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the ultimate to do list canada
Erfahrung, Kompetenz und Freude an fernen Ländern Explorer Fernreisen – das bedeutet für Sie Erfahrung und Kompetenz, sowohl bei Auswahl und Einkauf Ihrer Reisebausteine als auch bei der individuellen Beratung durch qualifizierte Fernreise-Experten. Beste und langjährige Kontakte in den Fernreiseregionen dieser Welt, ein außergewöhnliches Produktangebot und renommierte Fluggesellschaften garantieren Ihnen Reiseerlebnisse, die Ihnen unvergesslich bleiben. Wir freuen uns mit der Ulitmate To Do List ein Programm präsentieren zu können, dass Ihnen vielfältige Reise-Ideen bietet, ganz neue Wünsche weckt und langgehegte Träume erfüllt.
Verehrte Kunden, liebe Fernreise-Freunde, zur Planung Ihrer wertvollsten Zeit des Jahres heißen wir Sie herzlich Willkommen. Auch außerhalb des Katalogs können Sie Explorer Fernreisen entdecken: Unter www.explorer.de finden Sie das Portal für Fernreisen mit besonderen Tipps, Angeboten und Infos sowie tagesaktuellen Flugpreisen von 85 Fluggesellschaften. Stets aktuell ist auch unser kostenloser Newsletter, den immer mehr Fernreise-Fans auf unserer Website abonnieren. Das gesamte Explorer-Team wünscht Ihnen viel Vorfreude beim Auswählen Ihrer persönlichen Traumreise. Herzliche Grüße, Ihr
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Explorer Fernreisen Über 40 Jahre exklusive Vielfalt Arabien Dubai Fujairah Ras Al Khaimah Ajman Sharjah Abu Dhabi Oman Jordanien
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Südafrika Namibia Botswana Zambia Zimbabwe Mozambique
Sri Lanka
Asien Thailand Kambodscha Laos Vietnam Myanmar Malaysia Singapur Indonesien China Taiwan Japan Philippinen Die Experten für Fernreisen
Kenia Tanzania Zanzibar Ruanda Uganda
Indischer Ozean Mauritius La Réunion Seychellen Malediven
Bhutan Die Experten für Fernreisen
Die Experten für Fernreisen
Geführte Reisen
Australien &
Neuseeland Rundreisen Kleingruppen Kurzprogramme Tagestouren
Die Experten für Fernreisen
her Frühbuc bis sparen 31.03.11
Die Experten für Fernreisen
8 Kataloge - 5 Kontinente - ausserdem Sonderprogramme Stopover, Romantic Holidays u.v.m. Flexibel und preiswert - frei kombinierbar im Bausteinsystem - vor allem aber ganz individuell und auf Ihre persönlichen Wünsche abgestimmt. Vertrauen Sie bei der Planung den Experten!
Das volle Programm für den Kontinent der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten
USA mit Alaska und Hawaii
Stellen Sie sich aus unserem vielseitigen Nordamerikaprogramm Ihre Traumreise zusammen. Ob USA oder Canada, individuelle oder geführte Rundreisen, Mietwagen-, Motorrad- oder Wohnmobilreisen, Städtetrips oder Abenteuertouren, wir haben für Sie das richtige Angebot!
Die Experte n für Fernre isen
Lufthansa Business Class – Damit Sie gut erholt ankommen
There’s no better way to fly.
Wählen Sie Ihre Explorer Reisebausteine – so individuell wie Sie selbst.
12 Connecting
with Canadians 14 COMMUNITY
18 Lifestyle 20
32 Landscapes 34 glaciers and alpine 36 ranching and prairies 38 wilderness style
40 Wildlife 42 wildlife experiences 44 bear viewing 45 whales and marine encounters 46 polar bears
48 Active and
Relaxed Adventures 50 float planes and helicopters 52 snow and ice 53 par excellence 54 hike and explore 56 mountain escapes 58 adventures on water 60 gone fishing
62 Explorations 64 Northern lights 65 scenic drives and rides 66 exploring by rail 68 small ship cruising
70 Journeys 72 a sublime mountain adventure 74 canada’s pacific delights 76
quebec, canada’s joie de vivre
78 secrets of ontario
Welcome to Canada Entdecken Sie ein Land grenzenloser Vielfalt: majestätische Berge, weite Prärielandschaften, abgelegene Seen und felsige Meeresküsten, historische Sehenswürdigkeiten und städtische Enklaven.
Beginnen Sie Ihre Reise in einer der leicht erreichbaren Portalstädte Kanadas. Erleben Sie eine Kutschfahrt auf den Pflastersteinstraßen der Altstadt von Montréal. Treffen Sie beim Toronto International Film Festival auf Promis aus Hollywood. Feuern Sie beim Rodeo in Calgary einen furchtlosen Cowboy an. Bummeln Sie durch modische Boutiquen in Vancouver, bevor Sie ausgezeichnetes Sushi genießen.
Es ist außerdem das zweitgrößte Land der Welt, und hat in seinen unberührten Weiten Aktivabenteuer im Überfluss zu bieten. Werden Sie in einem Luxuszug, einer Limousine oder einem Wasserflugzeug in die Wildnis entführt. Ihnen wird die Luft wegbleiben - beim Helikopterflug über schroffe Bergspitzen oder bei der Kajakfahrt vorbei an einer Robbenkolonie in einer ruhigen Meeresbucht.
Der Empfang ist warm und herzlich. In einem solch multikulturellen Land haben Toleranz und Neugierde eine offene, großzügige und einladende Gesellschaft geschaffen. Es verbinden sich Traditionen auf faszinierende Weisen. Genießen Sie Calamari mit Couscous in einem italienisch-libanesischen Bistro oder applaudieren Sie einer Shakespearevorführung auf Kantonesisch mit englischen Untertiteln. Sie werden denken, Kanada sei das erste postmoderne Land der Welt.
Hier tollen Eisbärjungen in endloser Tundra herum, Wölfe heulen in Mondnächten und Bisonherden laufen unter freiem Himmel umher. Ziehen Sie auf Wanderwegen durch Nationalparks, Biosphärenreservate und UNESCO Weltkulturerbestätten und stellen sich vor, wie dieses Land vor Existenz des Menschen ausgesehen hat. Vertiefen Sie sich in den Zauber Kanadas, gleichzeitig uralt und vollkommen neu.
Arc t ic Ocean Greenland
Beaufort Sea
Alaska (USA)
Baffin Bay
Yukon Territory
Northwest Territories Great Bear Lake
Nunavut Iqaluit Yellowknife
Hud s
Great Slave Lake
Labrador Sea
S t ra i t
British Columbia
Hudson Bay
Atlant ic Ocean
Newfoundland & Labrador
Saskatchewan Edmonton Victoria
St John’s Quebec
Vancouver Calgary Regina Winnipeg
Ontario Quebec
Count r y Province or Territory
National Capital
United States of America
Prince Edward Island New Charlottetown Brunswick Fredericton Halifax Montreal
Nova Scotia
Capital City
Atlantic canada
Historische Leuchttürme werfen ihr Licht auf aalglatte von der Gischt besprühte Küstenfelsen. Winzige Kneipen, in denen Geigenspieler bis in den Morgen für lebendige Unterhaltung sorgen. Und frischer Hummer, der morgens noch im Meer schwamm. Der Charme der atlantischen Provinzen Kanadas ist zeitlos, und die Vielfalt in diesen vier gastfreundlichen Provinzen bewundernswert. Sie begegnen abgehärteten Fischern in abgelegenen Siedlungen an der rauen Küste von Labrador oder Sie nippen am Espresso in den Historic Properties von Halifax. Sie berühren die uralten Überreste von Wikingersiedlungen in L’Anse aux Meadows in Neufundland, oder Sie schlagen mit Ihrem Fuß den Takt bei einem Acadian Festival in New Brunswick. Sie atmen den satten Duft von Apfelblüten ein während Sie auf Prince Edward Island einen ruhigen Freizeitpfad entlang radeln oder Sie genießen die Freiheit der Straße auf dem kurvenreichen dramatischen Cabot Trail auf Cape Breton.
Central canada
In der Hochburg der beiden europäischen Gründerkulturen Kanadas, fließen französische und englische Traditionen in einer unvergesslichen Landschaft zahlloser Seen und dramatischer Granitfelsen des Canadian Shield zusammen. Tauchen Sie Ihr Kanupaddel wie ein Reisender aus alten Tagen in einen ruhigen Fluss im Schatten von Ahornbäumen, deren Blätter in lebendigen Herbstfarben strahlen. Gleiten Sie in die zeitlose Kultur der Landhäuschen, wo die dringendste Frage des Tages ist, was es zum Abendessen gibt. Vertreiben Sie sich die Zeit in Toronto oder Montreal mit verlockenden Gerichten, die ihren Ursprung in Afrika, Südamerika, Asien oder der Karibik haben. Fangen Sie in einem Galeriecafé eine Unterhaltung an und finden heraus, dass Ihr Gesprächspartner der Maler der zum Verkauf stehenden Werke ist. Heute fotografieren Sie Eisbären am Ufer der Hudson Bay und ein paar Tage später besichtigen Sie eine preisgekrönte Weinkellerei.
Central Canada: Manitoba Ontario Quebec
Atlantic Canada: Newfoundland and Labrador New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia
North canada
North Canada: Yukon territory Northwest Territories Nunavut
Der Himmel über Ihnen zieht eine Show ab, mit der es kein Feuerwerkexperte aufnehmen könnte. Juwelenartige Farben pulsieren am tiefschwarzen Nachthimmel. Es sind Hunderte von Kilometern bis zur nächsten Stadt und Sie sind unendlich weit entfernt von Ihrer vertrauten Welt. Hier am Rand des nördlichen Polarkreises leben die Menschen nach Traditionen, durch die sie sich in dieser unwirtlichen wunderschönen Umgebung jahrhundertelang am Leben erhalten konnten. Auf dieser unvergesslichen Reise können Sie dieses Erbe miterleben. Probieren Sie geschmackvolles Karibufleisch. Feiern Sie den kurzen, spektakulären arktischen Sommer, wenn die Landschaft in Flechten und winzigen Blumen erblüht und Schneehasen vor Ihnen weghüpfen. Begegnen Sie Stammesältesten der Inuit und Specksteinschnitzern. Kreischen Sie vor Freude während Sie ein Hundeteam führen oder mit einem Schneemobil fahren. Sie treffen auf ein Land wie kein anderes, das Sie kennen.
West canada
West Canada: Alberta British Columbia Saskatchewan
Schneebedeckte Felsspitzen ragen in den blauen wolkenlosen Himmel auf. Kaum vorstellbar, dass die Natur so unermesslich und so unberührt sein kann – aber glauben Sie es besser. Von den goldenen Weizenfeldern der Prärie und den hügeligen Ausläufern der Rockies außerhalb von Calgary bis zu den isolierten Queen Charlotte Islands am Rand des Pazifischen Ozeans ist Westkanada mit immensen landschaftlichen Reichtümern gesegnet. Wandern Sie über einen uralten Gletscher am Ufer eines tiefblauen Alpensees entlang oder durch Wälder, die von Vogelgesang durchdrungen sind. Nippen Sie an edlen Tropfen in einem Weinbergcafé im Okanagan Valley oder machen Sie einen Ausritt auf Reitpfaden auf einer Gastranch. Entdecken Sie Kanadas einzige Wüste. Und wenn Sie genug von der Natur haben – falls das überhaupt möglich ist – geben Sie sich im hektischen Calgary, freundlichen Edmonton, eleganten Victoria und dynamischen Vancouver städtischen Vergnügungen hin.
Connecting with Canadians
Discover the people from countless cultures who make up the Canadian mosaic: urban gourmets, rural artisans, globetrotting intellectuals, prairie farmers, Inuit hunters and many more. Opportunities for authentic encounters abound.
At a “sugar shack” in Quebec, walk with a thirdgeneration farmer to tap trees for their sap, then learn how to make taffy by pouring hot maple syrup on snow. Gather partridgeberries in the rocky meadows of Newfoundland. Savour
Great Spirit Circle Trail In this land known as Canada, there are many different groups representing the original people, whose ancestors have been here for thousands of years. Often, visitors do not realise that the history, the culture, the languages and the traditions of the original people vary greatly in each region across this vast country. The Great Spirit Circle Trail encompasses eight First Nation communities on Manitoulin Island and the Sagamok region in Northeastern Ontario. Sagamok and Manitoulin Island, the largest freshwater island in the world, are home to the Anishnawbek – the Ojibwe, Odawa and Pottawatomi people – who have a long and storied history, rich culture and abundant lands. The warmth of the people, the serenity of the forests and waters, and the vibrant culture of the Anishnawbek people are yours to discover as you experience the past and enjoy the present. Truly blessed by the Creator, this region is one of the most beautiful and serene areas of Northeastern Ontario. Participate in half-day cultural experiences and events, full-day guided tours, and multi-day touring packages. Reward your senses and rejuvenate your spirit on a nature walk accompanied by your Aboriginal hosts. Experience history as you retrace ancient canoe routes. Unwind to the soft murmur of legends and stories from days long past. Enjoy relaxing day trips, rustic or refined accommodations, traditional regional cuisine, and a wide variety of shops, galleries, and educational and cultural activities. The region’s waterways boast fine fishing and many lakes, inlets, coves and islands suitable for the canoeing and kayaking adventurer. Guests should be sure to bring their cameras, as the sunsets and wild animals are plentiful. Selected as one of the top 29 significant places to explore in all of Canada, as determined by the Canadian Tourism Commission and Aboriginal Tourism Canada, the Great Spirit Circle Trail has an experience waiting for everyone, including independent travellers, families and groups of all sizes.
succulent Alberta beef among oil executives in a Calgary steakhouse. Paddle a canoe past rocky outcrops on an Ontario lake. Or unwind in a British Columbia lodge run by a native band.
1. Great Spirit Circle Trail 2. Sucrerie de la Montagne 3. Quaaout Lodge & Talking Rock Golf
More Information Visit our website for more photos and information for all the properties, tours and experiences featured.
1 2
Sucrerie de la Montagne Sucrerie de la Montagne is an authentic "sugar shack" with a major difference – it is open year round. Designated an official Quebec heritage site, the sugar shack – located in the midst of a 50 hectare forest of century-old maples atop Mont Rigaud, west of Montreal – transports its visitors back in time, providing them with a momentary glimpse of life as it truly was for Québécois pioneers. Bring home an iconic souvenir: a bottle of maple syrup.
