Aktiv-Resor - The Ultimate To Do List Latin America 2011-13

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Latinalainen Amerikka

Yksilöllistä palvelua ja unohtumattomia elämyksiä

Tervetuloa Aktiv-Resorin maailmaan Yleinen kiinnostus Etelä-Amerikkaa kohtaan lisääntyy tasaisesti. Brasilian suosio matkakohteena kasvaa kohisten ja sen merkitys yhtenä maailman talousveturina tunnustetaan laajasti. Chile ja Argentiina ovat nousseet vahvaan maineeseen viinipiireissä ja meksikolainen keittiö valloittaa maailmaa. Peru, Bolivia ja Ecuador parantavat asemiaan niille tärkeällä matkailusektorilla. Kaiken kaikkiaan kansalaisten elinolot Etelä-Amerikan mantereella kohentuvat nopeasti ja matkailijoiden palvelut ja niiden taso sen mukaisesti. Tuore Latinalainen Amerikka -esitteemme osoittaa, että upeiden luontoarvojen, vanhan kulttuurin ja kansojen luontaisen vieraanvaraisuuden lisäksi EteläAmerikasta löytyy paljon ajanmukaista korkeatasoista palvelutarjontaa. Olemme iloisia voidessamme tässä julkaisussa esitellä monia näistä uusista tuotteista ensimmäisenä Suomessa. Välittääksemme mahdollisimman autenttisen vaikutelman kohteista, olemme säilyttäneet yhteistyökumppaniemme laatimat esittelytekstit alkuperäisessä asussaan englanninkielisinä. Yksilölliset ratkaisut ja asiakkaan toiveiden mukaan laaditut matkaohjelmat lisääntyvät. Samalla oikeiden valintojen tärkeys korostuu sitä enemmän, mitä kaukaisempiin ja vaativampiin kohteisiin matkustetaan. Aktiv-Resorin järjestelyillä voitte matkustaa itse valitsemassanne seurassa ja kokea juuri Teille tärkeitä asioita. Olemme erikoistuneet tällaisten omatoimisten elämysmatkojen tuottamiseen. Hyvien kontaktien ja vankan kohdetuntemuksen avulla pystymme toteuttamaan räätälöidysti kunkin asiakkaan laatuvaatimukset täyttäviä matkakokonaisuuksia. Kaukomatkojen kohdalla aika on usein suurin rajoittava tekijä. Me osaamme 25 vuoden kokemuksella tiivistää matkanne sisällön oleelliseen niin, että saatte matkapäivistänne irti enemmän kuin omin päin suunnittelemalla. Tiedämme mitä myymme ja annamme Teille hyödyllisiä vinkkejä, jotka voivat vaikuttaa merkittävästi matkustusmukavuuteen. Aktiv-Resorilla ette asioi kasvottoman tiimin tai mykän näyttöruudun kanssa. Palvelumme on henkilökohtaista ja keskustelemme matkanne yksityiskohdista mielellään kasvotusten. Matkanne järjestelyjä hoitaa aina asiantunteva Travel Designer omalla nimellään ja sitoutunut palvelumme ja luotettavat ulkomaiset yhteistyökumppanimme takaavat, että voimme tarjota tavallista parempaa palvelua ja huolenpitoa niin ennen lähtöä, matkan aikana kuin sen jälkeenkin. Tehkää unelmistanne totta. Valitkaa matkanjärjestäjäksenne Aktiv-Resor!

Anneli Nordberg, Toimitusjohtaja

Aktiv-Resor Oy Yrjönkatu 23 A 2. krs 00100 Helsinki


Latin America Contents 10 Argentina

28 Chile 30






























44 Antarctica



46 Uruguay






50 Brazil









80 Central America















60 Peru 62






90 Mexico









72 Ecuador




96 Dominican Republic



Grand Tour of South America Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Bolivia (19 nights)

Day 1 - Rio de Janeiro Upon arrival into Rio de Janeiro, meet and transfer to the hotel. Rio de Janeiro is Brazil’s best known postcard. Its image is closely linked with the Sugarloaf and Corcovado Mountains, football, samba, Copacabana and the attractive tanned and vivacious people. Overnight in Rio de Janeiro Day 2 - Rio de Janeiro Half Day Corcovado - The famous statue of Christ the Redeemer is covered with a mosaic of soapstone and is one of Rio’s finest Art Nouveau monuments. The view, from this vantage point, is breathtaking. Overnight in Rio de Janeiro Day 3 - Rio de Janeiro Half Day Sugar Loaf - This tour will visit downtown Rio and show monuments of a city that has been the capital of Colonial Brazil and the capital of the Portugal and Brazil Empire. Many of the attractions are highlights of this period and are part of the Brazilian national heritage. The Sugar Loaf, known as Rio’s postcard is a must to visit. Rio by night - barbecue dinner & Plataforma Show Enjoy a nice dinner in one of the best barbecue restaurant, where you can try different cuts of meat and a delicious salad buffet. After dinner, have fun and enjoy a great samba show. Overnight in Rio de Janeiro



Day 4 - Rio de Janeiro / Iguassu At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Iguassu. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Half Day Brazilian Falls - Leaving the hotel and taking the Iguassu National Park, arrival in front of Hotel das Cataratas where starts a trail winding down towards the falls. At its end, an elevator provides access to a viewing platform at the foot of the falls. Overnight in Iguassu Day 5 - Iguassu / Buenos Aires Half Day Argentinean Falls - Departure from hotel ahead to Argentinean side with a quick stop at customs check out. The tour continues to the Tancredo Neves Bridge over the Iguassu River, which separates the border between Argentina and Brazil. We will make a stop at the “Three Borders” where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet. At scheduled time, transfer to the airport for a flight to Buenos Aires. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Buenos Aires Day 6 - Buenos Aires Half Day Buenos Aires City Tour - A three and a half hour sightseeing tour visiting all major attractions of the city.


Dinner & Tango Show - The Tango is part of the typical music of Buenos Aires. This tour will be to enjoy a special “porteña” music night at one of the excellent tango places, where typical songs and dances are performed. Overnight in Buenos Aires Day 7 - Buenos Aires Full Day Fiesta Gaucha (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) - As you leave the city in the morning, you start to experience the famous Pampas, land of the Gauchos on our way to a traditional “Estancia” (Ranch). Here you can enjoy a “Gaucho Party”: a typical argentine BBQ and a show with music, dances, carriage rides and horseback riding. Overnight in Buenos Aires Day 8 - Buenos Aires / Santiago At scheduled time, transfer to the hotel to take the flight to Santiago. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Santiago Day 9 - Santiago Half Day Concha y Toro & Maipo -Transfer to Concha y Toro winery in the Pirque area. To begin with, you will walk through the winery’s ancient park, whose extraordinary beauty and harmony are an invaluable legacy of Chile’s landscaping history. Among the Winery’s main attractions are its ancient cellars and once inside the winery, you will discover the character of traditional Chilean grape varieties. Half Day Panoramic half day city tour- Leave the hotel for a city tour of Santiago visiting all essential places like Bernardo O’Higgins Avenue (also called “Alameda”) and on the way of return, the central Santa Lucia Hill and the Catholic University. Overnight in Santiago Day 10 - Santiago Full day excursion to Viña del Mar and Valparaiso - You can’t leave the central part of Chile without visiting the Main port of Valparaíso and the Main summer resort city of Viña del Mar. Overnight in Santiago Day 11 - Santiago / La Paz At scheduled time, transfer to the hotel to take the flight to La Paz. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in La Paz Day 12 - La Paz City Tour and Moon Valley - Half-day tour to the city of La Paz, declared by UNESCO as World Cultural Legacy. Overnight in La Paz

Day 13 - La Paz / Puno Full Day Catamaran from La Paz to Puno - Early in the morning, we will take to road to the port of Chua, where you will board the catamaran to Isla del Sol, cradle of the Incan Empire. In this legendary island, you will visit the Garden, the Stairs and the Incan Fountain. The tour includes a visit to the Inti Wata cultural complex, the main private touristic attraction in Bolivia. Overnight in Puno Day 14 - Puno / Cusco Andean Explorer Train Puno to Cusco - Early in the morning, we will leave by train to the city of Cusco, ancient Incan Empire capital. Enjoy the astonishing high Andean plateau landscape, where you will find grazing alpacas and llamas, and little villages scattered along the way with the spectacular background of the Andes. You will be served a delicious lunch on board. Arrival in Cusco. Reception and transfer to your hotel. Overnight in Cusco


Peru Lima

Machu Picchu Sacred Valley Cuzco Puno

La Paz


Rio de Janeiro


Iguassu Falls


Buenos Aires


Day 15 - Cusco City Tour & San Blas The tour will show you the amazing colonial city built on the foundations of the Inca palaces. You will visit the Koricancha or Temple of the Sun, where you can appreciate the incredible masonry of the Incas, the Plaza de Armas and the Cathedral with its carved woodworks, altars and paintings. Overnight in Cusco Day 16 - Cusco / Sacred Valley Full Day Pisac Market, Ollantaytambo, Maras & Moray You will make an excursion to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. There you will visit the colourful market of Pisac, where you can appreciate a blend of colour, tradition and local people. We will go on with the tour to Ollantaytambo, the most ancient and continuously occupied village of the American continent. Then we will visit Maras, where the most important salt mines of the region are located. Lastly, we will go to the huge circular agricultural terraces near Moray, used as a botanical lab by the Incas. Lunch at a local restaurant. Overnight in the Sacred Valley

Day 18 - Machu Picchu / Cusco Morning to enjoy a second visit of the ruins (at your own). Afternoon train back to Sacred Valley and then to Cusco city. Overnight in Cusco Day 19 - Cusco / Lima At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Lima. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Lima Day 20 - International departure At the scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take your international departure flight.

Day 17 - Sacred Valley / Machu Picchu Full Day Machu Picchu – Vistadome train Transfer to train station. You will arrive to the Aguas Calientes Station in Machu-Picchu where you will be transported by bus to the top of the mountain and citadel of Machu-Picchu, one of the most renowned examples of Inca architecture. Overnight in Machu Picchu town




Ecuador Quito Galapagos


Peru Lima

Machu Picchu Puerto Maldonado Cuzco

Day 6 - Galapagos / Guayaquil Upon arrival to Guayaquil, assistance at the airport and transfer to the hotel followed by City Tour. This prosperous city is the largest port in Ecuador and offers what any major city in the world does. Rich historical background, wonderful museums, a modern district with great shopping and good restaurants. Day 7 - Guayaquil / Lima At scheduled time transfer to the airport to take the flight to Lima. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Day 8 - Lima / Cusco At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Cusco. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. A tour will show you the amazing colonial city built on the foundations of the Inca palaces. You will visit the Koricancha or Temple of the Sun, where you can appreciate the incredible masonry of the Incas, the Plaza de Armas and the Cathedral with its carved woodworks, altars and paintings. We will also pay a visit to the colourful neighbourhood of San Blas where the best artists live since colonial times.

Nature & Culture Ecuador & Peru (16 nights)

Day 1 - Arrival in Quito Upon arrival, a welcoming reception and transfer to the hotel. A documentation kit, detailed program explanation plus luggage and hotel registration assistance is offered. Day 2 - Quito Enjoy a wonderful tour through the streets and main squares of Quito Historic Centre, first city in the world to be declared by the UNESCO as “World Cultural Heritage Site” in recognition for its architectonic and artistic value. Narrow and steep streets surrounded by a great exhibition of colonial style houses, gracious flowered balconies, charming squares and more than 50 monumental churches and historic monuments make Quito the best preserved historical centre of Latin America. Day 3 - Quito / Galapagos Transfer from hotel to airport to take domestic flight to the Galapagos Islands. Days 3 to 6 - Galapagos Located in the Pacific Ocean, 1000 kilometres from the South American mainland, this archipelago, made of 14 major islands and some 60 smaller islets, surrounded by the world’s second largest Marine Reserve, is known as a “Living Laboratory” or “Showcase” of Evolution…



Day 9 - Cusco A most interesting excursion takes you to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. There you will visit the market of Pisac, where you meet a blend of colour, tradition and local people. The tour will go on to Ollantaytambo, the most ancient and continuously occupied village of the American continent. The excursion will also visit Maras, where important salt mines are located and lastly we will go to the huge circular agricultural terraces near Moray, used as a botanical lab by the Incas.

Day 12 - Cusco / Puerto Maldonado At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Puerto Maldonado where you will enjoy 4 days / 3 nights at Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica - After registration at the Butterfly House you will be transferred to the boarding wharf and after 45 minutes by boat along Madre de Dios River, you will arrive at your destination. After a short briefing, you would settle into your beautiful cabaña and enjoy your lunch or the daily nature presentation at the Eco Center. Days 13 to 14 - Puerto Maldonado You will enjoy a buffet breakfast and then start an excursion along Lake Sandoval into the Tambopata National Reserve. After lunch you can consider the remarkable Inkaterra Canopy Walkway 29 meters above the forest ground. During this hour-and-a-half expedition, be on the lookout for colourful toucans, trogons, woodpeckers and monkeys. Next day enjoy a trip to Gamitana Creek, located 25 minutes by boat from the Inkaterra lodge. For one and a half hours, explore the rainforest. You will return to the lodge for lunch. Then, consider the Rainforest by Night excursion through the Inkaterra Ecological Reserve at night for an approximately 2-hour excursion. Day 15 - Puerto Maldonado / Lima After a full breakfast at Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica, a 45-minute return boat trip takes you Puerto Maldonado where you may visit Inkaterra Butterfly House before heading to the airport for departure. Upon arrival to Lima you will be met and transferred to your hotel.

Day 10 - Cusco / Machu Picchu From Sacred Valley you will arrive by the Vistadome train to the Aguas Calientes Station from where you will be transported by bus to the top of the mountain and citadel of Machu-Picchu, one of the most renowned examples of Inca architecture.

Day 16 - Lima Our City Tour takes you to visit colonial Lima’s downtown for historic and traditional buildings. Then, get to know San Francisco church and monastery, a XVII century jewel, recognized as humanity cultural heritage by UNESCO. Make sure to go round Larco Museum, a private collection that makes visitors discover and enjoy more than five thousand years of Peru’s history through more than 45,000 artefacts.

Day 11 - Machu Picchu /Cusco Morning to enjoy a second visit of the ruins (at your own). In the afternoon transfer back to Cusco city.

Day 17 - International departure At scheduled time, transfer to the airport for your international departure flight.

visiting Patagonia. You will see the most important spots of the Park including beautiful views of the Paine mountain range. Prepare for short hikes through the forests and the breathtaking territory. Following day we will make a boat tour to Balmaceda & Serrano Glaciers, a 10 hour navigation. Getting deep into Ultima Esperanza Sound we shall see spectacular scenery of bays, mountains and waterfalls along with a great variety of birds.



Uruguay Buenos Aires



Puerto Natales Punta Arenas

Torres del Paine


Tango & Glaciers Chile, Argentina & Uruguay (16 nights)

Day 1 - Santiago Upon arrival into Santiago, meet and transfer to the hotel. Day 2 - Santiago The program includes a half day Concha y Toro Winery and Maipo Valley tour and a half day Panoramic City Tour. Among the Winery’s main attractions are its cellars, where you will learn about the famous legend that has made Chilean wine known worldwide. In the afternoon you will see views of a moving city, from the history of the colonial neighbourhoods to the modernity of the new financial centre also known as “Sanhattan”. Day 3 - Santiago Full day excursion to Viña del Mar and Valparaiso

Day 7 - Puerto Natales / Punta Arenas / Cruise to Ushuaia Check in at our cruise company, Punta Arenas, with cruise ship boarding scheduled for 6:00 p.m. The captain and crew will give a cocktail reception on board and afterwards the ship departs on your great adventure! Days 8 to 10 - Cruise to Ushuaia At dawn, we continue sailing through Almirantazgo Sound, arriving at Ainsworth Bay, inside the Alberto De Agostini National Park. We will take a walk in the marvellous sub polar Magellanic forest. In September and April this excursion is replaced by Brookes Bay where we land for a short walk to approach a glacier. Next day we navigate along the Beagle Channel to reach Pia Glacier. We take a short hike to a look-out point with a spectacular view of the entire glacier tongue, stretching from high in the mountains all the way to the sea. After this unforgettable experience, we continue sailing along the majestic “Glacier Alley”. On final cruise day we sail through the Murray Channel and Nassau Bay to reach Cape Horn National Park, where we will disembark (weather permitting). Since November 2011, we have been doing kayaking activities in Wulaia Bay run by an experience explorer. The activity includes paddling through historic areas related to the native people, bird watching, as well as the pure joy of paddling. The kayaking activity is at an additional cost. Day 11 - Cruise to Ushuaia / Ushuaia Arrive at Ushuaia, Argentina’s most important and southernmost city in the world on Tierra del Fuego. Disembark at 8:00 am. Day at leisure.

Day 12 - Ushuaia / Buenos Aires At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Buenos Aires. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Days 13 to 14 - Buenos Aires After breakfast we make a half day sightseeing tour visiting the Plaza de Mayo, the Cathedral, La Boca district, Recoleta Cemetery, Palermo Park, Rose Garden, Libertador Avenue and the Colon Opera House. The Tango is part of the typical music of Buenos Aires. In the evening you will enjoy a special “porteña” music night at one of the excellent tango places, where typical songs and dances are performed.The following day you may have the chance to celebrate Fiesta Gaucha (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday). Our full day tour departs around 9:30 am and very soon you start to experience the famous Pampas, “Land of the Gauchos”, on our way to a traditional “Estancia” (Ranch). Here you can enjoy a “Gaucho Party”: a typical argentine BBQ and a show performed by its people, with music, dances, carriage rides and showing their skills at horseback riding. Day 15 - Buenos Aires / Montevideo Transfer to the airport to take the flight to Montevideo. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel followed by a beautiful 3 hours city tour visiting the most attractive places in town. You will have the opportunity to see the Old City, with its outstanding architecture, the exceptional promenade and the sea side with beautiful and endless beaches. Day 16 - Montevideo Leaving Montevideo through the residential areas, you will be driven to Punta Del Este, one of the finest resorts in South America. We will visit La Barra and its unique hanging bridges along the wide variety of fine sandy beaches and the port. Lunch included. Depending on timings, there will be free time for shopping. Day 17 - International departure At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take your international departure flight.

Day 4 Santiago / Punta Arenas / Puerto Natales At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Punta Arenas. Upon arrival a welcoming reception. Punta Arenas is history and every corner evokes the adventures of its pioneers. After a three hour city tour, transfer to local bus terminal where you will board the public bus to Puerto Natales. Transfer from local bus terminal to your hotel. Days 5 to 6 - Puerto Natales/ Torres del Paine / Balmaceda Glacier / Puerto Natales The Torres del Paine National Park is an absolute must when






rgentina As the land of the tango, gauchos, polo, Malbec and perfectly grilled steaks, Argentina is more than a country. It’s a lifestyle. Enjoy the splendour of Buenos Aires with its cosmopolitan atmosphere and night owl energy of the passionate locals. At turns, immaculate and gorgeously dog-eared, the distinctly European capital draws you in. Days are for strolling through pretty parks, popping into art galleries and lingering over espresso at cafes. And nights roll over into morning in stylish bistros, bars and sultry tango ballrooms. The perfect partner to Argentina’s cultural allure is its rare natural beauty, stretching from desert canyons to fields of arctic glaciers. In the Andean foothills, stay in luxurious estancias in the pampas and swim in fresh lakes and trout-filled rivers in Bariloche. Farther west, feast on the gastronomy and wines of sunny Mendoza and hoof through the rolling countryside of Luján de Cuyo on bike or horseback. Along the Brazilian border, marvel at the explosive Iguazú Falls. Outside stunning Salta, travel back in time, traversing the mythical valleys, salt flats and ancient settlements of the Incas. Or pinch yourself as you gaze upon the majestic beauty of Patagonia as you sail around monolithic icebergs floating in lakes populated by colonies of penguins and friends.



Day 1 - Buenos Aires Upon arrival meet and transfer to hotel followed by a city tour.Buenos Aires is one of the largest cities in the world. It also is the most elegant and cosmopolitan city in South America representing true Argentine essence. In spite of the modern constructions it has managed to preserve its old traditions and charming corners. The city has great museums and numerous art galleries.

Purmamarca Salta IguazĂş

IguazĂş Falls

Pampa s

Day 3 - Buenos Aires Full day visit to Estancia Villa Maria - A perfect place for those who enjoy the open air. You will find yourself immersed in the Argentine Pampas. Day 4 - Buenos Aires / Iguazu Falls Transfer to local airport for flight to Iguazu. Upon arrival meet and transfer to the falls, Brazilian side. After lunch we will make a tour to the Argentine part of the National park and view the widest and highest section of Iguazu Falls. Day 5 - Iguazu / Salta Transfer to local airport for flight to Salta. Upon arrival meet and transfer to hotel. In the afternoon we will visit the city to admire its architecture reflecting the traditions and its colonial past.



Buenos Aires





Day 2 - Buenos Aires Full day tour to Parana River - We will arrive to Tigre in the Delta and navigate in a typical motorboat among beautiful islands. Tango Show at La Esquina de Carlos Gardel - In the evening we will enjoy a top quality dance show with excellent cuisine in most exclusive atmosphere.

Argentina La Boca

Day 6 - Salta / Purmamarca Full day tour to visit Humahuaca Canyon along with incredible places and towns like Maimara and Tilcara. Day 7 - Purmamarca / Salta / Mendoza Transfer to Salta airport for flight to Mendoza. Upon arrival transfer to the hotel. This is the region of high peaks and large wilderness spreading from the Andes mountain range. The Wine Road in Mendoza valley is an internationally renowned attraction.


Atlant ic Ocean

Lake Nahuel Huapi

Day 8 - Mendoza Full day tour to visit the most prestigious wineries and vineyards. This tour will teach you how Argentina became the main wine producer in the region. Day 9 - Mendoza / Bariloche Transfer to the airport to fly to Bariloche. Upon arrival transfer to the hotel. Bariloche lies by an enormous lake in the centre of Nahuel Huapi National Park and is the second-most visited destination in the country. Its grand appeal is in its outdoor activities, boat trips and restaurants. In the afternoon we will make a 4 hour trip with easy walks to the surroundings.

