MODULE Portraying the toileting culture of Surabaya people SYNOPSIS This module is about various toileting cultures of Surabaya people. There are different toileting habits and toilet designs used by Surabaya people. The differences are related to the context of economic, social, and environment of the city. The exploration of different toileting cultures has been used to create materials for healthy toileting campaign. OBJECTIVES To document the toileting behaviour of Surabaya people and the available toilet designs. CONTENT What is all about? Documentation of various toileting habits and practices of Surabaya people, ranging from the settlement area in the riverbank, a special school for the blind, mall, and public transportation (train). The results of toileting culture of Surabaya people are embodied in the various forms of documentation in order to support the healthy toileting campaign. Because of time and resource limitation, only 5 toileting stories are reconstructed. The stories are about toileting cultures in a blind school, the Gunung Sari and Bratang Tangkis villages, the Grand City Mall and train. Where is it collected from? A settlement area in the riverbank in (Strenkali: Kampung Bratang Tangkis and Kampung Gunungsari, Surabaya), a special school for the blind (SMPLB-A YPAB), the mall (Grand City Mall), and the public transportation (train).
Why is the knowledge important? Toilet is a sanitation fixture used primarily for the disposal of human excrement and urine. There are several types of toilets according to their usages, including flush toilets, dry toilets, pit toilets, etc. The toileting habit of people in Surabaya varied from squatting toileting, sitting toileting, dry toileting, and wet toileting. These habits could be expanded more than these four practices, which are related to the local context and knowledge. Toileting culture is also influenced by socio-economic classes. In Indonesia, there still many people who do not have a toilet infrastructure and the awareness of healthy toileting is still low. Based on the data, Indonesia still ranks 41 out of 102 developing countries with a low awareness for healthy toileting. To overcome tihis problem, communal toilet facilities are built in the high density urban kampong, including in Surabaya. The communal toilet system in urban kampong has been found as a collective spatial system developed by the community. The understanding of spatial and social system in the communal toilet provides some insights for the development of appropriate spatial strategies for urban kampong communities. Therefore the toileting habits were important to be documented. What is the available knowledge? • Squatting and wet toileting culture is found present in low income urban villages / kampong and informal sectors of Surabaya. This model is used since it is affordable for people with lower income. It is also believed as a better toileting practice because the use of the water can increase people sacredness and sanitation. • Communal toilet is often being a place for kampong residents to interact with each other. • For people who suffering blindness, a secure and reachable flush toilet is required, and also equipped with sprinkler, water dipper, and bucket. In designing the toilet for the blind, slippery floor, sharp basin surface, sharp water tap and other harmful things must be avoided. • Mall is considered to be a place that provides the best toilet facilities,
which takes into account the toileting culture of Indonesian people. People can find different types of toilet, such as flush toilet, squat toilet, and toilet for disabled people in mall. The cleanliness of the toilet also can be a good example of how public toilet is supposed to be taken care. • Toilet facility in public transportation, such as train is found very interesting. The passengers have different habits when using the toilet. Some of them carry wet tissue or tissue paper for cleaning their body, instead using the water that provided in the toilet. Even, some of them bring mineral water to clean their body. This habits show the distrusts of people on the cleanliness of toilet facility in public transportation. In addition, toilet facilities in train are differentiated based on the class tickets, such as business and executive classes. How does the knowledge work? Toileting habits in particular community or place are required to be observed in order to design the toilet that can facilitate the real needs of the people. Based on the observation of toileting habits in different places in Surabaya, students are able to create inclusive design strategy to provide friendly-healthy-accessible toilets for different users. POSTSCRIPT It is interesting to note that this project has portrayed toileting culture of Surabaya people, which is in line with the campaign program of East Java Province government that against the careless defecation. Based on the documentation done through this project, students of Petra Christian University have supported the government campaign by creating various campaign materials such as illustration for healthy toileting campaign, video, theatre performance, banner, and design model of inclusive toilet for Indonesian. Moreover, the topic of this research has been integrated in some course syllaby in Petra Christian University, which aimed to translate the toileting culture of Surabaya people into artistic presentation and to produce acceptable-accessible-healthy and functional toilet design.
CONTENT MATERIAL Gunawan Tanuwidjaja, ST, MSc. & co-workers, Civil Engineering and Planning/Architecture, Petra Christian University, SurabayaINDONESIA, e-mail: E-MODULE EDITOR Inneke Hantoro, STP, MSc., University Network for Digital Knowledge (UNDK) Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU), Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur IV/1, Semarang 50234 – INDONESIA, email:
By (Oleh): Gunawan Tanuwidjaja ST.MSc. Meilinda SS. MA. Erandaru, ST. MSc Heru Dwi W. MPd. Obed Bima Wicandra SSn. MA. Aniendya Christianna S.Sn. Budi Prasetyadi, SSn. Stefanny Irawan, SS. MA.
: Gunawan Tanuwidjaja ST. MSc.
b. Gender
: Male (Laki – Laki)
c. NIP/Title
: 10-012/ IIIC
e. Strata/Functional Position f. Structural Position
g. Field of Expertise
: Architectural History and Theory, Subject of Inclusive Design : Civil Engineering and Planning/ Architecture : 031 298 3382/+62 812 212 208 42/,, :
h. Faculty/Program Study i. Telephone/Faks/E-mail
j. Team of Mini Project No
Name and Academic Title
Field of Expertise
Course Taught
Faculty/ Program Study University
Meilinda SS. MA.
Play Production
Faculty of Literature/ English Literature
Erandaru, ST. MSc
Interactive Media
Audio Visual 1
Faculty of Art and Design/ Visual Communication Design Program Study
Heru Dwi W. MPd.
Sketch Drawing
Faculty of Art and Design/ Visual Communication Design Program Study
Obed Bima Wicandra SSn. MA.
Urban Arts
Visual Communi-cation Design 3
Faculty of Art and Design/ Visual Communication Design Program Study
Aniendya Christianna S.Sn.
Urban Arts
Visual Communi-cation Design 3
Faculty of Art and Design/ Visual Communication Design Program Study
Budi Prasetyadi, SSn.
Urban Arts
Visual Communi-cation Design 3
Faculty of Art and Design/ Visual Communication Design Program Study
Stefanny Irawan, SS. MA.
Play Production
Faculty of Literature/ English Literature
3 Project Location : several places in Surabaya 4 Cooperation with Other Institution a. Name of Institution : World Toilet Organization, Asosiasi Toilet Indonesia, C20 Library, Ayorek! Platform, Surabaya Punya Cerita, Surabaya Tempo Dulu, Demaya—Desainer Muda Surabaya, Paguyuban Warga Strenkali Surabaya b. Address : various location
5 Cost a. Proposed to UNDK
: USD.2.000
b. Other Sources (when : Rp.available) Acknowledgement: Board of Representatives of UNDK
Surabaya, 16 December 2013 Team Leader,
(Liauw Toong Tjiek, S.T., M.S. [Aditya Nugraha]) NIP. 96-027
(Gunawan Tanuwidjaja, ST., M.Sc.) NIP. 10-012
Acknowledgement: Rector
(Prof.Ir. Rolly Intan, M.A.Sc.,Dr.Eng.) NIP. 92-008
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (RINGKASAN EKSEKUTIF) Universitas Kristen Petra adalah sebuah lembaga pendidikan di Surabaya, dengan motto kami adalah Caring and Global University. (Universitas yang Peduli dan berskala Global). Saat ini ada 6 Fakultas, Fakultas Sastra, Fakultas Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Fakultas Seni dan Desain, dan Fakultas Ekonomi. Dengan pendekatan multidisiplin, kami berharap bahwa Program UNDK bisa diterapkan di beberapa program studi. Dan Tahun Fiskal kami 2013 - 2014 dimulai pada Agustus 2013 dan berakhir pada bulan Juli 2014.
Petra Christian University is an educational institution in Surabaya, formed in 1961 with the support of 6 Local Churches. And our motto is a Caring and Global University. Currently there are 6 Faculties, The Faculty of Literature, The Faculty of Industrial Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Planning, the Faculty of Arts and Design, and Faculty of Economics. With the multidisciplinary approach, we hope that UNDK Program could be applied in several program studies. And Our Fiscal Year of 2013 - 2014 started in August 2013 and ended in July 2014.
Judul proposal adalah Pemotretan Budaya Penggunaan Toilet dari Warga Surabaya: “Persepsi Warga Dan Keragaman Desain Toilet” The Title of proposal is Portraying The Toileting Culture of Surabaya People: “People Perception and Toilet Design Diversity”. Tujuan dari proyek ini adalah: • untuk menemukan pengguna toilet Surabaya di beberapa lokasi (dalam lingkup) • untuk menemukan dan mendokumentasikan perilaku dalam bertoilet orang Surabaya
The Goals of the Project are: • to find the toilet users of Surabaya in several locations (in the scope) • to find and document the toileting behaviour of Surabaya people
untuk menemukan jenis toilet yang tersedia di Surabaya (di Permukiman Perumahan dan Kampung, Toilet Umum dan Toilet Swasta) untuk menghasilkan komik atau ilustrasi untuk beragam bertoilet yang sehat bagi Surabaya untuk menemukan strategi desain untuk menyediakan toilet lokal yang ramah tetapi juga sehat dan dapat diakses
Peserta proyek mini akan terdiri dari 325 siswa dengan kolaborasi dari 8 dosen dari 5 Mata Kuliah dari 3 Departemen seperti: Arsitektur, Desain Komunikasi Visual dan Sastra Inggris. Lima mata kuliah yang terintegrasi dalam program ini adalah: Desain Inklusif, Audio Visual 1, Ilustrasi, Desain Komunikasi Visual 3 and Produksi Drama. Pendekatan ini adalah untuk merekam perilaku bertoilet sesuai kearifan lokal (budaya) dan desain toilet di Surabaya yang unik.
• •
to find types of toilets were available in Surabaya (in the Residential and Kampong Settlement, Public Toilets and Private Toilets) to produce comics or illustration for diverse healthy toileting for Surabaya to find the design strategy to provide locally friendly toilets but also healthy and accessible
Participants of the mini project would comprise of 325 students with collaboration of 8 lecturers from 5 Subjects from 3 Departments such as: Architecture, Visual Communication Design and English Literature. The five subjects integrated in the program are: Inclusive Design, Audio Visual 1, Illustration, Visual Communication Design 3 and Play Production. The approach was to record the local knowledge toileting behaviour (culture) and toilets design in Surabaya which are unique.
Kegiatan dan jadwal waktu proyek mini (integrasi pengajaran) proyek tersebut mencakup: • Review Literatur Sederhana • Persiapan Silabus • Pemetaan Masyarakat / Lokasi • Wawancara dan Dokumentasi Foto • Pengambilan dan Pengeditan Video • Produksi Ilustrasi • Pemetaan Google • Pelaporan dan Desain Mahasiswa • Produksi Drama • Presentasi Internal • Evaluasi Silabus • Pelaporan Akhir
Activities and timeline of the mini project (teaching integration) project involved: • Simple Literature Review • Syllabi Preparation • Community/ Location Mapping • Interview and Photo Documentation • Video Shooting and Editing • Production of Illustration • Google Mapping • Students Reporting and Designing • Production of Drama • Internal Presentation • Syllabi Evaluation • Final reporting
Total anggaran mencapai USD 2.000,-
Total budget of the projects reached the USD 2,000,-
Tinjauan Literatur dilakukan untuk memahami pentingnya budaya bertoilet dan desain toilet untuk orang Surabaya. Kemudian silabus dipersiapkan oleh tim secara individual. Tetapi mereka setelahnya mendiskusikannya dengan ketua tim dan mengadaptasikannya ke topik proyek dan tingkat kesulitan mata kuliah
Literature Review was conducted to understand the importance of toileting culture and the toilet design for Surabaya people. Then the syllabi were prepared by the team individually. But they were later discussed with the team leader and adapted to the project topic and level of difficulty of the subject.
