Oceano Indiano / Emirati Emirati Arabi e Oceano Indiano un connubio perfetto, due mondi in un unico viaggio. Da un lato la natura selvaggia fatta di infinite dune di sabbia dorata scolpite dal vento, scoscese montagne, oasi lussureggianti, spiagge bianche, acque dalle migliaia tonalità di blu e azzurro; dall’altro le popolazioni locali con la loro infinità ospitalità, i costumi e le usanze. Emirati Arabi, Oman e Qatar, paesi in costate fermento e in continua evoluzione, dove l’impossibile diventa realtà. Piccoli lembi di terra che oggi si distinguono per essere all’avanguardia: costruzioni avveniristiche, giardini artificiali, paradisi dello shopping, mare e dune del deserto. Un autentico crogiolo di culture e nazionalità, un miraggio dove tradizione e cultura si fondono perfettamente con grattacieli mozzafiato, dove luci, suoni e colori contrastano con il silenzio del deserto dove le tradizioni locali si fondono con la modernità occidentale in un mix dal fascino irresistibile. E poi le isole, grandi e piccole, che punteggiano l’Oceano Indiano: Seychelles, Mauritius, Maldive. Piccoli eden dove farsi coccolare dai caldi raggi del sole e farsi cullare dallo sciabordio delle onde. Calde acque turchesi, fondali e barriere coralline da ammirare, il verde smeraldo della natura… tutto il necessario per un viaggio perfetto! Dal lontano Oriente all’America, dagli spazi infiniti dell’Australia alle selvagge savane africane, dalle calde acque dei mari più belli del mondo alle silenziose testimonianze di antiche civiltà. Hotelplan e Turisanda, oggi, accompagnano i propri clienti nei luoghi più suggestivi e affascinanti del pianeta, con il servizio e la cura per il dettaglio che ne contraddistinguono l’attività da quasi un secolo. La comprovata esperienza sul mercato italiano e l’appartenenza ad uno dei più grandi e importanti tour operator europei - Hotelplan Group con sede in Svizzera - hanno consentito all’azienda di affermarsi come uno dei principali attori nel mondo del turismo. Competenza, qualità dei servizi offerti e professionalità, uniti alla giusta dose di creatività, hanno permesso a i due brand di rinnovare costantemente la propria offerta sia per i soggiorni balneari su alcune delle più belle spiagge del mondo, sia per gli itinerari in ogni angolo del pianeta. Un mondo di proposte costruito nel rispetto della filosofia aziendale che fa dell’etica, della cultura, del rispetto dell’ambiente e dell’attenzione alle esigenze del viaggiatore valori imprescindibili che rendono davvero inconfondibile l’esperienza con Hotelplan e Turisanda.
Hamilton Island, Queensland, Australia
Qattara Depression
“La canzone dell’oceano si perde sulla spiaggia o nel cuore di chi ascolta?”
Sergio Bamba
Benvenuti nell’Oceano Indiano, un mondo fatto di isole tra le più incantevoli al mondo. Dall’indescrivibile Mauritius, la più grande delle Isole Mascarene con Rodrigues e Réunion, alle bellissime Seychelles, agli infiniti atolli delle Maldive: paradisi esotici che sembrano creati per stupire. Perle naturali e romantiche, luoghi da sogno per matrimoni e viaggi di nozze. Mauritius è l’isola perfetta, non per niente venne definita da Mark Twain “Paradiso Terrestre”: spiagge immacolate, villaggi, una popolazione sempre pronta a regalare un sorriso e hotel di altissima qualità. Le 115 isole che disegnano l’arcipelago delle Seychelles - su un’area di oltre 450 kmq - rappresentano l’icona della vacanza romantica: veri e propri eden incastonati come diamanti tra le acque dell’oceano. Sono una meta fuori dal tempo, che colpisce il visitatore fin dall’atterraggio a Mahè, l’isola principale. Spiagge che sembrano capolavori impressionisti, rocce di granito che custodiscono baie e calette tutte da scoprire, foreste lussureggianti, tartarughe giganti... un ambiente incontaminato dove ancora cresce il famoso Coco de mer (simbolo della destinazione). Tutto questo rende le Seychelles un luogo magico che riempie gli occhi e cattura il cuore. Spostandosi un po’ verso oriente ecco le Maldive: una distesa di atolli che punteggiano le calde acque dell’Oceano Indiano. Piccole lingue di terra, orlate di sabbia bianca che sembra borotalco, lambite da acque cristalline che proteggono gelosamente il coloratissimo mondo sottomarino fatto di coralli dalle mille sfumature di rosso, giallo, blu, viola... e una moltitudine di pesci che sembra di ammirare un acquario. Vakarufalhi e Diamonds Athuruga, sapientemente adagiati dell’incontaminato atollo di Ari, sono luoghi ideali per una vacanza all’insegna della bellezza e del relax: autentiche atmosfere maldiviane, una lussureggiante vegetazione, meraviglie sopra e sotto l’acqua tutte da scoprire. Con Hotelplan non mancano poi i beach bungalow e le ville sull’acqua, i ristoranti dai sapori italiani, le SPA e i trattamenti olistici. Ci sono tutti i servizi più esclusivi che possiate immaginare. La meraviglia e la capacità di stupirsi continuano con la visita degli Emirati Arabi e dell’Oman. Dubai e Abu Dhabi sono metropoli dove si passeggia con il naso all’insù per ammirare l’architettura avveniristica dei grattacieli, e si rimane a bocca aperta davanti alle ingegnose opere dell’uomo, da Palm Island al Burj Khalifa allo sportivissimo Ferrari World. Poi, lasciandosi alle spalle la frenesia della città si giunge negli spazi infiniti del deserto, dove le dune del deserto e il silenzio portano in un’altra dimensione. L’Oman, noto in passato come “eremita del Medio Oriente”, è un piccolo lembo di terra affacciato sul Mare Arabico, rimasto a lungo chiuso in sè stesso, tanto da essere oggi un paese ancora tutto da scoprire. Un popolo cordiale e paesaggi suggestivi, una natura intatta e selvaggia e cultura e tradizioni passate indenni dalla frenesia della modernità.
Shanghai Chengdu
Chongqing Nanchang Changsha
Muscat United Arab Emirates Oman
Icons Maldives Burma
Guangzhou Macau
Hong Kong S.A.R. Hong Kong
Macao S.A.R
Dubai Abu Dhabi
Thailand Dubai and the Middle East
Da Nang
Cambodia PHNOM PENH Ho Chi Minh City
Sri Lanka
Singapore Pontianak
Indonesia Palembang
Mauritius Port Louis
Ujungpandang JAKARTA Semarang Bandung
Icons Style of Luxury An influx of extraordinary resorts throughout the Indian Ocean and Dubai has set new standards of luxury over the last few years. Choosing the right resort is now more important than ever as architecture, dĂŠcor, facilities, size, and service combine to produce unique and very distinctive properties. Three equally exceptional, yet completely different types of luxury resorts have emerged and we call them: Elegant, Modern, and Barefoot.
Elegant Grand and spacious rooms are finely appointed and accompanied by extensive marble and granite in the bathrooms. Guests tend to dress up for meals and dine in impressive restaurants. Large lobbies and main pool areas often form the centrepiece of these expansive properties.
Modern Chic and trendy places to stay, these resorts feature rooms with cutting edge design and fashionable dĂŠcor. Barefoot Smaller boutique resorts that are environmentally friendly, these intimate properties offer a more relaxed and casual atmosphere.
Resort Transfers Resorts in the region are accessed in various ways. From seaplanes to speedboats, helicopters to yachts, and cars to domestic flights; the transfer experience can be amazing in itself.
Plane Access to the resort is via seaplane, domestic flight or helicopter. Boat Access to the resort is via speedboat or luxury vessel. Helicopter Access to the resort is via helicopter. Seaplane Access to the resort is via Seaplane.
Resort Features Conservation
Butler service
Resort has over-water villas
High level of privacy
Resort has own snorkelling reef
Malé Atoll
870 Kilometres
Located 400 kilometres southwest of India, the Maldives is a group of nearly 1,200 small coral islands that form an archipelago of 26 atolls spread out over the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean. Powder-soft beaches with spectacular ocean views lead to beautiful lagoons, and beneath the water, the coral coastline forms an intricate underwater paradise resplendent with marine life. Exceptional clarity and warm water temperatures, averaging around 27 degrees, make the Maldivian coasts a special destination for snorkelling and diving. With over 2,000 species of fish, including yellowfin tuna, marlin, barracuda and wahoo, the Maldives will also appeal to avid fishermen looking for a new challenge.
10 Maldives
Though the weather is generally fantastic year-round, there are two main seasons in the Maldives. The peak-season winter months (October to May) tend to be drier, and the summer months (June to September) are typically a little more humid, though often still quite dry. As the Maldives are in the tropics, the weather can be unpredictable, but when rain does roll through, it typically falls for a short time in the late afternoon or evening and provides a refreshing coolness.
The Maldives is in the forefront of resort development and there are a variety of superb resorts offering luxury's finest trappings. Each resort is set on its own island, offering seclusion and privacy, and many are well-known for having some of the largest and most luxurious over-water villas of any island destination. Several features of note also include spectacular over- and underwater gourmet restaurants, underground wine cellars and some of the most expansive spa facilities. While the Maldives is often visited as a destination in itself, it can also be combined with other holidays. Flights most often go through London, Dubai, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Bangkok and Qatar, though there are flights from other cities in Europe and Asia as well. Options for transferring to resorts are based on distance, and short jaunts from the airport are via speedboat or yacht, while resorts farther out are reached by seaplane shuttle or domestic flight.
Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa - A colourful garden island with the charm of a traditional Maldivian village Located just 25 minutes by speedboat from Male International Airport, Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa greets its guests in familial fashion with a stunning sky-meets-sea resort, arranged around a beautiful central promenade lined with borders of tropical flowers. The resort offers 96 thatched-roof pavilions, bungalows and suites, each with gorgeous views on display. Beach Bungalows fringe the island, and have private verandas and pools. Water Bungalows and larger one-bedroom Water Suites offer views across the Indian Ocean, with steps leading from a private sun deck into the lagoon below.
12 Maldives
The resort’s award-winning Spa – The Island Spa – is the only one in the Maldives on its own secluded isle and offers innovative treatments featuring Tibetan singing bowls, flame meditation, lava shells and crystals.
The Tropicsurf Surf School takes advantage of the Resort’s proximity to some of the best surf in the world and offers classes for guests aged six and upwards. The resort also has a PADI licensed dive centre and is located near 30 excellent dive sites. Back on land, guests can choose from speciality Indian, Italian and Asian dining. As the warm evenings draw in, tropical cocktails and postcard views from the open-air Sunset Lounge epitomise Kuda Huraa’s relaxed and sociable vibe.