Falkland Islands

Day 10 - Bariloche Today the guests have 2 tour options: Navigation to Victoria Island or Adventure and Wine with unique natural scenarios, great meal, mini concerts and adventure kayaking. Day 11 Bariloche / Buenos Aires Transfer to the airport to fly to

ce or Territory Buenos Aires for International connecting flights.

nal Capital

Atacama Deser t


Lakes, Wines and Waterfalls 10 nights

Cape Horn


Buenos Aires

This grandiose capital, with its wide tree-lined avenues, vibrant cafĂŠ culture and cosmopolitan f lair has a distinctly European character. Known as the ‘Paris of South America,' the city has a joie de vivre that inspires you to live like a local.

During the day, stroll the botanical gardens and explore museums of Palermo, sip Malbec while reading Borges or cheer on the Boca Juniors at the riotous La Bombonera. And late into the night, go to a parilla, cut your perfectly grilled

BOBO HOTEL & RESTAURANT - BUENOS AIRES Housed in a traditional 1920s European-style mansion in the heart of Palermo Viejo, this sleek boutique hotel feels like your hipster home away from home. Each of its 15 rooms is decorated with modern, minimalist flair highlighted by a palette of vibrant reds against wood and leather furnishings. Some of the spacious accommodations even have their own balconies for keeping in touch with what's happening on the pulsating streets of the neighbourhood. Popular with tourists and locals alike, the hotel's excellent restaurant explores exotic Mediterranean flavours combined with Oriental and classic Argentine tastes and aromas.

ESQUINA CARLOS GARDEL - BUENOS AIRES The corner where over a hundred years ago Carlos Gardel sang during long nights, revives with a spectacular show transporting you to a mystic tango atmosphere. Esquina Carlos Gardel is located in the traditional quarter of Abasto, just metres away from where Carlos Gardel lived, and very near the city centre. Enjoy fine international cuisine together with local Argentine specialities as well as a fine selection of wines from La Rural winery, to accompany the creations of the chef.



In the heart of Recoleta, one of the most exclusive neighbourhoods within the city, you will find Alvear Palace Hotel. Unique in its style, by the majesty of its architecture and interior design, the Alvear is a worldwide reference in luxury hospitality.

An icon of distinct identity, MIO BUENOS AIRES combines luxury, elegance and original design, with customised care and an exceptional service, featuring a blend of luxury, hitech functionality and pleasure. Rooms and suites have no partition walls to take full advantage of the width of each dimension, maintaining the space continuance filled with natural light.

European elegance and modern technology are combined in the 197 rooms and suites, which were specially designed and decorated in the Empire and Louis XVI style. Enjoy the magnificent dining experiences of La Bourgone, L'Orangerie and the Lobby Bar. Unwind in the recently inaugurated Spa & Fitness Centre, a space of natural light for relaxation and sport.

PALACIO DUHAU - PARK HYATT BUENOS AIRES - BUENOS AIRES Located in fashionable Recoleta shopping and residential district on Avenida Alvear, the hotel incorporates the city's historical past with an early 20th century Palacio along with innovative contemporary design and ultra-modern comforts. Featuring beautiful gardens and 165 rooms, while offering a stunning array of sights and experiences along with the renowned Park Hyatt graciousness and service.



beef with a spoon, have a gelato and slink into a dark San Telmo tango salon.

1. BoBo Hotel & Restaurant 2. Alvear Palace Hotel 3. Esquina Carlos Gardel 4. Mio Buenos Aires 5. Palacio Duhau – Park Hyatt Buenos Aires 6. Faena Hotel + Universe 7. Algodon Mansion 8. Legado Mitico Buenos Aires 9. Sofitel Buenos Aires

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.



Experience classical Argentinean flair at El Mercado, enjoy international specialties at the elegant El Bistro or catch the city's best tango performance at El Cabaret. Located close to the popular San Telmo colonial neighbourhood and the financial district, Faena Hotel+Universe is the only destination hotel in Buenos Aires that also delights you with magnificent views of the city and the surrounding parks of the Puerto Madero area.

Situated in the heart of one of Buenos Aires' most elegant neighbourhood, Recoleta and attended by 24-hour butlers, Algondon Mansion’s ten luxury suites is spacious and offers superior comforts in amenities while providing absolute attention to every detail in personalised service, style, luxury and comfort. The restaurant takes Argentine wine and gastronomy to a whole new level. Enlighten your spirit and enliven your soul at our rooftop pool and spa.

LEGADO MITICO BUENOS AIRES - BUENOS AIRES Mythical rooms indulge and pamper the dreamer with their comfort. Each room holds the subtle seal of the famous character that dwells in it and invites you to venture to discover him. The hotel features 11 rooms equipped with air-conditioning and heating, cable TV, Wi-Fi connection, safe-deposit box, DDN and DDI Telephone, minibar, hair-dryer and pillow menu, and includes breakfast.

SOFITEL BUENOS AIRES - BUENOS AIRES When this 19-floor Neo-Classical landmark was built in the 1920s, it was the city's first skyscraper. And now, to befit the arrival of the 144-room Sofitel, the precious interiors were entrusted to PierreYves Rochon, the famed French designer who is practically synonymous with modern luxury. Blending Argentine traditions and French ‘savoir faire,' he created a sumptuous Art Deco look. As well, the hotel's renown restaurant, Le Sud, combines traditional French cuisine with the freshest local products. Unsurprisingly, Condé Nast Traveller has named the hotel one of the 'World's Best Places to Stay'. La Boca, Buenos Aires




The Pampas


The traditions of Argentina's celebrated gauchos were born on the flat, fertile grasslands of the pampas. Staying at their extravagant estancias, you can't help but get caught up in the romance and lore.

3 1, 2, 4

1. Estancia Villa Maria 2. Estancia La Oriental 3. Estancia de Charme El Colibri 4. Estancia La Bamba de Areco

ESTANCIA VILLA MARIA - BUENOS AIRES PROVINCE Estancia Villa Maria is one of the most distinguished country hotels of Argentina, located only a few minutes drive from Buenos Aires city and maintaining the rural landscape that characterises the Argentine pampas. The hotel features 11 suites in a charming traditional ranch setting and exclusive amenities including 300 thread Egyptian cotton sheets, LCD televisions and room service. Visit Estancia Villa Maria and discover all its secrets. Relax by the pool, and enjoy a delicious country style lunch. During your time don't forget to take a walk or ride in a carriage on the parks of the Estancia.

ESTANCIA DE CHARME EL COLIBRÍ - BUENOS AIRES PROVINCE Estancia El Colibrí, owned by the Fenestraz Family and member of Relais & Chateaux, is a working Ranch and Polo Club, of only nine rooms and suites. Located in the heart of Argentina, Córdoba, Estancia El Colibrí offers all inclusive programmes to experience the Argentinean countryside and Gauchos lifestyle. This paradise for outdoor activities invites guests to horseback riding, participating in the farm work, mountain bike, trekking, lunch at the riverside and visits to the Jesuitical heritage of Santa Catalina Estancia. Equitation and Polo lessons are given in the Polo Club. Golf, Dove Hunting and Spa treatments are also available.



On a historic private ranch in the heart of the pampa plains, Estancia La Oriental allows guests to experience the real Argentina away from the tourist crowds. How better to soak up the authentic lifestyle of the countryside than to spend some time on a ranch whose history spans over a century.

La Bamba de Areco was one of the first Estancias to open itself to modern day tourism. Its architecture and beautiful surroundings have made it one of the most well-known Estancias of the Argentinean countryside. The property with its 370 acres and eleven bedrooms is a haven of tranquillity only 120 kilometres from Buenos Aires. Here, time will be spent on horseback, swimming, cycling, walking, enjoying a massage or simply sitting under one of the centenary trees.

Built in 1880, the main house is beautifully preserved and oozes bygone character and charm. Each of its seven suites is decorated with fabulous antique furnishings, most of which have been bought from around the world by the original owners, and feature stunning views. Horses are available for daily exploration into the wilds.




1. Posada Salentein 2. Cavas Wine Lodge 3. Rancho'e Cuero 4. Bodega Tapiz and Club Tapiz

Savour the region's flavourful full-bodied wines in Mendoza, Argentina's gorgeous grape-growing capital. In between sumptuous, private meals at wineries, take on the soaring Andes on foot, horseback or skis.

Wine Region




Perched 1,500 metres above sea level at the foot of the Andes in Uco Valley, the most famous wine region of Mendoza, is the exclusive Posada Salentein. With only 16 double rooms, Salentein feels like a rustic ranch run like a luxurious boutique hotel. Sharing the vast property is the Salentein Winery and vineyards, as well as the stunning Killka art gallery, which features works by Argentine and Dutch painters, and the lovely Gratitude Chapel located at the winery's entrance.

Cavas Wine Lodge is strategically located between some of the best known wineries and the magnificent Andes Mountain range. The Lodge features 14 rooms in total, including ten luxury rooms and four corner rooms. The spacious underground cellar showcases 250 carefully selected wines from the Mendoza region. Enjoy a tasting with the sommelier or a private dinner in the cellar. The spa offers many luxuries including a Signature Wine therapy treatment.

The Salentein experience includes the sumptuous pairing of its excellent wines with gourmet cuisine using local and seasonal products and different ways of cooking, including open fire and mud oven. Aside from memorable feasts, guests partake in wine tastings, winery and vineyards tours, and special presentations about wine-making. Enjoying gorgeous mountainous landscapes are a must here, and myriad activities such as scenic hikes, horseback rides, cycling, whitewater rafting, or simply relaxing poolside, are arranged effortlessly.

RANCHO'E CUERO - MENDOZA Privacy, warmth, tradition, nature, peace, adventure and entertainment live in harmony with nature in 7,500 acres of this fabulous land. Rancho ĂŠ Cuero owners offer each guest an exclusive and unsurpassed level of customised service and personalised attention. Apart from the exceptional accommodation you can also enjoy a number of outdoor activities such as horse riding, trekking, fly fishing and 4x4 excursions.

BODEGA TAPIZ AND CLUB TAPIZ - MENDOZA Club Tapiz is a charming 11-room boutique hotel with an outstanding restaurant and its own bodega in Argentina's wine-growing region. Surrounded by vineyards along Mendoza's wine route, the distinctive 1890 Italianate residence has been declared Historic and Architectural Heritage. Each room is spacious, with elegant 19th century proportions and wide windows looking out to the Andes. The restaurant, TerruĂąo, prepares exquisite dishes made with local products and vegetables from the hotel's own organic garden. Rates include breakfast, spa access, daily wine tastings, guided visits to Tapiz Winery and Tapiz Olive Oil Factory. ARGENTINA


Iguazú Falls


Enveloped by thick tropical rainforest – on the border between Argentina and Brazil – the Iguazú Falls are one of the world's most wondrous (and deafening) sights. From footpaths above and below the spray, come and feel the raw power of

275 to 350 plummeting waterfalls. For an even more heart-pounding and drenching thrill, glide beneath the Devil's Throat, an awesome cascade whose spray is visible from seven kilometres away. Stay longer to canoe the jungle rivers



In the heart of the Atlantic Jungle, this romantic retreat is a turn-of-century inn along the banks of the Paraná River with 14 luminous rooms. Owned for over a century by the Bemberg family, known for their dedication to conservation, this 400 hectare estate is both a protected nature reserve and a jungle recovery project with more than 5,000 replanted native trees and plants, an orchard and an organic vegetable garden.

Yacutinga Lodge is located 60 kilometres from Argentina’s Iguazú Falls, offering a truly authentic jungle adventure. To reach the lodge, you board a carved-out wooden canoe and glide through Eden-like rainforest on a river. Set on 1,410 acres, Yacutinga's main building and four-room cabins blend seamlessly with the landscape and are creatively fashioned out of wood, adobe, and recycled materials.

Combining a historic place with the latest amenities, the posada has a wonderful restaurant offering local cuisine, a wine cellar stocked with excellent vintages and a fantastic library with over 2,500 books.

Designed as a tourism project to aid the conservation of the Iguazú rainforest, profits from the lodge help fund biological studies and environmental improvements on its reserve as well as the neighbouring community. The passionate and well-informed staff encourage you to take active participation in the diverse tours and talks led by naturalists, ecologists, and native Guarani people. Yacutinga believes that it is only through the navigation of the jungle waters and trails, that your visit becomes a true interaction with one of the most diverse wildlife sanctuaries in the world, the Atlantic rainforest.

ESTANCIA RINCÓN DEL SOCORRO & ESTANCIA SAN ALONSO - CORRIENTES Formerly a cattle ranch, Estancia Rincón del Socorro is a 29,700-acre nature reserve on the edge of the Iberá wetlands in northeastern Argentina. Strikingly stylish, the sepia-toned six rooms preserve the original feel of the 1896 ranch house. Daily tours inspire an appreciation for the rugged wetlands and savannas. Estancia San Alonso is a 138,000-acre ranch, with five rustic-chic suites, located in the heart of the Esteros del Iberá. The unique and relative isolation of this property allows for a high conservation value and daily fauna-spotting trips offer the possibility of incredible close encounters.



where monkeys, yaguareté, parrots, toucans and all manner of reptiles, fowl, mammals, fish and butterf lies live.


1, 3 1. Posada Puerto Pemberg 2. Estancia Rincón del Socorro & Estancia San Alonso 3. Yacutinga Lodge

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.






Salta & Beyond

The name Salta comes from the Aymara Indian word ‘sagta,' meaning ‘beautiful one,' and as you meander through the town's narrow colonial streets – lined with perfectly preserved 18th- and 19th-century buildings and houses with wooden

balconies – you'll see the name still very much applies. Nearby in Cafayate, drive pass pink sand valleys dotted with cactus and taste the region's aromatic white wine, Torrontes. From the surreal Seven Colours Hill in Purmamarca, follow the Inca

EL MANANTIAL DEL SILENCIO - PURMAMARCA, JUJUY Facing the Hill of Seven Colours, this charming hotel is located in the tiny village of Purmamarca in Argentina's northwestern Jujuy Province. By using indigenous materials like adobe and hollow canes, for the rooves, El Manantial maintains the spirit of colonial architecture. Interiors follow suit with whitewashed walls, flagstone flooring, woven rugs and objects belonging to historical families from the region. The hotel's excellent restaurant, which serves tasty llama medallions, as well as its 19 spacious rooms all overlook flowering gardens and mountains. And the solar-powered pool is pleasantly warm all year round.

HOTEL SOLAR DE LA PLAZA - SALTA Discover beautiful Salta while enjoying the comfort, intimacy and impeccable service of this warm and elegant hotel. A colonial-style mansion built in 1950, the hotel is the former residence of the Patrón Costas family. Its lovely tile rooves, large windows, and flower-filled patios and internal gardens have been carefully restored. Local artisans made the gorgeous iron, bronze, and wood beds in the 28 rooms and two suites, and regional and international dishes are served in the Terrace Restaurant. Located across General Güemes Square in the heart of old town, the hotel is just blocks from tourist and business districts.

HOTEL LA MERCED DEL ALTO - CACHI, SALTA Cradled in nature, this stately white-abode hotel looks like a lone holy cathedral. Though built in 2006, it harkens back to colonial times. Overlooking a breathtaking valley, La Merced sits between two streams, surrounded by the Nevada de Cachi mountains and the deserts of Parque Nacional Los Cardones. Amenities include 14 very large rooms, an excellent restaurant with a wine cellar, and fully-equipped spa. Cachi is two kilometres away and the city of Salta is 60 kilometres, which makes the hotel a great base for exploring the area's pre-Inca ruins, high-altitude vineyards and lovely landscapes.

ESTANCIA LAS CARRERAS - TUCUMAN Bursting with history, Las Carreras is one of the oldest estancias in the Calchaqui Valley. Built in 1718 by the Jesuits with local materials like adobe, straw, reed and alder, all the ranch's rooms face central courtyards, as was typical of the colonial architecture of the time. Nestled in a landscape of awe-inspiring beauty, the retreat sits at the foot of majestic hills that climb and fall between 2,600 to 4,500 metres. Days are filled with discovering the culture of the area including the art of loom, agricultural techniques, horse riding and feasting on Argentina's best Manchego cheeses.




caravan route through the Humahuaca gorge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where today, Quechuan women tend to their goats amid the ancient empire's ruins.


1, 5 3, 6, 7, 8

1. El Manantial del Silencio 2. Hotel La Merced del Alto 3. Hotel Solar de la Plaza 4. Estancia Las Carreras 5. Hotel Huacalera 6. Kkala Boutique Hotel 7. Legado Mitico Salta 8. Estancia Colome

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

HOTEL HUACALERA - JUJUY Situated in the heart of Argentina's Quebrada de Humahuaca, this 32-room boutique hotel combines sophisticated modern design with ancient Andean traditions. Originally built in the 1940s, the neocolonial building proudly displays an eclectic mix of styles, thanks to local artists who designed eclectic pieces and unique fixtures and furnishings specifically for the hotel. The generously proportioned rooms feature ample terraces that pleasantly blend into the landscape. At the first-class restaurant, the fruits of the vineyards and organic garden are served, and at the Capricornio Spa, treatments incorporate local ingredients.

LEGADO MITICO SALTA - SALTA Legado Mítico Salta is a restored mansion in Salta's historic quarter just off the main square. Each of the hotel's 11 gorgeous guest rooms is named after a noted personage, be it a poet, sculptor or military hero, and decorated accordingly. So in La Escritora, there's an antique writing desk and candelabra, and in El Gaucho, you'll find cowhide chaps above the bed, and so on. The whimsical décor is the work of local designers Javier Figueroa and Horacio Menéndez who scoured markets. The courtyard of this former residence is a lovely place to sample the region's tangy, refreshing Torrontes wines under swaying alamo trees.



At the foot of a hill, in the quiet residential town of Tres Cerritos just a few kilometres from downtown Salta, Kkala Boutique Hotel is fabulously located. Secluded yet connected, the stylish six-room retreat is a wonderful, smart mix of urban modernity and antique tradition. Interiors are romantic and homey, with classic wood furnishings, luxurious and soft fabrics, and whirlpool bath tubs with shockingly gorgeous views of the hills.

The luxury boutique hotel, surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, provides a heavenly refuge in which to unwind and enjoy the Colome Experience which unites the quest for adventure, the wisdom of the native culture and the utmost in comfort and high quality. The tranquillity of the vast landscape combined with the Estancia’s holistic principles and biodynamic farming practices dissolve the stress and turmoil of modern day living.

Outside, lush, flowering gardens envelope a heated swimming pool accented by the soothing sounds of cascading water from a lovely wall fountain – the perfect place to enjoy the stunning vistas.

Quebrada de Cafayate




Northern Patagonia


Nothing can prepare you for Northern Patagonia. Its beauty shocks the senses and defies expectation. The alluring shoreline of Lake Nahuel Huapi, a glacial finger lake, will astound, whilst the terrain of Nahuel Huapi National Park, one

of Argentina’s most-visted national parks, rises through forest to pinnacles and ice fields of the Andes. Volcan Lanin, located in the northernmost sector of Argentina’s fabled lakes district, is the snowcapped centrepiece of the Lanín National

Nahuel Huapi Lake



On the shores of spectacular Lake Nahuel Huapi, with the imposing Andean range as a backdrop, Luma is a truly luxurious mountain retreat. Set in the lap of unspoiled natural beauty, this castle-like hotel has eight spacious suites. Though all slightly different, each room is meticulously designed, boasting sumptuous, regal furnishings, modern amenities (satellite TV and Wi-Fi) and of course, stunning lake views. Some even have floating terraces.

Llao Llao is a stunning 1940's neo-Helvetian lodge perched atop hill, straddling Lake Nahuel Huapi on one side and a smaller lake on the other side. Amidst the stunning forested mountains of the Argentine Patagonia, this elegantly rustic hotel features 171 rooms, 29 suites and 43 new studios and suites, all with spectacular panoramic views.

At the restaurant, guests are invited to taste local homemade cuisine, and at the glamourous spa, guests relax in between treatments in the heated indoor/outdoor pool and saunas.

EL CASCO ART HOTEL - BARILOCHE, PATAGONIA On the shores of Nahuel Huapi Lake and 15 minutes away from Bariloche, this extraordinary hotel is located at one of the most beautiful spots in Patagonia. As Latin America's first and best art hotel, El Casco boasts a magnificent collection of 475 paintings and sculptures by contemporary Argentine artists. Each of the 33 ample suites is named after an artist and features works by its impressive namesake, such as Benito Quinquela Martín, Florencio Molina Campos, Raúl Soldi, or Pablo Curatella Manes. True to the theme, El Casco's tranquil architecture and design allows the hotel to artistically blend into the landscape. ARGENTINA


There are three restaurants, a magnificent 18-hole golf course, a world-class spa, a heated indoor/ outdoor pool and a health club. Trekking, mountain biking, skiing and fishing are just some of the fun adventures available in this extraordinary natural setting.

LAS BALSAS GOURMET HOTEL & SPA - NEUQUEN, PATAGONIA An ample residence on the shore of a peaceful lake that for 20 years has hosted distinguished guests in search of tranquillity and relaxation. Immersed in the natural vastness of Nahuel Huapi National Park, Las Balsas possesses a unique, natural landscape backdrop. Featuring three suites and twelve rooms, each decorated individually with a harmonious feel amongst each detail, inciting a unison between guests and their natural surroundings.

Park, and perhaps the region’s most recognisable summit. The buildings surrounding the central square of San Carlos de Bariloche represent the best of Argentine Patagonia’s architecture, setting a standard for the entire lakes district.

1. Luma Casa de Montana Hotel 2. El Casco Art Hotel 3. Llao Llao Resort & Golf Spa 4. Las Balsas Gourmet Hotel & Spa 5. Rio Hermoso Hotel 6. Correntoso Lake and River Hotel

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

RIO HERMOSO HOTEL - BARILOCHE, PATAGONIA Rio Hermoso Hotel is an exclusive retreat situated in Lanin National Park, a Patagonian playground of forested mountains and crystal blue lakes. The luxury lodge is the ideal setting for those looking for privacy, comfort and an intimate contact with nature. Interiors match the outside beauty, with richly-hued local stones and timbers, tribal artifacts and sumptious white furnishings. Small and inviting, the hotel has six wonderful suites, a restaurant combining regional flavours and international cuisine, a terraced bar lounge with a view, and a cosy library living room with a fireplace, TV and DVD player for nighttime movie-watching.