Quaaout Lodge & Talking Rock Golf The Quaaout Lodge & Talking Rock Golf Course, the pride of the Little Shuswap Indian Band, is situated on the north shore of Little Shuswap Lake. The Lodge features 70 guest rooms and suites, a healing spa and Jack Sam's restaurant, emphasizing local cuisine. The scenery will immerse you in comfort and relaxation, quieting your senses with its calming effects. Each room has its own balcony or patio with lake and forest views. Talking Rock Golf Course was built in 2007 and is becoming a mature and world-renowned course of a calibre that leaves you wanting to take the challenge over and over again.
Immerse yourself in plays at a theatre festival. Cheer on cowboys at a local rodeo or go big at the renowned Calgary Stampede. Pair fine vintages with artisanal cheeses at a wine celebration. Choices abound.
1. Calgary Stampede 2. Festival Western de St-Tite 2
Calgary Stampede Grab your boots and your cowboy hat! For 10 days each summer, Calgary plays host to one of Canada's most famous spectacles: the Calgary Stampede. Thrill to the thunder of hooves at the fiercely competitive chuckwagon races. Marvel at the great skills of the cowboys and barrel racers. Hold your breath as a rider struggles to stay eight seconds on the back of a bronc. Applaud equestrians, acrobats, singers and pyrotechnic geniuses during the no-holds-barred grandstand show. Revel in one of the West's most iconic gatherings, where time-honoured traditions are on full display. It is hard to describe the way "Stampede fever" grips the city each year, and the excitement extends far beyond Stampede Park. The event kicks off with a colourful parade through the streets of Calgary. Throughout the 10 days of Stampede, executives sport bolo ties and Stetsons as they stride to their downtown offices. Restaurants and bars boast cowboy-style decor, and the fun continues late into the night. It's a classic Canadian experience.
Festival Western de St-Tite Imagine if the entire population of the United States paid a visit to the city of Montreal. That’s what happens every year, in September, to the residents of St-Tite, a small town in the St. Maurice Valley region. What began as a small Western rodeo and merchant fair in 1967 has become a world-renowned event recognised by the International Professional Rodeo Association as "Best Outdoor Rodeo in North America" since 1999. The Festival Western de St-Tite is a unique Country and Western experience and a model of excellence in rodeo production for Eastern North America whose continued growth is the result of hard work on the part of the many passionate men and women who contribute to the Festival's success. For 10 days of festivities, visitors immerse themselves in this exceptional lifestyle. That's how the Festival Western de St-Tite earned the title "Biggest Western Event in Eastern Canada".
2 4 1
1. The Fairmont Château Laurier 2. Village historique de Val-Jalbert 3. Abigail’s Hotel 4. Fairmont Le Château Frontenac
Native Canadians, prospectors, seafarers, soldiers, dreamers, debutantes, rogues – they all made their mark on Canada’s landscape and architecture. Why not stay in an atmospheric piece of this historic past?
Fairmont Le Château Frontenac With the mighty St. Lawrence River as its backdrop, Fairmont Le Château Frontenac is not merely a hotel located in the heart of Old Quebec – it is the heart of Old Quebec. Your experience at this heritage urban resort will guarantee you a memorable and inspiring stay in one of the most captivating cities in the world. In any one of its 618 beautifully furnished guest rooms and suites, you'll feel an elegant touch of historic Europe. The tastefully appointed accommodations offer an exquisite level of luxury and service. Tucked away on the 14th floor of the hotel, Fairmont Gold – an exclusive hotel lifestyle experience – includes several personalised amenities to ensure your stay is an unforgettable one.
The Fairmont Château Laurier This majestic landmark hotel is in the centre of Canada's capital city, between Parliament Hill, the Ottawa River and the Byward Market. Marble floors, high ceilings, antiques resting elegantly in rooms and foyers, and wool carpets round out its regal beauty. The hotel was once dubbed the third chamber of Parliament, in reference to the number of politicians roaming the corridors. In its rooms, political deals were made, careers launched or destroyed, and governments created and dissolved. Today, the Fairmont Château Laurier continues the tradition of grandeur, welcoming discerning guests from around the world.
Let executive chef Jean Soulard and his culinary team introduce you to the abundant local cuisine. Swim in the 15-metre indoor pool and indulge in a spa treatment at the Payot Institute. Steps from the hotel's front door, wander cobblestone streets and visit quirky boutiques.
Village Historique de val-Jalbert Travel back through time to an authentic single-industry village of the 1920s. The majestic Ouiatchouan Falls, higher than Niagara Falls, will leave you awestruck. Settle in for the night and let yourself unwind completely in a comfortable, spacious room in a fully renovated heritage house. The chef will tempt you with savoury dishes that highlight a vast array of products from the region, which lies north of Quebec City.
Abigail's Hotel Abigail's is a romantic boutique bed and breakfast hotel located just minutes from Victoria's Inner Harbour. Intimately housed in a 1930s heritage Tudor-style mansion, Abigail’s blends the romance and charm of the past with the comforts and conveniences of the present. Many of the 23 beautifully appointed guestrooms have jetted tubs and fireplaces. Included in every stay are evening appetizers, gourmet breakfast, parking and wi-fi. Canada
Vibrant Cities
Shop for international luxury brands in glittering stores. Challenge your mind while visiting an epic show at a groundbreaking museum or contemporary art gallery. Let the breeze ruffle your hair as you walk along a rooftop on Canada’s
tallest tower. Enjoy a superb meal prepared by a lauded chef. Call for an encore at a symphony orchestra performance or cheer along with the crowd at a pro sports game. Even mingle with Hollywood stars. Then relax as a sleek limousine
CN Tower EdgeWalk The CN Tower is an internationally renowned architectural triumph, an engineering wonder of the modern world, a superb entertainment and dining destination, and a top draw for visitors to Toronto. EdgeWalk is the CN Tower’s most thrilling attraction in its 35-year history, one of Toronto’s most extreme attractions and among the first of its kind in North America. It is a full-circle, hands-free walk, 356 metres (116 storeys) above the ground.
Pearl International Limousine Services
The Ritz-Carlton, Montreal
Luxury transportation by Pearl Limousine will give your elegant travel plans the finishing touch. Experienced chauffeurs offering services in several languages are available to take you to Vancouver's most interesting hot spots or to get you where you need to go in the Vancouver area. Explore Whistler, Seattle or Victoria in the comfort of your own private vehicle. Create a travel experience you will never forget.
The Ritz-Carlton, Montreal, the historical birthplace of the Ritz-Carlton name (in 1912), is one of the great treasures of the Golden Square Mile, where historical splendour meets contemporary architecture. Conveniently located in the heart of downtown, within walking distance of upscale shopping, fine dining, cultural venues and renowned nightlife, the recently renovated hotel has proudly returned to centre stage.
Deluxe Toronto City Tour Discover the fascinating sights of the "old" city of Toronto, along with City Hall, the St. Lawrence Market, the stunning waterfront and the provincial parliament, on this guided tour. Visit the CN Tower, one of the world’s tallest buildings, for a 360° view of the city and Lake Ontario. If you dare, you can experience the new, extreme EdgeWalk, where brave participants walk around the outside edge of the tower’s observation deck to enjoy a fantastic panorama of Toronto. After that thrill, meander through the exclusive stores of Bloor Street and Yorkville to enjoy some fine shopping before returning to your hotel.
Vibrant Cities
The hotel offers 130 luxurious rooms and suites, as well as nine meeting and function salons. The Signature Chef invites you to enjoy the Maison Boulud Bar and Restaurant and alfresco dining in the summertime.
ferries you to your opulent hotel, where you briefly recharge – before doing it all again. Absorb the multifaceted glamour that Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver have to offer.
2, 7 4 3, 6 1, 5
1. CN Tower EdgeWalk 2. Pearl International Limousine Services 3. Deluxe Toronto City Tour 4. The Ritz-Carlton, Montreal 5. Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto 6. The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto 7. Shangri-La Hotel, Vancouver
More Information Visit our website for more photos and information for all the properties, tours and experiences featured.
Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto The 65-storey Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto® presides over the corner of Bay and Adelaide Streets in the heart of downtown Toronto. From this enviable location, guests are steps from the city's top attractions: the Air Canada Centre, CN Tower, Rogers Centre and Metro Toronto Convention Centre, as well as shops, museums, theatres, restaurants and nightlife. Exquisitely furnished in an elegant, cosmopolitan style, the hotel's 261 spacious guest rooms and suites range from 51 to over 370 square metres. High ceilings add to the spacious feel, while oversized windows afford commanding views of Toronto's skyline. The hotel features 1,115 square metres of meeting space, a signature restaurant, a destination lounge, and a 1,675-square-metre luxurious spa and wellness facility with a heated indoor pool, whirlpool, steam baths and saunas. Amenities include a 24-hour concierge, 24-hour in-room dining and valet indoor parking, as well as Trump Attaché™, providing each guest with uncompromising personal service.
The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto Located in the heart of downtown Toronto, the 267-room Ritz-Carlton offers spectacular views of Lake Ontario and the CN Tower. The hotel features refined amenities such as floor-to-ceiling windows, Italian bed linens and heated marble floors. TOCA Restaurant offers a memorable Canadian culinary experience and is home to one of Canada's first cheese caves. For supreme urban relaxation, the spa presents treatments inspired by the beauty of Canada's great outdoors, as well as an indoor pool, fitness centre and yoga studio.
Shangri-La Hotel, Vancouver Shangri-La's legendary hospitality has arrived in North America with the opening of Shangri-La Hotel, Vancouver. This 119-room luxury hotel, located in vibrant downtown Vancouver, occupies the first 15 floors of a 61-storey landmark building, one of the tallest in the city. Guests will find luxurious guest rooms and suites decorated in a contemporary Asian style, with many rooms featuring private balconies and stunning views of the city. Visitors can enjoy personalised spa treatments at CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La, or experience Vancouver fine dining with regionally inspired dishes at MARKET by Jean-Georges.
Vibrant Cities
Urban Chic
Common experiences are not for you. Instead, you yearn to find boutique hotels, quirky shops and cutting-edge restaurants. Fortunately, Canada is well stocked in all of the above – hidden in the historic districts of Montreal and Quebec
City, tucked into discreet towers in Vancouver and Ottawa, or surrounded by a trendy Calgary neighbourhood. Stroll lively Spring Garden Road in Halifax. Browse for handmade paper and art deco antiques along Queen Street West in
Le Saint-Sulpice Hôtel Montréal Ideally located, Le Saint-Sulpice Hôtel Montréal offers a great and memorable experience in the heart of Old Montreal. This boutique hotel features 108 well-appointed suites with authentic Old World charm. With a minimum size of 51 square metres, the suites are more like chic condo apartments than standard hotel rooms. The warm, inviting design, and all the details and thoughtful touches, coax you to stay just a bit longer before starting the day’s excursions. And many suites have a balcony or fireplace – gorgeous in summer and cosy in winter, respectively.
OPUS Hotel Vancouver
Auberge Saint-Antoine quebec city Not just another boutique hotel, the Auberge Saint-Antoine is a journey into Quebec City's past. Hundreds of artifacts, from both the French and the English regimes, were discovered during an extensive archaeological dig on the property. Today, these finds have been restored and displayed throughout the hotel as an extraordinary visual commentary on life in Quebec from the 17th century on. In this unusual contemporary space, the past has been audaciously re-interpreted. Condé Nast Traveller magazine has named the Auberge Saint-Antoine one of the best hotels in the world for many years. This Relais & Châteaux property has also been highly ranked by CAA-AAA, as has its restaurant, Panache (a name well suited to this elegant and distinguished dining room). Panache, located in a 19th-century maritime warehouse, has quickly earned an enviable reputation as one of the finest restaurants in Quebec.
Urban Chic
Named one of the Top 100 Hotels in the World by readers of Condé Nast Traveller magazine, OPUS Hotel Vancouver redefines the luxury boutique experience, blending contemporary design with warmth and intuitive service. OPUS is located in Yaletown, an eight-block heritage preservation zone of downtown Vancouver, surrounded by dozens of the city’s exciting restaurants, lounges and boutiques.
The Great George Hotel charlottetown The Great George is a distinctive collection of 15 heritage buildings featuring 60 suites, all richly renovated, and each with its own character and story. Inside, you will discover modern amenities seamlessly integrated with the accents and charm of the award-winning surroundings. Through our doors, you will step into one of the most historic streetscapes in Canada. Located in the heart of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
Toronto. Delight in a free concert at The Forks in Winnipeg. And shop for local fashions on Lower Johnson Street in Victoria. Countless secrets lie just beneath the surface.
1, 2, 5, 8 7
1. Auberge Saint-Antoine Quebec City 2. Le Saint-Sulpice Hôtel Montréal 3. OPUS Hotel Vancouver 4. The Great George Hotel Charlottetown 5. Hotel 71 Quebec City 6. Kensington Riverside Inn Calgary 7. ARC The.Hotel Ottawa 8. Auberge du Vieux Port Montréal
More Information Visit our website for more photos and information for all the properties, tours and experiences featured.
ARC The.Hotel ottawa ARC The.Hotel is Ottawa’s noted boutique hotel, offering discerning travellers an oasis of urban luxury. The hotel provides a serene and sophisticated experience, where comfort and elegance are paired with contemporary design. One of the leading boutique hotels in the nation’s capital, it offers 112 luxuriously appointed rooms in an intimate atmosphere. The stylish guest rooms are designed to both energise and relax you. ARC The.Hotel is centrally located, only minutes away from historic sites, shopping, dining and entertainment. Experience life in the heart of Ottawa.
Hotel 71 Quebec City Hotel 71 is an urban hotel in the heart of Quebec City’s Old Port. Taking over a prestigious building once home to Canada's first national bank office, Hotel 71 boasts a warm and modern ambience within its 19th-century neo-classical facade. Take advantage of an ideal location and enjoy amazing views of the St. Lawrence River and Cap Diamant from one of the hotel's 60 rooms and suites. Hotel 71 is also home to a new branch of Restaurant Il Matto, a local favourite. You will find the same friendliness, the same great Italian comfort food and the same ingenuity for which the original restaurant in Ste-Foy is famed.
Auberge du Vieux Port Montréal Overlooking the St. Lawrence River and surrounded by charming shops and restaurants, this hotel offers luxurious accommodation blending brick and stone with modern comfort and elegance. For your culinary enjoyment, Taverne Gaspar, a classic French brasserie, offers a new twist on French favourites using fresh ingredients from Quebec farms. The rooftop terrace is the ideal summer spot to relax with a drink and enjoy fireworks over the Old Port.
Kensington Riverside Inn calgary The 19-room boutique inn surrounds you with warm, opulent comfort and gracious service. Situated along the Bow River, close to downtown Calgary in the charming neighbourhood of Kensington, the hotel caters to business and leisure stays, meetings and weddings, and private functions. Intuitive service is our passion – from a personal check-in to soul-repairing cuisine at the awardwinning Chef’s Table, a premiere travel experience. Revel in modern, luxury decor – including Frette linens, warmed towels, personal wine cabinets and high-end technology – and a morning coffee or tea delivered with your newspaper.
