The Ultimate To Do List Latin America 2014-15 by Aktiv Resor

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Latinalainen Amerikka

Tervetuloa Aktiv-Resorin maailmaan Aktiv-Resor Oy on todellinen kaukomatkojen asiantuntija. Palvelumme on henkilökohtaista ja paneudumme matkanne yksityiskohtiin mielellään kasvotusten keskustellen. Pian 30 vuoden kokemuksella tiedämme, miten yksilölliset, asiakkaan toiveiden mukaan tehdyt matkakokonaisuudet toteutetaan ja hyvä palvelu on osa sitä ylellisyyttä, jota pystymme matkustajillemme tarjoamaan. Aktiv-Resorilla ette siis asioi kasvottoman tiimin tai mykän näyttöruudun kanssa vaan kaikki matkanne järjestelyt tehdään luottamuksellisessa yhteistyössä kohteet tuntevan ja kokonaisuuden hallitsevan kaukomatka-ammattilaisen kanssa. Tiedämme mitä myymme ja kokemuksen tuoman ammattitaitomme avulla pystymme antamaan teille hyödyllisiä vinkkejä, jotka vaikuttavat ratkaisevasti matkustusmukavuuteen. Uusittuun Latinalainen Amerikka -esitteeseemme olemme koonneet kattavan valikoiman tasokkaita matkaohjelmia sekä näyttäviä kohteita, jotka meidän mielestämme parhaiten kuvastavat tämän kauniin maanosan uskomattomia mahdollisuuksia ja sen luonnon ainutlaatuista monimuotoisuutta. Esite osoittaa myös havainnollisella tavalla, että arvokkaan luonnon, vanhojen kulttuurien ja vieraanvaraisten ihmisten lisäksi Etelä-Amerikasta löytyy hyvinkin korkealaatuisia matkailupalveluita. Välittääksemme mahdollisimman alkuperäisen kuvan tästä tarjonnasta, olemme säilyttäneet yhteistyökumppaniemme esittelytekstit heidän laatimassaan muodossa englanninkielisinä. Tehkää matkaunelmistanne totta! Aktiv-Resorin asiantuntemus ja vuosien varrella luomamme ulkomaiset kontaktit takaavat, että saatte tavallista parempaa palvelua ja huolenpitoa niin ennen lähtöä, matkan aikana kuin sen jälkeenkin.

Anneli Nordberg, Toimitusjohtaja

Aktiv-Resor Oy Eerikinkatu 5 00100 HELSINKI Puh: 0200-62900

Contents Suggested Itineraries





Buenos Aires


Wines & Wetlands


Santiago & Beyond


Northern Patagonia


Atlantic Coast


Southern Patagonia


18 Santiago & Beyond 20


Central Chile & Beyond




Northern Patagonia


Southern Patagonia


Atacama Desert


Easter Island


32 Colonia del Sacramento, Montevideo & Beyond


02 Latin America


34 Rio de Janeiro & Beyond


Salvador do Bahia & Beyond


Amazon, Pantanal & IguazĂş Falls


Contents 44 Lima & Beyond


Machu Picchu




The Amazon


Arequipa, Puno & Lake Titicaca


56 Quito


Quito & Beyond


Rail Journeys


Small Ship Cruising


66 68 70 Mexico City



Bolivia Colombia Mexico


72 Costa Rica Caribbean


Costa Rican Pacific Coast


Costa Rican Rainforest & Volcanoes








Central America

03 Latin America

Day 4 - Rio de Janeiro / Iguassu At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Iguassu. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Half Day Brazilian Falls - Leaving the hotel and taking the Iguassu National Park, arrival in front of Hotel das Cataratas where starts a trail winding down towards the falls. At its end, an elevator provides access to a viewing platform at the foot of the falls. Overnight in Iguassu


Day 5 - Iguassu / Buenos Aires



Half Day Argentinean Falls - Departure from hotel ahead to Argentinean side with a quick stop at customs check out. The tour continues to the Tancredo Neves Bridge over the Iguassu River, which separates the border between Argentina and Brazil. We will make a stop at the “Three Borders” where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet.

Machu Picchu Sacred Valley Cuzco Puno

La Paz


Rio de Janeiro

Chile Iguassu Falls

At scheduled time, transfer to the airport for a flight to Buenos Aires. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Buenos Aires Day 6 - Buenos Aires Half Day Buenos Aires City Tour - A three and a half hour sightseeing tour visiting all major attractions of the city.


Buenos Aires


Grand Tour of South America Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Bolivia (19 nights) Day 1 - Rio de Janeiro Upon arrival into Rio de Janeiro, meet and transfer to the hotel. Rio de Janeiro is Brazil’s best known postcard. Its image is closely linked with the Sugarloaf and Corcovado Mountains, football, samba, Copacabana and the attractive tanned and vivacious people. Overnight in Rio de Janeiro

Full Day Fiesta Gaucha (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) - As you leave the city in the morning, you start to experience the famous Pampas, land of the Gauchos on our way to a traditional “Estancia” (Ranch). Here you can enjoy a “Gaucho Party”: a typical argentine BBQ and a show with music, dances, carriage rides and horseback riding. Overnight in Buenos Aires Day 8 - Buenos Aires / Santiago At scheduled time, transfer to the hotel to take the flight to Santiago. Upon

Half Day Corcovado - The famous statue of Christ the Redeemer is covered with a mosaic of soapstone and is one of Rio’s finest Art Nouveau monuments. The view, from this vantage point, is breathtaking. Overnight in Rio de Janeiro

arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Santiago

Half Day Sugar Loaf - This tour will visit downtown Rio and show monuments of a city that has been the capital of Colonial Brazil and the capital of the Portugal and Brazil Empire. Many of the attractions are highlights of this period and are part of the Brazilian national heritage. The Sugar Loaf, known as Rio’s postcard is a must to visit.

Latin America

Day 7 - Buenos Aires

Day 2 - Rio de Janeiro

Day 3 - Rio de Janeiro


Dinner & Tango Show - The Tango is part of the typical music of Buenos Aires. This tour will be to enjoy a special “porteña” music night at one of the excellent tango places, where typical songs and dances are performed. Overnight in Buenos Aires

Rio by night - barbecue dinner & Plataforma Show Enjoy a nice dinner in one of the best barbecue restaurant, where you can try different cuts of meat and a delicious salad buffet. After dinner, have fun and enjoy a great samba show. Overnight in Rio de Janeiro

Day 9 - Santiago Half Day Concha y Toro & Maipo -Transfer to Concha y Toro winery in the Pirque area. To begin with, you will walk through the winery’s ancient park, whose extraordinary beauty and harmony are an invaluable legacy of Chile’s landscaping history. Among the Winery’s main attractions are its ancient cellars and once inside the winery, you will discover the character of traditional Chilean grape varieties. Half Day Panoramic half day city tour- Leave the hotel for a city tour of Santiago visiting all essential places like Bernardo O’Higgins Avenue (also called “Alameda”) and on the way of return, the central Santa Lucia Hill and the Catholic University. Overnight in Santiago

Day 10 - Santiago

Day 17 - Sacred Valley / Machu Picchu

Full day excursion to Viña del Mar and Valparaiso - You can’t leave the central part of Chile without visiting the Main port of Valparaíso and the Main summer resort city of Viña del Mar. Overnight in Santiago

Full Day Machu Picchu – Vistadome train Transfer to train station. You will arrive to the Aguas Calientes Station in Machu-Picchu where you will be transported by bus to the top of the mountain and citadel of Machu-Picchu, one of the most renowned examples of Inca architecture. Overnight in Machu Picchu town

Day 11 - Santiago / La Paz At scheduled time, transfer to the hotel to take the flight to La Paz. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in La Paz

Day 12 - La Paz City Tour and Moon Valley - Half-day tour to the city of La Paz, declared by UNESCO as World Cultural Legacy. Overnight in La Paz Day 13 - La Paz / Puno Full Day Catamaran from La Paz to Puno - Early in the morning, we will take to road to the port of Chua, where you will board the catamaran to Isla del Sol, cradle of the Incan Empire. In this legendary island, you will visit the Garden, the Stairs and the Incan Fountain. The tour includes a visit to the Inti Wata cultural complex, the main private touristic attraction in Bolivia. Overnight in Puno

Day 18 - Machu Picchu / Cusco

Morning to enjoy a second visit of the ruins (at your own). Afternoon train back to Sacred Valley and then to Cusco city. Overnight in Cusco Day 19 - Cusco / Lima

At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Lima. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Lima Day 20 - International departure

At the scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take your international departure flight.

Day 14 - Puno / Cusco Andean Explorer Train Puno to Cusco - Early in the morning, we will leave by train to the city of Cusco, ancient Incan Empire capital. Enjoy the astonishing high Andean plateau landscape, where you will find grazing alpacas and llamas, and little villages scattered along the way with the spectacular background of the Andes. You will be served a delicious lunch on board. Arrival in Cusco. Reception and transfer to your hotel. Overnight in Cusco Day 15 - Cusco City Tour & San Blas The tour will show you the amazing colonial city built on the foundations of the Inca palaces. You will visit the Koricancha or Temple of the Sun, where you can appreciate the incredible masonry of the Incas, the Plaza de Armas and the Cathedral with its carved woodworks, altars and paintings. Overnight in Cusco Day 16 - Cusco / Sacred Valley Full Day Pisac Market, Ollantaytambo, Maras & Moray - You will make an excursion to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. There you will visit the colourful market of Pisac, where you can appreciate a blend of colour, tradition and local people. We will go on with the tour to Ollantaytambo, the most ancient and continuously occupied village of the American continent. Then we will visit Maras, where the most important salt mines of the region are located. Lastly, we will go to the huge circular agricultural terraces near Moray, used as a botanical lab by the Incas. Lunch at a local restaurant. Overnight in the Sacred Valley

05 Latin America

Day 3 - Quito / Galapagos Transfer from hotel to airport to take domestic flight to the Galapagos Islands. Ecuador

Days 3 to 6 - Galapagos

Quito Galapagos

Located in the Pacific Ocean, 1000 kilometres from the South American mainland, this archipelago, made of 14 major islands and some 60 smaller islets, surrounded by the world’s second largest Marine Reserve, is known as a “Living Laboratory” or “Showcase” of Evolution…


Peru Lima

Machu Picchu Puerto Maldonado Cuzco

Day 6 - Galapagos / Guayaquil Upon arrival to Guayaquil, assistance at the airport and transfer to the hotel followed by City Tour. This prosperous city is the largest port in Ecuador and offers what any major city in the world does. Rich historical background, wonderful museums, a modern district with great shopping and good restaurants. Day 7 - Guayaquil / Lima At scheduled time transfer to the airport to take the flight to Lima. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Day 8 - Lima / Cusco At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Cusco. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. A tour will show you the amazing colonial city built on the foundations of the Inca palaces. You will visit the Koricancha or Temple of the Sun, where you can appreciate the incredible masonry of the Incas, the Plaza de Armas and the Cathedral with its carved woodworks, altars and paintings. We will also pay a visit to the colourful neighbourhood of San Blas where the best artists live since colonial times. Day 9 - Cusco

Nature & Culture Ecuador & Peru (16 nights) Day 1 - Arrival in Quito Upon arrival, a welcoming reception and transfer to the hotel. A documentation kit, detailed program explanation plus luggage and hotel registration assistance is offered. Day 2 - Quito

06 Latin America

Enjoy a wonderful tour through the streets and main squares of Quito Historic Centre, first city in the world to be declared by the UNESCO as “World Cultural Heritage Site” in recognition for its architectonic and artistic value. Narrow and steep streets surrounded by a great exhibition of colonial style houses, gracious flowered balconies, charming squares and more than 50 monumental churches and historic monuments make Quito the best preserved historical centre of Latin America.

A most interesting excursion takes you to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. There you will visit the market of Pisac, where you meet a blend of colour, tradition and local people. The tour will go on to Ollantaytambo, the most ancient and continuously occupied village of the American continent. The excursion will also visit Maras, where important salt mines are located and lastly we will go to the huge circular agricultural terraces near Moray, used as a botanical lab by the Incas. Day 10 - Cusco / Machu Picchu From Sacred Valley you will arrive by the Vistadome train to the Aguas Calientes Station from where you will be transported by bus to the top of the mountain and citadel of Machu-Picchu, one of the most renowned examples of Inca architecture. Day 11 - Machu Picchu /Cusco Morning to enjoy a second visit of the ruins (at your own). In the afternoon transfer back to Cusco city.

Day 12 - Cusco / Puerto Maldonado

Day 15 - Puerto Maldonado / Lima

At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight heading back to Puerto Maldonado where you will enjoy 4 days / 3 nights at Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica. After registration at the Butterfly House you will be transferred to the boarding wharf and after 45 minutes by boat along Madre de Dios River, you will arrive at your destination. After a short briefing, you would settle into your beautiful cabaña and enjoy your lunch or the daily nature presentation at the Eco Center.

After a full breakfast at Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica, a 45-minute return boat trip takes you Puerto Maldonado where you may visit Inkaterra Butterfly House before heading to the airport for departure. Upon arrival to Lima you will be met and transferred to your hotel.

Days 13 to 14 - Puerto Maldonado You will enjoy a buffet breakfast and then start an excursion along Lake Sanadoval into the Tambopata National Reserve. After lunch you can consider the remarkable Inkaterra Canopy Walkway 29 meters above the forest ground. During this hour-and-a-half expedition, be on the lookout for colourful toucans, trogons, woodpeckers and monkeys. Next day enjoy a trip to Gamitana Creek, located 25 minutes by boat from the Inkaterra lodge. For one and a half hours, explore the rainforest. You will return to the lodge for lunch. Then, consider the Rainforest by Night excursion through the Inkaterra Ecological Reserve at night for an approximately 2-hour excursion.

Day 16 - Lima Our City Tour takes you to visit colonial Lima’s downtown for historic and traditional buildings. Then, get to know San Francisco church and monastery, a XVII century jewel, recognized as humanity cultural heritage by UNESCO. Make sure to go round Larco Museum, a private collection that makes visitors discover and enjoy more than five thousand years of Peru’s history through more than 45,000 artefacts. Day 17 - International departure At scheduled time, transfer to the airport for your international departure flight.

07 Latin America

Day 4 - Santiago / Punta Arenas / Puerto Natales At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Punta Arenas. Upon arrival a welcoming reception. Punta Arenas is history and every corner evokes the adventures of its pioneers. After a three hour city tour, transfer to local bus terminal where you will board the public bus to Puerto Natales. Transfer from local bus terminal to your hotel. Days 5 to 6 - Puerto Natales/ Torres del Paine / Balmaceda Glacier / Puerto Natales



Uruguay Buenos Aires



The Torres del Paine National Park is an absolute must when visiting Patagonia. You will see the most important spots of the Park including beautiful views of the Paine mountain range. Prepare for short hikes through the forests and the breathtaking territory. Following day we will make a boat tour to Balmaceda & Serrano Glaciers, a 10 hour navigation. Getting deep into Ultima Esperanza Sound we shall see spectacular scenery of bays, mountains and waterfalls along with a great variety of birds. Day 7 - Puerto Natales / Punta Arenas / Cruise to Ushuaia Check in at our cruise company, Punta Arenas, with cruise ship boarding scheduled for 6:00 p.m. The captain and crew will give a cocktail reception on board and afterwards the ship departs on your great adventure! Days 8 to 10 - Cruise to Ushuaia

Puerto Natales Punta Arenas

Torres del Paine


Tango & Glaciers Chile, Argentina & Uruguay (16 nights) Day 1 - Santiago Upon arrival into Santiago, meet and transfer to the hotel. Day 2 - Santiago The program includes a half day Concha y Toro Winery and Maipo Valley tour and a half day Panoramic City Tour. Among the Winery’s main attractions are its cellars, where you will learn about the famous legend that has made Chilean wine known worldwide. In the afternoon you will see views of a moving city, from the history of the colonial neighbourhoods to the modernity of the new financial centre also known as “Sanhattan”. Day 3 - Santiago Full day excursion to Viña del Mar and Valparaiso

08 Latin America

At dawn, we continue sailing through Almirantazgo Sound, arriving at Ainsworth Bay, inside the Alberto De Agostini National Park. We will take a walk in the marvellous sub polar Magellanic forest. In September and April this excursion is replaced by Brookes Bay where we land for a short walk to approach a glacier. Next day we navigate along the Beagle Channel to reach Pia Glacier. We take a short hike to a look-out point with a spectacular view of the entire glacier tongue, stretching from high in the mountains all the way to the sea. After this unforgettable experience, we continue sailing along the majestic “Glacier Alley”. On final cruise day we sail through the Murray Channel and Nassau Bay to reach Cape Horn National Park, where we will disembark (weather permitting). Since November 2011, we have been doing kayaking activities in Wulaia Bay run by an experience explorer. The activity includes paddling through historic areas related to the native people, bird watching, as well as the pure joy of paddling. The kayaking activity is at an additional cost. Day 11 - Cruise to Ushuaia / Ushuaia Arrive at Ushuaia, Argentina’s most important and southernmost city in the world on Tierra del Fuego. Disembark at 8:00 am. Day at leisure.

Day 12 - Ushuaia / Buenos Aires

Day 15 - Buenos Aires / Montevideo

At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Buenos Aires. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel.

Transfer to the airport to take the flight to Montevideo. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel followed by a beautiful 3 hours city tour visiting the most attractive places in town. You will have the opportunity to see the Old City, with its outstanding architecture, the exceptional promenade and the sea side with beautiful and endless beaches.

Days 13 to 14 - Buenos Aires After breakfast we make a half day sightseeing tour visiting the Plaza de Mayo, the Cathedral, La Boca district, Recoleta Cemetery, Palermo Park, Rose Garden, Libertador Avenue and the Colon Opera House. The Tango is part of the typical music of Buenos Aires. In the evening you will enjoy a special “porteña” music night at one of the excellent tango places, where typical songs and dances are performed.The following day you may have the chance to celebrate Fiesta Gaucha (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday). Our full day tour departs around 9:30 am and very soon you start to experience the famous Pampas, “Land of the Gauchos”, on our way to a traditional “Estancia” (Ranch). Here you can enjoy a “Gaucho Party”: a typical argentine BBQ and a show performed by its people, with music, dances, carriage rides and showing their skills at horseback riding.

Day 16 - Montevideo Leaving Montevideo through the residential areas, you will be driven to Punta Del Este, one of the finest resorts in South America. We will visit La Barra and its unique hanging bridges along the wide variety of fine sandy beaches and the port. Lunch included. Depending on timings, there will be free time for shopping. Day 17 - International departure At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take your international departure flight.