CORRENTOSO LAKE AND RIVER HOTEL - NEUQUEN, PATAGONIA Situated at the meeting point of the Correntoso River and the Nahuel Huapi Lake, this historic Relais & Chateaux retreat features one of the most dramatic vistas in Northern Patagonia. The hotel was built in 1917 and remodeled in 2003 and features 49 spacious rooms decorated with fine woodwork and elegantly rustic furniture – each one overlooks the magnificent lake and the mountain-studded national park beyond. Other amenities include the restaurant, which serves a gourmet Patagonian-Mediterranean menu, a luxurious herbal hamman and spa, and a heated indoor-outdoor pool. Easy to access, Bariloche is one-hour drive away. Bariloche




Horse Riding


Experience the ultimate freedom, riding through vast grasslands where rolling hills rise up to meet snow-capped mountains, stopping to investigate ancient Indian burial sites or to fish in pristine rivers and lakes.

1. Jakotango Riding Safaris

JAKOTANGO RIDING SAFARIS Jakob von Plessen of ‘Jakotango’ offers an Argentinean riding adventure which is unparalleled in South America. Jakob was raised in Argentina and has been around horses since his earliest memory. When not in Argentina, Jakob guides rides in Kenya’s Masai Mara and has over ten years’ experience hosting people on rides that really get the adrenalin flowing. The journey with Jakob allows you to experience the culture of the local Gauchos and their purpose bred Creolle ponies in both the Patagonian wilderness and on Argentina’s fertile farming land, the Pampas. The journey starts on Estancia Tres Lagos, located north of Bariloche in the Andean Mountains. Here the ride allows you to trek through picturesque mountain valleys astride your Gaucho pony, a ‘Creolle’. They are the arm-chair travellers of the equine world; sturdy, honest, stocky and are able to trek up mountains passes which are otherwise inaccessible. The romance of your journey continues to “Isla Don Felipe”, a fantasy island in the Tigre Delta, located upstream from Buenos Aires. This Tudor styled villa is a welcome change from Patagonian climate and saddles and a chance to recharge before the next riding experience. Journeying south the surprise awaiting you is an equally amazing homestead – ‘Estancia El Boqueron’ – architecturally traditional in style and boasting magnificent manicured gardens, forests and farm lands. Both properties are owned by Jakob’s family and offer impeccable hospitality and it is a privilege to reside in ‘homes’ of such elegance. For those who enjoy hiking, explore the farm and ride through horizons of golden wheat fields visiting neighbouring estancia’s enroute. For jumpers, you can try your hand at the 28 jump steeplechase course. For those keen on polo, take to the field and enjoy the thrill of the sport that is an Argentinean tradition. There is also rafting, shooting, fly-fishing, wallowing in turquoise mountain rivers, croquet, pimms and plenty of tango – all on your doorstep. This ten night adventure is intimate and limited to six riders – with luxurious accommodation and scenery nothing short of spectacular, it is an equestrian experience of a lifetime. Departures are from November through to March.



1. Hotel Territorio 2. Estancia Rincón Chico 3. El Pedral Lodge

Journey to Peninsula Valdes and witness whales breaching throughout the winter. Along the beaches of Golf San Jose, Golfe Neuvo and in the open ocean, you can watch sea lions, elephant seals, orcas, Magellanic penguins and a myriad of other sea creatures frolicking or lazing about all year long.

Atlantic Coast

HOTEL TERRITORIO - PUERTO MADRYN Located near the charming seaside city of Puerto Madryn, this boutique hotel is situated at the best known gateway into the extraordinary wildlife sanctuary of Península Valdés. It's the perfect base to explore this UNESCO World Heritage Site, home to creatures like foxes, armadillos, rheas, guanacos, sea lions, orcas, elephant seals, as well as enormous populations of southern right whales and Magellanic penguins. All of the 36 rooms and suites have an open view of the steppe and the vast Patagonian sea beyond. The interior of each room, marked by a gentle curve, is an aesthetic extension of the area's rugged geography. Mixing traditional and modern materials, the well-appointed accommodations are warm and simple and stacked with first-class modern amenities. The spa boasts a sauna, hydromassage, Scottish shower, and various relaxing massages and treatments. And the elegant restaurant serves delicious Patagonian cuisine full of fresh regional ingredients and complemented by the best Argentine wines available.

ESTANCIA RINCÓN CHICO - PUERTO MADRYN The Estancia Rincón Chico is located on the south east coast of Península Valdés, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, 165 kilometres from Puerto Madryn and 70 kilometres from Puerto Pirámides. Many species of sea mammals and sea birds have chosen Estancia Rincón Chico’s 15 kilometres of private beaches to reproduce and live during the year. With thousands of elephant seals, sea lions, right whales, orcas, magellanic penguins and dolphins, the beaches of the Estancia Rincón Chico are a natural laboratory for the scientists of CONICET and WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society).

EL PEDRAL LODGE - PUERTO MADRYN Thanks to its privileged location atop fossil-striped coastal cliffs, the elegant El Pedral Lodge is the perfect setting for experiencing nature up close. With romantic balustrades and an oceanview verandah, the 19th-century Norman-style home is rustic and sophisticated. And since the 42,000-acre property was once a sheep farm, guests get a taste for the lifestyle of an authentic Patagonian estancia. The lodge even has its own sea elephant colony and and penguin rockery that is growing each year – amazingly, the aquatic creatures established it two years ago – along with visiting whales and killer whales. ARGENTINA



Southern Patagonia


EOLO - PATAGONIA'S SPIRIT - EL CALAFATE Eolo is a unique place that embodies Patagonia's spirit – the spirit of the land and its indigenous roots, the spirit of the first pioneers and the spirit of the adventurers who come from all over the globe to experience this wild, singular land. A member of the exclusive Relais & Chateaux, Eolo is a luxurious take on an old-style Patagonian ranch. And only 25 kilometres from El Calafate, Argentina – en route to the Perito Moreno Glacier – the hotel is close to the town, the airport and all of the main tourist attractions. In keeping with the vastness of the land, Eolo is on an enormous 10,000-acre estancia. Thirteen spacious suites are built around a lovely courtyard. Decorated in calming cream hues, with a smart mix of antique and contemporary furnishings, the accommodations have enormous windows that look out to the sublime beauty outside. Even in the bathroom, from the luxury of a deep soaking tub, you have phenomenal vistas. In fact, wherever you are at Eolo, the extraordinary steppes, lakes and mountains – totally unmarred by civilization – are right in front of you. For stays of three to five days, Eolo is the perfect base. Most guests take advantage of the hotel's all-inclusive packages, which include airport transfers and gourmet meals (served in the glass-walled lakeside restaurant) and fun on-property activities like trekking, bird-watching, mountain biking, and horseback riding. The hotel also arranges excellent guided hikes on and around the magnificent Perito Moreno Glacier in Glaciers National Park; four-wheel drive expeditions to Mount Frias; day trips to El Chaltén (Cerro Fitz Roy and Torre) and fly fishing at Lago Roca. To further enhance your time, sit in on the lectures on glaciology, regional flora and fauna and indigenous legends and customs. Or you may just want to pamper yourself with a steam in the sauna or a swim in the heated pool. Whatever you wish, rely on the hotel's friendly staff to make any and all arrangements for you.



Astonishing scenery combined with exceptional hiking and climbing creates the most unforgettable Southern Patagonian adventure. Experience the natural wonders of this region from the Los Glaciares National Park where chunks of Moreno

glacier cannonball into a crystalline lake, to El Chaltén, where jagged Fitzroy peaks loom over the valley village billing itself as Argentina’s trekking capital. Spreading along the south shore of Lago Argentino, El Calafate is the poster child for

Argentina’s tourism boom and the gateway to the Moreno Glacier offering exceptional estancias, restaurants and shopping.

1. EOLO – Patagonia’s Spirit 2. Estancia Cristina 3. Hosteria Alta Vista

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

ESTANCIA CRISTINA - EL CALAFATE Located in El Calafate, inside Los Galciares Nacional Park and on the shore of Argentino Lake, Estancia Cristina is the shelter for those who love the unique Patagonian landscape. Currently only accessible by boat, your transfer offers magnificent views of Upsala Glacier, the biggest on the National Park. Explore numerous hiking excursions at various difficulty levels, horseback riding and fly fishing. A visit to Estancia Cristina can be for the day or overnight in one of the 12 beautiful, cosy and comfortable rooms.

HOSTERIA ALTA VISTA - EL CALAFATE Alta Vista is situated in an incomparable setting, from where the Patagonian geography with all its diversity can be seen: the Andes mountains, immense plains, lakes, forests and majestic glaciers. Ideally located 30 kilometres from El Calafate and 45 kilometres away from Perito Moreno Glacier. Alta Vista is part of Estancia Anita, the largest in the region, with over 20,000 sheep and 170,000 acres. The Lodge's services are for the exclusive use of its guests, thus creating an intimate, cosy atmosphere. It offers six double rooms and one suite, all decorated in a traditional Patagonian style.

Perito Moreno Glacier






Perched on the coast of Tierra del Fuego – an island at the southernmost tip of Argentina – and squeezed between dramatic mountain peaks and the blue Beagle Channel, Ushuaia is both a beginning and an end. At the terminus of the

continent, it's also the gateway to Antarctica. Rugged and weather-beaten, this classic frontier town-turned-tourism base boasts historic buildings, restored and converted to hotels and restaurants, and a spruced-up waterfront.

LOS CAUQUENES RESORT & SPA - USHUAIA Virtually at the end of the world, Los Cauquenes Resort & Spa is set on the shores of Beagle Channel in Tierra del Fuego with stunning views of the snow-covered peaks of the Andes Mountain Range. An exclusive resort in an exceptionally beautiful setting, expect peace and tranquillity, gourmet dining, and a spa with a heated pool, sauna, Jacuzzi and body treatments. Los Cauquenes Resort & Spa is built in the traditional southern Argentine architectural style with the use of lenga wood and stone. Inside, the 54 rooms and suites are tastefully decorated in neutral tones with highlights of colour. The suites have a private balcony or deck and gorgeous views of the sea. Sail the waters of the Beagle Channel and observe Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse, sea lions, Magellanic Penguins, and over 20 different sea bird species. Or trek the ancient coastal paths to see condors, steamer ducks, red foxes, eagles and beaver dams. Return to Los Cauquenes Resort & Spa to dine on exquisite Patagonian cuisine and recount your experiences of this most spectacular of places. The gourmet restaurant, Reinamora, blends the best culinary techniques and the best products in the country. The aim is to stimulate guests senses, trying to achieve simple and innovative cuisine to prompt a different and wonderful experience. “I wish I was staying longer” is the sentiment most commonly expressed by departing guests.



Activities like hiking, mountain biking, fishing and skiing abound. And during the summer months the harbour twinkles with the lights of the yachts that anchor each night.

More Information 1. Los Cauquenes Resort & Spa 2. Las Hayas Resort Hotel

For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

Sea Lion colony at Beagle Strait

LAS HAYAS RESORT HOTEL - USHUAIA Located in the world's southernmost city, on the slope of the mountain, and between woods of lengas you find Las Hayas Resort Hotel. The 93 rooms and suites are all different but with a common style: refined and sober, all of them with external views. Enjoy dinner with a generous view of the Beagle Channel and delight yourself with a fresh Atlantic King Crab, exquisites Black Sea Bass and the best and renowned wine of Argentina. Relax and unwind in the Spa & Health Club which features a sauna, jacuzzi, Scottish shower, Turkish bath and a heated swimming pool.







hile Stretched out like a skinny sword along the Pacific coast, slender Chile is packed with phenomenal and diverse vistas, unlike anywhere else in the world. Geological idiosyncrasies – the highest volcano and the driest desert, rainforests, floating and hanging glaciers – have created striking and diverse landscapes – each one inspiring its own set of unforgettable adventures. Four-wheel drive over the lunar landscape and glistening salt flats, dotted with flamingo-filled lakes, in the Atacama Desert. Trek through vast ice fields and native forests and watch the Andes disappear into the sea in magical Patagonia. Spend days battling whitewater rapids or coasting on a quiet emerald lagoon, scaling icy blue glaciers or soaking in hot springs amidst ancient volcanoes. Or meander on horseback over rolling green hills in the fertile Central Valley, the heart of Chile’s gorgeous wine country. In between exciting expeditions, soak up the tranquillity from the deck of a fabulous luxury lodge. While the country’s natural gifts are undoubtedly spectacular, urban culture vultures have plenty to sink their teeth into. Santiago, the country’s cosmopolitan capital, has both the fresh energy of a thriving metropolis and the quaint nostalgia of a colonial town. With new art galleries, boutiques and restaurants, the exuberant city is the perfect base from which to explore.



Days 1 to 2 - Santiago Upon arrival, meet and transfer to the hotel. In the afternoon a city tour visiting all main attractions and the oldest part of the town with grand old mansions. On day 2 full day excursion to Valparaiso, recently appointed World Heritage Site by UNESCO and Vi単a del Mar, an old Estancia converted to an attractive town that today is regarded the primary resort on the South Pacific Coast of South America.

Atacama Deser t

The Mystic Triangle 11 nights

Easter Island Easter Island

Days 3 to 4 - Santiago / Puerto Montt / Puerto Varas At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Puerto Montt. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to Puerto Varas. City tour in Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt. Next day we will make an excursion to Peulla also visiting Ensenada.

Pampa mpa s Santiago



Days 5 to 7 - Puerto Varas / Punta Arenas / Puerto Natales At scheduled time transfer to the airport in Puerto Montt to take the flight to Punta Arenas. Upon arrival, we offer a welcoming reception and half-day tour of the well-planned city. Afterwards, transfer to the bus terminal where you will board the public bus to Puerto Natales followed by transfer to your hotel.

Argentina Chile


Next 2 days will be full of excursions. The National Park Torres del Paine is an absolute must when visiting Patagonia. You can enjoy the beautiful panoramic views of the Paine mountain range and may see some red foxes and condors. Following day navigate the Ultima Esperanza Sound to see spectacular scenery of bays, mountains and waterfalls along with Balmaceda & Serrano Glaciers.



Puerto Varas Puerto Montt

Day 8 - Puerto Natales / Punta Arenas / Santiago Transfer to the local bus station in Puerto Natales where you will take the public bus back to Punta Arenas ending at the airport to take the flight to Santiago. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Days 9 to 11 - Santiago / Easter Island At scheduled time transfer to the airport to take the flight to Easter Island. Upon arrival welcoming reception and transfer to the hotel. Next morning we drive up to the extinct volcano appreciating a view over the whole island. In the afternoon you will see restored Moais and one of the biggest lava tubes of the island. On your last day on Easter Island a tour takes you to the south coast in order to visit representative examples of this lost culture including Tongariki which is the islands biggest restoration with 15 Moais. Day 12 - International departure At the scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take your international departure flight.

Countries On day 9 guests can alternatively fly north to Calama for a 3-day visit to the Atacama Desert which is considered the driest place on Earth.

Province or Territory

National Capital

Atlant ic Ocean Torres del Paine

Falkland Islands

Puerto Natales Punta Arenas

Cape Horn



Touching down in Santiago, wrapped in a cloak of snow-dusted Andean peaks, is a spectacular start to a Chilean adventure. After years of prosperity and stability, the country's glittering capital boasts museums, restaurants, nightlife

and parks whose number and quality rival those of its much more famous Buenos Aires. While here, dive into the vibrant new fashion, art and dining scenes in Vitacura, check out the designer stores on Alonso de C贸rdova, and stroll

LE REVE BOUTIQUE HOTEL - SANTIAGO Le Reve Bouique Hotel is designed for travellers who demand premium service as well as an unforgettable experience. Located in a neighbourhood with it's own personality to be lived and enjoyed on foot. The style and service is inspired by small hotels in Paris. Each moment is distinguished by the warm hospitality, sophisticated ambience and above all, personalised attention.The house of Le Reve has been declared a historic patrimony. Its original exquisite French Architecture has been restored and now combines details entailing the technological progress of today. Rooms are tastefully decorated and will be the stage of utter rest.

THE AUBREY BOUTIQUE HOTEL - SANTIAGO The Aubrey Hotel is a stylish, design-driven boutique hotel in Santiago, Chile, offering personalised service, character, and direct access to some of the city's best attractions. Nestled at the foot of Santiago's Metropolitan Park, The Aubrey is just steps from restaurants, nightlife, and cultural and recreational activities. The hotel is located within a masterfully restored 1927 mansion, paying homage to Bellavista's storied past while dazzling with a modern aesthetic that defines cool. The Aubrey's 15 guestrooms are individually sized and decorated, featuring dark wood, copper lamps, polished parquet floors, and luxurious amenities.

W HOTEL SANTIAGO - SANTIAGO Against a panoramic backdrop of the snow-capped Andes, W Santiago reinvents style and sophistication in the city's most fashionable and trendsetting enclave, a fascinating universe of urban innovation amid cobblestone streets and glitzy skyscrapers. From sizzling cuisine in destination restaurants, red hot nightlife in Whiskey Blue and cosy conversations in lounges, zen down or work out at O2 Balance & Wellness Club. Follow that dream in one of the 196 luxuriously comfortable rooms and suites, featuring the signature W Bed, fullywired technology, the delightful Munchie Box and state-of-the-art entertainment.



Santiago de Chile

through the rejuvenated colonial centre where crumbling 19th century mansions and unused factories have been converted into chic bistros and galleries.

1. Le Reve Boutique Hotel 2. W Hotel Santiago 3. The Aubrey Boutique Hotel

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

Metropolitan Cathedral, Santiago




Central Chile & Beyond


South of Santiago, between the Andes and the Cordillera de la Costa, lies the Central Valley – a place famous for its raucous rodeos and wonderful wines. With tremendously rich soil and an ideal Mediterranean climate, the fertile

Vineyard in Chile

valley has produced world-class vintages and is a great year-round destination for travellers of “the wine route,” where gorgeous colonial haciendas with cosy fireplaces provide sumptuous stays in between tastings. Nearby are great day trips to

CASA HIGUERAS - VALPARAISO Perched on Valparaiso's steep hills with spectacular views, Casa Higueras is an elegant hotel of character. This fully renovated 1920s mansion is perched in the lush hills above the city, with amazing views of the picturesque port from every angle. Soak it all in from the garden terrace, where sub-tropical foliage envelopes a pool and spa. At the restaurant, enjoy fresh local seafood dishes paired with a delicate Chilean wine collection.

LAPOSTOLLE RESIDENCE - COLCHAGUA VALLEY With extraordinary views of the Apalta vineyards and the surrounding mountains, Lapostolle Residence is the perfect place to enjoy nature with sophistication. Only four suites nestled into the native forested hillside of the valley, provide serenity and privacy. The Residence, where the living and dining rooms are located, has a wonderful atmosphere where you can share your experience with fellow travellers.




Valparaíso, a quirky, affluent seaside city where houses cling to the side of high coastal cliffs and its sister city Viña del Mar, a lovely beach town.

2 5

1, 4 3, 6, 7

1. Casa Higueras 2. Lapostolle Residence 3. Cabaña del Lago Hotel 4. Hotel Portillo 5. Hotel Antumalal 6. The Cliffs Preserve at Patagonia – Chile 7. Quincho Country Home

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

CABAÑA DEL LAGO HOTEL - PUERTO VARAS Cabaña del Lago Hotel is the ideal place to discover the beautiful city of Puerto Varas, Lake Llanquihue and all the attractions of a region with abundance of nature, an exceptional cuisine and a rich cultural heritage. A family-run retreat since 1980, the sprawling 130-room hotel is perched hillside for stunning panoramic views of the lake and volcanoes. And its privileged position makes it an excellent gateway for Patagonian adventures.

HOTEL PORTILLO - PORTILLO Ski Portillo is the first and one of the most famous ski resorts in South America and renowned for its extraordinary beauty and terrain in the Andes Mountains. Portillo offers all inclusive ski weeks, deep powder, steep bowls, and groomed runs along with the comfort and convenience of the “casually elegant” hotel offering warm hospitality and world class service.

HOTEL ANTUMALAL - PUCON This 22-room boutique hotel sits on the banks of Lake Villarrica near the vacation town of Pucón in southern Chile. Built in the 1950s, its sleek lines and stunning slanted panoramic windows mirror the terraced park that surrounds it. Interiors shine with tree slab tables, shag rugs, wood paneling, and stone fireplaces. The spa offers reflexology and massages, and the restaurant serves fresh dishes with local river trout and garden-grown produce. Osorno

THE CLIFFS PRESERVE AT PATAGONIA - PUERTO VARAS The Cliffs Preserve is a sanctuary of mind, body and soul hidden in the Chile's Northern Patagonia, one of the most stunning places on Earth. This luxurious eco-resort on the Pacific coast offers 8,000 acres of temperate rainforest with nine kilometres of rugged coastline. Spread over this awe-inspiring land are six oceanfront villas, a lodge and a wellness spa, wonderful places to enjoy in between the amazing nature – and culture-based activities.

QUINCHO COUNTRY HOME - PUERTO VARAS Personalised service is the strength of the Quincho team and with a maximum of eight guests great care and attention to detail is paramount and achievable. Its blissful location, with splendid views of Lake LLanquihue and nearby volcanoes, along with the staff's flexibility sets this place apart. Outings are organised with local guides on a private basis. Each day different gourmet menus, using fresh local ingredients are created to please any audience.




Southern Patagonia


Picture yourself at the edge of the world – icy fjords, towering, snow-capped mountains toppling into the sea, penguins, sea lions and whales darting in and out of the blue waters – and retrace the footsteps of 16th-century conquistador Hernando

de Magallanes as he explored on this enchanting land. From the granite spires and turquoise lakes of Torres del Paine National Park to islands rife with elephant seal colonies, the austere beauty of Chile's southernmost province is stupefying.

EXPLORA PATAGONIA - TORRES DEL PAINE Explora offers extraordinary all-season lodge-based journeys through the windswept majesty of Chilean Patagonia. Built into the outfit's programmes are incredible daily excursions during which guests explore the area's wildly disparate terrains on foot, bicycle, boat or horseback. Longer explorations may include open-air picnics, minibuses or motorboats depending on the route. Millions of years ago, monumental geological transformations created the area's stunning mountains, glaciers, lakes, rivers and a variety of flora and fauna, all of which vastly outnumber man. In keeping with this spirit groups are kept small (with a maximum of eight) and are accompanied by expert Wilderness First Responder-certified bilingual guides. In between adventures, the Hotel Salto Chico, a luxurious retreat at the mouth of a waterfall in Torres del Paine National Park provides relaxation and comfort. Patagonian gauchos prepare fabulous meals, like succulent pit-roast lamb, and the lodge's bathhouse and pool offer perfect pampering.