Anantara Kihavah Villas BAA ATOLL
Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru
Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru - Experience the natural world in a luxurious setting Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru combines the same standards of Four Seasons excellence with the kind of beauty only nature can create. The resort encompasses the entire 18 hectares (44 acres) of Landaa Giraavaru Island, a natural wonder situated in the remote Baa Atoll, where the western tip of the island slopes gently into a breathtaking lagoon that spans nearly two kilometres (more than one mile).
Blu Restaurant and Bar overlooks a beautiful beach and is a prime spot to toast a special dinner while watching the sun dip beneath the horizon. There are also delectable restaurants well-situated to the main pool area, making it a lovely place to spend the day.
The resort offers 102 thatched bungalows and villas whose careful layout offers substantial privacy to retreat without distraction. On the beach, over the lagoon or within the lush interior, all accommodations feature spacious gardens, private pools, outdoor living rooms and sea-viewing lofts. The low-key atmosphere of the resort is complemented by the untamed landscape, making each guest feel as if they are in their own private sanctuary. The Spa, almost a resort on its own, offers some of the largest treatment pavilions in the Maldives and features an Ayurvedic Retreat where guests can find physical and spiritual rejuvenation.
13 Maldives
Vakarufalhi Island Resort - A stunning island paradise brimming with marine life Vakarufalhi, better known as Vakaru, is a tropical island resplendent with swaying coconut palms and white sandy beaches tucked away in the remote corner of South Ari Atoll - 90 kilometres (55 miles) away from Male. Vakarufalhi Island Resort sits alone on this quaint island, which is surrounded by a pristine lagoon and a stunningly vibrant house reef that beckons snorkellers. The resort offers 25 modern water villas, 45 beach villas, four garden villas and a pool villa suite in its own contemporary style, overlooking the turquoise lagoon and Indian Ocean beyond. Accommodations are thoughtfully detailed, and allow for the best indoor-outdoor living.
14 Maldives
Going along with the Vakuru’s quiet vibe, the Duniye Spa brings instant relaxation with its focus on wholeness, purity and quality. Asian massage techniques using chemical-free, organic compounds follow a holistic and personalised approach to caring for each guest’s well being.
Aside from the excellent snorkelling, beach volleyball, badminton, table tennis, yoga or pilates, and boating excursions are available to fill your day. And to fill your stomach, Vakarufalhi Island Resort specialises in tasty variety. Ilaa, the thatched roof restaurant located on an extended wooden deck, offers an international buffet with vibrant flavours from Europe and the Mediterranean.
Diamonds Athuruga Beach & Water Villas
Vakarufalhi Island Resort
Diamonds Athuruga Beach & Water Villas - Service sparkles at this Indian Ocean jewel A short seaplane ride from Male, Diamonds Athuruga Beach & Water Villas sits in the splendor of the South Ari Atoll, known for its exceptional snorkelling and diving. The dreamlike all-inclusive resort is luxurious subtlety, with open architecture, natural wood and white curtains that float in the warm tropical breezes. The contemporary styling also extends to the resort’s accommodations. If the sight of exotic marine life swimming lazily off your deck is enticing, the island’s 25 water villas each host a large private terrace with direct access to the water. All rooms are tastefully furnished with custom-made rattan furniture, Italian lighting and handmade wooden parquet floors. Or, indulge under the palms in front of 46 restful sea-facing beach bungalows, which offer direct access to the beach, private deck verandas with armchairs, coffee table and sun beds, and open-air showers. There are four restaurants and bars with a variety of international food and beverage choices, as well as a choice of beachfront or over-water dining.
To extend your downtime, Serena Spa has therapies that range from pampering experiences for couples to soothing treatments for sun lovers. The exotic menu of massages, facials and salon treatments features rejuvenation therapies inspired by India’s ancient holistic Ayurveda or ‘science of life’.
15 Maldives
Conrad Maldives, Rangali Island - Pure escapist fantasy
submarine to get an up-close view of the coral’s inhabitants.
Conrad Maldives Rangali Island is a romantic island resort offering sophisticated barefoot luxury, complemented by stunning natural beauty. Surrounded by a vibrant coral reef and lagoon, the resort is spread across two neighboring islands. Guests can enjoy the quintessential Maldivian hideaway on tiny Rangalifinolhu Island while also having access to the facilities of the larger and livelier Rangali Island – both linked by a 500-metre (1,640-foot) walkway.
Conrad Maldives is also gastronomist’s dream, home to world-class dining such as Ithaa Undersea Restaurant, the first all-glass underwater restaurant, nearly five metres below sea level. Additionally, degustation dinners at the underground Wine Cellar are an experience not to be missed.
Accommodations include 79 contemporary beach villas set in tropical greenery on Rangali, 50 romantic water villas on Rangalifinolhu and 21 stunning water villas at the Spa Retreat, an over-water destination spa that operates there as a resort-within-a-resort. Many of the beach and water villas have private plunge pools or whirlpools.
16 Maldives
Wherever guests choose to stay, all enjoy access to the resort’s facilities, including 11 restaurants and bars, two pools and experiences such as snorkelling with whale sharks, manta watching or taking a ride in the Nemo
One&Only Reethi Rah
Conrad Maldives, Rangali Island
One&Only Reethi Rah - Grand resort ensures privacy and fantastic views A truly elegant resort, One&Only Reethi Rah is grand in every sense of the word. The journey to bliss begins on One&Only’s 16-metre (55-foot) luxury yacht where guests check in while enjoying drinks and canapés en route to the resort. Upon arrival, the resort’s stunning floral design, featuring signature orchids bred by world famous London florist Stephen Woodham, sets the theme for your stay. Spacious guest villas are carefully placed around the island to maximise privacy and offer uninterrupted views of the surrounding lagoon. Beach residences mean mere steps to the sand, and beautiful ocean views from your bed; overwater villas are connected to the island via wooden walkways, and encourage blissful lounging in netted overhangs. In every villa, décor is sleek and elegantly tropical, using beautiful materials and contemporary styling. The One&Only Spa by ESPA – set apart on its own stretch of island shore – has more than two acres (one hectare) of space to relax and rejuvenate, and its
over-water Chi pavilion will take any Yoga or Tai Chi session to a whole new level of spirituality. The resort also has an extensive variety of restaurants and bars to satisfy any appetite. Savour freshly caught sushi at over-water Tapasake, Mediterranean delights at Fanditha, or exotic international cuisine at Reethi Restaurant.
17 Maldives
Jumeirah Dhevanafushi - Escape to a private island paradise Hidden away in the pristine Gaafu Alifu atoll, ten kilometres from the nearest island, Jumeirah Dhevanafushi is a private escape that offers sumptuous luxury in gorgeous environs. Bound by a spectacular coral reef, the resort uses the surrounding aquamarine water to its every advantage, as well as for guests’ enjoyment. Stroll along sun-dappled paths that weave across the island to private beach spots. Or relax in the glass-bottom treatment rooms of Talise Spa, watching sea life float by as cares drift away.
18 Maldives
Guests of Jumeirah Dhevanafushi have their choice of spacious villas located along the beach or over the water – each with a private pool and sala day beds for languidly soaking in sun-kissed seclusion. A personal butler ensures all needs are met, whether it is enjoying a refreshing cocktail from your secluded beach as the sun sets, or arranging a gourmet lunch at Picnic Beach. For those seeking additional indulgence, the Ocean Pearl villas are a special treat. Occupying an island a mere 800 metres off the main resort, this cluster of
over-water residences give guests the rare and delightful feeling of having the entire Maldives to themselves. The beautifully appointed spaces embrace both Maldivian culture and ocean life, and each provides marble plunge baths, fulllength infinity windows and access to a private beach.
Jumeirah Vittaveli ARI ATOLL
Jumeirah Vittaveli - Uninterrupted views and award-winning cuisine invite relaxation and family fun A short 20-minute boat ride from Malé International Airport, Jumeirah Vittaveli emerges from the clear blue water like a green beacon covered in lush tropical foliage. Just steps onto the soft sand, the resort offers visitors the Jumeirah signature experience, from the warm welcome and seamless hospitality of its island colleagues, to meticulously crafted activities designed to excite and please. The captivating resort houses 91 villas and suites, all with stunning views of the lagoon or ocean. Residences are decorated with contemporary Maldivian touches and the latest modern amenities, and each has a private swimming pool, outdoor rain shower and soaking tub, romantic sala day bed and direct beach or lagoon access. For any visiting family, the spacious two-bedroom Beach Suites offer a separate outdoor dining area, rooftop terrace and 24-hour butler service. Whether you’re in the mood for a beach barbecue under the stars or a culinary masterpiece with the ocean beneath your metres, Jumeirah Vittaveli has three
exciting restaurants to satisfy any craving. With meals crafted by award-winning chefs, guests can savor fresh-caught seafood at Mu Beach Bar & Grill; Pan Asian flavors at Samsara; or a host of Mediterranean delicacies at the enchanting overwater restaurant Fenesse.
Jumeirah Dhevanafushi
19 Maldives
20 Maldives Oman
Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa - Secluded oasis where nature and luxury seamlessly intermingle With stars from two hemispheres dotting the night sky, Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa enjoys a variety of natural gifts from its location just north of the equator. Situated on a remote island in the secluded North Huvadhoo Atoll – a previously untouched southern portion of the Maldives – the resort’s house reef encircles the entire island. It is believed to be one of the largest and deepest natural atolls in the world, offering exceptional bio-diversity for experienced divers. To help maintain the island’s unspoiled treasures, Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa built its resort with great care. Nowhere is this more evident than in the beautifully designed and meticulously detailed villas, which seamlessly blend cool, contemporary style with natural ambience. Nestled within the carefully preserved vegetation are 16 Park Villas and 20 Park Pool Villas, and an additional 14 Park Water Villas are perched above the ocean – each the perfect vantage point for dazzling sunsets and star-studded skies.
Underneath the waves, long stretches of pristine coral reefs allow for breathtaking snorkelling and diving unequalled in the Maldives. Still new to visitors, the marine life is delightfully curious and sightings have included blue marlins, Hawksbill turtles, giant napoleon wrasse, moray eels, and manta and eagle rays.
Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa
21 Maldives
22 Maldives Oman
Gili Lankanfushi Maldives MALÉ
Gili Lankanfushi Maldives - An intimate coral island in a sparkling lagoon Gili Lankanfushi Maldives pursued sustainable living well before being 'green' came into vogue. Every aspect of the resort – from the well-appointed residences to the over-water Meera spa – is designed to embrace the natural beauty of the surroundings and provide you with an experience as relaxing as the warm bluegreen water that laps against the island's shores.
The resort grows its own organic herbs and vegetables, which add vibrant flavour to the fresh menus at its delicious eateries. Additionally, the underground wine cellar, with cheese room and chocolate cave, hosts a resident sommelier as well as visiting experts. It’s a must-try as a standalone meal or a complement to your epicurean adventure.
Just 20 minutes from Malé and accessible by speedboat, Gili Lankanfushi Maldives boasts the largest over-water villas in the world, with none smaller than 205 square metres. If additional privacy is desired, eight of the over-water residences are free-standing in the lagoon and are accessible only by boat. Gili Lankanfushi Maldives created its tropical oasis in reverence to the ecological balance of the island. It uses sustainable woods, natural materials and traditional fabrics to recreate the island’s natural habitat while offering the modern-day amenities and creature comforts of true luxury.