09 Latin America


— Stretching nearly 3,500-kilometres to the very tip of South America is the land of the tango, gauchos, polo, Malbec, glacier-topped mountains and perfectly grilled steaks. Enjoy the splendour of Buenos Aires with its cosmopolitan atmosphere and the night-owl energy of the passionate locals. Days are for strolling through pretty green parks, popping into art galleries, shopping for designer clothes and lingering over espresso at cafés. And nights roll over into morning in stylish bistros, bars and sultry tango ballrooms. The perfect partner to Argentina’s cultural heritage is its natural beauty, stretching from desert canyons to arctic glaciers. In the Andean foothills, stay in luxurious estancias in the pampas and swim in fresh lakes and trout-filled rivers in Bariloche. Farther west, feast on the gastronomy and award-winning wines of sunny Mendoza, sample the stunning scenery of the Lake District and explore the rolling countryside of Luján de Cuyo on bike or on horseback. Along the Brazilian border, marvel at the power, size and sheer noise of Iguassu Falls. Outside stunning Salta, traverse the mythical valleys, salt flats and ancient settlements of the Incas. Experience the majestic beauty and glacier-carved landscapes of Patagonia as you sail around monumental icebergs floating in lakes populated by colonies of penguins.

10 Latin America

nH igh land




Lakes, Wines and Waterfalls


10 nights


Pacific Ocean

Atacama Desert

Day 2 - Buenos Aires Full day tour to Parana River - We will arrive to Tigre in the Delta and navigate in a typical motorboat among beautiful islands. Tango Show at La Esquina de Carlos Gardel - In the evening we will enjoy a top quality dance show with excellent cuisine in most exclusive atmosphere.


Day 1 - Buenos Aires Upon arrival meet and transfer to hotel followed by a city tour.Buenos Aires is one of the largest cities in the world. It also is the most elegant and cosmopolitan city in South America representing true Argentine essence. In spite of the modern constructions it has managed to preserve its old traditions and charming corners. The city has great museums and numerous art galleries.

Paraguay Purmamarca Salta

Day 3 - Buenos Aires Full day visit to Estancia Villa Maria - A perfect place for those who enjoy the open air. You will find yourself immersed in the Argentine Pampas.


Day 4 - Buenos Aires / Iguazu Falls Transfer to local airport for flight to Iguazu. Upon arrival meet and transfer to the falls, Brazilian side. After lunch we will make a tour to the Argentine part of the National park and view the widest and highest section of Iguazu Falls.

Day 7 - Purmamarca / Salta / Mendoza Transfer to Salta airport for flight to Mendoza. Upon arrival transfer to the hotel. This is the region of high peaks and large wilderness spreading from the Andes mountain range. The Wine Road in Mendoza valley is an internationally renowned attraction.



Beunos Aires

Day 5 - Iguazu / Salta Transfer to local airport for flight to Salta. Upon arrival meet and transfer to hotel. In the afternoon we will visit the city to admire its architecture reflecting the traditions and its colonial past. Day 6 - Salta / Purmamarca Full day tour to visit Humahuaca Canyon along with incredible places and towns like Maimara and Tilcara.

IguazĂş Falls

Argentina Chile Bariloche

Atlantic Ocean

Day 8 - Mendoza Full day tour to visit the most prestigious wineries and vineyards. This tour will teach you how Argentina became the main wine producer in the region. Day 9 - Mendoza / Bariloche Transfer to the airport to fly to Bariloche. Upon arrival transfer to the hotel. Bariloche lies by an enormous lake in the centre of Nahuel Huapi National Park and is the second-most visited destination in the country. Its grand appeal is in its outdoor activities, boat trips and restaurants. In the afternoon we will make a 4 hour trip with easy walks to the surroundings. Day 10 - Bariloche Today the guests have 2 tour options: Navigation to Victoria Island or Adventure and Wine with unique natural scenarios, great meal, mini concerts and adventure kayaking. Day 11 - Bariloche / Buenos Aires Transfer to the airport to fly to Buenos Aires for International connecting flights.

Falkland Islands Cape Horn

11 Latin America

Algodon Mansion Situated in Recoleta, one of Buenos Aires' most elegant neighbourhoods, Algodon Mansion is an all-suite, Relais & Chateaux luxury boutique hotel. Enjoy a cocktail in the Veuve Clicquot Lounge or the Davidoff Cigar Lounge on the rooftop terrace. The sophisticated restaurant, Chez Nous, takes Argentine wine and gastronomy to a whole new level. Enliven your spirit and nourish your soul at the rooftop pool and adjoining spa.

Buenos Aires Sofitel Buenos Aires

This grandiose capital, with its wide tree-lined avenues, vibrant café culture and cosmopolitan flair is known as the "Paris of South America" and has a joie de vivre that will inspire you to live like a local.

When this 19-floor Neo-Classical landmark was built in the 1920s, it was the city's first skyscraper. The 140 comfortable and luxurious guestrooms and interiors were created by famed French designer Pierre-Yves Rochon. Le Sud, the gourmet restaurant, combines haute French cuisine with the best local products. For seven consecutive years, Condé Nast Traveller has named this hotel one of the "World's Best Places to Stay".

Alvear Palace Hotel — In the exclusive Recoleta neighbourhood, a member of the Leading Hotels of the World 1, 2, 3

1. Alvear Palace Hotel 2. Algodon Mansion 3. Sofitel Buenos Aires

12 Latin America

Old World elegance and modern technology, combined with beautiful architecture and opulent Empire and Louis XV décor, make this one of the city's loveliest hideaways. All 191 elegant guestrooms have complimentary Wi-Fi, cable TV and daily fresh flower arrangements and fruit baskets, while in your vast marble ensuite bathroom, you will find Hermes de Paris toiletries. Unwind in the Alvear Spa & Fitness Centre, featuring a pampering spa, a wellness area, and a kenesis and high-tech fitness area. Enjoy a buffet lunch or a classic high tea at L'Orangerie or have a drink at the wood-paneled Lobby Bar, wildly popular with locals and unchanged since 1932. For a more formal meal, choose La Bourgogne, a white-tablecloth restaurant, where chef Jean-Paul Bondoux creates a refined French cuisine. Located in the heart of Recoleta, the city's most exclusive downtown neighbourhood, Alvear Palace is just steps away from chic restaurants, cafés and boutiques.

Estancia Rincón del Socorro and Estancia San Alonso — Choose from two exquisite ranches and experience the magnificent Iberá wetlands in comfort Estancia Rincón del Socorro, a former cattle ranch, is a 12,020 hectare nature reserve on the edge of the Iberá wetlands. Comfortable and rustic, the six guestrooms preserve the original feel of the 1896 ranch house. Alternatively, Estancia San Alonso is a 10,760 hectare ranch, with five rustic-chic suites, located in the heart of the Esteros del Iberá. This secluded property sits on the shore of Parana Lake and offers daily wildlife-spotting trips onto the savannah and into native forests. Enjoy adventure-filled days and wholesome home-cooked food and quality wines each night at your chosen abode.

Wines & Wetlands Retreat to your corner of Argentina's vast countryside. Savour full-bodied wines in Mendoza and take on the soaring Andes; or explore the magnificent Iberá wetlands in the northeast en route to Iguazú Falls.

Entre Cielos — An architecturally unique luxury hotel and spa offering seclusion and relaxation in the heart of Argentine wine country Under blue skies in the foothills of the Andes, 16 contemporary, wine-themed guestrooms including "Limited Edition" — a futuristic loft on stilts — are surrounded by beautiful vineyards. Entre Cielos was created for those who appreciate design and architecture, great service, stunning views, and wellness for the mind, body and soul. The concept comprises four essential elements: a hotel for luxurious living, the Hamam & Spa for relaxing wellness, restaurants showcasing local flavours and international cuisine, and of course a vineyard producing exclusive wine — the award-winning Malbec. The region is a hot spot due to its 1200 vineyards, but it also provides an enticing blend of charming architecture and a lively social scene. Proximity to the Andes makes Mendoza a great base for a range of adventure activities and experienced staff will tailor your experience. Enjoy exquisite wine tastings, private picnics in the vineyard, trekking in the Andes, cycling, bird-watching or swimming, before unwinding at the resort spa.

2 1

1. Entre Cielos 2. Estancia Rincón del Socorro and Estancia San Alonso

13 Latin America

Salta & Beyond The name Salta comes from the Aymara Indian word "sagta", meaning "beautiful one", and the name still very much applies. The nearby Jujuy province is also known for its outstanding natural beauty and cultural heritage.


— Stay facing the spectacular Hill of Seven Colours in the Quebrada de Humahuaca Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage-listed site

— Centrally located on a leafy square in the historic district of Salta

This charming hotel, set in tranquil gardens, is just a five-minute walk from the tiny village of Purmamarca in Argentina's north western Jujuy Province. Built out of indigenous materials — adobe walls and cane-and-wood roofing — El Manantial maintains the spirit of colonial architecture.

A colonial-style mansion built in 1950, this boutique hotel is the former residence of the Patrón Costas family and it still feels like being a guest in a private aristocratic home. Distinctive tile roofs, wood floors, large windows, flower-filled patios and internal gardens have all been restored. Iron, bronze and wood bedsteads in each of the 28 guestrooms and two suites were created by local artisans.

A large, sunny dining room serves local dishes and the solar-powered pool is popular year round. 19 spacious guestrooms are furnished with locally woven rugs and traditional crafts, and simple windows frame views of red-rock cliffs. The property also includes a two-bedroom self-contained house popular with families.

La Terraza Restaurant serves regional and international dishes while a outdoor rooftop pool offers 360-degree views of the city. The property is located across General Güemes Square in the heart of old town, just a few blocks from the key tourist attractions.

Hotel La Merced del Alto

Estancia Las Carreras

— At the foot of the Nevado de Cachi, this stately white-adobe hotel boasts big views of the surrounding valley

— Brimming with history, Las Carreras is one of the oldest estancias in the Calchaqui Valley

Well-positioned for exploring the area's pre-Inca ruins and high-altitude vineyards, Hotel La Merced del Alto is just two kilometres from the town of Cachi, and just a 60-kilometre trip to Salta.

Built in 1718 by the Jesuits with local materials like adobe, straw, reed and alder, all the ranch's rooms face central courtyards as was typical of the colonial architecture of the time. Nestled in a landscape of awe-inspiring beauty, the retreat sits at the foot of majestic hills that rise and fall between 2,600 and 4,500 metres. Each of the ten bedrooms has a historical, monastic look but with comfortable furnishings. The décor is simple period furniture combined with locally woven fabrics.

3, 4

2. Hotel La Merced del Alto 3. Hotel Solar de la Plaza 4. Estancia Las Carreras

Latin America

Hotel Solar de la Plaza


1. El Manantial del Silencio


El Manantial del Silencio

Built in a colonial-monastic style in 2006 and dominating over the surrounding valley, Hotel La Merced del Alto has 14 spacious guestrooms including double and patio rooms and suites. The pool, surrounded by gardens, also enjoys striking views. A stylish dining room serves nouvelle Argentine cuisine paired with regional wines and guests may also choose to dine at the table in the cool wine cellar.

Discover the culture of the area horse riding, visiting local artisans and eating Argentina's famous Manchego cheese.

Northern Patagonia

Rio Hermoso — On the grassy banks of a quiet river, this boutique hotel offers privacy, comfort and close contact with nature

The beauty of Northern Patagonia defies expectation. The alluring shoreline of Lake Nahuel Huapi, the terrain of Nahuel Huapi National Park and the impressive Volcan Lanin astound even the most travelled of visitors.

Rio Hermoso Hotel is a peaceful wilderness retreat in Lanin National Park, a Patagonian playground of picture-postcard forested mountains and crystal clear lakes. The hotel has seven airy guest rooms and suites (some with private terraces) decorated in earth tones. The restaurant has big river-view windows and serves regional favourites (freshwater fish and smoked wild boar) with an international flair. In the evenings, relax in the cosy library-living room with a fireplace, TV and DVD player. Long benches along the river bank are ideal for nature watching. Or wade out into the river to try your hand with a fly rod.

Llao Llao Resort & Golf Spa — A classic 1940s hotel majestically situated by the mountains and lakes of Nahuel Huapi National Park Part rustic ranch and part Swiss chalet, this family-friendly hotel has 149 guest rooms, 12 suites and 43 new studios and suites with mountain or lake views. The hotel is located on one of the lower mountains within the Nahuel Huapi National Park between the Nahuel Huapi and Moreno lakes. One of the jewels of Argentina, this spectacular area of lakes and rivers carved from ancient glaciers, majestic mountains, picturesque valleys, forests, meadows and wildflowers is spread over 7,581 square kilomentres and is an international draw-card across all seasons. The resort offers year-round activities including guided nature walks, trekking, kayaking and mountain-biking. An 18-hole golf course beckons — play golf or a cross-golf-lacrosse combination played with an oval ball. During July and August, enjoy skiing on nearby Mount Catedral’s slopes. A full-service spa and an indoor/outdoor heated pool are ideal for relaxing at the end of the day while three restaurants serve innovative local and international cuisine.

1, 2

1. Rio Hermoso 2. Llao Llao Resort & Golf Spa

15 Latin America

Atlantic Coast Sight whales off Peninsula Valdes. Watch sea lions, elephant seals, orcas, Magellanic penguins and other sea creatures year-round in the ocean and along the beaches of Golf San Jose and Golfe Neuvo.



1. El Pedral Lodge 2. Bahia Bustamante Lodge

16 Latin America

El Pedral Lodge — Once a sheep farm, this off-the-beaten-track estancia delivers an authentic Patagonian experience The 19th century Norman-style hotel has a unique rustic charm. Guestrooms are simple but comfortable and home-cooked food — served family-style — is hearty and delicious. Located on 17,000 hectares, the historic and elegant El Pedral Lodge is a nature-lover's paradise. A short stroll from the property gets you very close to penguins and sea lions. Long stony beaches host elephant seals and countless species of marine and terrestrial birds. For the more adventurous, experience trekking, mountainbiking and horse riding along cliff-tops, sand-boarding dunes and fishing.

Bahia Bustamante Lodge — Raw, remote, and ‘a must’ for travellers craving wild nature on Patagonia’s Atlantic Coast Quiet is interrupted only by the breaking of waves and the singing of over a hundred species of birds. Arrive at this remote yet easily accessible ‘seaside village’ and you are surrounded by 360 degrees of nature in one of Argentina’s most important birding areas. Away from the trappings of modern day technology, rediscover your connection with nature. Stay in a seafront house and a multitude of activities are included. Tour around the peninsula, encounter local bird life, penguins and sea lions by boat, visit a petrified forest and a wool-producing ranch, trek, horseback ride or mountain bike. Also included, full board with delicious dining.

Estancia Cristina — Set in the spectacular The Glaciers National Park On the shore of Argentino Lake, Estancia Cristina is situated in El Calafate only accessible by boat from Puerto Bandera. The short transfer offers magnificent views of Upsala Glacier, the largest in the park. Choose from a variety of day excursions to the property, or stay overnight if you're setting a more leisurely pace. Immersed in magnificent scenery, guests hike, horse-ride and fish between glacier touring. The estancia itself if well suited to its environment — simple yet welcoming with an emphasis on heritage and hospitality. 20 cosy guestrooms provide sanctuary after a day of touring, and guests enjoy quality cuisine. Named in Conde Nast's Traveller's Gold List in 2012.

Southern Patagonia Astonishing scenery combined with exceptional hiking and mountain climbing creates the most unforgettable adventure. Experience the natural wonders of this region from The Glaciers National Park to El Chaltén.

EOLO - Patagonia's Spirit — In the Patagonian steppe, Eolo is the southernmost Relais & Châteaux property in the world Eolo is a unique place, that embodies the spirit of Patagonia: its indigenous roots, the personal experiences of the first Europeans and Criollo settlers and of today's adventurers to this legendary land. With jaw-dropping 360-degree views, Eolo sits majestically on the wild Patagonian steppe where everything is windy, barren and vast, but breathtakingly beautiful. Located within a 4,046 hectare estancia, the intimate Eolo has 17 spacious guestrooms each furnished with authentic estancia furniture and floor-to-ceiling windows. Just 25 kilometres from the town of El Calafate and en route to the Perito Moreno Glacier, the hotel's location is convenient to town, to the El Calafate International Airport and the area's natural attractions. Outdoor activities include trekking, bird-watching, 4WD, mountain-biking and horseback-riding with experienced guides. Enjoy glacier tours, ice trekking and glacier hiking in Los Glaciares National Park with a gourmet picnic lunch, complete with wine, prepared by the hotel.

Cruceros Marpatag — Live the magic of the Patagonian glaciers, one of the most impressive sights in the world Explore the magnificent wild sanctuaries of Los Glaciares National Park with Cruceros Marpatag aboard its new vessel. Built with three decks featuring 21 cabins and specially designed to satisfy the most discerning travellers, each cabin is fully-equipped with private bathroom and panoramic windows and four premium cabins and one grand suite offer exceptional accommodation. With a maximum capacity of 42 passengers, the ship has a gourmet restaurant, a well-stocked library, a lounge bar and a wide panoramic deck. Highly trained crew provide an outstanding level of service as you navigate Los Glaciares National Park on this outstanding adventure.

1, 2, 3 1. EOLO - Patagonia’s Spirit 2. Estancia Cristina 3. Cruceros Marpatag

17 Latin America


— Long and slender, Chile stretches more than half the continent — from the driest desert to the highest volcanoes, to beaches, rainforests and massive glaciers. Stretched out along the Pacific coast, Chile is packed with phenomenal and diverse vistas. Geological idiosyncrasies — the highest volcano and the driest desert in the world, rainforests, floating and hanging glaciers — have created striking landscapes, each inspiring unforgettable adventures. Four-wheel drive over the lunar landscape and glistening salt flats, dotted with flamingo-filled lakes, in the Atacama Desert. Trek through vast ice fields, tropical forests and watch the Andes disappear into the Patagonian Sea. Spend days battling whitewater rapids or gently floating on quiet lagoons, scaling icy blue glaciers or soaking in hot springs amid ancient volcanoes. Trot on horseback over rolling green hills in the Central Valley, the heart of Chile’s wine country. In between exciting expeditions, get pampered at an amazing luxury lodge. Chile’s natural gifts are spectacular but urban culture vultures have plenty to sink their teeth into. Santiago, the country’s cosmopolitan capital, has both the energy of a thriving metropolis and the quaint nostalgia of a colonial town. New art galleries, boutiques and restaurants make this exuberant city the perfect base from which to explore.

18 Latin America


nH igh land





The Mystic Triangle 11 nights

Days 1 to 2 - Santiago Upon arrival, meet and transfer to the hotel. In the afternoon a city tour visiting all main attractions and the oldest part of the town with grand old mansions. On day 2 full day excursion to Valparaiso, recently appointed World Heritage Site by UNESCO and Vi単a del Mar, an old Estancia converted to an attractive town that today is regarded the primary resort on the South Pacific Coast of South America.


Calama Easter Island

Pacific Ocean

Days 3 to 4 - Santiago / Puerto Montt / Puerto Varas At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Puerto Montt. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to Puerto Varas. City tour in Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt. Next day we will make an excursion to Peulla also visiting Ensenada.



Days 5 to 7 - Puerto Varas / Punta Arenas / Puerto Natales At scheduled time transfer to the airport in Puerto Montt to take the flight to Punta Arenas. Upon arrival, we offer a welcoming reception and half-day tour of the wellplanned city. Afterwards, transfer to the bus terminal where you will board the public bus to Puerto Natales followed by transfer to your hotel.