Masyarakat calon mitradan lokasi contoh toilet telah dipetakan. Langkah ini dibantu oleh C20 Library, Ayorek! Platform, Surabaya Punya Cerita, Surabaya Tempo Dulu, Demaya—Desainer Muda Surabaya, Paguyuban Warga Strenkali Surabaya, dan organisasi lainnya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan kolaboratif bisa menghasilkan eksplorasi sukses.
The possible partner communities and location of toilets example were mapped out. This step was assisted by C20 Library, Ayorek! Platform, Surabaya Punya Cerita (Story of Surabaya), Surabaya Tempo Dulu (Old Time Surabaya), Demaya - Desainer Muda Surabaya (Young Designer of Surabaya), Paguyuban Warga Strenkali Surabaya (Surabaya Riverside Communities Organisation), and other organisations. It showed that the collaborative approach could produce successful exploration.
Wawancara dan dokumentasi foto dilakukan untuk menggali dan mengumpulkan data dari budaya bertoilet di Surabaya. Wawancara dilakukan dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil yang terdiri dari 4 sampai 6 orang. Nantinya, hasil eksplorasi disajikan di dalam website yang mereka siapkan. Dan eksplorasi dan pengembangan website memerlukan waktu 2 bulan.
Interviews and photo documentations were conducted to explore and collect data of the toileting culture of Surabaya. Interviews were conducted in small groups consisting of 4 to 6 persons. Later, the exploration results were presented in the websites prepared by them. And The exploration and website development took 2 months.
Setelah informasi budaya toilet dikumpulkan, video pendukung disiapkan. Karena waktu dan keterbatasan sumber daya, hanya 5 cerita toilet yang direkonstruksi. Ceritacerita sekitar budaya bertoilet di Sekolah Penyandang Tuna Netra, Kampung Gunung Sari dan Bratang tangkis, Grand City Mall dan Kereta Api. Videografi adalah fokus dari mata kuliah Audio Visual 1, karena itu skrip disiapkan oleh Ketua Tim dan Dosen. Di sisi lain, kreativitas dan fleksibilitas diberikan kepada mahasiswa untuk produksi dan editing.
After the toileting culture information was collected, the supporting videos were prepared. Because of time and resource limitation, only 5 toileting stories were reconstructed. The stories were about toileting cultures in the Blind School, The Gunung Sari and Bratang Tangkis Village, The Grand City Mall and The Train. The videography was the focused of Audio Visual 1 course, therefore the script was prepared by the Team Leader and Lecturer. On the other hand, creativity and flexibility were given to the students for production and editing.
Ilustrasi sederhana mengenai budaya bertoilet diproduksi secara manual. Mata Kuliah Ilustrasi diajarkan untuk mempersiapkan siswa tahun ke 2 untuk membuat konsep dengan sketsa.
The simple illustration of toileting culture was produced manually. The illustration course was taught for preparing the 2nd year students for creating concept with sketches.
Proses pemetaan Google juga dilakukan bersamaan dengan wawancara, foto, pengambilan video. Tim ini dilengkapi dengan smart phone untuk melakukan langkah ini. Untuk membuat pemetaan google efisien, konsultasi dilakukan kepada nara sumber Teknologi Informatika dari C20 Library dan Dosen Teknologi Informatika dari Universitas Widya Mandira.
The Google mapping process was also conducted simultaneously with the interview, photo, video taking. The team was equipped with the smart phone to conduct this step. To make the google mapping efficient, the consultation was conducted to Informatics Technology Expert from C20 Library and Informatics Technology Lecturer from Widya Mandira University.
Mahasiswa menyiapkan laporan eksplorasi. Ini yang kemudian diterjemahkan ke dalam desain dan cerita. Laporan tersebut kemudian diterjemahkan dan dipublikasikan di website UNDK Petra.
Students of Inclusive Design and Visual Communication Design 3 prepared exploration reports. These were later translated into the design and stories. The reports were then translated and published in the UNDK Petra website.
Proses pelaporan juga mencakup proses desain mahasiswa dan lokakarya desain toilet partisipatif, bekerjasama dengan C20 Library dan Ayorek!. Desain ini dilakukan dalam kelompok kecil dengan mempertimbangkan tujuh prinsip desain inklusif. Proses desain dipandu oleh dosen. Terakhir, lokakarya desain toilet partisipatif dilakukan dengan melibatkan 2 narasumber yang dipilih, yang mana adalah Bapak Tutus Setiawan SPd​​ . (tuna netra) dan Bapak Ahmad Fauzi M.Hum. (penderita cerebral palsy) Para narasumber menjelaskan kebutuhan mereka akan desain toilet.
The reporting process was also incorporated the students’ design process and participative toilet design workshop, in collaboration with C20 Library and Ayorek!. The design was conducted in the small group with considering the seven principles of inclusive design. The design process was guided by the lecturer. Lastly, a participative toilet design workshop was conducted involving 2 selected resource persons, which were the blind person Mr Tutus Setiawan SPd. and cerebral palsy person Mr Ahmad Fauzi M.Hum. The resource persons described their needs for toilet designs.
Presentasi internal dilakukan sebagai ujian tengah semester oleh mahasiswa dan dosen Desain Inklusi, Desain Komunikasi Visual 3, maupun Audio Visual 1. Proses ini dilakukan di kelas. Sharing tersebut ditemukan penuh wawasan.
Internal presentation was conducted as the mid-term test by the Inclusive Design, Visual Communication Design 3 as well as Audio Visual 1 students and lecturers. The process was conducted in the class. The sharing was found insightful.
Sebuah Drama dinamai The Potty Training (Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet) dibuat dan dimainkan oleh tim Sastra Inggris, dalam Mata Kuliah Produksi Drama. Drama ini juga didukung oleh Tim Desain Inklusi dan Audio Visual untuk dokumentasi dan persiapan pengaturan (setting) panggung. Ini benar-benar menunjukkan kolaborasi besar di antara dosen dan mahasiswa.
A Drama called The Potty Training was created and played by the English Literature team, in the Play Production Course. The drama was also supported by the Audio Visual and Inclusive Design Team for documentation and stage setting preparation. This was actually showed great collaboration among lecturers and students.
Silabus dievaluasi dalam rangka menciptakan perbaikan terhadap mata kuliah serta Program Petra UNDK. Evaluasi dilakukan secara internal maupun dalam Evaluasi Petra UNDK. The Silabus kemudian akan disajikan dalam sosialisasi Program Petra UNDK di website serta dalam Lokakarya (Workshop) UNDK pada tahun 2014.
The syllabi were evaluated in order to create improvement to the subjects as well as UNDK Petra Program. The evaluation was conducted internally as well as in the UNDK Petra Evaluation. The Syllabi later would be presented in the UNDK Petra Program socialisation in website as well as in the UNDK Workshop in 2014.
Pelaporan Final disiapkan oleh UNDK Petra didukung oleh penerjemah dari Ayorek! Network (Jaringan Ayorek!). Laporan ini disusun bilingual agar dapat untuk berbagi program di Indonesia serta untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab ke Lembaga Amerika (United Boards), UNDK dan Unika Soegijapranata
Final Reporting was prepared by UNDK Petra supported by translators from Ayorek! Network. The report was prepared bilingually in order to be able to share the program in Indonesia as well as to fulfil the responsibility to United Boards, UNDK and Unika Soegijapranata.
Hasil program ini diproses menjadi Bahan Sosialisasi MCK Sehat dan Fungsional ke beberapa Kampung di Strenkali Surabaya yang didanai oleh LPPM UK Petra pada Semester Genap 2013-2014 yang melibatkan beberapa anggota tim mini proyek ini.
The result of the program was processed for Dissemination of Healthy and Functional Toilet to several Riverside Village in Surabaya funded by Research and Community Outreach in Petra Christian University in Event Semester of 2013-2014 involving several team of the mini project..
PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (KATA PENGANTAR DAN UCAPAN TERIMAKASIH) Kami bersyukur kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus karena berhasil menyelesaikan program ini. .
We are thankful to Lord Jesus Christ for completing this program.
Universitas Kristen Petra adalah sebuah lembaga pendidikan di Surabaya, dengan motto kami adalah Caring and Global University. (Universitas yang Peduli dan berskala Global). Dengan pendekatan multidisiplin, kami berharap bahwa Program UNDK bisa diterapkan di beberapa program studi.
Petra Christian University is an educational institution in Surabaya, formed in 1961 with the support of 6 Local Churches. And our motto is a Caring and Global University. With the multidisciplinary approach, we hope that UNDK Program could be applied in several program studies.
Untuk kegiatan ini diusulkan proposal adalah Pemotretan Budaya Penggunaan Toilet dari Warga Surabaya: “Persepsi Warga Dan Keragaman Desain Toilet”
The Title of proposal is Portraying The Toileting Culture of Surabaya People: “People Perception and Toilet Design Diversity”.
Peserta proyek Mini akan terdiri dari 325 siswa dengan kolaborasi dari 6 dosen dari 5 Subyek dari 3 Departemen seperti: Arsitektur, Desain Komunikasi Visual dan Sastra Inggris. Pendekatan ini adalah untuk merekam perilaku bertoilet sesuai kearifan lokal (budaya) dan desain toilet di Surabaya yang unik.
Participants of the mini project would comprise of 325 students with collaboration of 6 lecturers from 5 Subjects from 3 Departments such as: Architecture, Visual Communication Design and English Literature. The approach was to record the local knowledge toileting behaviour (culture) and toilets design in Surabaya which are unique.
Kami ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada: • Avron Boretz PhD. (Perwakilan United Boards, Hongkong) • Prof.Ir. Rolly Intan, M.A.Sc.,Dr.Eng (Rektor UKP) • Prof. Budi Widianarko (Rektor Unika Soegijapranata 20092013) • Ir. Hanny Hosiana Tumbelaka, M.Sc., Ph.D (Wakil Rector 1 UKP tahun 2009 - 2013) • Prof. Ir. Djwantoro Hardjito, M.Eng., Ph.D. (Wakil Rector 1 UKP tahun 2013 - 2017) • Liauw Toong Tjiek, S.T., M.S. [Aditya Nugraha] (Ketua Perpustakaan Petra dan Board of UNDK) • Dr. Bernadeta Soedarini (Unika Soegijapranata, Director of UNDK Indonesia) • Tim UNDK Indonesia • Tim AUDRN • Prof. Ir. Lilianny Sigit Arifin, M.Sc., Ph.D.(Ketua LPPM 2009 – 2013) • Ir. Handoko Sugiharto, M.T. (Dekan Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan)
We would like to thanks: • Avron Boretz PhD. (Representative of United Boards, Hongkong • Prof.Ir. Rolly Intan, M.A.Sc.,Dr.Eng (Rector of PCU) • Prof. Budi Widianarko (Rector of Soegijapranata Catholic University 20092013) • Ir. Hanny Hosiana Tumbelaka, M.Sc., Ph.D (1st Vice Rector of PCU 2009-2013) • Prof. Ir. Djwantoro Hardjito, M.Eng., Ph.D. (1st Vice Rector of PCU 2013 - 2017) • Liauw Toong Tjiek, S.T., M.S. [Aditya Nugraha] (The Head of Petra Library and Board of UNDK) • Dr. Bernadeta Soedarini (Soegijapranata Catholic University, Director of UNDK Indonesia) • UNDK Indonesia Team • AUDRN Team • Prof. Ir. Lilianny Sigit Arifin, M.Sc., Ph.D.(The Head of Research and Community Outreach 2009 – 2013) • Ir. Handoko Sugiharto, M.T. (Dean of Civil Engineering and Architecture Faculty)
• Andrian Dektisa, S.Sn., M.Si. (Dekan Fakultas Seni dan Desain) • Dr. Drs. Ribut Basuki, M.A (Dekan of Fakultas Sastra) • Ani Wijayanti Suhartono, S.Sn. (Ketua Program Studi DKV 2009-2013) • Agus Dwi Hariyanto, S.T., M.Sc. (Ketua Program Studi Arsitektur 20092013) • Dwi Setiawan, S.S., M.AELT. (Ketua Program Studi Sastra Inggris 2009-2013) • Ir.Irwan Tjandra Tanuadji (Ketua Unit Perencanaan Perawatan Kampus). • Semua pihak yang berpartisipasi yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu per satu.
