Nspra 2011 social media presentation

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The PLSD Story… Venturing into Social Media Annette Eyman, Director of Communications Kala Morrissey, Communications Specialist www.paplv.org www.facebook.com/papillionlavistaschooldistrict www.twitter.com/plvschooldist

Agenda     

Research Planning Implementation Marketing Evaluation

Research  What is the role of social media?  What do we need to know about the function of social media to use it effectively?  What were other schools doing for social media?  What guidelines are organizations using?

Research  Was our District ready?  Never 100% ready but are key leaders on board

 What are the communication needs of your community?

 Was it a valuable communication tool as part of our District communication plan?  Two‐way communication

 Staff Survey

Planning  Started 1 year Out  Committee Makeup  Teachers, Principals, Central Office Staff, Communications Dept, IT

 Looked at Current District Procedures/Policy  Filtering‐ staff and students  Professionalism  Changed directory information policy to include social media

Planning  Developed Guidelines  Fan Page vs. Groups  Social Media Guidelines  Facebook Guidelines

 Rules of Engagement  Response Guidelines  Spent day with outside consultant

What was our Plan?  Facebook, Twitter and YouTube  Each School and District Page (Facebook and Twitter)  Similar look and feel

 Groups vs. Fan Pages  School level implementation – optional  Teacher level implementation‐ optional

What was our Plan? (continued)  Training Videos  How to create groups, fan pages

 Recommended Security Settings  Introduce at first Administration meeting  Train Parents

Implementation ‐ District Page  Created e‐mail address for social media  Used this to create account  Monitoring – forward to our e‐mail accounts

 Also tied to our Personal Accounts  Communications Department Update/Maintain  Linked Facebook and Twitter Pages‐ update in one place

District Pages Content  Include….        

School Board Information Upcoming events for the District (parent series) District News Stories Update on any Issues (boundary changes) School Closings Photos taken at events Educational activities‐ summer and winter breaks Daily Happenings

www.facebook.com/PapillionLaVistaSchoolDistrict www.Twitter.com/plvschooldist

Implementation ‐ School Pages  Social media e‐mail address set up for each school  Example: pasocialmedia@paplv.org

     

Used this to set up accounts We set up accounts with similar look and feel Optional to use Linked Facebook and Twitter accounts Meetings at interested schools Monitoring  E‐mail sent to school account and us

School Pages Content  Include…       

Upcoming School Events Parent Reminders Information from newsletter News stories about school School Cancellations Curriculum information Photos from Activities

Teacher/ Classroom/Clubs  Teacher/ Classroom Pages  Set up as groups  Security  Information about classroom learning and activities

 Clubs/Organizations  Groups vs. fan pages depending on type of group  Information about club meetings and upcoming activities

Marketing             

Yard Signs Sidewalk chalk‐ first day of school Postcards sent home with students Community Connection Staff e‐newsletter School newsletters Posting District page on school pages Articles in local paper Flyer‐ Kindergarten roundup Tagging Linking to news articles Webpage On publications

Evaluation  Monthly principal meetings  Communication Advisory Group  Parent and Staff Surveys  75% Elem Parents have FB 48% Didn’t know  68% Sec Parents have FB 51% Didn’t know

 Steady Growth in Numbers  Currently 1,556 followers at District Level  ….District wide

Lessons Learned  More Training  Regular Posts‐ Challenging  Hesitation from senior principals and central office administrators  Needed End of Year Plan

Success Stories  Superintendent postings  Social Butterfly Awards  Parent Interest ‐ There is a market!  Educational Posts  School Connections for Parents  Connections with high school students  Where are we Wednesdays

Next Steps  Training and communication of procedures  Focus on teacher/classroom Facebook groups  Adjust focus for postings

 Based on parent survey data

 Continue marketing efforts  Trademark Logos  Launching App


Annette Eyman 402‐537‐6209 aeyman@paplv.org Kala Morrissey 402‐537‐6266 kmorrissey@paplv.org

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