Oh, sure. Everyone loves Cloud. He’s all white and fluffy. You have NO idea what it’s like to live with Cloud. For instance, those two kids down there? They’re trying to decide what he looks like. “It’s a dog!” “It’s a pony!” “It’s an armadillo!” All day this goes on… On and on and on! But without me, Cloud wouldn’t even BE here! Do you see anyone saying “Oh thank goodness, Air is here today!”? Nope. It’s just breathe in, breathe out…
Nobody down there ever considers M Y feelings? Except you.
You cared about me and made my day. Thank you so much.
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Join the Earth Share of Georgia group
One environment. One simple way to care for it.®
Thank you for helping us make a cleaner and greener Georgia by supporting Earth Share of Georgia in your workplace charita ble campaign. As Georgia’s only dedicated environmental fund, Earth Share of Georgia supports over 60 leading environmental groups who are finding and promoting solutions for energy conservation, wildlife preservation, clean air and clean water. Visit us online at www.earthsharega.org to learn more and to sign up for our bimonthly eNewsletter, Green at Work Online, filled with valuable eco-tips, volunteer opportunities and news from Georgia’s environmental community.
Air, Land & Water 1447 Peachtree St., NE, Suite 214, Atlanta, GA 30309 404-873-3173 info@earthsharega.org www.earthsharega.org
Printed on recycled paper. Courtesy of Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta.
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You think you come from a big family? Try getting some attention when your family covers 70% of the globe. That’s what I have to deal with every day. I really am the proverbial drop in the bucket. I hear the same things over and over again: “You are unique!” “You are special!” “People love you!” At least that’s what my therapist says. Lately, I’ve just felt really taken for granted and particularly unspecial. Then you came along. You really cared and took the time to give me a little attention and love. Thank you!
Become a fan of Water
Join the Earth Share of Georgia group
One environment. One simple way to care for it.®
Thank you for helping us make a cleaner and greener Georgia by supporting Earth Share of Georgia in your workplace charita ble campaign. As Georgia’s only dedicated environmental fund, Earth Share of Georgia supports over 60 leading environmental groups who are finding and promoting solutions for energy conservation, wildlife preservation, clean air and clean water. Visit us online at www.earthsharega.org to learn more and to sign up for our bimonthly eNewsletter, Green at Work Online, filled with valuable eco-tips, volunteer opportunities and news from Georgia’s environmental community.
Air, Land & Water 1447 Peachtree St., NE, Suite 214, Atlanta, GA 30309 404-873-3173 info@earthsharega.org www.earthsharega.org
Printed on recycled paper. Courtesy of Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta.
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Diamond, Granite, Marble... They’re all just so full of themselves.
Where would they be without me? I’ll tell you where. Spiraling out into some black limbo, that’s where! One word for you rocks! Gravity!
Look, I’m practical. I don’t expect any bride to gush over her new “tilled-soil” engagement ring. Or dirt floors to make a comeback anytime soon.
But c’mon… is a little respect too much to ask for?
That’s why your contribution meant so much to me. Finally, someone recognizes me and treats me like the dirt that I am.
Thank you!
Become a fan of Land
Join the Earth Share of Georgia group
One environment. One simple way to care for it.®
Thank you for helping us make a cleaner and greener Georgia by supporting Earth Share of Georgia in your workplace charita ble campaign. As Georgia’s only dedicated environmental fund, Earth Share of Georgia supports over 60 leading environmental groups who are finding and promoting solutions for energy conservation, wildlife preservation, clean air and clean water. Visit us online at www.earthsharega.org to learn more and to sign up for our bimonthly eNewsletter, Green at Work Online, filled with valuable eco-tips, volunteer opportunities and news from Georgia’s environmental community.
Air, Land & Water 1447 Peachtree St., NE, Suite 214, Atlanta, GA 30309 404-873-3173 info@earthsharega.org www.earthsharega.org
Printed on recycled paper. Courtesy of Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta.
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