1 minute read
Instytut Zdrowia Człowieka
Wysowa over the Park
In the silence of the Low Beskids
Instytut Zdrowia Człowieka (the Institute of Health) is located on the outskirts of Wysowa – behind it only woods of the Low Beskids stretch. The centre aims at improving and maintaining health and mitigating the symptoms of various diseases in a holistic way. Treatments are combined with recreation and relaxation. First and foremost, diseases of the motor system and psychosomatic disorders are treated in the place. The forms of treatment include psychotherapy, music therapy, dance therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, kinesitherapy and integration. There we will find out about the advantages of normobaric oxygen therapy which uses pressure higher than atmospheric one and air with greater content of oxygen. There is a typical recreational and SPA zone as well. We can take advantage of various types of massages – relaxational, peeling, with aromatherapy or chocolate ones, treatments for body and SPA aqua with pearl, peat baths and peat wraps.

Address: Wysowa-Zdrój 95, 38-316 Wysowa-Zdrój

Phone: + 18 353 23 36 izc.pl/wysowa