23 Maldives
Huvafen Fushi - Modern luxuries with island flair, and the world’s only underwater spa Set within its own lagoon, Huvafen Fushi is a Per AQUUM Retreat that exudes a sophisticated, modern vibe where the stunning environment – above and below the waterline – is an attraction in itself. The resort offers a unique combination of island chic with contemporary architecture, allowing guests to embrace the island’s gifts while relaxing in sensual indulgence. Every Huvafen Fushi villa, whether on the beach or over-water, has its own freshwater plunge pool. The villas are stylishly designed in upscale minimalism, but also come complete with plasma televisions, Bose surround-sound systems and the latest in modern conveniences.
24 Maldives
When you are ready to indulge in the resort’s culinary offerings, tantalise your taste buds with an evening in Vinum, the underground wine cellar, or at an ocean-side table at one of the outstanding over-water restaurants. Any meal should certainly be followed by a visit to UMbar, the swanky water’s-edge
lounge perfect for enjoying a bespoke cocktail. For any spa enthusiast, LIME Spa is a relaxation treat with intuitive treatments tailored to the individual. And what better place to wash your stress away than in the world’s only underwater treatment rooms, surrounded by clear saltwater views, teeming with ocean life. It is an experience not to be missed.
Huvafen Fushi MALÉ
Anantara Dhigu ARI ATOLL
Anantara Dhigu - Spectacular lagoon provides a stunning backdrop for enjoying rest, relaxation and a multitude of culinary delights Situated in the South Malé Atoll, Anantara Dhigu is a luxury hideaway set in a gorgeous private lagoon. Accommodations are stylishly designed with guests’ comfort and needs in mind, and with sister resort Anantara Veli across the lagoon, guests have use of both islands’ facilities during their stay.
Anantara also offers a marvellous selection of dining experiences – possibly the widest range of delicious options in the Maldives. Toast the sunset with your favourite cocktail at the Aqua bar, or savour the Thai traditions of Lanna and Isaan by enjoying Far Eastern delights at the over-water Baan Huraa, nestled on the edge of a coral reef.
At Dhigu, each of the 70 beach villas features a terrazzo bathtub as well as an outdoor rain shower to fully experience the warm island atmosphere. The 40 over-water suites are equally stunning with private sundecks allowing sunrise or sunset views, and have direct access to the lagoon should you want to take a dip from your deck. If the mood hits, Anantara Dhigu has a variety of excursions and activities available: Book an Ayurvedic treatment at the Anantara Spa; enjoy a swim in the infinity-edge, beachfront pool; schedule a private surfing excursion; or even sign up for cooking classes to duplicate regional delights.
25 Maldives
26 Maldives
Taj Exotica Resort & Spa ARI ATOLL
Taj Exotica Resort & Spa - Large, beautiful lagoon provides atmosphere and entertainment Taj Exotica resides on the tropical isle Emboodhu Finolhu – once known as the Three Coconut Island – that sits in one of the largest lagoons in the Maldives. Just 15 minutes by speedboat from Malé International Airport, this long sliver of island offers elegantly appointed villas suited with the latest modern conveniences.
With its creative fresh seafood and vegetarian dishes, the Deep End over-water restaurant is another Taj highlight, as is the Jiva Spa, which among other rejuvenating therapies offers a semi-outdoor suite with luxury Hammam. The signature Alepa treatment makes good use of the Hamman to open and detoxify pores, followed by your choice of therapeutic mud preparations to soften skin. An outdoor waterfall rinses you clean, and you’ll leave feeling relaxed and balanced.
With just a few beach villas, most accommodations at Taj Exotica are overwater (with or without freshwater plunge pools), connected in an elaborate jetty design to give each residence access to the lagoon and island services. The Rehendhi Presidential Suite offers a spacious, two-room villa to guests that require additional privacy. The main pool area is a popular place to pass the day with its spectacular lagoon views. Or take advantage of the enormous lagoon and spend the time swimming and snorkelling in its turquoise warmth.
27 Maldives
Vivanta By Taj – Coral Reef - A sheltered lagoon set on its own coral reef perfect for underwater explorers Vivanta By Taj – Coral Reef is a luxurious, yet affordable, solution to holidays in paradise. Chic, contemporary accommodations, coupled with innovative food and high levels of service ensure a memorable Maldivian getaway that won’t break the bank. Located on Hembadhu Island, just 50 minutes by speedboat from the airport, Vivanta by Taj welcomes your visit any time of the day or night. The resort has been redesigned to offer a personalised holiday experience for families and couples alike.
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Among the 62 spacious villa residences – two of which are Deluxe Delight Beach Villas with private outdoor living areas – guests can choose from thatched Beach Villas with large beach-side porticos or the Water Villas with private decks looking out to the lagoon. All offer unrivalled views of the sea and outdoor shower areas for private relaxation with ocean breezes.
Boasting one of the best spots for diving, amateurs and professionals can explore the resort's own shipwreck in the house reef, or book an excursion to go in search of giant manta rays – a sure highlight of any underwater experience. The less intrepid can relax in the property's Jiva Spa, inspired by the Indian philosophy of wellness, where high-quality spa treatments have received rave reviews from satisfied visitors.
Vivanta By Taj – Coral Reef MALÉ
Naladhu Maldives ARI ATOLL
Naladhu Maldives - A coral-fringed hideaway that exudes luxurious intimacy Naladhu, Maldivian for 'beautiful island,' is set on Velighandu Huraa in the South Malé Atoll. A boutique resort with just 19 villas, each looking out to a clear emerald lagoon, guests can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of bliss.
to enjoy a meal any place – aboard an elegant dhoni, on the beach for a picnic, or even a champagne brunch in your spacious bedroom. Cooking classes are also available if you'd like to recreate Maldivian flavours to savour at home.
Each secluded residence is designed in contemporary luxe with hardwood decks and a private infinity-edge pool as the perfect vantage point for stargazing or toasting a picturesque sunset. Inside, the free-flowing spaces and timeless design encourage relaxation and induce a feeling of home. A personal house master (butler) ensures the details of your stay are to your specifications - any whim is just a phone call away. Plan an afternoon dive excursion, unwind at the end of the day in the house’s own private steam room, or schedule a pampering spa service to enjoy on the sun-bleached deck. As with its other amenities, Naladhu’s cuisine takes every step to cater to guests’ cravings. Experience al fresco dining in The Living Room, which overlooks the sparkling lagoon, or take advantage of in-room or personalized dining options
29 Maldives
Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa - Modern Maldivian luxe set within lush, natural surrounds If you have ever wanted to be lost on a deserted island in a far off place of the world, Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa is an ideal spot. Located in the remote Haa Alifu Atoll in the north Maldives, this luxury boutique resort is built on the virgin island of Dhonakulhi, a crescent-shaped isle large by Maldivian standards. Most of the island was left untouched during building and thus, the immediate surrounds are lush and spectacularly beautiful.
30 Maldives
A rustic celebration of nature with custom-made, hand-finished natural materials throughout, Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa deftly uses the island's ample space to offer guests the largest and most secluded beach villas of any resort in the area – a privacy premium for those who desire undisturbed relaxation. The resort's exceptional attention to detail is obvious in the residences as well as its restaurants, spa and service. In fact, its 24-hour butler service receives some of the highest reviews of any resort in the Maldives.
Due to the unique coral formation around the island, Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa also boasts a state-of-the-art, fully equipped marina. Saltwater fly-fishing is a unique experience and the intricate coral expanses offer guests some of the most untouched snorkelling and diving spots around. This is a place to really relax and get away from the stresses of everyday life.
Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa
W Retreat Resort & Spa ARI ATOLL
W Retreat & Spa – Maldives - Unites chic design with the exquisite beauty of the Maldives Set on the exotic island of Fesdu in the North Ari Atoll, the W Retreat & Spa Maldives is just a short seaplane flight from Malé. Guests of the W Retreat can expect the same bold styling and exciting vibe of its city hotels, but with tropical relaxation and island landscapes as a soothing backdrop. Villas are an exciting blend of innovative architectural design and contemporary living aesthetics with island-village simplicity. Both the bi-level, beach-front and single-level, over-water villas offer private plunge pools and their own barbecues for impromptu afternoon cookouts. The main pool is another popular favourite at W Retreat & Spa - Maldives, with its restful chaises and the cool convenience of WET – part swim-up pool bar with speciality cocktails and part poolside lounge gone gourmet. Or for intense relaxation, head over to the Away spa to indulge in any number of soothing therapies in its restful over-water treatment villas.
The resort’s three stylish restaurants offer creative gourmet cuisine, from jungle barbecue to Asian-inspired fish and fresh sushi. To satisfy a sweet tooth, complimentary ice cream stations are also scattered throughout the resort. And the underground club lounge, 15BELOW, serves up guest DJs and creative concoctions on the dance floor or in the comfort of your own divan.
31 Maldives
Six Senses Laamu - Nestle near the ocean shore amid fragrant tropical gardens Remote, private and surrounded by aquamarine ocean, trendy Six Senses Laamu enjoys a prime location on uninhabited Olhuveli Island in the southern part of the Maldives archipelago. Each of the 97 stunning beach and water villas features outdoor rain-showers, private sundecks and outdoor relaxation areas. And if this is a family holiday, the two-bedroom Beach Villa with pool offers a treetop deck for a uniquely Maldivian panorama of jungle to seascape. A water lover’s panacea, the island has coral reefs that offer exquisite snorkelling and diving as well as an exhilarating surf break - the Yin Yang - that promises good waves for surfers of all levels. In addition, the luxurious Six Senses Spa and an open-air cinema will help fill any leisure time.
32 Maldives
Dining experiences at Six Senses Laamu make the best use of the resort’s sensational surroundings. The Altitude wine cellar, with its six-metre (21foot) ocean-to-ceiling wine tower, serves tastings and dégustation dinners at
its prime centre table. Perched above the resort’s garden, organic restaurant LEAF provides sunset views to complement a la carte meals made with fresh garden ingredients or daily line-caught fish. And for a treat, Ice boasts a cocoa kitchen, crepe bar and 40 rotating flavours of ice cream and sorbet to satisfy any sweet tooth.
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa MALÉ
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa - Fun and relaxation for the entire family Just as Sheraton is known on the mainland for its high-quality resort experiences, the Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa brings that reputation to paradise in the Indian Ocean.
Perhaps the most alluring diversion, though, is located across the water via a long footbridge. Sitting on its own island, the Shine Spa for Sheraton is truly an oasis. Using influences from China, Thailand, India, Arabia and the Mediterranean, the spa menu is perhaps only slightly less worldly than its visitors.