Urban Chic
Far from the Madding Crowd
The heady scents of cedar and pine. A mirrorsmooth lake disturbed only by the ripples from your canoe paddle. The haunting cry of a loon at dusk and the eerie howl of a wolf at night. This surprisingly accessible wilderness – just a
short drive or a float plane ride from the city – feels far from the urban bustle, and you couldn’t be happier. Hiking trails beckon you to explore unspoiled mountain landscapes. Endless beaches entice you to leave your footprints. After the day’s
Arowhon Pines Arowhon Pines is located off the beaten track in the middle of the Algonquin Provincial Park woods. Stay in charming rustic cabins along Little Joe Lake, enjoy fresh local food in a heritage log dining room with a wraparound verandah, canoe a chain of lakes, hike trails to see moose and other wildlife, swim in the lake, sail, play tennis, relax. Savour peace and quiet in the wilderness.
Emerald Lake Lodge, British Columbia
Moraine Lake Lodge
Emerald Lake Lodge is surrounded by astonishing natural beauty. As the only property on secluded Emerald Lake, it is a wonderful place to escape and relax. Originally built in 1902 by the Canadian Pacific Railway, this historic property has been restored and redeveloped to become one of the finest resorts in the Canadian Rockies.
An iconic stop for any visitor to the Canadian Rockies is Moraine Lake in Banff National Park. The lucky ones stay at the only accommodation on the lake. Designed by one of Canada's leading architects, Arthur Erickson, the timber-beam lodge is structurally imposing yet blends into its surroundings. Massive glass windows invite the outdoors in, while inside guests relax in the comforts of the dining room, library, and lodge rooms or cabins. Guided hikes, naturalist presentations and canoeing are complimentary. The Wilcox Dining Room showcases regional cuisine; signature dishes include buffalo carpaccio and deer tenderloin.
Black Rock Oceanfront Resort
Painted Boat Resort Spa & Marina
Escape to the tranquillity, beauty and luxury of the Black Rock Oceanfront Resort. This magnificent seaside property in Ucluelet, British Columbia, combines modern luxury with the organic energy of Canada’s western frontier for an enchanting vacation experience. Designed with a deep respect for the land and sea, the innovative architecture – of rock, water, glass, steel and wood – enhances the wild Pacific landscape. Expansive spaces, natural light and breathtaking vistas create a connection to Vancouver Island’s magical coast. Come and experience true luxury with spectacular accommodations and awe-inspiring views.
This luxurious two-hectare resort on British Columbia's Sunshine Coast features 31 spacious two-bedroom villas with fully equipped kitchens. While at Painted Boat, you can enjoy the fully appointed luxury spa, fitness facility, infinity pool and hot tub overlooking the ocean. In addition, the Restaurant at Painted Boat highlights fresh seafood and creative coastal cuisine, sure to delight the senses.
Hastings House Country House Hotel Hastings House Country House Hotel is a small waterfront luxury resort, spa and restaurant. It sits on 22 acres on the waterfront of Ganges Harbour, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. Enjoy sophisticated lodging, fine dining, wellness and relaxation in a casually elegant atmosphere. Delight in British Columbia’s natural beauty, Salt Spring’s mild climate, and the warmth and creativity of its people. Canada
Far from the Madding Crowd
adventures, a crackling fire and a hearty meal await you, as does a soft bed piled high with pillows. But before you sleep, take a moment to gaze up at a velvet sky dusted with stars.
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1. Arowhon Pines 2. Emerald Lake Lodge, British Columbia 3. Black Rock Oceanfront Resort 4. Moraine Lake Lodge 5. Painted Boat Resort Spa & Marina 6. Hastings House Country House Hotel 7. South Trail Island
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South Trail Island Experience an exceptional outdoor day excursion to a private West Coast island paradise with Pearl International Limousine Service. Spectacular coastal scenery, fascinating sea life and succulent West Coast cuisine, combined with light eco adventure, make this an exciting must-do experience for anyone visiting British Columbia. You will travel by ferry to the glorious Sunshine Coast and on to the quaint seaside town of Sechelt. The highlight of the trip is a 1.2 hectare coastal gem, South Trail Island, offering panoramic views and breathtaking photo opportunities. Join a guided tour along pristine trails through an ancient emerald forest. Relish a gourmet picnic lunch on a sun-dappled terrace or retreat to one of the many private mosaic picnic tables scattered across the island. Everyone receives a treasure map to explore the island's many trails and fragrant gardens. Hike to the summit of the island, where you can see as far as Mount Baker in Washington state. Listen to stories of local folklore and learn about the healing powers of trees and berries indigenous to coastal areas. The Spooky and Crazy Tree Trail showcases the arbutus tree, whose red, twisted branches are a characteristic sight of the Pacific Northwest. On the Sleeping Tree Trail, you can see a 500-year-old Douglas fir, felled by the mighty winds of the Georgia Strait, that has become a nurse tree to young plant life. For added adventure, your map provides clues to help you discover the Secret Garden, hidden among flowered paths and fruit orchards. Hummingbirds, eagles, harbour seals and bountiful tidal pools full of sea life are just some of the highlights of this tour. Travellers may also have an opportunity to spot orca whales, sea lions or porpoises. Make sure you bring walking shoes, layered clothing, swimsuits and sunscreen to enjoy this adventure to the maximum. You will have wonderful memories of this magical day in paradise long after you have left the fresh sea air and sunshine behind. Majestic South Trail Island is nature at its best.
Far from the Madding Crowd
Log Cabin Chic
Few structures evoke wild, open landscapes more completely than the log cabin. Spy one and you are transported to a world of covered wagons, lonely fur trappers and candlelight. These days, log buildings still have that aura of history and
romance, but now they come with all mod cons – everything from tennis courts and geothermal spas to fine dining and expansive wine cellars. One thing has remained constant, though: the sense that you are one with the natural world around
Sacacomie Lodge Sacacomie Lodge is a doorway into nature. Nestled in the heart of the forest and bordering the Mastigouche Wildlife Reserve, it overlooks a majestic lake whose shore extends for more than 42 kilometres. In this enchanting setting where nature reigns supreme, the log-built lodge blends in harmoniously and offers amazing hospitality. It's rustic on the outside and welcoming on the inside! The lodge has 109 rooms and suites. You can stay in a forestside or lakeside room, junior suite or executive suite, or the presidential suite. In both summer and winter, the natural beauty surrounding this retreat guarantees days filled with fresh air. On the private lodge’s land – more than 500 square kilometres – you can enjoy a variety of activities: hiking on 65 kilometres of trails, horseback riding, ATV riding, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, pedal boating, dogsledding, snowmobiling, crosscountry skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing, tubing and more! Take a wildlife observation tour, a float plane or helicopter tour, or a sleigh ride, or just relax on the private beach. The lodge's guides are local people: native Canadians, trappers, storytellers, fishermen, snowmobilers and naturalists. With their Québecois joie de vivre, they help guests discover the local geography, culture, flora and wildlife. The Geos Spa Sacacomie is one of the largest eco-spas in Canada. Revel in the experience of thermotherapy by rotating among two saunas, a hammam, icewater falls, three inviting whirlpool baths, a campfire and a solarium with fireplace. Sacacomie Lodge attaches great importance to the quality of its customer service. The staff members actually far outnumber the rooms, with 187 employees for 109 rooms and suites! To welcome the international clientele, seven different languages are spoken. In the kitchen, skilled culinary professionals chop, dice, sauté and stir to prepare European-inspired dishes that feature fine local ingredients. Sacacomie Lodge is a Canadian getaway destination where luxury comes naturally!
Log Cabin Chic
you. Bring your camera, your fishing rod and your hiking boots, and prepare to be enthralled by the rich wildlife roaming free just beyond the boundary of civilization.
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1. Sacacomie Lodge 2. Cathedral Mountain Lodge 3. Villa Marvic 4. Côté Nord Tremblant
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Côté Nord Tremblant Côté Nord Tremblant provides luxurious, fully equipped log home rentals and waterfront suites only minutes from the action and ski slopes at Tremblant resort. When you rent one of the company's luxurious post-and-beam log homes, you will delight in the tranquillity of a natural setting in the pristine Laurentian Mountains of Quebec. Discover this four-season playground and enjoy all the on-site activities: swimming in the lake or pool, kayaking, biking, tennis, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and excellent dining. Côté Nord Tremblant is a wonderful destination for a family holiday, a romantic weekend, a friendly get-together or a reception.
Cathedral Mountain Lodge Find divine seclusion among the tall spruce and fir trees lining the shores of the glacier-fed Kicking Horse River. The timber-frame Cathedral Mountain Lodge and its 29 log cabins are central to the area's sightseeing and recreational activities. This replenishing escape from city life offers beautifully appointed cabins with fireplaces, private decks and deep soaker tubs, all with classic Canadian Rocky Mountain allure. Service is appropriately attentive and includes the expertise of a adventure specialist. The Riverside Dining Room features dishes showcasing local fresh organic ingredients and a fine wine selection.
Villa Marvic Built as a private hunting lodge overlooking the 23-kilometre-wide St. Lawrence River, the Villa Marvic is one of the most beautiful houses available to rent in Canada. Next to Le Massif ski resort in the Charlevoix region, east of Quebec City, this is an amazing base for whale-watching or canoeing in the summer, and skiing or dogsledding in the winter. You will love the six bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, the sauna and the whirlpool tub. And the pool with a view is a must in the summer!
Log Cabin Chic
Wine and Dine
Prepare to be tantalized by rich icewines and smooth merlots, cedar-planked salmon and fiddlehead ferns, sugar pie and molecular gastronomy. From vineyard bistros to penthouse restaurants, Canada dines well.
1. Niagara Falls Winery Tour 2. Hotel Nelligan 3. Prince of Wales 2 1, 3
Niagara Falls Winery Tour
Hotel Nelligan
After being picked up from your Toronto or Niagara Falls hotel, you will begin your deluxe sightseeing and winery tour with a leisurely horse-drawn carriage ride along the Niagara River Gorge, where you will experience breathtaking, up-close views of thundering, world-famous Niagara Falls. Next, board your luxury tour vehicle for an amazingly beautiful trip along the scenic Niagara Parkway. Stop for a delicious lunch featuring fresh local ingredients at the historic Queenston Heights restaurant, overlooking the Niagara River and the region's verdant vineyards. With lunch, enjoy a flight of three world-class Niagara wines. Dessert is topped off with a flight of famous Niagara icewine.
Hotel Nelligan invites you to indulge in European-style luxury. Housed in elegant 1850s buildings in the heart of Old Montreal, the Nelligan welcomes you to sumptuous rooms, warm professional service and fine dining. Its rooftop terrace overlooking the Old Port, the exquisite French cuisine at Verses Restaurant and the laid-back vibe at Méchant Boeuf Bar-Brasserie make the Nelligan the perfect centre for your Montreal experience.
Relaxed and refreshed, travel a short distance to Konzelmann Estates, Niagara’s exclusive lakefront winery, for a tour and tasting. Then you are off to Niagara-on-the-Lake, one of Ontario's prettiest towns. Enjoy some free time to sightsee and browse the unique boutiques and interesting shops before returning to your hotel.
Prince of Wales Established in 1864, the Prince of Wales Hotel is one of Niagara-on-the-Lake’s most historic and beautiful landmarks. Conveniently situated on the town’s main street, the hotel is the perfect spot to people-watch and is only steps from bustling shops, galleries and Shaw Festival theatres. The Prince of Wales’ 110 elegant guestrooms are individually decorated to reflect the charm of their Victorian origins. The hotel offers authentic wine country cuisine at Escabèche, casual pub fare in the Churchill Lounge, traditional afternoon tea in the Drawing Room and luxurious spa treatments in the Secret Garden Spa.
Wine and Dine
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1. H么tel Quintessence 2. The Hills Health and Guest Ranch 3. Eagle Nook Resort & Spa
Ease those knots in your shoulders. Remember what vitality feels like. On mountaintops, in valleys and on beaches, trained professionals are eager to guide you on the road to wellness and self-confidence.
Spa and Wellness
H么tel Quintessence H么tel Quintessence, Tremblant's lovely boutique hotel, offers fine service and luxury right at the foot of Mont Tremblant in the heart of the Laurentian Mountains. Highly recognised by Cond茅 Nast Johansens, this exclusive waterfront retreat features 30 luxury suites and houses La Quintessence restaurant and wine bar, which provides an outstanding dining experience in an elegant yet comfortable atmosphere. The hotel's Spa Sans Sabots offers an ambience of sumptuous relaxation, its sophisticated decor providing the perfect foil for the breathtaking views of Lake Tremblant from the oversized whirlpool or the infinity pool.
The Hills Health and Guest Ranch The Hills Health and Guest Ranch is a true destination spa and guest ranch offering outstanding hiking and horseback riding on 150 kilometres of trails winding over 80 square kilometres, among pine and fir forests, across rolling grasslands and along lake shores. Hourly, half-day and full-day rides are available. The ranch also features 18 wellness and spa treatment rooms, several lounges, and two dining rooms. Enjoy hayrides, skiing, dogsledding and canoeing. Wellness services include horse whispering, yoga, Pilates, aerobics, aquafitness, kinesiology, personal training, nutrition consultation, therapy and counselling.
Eagle Nook Resort & Spa Steal away to nature and luxury in the heart of magnificent Vancouver Island! This delightful resort and spa is a secluded hideaway for those who want to explore the beauty of British Columbia. Even the journey to the resort is an experience, as Eagle Nook is accessible only by air or boat. Here, you will find a peaceful haven for a romantic getaway or a spectacular environment for exhilarating outdoor adventures. The spa will leave you relaxed and rejuvenated, and the gourmet meals will leave you satisfied. Superb ocean fishing, kayaking, diving, whale-watching, hiking in old-growth forest and helicopter touring will impress even the most experienced of adventurers! With a superb mixture of indulgent indoor activities and stimulating outdoor options, Eagle Nook is the ultimate destination for a private getaway.
