The Ultimate To Do List Canada 2015-17 by Explorer Fernreisen

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Erfahrung, Kompetenz und Freude an fernen Ländern Verehrte Kunden, liebe Fernreise-Freunde, zur Planung Ihrer wertvollsten Zeit des Jahres heißen wir Sie herzlich Willkommen. Explorer Fernreisen – das bedeutet für Sie Erfahrung und Kompetenz, sowohl bei Auswahl und Einkauf Ihrer Reisebausteine als auch bei der individuellen Beratung. Über 100 qualifizierte Experten kümmern sich tagtäglich nur um Fernreisen und stehen Ihnen mit Rat und Wissen zur Verfügung. Beste und langjährige Kontakte in den Fernreiseregionen dieser Welt, ein außergewöhnliches Produktangebot und renommierte Fluggesellschaften garantieren Ihnen Reiseerlebnisse, die Ihnen unvergesslich bleiben. Wir freuen uns, mit der Ultimate To Do List ein Programm präsentieren zu können, dass Ihnen vielfältige ReiseIdeen bietet, ganz neue Wünsche weckt und langgehegte Träume erfüllt. Auch außerhalb des Katalogs können Sie Explorer Fernreisen entdecken: Unter finden Sie das Portal für Fernreisen mit besonderen Tipps, Angeboten, Infos und Experten-Finder. Das gesamte Explorer-Team wünscht Ihnen viel Vorfreude beim Auswählen Ihrer persönlichen Traumreise und freut sich darauf, Sie beraten zu dürfen. Herzliche Grüße, Ihr

Andreas Neumann, Geschäftsführer

Herausgeber/Unternehmenssitz: Explorer Fernreisen GmbH & Co. KG Hüttenstr. 17, 40215 Düsseldorf Stand: Mai 2015

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12 Kataloge - 5 Kontinente - ausserdem Sonderprogramme Ski Amerika, Tauchreisen u.v.m. Flexibel und preiswert - frei kombinierbar im Bausteinsystem - vor allem aber ganz individuell auf Ihre Wünsche abgestimmt. Vertrauen Sie bei der Planung den Experten!








Das volle Programm für den Kontinent der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten! Stellen Sie sich aus unserem vielseitigen Nordamerikaprogramm Ihre Traumreise zusammen. Ob USA oder Kanada, individuelle oder geführte Rundreisen, Mietwagen-, Motorrad- oder Wohnmobilreisen, Städtetrips oder Abenteuertouren, wir haben für Sie das richtige Angebot!



ENTDECKEN SIE DIE SCHÖNHEITEN NORDAMERIKAS. Über 100 Flugziele in Kanada und in den USA. Air Canada fliegt Sie mehrmals täglich nonstop nach Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary und Vancouver mit besten Anschlüssen innerhalb Kanadas und weiter in die USA. Buchen Sie jetzt Ihr Abenteuer Nordamerika.

B:280 mm

T:270 mm

S:250 mm

Wählen Sie Ihre Explorer Reisebausteine – so individuell wie Sie selbst.

Contents 12. Connecting with Canadians Meet the First Nations






20. Lifestyle Vibrant Cities


Metropolitan Glamour


Urban Chic


Log Cabin Chic


Far From the Madding Crowd


Spa and Wellness


Family Time


34. Landscapes Ranching and Prairies


Wilderness Style


40. Wildlife Wildlife Experiences


Bear Viewing


Whales and Marine Encounters


Polar Bears


50. Active and Relaxed Adventures Float Planes and Helicopters


Par Excellence


Hike and Explore


Mountain Escapes


Adventures on Water


Gone Fishing


Island Time


62. Explorations Northern Adventures


Northern Lights


Small Ship Cruising


Exploring by Rail


Scenic Drives


72. All Season Resort Destinations Whistler


Banff and Lake Louise




Snow and Ice


Heli Ski


86. Journeys Pacific Delights and Aurora Nights


Wild Encounters and Mountain Escapes


Canada’s Deep South and Far North


Eastern Canada: A Sublime Collection


Welcome to Canada Entdecken Sie ein Land grenzenloser Vielfalt: majestätische Berge, weite Prärielandschaften, abgelegene Seen und felsige Meeresküsten, historische Sehenswürdigkeiten und städtische Enklaven. Beginnen Sie Ihre Reise in einer der leicht erreichbaren Portalstädte Kanadas. Erleben Sie eine Kutschfahrt auf den Pflastersteinstraßen der Altstadt von Montréal. Treffen Sie beim Toronto International Film Festival auf Promis aus Hollywood. Feuern Sie beim Rodeo in Calgary einen furchtlosen Cowboy an. Bummeln Sie durch modische Boutiquen in Vancouver, bevor Sie ausgezeichnetes Sushi genießen. Der Empfang ist warm und herzlich. In einem solch multikulturellen Land haben Toleranz und Neugierde eine offene, großzügige und einladende Gesellschaft geschaffen. Es verbinden sich Traditionen auf faszinierende Weisen. Genießen Sie Calamari mit Couscous in einem italienisch-libanesischen Bistro oder applaudieren Sie einer Shakespearevorführung auf Kantonesisch mit englischen Untertiteln. Sie werden denken, Kanada sei das erste postmoderne Land der Welt.

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Es ist außerdem das zweitgrößte Land der Welt, und hat in seinen unberührten Weiten Aktivabenteuer im Überfluss zu bieten. Werden Sie in einem Luxuszug, einer Limousine oder einem Wasserflugzeug in die Wildnis entführt. Ihnen wird die Luft wegbleiben - beim Helikopterflug über schroffe Bergspitzen oder bei der Kajakfahrt vorbei an einer Robbenkolonie in einer ruhigen Meeresbucht. Hier tollen Eisbärjungen in endloser Tundra herum, Wölfe heulen in Mondnächten und Bisonherden laufen unter freiem Himmel umher. Ziehen Sie auf Wanderwegen durch Nationalparks, Biosphärenreservate und UNESCO Weltkulturerbestätten und stellen sich vor, wie dieses Land vor Existenz des Menschen ausgesehen hat. Vertiefen Sie sich in den Zauber Kanadas, gleichzeitig uralt und vollkommen neu.

Arc tic O cean Greenland

Beaufort Sea

Alaska (USA)

Baffin Bay

Northwest Territories Da

Yukon Territory

v is

St r


Great Bear Lake


74, 81, 83, 84, 106


82 80

Iqaluit Labrador Sea




Great Slave Lake

British Columbia

Pacific O cean

S t ra i t


61, 62, 63, 64, 65

1, 51

Hudson Bay

Newfoundland & Labrador


46 72, 108 52, 53 55, 56 38, 47



57 70, 73,101 40 39 Edmonton 67, 91, 92 2 30, 33, 37, 43, 71, 96 93, 94, 95 97, 98, 99, 100

34 36


Victoria 5, 58, 60



Goose Bay



St John’s



4, 22, 23


9, 12, 13, 14, 21 27, 69, 90, 89



Regina 45


Ontario 6,49

Winnipeg 15

Quebec City


National Capital Capital City City

United States of America

Prince Edward Island New 79 Brunswick Charlottetown

86, 102, 105

Moncton Frederiction Halifax 32, 41 St. John Nova 8, 11, 24, 31 54,103 25, 26, 107 Scotia 7, 68 Montreal


0 0

Atlantic O cean




so n

35, 76

42, 66, 75

10, 28, 29

Ottawa Toronto 16, 17, 18,

19, 20, 88

Atlantic Canada Historische Leuchttürme werfen ihr Licht auf aalglatte von der Gischt besprühte Küstenfelsen. Winzige Kneipen, in denen Geigenspieler bis in den Morgen für lebendige Unterhaltung sorgen. Und frischer Hummer, der morgens noch im Meer schwamm. Der Charme der atlantischen Provinzen Kanadas ist zeitlos, und die Vielfalt in diesen vier gastfreundlichen Provinzen bewundernswert. Sie begegnen abgehärteten Fischern in abgelegenen Siedlungen an der rauen Küste von Labrador oder Sie nippen am Espresso in den Historic Properties von Halifax. Sie berühren die uralten Überreste von Wikingersiedlungen in L’Anse aux Meadows in Neufundland, oder Sie schlagen mit Ihrem Fuß den Takt bei einem Acadian Festival in New Brunswick. Sie atmen den satten Duft von Apfelblüten ein während Sie auf Prince Edward Island einen ruhigen Freizeitpfad entlang radeln oder Sie genießen die Freiheit der Straße auf dem kurvenreichen dramatischen Cabot Trail auf Cape Breton.

Atlantic Canada: Newfoundland and Labrador New Brunswick

Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia

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Central Canada In der Hochburg der beiden europäischen Gründerkulturen Kanadas, fließen französische und englische Traditionen in einer unvergesslichen Landschaft zahlloser Seen und dramatischer Granitfelsen des Canadian Shield zusammen. Tauchen Sie Ihr Kanupaddel wie ein Reisender aus alten Tagen in einen ruhigen Fluss im Schatten von Ahornbäumen, deren Blätter in lebendigen Herbstfarben strahlen. Gleiten Sie in die zeitlose Kultur der Landhäuschen, wo die dringendste Frage des Tages ist, was es zum Abendessen gibt. Vertreiben Sie sich die Zeit in Toronto oder Montreal mit verlockenden Gerichten, die ihren Ursprung in Afrika, Südamerika, Asien oder der Karibik haben. Fangen Sie in einem Galeriecafé eine Unterhaltung an und finden heraus, dass Ihr Gesprächspartner der Maler der zum Verkauf stehenden Werke ist. Heute fotografieren Sie Eisbären am Ufer der Hudson Bay und ein paar Tage später besichtigen Sie eine preisgekrönte Weinkellerei.

Central Canada: Manitoba Ontario Quebec

North Canada Der Himmel über Ihnen zieht eine Show ab, mit der es kein Feuerwerkexperte aufnehmen könnte. Juwelenartige Farben pulsieren am tiefschwarzen Nachthimmel. Es sind Hunderte von Kilometern bis zur nächsten Stadt und Sie sind unendlich weit entfernt von Ihrer vertrauten Welt. Hier am Rand des nördlichen Polarkreises leben die Menschen nach Traditionen, durch die sie sich in dieser unwirtlichen wunderschönen Umgebung jahrhundertelang am Leben erhalten konnten. Auf dieser unvergesslichen Reise können Sie dieses Erbe miterleben. Probieren Sie geschmackvolles Karibufleisch. Feiern Sie den kurzen, spektakulären arktischen Sommer, wenn die Landschaft in Flechten und winzigen Blumen erblüht und Schneehasen vor Ihnen weghüpfen. Begegnen Sie Stammesältesten der Inuit und Specksteinschnitzern. Kreischen Sie vor Freude während Sie ein Hundeteam führen oder mit einem Schneemobil fahren. Sie treffen auf ein Land wie kein anderes, das Sie kennen.

North Canada: Yukon territory Northwest Territories


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West Canada Schneebedeckte Felsspitzen ragen in den blauen wolkenlosen Himmel auf. Kaum vorstellbar, dass die Natur so unermesslich und so unberührt sein kann – aber glauben Sie es besser. Von den goldenen Weizenfeldern der Prärie und den hügeligen Ausläufern der Rockies außerhalb von Calgary bis zu den isolierten Queen Charlotte Islands am Rand des Pazifischen Ozeans ist Westkanada mit immensen landschaftlichen Reichtümern gesegnet. Wandern Sie über einen uralten Gletscher am Ufer eines tiefblauen Alpensees entlang oder durch Wälder, die von Vogelgesang durchdrungen sind. Nippen Sie an edlen Tropfen in einem Weinbergcafé im Okanagan Valley oder machen Sie einen Ausritt auf Reitpfaden auf einer Gastranch. Entdecken Sie Kanadas einzige Wüste. Und wenn Sie genug von der Natur haben – falls das überhaupt möglich ist – geben Sie sich im hektischen Calgary, freundlichen Edmonton, eleganten Victoria und dynamischen Vancouver städtischen Vergnügungen hin.

West Canada: Alberta British Columbia Saskatchewan

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Connecting with Canadians

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Inuit Adventures – Discover a natural and cultural haven in northern Quebec With Hudson Bay to the west, Hudson Straight and Ungava Bay to the north and the Torngat Mountains rising in the east, the people of Nunavik invite you to explore their little-known region for an unforgettable journey. Rich natural beauty, pristine arctic landscape, abundant wildlife, and warm friendly faces await you. Choose from 14 local cooperatives, each with a comfortable hotel, and enjoy customdesigned experiences with local Inuit guides who are intimately connected to their community and land. Cultural heritage runs deep here. Visitors can watch throat-singers perform, observe master carvers calling out mythical beings from blocks of stone, meet the elders and artists of the villages and share in the traditional knowledge and stories of the people. Retreat from the increasingly congested and urbanized world we live in and make footprints in one of the least inhabited destinations on earth. Nunavik is a place where hiking, exploring, learning about age-old traditions, and simply sitting and cherishing Mother Nature’s treasures will leave you yearning to return again. Map ref: 1

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Meet the First Nations

Rich with a history spanning thousands of years, Canada's "First Nations" or indigenous peoples present their cultures and traditions to travellers from all over the world. Scratch beneath Canada's surface and discover a diversity of characters, customs, visual arts, storytelling, dance and musical heritage that make up the eclectic tapestry of her present-day peoples. Visit ancient lands, attend cultural festivals, surround yourself with historical artefacts or taste unique cuisines – meet Canada's First Nations.

Quaaout Lodge & Talking Rock Golf – Pride of the Little Shuswap Indian Band On the north shore, with 90 meters of sandy beachfront on Little Shuswap Lake, Quaaout Lodge features 70 guestrooms and suites, a healing spa Le7ke, and Jack Sam’s restaurant – which highlights local cuisine. The scenery fosters comfort and relaxation, its calming effects quieting your senses. Each room has its own balcony or patio with lake and forest views. The Lodge also has two cultural ambassadors who are available to share the traditions and stories of the Secwepemc people. Talking Rock Golf Course, built in 2007, is becoming a mature and world-renowned course of a calibre that leaves you yearning to take the challenge over and over again. Map ref: 2

Great Spirit Circle Trail – Nature-based and cultural tourism from an Aboriginal perspective The Great Spirit Circle Trail encompasses eight First Nations communities on beautiful Manitoulin Island and in the Sagamok region of northeastern Ontario. These communities are home to the Anishinawbek – the Ojibwe, Odawa and Pottawatomi people – who have a long and full history, rich culture, and abundant lands. Specialising in authentic Aboriginal cultural experiences, the Great Spirit Circle Trail offers hands-on, interactive workshops and activities with expert guides. Experience history as you retrace ancient canoe routes. As well as tasting traditional Anishinawbek cuisine, learn to prepare it. Consider the art and spirituality of making an Ojibwe traditional craft. Enjoy local galleries and museums, hike one of Manitoulin’s many trails, or spend the day on a championship golf course. Attend a Pow-Wow or cultural festival and witness Aboriginal traditions in a spectacular kaleidoscope of colourful craftwork, regalia and singing. While visiting, you can stay in rustic or refined accommodations, including a variety of hotels, motels, lodges, cottages, camp grounds and B&Bs. Experience "glamping" (glamorous camping) in tepees, outfitted with buffalo hides and furs, king-size beds with plush duvets and hospitality that reaches back centuries. Or stay a night in the luxury Manitoulin Hotel and Conference Centre, a unique waterfront hotel featuring First Nations designs and elements. The Manitoulin Island-Sagamok region offers a variety of activities and attractions for all types of visitors. The region’s waterways boast fine fishing, and many lakes, inlets, coves and islands suitable for canoeing and kayaking. Experience the warmth of the people, the serenity of the forests and waters, and the vibrant culture of the Anishinawbek people. This is all yours to discover as you experience the past and enjoy the present. Map ref: 3

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Immerse yourself in timeless classics or world premieres at a theatre or film festival. Enjoy fine vintages at a wine celebration. Check out some of the countless music festivals from coast to coast, where you can enjoy everything from chamber music to hip-hop. Or put on a cowboy hat and join the revellers at western events throughout the country, including the renowned Calgary Stampede. Coincide your stay with the Quebec Winter Carnival or Jazz Festival. You're spoiled for choice.