Six Senses Laamu
Set on a private island, the hotel’s 176 guest rooms and villas - both over-water and beach-front options - all feature creature comforts with island touches, and take advantage of the island’s best gifts. But for a special treat, the exclusive Water Suite features a king-sized bedroom overlooking a deck area, a separate lounge area with its own deck and direct sea access with sun lounges. And, at the end of a long day hiking or snorkeling, take a dip in the private Jacuzzi plunge pool – perfect for relaxing and enjoying the never-ending ocean views. Aside from the romantic surroundings, the Sheraton Full Moon is actually a great place to bring any active family. Wakeboarding, waterskiing, banana boats, snorkeling, tennis, island excursions and dolphin cruises are just some of the activities that will entice visitors to come out and play.
33 Maldives
NIYAMA - An edgy, modern resort suited for romance and adventure
a deli and three bars including Subsix, the world’s first under-water club.
Located in the Southwestern Atoll of Dhaalu and a 40-minute seaplane flight from Malé, NIYAMA offers guests more than a romantic Maldivian escape, balancing tranquillity with a sense of discovery, stimulation and fun.
After a day playing in the sun, LIME Spa at NIYAMA offers guests the ability to schedule a reinvigorating spa treatment for any time, day or night – a unique concept in the Maldives.
NIYAMA features 86 beach or over-water Studios and Pavilions. Beach Studios have stunning outdoor bathrooms, large deck areas and secluded palm-studded beach views; Beach Pavilions offer 24-hour butler service, private fibre opticlit pools and exclusive beach access. Water babies can choose from the expansive Water Studios or Deluxe Water Studios, both of which offer private pools, spacious living areas and stunning views of the Indian Ocean. For the ultimate treat, the Water Pavilions with private pools are available with one or two bedrooms, and come complete with a private Thakuru, or Maldivian butler.
34 Maldives
Interaction drives the ‘Diversions and Journeys’ at NIYAMA. Think remote control boats and buggies, an art studio, weekly movie nights and a variety of water sports. This nature’s playground also boasts three excellent restaurants,
Lily Beach Resort & Spa at Huvahendhoo, Maldives
Lily Beach Resort & Spa at Huvahendhoo, Maldives - Affordable family fun in gorgeous natural surroundings Located within the spectacular Ari Atoll, which offers some of the most amazing dive and snorkeling sites in the world, Lily Beach Resort & Spa on Huvahendhoo Island features pristine beaches, lush vegetation and an exotic house reef just metres off the shore.
Outside of the fantastic water sports and diving centre, other resort facilities include two swimming pools, a Sports Complex with tennis, volleyball and billiards, and ‘The Turtles’ kid’s club. After a long day splashing in the sun, unwind at the Tamara Spa’s over-water spa pavilions, designed to refresh and rejuvenate your spirit as well as your physical being.
The resort is the first in the Maldives to offer an all-inclusive Platinum Plan, which brings affordable luxury to a new level. It means carefree dining that includes premium wine and spirits, as well as access to a wide range of activities, facilities and hand-crafted excursions for hassle-free fun. A fusion of contemporary style with traditional Maldivian aesthetics, the 125 beach and over-water villas - spread across the island - highlight the best Huvahendhoo has to offer. With warm ocean breezes infiltrating the openconcept layouts, all villas are also equipped with jacuzzi bathtubs, a private sundeck with direct access to the beach or lagoon, and modern amenities to make guests feel at home.
35 Maldives
Constance Halaveli Maldives - Escape to paradise and experience the Indian Ocean in your backyard Floating in the North Ari atoll and shaped like a curved dhoni (Maldivian boat) is Constance Halaveli Maldives, where blue water and white sand lie in contrast to the exuberant green of the island’s foliage. Guests can choose from one of the many villa types, which include both beach and over-water options, as well as family and two-story residences. All of the villas at Constance Halaveli contain their own private plunge pools and terraces with loungers to soak in the stunning views. The free-flowing rooms are comfortably furnished using modern wood and marble, and each is equipped with modern conveniences such as free Wi-Fi, an iPod dock, wine chiller and 24-hour room service.
36 Maldives
If guests prefer to venture out from their comfortable accommodations, the resort features three delicious dining options. Relax and unwind for some laid-back beach dining at Meeru, discover the delights of Asian-inspired fine dining at Jing,
or experience cuisine from around the globe at Jahaz - the resort's main restaurant. The Indian Ocean offers an exhilarating playground, and water sports such as pedal boats, windsurfing, kayaking, diving, banana boats and water skiing help fill the day. Or, soothe the senses at Le Spa de Constance, where treatments offer natural healing and nurture beauty from within.
Constance Halaveli ARI ATOLL
The Residence Maldives - Outstanding service awaits guests at this remote jewel Falhumaafushi, a pristine island in the Gaafu Alifu Atoll - one of the world's largest and deepest atolls - is where The Residence Maldives calls home. Located 389 kilometres south of MalĂŠ, the island paradise is reached via air and speedboat. The 94 beachfront and over-water villas offer either a toes-in-the-sand experience or the chance to snorkel straight from your private deck. Employing thatched roofs, natural materials and lush fabrics, the private villas evoke a harmony between classic and modern styles. High ceilings and French windows ensure every villa is airy and full of light. Additionally, The Residence's renowned butler service provides the best in personal attention and a buggy service is available for transportation around the island. For gastronomic pursuits, there are three excellent restaurants including The Falhumaa, which offers western cuisine in a gorgeous over-water setting. A variety of 24-hour private dining services, including a private island getaway, allow for personal romantic escapades.
For both mind and body rejuvenation, step into a haven of tranquillity at the first and only The Spa by Clarins in the Maldives. Linked to the mainland by a jetty, the spa overlooks the lagoon and a rainbow of coral reefs, and offers an array of holistic treatments and pampering massages.
The Residence
37 Maldives
60 Kilometres
Approximately 1,600 kilometres off the east coast of Africa and just south of the equator, the Seychelles is composed of an archipelago of 115 granite and coral islands that span kilometres of Indian Ocean. The inner islands of the Seychelles are of the granite variety, bursting from the sea with tall rugged peaks and lush green vegetation. Rimmed by pristine white beaches dotted with large granite boulders, the islands’ sublime beach scene is unlike anywhere else. With an abundance of rare indigenous animals, plants and birds, preservation and conservation are top priorities, and almost half of the land is protected, including two UNESCO World Heritage sites.
38 Seychelles
Island hopping is a great way to explore the Seychelles, particularly its three main islands. Home to the capital city of Victoria and the international airport, Mahé is the largest island in the Seychelles and contains the majority of the population. It also offers the beautiful Anse Louis and Anse Intendance beaches -- the latter of which is a popular surf spot due to its large waves. A short 15-minute flight from Mahé, Praslin is the second-largest island in the archipelago and boasts
gorgeous Anse Lazio and Anse Georgette beaches, as well as Vallée de Mai, an ancient palm tree forest. But one cannot talk about beaches in the Seychelles without mentioning the famous gem of La Digue Island – the silvery Anse Source d’Argent. With huge granite boulders spread across the sand, it is the most photographed beach in the Seychelles. A number of unique luxury resorts have been developed on smaller private islands and can be accessed via helicopter, domestic flight or speedboat. These islands are ideal for relaxing, dining and diving at some of the most secluded and luxurious resorts in the world. Or, for additional privacy, renting an entire island for your party can be arranged. Seychelles is often visited as a single destination, though a holiday can be combined with stops in Europe, an African Safari or with a trip to neighboring Mauritius. Flights to the Seychelles are via Paris, London, Dubai, Singapore, Johannesburg, Nairobi and a few other cities.
40 Seychelles
Desroches Island Resort - The only resort occupying a lusciously green, coral island in the southern part of the Seychelles Situated in the pristine Amirante Archipelago, Desroches Island offers visitors exceptional privacy and a tranquil environment. Flying directly in to the resort is simple via the daily scheduled flight or private charter to the island’s private paved runway.
Fishing enthusiasts will also be thrilled with the world-class diversity offshore. Wahoo, Kingfish, Sailfish and Tuna are prevalent, and record-setting Marlin catches have made this a destination for deep-sea fisherman. Fly-fishing is also first-rate in the area, with Bonefish and Giant Trevally in abundance.
Desroches Island Resort
The 17 luxuriously spacious suites are great for convenience – close to the central area, beach dining, swimming pool, spa and gym. Set amongst palm trees and tropical gardens, each suite faces west and sits just a few metres off the beach. Over on the unblemished northwest-facing beaches, the 37 Beach Retreats, Villas & Residences offer a higher standard of luxury with personal pools and additional space and privacy for families or those seeking a quiet respite. Desroches is a great resort for activities. With steep underwater cliffs replete with rich sea life, Desroches is known for some of the very best diving in the Seychelles. Curious creatures like sea turtles flourish off the island’s shores.
41 Seychelles
Constance Ephélia - Slip into a new state of mind at this beautiful, family-friendly resort Constance Ephélia Resort in the Seychelles enjoys a unique location set within nearly 300 acres of land, with an abundance of luxuriant and rare vegetation and plants. The large resort – located over two of the most beautiful beaches on the island of Mahé and overlooking the marine national park of Port Launay – offers private seclusion with breathtaking views. Whether you choose one of the suites or a hillside, spa or beach villa, each of the residences is impeccably furnished with modern conveniences to make your stay as stress-free as possible. Some feature additional rooms and private pools, but all provide fantastic views of heavenly surrounds.
42 Seychelles
Where Constance Ephélia excels is in its wide variety of activities. For reinvigorating down time, the resort features a spa village with the renowned Spa de Constance as well as a Shiseido Spa – the largest within the Indian Ocean. It also has an extensive water sports and dive centre, several shopping
boutiques and four separate pool areas for choice lounging. For flavour connoisseurs, the resort has five restaurants and bars to satisfy any culinary curiosity. And don’t miss a trip to Cyann for dinner and the Chef’s table experience, which allows guests to enjoy the action of the kitchen, as well as a specially created menu.
Constance Lémuria Praslin
Constance Ephélia
Constance Lémuria Praslin - Unique activities and pristine beaches await Constance Lémuria enjoys an idyllic location on the northwest coast of Praslin Island overlooking the beaches of Anse Kerlan and Petite Anse Kerlan. The entire property is designed in harmony with its natural surroundings to provide an ambience of tranquillity and refined elegance. The 96 thatched suites, eight villas and presidential villa are situated along the beaches and use natural materials of marble, limestone, wood and granite – a true celebration of the island’s gifts. Constance Lémuria has a wide range of activities. The beautiful three-level main swimming pool, flowing from the hotel to the sea, is a highlight as is the championship golf course – the only one in the Seychelles. With green fees included, your 18 holes wind their way up and over hills to maximise ocean views. Just behind the 18th hole is a path that will take you to Anse Georgette, the resort’s hidden gem. Only accessible to guests, this pristine beach is as picturesque as they come – palm trees, white sand and nesting tropical birds – and is considered one of the most beautiful in the Seychelles.
Wind down from your time on the links by enjoying a treatment in the resort’s exclusive Shiseido spa. The Legend Bar overlooking the Indian Ocean also has a great selection of cocktails and aperitifs, and is a popular spot for a night cap.