• Andrian Dektisa, S.Sn., M.Si. (Dean of Art and Design Faculty) • Dr. Drs. Ribut Basuki, M.A (Dean of Literature Faculty) • Ani Wijayanti Suhartono, S.Sn. (The Head of Visual Communication Design Program 2009-2013) • Agus Dwi Hariyanto, S.T., M.Sc. (The Head of Architecture Program 2009-2013) • Dwi Setiawan, S.S., M.AELT. (The Head of English Literature Program 20092013) • Ir.Irwan Tjandra Tanuadji (The Head of Facility Maintenance Planning Unit). • All participating parties that could not be mentioned one by one.
Kami berharap agar dapat melanjutkan kerjasama ini untuk mengembangkan program University Network Digital (Local) Knowledge di UK Petra.
We hope that we can continue this collaboration to develop the University Network Digital (Local) Knowledge in PCU.
Surabaya, 20 Desember 2013 Gunawan Tanuwidjaja ST. MSc. Pimpinan Proyek UNDK di Universitas Kristen Petra.
Surabaya, 20th December 2013 Gunawan Tanuwidjaja ST. MSc. Project Leader of UNDK in Petra Christian University.
LIST OF FIGURES (DAFTAR GAMBAR) Figure 1. Closed toilet in Portishead at terminus of bus route out from Bristol. [Gambar 1. Toilet yang ditutup di Portishead di terminus rute bus keluar dari Bristol.]‌26 Figure 2. A range of logos reflecting stereotypes and societal divisions. Male, Female and Disabled: Three Sexes? Male, Female, Disabled, Elderly, Baby: Five Sexes?(Greed, C., 2003) [Gambar 2. Berbagai logo mencerminkan stereotip dan perpecahan sosial. Laki-laki, Perempuan dan penyandang cacat: Tiga Jenis Kelamin? Laki-laki, Perempuan, penyandang cacat, Lansia, Bayi: Lima Jenis Kelamin? (Greed, C., 2003) ]...32 Figure 3. Examples of House Toilets by Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008) . [Gambar 3. Contoh Toilet Rumah oleh Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008) ]...38 Figure 4. Examples of Public Toilets in House by Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008) . [Gambar 4. Contoh Toilet Umum di dalam Rumah oleh Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008).]...38 Figure 5. The Discussion of Syllabi [Gambar 5. Diskusi Silabus ]...43 Figure 6. The Discussion of Location or Community Mapping [Gambar 6. Diskusi tentang Pemetaan Lokasi atau Komunitas ]...44 Figure 7. The interview and photo documentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 7. Wawancara dan dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting ]...46 Figure 8. The interview and photo documentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 8. Wawancara dan dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting]...46 Figure 9. The assistance with tutor interview and photo documentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 9. Asistensi dengan tutor hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting]...46
Figure 10. The assistance with tutor interview and photo documentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 10. Asistensi dengan tutor hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting]...47 Figure 11. The assistance with tutor interview and photo documentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 11. Asistensi dengan tutor hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting]...47 Figure 12. The photo documentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 12. Dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting ]...47 Figure 13. The photo documentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 13. Dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting ]...48 Figure 14. The video shooting of Toileting Culture [Gambar 14. Video shooting Budaya Toileting ]...49 Figure 15. The video shooting of Toileting Culture [Gambar 15. Video shooting Budaya Toileting ]...49 Figure 16. The video shooting of Toileting Culture [Gambar 16. Video shooting Budaya Toileting ]...50 Figure 17.Video editing of Toileting Culture [Gambar 17. Video editing Budaya Toileting ]...50 Figure 18. Video editing of Toileting Culture [Gambar 18. Video editing Budaya Toileting ]...50 Figure 19. The illustration preparation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 19. Persiapan ilustrasi untuk Budaya Toileting ]...51 Figure 20. The illustration preparation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 20. Persiapan ilustrasi untuk Budaya Toileting ]...51 Figure 21. The design process of local - knowledge - based toilet [Gambar 21. Proses desain toilet berbasis - pengetahuan – lokal]...53 Figure 22. The design process of local - knowledge - based toilet [Gambar 22. Proses desain toilet berbasis - pengetahuan – lokal]...54
Figure 23. The design process of local - knowledge - based toilet [Gambar 23. Proses desain toilet berbasis - pengetahuan – lokal]... 54 Figure 24. The resource person in design process of local - knowledge based toilet [Gambar 24. Nara sumber dalam proses desain toilet berbasis - pengetahuan – lokal]... 54 Figure 25. The design process of local - knowledge - based toilet [Gambar 25. Proses desain toilet berbasis - pengetahuan – lokal]...55 Figure 26. The internal presentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 26. Presentasi internal BudayaToileting]...56 Figure 27. The internal presentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 27.Presentasi internal BudayaToileting]...56 Figure 28. The internal presentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 28.Presentasi internal Budaya Toileting]...57 Figure 29. The internal presentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 29. Presentasi internal Budaya Toileting]...57 Figure 30. The internal presentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 30.Presentasi internal Budaya Toileting]...57 Figure 31. The internal presentation of Toileting Culture [Gambar 31. Presentasi internal Budaya Toileting]...58 Figure 32. The stage preparation of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” [Gambar 32. Persiapan panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”) ]...59 Figure 33. The stage preparation of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” [Gambar 33. Persiapan panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”) ]...59 Figure 34. The stage preparation of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” [Gambar 34.Persiapan panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty
Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”) ]...60 Figure 35. The stage of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” [Gambar 35. Tata panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)]...61 Figure 36. The stage of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” [Gambar 36. Tata panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)]...60 Figure 37. The stage of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” [Gambar 37. Tata panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)]...61 Figure 38. The Drama Play of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” [Gambar 38. Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)]...61 Figure 39. The Drama Play of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” [Gambar 39.Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)]...61 Figure 40. The Drama Play of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” Gambar 40. Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)...62 Figure 41. The Drama Play of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” [Gambar 41. Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)]...62 Figure 42. The team involved in Production of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” [Gambar 42. Tim yang terlibat dalam Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)]...62 Figure 43. The team involved in Production of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training” [Gambar 43. Tim yang terlibat dalam Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)]...63 Figure 44. The team coordination and syllabi evaluation meeting [Gambar 44. Rapat tim koordinasi program dan evaluasi silabus]...64
Figure 45. The team coordination and syllabi evaluation meeting [Gambar 45. Rapat tim koordinasi program dan evaluasi silabus]..64 Figure 46. The team coordination and syllabi evaluation meeting [Gambar 46. Rapat tim koordinasi program dan evaluasi silabus]...65 Figure 47. The team coordination and syllabi evaluation meeting [Gambar 47. Rapat tim koordinasi program dan evaluasi silabus]...65 Figure 48. The team coordination and syllabi evaluation meeting [Gambar 48. Rapat tim koordinasi program dan evaluasi silabus]...65 Figure 49. Restroom of RT 7, Kampung Gunungsari [Gambar 49. Ponten RT 7, Kampung Gunungsari]...77 Figure 50. Toilet in Mr Haryono Karno’s house [Gambar 50. WC di Rumah Pak Haryono Karno]...79 Figure 51. Toilet in the first floor of Mrs Ni Nyoman Sariani’s house yang berada di lantai 1 [Gambar 51. WC di Rumah Bu Ni Nyoman Sariani yang berada di lantai 1 dan awalnya dibangun ]...79 Figure 52. Toilet in the second floor of Mrs Ni Nyoman Sariani’s house [Gambar 52. WC di Rumah Bu Ni Nyoman Sariani di lantai 2 dan merupakan ]...79 Figure 53. New toilet in yang baru di SMPLB-A YPAB [Gambar 53. Kondisi WC dalam MCK yang baru di SMPLB-A YPAB]...83 Figure 54. New washing room in SMPLB-A YPAB [Gambar 54. Kondisi tempat cuci dalam MCK yang baru di SMPLB-A YPAB]...83 Figure 55. New bathroom in SMPLB-A YPAB [Gambar 55. Kondisi tempat mandi dalam MCK ]...83 Figure 56. Toilet in Grand City Mall [Gambar 56. Fasilitas Toilet di Mall Grand City]...86 Figure 57. Toilet in Grand City Mall [Gambar 57. Fasilitas Toilet di Mall Grand City ]...87
Figure 58. Toilet for Disabled People in Grand City Mall [Gambar 58. Fasilitas Toilet Difabel di Mall Grand City ]...87 Figure 59. Sliding Door of the Toilet in Grand City Mall [Gambar 59. Pintu Geser pada Fasilitas Toilet di Mall Grand City]...87 Figure 60. Business Toilet [Gambar 60. Toilet Bisnis]...92 Figure 61. Executive Toilet [Gambar 61. Toilet Ekskutif]...92 Figure 62. Scribbles on on of train toilet’s wall [Gambar 62. Coretan di salah satu tembok toilet kereta]...93 Figure 63. Unflushed pee... [Gambar 63. Pipis yang belum disiram...]...94 Figure 64. Toilet use restriction sign when the train stopping [Gambar 64. Tanda larangan penggunaan toilet saat kereta berhenti]...95 Figure 65. The Railway [Gambar 65. Rel Kereta Api]...96 Figure 66. The Train’s Toilet [Gambar 66. Toilet Kereta Api]...97 Figure 67. Example of Toileting Culture [Gambar 67. Contoh Ilustrasi Budaya Bertoilet]...99 Figure 68. Example of Toileting Culture Illustration [Gambar 68. Contoh Ilustrasi Budaya Bertoilet]...100 Figure 69. Example of Toileting Culture [Gambar 69. Contoh Ilustrasi Budaya Bertoilet]...100 Figure 70. Example of Toileting Culture Illustration [Gambar 70. Contoh Ilustrasi Budaya Bertoilet]...101 Figure 71. Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB [Gambar 71. Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB]...105
Figure 72. Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB [Gambar 72. Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB]...106 Figure 73. Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB [Gambar 73. Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB]...106 Figure 74. Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB [Gambar 74. Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB]...106 Figure 75. Toilet Design which flexible for sitting and squatting in Special Junior High School - A YPAB [Gambar 75. Desain Toilet yang fleksibel untuk duduk dan jongkok di SMPLB-A YPAB]...107 Figure 76. Toilet Design with wash-bowl and locker in Special Junior High School - A YPAB [Gambar 76. Desain Toilet dilengkapiwastafel dan loker di SMPLB-A YPAB]...107 Figure 77. Railing Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB [Gambar 77. Railing di Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB]...107 Figure 78. The cuved-edges of water container and red lines to assist low vision blind colleagues to orient in Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB [Gambar 78. Ujung bak yang lengkungdan garis berwarna merah untuk membantu rekan tuna netra low vision untuk berorientasi di Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB]...108 Figure 79. The bathing area with non-slippery floor material in Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB [Gambar 79. Tempat mandi dengan material lantai antislip di Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB]...108 Figure 80. The bathing choice provided (with bailer or shower) in Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB [Gambar 80. Pilihan mandi yang disediakan (dengan gayung atau shower) pada Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB]...109 Figure 81. Personal Toilet Design in Riverside Villages of Surabaya [Gambar 81. Desain Toilet Pribadi di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya]...110 Figure 82. Personal Toilet Design in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