Calgary Stampede – Become a cowboy or cowgirl during the Calgary Stampede Experience perhaps the most authentic, memorable western experience you could ever pack into a single holiday. Attracting an average of 1.2 million visitors annually, the Calgary Stampede is the largest event in Calgary, Alberta. Each July, this ten-day, city-wide celebration commemorates the history, culture and heritage of the Canadian West. It is the western spirit, the people and their stories that make the Calgary Stampede a unique visitor destination. True western hospitality and that special Stampede spirit are in big supply almost everywhere you go, from the high-steppin', two-hour kickoff parade downtown to the streets filled with western musicians, dances, activities and free pancake breakfasts. Every afternoon, the world’s toughest competitors saddle up for a ground-shaking showcase of world-class rodeo action The Richest Afternoon in Rodeo, including bull riding, saddle bronc, bareback, tie-down roping, steer wrestling and ladies’ barrel racing competitions. Each evening the Calgary Stampede presents the world’s most unique doubleheader. Starting with the GMC Rangeland Derby featuring the chuckwagon races, Stampede original, with 36 teams of horses and drivers competing. The nine heart-stopping chuckwagon races explode in an all-out dash for the finish line. When the last wagon thunders across the finish line, prepare yourself for The Grandstand Show: a variety extravaganza that includes comedy, elaborate song and dance numbers, acrobatics and the spectacular fireworks finale. The night will be among the most memorable of your life! From the Calgary Stampede’s very early beginnings, the First Nations have played a major role in the success and uniqueness of the annual exhibition. The colourful heritage of the First Nations of Treaty 7 can be seen in the beautiful setting of Indian Village. Share in the rich heritage and culture and get a first-hand look at native dance, games, tipi raising and other traditions. Make sure you also try the authentic bannock and traditional cooking demonstrations. The Calgary Stampede is one of Canada’s largest music festivals, from country legends to rock royalty; many of the top acts in music have graced one of the five stages at the Calgary Stampede. True to its roots, agriculture is showcased in fascinating ways that will educate and entertain. Visitors of all ages can also enjoy a western art show and auction, lifestyle exhibits, a giant midway, live entertainment and the Stampede Casino. There is something for everyone; the Calgary Stampede: "The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth!" Map ref: 4

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Fairmont Empress Hotel The Fairmont Empress Hotel sits majestically at the cornerstone of Victoria’s sparkling Inner Harbour, and is surrounded by art, entertainment and cultural attractions. Built in 1908, the hotel features turn-ofthe-century architecture, award-winning restaurants and the luxurious Willow Stream Spa. A blend of tradition and modern luxury, The Fairmont Empress Hotel is committed to exceeding guests' expectations. Map ref: 5

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Trappers and farmers, soldiers and lumberjacks, aristocrats and rogues – they all made their mark on Canada’s landscape and architecture. Why not visit an atmospheric piece of this rich past? In 400-year-old Quebec City a castle-like landmark stands ready to welcome you as an honoured guest. North of the city, a restored Quebecois village immerses you in the way life was lived in the early 1900s. While your surroundings evoke centuries long past, the adventures that await you are distinctly modern.


Village historique de Val-Jalbert

Sucrerie de la Montagne

Fairmont Le Château Frontenac – The legend continues at Quebec City's most celebrated address

North of Quebec City, travel back in time to Village historique de Val-Jalbert - an authentic single-industry village of the 1920s with some 40 charming original buildings. The majestic Ouiatchouan Falls, higher than Niagara Falls, will leave you awestruck. Enjoy unforgettable accommodation in the general store or one of several period homes, all conveniently located in the village centre.

Sucrerie de la Montagne is an authentic "sugar shack" with a major point of difference: it is open year round. This official Quebec Heritage-listed site – located in a 50-hectare forest of century-old maples atop Mont Rigaud, west of Montreal – transports you back in time, providing a momentary glimpse of life as it truly was for Quebecois pioneers. Take home an iconic souvenir: a bottle of maple syrup.

Map ref: 6

Map ref: 7

Ideally located inside the historic walls of Old Quebec, designated a UNESCO World Heritage site, this landmark hotel has recently completed a multimillion dollar restoration project. Discover a unique, heritage, urban resort with ultimate comfort. 611 guestrooms and suites offer breathtaking views of the St. Lawrence River and the architecture of the old fortified city and the property also boasts three new restaurants and the Spa du Château. Experience the renaissance of this world-renowned iconic hotel where luxury meets history. Map ref: 8

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The Fairmont Waterfront

Ritz-Carlton Montreal

Nestled on Vancouver's harbour and offering stunning water views, The Fairmont Waterfront truly embodies relaxed West Coast luxury. This urban retreat features newly renovated guestrooms including an exclusive concierge level, Fairmont Gold. Enjoy the convenient location steps from Canada Place Cruise Ship Terminal, Stanley Park Seawall and historic Gastown with quaint shops, galleries and trendy eateries all nearby.

– Welcome to the most elegant address in the city

Map ref: 9

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Vibrant Cities

When it opened in 1912, the Ritz-Carlton Montreal set a new standard for luxury. Today, more than 100 years later, the hotel blends its historic splendour with contemporary design, offering an opulent experience. Explore the 200-million-dollar transformation of this AAA Five Diamond hotel, while enjoying an oasis of comfort and luxury. Indulge yourself at Maison Boulud Restaurant and at the Palm Court for an afternoon tea or a glass of champagne at the exclusive Dom Pérignon Bar. Relax in the indoor rooftop saltwater pool overlooking stunning views of Montreal’s skyline, or rest in one of the 129 state-of-the-art rooms and suites that offer sophisticated accommodation with a modern feel. Map ref: 10

Shop for international luxury brands in glittering boutiques or browse for elegant antiques in charming shops. Challenge your mind at a ground-breaking museum or a contemporary art gallery. Enjoy a superb meal prepared by an acclaimed chef. Indulge in an encore at a symphony orchestra performance or cheer with the crowd

Quebec City – Discover a city of infinite diversity Experience European ancestry and North American spirit, cool summer festivals and warm-hearted winters, a magnificent river and spectacular landscapes. With its European charm and legendary hospitality, Quebec City treats its visitors to endless possibilities for fun and wonder. A cradle of French civilization in North America, World Heritage-listed Old Quebec City unfolds its history through charming cobblestone alleyways, fortifications and old quarters. The city embraces both past and present and the North American vibe is felt through a parade of festive events. Visitors embrace the warm-hearted winters at the world’s biggest winter carnival and dive into the ultimate Nordic experience at the Ice Hotel. Gateway to America, the St.Lawrence River beautifies neighbouring landscapes, and some of the world’s largest vessels drop anchor in the port. With its urban charm flanked by spectacular mountains and by a magnificent river, Quebec City has mastered the art of good living. Map ref: 11

Fairmont Pacific Rim

Shangri-La Hotel Vancouver

– A modern oasis tucked at the ocean’s edge in Vancouver

– A luxurious sanctuary between the mountains and the sea

Fairmont Pacific Rim offers unobstructed views of the mountains, Stanley Park and Coal Harbour. The hotel features state-of-the-art technology, a resort-style Willow Stream Spa with outdoor terrace, Jacuzzis and a rooftop pool with private cabanas and fire pits.

This 119 room CAA/AAA Five Diamond hotel, in the vibrant heart of the city, is conveniently located close to the cruise ship terminal, as well as some of Vancouver's best shopping.

Guests can experience three distinct dining destinations within this luxury Vancouver hotel: ORU Restaurant showcasing food of the Pacific Northwest with flavours of the Pacific Rim; Italian-inspired giovane café, eatery and market; and The Lobby Lounge featuring live music, cocktails and RawBar – Vancouver’s first 100 per cent Ocean Wise sushi destination.

Shangri-La Hotel, Vancouver, occupies the first 15 floors of a 61 storey landmark building, the tallest in the city. Guests will find luxurious oversized guestrooms and suites decorated in a contemporary Asian style, with many rooms featuring private balconies and stunning views. Visitors can enjoy personalised spa treatments at CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La, and experience fine dining with regionally inspired dishes at MARKET by Jean-Georges.

Map ref: 12

Map ref: 13

at a professional sports game. Join joggers and cyclists on scenic waterfront trails. Then unwind with a spa treatment, an innovative cocktail or room service at your opulent hotel, where you can briefly relax – before doing it all again. Experience and absorb the multifaceted energy of Canada’s captivating cities.

Fairmont Hotel Vancouver


A Vancouver icon since 1888, The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver is a castle in the heart of the city, perfectly situated for arts, culture and world-class shopping. A long-time favourite for events and dining, the restaurant and bar at The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver is the perfect meeting place for all-day dining and resplendent afternoon tea service.

Known as the "cultural cradle of Canada", Winnipeg (capital of Manitoba) is home to Canada's newest – and in some ways most impressive – national museum. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights is both architecturally striking and philosophically emotive. No other account of the human experience is quite like this.

Map ref: 14

– Alive with art, innovation, culture and creativity

The city also boasts the most comprehensive northern species exhibit of its kind in the world. Visit Assiniboine Park Zoo for this glimpse of the north and watch polar bears, muskoxen, Arctic fox and wolves. Beyond these attractions, explore the city's bustling central market, wander along tree-lined paths and enjoy exceptional dining and accommodations. Map ref: 15

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The Ritz-Carlton Toronto – Experience a life of luxury and bliss This luxurious Five Diamond Toronto hotel features 263 elegantly appointed guestrooms with magnificent views of the CN Tower and Lake Ontario. Along with its legendary service, amenities and offerings at The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto include Spa My Blend by Clarins, the spacious outdoor terrace at DEQ Lounge, signature Ritz-Carlton Club Level service with complimentary culinary offerings and alcoholic beverages, and an impeccable Canadian/Italian dining experience at TOCA restaurant. The hotel is also just moments away from and the Aquarium, Sports Arenas, Art Galley of Ontario, and the fashionable King and Queen Street West. Map ref: 16

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Metropolitan Glamour

Dangle 356 metres above Toronto's dramatic skyline on the CN Tower EdgeWalk. Take in a smash Broadway-calibre show in the Entertainment District, one of the world's largest live theatre centres. Delight your kids with a visit to the Toronto Zoo, the new Ripley's Aquarium with more than 16,000 marine animals, or a day on the heart-stopping

Trump International Hotel and Tower Toronto – Live the Life Trump International Hotel and Tower Toronto presides over the corner of Bay and Adelaide streets in the heart of downtown Toronto. From this enviable location, guests are steps from some of the city's top attractions, including Ripley’s Aquarium, CN Tower, Toronto Eaton Centre, as well as Royal Ontario Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario, restaurants and nightlife. Exquisitely furnished, the hotel's 261 guestrooms and suites range from 51 to over 130 square meters. High ceilings add to the spacious feel, while oversized windows afford commanding views. The hotel features America Restaurant, The Calvin Bar, and Purebeauty Salon and Spa and fitness facility with an infinity lap pool and saunas on the 32nd floor. Services include the highly regarded Trump Attaché™ providing each guest with uncompromising personal service. Map ref: 17

The Fairmont Royal York – Experience an historic CAA/AAA Four Diamond property, one of Toronto’s premier hotels The city of Toronto has grown up around The Fairmont Royal York. Since 1929, the magnificent architecture of this landmark has graced the city’s skyline and the hotel has dominated the city’s social scene. Now, more than 80 years later, the tradition of gracious hospitality at The Fairmont Royal York is stronger than ever. The dedicated employees understand the needs of guests and draw on their breadth of experience to ensure every stay is memorable. The magnificently restored main lobby will awe you upon arrival and you will appreciate the comforts of the well-appointed guestrooms, furnished with traditional elegance but equipped for the pace of today. Located in the heart of downtown Toronto, the hotel is just steps from some of the city's best nightlife, dining, shopping and other attractions. Featuring an indoor swimming pool, state-of-the-art exercise equipment, steam bath facilities and exceptional spa treatments, this landmark hotel graciously meets a wide range of needs, no matter what brings you to Toronto. Map ref: 18

rides at Canada's Wonderland. Even mingle with Hollywood stars at the world-famous Toronto International Film Festival. A short ferry ride across Lake Ontario takes you to the Toronto Islands, a spectacular place to watch the sun set. But the day isn’t over yet: iconic restaurants, sleek nightclubs and exceptional hotels await you.

Shangri-La Toronto

Four Seasons Toronto

– Delivering the best of Asian traditions in a contemporary way

– A vibrant flagship hotel in one of the world’s most en vogue destinations

Located in the heart of the downtown core, Shangri-La's 202 luxury guestrooms are among the largest in the city and feature Asian-inspired décor including raw-silk wall coverings. The Eastern theme extends to the hotel’s dining and leisure options. Guests can experience Bosk, the hotel’s signature restaurant; Momofuku restaurant by famed New York chef David Chang; and the Lobby Lounge.

Enjoy your stay in Toronto’s famed Yorkville neighbourhood, with luxury retail shops, acclaimed restaurants and world-class museums. Stroll down charming tree-lined streets to experience the Royal Ontario Museum’s heart-pounding interactive dinosaur exhibit or a performance at the Royal Conservatory of Music.

Guests can also enjoy the 835-square-meter health and wellness floor including a fitness centre, indoor swimming pool, sauna and whirlpool. The Miraj Hammam Spa by Caudalie brings the exotic traditions of the Middle East to Toronto with its authentic treatments.

Escape to the Spa at Four Seasons for a treatment, haircut and style, or yoga class. Swim in the pool, or rejuvenate in the state-of-the-art, 24-hour fitness centre. Delight in exceptional cuisine, a remarkable wine list, and innovative cocktails at internationally renowned Chef Daniel Boulud’s Café Boulud, dbar lounge and spacious seasonal outdoor terrace.

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Rosewood Hotel Georgia

Kensington Riverside Inn

Hotel Arts

– This landmark hotel celebrates its glamorous past

The opening of Rosewood Hotel Georgia in 2011 returned the legendary hotel to its place as one of the world’s select properties. Designed with a residential atmosphere, the 156 rooms and suites layer modern sophistication against an historical backdrop. Amenities include Sense Spa; Hawksworth, recently named "Canada’s Restaurant of the Year"; the outdoor rooftop bar Reflections and the exciting new bar, Prohibition.

This 19-room boutique hotel is situated along the Bow River in the charming neighbourhood of Kensington. Calgary's first Relais & Châteaux property features modern and luxurious décor, an award-winning restaurant serving breakfast and dinner as well as complimentary Brooklyn Cruiser bikes to explore the city. The Inn caters to every detail, bringing the care and attention you need and the warmth your stay deserves.

Experience a sumptuous blend of modern luxury and intuitive service at this superb designer boutique-style hotel. Located in downtown Calgary, Hotel Arts is renowned for its restaurants – Yellow Door Bistro and Raw Bar by Duncan Ly – as well as a seasonal poolside patio. With 185 guestrooms and suites, a host of amenities, and a prime location, Hotel Arts is an excellent venue for discerning travellers.

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Following its debut in the roaring 1920s, the Hotel Georgia became known as an elegant retreat. The hotel was the heart of Vancouver, with Hollywood celebrities, musical stars and British royalty all adding to the mystique of this irreplaceable piece of history.

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Urban Chic

Everyday experiences are not for you. Instead, you long to find boutique hotels, quirky shops and cutting-edge restaurants. Fortunately, Canada is well stocked in all of the above – hidden in historic districts, tucked into discreet downtown towers or clustered along trendy streets. Linger over coffee at a café on lively West 4th Avenue in

Le Saint-Pierre Auberge Distinctive

Hôtel 71 Quebec City

– Let yourself be tempted by exclusive boutiques, antiques dealers and art galleries

– An urban hotel in the heart of Quebec City’s Old Port

Le Saint-Pierre, Auberge Distinctive, located in the heart of Old Quebec, offers discriminating travellers both elegance and comfort as well as peace and quiet. Typical of traditional Quebecois style, with its wooden floors, stone and brick walls, and abundant natural light, it opens onto one of the most beautiful neighbourhoods in the city.

Housed in a prestigious building once home to Canada's first national bank office, Hôtel 71 boasts a warm and modern atmosphere within a 19th century neo-classical facade. Take advantage of the location and enjoy amazing views of the St. Lawrence River and Cap Diamant from one of the hotel's 60 rooms and suites.

The hotel recently completed a major renovation of its 41 rooms and suites, giving them all a fresh new look while conserving the sober elegance and warm ambience that the property is known for.

Hôtel 71 is also home to a branch of Restaurant Il Matto, a local favourite. You will find the same friendliness, the same great Italian comfort food and the same ingenuity for which the original restaurant in Ste-Foy is famous.