43 Seychelles
Maia Luxury Resort & Spa - Unsurpassed service and astonishing accommodations Resting on the pristine Anse Louis beach on the southwest coast of Mahé, Maia Luxury Resort & Spa utilises the natural beauty of the surroundings to complement its lavish resort. Maia made certain that no stone was moved building the resort – the result being a seamless commune of fertile seascape and lush repose. The resort is tucked into 30 acres of award-winning gardens. A stone footpath winds through the gardens, revealing 30 private villas which feature infinityedge swimming pools, walled garden showers and outdoor pavilions with double-sunken bathtubs. Each villa comes with a personal butler who provides 24-hour service throughout the stay, whether it’s taking you to the resort’s Tec Tec restaurant, cooking in-villa breakfast or packing your luggage.
44 Seychelles
The Maia Spa features three spacious treatment pavilions, each with an open-air treatment room, private garden and bath. Complimentary sessions of Qi Gong meditation, Yoga and Self-Shiatsu are offered daily in the spa garden.
The beachfront pool serves many purposes: a place to relax, a conduit to the beach area and snorkelling, or your entrance to the Sunset Pool Bar. Asian, French and Mediterranean cuisine can be prepared a la carte, and a local chef oversees a Creole menu with regional delights such as fish curry and grilled Cigale de la Mer.
Fregate Island Private MAHÉ
Maia Luxury Resort & Spa
Fregate Island Private - A jewel of conservation, the ultimate private island experience Once a popular destination for pirates, Fregate Island is now a golden haven for tranquillity in the midst of unique indigenous gifts. Within its tropical jungle, the island is home to rare and endangered birds as well as many giant tortoises, both of which survive successfully due to the resort’s focus on preservation of the island's resources.
Tucked away throughout the resort are several private dining spots, and with options like imbibing on the beach under the setting Seychellois sun or even feasting among the branches of a grand Banyan tree, creating special romantic moments is never hard.
There are just 16 luxury, air-conditioned villas set on cliffs above the ocean – each measuring between 93 square metres and 148 square metres – appointed with exotic art and the finest furnishings. With stunning views over the Anse Macquereau and Anse Bambous beaches, the villas maximise relaxation with their own private sun terraces, pools, jacuzzis and day beds. Additionally, the resort provides guests with personal island buggies to scoot from beach to peak, and a first-class personal butler to guarantee they receive the ultimate private island experience. Terrific spa treatments at the Rock Spa, with its entrance through a granite canyon, ensure guests are truly relaxed.
45 Seychelles
Banyan Tree Seychelles - A tropical haven blessed with flora and fauna Nestled along stunning Intendance Bay on the southwestern coast of Mahé, Banyan Tree Seychelles stands on a piece of land acquired by the late George Harrison and Peter Sellers. From the white sand beaches below to the granite boulder-spotted hillside, the resort tucks its spacious villas within the lush vegetation to allow guests a personal experience with paradise. Each of the 60 white, Victorian-style villas showcase the island’s colonial history with tasteful contemporary décor and fine touches of Creole furnishings. The villas also each have their own private pools, large outdoor lounging areas, and many have jacuzzis for a post-snorkelling dip.
46 Seychelles
The award-winning Banyan Tree Spa, set against the majestic granite mountains, offers guests a hillside reprieve where glass-walled treatment rooms invite Indian Ocean views to help melt the stress away. Or, if they prefer, guests can indulge in calming treatments like the signature Harmony Banyan and Royal Banyan, carried out within the privacy of their own villas.
To satisfy an epicurean craving, a beach barbecue is a special event. Tuck your toes in the sand and enjoy a sparkling sunset with a glass of champagne while a waiter and chef prepare a gourmet multi-course dinner on a secluded section of beach, utilising only the freshest local ingredients.
North Island
Banyan Tree Seychelles
North Island - An idyllic private sanctuary with top-notch service The essence of North Island is sustainable, ecologically sensitive utilisation of a precious natural treasure. One of the finest barefoot luxury resorts in the world, North Island provides a sanctuary for guests seeking an unspoiled tropical haven of peace and tranquillity.
Exceptional service is key here, and your dedicated Villa Host will ensure every desire is exceeded. Some unique perks include a 20-minute massage upon arrival; dining in new venues each night; an underwater specialist accompanying your scuba adventure through the coral reefs; or a local environmentalist trekking on your hike to share about the local flora and fauna.
The island offers four beautiful beaches located at each end of the compass with only 11 spectacular handcrafted villas dotting its white sandy expanse. At 450 square metres in size, the ocean-facing residences sit off the ground to capture cooling island breezes and each come with their own private plunge pools. Using kayaks, mountain bikes or the villas' designated Island Buggies, guests can explore the island and seek out amazing snorkelling spots just steps from the beach. Or, spend time with the island's oldest inhabitants – giant tortoises that freely roam the landscape – then enjoy a dazzling sunset while sipping a freshly made cocktail at the West Beach Bar.
47 Seychelles
Mauritius PORT LOUIS
Situated in the Indian Ocean approximately 901 kilometres east of Madagascar, Mauritius is a volcanic island with large rocky peaks almost completely surrounded by coral reef – an exotic composition that yields beautiful views both above and below the water. Considered the quintessential tropical paradise, Mauritius invites visitors to experience crystal-clear lagoons that flow into silky beaches dotted with casuarinas and coconut palm trees. Higher up, waterfalls cascade over ancient volcanic rock, which invite a refreshing post-hike dip or panoramic photo opportunity. A unique combination of natural elements, Mauritius is also a fusion of cultures with Indian, French, African, Asian and British influences. This amazing diversity is apparent not only in the island’s architecture and people, but also in the variety of exceptional cuisine available.
48 Mauritius
Many marvelous five- and six-star resorts are located on the island, creating competition that has bred even better quality, service and amenities. Its breathtaking views and luxury resorts make Mauritius a romantic hideaway perfect for tropical weddings, honeymoons or anniversary celebrations. Or for
those travelling with family, visitors can take advantage of the resorts’ fantastic kids clubs for vacations to remember. While sunbathing on white sandy beaches is a favourite pastime of visitors to Mauritius, there is a huge range of indoor and outdoor diversions for those looking for more active pursuits. From championship golf courses and superb hiking to an array of water activities – diving, snorkeling and deep sea fishing – there is almost no limit to how one can fill the time. If relaxation is the main quest, there are several fantastic spas where guests can choose from world-class treatments in luxurious surrounds. Mauritius is accessible from many global locations and can serve as a relaxing end to a safari, or in combination with trips to Dubai, Seychelles or a European stopover. Paris and London are the most popular originating cities, and there are regular flights from Johannesburg, Singapore, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Australia.
Shanti Maurice - A Nira Resort - Elegant boutique resort with an award-winning spa A boutique resort situated on a horseshoe-shaped coral cove in St. Felix, Shanti Maurice offers its guests an unforgettable stay with personal touches. It celebrates the many facets of Mauritian culture – Indian, African, French and Chinese influences – through its cuisine, design and award-winning spa services. Additionally, Shanti Maurice supports local industry, sourcing the majority of its restaurants’ ingredients from the island’s farmers and fishermen, and supplying artisans’ hand-woven beach carriers.
50 Mauritius
Shanti Maurice offers spacious Suites and Villas, spread across a 14-hectare (36acre) landscape of fragrant tropical gardens. All 17 villas – including the grand Shanti Villa – are located on the beachfront overlooking the Indian Ocean, and have a private pool, outdoor rain shower and dining pavilion. Design is a contemporary blend of Mauritian and African culture and style. One of the largest and most comprehensive facilities in the Indian Ocean, the award-winning Nira Spa is an impressive 6,967 square metres with an
enchanting tea pavilion at its centre. The spa offers an extensive menu of body and beauty treatments integrating traditional Indian systems of Ayurveda & Yoga with contemporary spa treatments. There are 25 treatment rooms with specialised areas for each discipline.
The Residence Mauritius
The Residence Mauritius - A unique blend of culture and sophistication Situated on the east coast of Mauritius in Belle Mare, The Residence Mauritius blends timeless elegance with modern luxuries to create a sophisticated retreat. Inspired by turn-of-the-century mansions and plantation houses, the resort’s colonial architecture is not better displayed than in its stunning lobby, where cold towels and fresh iced tea await guests’ arrivals.
If it is a family holiday, the resort’s Planters Kids Club – inspired by a sugarcane plantation house – is dedicated to the entertainment of children and the relaxation of their parents. The program includes treasure hunts, snorkelling classes, hikes and picnics, glass bottom boat tours, and pony rides among other fun diversions.
Shanti Maurice a Nira Resort
The deliciously nostalgic décor continues in the rooms and suites, each opening onto a private balcony or terrace, and with the service of a personal butler. The shining gems of the resort, the Colonial Ocean Front Suites, are 116 square metres and each offer a second bathroom, as well as a grand terrace with panoramic views of the Indian Ocean. The spacious main pool area is a popular spot to spend the day, its enjoyment added to by complimentary fresh fruits and bottled water. The Sanctuary spa is a large temple of relaxation offering an extensive menu of skincare treatments, massages and custom-made programs.
51 Mauritius
The Oberoi Mauritius - Unsurpassed service highlights this intimate luxury resort The Oberoi Mauritius lies along Turtle Bay, on the northwest coast of Mauritius, amidst 20 acres of lush sub-tropical gardens that front nearly 600 metres of coastline leading out to a turquoise lagoon. One of the smaller and more intimate luxury resorts on the island, the Oberoi employs unique architecture that reflects the diverse African and Asian heritage of the Mauritian people. Indigenous materials have been used wherever possible: Sugar-cane thatch for the roofs, volcanic boulders as natural garden walls, and tropical plants and shrubs throughout. The Pavilions, Villas and main structures have all been integrated to harmonise with the surrounding exotic foliage, trees and flowers.
52 Mauritius
The rooms are some of the largest and most secluded in Mauritius, all having sunken marble tubs with views of open-air walled gardens, and some with exclusive pools. The resort’s two main pools are stunning with uninterrupted views of the ocean beyond, and guests often spend a good portion of their days enjoying one of them.
The Oberoi Spa is a true treat, offering a wide range of massages, skin therapies and complete spa journeys. Embrace and reawaken yourself in the beautiful surroundings of The Oberoi Spa and enjoy all the elements by taking a journey over several days in a haven of serenity.
The Oberoi Mauritius
The St. Regis Mauritius Resort - Beautiful accommodations and pampering in paradise With the same level of service and luxurious details that the St. Regis name is known for, The St. Regis Mauritius Resort beautifully weaves that tradition with classic island charm. Located on the southwestern tip of the island, the resort enjoys prime placement on the soft white sands of Le Morne Beach and its turquoise lagoon, with the world’s best diving and kite-surfing spots moments away.
cuisine by twice Michelin-starred chef Atul Kochhar. For a truly special culinary experience, make a reservation at Inspiration for the Chef’s Table where you will be delighted by a direct view of the bustling kitchen while chef prepares a bespoke meal.