[Gambar 82. Desain Toilet Pribadidi Kampung Strenkali Surabaya]...110 Figure 83. Squatting toilet (that could be converted for sitting) in Personal Toilet Design in Riverside Villages of Surabaya [Gambar 83. Toilet Jongkok (yang dapat diubah jadi duduk) di Desain Toilet Pribadidi Kampung Strenkali Surabaya]...110 Figure 84. Sitting toilet (transformed from squatting toilet) in Personal Toilet Design in Riverside Villages of Surabaya [Gambar 84. Toilet duduk (yang ditransformasikan dari toilet jongkok) di Desain Toilet Pribadi di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya ]...111 Figure 85. Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya [Gambar 85. Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya]...112 Figure 86. Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya that facilitated the wheelchair users [Gambar 86. Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya yang memfasilitasi pengguna kursi roda]...112 Figure 87. Squatting toilet (that could be converted for sitting) in Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya [Gambar 87. Toilet Jongkok (yang dapat diubah jadi duduk) di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya]...113 Figure 88. Sitting toilet platformin Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya [Gambar 88. Platform toilet duduk di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya]...113 Figure 89. Usage example of sitting toilet (transformed from squatting toilet)Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya [Gambar 89. Contoh penggunaan toilet duduk (yang ditransformasikan dari toilet jongkok) di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya]...114 Figure 90. Washing and ablution area in Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
[Gambar 90. Tempat cuci dan wudhu di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya]...114 Figure 91. Railing for the elderly user in Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya [Gambar 91. Railing untuk membantu orang tua pengguna Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya]...114 Figure 92. Signage for lowering down the platform in Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya [Gambar 92. Tanda untuk menurunkan platform di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya]...115 Figure 93. Wash-bowls in Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya. [Gambar 93. Wastafel di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya.]...115 Figure 94. Google Map of Toileting Culture of Surabaya [Gambar 94. Peta Google untuk Budaya Toileting di Surabaya]...116
LIST OF TABLES (DAFTAR TABEL) None [Tidak ada tabel]
CHAPTER 1.INTRODUCTION (BAB 1. KATA PENGANTAR) 1.1. BACKGROUND (1.1. LATAR BELAKANG) UNDK (University Network of Digital [Local] Knowledge) adalah jaringan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk menyebarkan prioritas (memainstreaming) pengetahuan lokal dari komunitas / masyarakat (khususnya perguruan tinggi) dan melengkapi mereka dengan alat digital & sumber daya untuk melakukannya secara mandiri. Kegiatan ini akan memperkaya silabus pengajaran dosen di Perguruan Tinggi (http://undk. asia/).1
UNDK (University Network of Digital [Local] Knowledge) is a network of universities in Indonesia aiming to mainstream priority (mainstreaming) the local knowledge from community / society (especially college) and equip them with digital tools & resources to do it independently. This activity will enrich the syllabus of the lecturer teaching in Universities (http://undk. asia/).2
Pemotretan Budaya Penggunaan Toilet dari Warga Surabaya menarik untuk didiskusikan mengingat Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur mencanangkan kampanye melawan buang air besar sembarangan (menggunakan toilet). Kepala Divisi Pemukiman Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Provinsi (Bapeprov) Jawa Timur, Suwarto mengatakan Selasa ini (18/5). Program ini sangat penting sejak Indonesia masih menempati urutan 41 dari 102 negara berkembang dengan rendahnya kesadaran untuk buang hajat sehat. ( news/2010/05/18/180248539/ Jawa-Timur-Targetkan-BebasBuang-Hajat-Sembarangandi-2014)3.
Portraying Toileting Culture in Surabaya was interested to discuss considering the East Java Province Government proclaimed the campaign against careless defecation (toileting). Human Settlements Division Head of Provincial Development Planning Agency (Bapeprov) East Java Suwarto said this Tuesday (18/5). The program was so important since Indonesia still ranks 41 out of 102 developing countries with a low awareness for healthy toileting. The data Indonesia showed 70 million people who do not have a toilet infrastructure and the awareness for healthy toileting are very low. ( news/2010/05/18/180248539/ Jawa-Timur-Targetkan-BebasBuang-Hajat-Sembarangandi-2014)4.
Toilet adalah perlengkapan sanitasi permanen yang digunakan terutama untuk pembuangan kotoran manusia dan urin. Ada beberapa jenis toilet sesuai dengan penggunaan mereka : Toilet Flush, Kimia, Toilet Kering, termasuk lubang toilet dan pengomposan toilet, pispot rumah tangga, kloset ember ( wiki/Toilet)5.
A toilet is a sanitation fixture used primarily for the disposal of human excrement and urine. There are several types of toilets according to their usages: Flush toilets, Chemical, Dry toilets, including pit toilets and composting toilet, household chamber pots, pail closets. ( wiki/Toilet)6.
Organisasi Toilet Dunia akan diminta untuk bekerja sama dengan tim Petra untuk mempromosikan meningkatkan kondisi sanitasi bagi manusia di seluruh dunia melalui advokasi yang kuat, teknologi inventif, pendidikan dan peluang pasar bangunan lokal. Organisasi Toilet Dunia didirikan pada tahun 2001 sebagai sebuah platform internasional untuk asosiasi toilet, pemerintah, institusi akademik, yayasan, badan-badan PBB dan para pemangku perusahaan untuk bertukar pengetahuan dan pengaruh media dan dukungan perusahaan dalam upaya untuk mempengaruhi pemerintah untuk mempromosikan sanitasi bersih dan kebijakan kesehatan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, temuan penelitian akan disebarluaskan di Hari Toilet Dunia 2014.
World Toilet Organization would be asked for collaboration with Petra team to promote improving sanitation conditions for people globally through powerful advocacy, inventive technology, education and building marketplace opportunities locally. The World Toilet Organization was founded in 2001 as an international platform for toilet associations, government, academic institutions, foundations, UN agencies and corporate stakeholders to exchange knowledge and leverage media and corporate support in an effort to influence governments to promote clean sanitation and public health policies. Therefore, the research findings would be disseminated in the World Toilet Day in 2014.
Di sisi lain, kebiasaan toilet juga bervariasi dari jongkok dalam ber-toilet, duduk dalam ber-toilet, ber-toilet kering, dan ber-toilet basah. Kebiasaan bisa bertambah luas lebih dari empat macam berkaitan dengan konteks dan pengetahuan lokal. Oleh karena itu kebiasaan toilet penting untuk didokumentasikan.
On the other hand, the toileting habit also varied from squatting toileting, sitting toileting, dry toileting, and wet toileting. The habits could expand more than these four relating to the local context and knowledge. Therefore the toileting habits were important to be documented.
‘Toilet’ adalah topik yang menghubungkan ke berbagai isu, termasuk (tanpa urutan tertentu) kejahatan dan vandalisme, seksualitas (dari semua jenis), lingkungan, konservasi air dan keberlanjutan global, kesehatan, kebersihan, dan obat-obatan; isu-isu perempuan, anak, menyusui dan pembuangan produk pelindung kewanitaan, transportasi umum dan perjalanan pribadi, rekreasi, pariwisata dan olahraga; penahanan, disabilitas dan penuaan, arsitektur, keteknikan dan desain, pembuangan limbah, drainase dan perpipaan, agama, budaya dan tabu. Bahkan, ‘semua kehidupan manusia adalah di sana tempatnya, dan itu adalah tugas besar untuk mengurai berbagai untaian karena semua masalah yang saling berhubungan dan tumpang tindih (Greed, C., 2003) 7.
’Toilets’ is a topic linking to a range of issues, including (in no particular order) crime and vandalism; sexuality (of all types); the environment, water conservation and global sustainability; health, hygiene and medicine; women’s issues, childcare,
and sanpro disposal; public transport and private travel; leisure,
sport; and
ageing; architecture, engineering and design; sewerage, drainage and plumbing; religion, culture and taboo. In fact, ‘all human life is there’, and it was a major task to disentangle the various strands as all the issues are interconnected
(Greed, C., 2003) 8
Yatmo, YA, Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011) 9mencatat bahwa hidup di kepadatan tinggi kampung urban dengan ruang dan sumber daya yang terbatas melibatkan tantangan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelayanan dasar. Berbagai sistem spasial kolektif mewakili strategi masyarakat dalam menghadapi situasi mereka yang terbatas. Sistem toilet komunal di kampung urban ditemukan sebagai sistem spasial kolektif yang dikembangkan oleh masyarakat. Pemahaman sistem spasial dan sosial dalam sistem toilet komunal memberikan beberapa wawasan untuk pengembangan strategi spasial yang tepat bagi masyarakat kampung urban.
Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011) 10 recorded that living in a high density urban kampong with limited space and resources involves challenges to meet basic service needs. Various collective spatial systems represent the community strategies in dealing with their limited situation. The communal toilet system in urban kampong was found as a collective spatial system developed by the community. The understanding of spatial and social system in the communal toilet system provides some insights for the development of appropriate spatial strategies for urban kampong communities.
Sintawardani, N., Astuti, JT, (2008)11 dalam “Hambatan budaya dalam memperkenalkan teknologi toilet kering di Indonesia” menemukan beberapa fakta penting dari Budaya Ber- toilet di Indonesia. Sungai dan sistem pembuangan kotoran biasanya ditemukan tercemar. Dan infrastruktur air yang mengenaskan penyebabnya. 400.000 m3 limbah domestik yang dibuang langsung ke sungai dan tanah tanpa pretreatment setiap harinya. Diperkirakan bahwa 70-75% pencemar air berasal dari dalam negeri. Pada tahun 2002, data dari Departemen Kesehatan menunjukkan 5.789 kasus diare dengan 94 kematian. Di sisi lain, hanya tujuh kota yang dilayani oleh sistem pembuangan kotoran terpusat, dengan melayani 973.000 penduduk (1,31% penduduk perkotaan atau 0,5% dari total penduduk di Indonesia). Keseluruhan data menuunjukkan bahwa isu tersebut sangatlah penting.
Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008) 12 in “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” found several important facts of Toileting Culture in Indonesia. River and sewerage system were normally found polluted. And the water infrastructures were poor causing. 400,000 m3 domestic wastes dumped directly into rivers and land without pre-treatment every day. It was estimated that 70-75% of water pollutant comes from domestic. In year 2002, data from Ministry of Health showed 5,789 case of diarrhoea with 94 deaths. Meanwhile, only seven cities were served by the centralized sewerage system, servicing 973,000 population (1,31% of urban population or 0,5% of the total population in Indonesia). All the data showed that this issue is very important.
Indonesia still ranks 41
menempati urutan 41 dari 102
out of 102 developing countries
rendahnya kesadaran untuk buang hajat sehat. Dan 70 juta orang
healthy toileting. And 70 million people who do not have a toilet infrastructure and the awareness
yang tidak memiliki infrastruktur
for healthy toileting are very low.
buang hajat sehat sangat rendah
news/2010/05/18/180248539/ Jawa-Timur-Targetkan-Bebas-
Buang-Hajat-Sembarangandi-2014) 14.
Di sisi lain, pengembangan
On the other hand, the
desain toilet didorong oleh budaya
toilet design development was
toilet Barat. Dan desain dudukan keringnya toilet tidak cocok untuk jongkok—budaya bertoilet basah di Indonesia.
driven by the Western toileting culture. And its sitting - dry toilet design was unsuitable for squatting - wet toileting culture in Indonesia.