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Auberge Saint-Antoine Quebec City – Make history at Auberge Saint-Antoine Experience the historical roots of Old Quebec in a place that is more than simply a hotel. Be soothed by whispers of times past and of those who shaped one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Located in the heart of the Old Port, Auberge Saint-Antoine offers guests historical décor and atmosphere, coupled with fine quality and friendly service. Auberge Saint-Antoine is a member of Relais & Châteaux. Built on a major archaeological site, the hotel proudly displays artefacts from the French and British colonial regimes in a bold period context. Condé Nast Traveller has named Auberge Saint-Antoine one of the best hotels in the world for many years. The property is also home to the highly regarded restaurant Panache, a name well suited to this elegant and distinguished dining room. Located in a 19th century maritime warehouse, Panache has quickly earned an enviable reputation as one of the finest restaurants in Quebec for its seasonal menu featuring locally sourced ingredients. Map ref: 26

Vancouver. Take in a free outdoor concert by a West African world music ensemble in Quebec City. Browse for artisanal chocolate and opluent bedding in Calgary’s Inglewood neighbourhood, or art deco antiques along Toronto’s Queen Street West. Countless secrets lie just beneath the surface on the city streets.

OPUS Hotel Vancouver

Hôtel Nelligan

Named one of the Top 100 Hotels in the World by Condé Nast Traveller, OPUS Hotel Vancouver redefines the luxury boutique hotel experience – blending contemporary design with warmth and intuitive service. Located in Yaletown, an eight-block heritage zone of downtown Vancouver, OPUS is surrounded by dozens of fine restaurants, lounges and boutiques. Enjoy luxurious accommodations and a complimentary in-room iPad.

An elegant hideaway, Hôtel Nelligan represents Old Montreal at its most refined. Dark-wood furnishings adorn the lobby where a four-story atrium floats high above running fountains. Rooms all maintain original stone walls and modern décor. Beyond your quarters, concierge services attend to every step of your stay. Graced with two on-site restaurants, a rooftop bar and historic scenery, you’re perfectly situated.

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Le Place d’Armes Hôtel & Suites Blending modern sensibilities with old-city charm, Le Place d’Armes Hôtel & Suites is a favourite among Montreal guests. Rooms are equipped with plush goose down duvets and pillows. Many boast original stone and brickwork. On-site, two restaurants and a rooftop terrace cater to your high culinary sensibilities while the hotel’s lauded spa keeps you glowing throughout your magical stay. Map ref: 29

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Cathedral Mountain Lodge

Côté Nord Tremblant

– Your gateway to Yoho and Banff National Parks

– Wonderful for a family holiday, a romantic weekend or a friendly get-together

Find divine seclusion among the tall spruce and fir trees lining the shores of the glacier-fed Kicking Horse River. The timber-frame Cathedral Mountain Lodge and its 29 log cabins are centrally located amid the area's sightseeing and recreational activities.

Only 75 minutes from Montreal, in Quebec's Laurentian mountains, Côté Nord Tremblant offers its guests luxurious three- to five-bedroom log homes and magnificent one- and twobedroom waterfront suites with contemporary charm.

This replenishing escape from city life offers beautifully appointed cabins with fireplaces, private decks and deep soaker bathtubs, all with classic Canadian Rocky Mountain allure. Service is appropriately attentive and includes the expertise of an adventure specialist. The Riverside Dining Room features dishes showcasing local, fresh, organic ingredients and a fine wine selection.

All guests at Côté Nord Tremblant have exclusive access to Club de la Pointe and its varied on-site facilities, including kayaks, tennis courts, a pool, a volleyball court, fire pits, beaches, an ice rink, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing trails, a yoga studio, and much more. Yearround, you will discover an impressive natural playground only minutes from the Tremblant resort and Mont Tremblant National Park.

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Log Cabin Chic

There are few structures more evocative of wild landscapes than a log cabin. These days, log cabins still have an aura of history and romance, but with all the mod cons – from tennis courts and geothermal spas to fine dining and wine cellars. One thing has remained constant, though: the sense that you are at one with the natural world around you. Bring your camera, fishing rod and hiking boots, and prepare to be enchanted by the wildlife roaming free just beyond the boundary of civilisation.

Sacacomie Lodge – Sacacomie Lodge is a Canadian getaway destination where luxury comes naturally Nestled in the heart of the forest and bordering the Mastigouche Wildlife Reserve, Sacacomie Lodge overlooks a majestic lake whose shore extends for more than 42 kilometres. Enjoy amazing hospitality in this log-built lodge, which blends harmoniously into an enchanting setting where nature reigns supreme. Rustic on the outside and welcoming on the inside, the lodge has 109 rooms and suites, including forest-side and lakeside rooms, junior suites and executive suites, as well as a presidential suite. In both summer and winter, the natural beauty surrounding this retreat guarantees days filled with fresh air. On the private lodge’s land – more than 518 square kilometres – you can enjoy a variety of activities, such as hiking on 64 kilometres of trails, horseback riding, riding quad bikes, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, pedal boating, dog sledding, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing, tubing and more. Take a wildlife observation tour, a float plane or helicopter journey, a sleigh ride, or just relax on the private beach. The lodge's guides are local people: native Canadians, trappers, storytellers, fishermen, snowmobilers and naturalists. With their Québécois joie de vivre, they help guests discover the area's geography, culture, flora and wildlife. The Geos Spa Sacacomie is one of the largest eco-spas in Canada. Experience "thermotherapy" by going back and forth between two saunas, a hammam, an ice waterfall, three Jacuzzis, a campfire and a solarium with fireplace. With 187 employees for 109 guestrooms and suites, an international clientele is assured of high-quality customer service in seven different languages. In the kitchen, skilled culinary professionals prepare European-inspired dishes featuring fine regional ingredients. Map ref: 32

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Emerald Lake Lodge

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Emerald Lake Lodge is surrounded by exquisite natural beauty. As the only property on secluded Emerald Lake, it is the perfect place to escape and relax. Originally built in 1902 by the Canadian Pacific Railway, this historic property has been restored and redeveloped to become one of the finest resorts in the Canadian Rockies. Savour gourmet food, sip unique boutique wines and let yourself unwind. Map ref: 33

Painted Boat Resort Spa and Marina

Hastings House Country House Hotel

This luxurious two hectare waterfront resort, just 20 minutes by float plane from downtown Vancouver, features 31 spacious two-bedroom villas, fitness facilities, a fully appointed spa, an infinity pool and a hot tub overlooking the ocean. Savour West Coast flavours at The RESTAURANT, which highlights fresh seafood and creative coastal cuisine.

Arowhon Pines is off-the-beaten-track in the middle of the Algonquin Park woods. Stay in charming rustic cabins along Little Joe Lake and savour fresh local food in the heritage log dining room with its wraparound veranda. Enjoy varied activities, including canoeing a chain of lakes, hiking to see moose and other wildlife, swimming, sailing and tennis. Delight in peace and quiet in the wilderness.

Hastings House Country House Hotel is a small waterfront luxury resort, spa and restaurant on nine hectares of land on the Ganges Harbour, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. Enjoy sophisticated lodging, fine dining, wellness and relaxation in a casually elegant atmosphere. Delight in British Columbia’s natural beauty, Salt Spring’s mild climate, and the warmth of its people.

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Far From the Madding Crowd

The heady scents of cedar and pine. A mirror-smooth lake disturbed only by the ripples of your paddle. The haunting cry of a loon. The crashing waves of remote waters against a rugged and coastline. Reconnect with nature at its most serene or powerful by escaping the city in favour of the wide open spaces of Canada's great outdoors. Whether you're relying on GPS, a float plane or a ferry crossing to reach your far-flung destination, Canada's surprisingly accessible wilderness feels a long way from the urban rush.

Moraine Lake Lodge – Moraine Lake in Banff National Park is a must-see stop for visitors to the Rockies The lucky ones stay at the only accommodation on the lake. Designed by one of Canada's leading architects, Arthur Erickson, the timber-beam lodge is structurally imposing and yet blends into its surroundings. Massive glass windows invite the outdoors in, while inside, guests relax in the comforts of the dining room, library, and lodge rooms or cabins. Guided hikes, naturalist presentations and canoeing are complimentary. The Wilcox Dining Room showcases regional cuisine; signature dishes include buffalo carpaccio and deer tenderloin. Map ref: 37

Arowhon Pines

Black Rock Oceanfront Resort – Set in nature, designed for comfort, naturally inspiring Black Rock Oceanfront Resort offers a unique experience for couples, honeymooners, families and groups of all sizes. Located in beautiful British Columbia on Canada’s West Coast, this magnificent oceanfront resort in Ucluelet, Vancouver Island, combines contemporary comfort and quality service for an enchanting experience. Stay in a comfortable studio suite with one king bed and kitchenette or a larger onebedroom suite with one king bed, one pull out sofa bed, a separate living room and kitchen facility. Celebrate in Fetch Restaurant or Float Lounge both boasting oceanfront views and artisan-inspired West Coast Cuisine. Discover the romantic essence of Vancouver Island as you savour fresh dishes and Pacific Coast wines with quality service. Watch the waves crash endlessly as the sun sets over the Pacific Ocean and maybe catch a glimpse of a whale on the horizon or hear eagles soaring as you smell hand-crafted cuisine. After a day of exploring the many nearby rainforest hiking trails, sandy beaches and local parks, soak in ocean-side hot tubs. Enjoy free parking and bicycle hire as well as the resort's fitness centre, 24-hour guest services support, in-room Wifi, furnished balconies and much more. Relax and unwind in Drift Signature Spa. Enjoy cleansing, revitalising treatments drawn from the natural elements of a rich coast. Drift Spa features an extensive menu of rejuvenating and restorative body and skin treatments including, massage, facials, manicures, pedicures, hydrotherapy, body scrubs, wraps, soaks, and hot stone treatments. The spa treatments use kelp from local Pacific waters, natural sea oils, and rainforest botanicals. Discover Drift Spa at Black Rock Resort and let the stress melt away. Map ref: 38

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Echo Valley Ranch & Spa

The Hills Health and Guest Ranch

– A world-class destination, conveniently nestled in the Cariboo Mountains

– An award-winning destination, fitness and spa resort

This oasis redefines luxury the natural way, and far away from the bustling city. Guests feel they belong in this little slice of heaven – unspoiled in every sense of the word. A serene place, a spiritual place – free of lobbies, elevators and doormen to tip.

The Hills Health and Guest Ranch offers outstanding summer hiking, biking and horseback riding on 160 kilometres of trails winding over 8,000 hectares, among pine and fir forests, across rolling grasslands and along lakeshores. Hourly, half-day and all-day horseback rides are available.

At the ranch, enjoy a unique farm-to-fork culinary experience. Chef Jason prepares all meals using mostly local, home-grown products, a joy for every taste and palate. Immerse yourself in ranch activities, such as horseback riding, gold panning, exploring the Fraser Canyon or indulging in the world-class spa. Enjoy a scenic drive from Vancouver or fly straight to the ranch's private airport. Map ref: 39

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Spa and Wellness

The ranch also features 18 wellness and spa treatment rooms, 40 fitness classes, hikes and wellness workshops, and two dining rooms. Enjoy hayrides, canoeing, skiing, snowmobiling and dog-sledding. Wellness services include horse whispering, yoga, pilates, aerobics, aqua aerobics, kinesiology, personal training, nutrition consultation, therapy and counselling Map ref: 40

Take some well-deserved time out with a personal journey into pure bliss. Ease those knots in your shoulders. Remember what vitality feels like. Unwind in the knowledge that everything from indulgent treatments to delectable food has been designed to maximise your wellness. On mountaintops, in valleys and on beaches, trained professionals are eager to guide you on the path to health and self-confidence.

Hôtel Quintessence – An exclusive waterfront retreat Hôtel Quintessence, Tremblant’s pre-eminent boutique hotel, offers fine service and luxury, a few steps away from Mont-Tremblant, in the heart of the Laurentian Mountains. Named "Best Small Hotel in Northeastern America" by Condé Nast Johansen, the property features 30 luxury suites and houses Restaurant La Quintessence & Winebar which provides an outstanding dining experience in an elegant yet comfortable atmosphere. The Hotel's Spa Sans Sabots offers an ambience of sumptuous relaxation, its sophisticated décor providing the perfect foil for the breathtaking views of Lake Tremblant from the oversized whirlpool or the infinity pool. Every detail has been considered in delivering a memorable spa experience with an unhurried atmosphere, restricted numbers and pairing each guest with the appropriate professional. After being pampered by magical soothing hands, be tempted by the steam room and sauna, or simply immerse yourself in the whirlpool to view a spectacular lakeside sunset. Map ref: 41

Niagara Parks – Like No Other Place On Earth Only Canada’s Niagara Parks takes you this close to the natural wonder and awe-inspiring beauty of Niagara Falls. Niagara Parks offers a complete and authentic experience of the Falls and the beautiful parklands that grace the entire Niagara River shoreline. Discover unique and exciting attractions, natural and historic locations, spectacular gardens, championship golf and fine Niagara wines and cuisine with Niagara Parks. See the Falls from above, below and even behind the crashing water. Begin at Table Rock – the landmark location overlooking the brink of the Horseshoe Falls – for your Journey Behind the Falls. You will feel the thunder of the crashing waters while exploring tunnels and observation decks behind and below the Falls. Other attractions enhance the experience. Don’t miss Niagara’s Fury, a 4-D theatre experience that tells the story of the formation of the Falls in a unique and fun-filled way. Take an exciting ride on the open deck of the Hornblower Niagara Cruises, sailing into the mist and waves at the base of the Falls. Then visit White Water Walk to experience some of the world’s wildest whitewater, deep in the ancient Niagara gorge. The Niagara Falls Adventure Pass offers the best value for enjoying all four attractions and includes two full days transportation on the WEGO bus system that connects Niagara Parks attractions with the city’s hotel and tourism areas. Other fascinating attractions include North America's largest glass-enclosed Butterfly Conservatory, and the Whirlpool Aero Car which glides high above the Niagara Whirlpool rapids. Niagara Parks offers a world-class selection of dining venues each with their own breathtaking views. Elements on the Falls Restaurant is perched overlooking the very brink of the Horseshoe Falls, and Edgewaters Restaurant offers a panoramic view of both Falls from an expansive outdoor patio. Niagara cuisine and wines are also featured at Queenston Heights Restaurant, located in historic parkland high atop the Niagara escarpment. Map ref: 42

Family Time

Look no further than Niagara Falls for our pick of the ultimate Canadian family destination. Explore the parks along the Niagara River, soar over the Falls in a helicopter or walk behind the thundering spray. Enjoy great hiking trails and vivid fireworks. Fill your family's days with thrills and indulgence, and delight your kids with experiences that will have them asking "Do you remember when...?" for years to come.

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Backcountry Horseback Adventure – A unique Canadian experience Saddle up and experience what it was like to be an Old West pioneer – all while exploring the raw beauty of Canada’s Banff National Park. Discover a side of the Canadian Rocky Mountains few travellers ever get to see. Banff Trail Rider’s Backcountry Horseback Adventures take you deep into the wilderness, led by a team of expert guides. Everyone can make this trip, even if you’ve never been on a horse before. Follow a historic pack trail that twists through the craggy Sundance Mountain Range, where riders can spot wolves, elk and perhaps even a bear. Climb up Allenby Pass (at an elevation of 2,470 metres) and stare out across a sweeping landscape of jagged, ice-crusted mountains. Along the way, you’ll stay at two unique lodges that blend modern comfort with Old West grit – Sundance Lodge, a comfortable 10-room log cabin, and the historic Halfway Lodge. Plus, you get a taste of what it was like to be a trail-blazing pioneer in the 1800s. Map ref: 43

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Ranching and Prairies

A cowboy silhouetted in the sunset against jagged mountains or sweeping prairie: it’s an iconic image of the West. Put yourself in the picture at a Canadian ranch either in the Rocky Mountains' Banff National Park or the prairie province of Saskatchewan. Explore a working ranch and learn from the family who run it. Look out for bison, elk, moose and more. Hear and tell stories around a blazing campfire, and retreat to a comfortable guesthouse, cabin, lodge or even teepee accommodation by night.