The St. Regis Mauritius Resort
The Resort’s 172 guest suites are dotted along the beach with expansive views of the Indian Ocean, and each suite is outfitted in classic colonial style with St. Regis Signature Bedding, spacious terraces or balconies, elegantly appointed bathrooms and Remede amenities. Additionally, St. Regis butler service is always available to anticipate any need or fulfill any request. With some of the best food in Mauritius, six distinctive restaurants offer guests the opportunity to savour different tastes of the Indian Ocean. Journey through the exotics of Asia, the freshness of a beach grill and the finest FrenchMauritian traditions, as well as the modern interpretation of authentic Indian
53 Mauritius
Le Touessrok - The pinnacle of tropical elegance Sexy, modern, chic – a vibrant trifecta of adjectives that speak volumes of this supremely stylish resort that sits on the east coast of Mauritius, overlooking the tranquil Trou d'Eau Douce bay. Le Touessrok, with its two adjacent island retreats, is built in the style of a Mediterranean village and is the epitome of understated luxury and refinement.
54 Mauritius
On the mainland, the Hibiscus and Coral wings offer ocean-view rooms and suites designed and finished in cool, contemporary interpretations of Mauritian style. The property is linked by a beautiful wooden bridge to Frangipani Island on which suites are located in a circular pattern around the island, giving each residence uninterrupted views of the sea. Frangipani also has a wonderful beach restaurant, Barlen's, that serves fresh sushi and other Japanese fare, as well as a Givenchy Spa and a separate lap pool. Just ten minutes away by private ferry is the hotel's private retreat island, Îlot Mangénie - a hideaway reserved for the exclusive use of guests. Freshly caught
fish and oven-baked pizzas are on the lunch menu at Crusoe’s, or sip a delicious rum concoction at Robinson’s Bar on the water’s edge. Another short ride away by boat is the stunning island of Île aux Cerfs where a magnificent 18-hole, 72-par championship golf course, designed by Bernhard Langer, entices golfing enthusiasts.
One&Only Le Saint Géran
Le Touessrok
One&Only Le Saint Géran - Spirit of generosity in every detail One&Only Le Saint Géran is set on the beautiful Belle Mare peninsula with more than a kilometre (mile) of white sandy beach fronting 60 acres of lush vegetation and gently swaying coconut palms. The chic resort provides a relaxed and private retreat where the focus on first-rate service and exceptional food make it a holiday experience to remember.
The resort also features a Gary Player-designed nine-hole golf course in addition to a huge array of water and land activities to fill the day. Or, a day spent spread out along the beach, enjoying a dip in the lovely water, is further enhanced by terrific beachside service. Cocktails and relaxation are never far away.
Being one of the few resorts in Mauritius that offers 24-hour personal butler service, guests’ needs are immediately handled. All suites are designed with a mix of Mauritian charm and modern conveniences, and feature private terraces or balconies facing the ocean or bay, as well as doors opening onto resplendent tropical gardens. Food is a standout feature here and nothing compares to Spoon des Îles. This gourmet creation of famed French chef Alain Ducasse produces innovative meals - some of the best in the Indian Ocean. For an after-dinner cocktail, The Pool Bar is a hot spot for sipping liqueurs or wine during the lively evening entertainment.
55 Mauritius
Constance Le Prince Maurice - Thoughtful architecture delivers style and harmony Located on the island’s northeastern coast, Constance Le Prince Maurice is situated on 60 acres of unblemished private land blessed with rare and luxuriant vegetation that ensures maximum privacy for its guests. The turquoise lagoon complements the fresh, green surroundings and secluded beaches of brilliant sand. A natural fish reserve, positioned on the western part of the resort, adds to the natural beauty of the location. The reserve accommodates the only over-water suites in Mauritius, sitting high on stilts, while the resort’s other generous suites are located along the beach or in a sub-tropical garden facing the sea.
56 Mauritius
Fill your days relaxing poolside, or try one of several activities like squash, snorkelling or even a glass-bottom boat trip. For the little ones, Le Prince Maurice invites children to experience Les Petits Princes Mini Club.
Constance Le Prince Maurice’s gastronomical efforts are guided by the chef’s ‘culinary spirit’ principle, which samples from kitchens along the spice route, blending flavours from Asia, Africa and Europe. Le Barachois is a one-of-a-kind floating restaurant specialising in seafood and Mauritian delicacies. And guests can also enjoy spectacular views of the pool and beach from the Laguna Bar while sipping cocktails to a light sitar melody.
Royal Palm
Constance Le Prince Maurice
Royal Palm - Expect perfection from start to finish Located on the sheltered, sun-drenched northwest coast of Mauritius, this boutique hideaway is known as the most prestigious address on the island. Its stunning location – overlooking a beautiful azure lagoon fringed by alabaster sand – and unparalleled service make Royal Palm a very special place.
The resort's La Goélette restaurant has achieved international status for its creative blends of sophisticated world cuisines with the flavours of fresh Mauritian products. While it serves a tasty breakfast menu in relaxed environs, the dinner atmosphere in La Goélette is memorable for the tuxedo-clad waiters serving decadent dishes to candlelit tables, with the sounds of piano keys tinkling in the background. The multi-course meal will delight even the most finicky eaters.
The Royal Palm's generous suites are exquisitely appointed and command dazzling views of the private beach and water from their own terraces or balconies. They are architecturally designed and situated so no one suite overlooks another, thus ensuring privacy for every guest. Aside from a host of water sports to fill your day, consider an exhilarating helicopter tour over the island. If effortless repose is your ideal, the main pool is a nice spot to relax, or head down to the sand to enjoy the sunshine, further enhanced by the resort's attentive beach service.
57 Mauritius
Constance Belle Mare Plage - Lovely beachfront resort invites family fun
drink at one of the three bars open in the evening.
Situated along one of the most beautiful beaches in Mauritius, Constance Belle Mare Plage offers an island getaway with an array of activities to keep you busy, or the perfectly acceptable option to do nothing at all. The resort is located on a two-kilometre (one-mile) stretch of white sandy beach, and extends back into almost 37 acres of tropical gardens. The beach is protected by an offshore coral reef, making it ideal for swimming, snorkelling and water sports, or just stretching out on one of the resort’s loungers.
For fans of the links, two 18-hole championship golf courses are free for guests, and the resort also has two blissful spas - Spa de Constance and Shiseido Spa tucked away in seclusion to ensure complete relaxation of mind and body.
All 256 guest rooms and suites are comfortably furnished using modern wood and marble with touches of Mauritian flair. They each have a furnished terrace or balcony, 24-hour room service and some of the larger villas - great for families - have private pools and outdoor lounging areas.
58 Mauritius
Constance Belle Mare Plage has seven restaurants to satisfy any culinary hankering, from romantic fine dining at Blue Penny CafĂŠ to sumptuous beach food at La Kaze. After dinner, enjoy the buzz of live music or an intimate candlelit
Constance Belle Mare Plage
Maradiva Villas
Maradiva Villas - An idyllic hideaway for romantic holidays An exclusive haven of tranquillity and luxury, this beautiful 5-star beachside getaway spans 27 acres at Wolmar Beach, overlooking the serene, blue waters of Tamarin Bay and its own private beach.
In addition to its treatment menu, the spa facilities include a Hammam, a Saunarium and a whirlpool. For a romantic spa escape, there are two spacious couples suites – each with a steam shower and private jacuzzi, leading to a secluded private garden and outdoor patio ideal for sharing a special experience.
Maradiva's Villas are some of the largest and most secluded in Mauritius, all with their own private plunge pools and outdoor living areas. No detail has been overlooked in considering the relaxing ambience, with interiors inspired by French Colonial, Indian, African, and Arabic designs. Coast2Coast is the main restaurant open for all meals, offering a mix of international, Mediterranean and Mauritian cuisine. The fine-dining Cilantro Restaurant features a cross-section of Pan Asian/Japanese cuisine and a variety of rich Indian flavours. For a lively experience, reserve a spot at Cilantro’s interactive live-cooking teppanyaki counter adjacent to the restaurant. The contemporary-Indian Maradiva Spa invites guests to rediscover themselves through yoga and meditation, as well as Indian and Ayurvedic therapies.
59 Mauritius
United Arab Emirates & Oman
A city of alluring contrasts, Dubai is a combination of old and new, deserts and beaches, and blended cultures that create an exciting, cosmopolitan metropolis. Its elevation as a main business, travel and economic hub of the Middle East has also inspired a fun, safe and lavish environment.
60 UAE & Oman
Dubai prides itself on offering guests a bigger and better experience than its luxury-playground counterparts: Accommodations are unparalleled, service is outstanding, meals are a gastronomic delight and activities are endless. The Jumeirah beach area boasts stunning resorts that take advantage of the gorgeous white shoreline and the warm waters of the Arabian Gulf. Burj Khalifa – the world’s tallest building – heralds the bustling downtown area, which offers goldand-spice souks along the Dubai creek, a working waterway that calls back to the charm of Old Dubai. Additional diversions include marvelous shopping at the world’s largest mall, golf, a water park and an indoor ski facility. For adventure after dark, the city’s large number of restaurants, bars and nightclubs provide entertainment and refreshment in a variety of truly rich settings.
Inland, the salt-crusted coastal plains give way to a north-south running line of dunes where premium resorts offer guests a more tranquil experience amidst desert beauty. Whether travelling for business or pleasure, the area’s unique activities – desert treks incorporating camel racing, sandboarding, exhilarating four-wheel dune bashing and falconry – will make any stay a memorable one. There are also notable resorts just outside of Dubai – in the capital city of Abu Dhabi and across the border in Oman – that make the greater Dubai area a truly one-of-a-kind destination with several options to relax and play. The Yas Marina F1 Grand Prix circuit is just one new attraction Abu Dhabi has added to distinguish itself in the growing region. Long thought of as a stopover city, Dubai is now easily a destination in itself. It can also be combined with any number of cities and islands as flights arrive into Dubai from several U.S and European locations.
Armani Hotel Dubai - Designer luxury within your home away from home As the only hotel inside the Burj Khalifa, the Armani Hotel Dubai occupies 11 floors of the monolith, offering guests the opportunity to take in surrounding downtown Dubai from a completely new aspect. The hotel was created by designer Giorgio Armani, who hand-selected each piece of fabric, choice of marble and spectacular embellishment to accomplish a vision of what style and service should be. All of the 160 guest rooms and suites are furnished in the Armani/Casa home furnishings collection. For an immersion into decadence, guests can book time at the world’s first inhotel Armani/SPA and enjoy tailor-made treatments, hydrothermal facilities, a fitness centre and outdoor swimming pool.
62 UAE & Oman
The Armani Hotel Dubai also tempts guests with six mouth-watering restaurants, each a culinary experience from some of the globe’s top chefs. For after-hours excitement, visit the Milan-imported Armani/Privé lounge, which serves up creative mixology with hypnotic beats provided by a house DJ.
