A- Malaria Caused by a parasite - plasmodium - transmitted to humans by the bite of a mosquito, malaria remains a major problem for public health worldwide. It is endemic status in 97 countries and 90% of deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in children. In addition, it caused 584,000 deaths worldwide and 453,000 deaths of children fewer than 5 years (in 2013). 198 million people were infected worldwide, including 82% in the African region (2013). 90% of malaria deaths occur in Africa. Africa remains the most affected region. For children fewer than 5, the fall in mortality between 2000 and 2013 reached 53% (58% in the African region. Access to insecticide-treated nets has increased substantially but the use of these nets nets is not yet effective in all households. Most rural people do not realize the danger they face. This neglect continues to increase the rate of the disease in our country. B- Cardiovascular disease
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are globally the leading cause of death, killing more people every year than all other causes combined. In fact: 80% of deaths from NCDs occur in low- and middle-income. 36 million (nearly two thirds) of the 57 million deaths worldwide in 2008 were due to non-communicable diseases, mainly cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes and chronic lung diseases. In African countries, noncommunicable diseases is rapidly, even if they are not the cause of the most frequent deaths, and it is expected by 2030, they will be a cause of death most common communicable diseases , maternal and nutritional conditions. Nearly three-quarters of the 28 million deaths from NCDs occur in low- and middle-income. Answer, Solutions and Knowledge (ASK) is a Project aim at providing awareness and sensitization on malaria and heart related disease to the people of TOGO. It provides sensitization on malaria and heart diseases, its causes, effects and prevention. It also encompasses education and sensitization on personal hygiene. We initiated this project to achieve a "Decrease the rate of malaria victims and cardiovascular disease. We want through this project help reduce the rate of malaria victims in the Togolese population, but also achieve a better understanding of cardiovascular disease present, but not well known by the healthy people and people.
This project will take place during the period of major holidays (From Nov. 2016 to January 2017
1st Phase
In collaboration with a health center, with really serious needs of "malaria", the organizing committee helped by the interns and participants will join forces to carry out actions such as: Hygiene and sanitation of the center, with the help of neighborhood youth Education, awareness campaigns on prevention, Consultations, testing, treatment, (especially students in 5th, 6th, 7th year medical) Monitoring the use of mosquito nets Sessions control blood pressure, weight and blood sugar tests, but also "prevention-education" for the "cardiovascular disease" component. The length of stay in the city will go from one to two weeks. The target population (especially malaria) is distributed in the following age groups: 5 years, 5 years and over (except pregnant women), and pregnant women. The choice of this population is due to the fact that malaria is a disease recurring in Africa (it is one of the points touched in the definition of the Millennium Development Goals). In addition, the study of the environment has shown that this area is really touched (affected) by this evil. Given that in 2013, there has been a distribution over the whole of Togo, mosquito nets impregnated with long-term (LLINs) participants, and interns having been trained (by agents of the NMCP) could follow up compared to the actual use of these nets to beneficiaries.
2nd Phase: The "aid" component is actually an opportunity for interns eager to learn gestures to save the life of a person. This training will be given by representatives of the Red Cross National Togolese. It will be sanctioned by a certificate in first aid (national patent). It will last a minimum of 10 days and will have a price. She will be in Lome, after the practical phase, inside the country.
3- JOB DESCRIPTIONS GLOBAL INTERNS INTEGRATION with presentation of the University, of AIESEC-UL Office, of the city Lome (the Capital of TOGO. The visit of special place. Integration to the Organizing Committee. Every intern will share with us his culture.
Promotion: The intern will work with other team members in the promotion on Facebook. Also mobilizing partners for the project. Fund Raising: Engage in marketing and raising funds for the financial sustainability of the projects. INTERNS TRAINING: The training partners will train the Organizing Committee and the interns in the specific area they will work in. Arrival at the city and preparation to rural living Hygiene and sanitation of the center, with the help of neighborhood youth Education, awareness campaigns on prevention Consultations, testing, treatment, (especially students in 5th, 6th, 7th year medical) Monitoring the use of mosquito nets, education" for the "CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE" Sessions control blood pressure, weight and blood sugar tests.
The "aid" training given by representatives of the Red Cross National Togolese
Happyness- Cross Cultural Understanding-Dynamism-Open to dialogue. Bring traditional costumes, flags, and other items related to your country for the GLOBAL INTERNS INTEGRATION. 5- WHAT THE INTERN WILL GAIN?
Discover Togo Know a little better the Togolese culture, Teach your language and share your culture, work with the organizing committee. Make a humanitarian gesture (working in the health center volunteer to help those who need you). learn gestures to save the life of a person through first aid training (training will be sanctioned by a certificate in first aid national patent)
Unforgettable summer internship.
6- SPECIFIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT For this project will come some interns of different nationalities, thanks to international AIESEC internship program. With ASK, they will: Discover Togo, know a little better the Togolese culture, teach their language and share their culture, work with the organizing committee in one of the teams in place according to their skills and abilities, make a humanitarian gesture (working in the health center volunteer to help people). The project will start in (November) The realization will take place during 06 weeks with 03 weeks work with the OC to raise fund and partners and collaborate to fund a place (the city) of the 03 weeks remaining about the sensitizing.
SPECIFIC ABOUT THE PROJECT 7- ASK INFORMATION PROGRAM FLOW •Interns are expected to arrive in TOGO on same time as agenda; otherwise, they will not be able to attend the GLOBAL INTERNS INTEGRATION. •There will be organized airport pick-up for the interns and the interns must provide us with the details of their flights minimum with 2 weeks before the arrival. •There will be an EP buddy orientation. •After 03 weeks of working and training we will have Evaluation Day for all interns to improve their performance and make sure they are ready for the sensitizing. •During the project, interns will have many chances to learn Togolese culture with local Togolese people in rural area. •The interns will have access to the groups specially created for them to communicate and organize trips for their free time during weekend.