La Reata Ranch – Open space, silence, freedom and breathtaking scenery: an experience that will touch your soul and make you want to stay forever La Reata is a working cattle ranch that welcomes guests. Located in the river hills of Lake Diefenbaker, it operates from May to October each year. Visitors stay in western-style cabins, each equipped with a private bathroom. The main activity is horseback-riding on well-trained quarter horses, which roam freely on the large property. Other activities offered at the ranch include hiking, bird-watching, swimming, boating, fishing and other water sports. Evenings are spent playing games in the saloon, telling stories around the camp fire or relaxing in the hot tub. Map ref: 44

Experience Ranches in Saskatchewan – In Saskatchewan, hospitality is as natural as breathing, and outdoor adventure is a way of life Blaze your own trail as you explore unspoiled terrain and experience traditional cowboy lifestyle first-hand with three Canadian Signature Experiences: Historic Reesor Ranch, La Reata Ranch and Sturgeon River Ranch. Historic Reesor Ranch – The Reesor family knows ranching. They have been at it for 110 years. Located in the picturesque Cypress Hills, Historic Reesor Ranch is at once a history lesson, authentic cowboy experience and welcoming B&B. Ride the wide-open range or explore trails that wind through majestic pine and spruce forests. At the end of the day, gather around a crackling campfire and swap stories of your adventures on this working ranch. Year-round, the coffee pot is on and the welcome mat rolled out at Historic Reesor Ranch. La Reata Ranch – Located in the river hills of Lake Diefenbaker, La Reata Ranch is an authentic working cattle and guest ranch spread across 2,000 hectares of rolling grassland. Your home-away-from-home is a comfortable, western-style cabin, only steps away from the massive lake. Delicious home-cooked meals are provided and, in addition to horseback riding across this vast tract of land, guests can enjoy hiking, birdwatching, swimming, fishing and other water-based activities. Evenings are spent playing games in the saloon, telling stories around the campfire or relaxing in the hot tub. Sturgeon River Ranch – The “Wild West” takes on a whole new meaning when you visit Sturgeon River Ranch. Saddle up and head into Prince Albert National Park to view free-ranging wild Plains bison still within their historic range. Be on the lookout for elk, moose, deer, wolves, bear and other countless species that inhabit this beautiful transition eco-region. Days start with a hearty breakfast and finish with a delicious meal, followed by a campfire, storytelling and sing-alongs under the majestic Northern Lights. Teepee stays are available for a truly memorable experience. Map ref: 45

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Nimmo Bay Wilderness Resort – Discover an incredible adventure found only within nature At Nimmo Bay in beautiful British Columbia, you define what it means to be brave. Fly to a pristine coastal river to catch wild steelhead trout and salmon. Enjoy a helicopter adventure over the treetops of 130,000 square kilometres of wilderness, en route to lunch on a 10,000-year-old glacier. Or test your courage by enjoying a brisk swim in the waterfall plunge pool. Enjoy a guided day of bear watching or whale watching, or a peaceful trek through the forest around the luxurious resort. You choose the adventure; Nimmo Bay provides the experience. Adventurous souls choose Nimmo Bay for experiences that are rare anywhere else, and they return because the property has exceeded their expectations. This family-owned and -operated business offers fresh coastal cuisine and first-class service, along with intimate and relaxing wilderness experiences, helping you explore nature in its purest form. Map ref: 46

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Wilderness Style

In summer, hike through virgin forests and paddle in coves where beavers and otters play. In winter, snowshoe across rolling hills where animal tracks are the only sign of company. As the sunlight wanes, indulge your senses with an aromatherapy massage. At dinner, enjoy the talents of an award-winning chef during a five-course meal complemented by fine vintage wines. Soak in a Jacuzzi or read by a crackling fire. Then drift off to sleep in a sumptuous bed, lulled to sleep by the music of the wind.

Clayoquot Wilderness Resort – Remote, refined, remarkable Located in the Clayoquot Sound World Biosphere Reserve area on Vancouver Island's west coast, Clayoquot Wilderness Resort is a safari-style resort open from May to September. The property offers all-inclusive adventures and luxurious tented accommodations. Packages include all personally guided adventure activities, including black bear and whale-watching excursions, horseback riding, hiking, kayaking, and deep-sea fishing. Map ref: 47

Chic-Chocs Mountain Lodge – On the trail of moose Very comfortable accommodation in a natural environment: this is the concept behind the Chic-Chocs Mountain Lodge. An unusual spot in Eastern Canada, it is perched at an altitude of 615 metres in the heart of the Matane Wildlife Reserve. Well-being, pleasure and tranquillity are the premise here. With only 18 guestrooms, privacy is guaranteed. Inside the lodge, you will find a cosy atmosphere where the innkeeper and his team have neglected nothing. Outside, you can enjoy your favourite activities in an untamed wilderness, in the company of experienced guides. The Chic-Chocs Mountain Lodge is a refuge from the ordinary. The statistics tell the story: 18 rooms perched on a mountainside, two peaks over 1,070 metres high, 9.6 moose per 2.6 square kilometres, 60 square kilometres of summits to explore, and 56 kilometres from the edge of the sea to the summit where the lodge is located. Nestled in the heart of a sweeping mountain panorama, the lodge invites you to enjoy a total change of scenery. Far from civilisation, recharge your batteries in an unspoiled spot. Landscaped with great respect for the natural environment, the Chic-Chocs Mountain Lodge is a comfortable and welcoming place to stay, where it feels good to be on the move...or to simply enjoy the silence and the amazing view. Summer activities include hiking, wildlife observation (moose, caribou, white-tailed deer and beaver), photography, kayaking on the lake and mountain biking. Safety gear and sports equipment are provided. After relaxing in the spa, sip a glass of wine by the fireplace, then savour healthy choices and regional dishes. The chef will surprise you with delicious meals featuring fish and game. For maximum freshness, the bread, ice cream and desserts are made on-site. Map ref: 48

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Zoo Sauvage de Saint-Félicien

Wood Buffalo National Park

– Explore the magnificent nature of the boreal forest

– Experience the wonders of a UNESCO World Heritage-listed site and Canada’s largest national park

An adventure hike in the land of the caribou at the Zoo Sauvage de Saint-Félicien offers close contact with the fauna and flora of the northern forest. In the company of an enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide, you will share in a memorable experience, following the rhythm of the caribou.

Wood Buffalo National Park’s 44,807 square kilometres sprawl across northern Alberta and part of the southern Northwest Territories. Even bigger than Switzerland, the park was created in 1922. It is now home to the largest free-roaming wood bison herds in the world, one of the world’s only natural whooping crane nesting sites, and the world’s second-largest inland freshwater delta.

Many activities will bring you to the centre of the action of the caribou herd. The highlights of the adventure include a meal in a period home, a walk in the forest, a canoe ride on a serene lake and one night in a prospector-style tent. This adventure is a thrilling way to discover the zoo, located near Lac Saint-Jean, north of Quebec City. Map ref: 49

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Wildlife Experiences

See wood bison grazing by the road, stare into the cavernous Angus Sinkhole, taste Mother Nature’s salt at the Salt Plains, wiggle your toes in soothing clay at Grosbeak Lake and swim in the aquamarine waters of karst sinkholes at Pine Lake. Map ref: 50

Venture into vast expanses – rustling woods stretching to the horizon, salt marshes teeming with life, wild tundra, and foaming oceans. Where roads are rare and humans are specks under an all-encompassing sky, encounter amazing animals roaming free. Feel your heart keep pace with the thunder of a caribou herd. Wrestle with your fishing rod as you hook an enormous salmon. Gaze in awe as an eagle wheels high overhead. This is their land, and you are their fortunate guest.

Inuit Adventures – Experience one of the oldest cultures on earth Imagine a place the size of France, with no highways, no shopping malls, and no city skyscrapers; a place that is home to one of the world’s oldest living cultures, the Inuit, who thrive in one of the most spectacular wilderness regions left on Earth. In winter, this pristine corner of the Arctic brings spectacular displays of the Aurora Borealis, and the white-covered tundra provides "nature’s roadway", as the Inuit travel by dog-sled and snow-mobile across the land. In summer, Nunavik bursts with life – polar bears roam, herds of caribou wonder, migratory birds nest undisturbed, wildflowers carpet the land, and trout, salmon, and char fill the rushing streams and rivers. Nunavik offers today’s adventure-seeking traveller an immersion into nature on a truly grand scale, the way your ancestors once experienced the North American frontier – raw, powerful, and pure in its abundant beauty. Map ref: 51

Sonora Resort – The design and architecture of the resort reflect the beauty of the Pacific Coast Nestled between Vancouver Island and the Canadian mainland are the Discovery Islands, a rainforest-capped archipelago of raw, unspoiled natural beauty. They are home to Sonora Resort, an all-inclusive, Relais & Châteaux secluded retreat that overlooks the sparkling ocean. Natural stone fireplaces and rich wood accents are the backdrop for gorgeous artwork inspired by the West Coast. Inside and out, Sonora Resort exudes the spirit of British Columbia. There is a wilderness adventure for every Sonora guest. Ocean excursions take you between the islands and into deep glacial inlets; here dolphins play in the currents, killer whales frolic and eagles soar. There is world-class salmon fishing in sheltered coves and guided ocean kayaking in calm waters. Back on property, the dining experience at Sonora is the perfect way to refuel after a day outdoors. Take in a panoramic ocean view while savouring exquisite Pacific coastal cuisine. Sonora chefs source fine local and international ingredients to create innovative tasting menus that capture the fresh beauty of the outdoors. The wine cellar features vintages from British Columbia, as well as an exceptional international selection. And for rest and rejuvenation, Island Currents Spa uses elements such as warm stones, sea salt, rockweed and cedar in a spa menu that stimulates natural renewal and restoration. The spa includes a state-of-the-art fitness room and the Therapeutic Channel–a circuit of steam, Swiss showers and refreshing mineral pools. Map ref: 52

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Knight Inlet Lodge – One of the world's premier grizzly bear viewing spots Experience sustainable tourism at British Columbia’s original grizzly bear viewing lodge. Knight Inlet Lodge is a remote floating lodge accessible only by float plane from Vancouver Island, and the property is located amid prime grizzly bear habitat in one of the most scenic locations along the rugged coast of British Columbia. Spring and summer bear viewing operates from small boats or kayaks while the peak late August-mid October viewing of bears fishing for salmon takes place from custom-built viewing stands. Your stay will give you a fascinating look into the grizzlies’ daily lives. In addition to bear viewing, you can take part in a number of other tours, including whale-watching JulySeptember, rainforest hikes, interpretive tracking tours and bird watching, all from the comfort of one resort. Knight Inlet Lodge is proud to be a TripAdvisor 2014 Travellers' Choice Award Winner and a member of the Canadian Signature Experiences collection. Map ref: 53

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Bear Viewing

Your group stares in silent astonishment at a scene in the vast wilderness of British Columbia: a mother grizzly bear and her cub poised over a rushing stream. Suddenly, she swipes an enormous paw into the current and extracts a silvery salmon. Jaws fall open. Far away on the shore of the beautiful Hudson Bay, another

Bear Viewing Tour – Explore the fascinating animal kingdom of the Sacacomie lodge region Experience the ultimate open-air adventure and set off on the discovery of the captivating fauna and flora of the Mastigouche wildlife reserve. This is the unique opportunity to participate in a remarkable program of observation of the bears and beavers. Three hours before sunset, travel to one of the observation sites on board an army Jeep. Accompanied by a trapper guide, in small groups of ten to twelve people, explore the enthralling natural habitat of those wild animals. Learn about their habits and become absorbed into this enlivening nature. Map ref: 54

Spirit Bear Lodge

River Safari

– Explore the home of the world’s only Kitasoo Spirit Bear Conservancy

– In the heart of the planet's only inland temperate rainforest

As the largest intact temperate rainforest in the world, British Colombia's Great Bear Rainforest is home to hundreds of species of animals – including spirit bears, grizzlies, black bears and wolves – making this one of the most bio-diverse areas on the planet.

Board a specially designed boat for a smooth but exciting one-hour River Safari. Explore up to 12 kilometres of the spectacular Grizzly Bear Valley – where the bears decide when and for how long you'll stop along the way.

Spirit Bear Lodge is a community-based ecotourism venture owned and operated by the Kitasoo/ Xaixais First Nation. The lodge has been recognised by conservation organisations and the media as one of the best ecotourism experiences in the world. Get ready for the experience of a lifetime.

As you are travelling up small rivers, gliding over water only inches deep and going where it seems no boat has gone before, you are sure to fall witness to a variety of active wildlife always seen on these riverbanks. In addition to an information-packed narrative, guides will point out the bears, glaciers and many waterfalls toppling from the surrounding snowcapped mountains.

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group sets out in a rugged vehicle on a quest: to spot a majestic polar bear. Against a backdrop of endless rocky tundra, two males are reared up on their hind legs, engaged in a bitter battle. Their rumbling growls echo through the brisk autumn air. The photo opportunity of a lifetime presents itself, and cameras click.

Ecotours-BC – Walk with grizzlies in the wilderness where there are more bear tracks than boot prints! Experience natural grizzly bear watching and wildlife viewing, amazing alpine hiking, birding and a unique winter wolf and moose adventure on snow shoes. Explore glaciers, forests, snow capped mountains and salmon-bearing rivers with Gary Zorn, known worldwide as the "Bear Whisperer™". The adventure never stops in this mountain wilderness of over half-a-million hectares rich with grizzlies, black bears, moose, mountain goats, mountain caribou, wolves, mule deer, furbearers and more than 250 species of birds. The lodge capacity of only eight guests ensures an intimate encounter with nature and wildlife in small interpretive groups of four. Immerse yourself in an authentic Canadian wilderness adventure of sheer beauty, lifelong memories and life-changing moments in nature. This Canadian Signature Experience is British Columbia's first licensed grizzly bear viewing guide with over 30 years experience guiding the back country explorer. Map ref: 57

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Whale Watching Tours from Victoria & Vancouver

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Mer et Monde Ecotours

Whale Watching and Marine Wildlife Encounters – A fleet of twelve vessels and year-round departures from Victoria and Vancouver

Join Orca Spirit Adventures for a fantastic whale-watching and wildlife viewing experience. See the stunning beauty of the West Coast and learn from your professional guide about the many wonders of southern Vancouver Island’s unique marine community, which includes orca, humpback and minke whales, along with seals, sea lions, porpoises, and a variety of birds.

Thanks to the calm waters of the St. Lawrence River at night, you can enjoy an unforgettable experience during this sea kayaking excursion – observe the phenomenon of bio-luminescence and listen to whale sounds using a hydrophone. The sea is like a mirror and the sky is full of stars and northern lights, to the delight of visitors in search of memorable experiences in Quebec.

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Whales and Marine Encounters

As a founding member of the Pacific Whale Watching Association, Prince of Whales has been providing premium whale-watching and marine-wildlife experiences to guests from around the world for over 20 years. Floating classrooms serve as the premier platform for educating guests who are naturally curious about killer whales and the other wild creatures that call the Salish Sea home. Guests are exposed to as many marine species as possible on each of the tours, and are left feeling inspired after every encounter. The tours range from a three-and-a-half-hour adventure to full-day excursions including a visit to The Butchart Gardens.

In a Zodiac churning though shimmering waters, you shade your eyes and follow your friends’ spellbound gazes. What do they see? Where is it? Suddenly, your breath catches in your throat as, just metres away, the massive tail fin of a humpback whale flicks a glittering arc of water into the sky. Or perhaps it’s a pair of giddy porpoises frolicking in the wake of a small ship or a colony of barking sea lions sunning themselves on a rocky shore. You’ve never felt more alive.