THE SINGULAR - PUERTO BOIRES Located in Puerto Bories in the southernmost part of Chile, the Singular is on the route to the spectacular Torres del Paine National Park and perfectly positioned for excursions to the Patagonian fjords. Opened in November 2011, the brand new hotel used to be cold-storage plant for frozen mutton. Built in 1915, the building is a listed national monument and the inventive restoration is completely unique. Fifty-four rooms and three suites – all facing the sea with fantastic views of the fjords – are simply decorated with antique wood floors, fresh white linens, and classic luxury touches. Other hotel amenities include a well-appointed spa, heated swimming pool, room service, and an onsite museum with a Victorian Engine Room and other pieces from The Singular’s heritage. Each day, a team of expert guides leads exciting once-in-a-lifetime expeditions through fjords, mountains, glaciers, farms and forests. Guests can choose to discover 'hidden Patagonia' on horseback, trekking or kayaking. CHILE


And for the adventurous, it's also wonderfully accessible, through exhilarating treks and cruises that place you in the centre of it all.

More Information 1. explora Patagonia 2. The Singular

For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

Torres del Paine




Camps & Cruising Patagonia


At the remote tip of Chilean Patagonia – where the Torres del Paine national park spreads out in a wonderland of granite peaks, glacier lakes, waterfalls and lenga forests – you’ll yearn to become one with the incomparable beauty. One

possibility is to stay in enchanting, eco-conscious geodesic domes and yurts. So, in between exciting excursions and gourmet meals, you hunker down in these stylishly furnished spaces loaded with luxury amenities. Another route is to take a

CRUCEROS AUSTRALIS - PUNTA ARENAS / USHUAIA At the continent’s southernmost tip, on Chile’s phenomenal Tierra del Fuego, expedition outfit Cruceros Australis provides an exclusive experience in one of the world’s most pristine wilderness areas. Travelling in the ultimate small pocket cruiser to places of incomparable beauty, these comfortable tours sail through channels, bays, fjords and islands along the snowcapped Darwin Mountain Range. All the while you'll marvel at glorious glaciers, unexplored Magellan forests and colonies of penguins, white–breasted cormorants and elephant seals. Representing the heart and soul of Cruceros Australis' voyages are the incredible daily shore excursions and lectures, carried out by a team of bilingual naturalist guides. Days of exploration include piling into Zodiac boats to deeply explore incredible places such as Cape Horn, Wulaia Bay, and an excursion up Chico Inlet to view Piloto and Nena glaciers, Magdalena Island's Magellanic, Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine National Park. The size of the luxurious vessels – Via Australis (built in 2005 with a capacity 136 passengers), and the newly christened Stella Australis (capacity 210 passengers) – allows for a more personalised service and enables them to sail through narrow fjords where larger vessels cannot. Equipped with the latest technology, the ships offer cosy lounges with spectacular panoramic views and dining rooms that can accommodate all passengers at the same time. Plying the waters of Tierra del Fuego between Ushuaia and Punta Arenas, from September through May, passengers may choose cruises of four or seven days, travelling in either direction or both. All cabins have picture windows, private bathrooms, independently-controlled heating as well as safety deposit boxes. Each Cruceros Australis voyage features allinclusive service, three meals a day, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, excursions and lectures. Offering unparalleled experiences, access and expertise, it’s no wonder that the highly acclaimed National Geographic Traveller magazine named Cruceros Australis' Patagonia expedition as the No. 1 'Tour of a Lifetime' in 2010.



fantastic five-star voyage on an all-inclusive cruise through the rivers and fjords, jumping off for land adventures, enveloped in a perpetual state of awe. 4

1. Cruceros Australis 2. Patagonia Camp 3. EcoCamp Patagonia 4. Nomads of the Seas

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

2,3 1

PATAGONIA CAMP - TORRES DEL PAINE Along the shores of Lake Toro in a region of extraordinary beauty, Patagonia Camp is a luxury camp with a chic collection of glamourous yurts. The camp's 18 impeccable and spacious yurts are poised above a sparkling turquoise lake in the rolling hills just outside Torres del Paine National Park, and carefully placed in the steep wooded slopes so that each has a perfect view of the Cuernos del Paine from its private terrace. Comfortable and stylishly furnished, they have central heating, private bathrooms and even views of the stars through a central window in the roof. Torres del Paine National Park is just 15-minutes away, and there's pristine wilderness all around. Daily adventures may include kayaking, strolling to a nearby waterfall, or just wandering along wooden walkways through lenga forests. Imaginative gourmet meals are prepared by Chilean chef Ludolf Lausen with fresh local ingredients, which means king crab empanadas and creamy rabbit lasagne and turquoise blue pisco sours, enjoyed by the stunning lagoon.

ECOCAMP PATAGONIA - TORRES DEL PAINE Nestled in the heart of national park, with panoramic views of the mighty granite pillars and surrounding glacial lakes, the award-winning EcoCamp offers an incredible compromise between hotel accommodation and camping. The camp's large geodesic domes are inspired by the area's traditional Kawesqar huts, built by ancient nomads who lived in harmony with nature. Utilizing hydro-solar power and high-tech composting, EcoCamp is serious about having as little impact as possible. And guided treks and soft excursions allow guests to explore lakes, glaciers, fjords, golden lenga forests and the area's unique wildlife.

NOMADS OF THE SEAS - PATAGONIA The perfect escape for XXI century explorers. Nomads of the Seas is more than a ship, it is a unique operation. The Atmosphere, chosen among the Top 3 exploration ships of the world, by Super Yacht World magazine, is a specially designed platform to explore virgin Chilean Patagonia by air, land and water. Nomads of the Seas offer a unique mix of cruising and multiple daily expeditions enveloped with a Grand Class service, coordination, security and execution. The real magic is what you are doing and where you are doing it.




Northern Patagonia


Throwing snowcapped Andes on one side and rugged Pacific coastline on the other, the PanAmerican Highway cuts a swath through the fairytale beauty of the Lake District. It's here, along Chile's contribution to the Ring of Fire,

that most of the country's 55 volcanoes poke their peaks. Take the winding road through the region – past glistening bodies of water hued cobalt blue, through breathtaking mountain passes and emerald green, misty rainforests and

Lake Puerto Guadal



Bavarian-style houses. It is worth stopping in the fabulous lakeside resorts where days can be spent skiing, trekking, biking or simply relaxing in hot spring pools watching the clouds lollygag over pristine lagoons.

More Information 1. Puyuhuapi Lodge & Spa 2. Hacienda Tres Lagos

For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

PUYUHUAPI LODGE & SPA - PATAGONIA Amidst exuberant vegetation, and accessible only by sea, lies this unique space where sophistication and simplicity harmoniously combine. The 44-room Puyuhuapi Lodge & Spa and its staff warmly welcome guests and invite them to explore and experience the stunning wilderness of Chilean Patagonia. Numerous excursions venture into the temperate forests of Queulat National Park and the Carretera Austral and continues at the lodge's spa where thermal waters rejuvenate sore muscles or the restaurant where meals are served with a view. The jaunt culminates aboard the catamaran Patagonia Express with a cruise through canals and austral fjords to Laguna San Rafael and its awe-inspiring glacier. Puyuhuapi Lodge & Spa aims to deliver extraordinary experiences in extraordinary landscapes. A place of wild beauty, this uncivilised corner of Chilean Patagonia welcomes the adventurous spirits to its fjords, native forests, rivers, waterfalls, mountains and glaciers and to its inhabitants of birds, porpoises, and sea lions.

HACIENDA TRES LAGOS - PATAGONIA Hacienda Tres Lagos is located in one of the most beautiful regions of Chile – northern Patagonia along the spectacularly rugged Carretera Austral. The contemporary wood-and-stone 'three lakes' hacienda sits on the shore of Lake Negro and is a stone's throw from Lake Bertrand and Lake General Carrera, the second largest lake in South America. Carved out like a half moon around Lake Negro are the hotel's 20 fully-equipped rooms, all with lake views. Hacienda Tres Lagos is the perfect place for those seeking adventure and relaxation in a fascinating, unique landscape. Day trips explore natural wonders such as Fuentes Glacier, Tamango National Reserve, Explorers Valley, and the limestone caves of Marble Caverns. And sporting activities include hiking, horseback riding, fishing, rafting, sailing, and mountain biking. Afterwards, unwinding comes easy with an afternoon tea, a hot tub soak, a massage at the spa, or a delicious meal of local treats such as lamb, rabbit, and salmon in the hotel's excellent restaurants.




Atacama Desert


When NASA needs to test a Mars rover, this is where they go: the driest desert on Earth. Though no rain falls, when water does appear here, the results are dramatic. Against its stark and surreal landscapes, imagine bathing in pools of

hot springs formed at the foot of twin volcanoes; waking up at dawn when the El Tatio geysers thaw to blow plumes of steam; and becoming hypnotized by flocks of flamingos and various rare avian species feasting from enormous salt

ALTO ATACAMA DESERT LODGE & SPA - SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA Surrounded by the Cordillera de la Sal, in the shadow of the Pucara de Quitor ruins, with the San Pedro river winding its way alongside it, Alto Atacama Desert Lodge & Spa offers one of the most breathtaking settings in the world. Built in the style of traditional adobe, the lodge is a stunning example of innovative and sustainable architecture, blending seamlessly into the surrounding redrock hillside. There are even llamas grazing about. The understated luxury of the public spaces and the 32 rooms pay homage to the Atacama region with splashes of warm, desert colours and local textiles, crafts and lots of stone. Each of the rooms boasts private terraces with incredible views. The amenity-heavy lodge offers six irresistible outdoor pools, a spa, yoga rooms, hot springs, a cosy common area with a fireplace, and an open-decked observatory that provides unrivaled views of the amazing night sky. There are also myriad cultural and adventure activities, all under the supervision of a team of expert local guides.

EXPLORA ATACAMA - SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA The first humans arrived in Atacama, Chile over 10,000 years ago, giving rise to what later became a rich culture concentrated in and around oases. And diverse, unusual forms of wildlife found ways to develop in the midst of volcanoes, salt flats, lagoons and ravines. Located in the San Pedro de Atacama oasis, and just a few minutes' walk from the town of San Pedro de Atacama, the Hotel de Larache is the ultimate base from which to explore this wonderful area. Remodeled in 2008, the elegant lodge sits on a 42-acre estate once belonging to an ancient desert community, and features 50 lovely rooms arranged around a courtyard shaded by cha単ar trees. Each flank of the retreat offers a distinctive, dramatic vista of the desert. Hotel amenities include horse stables, an observatory for viewing the night sky, heated pools, openair jacuzzis, saunas, steam baths and a massage room. And every day, custom-designed excursions allow you to discover first-hand Atacama's landscapes and culture on foot, horseback or by bicycle.



lakes. Or find civilization at the oasis village San Pedro, where a postcard-perfect church has a roof made of cacti.

1. Alto Atacama Desert Lodge & Spa 2. explora Atacama 3. Tierra Atacama Hotel & Spa

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

TIERRA ATACAMA HOTEL & SPA - SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA Designed by some of Chile’s leading talent, Tierra Atacama is a stylish desert hideaway that boasts creature comforts yet preserves local cultural influences. This 32-room boutique property has stunning views of the majestic Licancabur Volcano and is located within easy reach of the charming rustic village of San Pedro de Atacama in northern Chile. Designed to have minimum intervention on the land, the hotel preserves the original adobe walls that are part of the history of San Pedro de Atacama. With a welcoming and cosy ambience, all rooms at Tierra Atacama have private terraces, outdoor showers and views of the volcano. The interior decor is casually elegant in a mid-century style, marked with authentic pieces sourced from local villages. Experienced guides lead desert adventures that range from hikes, walks, bike rides and horse rides to more demanding volcano climbs, as well as magnificent day trips to the salt lakes and marshland of Salar de Tara and the Atacama Salt Flat, Miscanti and Miñiques lagoons, Tatio Geisers, Machuca village, Puritama Hot Springs, and the surreal beauty of Moon Valley. Guests are also invited to combine active enjoyment of the desert with total relaxation at Uma Spa. In a space designed to induce calm and relaxation through aromas, colours and textures, many of the treatments are based on local desert elements such as volcanic mud, lithium rich salt, and desert herbs. Spa facilities include indoor and outdoor pools (with cascades and water jet beds), a steam room, and a jacuzzi. Recently inaugurated private outdoor hot tubs provide the ideal setting to relax and contemplate a beautiful desert sunset. And outdoor lounges with open fires provide the perfect location to ponder the magnificent night skies and enjoy a glass of wine with friends after a day full of adventure and relaxation. Gastronomy is an integral part of the Tierra Atacama experience. The hotel’s restaurant serves healthy gourmet food using the best Chilean produce and locally sourced specialities. The wine-list is extensive and allows guests to enjoy a variety of excellent Chilean wines.




Atacama Desert


1. Awasi 2. Atacama Adventur Camp

AWASI - SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA Awasi in San Pedro de Atacama has eight rustic-luxe cottages providing the utmost in privacy, convenience and comfort. Each one is assigned a personal guide and 4x4 Jeep, allowing guests to choose their adventure without having to adjust to the pace or preference of others. In this way, Awasi customises every excursion to the interests, expectations and physical conditions of each guest. Just as important is the hotel's extraordinary gastronomy. Guests keep returning to Awasi and there's little doubt they are coming back to experience the chef's fresh, innovative dishes that use Atacama ingredients, exclusively.

ATACAMA ADVENTUR CAMP - SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA Adventur Camp brings its unique travel concept to the most spectacular destinations. A luxury camp awaits the travellers after days filled with excitement. Nightfall around a roaring bonfire, underneath a one-of-a-kind starry sky, is an experience to be savoured. The camp consists of spacious and comfortable tents, which are heated and outfitted with natural elements and traditional crafts, creating a unique atmosphere in a spectacular environment. A cosy tent, a massage centre, a central common area with an enormous bonfire to light up nights spent in camp, and careful attention paid to every last detail, create an oasis ensuring that your desert experience is truly unforgettable. CHILE



1. explora Rapa Nui

Rapa Nui (Easter Island) is most famous for its monolithic stone statues. The silent stone figures are a monument to the seafaring skills and unique culture of ancient Polynesian peoples.

Easter Island

Rapa Nui

EXPLORA RAPA NUI - EASTER ISLAND Located 3,700 kilometres west of the South American continent, surrounded by the world’s most transparent waters, Rapa Nui (Easter Island) is the cradle of an unusual and enigmatic culture. The language, music and many traditions remain alive amongst the island's inhabitants, while the enormous carved stone moai speak to a more remote past. Explora offers lodge-based journeys through the island and uses as its base, the Posada de Mike Rapu, a retreat located at the isle's centre. Built on 24 acres of land and perched on a hill, the lodge overlooks the vast ocean. As the first South American lodge to obtain LEED certification, the retreat was designed to have the least possible impact on the environment. With welcoming indoor spaces integrating artful aspects of the local culture, the lodge has 30 rooms, each with spectacular views of the water. And every day, the secrets and beauty of the island are unveiled through invigorating treks that culminate in gourmet picnics on rocky outcrops or along the shore. CHILE







This peaceful solitary mass at the end of the world lures adventurers to its vast wilderness of ice and snow and never lets go. Dramatic images of monolithic blue glaciers, carved by the elements over time into surreal shapes and harbouring

massive colonies of seabird and penguins, or of humpbacks, orcas, and elephant seals poking their noses out of the frigid waters as you crush your way through narrow passageways through the Shetland Islands, following the path of Shackleton

in South Georgia or in Commonwealth Bay, one of the windiest places on earth, assuredly will stay with you for a lifetime.

1, 2

More Information 1. Antarctica XXI 2. Antarctic Exploring

For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

ANTARCTIC EXPLORING - ANTARCTICA Lindblad's Antarctica expedition might be the single greatest travel adventure of your life. Antarctica is the planet's most exhilarating destination, and Lindblad's expedition-style of travel ensures an enriching, once-in-a-lifetime experience. The journey takes place aboard their 148-guest National Geographic Explorer, a state-of-the-art ice-class vessel featuring luxury accommodations, an Internet cafe and a spa. Accompanied by veteran expedition naturalists, you will take hikes through penguin communities in pristine wilderness, cruise in an inflatable Zodiac among soaring icebergs, and kayak in quiet coves and around ice floes studded with wildlife. You will also explore places few humans have ever been – the Antarctic undersea – thanks to the skill of the onboard undersea specialists who film the aquatic wonders on HD video. In addition to Lindblad's expert crew, a National Geographic photographer helps you hone your camera skills during onboard seminars and practical instruction out in the field.

ANTARCTICA XXI - ANTARCTICA Antarctica is so spectacular, you need to take your mode of transport to the next level. Antarctica XXI not only allows you to cruise along the peninsula, spotting its incredible wildlife, but to forgo passing through the dreaded Drake Passage. Known as the roughest ocean in the world, better to see it from the safety of their BAE-146 plane. Antarctica XXI expeditions are four-star 'boutique' discovery journeys offering guests the experience of a lifetime while ensuring environmentally-responsible practices. The journeys are designed with the active adventurer in mind, with several landings each day. All expeditions are offered onboard the luxurious 68-passenger ice-strengthened vessel, M/V Ocean Nova. The trips start and/or end in Punta Arenas, Chile. The Classic Antarctica Air-Cruise (seven days/six nights) includes return air transfers from Punta Arenas, Chile to Antartica and the cruise along the Antarctic Peninsula. Special Air-Cruises include one leg to Antarctica by air and the other by sea. ANTARTICA






Sandwiched between Brazil and Argentina, tiny Uruguay has a wonderfully vibrant, yet under-the-radar, cosmopolitan feel. And since it’s only a boat ride – or quick helicopter jaunt – from Buenos Aires, you will undoubtedly notice numerous simpatico similarities between the neighbours: Lingering over coffee and wine at cosy cafés is a legitimate hobby and asados turn out perfectly charcoalroasted succulent steaks. Locals tote silver flasks filled with turbocharged yerba maté tea (helpful for those late nights) and pretty Montevideo, shines with gorgeous Spanish and Italian architecture and world-class shopping. Surrounding the capital is flat and forested countryside where the gaucho lifestyle thrives, and staying with the macho cowboys on their vast ranches is a highlight to any holiday. At Colonia del Sacramento, a UNESCO-protected village along the Río de la Plata estuary, the country’s Portuguese past is felt as you walk over the old drawbridge leading to the town’s charming cobblestone streets. During the South American summer, jetsetters descend upon sandy Punta del Este as chic hotels, restaurants and nightclubs open their doors to stylish night owls and the otherwise sleepy beach town becomes a baby St. Tropez. And when you need a break from the glossy scene, chilled-out beaches stretch up the coast towards Brazil.



Bolivia From River Plate to Atlantic Ocean 8 nights

Day 2 - Montevideo After breakfast, city tour city visiting the most important attractions. The tour will end at the Port Market where you can enjoy lunch and visit the “Candombe Museum”. Day 3 - Montevideo/Colonia del Sacramento After breakfast, transfer to the city of Colonia del Sacramento (2 hour drive). In the afternoon tour of the charming city, declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO due to its well conserved architectural structure and the mix of Portuguese and Spanish architectural styles.


Atacama Deser t

Day 1 - Montevideo Arrival to Montevideo and transfer to the selected hotel. Day at leisure. Montevideo is one of the few capitals in the world where you can nearly always see water. The beaches have white sand and salty shallow water suitable for bathing and lovely waves which make them ideal for children, the elderly and sometimes for surfers. The city offers a variety of interesting sites such as “Rambla” - the river front road and the Punta Gorda watch point.


Pampa s

Day 4 - Colonia/ Carmelo After breakfast, transfer to the town of Carmelo (1 hour drive). On the way we will visit the National Anchorena Park where the presidential estancia is located.



Day 5 - Carmelo Today we suggest a tour to the ruins of a Jesuit chapel in the north of the Province of Colonia. This tour includes visits to several wineries including Zubizarreta, where we learn how wine was born in Uruguay and find vineyards where the first grapevines were planted over 250 years ago.

Day 7 - Punta del Este Afternoon tour of Punta del Este. The name “Punta Del Este” comes from a city founded a hundred years ago. Today this part is known as the “Peninsula” Area, which is located where the waters of the River Plate meet the Atlantic Ocean. This is the most southern part of Uruguay, which was considered as the end of the continent in the 16th century. Day 8 - Punta del Este Today you will make a tour to olive plantations (tasting included) located next to the charming town of Garzon. The tour offers the opportunity to experience new feelings, spectacular views, top quality wines and selective cheeses and to learn all the secrets of the extra virgin olive oil produced in this area of Uruguay called ”the Tuscany of South America”. Day 9 - International departure After breakfast, transfer to the port or airport of Punta del Este or Montevideo.

Punta del Este

Colonia del Sacramento


Punta del Este

Argentina Andes

Day 6 - Carmelo/ Montevideo/ Punta del Este Morning transfer to Montevideo where we will visit lovely vineyards and enjoy lunch. In the afternoon we will continue towards the city of Punta del Este which is by far the most frequently visited resort city in the country and regarded as one of the best in the world.

Uruguay Ur uay y


Atlant ic Ocean

Falkland Islands

Colonia del Sacramento, Montevideo & Beyond


Founded in 1680, Colonia is a romantic time capsule of a town. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, and popular with loved-up couples and day-trippers from Buenos Aires, the preserved city juts out on a small peninsula into the Río

de la Plata. Swoon-worthy colonial architecture, cobblestone streets and profuse flowers inspire tranquillity. Like Buenos Aires, Montevideo has a Mediterranean ambience, especially along its glam shopping streets and artfully dilapidated

“The Hand” a famous sculpture in Punta del Este

LA VIGNA - COLONIA VALDENSE Built by Italian immigrants in 1880 and rigorously restored by its current owners, this former Colonia Valdense winery marries Uruguayan country life with exquisite urbane comfort. Five farmhouse rooms are tastefully decorated with antiques, paintings and recycled furniture, while a lagoon house accommodates up to six guests. From the kitchen, meals made with homemade sheep's milk cheese and organic produce and meats are healthy and delicious.

PLAYA VIK - JOSE IGNACIO Stylish Playa Vik is located in the equally chic beach town of José Ignacio. This striking contemporary property incorporates natural elements including a unique 'living roof' planted with Uruguayan wild flowers. Designed by local architect Carlos Ott, who has worked on the Paris Opera House, the six-room hotel has a dramatic 17-metre inclined façade, a massive sculpted bronze door and wide expanses of glass capturing the ocean view. Modern paintings from Zaha Hadid, Anselm Kiefer and James Turrell grace the walls, and just as striking is the 23-metre cantilevered pool made of Uruguayan black granite that juts out to the ocean.