Day 8 - Puerto Natales / Punta Arenas / Santiago Transfer to the local bus station in Puerto Natales where you will take the public bus back to Punta Arenas ending at the airport to take the flight to Santiago. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Days 9 to 11 - Santiago / Easter Island At scheduled time transfer to the airport to take the flight to Easter Island. Upon arrival welcoming reception and transfer to the hotel. Next morning we drive up to the extinct volcano appreciating a view over the whole island. In the afternoon you will see restored Moais and one of the biggest lava tubes of the island. On your last day on Easter Island a tour takes you to the south coast in order to visit representative examples of this lost culture including Tongariki which is the islands biggest restoration with 15 Moais. Day 12 - International departure At the scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take your international departure flight. On day 9 guests can alternatively fly north to Calama for a 3-day visit to the Atacama Desert which is considered the driest place on Earth.

Argentina Chile


Next 2 days will be full of excursions. The National Park Torres del Paine is an absolute must when visiting Patagonia. You can enjoy the beautiful panoramic views of the Paine mountain range and may see some red foxes and condors. Following day navigate the Ultima Esperanza Sound to see spectacular scenery of bays, mountains and waterfalls along with Balmaceda & Serrano Glaciers.


Atlantic Ocean

Puerto Varas Puerto Montt

Puerto Natales Punta Arenas

Falkland Islands Cape Horn

19 Latin America

Santiago & Beyond Touching down in Santiago, wrapped in a cloak of snow-dusted Andean peaks, your Chilean adventure begins. After years of prosperity and stability, the country's glittering capital boasts a myriad of attractions.

Lastarria Boutique Hotel

Hotel Palacio Astoreca

— A quiet oasis in the heart of Santiago's most bohemian borough

— Built in 1923 as a Victorian palace and recently restored as a boutique hotel

This 14 room Lastarria Boutique Hotel is a few minutes' walk from some of Santiago’s most popular cafés, restaurants, museum and shops, and the major tourist attractions are within minutes of the hotel. Built in 1927 in the Lastarria neighbourhood, the mansion has been carefully restored and updated while preserving its unique oak and marble features. In the walled and shady garden, the lap pool is a popular hub, while soothing and rejuvenating massages are available in the massage parlour room. Sunny guestrooms have high ceilings and are smartly decorated, and generous ensuites are fitted with rainfall showers. Wi-Fi, breakfast and afternoon tea are included for all guests.

Located in the historic quarter of Valparaiso, this Relais & Châteaux hotel opened in September 2012, after a three-year restoration maintained the original façade and part of the interior architecture. Each of the 23 guestrooms combine antiques with modern conveniences and offer views of either the city, the hills or the Bay of Valparaíso.

1, 2 , 3

La Casona de Viña Matetic — Experience captivating views of the surrounding vineyards and countryside 1. Lastarria Boutique Hotela 2. La Casona de Viña Matetic 3. Hotel Palacio Astoreca

20 Latin America

La Casona at Matetic Vineyards is a seven-room boutique hotel with more than 100 years of history. The colonial-style property was fully remodelled and sensitively decorated in 2004 by the famed architect and designer Max Cummins. Enjoy fine wines and relax in the peaceful setting of the Rosario Valley. After a day touring or wine tasting, enjoy exceptional hospitality, personalised service and comfortable accommodation. Guestrooms with ensuites feature private terraces and your choice of king-size or two single beds. Equilibrio Restaurant specialises in Chilean cuisine with fresh and delicious seafood and meat dishes paired to perfection with Matetic wines.

Relax at the spa’s heated swimming pool, the hammam, or book a massage. Sample some of Chile’s finest wines in the cellar or toast the sunset with a pisco sour out on the terrace. The on-site and highly-praised restaurant serves a fusion of European and Chilean cuisine, including local seafood and produce.

Cabaña del Lago Hotel Cabaña del Lago Hotel is well positioned for guests to explore the city of Puerto Varas, Lake Llanquihue and an enticing region which boasts a rich cultural heritage, exceptional cuisine and abundant nature. A family-run retreat since 1980, the 157-room Cabaña del Lago Hotel is perched hillside with stunning panoramic lake and volcanoe views. This is also an excellent gateway for your Patagonian adventure.

Hotel Antumalal This 22 room boutique hotel sits on the banks of Lake Villarrica just two kilometres from the holiday town of Pucón. Built in the 1950s, its sleek lines and stunning slanted windows mirror the terraced park that surrounds it. Interiors shine with tree-slab tables, shag rugs, wood panelling and stone fireplaces. The spa Antumaco offers a range of massages and the restaurant serves fresh local dishes.

Central Chile & Beyond The Central Valley is famous for raucous rodeos and awardwinning wines. Gracious haciendas provide lodging for "wine route" travellers; Valparaíso, a lovely seaside city, offers culture and seafood.

2 1

1. Cabaña del Lago Hotel 2. Hotel Antumalal

21 Latin America

Portillo Portillo is the oldest ski area in South America and its history holds an important place in the legend of skiing. No town — just one big hotel and one beautiful ski mountain. World-class skiers train here.

Ski Portillo


1. Ski Portillo

22 Latin America

— Stunning steeps, immaculate groomers, perfect powder, exceptional scenery and a warm welcome make summer skiing in Portillo a holiday to remember Ski Portillo, nestled in the Andes and just two hours from Santiago, sets the standard for classic ski experiences with more than 60 years of history and family-owned hospitality. The resort offers a unique all-inclusive ski holiday in a casually elegant hotel with ski-in-ski-out access. A maximum of 450 weekly guests eliminates long lift lines and crowded slopes, and makes guests feel like they are skiing at their own private Andean resort. Portillo is famed for its easy-access off-piste terrain as well as its guided heli-skiing day trips for intermediates to experts. There is nothing quite like making tracks on your own Andean valley. Less experienced guests will find wide-open beginner and intermediate slopes and a highly trained ski school offering classes for every age and level. For those with small children, there is complimentary day care in the hotel nursery catering for four to seven year olds, allowing parents to enjoy some slope time on their own while the kids enjoy a fun-packed day.

Hotel Portillo is part of ski history. On the walls — photos of skiing greats from Stein Eriksen to Olympic gold and silver medallist Tommy Moe. Enjoy the après ski at the on-mountain restaurant Tio Bob’s with its stunning views or take advantage of one of the complimentary offerings such as the outdoor heated pool and Jacuzzis — perched idyllically over Lake Inca. You might also choose to indulge in a relaxing massage before getting ready for dinner. To whet your appetite before the three-course meal, try Chile’s national drink, Pisco Sour. After dinner, chill out in the bar listening to live music, before hitting the disco to party into the small hours. Portillo is dedicated to skiing as it should be. A fun group of compatible people enjoying the best of all adventure sports in beautiful, uncrowded conditions.

Northern Patagonia Snowcapped Andes on one side and rugged Pacific coastline on the other, experience the fairytale beauty of the Lake District. Explore Northern Patagonia and find your solitude in Chile's least populated places.

Puyuhuapi Lodge & Spa — Refined cuisine, cosy rooms and a stunning wilderness location Puyuhapi Lodge & Spa calls itself "a secret south of silence" — and its remote tranquillity is its magic. After flying down over the Andes, driving four hours through rural Patagonia along the scenic Carretera Austral and taking a boat across a quiet fjord, guests reach a natural paradise full of exuberant vegetation — the setting for a beautiful 30-room lodge where sophistication and simplicity are harmoniously combined. Despite its remote location, the lodge offers all that you would expect from a small luxury hotel, while the wood and stone rooms and the restaurant all offer views that are simply stunning. Travellers come to Puyuhuapi Lodge & Spa to experience the solitude of the remote Patagonia wilderness. Guests hike in the Queulat National Park or paddle through the Puyuhuapi Fjord. The experience is enhanced in a completely natural spa. Here guests can revitalise both body and soul by relaxing in the volcanic hot springs or being pampered at the spa — fed by three pure waters, thermal hot springs, snow-melt water and salty sea water.


1. Puyuhuapi Lodge & Spa

23 Latin America

Southern Patagonia This desolate area of spectral beauty at the bottom of the Americas is truly the "final frontier" of the New World. Picture yourself at the edge of the world — icy fjords, towering, snowcapped mountains "tumbling" into the sea, penguins, sea lions and whales darting in and out of the blue waters. Memorable bird-watching excursions take you to view black-faced ibis, white-tufted grebe and distinguished black-neck swans. Welcoming estancias provide for comfortable stays. From the granite spires and turquoise lakes of scenic and dramatic Torres del Paine National Park to remote coastal islands rife with elephant seal colonies, the austere beauty of Chile's southernmost province is awe inspiring.

24 Latin America

explora Patagonia

The Singular Patagonia

— Explore the most southern tip of the world with explora Patagonia

— Opened November 2011 in Puerto Bories, on the shores of the fjord "Last Hope"

explora Patagonia is located at the centre of the Torres del Paine National Park, the heart of Patagonia, and declared an UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. On the shores of the Pehoe Lake, it has an exclusive view of the Paine Ridge and two of the three towers.

Outside Puerto Natales and near Torres del Paine National Park, The Singular Patagonia is located in the converted "Frigorifico Puerto Bories", a former postVictorian cold-storage plant built in 1915 and declared a national monument in 1996. The two restaurants, bar and museum are housed in the historic land, exhibiting the factory’s original machinery — much of which is British made. Nowhere else in Patagonia will you understand in quite the same way the region's development and the impact that pioneers from all over the world had.

At explora, more than 40 explorations are on offer: on foot or on horse, half-day or full-day, and at all difficulty levels. The explorations are carried out in groups of no more than eight people. With a belief in a healthy exposure to nature and to other travellers, explora do not offer private expeditions. explora guests are sociable people with stories to tell and adventures to share; the people you meet during the journey are as important as the destination itself. Between adventures, explora Patagonia, a luxurious retreat in the heart of Torres del Paine National Park, provides relaxation and comfort. The goal is to disconnect with daily life and have nothing to worry about. All services are included for your peace of mind.

The luxury hotel has 57 spacious guestrooms with fjord views, a spa and a range of over 20 excursions by land or sailing through the fjords with its privately owned boats, for an unforgettable experience in the depths of the authentic Chilean Patagonia. Choose either bed and breakfast, half-board or full-board including all meals, beverages and excursions. When staying three nights or more transfers to and from Punta Arenas or El Calafate are included on a complimentary basis at any time of day.

Hotel Remota

Awasi Patagonia

— An architecturally significant hotel at "the bottom of the world" with breathtaking views of fjords and glaciers

— Located inside a 6000 hectare private nature reserve with sweeping views of the towers, lakes and the Patagonian steppe

Remota is a sustainably built hotel made of natural materials including green (grass) roofs. Huge windows in the 72 guestrooms and the restaurant look over the sea grass and sand hills to the Bay of Last Hope and the mountains in the distance. The hotel, designed by architect German del Sol, was inspired by sheep farm buildings of Patagonia. The cutting-edge design won Chile's coveted National Architecture Prize in 2006, the year it was built. With no distractions from TV or the Internet, take some real rest with a sauna, infinity pool, Jacuzzi and massage. And for the adventurous, enjoy full-day hikes with picnic lunch, including pisco sours, and knowledgeable local guides, or horseriding on mountain trails and walks along windswept lakes. Guests also have many opportunities to explore the natural wonders of the area such as the fjords, the Sierra Dorotea, the Cordillera Prat, lakes and lagoons, Rotundo area, and the El Milodon Cave. Most attractions, including Torres del Paine, are only about 40 minutes away.

Awasi Patagonia is protected from the often intense Patagonian winds by a luxuriant native forest of lenga and ñirre trees, brimming with native wildlife including guanacos, rheas, foxes, condors and the occasional puma. Awasi specialises in designing tailor-made trips and is known as being one of the only lodges in South America to offer full private services. Each villa comes complete with its own 4WD vehicle and guests are assigned a guide for their stay.

1, 2, 3, 4

1. explora Patagonia 2. The Singular Patagonia 3. Hotel Remota 4. Awasi Patagonia

The lodge is built of native wood blending into the natural landscape. Each of the 12 villas have a surface of 80 square metres and contain a living area, fireplace, and an outdoor hot tub configured to best showcase incredible panoramas of Torres del Paine from every angle. The restaurant, exclusive for guests of Awasi, offers a selection of local gastronomy, providing the culinary excellence that Awasi is known for. A member of Relais & Châteaux.

25 Latin America

Southern Patagonia

26 Latin America

Tierra Patagonia Hotel & Spa


— An authentic Patagonian experience in an exclusive setting

— An exclusive experience in one of the world’s most pristine wilderness areas

On the edge of Torres del Paine National Park, with big views over Lake Sarmiento, Tierra Patagonia Hotel & Spa's architecture blends seamlessly and unobtrusively with its surroundings at the uttermost ends of the earth. The interiors are warm and welcoming with hand-crafted furnishings made from local materials — wood, wool and leather. Relax and enjoy the ever-changing view outside as the wind, clouds and light change constantly over the mountains and the lake.

Australis invites you to explore the wonders of the southern channels of Patagonia, visiting the most important areas of Tierra del Fuego, the Strait of Magellan, the Beagle Channel and Cape Horn. Representing the heart and soul of Australis cruises' voyages are the incredible daily shore excursions and lectures carried out by a team of bilingual naturalist guides. Along with the stunning geography of the southernmost tip of Patagonia, during your expedition you can see large colonies of sea lions and elephant seals, beavers, whales, and dolphins.

Lake Sarmiento is a geo-site under study by the Sociedad Geologica de Chile because of the presence of the extremely rare formations called thrombolites. With experienced and friendly guides, discover this remote part of the world the way that best suits you — hikes, horse-rides with local gauchos or gentle walks, are just some of the choices on offer. Visit nearby ranches to share a meal with the locals and enjoy true southern hospitality.

The size of the luxe vessels — M/V Via Australis (capacity 136 passengers) and the M/V Stella Australis (capacity 210 passengers) — allows for a more personalised service and enables the ships to sail through narrow fjords and channels. All cabins have picture windows, private bathrooms, independentlycontrolled heating as well as safety deposit boxes. Each Australis voyage features all-inclusive services, three meals a day, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, excursions and lectures.

Following a day of adventure, Uma Spa awaits. Enjoy a full spa menu or simply relax in the heated infinity pool while observing Patagonian wildlife.

Patagonia Camp

Refugia Hotel

— A unique luxury camp and nature experience

— Discover the tranquillity of the Chiloé Archipelago in Patagonia

Along the shore of Del Toro Lake in a region of extraordinary beauty, Patagonia Camp is cited as the first luxury camp in South America. The camp's 18 chic collection of glamorous yurts are comfortable and stylishly furnished, equipped with central heating, private bathrooms and views of the stars through a central window in the roof. An on-site restaurant offers a variety of gourmet Patagonian fare. Activities include kayaking, fishing, scenic tours and hiking in the Torres del Paine National Park — recently selected as the "Eighth Wonder of the World" in a popular worldwide poll. Only 15 kilometres away, the park is known for its breathtaking mountainous vistas and peaks.

A unique hotel of avant-garde geometric design, nestled in the magical landscape of Chiloé’s unblemished archipelago, offering exceptional service. The Refugia Hotel has 12 exclusive sea-view guestrooms, a reading room, a cosy living room with fireplace, dining room and a terrace. The hotel also boasts a spa with a modern Jacuzzi, dry sauna, steam room, and a massage room. Surrounded by sea and wilderness Refugia invites you to discover the nature and people from Chiloé through excursions by boat, horse, mountain bike, kayak, trekking and bird-watching. Visit World Heritage-listed churches and enjoy the huge variety of seafood.

4 1, 3


1. Tierra Patagonia Hotel & Spa 2. Australis 3. Patagonia Camp 4. Refugia Hotel

27 Latin America

Atacama Desert Against its stark and surreal landscapes, the driest desert on earth enchants with hot springs, dramatic geysers, massive salt lakes, enormous sand dunes and huge flocks of pink flamingos and other rare avian species. A rare set of factors in this arid moon-like landscape — very little rainfall, crystal-clear skies, high altitudes and no light pollution — have created a haven where stargazers can marvel at misty nebulae, faraway planets, remnants of supernova explosions and the dramatic Southern Cross. During rare winter rains, this barren desert erupts into a riot of colourful wildflowers that stretch as far as the eye can see.

28 Latin America

explora Atacama

Tierra Atacama Hotel & Spa

— Experience the details, simplicities and joys of the Atacama Desert

— A stylish desert hideaway; the spirit of the Altiplano

With the premise that to travel is to spend time, to arrive and to live while architecture represents permanence, freedom and safety, explora has combined travel with architectural integrity to create this unique Atacama Desert program. Travellers are actively introduced to the great scenery of South America through the well-designed all-inclusive exploration program with an enchanting hotel as their base. Each day, custom-designed excursions allow guests to discover first-hand Atacama's landscapes and culture on foot, horseback or by bicycle while 49 guestrooms of explora Atacama are designed to take full advantage of the silence, privacy, and spaciousness of the surrounding landscape ensure deep rest after a long day of exploration. It is said that to retreat from everyday life, you must leave the everyday behind. At explora Atacama this means no Wi-Fi, TV, or minibars. Instead, guests enjoy an observatory for viewing the night sky, heated pools, open-air Jacuzzis, saunas, steam baths and a massage room at this exceptional hotel.

This boutique award-winning hotel on the edge of San Pedro de Atacama boasts stunning views of the majestic Licancabur volcano from dramatic natureinspired architecture. Décor is casually elegant in a mid-century style, accented with authentic hand-made textiles and crafts sourced from local villages. A warm welcome and cosy interiors await you. Discover amazing landscapes and wonderful wildlife with experienced guides. Desert adventures range from hikes, walks, mountain bike rides and horse rides to more demanding volcano climbs, while adventure spa programs combine active adventures and relaxation at the end of the day. Following a day of active discovery, be sure to try Chile's signature cocktail the pisco sour, or taste the Chilean wines by the glass or bottle. The Uma Spa at Tierra Atacama offers rejuvenation to the weariest of adventurers while sunsetviewing against the mountain backdrop followed by stargazing is one of the best ways to end a memorable day.

1, 2, 3, 4

Awasi Atacama

Alto Atacama Desert Lodge & Spa

— An oasis of rustic luxury in the Atacama Dessert

— Built to blend seamlessly into its surroundings as if part of the terracotta-coloured hills that rise behind it

Awasi, located in the old town of San Pedro de Atacama, has eight adobe-andstone cottages — comfortable and in harmony with nature and the local culture. The thatched roofs provide natural air-conditioning, and the rooms have openair patios with private solarium and outdoor shower. Each guest is assigned a personal guide and 4WD vehicle. This gives guests the freedom to choose their adventure without having to adjust to the pace or preference of others. Options are mountain biking, hiking, horseback riding, archaeological site visits, astronomy tours, bird-watching expeditions, sandboarding and relaxing by the pool. Excursions offer panoramic views of volcanoes, salt flats, Altiplanic lakes and dazzling sunsets. In town attractions include the 1600s church, an archaeological museum and picturesque local shops. The hotel's gastronomy is a fusion of Altiplano and international cuisine, using fresh Atacama ingredients. The chef is glad to arrange late dinners, early breakfasts and to pack picnics for excursions. Awasi is the only Relais & Châteaux property in the Atacama Desert.