The Churchill Summer Arctic Safari – Beluga whales, wildlife and welcomes In Churchill, Manitoba, get an open water invitation to gather with thousands of nature’s most elegant creature: the beluga whale. The prairie province boasts over 400 kilometres of salt water coastline – and during the summer, the western Hudson Bay is home to thousands of beluga whales. Bringing their calves into the warmer waters of the Churchill River estuary, they break the surface of the water to fill their lungs with air, and fill you with wonder. Curious by nature, they circle your kayak and swim along with you – a welcome party that you will never forget. Listen to the songs of chirps, clicks, and whistles, the sounds of making new friends. The people are as enchanting as the wildlife. The locals love sharing their culture and stories, their history and art. To them, each visitor is another welcome guest. With the summer tundra in bloom, the flocks of birds native to the area call to you across the land too, while caribou roam, arctic foxes scamper, and polar bears make guest appearances in the wildflowers. And as if that weren't enough, high above it all, the northern lights twinkle and dance amid the stars, lighting up your night with an incredible magic. Map ref: 61

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Lazy Bear Lodge & Expeditions – Where the World comes to see Polar Bears and Beluga Whales Stay in rustic comfort at a unique hand-hewed log hotel and be prepared to get up close and personal to the action. Experience the mutual attraction that you will feel when you come upon the largest concentration of Beluga Whales and Polar Bears in the World. Located in Churchill, Manitoba, near the Hudson Bay, Lazy Bear Lodge sits on the edge of the Boreal Forest and Canadian Tundra, offering a magnificent wildlife experience you won’t find anywhere else. The world’s largest concentration of Polar Bears, Beluga Whales, the mystical Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) and so much more await you. The Lodge itself is the largest hand-crafted log building in Manitoba. Its building – which feels more like an 1800s trading post than a modern eco-lodge – includes over 1000 logs, creating an assembly of twisted, gnarled timbers. Find your solace 1600 kilometres north of the Canadian border and 800 kilometres below The Arctic Circle. A variety of summer and winter packages are available and range from two to ten nights. Map ref: 62

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Polar Bears

Travel to Canada’s ruggedly beautiful North for one of the world’s greatest natural adventures: spotting the magnificent polar bear. In an environment alive with wild creatures – caribo and moose, red foxes and Arctic hares, ptarmigans and snowy owls – you are on a quest to spot one in particular: the magnificent polar bear. Marvel at these

Churchill Nature Tours – Explore new landscapes, observe new wildlife and experience new ecosystems For more than thirty years Churchill Nature Tours has provided deluxe nature tours to people from all over the world. The firm specialises in bird watching in June, whale watching in July and August, and polar bear viewing in October and November. Each itinerary is carefully designed to enable exciting encounters with nature at an enjoyable holiday pace. Churchill takes pride in the thoughtful consideration it gives to each tour's design and logistics to ensure your maximum enjoyment of all aspects of every tour. Churchill strives to please all of the people all of the time and to give you the holiday you want. Map ref: 63

Polar Bear Encounters with Frontiers North Adventures – Find your true north on an authentic Arctic experience with Frontiers North Adventures Gaze across the tundra at a majestic polar bear from a world-famous Tundra Buggy®, discover Arctic culture and history, and marvel at the breathtaking northern lights. A once-in-a-lifetime adventure awaits you in Churchill, Manitoba, with Frontiers North Adventures. As one of only two companies with access to the trail network in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area and exclusive permission to host guests in Wapusk National Park, Frontiers North can take you where no others can. Led by expert interpretive guides, summer and autumn options for every traveller abound, from single-day adventures to multi-day photography expeditions. As a spirited adventurer, you will love waking up with the bears and watching them from the specially designed Tundra Buggy Lodge. See their lives unfold before your eyes, day and night, in this vast wilderness. A Churchill hotel-based stay allows plenty of time spent on the tundra with the bears, as well as time to explore Churchill’s unique northern charm. Map ref: 64

powerful animals as they congregate on the seashore to prepare for their winter hunt. Watch as they rear up on their hind legs against a snowy landscape to battle each other – in play or in earnest. After a day of incredible sights, one last one awaits you: slip outside your lodge to watch the Northern Lights flicker against an inky sky.

Churchill Wild – Walk with polar bears on the world's next great safari Visit the Canadian Arctic and stay at one or more of three remote fly-in polar bear lodges located directly on the Hudson Bay coast. The lodges are incorporated into five- to eight-day safari itineraries and are strategically located for maximum bear and wildlife activity. From the moment you land in the bears' pristine environment, it is clear that here they reign supreme. Walk among the lords of the arctic and immerse yourself into their world. You will also enjoy daily walking and marine excursions safely guided by seasoned naturalists, each with intimate knowledge of the hostile yet fragile ecosystem of an unchanged land. Experience Northern Canada as it was meant to be experienced – at ground level. Swim with the beluga whales, or overnight in Caribou Camp to experience the largest mammal migration in North America. After the adrenaline recedes, relax by the fire with a fine Canadian wine and delectable appetisers while you savour the aromas of the fine northern cuisine that awaits you. Map ref: 65

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Active and Relaxed Adventures

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Niagara Helicopter Tours – One of Niagara's premier year-round aerial attractions provides a memorable high For 50 years, Niagara Helicopters has been thrilling people from around the world with an unforgettably scenic, exciting sightseeing experience in the Niagara region, from the safety and comfort of one of five meticulously maintained Bell 407 helicopters. The nine-minute tour includes on-board commentary in many languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin and more. On-site services include a gift shop featuring exclusive Niagara Helicopters collectibles, a coffee shop, and a state-of-the-art photography lab producing personalised, high-quality photos of you and your loved ones. Map ref: 66

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Float Planes and Helicopters

Like scenes from a wide-screen film, sweeping tundra, soaring cliffs and misty waterfalls unfold beneath your helicopter or float plane. Discover Niagara from an eagle’s eye perspective or view British Columbia’s supernatural beauty from a breathtaking height. Before long, your aircraft lands, and these natural wonders are at your feet. Unique, personal and comprehensive tours, these aerial explorations will leave a lasting impression.

Whistler Air’s Spectacular Glacier Tour – One of the most popular Whistler tours Depart Green Lake, leaving a spray of water behind as you rise over Whistler Valley. Experience British Columbia’s supernatural beauty with this eagle’s eye flight over the majestic glaciers. Glaciers ruled supreme 15,000 years ago, piled so deep that only the tops of the highest peaks felt the warmth of the afternoon sun. This amazing flight allows you more time in the alpine to marvel at how these massive volcanoes and powerful rivers of ice have shaped and carved their magnificent surroundings, to create the rugged peaks, unique volcanic formations and lush alpine meadows that frame the turquoise waters of Garibaldi Lake. Don’t forget your camera! Whistler’s only seaplane operator has been flying de Havilland Otters and Beavers for over 28 years. Enjoy breathtaking scenic tours and fast frequent flights between Whistler, downtown Vancouver and downtown Victoria – save hours and be there in minutes. Map ref: 67

Fairmont Le Château Montebello – One of the world's largest log structures Fairmont Le Château Montebello is what you would expect of a true Canadian experience. Set in the heart of a spectacular wilderness setting, this architectural masterpiece offers 211 guestrooms on three floors. Fine dining, highlighting locally grown country-fresh produce is sure to please gourmet tastes with every bite. For the active and adventurous visitor, Fairmont Le Château Montebello offers an array of activities including 18-hole championship golf, all terrain vehicles, horseback riding, hiking, Land Rover off-road and a Fairmont Spa. During cooler months guests are invited to try their hand at curling, skating, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, ice fishing, dog sledding, sleigh rides and snowshoeing. The village of Montebello also offers its own set of activities including the very popular Parc Omega (a wildlife animal park), as well as the historic Manoir Papineau situated beside Fairmont Le Château Montebello. In the evening, relax by the lobby's massive stone fireplace. Map ref: 68

Par Excellence

Do not allow the stellar surroundings – forested wildlife sanctuaries, undulating hills, rushing rivers – to distract you from your goal: a hole-in-one. Enjoy an exciting and challenging course as it winds tightly through graceful forests and over dramatic elevation changes. Swing your club and delight in the satisfaction of your ball sailing into a clear blue sky. Afterwards, enjoy a well-earned beverage as you sit back and admire the beauty of your tranquil surroundings.

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Capilano Suspension Bridge

The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge

Appreciate nature from three breathtaking perspectives: the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge, which is 137 metres long and 70 metres high; the seven bridges of Treetops Adventure; and the thrilling Cliffwalk, a heartstopping journey high above Capilano River. Knowledgeable staff and informative signage share details of history, culture and nature. This is an all-encompassing B.C. experience.

Discover the Great Canadian Lodge Experience. This year-round lakeside resort, spread over 280 hectares has undergone extensive renovations to rooms, suites and public areas. Enjoy access to the Icefields Parkway between Jasper and Banff – one of the most scenic drives in the world. Unwind at the spa, experience culinary excellence, or simply relax fireside in the main lodge.

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Hike and Explore

Challenge your muscles and your orienteering skills against some of the most rugged terrain on the planet. Skilled guides can lead you deep into untamed backcountry, where you will test your abilities to the limit. Or for something less extreme, moderate efforts will still yield unforgettable rewards – snap a photo of a turquoise lake, cross a swinging bridge high above a ravine. Go rock climbing, ski mountaineering, glacier walking or snowshoeing. Your feet and your ingenuity are your passports to adventure.

Yamnuska Mountain Adventures – Explore the Canadian Rockies with a private and internationally certified mountain guide In the summer, enjoy rock climbing, mountaineering and hiking in a vast and serene mountain environment. In the winter, ice climbing, backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering are bound to exhilarate and rejuvenate you. Yamnuska Mountain Adventures is one of Canada’s premier mountain and adventure guiding companies. Single or multi-day mountain experiences are available at all levels, from beginner to expert. Learn a new skill, test your mettle or enjoy a relaxing hike in the peaceful backcountry of the Canadian Rockies near Banff. The mountains are Yamnuska’s speciality. Go as remote as you want or enjoy day trips from your hotel base. With over 30 years of experience working and playing in these mountains, Yamnuska has extensive experience developing outstanding itineraries. Mountains, glaciers and certified guides await you for your dream hiking, climbing or skiing adventures. Map ref: 71

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Tyax Wilderness Resort & Spa – Situated on a remote lake known to the aboriginal people as “Tyaughton” or “lake of the jumping fish” Stunning scenery, magnificent mountain views and a tranquil lakeside setting all set the stage for your unforgettable adventure at Tyax Wilderness Resort and Spa. Located in the South Chilcotin Mountains, approximately 350 kilomteres north of Vancouver, British Columbia, Tyax Lodge is nestled above peaceful Tyaughton Lake. The lodge itself is an incredible fusion of luxury and comfort with the rustic atmosphere of its original log structure. Featuring 28 guestrooms, guests can indulge in the luxurious spa with three treatment rooms, a fitness yoga studio, steam room, sauna, infra-red sauna, and outdoor Jacuzzi and hot tub. Bike, hike, or ride a horse. Tyax Wilderness Resort & Spa is home to a seemingly endless trail system providing some of the best alpine singletrack mountain biking routes, horseback riding adventures and hiking trails that British Columbia has to offer and we recommend taking a guided adventure with Tyax Adventures. Canoes, kayaks, and stand-up paddle boards are ready for you to enjoy the tranquillity of Tyaughton Lake. This is a fantastic activity for guests who love the peaceful side of nature. Though morning paddle rides feature the most wildlife, an evening paddle is the perfect way to unwind after a day in the wilderness, before retiring to your suite to rest and recharge for the next day. Float plane sightseeing tours provide a bird’s eye view of the vast ice-fields, immense mountain ranges and numerous lakes of the South Chilcotin. Take a Glacier Landing Tour and set foot where very few have before. Map ref: 72

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Mountain Escapes

Immerse yourself in a world of lofty peaks, alpine meadows and aquamarine lakes. Escape the everyday in a landscape that is anything but. Revel in the silence as you cast your fishing line at dawn. Delight in the babble of a hidden waterfall tumbling over a rocky cliff. Let the wind take your breath as you hurtle downhill on skis, or through thundering rapids on a raft. You may be surrounded by wild glory, but the attention to detail and exceptional cuisine at your fine hotel will rival those at any city property.

Maligne Tours and Adventures – Authentic Rocky Mountain experiences await you at Maligne Lake Maligne Lake has been the heart and soul of Jasper National Park for over a century while diminutive Spirit Island has become a world-famous landmark of the Canadian Rockies. These symbolic and overwhelming Maligne Lake landscapes and the stories of human interaction with them are yours to experience through a variety of tours and adventures. Scenic lake cruises are highly recommended. Choose the traditional, long-standing and well-loved standard cruise into the Hall of the Gods at the south end of Maligne Lake or opt for one of two speciality cruises - tailored to those travelling with children or photography enthusiasts. Combine a stroll around the historic buildings that populate the north end of Maligne Lake and share some Canadian Rockies heritage with afternoon tea served daily at the old Maligne Lake Chalet. A tradition in all backcountry camps throughout the Rockies, tea was always the beverage of hospitality and social exchange and an important symbol of civility in the backcountry. Rent a canoe or kayak and paddle the azure lake waters at your leisure. Or try your hand at fishing. Maligne Lake has abundant populations of rainbow and eastern brook trout. A full or half-day of fishing with a guide will take you to some prime and breathtaking angling spots. So will your boots – follow in historic footsteps on any one of a number of hiking trails offering views and wildlife spotting opportunities. For a real Rocky Mountain adventure, plan on a white-water rafting trip with Maligne Rafting Adventures. This wet and wild ride takes advantage of the big natural vertical drop found in mountain rivers. There are three rivers to choose from: the Athabasca, for a family-friendly Class II experience; the turbulent Sunwapta, with its Class III rapids; and the mighty Fraser, for a big-water, daredevil, Class III rapids run, all season long. Whatever you choose to do, the clear, pine-scented air and breathtaking scenery will rejuvenate you. Map ref: 73

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Yukon River Tour by Ruby Range Adventures – Take a classic canoe trip down the Yukon River from Whitehorse to Dawson City, following the trail of history This tour is specially tailored for visitors who like to travel far from the tourist routes. Starting in Whitehorse on the Yukon River with the compass needle set north, you will pass many relics of the historic gold rush of 1898. Travel over 700 kilometres on this mighty river, exploring several abandoned settlements, such as Fort Selkirk, Hootalinqua and Big Salmon Village. At night, camp on the gravel and sandbanks of the mighty river. En route, you may well see black bears, which are quite common in the Yukon valley, even grizzly bears sometimes stroll along the shoreline. The only major interruption to the river’s smooth journey is the mighty Five Finger Rapids, once a major navigation problem for the large paddle wheelers. At the confluence of the Yukon and Klondike rivers, you will find the settlement of Dawson City, where you can relive the history of the gold rush and the tales of Jack London and Robert Service. Map ref: 74

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Adventures on Water

There’s something primal about water. Feel your worries evaporate as your sleek canoe skims the glassy surface of a secluded lake or the burbling waters of a northern river. Gasp in wonder as a whale breaches the waves near your small cruise ship, noisy spray shooting from its blowhole. Or get soaked to the skin when you take on the churning waters of the Niagara River. Whether you dream of salt water or fresh, a tiny lake or an endless ocean, a woodsy pond or a mighty river, you can find it in Canada.

Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours

Voyageur Quest and the Algonquin Log Cabin

– Niagara’s premier white water adventure

– Selected by the Canadian Tourism Commission as part of the "Canadian Signature Experiences"

Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours will take you on an incredible adventure of a lifetime! Guests experience awe-inspiring scenery, the history of the Niagara Gorge, Niagara Falls and the War of 1812 and feel the rush of the class five white water rapids.

Located at Algonquin Park's northwest corner, Voyageur Quest operates year-round with three eco-lodges and a canoe trip base camp. Scheduled and private guided canoe trips focus on wildlife viewing safari camping. Enjoy gourmet meals, secluded campsites and the services of professional guides.

Choose your guided tour (following the same route whichever boat you choose): Soak it up on the Wet Jet tour or stay dry aboard the Jet Dome. Great for all ages (height restrictions apply), tours are 45 to 60 minutes long, operate May to October, and splash gear and footwear are provided. Map ref: 75

Canoeing, hiking and wildlife interpretation are provided from two eco-lodges, the Algonquin Log Cabin and Algonquin Cottage Outpost. The new Algonquin Island Retreat is for couples only and was once a favourite painting base for Canadian artist Tom Thomson. Return transfers from downtown Toronto are available for scheduled three- and five-day trips. Map ref: 76

The Manitoba Fishing Experience – Manitoba’s middle of nowhere, in the centre of everything Arrive by float plane to a secluded wilderness lodge, complete with five-star amenities and find the best places to find the biggest fish with local Aboriginal guides. The only interruption to the tranquillity of Manitoba’s wilderness is the tug on the line, the quickening of your pulse, and the fight for the fish. From massive northern pike, trophy walleye, to furious lake trout, Manitoba’s deep, clear lakes and fast-running rivers are known for growing big fish. These monsters are photographed for bragging rights and then released back into the wild, sustaining populations and ecosystems. What is kept, is prepared lakeside for mouth-watering shore lunches. Map ref: 77

Gone Fishing

Climb into a float plane and take off for a luxurious lodge on a remote Manitoba lake, where the surrounding woods echo with wolf howls. Or step aboard a meticulously restored heritage tugboat and set sail through waters teeming with porpoises off the British Columbia coast. It is finally time to pursue the fish of your dreams on an unforgettable fishing adventure: enormous lake trout, powerful northern pike, Arctic grayling, or spectacular salmon and halibut are all just waiting to be caught!