1.3. PROJECT GOALS AND OUTPUT (1.3. TUJUAN DAN MANFAAT PROYEK) Tujuan proyek adalah: • Untuk menemukan pengguna toilet Surabaya di beberapa lokasi (dalam lingkup) • Untuk menemukan dan mendokumentasikan perilaku bertoilet orang Surabaya • Untuk menemukan jenis toilet yang tersedia di Surabaya (dalam Permukiman Perumahan dan Kampung, Toilet Umum dan Toilet Swasta) • Untuk menemukan strategi desain untuk menyediakan toilet setempat yang ramah tetapi juga sehat dan dapat diakses • Untuk menghasilkan ilustrasi untuk beragam bertoilet sehat untuk Surabaya.
• • • •
Keluaran proyek adalah: Dokumentasi Budaya bertoilet dengan wawancara, sketsa, foto dokumentasi dan google maps Ilustrasi “Kampanye Bertoilet yang Sehat” Video dari Budaya Bertoilet X Banner Penampilan Teater yang melambangkan Budaya Bertoilet Model Desain Toilet Inklusif untuk Indonesia
Project Goals are: • To find the toilet users of Surabaya in several locations (in the scope) • To find and document the toileting behaviour of Surabaya people • To find types of toilets were available in Surabaya (in the Residential and Kampung Settlement, Public Toilets and Private Toilets) • To find the design strategy to provide locally friendly toilets but also healthy and accessible • To produce illustration for diverse healthy toileting for Surabaya.
• • • • •
Project Output are: Documentation of Toileting Culture with interview, sketches, photo documentation and google maps “Healthy Toileting Campaign” Illustration Video of Toileting Culture X Banner Theatre Performance symbolizing the Toileting Culture Design Model of Inclusive Toilet for Indonesian
mini project was needed to
untuk menggambarkan budaya
portray the toileting culture
toilet di Surabaya. Proyek mini
in Surabaya. The mini-project
yang dilakukan beranggotakan
was conducted comprising all
seluruhnya 325 siswa dengan
325 students with collaboration
mengajar 5 mata kuliah dari
subjects from 3 Departments,
3 Jurusan, seperti: Arsitektur,
such as: Architecture, Visual
Desain Komunikasi Visual dan
Sastra Inggris. Lima (5) mata
kuliah yang terintegrasi dalam
program are: Inclusive Design,
Inklusif, Audio Visual 1, Ilustrasi,
Audio Visual 1, Illustration,
Desain Komunikasi Visual 3 and
Visual Communication Design
Produksi Drama. Pendekatan ini
adalah untuk merekam perilaku
approach was to record the local
bertoilet sesuai kearifan lokal
knowledge toileting behaviour
(budaya) dan desain toilet di
(culture) and toilets design in
Surabaya yang unik.
Surabaya which are unique.
and 5 the
CHAPTER 2.LITERATURE STUDY (BAB 2. STUDI LITERATUR) Pentingnya Desain Toilet di Dunia ditunjukkan dengan beberapa informasi sebagai berikut:
Importance of Toileting Design in the World were shown in the following as followed:
Lingkungan hidup manusia mewakili interaksi antara entitas fisik dan struktur sosial. Sebuah penyelidikan yang komprehensif ke dalam lingkungan spasial manusia memeerlukan suatu pemahaman tentang peran masyarakat dalam produksi ruang. Sebuah dimensi baru dalam melihat dan memahami lingkungan perkotaan kami diperlukan untuk memahami berbagai strategi spasial yang muncul dalam proses spasialitas. Ini menjadi penting untuk mengungkap praktik spasial sehari-hari untuk pemahaman yang lebih baik pada ruang arsitektural dalam konteks sosialnya. “... pengakuan atas keseharian, dengan tindakannya dan pekerjaan yang dilakukan, pasti akan mengarah pada pengakuan atas isi politik dan sosial dalam produksi arsitektur” (Lefebvre, 1991; Borden et al, 2001, Wigglesworth and Till, 1998:9 quoted in Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., 2011).15
Human living environment represented an inter-play between physical entities and social structure. A comprehensive inquiry into human spatial environment required an understanding on the role of society in the production of space. A new dimension of seeing and understanding our urban environment was needed in order to comprehend various spatial strategies that emerge within the process of spatiality. It became important to uncover the everyday spatial practice for better comprehension of architectural space within its social contexts. “…an acknowledgement of the everyday, with its engaged actions and occupations, inevitably leads to recognition of the political and social content of architectural production” (Lefebvre, 1991; Borden et al., 2001, Wigglesworth and Till, 1998 quoted in Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., 2011).16
Greed, C., (2003) mempresentasikan masalah toilet umum dan relevansinya dengan Arsitek. Penyediaan toilet umum telah menjadi semakin tidak memuaskan, karena penutupan fasilitas yang ada dan pembengkalaian umum dan marginalisasi masalah toilet oleh penyusun kebijakan perkotaan. Arsitek semakin mengambil peran dalam desainer perkotaan, regenerator, dan pemimpin kebijakan, sebagaimana disahkan oleh agenda Urban Taskforce [Satuan Kerja Perkotaan] (Rogers, 2000)18. New Urbanism [Urbansme yang Baru] dan kebijakan pembaharuan perkotaan menuntut arsitek berkontribusi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sosial melalui desain tercerahkan. Toilet umum merupakan komponen penting bagi pengguna dari lingkungan yang terbangun dalam memungkinkan kota yang userfriendly [ramah pengguna], berkelanjutan, aman, merata dan dapat diakses. Sambil menulis terutama untuk khalayak spesialis lingkungan binaan, bidang kesehatan, keberlanjutan dan kesetaraan juga tergambar kuat dalam penelitian ini sebagai pertimbangan utama dalam mencapai penyediaan toilet yang lebih baik. 17
Greed, C., (2003) 19 presented the problem of public toilets and its relevance to Architects. Public toilet provision has become increasingly unsatisfactory, because of closure of existing facilities and a general neglect and marginalisation of toilet issues by urban policy-makers. Architects are increasingly taking on the roles of urban designer, regenerator and policy leader, as legitimated by the Urban Taskforce agenda (Rogers, 2000)20. New Urbanism and urban renewal policies demand that architects contribute to meeting social needs through enlightened design. Public toilets are a necessary component for users of the built environment in enabling user-friendly, sustainable, safe, equitable and accessible cities. While writing predominantly for a built environment specialist audience, the areas of health, sustainability and equality also feature strongly in this study as key considerations in achieving better toilet provision.
Toilet umum harus dilihat sebagai komponen integral dan penting dari desain perkotaan modern dan kebijakan perencanaan kota, di skala kota, skala daerah dan skala situs individual. Merancang toilet telah dilihat oleh beberapa arsitek sebagai hal setara dengan melakukan tugas jamban di Angkatan Darat. Penyediaan toilet umum tidak harus dilihat sebagai rendahnya fungsi status yang tidak menyenangkan, biasanya dengan otoritas pemakaman setempat, pertamanan dan departemen pembuangan limbah. Dan pengurusannya dilaksanakan, meskipun dengan niat baik, oleh pekerjaan umum dan perkumpulan tukang pipa. Tidak ada kekurangan buku petunjuk toilet yang ada yang memberikan rincian dan dimensi internal layout, perlengkapan pipa dan alat kelengkapan. Sila tersebut muncul terlepas dari dunia yang lebih luas akan desain dan kebijakan perkotaan. Mereka berurusan dengan spesifikasi internal individu blok toilet yang terisolasi dari situasi lingkungan sekitarnya, konteks lokasional dan kebutuhan pengguna modern (Greed, C., 2003)21.
should be seen as an integral and important component of modern urban design and town planning policy, at city-wide, local area and individual site level. Designing toilets has been seen by some architects as the equivalent of doing latrine duty in the Army. The provision of public toilets should not be seen as an unpleasant low status function, typically in with local authority cemeteries, allotments and waste disposal departments. And it was carried out, albeit with good intentions, by the public works and plumbing fraternity alone. There is no shortage of
which provide the details and dimensions of internal layout, plumbing fixtures and fittings. Such precepts appear detached from the wider world of urban design and policy. They deal with
for individual toilet blocks in isolation from the surrounding environmental
locational context and modern user needs (Greed, C., 2003) 22.
Gambar 1. Toilet yang
Figure 1. Closed toilet in
ditutup di Portishead di terminus
Portishead at terminus of bus
rute bus keluar dari Bristol.
route out from Bristol. This
Ini toilet tertutup di jalur bus.
closed toilet is at a bus terminus.
Toilet yang terletak dengan baik (dan terbuka) diperlukan untuk memenuhi
pengguna angkutan umum di luar Bristol. Selanjutnya toilet
toilets are necessary to meet the needs
of would-be public
transport users in outer Bristol.
ini dibongkar pada akhir tahun
Subsequently demolished in late
2002. Memperburuk masalah
2002. exacerbate the problems
yang berhubungan dengan toilet,
associated with toilets, such
seperti kejahatan, kurangnya
as crime, lack of access, urban
perkotaan dan menyedihkan, lingkungan
sisi lain, tidak ada yang lebih buruk daripada kebijakan tanpa tubuh dan diskusi sosiologis
threatening environs. On the other hand, there is nothing worse than disembodied policies and
abstrak dan menganalisis ‘yang
discussion and analysis ‘floating
in a spaceless vacuum’ (Harvey,
hampa’ (Harvey, 1975:24).23
menyoroti aspek-aspek sosial
kombinasi yang penting dan pertimbangan desain fisik dalam mengembangkan
Greed, highlighted
combination social aspects and physical design considerations
toilet umum untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan pengguna yang vital.
guidance to meet vital user
Sementara mayoritas kelompok
needs. While the majority of user
pengguna adalah perempuan,
groups are female, the majority
sebagian dan
of providers and policy-making groups are male, and according
to women toilet campaigners ‘it
simply does not occur to them,
tidak terjadi kepada mereka,
it’s not important to them, they
itu tidak penting bagi mereka,
don’t find it a problem’. Women
mereka masalah’.
jarang tentang
have seldom been consulted about toilet design (Cavanagh
desain toilet (Cavanagh dan
and Ware, 1991)
Ware, 1991)26.
the needs of children, the elderly,
Sementara itu
. Meanwhile
tourists, public transport users
tua, turis, pengguna angkutan
and drivers, postal workers, van
umum dan sopir, pekerja pos, supir van dan orang cacat yang tidak cukup terpenuhi meski oleh situasi sekarang (Shaw, 2001)27.
drivers and disabled people are not adequately met either by the present situation (Shaw, 2001) .
‘ Toilet’ yang
berbagai isu, termasuk (tanpa urutan
’Toilets’ is a topic linking to a range of issues, including (in no particular order) crime
and vandalism; sexuality (of
(dari semua jenis), lingkungan,
all types); the environment,
konservasi air dan keberlanjutan global, kesehatan, kebersihan, dan
water conservation and global sustainability; health, hygiene
perempuan, anak, menyusui dan
and medicine; women’s issues,
pembuangan produk pelindung
kewanitaan, transportasi umum
and sanpro disposal; public
dan perjalanan pribadi, rekreasi, pariwisata
transport and private travel; leisure,
penuaan, arsitektur, keteknikan
ageing; architecture, engineering
limbah, drainase dan perpipaan,
and design; sewerage, drainage
sport; and
and plumbing; religion, culture and taboo. In fact, ‘all human
tempatnya, dan itu adalah tugas
life is there’4, and it was a
besar untuk mengurai berbagai
major task to disentangle the
untaian karena semua masalah yang saling berhubungan dan tumpang 2003) 31.
various strands as all the issues are interconnected and overlap (Greed, C., 2003) 32.