Spa and Wellness
Family Time
These days, our lives are hectic: work, school, appointments, deadlines. But all too soon, children grow up. Before they do, create unforgettable childhood memories with the trip of a lifetime. Soar over spectacular Niagara Falls
in a helicopter. Ride horses through a secluded forest or swim in a sparkling lake. Go hiking or kayaking. Delight as your child’s jaw drops in awe at the first glimpse of an enormous moose or lumbering bear. In the depth of a Canadian
Bayview Wildwood Resort The Stanton family has welcomed guests to the village of Port Stanton since the late 1880s. The friendly hospitality, fabulous dining and beautiful setting on Sparrow Lake are the hospitality cornerstones of this four-season resort village. Enjoy indoor and outdoor pools, squash courts, water sports, spa services, tennis, biking, hiking and golf (nearby). Winter activities include crosscountry skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating and snowmobiling. With family activities, children’s programmes and lively entertainment, this lakeside resort is your destination for family vacations, getaways and social events.
Elkhorn Resort The Elkhorn Resort, Spa & Conference Centre in central Manitoba offers nature adventures, relaxation and culinary bliss. With over 3,000 square kilometres of forest at its doorstep, as well as Riding Mountain National Park, the Elkhorn offers over 400 kilometres of hiking and cross-country ski trails. Elkhorn Riding Adventures is a state-of-the-art equine facility providing spectacular trail and sleigh rides. You can also enjoy a 9-hole golf course, the Equinox mineral pool and rejuvenating spa treatments. To tempt your palate, the menu features AAA Canadian prime rib, northern Manitoba pickerel and local bison burgers.
Summerland Waterfront Resort Set on the western shore of Lake Okanagan in Summerland, British Columbia, this property offers an all-inclusive vacation experience. The beachfront resort features 107 condo-style suites, most offering a balcony with lakefront views, a living room with fireplace and a full kitchen. The resort's amenities include two outdoor hot tubs, a large outdoor pool with sundeck, barbeques, beaches, a fitness room, a restaurant, a spa and boat rentals. At your doorstep are orchard tours, wine tours and tastings, sightseeing excursions and a variety of other activities.
Pourvoirie du Lac Moreau Located in the heart of Quebec's Charlevoix region, Pourvoirie du Lac Moreau will introduce you to majestic landscapes and bountiful wildlife in a vast, untamed wilderness. Families or those seeking a private escape can reserve one of the luxurious log cabins on the property, while still enjoying all of the inn's amenities. In summer, diverse adventures await you, including mountain biking, kayaking and touring by allterrain vehicle. In winter, enjoy snowmobiling, snowshoeing and other cold weather sports amid splendid scenery in exceptional snow conditions. After a busy day outdoors, relax in the Finnishstyle sauna. Canada
Family Time
winter, cross-country ski on glittering trails or skate under the stars. Delight in the sorts of indelible experiences that will have you saying, “Remember when?” for decades to come.
1. Bayview Wildwood Resort 2. Summerland Waterfront Resort 3. Elkhorn Resort 4. Pourvoirie du Lac Moreau 5. Niagara Parks
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Niagara Parks – Attractions, restaurants and so much more... Discover Niagara’s unique beauty, power and natural history by exploring all that Niagara Parks and this natural wonder have to offer. The authentic Niagara Falls experience is available at Niagara Parks. Go below, behind and right into the basin of the majestic Horseshoe Falls. Feel the thundering power as one fifth of the world’s fresh water crashes down from above, and fully immerse yourself in the mist and spray at Journey Behind the Falls. Soar above the Niagara River to get a bird’s-eye view of one of the world’s most mesmerizing natural phenomena, the Niagara Whirlpool, from the Whirlpool Aero Car. Hike the trails winding through the ancient gorge at the Niagara Glen or cycle along the Niagara River Recreational Trail, where you will traverse globally recognised conservation areas and fascinating interactive War of 1812 national historic sites. In fact, along the historic Niagara Parkway, you will find more than 100 plaques, monuments and War of 1812 sites commemorating the people, places and events that have played significant roles in Canada's history. Declared “the prettiest Sunday afternoon drive in the world” by Sir Winston Churchill, the Niagara Parkway stretches along the Niagara River from Fort Erie to Niagara-on-the-Lake, with unforgettable views year round. Delight in the vibrant colour of the changing leaves in the fall and fragrant cherry blossoms in the spring. Discover Niagara Parks’ meticulously manicured parklands, lush orchards and rich vineyards, and the worldrenowned Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens and School of Horticulture. Indulge in Niagara’s superb offerings. Enjoy gourmet cuisine featuring fresh local produce paired with Niagara wines at quaint, secluded locations or overlooking the beauty of the evening illumination of Niagara Falls. Finish the night with the thrill of one of Canada’s longest running fireworks series. Be a part of the excitement! All year, world-class festivals and events at Niagara Parks draw locals and visitors alike to enjoy the sights, sounds and flavours of Niagara.
Family Time
Glaciers and Alpine
Jardin des Glaciers One of the highlights of your Manicouagan experience will undoubtedly be the Jardin des Glaciers. Become an explorer and discover a spectacular geological phenomenon. The Jardin des Glaciers focuses on phenomena associated with the last ice age, climate change and the migration of the first peoples. Located on the St. Lawrence River in the heart of the Manicouagan-Uapishka World Biosphere Reserve, the Jardin des Glaciers is an integrated interpretation, exploration and educational site offering popular science content in an exceptional natural environment. In the Multimedia Zone, enjoy a world-class multimedia experience. It will stimulate all your senses. with exhilaration guaranteed. Outdoor adventurers will love the numerous activities in the Adrenalin Zone, including hiking, zip-lines and the maritime via ferrata. And, last but not least, the Nature Zone offers three guided tours. The first is Seashell Valley, a geological site of millions of seashells layered over 10,000 years. Second, Peoples of the Ice Age features reconstructed 18,000-year-old camps. Third, Traces of the Glaciers showcases some of the largest glacial grooves ever discovered on earth. Live and breathe the age of the glaciers, which shaped our history and landscape. The region of Manicouagan itself begins in Tadoussac, in the heart of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park at the mouth of the Saguenay Fjord, and includes some of the most beautiful bays in the world. Several marine mammal observation sites dot the coastline, most notably Tadoussac Bay. Participate in sea excursions by boat, Zodiac or sea kayak, and observe up to 13 whale species sometimes visible from the shoreline. The Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre teaches more about these fascinating animals. In Baie-Comeau, animal lovers will have an opportunity to safely discover the world of the black bear in an unspoiled natural setting under the supervision of an experienced guide. Hikers can climb the Groulx Mountains and admire the spectacular landscapes, a true haven for outdoor enthusiasts.
Glacier and Alpine
The silence is eerie as you pick your way along the glacier, a long tongue of solid ice that carved this wild landscape millennia ago. Pay close attention to your guide to avoid tumbling into a deep, blue-white crevasse. Close your eyes and
breathe deeply: even in the middle of summer, the air is crisp, fresh and clean. Learn about the earth’s fascinating geological history from an expert scientist. Hike along mountain ridges carpeted with wildf lowers. Ski challenging
slopes deep in untouched powder. In a vast river nearby, watch in awe as a pod of beluga whales glides by or a playful harbour porpoise frolics in the glittering waves.
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1. Jardin des Glaciers 2. The Fairmont Château Whistler 3. Whistler Blackcomb
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The Fairmont Château Whistler Experience the finest in alpine comfort and elegance at the spectacular Fairmont Château Whistler resort, nestled at the base of Blackcomb Mountain. With true ski-in and ski-out convenience and an on-site championship golf course, this landmark château defines classic mountain luxury. It provides a modern setting for superb guest service, family-friendly accommodations and activities, exceptional dining and full resort amenities. Each of the 550 guest rooms and suites features majestic mountain or village views, with warm, comfortable interiors. Dining options offer authentic menus and distinctive experiences, from fine dining and fireside fondues to gourmet picnics to go. The on-site spa is an oasis of serenity complemented by the fitness centre and slopeside pool terrace. A world-class, year-round resort, the Fairmont Château Whistler boasts direct access to famous Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains, the on-site Fairmont Château Whistler Golf Club, and endless outdoor pursuits.
Whistler Blackcomb PEAK 2 PEAK Alpine Experience: Spanning the distance between Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains in Whistler, British Columbia, the record-breaking PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola is a breathtaking, 4.4-kilometre journey to infinite possibilities. The trip from Whistler’s Roundhouse Lodge to the Rendezvous Lodge on Blackcomb Mountain takes just 11 minutes and offers guests unprecedented access to both mountains’ expansive high-alpine terrain and spectacular vistas. Bear-viewing tours: Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains support a population of up to 60 black bears and cubs. Take a bear-viewing tour guided by a resident bear expert and ride in a comfortable 4x4 vehicle through a maze of ski-area roads that traverse the area's diverse forests, meadows and streams. Take short walks to bear-feeding sites, bear daybeds and old-growth trees where bears hibernate during the winter. Tours run from mid-May until the end of October.
Glacier and Alpine
Ranching and Prairies
A cowboy silhouetted in the golden sunset light against a dramatic backdrop of snow-capped mountains or sweeping prairie – it’s one of the iconic images of the West, immortalized in countless books and movies. Put yourself in the
picture at a Canadian ranch resort. Canter across a secluded meadow under an endless sky. Pan for gold or cast your fly-fishing line in a crystalline river. Savour a juicy steak as the howl of a coyote pierces the dusk. And discover the contemporary
Echo Valley Ranch & Spa This secluded guest ranch, an hour's flight from Vancouver, offers a real Canadian wilderness getaway. Surrounded by mountains, forests, grasslands and desert, with its own paved airstrip, this 65-hectare working ranch gives guests a sense of well-being. Echo Valley offers activities suitable for every fitness level: horseback riding, hiking, 4x4 excursions, wildlife viewing, gold panning and fly fishing. Indulge in western or Thai spa treatments and enjoy regional cuisine, with ingredients fresh from the ranch. In recently upgraded rooms, cosy cabins or luxurious suites, guests enjoy exceptional service.
Elkin Creek Guest Ranch Nestled in the Nemaiah Valley of central British Columbia, just a one-hour flight north of Vancouver, the Elkin Creek Guest Ranch offers an authentic Western experience. Choose one of the ranch's 50 horses and head out on the trail for an hour or a day. Or spend your time kayaking, fly fishing, mountain biking, hiking, sailing, windsurfing or fishing. Trips to the local First Nations reserve will give you a feel for the Chilcotin region and its fascinating culture. When you return from your adventures, enjoy delicious cuisine, the cosy lounge and the wellequipped games room before retiring to your private cabin.
Tod Mountain Ranch Just a four-hour drive from Vancouver, hidden in the Louis Creek Valley, this small, private ranch offers a relaxing, tranquil environment where guests experience horseback riding, nature and the outdoors. Ride responsive horses on mountain and forest trails. Feast on local fare that combines the healthy with the hearty. Sleep peacefully in private cabins nestled among the trees. Whether you are travelling alone, with a partner or with a group of friends, enjoy stunning views, great food, warm hospitality, and a calm environment where you can unwind. For complete privacy, reserve the ranch for your exclusive use.
Ranching and Prairies
pleasures of a 21st-century ranch, including mountain biking trails, 4X4 tours, decadent spa treatments and fine wines. Succumb to the timeless allure of the West.
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1. Elkin Creek Guest Ranch 2. Echo Valley Ranch & Spa 3. Tod Mountain Ranch
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Ranching and Prairies
Wilderness Style
In summer, hike through virgin forests and paddle in coves where beavers and otters play. In winter, snowshoe across rolling hills where animal tracks are the only evidence that any other living creature has been here before you. But just
because you are surrounded by wilderness, you do not have to rough it. As the sunlight wanes, indulge your senses with an aromatherapy massage. At dinner, appreciate the talents of an award-winning chef during a five-course meal
CHIC-CHOCS MOUNTAIN LODGE Very comfortable accommodations in an untamed natural environment: this is the concept of the Chic-Chocs Mountain Lodge, which offers you the best of both worlds. An unusual spot in Eastern Canada, it is perched at an altitude of 615 metres in the heart of the Matane Wildlife Reserve. Well-being, pleasure and tranquility are key words here. Inside the lodge, you'll find a cozy atmosphere where nothing is neglected by the innkeeper and his team. Outside, there are 60 square kilometres of nature where you can enjoy your favourite activities in the company of experienced guides. After relaxing in the spa, sip a glass of wine by the fireplace while the head chef makes supper for you! With only 18 rooms, privacy is guaranteed. The Chic-Chocs Mountain Lodge is a refuge from the ordinary: 18 rooms perched on a mountainside, 1,440 minutes of happiness per day, 4.8 moose per square kilometre, 60 square kilometres of summits to explore in safety and 55 kilometres from the edge of the sea to the lodge. Enjoy a setting as untamed as it is magical. Nestled in the mountains at the heart of a sweeping panorama, the lodge invites you to enjoy a total change of scenery. Far from civilization, recharge your batteries in an unspoiled spot. Landscaped with great respect for the natural environment, the Chic-Chocs Mountain Lodge is a comfortable and convivial place to stay, where it feels good to get on the move…or simply enjoy the silence and the amazing view. The Chic-Chocs Mountain Lodge offers great cuisine for great appetites. The chef awaits you with healthy choices and regional dishes. He will surprise you with delicious meals featuring fish and game. For maximum freshness, the bread, ice cream and desserts are made right at the lodge. Summer activities include hiking, wildlife observation (moose, deer, caribou and beaver), photography, kayaking on the lake and mountain biking. Safety materials and equipment are provided.
complemented by fine wines from an extensive cellar. Soak in a hot tub or read by a crackling fire. Then drift off to sleep in a sumptuous bed, lulled by the music of the wind.
1. Chic-Chocs Mountain Lodge 2. Rockwater Secret Cove Resort 3. Clayoquot Wilderness Resort 1
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Rockwater Secret Cove Resort Immerse yourself in pristine nature while wrapped in a cocoon of luxury. A winding boardwalk transports you to your secluded refuge, a deluxe tent house nestled among 1,000-year-old trees perched over a landscape of rocks and waves. Luxuriate in your own whirlpool tub, watch magnificent sunsets from your deck, explore hidden coves by kayak, or relax with a good book and glass of wine. Enjoy fine dining, a swimming pool and the ocean-side Spa Without Walls. Renew and reconnect...with nature, your partner or your inner self. Only a 20-minute float plane ride or two-hour drive from the beautiful city of Vancouver.
Clayoquot Wilderness Resort Located in the Clayoquot Sound World Biosphere Reserve area on Vancouver Island's west coast, Clayoquot Wilderness Resort is a safari-style resort open May through September. It offers three-, four- and seven-night all-inclusive adventures, and luxurious tented accommodations. Packages include all personally guided adventure activities, including black bear and whalewatching excursions, horseback riding, hiking, kayaking and deep sea fishing.