Westwind Tugboat Adventures – Welcome to North America's original tugboat cruise Experience a one-week fishing and cruising adventure aboard a 1941 vintage tugboat with a maximum of only 12 guests. Westwind Tugboat Adventures pioneered the "follow the fish" concept and cruise every day. Enjoy world-class salmon and halibut fishing on British Columbia's beautiful Inside Passage. With majestic fjords, velvet forests, waterfalls, whales, eagles, bears and wolves, it is a true paradise for nature lovers. Let a dedicated and friendly crew pamper you with tantalising meals, fine wines and all the comforts of home. Each two guests have the use of their own five-metre skiff, allowing them to fish, view whales, hike, search for wildlife, beachcomb, dig for clams or check the Dungeness crab pots whenever they like. The calm waters of the Inside Passage make this trip perfect for families and couples. Cascading waterfalls, picturesque anchorages, spectacular West Coast sunsets and adventure await you. Step aboard for fantastic scenery, wildlife and fishing. Map ref: 78

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Island Time

With captivating natural beauty, rugged ocean cliffs and lifestyles that prove that simple can be extraordinary, Canada’s islands are very much part of her identity. Visit wineries on Vancouver Island, explore the natural beauty of Quadra Island or take the ferry through the Gulf Islands. Marvel at Manitoulin the world's largest freshwater island, discover The Thousand Islands, fall in love with the people of Prince Edward Island. Drive across Cape Breton or explore Newfoundland. Canada calls for island time.

Tourism Prince Edward Island – Canada’s smallest province Prince Edward Island is known for its vivid colours, rolling landscapes, pristine beaches, and red sandstone cliffs. Yet, despite its recent nomination as one of Canada’s natural wonders, the island is about much more than glorious scenery. Choose from over 80 authentic experiences and participate in the local culture. Imagine catching and cooking your own lobster or learning an Acadian step dance. Walk in the shoes of the island's inhabitants, taking home a piece of their lives. This small island also claims ten of the top 100 golf courses in Canada. Families can enjoy their own private playground. The Confederation Trail alone offers 400 kilometres of exploration with a new wonder at every turn. For water babies, the Island is a kayaking and boating dream, with countless inlets to discover. And when you’ve worked up an appetite, you can savour culinary masterpieces from the multitude of award-winning chefs – or enjoy any number of food experiences including the Culinary Trail or Flavour Trail, the International Shellfish Festival and dozens more at the annual Fall Flavours Festival. Map ref: 79

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Northern Highlights by Ruby Range Adventures – Highlights of the North in half the time Based on the popular Best of Yukon and Alaska tour route, the Northern Highlights tour is ideal for travellers who want to experience Alaska’s and Yukon’s major attractions in a short time. On this escorted hotel tour, you will travel through some of the most spectacular landscapes and national parks that Alaska and Canada’s Yukon have to offer. See the continent’s tallest mountain and experience superb wildlife-viewing in Denali National Park. Visit some of the North’s most iconic communities, including Anchorage, Fairbanks and Dawson City, home to the 1898 Klondike Gold Rush. Departing from Anchorage and ideal for cruise ship travellers who have taken a one-way cruise along the Inside Passage to Whittier or Seward, this relaxing small group tour through stunning wilderness landscapes provides a welcome contrast to the larger groups found on cruise ships and their post-cruise tours. At the end of the trip in Whitehorse, Yukon, you can return home via an international charter flight. Map ref: 80

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Northern Adventures

Pristine swaths of tundra sweep to a horizon punctuated by the rocky peaks of ancient mountains. Vast herds of caribou and muskox thunder across the land. Untamed rivers wind though stunning national parks, where photographers capture images of polar bears at play and the gleaming northern lights. Frontier towns offer glimpses into gold rush history. And in tiny villages on the very edge of human habitation, Inuit generously share their art, customs and traditions with intrepid visitors.

Laird River by Nature Tours of Yukon – Discover the wild side Explore Yukon’s boreal wilderness and get close to nature and wildlife. Canoeing is an easy and safe way to connect with nature. This 12-day canoe trip is an experience filled with amazing discoveries. From Whitehorse a float plane brings you to a remote lake where your wilderness guide ensures you get the most out of your stay. Expect fishing, majestic landscapes and wildlife sightings. There is no need to rough it. Although you will sleep in tents, this is far from a survival trip. Enjoy delicious food and comfort. Hundreds of kilometres of pristine wilderness lay before you. Adventure awaits. Map ref: 81

Nunavut – Canada’s Eastern Arctic – Untamed, unspoiled and undiscovered Leave the beaten path behind and head north to experience a place where ancient traditions, untouched landscapes and incredible wildlife exist together like nowhere else on Earth. Settled by indigenous people thousands of years ago, Nunavut, which means "our land" in Inuktitut, is Canada's newest and largest territory, formed in 1999 and covering a staggering one fifth of Canada’s land mass. This enormous natural paradise is home not only to half of the world’s polar bears, but also to the other four species that make up Nunavut’s "Big Five": muskox, walrus, caribou and the exotic narwhal, the "unicorn of the sea". Witness these incredible animals from the comfort of a cruise ship, or up close and personal with an experienced guide – the choice is yours. With only one person for every 65 square kilometres, Nunavut’s stunningly varied landscape offers some of the world’s most exciting adventure travel. Go sea kayaking alongside massive icebergs, canoe along the Thelon, Kazan, and Soper heritage rivers, or tackle a challenging multi-day hike in one of Nunavut’s four spectacular national parks. The endless snow-blanketed tundra and frozen sea ice are a dream-come-true for snowmobilers and skiers. Or for an authentic cultural experience, take a half-day, full-day or overnight dogsled trip, snuggled up in caribou skins on a qamutik (traditional sled), basking under the magical northern lights at night. No matter where you travel in Nunavut, you will find yourself immersed in the vibrant culture of the Inuit people. Their rich history can be traced through the thousands of archaeological sites on the land, storytelling, drum dancing, throat singing and world-famous Inuit art. Nunavut Tourism member operators will help arrange cultural encounters and visits to galleries or co-ops where you might find that special piece you have been looking for. Map ref: 82

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Northern Lights

Wintertime in Canada provides some of the best views of the Northern Lights. In this impressive display, solar particles collide with atmospheric gases to create colourful curtains of emerald and gold. Shimmering hues transform the night sky and the snowy fields below as the lights pulse and dance like living things. Mesmerised, you will witness one of nature’s most spectacular phenomena that few others are privileged to see.

Arctic Winter Explorer by Arctic Range Adventures

Aurora Viewing Tour by Ruby Range Adventures

– A route offering some of the greatest geographic diversity in the country

– Experience the Northern Lights

Travel overland from the Pacific to the Arctic, along snow-covered highways and roadways built of ice along ancient wildlife corridors and traditional routes of First Nations traders. The Tombstone Mountains in the central Yukon are among the youngest mountain ranges in North America; the low-rolling Ogilvies, with their naked spines, were not glaciated during the last Ice Age and are therefore among the oldest.

On this four day/three night Aurora viewing tour, fly to scenic Whitehorse, the Yukon’s capital, surrounded by mountains clad in white.

The tour finishes with a thrilling excursion to the Inuvialuit village of Tuktoyaktuk, on the Arctic coast, accessible only by a winter: "ice-road" constructed from the frozen ice of the Mackenzie River and the Arctic Ocean. Map ref: 83

On three successive evenings, travel just outside the city centre far enough from the city lights to an idyllic Northern Lights viewing location. The first evening will feature relaxing Northern Lights viewing beside a roaring campfire, a wonderful start to the experience. During the day enjoy leisure time with optional winter sightseeing, shopping and touring in and around the capital. Map ref: 84

Northwest Passage – Join Adventure Canada in tracing a history both epic and inspiring: a story of courage, determination and endurance For over 25 years, Adventure Canada has combined adventure, education and fun in the Canadian Arctic. Its state-of-the-art ship, the Ocean Endeavour, represents small-ship cruising refined. Presentations from artists, scientists, writers, photographers, naturalists and cultural experts are complemented by excellent evening entertainment. A fleet of Zodiacs takes travellers swiftly from the ship to daily amazing adventures. These include viewing marine mammals at the floe edge, photographing migratory birds in their nesting grounds and visiting Inuit hamlets of the Far North. Few in the south realise the vitality and warmth of communities such as Grise Fiord, Gjoa Haven and Pond Inlet. Arrival in these centres is always a highlight for both travellers and locals. Carvers and printmakers, hunters and fishers, singers and drummers are proud to display their culture, drawing on centuries of knowledge and skill. Cruise through majestic fjords beneath a midnight sun. Discover the infinite shapes and colours of icebergs and sea ice. Experience the geology of a land without overburden, revealing the history and movements of the earth’s crust. Seek whales, seals and walruses in rich Arctic waters and watch for polar bears, caribou and musk oxen on shore. Explore locations swathed in ice and bathed in northern light, such as Smith Sound, the Beaufort Sea, the Prince of Wales Strait, the Amundsen Gulf and Melville Island. Follow the routes of the explorers, such as those of the Ross expeditions of the 1830s that pinpointed the Magnetic North Pole. Visit the graves of sailors from the lost Franklin Expedition on Beechey Island and the historical site of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Dundas Harbour. This is a voyage like no other. Map ref: 85

Small Ship Cruising

Come aboard a nimble expedition ship expertly engineered to explore the Polar Regions, sailing to shores so wild it is hard to believe they still exist. One of the last frontiers on earth, The Arctic boasts a rich collection of wildlife, including the polar bear, walrus, musk ox and narwhal, and is home to various sub-groups of the Inuit. Behold massive glaciers, scenic fjords and noisy colonies of seabirds. Relax and enjoy luxurious onboard amenities, and truly connect with people and place.

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The Train of Le Massif de Charlevoix – Singular Rail Cruises between River and Mountains Imagine a spectacular two-way 144-kilometre gourmet rail cruise along the St. Lawrence River, between Québec City and La Malbaie. Pristine landscapes as far as the eye can see, where big blue skies meet the waves. Admire Quebec wildlife close up, in its natural habitat – from grey herons to snow geese. Between river and mountains, feast on celebrated Charlevoix terroir cuisine while you take in the region’s rich history, heritage and culture via multimedia presentation. Then spend the night at le Massif de Charlevoix’s award-winning Hôtel La Ferme, the most urban of country hotels. Bask in the region’s two-hundred-year tradition in hospitality brimming with art galleries, museums, cafés, boutiques and restaurants. And while you’re there, revel in the great outdoors – from breathtaking hikes and whale-watching cruises to guided or unguided kayak and e-bike tours. Make it your very own rail adventure: charter a rail cruise specifically tailored for your group. Map ref: 86

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Exploring by Rail

One amazing scene after another unfurls outside your window: darting deer, golden grain fields, canyons ablaze with autumnal hues. Canada was built on rails – the construction of a line to British Columbia was one of the reasons the province joined the young country in 1871. Tracks wind deep into scenes where even roads are rare. Delight in soaring mountains. Admire the sweep of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River. Travel to Canada’s most exciting cities. And relax: someone else is in the driver’s seat.

Agawa Canyon Tour Train – A one-day rail excursion into the heart of the Canadian wilderness Journey 183 kilometres north of Sault Ste. Marie, skirting the shores of remote lakes and rivers along the way. Wind through the mixed forests and rugged granite rock formations of the Canadian Shield and enjoy an hour-and-a-half stopover in the pristine beauty of Canyon Park. As the vast wilderness rolls by, a GPS-triggered tour narration weaves a story of the land in English, German, French, Japanese and Mandarin with locomotive mounted cameras providing an engineer’s eye view over the numerous flat screen monitors in each of the coaches. Such recent upgrades have added a new dimension to the tour, and offer first-time riders as well as repeat travellers, an engaging way to experience the breathtaking landscapes of Northern Ontario. All aboard for a unique journey along a spectacular route. Map ref: 87

VIA Rail's "The Canadian" – Unforgettable moves up a notch with the introduction of VIA Rail Canada's new Prestige Sleeper class A cross-Canada train journey conjures up images of lake-studded forests, charming rural communities clustered along the tracks, endless fields of golden wheat, towering snow-capped mountains and wildlife so close you can almost touch it. Add to this impeccable service, exquisite meals and comfortable accommodation, and you have an idea of what awaits you on board the legendary "Canadian" train. With the new Prestige Sleeper class, this experience promises to be even more appealing and unforgettable. Travellers will be treated to a classic train journey with a modern twist: the completely reconfigured cabins are 50 per cent larger than those in Sleeper Touring class and offer a premium selection of luxurious amenities and services. From the plush double bed, plasma-screen TV and private bathroom with glassed-in shower to the dedicated attendant, all-day room service, and priority baggage and boarding privileges, no detail has been neglected. Moreover, with its completely renovated Park car, VIA Rail offers an entirely wheelchair-accessible cabin with a private bathroom. These are, however, just some of the many new features to which you can look forward. VIA Rail has recently invested over $22 million in the modernisation of "The Canadian". The Dining and Manor sleeping cars, for example, have been completely redesigned. Carpets, coverings and colours: everything has come together for a refined, modern look that still respects the historical cachet of these magnificent cars. When it came to refurbishing the Skyline cars, VIA Rail left no detail to chance. The fresh colours, tasteful fabrics and modern textures were all carefully selected to offer travellers a timely update on an already exquisite experience. With its elegant ambience, delectable cuisine and brand-new sleeper cabins, VIA Rail is ready to set a new standard in land cruising by rail across Canada. Map ref: 88

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Rocky Mountaineer – See the Canadian Rockies in style The Rocky Mountaineer celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2015 and it is no wonder its journeys are known as the best way to see the Canadian Rockies. With over 45 vacation packages, five unique rail routes, and four levels of service, there is a life-changing journey for even the most discerning traveller. In the past 25 years, nearly two million guests have shared memorable moments and made lasting friendships onboard the Rocky Mountaineer. Rocky Mountaineer destinations include Seattle, Vancouver, Jasper, Lake Louise and Banff. This luxurious train travels by daylight with overnight stays in destinations such as Kamloops, Whistler and Quesnel so as not to miss a single beat of the breathtaking scenery along the way. Rocky Mountaineer hosts provide engaging storytelling of the passing regions, glacier-capped mountains, tumbling waterfalls and wildlife. Culinary adventures onboard reflect the regions through which the train travels, highlighting local ingredients, such as berries from Aldergrove and Pacific salmon. Internationally trained executive chefs, Jean Pierre Guerin and Frédéric Couton, bring their expertise and training from Michelin-starred restaurants and five-star hotels around the globe and showcase innovative menu creations that celebrate the distinctive flavours of the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada. Guests travelling in SilverLeaf Service enjoy their meals at their seats as they take in the view through their oversized windows. In the bi-level dome cars of GoldLeaf Service, guests are invited downstairs to the main level for breakfast and lunch where they enjoy freshly prepared meals in an elegant dining space. Map ref: 89

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Route 99 with Fairmont Canada's Western Mountain Region – "I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference" - Robert Frost Experience a trip of a lifetime on Route 99 (The Duffey Lake Road). Along this road less travelled you will encounter some of the most amazing scenery in western Canada. While the road is not new, it is a unique alternative connecting the iconic Fairmont Hotels in Whistler, Jasper, Lake Louise and Banff. The scenic well-maintained, approximately 220-kilometre stretch of highway is free of traffic congestion as it winds though alpine forests, rich farmland and arid desert landscapes all in a day's drive. This experiential journey can be designed as a circle tour, fly-drive, or an open jaw itinerary starting from Vancouver or Calgary International Airports. When starting from Fairmont Chateau Whistler, the first stretch takes you through the lush Pemberton Valley. Keep an eye out for wildlife and plenty of scenic rest stops. Begin the descent into the magnificent Lillooet Valley and watch as this new topography brings the arid ranchlands to life. In Lillooet, experience a tour and tasting at Fort Berens Winery. The climb out of the Lillooet Valley includes stunning deep canyons lined with green farmland and the majestic Thompson River rushing below. The last stretch is reminiscent of the old west and features the historic Hat Creek Ranch, which offers the rare opportunity to step back in time to the Gold Rush era of the 1860s. Route 99 concludes at Cache Creek. From here continue on to Kamloops, B.C., where there are two options to carry on to Fairmont Hotels in Jasper, Lake Louise and Banff. After Kamloops, Highway 5 leads to Highway 16 and Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge. This route offers an incredibly stunning journey with rest areas, fishing spots, hikes and the spectacular Mount Robson Provincial Park. After Jasper, access Lake Louise and Banff via the Icefields Parkway. Or, from Kamloops continue on Highway 1 to Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise and Fairmont Banff Springs. Map ref: 90

Scenic Drives

Your bags are packed, your route is mapped and you're on the open road to discovery. Picturesque landscapes stretch as far as your eye can see, and you'll be stopping exactly where and when you choose – after all, you're in the driver's seat. Explore your choice of incredible destinations and routes from Clayoquot Sound, Glacier National Park and Banff National Park to Algonquin Park, the Charlevoix region, The Bay of Fundy and Gros Morne National Park – all from the comfort of your rental vehicle.