Punta del Este

colonial old town. At the flash Punta del Este, experience Uruguay's version of the Cote d'Azur where bronzed jetsetters shop boutiques during the day and dance on sandy dancefloors until the morning light.



1. La Vigna 2. Playa Vik 3. Estancia Vik 4. Estancia Tierra Santa 5. Hotel Fasano Las Piedras

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

2, 3, 5



Achingly elegant Estancia Vik is located in the rural oceanfront countryside of JosĂŠ Ignacio. Set on 4,000 acres of rolling hills, the enormous Spanish colonial-style structure has adobe walls and a red tin roof, and covered walkways link multiple outdoor courtyards, flowering gardens and a large herb garden. All twelve suites are differently shaped and display original art conceived for each space by leading contemporary Uruguayan artists.

Luxurious accommodations await you at the first class Estancia Tierra Santa guest ranch in Carmelo. Relaxation and privacy are paramount at this posada with sophisticated food and wine, where you are pampered in deluxe suites with custom marble bathrooms and antique furnishings. Situated in one of the last unspoiled natural habitats for bird watching in the world. Offering birding tours, horseback riding, fishing, tennis, swimming and boating.

In keeping with the local theme, the restaurant serves traditional barbeque, fresh fish and seafood, locally grown fruits and vegetables and homemade breads and pastries.

HOTEL FASANO LAS PIEDRAS - PUNTA DEL ESTE The Fasano's international expansion begins in Punta del Este, with the hotel Fasano Las Piedras in the most extraordinary location in Uruguay. With breathtaking views and surrounded by exuberant nature where you can enjoy one of the most spectacular sunsets of the Uruguayan coast. Its century old tradition in fine cuisine and in the art of serving can also be experienced in the Fasano hotels in Rio de Janeiro and SĂŁo Paulo, since 2003.

Punta del Este






razil From the Andes to the Atlantic and the Amazon in between, Brazil buzzes with festivity. Renowned for its beautiful, funloving people, this immense country knows how to celebrate life. On otherworldly beaches – which seem to stretch out endlessly from the jungle, legions of perfectly bronzed locals kick around a football, practice capoeira and drink beer against a backdrop of thumping samba beats. And in Rio, the nation’s spiritual capital, and cosmopolitan Sao Paulo – and even little villages – streets pulsate with infectious energy. Come in February for Carnaval, the planet’s biggest and most raucous party, and try to wrap your head around the the fact, that in the same country – beneath impenetrable rainforest canopy – are the world’s largest number of uncontacted peoples. Contradictions and diversity define this exuberant destination, offering a window into the breadth and diversity of Brazilian culture. Brazil’s unique natural environment gifts enough activities and memories to last a lifetime. Such as kayaking through the Anavilhanas, a labyrinth of 400 islands in the middle of the Rio Negro, or exploring coral reefs off the coast of Bahia and the remote Fernando de Noronha archipelago, or motoring under the explosive Iguacu Falls, a genuine natural wonder.




Caribbean Sea

Costa Rica Panama

Colombia Ecuador

PS. Days 6 - 8 can be replaced by a 3-day nature program in the wetlands of North Pantanal.

Manaus, Amazon

Perú Barra Beach


Brazil Cuiaba, Pantanal



Salvador de Bahia




Rio de Janeiro


Pampa s


Christ the Redeemer

Argentina Andes

Day 13 International departure At scheduled time transfer to the airport to take the international departure flight.

French Guyana (France)



Atacama D eser t

Days 10 to 12 - Salvador de Bahia A visit to Salvador is a chance to step back in time, to stroll through a perfectly preserved city from the 16th and 17th centuries. It is a chance to experience Brazil’s close connection to Africa in the food, in the music and in the faces of the people. The beaches of Bahia are some of Brazil’s most varied and beautiful. They come blessed by sunshine, lapped by a warm southern ocean and infused with a laid-back spirit that is uniquely Bahian. While in Salvador you can enjoy a Half Day City Tour, a full day Schooner Cruise to the beautiful Bay of All Saints and a Dinner Show that expresses the Bahian folklore tradition.

a H ighla n


Days 6 to 8 - Iguassu / Manaus / Amazon At scheduled time transfer to the airport to take the flight to Manaus. Meet and transfer to the Lodge. Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge is a small and fashionable Jungle Hotel on the margins of Rio Negro. Here you will find diverse experiences and adventure combined with distinguished service and comfort. Day 9 - Amazon / Salvador de Bahia At scheduled time, transfer to Manaus airport to take the flight to Salvador. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel.



Days 4 to 5 - Rio de Janeiro / Iguassu At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take your flight to Iguassu. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to your hotel. The Iguassu falls beat out even Niagara and Africa’s Victoria Falls. The spectacular falls are formed by 275 waterfalls, some of which drop 81 m, making up the largest concentration of falls in the world. Catwalks and observatories will let us enjoy the magnificent falls, one of the wonders of the world. The Great Adventure, our boat ride is unique and combines the whole essence of the Iguassu National Park in one ride: the jungle and the waterfalls.



Days 1 to 3 - Rio de Janeiro Upon arrival meet and transfer to the hotel. Tucked between the mountains and the sea, Rio de Janeiro is an unusual city and certainly the part of Brazil that is best known worldwide. Rio is also one of the main sources of national culture and the cradle of three types of Brazilian music - the “choro”, the samba and the bossa nova . Tours will take you to visit the top of Corcovado Mountain climbing a flight of steps whereas the Sugar Loaf is reached by a two-stage cable car. The view of this lookout is unrivalled and this is the only site where you have a full view of Copacabana beach. In the evening: Rio by night – Barbecue dinner & Samba Show

Atlant ic Ocean


Samba and Wildlife 12 nights

Guyana Suriname


n H ighl

El Salvador

Atlant ic Ocean

Rio de Janeiro


HOTEL SANTA TERESA - RIO DE JANEIRO The Hotel Santa Teresa, the newest boutique design hotel in fabulous Rio de Janeiro, is also the city's only Relais & Chateaux property. With magnificent views over the bay and city centre, the beautiful property is located in the heart of historical Santa Teresa. Closer than any other five-star luxury boutique hotel to the main tourist attractions, the hotel has easy access to Guanabara Bay, Corcovado statue, Sugarloaf, Tijuca forest, Lapa´s nightlife as well as the famous beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema. Charming and picturesque, surrounded by colonial mansions, museums, artist ateliers and the only remaining tramway in town, Hotel Santa Teresa is in the authentic Rio, a place where high-rise buildings and traffic are replaced by red-tiled rooftops, cobblestone streets and exuberant nature. Using a tropical design concept, the Hotel Santa Teresa brings together Brazil’s rich past and dynamic present using only the finest natural elements: luxury linen, wild cotton, coconut and banana tree fibres, tropical woods, Portuguese tile, golden slate and burnt cement permeate throughout the hotel’s charming social areas and its 40 sumptuous accommodations. Design furniture and art pieces created by renowned contemporary Brazilian designers and artists such as Sergio Rodriguez, Zemog, Studio Vitty, Rock Lane, Carassa and Oficina de Agosto, blend elegantly and seamlessly with the restored colonial architecture. With a natural yet luxurious and unique environment, Le SPA features beauty and corporal relaxation treatments of Amazonian brand of Natura. For the gastronomes, the restaurant Térèze, with an industrial wood, linen and steel design is frequented by the high society of Cariocas and offers the best of French cuisine with a Brazilian flair, created by Chef Damien Montecer. The Santa Teresa Hotel has received many awards including ‘Brazil’s Best Hotel’ which was shown in the National Geographic Stay List for 2011, also ‘Best Hotel In South America’ by Conde Nast Traveller Hot List 2009 and also an award for the Panoramic Loft Suite ‘World’s Best Hotel Suite’ by Wallpaper Magazine.



Rio – the name alone conjures immediate images – the flamboyant costumes of Carnaval; the outstretched arms of the mountaintop statue of Christ; and the sandy beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana, filled with beautiful bodies and

immortalized in song. And it's easy to dive in – whether you fancy dancing to sultry samba at a club or joining the cheers of 100,000 fans at a football game at Maracana Stadium – friendly natives encourage participation. Fashionistas,

foodies and art lovers find a non-stop mecca in sprawling Sao Paulo. And in between, at the fabulous beach resorts Búzios and Florianopolis, the party never stops.

1. Hotel Santa Teresa 2. Hotel Fasano Rio de Janeiro 3. La Suite 4. Copacabana Palace Hotel

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

HOTEL FASANO RIO DE JANEIRO - RIO DE JANEIRO Located on Avenida Vieira Souto, in the heart of Ipanema Beach, the long awaited Hotel Fasano Rio de Janeiro combines the sophistication of Rio's most coveted address with modernity and efficiency in design and service. Envisioned by Philippe Starck, everything has been thought out to reverberate the glorious Bossa Nova era, when Ipanema was blossoming into the most charming neighbourhood of Rio. Guests can experience Fasano's gastronomic legacy at the elegant Fasano Al Mare restaurant and enjoy signature cocktails at the 'Sceney' Baretto-Londra. The breathtaking view from the rooftop swimming pool overlooks the beach and constitutes an attraction in and of itself.

LA SUITE - RIO DE JANEIRO A tiny and impossibly stylish luxury guest house, far enough off the main tourist drag to escape the crowds, but close enough to feel like you're in on the action. In La Suite's case, this means Joatinga, one of Rio's most exclusive residential districts, at the end of a gated street, with some of the best ocean views in the city and access to a well-kept secret: Joatinga Beach. Seven rooms is about as intimate as it gets, and as rooms, they're remarkable – well-designed, individual, luxe but not ostentatious, and best of all, all seven take advantage of the phenomenal view, from full-length windows or private balconies.

COPACABANA PALACE HOTEL - RIO DE JANEIRO Superbly positioned overlooking the sea, this glamourous Orient-Express landmark in Rio has been welcoming the rich and famous since its Art Deco doors swung open in 1923. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers danced here and the Rolling Stones tuned up in its grand salon before their 2006 concert on the beach. The magnificent pool, with its adjacent super hip Bar do Copa, are where Brazil's style-setters gather to soak up the sun. The hotel's two restaurants, Cipriani with its fabulous Venetian mirrors and fine Italian dining, and poolside Pérgula with its afternoon tea and local specialities, are destinations in and of themselves. BRAZIL



Beyond Rio de Janeiro


A stone’s throw from dynamic Florianópolis, along the Emerald Coast between Rio and São Paulo, are fabulous unexplored riches. In historic fishing villages, where clear blue water meets lush rainforest, you’ll watch women craft stunning

embroidery, scuba dive off Arvoredo Island, visit a 17th-century cachaça rum distillery, surf Praia de Fora, a deliciously deserted hideaway in Ganchos Bay, watch fisherman catch mullet in the traditional style, gaze in awe at the pristine

CASA CAIRUCU - PARATY Accessible only by boat, Villa Casa Cairucu overlooks crystal clear, protected waters of a bay in one of Brazil's most spectacular settings, just 20 minutes from the historic centre of Paraty. Framed by forested mountains and surrounded by pristine beaches and traditional fishing communities, Casa Cairucu is a singular escape. Built in 2010, the villa is modern with an outdoor fireplace and terraces showcasing the stunning views. With three double en-suite bedrooms and an additional single room, the home is perfect for families, groups of friends or for honeymooners looking for something special. Daily maid service included.

POUSADA PICINGUABA & FAZENDA CATUÇABA - SÃO LUIZ DO PARAITINGA Located between Rio and São Paulo, these elegant sister properties offer guests classic luxury accommodations, warm personalised service from an all-local staff and spectacular settings. The nine-room Pousada Picinguaba is within a nature reserve on Brazil's Atlantic coastline and surrounded by pristine beaches and forested mountains. Two hours away is Fazenda Catuçaba, nestled in palm-studded hills near the historic São Luiz do Paraitinga the ten-room hotel is actually on a self-sufficient farm that produces organic coffee, cheese, produce and cachaça rum, all of which ends up on the tables at the excellent restaurant. BRAZIL


Paraty Mirim

baroque art and architecture and velvety forest islands of Paraty, a gorgeous 18th-century harbour town – or simply snooze the day away on the empty sandy beaches. 3

1, 2

1. Casa Cairucu 2. Pousada Picinguaba & Fazenda Catuçaba 3. Ponta dos Ganchos

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

PONTA DOS GANCHOS - FLORIANOPOLIS Located on a private rainforest-covered peninsula near Florianopolis on Brazil's south coast – also known as the Emerald Coast – Ponta dos Ganchos is one of the country’s most exclusive beach resorts. Though easily accessible from Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires, you are truly in the middle of nowhere Surrounded by jewel-bright waters and dazzling white beaches on three sides, 25 charming bungalows are scattered over the side of a hill and are decorated in a simple, uncluttered style with big beds, fine Egyptian cotton, neutral colours, comfy sofas and oodles of light and imperious views of Ganchos Bay. Fabulously rustic in ambience, they feature all the mod cons. Even the smaller Luxo rooms are enormous and come with an open fire in the sitting room, walk-in wardrobes, excellent bathrooms with showers and walls of glass that open onto huge decked balconies. The Super Luxo rooms have a sauna and a jacuzzi on the balcony, and the villas have private sea-water pools and gardens as well as two showers and jacuzzi. At Ponta dos Ganchos, guests spend long days under dazzling sunshine enjoying a variety of activities, such as fishing, snorkelling, kayaking, hiking and some of the best diving on the Brazilian coast; they indulge in the ultimate relaxation at the oceanfront spa; and they feast on haute cuisine interpretations of the regional dishes, made from freshly-caught seafood and local ingredients, paired with a vintage from the 200-label wine cellar. Other amenities include a dramatic heated indoor pool, a fitness room, an oceanfront tennis court, a billiards and game room, kayaks, canoes, ecological trails and an on-site cinema with a library of 300 films for viewing. Giving back to the community is an intricate part of the hotel's guiding philosophy of, 'Teach a man how to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime'. In addition to being one of the largest employers in the city, the hotel also encourages its employees to further their education and learn a second language by paying 70 percent of their school tuition. To be sure, this is a seriously romantic and good-feeling retreat.




Salvador do Bahia & Beyond


Feel the unique fusion of European, African and Amerindian cultures in Brazil's first capital. In its UNESCO-protected old town, scrubbed-clean Renaissance buildings neighbour old-school cafes serving spicy moqueca, a 300-year-old recipe of

coconut and seafood stew. Nearby, sunbathe on islands ringed with gloriously empty beaches, drive a buggy to the sleepy fishing village of Porto de Galinhas. Bathe in coral reef tidal pools, ride a camel over sandy dunes or visit a medieval



Just an hour north from Salvador, this exclusive ecoresort combines luxury with pristine natural beauty. Surrounded by coconut groves in the middle of a rainforest preserve, the hotel boasts a nearly deserted 12 kilometre beach where sea turtles nest and lay their eggs. Just walking distance away is the charming fishermen's village Praia do Forte.

Uxua Casa is a luxury boutique hotel in the vibrant fishing village of Trancoso, on Brazil's breathtaking southeastern Bahian coast. Wilbert Das, former Creative Director of Diesel, is the brains behind this enchanting eco-chic retreat and his eye for design is evident throughout the hotel and its ten casas. With one to three bedrooms, each Casa is the epitome of rustic modernism with an architectural mix of Southern Bahian and Indian influences.

Divided amongst 18 cottages, the resort's 292 rooms are scattered over 75 acres of lush tropical gardens. Each gorgeous room is tastefully outfitted in natural fibres and features contemporary, elegant décor and stunning panoramic views of either the gardens, Tatuapara Bay, or the sea of Praia do Forte. With 25 treatment cabins, a heated infinity pool, and a large relaxation garden, Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte is home to the largest thalasso spa in Brazil. And at the property’s two restaurants, you may feast on fresh salads, homemade pastas and local fish, as well as typical Bahian delicacies like tapioca, beiju (manioc bread), and couscous.

FAZENDA SÃO FRANCISCO DO CORUMBAU - PRADO, BAHIA Set on a coconut palm farm surrounded by virgin mangrove swamps and a mile-long pristine beach, Fazenda São Francisco combines the comfort of a luxury hotel with the charming, relaxed and friendly atmosphere of a beach house. The spacious and sophisticated beachfront suites and bungalows are shaded by palm fronds and afford guests ultimate privacy and stunning views. Among myriad activities, there's world-class diving on the farm's front doorstep.

POUSADA MARAVILHA - FERNANDO DE NORONHA The serene Pousada Maravilha is located on mountainous Fernando de Noronha island, off Brazil's easternmost coast. Each of the hotel's five bungalows and three luxury apartments offers unobstructed views of the majestic sea cliffs and volcanic rock formations rising out of the emerald waters of Baía do Sueste, the horseshoe-shaped home of a marine turtle nursery. Designed by acclaimed architect Thiago Bernardes, this unique, sustainable pousada combines rusticity and comfort, and features an excellent restaurant, infinity pool, and a spa. In 2009, Condé Nast Johansens named Maravilha the 'Best Small Hotel in South America'.



fortress in Rio Grande do Norte. Next, jet off to the isolated archipelago, Fernando de Noronha, to scuba dive with lemon sharks in warm crystalline waters.

5, 6 7

4 1 2, 3

1. Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte 2. Uxua Casa Hotel 3. Fazenda São Francisco do Corumbau 4. Pousada Maravilha 5. Vila Kalango 6. Rancho do Peixe 7. Txai Resort

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

TXAI RESORT - ITACARE, BAHIA Nestled between the ocean and the mountains, on Itacarezinho Beach, at the cocoa coast of Bahia state, Txai Resort surprises its guests with an inspiring atmosphere. The architecture, inspired by the old cocoa plantation houses, combines maximum comfort with the charm and rustic appeal of Bahia. The bungalows are simply romantic and the meals served are healthy using simple and light recipes, but at the same time are sophisticated. The days are full. Its palatial deep-blue pool is steps from the beach and the hill-top spa can take you closer to heaven. You will wake up to an ocean view before commencing your day when you can soak up the local culture and nature with one of the hotel’s daily – river rafting, hiking or riding to forest waterfalls or surfing. It is the perfect location to escape from urban stress.

VILA KALANGO - JERICOACOARA – CEARÁ Oceanfront Vila Kalango commands an idyllic spot along Brazil's northern coast where the beaches of lovely Jericoacoara village are considered to be some of the most beautiful, and hidden, in the world. Built with native materials like moracatiara wood, carnaúba straw and mud bricks, the main villa and 24 open-air bungalows are surrounded by coconut and cashew nut trees, and cosy nooks with hammocks and comfy couches. When not soaking up the area's famous sunsets, guests feast on Mediterranean-Brazilian cuisine at the restaurant; have a massage at the spa; or lounge by the pool where the sea and the sandy dunes are a sight.

RANCHO DO PEIXE - JERICOACOARA – CEARÁ Located on a serene beach along Brazil's northern coast, this hotel features a collection of quaint thatched bungalows. Some of the casitas are near the coconut plantation; others offer alluring, unobstructed views of the sunsets. On the edge of Jericoacoara National Park, Preá Beach is one of the best spots in Brazil to practice kitesurfing and windsurfing. The hotel has a school on the premises where guests can sign up for kitesurfing classes. Other facilities include a large pool, spa and restaurant. The eco-friendly rancho uses biodegradable cleaning products, is immersed in community projects, and recycles both water and garbage.




Amazon, Pantanal & Iguassu Falls


The treasures of the Amazon create indelible memories. Like, how about the time you swam with pink dolphins in the Rio Negro or crept through a tributary, in a wooden canoe, that lead to a remote indigenous community? Or paddled through the

macaw-filled Anavilhanas, the world’s largest river archipelago, or were enthralled by a show at the Teatro Amazonas, a Belle Époque opera house in middle of the jungle? While you’re at it, stay in the area, saddle up and trample through the

CAIMAN ECOLOGICAL REFUGE - PANTANAL Caiman Ecological Refuge is located on a 53,000-hectare (130,965-acre) ranch in the Pantanal wetlands, a mega-diverse area designated by UNESCO as a World Natural Heritage and World Biosphere Reserve. On the Caiman property are two lodges: the six-room Baiazinha, which is on the shores of a lake, and the six-suite Cordilheira, which is built on stilts next to a forest. Both lodges offer charming farm-style accommodations and provide up-close contact with the phenomenal Pantanal wilderness. Among the myriad activities, guests enjoy horseback rides through the wetlands, bird-watching tours, photo safaris, and canoe trips.

ANAVILHANAS JUNGLE LODGE - MANAUS, AMAZONAS Small and fashionable, the Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge is located across from Anavilhanas National Park, on the edge of Rio Negro (Negro River) and 180 kilometres outside of Manaus. Nestled amidst the forest are 20 exclusive suites arranged in combined cottages or individual bungalows. The Lodge is the only Hotel in Northern Brazil to be part of the Associação de Roteiros de Charme (Charm Itinerary Association), the greatest authority in quality artisanal lodging for boutique hotels in Brazil, following the principles of low-impact intervention to conduct tourism activities responsibly and in harmony with the local community.

HOTEL DAS CATARATAS - IGUASSU NATIONAL PARK As the only hotel within Iguassu National Park, 203-room Hotel das Cataratas enjoys an unrivaled location. This classic Orient-Express retreat is a former colonial residence and just steps from the sensational, thundering falls. Though exquisitely refined, wild adventures await outside its doors, like whitewater rafting, helicopter trips over the massive gorge and jungle treks to view amazing wildlife including colourful toucans and giant butterflies.




savannahs and flooded plains of the Pantanal on horseback and get drenched as you speedboat under the 275 roiling cascades of Iguassu Falls, one of the great wonders of the world.


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More Information

1. Caiman Ecological Refuge 2. Hotel das Cataratas 3. Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge

For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.







eru Once you see the Andean highlands of Peru, you’ll understand why the Incas saw this place as the nucleus of their empire. Hypnotically tumbling into the Pacific Ocean, the highlands are enchanting to the point of mystical. Cradled by cloud-shrouded peaks, surrounded by cultivated fields of quinoa, the Inca erected stone temples without mortar, laid roads the length of the country and melted gold into every form imaginable, from walls to hand plows. Eight centuries later, we still dream of watching the sun rise behind the glorious Machu Picchu or hiking the mythical Inca Trail. This spellbinding country has desert-meets-sea beaches, lush Amazonian jungle and magnificent volcanoes, as well as captivating cities that inspire travellers of all types. Wander through a 1st-century adobe city, feel colonial ghosts in their glorious Cusco cathedrals, fly over the mysterious Nazca desert drawings, visit the Uros people on floating islands in Lake Titicaca and feast on alpaca steak and ceviche in stylish eateries in Lima. Or go off the beaten track to the alabaster city of Arequipa, spot condors from a gorge twice as deep as the Grand Canyon, buggy over dunes in Paracas and sail to Peru’s version of the Galapagos Islands. Though synonymous with the spectacular Inca ruins, Peru is hardly a one-trick pony.