Outside the hotel, the towering Dubai Fountain puts on a show that melds light, water and music to spectacular effect. And the Dubai Mall is something of a shopper’s paradise. With thousands of retail establishments, a world-class aquarium, fashion show arena, gold souk and ice rink, it helps make the area one of the most exciting in Dubai.
Armani Hotel Dubai & Burj Al Arab
Burj Al Arab - A landmark in luxury and service Rising from the sea, the billowing sail shape of the spectacular 320-metre (1,053foot) tower of Burj Al Arab stands as the world’s tallest all-suite hotel, resting on its own man-made island 280 metres offshore.
From the Al Muntaha restaurant suspended 200 metres above the sea, serving contemporary European cuisine, to the underground Al Mahara restaurant that offers fresh ocean delights complemented by the floor-to-ceiling aquarium of exotic fish, the eight restaurants and bars at Burj Al Arab are some of the finest and most unique in the world. High tea in the SkyView bar is a special treat.
The attention to detail is evident throughout Burj Al Arab, which is often touted as the most luxurious hotel in the world. It offers unprecedented levels of opulence and comfort to its guests, visible first by a private reception on every floor with excellent butler service. Each of the 202 luxury suites, which range in size from 170-780 square metres, have been lavishly decorated with materials drawn from the finest suppliers throughout the world and incorporate floor-to-ceiling windows for breathtaking views of the Arabian Gulf. And no detail is too small. From an extensive pillow menu to a 24-carat gold iPad for each guest, Burj Al Arab endeavors to create a personalised, worry-free stay.
63 UAE & Oman
The Palace Downtown Dubai - A harmonious blend of Arabian heritage and contemporary Dubai The centrepiece of Old Town Island, The Palace is a resort within the city, at the heart of a traditional Arabian village contrasted by a striking symbol of modernity. The luxurious hotel is ideally situated in the downtown Dubai area, a short distance from nearly all of the area’s leisure attractions: the Souk Al Bahar, the Dubai Fountain and Burj Khalifa – the world's tallest tower. It is also just steps away from The Dubai Mall – one of the largest shopping and entertainment destinations in the world.
64 UAE & Oman
The Palace Downtown Dubai offers 242 luxurious guest rooms, including 81 magnificent suites, all featuring balconies with views of The Dubai Fountain, Burj Lake or Old Town. Interiors are tailored with captivating Middle Eastern themes both rich in colour and regional textures. The hotel also offers a diverse range of recreational amenities. Aside from the luxury spa, which offers Hammam tables and six private treatment suites, the
pool - with breathtaking views of Burj Khalifa - is an excellent place to unwind. Enjoy shisha poolside, or choose from an array of food and beverage options from across the globe. With an Argentinean Grill, an Oriental-themed outlet, a luxurious Thai restaurant and a comfortable lounge serving indulgent afternoon teas, The Palace Downtown Dubai has something for every appetite.
The Palace Downtown Dubai & The Address Downtown Dubai
The Address Downtown Dubai - Where cool meets warmth, and style meets sophistication Set in the heart of the city, The Address Downtown Dubai is luxury and convenience harmoniously combined. Reaching 63 stories up, the hotel offers sweeping views of Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest tower, and the breathtaking Dubai Fountain. In addition to serviced residences The Address Downtown Dubai maintains 196 high-end contemporary rooms and 25 suites, including Spa suites with jacuzzis and private terraces. When you are not enjoying cityscape views from your room, the hotel also offers a multitude of diversions. Wind down with a massage at the Spa at The Address; take a dip in the five-tiered chilled infinity pool; or set your sights on a refreshing cocktail, sipped in the confines of Neos, the 63rd floor panoramic sky lounge. Only 15 minutes from the Dubai airport, the hotel is within walking distance of a bevy of entertainment and shopping destinations. Just steps out of the grand lobby, explore the bustling atmosphere of Old Town Island, a vibrant
market of meandering alleyways and courtyards that play host to boutiques, stalls and cafĂŠs. If you are in the mood for something on a larger scale, the Dubai Mall does not disappoint. Its dedication to haute couture will warm the heart of any fashionista, and the more than 2,100 retail outlets make it almost impossible to not find something to take home.
65 UAE & Oman
Jumeirah Beach Hotel - A lively resort that excels in service and style Sitting on an unspoiled beach with views of the sail-shaped Burj Al Arab resort, Jumeirah Beach Hotel’s glass structure of a stunning breaking wave is the hotel’s signature. The interior theme of the hotel draws upon the four elements of nature – earth, air, fire, and water – to divide the hotel into different areas reflected by vibrant colour schemes, culminating in the Atrium, which features a wall sculpture almost 90 metres high. The resort’s 617 rooms, suites and villas are comfortably furnished with classic design complemented by exotic accoutrements, and all offer beautiful Gulf views.
66 UAE & Oman
With an assortment of activities to choose from, the resort is a perfect fit for families on the go. Jumeirah Beach Resort offers five sizeable swimming pools – including a special kid’s pool with rock wall and slide situated next to Sinbad’s Kids Club – a private beach as well as unlimited access to the Wild Wadi Water Park.
Featuring over 16 restaurants, cafés and bars, the hotel offers an around-theworld culinary journey, unique to any particular craving. Experience the famous hospitality of Arabia, the Latin flavours of Argentina, the traditional dishes of Italy and modern German cuisine. And the 360 bar, with fantastic views from any angle, is perfect for enjoying a cocktail and soaking up the city lights.
Jumeirah Beach Hotel & Atlantis The Palm, Dubai
Atlantis The Palm, Dubai - Grand family fun on the Palm
their suite, a 24-hour dedicated private butler is available to serve refreshments.
Dubai is best at creating luxury on a grand scale and Atlantis The Palm is no exception. Covering a massive 113 acres, this unique resort hotel is located at the end of Palm Jumeirah, a man-made island created to look like a dazzling palm tree.
Atlantis The Palm also features 16 lovely dining venues, where guests will find gourmet experiences including sophisticated seafood, innovative sushi and sumptuous bites from world-renowned and Michelin-rated chefs
Reachable by tunnel or via the Palm Monorail, there is virtually nothing this resort does not have. With a private beach and a non-stop lineup of waterthemed recreational activities – an extensive marine habitat, water park and spa – Atlantis Dubai is an aqua-lover’s paradise. Accommodations are split into rooms and suites situated across the building's Royal Towers. Every room is designed with subtle oceanic and Arabic influences, and all offer spectacular balcony or terrace views of either the Arabian Gulf or Palm Jumeirah. For a completely new resort experience, book one of the Neptune/Poseidon Suites, which welcome guests into sumptuous bed and bathroom areas with amazing underwater views. If guests are unable to tear themselves away from watching the nearly 65,000 marine animals swim by
67 UAE & Oman
Anantara Dubai The Palm Resort & Spa - A luxury beach resort unlike any other Perched on the edge of the Arabian Gulf, the Thai-inspired Anantara Dubai The Palm Resort & Spa is located on the eastern crescent of Dubai’s iconic Palm Jumeirah - the world-famous landmark situated close to Dubai Marina and only 45 minutes from Dubai International Airport. The resort’s 293 beautifully appointed rooms and villas are designed with contemporary Asian flair and are surrounded by lush foliage. The Premiere and Deluxe Lagoon rooms overlook one of three large lagoons on the property, and some have direct access from the terrace. A first for Dubai, the over-water villas sit in the warmth of the Gulf with sea breezes wafting through flowing spaces.
68 UAE & Oman
Culinary journeys come aplenty with a choice of four restaurants, which craft mouth-watering meals from the finest ingredients. Choose from Crescendo, an all-day dining restaurant that serves a tantalising array of international cuisine; Bushman’s Australian Grill, Mekong, an Asian-themed specialty restaurant; or Beach House, a beachfront Mediterranean spot. Lotus Lounge also serves
afternoon tea and cocktails, and The Pool Bar serves up poolside refreshments to complement any afternoon relaxing. Resort facilities include a private beach, water sports, a shoreline infinity pool, a fitness studio, tennis courts and an Anantara Spa with 17 treatment rooms.
Anantara Dubai The Palm Resort & Spa Desert Palm by Per AQUUM
Desert Palm by Per AQUUM - Chic luxury emerges from the desert landscape With the stunning outline of downtown Dubai in the distance, the lush green surrounds of the Desert Palm and its extensive polo property lie in stark contrast to the vast dune sandscape. In addition to showcasing four championship polo fields, the estate features a riding school, stables, rare birds and endless sunshine.
steak and game from a show kitchen. A delicious view of the Dubai skyline complements the fragrant aromas mingling in the desert air. The exclusive LIME Spa offers an integrated wellness approach: healing spa therapies, relaxation and fitness, and healthy organic cuisine. Spa treatments consist of therapeutic water and heat experiences as well as traditional massage techniques.
With its elegant local architecture and design set amidst palm trees, Desert Palm offers sensually designed accommodations – Arabia touched with the avant-garde – in 38 ‘naturally modern’ guest suites and pool villas, each showcasing its own distinctive design. The infinity swimming pool is a prime place to lounge, where after a dip guests can enjoy a gourmet bite at the Epicure café, overlooking the pool with dazzling views stretching to the polo fields. For a more complete culinary outing, guests can relish the savoury flavours of award-winning Rare, where a top-class chef expertly prepares fresh seafood and vegetables, wood-fired
69 UAE & Oman
Jumeirah Zabeel Saray - Beachside palace reminiscent of the Golden Age A luxurious beachside resort located on the west crescent of the Palm Jumeirah archipelago in Dubai, the Jumeirah Zabeel Saray puts the Arabian Gulf and Dubai’s impressive skyline on full display. Ancient palaces inspire the opulent interior of the resort, which features handpainted finishes, Turkish artwork and stunning murals that conjure up images of the Ottoman Empire. Particularly impressive are the 38 Royal residences. Built with impeccable attention to detail and adorned with marble, dark woods and exterior ceramics, the residences are situated around a magnificent lagoon pool set in tropical gardens with tennis courts.
70 UAE & Oman
The resort features a variety of restaurants from fine dining to chic nightlife settings. There are four upscale eateries, offering an incredible combination of food, service and ambience. Or relax at the four casual dining restaurants while indulging in sumptuous cuisine in an informal atmosphere.
Jumeirah Zabeel Saray also features two bars if you are looking for a hopping social setting or simply delicious cocktails. Talise Ottoman Spa is one of the most elegant Turkish-style Hammams in the region. Spread over two floors, including separate ladies’ and gentlemen’s areas as well as VIP suites, the interior is lavishly furnished with marble and intricate mosaics for a truly authentic experience.
Park Hyatt Dubai & Jumeirah Zabeel Saray
Park Hyatt Dubai - Luxurious respite amidst the bustle of Dubai Park Hyatt Dubai resort hotel is a luxury waterfront retreat adjacent to the worldfamous Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club as well as the Dubai Creek and Marina, and just minutes away from the Dubai city centre, luxury shopping precincts and prime business districts.