The lodge's location is just three kilometres from town, tucked away in a valley of serene beauty, sweeping views, peaceful tranquillity, and expansive outdoor lounge spaces make the Alto Atacama a destination unto itself. Environmental sustainability and strong connection with the local culture, including its 'Andescape' decorative landscaping, gourmet cuisine using local ingredients and recipes, indigenous guides, and even a stable of llamas and alpacas; have set this hotel aside. There are 42 spacious guestrooms, all of which have a private terrace. The lodge offers more than 35 cultural and adventure excursions, from bike rides to volcano treks, photo safaris to picnics at high-altitude salt lakes, and visits to geyser fields, among others. The lodge also boasts a private open deck observatory for stargazing. For a more relaxing time, the spa features six outdoor pools, indoor and outdoor Jacuzzi, sauna and steam bath. Choose between bed and breakfast or full-board (all-inclusive) options.

1. explora Atacama 2. Tierra Atacama Hotel & Spa 3. Awasi Atacama 4. Alto Atacama Desert Lodge & Spa

29 Latin America

Easter Island Few places on earth have as fascinating a mix of geological and cultural heritage as Rapa Nui, Easter Island. Formed from three volcanoes, the now raw and somewhat eerie land of craters, caves and cliffs magically beckons intrepid travellers to experience extraordinary things. Hike or horseback ride, snorkel or scuba dive some of the world’s clearest waters, and discover what most visitors come to see — an isolated and mesmerising collection of archaeological sites including the iconic and enigmatic moai. These monolithic stone statues are a silent testament to the production skills and unique culture of the Rapa Nui people yet remain shrouded in mystery as their faces stare out from the shoreline.

30 Latin America

explora Rapa Nui — The most important part of the trip is not the destination, but what you find along the way Located eight kilometres from Hanga Roa, on a plot of land with a size of 960 hectares, explora Rapa Nui is in a privileged location from which to explore the island. Rapa Nui’s remoteness, stunning geography and rich culture led UNESCO to declare it a world heritage site in 1995. At explora, the team actively seek out disconnection from the everyday. To achieve this, it is necessary that you not worry about anything at all, so all services are included. explora Rapa Nui offers 18 explorations at different levels. All have strong cultural and archaeological overtones, and are led by an expert bilingual guide. Between the volcanoes and the Moai, the best way to appreciate the scale of the island around us and the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, is by foot. explora always strives to adjust to the rhythm of each traveller, enjoying the journey step by step. The island is perfect for exploring by bicycle. The incline of the roadways are very forgiving and there are numerous lightly travelled routes with panoramic island and ocean views.


1. Easter Island

31 Latin America

Rio de la Plata to Atlantic Ocean


8 nights

Ecuador Brazil


— Sandwiched between Brazil and Argentina, tiny Uruguay has a vibrant, yet under-the-radar, cosmopolitan feel; as well as historic estancias and surf-pounded beaches.


Uruguay Argentina Chile

Uruguay From Buenos Aires, you will notice numerous simpatico similarities between the neighbours: Lingering over coffee and wine at cosy cafés is a legitimate hobby and asados turn out perfectly charcoal-roasted succulent steaks. Locals tote silver flasks filled with turbo-charged yerba maté tea . Pretty and un-touristy Montevideo shines with historic Spanish and Italian architecture, charming small museum, local candombeé music hot spots and world-class shopping. Feel the country’s Portuguese past as you walk the charming cobblestone streets of the UNESCO-protected village of Colonia del Sacramento. During the South American summer, jet-setters descend upon sandy Punta del Este as chic hotels, restaurants and nightclubs open their doors to stylish night owls and the otherwise sleepy beach town becomes a baby St. Tropez.

Day 1 - Montevideo Arrival to Montevideo and transfer to the selected hotel. Day at leisure. Montevideo is one of the few capitals in the world where you can nearly always see water. The beaches have white sand and salty shallow water suitable for bathing and lovely waves which make them ideal for children, the elderly and sometimes for surfers. The city offers a variety of interesting sites such as “Rambla” - the river front road and the Punta Gorda watch point. Day 2 - Montevideo After breakfast, tour city visiting the most important attractions. The tour will end at the Port Market where you can enjoy lunch and visit the “Candombe Museum”. Day 3 - Montevideo/Colonia del Sacramento After breakfast, transfer to the city of Colonia del Sacramento (2 hour drive). In the afternoon tour of the charming city, declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO due to its well conserved architectural structure and the mix of Portuguese and Spanish architectural styles. Day 4 - Colonia/ Carmelo After breakfast, transfer to the town of Carmelo (1 hour drive). On the way we will visit the National Anchorena Park where the presidential estancia is located. Day 5 - Carmelo Today we suggest a tour to the ruins of a Jesuit chapel in the north of the Province of Colonia. This tour includes visits to several wineries including Zubizarreta, where we learn how wine was born in Uruguay and find vineyards where the first grapevines were planted over 250 years ago. Day 6 - Carmelo/ Montevideo/ Punta del Este Morning transfer to Montevideo where we will visit lovely vineyards and enjoy lunch. In the afternoon we will continue towards the city of Punta del Este which is by far the most frequently visited resort city in the country and regarded as one of the best in the world. Day 7 - Punta del Este Afternoon tour of Punta del Este. The name “Punta Del Este” comes from a city founded a hundred years ago. Today this part is known as the “Peninsula” Area, which is located where the waters of the River Plate meet the Atlantic Ocean. This is the most southern part of Uruguay, which was considered as the end of the continent in the 16th century. Day 8 - Punta del Este Today you will make a tour to olive plantations (tasting included) located next to the charming town of Garzon. The tour offers the opportunity to experience new feelings, spectacular views, top quality wines and selective cheeses and to learn all the secrets of the extra virgin olive oil produced in this area of Uruguay called ”the Tuscany of South America”.

32 Latin America

Day 9 - International departure After breakfast, transfer to the port or airport of Punta del Este or Montevideo.

Colonia del Sacramento, Montevideo & Beyond Colonia is a romantic timecapsule of a town. A UNESCO World Heritage-listed site, popular with honeymooners and day-trippers from Buenos Aires. Admire swoon-worthy colonial architecture, cobblestone streets and scented gardens.

1, 2

Estancia Vik

Playa Vik

— Elegant Estancia Vik is located in the rural countryside of José Ignacio

— Stylish Playa Vik is located in the equally chic beach town of José Ignacio

Set on 1,600 hectares of rolling hills, the enormous Spanish colonial-style structure has adobe walls, a red tin roof and covered walkways linking outdoor courtyards, flowering gardens and a large herb garden. All 12 suites are large, individually decorated and display original art created by leading contemporary Uruguayan artists. In keeping with the local theme, the restaurant serves traditional BBQ, fresh fish and seafood, locally grown fruits and vegetables and home-made breads and pastries. Adventures include biking, kayaking, riding, and polo lessons. As an added bonus, you have access to the beach of sister hotel Playa Vik — a ten-minute drive.

This striking contemporary property (dubbed "the Sculpture") incorporates natural elements including a unique "living roof" planted with Uruguayan wild flowers. Designed by local architect Carlos Ott, who also worked on the Paris Opera House, the six-room hotel has a dramatic 17-metre inclined façade, a massive sculpted bronze door and wide expanses of glass capturing the ocean view. Modern paintings from Zaha Hadid, Anselm Kiefer and James Turrell grace the walls. Just as striking is the 23-metre cantilevered pool (of Uruguayan black granite) that juts out to the ocean. Guests enjoy sitting by the pool to watch the sunset or dine poolside by candlelight.

1. Estancia Vik 2. Playa Vik

33 Latin America


— Cerulean waters and pristine beaches, enchanting colonial towns and rugged landscapes, dense jungles and music-filled metropolises; Brazil is a land of contrasts. From the Andes to the Atlantic and the Amazon in between, Brazil buzzes with energy. Renowned for its beautiful and fun-loving people, this immense country knows how to celebrate life. On gorgeous beaches — which seem to stretch out endlessly from the jungle — legions of perfectly bronzed locals kick around a football, practice capoeira and drink beer against a backdrop of thumping samba beats. In Rio (the nation’s spiritual capital), in cosmopolitan Sao Paulo and even in little villages, the festive streets pulsate to the beat. Come in February for Carnival, the planet’s biggest and most raucous party. Try to wrap your head around the fact that in the same country — beneath impenetrable rainforest canopy — are the world’s largest number of uncontacted peoples. Contradictions and diversity define this exuberant destination, offering a window into the diversity of Brazilian culture. Brazil’s unique natural environment offers countless activities such as kayaking through the Anavilhanas (a labyrinth of 400 islands in the Rio Negro) or exploring coral reefs off the Bahia coast and the remote Fernando de Noronha archipelago, or motoring under the explosive Iguazú Falls, a genuine natural wonder.

34 Latin America


Colombia Ecuador


Days 6 to 8 - Iguassu / Manaus / Amazon At scheduled time transfer to the airport to take the flight to Manaus. Meet and transfer to the Lodge. Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge is a small and fashionable Jungle Hotel on the margins of Rio Negro. Here you will find diverse experiences and adventure combined with distinguished service and comfort.







Salvador de Bahia





Pacific Ocean

Atacama Desert

Days 4 to 5 - Rio de Janeiro / Iguassu At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take your flight to Iguassu. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to your hotel. The Iguassu falls beat out even Niagara and Africa’s Victoria Falls. The spectacular falls are formed by 275 waterfalls, some of which drop 81 m, making up the largest concentration of falls in the world. Catwalks and observatories will let us enjoy the magnificent falls, one of the wonders of the world. The Great Adventure, our boat ride is unique and combines the whole essence of the Iguassu National Park in one ride: the jungle and the waterfalls.


Rio de Janeiro Iguassu



Day 9 - Amazon / Salvador de Bahia At scheduled time, transfer to Manaus airport to take the flight to Salvador. Upon arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel.

Argentina Chile Andes

Days 10 to 12 - Salvador de Bahia A visit to Salvador is a chance to step back in time, to stroll through a perfectly preserved city from the 16th and 17th centuries. It is a chance to experience Brazil’s close connection to Africa in the food, in the music and in the faces of the people. The beaches of Bahia are some of Brazil’s most varied and beautiful. They come blessed by sunshine, lapped by a warm southern ocean and infused with a laid-back spirit that is uniquely Bahian. While in Salvador you can enjoy a Half Day City Tour, a full day Schooner Cruise to the beautiful Bay of All Saints and a Dinner Show that expresses the Bahian folklore tradition.


A mazon

12 nights

Days 1 to 3 - Rio de Janeiro Upon arrival meet and transfer to the hotel. Tucked between the mountains and the sea, Rio de Janeiro is an unusual city and certainly the part of Brazil that is best known worldwide. Rio is also one of the main sources of national culture and the cradle of three types of Brazilian music - the “choro”, the samba and the bossa nova . Tours will take you to visit the top of Corcovado Mountain climbing a flight of steps whereas the Sugar Loaf is reached by a two-stage cable car. The view of this lookout is unrivalled and this is the only site where you have a full view of Copacabana beach. In the evening: Rio by night – Barbecue dinner & Samba Show

a Hi ghla

nH igh l

Samba and Wildlife


French Guiana (France)

Atlantic Ocean

Day 13 International departure At scheduled time transfer to the airport to take the international departure flight. PS. Days 6 - 8 can be replaced by a 3-day nature program in the wetlands of North Pantanal.

35 Latin America

Rio de Janeiro & Beyond Rio — the very name immediately conjures up images — the flamboyant costumes of Carnival; the outstretched arms of the mountaintop statue of Christ; and the sandy beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana, filled with beautiful bodies and immortalised in song. And it's easy to dive in — whether you fancy dancing to sultry samba at a club or joining the cheers of 100,000 fans at a football game at Maracana Stadium — friendly locals encourage participation. Fashionistas, foodies and art lovers find a non-stop mecca in sprawling Sao Paulo. And in between, at the fabulous beach resorts Búzios and Florianopolis, the party never stops.

36 Latin America

Copacabana Palace by Orient-Express — A glamorous art-deco landmark overlooking Copacabana Beach Recently renovated, the famous Copacabana Palace presents itself in a brand new contemporary style. Superbly positioned overlooking the sea, this glamorous hotel in Rio has been welcoming the rich and famous since its doors swung open in 1923. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers danced here and The Rolling Stones prepared, in one of its grandest salons, before their 2006 concert on the beach. Brazil jet-setters gather and soak up the sun by the magnificent pool. Sunbathe, swim and socialise in one of Rio’s largest and most attractive swimming pools. A team of pool assistants is on hand to cater to your every request, from fresh towels to cool drinks and light dishes from the pool menu. The exclusive beach service provides sun lounges, umbrellas and water. Copacabana Palace boasts one of Rio’s finest spas. Relax in this sophisticated sanctuary and enjoy the treatment rituals to tone, revitalise and purify both body and soul. Within elegant and tranquil surroundings, features include seven treatment rooms, two double treatment suites, fitness centre, hair salon, sauna and relaxation area.

The hotel offers two restaurants. The Italian Cipriani is known as one of the best restaurants in Rio and named after perhaps the finest hotel in Venice. This award-winning restaurant offers exceptional Northern Italian cuisine. Located in the heart of the hotel Cipriani Restaurant’s kitchen, the Chef’s Table is one of the most exclusive fine-dining adventures in Rio. The special menu is paired with carefully selected wines and guests follow Chef as he prepares an array of dishes inspired by the day’s freshest ingredients. Meanwhile, the Pérgula restaurant, located by the pool offers first-class Brazilian and international cuisine in a refined yet relaxed atmosphere. The casual poolside ambiance is perfect for Pérgula’s renowned Sunday Brunch.

1 2

Ponta dos Ganchos — A seriously romantic and good-feeling retreat Located on a private rainforest-covered peninsula near Florianopolis on Brazil's south coast — also known as the Emerald Coast — Ponta dos Ganchos is one of the country’s most exclusive beach resorts. Though easily accessible from Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires, guests find themselves seemingly remote. Surrounded on three sides by jewel-bright waters and a dazzling white sand beach, 25 charming bungalows are scattered over the hillside. Each is decorated in a simple, uncluttered style with big beds, fine Egyptian cotton, neutral colours, comfy sofas, plenty of light and enormous views of Ganchos Bay. Fabulously rustic in ambiance, each bungalow also features an array of conveniences. Rooms are spacious with open fireplaces and the super luxo rooms have a sauna and a Jacuzzi on the balcony. The villas each have a private pool, sauna and Jacuzzi. At Ponta dos Ganchos, guests spend long days under a dazzling sun enjoying a variety of activities, such as fishing, snorkelling, kayaking, hiking and some of the best diving on the Brazilian coast. Indulge in the ultimate relaxation at the oceanfront spa and feast on haute cuisine interpretations of the regional dishes,

made from freshly-caught seafood and local ingredients. Dishes are paired with vintages from the 200-label wine cellar. Breakfast (with ten courses to choose from) is served all day. Other features include a heated indoor pool, fitness room, oceanfront tennis court, a billiards and game room, kayaks, canoes, ecological trails and an on-site cinema with a library of 300 films. Giving back to the community is an intricate part of the hotel's philosophy of "Teach a man how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime". In addition to being one of the largest employers in the city, the hotel also encourages its employees to further their education and to learn a second language by paying 70 per cent of their tuition.

1. Copacabana Palace by Orient-Express 2. Ponta dos Ganchos

37 Latin America

Salvador do Bahia & Beyond Stroll the narrow cobbled streets of the UNESCO-protected old town of Salvador do Bahia, Brazil’s first capital in 1549. Take in the well-preserved, pastel-hued Spanish colonial houses and the gilded Baroque-looking churches, adorned inside with gold, silver and precious gems. Visit the Museo de Arte Sacra (housed in a former Carmelite monastery) to see one of Brazil’s most important collections of religious art. Shop for souvenirs at Mercado Modelo. Catch a boat to Sao Marcelo do Mar Fortress. Linger at a sidewalk café, sipping strong coffee and admiring women in their traditional clothing — colourful shawls, long full skirts and turban-like head coverings. You will want to sunbathe on secluded island beaches, explore the ruins of a 16th-century castle, dive to old shipwrecks all along the coast and trek through Chapada Diamantina National Park.

40 Latin America

Pousada Maravilha — Hidden away on the mountainous island of Fernando de Noronha where dolphins and sea turtles outnumber visitors Pousada Maravilha's five posh bungalows and three luxury apartments offer unobstructed views of dramatic sea cliffs and volcanic rock formations rising out of the emerald waters of Baía do Sueste, the horseshoe-shaped home of a marine turtle nursery. The warm seas are perfect for sailing, diving, snorkelling and swimming. There is also excellent scuba diving nearby. Designed by acclaimed architect Thiago Bernardes, this unique, sustainable pousada combines rusticity and comfort, and features an excellent restaurant, infinity pool and spa. In 2009, Condé Nast Johansens named Maravilha the "Best Small Hotel in South America".

Kenoa – Exclusive Beach Spa & Resort — An architecturally significant eco-chic property on a pristine sand beach, overlooking the turquoise-blue ocean

Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte — This exclusive eco-resort combines luxury with pristine natural beauty Just an hour's drive north of Salvador and surrounded by coconut groves in the middle of a rainforest preserve, Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte boasts a nearly deserted 12-kilometre beach. The 287 bedrooms are divided into 18 small units which are scattered over 30 hectares of tropical gardens. Each gorgeous room is tastefully outfitted in natural fibres and features contemporary, elegant décor and stunning panoramic views of either the gardens or the sea of Praia do Forte. With an infinity pool and large relaxation garden, Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte is also home to Brazil's largest Thalasso Spa.

Defining a whole new realm for nature-friendly well-being, Kenoa is a joyful symphony of social and environmental awareness, synchronised with Zen-like luxury. The architecture's humble and stark character dissolves the boundaries between man-made and natural, allowing for an effortless pursuit of happiness. Kenoa — Exclusive Beach Spa & Resort is located on Brazil’s stunning northeastern coast, caressed by a brilliant blue, seemingly infinite ocean and kilometres of pristine white beach. The hotel confidently stands out as much as it blends in with the natural beauty of its unique location. Each of the 23 exclusive villas and suites offers unique features including unparalleled views over the neighbouring wildlife sanctuary, private pools and outstanding interior design mingled with indigenous works of art. A Shiseidoequipped spa, fitness centre with ocean views, wine-bar, lounge and world-class cuisine tantalise the senses. The restaurant serves local fish, shrimp, lobsters, organic produce and has a fine wine list.