Land of the Incas 14 nights



Day 1 - Lima Upon arrival into Lima, meet and transfer to the hotel. Day 2 - Lima / Iquitos At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Iquitos where guides will await you for a 4 days/3 nights Aqua Cruise Expedition on the Amazon. From the moment you step on board, you will enjoy the atmosphere of low-key luxury; you are bound to start one of the great adventures of your life.


Days 3 to 4 - Amazon Catch your first glimpse of the majestic Amazon River and watch the sun rise over this green world filled with wonderful wildlife. This initial contact with Amazonia is only a brief sampling of what the rest of your journey will hold: a fishing trip, jungle walks, visits to native villages and lectures by Naturalist Guides.


Perú Puerto Maldonado

Days 7 to 8 - Machu Picchu You will arrive to the Aguas Calientes Station in Machu-Picchu where you will be transported by bus to the top of the mountain and citadel of Machu-Picchu, one of the most renowned examples of Inca architecture. Morning to enjoy a second visit of the ruins (on your own). Afternoon train back and then transfer to Cusco


Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu




Lake Titicaca


Atacama Deser t

Day 14 - Puerto Maldonado / Lima Return trip by boat takes you to Puerto Maldonado for departure flight to Lima. Upon arrival transfer to hotel. In the afternoon visit colonial Lima’s downtown and San Francisco church. Make sure to go round Larco Museum, a private collection that makes visitors understand more than five thousand years of ancient Peru’s history.



Day 6 - Lima / Cusco Transfer to airport for flight to Cusco. Upon arrival reception and start of your tour to Sacred Valley. You will be transferred to Ollantaytambo, an Inca vestige that was a military, religious and agricultural centre. The narrow streets and water channels are still used by the locals. Overnight in the Sacred Valley.

Days 11 to 13 - Cusco / Puerto Maldonado Flight to Puerto Maldonado. Welcome, registration and 45 minute transfer by boat along Madre de Dios river to Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica. After a short briefing, you would settle into your beautiful cabaña or enjoy the nature presentation at the Eco Center. During your stay you will enjoy excursions along Lake Sandoval and the Canopy Walkway, 29 meters above the forest ground.

a H ighla

A m a z on

Day 5 - Iquitos/Lima Transfer to the airport for a flight back to Lima

Days 9 to 10 - Cusco City Tour will show you the amazing colonial city built on the foundations of the Inca palaces. Among other attractions you will visit the Temple of the Sun, where you can appreciate the incredible masonry of the Incas. Next morning visit the huge circular terraces near Moray and the colonial town of Maras, also famous for salt.



Day 15 - Lima International departure.

Pampa s


Lima & Beyond

Perched on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, along the outlet of the Rímac River, Peru's capital is spectacularly placed. Uncover its colonial past in old town and its shiny present in modern bistros focused on the country's evermore-popular

cuisine. Beyond Lima, fly over the mysterious Nazca Lines or to Paracas where laid back, nearly deserted beaches possess a raw beauty. Amongst the sand dunes, have a candlelight dinner under the stars, kayak around Galapagos Islands of Peru,

NAZCA LINES Located in the Pampa of San Jose and on an area of 50 kilometres, the geoglyphs depict animals and plants, some of these figures may reach up to 300 metres long and occupy an area of 1,000 square metres. The lines are almost imperceptible at ground level; only viewed from above do they form their spectacular vision. Thirty-minute tourist flights leave from the Nazca airstrip in the morning and early afternoon.

MIRAFLORES PARK HOTEL - LIMA Set in one of Lima’s most fashionable areas, the Miraflores Park Hotel takes you straight to the heart of all that’s best about this great capital city. Renowned for its beautiful garden location beside the Pacific Ocean, it has breathtaking views out to sea. Like all Orient-Express hotels, the Miraflores Park Hotel combines personalised service, exceptional dining and indulgent facilities to create the perfect base from which to explore. Colonial architecture, superb museums with Inca gold and Pre-Columbian antiquities, and glamourous shops, bars and restaurants are all just moments from the hotel.

LIBERTADOR PARACAS – LUXURY COLLECTION - PARACAS Libertador Paracas is a perfect place to rest on the Peruvian coast, travelling three hours by car or 45 minutes by plane from Lima. It is located near a nature reserve where you can admire marine life and where the Paracas culture flourished nearly two millennia before the Incas. Featuring 120 rooms and suites Libertador Paracas has two restaurants, a bar lounge, a luxury spa, and a wide variety of activities available. Let yourself be surprised by the warmth and authenticity of this luxury accommodation, in a world in which you will be the main character. All you need to do is leave everything in our hands and enjoy your stay. Nazca



the Ballestas, to encounter friendly penguins and seals, or raft down a little-known whitewater stretch of the Vilcanota River in the Sacred Valley of the Incas.

1. Miraflores Park Hotel 2. Libertador Paracas – Luxury Collection 3. Nazca Lines

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More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.





Cusco & Machu Picchu


Visiting enchanting Cusco, high up in the Andes, is like walking through a living museum of Peruvian history. Colonial churches and mansions sit atop granite Inca walls and streets are still known by their indigenous Quechuan names. As

the ancient Inca capital, Cusco is the gateway to the Sacred Valley, a basin that cradles scenic highland villages and the Inca Trail that leads to Machu Picchu. Amongst green-coated mountain peaks perpetually swathed in ribbons of clouds,



Seeking the sumptuous side of Peru? Inkaterra offers experiences befitting the realm which was once the South American jewel in the Spanish crown.

Cusco city is considered the archaeological capital of Latin America, where it is possible to discover the impressiveness of the Inca and Colonial culture. The renowned Hotel Monasterio is an exceptional architectural piece from XVI century. This antique monastery, restored into a hotel, has a distinctive collection of paintings; as well as luxurious personalised service that is reflected in every aspect of your stay.

Inkaterra itineraries are utterly opululent, absolutely customized and cater for extraordinary expectations. Featuring their three exclusive properties: Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica in the Southern Amazon jungle, Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel and Inkaterra La Casona in Cusco – they create tailored, exclusive trips to connect you with nature, adventure, culture — and each other. From the Amazon to the Andes this is an astounding adventure to share with friends and family.

RIO SAGRADO HOTEL - SACRED VALLEY OF CUSCO Located in a privileged place in the Urubamba Valley, Hotel Rio Sagrado allows its guests to enjoy magnificent views of river Urubamba, from all the rooms. It has been designed to appreciate the natural surroundings, while enjoying a picnic or a barbeque or participating in a mystical ceremony that will take you back to ancient Inca ceremonies.

INKATERRA LA CASONA - CUSCO Inkaterra La Casona is an exquisite 16th century colonial mansion located in the heart of Cusco, the historic Inca capital. As the first Peruvian hotel to become a member of the exclusive Relais & Châteaux, La Casona is the standard-bearer of excellence. Lovingly restored to its original splendour for its 2009 debut, the building authentically retains the patina of a bygone era. And with only 11 suites, the luxurious boutique hotel exudes the intimacy and romance of a private home. La Casona landed on Condé Nast Traveller's 2011 'Gold List' of the world's best hotels and Travel + Leisure's 2009 'It List'. Inca Trail



the phenomenal ‘lost city of the Incas' sits like a proud lion. Approach by hiking the fabled trail or aboard a train – making sure you see the ruins at sunrise.

1. Inkaterra La Casona 2. Hotel Monasterio 3. Rio Sagrado Hotel 4. Machu Picchu Lodge to Lodge Trek 5. Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel 6. The Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

MACHU PICCHU LODGE TO LODGE TREK Follow the footsteps of the Incas and experience an extraordinary adventure during which you will encounter Peru at its most beautiful and enigmatic. This trek takes you from the base of towering Mt. Salkantay to glorious Machu Picchu. During this unique seven-day experience, you will hike uncrowded ancient trails through 15 different biozones, traverse a mountain pass at 4,600 metres, see the convergence of three rivers, discover communities where locals maintain age-old traditions, and witness the majesty of Machu Picchu, the crown jewel of the Inca Empire. Guests spend their nights in intimate and comfortable lodges located at strategic points along the route. Each offers well-appointed rooms, gourmet Andean cuisine, outdoor jacuzzi and sauna, and cosy reading areas. Mountain Lodges of Peru strictly adheres to Fair Tourism practices, and so by embarking on the Machu Picchu Lodge to Lodge Trek, you will be financially supporting several projects concerning local social and environmental issues.

Santo Domingo, Cusco

INKATERRA MACHU PICCHU PUEBLO HOTEL - MACHU PICCHU TOWN This luxury boutique hotel is tucked inside the Machu Picchu Historical Reserve. Spread out over 12 acres of tropical cloud forest, the intimate Inkaterra is designed to feel like an Andean village. Eighty-five one and two-storey cottages nestled into terraced hills, feature alpaca blankets and fireplaces and are connected by lovely stone pathways. Spa services use sublime natural essences, and a first-class restaurant boasts stunning views of the Vilcanota River. Guided nature excursions include observing endemic birds, sacred pre-Inca pictographs, and 372 types of native orchids in the hotel garden.

THE MACHU PICCHU SANCTUARY LODGE - CLOSE THE CITADEL, AT THE ENTRANCE At the edge of the Machu Picchu citadel located over the mountain that accesses the lost city of the Incas, The Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge is a place where nature’s lovers will be able to discover the wonderful orchids’ species that grow all the year inside the property and sample the authentic local gastronomy.




Arequipa, Puno & Lake Titicaca


Down south, surrounded by soaring snowcapped volcanoes is Arequipa, an elegant colonial town nicknamed ‘White City'. Appearing like a mountain mirage against the dark charcoal coneshaped volcano El Misti, its buildings are made

of bright white petrified volcanic ash. Drive to Colca Canyon where condors glide over a gorge twice as deep as the Grand Canyon, and continue east towards the Bolivian border to the highest navigable lake in the world, to the stunning and

El Misti, Arequipa

TITILAKA HOTEL - PUNO, AROUND TITICACA LAKE Titilaka, a modern all inclusive lodge on a remote peninsula on the Peruvian shores of Lake Titicaca, offers a luxurious refuge from which to explore the treasured natural, cultural and historical resources of this mystical region. Surrounded by stunning scenery and pristine geography Titilaka's contemporary design and comfort integrates with the natural environment. All 18 rooms have lake views and heated floors; suites have spa bathrooms with overflow tubs. The hotel is not only a welcoming lodge full of contemporary comforts and caring services, but a place designed to integrate with the environment and pay homage, if you wish, to the cultures of Lake Titicaca.

LAS CASITAS DEL COLCA - YANQUE TOWN, NEAR CHIVAY TOWN AT COLCA The Colca Valley, located in Arequipa, south of Lima, has one of the deepest canyons in the world. Las Casitas del Colca is located in this peaceful setting, offering a sensation of harmony that fuses with the environment. This makes it the perfect retreat to get in touch with nature whether you ride a Peruvian Paso horse, feed the alpacas or take a walk through the vegetable gardens.



At 3,800 metres above sea level, Casa Andina Private Collection Puno perches on the water's edge of Lake Titicaca, taking full advantage of its privileged location and extraordinary vistas. A majority of the hotel's 46 rooms boast unparalleled lake views, the hotel's gourmet restaurant is enclosed by a glass wall framing the lake and gardens, and a large, sunny terrace invites guests to contemplate Lake Titicaca's seemingly endless expanse.

Built from local materials, the solar powered ecolodge shelters below flower-strewn terraces on a 106 acre private island on Lake Titicaca. Home to many bird species, rare vicunas and vizcachas, Suasi is a magical place to disconnect. Hike, paddle, or visit the massage room and sauna. All 24 comfortable and cosy rooms plus the private Andean Cottage have panoramic lake views. Cuisine fuses Andean ingredients with modern techniques.

Built from rustic local materials, including stone, wood and clay tiles, while stone fireplaces warm the lobby lounge and restaurant.



sacred azure waters of Lake Titicaca. From Puno, jump in a boat and sail to the lake's magical floating islands, where the pre-Incan Uros tribe still makes their home.

1. Titilaka Hotel 2. Casa Andina Private Collection Puno 3. Las Casitas del Colca 4. Casa Andina Private Collection Isla Suasi 3

1, 2, 4

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

Colca Canyon




Northern Peru


Chan Chan



Geographically diverse and culturally fertile, the northern coast and highlands of Peru are criminally overlooked. Yet, here is an embarrassment of riches: beaches, mountains, deserts, verdant valleys and phenomenal

archaeological sites. Isolated in the Andes, pre-Inca civilizations built wondrous places to see. From Trujillo, the ‘City of Eternal Spring,' venture to the UNESCO World Heritage Chán Chán, the world's largest adobe city, or to the

3,000-year-old Huaca de la Luna and Huaca del Sol temples built by the Moche peoples, or overlooking the mystical Utcubamba Valley, there's the mindboggling Kuelap stone fortress and aqueduct built by the Chachapoyas peoples.



More Information 1. Gocta Andes Lodge 2. Libertador Trujillo

For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

GOCTA ANDES LODGE - CHACHAPOYAS Imagine looking out to the mystical Peruvian Andes and some of the world's tallest waterfalls from the comfort of your bedroom. Lovely Gocta Lodge, in the tiny village of Cocachimba 1,800 metres above sea level, affords this soulful luxury. Designed so views of the rushing Gocta waterfalls may be enjoyed in total relaxation, each of the hotel's ten rooms has either a balcony or a terrace. Even the gardens and swimming pools face the spectacular falls, ensuring maximum visual impact wherever you look. Surrounded by this tranquillity and beauty, accommodations are spacious and comfortable, and the hotel's excellent restaurant serves the finest local ingredients on a fabulous terrace perfect for both dining and sunbathing. Just 42 kilometres from Chachapoyas, the colonial capital of the region, the lodge is wonderfully situated for day hikes to fascinating and historically important preIncan ruins like the Kuelap fortress and Karajia sarcophagi.

LIBERTADOR TRUJILLO - TRUJILLO Located on a privileged corner of the city's main plaza, Libertador Trujillo is surrounded by the main Cathedral and other buildings from Colonial and Republican times. The hotel is only ten minutes away from the pre-Incan ruins of Chan Chan, the largest adobe city in the world, and the impressive Sun and Moon Temples, two of the main attractions in town. Libertador Trujillo has 79 spacious rooms that offer internet access, minibar, air conditioning and other amenities that make all guests feel at home and enjoy high-quality service. The hotel is a great choice in the city as a starting point to visit archaeological sites.





The Amazon


Plunge deep into the country's massive tracts of hypnotic jungle. In the pristine wilderness of the Tambopata National Reserve, stay at a charming lodge, raft rapids and hike through the pre-dawn clamor to the world's largest clay lick to spy on

hundreds of feasting macaws and parrots. Or cruise through the great rivers in the utmost of luxury, and, in between snooze in comfy cabins, watch monkeys dance overhead and pink dolphins skim the water's surface. In the Pacaya Samiria

AMAZON RIVER CRUISES - PERU Experience the world as it was at the very beginning of time. Every week of the year, the award-winning Aqua Expeditions takes passengers deep into Peru’s Amazon wilderness to places only visited by a fortunate few. Daily excursions on launch boats take guests to see such incredible wonders as pink dolphins and six-foot-wide water lilies, and to venture to local communities to meet the people who live deep in the forest. The guests aboard the M/V Aqua and the new M/V Aria enjoy the finest wine and haute cuisine, in the kind of personalised luxury and comfort you'd expect of a five-star boutique hotel. Executive Chef Pedro Miguel Schiaffino, one of Peru’s culinary superstars, created both of the vessels’ mouthwatering gourmet menus. The M/V Aqua is Aqua Expedition's 130-foot flagship. Its 12 luxury suites feature large, outward facing panoramic windows and en-suite sitting areas. All suites are airconditioned, and four are interconnected to accommodate families. Common areas such as the dining room, bar, observation deck and outdoor lounge are perfect for mingling with fellow travellers. The brand new 147-foot-long M/V Aria has 16 oversize staterooms featuring en-suite seating areas, sumptuous beds, and wall-to-wall panoramic windows. In addition to these amenities, the M/V Aria also boasts an exercise room, excursion skiffs with large seats and a rooftop jacuzzi and sun deck. This vessel will run three, four and seven night itineraries alternating with the M/V Aqua's departures to provide more options for travellers. The M/V Aria will venture to a different area of the Pacaya Samiria Reserve, a place abundant in fascinating Amazon wildlife. Aqua Expeditions operates every week of the year, and all of the Amazon River cruise departure dates are guaranteed. Travellers can book three, four or seven-night journeys. Included in the all-inclusive rate are all meals and beverages while onboard, all launch boat excursions, transfers to/from vessel when arriving on recommended flights as well as the Pacaya Samiria entrance fee.



National Reserve, visit an indigenous community, or take a nighttime canoe ride in search of the terrifying reptilian caimans.

1, 2

3, 4

1. Amazon River Cruises – Peru 2. Delfin Amazon 3. Tambopata Research Centre 4. Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

DELFIN AMAZON - IQUITOS Deep in the Peruvian Upper Amazon, the Delfin I and Delfin II super-luxury vessels take you into the world's largest protected flooded forest, the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve. In this birdwatching heaven, you encounter extraordinary creatures like howler monkeys, sloths, and other rare species that can be viewed during the daily excursions. Voyages also include visits to native villages, canoeing in a remote lagoons, opportunities to swim with pink river dolphins, fishing, daytime hiking, and night safaris in the rainforest. Each vessel is like a floating boutique hotel. Wood-panel suites are fitted with orthopedic mattresses, top-of-the-line Peruvian cotton linens, and eco-friendly toiletries. The recently relaunched Delfin I offers four premium suites, which have amazing floor-to-ceiling windows, a private terrace and a mini bar. (Two of the rooms are Deluxe Master Suites and have jacuzzis.) The Delfin II boasts ten Standard Suites and four Master Suites with similar amenities and world-class service and comfort.

TAMBOPATA RESEARCH CENTER - PUERTO MALDONADO The Tambopata Research Centre is a simple but comfortable 18-room lodge adjacent to the world's largest macaw claylick. In the heart of the uninhabited wilderness of the Tambopata National Reserve in the southeastern Peruvian rainforest, this pocket-sized operation is the headquarters for explorations of Amazonian nature and wildlife. Established to protect and study the magnificent macaws, Tambopata has, for more than a decade, hosted a team of international scientists studying the birds' ecology, physiology, and genetics. Perfectly remote and peaceful, the closest neighbour (the security guard) is 20 kilometres away.

INKATERRA RESERVA AMAZONICA - PUERTO MALDONADO Founded in 1975 by a Peruvian film producer, this luxury all-inclusive eco-resort sits in the middle of an ecological reserve in the Amazonian rainforest. Remote yet accessible, Inkaterra is perfect for families and adventurous honeymooners. Featuring 35 comfortable, indigenous-style cabaĂąas and a spa located on the banks of the Madre de Dios River, Inkaterra has been named 'Best Jungle Lodge of South America' by the Latin American Travel Association. Exciting excursions include a trip to the spectacular 344m (1129ft) long and 30m (100 ft) high canopy walkway, which includes an overnight stay at the brand new Tree House.






cuador Wedged between Colombia and Peru, little Ecuador is one of the most geographically and culturally diverse countries on the planet. Split by the Andes, a rocky spine of snowcapped volcanoes, the ancient Amazon is to the east, and to the west are misty bird-filled cloudforests, untouched coastline and of course, the awe-inspiring Galapagos Islands. One day you’ll pick through hand-woven wool sweaters at a chilly indigenous market in Otavalo; the next day you’ll sweat all over your binoculars while spying on howler monkeys in the Amazon jungles of the Oriente. For the adrenaline junky, the choices are outrageous. Mountaineering and trekking are world class (try the Quilatoa Loop); toss in some horseback riding and surfing and you’ll go home with a happily aching body. For the culture vulture, Ecuador’s indigenous heritage of traditional costumes and highland markets will enchant you. Ecuador’s exquisite capital Quito is the perfect base. Before jetting off to explore, meander the majesty that is the city’s UNESCOprotected old town, the largest and best preserved in South America, drive north to stay at historic colonial haciendas and horseback in the countryside past Inca ruins.




Guatemala Andes and Galapagos 14 nights Day 1 - Arrival in Quito Upon arrival a welcoming reception and transfer to the hotel. A documentation kit, detailed program explanation plus luggage and hotel registration assistance is offered. Overnight in Quito

Nicaragua El Salvador Costa Rica

Days 2 to 4 - Mashpi Lodge Mashpi Lodge is set within a 1.000-hectare private reserve, which is part of the globally important bio-region that stretches from Panama to northern Peru along the Pacific slopes of the Andes. At proper time on Day 04, overland transfer back to Quito for accommodation.

Panama Venezuela

Day 5 - Quito Today we will offer a wonderful tour through the streets and main squares of Quito Historic Centre, first city in the world to be declared “World Cultural Heritage” site by UNESCO in recognition for its architectonic and artistic value. Day 6 - Quito / Cuenca At proper time, transfer from hotel to airport to take flight to Cuenca. Upon arrival, assistance at the airport and transfer to hotel. The Southern highlands display very talented artisans and the villages in the surroundings of Cuenca have lots to offer. Visit the artisans at their workshops for Panama Hats at Sig Sig, and the unique Ikat cotton weavings near Gualaceo all in a very different setting with super bargains.

Caribbean Sea


Gu Galapagos Islands


Mashpi Lodge


Cotopaxi Volcano


A m a z on

Day 7 - Cuenca The Inca fortress on Ingapirca is by far the most important archaeological site left by the Inca Empire in Ecuadorian territory.

Guayaquil Cuenca

Day 8 - Cuenca Cuenca is considered the most prominent artisan centre in Ecuador. The variety and quality of the fine handicrafts are remarkable and make this region a commercial centre that joyfully surprises the visitors. Day 9 - Cuenca / Guayaquil At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take your flight to Guayaquil. Upon arrival, assistance and transfer to the hotel.