The hotel also has plenty to do outside of its proximity to the city. Enjoy a round of golf, unwind in the luxury Amara Spa, steal a dip in the outdoor swimming pool, or schedule a private charter yacht for a memorable fishing adventure. The resort’s highly attentive personal service will assure that every need is thoughtfully met.
All 225 guest rooms, including 35 suites, are graciously appointed with sumptuous materials and modern conveniences, and each offers stunning views across Dubai Creek from their furnished balconies and terraces. Park Hyatt Dubai’s restaurants and bars bring drama to dining, both indoor and al fresco, with an array of venues serving world-class cuisines. The Thai Kitchen offers an authentic culinary experience prepared by native Thai chefs; awardwinning Traiteur showcases classic as well as contemporary French cuisine; Café Arabesque celebrates the culinary influences of the Levant region; and The Terrace offers a lounge-style environment where guests can relax and enjoy the sunset over the majestic Dubai Creek.
71 UAE & Oman
Al Maha, A Luxury Collection Desert Resort & Spa - Escape to the mystical Arabian Desert Just 45 minutes outside of Dubai, Al Maha Desert Resort & Spa combines the traditions of Arabian heritage with supreme levels of personalised service and luxury set in 360 square kilometres of pristine desert landscape. As the only resort within the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve, guests can experience the true beauty and majesty of the desert and observe indigenous wildlife in complete comfort and privacy.
72 UAE & Oman
Al Maha’s spacious villas offer sizeable pools that face out over the desert where the elusive Arabian Oryx can be glimpsed grazing near the residences. Inclusive in your stay are two daily activities, ranging from guided wildlife drives or nature walks, dune driving, falconry, camel trekking, horseback riding and archery – all of which can be arranged with a field guide on arrival at the resort. For sheer excitement, a drive over the dunes in a rugged 4WD vehicle cannot be beaten. In contrast, guided nature walks offer a quieter and more informative
way to experience the environment, as does a visit to the spa for a relaxing massage or stress-reducing hydrotherapy session. After a long day relaxing or exploring the preserve’s natural wonders, Al Maha Desert Resort & Spa treats discerning appetites to a delicious five-course dinner, ensuring guests are well energised for the next day’s adventures.
Al Maha, A Luxury Collection Desert Resort & Spa
Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara
Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara - Luxury and comfort amid the desert charm of Abu Dhabi’s Empty Quarter Located in legendary Liwa Desert in the Empty Quarter – the largest uninterrupted sand desert in the world – Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara embraces the epic adventures of indigenous desert culture with renowned luxury.
Guided excursions have been developed to offer guests a true taste of desert adventure. Gain a personal perspective of what nomadic life might have been like amongst the Bedouin, as they journeyed by camel from oasis to oasis. Explore the fauna of the area in exhilarating fashion by motoring up and down sand dunes in a four-wheel drive vehicle. Or set off on foot to experience the beauty of the desert with nature as your soundtrack.
Unwind in the unsurpassed comfort of 206 beautifully detailed rooms, spacious suites and palatial-style villas with private plunge pools. By fusing Bedouin culture with modern conveniences, each space and feature is designed to seamlessly connect you with the desert, its great beauty and timeless magnificence. With Thai massage, aromatherapy and lavish body scrubs, the exceptional Anantara Spa offers a wide selection of massages and rejuvenating body treatments designed to leave you relaxed and centred. Special facilities include a Vichy shower, a Moroccan Hammam with double-heated marble beds, jacuzzis and steam rooms.
73 UAE & Oman
Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa by Anantara - A relaxing sanctuary in the heart of the capital Majestically set on the glittering waterfront, Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa by Anantara is a quiet haven on the edge of urban life. Forming part of an integrated hotel, marina, retail and residential destination, its unique location offers guests an exceptional Abu Dhabi experience.
74 UAE & Oman
The exotic beauty of the region’s precious mangroves provides a serene backdrop for the rich cultural traditions embodied in the hotel’s impressive architecture. Wander through the well-appointed halls and corridors - a breathtaking showcase of Arabian design with grand central passageways and arched ceilings. Choose from over 200 rooms, all decorated in a comfortable yet chic style and boasting lavish cultural touches that draw the outside in. Every room has a balcony or outdoor space - some with private plunge pools - with a view of the city lights or lovely mangroves. For business or leisure, Eastern Mangroves provides a backdrop ripe with serenity and elegance. Energise at the state-of-the-art gym and then relax poolside under
the shade of a gazebo. An array of dining options is also suited to satisfy any craving. Guests rave about the breakfast buffet at Ingredients, and Thai-inspired Paychaylen is an elegant choice for an evening meal. Impressions rooftop bar delivers tasty cocktails with an unbeatable view across the mangroves.
Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa by Anantara & Emirates Palace
Emirates Palace - An enchanting landmark that goes beyond five-star luxury Built as an iconic landmark, Emirates Palace, managed by Kempinski, showcases Arabian culture and hospitality at its finest. Located in the capital city of Abu Dhabi, just a little over an hour drive from Dubai, the Palace sits on approximately 250 acres of manicured lawns and lush landscaped gardens, and fronts a kilometre of beautiful sandy coastline.
pitch, two beautiful main pool areas – one for lounging in secluded relaxation and one for family fun and adventure – as well as the sublime private beach. Additionally, Emirates Palace plays host to a spectacular cultural calendar including the Middle East International Film Festival, regular international art exhibitions, and popular and classical concert programs.
Decoration throughout the hotel is dazzling, with acres of gold leaf and 13 types of the finest marble, as well as a sensational collection of 1,002 chandeliers made with Swarovski’s premier Strauss crystals. Emirates Palace comprises 394 luxury rooms and suites, each a blend of Arabian regal splendor and the latest cutting-edge technology, all with butler service available 24 hours a day to satisfy any request. The resort also offers a wide range of both chic and intimate dining options, a blissful Anantara spa, premium shopping boutiques, a FIFA standard soccer
75 UAE & Oman
Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas - Ideal oceanfront location with impeccable service Located on an extensive stretch of environmentally protected beach on Saadiyat Island, Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas is an exclusive sanctuary for the discerning business and leisure traveller. The resort is adjacent to the famous Saadiyat Beach Golf Club and is minutes from the city’s prime business district, the Abu Dhabi Corniche, and 25 minutes from Abu Dhabi International Airport. The hotel’s 306 spacious rooms, suites and private villas are generously sized and furnished with contemporary finishes, using subtle Arabian touches integrated into the design. Each guest room also features a separate balcony or terrace that offers exceptional views of Saadiyat Beach, the golf club or the beautifully landscaped hotel gardens.
76 UAE & Oman
Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas presents a wide selection of authentic cuisines from different parts of the world – The Park Bar & Grill, The Café, Beach House and The Library – complemented by unrestricted views of the stunning beach and Persian Gulf beyond.
The luxurious Atarmia Spa, spread over two levels, offers exclusive privacy for both ladies and gentlemen. The day spa features an extensive range of unique health and beauty treatments based on ingredients steeped in Arabia’s aromatic and opulent history, as well as an exclusive swimming pool and relaxation area.
Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas Desert Islands Resort & Spa by Anantara UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Desert Islands Resort & Spa by Anantara - A royal retreat with spectacular wildlife Set on the verdant Sir Bani Yas Island, just off the coast of Abu Dhabi, Desert Islands Resort & Spa by Anantara offers guests an unforgettable island escape in the glittering waters of the Arabian Gulf.
With 64 luxuriously appointed rooms, suites, one-bedroom villas and truly majestic two-bedroom villas, Desert Islands Resort & Spa is a destination that is anything but ordinary. The spacious residences, featuring private terraces with tropical gardens and sea-facing views, are decorated with indigenous touches of Arab decor and feature original pieces of Middle Eastern art.
The resort and its surrounds encourage visitors to revel in the history of a onceroyal retreat amidst traces of seafaring folklore from bygone days of sultans and explorers. Once the Royal Nature Reserve of His Highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the island’s offshore wildlife sanctuary teems with both indigenous and imported animals. A number of outdoor activities allow guests to immerse themselves in the beauty of Sir Bani Yas Island. Get up close to gazelles, oryx, antelopes, cheetahs, hyenas, ostriches and giraffes in a Nature and Wildlife Drive through the Arabian Wildlife Park. Or enjoy a leisurely kayak through the mangroves amongst migratory birds, the resident pink flamingos and an occasional gazelle strolling along the water’s edge.
77 UAE & Oman
Anantara Al Yamm Villas & Anantara Al Sahel Villas - Choice of luxury lodgings on an idyllic reserve
the wildlife park is practically out the front door.
Located in different parts of Sir Bani Yas Island, a private nature reserve just off the coast of Abu Dhabi, sister resorts Anantara Al Yamm and Anantara Al Sahel highlight the island’s beauty and diverse wildlife.
Guests at either tranquil resort will have the opportunity to explore Sir Bani Yas Island, whether by climbing salt-domed hills to admire the diverse topography, taking in scenery by horseback, or snorkelling the bountiful reefs of the Arabian Gulf.
On the eastern sandy shores of Sir Bani Yas Island, Al Yamm Villa Resort fits seamlessly with its environment while interiors are carefully selected to offer deluxe comfort in a natural setting with expansive sea views. Unwind in one of 30 luxurious villas boasting either a lagoon location or a beachfront setting overlooking turquoise waters of the Arabian Gulf.
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Situated in the heart of the 4,046-plus hectare (10,000-plus acre) Arabian Wildlife Park, Al Sahel Villa Resort sits on the western part of the island. Al Sahel is committed to creating an environmental haven for endangered species and has designed its 30 villas with ecological solutions in mind. With traditional thatched roofs, exteriors complement the natural surroundings while interiors embrace comfort in simple elegance. From these luxury villas,
Six Senses Zighy Bay
Anantara Al Yamm Villas & Anantara Al Sahel Villas
Six Senses Zighy Bay - Luxury redefined with the awesome rugged beauty of Oman Tucked between dramatic mountain peaks and a broad sandy beach, Six Senses Zighy Bay sits on an isolated cove in the Musandam Peninsula, a territory of the Sultanate of Oman and a 120-minute drive from Dubai. Guests have a choice of arrival experiences: A scenic ten-minute speed boat trip into the resort’s private marina, a dramatic winding drive down from the peak overlooking the bay, or even as a companion passenger with the resort’s professional paraglider. The innovative accommodations of Six Senses Zighy Bay are a blend of the surrounding Omani traditional style with modern amenities to provide luxury amidst local cultural themes. Each of the 82 spacious villas has a private infinity pool with cosy dining terrace, as well as 24-hour butler service to accommodate any need or plan any activities. A choice of delicious dining experiences includes a modern brasserie showcasing a multitude of international flavours, a waterfront seafood restaurant,
the Vinotheque wine cellar, and Sense on the Edge – a stunning dinner experience high atop the mountains overlooking Zighy Bay. For a relaxing pursuit, an afternoon in the resort’s award-winning Six Senses Spa offers an oasis of bliss via a full menu of holistic and rejuvenating treatments, including the four-hands signature Sensory Spa Journey.
79 UAE & Oman
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