(2003)33 mengenai
perhatian yang menyedihkan pada kebutuhan ‘Wanita’ dalam
suggested the pathetic concern on
ber-toilet yang di-nomor dua-
which neglected in favor after
kan setelah kebutuhan ‘Pria’
‘Men’ needs during the late
Victorian and Edwardian era.
dan era Edwardian. Padahal
Whereas women use on-street
umum di jalanan lebih sering dan lebih lama karena berbagai
public toilets more frequently because of a range of biological
alasan biologis dan sosiologis.
and sociological reasons. As is
Sebagaimana disampaikan Kira
mentioned by Kira (1976)38and
(1976)34 dan Asano (2002)35
Asano (2002)39that Men take
bahwa Pria mengambil ratarata 35 detik untuk pergi dan Perempuan mengambil 91 detik
to go and Women take 91
karena perbedaan anatomi dan
seconds because of anatomical
pakaian yang berbeda. Itulah
alasannya Greed, C., (2003)36
clothing. That’s why Greed, C.,
bahwa diberikan
tidak hanya dengan ketentuan yang ‘setara’ tetapi idealnya dua kali lebih banyak fasilitas.
women should be provided with not just ‘equal’ provision but ideally twice as many facilities.
Prinsip inklusi
The basic principle of the
inclusive design is as much as
sebanyak mungkin mencakup rentang
dalam hal ini adalah toilet, yang sesuai dengan makrois. Sebagaimana
possible in order to be able cover the range of users of the facility, in this case is the toilet, which is in accordance with macrois
Greed, C., (2003)41bahwa ada
approach. As submission of
pendekatan makro dan mikro
Greed, C., (2003)43 that there is
a macro and micro approach in
fasilitas, khususnya toilet umum
setting up a facility, especially a
public toilet to be able to used
mendirikan dapat
semua kalangan. Sebagai contoh, menurut Goldsmith (2000)42, sudut
‘bermaksud’ bahwa penyandang cacat harus diperlakukan sama seperti orang lain – mereka
by all people. For example, according to Goldsmith (2000)44, a macroist viewpoint ‘means’ that disabled people should be treated the same as everyone
adalah pelanggan utama dan
else – they are mainstream
pendekatan ‘universal’ karena
customers and a ‘universalist’
itu harus diadopsi. Sebaliknya,
approach should therefore be
adopted. In contrast, according
pendekatan mikrois didasarkan pada pandangan bahwa orangorang cacat yang khusus dan harus diperlakukan berbeda dan sebagai penerima kesejahteraan.
microist approach is based on the view that disabled people are special and should be treated differently
pendekatan secara makro untuk
chose macrois approach to used.
welfare clearly
Membahas masalah ketabuan, perspektif tabu tentang wanita ketika memasuki kota dan segala aktivitas kota. Sehingga toilet umum yang menyediakan toilet bagi wanita dianggap sebagai tempat yang ‘kotor’. Toilet umum dipandang baik sebagai lelucon atau sebagai ‘kotor’, dan sebagai pusat kejahatan, seks, penyimpangan dan vandalisme (Laporte, 1968; PCS, 2002)45. Katakata tidak higienis dan tidak bermoral tampaknya digunakan secara bergantian ketika mendeskripsikan orde yang lebih rendah, terutama golongan perempuan ‘yang terpuruk’. Konsep kesehatan masyarakat dan kebersihan sosial adalah hal yang terkait erat (Jones, G, 1986; Wright, 1960 quoted in Greed, C., 2003)46 seperti halnya imoralitas dan diasumsikan sebagai kondisi kurang sehat. Ketika penggunaan fasilitas yang ada tidak pada tempatnya, seperti halnya berjongkok di kloset duduk, maka akan menimbulkan kesan kotor pada kloset tersebut.
Discussing the taboo issues, perspectives on women is considered a taboo while entered the city and any activities of the city. Thus public toilets which provide toilets for women considered to be a ‘dirty’. Public toilets are seen either as a joke or as ‘dirty’, and as centres of crime, sex, perversion and vandalism (Laporte, 1968; PCS, 2002)47. The words unhygienic and immoral seemed to be used interchangeably when describing the lower orders, especially ‘fallen’ women. Concepts of public health and social hygiene were closely linked (Jones, G, 1986; Wright, 1960 quoted in Greed, C., 2003)48as were immorality and assumed unsanitary conditions. When the use of the existing facilities are not in place, such as squatting on the toilet seat, it will create the impression of dirty on such toilet. When the use of the existing facilities are not currently in place, such as squatting on the toilet seat, it will create a dirty impression of closet.
Perilaku jongkok di atas dudukan kloset duduk, didasari kebiasaan masa lalu (menggunakan pola berjongkok ketika buang air) dan ketakutan akan tertular Penyakit Menular Seksual (PMS) akibat penggunaan dudukan kloset bergantian oleh banyak orang. Di mana menyamakan ekskresi dengan ‘kekotoran’ tidak secara universal digalakkan, maupun menghubungkan ‘seks’ dengan ‘kekotoran’ baik, meskipun sebagian besar budaya memiliki aturan dan tabu untuk mencegah kontaminasi bakteri. Pada Asosiasi Toilet Jepang (JTA, 1996b)49. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut, dalam memberikan perangkat fasilitas toilet umum, adalah dengan tidak berusaha untuk menghapuskan kebiasaan masa lalu sama sekali, tetapi menyesuaikan toilet tua dengan standar baru, yang mana juga disampaikan oleh Greed, C., (2003)50 bahwa, WC siram berbasis air dan ‘kontra modern’ lainnya sangat baru dalam hal perspektif sejarah. Alternatif sarana pembuangan, dan sikap moral yang sangat berbeda dan sopan santun, menghasilkan pendekatan yang sangat berbeda untuk ‘pergi ke toilet’.
Squat over the toilet seat, based on past habits (using a squat pattern when defecating) and taboo of infected Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) based on the assumption that the transmission of the disease could be through a toilet seat used interchangeably by many people. In which the equating of excretion with ‘dirtiness’ is not universally held, nor the linking of ‘sex’ with ‘dirtiness’ either, although most cultures have rules and taboos to prevent bacterial contamination. At the Japan Toilet Association (JTA, 1996b)51. Based on these reasons, to provide the public toilet facilities, is not trying to removing the habit of the past altogether, but adapting the old toilet to a new standard, which is also presented by Greed, C., (2003) 52that, water-based flush lavatories and other ‘mod cons’ are extremely recent in terms of historical perspective. Alternative means of disposal, and quite different moral attitudes and manners, resulted in quite different approaches to ‘going to the toilet’.
Tidak hanya ada kurangnya fasilitas, mereka yang disediakan sering kurang lancar. Masalah toilet meningkat karena desain yang buruk, rendah pemeliharaan dan pengelolaan fasilitas yang ada, dan kurangnya petugas toilet (Greed, C., 2003)53. Hal tersebut sering terjadi di toilet sekolah negeri, bangsal rumah sakit dan toilet umum berada dalam keadaan kotor karena kurangnya sumber daya, dan sedikit ‘nilai kesadaran manusia’ diberikan untuk pembersihan dan staf pemeliharaan. Selain itu, penempatan tempat sampah sangat mendukung untuk menjaga kebersihan toilet. Namun instalasi tempat sampah melibatkan masalah terkait pembuangan, mengosongkan, manajemen dan kebersihan (Greed, C., 2003)54. Maka dalam pertimbangan dan penerapan yang baik dari desain fisik dan teknikal suatu toilet umum akan mengarahkan pada hasil desain dan operasional yang mudah digunakan, baik dari segi pengguna hingga penjagaan kebersihannya.
Not only is there a lack of facilities, those that are provided are often substandard. The toilet problem is heightened because of bad design, poor maintenance and management of existing facilities, and lack of toilet attendants (Greed, C., 2003)55. It is often occurs in the nation’s school toilets, hospital wards and public toilets are in a filthy state because of lack of resources, and little ‘human value’ is given to cleaning and maintenance staff. Furthermore, the placement of bins are strongly supports to keep clean the toilet. But bin installation
related problems of disposal, emptying,
hygiene (Greed, C., 2003)56. So within consideration and adoption of good physical and technical design of a public toilet will lead to the design and operational results which easy to use, both in terms of users to sanitary.
Bentuk fungsinya.
mengikuti Fungsi
keindahan, keindahan adalah
Function is beauty, beauty is
fungsi! Toilet yang menarik
secara visual, yang dirancang
dikenakan biaya lebih tetapi mereka
dihormati oleh pengguna dan dengan demikian lebih sedikit vandalisme.
yang disampaikan oleh Greed, C.,
disimpulkan bahwa, semakin
designed more
toilets they
generally get more respect from users and thus less vandalism. That’s principle submitted by Greed, C., (2003)58. So it can be concluded that, Getting beautiful
terkesan indah ataupun mewah,
or luxurious impressed, then
further reducing the propensity
kecenderungan vandal.
mengurangi perbuatan
the act of vandalism.
P e n c a h a y a a n
Lighting may be done
kemungkinan dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu pencahayaan aktif
in two ways, there are active
(buatan) dan pencahayaan pasif
lighting (electric lighting) and
(alami). Clara Greed, C. (2003)59
Greed, C. (2003)60 discribed
mengenai pencahayaan
about electric lighting providing
as an active lighting. Where
electric lighting is provided,
disediakan, penerangan yang diaktivasi atau
or automatic lighting at dusk
di senja adalah kemungkinan
are energy saving possibilities.
lampu manual sebagai alternatif di
adalah hal cocok, dan untuk
switches under the attendant’s control are suitable, and to avoid
users having to use unhygienic
perlunya menggunakan tarikan
light pulls or switches. But
atau saklar lampu yang tidak higienis.
lighting should be to a high
harus untuk standar yang tinggi
standard so that people do not
sehingga orang tidak merasa
feel they are descending into a
mereka turun ke dalam gua yang
dark cavern, thus contributing
kontribusi bagi kekhawatiran menemui aktivitas kriminal.
to fears of encountering criminal activity.
pencahayaan pasif, ada beberapa alternatif pencahayaan. Selain menggunakan skylight, Greed, C. (2003)61 juga dideskripsikan
Whereas lighting,
passive several
alternative lighting. In addition to using skylights, Greed, C.
bahwa berbagai blok batu bata
(2003)62 also described that a
kaca, ‘pipa cahaya’ dan solusi
range of glass block bricks, ‘pipe
pencahayaan tersembunyi juga
lights’ and concealed lighting
disukai oleh beberapa penyedia
solutions is also favoured by
toilet. Namun, kecenderungan tingkat
tidak ideal untuk toilet wanita,
some toilet providers. However, the
toilet penyandang cacat atau
lighting levels is not ideal for
orang dengan kondisi medis,
Ladies toilets, disabled toilets
di mana pengguna mungkin
or for anyone with a medical
ingin memeriksa debit apapun untuk tanda-tanda perubahan warna
condition, where users may wish to inspect any discharge
mengintegrasikan pencahayaan
for signs of discoloration or
blood. Untuk mengintegrasikan
detektor PIR (Passive Infrared)
pencahayaan buatan dan alami,
yang sensitif dapat digunakan
light sensitive PIR detectors
buatan dan untuk melengkapi cahaya alami.
can be used in conjunction with these to allow artificial lighting and to supplement natural light.