Galapagos Island



Day 10 - Guayaquil / Galapagos Transfer from hotel to airport in Quito to take domestic flight to the Galapagos Islands. Days 10 to 14 - Cruising the Galapagos The unique combination of converging marine currents, a volcanic geological structure and the oceanic isolation of the islands has resulted in this “melting pot” of endemic species, found nowhere else on earth. Today, as a strictly protected National Park and the world’s first natural area designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, the Galapagos are also one of the world’s most fascinating tourist destinations and a true Wonder of Nature….. All meals included from lunch on arrival day to Galápagos to breakfast on departure day.


Day 14 - Galapagos / Guayaquil / Quito Upon arrival to Quito, assistance at the airport and transfer to hotel.


Day 15 - International departure At proper time, transfer from hotel to airport to take international departure flight.


Quito & Beyond

Nothing prepares you for the approach into Quito. Cradled in a ring of snow-capped volcanoes, this stunning high-altitude Andean capital is breathtaking. And after a 250 million-dollar investment, its copious colonial churches, convents

and monasteries have been scrubbed and polished to perfection. Walk its cobblestone streets during the day when cafes serve freshly-squeezed juice from dozens of tropical fruits. Explore the northern highlands on horseback and stay at romantic

HACIENDA SAN AUGUSTIN DE CALLO - COTOPAXI Just over an hour south of Quito you'll find the beautiful Hacienda San Augustín de Callo. Built on the site of an important Inca palace, this farm offers knowledgeable travellers an unsurpassed glance of the rich and diverse past of Ecuador. The walls, perfectly carved out of huge volcanic rocks, constitute a reminder of long gone indigenous workmanship. The dining room, with its single window opening in front on Mt. Cotopaxi, offers a perfect atmosphere to enjoy local Ecuadorian gastronomy. Two of the Inca-built rooms which have survived the passing centuries have been converted into the Chapel and the dining room.

PLAZA GRANDE - QUITO The Hotel Plaza Grande rises above Quito's central square, known as the Plaza de la Independencia. The unique location is convenient to the emblematic buildings of the colonial era. You will find Quito's history in the spectacular buildings nearby: La Compañía church, the Cathedral, the churches of San Francisco and Santo Domingo, the City Museum (Museo de la Ciudad), to name just a few. Furnished with pieces in noble woods and following standards of the Spanish colonial era, the 15 suites combine the flavour of long-ago times with every detail that a modern five-star hotel could require.



This fabulous 31-suite boutique hotel occupies a grand 1640 mansion on the corner of Plaza San Francisco in the geographical and spiritual heart of Quito's Old Town. Classified as Historic Heritage by UNESCO, its sophisticated interior includes painted tin ceilings and woodwork lovingly and painstakingly restored, and combined with chic contemporary touches, for its 2011 opening. The now famous rooftop terrace has wrap-around views of the city.

The eco-conscious Huaorani Lodge lies in the heart of pristine virgin Amazon rainforest. Accommodating only ten guests at a time, in five comfortable thatched-roof cabins, the intimate retreat offers rare and fascinating encounters with the area's incredible biodiversity as well as the isolated indigenous group, the Huaorani, who call the forest home.

MASHPI LODGE - NEAR QUITO The graceful, modern Mashpi Lodge provides the perfect base for exploring the hugely biodiverse tropical forests on the western slopes of the Andes. Located inside its own ecological reserve, the 22-suite Mashpi is two and a half hours northwest of Ecuador's capital, Quito and opened in 2011. Powered by its own hydroelectricity, the intimate ecofriendly hotel is made almost entirely of glass, allowing for maximum views of the spectacular nature.



During your stay, it's possible to extend the cultural journey, and meet the Secoya people, known as the magicians of the forest, a highly cultured group whose paintings are highly prized. Secoya Lodge offers them a way to keep their traditions and conserve their forest territory.

centuries-old haciendas. In Otavalo, browse South America's largest handicraft and textile market. Or venture west to the Mindo cloudforest to explore pre-Incan burial mounds and see how many of the 400 species of birds you can spot.



6, 7 1, 2 5

1. Plaza Grande 2. Casona de San Miguel 3. Mashpi Lodge 4. Hacienda San Augustin de Callo 5. Huaorani Ecolodge 6. Hacienda Pinsaqui 7. La Mirage

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

HACIENDA PINSAQUI - OTAVALO Hacienda Pinsaqui is ideally situated at the base of the Imbabura Volcano, just north of the worldfamous Otavalo market and only two hours from Quito. Its location also allows effortless access to the region's many attractions: the lakes of San Pablo, Cuicocha and Mojanda, as well as the white colonial city of Ibarra and local handicraft villages like Cotacachi. The unique hacienda makes an ideal base. Whether you are looking for outdoor pursuits, relaxation, antiques or handicrafts, and whether you are single, a couple or a family, your are guaranteed that a few days at Hacienda Pinsaqui will make your stay in Ecuador unforgettable.

LA MIRAGE - COTACACHI Perched on an Andean hillside just a two hour drive north of Quito, La Mirage is a contemporary resort built on the grounds of a 200 year old Hacienda in 1985. Fragrant hummingbird-filled gardens, 23 large exquisitely furnished rooms and suites, impeccable service, and gourmet food compromise the package that is the La Mirage experience. Enjoy breakfast and lunch in the hotel's glass pavilions on the lawn while watching peacocks strolling and hummingbirds flying by. It is the details of this resort that secure its position in the esteemed Relais & Chateaux Association, which stand for the Five C's: Calm, Charm, Character, Courtesy and Cuisine.

La Virgin de Panacillo, Quito




Luxury Cruising, Galapagos


Though Charles Darwin was one of history’s great minds, he probably didn’t imagine the day when large luxury ships carrying groups – armed with binoculars and perfectly shaken cocktails – would cruise through his favourite archipelago. But it’s

because of him and his inspired theories we all dream of visiting Galapagos. Sailing on these large, glorious vessels is as smooth as honey and the luxe amenities make this type of adventure a multi-layered treat. In between island jaunts,

YACHT LA PINTA - GALAPAGOS ISLAND La Pinta offers the ultimate luxurious adventure in the Galápagos Islands. The stylish 63-metre yacht accommodates 48 guests for full-week Friday-to-Friday expeditions. After days filled with intense wildlife exploration and aquatic activities, you return to the haven of relaxation and tranquillity of the ship. Tastefully appointed accommodations and facilities – and gourmet cuisine – add an air of old-world romance and sophistication.

M/V SANTA CRUZ - GALAPAGOS ISLAND Metropolitan Touring's flagship passenger vessel, the 90-guest M/V Santa Cruz, was built exclusively for exploring the fascinating Galápagos Islands. With three spacious decks and a length of over 72 metres, this family-friendly, air-conditioned ship offers a variety of Master Suites and Standard Cabins for expeditions lasting seven, four, and three nights. Both classes come with the same high-quality standards of comfort and cuisine. Sally Lightfoot Crab, Galapagos

GALÁPAGOS CRUISING A Lindblad–National Geographic Galápagos expedition goes well beyond the limits of the typical cruise, enabling you to fully experience all that these remarkable islands have to offer. With two agile expedition ships and a fleet of Zodiac inflatable boats, their weekly tours allow you to go almost anywhere you desire any time of year. Uniquely populated with animals lacking a natural fear of man, you may observe and photograph these fascinating creatures up-close. Giant tortoises still wander the islands and blue-footed boobies perform elaborate courtship dances. Flightless cormorants, swimming iguanas and tropical penguins are all part of the astonishing array of life here. Travelling with an inspiring team of expert naturalists and a Lindblad-National Geographic-certified photo instructor, you will learn about the history of the islands and the lives of the animals as well as be given pointers on how to capture your adventure on film. Also included in this unforgettable experience are hikes, kayaking, and snorkelling. ECUADOR


relax in the mini-pool or jacuzzi, explore sea creatures from a glass-bottom boat, feast on fivestar cuisine or read up on the blue-footed boobies in the library.

1. Yacht La Pinta 2. M/V Santa Cruz 3. Galapagos Cruising 4. M.V. Eclipse

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

M.V. ECLIPSE - GALAPAGOS ISLAND Situated 1,000 kilometres off the coast of Ecuador, the Galรกpagos archipelago consists of 19 islands and more than 40 islets, created six million years ago when they emerged from the Pacific in a flurry of volcanic activity. Each island forms a unique ecosystem, encompassing a rich variety of endemic species: from Galรกpagos penguins and waved albatrosses to flightless cormorants and swallow-tailed gulls, not to mention the giant tortoises that give the archipelago its name. Here, there is jaw-dropping wildlife in action everywhere you turn. Considered the finest Galรกpagos expedition vessel, the M.V. Eclipse offers unrivaled cabin space and ample social areas while preserving the atmosphere and exclusivity of a smaller yacht. Over two decks, 26 rooms accommodate 48 passengers. Fully air-conditioned, the spacious cabins have either a queen or twin bed arrangement, and all feature gracious sea views. A well-equipped lounge hosts nightly briefings, and a wellstocked library allows you to research any flora and fauna that piques your interest. In addition to the elegant indoor dining room, there is an al fresco dining area, where you can enjoy the islands' spectacular scenery over a delicious lunch. One of the most popular areas on board is the observation/sun deck, which is ideal for stargazing, whale watching, or simply lazing in the jacuzzi. From your comfortable base aboard the M.V. Eclipse, you explore the highlights of the islands. For all expeditions, passengers are divided into groups of a maximum of 12 people, each with its own naturalist guide. During the main holiday seasons, the ship runs special family departures, during which specialist guides are assigned to educate and entertain the children, while the adults enjoy the cruise at their own pace. The Galรกpagos Islands also offer a unique interaction with nature, and their name is synonymous with survival and the celebration of the diversity of species on Earth. Respect for the environment is a priority aboard the M.V. Eclipse, therefore the outfit is certified within the Rainforest Alliance 'Smart Voyager' Programme.





Small Ship Cruising & Accommodation

An intimate way to explore these enchanted islands is to take a small luxury ship. With only 16 passengers, these cruises offer a more customised experience and in-depth interaction with guides. Though smaller, the ships do not

lack for sumptuous amenities, such as cabins with balconies, world-class cuisine and common areas with jacuzzis and solariums. Landlubbers might prefer an eco-friendly hotel or glamping in a tented safari, both of which afford the rare

TREASURE OF GALAPAGOS - GALAPAGOS ISLAND The newest addition to Creter Tours' illustrious fleet is the Treasure of Galรกpagos, a first class mega catamaran. Cruising with the most inclusive itineraries, the vessel allows you to enjoy the enchanted islands in an elegant and relaxed atmosphere. The specialised crew includes a hotel manager, who is committed to make every trip an unforgettable experience, and guides who introduce you to the wonders of the islands. Each detail on board has been designed according to the most exigent parametres of comfort and safety. Though it's a larger vessel, it retains the exclusivity of a smaller one. Allowing for only 16 passengers, there is one master suite and eight junior suites, all of which have a private balcony. Onboard meals include gourmet Ecuadorian and international cuisine. Other amenities include a jacuzzi, library, areas for TV and DVD screening and four solarium areas. Creter Tours has nearly 20 years of experience and this gorgeous new catamaran was bestowed a green patent from the Ministry of Environment.

GALAPAGOS ODYSSEY - GALAPAGOS ISLAND The M/Y Galapagos Odyssey is a first class boat offering the highest level of comfort while exploring the Galapagos Islands. Built for an intimate group of 16, this yacht is luxurious, private and its ecoconscious design reduces the impact of travel on the fragile Galapagos ecosystem. The layout of the cabins and common spaces offers groups loads of flexibility. With ten accommodations in total, there are six with twin beds, two matrimonial cabins for couples or for group leaders and two have queen-size beds. Each one is spacious (214 sq. ft./20 sq. mts) with private bathrooms featuring a hot and cold water shower, a desk, sofa, mini-bar, closet and very large windows that can be individually opened. Common amenities include a jacuzzi, an al fresco dining area and spacious sun and shade decks. Tours last five, six, ten and eleven days, depart all year and are led by certified nature guides. Combining exciting itineraries with world class service in stylish accommodation, the Galapagos Odyssey will deliver the trip of the lifetime. ECUADOR


privilege of living amongst the island wildlife. And the tents are luxurious and fun, with custom-made furnishings, exquisite bedding and fabulous views.

1. Treasure of Galapagos 2. Galapagos Odyssey 3. M/Y Grand Odyssey 4. Galapagos Safari Camp 5. Finch Bay Eco Hotel

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

M/Y GRAND ODYSSEY - GALAPAGOS ISLAND The brand new luxury cruise M/Y Grand Odyssey, launched on February 2011, combines luxury, privacy and comfort in the marvellous setting of the Galapagos Islands. This luxury yacht has a capacity for 16 passengers, features eight spacious suites and one Odyssey Suite equipped with panoramic windows to enjoy the wonderful landscapes of the islands, private bathroom, hot/cold water, air conditioning with independent controls, minibar, TV and connecting suites for families. Local and International dishes especially designed by the chef, are served in the cosy atmosphere of the dining room. Facilities onboard include large solarium with shaded and uncovered areas, two Jacuzzis, comfortable sun loungers and a Mini Spa offering therapies and massages. Social areas include Saloon, mini library and video library. Snorkelling gear and kayaks will be available without any extra charge. M/Y Grand Odyssey complies with local and international safety.

GALAPAGOS SAFARI CAMP - GALAPAGOS ISLAND Nestled in the wild highlands of Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos Safari Camp offers glamping and an authentic inland experience with stunning views over the Pacific Ocean and the National Park. It is a new way of discovering the archipelago following the African safari tradition in which guests enjoy total comfort in their tents while experiencing nature in its purest form. It was conceived and built out of passion, with a stylish central lodge perched on a hill enjoying panoramic views, nine luxury tents scattered below and a timeless infinity pool under a canapé of endemic trees.

FINCH BAY ECO HOTEL - GALAPAGOS ISLAND Located on a road-less side of the Galápagos Islands' main town, set back from an idyllic sandy bay, the award-winning Finch Bay Eco Hotel is perfectly placed to be practical, while remaining peaceful, relaxing and inimitably Galápagos. The hotel, which implements best practices in sustainable tourism throughout its operation, makes the ideal base for land-based exploration of Santa Cruz Island and for day-trips to nearby islands aboard its own yachts. Fans of scuba diving find it ideal. The Galápagos Marine Reserve is second in size only to Australia's Great Barrier Reef, and ranks among the world's best dive sites.





entral America Bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east, this verdant and bountiful isthmus boasts profound natural beauty, remnants of mysterious ancient civilizations, mountains rife with coffee and bananas and a mind-boggling array of flora and fauna. Whether you’re a culture vulture in search of Mayan pyramids and 16th-century colonial architecture, or an adventurer hankering to explore offshore coral reefs, thick jungles and volcanic peaks – or you’re just simply looking for the perfect beach on which to relax, Central America satisfies any agenda with diverse tastes and possibilities. Best are the people you’ll meet. Skip from country to country on open-boats over chocolaty waters, witness colourful modern Mayan life, not much changed over the centuries, or kick back in a Garífuna village, the home to African-Carib culture. Central America – including Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and, parts of southern Mexico – is distinctly apart from its bigger, more well-known American neighbours. That it remains a mystery to so many, makes the trip all the more rewarding.



The Bahamas

Mexico Cuba Belize lize Juayua Waterfalls

Colours of Central America 17 nights Days 1 to 6 - Guatemala City / Antigua / Panajachel / Guatemala City Guatemala City sprawls across a range of flattened mountains scored by deep ravines at an altitude of 1500 metres. The capital was moved here by the Spanish rulers in 18th century and the city holds a fine collection of prehistoric and Mayan findings in its National Museum. All significant colonial buildings are in the nearby old capital of Central America, Antigua which is considered one of the finest examples of urban planning in Latin America. You will be touring the most important Mayan communities and experience the local market day in Chisticastenango in all colours and flavours. You will see volcanoes and cross the beautiful Lake Atitlan. On day 6 optional guided tour to the ruins of Tikal in the middle of tropical rainforest. Days 7 to 13 - San Jose / La Fortuna / Tortuguero / Puerto Viejo de Talamanca In Costa Rica you will experience volcanoes, crater lakes, thermal springs, pristine beaches and a wide variety of the miracles of nature. In Arenal National Park you will walk on the hanging bridges in the canopy of the rainforest and observe nature from another perspective. You will be acquainted with coffee and banana plantations and learn about the importance of the yellow fruit. In Tortuguero National park you will glide through narrow channels and observe impressive wildlife like crocodiles, monkeys, turtles, iguanas and a lot of birds. Following the Caribbean coast you will reach Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, a small village with lovely ambience and in the nearby Manzanillo National Park you will meet more inhabitants of the jungle. On many days afternoons are dedicated to leisure and you can enjoy the gardens and the beautiful Caribbean beaches. Days 14 to 18 - Bocas del Toro – Panama City In Guabito, the Panamian border village your new guide will load your luggage on a boat and drive to the island group of Bocas del Toro. You will be accommodated on the main island Colon where the main attractions are the beaches and the underwater world, inviting for snorkeling and diving. You will make a boat excursion to Laguna Bocatorito where you can admire dolphins and taste some delicious seafood in a nice local restaurant. From Bocas del Toro you will fly to Panama City where you will have a guided city tour and you will visit the Miraflores locks to get your first impressions of the Panama Channel. On day 17 you will board a large ship for the unforgettable partial cruise of this technical miracle. On day 18 transfer to the International Airport of Panama City.


Panajachel Antigua


Jamaica ma maic


Honduras Port


Guatemala Guat Gu atemal emal

San Salvador

Dominican Republic


El Salvador


Caribbean Sea


La Fortuna Tortuguero

Costa Rica ca

San Jose

Puerto Viejo de Talamanca Bocas del Toro

Panama City

Panama Bocas del Toro







San Jose, Costa Rica Cruising & Beyond

Stay a day or two in sprawling San Jose to wander the labyrinthine streets of Barrio Amón, browsing arty boutiques, and sipping on a café con leche amidst wonderfully restored coffee baron mansions. Then voyage to Pacuare River for a rafting safari through

the rainforest to luxurious thatched-roof bungalows where, in between visits to local shaman and naturalist-guided hikes, meals are served on china. Or explore the narrow canals of Tortuguero with binoculars to spot all manner of herons, monkeys,

PACUARE LODGE - PACUARE RIVER Nestled between a private 840-acre rainforest reserve and the spectacular Pacuare River, the Pacuare Lodge has one of the finest locations in Costa Rica. The retreat's 19 bungalows and suites offer constant exposure to tropical nature while offering an exceedingly elegant ambience. Overlooking the river, the lodge's excellent open-air restaurant offers exquisite meals with freshbaked whole grain breads, homemade desserts and the tantalizing sights, sounds and scents of the tropical rainforest. Excursions like whitewater rafting, visiting waterfalls, hiking through the jungle, and visiting local villages ensure adventure and a unique cultural immersion. Every step of the way, you'll notice the hotel's dedication to the environment and local communities, ensuring guests have a positive impact on – and impression of – this magical area. Two- to six-day packages include transfers from San Jose, an optional rafting trip on the Pacuare River, professional guides, equipment, accommodations and three delicious meals per day.

Baby Three-toed Sloth



three-toed sloths and caiman before slinking off for a stone massage at the spa. Or take a cruise along the Pacific Coast, anchoring at offshore islands for nature treks and a dip in the clear waters before making a transit to the legendary Panama Canal.

More Information 1. Pacuare Lodge 2. Manatus Hotel

For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

COSTA RICA & PANAMA, LINDBLAD EXPEDITIONS Dividing oceans and uniting continents, Costa Rica and Panama are home to some of the most beautiful and diverse natural regions anywhere in the world. Lindblad's 62-guest National Geographic Sea Lion is the perfect platform for exploring the long coastlines and vast swaths of protected marine areas, as well as the engineering marvel of the Panama Canal. Their active, engaging, and casual style of expedition travel means they have the resources and knowledge to immerse you in this wild landscape, enabling you to become an active explorer, where other cruises offer only the passivity of tourism. In the company of the world’s leading naturalists and a Lindblad-National Geographic-certified photo instructor, you will voyage into remote wildlife sanctuaries and explore Costa Rica's wild Osa Peninsula. When you want to go even deeper, Lindblad is able to employ their fleet of Zodiac inflatable boats and sea kayaks to explore at water level, and offer gear for snorkelling for an extraordinary experience beneath the sea.

Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica

MANATUS HOTEL - TORTUGUERO The romantic Manatus Hotel is located along Costa Rica's Caribbean coast near the village of Tortuguero. Each of the 12 luxurious units features two queen-size beds, a private patio with outdoor shower, air conditioning, cable TV, and a mini-bar. Included with the room are VIP amenities such as massages and facials, kayak tours, a hike in the national park, a visit to Tortuguero, and gourmet Afro-Caribbean dishes at the hotel's restaurant. A la carte services include exciting excursions to turtle nesting sites, fishing and canopy tours. This first-class property also boasts a swimming pool, gym, and satellite Internet.





Pacific Coast, Costa Rica

Welcome to the Gold Coast, the most coveted holiday destination in the country. Marked by creamy white beaches stretching hundreds of kilometres, lovely Guanacaste region is a testament to Costa Rica’s stellar eco-conscious

efforts. Despite demand and development, so much of this coastline remains pristine for your hiking, swimming and fishing pleasure. Just north is the stunning, yet so far out-of-the-limelight Nicoya Peninsula, where nearly deserted beaches

CALA LUNA BOUTIQUE HOTEL & VILLAS - TAMARINDO Recently renovated with a new exquisite design, Hotel Cala Luna's refreshed image is fantastically stress-free and eco-chic. Located on Langosta Beach on Costa Rica's northern Pacific coast, the hotel matches its natural surroundings with the creative use of organic and recycled materials. Throughout the lush four-star property, winding pathways weave through tropical gardens, connecting charming adobe-walled and timber-roofed villas – each with its own private pool – and the hotel's excellent Cala Moresca Restaurant and La Caletta Lounge. The boutique hotel has the perfect vantage point for the most spectacular sunsets. Visible yearround, they are so breathtaking even the wildlife pauses to watch the golden sun sink into the rippling sea. Langosta has long been the favoured setting for weddings and honeymoons, and the staff take the utmost pride and their attention to detail to create an unforgettable moment. Allow them to arrange adventure excursions to explore the region's fantastic natural wonders.