2 4

Pousada Estrela D'Agua — Comfort and sophistication with ocean-front views in the middle of the preserved Atlantic Rainforest Pousada Estrela D’Agua, a 28-room secluded seaside escape, perfectly situated right on the emerald-coloured sea and near the historic town of Trancoso. The great expanse of white-sand beach in front of the hotel is called Praia dos Nativos (Beach of Natives). Surrounded by 23,000-square-metres of Atlantic Rain Forest, the hotel is set in gardens of native vegetation — palm trees, caju trees and pink hibiscus. The muted natural tones of the airy interiors are a counterpoint to the vivid colours of the tropical gardens. The Aldeia de São João garden restaurant, where the native chef creates menus from fresh local produce, brings a modern touch to Bahian and international cuisine. Here breakfast is served facing the ocean, and guests can enjoy candlelight dinner accompanied by a discerning wine list. The Sushi Star, whose menu was designed by the renowned chef Max Kamakura, receives fresh fish every day. And the Beach Bar ("Bar da Costa"), famous in Trancoso for its fruit "caipirinha" and snacks, serves guests at the beach and at the swimming pool. Not to be missed are the organised diving expeditions and kayak tours through


the mangroves. For a truly unforgettable experience, take a boat trip to watch the whales playing in the Atlantic before they start their migratory journey. Golfers will enjoy special greens-fee rates at the 18-hole Terravista Golf Course adjacent to the hotel. Arguably Latin America´s best golf course, it extends up to the Trancoso cliffs where the ocean views are breathtaking. After such an adventure-filled day, enjoy a relaxing foot bath followed by an invigorating treatment at the spa pavilion. Finally, sip a fruit "caipirinha" and relax as the glowing sun sets on the never-ending horizon. In the evening, stroll (or take a taxi) to the village "Quadrado" and join in the nightly festivities.

1. Pousada Maravilha 2. Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte 3. Kenoa — Exclusive Beach Spa & Resort 4. Pousada Estrela D’Agua

41 Latin America


Amazon, Pantanal & Iguazú Falls Swim with pink dolphins in the Rio Negro, paddle through the macawfilled Anavilhanas, saddle up and explore the savannahs of the Pantanal or take a speedboat under the roiling cascades of Iguazú Falls.

Cristalino Lodge — Immerse yourself in a very special ecosystem in the southern part of the Brazilian Amazon Cristalino Lodge is situated beside the clean, calm waters of the majestic River Cristalino. This region is recognised as an important area of the Amazon in terms of its biodiversity. The exceptional number of species, even by Amazon standards, makes this one of the region's richest places for observing birds, mammals, butterflies and orchids in a primary forest environment. Cristalino Lodge is set within a huge private national heritage reserve with 11,399 hectares of primary forests, an area larger than Manhattan Island (USA). The lodge’s forest reserve is located just beyond the borders of the Cristalino State Park, an extremely important conservation area of 184,860 hectares, which is connected to other protected areas.

42 Latin America

The Cristalino Lodge's architecture was carefully designed to integrate harmoniously with the surrounding jungle. Guests enjoy a cosy bed, refreshing baths, a soothing hammock and every convenience close at hand. The bar, with an inviting bonfire burning in the middle of its open deck, provides a view of the star filled night sky, while the restaurant complements the experience by serving

delicious candlelight dinners. Cristalino Lodge is seriously committed to the environment, with various initiatives towards responsible tourism. In addition, the hotel supports the Cristalino Foundation, an organisation that is devoted to environmental education, human development, and research in the region. A wide range of outdoor activities is available, helping guests to integrate with nature. The half-day tours take place each morning and afternoon, and can include canoeing, hiking in the forest along 30 kilometres of trails, climbing the 50 metre observation towers, boat trips, as well as fauna and flora observations. The guides are all nature lovers who enjoy sharing their knowledge and respect for the Amazon.



Hotel das Cataratas by Orient-Express — Providing exclusivity for guests to enjoy the park without other tourists Hotel das Cataratas is the only hotel situated in the Iguazú National Park. When the park is closed to visitors, hotel guests can experience the amazing sunsets at the falls and the incredible full rainbows. This classic Orient-Express retreat was a former colonial residence and is just steps away from the sensational thundering falls. Adventures await: white-water rafting, helicopter trips over the massive falls and jungle treks to view amazing wildlife that includes colourful toucans and giant butterflies.

style BBQ showcases tender meats accompanied by hot side dishes. And do not forget to sample the extensive buffet, with a wide choice of salads, local and international dishes and classic Brazilian desserts. The fine dining Itaipu Restaurant offers a blend of Brazilian-international fusion dishes. Its exquisite flavour combinations have made Itaipu a popular destination for visiting foodies. Take a seat inside the restaurant or request a table on the veranda and dine in glorious natural surroundings, overlooking the lush hotel grounds that stretch all the way to the falls. Start your evening with a cooling caipirinha at Bar Tarobá, a cosy, sociable meeting place for drinks. Cocktail in hand, take a seat on the veranda, surrounded by the lush rainforest, and watch the magnificent sunset over Iguazú National Park.

1. Cristalino Lodge 2. Hotel das Cataratas by Orient-Express

Restore your body and soul in the heart of the Iguazú. Each Cataratas Spa treatment celebrates the Amazon by featuring an array of responsibly harvested and sustainable ingredients — directly from the lush rainforests of Brazil. A cocktail of tropical fruits, moisturising butters and organic plant extracts inspire treatments that comfort the body and soothe the soul. The restaurants at Hotel das Cataratas have been shaped by the eclectic Iguazú region and its wide range of culinary influences. Adjacent to the pool, Ipê Grill serves a delicious buffet breakfast. After dark, the popular "gaucho"

43 Latin America


— High Andean peaks where majestic condors soar, steamy rainforests of the Amazon basin, nearly limitless coastal destinations and the almost mythical Machu Picchu. Once you see the mystically enchanting Andean highlands of Peru, you will understand why the Incas considered this place as the centre of their empire. Cradled by cloud-shrouded peaks, surrounded by cultivated fields of quinoa, the Inca erected stone temples without mortar. They laid roads the length of the country and melted gold into every form imaginable — from wall décor to hand plows. Over eight centuries later, we still thrill to seeing the sun rising behind the ruins of Machu Picchu and to hiking the mythical Inca Trail. This spellbinding country also has desert-meets-sea beaches, lush Amazonian jungle and magnificent volcanoes, as well as captivating cities that inspire travellers both young and old. Wander through a first century adobe city, feel colonial ghosts in the glorious Cusco cathedrals, fly over the mysterious Nazca desert drawings, visit the Uros people on floating islands in Lake Titicaca and feast on alpaca steak and ceviche in stylish eateries in Lima. Or go off the beaten track to the alabaster city of Arequipa, spot condors from a gorge twice as deep as the Grand Canyon, sandboard or buggy over dunes in Paracas and sail to Peru’s own version of the Galapagos Islands.

44 Latin America


Land of the Incas 14 nights




a Hi ghla nd


A mazon

Day 1 - Lima Upon arrival into Lima, meet and transfer to the hotel. Day 2 - Lima / Iquitos At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Iquitos where guides will await you for a 4 days/3 nights Aqua Cruise Expedition on the Amazon. From the moment you step on board, you will enjoy the atmosphere of low-key luxury; you are bound to start one of the great adventures of your life. Days 3 to 4 - Amazon Catch your first glimpse of the majestic Amazon River and watch the sun rise over this green world filled with wonderful wildlife. This initial contact with Amazonia is only a brief sampling of what the rest of your journey will hold: a fishing trip, jungle walks, visits to native villages and lectures by Naturalist Guides. Day 5 - Iquitos/Lima Transfer to the airport for a flight back to Lima

Days 7 to 8 - Machu Picchu You will arrive to the Aguas Calientes Station in Machu-Picchu where you will be transported by bus to the top of the mountain and citadel of Machu-Picchu, one of the most renowned examples of Inca architecture. Morning to enjoy a second visit of the ruins (on your own). Afternoon train back and then transfer to Cusco Days 9 to 10 - Cusco City Tour will show you the amazing colonial city built on the foundations of the Inca palaces. Among other attractions you will visit the Temple of the Sun, where you can appreciate the incredible masonry of the Incas. Next morning visit the huge circular terraces near Moray and the colonial town of Maras, also famous for salt. Days 11 to 13 - Cusco / Puerto Maldonado Flight to Puerto Maldonado. Welcome, registration and 45 minute transfer by boat along Madre de Dios river to Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica. After a short briefing, you would settle into your beautiful cabaña or enjoy the nature presentation at the Eco Center. During your stay you will enjoy excursions along Lake Sandoval and the Canopy Walkway, 29 meters above the forest ground. Day 14 - Puerto Maldonado / Lima Return trip by boat takes you to Puerto Maldonado for departure flight to Lima. Upon arrival transfer to hotel. In the afternoon visit colonial Lima’s downtown and San Francisco church. Make sure to go round Larco Museum, a private collection that makes visitors understand more than five thousand years of ancient Peru’s history. Day 15 - Lima International departure.





Machu Picchu



Puerto Maldonado

Lake Titicaca

Pacific Ocean


Atacama Desert

Day 6 - Lima / Cusco Transfer to airport for flight to Cusco. Upon arrival reception and start of your tour to Sacred Valley. You will be transferred to Ollantaytambo, an Inca vestige that was a military, religious and agricultural centre. The narrow streets and water channels are still used by the locals. Overnight in the Sacred Valley.



Argentina Uruguay

45 Latin America

Lima & Beyond Peru’s capital and largest city, once South America’s most important colonial city, is an energetic oftentimes chaotic culmination of old and new. Uncover Lima’s colonial past in Old Town; visit the city's modern malls. Enjoy San Isidro and Miraflores, Lima’s most exclusive residential and commercial neighborhoods boasting some of the best bars, restaurants and clubs. Beyond the capital, Trujillo in coastal northwestern Peru makes a convenient base for discovering ancient sites. Or, fly over the mysterious Nazca Lines, to Paracas to laze on deserted beaches or retreat to nature on the Ballesta Islands or in Paracas National Reserve.

Libertador Lima — Located in San Isidro, an exclusive and quiet residential area of Lima The beautiful view of the gardens of San Isidro Golf Club is just one of the attractions of the Libertador Lima. Situated just 40 minutes from Jorge Chávez International Airport, this refined hotel provides personalised service and comfortable accommodation. 54 spacious guestrooms and suites are equipped with TVs and Internet and guests enjoy 24-hour room service. Both the restaurant and the bar are cosy areas offering fabulous cuisine and beverages. Libertador Lima Restaurant offers an exclusive menu with local and international dishes showcasing quality ingredients and the Peruvian passion for creating a true gastronomic experience.

Miraflores Park Hotel — An elegant all-suite hotel in the heart one of Lima's most fashionable neighbourhoods Renowned for its beautiful garden location beside the Pacific Ocean, Miraflores Park Hotel has breathtaking views out to sea. Like all Orient-Express hotels, the Miraflores Park Hotel combines personalised service, exceptional dining and indulgent facilities. Guests can relax in one of the 82 suites which features a king-size bed, spacious marble bathroom, fully stocked mini-bar, wireless Internet, as well as a TV and DVD player. Some suites offer a Jacuzzi or sauna. The Zest Spa offers treatments inspired by and incorporating indigenous products from Peru and the Amazon. Guests enjoy creative Japanese cuisine in Mesa 18. For breakfast, the Observatory Restaurant offers spectacular views of Lima and the Pacific Ocean. Colonial architecture, superb museums with Inca gold and pre-Columbian antiquities, glamorous shops, bars and restaurants are all just moments from the hotel.

46 Latin America

Hotel Paracas, a Luxury Collection Resort — Restful, luxurious and located right on the Peruvian coast Three hours by car or 45 minutes by plane from Lima, the Hotel Paracas is nestled near a nature reserve. For complete immersion into nature, guests can take a boat from the hotel's private dock to the Ballesta Islands that provide shelter to over 150 species of marine bird including cormorants, pelicans and the Humboldt penguin. The region is also full of history. Here, the Paracas culture flourished nearly two millennia before the Incas, and guests gain an insight into the region's mysterious and intriguing past. Featuring 120 elegant rooms and suites, Hotel Paracas boasts a luxury spa and two restaurants serving a variety of cuisine from Peruvian to Mediterranean fare.

The Westin Lima Hotel

Libertador Trujillo

— Experience modern elegance in the vibrant San Isidro region

— A welcoming base from which to explore the fascinating Moche and Chimu archaeological sites

Located in Lima's vibrant financial and shopping district, this hotel is just 15 kilometres from Jorge Chávez International Airport and minutes from a dazzling selection of restaurants, galleries and parks. Choose from 301 spacious guestrooms and suites with contemporary furnishings and a host of pampering amenities, including a signature Westin Heavenly® Bed and Heavenly® Shower.

Located on a privileged corner of the city's main plaza, Libertador Trujillo is surrounded by the main Cathedral and other buildings from Colonial and Republican times. The hotel is also only ten minutes away from the pre-Incan ruins of Chan Chan, the largest adobe city in the world, and the impressive Sun and Moon Temples.

After a long day, recharge in the Heavenly Spa by Westin™ and indoor pool. Savour innovative Peruvian cuisine by Chef Rafael Piqueras at Maras, explore sumptuous seasonal offerings at Market 770, and taste your way through the great wines of the world at Lobby Lounge or Insitu Bar.

Libertador Trujillo has 79 spacious guestrooms and suites with Internet access, minibars and high-quality service. Relax by the outdoor pool and enjoy diverse cuisine at the Bóvedas Restaurant serving regional and international dishes prepared with typical local ingredients.

1, 2 3, 4


1. Miraflores Park Hotel 2. Libertador Lima 3. Hotel Paracas, a Luxury Collection Resort 4. The Westin Lima Hotel 5. Libertador Trujillo

47 Latin America

Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel This enchanting and cosy village hotel is nestled in four hectares of pristine cloud forest next to the Machu Picchu Historical Sanctuary. The spectacular grounds are laced with paths that wind past waterfalls and trails that wander through the misty forest. Relax and explore nature and the wonders of the Incan civilisation. The excellent restaurant boasts stunning views of the rushing Vilcanota River.

Machu Picchu Machu Picchu, the phenomenal "Lost City of the Incas", sits like a proud lion perched on a high plateau (2,430-metres above sea level) in a tropical mountain forest that is perpetually swathed in ribbons of clouds. The city was built in the 15th century and is a marvel of mortar-free limestone architecture. It is probably the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire at its zenith. Although the site was known locally, it was unknown to the outside world until it was "discovered" in 1911 by American historian Hiram Bingham. Board a train or take the multi-day hiking trail but make sure you see the ruins at sunrise.

The Salkantay Lodge to Lodge Journey to Machu Picchu Follow the footsteps of the Incas and experience an extraordinary seven-day adventure via the Salkantay Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Mountain Lodges of Peru prioritise guest experience, hospitality and social responsibility and offer soft adventure with unique lodge to lodge trekking and equestrian journeys. Enjoy the comfort and service of four quality mountain lodges in pristine spots en route to Machu Picchu.

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu by Explorandes Peru — Trek one of the most magical places in the world — the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu Over four days, experience the unique environments of the Andes — from mountain scenery to the lush cloud forest and the subtropical rainforest. With fixed departures every Wednesday and Sunday during Inca Trail season, trekkers start at the Sacred Valley of the Incas visiting remote Inca archaeological sites amid landscapes filled with exotic flora and fauna. Entering Machu Picchu through the Gate of the Sun is one of the most captivating experiences of the trail, and on the last day, trekkers experience the climax of the trip at Machu Picchu citadel.

48 Latin America

Explorandes, the pioneer adventure tour operator in Peru since 1975, offers trekkers exclusive camping areas, specialised equipment and expert guides during their trek, maximising comfort and quality of experience. With an emphasis on sustainable tourism, preserving the environment, culture and traditions, this operator was recognised as the "World’s Leading Green Tour Operator" in the World Travel Awards in 2012.

Tambo del Inka, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa — Nestled in the Sacred Valley, just 50 minutes from the city of Cusco Tambo del Inka is an inviting starting point for your journey to Machu Picchu. This spectacular resort encourages guests to relax and indulge the senses with exemplary service and comfortable surrounds. Enjoy kayaking on the impressive Lake Piuray, biking along mountain roads, trekking the marvel of sublime mountains, and observing exotic and intriguing Peruvian wild birds in abundance during your stay. By night, dine at the spectacular Hawa restaurant which has been designed with a perfect balance of indigenous woods and textiles and offers Andean-inspired cuisine with an emphasis on organic and traditional gastronomy.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6

Hiram Bingham — Embark on a journey like no other

The Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge — This luxury hotel echoes the region's natural beauty and sense of adventure At the edge of the Machu Picchu Citadel located over the mountain that accesses the lost city of the Incas, The Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge boasts stunning views across to Machu Picchu. Set in delightful gardens, this intimate retreat — consisting of 29 rooms and two suites — is home to a great variety of native plants and naturelovers delight in myriad orchid species growing year-round inside the property. Meanwhile, foodies enjoy local Peruvian cuisine on-site, and rejuvenation is also prioritised with a range of relaxing massages and aromatherapy treatments offered to soothe the soul after adventure-packed days spent exploring the region's wonders.

The Hiram Bingham luxury train links Poroy, near the ancient city of Cusco, to the Lost City of Machu Picchu via the dramatic valley of the Urubamba River. Named after the explorer who rediscovered the Inca citadel, the Hiram Bingham takes travellers through some of the most romantic scenery in Peru. The train has two dining cars, an observation and bar car and a kitchen car and can carry up to 84 passengers. Decorated in the style of 1920s Pullman carriages, each car is furnished in polished wood and brass with large comfortable armchairs. The trip includes appetisers, brunch, live music and a gourmet dinner on board, as the train travels through spectacular and ever-changing scenery. For many, a trip to Machu Picchu is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The Hiram Bingham assures a magical journey, never to be forgotten. It departs later in the day than most other services, allowing passengers to enjoy the citadel in the late afternoon calm. The journey can be made either as a day excursion, or with an overnight stay at Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge and a guide is available to accompany passengers.

1. Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

by Explorandes Peru

2. Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel 3. The Salkantay Lodge to Lodge Journey to Machu Picchu 4. Tambo del Inka, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa 5. The Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge 6. Hiram Bingham

49 Latin America

Inkaterra Itinerary Inkaterra itineraries are utterly opulent, absolutely customised and cater to travellers with extraordinary expectations. Featuring the three exclusive properties Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica set in the Southern Amazon jungle, Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel on four hectares of serene gardens across from the Machu Picchu Pueblo, and Inkaterra La Casona near the historic Plaza de Armas in Cusco.

Cusco Cusco, the ancient Inca capitol, is the gateway to Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley. Colonial churches and mansions sit atop granite Inca walls and streets are still known by indigenous Quechuan names.

Inkaterra La Casona This Relais & Châteaux property is an exquisite 16th-century colonial manor, located just steps away from the picturesque main square in Cusco. Once occupied by the conquistadors of Peru, it is now an exclusive boutique hotel that has been carefully restored to retain its historical heritage and décor. With suites set around a Spanish courtyard, the manor offers sober elegance without sacrificing authenticity.

Hotel Monasterio — Fine art, acclaimed cuisine and sprawling mountains Located in the vibrant heart of Cusco, this spellbinding hotel perfectly combines historic grandeur with modern elegance. Cusco city is considered the archaeological capital of Latin America, where visitors discover the impressiveness of the Inca and Colonial culture.

50 Latin America

The renowned Hotel Monasterio is an exceptional 16th century architectural masterpiece. This antique monastery, restored into a hotel, has a distinctive collection of paintings and provides exemplary personalised service that is reflected in every aspect of your stay. Find internationally-inspired Peruvian cuisine and a captivating atmosphere at its restaurants and bars.

