Rat and Mice Control - How Do I know if I have a Problem?

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Blog post archive. From: http://www.pestrol.com.au/blog/rat-and-mice-control-how-do-iknow-if-i-have-a-problem/

Rat and Mice Control - How Do I know if I have a Problem? Of course, if you do happen to have a rat or mouse problem, the sooner that you deal with the issue the better. Once these critters gain access into your home it can be difficult to get rid of them. How do you know if you have rats or mice? Rats are between 8 and 10 inches (20 - 25cm) long and have long tails that are as long as their bodies. Their tails are not all covered in hair like their bodies are and they come in a variety of colors from brown to black. Rats have smaller ears compared to their body size than mice. They are very intelligent and can get into very tight spaces. Their faeces are a little larger than a rice grain, are rounded on both ends and you will see plenty of droppings and shredded paper if you have rats around. They will chew up paper and other materials for nests.

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