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The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge

Lillooet, BC The Fairmont Chateau Whistler

The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise The Fairmont Calgary Banff Springs International Airport

Vancouver International Airport


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All Season Resort Destinations

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The Fairmont Chateau Whistler – Discover a luxurious resort experience on the doorstep of adventure Conveniently located in the upper village at the base of Blackcomb mountain, this landmark Whistler hotel defines mountain luxury. Revel in exceptional alpine comfort and resort elegance with true ski-in/ski-out convenience. Whistler's favourite après ski lounge the Mallard and a selection of exquisite dining outlets offer authentic menus from fine dining and fireside fondues to gourmet take-away picnics. Each of the 550 guestrooms and suites feature majestic mountain or village views, with warm, comfortable interiors. The on-site spa is an oasis of serenity complemented by the fitness centre and slope-side pool terrace. Experience Fairmont Gold for unsurpassed personalised service, luxurious guestrooms with gas fireplaces and jetted tubs. Relax in the beautiful Fairmont Gold Lounge, furnished in an elegant alpine décor and enjoy daily breakfast, evening canapés and cocktails at your leisure. This year-round resort boasts a on-site Golf Club, easy access PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola and endless outdoor pursuits including zip-lining, heli-adventures, hiking, snowmobiling and more. Map ref: 91

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Ski or snowboard though glittering powder along dazzling slopes. Let a helicopter whisk you and your gear to spectacular backcountry sites that will leave you speechless. Inhale restorative breaths of cedar-scented air as you hike a mountain path. Leap into the unknown on a bungee cord or meander through a meadow on horseback. At day’s end, mouth-watering meals, fine wines, elegant shopping, superb accommodations and alpine camaraderie await you in Whistler village.

Nita Lake Lodge

Whistler Tasting Tours

Legends Whistler

– A Whistler boutique hotel

Experience exceptional Whistler restaurants during a guided three-hour walking tour. Guests enjoy a fantastic multi-course progressive lunch, dinner or dessert tour. The twist is that each course is provided by a different restaurant and, at dinner, paired with a British Columbian wine. A wonderful way to explore Whistler's award-winning culinary scene.

Check into this ski-in/ski-out property to experience all that Whistler is famous for. Located at the base of Whistler Mountain, Legends sets itself apart from more traditional mountain lodges. Legends' amenities include a fitness centre, an outdoor pool and a children's games room. With the Creekside Gondola at your door and all the conveniences of home, Legends is a wonderful choice for your Whistler stay.

Experience a fresh take on classic Whistler luxury. Nestled on the shores of a glacier-fed lake in Whistler BC, the Nita Lake Lodge offers genuine service with a personal touch. Oversized suites, a full-service spa, and innovative local cuisine are just the beginning. Discover why the Nita Lake Lodge is impossible to imitate. A five-minute shuttle ride from the heart of Whistler, the Nita Lake Lodge is located 500 metres from (close to) the base of Whistler Mountain and the Creekside gondola. Seasonal complimentary amenities include bicycles, canoes and ski lockers. Proudly re-defining upscale mountain comfort all year long. Map ref: 92

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Whistler Blackcomb – Whether deep in a blanket of fresh snow or alive with the heat of summer, Whistler Blackcomb deserves a year-round spot on any traveller's bucket list. With two side-by-side mountains offering endless adventure, an exceptional culinary scene, world renowned nightlife and a vibrant mountain culture of athletes, artists, festivals and events, the charming town of Whistler has it all. Between November and May, Whistler Blackcomb is a winter playground for skiers and snowboarders from all over the world. First timers just stepping on to the slopes can easily find themselves sitting next to a powder hungry professional skier on the chairlift - these mountains offer something for everyone. Boasting 3,306 hectares of skiable terrain, 16 alpine bowls, three glaciers, more than 200 marked trails, and just over 1,600 metres of vertical, all linked by 37 lifts, (including 18 express lifts and the PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola), the options at Whistler Blackcomb seem endless. For the ultimate experience, go all the way with Whistler Heli-Skiing. It offers what others cannot - the amenities of a world-class ski resort and access to 173 glaciers, 475 runs and 174,821 hectares of deep and uncharted powder. Located in British Columbia’s Coast Mountains, in a temperate coastal rainforest, Whistler Blackcomb boasts plentiful, consistent and reliable snow. The combination of high levels of precipitation and moderate temperatures creates the West Coast powder that Whistler Blackcomb is famous for. The snow sticks to terrain, providing unparalleled coverage and enabling Whistler Blackcomb to offer some of the best, most accessible expert slopes in North America. These classic Whistler days have fuelled a legendary après-ski scene that cannot be missed. Swap stories of your adventures over an ice cold beer and tower of nachos while resting those legs to do it all again the next day. For those looking for off-mountain adventure or to just kick their feet up, the town of Whistler offers plenty of options. From the Coca-Cola Tube Park, to ice skating in the village, snowshoeing through the coastal rainforest or blissing out at the Scandinave Spa, there is enough variety to keep everyone happy. When the snow melts Whistler Blackcomb reveals itself as a world-class summer travel destination offering adventure and entertainment. Take a trip across the breathtaking PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola and enjoy a stunning alpine hike with 360-degree views of the surrounding mountains, or get to know the true locals on a bear-viewing tour. The famous Whistler Mountain Bike Park draws those looking for an adrenaline rush while numerous festivals and events keep the town vibrant and exciting throughout the season. Whether it is winter or summer, an endless array of outdoor activities, shopping, food and nightlife should put Whistler Blackcomb at the top of your list. Map ref: 95

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Banff & Lake Louise

These breathtaking mountains and turquoise lakes draw visitors from all over the world. Despite the influx of visitors, the Rocky Mountain vistas of Banff and Lake Louise remain pristine. Forest trails beckon hikers, mountain bikers and horse riders in summer; in winter, vast snowy bowls and heart-stopping verticals provide challenges for even the most experienced skiers. Coyotes, elk, bighorn sheep and grizzly bears – as well as many other species – make this unspoilt haven their home.

Banff & Lake Louise – For over 125 years, Banff National Park has provided visitors with unspoiled wilderness, wildlife, modern amenities and opportunities for active exploration Winter Adventures – Get a bird’s eye view of the towering mountain peaks on a scenic helicopter flight. Soak in the rejuvenating Banff Upper Hot Springs by moonlight and enjoy a relaxing evening with friends. Tour the luxurious Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise and soak in the breathtaking view of the Victoria Glacier while sipping on your favourite beverage. Experience the passion that Canadians have for Ice Hockey by catching a Calgary Flames match or go night skiing and tubing at Mt. Norquay ski area. Warm up by the fire in the Cascade Lodge and enjoy a glass of wine or a hot drink. Venture into the wilderness on an ice walk through Johnson Canyon. Learn to walk on ice with the assistance of ice cleats and check out some beautiful frozen waterfalls. Ice skate at the outdoor rink by the Fairmont Banff Springs or in downtown Banff, then cup your hands around a warm cocoa by the fire. Explore Banff’s exclusive shopping options; don’t miss the local chocolates and fudge. Enjoy a Canadian pancake breakfast topped off with authentic maple syrup. Snuggle under a toasty blanket on an authentic horse-drawn sleigh ride across the frozen surface of world-famous Lake Louise. Cross-country ski into a luxury, fully catered backcountry lodge for a unique overnight escape. Relax and enjoy the peace and quiet or venture out to explore on skis or snowshoes. Skiing & Snowboarding – Banff and Lake Louise promise exhilarating skiing and snowboarding for all abilities on nearly 3237 hectares of wide open runs in the Canadian Rockies. You’ll find three un-crowded ski areas set within the awesome scenery of Banff National Park along with two mountain communities alive with spirit and hospitality. Summer Adventures – Sip a cappuccino as you ride eight minutes to the top of the alpine world on the Banff Gondola to take in an amazing panorama of peaks. Step into the luxurious surroundings of The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel that you may never want to leave. Take a stroll by the Bow River down to the crashing waves of Bow Falls. Visit Lake Minnewanka and glide across the deep blue waters on the Banff Lake Cruise and explore the longest lake in the Canadian Rockies. Discover the rarely seen mountain underworld on a caving trip. Travel along the Bow Valley Parkway towards the Lake Louise Village and look for wildlife. Use an in-car GyPSy self-tour guide and bring the trip to life. Hike to a fine tea house above Lake Louise and soak up the spectacular views over a hot drink and homemade pie. Rent a bike and wind past Castle Mountain on the Bow Valley Parkway or explore the new Legacy Trail; where peaks and glaciers rise on either side. Sip fine wine and sample exquisite Canadian cuisine at one of many fabulous restaurants. Drive the Icefields Parkway, a road considered to be one of the world’s great scenic routes. Get the bird’s eye view of the enormous Columbia Icefield on a scenic flight. So much to do, so little time! Map ref: 96

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Hidden Ridge Resort

Fox Hotel & Suites

– Quiet, secluded and tucked away on Tunnel Mountain

– A wonderful place to unwind after a day exploring the beauty of Banff National Park

Hidden Ridge Resort has some of the most spectacular views in Banff and the Canadian Rockies. The large outdoor hot-pools are set on the edge of the ridge with stunning views of the surrounding peaks. Enjoy access to many hiking and biking trails just outside your door, or capture close-up photographs of some of Banff's wildlife.

With its waterfalls and crackling fire, Fox Hotel and Suites immerses you in the mountain experience from the moment you enter its stunning lobby. The centrepiece of the hotel is a spectacular hot pool area patterned after the nearby Cave and Basin historic site.

Each self-catering unit has a full kitchen with dishwasher and wood-burning fireplace. Some of the larger family units have a separate games room, complete with video games and table top games, like foosball or bubble hockey. Each honeymoon suite has spectacular views of the Bow Valley and a private outdoor hot tub.

The one- and two-bedroom suites are beautifully decorated to embrace their mountain location, and feature artwork that celebrates Banff's heritage. Enjoy all the must-have amenities, including complimentary Wi-Fi and breakfast. With its great staff and warm, comfortable surroundings, this is an excellent home base for exploring Banff's stunning beauty.

Map ref: 97

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The Fairmont Banff Springs

The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise

Canada's "Castle in the Rockies", this worldrenowned iconic resort stands as a symbol of Canadian hospitality. With 768 recently renovated rooms and suites, 11 dining outlets, a Willow Stream spa, bowling centre, shopping and entertainment, there is something for everyone. Explore the national park from your doorstep with cross country skiing, ice skating and horse drawn sleigh rides. Your storybook winter starts here.

A Luxury base camp for adventure, this iconic resort sits majestically on the shores of Lake Louise surrounded by majestic peaks and pristine wilderness. Year round, discover the grandeur of history and endless activities right outside your door. Enjoy recently renovated rooms, six restaurants, a Fairmont spa and easy access to the Lake Louise Ski Resort. Skate, dogsled, snow shoe, cross country ski and sleigh ride.

Map ref: 99

Map ref: 100

Tourism Jasper – Lose the lift lines, find your own space and just remember to look up Jasper is a small, eclectic mountain town smack dab in the heart of a giant national park and a UNESCO World Heritage-listed site. In winter, it is a Christmas card come to life, only you are in it! From exploring the depths of a frozen canyon, to hitting the slopes at Marmot Basin, to delighting in the starry night sky of one of the largest dark sky preserves in the world, enjoy life in Jasper at Mother Nature’s pace. Plunging 51 metres from edge to floor, Maligne Canyon is the deepest attraction in Jasper National Park. While the views from the rim-tracing trail are stunning, walking the canyon’s depths is one of Jasper’s most unusual experiences. In winter, you are on a frozen white-water river that winds through a maze of spectacular ice sculptures, looking up at 30-metre frozen waterfalls and towering limestone walls. In a region renowned for breathtaking mountain terrain and world-class alpine skiing, Marmot Basin ski area is a wild place: 914 vertical metres of superb skiing and snowboarding spread over 677 hectares and only 20 minutes from the town of Jasper. Vancouver 2010 Olympic medal winner Jenn Heil launched her freestyle mogul skiing career on Marmot Basin’s 86 marked runs. An all-new lift system, including the longest high-speed quad chair in the Canadian Rockies, reduces the line-ups and lets you pack more action into a day on the slopes. And, finally, who needs five stars when Jasper has five billion! Jasper is one of the darkest places on the planet and the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada has designated it a dark sky preserve. While the dark skies are exceptional all winter, you can celebrate them during the Jasper Dark Sky Festival every October. Map ref: 101


An intimate mountain community that originated as a railway town; low-key and unpretentious with good food and drink, Jasper is in the middle of some of the world's most pristine wilderness. Explore a frozen river winding through the spectacular Maligne Canyon. Heat up at Miette Hot Springs in the National Park. Ski the famed Rocky Mountain slopes. Inhale crisp, clean air, and revel in a wilderness where the black velvet sky glitters with galaxies of stars.

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Le Massif de Charlevoix – Ski-in/ski-out rail and trail adventure Picture your group at the mountain, on the highest summit east of the Rockies, with the St. Lawrence River at their ski tips. Cut first tracks on a guided off-trail cat-ski adventure, or sail down an exhilarating seven-and-a-half kilometre family sled run that’s unique in North America. From beginner to expert, explore beautiful trails and glades or discover a territory of original and genuine experiences, from snowshoe romps to cross-country skiing and a full lineup of sports, gastronomy and cultural events. At day’s end, ski-out from the base via scenic rail shuttle to le Massif de Charlevoix’s awardwinning Hôtel La Ferme, in Baie-Saint-Paul. Then gather for drinks around a crackling fire at Le Bercail, or pamper yourselves at highly acclaimed Spa du Verger. Celebrate your day’s fun over dinner at restaurant Les Labours, and even take in a show. Live your very own adventure. Map ref: 102

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Snow and Ice

Skate across a frozen lake or historic canal, then warm up with a mug of rich hot chocolate. Explore a magical white forest on snowshoes or cross-country skis. Hang on as a howling dog team tugs your sled across the crisp, glittering snow. Unwind in an outdoor hot tub as puffs of your breath mist the air around you and stars shimmer in the inky sky above. Even sip a frosty martini from a glass made of ice before retiring to a hotel room made of snow. Where else could you be but Canada?

Sacacomie Lodge - Snow and Ice

Snowmobile Adventures

– No matter your age, there is something for you

– Ride deep powder snow and challenging your backcountry skills

After being amazed and charmed by breathtaking winter landscapes, you can discover them through the lodge's paths and trails. Explore independently or with experienced guides either by dog sled, horse riding, horse sleigh riding, ice skating, cross-country skiing, hiking, snow-tubing or snowshoeing. Thrill seekers: take your snowmobiling to the next level by driving a car on the ice.

Great Canadian Snowmobile Tours is Canada's premier backcountry snowmobile clinic and rental company. Guides are meticulously trained in Avalanche safety and awareness and wilderness first aid and they will work with you to perfect your technique and challenge your skill.

After your day outdoors what could be better than complete relaxation at the Geos spa? Savour a comforting cocktail at a warm and welcoming bar while still admiring the great outdoors through the windows overlooking the majestic all white frozen Lake Sacacomie.

With over twenty years of snowmobile experience in the Revelstoke Mountains, they have perfected the art of mountain riding. Whether you're a pro or novice and book a Revelstoke Snowmobile Tour, a snowmobile rental or just a guide for the day, you will receive a quality product.