Hotel Rio Sagrado — This luxury hotel is a beautiful setting for a Peruvian adventure Located in a privileged place in the Urubamba Valley, Hotel Rio Sagrado showcases magnificent views of Urubamba valley from all the rooms. It was designed so guests can appreciate the hotel's natural surroundings while enjoying a day by the pool, a picnic, a BBQ or even mystical ceremony inspired by the ancient Inca. Explore the area on horseback or mountain bike, or indulge in a soothing alfresco massage amid spa gardens and fragrant eucalyptus trees. Accommodations are deluxe rooms, spacious suites or three-bedroom villas set in wild-flower gardens. El Huerto Restaurant serves Peruvian specialities and international cuisine.

Palacio Nazarenas — Taking hospitality in Cusco to another level Located two blocks from Cusco’s main square, this former convent is one of the city's most exclusive hotels. The 55 oxygen-enriched suites offer the ultimate indulgences such as a private bar and a butler available 24-hours a day. He or she will help you to create your own Cusco experiences, introduce local experts and even show you how to make your own herb-based cocktails in your room. Enjoy the best cuisine in Senzo by internationally awarded chef Virgilio Martinez. Unwind at Hypnôze Spa and enjoy one of its signature treatments especially designed to improve physical, mental and emotional well-being. Or just relax by the only open-air heated swimming pool in Cusco. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

El Mercado Tunqui Hotel — Bringing the magic and hospitality of the mountains to the city Mountain Lodges of Peru announces the opening of El Mercado Tunqui Hotel, a first-class 31-room boutique accommodation in the heart of Cusco, just four blocks away from the Plaza de Armas (Cusco’s Main Square). Built on the site of a former market, the hotel´s experience and intrinsic décor has been designed to elicit the spirit of a traditional native market where culture and nature meet, combining vibrant colours and a lively atmosphere. An original and eye-catching design has been paired with traditional colonialstyle architecture to offer a welcoming and sophisticated ambiance. The wellappointed guest rooms offer amenities such as Wi-Fi, complimentary use of tablet computers, daily world newspapers, and free local natural hot drinks. The hallmarks of the Mountain Lodges of Peru experience — exceptional service, warm Peruvian hospitality, and attention to detail — are all found at El Mercado Tunqui Hotel, creating a perfect beginning for any journey into the beautiful landscapes and fascinating cultures of Peru.

Palacio del Inka, a Luxury Collection Hotel — Showcasing a centuries-old, magical blend of preColumbian, Inkan, Spaniard, Colonial, and modern cultures A storied mansion dating back nearly five centuries, Palacio del Inka stands in the historic centre of Cusco. Directly across from the Koricancha, it is a short walk from the main square and close to an array of museums, markets, and restaurants. The 203 exquisitely appointed guest rooms combine Peruvian art and handcrafted furnishings with contemporary amenities — from a signature Luxury Collection bed to state-of-the-art technology, including a TV, high-speed Internet access, and an iPod docking station. Uniting the past and present, Palacio del Inka Spa presents indigenous treatments and an indoor therapy pool.

1. Inkaterra Itinerary 2. Inkaterra La Casona 3. Hotel Monasterio 4. Hotel Rio Sagrado 5. El Mercado Tunqui Hotel 6. Palacio Nazarenas 7. Palacio del Inka, a Luxury Collection Hotel

51 Latin America

The Amazon Plunge deep into the country's massive tracts of tropical rainforest. In the pristine wilderness of the Tambopata National Reserve, stay at a rustic eco-lodge, raft rapids and take a pre-dawn hike to the world's largest clay lick to view hundreds of feasting macaws and parrots. Or cruise the great rivers in the utmost luxury to watch monkeys dance overhead and pink dolphins skim the water's surface. Relax in a hot tub out on deck and count the stars in the luminous night sky. In the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, visit an indigenous community or take a night time canoe ride through the jungle.

52 Latin America

Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica — Founded in 1975 by a Peruvian film producer, this luxury all-inclusive eco-resort is adjacent to the Tambopata National Reserve in the vast Amazonian rainforest. Remote and pristine yet easily accessible, the Reserva Amazonica region is only a 35 minute flight from Cusco. In a welcoming haven of 200 hectares, featuring 35 comfortable thatched-roof cabaùas and a spa located on the banks of the Madre de Dios River, Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica offers a range of land and river excursions that introduce guests to the magic of the rainforest, including the incredible experience of the spectacular 344-metre long and 30-metre high Canopy Walkway.

2 1

Delfin Amazon — Fish for piranhas, swim with river dolphins and enjoy rainforest cuisine on a luxury riverboat cruise Deep in the Peruvian Upper Amazon, super-luxury vessels — Delfin I and Delfin II — take you into the world's largest protected flooded forest, the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve. In this bird-watching haven, you will see iridescent macaws, white-necked herons, green kingfishers, and hundreds of other rainforest birds. You will also encounter extraordinary creatures like capuchin and howler monkeys, three-toed sloths and the Amazon alligator (caiman). Other rare species of birds and animals can be viewed during the two to three daily excursions. Voyages also include visits to native villages to experience traditional life on the river, canoeing in a remote lagoon, swimming near pink river dolphins, fishing, kayaking, canopy walking, daytime hiking and night safaris in the rainforest. Cuisine includes native potatoes, exotic fruits, fresh fish and chilli peppers. In the evening, there is live music and a briefing about the next day's adventures. Each vessel is a floating boutique hotel. Wood-panelled suites are fitted with orthopaedic mattresses, top-of-the-line Peruvian cotton linens, and eco-friendly toiletries. The Delfin I offers only four spacious suites, which have amazing

floor-to-ceiling windows, a private terrace and two of the rooms are deluxe master suites, each with a private whirlpool. It is the ideal setting for a romantic expedition adventure or for a family and friends gathering. The Delfin II boasts ten standard suites and four master suites with similar amenities, exquisite regional cuisine, and world-class service and comfort. It has recently added a new lecture room, spa room and exercise room. Delfin Amazon Cruises gives you the opportunity to experience the Amazon with authentic style and comfort. Choose from four-day/three-night programs, five-day/four-night programs or private charter for a longer stay.

1. Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica 2. Delfin Amazon

53 Latin America

The Amazon

Amazon Amatista Cruise — Far removed from daily concerns, feel the warmth of the Amazonian air caressing your skin as you breathe in the scents of your jungle surrounds on this unforgettable cruise. Showcasing an incredibly rich eco-diversity and preserving the ecosystems of the Omagua region, the Pacaya Samiria Natural Reserve is the largest reserve in Peru and the spectacular backdrop to your journey. Marvel at a landscape of lush beauty, irrigated by the mighty Amazon River, from the comfort of your moving hotel. To be joined in 2015 by a second vessel, the M/V Amatista is a vintagedesigned boat designed exclusively for cruising the Amazon. Travel in time as well as space aboard the 35-metre long ship, which as well as its historical appeal, also boasts its share of comforts and amenities.

54 Latin America

Featuring 15 air-conditioned cabins with eight on the lower deck and seven on the upper deck, the vessel accommodates a maximum of 31 passengers. Each room is decked in an elegantly classic style, with wood veneer and ensuite bathrooms. Guests also enjoy the covered dining room with bar and the sundeck with 360-degree panoramic views.

Keep your eyes open for the beautiful Amazon River dolphin. Light grey or pink in colour these friendly and legendary creatures amaze on lookers as they surface for air often displaying spectacular acrobatics. In jungle communities, they are the characters of myths and legends from the oral tradition - an inspiring sight. Experience an unforgettable expedition of bird-watching, trekking, photo safaris, marine and other wildlife spotting on this once-in-a-lifetime expedition.

Libertador Arequipa — Located in Arequipa close to one of the world's deepest canyons in the Colca Valley Soak up the peace and tranquillity of the Alto Selva Alegre district, just five minutes from the Plaza de Armas of Arequipa and 20 minutes from the Rodríguez Ballón International Airport. Travel beyond your hotel to explore the Colca Valley - a land of snowcapped volcanoes, narrow gorges and desert landscapes - one of the most scenic regions of Peru. Relax in one of Libertador Arequipa's 88 recently remodelled rooms and enjoy the pool and gardens. Dine at the hotel's Los Robles Restaurant, sample "Maracuya Sour" at Los Montoneros Bar and visit the modern cellar station also accessed from the street.

Arequipa, Puno & Lake Titicaca Arequipa, an elegant colonial town, sits surrounded by snowcapped volcanoes. Explore the sacred azure waters of Lake Titicaca. From Puno, sail to the lake's floating islands, home of pre-Incan Uros tribe.

1 2


Libertador Lake Titicaca — The only luxury hotel in the private Esteves Island Libertador Lake Titicaca showcases unforgettable sunrises and sunsets from any vantage point in the hotel and 360 degree views of the highest navigable lake in the world. From a private pier, guests navigate to islands lost in time where they can witness and participate from centuries-old traditions and crafts with their inhabitants. The hotel is 45 minutes from the Inca Manco Cápac International Airport. Stay in one of 123 guestrooms, unwind in the Wellness and Relax area or play snooker in the games room. Los Uros restaurant offers international dishes made with local produce, surrounded by one of the greatest views of the lake. At night, enjoy a typical Coca sour at the Taquile bar.

1. Amazon Amatista Cruise 2. Libertador Arequipa 3. Libertador Lake Titicaca

55 Latin America


— Amazonian rainforests, Andean peaks, foggy cloud forests, white-water rafting, the Galapagos Islands and a rich indigenous heritage; all this and more in Ecuador. Wedged between Colombia and Peru, little Ecuador is one of the most geographically and culturally diverse countries on the planet. Split by the Andes, a rocky spine of snow-capped volcanoes, the ancient Amazon is to the east. And to the west are misty bird-filled cloud forests, untouched coastline and, of course, the awe-inspiring Galapagos Islands. One day you will pick through hand-woven wool sweaters at a chilly indigenous market in Otavalo; the next day you will sweat all over your binoculars while spying on howler monkeys in the Amazon jungles of the Oriente. For the adrenaline junky, the choices are outrageous. Mountaineering and trekking are world-class (try the Quilatoa Loop); toss in some horseback riding and surfing and you will go home with a happily aching body. For the culture vulture, Ecuador’s indigenous heritage of traditional costumes and highland markets will enchant you. Ecuador’s exquisite capital Quito is the perfect base. Before jetting off to explore, meander the majesty that is the city’s UNESCO protected old town, the largest and best preserved in South America, drive north to stay at historic colonial haciendas and ride horseback in the countryside past Inca ruins.

56 Latin America

Andes and Galapagos 14 nights


Day 1 - Arrival in Quito Upon arrival a welcoming reception and transfer to the hotel. A documentation kit, detailed program explanation plus luggage and hotel registration assistance is offered.Overnight in Quito Days 2 to 4 - Mashpi Lodge Mashpi Lodge is set within a 1.000-hectare private reserve, which is part of the globally important bio-region that stretches from Panama to northern Peru along the Pacific slopes of the Andes. At proper time on Day 04, overland transfer back to Quito for accommodation. Day 5 - Quito Today we will offer a wonderful tour through the streets and main squares of Quito Historic Centre, first city in the world to be declared “World Cultural Heritage” site by UNESCO in recognition for its architectonic and artistic value.

Galapagos Islands

Mashpi Lodge





A mazon

Ecuador Cuenca

Day 6 - Quito / Cuenca At proper time, transfer from hotel to airport to take flight to Cuenca. Upon arrival, assistance at the airport and transfer to hotel. The Southern highlands display very talented artisans and the villages in the surroundings of Cuenca have lots to offer. Visit the artisans at their workshops for Panama Hats at Sig Sig, and the unique Ikat cotton weavings near Gualaceo all in a very different setting with super bargains.



Day 7 - Cuenca The Inca fortress on Ingapirca is by far the most important archaeological site left by the Inca Empire in Ecuadorian territory. Day 8 - Cuenca Cuenca is considered the most prominent artisan centre in Ecuador. The variety and quality of the fine handicrafts are remarkable and make this region a commercial centre that joyfully surprises the visitors.


Day 9 - Cuenca / Guayaquil At scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take your flight to Guayaquil. Upon arrival, assistance and transfer to the hotel. Day 10 - Guayaquil / Galapagos Transfer from hotel to airport in Quito to take domestic flight to the Galapagos Islands.


Day 14 - Galapagos / Guayaquil / Quito Upon arrival to Quito, assistance at the airport and transfer to hotel. Day 15 - International departure At proper time, transfer from hotel to airport to take international departure flight.


Atacama Desert

Days 10 to 14 - Cruising the Galapagos The unique combination of converging marine currents, a volcanic geological structure and the oceanic isolation of the islands has resulted in this “melting pot” of endemic species, found nowhere else on earth. Today, as a strictly protected National Park and the world’s first natural area designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, the Galapagos are also one of the world’s most fascinating tourist destinations and a true Wonder of Nature….. All meals included from lunch on arrival day to Galápagos to breakfast on departure day.


57 Latin America


Quito Nothing prepares you for the approach into Quito. Cradled in a ring of snow-capped volcanoes, this stunning high-altitude Andean capital is breathtaking. And after a 250 million-dollar investment, its numerous colonial churches, convents and monasteries have been scrubbed and polished to perfection. Walk the cobblestone streets; stop for coffee and freshly squeezed tropical fruit juice. Travel the northern highlands on horseback and stay at romantic centuries-old haciendas. In Otavalo, shop South America's largest handicraft market. Explore pre-Incan burial mounds and view more than 400 bird species in the Mindo cloud forest.

Hotel Plaza Grande

Casa Gangotena

— Historic and majestic, the Hotel Plaza Grande rises above Quito's central square

— At the corner of Plaza San Francisco in Quito's historic heart

Adorning Independence Square, the Hotel Plaza Grande is renowned for its aweinspiring architecture and elegant décor. With over 500 years of history, it has been restored to its former glory and now comprises luxury accommodations, three restaurants, one bar and a ballroom. Its prime location in Quito´s central square, Plaza de la Independencia, affords superb views across the UNESCO heritage-listed city and is and ideal base for exploring the local art, architecture, churches, monasteries and culture.

Situated in a newly-restored historic mansion overlooking Plaza San Francisco, the three-story Casa Gangotena boutique hotel in Quito is home to 31 guestrooms showcasing eye-catching style, contemporary design, antiques, fine furnishings, modern technologies and quintessential comforts. All guestrooms are air-conditioned, with wireless Internet and flat-screen TVs. Beautifully and eclectically appointed, the hotel invites its guests to explore and to relax. Take some time out of your busy touring schedule in the hotel's garden redolent with the perfume of native flowers, wood-panelled library, atop the panoramic thirdfloor terrace glassed-in patio or dining room.

The 15 elegant boutique suites are the height of sophistication ensuring absolute comfort with every 21st century convenience. Gourmet fusion food is served at La Belle Epoque restaurant whose panoramic city views are perhaps the best in town. Traditional cuisine is available at Café Plaza Grande.

58 Latin America

During 2013 the hotel has been awarded as the "Best Boutique Hotel in Ecuador" during the World Travel Awards and as "Best Luxury Boutique Hotel in Ecuador and in the Americas" during the World Luxury Hotel Awards.

Beyond the doors of this Quito hotel, the World Heritage-listed wonders of Quito, as well the vastly different and diverse worlds of Ecuador itself, await. Sophisticated and eclectic, historic yet contemporary, at Casa Gangotena style, passion and service blend seamlessly and delightfully.

Casa Aliso — Enjoy the style and comfort of a small luxurious home Casa Aliso is a boutique hotel full of personality and character defined by its unique design, décor and ambiance. The property is located in La Floresta: a beautifully traditional area in the northern sector of Quito — historically one of the city's most elegant neighbourhoods. Suited to visitors who want to be close to everything, but who prefer a quiet, refined retreat, Casa Aliso has been designed to exceed expectations. Classic décor with a modern twist, stylish furniture, comfortable beds and windows draped with beautiful curtains sets the scene, and modern conveniences and amenities are included.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Mashpi Lodge — A gateway to biodiversity in the heart of the Andean cloud forest This sophisticated and strikingly contemporary lodge is a special springboard for exploring the bio-diverse world of its reserve. A hideaway in the clouds only accessible to its guests and located on a high plateau, Mashpi Lodge features views of the forested mountains on one side and the forest up close on the other. The lodge, built with the latest techniques in sustainable building and set to employ hydroelectric power in the near future, is designed to blend beautifully with its surroundings and boasts floor-to-ceiling glass windows. Mashpi Lodge is designed to completely immerse guests in the cloud forest experience, while keeping the forests creatures safely at bay — a luxury cocoon amid the clouds and tumbling mountains. The guestrooms, arranged over three floors, all face north, with floor-to-ceiling glass windows, some on two sides, with the forest just a few metres away. The lodge's towering, two-storey dining room offers a dramatic setting for lively gourmet dining.

Hotel Patio Andaluz — Style and comfort in the centre of colonial Quito The Hotel Patio Andaluz is located in the heart of historic Quito Antiguo and surrounded by churches, museums and national monuments. It is an official national treasure and holds centuries of history within its walls. Enjoy the comfort and elegance of a unique boutique colonial hotel that, through its arches, balconies and attics, will transport you to an ancient world. The property has 32 comfortable guestrooms including 11 suites. Guests dine at the exclusive restaurant "El Rincón de Cantuña" which specialises in national and Spanish cuisine and classic international dishes, and also enjoy the tapas bar "Marqués de Jerez", library, and artisan shop.

1. Hotel Plaza Grande 2. Casa Gangotena 3. Mashpi Lodge 4. Casa Aliso 5. Hotel Patio Andaluz

59 Latin America

Hacienda Zuleta Dating from the late 16th century, Hacienda Zuleta sits in the spectacular Andes just two hours' north of Quito. Zuleta is a 1,600-hectare colonial working farm, one of the world’s Top Ten Finds by Outside, and one of the Best Ecuador Hotels by National Geographic Traveller. Guestrooms are decorated with antiques and hand-embroidered linens. Explore the area on horseback, mountain bike or horsedrawn carriage.

Quito & Beyond

Hosteria Hakuna Matata Discover the birth of the Amazon rainforest in Tena, capital of the Napo Province. This private hacienda of approximately 150 hectares is a special place to enjoy a myriad of activities. The property lies on the shores of the crystalclear Inchillaqui River. Choose from the Cabañas Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Lodge and Hakuna Supreme guestrooms each with its own hot-water shower.

Hacienda Piman — Where simple pleasures meet the finer things in life Hacienda Piman is a historic retreat located in the northern Ecuadorian Andes. A place redolent with peace, a place where you will enjoy comfortable rooms and social areas amid modern and traditional architecture, delicious home-cooking, peaceful gardens and the warmth of your hosts. Seven of 17 guestrooms are located in the main manor house and the remaining ten are distributed between five cottages — with two rooms in each.

60 Latin America

Tucked into an oasis-like valley between the folds of dry mountains, Hacienda Piman offers you a special base for exploring the rich cultural and natural heritage of one of Ecuador’s most captivating regions.

