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Kon nica Miinolta’’s JT S Suite 6 takes s new w modu ular approach to print auttomatiion Langenhagen/Germ many, June e 2015 Introdu ucing the ne ew JT Suite 6, Konica a Minolta Business B Solutions E urope (Kon nica Minolta a) replaces its previou us, succes sful JT sofftware solu ution for Maake-Ready, Print Automa ation, Web-to-Print an nd profess sional Outp put Manage ement with a flexible softwarre suite tha at takes a more m modu ular approa ach. As a powerful bu ut easy-to-u use solution for in-house print fa acilities an nd smaller commercia al printers, the JT Suite 6 provide es essentia al functiona ality, minim mizing costts and max ximizing retturn on investm ment. With reg gard to print production n, customerrs these day ys expect minimal m turn around time es and same-day delivery.. As run lengths are ge etting shorte er, print prov viders as w well as intern nal printing facilities ne eed to proce ess more jo obs to reach h viable prod duction voluumes. Another requirem ment is the seamless in ntegration o of the most diverse outtput devicess into one smoothly running system. As a comprehensivve software system tha at grows witth a compan ny’s evolvinng needs, th he new JT Suite e 6 featuress an entirely y scalable a architecture for a maxim mum of flexiibility. Custo omers initially a acquire the basic module, Konica Minolta JT T Basic 6, which they caan upgrade e with the add-on module es JT Workfflow 6 and JJT Web 6 att any time, whenever w aan enhanced function nality is requ uired. JT Basic 6 provides imposition ning, make--ready, outp put automattion, color ssplit as well as 20 hot folde ers. To this, JT Workflo ow 6 adds o one JT Worrkflow Serve er, which al lows setting g up operato or accounts, rules and reports r as w well as conn necting unlim mited clientts (JT printe ers). Requirin ng both, JT Basic 6 and JT Workfflow 6, JT Web W 6 furthe er extends t he functionality with a w web-to-print module tha at includes a an LDAP co onnector, ba asic VDP feeatures (forms), an online p payment con nnector, a shop s cornerr, and the possibility to set up a coopy service.. By purchassing addition nal JT Multii Seats, the different modules m of th he JT Suitee 6 can be used u on up to 10 0 JT worksta ations simu ultaneously. As a po owerful and intuitive enttry-level pro oduct that scores with its i scalable architecturre, the JT Suite e 6 delivers the importa ant function nalities of prrint automattion and jobb-rule creation to print service provid ders (PSPs)) and in-hou use printing facilities (C CRDs) in thee public sec ctor as e ts. With the e JT Suite 6, the entire production workflow ca an be well as corporate environment automated, which minimizes m the need forr manual inttervention and a makes ooperation simple s for anyo one. The JT T Suite 6 combines a lo ow learning curve with a generouss feature se et and offers th he advantag ge of seamless integra ation into ex xisting produ uction enviro ronments.