Wilderness Style
Wildlife Experiences
Venture into vast expanses that are easy to reach but feel far from civilization – rustling woods stretching to the horizon, salt marshes teeming with life, wild tundra, foaming oceans. It is here, where roads are rare and humans are simply tiny
specks under an all – encompassing sky, that you will encounter amazing animals roaming free. This is their land, and you are their most fortunate guest. Feel your heart keep pace with the thunder of a caribou herd. Wrestle with your
Ecotours-BC Ecotours-BC, a signature wilderness adventure vacation destination in British Columbia, brings you face to face with the wonders of nature. Experience superb grizzly bear-watching and wildlife viewing. Explore glaciers, forests, mountains and salmon-bearing wilderness rivers with Gary Zorn, known to many around the world as the "Bear Whisperer.” He has spent a lifetime studying the habits of the region's iconic grizzly bears and other wildlife in their natural habitat, and eagerly shares his passion for and knowledge of the natural world. In an area of over 5,000 square kilometres of mountain wilderness with a wildlife population of grizzlies, black bears, moose, mountain goats, mountain caribou, wolves, mule deer, furbearers and over 250 species of birds, the adventure never stops. The lodge capacity of only eight guests ensures an amazing, intimate encounter with nature and wildlife. Immerse yourself in an unforgettable Canadian experience of sheer beauty, lifetime memories and life-changing moments in nature.
Moose Viewing in Matane Wildlife Reserve Matane Wildlife Reserve offers a breathtaking panorama dotted with mountains and valleys, and crisscrossed by countless rivers and streams. This magnificent Gaspé landscape is home to the largest deer in the forest: the moose. The remarkable quality of the territory’s habitats and the balanced management of wildlife resources make this area a veritable moose nursery. Come live an unusual experience! Observation towers, trails and salt marshes have been developed for you. Accompanied by a naturalist guide, you will see this magnificent animal in mud flats, lakes and peat bogs. You can even get a close-up view from a kayak!
Zoo sauvage de Saint-Félicien An adventure hike in the land of the caribou at the Zoo sauvage de Saint-Félicien offers close contact with the fauna and flora of the northern forest, in the company of an enthusiastic guide. You will share in a memorable experience, following the rhythm of the caribou. Many activities will bring you to the centre of the action of the caribou herd. The highlights of the adventure include a meal in a period home, a walk in the forest, a canoe ride on a serene lake and one night in a prospector-style tent. This adventure is a thrilling way to discover the zoo located near Lac Saint-Jean, north of Quebec City.
Wildlife Experience
fishing rod as you land an enormous salmon. Gaze in wonder as an eagle arcs and wheels high overhead. Remember what is like to be part of a diverse chain of life.
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1. Ecotours-BC 2. Moose Viewing in Matane Wildlife Reserve 3. Zoo sauvage de Saint-Félicien 4. Sonora Resort
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Sonora Resort Nestled between Vancouver Island and the Canadian mainland are the Discovery Islands, a rainforest-capped archipelago of raw, unspoiled natural beauty. This is home to Sonora Resort, an all-inclusive, Relais & Châteaux secluded retreat that overlooks the rushing ocean rapids. Surrounded by lush woods, the design and architecture of the resort reflect the beauty of the Pacific Coast. Natural stone fireplaces and rich wood accents are the backdrop for gorgeous artwork inspired by the Coast Salish people. Inside and out, Sonora Resort exudes the spirit of British Columbia. There is a wilderness adventure for every Sonora guest. Ocean excursions take you between the islands and into deep glacial inlets; here dolphins play in the currents, killer whales frolic and eagles soar. There is world-class salmon fishing in sheltered coves and guided ocean kayaking in calm waters. For those who want to experience the islands in style, Inside Passage tours serve champagne and chef-prepared delicacies aboard luxurious watercraft. The dining experience at Sonora is the perfect way to refuel after a day outdoors. Guests take in a panoramic ocean view while savouring exquisite Pacific coastal cuisine. The Sonora chefs source fine local and international ingredients to create innovative dishes that capture the fresh beauty of the outdoors. The wine cellar features excellent vintages from British Columbia, as well as an exceptional international selection. For rest and rejuvenation, Island Currents Spa uses elements like warm stones, sea salt, rockweed and cedar in a spa menu that stimulates natural renewal and restoration. Island Currents Spa includes a state-of-the-art fitness room and the Therapeutic Channel – a circuit of steam, Swiss showers and refreshing mineral pools. For every guest, there is a Sonora experience. From your morning meal, through your day’s adventures, to the last morsel of dessert, staff members are eager to make every aspect of your stay memorable.
Wildlife Experience
Bear Viewing
Your stare in silent astonishment at the scene: a mother bear and her cub poised over a rushing stream. Suddenly, she swipes an enormous paw into the current and extracts a silvery fish. Cameras click.
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1. Little, Big Bear Safari 2. Tweedsmuir Park Lodge 3. Churchill Nature Tours 4. Great Bear Nature Tours
Little, Big Bear Safari Join the Little, Big Bear Safari and meet one of North America’s most famed wild animals – the black bear. This adventure takes you into the dense bushland of New Brunswick, a natural habitat of these forest giants. Your experienced guide, the “Bear Man,” engages with the bears, interpreting various sounds and calls as he communicates with these incredible animals. Participants are safe as they observe the black bears from a eight-metre tower. The safari offers a rare opportunity to take spectacular photos and to gain a fascinating perspective on these wild creatures through the bilingual commentary of the Bear Man.
Churchill Nature Tours For over a quarter of a century, Churchill Nature Tours has provided deluxe nature tours to people from all over the world. The firm specialises in birdwatching in June, whale-watching in July and August, and polar bear viewing in October and November. Each itinerary is carefully designed to enable exciting encounters with nature at an enjoyable vacation pace. Churchill Nature Tours takes pride in the thoughtful consideration given to each tour's design and logistics to ensure your maximum enjoyment of all aspects of every tour, to fulfil your vacation goals.
Tweedsmuir Park Lodge Canada's historic Tweedsmuir Park Lodge, well known for its friendly and calming environment, is the gateway to British Columbia's largest protected park. Here, the Coast Mountains, Chilcotin Plateau and Pacific fjords intersect, creating a bio-diverse, spectacular wilderness. Enjoy grizzly bear-viewing, river fishing, heli-hiking, old-growth forest walks, sightseeing flights, First Nations culture and excursions into the inlets. Relax by the fireplace, unwind in the spa, soak in the outdoor hot tub or simply retire to the lodge deck for drinks. Local wildlife is abundant: grizzly bears often lumber past on the lawn.
Great Bear Nature Tours Great Bear Nature Tours gives you a chance to encounter grizzly bears on their own terms in a remote wilderness area. You will share this personal safari experience with a maximum of nine other guests at our cosy floating lodge, accessible by float plane from Vancouver Island. Though a modern facility, Great Bear Lodge is finished in natural cedar and pine, furnished with comfortable beds and ensuite bathrooms, and free of mobile phones and Internet. You can lose yourself in nature. After your twice-daily bear safaris, you will return home to gourmet meals and friendly staff.
Bear viewing
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1. Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu 2. Jamie’s Whaling Station 3. Mer et Monde Ecotours 4. Great Pacific Whale Adventures
You follow the rapt gazes of your friends in the Zodiac. Where is it? Suddenly, you gasp in amazement as, just metres away, the massive fluke of a humpback whale flicks a glittering arc of water into the sky.
Whales and Marine Encounters
Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu Nestled majestically between the sea and the mountains, the Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu Quebec Resort in Charlevoix is a vision of historical splendour. Rich in tradition, this exquisite paragon of hospitality blends the quiet charm of the countryside with the sophistication of a world-class resort. The expert staff and well-equipped facilities make this an enticing vacation destination. Golf, whalewatching cruises on the St. Lawrence River, downhill and cross-country skiing, and tennis are just a few of the outdoor activities you can enjoy during your stay. There is even an exciting casino where you can test your lucky streak! Revel in the magnificent landscape surrounding the Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu. It is a source of inspiration for artists and a delight for leisure travellers. When it is time to relax, the hotel's sweeping deck and soothing spa are delightful places to slow down, unwind and let the magic of this special place enchant you.
Jamie's Whaling Station Located in the pristine coastal environments of Tofino and Ucluelet, Jamie's has been offering expert-guided adventure tours since 1982. Enjoy whale-watching, bear-watching, visiting Hot Springs Cove, kayaking, scenic flightseeing, Meares Island hiking and more! Visitors have amazing opportunities to view grey and humpback whales, orcas, sea lions and other amazing wildlife. Jamie's has a large fleet of safety-certified vessels, ranging from comfortable 20-metre cruisers to exciting nine-metre high-speed Zodiacs.
Mer et Monde Ecotours Thanks to the calm waters of the St. Lawrence River at night, you will enjoy an unforgettable experience during this sea kayaking excursion, when you will observe the phenomenon of bioluminescence and listen to whale sounds using a hydrophone. The sea is like a mirror, and the sky is full of stars and northern lights, to the delight of visitors in search of memorable experiences in Quebec.
Great Pacific Whale Adventures Join Great Pacific Adventures for the ultimate whalewatching and wildlife viewing experience. See the stunning beauty of the West Coast and learn from your professional guide about the many wonders of Southern Vancouver Island’s unique marine community, which includes orca, humpback and minke whales, seals, sea lions, porpoises, and a variety of birds. It’s an amazing adventure with so much to see!
Whale and Marine encounters
Polar Bears
Churchill Wild Polar Bear Viewing This is truly one of the wildest places on earth! Churchill Wild specialises in ground-level walking tours through the polar bear-inhabited remote regions of Arctic Canada, with exclusive access at its remote fly-in eco-lodges on the coast of Hudson Bay. Churchill Wild offers unusual polar bear viewing experiences in both summer and the traditional fall season. It has a very high success rate in summer polar bear sightings by land and sea--over and above a spectacular snow-covered fall season. Summer or fall, you can walk with polar bears! You get access that presents professional and amateur photographers with the opportunity of a lifetime amid these stars of the Arctic. Adventure packages are led by professional polar bear guides and Canadian Aboriginals who are native to the region. Beyond the incredible polar bear viewings, Churchill Wild offers other wildlife encounters, including whale-watching and whale swims; caribou, moose, seal and wolf tours; and birding. You may also see the ethereal green northern lights. Each excursion is a profound and unforgettable journey into Arctic wilderness as it is meant to be experienced. Churchill Wild offers fine northern cuisine prepared by our exclusive chefs, authors of the best-selling cookbook series “Blueberries and Polar Bears,” and most items are sourced locally. Wine pairings are also offered on some departures. Guests enjoy private bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms. Churchill Wild is family owned and operated, and cares about every detail.
Polar Bears
Travel to Canada’s ruggedly beautiful North for one of the world’s greatest natural adventures. In an environment alive with wild creatures – caribou and moose, red foxes and Arctic hares, ptarmigans and snowy owls – you are on a quest
to spot one in particular: the magnificent polar bear. Marvel at these powerful animals as they congregate on the seashore to prepare for their winter hunt. Watch as they rear up on their hind legs against a snowy landscape to battle
each other – in play or in earnest. After a day of incredible sights, one last one awaits: slip outside your lodge to watch the northern lights f licker against an inky sky.
More Information 2 1
1. Churchill Wild 2. Frontiers North Adventures
Visit our website for more photos and information for all the properties, tours and experiences featured.
Polar Bear encounters with Frontiers North Adventures Gaze across the sweeping, ancient tundra at a majestic polar bear and marvel as one of these "lords of the Arctic" ambles directly toward you. This is Churchill, Manitoba, a remote northern town on the shores of the Hudson Bay in the heart of polar bear country. Stay in a Churchill hotel to see wild polar bears in their natural environment. You will also experience life in a remote northern town, whose unique charm will captivate you. Discover comfortable family-run hotels, restaurants offering delicious regional cuisine, alluring shops and cultural museums. And don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy an evening of local music at the pub! Alternatively, to totally immerse yourself in the world of the polar bear, you can stay at the Tundra Buggy Lodge, a mobile hotel that is moved each year to a prime spot for encountering these stunning animals in their natural habitat. As a spirited adventurer, you will love waking up with the bears and watching them from the comfort of the lodge. This hotel is your safe haven for viewing and photographing the beautiful wilderness. It is situated at Polar Bear Point in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area, home to the largest concentration of polar bears in Churchill. Delight in the polar bears, day or night, as their lives unfold before your eyes. On clear nights, you may even be treated to the magical dance of the northern lights. In fact, evenings at the lodge can be as memorable as the days, with the chance to get to know other guests and swap tales. Whether you stay in Churchill or at the lodge, you will have a rare opportunity few humans have enjoyed: the chance to spot polar bears from a tundra buggy in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area. Daily polar bear spotting excursions allow you to explore the area and view other species of arctic wildlife as well, including ptarmigan and arctic fox. Be sure to bring your binoculars, your camera and your sense of wonder. This is a landscape you will never forget. A journey to Churchill to see polar bears in the wild is truly a once-in-alifetime experience.
Polar Bears
Active and Relaxed Adventures
Float Planes and Helicopters Tyax Wilderness Resort & Spa Stunning scenery, magnificent mountain views and a tranquil lakeside setting all set the stage for your unforgettable adventure at Tyax Wilderness Resort & Spa. Located in the South Chilcotin Mountains, approximately 250 kilometres north of Vancouver, British Columbia, Tyax is nestled above peaceful Tyaughton Lake. This independent boutique resort is a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts eager to explore Canada's unspoiled backcountry. An endless trail system provides some of the best alpine mountain biking routes, hiking trails, nature walks and horseback riding adventures that B.C. has to offer. Canoeing, fishing, float plane tours and a myriad of other activities only add to the possibilities. When the weather turns cold, freezing the lake and covering the property with snow, the adventure continues with TLH Heliskiing. The world-renowned heli-skiing and heli-boarding operation has a tenure of 3,360 square kilometres and is known for its vast mountain alpine terrain. From alpine peaks to big open bowls, glaciers to forested pillow fields, the thrilling ride lasts all the way down to the valley bottom, where the helicopter waits to take you back up again. After a complete renovation in 2010, the lodge itself is an incredible fusion of luxury and comfort with the rustic atmosphere of the original log structure. In one of the 28 guest rooms, with views over the lake or toward the forest, you will rest and sleep soundly, awakening the next morning fully refreshed and ready for new adventures. Enjoy fine dining in the beautiful lake-view dining room, with its vaulted ceiling and scenic patio, or kick back in the more casual lounge and bar. Relish a good book, play some games in the cosy den or indulge in the luxurious spa, which features three treatment rooms, a fitness and yoga studio, a steam room, a dry sauna, an infrared sauna and an outdoor whirlpool hot tub. Tyax Wilderness Resort & Spa truly is a place of unlimited adventure and unlimited possibilities.