1, 2, 3, 4

Napo Wildlife Center Ecolodge

Sacha Lodge

— The ultimate alternative luxury eco-hotel in Amazonian Ecuador

— Enjoy a true jungle adventure in safety and comfort

Napo Wildlife Center Ecolodge complex is located by the Anangucocha lake, within the unique ancestral territory of the Anangu Quichua Community, part of the Yasuni National Park — an important UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and the largest tract of tropical rainforest in Ecuador. The project includes the conservation of approximately over 21,400 hectares of pristine Amazon Rainforest. The central structure, or main hall, of the lodge, where meals are served, also offers several comfortable social areas, including a bar, a reading lounge — where briefings are often conducted — and a six-metre-high observation tower that provides a 360-degree-view of the surrounding wilderness. The 16 luxury cabañas include a king-size and twin-size bed to sleep up to three people, safety deposit box, private bathrooms with on-demand hot water showers, private porches with lake views, ceiling fans and secure screens for plenty of insect-free ventilation.

Your access to the Amazon, Sacha Lodge is found within a 2,023 hectare private ecological reserve and is a special base for your Amazonian adventure. An accessible yet pristine rainforest sanctuary, the lodging at Sacha was carefully designed to provide guest comfort while preserving the rainforest environment and its ambiance. All of the cabins, with high thatched roofs and private shaded terraces, are constructed with traditional materials. Each nestles well-concealed in its lush surrounds. View the jungle from your hammock and look out for toucans, agoutis and monkeys in your down time. Meals are prepared with the international traveller in mind. Three buffets each day offer a wide variety of tastes and guests also enjoy a BBQ in the outdoor dining area, right on the edge of the lake. The bar offers a wide variety of cocktails, spirits, wine and beer after an active day of touring and you may also choose to relax at a raised lookout with scenic views of Pilchicocha Lake and its bird life. Explore the Amazon from this enchanting base.


1. Hacienda Zuleta 2. Hosteria Hakuna Matata 3. Hacienda Piman 4. Napo Wildlife Center Ecolodge 5. Sacha Lodge

61 Latin America

Rail Journeys Ecuador boasts some of the most dramatic rail journeys in the world and with kilometres of historic track recently reopened, spectacular vistas and luxurious service levels await the intrepid traveller.


Tren Crucero — An exceptional journey through the Ecuadorian highlands to the coast

1. Tren Crucero

64 Latin America

Immerse yourself in Ecuador aboard a historical and heritage train and experience the romance of the Ecuadorian landscape from Quito to Guayaquil. Marking a renaissance of South American rail travel, The Tren Crucero's is almost theatrical - its four coaches true treasures of historical design. While much of the journey is diesel-powered, parts of the trip are conducted by steam locomotives dating back to the beginning of the 20th century — carefully restored to guarantee your comfort and safety. This remarkable train has a capacity to seat 54 persons comfortably and departs fortnightly from Quito. Experience exceptional scenery as you transition from lofty moorlands through cloud forests to tropical coastal landscapes in four days, all-inclusive. This is a voyage through majestic Andean landscapes to the endless plains of the coast; a unique experience in an exceptional train with a high level of service. Enjoy the Avenue of Volcanoes — more than ten volcanoes over 3,657 metres — one of them active. Travel along 450 kilometres of track ascending to 3,600 metres and descending to sea level as the journey proceeds. Discover the natural, cultural,

ethnic, culinary and climatic diversity of Ecuador. Enjoy amazing landscapes, overnight stays in thoughtfully selected hotels, bilingual guides, all meals showcasing typical dishes of each region (passenger dietary requirements are catered for) and planned and guided excursions to the main natural and cultural attractions en route. Excursions include visits to the Guamote indigenous market, one of the last authentic markets in the Andes; to a rose plantation with fair trade practices, learning about one of the country’s largest exports; and to Cotopaxi National Park, enjoying the scenic landscapes of the 6000-metre Cotopaxi Volcano.

Small Ship Cruising

M/Y Galapagos Odyssey — Explore the Galapagos aboard a small, elegant vessel with all the comforts of a first-class hotel

An intimate way to explore these enchanted islands is aboard a small luxury ship. Limited passenger numbers allow a more customised experience and in-depth interaction with naturalist guides alongside personalised service.

The 16 passenger M/Y Galapagos Odyssey offers a high level of comfort and a stylish ambiance while exploring the Galapagos Islands. The yacht's conscious design reduces the impact on the fragile Galapagos ecosystem. The cabins and social areas offer comfortable space for relaxation and leisure. Each accommodation features a private bathroom with a hot- water shower, desk, couch, mini-bar, wardrobe and large windows that open individually. The sun deck area is spacious and offers a shaded terrace to enjoy incredible Galapagos views while relaxing on the comfortable lounges or in the Jacuzzi.

1, 2, 3

M/Y Galapagos Grand Odyssey — Combining privacy and comfort in a marvellous yacht cruising the Galapagos Islands

M/C Galapagos Seaman Journey — A first-class expedition catamaran yacht cruises the Galapagos Islands with luxury and style M/C Galapagos Seaman Journey features eight double cabins, with six twin cabins on the main deck and the remaining two matrimonial cabins located on upper deck. There is also a great bar lounge area. M/C Galapagos Seaman Journey combines the space and comfort of a large ship with the privacy and cosiness of a small vessel. There is a selection of cruise itineraries to choose from covering land tours and hikes on many of the Galapagos Islands. Guests encounter species like giant tortoises, penguins, marine and land iguanas, frigate birds and blue-footed boobies. Other popular activities include snorkelling and kayaking during the trip.

The luxurious M/Y Galapagos Grand Odyssey has a capacity for only 16 passengers and features eight spacious, outside-facing suites and one Odyssey Suite. All cabins have panoramic windows showcasing landscapes of the famed Galapagos Islands. The cabins are called suites because of their large size. All suites contain private bathrooms with hot water, air-conditioning with independent controls to regulate the temperature, minibar, and a TV/DVD player. Interconnected cabins are available for families with children and on family departures, a play-zone for children includes Nintendo Wii, board games, movies and other entertainment. Facilities on board include an upper deck solarium with shade and uncovered areas, two Jacuzzi's, comfortable sun lounges and cosy social areas for naturalhistory talks and star gazing evenings. Snorkelling and kayaking are also popular pastimes. At the end of each adventurous day, local dishes with an international flair are designed by the chef and served in the elegant dining room.

1. M/Y Galapagos Odyssey 2. M/C Galapagos Seaman Journey 3. M/Y Galapagos Grand Odyssey

65 Latin America

Best of Bolivia 12 nights


Day 1: Sucre After reception at the airport transfer to hotel followed by half day City Tour visiting The Recoleta, the Asur Textil Museum and the House of Liberty where Simon Bolivar signed the Independence of Bolivia.

Ecuador Brazil

Perú Bolivia

Bolivia Uruguay

Argentina Chile

Day 2: Sucre / Tarabuco (only Sundays) Tarabuco is one of the few places in Bolivia where traditional and ethnic peculiarities are maintained. On Sunday there is a fair where natives from all nearby communities converge for social exchange.

— From high mountains to steaming jungles to preserved colonial cities; Bolivia is a land of contrasts. Bolivia encompasses towering mountain peaks, surreal salt flats, dense rainforests, wildlife-rich grasslands, Inca ruins, nine UNESCO Heritage-listed sites and Biosphere Reserves, and borders legendary Lake Titicaca.

Day 3: Sucre After breakfast you will be picked up for private transfer to the Serranía de Chataquila for visit of Inkamachay and Pumamachay. In Incamachay there are about 150 rock art elements, most being paintings in white, red or in both colours. Day 4: Potosi/Mines of Cerro Rico Pick up after breakfast and private transfer to Potosí to visit the ancient mine of Cerro Rico. Tours begin with a visit to the miners market, where miners stock up on acetylene rocks, dynamite and other essentials. Day 5: Potosi The City of Potosí with its old houses and narrow sidewalks lies at about 4.070 meters above sea level. Today you will visit Casa de la Moneda (the Royal Mint), convent of Santa Teresa and San Francisco Church. Days 6 to 7: Potosi/Uyuni After early breakfast you will join a private transfer from Potosí to Uyuni (Jirira). On the way you will visit the Volcano Thunupa and the Mummies of Conquesa and walk around Jirira small town. By dinner time you will arrive at the Deluxe Airstream Camper at the shores of the Uyuni Salt Lake. The second day you will start an excursion to the Salt Lake and Isla Pescado, an oasis with formations of algae and fossils. Day 8: Uyuni/La Paz (Titicaca Lake) After breakfast you will be transferred to the airport for your flight to La Paz. After arrival in La Paz take private overland journey to Copacabana, located at the shores of Lake Titicaca for an extensive program. Day 9: Titicaca Lake Around noon visit the Inca “Grand Stairs” and the Sacred Fountain; taste the water believed to give eternal youth and happiness. Visit the small handicraft market and take a Hydrofoil cruise to Huatajata for the several attractions there. Days 10 to 13: La Paz/Moon Valley/Tiwanaku In the morning overland journey back to La Paz with the afternoon at leisure. The City of La Paz and its surroundings can transport you to a mysterious past where any corner or any street is a hidden treasure where adventure begins. By a half day City Tour you will also visit the Moon Valley, a clay formation resembling the face of the Moon.

66 Latin America

On a 5 hour tour you will learn about Tiwanaku culture (1.580 BC-1.000 AD) that is one of the oldest civilizations in the Americas. The Sun Gate, the Temple of Kalasasaya and the Pyramid of Akapana are the sample of a glorious past. Services commence after breakfast with private transfer to the airport of La Paz.


Crillon Tours S.A.

Hotel de Sal Luna Salada

— Exceptional journeys showcase unspoiled nature, ancient traditions and Andean Cosmovision in comfort and style

— This rustic luxury hotel is built entirely from blocks of salt

At the otherworldly Uyuni Salt Lake in Bolivia, you will be immersed in solitude and peace and dazzled by kilometre of white nothingness. Explore Uyuni Salt Lake, Isla Pescado, Red Lagoon, Jirira and other natural wonders — returning at night to a classy dinner and an overnight in the comfort of a deluxe airstream camper, providing all facilities of a luxury hotel. The friendly staff and chef create a one-of-a-kind itinerary for you, based on your individual interests.

Hotel de Sal Luna Salada is located on the shore of the Uyuni Salt Lake, ten minutes from the small town of Colchani. 60 exclusively styled rooms — including some rooms overlooking the world's largest salt flat — have each been remarkably constructed using blocks of salt. Despite or perhaps because of this intriguing use of the local material, guests enjoy an enchanting ambiance as well as modern conveniences including central and individual heating, Wi-Fi, and indulgent amenities.

Emerging from blue sapphire waters and surrounded by the Royal Range of the Andes, the "Sacred Lake of the Incas" has always been one of the most important life sources within the Andes and a treasure of native ancient cultures and authenticity. The Titicaca Hydrofoil Cruise with scheduled or privately chartered vessels is a fascinating way to experience the lake. Enjoy comfortable and safe journeys with extended visits to islands including the Sun and Moon Islands, the cradle of the Inca Empire.

Activities across and around the lake include 4WD crossings, wildlife watching, hiking, and cycling, and days trips to Isla Incahuasi, Tunupa Volcano, Laguna Colorada (Red Lagoon) and Laguna Verde (Green Lagoon) keep visitors enthralled during their stay. Enjoy sunset-viewing and phenomenal stargazing and retreat at the end of each active day to your inviting base. The hotel's spaces are decorated with natural materials and a peaceful palatte. This is a roomy, magical and intimate base from which to discover a spectacular part of the world.


1. Crillon Tours S.A. 2. Hotel de Sal Luna Salada

67 Latin America


Jewels of Colombia


11 nights Ecuador Brazil



Bolivia Paraguay


— Modern cities with skyscrapers and nightclubs, 300 beaches on two oceans, archaeological ruins, highmountain trekking, coffee plantations and 50 golf courses in exotic surroundings. Soak up colonial history in the old town of Cartagena where pastel stucco buildings with delicate, wrought-iron balconies overlook narrow streets and lively plazas. In the capital city of Bogota, take in the Gold Museum with its immense wealth of pre-Columbian artefacts. Challenge yourself on a jungle course designed by Robert Trent Jones or Mark Mahannah. Trek wild mountain terrain to spot some of the 1,850 species of native birds. Take your afternoon siesta on a white-sand beach--there are literally hundreds to choose from.

Days 1-2: Bogota / City Tour with Monserrate Hill and Paloquemao Bogota is the capital of the Republic of Colombia and was founded by the Spanish in 1538. Modern Bogota is a fast growing city, fuelling the economic growth of the nation and one of Latin America’s urban highlights. The city is at altitude of approximately 2,640 m above sea level and with a population of approximately seven million. The City Tour starts with an early morning visit to the Paloquemao’s Market. This is one of the most important markets in the country and offers a great insight into the life and customs of the people from Bogotá. Afterwards visit the colonial quarter of La Candelaria and the lookout of “Cerro de Monserrate”. The tour then visits the “Museo del Oro” and ends with a visit to the “Museo de Botero” that displays works donated by Fernando Botero, Colombia’s most famous contemporary artist. Days 3- 4: Medellin / City tour with Metrocable Our tour visits the Nutibara Hill located in the heart of the city where we can find a replica of an ancient Antioquian town. Then we head to the Plaza de las Esculturas where there are several giant sculptures by Botero. After visiting the city parks and the Botanic Garden we get on the “Metrocable” that takes us to the poorest communities of the city. Day 5: Santa Marta / Tayrona National Park After breakfast you will head to the airport for flight to Santa Marta. Upon arrival you will be met by our representative and taken to Tayrona National Park by private ground transfer. Days 6-8: Tayrona National Park This impressive national park has some of South America’s loveliest coastline and is dotted with beautiful beaches, forests and mountains. It consequently boasts fascinating wildlife such as howler monkeys and iguanas and more than 400 species of birds. Days 9-11: Cartagena / City Tour and Tour to Rosario Islands Cartagena is truly a highlight of Colombia. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage site the city has a wealth of character that will capture any traveler’s senses, from its well preserved colonial architecture, excellent cuisine and amazing sunsets its warm and inviting people. On a City Tour you will visit the most important monuments of Cartagena. The first stop is at Convent of La Candelaria, then we head to San Felipe Fort which was built to protect the city from pirates and continue our way to Plaza San Pedro Claver whose name honors the Spanish monk, known as the ‘Slave of the African slaves’. Next morning you will be transferred to the tourist pier for departure by motorboat to the beautiful Islas del Rosario archipelago. These islands have been declared a National Park for one of the most important coral reefs of the Caribbean Colombian coast.

68 Latin America

Day 12: Cartagena After breakfast our services commence with private transfer to Cartagena’s airport.


Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena — An architectural gem and legendary landmark in the heart of Colombia´s UNESCO-listed walled city Built as a convent in 1621 and the setting for famed Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez's novel "Of Love and Other Demons", this intriguing hotel preserves the ancient magic of the colonial area.

1. Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena

Most of the 123 guestrooms have balconies or private terraces offering views of the interior cloisters of the hotel or the Great Wall facing the Caribbean Sea. Designed for both luxury and comfort, each guestroom has complimentary Wi-Fi and each ensuite bathrooms has a monsoon showers, deep soaking tub and Hermes amenities. The Botero Suite is a place where guests are acquainted with the legendary Colombian artist Fernando Botero. A series of photographs showing different stages of his life have been donated by his daughter Lina Botero. Savour French cuisine in El Claustro and Restaurant 1621, sip cocktails in El Coro, the monastery´s former choir, and indulge in pampering services in the So Spa. For more relaxed dining, enjoy casual meals — breakfast, lunch and dinner — while relaxing by the pool.

69 Latin America

Mexico Cuba Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama


Mexico — From Mexico City with its world-class museums and trendy restaurants to the traditional mountain villages and white sand beach resorts — this vast, colourful country makes you feel welcome. Ever since Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortez scoured the land for golden treasures in 1519, curious travellers have come in search of enriching experiences. Mexico’s ancient myths and romantic tales are as alluring as the landscape — majestic mountains, tropical forests, sandy deserts and dreamy beaches along two coastlines. A patchwork of enormously different native-American cultures--from the Aztec and Mayan empires to the Spanish colonial era and the current multitude of regional identities—make the country a dynamic and constantly surprising place to travel. Mexico City — vast and cosmopolitan — is packed with notable Baroque, Art Nouveau and Modern architecture, contemporary art galleries and hot restaurants where a fashionable late lunch can last well past dinner.

Flavours of Mexico 13 nights Days 1 to 3 - Mexico City Discover Mexico, the land of the Aztec and the Mayans whilst traversing incredible scenery. Despite the fall of these mighty empires its descendants and cultural traditions are kept alive in the modern world. A journey to this beautiful country takes you into the heart of a vibrant and passionate nation full of colour, music, art and history. The Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon in Teotihuacan are the best examples and cannot be missed. Days 4 to 6 - Oaxaca Oaxaca is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the economic, cultural and political centre of one of the most fascinating areas in Mexico. The region is host to 16 ethnic groups including the mighty Zapotecs and Mixtecs who once ruled this part of the ancient empire. These vibrant cultures still maintain many of their centuries-old traditions providing incredible opportunities to look back into Mexico’s colourful past. With its hidden jungles, high mountains and some of the deepest caverns in the world Oaxaca has much to offer. Days 7 to 8 - Uxmal Uxmal is one of the most magnificent and best restored ruins in Yucatan and is also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Enjoy this wonderful area visiting The Loltun Caves, the largest and most studied caves on the peninsula. Days 9 to 11 - Merida Merida’s remote Mayan roots, superb colonial monuments and the splendour of its 19th century architecture make it a captivating mixture of cultural influences. Visit Izamal, the “City of three cultures” which is one of the oldest cities in Yacatan bringing together elements of the prehistoric, colonial and contemporary eras. Discover Ek Balam (black jaguar) archaeological site located inside the Mayan jungle; refresh at the Mayan Cenote, once the only resource for fresh, sweet water in the Yucatecan jungle.

70 Latin America

Days 12 to 14 - Riviera Maya Visit Chichen Itza, the most famous Mayan temple city and one of the new Seven Wonders of the World. Spend three days in the Mexican Caribbean with its long white sandy beaches; discover the Tulum archaeological site considered one of the most beautiful Mayan ruins sitting high on the cliffs above the sea.

Mexico City

Four Seasons Hotel Mexico — Surrounding a beautifully landscaped fountain courtyard near Chapultepec Park and the exclusive Polanco district in Mexico City

Soak up the sights, tastes and sounds from over 1,000 years of culture — pre-historic peoples, Aztec, Spanish colonisers, Art Deco architects and modern artists — in this vibrant, colourful capital city.

Four Seasons Hotel Mexico is a blend of classical European and Mexicanstyle architecture. Most of the 240 guestrooms and suites face the peaceful central courtyard. Others have views of the tree-lined Paseo de la Reforma. All guestrooms feature LCD TVs, DVD players, i-Home docking stations and luxurious marble bathrooms with tub and separate shower. El Bar, offers an American breakfast buffet and a variety of light options for lunch and dinner. Reforma 500, the main restaurant, serves contemporary Mediterranean cuisine.