HOTEL PUNTA ISLITA - NICOYA PENINSULA Built in the 1990s, Hotel Punta Islita is a granddaddy of Costa Rica's luxury eco-resorts. This attentively run Guanacaste mainstay shares its crescent-shaped stretch of beach with a neighbouring village, Islita, which has been transformed into a thriving outdoor community art project by Costa Rican artists. Spread in tiers down a hill above the Pacific are the hotel's 23 private bungalows and thatched-roof villas including the enormous casita suites and their private plunge pools. At sea level, guests laze between beach, the mushroom-shaped pool, restaurant, and landscaped gardens at the Borrancho Beach Club. The hotel offers activities like zip-line tours through the rainforest canopy, golf, hiking, bird-watching, and kayaking, as well as more eco-conscious ones like leatherback sea turtle encounters and cultural visits to the surrounding communities. Afterwards, a popular pastime is retreating into the spa for a hot-volcanic-stone massage before retiring to a hammock to watch the sun set over the Pacific. CENTRAL AMERICA


have ocean, river and mountain views and charming fishing villages have a cool boho ex-pat community. Be sure to join (or watch) the surfers taking on the epic waves at Nosara, one of the country’s top breaks.

1, 2, 3, 4, 6 5

1. Cala Luna Boutique Hotel & Villas 2. Hotel Punta Islita 3. Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica 4. L'acqua Viva Resort & Spa 5. El Remanso Rainforest Wildlife Lodge 6. Finca Austria

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

FINCA AUSTRIA - NOSARA Finca Austria is a secluded nature, sport and health resort located in Nosara, on Costa Rica's northwest Pacific coast. With breathtaking ocean, mountain, and river views, the farm's main house features a stunning infinity pool and a soothing hot tub inside a thatched hut. Accommodations on this lush estate include a hacienda-style villa and a private cottage with private pools, as well as luxurious suites catering especially to honeymooners and families.

FOUR SEASONS RESORT COSTA RICA - PENINSULA PAPAGAYO This uber-glam Four Seasons is situated in a pristine corner of exclusive Peninsula Papagayo. Many of the hotel's 155 rooms, hillside suites and villas are perched on stilts over the Pacific Ocean, and thus filled with the salty breezes and soothing sounds of the surf.

The resort has myriad activities to keep you busy, such as language courses, salsa dancing, surfing, golfing, fishing, yoga classes, horseback riding, tennis, soccer, jogging on hiking trails, and exercising at the fitness centre. Excellent guided excursions – to see sea turtles and waterfalls, zipline over the canopy, or spend a night on San Juanilo beach – offer memorable encounters with nature. When not running around, relaxation comes easy with detoxifying salt scrubs and deep-tissue massages, and delicious fresh meals served under the sun or the stars.

Stretching over 45 acres of native trees and flowering plants, the accommodations are built with local wood in traditional styles to blend seamlessly into the surroundings. And there's lots to do: Sunbathe at two beaches or three pools, indulge in the world-class spa, tee off at the 18-hole Arnold Palmer-designed golf course, or nosh at four great restaurants.

L’ACQUA VIVA RESORT & SPA - NOSARA L´acqua Viva Resort & Spa is idyllically located within the exuberant vegetation of the Nosara Coastal Forest Preserve and Wildlife Refuge along Costa Rica's Pacific coast. Within walking distance are the white sand beaches of Pelada and Guiones, one of the area's best surfing spots. True to its name ('live water'), the hotel's 35 luxurious Balinese-style bungalows are surrounded by pools of water, giving the relaxing feeling of floating.

EL REMANSO RAINFOREST WILDLIFE LODGE - OSA PENINSULA This incredible Osa Peninsula retreat offers incredible pleasures, namely, wildlife viewing from the deck of your rainforest cabin, and the most breathtaking beach dotted with tidal pools, waterfalls and a lagoon. Outside the comfort of your treehouse, enjoy waterfall rappelling, hiking trough primary forests, birdwatching, memorable tropical cuisine or even a relaxing massage. At El Remanso, you live inside the forest in the lap of luxury. CENTRAL AMERICA




Rainforest & Volcanoes, Costa Rica

Actually finding the volcanic beauties in the lush Central Valley is part of the fun. Drive through pristine rainforest, past picturesque towns, looking out for Rinc贸n de la Vieja, with its steaming geysers and fumaroles; Arenal, rising

above the forest in perfect conical symmetry; Iraz煤, whose approachable summit spies both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea; and Tenorio, looming over the breathtaking sky-bluewaters of the Celeste River. Or trek through the

NAYARA HOTEL, SPA & GARDENS - ARENAL Tranquil Nayara Hotel, Spa & Gardens is one of the most truly romantic retreats. Set amongst 15 acres of lush gardens and verdant Costa Rican rainforest, its 44 free-standing bungalows overlook the imposing (and active) Arenal Volcano. Each spacious casita has a private terrace with a jacuzzi tub and an outdoor shower, which is the perfect escapist setting for vacationing couples.

BORINQUEN MOUNTAIN RESORT & SPA - RINCON DE LA VIEJA On a 12,000-acre ranch overlooking the Rinc贸n de la Vieja volcano, this sprawling resort offers elegant villas, bungalows and junior suites. Replete with all the modern amenities, these spacious accommodations have been designed with rustic touch. Sloped ceilings are made from local wood and porches and balconies are wide and private, ideal for soaking up the breathtaking scenery, fresh highland air and gorgeous sunsets. At the spa, volcanic mud baths, hot springs, and a wooden sauna heated by steam from a fumarole, allow you to take advantage of the curative properties that have long been attributed to this mineral-rich area.

EL SILENCIO LODGE AND SPA - BAJOS DEL TORO Located on 500 private and lush acres, punctuated with hidden waterfalls and a tropical cloud forest, the all-inclusive El Silencio Lodge & Spa is a cutting-edge eco-retreat. Sixteen generouslysized stand-alone suites are embedded in the rainforest and feature premium amenities such as a viewing deck and an outdoor whirlpool. Flanked by two national parks, El Silencio rewards guests with crisp mountain air, hidden waterfalls, picturesque villages, wellness cuisine, spa, yoga and eco-adventures. Ideal for honeymoons, relaxation getaways and wellness travel, the secluded hideaway releases the stress and tension of everyday living.



And there's lots to do. Sneak off to a wooden barrel jacuzzi hidden in the gardens; relish a private candlelit dinner for two in a secret location; soak in a rose petal hot tub listening to the sounds of nature under the night sky; or rejuvenate in the spa set within the rainforest. While at the spa, choose from several different face and body treatments that use local ingredients like volcanic mud and coffee. Or enjoy the fresh cuisine at Altamira restaurant or classic vintages at the Nostalgia Wine Bar. At Nayara, guests experience total immersion into nature while enjoying highly personalised service and modern comforts and amenities.

Osa Peninsula forest, one of the planet’s most biologically diverse places before going south to Ballena Marine National Park to dive and snorkel the thriving coastal reefs.

2, 6 4

1, 3 5

1. El Silencio Lodge & Spa 2. Borinquen Mountain Resort & Spa 3. Nayara Hotel, Spa & Gardens 4. Cristal Ballena Hotel Resort & Spa 5. Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge 6. Rio Celeste Hideaway

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

RIO CELESTE HIDEAWAY - TENORIO VOLCANO NATIONAL PARK The Rio Celeste Hideaway is a luxury boutique hotel and resort nestled within the untouched jungles of northern Costa Rica. Amidst this dramatic, lush natural beauty, the property offers guests a high level of sophistication, comfort, and style. The Hideaway's exotic and secluded locale also provides the ideal romantic vacation. With large windows and private balconies, the hotel's 26 spacious casitas are immersed in the sights and sounds of the rainforest. Each one is a cocoon of comfort, featuring air-conditioning, luxury linens, a plasma TV, an outdoor shower and jacuzzi.

PLAYA NICUESA RAINFOREST LODGE - GOLFO DULCE With the dramatic Pacific Ocean as the front yard and the pristine tropical rainforest as the back yard, Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge is often called Selva y Mar (Jungle and Sea).

Just steps from the hotel is Tenorio Volcano National Park, home to the brilliant sky blue waters of the mineral-rich Rio Celeste. The whole area is incredibly diverse and the hotel offers guided activities to enrich your visit, such as bird-watching, rafting, hiking, biking, horseback riding, and excursions to Caño Negro, a rustic village near the Nicaraguan border, and a boat trip through Palo Verde National Park to spot sloths and monkeys.

Perched on a large stretch of black-sand beach along the Golfo Dulce, the lodge is exceedingly private and accessible only by boat. Nestled within the resort's 165 acres of dense jungle are five wooden cabins – each with an outdoor shower and a private verandah – and the main lodge building. Striving to achieve environmental harmony, the open-air buildings are solar-powered and made of naturally fallen wood and recycled materials.

CRISTAL BALLENA HOTEL RESORT & SPA - COSTA BALLENA Near the Ballena National Marine Park on Costa Rica's rugged west coast, the gorgeous four-star 18-suite Cristal Ballena has a splendid setting. And the hilltop views of the Pacific Ocean and the surrounding rainforest-covered mountains are staggering. Elegantly appointed, each suite is airconditioned and has a private balcony from which to gaze at the hypnotic waves. Pura Vida, the hotel's restaurant overlooks a dreamy swimming pool and the magnificent ocean, and features sophisticated menus filled with fresh local fish and produce. At the spa, situated in the lush tropical park, luxurious treatments and steam baths await.






Tiny as a postage stamp, Belize has an outsized beauty. Mountains and Mayan temples are swaddled in jungle, and underneath the sea, a cornucopia of sharks and fish paint prismatic landscapes.

1. Blancaneaux Lodge 2. The Lodge at Chaa Creek

BLANCANEAUX LODGE - PINE RIDGE, SAN IGNACIO Francis Ford Coppola discovered Blancaneaux Lodge in 1981 while searching for a lost paradise rumored to be hidden in the mountains of Pine Ridge. When he found it, it was abandoned. He jumped into the falls of Privassion Creek and thought it was a wonderful place to write. Tucked away in a pocket of the Maya Mountains, Blancaneaux Lodge is a 20 room luxury resort. Privassion Creek flows through the property with tumbling waterfalls that create refreshing swimming holes. Blancaneaux Lodge offers modern comforts in an entirely self-sustained jungle sanctuary.

THE LODGE AT CHAA CREEK - MACAL RIVER, SAN IGNACIO Set within a pristine 365 acre nature rainforest reserve bordered by the tranquil Macal River and the foothills of the Maya Mountains. Gorgeous garden paths connect 23 cottages, an excellent restaurant, jungle lounge and lead to the pool, Hilltop spa, Natural History Centre, Butterfly Farm, Maya Medicinal Plant Trail and the secluded Macal River Camp. Accommodation options include lovely thatched cottage rooms, suites and villas with indoor and outdoor private Jacuzzi and sundecks surrounded by lush tropical gardens. Kilometres of rainforest trails are perfect for hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding and guided nature walks. Belize



1. The Lodge at Pico Bonito

Crowds have yet to come, so hike, bird watch, raft, dive and take pleasure in untracked jungles, clean rivers, coral reefs and cobblestone villages clinging to leafy hillsides, in near solitude.



THE LODGE AT PICO BONITO - LA CEIBA Set on the base of the Pico Bonito National Park, amongst 400 acres of tropical wilderness and lush gardens, this luxury jungle lodge couldn't be more perfectly placed. Situated in one of Central America's largest unexplored rainforests, Pico Bonito lies between two roaring rivers with kilometres of private trails, spectacular waterfalls, brilliant flora and fauna, and of course, breathtaking views. The lodge has 14 cabins, each one with its own private verandah enveloped by the sights and sounds of the forest. When not on exciting excursions, guests relax by the pool, get pampered in the spa and indulge in gourmet cuisine.

Roatan island






exico Ever since Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortez first scoured the land for golden treasures in 1519, curious travellers have come in search of enriching experiences. Mexico’s ancient myths and romantic tales are as alluring as the landscape, shapeshifting from majestic mountains and tropical forests to sandy deserts and dreamy beaches along two coastlines. A patchwork of enormously different native American cultures – from the Aztec and Mayan empires to the colonial era and the current multitude of regional identities – make the country a dynamic and constantly surprising place to travel, no matter what sort of adventure you seek.



United States

Flavours of Mexico 13 nights


Days 1 to 3 - Mexico City Discover Mexico, the land of the Aztec and the Mayans whilst traversing incredible scenery. Despite the fall of these mighty empires its descendants and cultural traditions are kept alive in the modern world. A journey to this beautiful country takes you into the heart of a vibrant and passionate nation full of colour, music, art and history. The Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon in Teotihuacan are the best examples and cannot be missed. Days 4 to 6 - Oaxaca Oaxaca is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the economic, cultural and political centre of one of the most fascinating areas in Mexico. The region is host to 16 ethnic groups including the mighty Zapotecs and Mixtecs who once ruled this part of the ancient empire. These vibrant cultures still maintain many of their centuries-old traditions providing incredible opportunities to look back into Mexico’s colourful past. With its hidden jungles, high mountains and some of the deepest caverns in the world Oaxaca has much to offer. Days 7 to 8 - Uxmal Uxmal is one of the most magnificent and best restored ruins in Yucatan and is also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Enjoy this wonderful area visiting The Loltun Caves, the largest and most studied caves on the peninsula. Days 9 to 11 - Merida Merida’s remote Mayan roots, superb colonial monuments and the splendour of its 19th century architecture make it a captivating mixture of cultural influences. Visit Izamal, the “City of three cultures” which is one of the oldest cities in Yacatan bringing together elements of the prehistoric, colonial and contemporary eras. Discover Ek Balam (black jaguar) archaeological site located inside the Mayan jungle; refresh at the Mayan Cenote, once the only resource for fresh, sweet water in the Yucatecan jungle. Days 12 to 14 - Riviera Maya Visit Chichen Itza, the most famous Mayan temple city and one of the new Seven Wonders of the World. Spend three days in the Mexican Caribbean with its long white sandy beaches; discover the Tulum archaeological site considered one of the most beautiful Mayan ruins sitting high on the cliffs above the sea.

Yucatán Peninsula






Riviera Maya


Belize Oaxaca





Nicaragua El Salvador Costa Rica Panama

Colombia Ecuador

Mexico City


Soak up a tapestry of sights, tastes and sounds from over 1,000 years of cultures, from pre-historic peoples, Aztec, Spanish colonizers, Art Deco architects, and now young artists, who’ve breathed life in to this exciting, colourful capital city.


1. Four Seasons Hotel Mexico, D.F. 2. Las Alcobas 3. Casa de Sierra Nevada 1, 2

CASA DE SIERRA NEVADA - SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE Boutique hotel Casa De Sierra Nevada is a collection of perfectly restored Spanish colonial buildings, located one and a half blocks from the main city square and cathedral of San Miguel de Allende. Its 37 rooms and suites are spread amongst six mansions, including Casa del Parque, a 17th-century fort and customs house catering to the silver trade, and Casa Principal, a 16th-century historic landmark that used to be the residence of San Miguel de Allende's archbishop.

FOUR SEASONS HOTEL MEXICO, D.F. - MEXICO CITY As the only AAA Five Diamond awarded hotel for 16 consecutive years in Mexico City, the Four Seasons Hotel Mexico is a blend of classical European and Mexican-style architecture. Most of the guest rooms and suites face the peaceful central courtyard. All guest rooms feature LCD screens, DVD players and i-Home docking stations, as well as luxurious marble bathrooms with tub and separate shower. El Bar, offers an American breakfast buffet and a variety of light options for lunch and dinner. Reforma 500, the main restaurant, serves dainty contemporary Mediterranean cuisine.

LAS ALCOBAS - MEXICO CITY Las Alcobas, an aesthetic marvel designed by renowned power duo Yabu Pushelberg in the fashionable Polanco district of Mexico City. The upscale property provides premier in-room spa amenities and personalised services for guests, ensuring that your stay is not just comfortable but artfully enthralling. The masterfully designed hotel in Mexico City, a former residence, has been ingeniously crafted into a series of private “home-away-from-homes” expressed as intimate alcoves. Rest on sumptuous goose down bedding, bathe in sunken marble bath tubs and scented oils, and experience a refinement in hospitality. Experience Las Alcobas.



Each casona, or mansion, features five to seven guest rooms or suites, and is completely unique. Many feature outdoor courtyards with fountains, small gardens and al fresco corridors. Staying here allows you to immerse yourself into the town itself, forgetting that you are actually staying at a hotel. The experience is akin to living in your very own beautiful, historic apartment. In the centre of each building, there is an inner courtyard where guests sit and enjoy the afternoon sun or the balmy evenings when lighted candles create a romantic ambience.

1. Guaycura Boutique Hotel & Spa 2. Banyan Tree Cabo Marqués



Oozing with bygone glamour, the Pacific Coast boasts the legendary port of Acapulco, the palmfringed beaches of Puerto Vallarta, the worldclass resort towns Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo and the epic surfing at Troncones.

Pacific Coast


GUAYCURA BOUTIQUE HOTEL & SPA - BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR This chic hotel is in the centre of Todos Santos, a small Baja fishing town and artist's colony. Encircled by charming colonial buildings and roads, romantic Guaycura is part of the fabric of the village's history: its former lives, spanning 150 years, include police station, post office and art academy. Now its 14 lovely rooms are the lap of luxury, decorated with dark wood furnishings, rustic tile floors and sumptuous beds. The restaurant and bar have so much atmosphere, guests linger there for hours. Well, either there or the hotel's sky deck where views of the ancient town and the Sea of Cortez are incredible.

BANYAN TREE CABO MARQUÉS - ACAPULCO Experience the breathtaking sunsets of Acapulco at Banyan Tree Cabo Marqués. Named for its location in the exclusive residential development of Cabo Marqués in Acapulco Diamante, the resort is a 20 minute drive from Acapulco International Airport. Offering 45 luxury private pool villas with generous living areas all perched on stilts over a dramatic cliff with breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean. Exceptional dining options abound from sunrise to sunset: Wake up to an ocean-view breakfast, luxuriate poolside while enjoying lunch, take in the sea breeze at sunset cocktails and indulge in sweet endings under the stars. Acapulco



Yucatan Peninsula


Separating the Caribbean from the Gulf of Mexico, this neck of land features an incredible mix of seaside resorts, mystical ruins, colonial cities and natural beauty. Along the famed Mayan Riviera, Cancún’s powdery

white beaches compliment a raging nightlife; Playa del Carmen’s chic boutique hotels border the Quinta Avenida, rife with hip cafés and restaurants; and in Tulum, stylish ecoconscious inns host yoga classes on the beach.




And in the the colonial cities of MĂŠrida and Campeche, seek out the plazas for traditional music and dance performances and feast on local staples like pork in achiote sauce or yummy fried bananas.

1, 3 2

1. Hotel Esencia 2. Casa Oaxaca 3. Maroma Resort and Spa by Orient-Express

More Information For further information and quotes please contact Aktiv-Resor tel: 0200 62900, sales@aktiv-resor.fi, www.aktiv-resor.fi.

MAROMA RESORT AND SPA BY ORIENT-EXPRESS - RIVIERA MAYA The fabulously elegant Maroma Resort and Spa is a secluded, luxurious hideaway on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, nestled on the edge of the turquoise Caribbean and protected by 200 acres of jungle reserve. Tucked among lush gardens, shaded by coconut palms on one side and open to the dazzle of sun and sea on the other, are the retreat's 65 rooms suites, including spacious Sian Nah oceanfront suites with plunge pools and private fitness rooms. All accommodations feature king beds, luxury baths with sunken tubs and large private balconies with colourful hammocks offering views of the lush gardens or Caribbean sea, only steps away, gentle waves wash against one of the world´s finest beaches.

HOTEL ESENCIA - RIVIERA MAYA NEAR PLAYA DEL CARMEN Hotel Esencia is a quiet, seaside refuge along one of Mexico's finest beaches. Just 20 minutes south of Playa del Carmen, this 50-acre beachfront estate has spectacular Caribbean vistas, two pools, a day spa, a gourmet restaurant, and an indulgent atmosphere befitting royalty.

On the fantastic property are two restaurants, which offer a superb range of Mexican cuisine in rustic yet sophisticated settings, and a world-class spa where treatments are based on ancient Mayan healing techniques. When not enjoying the creamy white sand beach, guests explore some of Mexico's great heritage sites and underwater caves.

In fact, the property was once the exclusive retreat of an Italian duchess. Her former room, now the Master Ocean View Suite, is the hotel's most popular. With big windows and terraces with sea views, all 30 rooms are tastefully appointed with native wooden ornaments, padded sofas moulded into the room and huge comfy beds with stone headboards.

CASA OAXACA - OAXACA Casa Oaxaca, a sprawling, traditional building still alive with stories and secrets, located in the heart of Oaxaca, land of colour and song. Less than a kilometre away from El Zocalo, or the main square and just as close to the museums that litter this Mexican art capital. With seven rooms of limestone-coated walls, profound light, exquisite interior design; each one embellished with contemporary art work. A haven for extraordinary flavours. Choose from an ample variety of dishes prepared fresh for you on the spot, conserving the rich, delicate aroma of highquality local produce.





Dominican Republic

Summertime never ends in ‘DR,’ as locals call it, where sugar-white beaches are shaded by palm trees, vibrant coral reefs and shipwrecks lie in wait in the translucent waters, and the island’s 500-yearold Spanish colonial history is still felt on the electric streets of Santo Domingo.

1. Casa Bonita

CASA BONITA - BARAHONA This transcendent hotel is located in Barahona, in the still unspoiled and secluded southwest region of the Dominican Republic. Next to the only biosphere reserve in the country, and nestled within a vast tropical forest replete with rivers and mountains, Casa Bonita has a regal pitch on a hilltop overlooking the Caribbean Sea. This former private vacation retreat is still family-owned and provides 12 cabana-style rooms. Each one boasts dramatic views of the phenomenally beautiful surroundings. At the restaurant, guests feast on yummy local dishes prepared from fresh produce straight from the organic garden on the premises. Casa Bonita

PHOTO CREDITS Sincere thanks to all the companies and photographic contributors whose support have made this publication possible. All information contained in this publication is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent from the owner. While every endeavour has been made to ensure complete accuracy, the publisher cannot be held responsible for any errors, changes or omissions. All images are copyright of their respective owners and cannot be produced without prior consent. Brochure Design koolivoo.com.au | Powered by didgigo.com



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