu ular approach to print auttomatiion Langenhagen/Germ many, June e 2015 Introdu ucing the ne ew JT Suite 6, Konica a Minolta Business B Solutions E urope (Kon nica Minolta a) replaces its previou us, succes sful JT sofftware solu ution for Maake-Ready, Print Automa ation, Web-to-Print an nd profess sional Outp put Manage ement with a flexible softwarre suite tha at takes a more m modu ular approa ach. As a powerful bu ut easy-to-u use solution for in-house print fa acilities an nd smaller commercia al printers, the JT Suite 6 provide es essentia al functiona ality, minim mizing costts and max ximizing retturn on investm ment. With reg gard to print production n, customerrs these day ys expect minimal m turn around time es and same-day delivery.. As run lengths are ge etting shorte er, print prov viders as w well as intern nal printing facilities ne eed to proce ess more jo obs to reach h viable prod duction voluumes. Another requirem ment is the seamless in ntegration o of the most diverse outtput devicess into one smoothly running system. As a comprehensivve software system tha at grows witth a compan ny’s evolvinng needs, th he new JT Suite e 6 featuress an entirely y scalable a architecture for a maxim mum of flexiibility. Custo omers initially a acquire the basic module, Konica Minolta JT T Basic 6, which they caan upgrade e with the add-on module es JT Workfflow 6 and JJT Web 6 att any time, whenever w aan enhanced function nality is requ uired. JT Basic 6 provides imposition ning, make--ready, outp put automattion, color ssplit as well as 20 hot folde ers. To this, JT Workflo ow 6 adds o one JT Worrkflow Serve er, which al lows setting g up operato or accounts, rules and reports r as w well as conn necting unlim mited clientts (JT printe ers). Requirin ng both, JT Basic 6 and JT Workfflow 6, JT Web W 6 furthe er extends t he functionality with a w web-to-print module tha at includes a an LDAP co onnector, ba asic VDP feeatures (forms), an online p payment con nnector, a shop s cornerr, and the possibility to set up a coopy service.. By purchassing addition nal JT Multii Seats, the different modules m of th he JT Suitee 6 can be used u on up to 10 0 JT worksta ations simu ultaneously. As a po owerful and intuitive enttry-level pro oduct that scores with its i scalable architecturre, the JT Suite e 6 delivers the importa ant function nalities of prrint automattion and jobb-rule creation to print service provid ders (PSPs)) and in-hou use printing facilities (C CRDs) in thee public sec ctor as e ts. With the e JT Suite 6, the entire production workflow ca an be well as corporate environment automated, which minimizes m the need forr manual inttervention and a makes ooperation simple s for anyo one. The JT T Suite 6 combines a lo ow learning curve with a generouss feature se et and offers th he advantag ge of seamless integra ation into ex xisting produ uction enviro ronments.

Collabo oration amon ng different operators iis much fac cilitated, as all JT Workkstations are e connectted to one server s and share s a sing gle job list. Thanks to the “Dashbooard”, it is simple s and stra aightforward d to keep tra ack of orde rs and outstanding tasks. “At a tim me of limited d budgets and a squeeze ed margins, workflow automation a is more imp portant than eve er – in printt production n as much a as in any oth her busines ss area. Konnica Minolta a has long bee en focusing g on supporrting print prroviders, wh hether exterrnal compannies or in-house print roo oms, in stre eamlining an nd automatiing their pro oduction wo orkflows, froom the setup p and prepresss stage righ ht up to the inline finish hing of printts to the fina al product,” outlines Ac chim Ricks, P Production Printing P App plications M Manager, Ko onica Minoltta Businesss Solutions Europe, the target market fo or the new JT J Suite 6. “With the la atest version of our prinnt automatio on software e, achieving g this has now become e much simp pler and doesn’t even need much training. The JT Su uite 6 is an easy e to use e yet powerfful application with whi ch any com mpany can ado opt print auttomation – especially e a as flexibility and easy upgrading u a re guarante eed, thanks tto the new modular m approach and d scalable architecture! We are coonvinced tha at also our custtomers will appreciate these adva antages!” About K Konica Mino olta Business Solutions s Europe Konica M Minolta Busin ness Solution ns Europe G GmbH, based d in Langenha agen, Germaany, is a who ollyowned ssubsidiary of Konica Mino olta Inc., Toky kyo, Japan, fo orming part of o its Businesss Technolog gies businesss area. As a leading global services p provider in th he field of IT- and documeent processe es as well as digita al production printing solu utions the com mpany excells in services s-led businesss consulting g, impleme entation and managemen nt and provid es a range of o world-leading printing ssystems and solutionss. In this context, Konica Minolta’s Op ptimized Prin nt Services concept (OPS S) combines consulta ancy, hardwa are, software implementattion, and ope eration in ord der to enhancce business process efficiency and cost-e effectiveness. To support customers optimally o with h powerful annd sustainab ble solutionss, technologyy leader Konica Minolta ccontinuously invests in re esearch and ddevelopmen nt work and regu ularly sets ne ew standards s. Konica M Minolta Busin ness Solution ns Europe is represented d by subsidia aries and disttributors in more m than 70 counttries in Europ pe, Central Asia, A the Mid dle East and d Africa. With h over 32,0000 employees s around the world d (as of Marcch 2014), Ko onica Minolta a’s Business Technologie es business aarea earned net sales of over E EUR 5.4 billio on in financia al year 2013//14. For furth her informatio on about the company, viisit www.kon Product images are available a at www.konicam w minolta-imag Terms and product names n may be b trademarkks or registerred trademarrks of their reespective holders and are hereby ackn nowledged. Contactt Konica Min nolta Achim R Ricks Production Printing Applications A Manager Konica M Minolta Businesss Solutions Europe E GmbH Phone: + +49 (0)511 7404-245 7 Achim.R Ricks@konica

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