1, 2

Casa de Sierra Nevada — Like having your own beautiful, luxurious and historic apartment in magical San Miguel de Allende

Las Alcobas — An aesthetic marvel designed by the iconic international firm Yabu Pushelberg and located in Mexico City's fashionable Polanco district The masterfully designed hotel, a former private residence, has been ingeniously crafted into a series of private home-away-from-homes. The 35 guestrooms invite you to rest on sumptuous goose-down bedding and to bathe in sunken marble baths. The two- and three-bedroom suites and penthouses feature personal steam rooms and wrap-around terraces overlooking the city. This property provides premier in-room spa amenities and personalised services for guests making any stay both comfortable and artfully enthralling. Its central location gives easy access to the chic districts of Reforma, Condesa, Roma.

The boutique Casa de Sierra Nevada is a collection of perfectly restored Spanish colonial buildings, located one-and-a-half blocks from the main city square and cathedral of San Miguel de Allende. It is an Orient Express property and boasts the brand's signature amenities and quality service. The 37 guestrooms and suites are spread among six mansions, including Casa del Parque, a 17th-century fort and customs house catering to the silver trade, and Casa Principal, a 16th-century historic landmark that used to be the residence of San Miguel de Allende's archbishop. Each casona, or mansion, features five to seven guest rooms or suites, and is completely unique. Many feature outdoor courtyards with fountains, small gardens and alfresco corridors. Staying here allows you to immerse yourself into the town itself, forgetting that you are actually staying at a hotel. In the centre of each building, there is an inner courtyard where guests sit and enjoy the afternoon sun or the balmy evenings when lighted candles create a romantic ambience.

1. Four Seasons Hotel Mexico 2. Las Alcobas 3. Casa de Sierra Nevada

71 Latin America

Central America

— Secluded beaches, mysterious Mayan ruins, world-class diving, surfing, rafting and kayaking and other adventures await in the seven countries of Central America. Bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east, this is a verdant and bountiful isthmus of profound natural beauty, remnants of mysterious ancient civilisations, mountains abundant with coffee and bananas and a mind-boggling array of flora and fauna. Whether you are in search of Mayan pyramids and 16th-century colonial architecture or hankering to explore offshore coral reefs, thick jungles and volcanic peaks or you are simply looking for the perfect white-sand beach on which to relax, Central America satisfies all agendas with diverse tastes and possibilities. Skip from country to country on open-boats over chocolaty waters, witness colourful modern Mayan life where not much has changed over the centuries, kick back in a tiny coastal Garífuna village, the home to African-Carib culture, overnight at a coffee plantation in Boquete or enjoy the museums, restaurants and night life of Panama City. Central America — Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and parts of southern Mexico — is less touristy than its bigger, more well-known American neighbours. It remains a mystery to so many and that makes your trip all the more rewarding.

72 Latin America


Colours of Central America



17 nights Days 1 to 6 - Guatemala City / Antigua / Panajachel / Guatemala City Guatemala City sprawls across a range of flattened mountains scored by deep ravines at an altitude of 1500 metres. The capital was moved here by the Spanish rulers in 18th century and the city holds a fine collection of prehistoric and Mayan findings in its National Museum. All significant colonial buildings are in the nearby old capital of Central America, Antigua which is considered one of the finest examples of urban planning in Latin America. You will be touring the most important Mayan communities and experience the local market day in Chisticastenango in all colours and flavours. You will see volcanoes and cross the beautiful Lake Atitlan. On day 6 optional guided tour to the ruins of Tikal in the middle of tropical rainforest. Days 7 to 13 - San Jose / La Fortuna / Tortuguero / Puerto Viejo de Talamanca In Costa Rica you will experience volcanoes, crater lakes, thermal springs, pristine beaches and a wide variety of the miracles of nature. In Arenal National Park you will walk on the hanging bridges in the canopy of the rainforest and observe nature from another perspective. You will be acquainted with coffee and banana plantations and learn about the importance of the yellow fruit. In Tortuguero National park you will glide through narrow channels and observe impressive wildlife like crocodiles, monkeys, turtles, iguanas and a lot of birds. Following the Caribbean coast you will reach Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, a small village with lovely ambience and in the nearby Manzanillo National Park you will meet more inhabitants of the jungle. On many days afternoons are dedicated to leisure and you can enjoy the gardens and the beautiful Caribbean beaches. Days 14 to 18 - Bocas del Toro – Panama City In Guabito, the Panamian border village your new guide will load your luggage on a boat and drive to the island group of Bocas del Toro. You will be accommodated on the main island Colon where the main attractions are the beaches and the underwater world, inviting for snorkeling and diving. You will make a boat excursion to Laguna Bocatorito where you can admire dolphins and taste some delicious seafood in a nice local restaurant. From Bocas del Toro you will fly to Panama City where you will have a guided city tour and you will visit the Miraflores locks to get your first impressions of the Panama Channel. On day 17 you will board a large ship for the unforgettable partial cruise of this technical miracle. On day 18 transfer to the International Airport of Panama City.

Guatemala Panajachel Antigua

El Salvador



San Salvador




Managua La Fortuna

San Jose

Tortuguero Puerto Viejo de Talamanca Bocas del Toro


Costa Rica Panama

73 Latin America

Manatus Hotel Manatus Hotel is a boutique hotel set in lush tropical gardens and offers romantic holidays, family escapes, sports and adventure. 12 luxurious rooms have air-conditioning, two queen-size beds and outdoor private patios. The restaurant surrounded by the exotic and romantic jungle of Tortuguero, serves Caribbean fusion food. Guests enjoy wildlife waterway tours, an outdoor pool, spa services upon request and Wi-Fi.

Costa Rican Caribbean Raft the Pacuare River through the rainforest to luxurious thatched-roof bungalows. Explore the narrow canals of Tortuguero (with binoculars) to spot herons, monkeys, three-toed sloths and even the elusive caiman.

1, 2

Pacuare Lodge — A magical place of tropical beauty and authentic Costa Rican hospitality

1. Pacuare Lodge 2. Manatus Hotel

74 Latin America

Nestled between a private 340-hectare rainforest reserve and the spectacular Pacuare River, the retreat's 19 eco-chic bungalows and suites offer river views, garden views and jungle views and all have private outdoor showers. Colourful birds and butterflies flit through exuberant foliage and the songs of toucans complement the soothing sound of flowing water. Overlooking the river, the lodge's open-air restaurant offers gourmet candlelight meals with fresh-baked, whole-grain breads, home-made desserts amid the tantalising sights, sounds and scents of the tropical rainforest. Excursions like white-water rafting, visiting waterfalls, hiking through the jungle, and visiting local villages ensure adventure and a unique cultural immersion. You will notice the hotel's dedication to the environment and local communities, ensuring guests have a positive impact on — and impression of — this magical area. Two- to six-day itineraries include transfers from San Jose, an optional rafting trip on the Pacuare River, professional guides, equipment, accommodations and three delicious meals daily.

Hotel Tropico Latino

Le Caméléon Boutique Hotel — Revive in a special combination of ocean, jungle, culture and luxury On the lush Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica, in the vibrant reggae town of Puerto Viejo, Le Caméléon Boutique Hotel is a haven of elegance and comfort. The hotel was especially designed for travellers looking for a place to pamper themselves at the same time as experiencing a destination filled with culture and natural wonder. Laze by the pool or enjoy a massage. Stroll down to the private beach for a leisurely day of swimming and sunning, or take to the waves surfing or paddling in a kayak. Dine at the NUMU Restaurant for international, modern cuisine and head to the NUMU Lounge for a tropical cocktail. Guests can also enjoy the Spa for top to toe indulgence.

Tropico Latino is located in Santa Teresa on its breathtaking white-sand beach on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula. Stay in a tropical bungalow or suite, swim in blue waters and relax in natural tidal pools. Explore one of Costa Rica's most exciting destinations, unwind at the full-service spa and yoga centre and enjoy an all-organic menu at the beachfront restaurant.

Vista las Islas Hotel Nestled in tropical mountains, this property is surrounded by lush greenery and offers beach access and panoramic views of the gulf of Nicoya and its paradisial islands. Charming and comfortable, guestrooms have ocean views with private terraces and access to the hotel's magnificent tropical gardens and pristine pools. Guests enjoy myriad activities including kayaking, sightseeing and snorkelling as well as organic dining.

Costa Rican Pacific Coast Marked by creamy white beaches, the lovely Guanacaste region is a testament to Costa Rica’s stellar ecoconscious efforts, allowing so much of this coastline to remain pristine for hiking, swimming and fishing.

2, 3, 4


Stay in Costa Rica — Combining the luxury and space of a magnificent private residence with the services of a hotel This exquisite 445 hectare ocean-front resort is located at the heart of the Central Pacific Coast. Choose spacious one-, two- and three-bedroom condominiums or three- to eight-bedroom private homes. Each accommodation has views of the ocean, rainforest or the resort's 18-hole championship golf course, as well as easy access to swimming pools and shaded sun decks. Guests also enjoy the Marina Beach Club and myriad activities including sport fishing, canopy and the nearby Manuel Antonio National Park with beautiful beaches and incredible wildlife just one hour’s drive from the resort.

1. Le Caméléon Boutique Hotel 2. Stay in Costa Rica 3. Hotel Tropico Latino 4. Vista las Islas Hotel

75 Latin America

Costa Rican Rainforest & Volcanoes Discovering the volcanic beauties in the lush Central Valley is part of the fun. Drive through pristine rainforest, past picturesque towns, looking out for Rincón de la Vieja with its steaming geysers and fumaroles; Arenal, rising above the forest in perfect conical symmetry; Irazú, whose approachable summit spies both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea; and Tenorio, looming over the breathtaking sky-blue waters of the Celeste River. Trek through the Osa Peninsula forest, one of the planet’s most biologically diverse places, before going south to Ballena Marine National Park to dive and snorkel the thriving coastal reefs.

76 Latin America

Cristal Ballena Hotel Resort & Spa — Explore the Pacific coast from this well-established resort The boutique Cristal Ballena Hotel Resort & Spa, with its café-style pool bar and restaurant 'Pura Vida', is located near the Marino Ballena National Park on Costa Rica’s southern Pacific coast, perfectly poised on a hill between the Pacific Ocean and rainforest-covered mountains. Discover the unique beauty of Costa Rica's southern Pacific coast: listen to the song of the whales, ride out to Nauyaca Falls, paddle your kayak through the mangroves, join a canopy tour, watch the birds, dive or snorkel by Caño Island, surf or try sportfishing. At the hotel, all rooms — which compromise of 15 junior suites, two master suites and one family suite — have spectacular ocean views from a private balcony. Accommodation is spacious, comfortable, and well-appointed with four-poster beds. At the beautiful Spa Cristal, you will be pampered and well-cared for. Experience bliss and complete relaxation. Other hotel facilities and services include a swimming pool, pool table and a beach shuttle service. Enjoy the gardens, hiking path and fitness trail during your stay.

El Establo Mountain Hotel — Enjoy cloud forest views and canopy tours at this familyowned and family-friendly hotel Nestled in the misty cloud forest of Monteverde, El Establo Mountain Hotel offers 155 spacious guestrooms with spectacular views. Enjoy heated indoor pools, a full service spa, restaurants, cafés, Internet access, tennis, basketball, mini-soccer courts, hiking trails and a canopy tour. Take the night walk to see frogs, tarantulas and other nocturnal critters with the hotel's flash lights. This half Costa Rican–half Quaker, family-owned hotel allows you to share the best of both cultures. Your hosts also have a serious commitment with the environment and promote sustainable practices that ensure the minimum impact to nature.

1, 2, 3, 4

Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge — An exceedingly private retreat surrounded by pristine rainforest Dramatic views of mountains and the tranquillity of a private bay welcome you to Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge. Approach by boat from Golfito or Puerto Jiménez and relax to the sights and sounds of this tropical paradise. The lodge is often referred to as "Selva y Mar" ("jungle and sea") because it borders both thousands of hectares of pristine tropical rainforest and the wild, scenic and incredibly bio-diverse Golfo Dulce. The lodge's five private cabins and four cosy rooms have wrap-around windows, private terraces and plenty of fresh flowers. Services include those of resident naturalist guides and yoga and aromatherapy specialists. The lodge embraces conservation and offers a perfect blend of comfort and environmental preservation — sensitively designed and constructed from naturally fallen trees and recycled materials and harnessing solar energy to provide electricity. Experience a biologically diverse area home to many of the country's rare and endangered animals such as harpy eagles and scarlet macaws from the comfort of Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge.

Hotel Hacienda Guachipelín

1. Cristal Ballena Hotel Resort & Spa

— Experience natural hot springs, jungle forests, pristine waterfalls and bubbling volcanic mud pools

2. Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge

Hotel Hacienda Guachipelín is situated at the foot of Costa Rica’s northern Rincón de la Vieja Volcano, near the town of Curubandé, in the heart of Guanacaste’s ranch land bordering the popular Rincón de la Vieja National Park. While continuing the traditional work of raising cattle and horses, the hacienda also plays host to privileged guests. Since 1985, it has been welcoming visitors from all over the world.

4. Hotel Hacienda Guachipelín

54 comfortable ranch-style guestrooms are well-appointed with traditional wood furniture and all have views of the volcano. After a day of touring enjoy exceptional service and enticing cuisine at La Hacienda Bar & Restaurant.


3. El Establo Mountain Hotel

Latin America

Belize Tiny as a postage stamp, Belize has an out-sized beauty. Mountains and Mayan temples are swaddled in jungle, and underneath the sea, the Belize Barrier Reef (second longest in the world).

Victoria House

The Lodge at Chaa Creek

— Savour an ambiance relaxation, privacy and barefoot elegance at this four hectare beachfront resort

— Relax in comfort and experience one of the world’s most vibrant rainforests

Victoria House, a luxury 42-room award-winning resort, is on Amberbris Caye and just over three kilometres south of picturesque San Pedro Town. Guestroom options are charming thatch-roof casitas, plantation-style rooms and suites as well as beachfront and beach-view villas. There are two resort pools and two of the villas have private pools. Enjoy locally sourced meals like conch ceviche and cashew-encrusted grouper at Palmilla Restaurant.

Set within a pristine 147-hectare nature rainforest reserve bordered by the tranquil Macal River and the foothills of the Maya Mountains. Gorgeous garden paths connect 23 cottages, an excellent restaurant, a jungle lounge which leads to the pool, the Hilltop Spa, Natural History Centre, Butterfly Farm, Maya Medicinal Plant Trail and the secluded Macal River Camp.

Fish, dive and snorkel with nurse sharks and sting rays on the world's secondlargest coral reef just off-shore with the benefit of an on-site PADI dive shop and instructors. 1, 2, 3

Hidden Valley Inn & Reserve — A luxury retreat in a private nature sanctuary 1. Victoria House 2. Hidden Valley Inn & Reserve 3. The Lodge at Chaa Creek

78 Latin America

Hidden Valley Inn is situated on a 3,000-hectare private reserve bordering the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve, Cayo District in Belize. This 12-room eco-resort offers quality accommodation, gourmet food, locally grown coffee, attentive service and guided tours. Discover unique birds, flora and wildlife. Guests enjoy private access to over 144 kilometres of hiking and mountain biking trails, hidden crystal pools and waterfalls. Enjoy a romantic champagne lunch at your private waterfall — exclusively yours for the day. Experience ancient Maya ruins, explore mystical caves by canoe, tube or on foot. Explore the rainforest by horse or zip-line across its canopy.

Accommodation options include lovely thatched cottage rooms, suites and villas, all with indoor or outdoor private Jacuzzi and sun decks surrounded by lush tropical gardens. Kilometre of rainforest trails are perfect for hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding and guided nature walks.

Guatemala Discover Mayan ruins and steaming volcanoes, lush jungles and under-crowded beaches, museums in Guatemala City, local handicrafts in Mercado Central, and stroll the cobblestone streets in Antigua Guatemala.



El Convento Boutique Hotel — A luxe contemporary, colonial hotel in the heart of Antigua Located in the city of Antigua, on a cobblestone street across from the romantic ruins of an 18th-century convent, El Convento is a contemporary boutique hotel with a tasteful colonial feel. It sits just blocks from the city’s central plaza (a great starting point for walking tours of Antigua) and offers 25 individually decorated suites with large, plush king-sized beds. Stone, cedar, and brick architecture combines with eclectic antiques and a muted colour palette to create a peaceful environment that's perfect for relaxing or settling in with a good book. Some rooms feature private terraces or gardens while others have skylights, fireplaces, spa-like bathrooms or hot tubs. The rooftop lounge has an outdoor fireplace and offers city and volcano views. The chef crafts modern dishes with a Guatemalan flair, paired with vintages from a well-stocked wine cellar. El Convento is a favourite with couples (particularly honeymooners) and small groups looking for luxe accommodations in a central location. The hotel is just 50 minutes from Guatemala City's international airport.

La Lancha Hotel — An intimate and romantic retreat beside a magical lake Set in the rainforest high above the shores of Lago Petén Itzá is La Lancha — decorated with artwork and furniture from Bali, complemented by fabrics and carvings from Guatemala. Choose from Rainforest or Lakeview Casitas. All have bathrobes, Wi-Fi, organic toiletries and a fridge stocked with water, wine, soft drinks and Belikin beer. The open-air restaurant features Guatemalan dishes. Beyond the clear water of the lake is Tikal, the epicenter of Mayan spirituality. Buried deep within the rainforest, the ruins include more than 3,000 structures, ancient temples and plazas. La Lancha is the ideal destination for enjoying a languid pace and for exploring the Petén region.

1. El Convento Boutique Hotel 2. La Lancha Hotel

79 Latin America

Honduras Crowds have yet to come, so hike, ride horses, bird watch, raft and dive... in near solitude. Visit El Cusuco National Cloud Forest Park and sip a cup of strong Honduran coffee in the main square of San Pedro Sula.

The Lodge at Pico Bonito

Las Verandas Hotel and Villas

— Set in 160 hectares of tropical wilderness and lush gardens at the foot of Pico Bonito National Park

— Roatán, the "Island Jewel of the Western Caribbean" is home to this exclusive yet casual getaway

Situated in one of Central America's largest unexplored rainforests, Pico Bonito lies between two roaring rivers with many kilometres of private hiking trails that lead to sparkling waterfalls, private swimming holes and amazing views of the jungle canopy. Take a hike with the naturalist who can help identify sounds, exotic plants and spot wildlife.

Located in the Pristine Bay community and just 15 minutes from the international airport, Las Verandas embodies the essence of Roatán with its deep blue skies, white sandy beaches, crystal-clear water and breathtaking views.

This luxury eco-lodge has 14 cabins, each with its own private veranda enveloped by the sights and sounds of the forest. When not on exciting excursions, guests relax by the pool, get pampered in the spa and enjoy gourmet cuisine.

1, 2

1. The Lodge at Pico Bonito 2. Las Verandas Hotel and Villas

80 Latin America

Las Verandas Hotel and Villas is the luxury accommodation on the island in a village setting of architectural romance. Accommodations range from spacious hotel rooms and suites to luxury two-bedroom villas with full gourmet kitchens, large patios and infinity pools overlooking the ocean. The architecture, inspired by the indigenous Maya culture, includes clay tiles, native bamboo pergolas and teak wood trim.

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