Float Planes and Helicopters
It is like a scene from a wide-format movie, but instead of watching it, you are living it. Rocky islands scattered across blue-green waters. Soaring cliffs. A world-famous cataract spewing clouds of spray. All this and more unfolds beneath
your helicopter or float plane, just a short trip from an urban departure point. But this is just the beginning. Soon, your aircraft will touch down and these natural wonders will be at your feet. Ski on snowy slopes barely seen – let alone
crossed – by other humans. Hike alpine trails where your only companions are raptors and mountain sheep. Or thrill to the misty thunder of monumental Niagara Falls.
1. Tyax Wilderness Resort & Spa 2. CMH Summer Adventures 3. Niagara Helicopters 4. Icefield & Kananaskis Heli Tours
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Icefield & Kananaskis Heli Tours Imagine the freedom of an eagle floating on the wind as you fly above majestic mountain peaks, savouring the scenery below. This feeling will linger long after you return from a helicopter tour of the Columbia Icefield or Kananaskis. These two breathtaking locations in Canada’s Rocky Mountains offer opportunities for a broad variety of heli-sightseeing tours and packages.
CMH Summer Adventures
In summer, your helicopter can drop you on a mountainside with a certified hiking or yoga instructor. Here, you can slow your pace, calm your mind and inhale fresh mountain air. In winter, leave your snowshoe tracks in the pristine snow or join a heli-dogsled adventure along secluded forest pathways. How about getting married in a deserted "mountain cathedral"? Imagine standing in an alpine meadow, looking into each other’s eyes, and saying "I do." You will experience the Rocky Mountains up close and personal on a heli tour.
Join CMH Summer Adventures’ mountain guides and naturalists to discover a hidden corner of the Canadian Rockies. From luxurious, remote mountain lodges, fly by helicopter to enjoy gentle walks beneath ancient glaciers. Try your hand at mountain climbing, whiz along a zipline over a roaring river gorge or relax in a meadow alive with wildflowers. Back at the lodge, enjoy the culinary delights of the in-house chef and pastry chef, served in a relaxed, family-style atmosphere, or indulge in a massage, a dip in the pond or a drink by the fire. Explore the Canada of your dreams with CMH.
Niagara Helicopters For 50 years, Niagara Helicopters has been thrilling people from around the world with an unforgettably scenic, exciting sightseeing experience in the Niagara Region – all from the safety and comfort of one of five meticulously maintained Bell 407 helicopters. The nine-minute tour includes on-board commentary in many languages, including English, French, German and Spanish. On-site services include a gift shop featuring exclusive Niagara Helicopters collectibles, a gourmet café/bar, and a state-of-the-art photography lab producing personalised, high-quality photos of you and your loved ones.
Float Planes and Helicopters
Snow and Ice
Skate across a frozen lake. Hang on as a howling dog team tugs your sled across the snow. Sip a martini from a glass made of ice before retiring to a hotel room made of snow. Where else could you be but Canada?
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1. RK HeliSki 2. TLH Heliskiing at Tyax Wilderness Resort & Spa 3. Sacacomie Lodge 4. Hôtel de Glace
TLH Heliskiing at Tyax Wilderness Resort & Spa TLH Heli-skiing at Tyax Wilderness Resort & Spa offers guests a thrillingly spectacular experience that keeps them coming back year after year. By day, you can experience some of the best ski terrain the world has to offer. At night, you can warm up, relax and rejuvenate in the newly renovated lodge. Enjoy a massage in the spa, a drink in the lounge, or an exquisite meal and fine wine in the fireside dining room.
RK HeliSki
Sacacomie Lodge
RK HeliSki is a pioneer in the heli-ski industry of British Columbia, providing a safe and exhilarating backcountry adventure with over 40 years of experience. Whether you are a first-time, intermediate, advanced, or expert skier or boarder, you will love RK’s vast virgin slopes, surrounded by scenic glaciers and untracked deep powder runs in the glades. Tucked between the Canadian Rockies and the pristine and breathtaking Purcell Mountains, RK HeliSki boasts 1,500 square kilometres of spectacular terrain, over 900 runs and high landings. Experience unbelievable champagne powder and make a dream come true!
Let the breathtaking scenery with its coat of powdery snow charm you. Hang on behind an eager team of barking canines on a dogsled. Skate on a frozen lake. Cross-country ski, hike or tube slide in the forest. Snowshoe with a trapper. Or perhaps you would prefer the adrenaline rush of riding a snowmobile or driving a car on ice? No matter what you choose to do, end your day of fresh air by enjoying some thermotherapy at the GEOS Spa Sacacomie.
Hôtel de Glace The Hôtel de Glace offers a magical ice hotel getaway for all winter lovers. Located just 10 minutes from downtown Quebec City, this ephemeral work of art is entirely redesigned each year. With snow vaults over 5 metres high and crystalline ice sculptures, the Hôtel de Glace impresses guests with its dazzling decor. Sip a cocktail from a glass made of ice, relax in the outdoor sauna, then snuggle into a cosy arctic sleeping bag for the night.
Snow and Ice
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1. The Westin Do not allow the stellar surroundings – wooded Bear Mountain hills, rushing rivers – to distract you from your Golf Resort & Spa 2. Fairmont Le Château goal: a hole-in-one. Swing your club and savour Montebello the satisfying thwack as your ball sails into a 3. The Fairmont Jasper clear blue sky. Park Lodge
Par Excellence
The Westin Bear Mountain Golf Resort & Spa Set alongside the lush green fairways of a 36-hole Nicklaus Design golf course, you will find The Westin Bear Mountain Golf Resort & Spa. The hotel features 156 contemporary guest rooms, each with expansive views of the rolling fairways, nearby Mount Finlayson and the village centre. Enjoy a premium level of style, sophistication and elegance, all just minutes from the beautiful downtown Inner Harbour of Victoria, B.C.
Fairmont Le Château Montebello Fairmont Le Château Montebello is just what you would expect of a “true Canadian experience.” Sitting in the heart of the countryside, surrounded by nature and all of its wild splendour, it is one of the world's largest log structures. Enjoy a myriad of on-site activities, including an 18-hole golf course, the Land Rover Experience Driving School and a Fairmont Spa. In the evening, relax by the lobby's massive stone fireplace.
The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge Over 2.6 square kilometres of pristine forest surround the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge, a yearround resort destination. Located in Jasper National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the lodge gives you easy access to the Icefields Parkway between Jasper and Banff, one of the most scenic drives in the world. With beautifully appointed rooms, suites and signature cabins, the lodge offers accommodations that are a wonderful fit for any guest. The new Fairmont Spa boasts 930 square metres of luxury inspired by the natural elements of Jasper National Park, reflecting the energy of the mountains, rivers and waterfalls surrounding it. Play 18 holes at one of Canada’s leading golf resorts, enjoy gourmet and casual dining, explore chic boutiques, and peruse world-famous Canadian art on the recently renovated Beauvert Shopping Promenade. Seasonal activities such as kayaking, horseback riding, whitewater rafting, ice skating, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and much more offer you the true Canadian Rocky Mountain experience.
Par Excellence
Hike and Explore
Challenge your muscles, your orienteering skills and your sense of adventure against some of the most rugged terrain on the planet. If you choose, your adventure could begin before you even check into your hotel, as you hike or mountain bike along
stunning trails to reach your accommodations. Skilled guides can lead you deep into untamed backcountry, where you will test your abilities to the limit. But if you are looking for something less extreme, moderate efforts will still yield
Shadow Lake Lodge Award-winning Shadow Lake Lodge offers superb Canadian backcountry adventure. Located in a high alpine meadow with spectacular mountain views, it is nestled within Banff National Park. Guests reach the lodge via a moderate 14-kilometre hike or mountain bike ride. The attractively appointed cabins and gourmet dining (with a full wine and beer selection) are wonderful complements to the Rocky Mountain setting. The lounge cabin, built in 1928, is the centre of activity; you can plan the day’s adventure or relax by the fireplace. Shadow Lake Lodge is all inclusive, with intimate and outstanding service.
Capilano Suspension Bridge Appreciate nature from three breathtaking perspectives: the 137-metre-long, 70-metre-high, world-famous Capilano Suspension Bridge; the seven bridges of Treetops Adventure; and the thrilling new Cliffwalk, a heart-stopping journey along the granite cliff high above Capilano River. History, culture and nature are interpreted by knowledgeable staff and informative signage. It is an all-encompassing B.C. experience you should not miss.
West Coast CycleTreks Tours Southern Vancouver Island offers some of the most spectacular scenery on the West Coast of Canada, and there is no better way to see it, smell it and feel it than on two wheels. Cycle Treks has a variety of high-quality fully guided and self-guided cycling programs for riders of all skill levels. Come and see why Victoria calls itself the Cycling Capital of Canada.
Hike and Explore
The Fairmont Banff Springs Embark on a journey of discovery, where authentic experiences come naturally. Offering everything from relaxing moments to exhilarating adventures, the spectacular and rugged Canadian Rocky Mountains will impress even the most discerning traveller. Experience diverse mountain activities such as hiking, biking and skiing in an unspoiled setting, where wildlife roams freely. UNESCO has deemed the pristine, protected landscape of Banff National Park a World Heritage Site. The essence of this place is rivaled only by the castle that you will call home. Few hotels in the world can rival the hospitality and scenery of this symbol of Rocky Mountain magnificence. Complete with award-winning golf courses, the Willow Stream Spa and exceptional cuisine, this superb resort will spoil you after an unforgettable day outdoors in one of the world's finest national parks.
unforgettable rewards – a marvellous photo of a turquoise lake, for instance, or the adrenaline rush of crossing a swinging bridge high above a river canyon.
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1. Shadow Lake Lodge 2. Capilano Suspension Bridge 3. West Coast CycleTreks Tours 4. The Fairmont Banff Springs 5. Yamnuska Mountain Adventures 6. The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise
More Information Visit our website for more photos and information for all the properties, tours and experiences featured.
Yamnuska Mountain Adventures Explore the Canadian Rockies with your private and internationally certified mountain guide. In the summer, enjoy rock climbing, mountaineering and hiking in a vast and serene mountain environment. In the winter, ice climbing, backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering are bound to exhilarate and rejuvenate you. Yamnuska Mountain Adventures is one of Canada’s premier mountain and adventure guiding companies. Single or multi-day mountain experiences are available at levels from beginner to expert. Learn a new skill, test your mettle or enjoy a relaxing hike in the peaceful backcountry of the Canadian Rockies near Banff. The mountains are this firm's specialty. Go as remote as you want or do day trips from your hotel base. With over 30 years of working and playing in these mountains, Yamnuska has extensive experience in developing ultimate to-do lists. Mountains, glaciers and certified guides await you for your dream hiking, climbing or skiing adventures.
The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise Enveloped by soaring mountain peaks in the heart of Banff National Park (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) is magnificent Lake Louise. And on the shore of this glittering emerald lake is the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. Immerse yourself in the historic elegance of this iconic resort and experience luxurious comfort, remarkable service and award-winning cuisine. Blending history with modern-day style, the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise is a fabulous destination offering a full slate of activities. From world-class downhill and cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, horsedrawn sleigh rides, and ice skating in the winter, to hiking, canoeing, fishing, mountain biking and whitewater rafting in the summer, your adventure awaits right outside the hotel’s doors. Elegant accommodation and superb service combine to create mountain-inspired comfort, where every detail is considered with your ultimate enjoyment in mind.
Hike and Explore
Mountain Escapes
Immerse yourself in a world of lofty peaks and alpine meadows, aquamarine lakes and crisp air scented with pine, fir and cedar. Escape the everyday in a landscape that is anything but. Revel in the silence of a mountain lake at
dawn. Delight in the burble of a hidden waterfall tumbling over a craggy cliff. Enjoy the gentle breeze in your hair as your tour boat glides toward a scenic island, or kick your heels on a zip-line high above the forest f loor. You may
SunDog Tour Co. Since 1997, SunDog Tour Co. has been providing first-class transportation, tours and activities for visitors to Western Canada. From offices in Calgary, Edmonton, Banff and Jasper, SunDog proudly offers personalised, consistent, quality products and services throughout the Canadian Rockies and beyond. Over the past 14 years, SunDog has put together a team of energetic, knowledgeable, dedicated professionals, committed to delivering a level of service renowned in the industry. The programmers, drivers and guides live, work and play in the Rockies, and their love of and enthusiasm for their surroundings is infectious. SunDog boasts one of the most diverse, modern and well-maintained vehicle fleets in the industry. The company currently operates a fleet of 28 vehicles, all offering the maximum in comfort and safety. The fleet includes 29-, 21- and 14-passenger mini-coaches, as well as luxury SUVs. The firm's services include charter services, driver/guide programs, sightseeing tours and scheduled services to Edmonton, Jasper, Banff and Calgary.
Four Seasons Resort Whistler Open since June 2004, Four Seasons Resort Whistler is one of North America’s top year-round mountain resorts. It offers a vacation experience of virtually unlimited variety, along with the highly personalised, anticipatory service Four Seasons guests have come to expect and value around the world. Whether visiting in summer or winter, guests have endless options for excitement – from worldclass skiing, tubing and après-ski activities, to hiking, biking, zip-lining, river rafting and more – with everything taken care of by the on-site adventure, group and ski concierge. Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains, sites of multiple events during the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games, offer some of the most challenging skiing on earth. A warm and inviting property, Four Seasons Resort Whistler also boasts award-winning dining and spa experiences. The British Columbia resort has received many accolades, such as inclusion on Condé Nast Traveller’s annual Gold List.
Mountain Escapes
be surrounded by wild glory, but the attention to detail at your fine hotel will rival that at any urban property. Dine on exquisite cuisine prepared with care and served with finesse.
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1. SunDog Tour Co. 2. Four Seasons Resort Whistler 3. Maligne Tours and Adventures
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Maligne Tours and Adventures World-famous Spirit Island on Maligne Lake is the heart and soul of Jasper National Park. Accessible only by boat, this diminutive icon of the Canadian Rockies is the destination point of the scenic Maligne Lake cruise. This 90-minute interpretive tour aboard glass-enclosed and heated boats has been declared one of Canada's best cruises by eight million Readers’ Digest subscribers. Cruises depart every hour on the hour. Maligne Lake, just 48 kilometres from the Jasper townsite, is the largest glacially formed and fed lake in the Canadian Rockies. Those glacial remnants of the last Ice Age still cling to the cliffs, rest in the cirques and cap off the pinnacles of Maligne Lake's fabulous ring of 3,360-metre-high mountains. The meltwaters of those glaciers give the lake its lovely, tranquil blue colour, and that backdrop of lofty peaks holds back the busy world and provides a calming wilderness experience. Authentic Rocky Mountain experiences await you at Maligne Lake, the first visitor destination in the park. You may rent a canoe or kayak and paddle the azure lake waters at your leisure. Or perhaps you would prefer to nose around some of the historic buildings that dot the shoreline. You could explore the wide assortment of hiking trails, which range from easy walks to energetic scrambles; if you would like to hike with a guide, this may be arranged as well. The lake itself has abundant populations of rainbow and eastern brook trout, and a full or half day of fishing with a guide will bring you to some prime angling spots. Wherever you go and whatever you do, the clear, pine-scented air and breathtaking scenery will rejuvenate you. For a real Rocky Mountain adventure, plan on a whitewater rafting trip with Maligne Rafting Adventures. This wet and wild ride takes advantage of the big, natural, vertical drop found on mountain rivers. There are three rivers to choose from: the Athabasca, for a family-friendly Class II experience; the turbulent Sunwapta, with its Class III rapids; and the mighty Fraser, for a big-water, daredevil, Class III rapids run all season long.