Map ref: 103

Map ref: 104

Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu – Nestled majestically between the sea and the mountains The Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu in Charlevoix is a vision of historical splendour. Rich in tradition, this exquisite paragon of hospitality blends the quiet charm of the countryside with the sophistication of a world-class resort. The entire team of Fairmont le Manoir Richelieu welcomes guests to experience the delicious flavours, spectacular views and the abundance of activities available in the picturesque region of Charlevoix. Families of all sizes are invited to experience a cosmic adventure to the Astronomical Observatory of Charlevoix or to enjoy the fascinating activities available within our children’s Beluga Club. The possibilities are endless at Fairmont le Manoir Richelieu. Seize the opportunity to unwind at Amerispa for a perfect afternoon escape. This full-service luxury spa offers guests a calming setting to enjoy lavish massages and signature facials. Guests may complete their evening of relaxation in one of our fine dining restaurants with delicious local and international dishes. Located next to the hotel is the exciting Casino de Charlevoix. This location offers guests the opportunity to test their luck and experience the night life that is waiting right outside the hotel doors. Enjoy beautiful whirlpool tubs and indoor and outdoor pools that are heated year round - perfect for relaxing after a day out on the slopes of Mont Grand-Fonds or Le Massif de Charlevoix located in close proximity to the hotel. In the winter months, park worry-free in the secure heated underground parking area then whisk yourself away on a snowmobiling adventure through beautiful trails accessible directly from the magnificent hotel grounds. On your summer visit take the amazing one-and-a-half-kilometre panoramic scenic route to the resort's 27-hole golf course; the perfect way to start an exciting day on the greens. The mini-golf, tennis, volleyball and the trails surrounding this stunning property are also great options to experience the magnificent views of the St-Lawrence River. Map ref: 105

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The Arctic Discovery Tour – Explore Canada's Arctic Discover breathtaking winter landscapes, meet colourful locals, drive the ice road and see the Aurora Borealis dancing in the sky. On this eight-day photo safari in Yukon and Northwest Territories, you'll traverse snowcovered mountain ranges on the only highway in Canada that crosses the Arctic Circle. You will visit the Klondike gold-rush town Dawson City, see the Northern Lights dance over Eagle Plains and cross the Arctic Circle as you head north to Inuvik. Follow in the footsteps of the Ice Road Truckers and drive on the famous ice road on the Arctic Ocean to the small Inuvialuit village Tuktoyaktuk. Enhance your arctic experience with a dog sledding trip and enjoy the arctic landscape from a whole different perspective. An experienced driver-guide will escort you on this hotel round-trip. Group size is limited to six guests, ensuring a very personalised experience. Make your next trip an adventure by joining Nature Tours of Yukon on the Arctic Discovery Tour for a spectacular winter safari. Map ref: 106

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Hôtel de Glace A magical ice hotel getaway for all winter lovers. Just ten minutes from downtown Québec City, this ephemeral work of art is entirely redesigned each year. With snow vaults over five-metres high and crystalline ice sculptures, the Hôtel de Glace impresses guests with its dazzling décor. Sip a cocktail from a glass made of ice, relax in the outdoor sauna, then snuggle into a cosy Arctic sleeping bag for the night. Map ref: 107

Heli Ski

Serrated stone peaks protruding from swaths of brilliant snow. Slopes studded with hardy trees, where fearless sheep clamber. All this and more unfolds beneath your helicopter, but it is just the beginning. Touch down, and these natural wonders are at your feet. The chopper blades slow, and you step onto a vast expanse of untouched powder. You become aware of a deep, profound silence and strap on your skis realising in awe that you and your friends have this spectacular mountain to yourselves.

TLH Heliskiing – An unforgettable world-class heli-skiing adventure TLH Heliskiing's single group unlimited vertical program is unrivalled in the Canadian heliski industry, and you are invited to join the ride! With nearly 404,685 hectares of terrain, over 375 mapped runs and an average annual snowfall of 5-25 metres, every day offers new adventure and powder to explore. At day’s end, retreat to the renowned Tyax Wilderness Resort & Spa, a log and beam oasis. The resort features fine dining, a fire-side lounge, fully equipped spa, games room and refined accommodations, all designed with your ultimate comfort in mind. Map ref: 108

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Pacific Delights and Aurora Nights / 7 days Alpine Retreat / Day 1 Follow a soaring Bald Eagle as your private transfer winds along the scenic Sea to Sky road. Marvel at every turn as majestic Fjords make way for magnificent mountainscapes. Check into your luxurious Whistler lodgings and let the adventure begin. From Bears to Fine Wines / Day 2 Breathe in crisp mountain air as you gasp at the jaw-dropping valley views from the PEAK 2 PEAK gondola. Then seek out some of the region’s countless bears on a hike with a private guide or depending on the season explore the slopes on snowmobile and turn them into your very own playground. Tonight, sample fine foods paired with splendid local wines during a tasting tour. Vistas of Vancouver / Day 3 Indulge in a morning of Spa relaxation or challenge your adrenaline with a Zipline escapade amongst the tall pine forest. Next, board an iconic floatplane to take in sweeping views of the Pacific before being mesmerized by Vancouver’s twilight panorama. Gently glide into Coal Harbour and walk straight into the lobby of your 5 star hotel. Toast your arrival in this dynamic city with a craft beer at a trendy eatery in Yaletown Cosmopolitan Pleasures / Day 4 Discover Vancouver’s secrets on a private morning sightseeing tour. Learn about Chinatown’s captivating history and conquer the Capilano River’s 70 metre high swaying footbridge. This afternoon board a Zodiac boat to search the Gulf Islands’ region for Orca whales or hop onto a water taxi for a gastronomic sampling of the Granville Island market’s tantalizing farm to table offerings. Linger over a superb dinner of fresh seafood. North We Go / Day 5 Cycle or jog along Stanley Park’s famed seawall, or browse the galleries of Gastown for a unique West Coast art souvenir. Later in the day you are on a northbound plane for Whitehorse. That evening, relax in sheltered comfort or under the starry sky beside a warm fire and let yourself be rendered speechless as Aurora’s spectacle lights up the night sky.

Yukon Gold / Day 6 During the summer, climb onboard the Skagway bound historic White Pass steam train for an awe-inspiring journey steeped in gold rush history. In the winter, help harness eager Huskies for your dogsledding adventure; spot a Moose, Muskox or Caribou at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve and visit the Takhini Hot Springs for a soothing soak. Far from the city lights, marvel once more at the magical skies. The Adventure Concludes / Day 7 Explore Whitehorse’s pioneering past and equally fascinating present, prior to stepping aboard your airplane.

Oceanfront Sanctuary and Bears Aplenty Expand your adventure to include grizzly bear viewing at a luxury wilderness resort. Fly by floatplane to the secluded Great Bear Rainforest on the fabled Sunshine Coast. Here an unforgettable adventure awaits: watching mother grizzlies teach their cubs to fish for salmon. Pristine wildlife habitats beckon you to spend the day exploring, while executive chefs and robust cellars create culinary masterpieces in the evening. Your private cabin with sweeping views of the bay is stocked with delectable amenities.

Yukon Whitehorse

Northwest Territories


British Columbia Alberta

Manitoba Saskatchewan

Whistler Vancouver

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Wild Encounters and Mountain Escapes / 9 Days Out on the Tundra / Day 1 From Winnipeg, fly to isolated Churchill and check into your comfortable accommodation. Get introduced to life in a Northern community; here summer days stretch long, polar bears have a jail and the Eskimo Museum enthralls. Tomorrow an unforgettable adventure awaits. Belugas and Polar Bears / Day 2 Cruise the Churchill River where in July and August the ‘spring’ ice break-up brings 3000 beluga whales to feed and give birth. They are as playful as they are plentiful. Prepare to be astonished as you kayak (or snorkel!) amongst these gentle ‘canaries of the sea’ and their high-pitched whistles. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the coastal rocks for an ambling polar bear.

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Bring Your Binoculars / Day 3 Give dog mushing a try! Eager huskies pull your guided wheeled cart as it speeds under the canopy of a northern boreal forest. Then explore the dramatic landscape and lush foliage of the Arctic plains on board a large, rough terrain Tundra Buggy. From your high vantage point, be on the lookout for caribou, artic fox, ptarmigan and the occasional polar bear heading for his summer habitat. At dinner, trade tales of your adventures. A Journey by Rail / Day 4 In Winnipeg, step aboard VIA Rail’s legendary train, The Canadian, for an overnight trip to Jasper. Revel in decadent meals and the comforts of a deluxe cabin as you travel through golden prairies and the Rocky Mountain foothills. Spot pronghorn antelopes as they roam the sagebrush flats. Fall asleep to the gentle rocking of the train. Castle of Logs / Day 5 Arrive in the pine-scented mountain air of Jasper and settle into your private cabin at the famed Jasper Park Lodge. This afternoon, discover the trails and bridges of glacier-carved Maligne Canyon. Perhaps you’ll even encounter a group of majestic bighorn sheep. At night, point your gaze up at a stunning wilderness of stars.

Turquoise Waters / Day 6 Wake to the yearning call of a loon echoing off Lac Beauvert. Greet the sunrise as you paddle through a thin veil of morning fog. After breakfast on the terrace, follow in the footsteps of the Stoney Indians and discover Spirit Island’s lure. After your peaceful boat cruise on Maligne Lake’s aquamarine waters return to Jasper. Chance upon some foraging elk as you enjoy an after dinner stroll. Hike in the Clouds / Day 7 Travel the famous Icefields Parkway as it winds through two spectacular national parks. Stop and experience The Glacier Skywalk’s dramatic Sunwapta Valley views. Then from a helicopter thrill to a bird’s eye view of the 325-square kilometre Columbia Icefield. Descend for an unforgettable alpine hike amidst ancient glaciers, cascading falls and wildflower-carpeted meadows. Exhale as your cares evaporate. Tonight picturesque Banff is your home. Choose your Adventure / Day 8 Visit glorious Lake Louise and ride the chairlift for grizzly bear spotting opportunities. Raft the Kicking Horse River or climb Banff’s via ferrata. The choice is yours! This afternoon, delight in the soothing Bow Valley mountainscape while you ‘take the waters’ at the open-air Banff Upper Hot Springs. Finish the day with a nightcap in your cozy hotel bar. Goodbye Rockies / Day 9 It is time to leave the Rockies behind as a private transfer whisks you to Calgary airport.


Northwest Territories


British Columbia

Churchill Alberta Manitoba

Jasper Calgary


Saskatchewan Winnipeg

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Canada’s Deep South and Far North / 9 days Welcome to Ontario / Day 1 Travel by private transfer to the charming Victorian village of Niagara-On-The-Lake. Here you check into your atmospheric inn. This evening, stroll along picturesque Queen Street with its charming boutiques and savour a delicious meal. A Toast to Niagara / Day 2 Set off on your guided winery bike tour and visit several of the most bucolic vineyards. Let a talented chef tantalize your taste buds with the freshest of local ingredients paired with award winning vintages. Sample the region’s trademark rich ice wine to muster courage before you embark on a thrilling jet boat ride through the churning Niagara River rapids. Meet a World Wonder / Day 3 Meander along the scenic Niagara Parkway and catch a first glimpse of the thundering waters. Fly by helicopter over Niagara Falls and marvel at the stupendous volume of water tumbling over the rim. Then continue your flight along Lake Ontario’s edge to Toronto. Stay at one of the city’s most prestigious hotels. In the evening applaud a Broadway-bound show in the theatre district or cheer at a professional sporting event. Toronto’s Urban Pleasures / Day 4 Orient yourself in Canada’s largest city with a customized sightseeing tour of Toronto’s bustling neighbourhoods, architectural treasures and historic sites. Indulge in some retail therapy along quirky and cool West Queen West or in posh Yorkville. Tonight enjoy dinner in the sky atop the landmark CN Tower, with the sparkling city at your feet.

Capital Sights / Day 5 Delight in close-up skyline views as your plane leaves from the Toronto Islands’ airport. Then get ready to greet the nation’s unassuming yet impressive capital. Stroll along the Rideau Canal, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Dine at one of the many chic restaurants in the lively, historic Byward Market area. Finish the day with a nightcap in your elegant hotel. Arctic Bound / Day 6 Explore the splendidly sprawling neo-gothic Parliament Hill buildings. If you’re lucky, you’ll catch the ornate changing of the guard ceremony right on the front lawn. Ascend the Peace Tower to absorb the expansive view of the Ottawa River. Next your plane transports you north of the Arctic Circle to Iqaluit, where your adventures under the midnight sun start. Top of the World / Day 7 On the shore of Baffin Island, become one with nature as your kayak smoothly glides through Frobisher Bay in search of whales and polar bears. All your senses feel alive! You are in one of the world’s last frontiers, Nunavut, home to awe-inspiring nature and spirited inhabitants. Meet the First Nations / Day 8 Admire exotic tundra blooms while hiking with Inuit guides. Stop in your tracks for a small family of roaming Caribou. Bask in the tranquility and wonder of the tundra landscape. Immerse yourself in the wisdom of Inuit culture, locals love sharing their history and stories. Visit a vibrant artist community and purchase a memento that reminds of an once-in-a-lifetime experience. Bidding Farewell / Day 9 Like any good adventure you are at once satisfied and left yearning for more.



New Foundland & Labrador

Manitoba Quebec Ontario

Ottawa Toronto Niagara-On-The-Lake

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Eastern Canada: A Sublime Collection / 8 days Atlantic Gem / Day 1 Arrive by helicopter at remote yet accessible Fogo Island. Experience a place where islanders speak of having seven seasons. Embark on your journey of discovery; where cuttingedge design seamlessly harmonizes with rustic charm and century old traditions. Waterfront Idyl / Day 2 Wake up to endless ocean views from your suites’ floor-toceiling windows. Photograph an Iceberg as it leisurely floats by on its spring journey. Venture out with a community host on a customized outing, enjoy a lobster picnic or take a bicycle for independent exploration. Return for a gourmet meal in the Inn’s epic dining room. End your day with a digestif cozying up to your private woodburning fireplace. Fogo Island is made of stories; create one of your own!

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The Heart of Quebec / Day 3 Today replaces stark island beauty with cobblestone city charm. Your morning flight transports you to Quebec City, a UNESCO World Heritage Site brimming with Old World charms. On your private walking tour, scale the city walls for magnificent views of the mighty St. Lawrence River. Then have your portrait sketched by a street artist or relax at a sidewalk café. Stroll the Dufferin Terrace boardwalk before returning to your elegant abode. French Immersion / Day 4 Just outside the city, marvel at the natural spectacle of the towering Montmorency Falls. For an adrenaline boost and breathtaking views, tackle the nearby via ferrata or the double zip line. Fall under the spell of peaceful Île d’Orléans, a true microcosm of traditional Quebec. Indulge in regional cuisine at a charming bistro and for dessert sample some black currant liqueur. Rustic Flair / Day 5 This morning, browse the one-of-a-kind artisan shops along rue Petit Champlain, or antiques on rue St-Paul. Next, thrill to a classically Canadian floatplane trip over sweeping forests and scattered lakes. Dock at your luxurious lodge where the terrace beckons for a tantalizing lunch with a view. Explore your surroundings with a naturalist or paddle your canoe around the mirror-flat lake. At night linger over a dinner featuring savoury French-Canadian inspired fare. Massages and Moonlight / Day 6 Succumb to the pleasures of an airy eco-spa, cast a fishing line for rainbow trout or canter wooded trails on horseback. You are spoilt for choice. Tonight, under an amber moon, slip into the forest to listen to a First Nations storyteller spin ancient tales of wolves.

Urban Diversions / Day 7 Say bonjour to Montreal, a bustling bilingual metropolis where sleek modern architecture compliments the patina of historic landmarks. Check into your glamorous boutique hotel. Then sink your teeth into a locals’ favourite: a Montreal smoked meat sandwich. Explore the narrow streets of Old Montreal, or shop the luxury boutiques of Sherbrooke Street. Later dine in a restaurant whose stout stone walls and mullioned windows evoke the city’s storied past. Au Revoir / Day 8 Bite into a flaky croissant over a steaming morning coffee and travel to the airport by limousine.

Seal Watching at Iles-de-la-Madeleine Plan a winter visit and add a unique wildlife experience. Travel to a beautiful lunar landscape of snow and ice. For 3 weeks in February and March, hundreds of thousands of harp seals come to give birth to their pups on the ice floes around the Islands. Touch down by helicopter and observe this immense herd of nomads in their natural habitat. Crouch down next to these photogenic ‘whitecoats’ and live an unforgettable experience as the silence of winter is only broken by the singing of the seals and their pups.

New Foundland & Labrador

Fogo Island Quebec St John’s

Ontario Quebec City Montreal

Nova Scotia

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PHOTO CREDITS: Sincere thanks to all the companies and photographic contributors whose support have made this publication possible – Destination Canada, Destination British Columbia, Travel Alberta, Banff Lake Louise Tourism, Prince Edward Island - Trade, Ontario Tourism, Le Ministére du Tourisme du Québec, Yukon Tourism, Whistler Blackcomb, Hôtel de Glace, Le Québec maritime, Ruby Range Adventure, Quebec City Tourism – Jean Sylvain, Constance Lamoureux and JF Bergeron EnvFoto. All information contained in this publication is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent from the owner. While every endeavour has been made to ensure complete accuracy, the publisher cannot be held responsible for any errors, changes or omissions. All images are copyright of their respective owners and cannot be produced without prior consent. Jean Sylvain, Constance Lamoureux and JF Bergeron EnvFoto. Andrew Stewart, Cecile Guérin, George, Bruno De Greef, Whistler / Eric Berger, St. John's / Nathan Eddy, Arctic Kingdom / Manuel Lazcano, Iceberg Quest / Jim Costello, Tourism PEI / Yvonne Duivenvoorde, Banff Lake Louise Tourism / Paul Zizka Photography. Fogo Island Inn. Nimmo Bay Wilderness Resort. Lazy Bear Lodge. Brochure Design | Powered by


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