Akomodasi dan fasilitas di dalam toilet Untuk mendukung keperluan penyandang cacat, ruang diperlukan baik di dalam bilik dan di luar untuk manuver kursi roda dan sebagian panduan merekomendasikan 1500 mm radius putaran untuk mengakomodasi kursi roda rata-rata, bahkan jika orang melakukan serangkaian tiga titik putaran. Pemasangan flush otomatis yang beroperasi setelah setiap pengguna yang lebih higienis.Wastafel tambahan dengan keran inframerah tanpa sentuh di luar blok toilet di fasilitas yang ada harus dipertimbangkan bagi mereka yang lebih memilih untuk mencuci tangan mereka setelah benar-benar keluar dari toilet. Penggunaan sensor elektronik otomatis yang menyiram toilet, menyalakan dan matikan keran, mengeluarkan sabun, dan ‘mengawasi’ instalasi bernilai dalam meningkatkan kebersihan, tetapi membutuhkan pemeliharaan dan pengawasan, dan berkontribusi terhadap modal yang lebih tinggi dan biaya operasional(Greed, C., 2003)63.
facilities in the toilet For
supporting the disabled,space is needed both within the cubicle and
manoeuvre and most guides recommend a 1500 mm turning circle average
accommodate wheelchair,
people are doing a series of threepoint turns.Automatic flushes installationthat
each user are more hygienic. Additional
infra-red no-touch taps outside the toilet block in attended facilities should be considered for those who prefer to wash their hands after completely exiting the toilets.The use of automatic electronic sensors which flush the toilet, turn the taps on and off, dispense soap, and ‘keep an eye’ on the installation are of value in increasing hygiene, but require ongoing maintenance and supervision, and contribute to higher capital and running costs (Greed, C., 2003)64.
Minimal kontak dengan peralatan
karena keran tuas keran atau elektronik akan lebih disukai. Tapi
equipment is to be advised; therefore lever taps or electronic taps are to be preferred. But automatic taps should provide
air wajar, bukan menggiring
a reasonable amount of water,
tetesan air hangat yang singkat.
not a brief tepid dribble. Some
Beberapa sensor otomatis tidak
automatic sensors cannot sense
bisa merasakan kulit yang lebih
darker skin so they must be
gelap sehingga mereka harus
calibrated so that ‘white skin’
dikalibrasi sehingga ‘kulit putih’ bukan suatu aturan. Telah ada kecenderungan mesin cuci allinclusive
is not the norm. There has been a trend towards the allinclusive
soap, dryer, contraptions (such
‘Wallgate’) yang tidak ideal tapi
as the ‘Wallgate’) which are not
tahan perilaku vandal. Keran
ideal but vandal-proof. Hot and
panas dan dingin harus ditandai,
cold taps should be marked,
sebagaimana seharusnya segala sesuatu yang lain. Dengan kata lain, perhatian harus dibayar
and colour-coded as should everything else. In other words, attention should be paid to
untuk hal detail dan kontrol
detail and management control
manajemen (Greed, C., 2003)65.
(Greed, C., 2003)66.
toilet yang bersifat komunal, memerlukan pendekatan agar toilet tersebut dapat diterima di lingkungannya. Pendekatan untuk melakukan perencanaan didasarkan
In setting up a communal toilet, it requires approaches in order to acceptabled on toilet environment.The approach to doing planning is based upon negotiation,
liaison with community groups,
rather than upon autocratic
masyarakat, bukan pada arah
direction and coercion. Such a
collaborative approach may be
Seperti pendekatan kolaboratif
seen to be at work in the world
dapat dilihat bekerja dalam
of public toilets, with the BTA
dunia toilet umum, dengan BTA
comprising a key ‘institution’
terdiri ‘institusi’ kunci bertindak sebagai
produsen toilet swasta, penyedia otoritas
pemerintah kebijakan
dan perencana, dan kelompok
acting as an important link between
toilet producers, local authority providers, policy-makers
local and
authority planners,
and voluntary campaign groups
mewakili pengguna (Greed, C.,
representing users (Greed, C.,
Dalam mendesain sebuah toilet harus hingga mendetail. Sebagai mana yang dikatakan Greed, C. (2003)69berkaitan dengan desain toilet yang detail, tata letak dan rencana akhir, rentang representatif dari pengguna dan kelompok umur akan dikonsultasikan pada persyaratan desain daripada menerapkan standar minimal yang ketinggalan zaman. Proses ini sendiri akan memberikan masyarakat setempat yang terlibat rasa kepemilikan dan pengelolaan, sehingga berkurang kecenderungan vandalisme, terutama jika sekolah, klub malam dan organisasi olahraga yang terlibat dalam proses ini. Dengan demikian pendekatan kolaboratif akan diadopsi yang mana akan menimbulkan rasa tanggung jawab dan rasa toilet umum ‘mereka’ di antara pengguna, dan akan membantu mengurangi vandalisme 70 (Healey, 1997) . Pendekatan berbasis masyarakat ini sangat berbeda dari pendekatan jarak jauh ‘top down’ yang berat tangan yang saat ini ditemukan di banyak daerah (Roberts and Greed, 2001)71.
should be up to detailed. As was Greed, C. (2003)
said related
todetailed toilet design, layout and final plan, a representative range of user and age groups would be consulted on design requirements applying
than minimal
standards. This process alone would give the local community involved a sense of ownership and stewardship, resulting in less
particularly if schools, nightclubs and
were involved in this process. Thus a collaborative approach would
would engender a sense of responsibility and ownership of ‘their’ public toilets among users, and would help reduce vandalism (Healey,1997)73. This communitybasedapproach
very different from the remote heavy-handed
approach currently found in many areas (Roberts and Greed, 2001)74.
Pemisahan atau Pencampuran Simbol toilet dan tulisan adalah indikasi dari divisi budaya (Greed, C., 2003)75, maka berbeda negara, tempat, dan adat budaya, maka berbeda pula penandaan simbol yang digunakan. Pemberian tanda harus mencakup simbol toilet dipahami secara internasional, dan beberapa bahasa di daerah kosmopolitan. Saat ini, perkembangan logo toilet penyandang cacat menunjukkan bahwa sekarang ada tiga jenis kelamin, laki-laki, perempuan dan penyandang cacat. Tanda penyandang cacat adalah eksklusioner karena menunjukkan hanya (orang) ‘kursi roda’ (sebagian kecil dari semua orang dengan cacat) yang layak untuk menggunakan fasilitas. Meskipun telah disediakan tanda-tanda Braille, ini mungkin sulit untuk menemukannya jika pada dinding tanpa jejak indera atau taktil yang disediakan untuk memandu pengguna untuk fasilitas tersebut di saat pertama.
Separation or mixing Toilet
language are indicative of cultural divisions (Greed, C., 2003)76, so different countries, places, and cultural customs, accordingly signage used differently. Signage should include internationally understood and
cosmopolitan areas. Nowadays, the proliferation of disabled toilet logos suggests that there are now three sexes, male, female and disabled. The disabled sign is exclusionary as it suggests only (people in) ‘wheelchairs’ (a small proportion of all people with disabilities) are worthy to use the facilities. Although providedwith Braille signs, these may be difficult to locate if up on a wall with no sensory or tactile trail provided to guide users to the facilities in the first place.
Gambar 2. Berbagai logo mencerminkan stereotip dan perpecahan sosial. Laki-laki, Perempuan dan penyandang cacat: Tiga Jenis Kelamin? Lakilaki, Perempuan, penyandang cacat, Lansia, Bayi: Lima Jenis Kelamin? (Greed, C., 2003)77
Figure 2. A range of logos reflecting stereotypes and societal divisions. Male, Female and Disabled: Three Sexes? Male, Female, Disabled, Elderly, Baby: Five Sexes?(Greed, C., 2003)78
Banyak tersebar toilet tanpa penanda logo pria atau wanita, dan itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa toilet tersebut adalah toilet unisex. Namun, batas jelas pencampuran tidak bekerja kecuali kebutuhan perempuan diprioritaskan(Greed, C., 79 2003) .Sebuah studi ilmiah teori antrian berdasarkan pengamatan dari antrian toilet umum direkomendasikan bahwa unisex toilet akan mengurangi masalah antrian untuk Ladies (Matthews, 2000)80.
without male or female logos signage, and it can be concluded that the toilet is a unisex toilet. But, clearly mixing boundaries does not work unless women’s needs are prioritized (Greed, C., 2003)81.A scientific study of queuing theory based on observations of public toilet queues
unisex toilets would reduce the queue problem for the Ladies (Matthews, 2000)82.
Keberadaaan unisex toilet
The existence of unisex
seolah-olah melanggar zonasi
toilets are ostensibly breaking
dan tabu segregasi yang begitu
terbatas kehidupan urban para
taboos that have so restricted
perempuan – tetapi tidak harus
women’s urban lives – but not
secara positif untuk kepentingan
necessarily in a positive way to
the benefit of women, because
dibilang ‘menjadi laki-laki untuk
arguably ‘to be male is to occupy
space’ (WGSG, 1984)85. Islam
1984)83. Islam tidak mendukung
does not favour unisex toilets
toilet unisex atau, dalam hal ini,
baik fasilitas wastafel campuran,
washbasin facilities either, and
dan banyak perempuan muslim
many Moslem women are very
sangat prihatin tentang tren
concerned about this modern
modern (Hamzah dan Hooi,
karena ruang’
MenurutGreed, C. (2003)87, penyediaan toilet yang memadai bagi perempuan dan laki-laki harus menjadi syarat pemberian izin perencanaan untuk semua fasilitas rekreasi, olahraga dan hiburan dan wisata.
According to Greed, C. (2003)88,the provision of adequate toilets for women and men should be a condition of granting planning permission for all leisure, sport and entertainment and tourist facilities.
Toilet umum di dalam pusat perbelanjaan atau pertokoan Pada bulan Maret 1995, dengan adanya tekanan yang cukup oleh kelompok-kelompok seperti AMC, standar minimal diperkenalkan untuk toilet pelanggan, berdasarkan satu toilet laki-laki, satu urinoir lakilaki, satu unisex toilet untuk orang cacat, dan dua toilet perempuan untuk setiap 1.0002.000 meter persegi lantai ruang ritel (dan sebagainya dalam proporsi luas total penjualan bersih). Pada hari ini persaingan ritel yang ketat itu adalah untuk kepentingan pusat perbelanjaan dan mal untuk menyediakan toilet yang baik untuk menarik lebih banyak pelanggan terlepas dari apa yang mungkin menjadi standar minimum (Greed, C., 2003)89.Hasilnya, keberadaan performa yang lebih baik dari fasilitas pelanggan khususnya fasilitas toilet pada bangunan perbelanjaan terbukti mampu mendongkrak angka penjualan.
Public toilet in a shopping center or mall In March 1995, following considerable pressureby groups such as AMC, minimal standards were introduced for customer toilets, based on one male toilet, one male urinal, one unisex toilet for disabled people, and two female toilets for every 1000–2000 square metres of retail floor space (and so forth in proportion to total net sales area). In these days of intense retail competition it is in the interests of shopping centres and malls to provide good toilets to attract more customers regardless of what the minimum standards might be (Greed, C., 2003)90. As the result, the existence of better performance of the customer facilities especially toilet facilities on shopping building proved capable to boost sales.
Toilet umum di dalam sarana olahraga Untuk menunjang kegiatan olahraga pada sarana olahraga, diperlukan keberadaan toilet umum di dalamnya. Inglis (1993)91 menyarankan lebih baik bahwa klub harus penelitian rasio mereka sendiri sesuai dengan permintaan lokal daripada menerapkan aturan usang. Kurangnya kesadaran akan kebutuhan untuk penyediaan toilet umum harus dikaitkan dengan perencanaan olahraga, terutama mengingat jumlah pengunjung, wisatawan dan penonton yang dihasilkan. Sedangkan di Suwon, Seoul, Korea, rasio pria / wanita adalah 60:40 toilet stadion sepak bola yang disediakan, dengan persetujuan FIFA. Saat ini Yayasan Sepakbola di Inggris sedang merevisi standar fasilitas stadion, terutama untuk penonton penyandang cacat, dengan ketentuan tambahan untuk mengganti baju bayi untuk menarik lebih banyak keluarga (Football Foundation, 2003)92.