Mountain Escapes
Adventures on Water
Shout with primal euphoria as your rubber raft crests a Class III rapid on a Rocky Mountain river. Hold on as the small craft bounces, and keep paddling – the group has to work together to keep everyone from tumbling into the crystalline
water. Shake the spray from your eyes as your laughter peals across the valley. On the other side of the country, take on the roiling waters of Ontario’s Niagara River in a powerful jet boat. Hug your delighted children close as another wave of
Living the Canyon's Legend – cime aventures Located in the southern part of the Gaspé Peninsula by the Bonaventure River, Cime Aventures Resort offers a high-end overnight river experience. Among the top 10 clearest rivers in the world, the Bonaventure River is one of the best-kept secrets of the region. Its crystalline waters and emerald hues are yours to treasure. In this sensational location, Cime Aventures offers authentic, all-inclusive experiences; English- and French-speaking guides; amazing dining; and superb customer service. You will benefit of all of the comforts that a resort has to offer while enjoying fantastic adventures and wilderness scenery. The trips offered by Cime Aventures will allow you to tame the river gradually. Different options are available that reflect your comfort level: canoeing or kayaking for adventurous types, the small raft for beginners, and the guided raft for those seeking a calm, serene experience. Small groups of no more than 12 are key to the intimate atmosphere of these safari-like expeditions. The canyon camp lies in an idyllic location where you can continue your journey by hiking, snorkelling with salmon, enjoying a nice sauna or simply unwinding in a hammock overlooking the river. At dinner, an unforgettable setting awaits: your dining room overlooks a waterfall. In your heated tent, snuggle into a comfortable bed and enjoy all the facilities needed for an authentic and unforgettable wilderness experience. Savour the local produce and tastes of the Gaspé Coast, combined in innovative recipes that will leave you clamouring for seconds! Lemongrass trout tartare and wasabi mousseline, maple lobster, cranberry and almond salmon, and seaweedfed lamb are just a few of the fine dishes that you may discover while dining with us. At the resort, you will be housed in a small village of eco-lodges built on stilts. These eminently comfortable wilderness homes are connected to one another by a network of elevated walkways. In this gorgeous setting, you can relax in the spa, pool, sauna or restaurant, or reward yourself with a restorative massage.
Adventures on Water
water drenches everyone on board. This water is nothing like the water you have encountered before. This water has a life of its own, and you are meeting it head on.
1. Cime Aventures 2. Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours 3. Canadian Rockies Rafting & Adventures
More Information Visit our website for more photos and information for all the properties, tours and experiences featured.
Canadian Rockies Rafting & Adventures Enjoy awe-inspiring tours in the majestic Land of the Giants, in the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Serene to adventurous river landscapes await you. Get up close and personal with nature tours, family and active adventures, and mountainous wilderness and adventure tours. Relax or be involved. Our mountains of experience will enhance your Canadian Rockies holiday. Truly experience life with Canadian Rockies.
Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours Since 1992, traversing the rapids of the Niagara River Gorge with Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours has become one of the world’s most popular whitewater tours. With safety as its premise, the company has taken millions of Niagara visitors on its specialised jet boats to witness first hand the truly worldclass whitewater rapids of the Niagara River. The firm's team of whitewater professionals trusts your memories of Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours, the Devil’s Hole Rapids and the Niagara Whirlpool will be with you forever.
Adventures on Water
Gone Fishing
Climb into a f loat plane and take off for the ultimate fishing destination: a superbly appointed lodge hundreds of kilometres from the nearest city. The aircraft skims the glittering curve of a remote river, then settles near the
shore of a deserted lake. This is where you will pursue the fish of your dreams: enormous lake trout, spectacular Arctic grayling or powerful northern pike. Minutes after landing, you are out on the water, casting your line. When the line
La Seigneurie du Triton In 1893, Alexander Luders Light, a renowned railroad engineer, made a territory of more than 200 Quebec lakes accessible to American sportsmen – all nature, fishing and hunting lovers. It was the beginning of the Triton Fish and Game Club. Today, the Seigneurie du Triton is a family company supported by a passionate, motivated and experienced team. Whether you arrive by car, bus or train, the boat transfer limits access to Triton guests exclusively. You will enjoy peace and discover several warm, hospitable and comfortable inns, including the Club House, which is over 100 years old. A convivial dining room awaits gourmets. The Seigneurie team always pampers guests and makes sure they enjoy their voyage back in time. Soon after leaving shore, you will sail past the last obstacle between you and your destination: a breathtaking site that will be yours during your stay at la Seigneurie.
North Knife Lake wilderness Lodge Listening to the spine-tingling sound of a howling wolf pack while mesmerized by the dancing aurora borealis is life changing. This adventure will touch you like no other experience can. Enjoy gourmet meals and the luxury of North Knife Lake Wilderness Lodge. Lounge outside in the woodfired hot tub and sip a glass of fine wine when you are not fishing for a trophy catch! The lodge, 1,100 kilometres north of Winnipeg, is surrounded by clean, clear waters, magnificent sand-crowned eskers and the atmosphere of a wilderness paradise fit for the fishing experience of a lifetime.
Gone Fishing
twitches, you play it out. Reel it in. Play it out again. Eventually, the fish wearies of the game – and you have a trophy worth boasting about over a hearty dinner that night.
1. North Knife Lake Wilderness Lodge 2. La Seigneurie du Triton 3. Pourvoirie du Lac Moreau
1 3 2
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Pourvoirie du Lac Moreau Operating in the heart of Quebec's Charlevoix region, Pourvoirie du Lac Moreau (Moreau Lake Outfitters) will introduce you to majestic landscapes and bountiful wildlife in this vast, untamed wilderness. A hunting and fishing resort with an exclusive territory of 210 square kilometres and 32 lakes, the company's L'Auberge du Ravage is a wonderful base for hunting, trout fishing and vacationing. The superb comfort and warmth of this north woods inn appeal to outdoor enthusiasts, who come to unwind in Scandinavian-style surroundings and savour five-course gourmet meals. Families or those seeking a private escape can reserve one of the luxurious log cabins on the property, while still enjoying all of the inn's amenities. Photograph or seek black bear, beaver, moose and caribou in the company of knowledgeable guides, who will point out wildlife tracks and share their extensive wilderness knowledge. Discover whales in the St. Lawrence River by Zodiac or tour boat. Hike through the landscapes of the Charlevoix World Biosphere Reserve, which includes the Parc national des Grand-Jardins and the Parc national des Hautes-Gorges-de-laRivière-Malbaie, the latter known for its rolling mountains and breathtaking valleys. Explore the boreal forest and see a huge range of Quebec flora, from plants and trees common to the St. Lawrence River Valley to the black spruce and lichen typical of the northern tundra and taiga. In summer, diverse outdoor adventures await you, including mountain biking, kayaking and touring by all-terrain vehicle. In winter, enjoy snowmobiling, snowshoeing and other coldweather sports amid splendid scenery in exceptional snow conditions. After a busy day outdoors, relax in the Finnishstyle sauna. Moreau Lake Outfitters' passion for customer service, commitment to excellence, and involvement in the fields of environmental protection and conservation have been recognized with several regional, provincial and national tourism awards. Come and enjoy an exceptional escape in pristine surroundings.
Gone Fishing
Northern Lights
Northern Tales Travel Service Experience the crisp night air, the squeak of your footsteps on hard-packed snow and the magical ambiance of a Yukon winter. To the north, an eerie, sulphurous green sheen begins to ripple into the night sky. It arcs itself into an ebb and flow, slowly growing, then suddenly bursts across the full expanse of the night sky, waving and dancing as if it were happy. It is the spectacular and mystical northern lights! This company's authentic aurora borealis viewing tours are world renowned, and operate with daily departures between September 1 and April 15. Small groups, with an average of seven visitors per night, enhance the overall guest experience. The exclusive aurora viewing site, the Northern Tales Trading Post, is a comfortable and heated structure built to resemble an authentic 110-year-old cabin from the historic gold rush era. A cozy campfire outside is the ideal place for telling stories, roasting marshmallows and connecting with other travellers. The local guides reminisce and share their tales of life in the north. Visitors are intrigued and entertained by the stories, the games, and the making of delicious maple taffy! This amazing experience draws people from around the world. The millions of stars have an undeniable beauty that holds viewers spellbound in complete and utter silence. During the day, you can enjoy optional adventure tours, including dogsledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing and snowshoeing trips. They are great ways to connect with the local people, and to learn about and see more of the local flora, fauna and geographical landmarks. For an unforgettable aurora borealis viewing experience, couples can stay in the comfortable Caribou Tent, enjoying some private romantic time. During your visit, you also have the option of staying at a central downtown hotel, a beautiful lodge outside Whitehorse or self-contained cabins on the shores of Lake Laberge. Explore the Yukon and see the magical and outstanding northern lights!
Northern Lights
Shimmering hues of emerald and gold illuminate the night sky and the snowy fields below. The northern lights pulse and dance like living things. Mesmerized, you witness a phenomenon few are privileged to see.
1 1. Northern Tales Travel Service
1. Québec maritime – Eastern Québec 1
Follow the ribbon of a highway along a rocky shore on the Gaspé coast, through nature reserves and past tiny villages studded with church spires, or discover another of Canada’s easy-to-reach, glorious vistas.
Scenic Drives and Rides Québec maritime – Eastern Québec Québec maritime is an experience in and of itself. This vast territory of sea and mountains encompasses the easternmost tourism regions of the province of Quebec: Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie, Côte-Nord (Manicouagan and Duplessis) and the Îles de la Madeleine. Discover majestic landscapes and abundant nature along 3,000 kilometres of coastline. Come out and meet the locals, whose love of life is contagious. The Gaspésie Tour is a legendary scenic drive that loops around the huge Gaspé Peninsula, which is surrounded by the sea. You can begin this tour in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region and enjoy picturesque villages, contrasting landscapes and fresh, salty air. Follow Route 132 from Kamouraska to Gaspé, travelling past the famous Percé Rock and along a stunning seaside road. On the Côte-Nord (North Shore), between Tadoussac and BlancSablon, the Whale Route takes you across a land of extremes. From land or at sea, you can observe up to 13 whale species, including the remarkable blue whale, the biggest animal in the world. Route 138 ends at Natashquan, but the Whale Route continues toward the beautiful Lower North Shore, which you can reach by plane or by authentic supply boat. Located in the middle of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Îles de la Madeleine form a green archipelago surrounded by white sand beaches and red cliffs. Sports enthusiasts will enjoy various wind sports, sea kayaking and cycling, while gourmets will appreciate the abundant fish and seafood. Enjoy a complete change of pace and scenery!
Scenic Drives and Rides
Exploring by Rail
Settle against your comfortable seat as one remarkable scene after another unfurls outside your train window: a bounding deer, a golden field of grain, an azure lake, a canyon ablaze with fall colours. Canada was founded on rails – the construction of a
line to British Columbia was one of the reasons that province agreed to join the young country in 1871 – and the iron ribbons wind deep into landscapes where even roads are rare. Delight in towering mountains or expanses of virgin tundra. Admire rocky Maritime
Agawa Canyon Tour Train All aboard the Agawa Canyon Tour Train for a one-day rail excursion into the heart of the Canadian wilderness. This 183-kilometre tour treats passengers to incredible sights in this unspoiled region, from numerous lakes and rivers to the dense mixed forests and rugged granite rock formations of the Canadian Shield. The excursion has proved to be one of North America's iconic rail tours. The tour train has also undergone a dramatic upgrade and it’s more than a shiny paint job. New carpeting, bigger windows and all-new tinted glass enhance the coaches. High-tech additions include a GPS-triggered narration available in five languages, flat-screen monitors and locomotivemounted cameras that provide passengers with an engineer’s-eye view. These updates have made the tour experience even better, and offer both first-time riders and those who have previously enjoyed the tour an engaging way to enjoy the breathtaking landscapes of Northern Ontario.
Rocky Mountaineer Glide through some of the world's most spectacular vistas in delightful comfort. Rocky Mountaineer offers more than 45 train vacation packages ranging from two to 25 days on four distinctive rail routes. The highlights include three rail journeys into the Canadian Rockies and one spectacular three-and-a-half-hour excursion from Vancouver to Whistler. The company's luxurious trains travel by daylight through the beauty of Canada's West. In your glass-domed train carriage, keep your camera within easy reach to capture indelible images of eagles soaring overhead or bears ambling through the bush. En route, enjoy fine cuisine featuring fresh, local products, complemented by wines from B.C.'s Okanagan Valley. Each night, stay in a well-appointed hotel along the way. Over the past two decades, Rocky Mountaineer has grown to become one of North America's largest privately owned passenger rail services and has welcomed over a million guests from around the world.
exploring by Rail
coves and the glittering St. Lawrence River. Travel to the heart of Canada’s most exciting cities. And relax. After all, someone else is doing the driving, leaving you with no responsibilities other than to savour your lunch and photograph the passing splendour.
1. Rocky Mountaineer 2. Agawa Canyon Tour Train 3. Via Rail's 'The Canadian' 2
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VIA RAIL’s ‘The canadian’ A cross-Canada journey by train conjures up images of lake-studded forests, charming rural communities clustered along the tracks, endless fields of golden wheat, towering snow-capped mountains and wildlife so close you can almost touch it. Add to this impeccable service, exquisite meals and comfortable accommodations, and you have an idea of what awaits you on board the legendary Canadian. With the introduction of VIA Rail Canada's new Deluxe Sleeper class, this experience promises to be even more enticing and unforgettable. Travellers will be treated to a classic train experience with a modern twist: the completely reconfigured cabins are 50 per cent larger than those in Sleeper Touring class and offer a premium selection of luxury amenities and services. From the plush double bed, plasma screen television and private bathroom with glassedin shower to the dedicated attendant, all-day room service, and priority baggage and boarding privileges, no detail has been neglected. Moreover, with its completely renovated Park car, VIA Rail now offers an entirely wheelchair-accessible cabin with a private washroom. These are, however, just some of the many new features to which you can look forward. VIA Rail has recently invested over $22 million in the modernization of The Canadian. The Dining and Manor sleeping cars, for example, have been completely redesigned. Carpets, coverings and colours: everything has come together for a refined, modern look that still respects the historical cachet of these magnificent cars. When it came to refurbishing the Skyline cars, VIA Rail left no detail to chance. The fresh colours, tasteful fabrics and modern textures were all carefully selected to offer travellers a timely update on an already exquisite experience. With its elegant ambience, delectable cuisine and brandnew sleeper cabins, VIA Rail is ready to set a new standard in land cruising by rail across Canada. Unforgettable moves up a notch!
exploring by rail
Small Ship Cruising
Come aboard a nimble expedition ship and sail to shores so wild and remote it is hard to believe they still exist in the modern world. Behold massive glaciers, scenic fjords and noisy colonies of seabirds. Train your binoculars on whales,
porpoises, moose and bears. Wander among the ruins of Viking settlements and see evidence of long-ago expeditions to the North Pole. Set crab traps, go beachcombing or learn about soapstone carving. Visit charming fishing outports on the
Arctic Voyages / cruise north Join Adventure Canada with the most coveted of Arctic itineraries, a journey through the Northwest Passage. Beginning on the west coast of Greenland, venture north, from the mighty icefield of Ilullisat where you will bask in the splendour of sparkling icebergs as you cruise the bay by Zodiac. Tracing the route of fabled explorers westward to Baffin Island’s dramatic eastern shore, you explore the mountainous fjords and bays, before entering Lancaster Sound and Peel Sound. Throughout the Canadian Arctic, history manifests itself as you pass straits, islands and peninsulas bearing the names of the men who charted this forbidden coastline. Names such as Franklin Strait, M’Clintock Channel, Gjoa Haven and Kent Peninsula conjure up century-old tales of tragedy, hardship, determination and the explorers who discovered them. Along the way, you will have chances to view muskox, polar bears and variety of marine life, including belugas, bowheads and narwhal. Over the past 25 years, Adventure Canada has become an expert in providing fun, educational and adventurous experiences in the Canadian Arctic and Greenland. Our onboard programming is the perfect balance between education and entertainment, complimented by our exceptional local guides. Our long history working with the communities we visit ensures that we are welcomed into the small hamlets on our voyage – a visit from our ship is always a major community event. Our arctic voyages connect areas of great cultural, historical and natural significance. The 118-passenger Clipper Adventurer offers the best-in-class small-ship experience. Finished in old-world mahogany and gleaming brass, she boasts a state-of-the-art stabilization system to help provide an exceptionally stable ride. Dinners are five-course affairs, yet there is no assigned seating, no dress code and no worries. She has a fleet of Zodiac inflatable landing craft, which help you explore virtually undiscovered corners of what is already a remote destination. Join us and trace the infamous passage that engulfed the imagination of millions and occupied navies for centuries. Be a part of nautical history.
Small Ship Cruising
coast of Newfoundland, isolated Inuit communities on the Arctic Ocean or ancient totem pole sites in British Columbia. Truly connect with some of Canada’s last undiscovered places.
More Information 1. Arctic Voyages / Cruise North 2. Westwind Tugboat Adventures
Visit our website for more photos and information for all the properties, tours and experiences featured.
Westwind Tugboat Adventures Welcome to one of North America's original tugboat cruises: a one-week fishing and cruising adventure aboard a 1941 vintage tugboat with only 12 guests. Westwind pioneered the "follow the fish" concept and cruises every day. Passengers enjoy world-class salmon and halibut fishing on British Columbia's beautiful Inside Passage. With majestic fjords, velvet forests, waterfalls, whales, eagles, bears and wolves, it is a true paradise for nature lovers. Guests are pampered by a dedicated and friendly crew with tantalizing meals, fine wines and all the comforts of home. Step aboard for unbeatable scenery, wildlife and fishing.
Small Ship Cruising
A Sublime Mountain Adventure 8 days
Jasper National Park Banff National Park
Lake Louise Glacier National Park
Alberta Touchdown day one
Choose Your Adventure day five
As your plane touches down in Calgary, you may glimpse the jagged peaks of the Rockies. Soon, your private transfer will whisk you into the pine-scented mountain air of Banff. Dine and window shop in the lively village before drifting into a dreamless slumber.
Hike along scenic ridges clinging to alpine spires, where few other people have been privileged to walk. If you are feeling daring, hurtle over a raging river on a zip-line, test yourself on a dazzling high-ropes course, or scale a rocky peak on a via ferrata. At day’s end, immerse yourself in the rooftop hot tub and the sensational view.
Splash and Spa day two Clamber into a rubber raft and prepare for an adrenalin rush as you shoot whitewater rapids on the frothing Kicking Horse River. After a morning of paddling, pamper yourself with a rejuvenating spa treatment. Exhale as your cares evaporate.
Hike in the Clouds day three Take a breathtaking helicopter ride into the remote Columbia Mountains of British Columbia. At your well-appointed mountain lodge, infinite adventures await – beginning with an afternoon hike. At dinner, trade tales over vintages from the superb wine cellar.
Spectacular Landscapes day four Prepare to be astonished. Today, an untamed wilderness will unfold under your hiking boots: chasms carved by ancient glaciers, glittering lakes, wildflower-carpeted meadows stretching to the horizon. Travel by helicopter to mountains so isolated some have not even been named.
Yoho National Park
Bow Valley Wildland Bugaboo Provincial Park
Kootenay National Park
Assiniboine Provincial Park
British Columbia
Two Canadian Landmarks day six Revel in a helicopter ride back to Alberta and Lake Louise, a scenic gem nestled in one of Canada’s most beloved parks. Hike its shores or glide across it by canoe. Don’t miss nearby Moraine Lake, a blue-green swath of water ringed by jagged peaks – a landscape so iconic it was immortalized for many years on the back of Canada’s $20 bill.
Onto the Glacier day seven With crampons on your hiking boots, cross a remnant of ancient history with a skilled guide. The Athabasca Glacier in the Columbia Icefield is an exquisitely beautiful expanse of deep crevasses and towering icefalls. After this challenging excursion, linger over a gourmet dinner in your elegant Lake Louise hotel.
The Adventure Concludes day eight It’s time to return to Calgary for your flight home. You may leave this enthralling landscape behind, but it will never leave you.
A Sublime Mountain Adventure
Canada’s Pacific Delights
8 days
Ts‘yl-os Provincial Park
British Columbia Sonora Island
Stein Valley Nlaka‘pamux Heritage Park
Strathcona National Park
Pacific Rim National Park
Garibaldi Provincial Park
Vancouver Victoria
Say Hello to British Columbia day one
Bring Your Binoculars day five
Cradled by the Coast Mountains and lapped by the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver boasts a magical setting. Start your vacation with a cocktail in a trendy bar in lively Gastown.
Browse for jewellery, hand-dyed yarns and blown glass in the artsy surf village of Tofino. After lunch, join a bear-watching expedition, scuba dive among the wrecks in Tofino’s harbour, or watch for puffins and oystercatchers at the Cleland Island Bird Sanctuary.
Vistas of Vancouver day two Swing 70 metres above the Capilano River as you walk across historic Capilano Suspension Bridge. Browse the quirky boutiques of Granville Island. Cycle the scenic paths of Stanley Park. And sample some of the most luscious sushi you will ever taste.
Up to Whistler day three Whisk north by helicopter to the mountain resort village of Whistler, host venue of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Gasp at the 360-degree view on the PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola. Golf one of four exceptional courses. Sip British Columbia merlot on an alpine patio. In early summer, you can even ski on a glacier. Round out the evening in cosmopolitan Vancouver.
Edge of the Continent day four From your float plane, admire the hundreds of islands scattered like green jewels across the Georgia Strait. Touch down on the mist-laced shore of Pacific Rim National Park on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Spend the afternoon in a Zodiac, training your zoom lens on humpback and grey whales breaching the waters of Clayoquot Sound.
Canada’s Pacific Delights
Oceanfront Sanctuary day six Thrill to another float plane ride as you journey to secluded Sonora Island. Join the discerning clientele at a luxurious resort sheltered from the ocean winds by a lush rainforest. Disappear into an unspoiled world where grizzlies catch dinner in salmon-rich rivers, eagles glide on hidden thermals and sea lions sun themselves. Exceptional dining and fine wines complement the stellar surroundings.
Play, Unwind, Rejuvenate day seven Whatever you can imagine enjoying in a wilderness resort, you can do. Paddle a kayak across a quiet cove. Swim in a sparking pool overlooking the ocean or hike to a hidden lake. Cast your line for wild salmon or test your drive on a mountain-ringed golf course. Go whale-watching or bear-watching. Daydream by the waterfall in the serene spa. Forget the everyday.
Fly Away day eight One last scenic pleasure awaits: a captivating helicopter ride back over the scattered coastal islands to Vancouver, where you will board your flight home.
Quebec, Canada’s Joie de Vivre 9 days
La Malbaie
Quebec Jacques-Cartier National Park
La Mauricie National Park
Revel in the atmosphere of this distinctive city. At dinner, marvel at the contrast between cutting-edge fare and historic surroundings in a boutique hotel restaurant in Old Montreal.
traditions and modern glamour in this hidden corner of Quebec. Bite into sharp cheddar at a local dairy. Photograph the silvery needle of a church spire. Shop for pottery and folk art. Or test your luck at an opulent casino.
Cosmopolitan Pleasures day two
Creatures of the Deep day six
Discover Montreal day one
Admire soaring cathedrals as you relax with a flaky croissant and a café au lait at the Atwater Market. Browse for sleek housewares in the stylish Plateau-Mont-Royal neighbourhood or haute couture in the boutiques of Sherbrooke Street, where you will also find several outstanding museums.
Second Childhood day three Northeast of Montreal lies a primeval land where breezes rustle through endless forests. By day, play like a carefree child: cast a fishing line for rainbow trout or canter wooded trails on horseback. By night, dine like a sophisticated adult at your luxurious lodge.
Massages and Moonlight day four Succumb to the pleasures of an airy eco-spa. Explore the quintessentially Canadian landscape with a naturalist. Under an amber moon, slip into the forest to listen to a First Nations storyteller spin ancient tales of wolves.
Rustic and Sophisticated day five Survey the course of the mighty St. Lawrence River as you fly into the stunning Charlevoix region. Discover age-old
Parc national du Mont-Tremblant
Embark on a voyage of discovery at the mouth of the Saguenay fjord: watch for the glistening fluke of a whale and the graceful leap of a dolphin. At sunset, a warm welcome and delectable cuisine await at your legendary hotel, with its dramatic vantage point high above the St. Lawrence River.
The Heart of Quebec day seven Transfer to Quebec City by luxury train. Then allow this enchanting walled city – a UNESCO World Heritage Site – to bewitch you. Thrill to the click of your shoes on cobblestone streets, and to the discovery that your hotel has a quirky turret or hidden staircase.
A Contemporary City day eight Browse for chic knits and artisanal foods along narrow rue Petit-Champlain, or antiques on rue St-Paul. Stroll the wooden boardwalk of Dufferin Terrace. At night, linger over fine French fare at a candlelit restaurant.
Au Revoir day nine Travel to the airport by limousine and bid adieu to Quebec.
Quebec, Canada’s Joie de Vivre
Secrets of Ontario 8 days
Algonquin Provincial Park
Algonquin Park
Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park
Top of the World day one Toronto
Lake Ontario
Niagara-on-the-Lake Niagara Falls
Begin your Ontario adventures with the CN Tower EdgeWalk: tethered to Toronto’s tallest attraction, saunter around a roof 356 metres above street level. Reward yourself for your bravery with an elegant dinner created by an award-winning chef.
Urban Delights day two Take a tour of Toronto, one of the world’s most multicultural metropolises. Indulge in some retail therapy along posh Bloor Street, or visit a thought-provoking exhibition at one of the city’s museums. In the evening, applaud a Broadway-calibre show in the theatre district, or attend a ballet, symphony or opera performance.
A Wonder of the World day three Fly by helicopter to thundering Niagara Falls and marvel at the stupendous volume of water tumbling over the Niagara Escarpment. Then meander along the scenic Niagara Parkway to the charming village of Niagara-on-the-Lake, pausing along the route to visit one of the region’s more than 70 wineries. After a leisurely dinner, slip between cool sheets in a lavish inn.
Wine Country Excitement day four Start the day with a thrilling jet boat ride through the churning rapids of the Niagara River. Later, stroll Queen Street in Niagara-on-the-Lake, with its picturesque clock tower. Wander into charming boutiques stocked with
Secrets of Ontario
gourmet cheeses, silk scarves and other treasures. Visit another winery and enjoy superb cuisine in a vineyard bistro.
Escape to Algonquin Park day five Delight in an aerial view of Ontario’s forests and graniteringed lakes during a float plane transfer to an authentic Canadian summer resort in Algonquin Park. After settling into your private suite or cottage, hike though the vast north woods, home to moose, deer, black bears, wolves, foxes and hundreds of species of birds. Savour dinner in the lodge’s relaxing dining room.
Unwind in the Wilderness day six Start the day with a dawn canoe trip across the mist-shrouded lake or a cup of coffee on your deck. After breakfast, join a skilled naturalist for a birdwatching excursion. Later, delve into the park’s history at the Algonquin Logging Museum or the Algonquin Art Centre.
Get Outdoors day seven Thoroughly relaxed in this wilderness paradise, you may find it difficult to decide what to do today. Fish, kayak or swim with your family in a cool, clean lake, or head into the park to challenge yourself on the Minnesing Mountain Bike Trail.
Farewell to Ontario day eight After sampling everything from big-city nightlife and country wineries to wilderness hikes, it’s time to fly back to Toronto and then home.
PHOTO CREDITS Sincere thanks to all the companies and photographic contributors whose support have made this publication possible – Canadian Tourism Commission, Tourism British Columbia, Travel Alberta, Ontario Tourism, The Ministère Du Tourisme Du Québec, Yukon Tourism, Whistler Blackcomb, The Hotel de Glace, Festival Western de St-Tite, Le Québec maratime. All information contained in this publication is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent from the owner. While every endeavour has been made to ensure complete accuracy, the publisher cannot be held responsible for any errors, changes or omissions. All images are copyright of their respective owners and cannot be produced without prior consent. Brochure Design koolivoo.com.au | Powered by didgigo.com
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