Public toilets in sports facilities To further support the sport on the sports facilities, the necessary existence of a public toilet in it.Inglis (1993)93 advised it is better that clubsshould research their own ratio as appropriate to local demand rather than applyoutdated rules. The lack of awareness of the need for the provision of public toiletsto be linked to sport planning, especially in view of the numbers of visitors,tourists and
While in Suwon, Seoul, Korea, 60:40
footballstadia toilets is provided, with FIFA approval. Currently the the
FootballFoundation UK
facilities standards, especially for
additional provision for baby changing to attractmore families (Football Foundation, 2003)94.
Toilet umum di sekolah Tempat kerja yang besar bagi anak-anak dan kaum muda adalah sekolah mereka. Malangnya, banyak toilet sekolah yang tak terawat, tidak higienis, dan tempatnya perilaku intimidasi (Greed, C., 2003)95. Saat ini bimbingan pemerintah Inggris (DfEE, 2001)96 sedang dalam menciptakan desain sekolah inklusif dan menampung siswa dengan kebutuhan pendidikan khusus dan disabilitas dalam sekolah reguler telah memberikan perhatian untuk semua toilet, sementara standar BSI menyusun panduan untuk sekolah, dengan berdasarkan ketentuan bagi siswa perempuan dan staf.
Public toilets in school Another major workplace for children and young people is their school. Unfortunately, many school toilets are badly maintained, unhygienic and the site of bullying (Greed, C., 2003)97. Current UK government guidance (DfEE, 2001)98 on creating inclusive school design and accommodating pupils with special educational needs and disabilities within mainstream schools has given attention to toilets for all, while the BSI standards set out guidance for schools, with under-provision for female students and staff.
Toilet umum di terminal atau tempat oper transportasi dan tempat parkir Greed, C. (2003)99 mengutarakan bahwa semua tempat oper transportasi utama harus memberikan toilet umum yang bebas, dapat diakses, termasuk stasiun kereta api, stasiun bus, dan tempat parkir yang signifikan besar, terutama tempat parkir bertingkat (digunakan untuk perdagangan Minggu juga).Karena toilet yang berhubungan dengan transportasi dan perjalanan adalah hal yang sangat penting, ini saja mungkin memecahkan 50% dari masalah toilet.
Toilet umum di terminal atau tempat oper transportasi dan tempat parkir Greed, C. (2003)100 phrased that all major transport interchanges must provide free, accessible public toilets, including railway stations, bus stations, and significantly large car parks, especially multi-storey car parks (used for Sunday trading too). Since transport and journey-related toilets are so vital, this alone might solve 50% of the toilet problem.
Gratis atau membayar untuk toilet umum Greed, C. (2003)101 menyimpulkan mengenai kontribusi toilet umum sebagai layanan universal di termini transportasi yang seharusnya toilet tersebut merupakan toilet umum gratis. Toilet umum yang lebih baik di termini transportasi akan memberikan kontribusi untuk menciptakan kota-kota yang lebih ramah lingkungan sebagaimana orang-orang akan merasa lebih nyaman menggunakan transportasi umum. Sayangnya, kita hidup dalam budaya yang kurang menghargai investasi publik dan tidak lagi percaya bahwa penyediaan layanan universal diperlukan dan fasilitas yang menguntungkan semua orang harus didasarkan pada penyediaan pembuatan non-profit untuk publik.
Greed, C. (2003)102 concluded regarding contribution of public toilets as a universal service in termini transport should the toilet be free public toilets.Better public toilets at transport termini would contribute to creating more environmentally sustainable cities as people would feel more comfortable about using public transport. Unfortunately, we are living in a culture which undervalues public investment and no longer believes that the provision of universally needed services and facilities which benefit everyone should be based upon non-profit-making public provision.
Terdapat istilah analogi mengenai penyediaan toilet umum yang dikemukakan oleh Greed, C. (2003)103 yaitu, ‘Kamar mandi berarti bisnis.’ Tentu saja ada uang di semua ornamen, perangkat keras, struktur manajemen dan jasa terkait dengan penyediaan toilet.Ini harus disediakan oleh beberapa tubuh secara keseluruhan, oleh otoritas lokal atau penyedia privatisasi – dan itu membutuhkan biaya. Biaya itulah yang dipenuhi dari pemungutan biaya pengguna toilet umum.
There are terms of the provision of public toilets analogy raised by Greed, C. (2003)104, namely, ‘Bathrooms mean business.’There is certainly money in all the trappings, hardware, management structures and services associated with the toilet provision.It has to be provided by some overall body, by the local authority or privatised provider – and it costs money. That costs are met by charging public toilet users.
Free or charging for public toilet
Dari sudut pandang penyedia, ‘tidak ada hal seperti toilet gratis,’itulah yang diungkapkan juga oleh Greed, C. (2003)105. Memungut biaya untuk toilet dapat mengeluarkan biaya lebih dari tak memungut biaya. Sebuah penyedia toilet harus membayar untuk pintu putar atau peralatan pembayaran koin, peningkatan keamanan, seseorang untuk pergi berkeliling dan mengumpulkan uang, dan untuk orang lain dengan van untuk pergi berkeliling untuk memperbaiki peralatan pembayaran koin. Hal ini selain untuk membayar untuk pembersih dan staf pemeliharaan, ditambah manajer yang mengawasi pekerjaan orang-orang ini, mau tidak mau seseorang untuk menyusun statistik untuk target kinerja untuk pelaksanaan Nilai Terbaik terbaru dan orang lainnya di departemen Kepaniteraan melengkapi semuanya. Belum lagi jika ditambah biaya untuk pemakaian air dan sistem pembuangan limbah. Sebaliknya, produsen, pemasok, dan kontraktor yang memasang, mengelola dan membersihkan toilet menghasilkan uang dari memungut biaya pemerintah daerah dan penyedia toilet umum lainnya untuk layanan mereka.
From the provider’s point of view, ‘there’s no such thing as a free toilet,’ that was also revealed by Greed, C. (2003)106. Charging for toilets can cost more than not charging. A toilet provider has to pay for the turnstiles or penny-in-the-slot
increased security, for someone to go around and collect the money, and for another man with a van to go around to repair the coin payment equipment. This is in addition to paying for cleaners and maintenance staff, plus managers who supervise these people’s work, inevitably someone to collate statistics for performance targets for the latest Best Value exercise and someone else in the Clerk’s department to add it all up. Not to mention if added cost for water usage and waste disposal systems. In contrast, manufacturers, suppliers, and contractors who install, manage and clean toilets make money from charging local authorities and other public toilet providers for their services.
Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011) mencatat bahwa hidup di kampung perkotaanberkepadatan tinggi dengan ruang dan sumber daya yang terbatas melibatkan tantangan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelayanan dasar. Berbagai sistem spasial kolektif mewakili strategi masyarakat dalam menghadapi situasi yang terbatas. Sistem toilet komunal di kampung perkotaan ditemukan sebagai tata ruang kolektif yang dikembangkan oleh masyarakat. Studi ini mengidentifikasi berbagai strategi spasial dimasukkan dalam sistem, serta struktur sosial yang tertanam dalam praktik spasial. Pemahaman sistem spasial dan sosial dalam sistem toilet komunal memberikan beberapa wawasan untuk pengembangan strategi spasial yang tepat bagi masyarakat kampung perkotaan.
Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011) 107 recorded that living in a high density urban kampung with limited space and resources involves challenges to meet basic service needs. Various collective spatial systems represent the community strategies in dealing with their limited situation. The communal toilet system in urban kampung was found as a collective spatial system developed by the community. The study identified various spatial strategies incorporated within the system, as well as social
within the spatial practice. The understanding of spatial and social system in the communal toilet system provides some insights for the development of appropriate spatial strategies for urban kampung communities.
Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011)menemukan bahwa dengan memahami tata ruang tersebut, intervensi spasial di perkotaan kampung perlu dikembangkan jauh melampaui peningkatan kualitas fisik, tetapi harus lebih didasarkan pada saling ketergantungan di antara ruang, penduduk, dan struktur sosial seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam sistem toilet komunal. Perkembangan ‘standar’ toilet komunal harus memasukkan kualitas fisik, aspek sosial masyarakat, dan tujuan dari peran dan tanggung jawab masyarakat. Dengan cara ini, kualitas fisik bukan satu-satunya indikator dalam menentukan kualitas layanan untuk kampung perkotaan. Penelitian serupa juga akan diperlukan pada aspek lain dari praktik spasial kampung perkotaan seharihari. Hanya dengan memahami praktik spasial akan mungkin untuk mengembangkan strategi yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup kampung urban - tidak hanya dengan memperkenalkan intervensi materialitas fisik, tetapi juga dengan meningkatkan tindakan dan strategi spasial kolektif masyarakat.
Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011) 108 found that with understanding such spatial system, any spatial intervention in urban kampung needs to be developed far beyond the upgrading of physical quality, but should be more grounded on the interdependence among space, inhabitants, and social structure as demonstrated in the communal toilet system. The development of ‘standard’ communal toilet should incorporate physical quality, social aspects of the community, and the designation of community role and responsibility. In this way, the physical quality is not the sole indicator in determining the quality of services for urban kampung. Similar study would also be needed on other aspects of urban kampung everyday spatial practice. Only by comprehending the spatial practice would it be possible to develop appropriate strategies for improving the quality of life of urban kampung – not merely by introducing an intervention of physical materiality, but also by enhancing the community collective spatial actions and strategies.
Cummings, W., (2000)
Cummings, W., (2000) menemukan hubungan
of the bathroom as a window
into cross-cultural interaction,
keseimbangan budaya. Di kamar mandi, ini
ketaksebandingan muncul. Di samping analisis yang dramatis, spektakuler, contoh, tak terucap dan duniawi, untuk foto—yang tak pernah diambil harusnya didokumentasikan. tidak
lebih benar dari pengalaman etnografis, untuk
found a closer accounting
and the problem of cultural commensurability.
bathroom, cultural difference was
point where the specter of incommensurability
the and
exemplary, the unspoken and mundane,
documented. The result was not only a truer rendering of the ethnographic experience, but a
useful reminder of the dangers
pernyataan percaya diri tentang
of confident assertions about
others and a refusal of the too-
kesimpulan yang terlalu mudah.
easy conclusion.
Cummings, W., (2000) juga berbagi ketidak sempurnaan budaya di Jakarta. Sebagai contoh, ada seorang pengusaha kaya yang mengunjungi Jakarta untuk pertama kalinya. “Membaca ini kemudian menceritakan bagaimana pengusaha, seorang Indonesia dari sebuah kota kecil di luar ibukota, tinggal di hotel yang paling mahal di Jakarta. Pengusaha itu ditemukan kesulitan untuk menggunakan toilet. Dia menemukan kran sementara di bawah kepala mandi dan memutar tombol air panas. Tiba-tiba air panas melesat tegas ia tidak keluar dari bak mandi dengan cepat. Tubuhnya sakit dan kulitnya tampak merah seluruh. Akhirnya pengusaha melompat keluar dari bak mandi dan tidak berani melanjutkan keinginannya untuk mandi.
Cummings, W., (2000)
also shared the cultural unfitness in Jakarta. For example, there was a wealthy businessman visiting Jakarta for the first time.� The reading went on to relate how the businessman, an Indonesian from a small city outside the capital, stayed at the most expensive hotel in Jakarta. The businessman was found difficulty to use the toilets. He found faucet while under the shower head and turning hot water knob. Suddenly hot water shot out forcefully he did not get out of the bath quickly. His body was sore and his skin looked red all over. Finally the businessman jumped out of the bath and did not dare continue his desire to bathe.
Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008) dalam “Hambatan budaya dalam memperkenalkan teknologi toilet kering di Indonesia” menemukan beberapa fakta penting dari Budaya Bertoilet di Indonesia. Sungai dan sistem pembuangan kotoran yang biasanya ditemukan tercemar. Dan infrastruktur air yang buruk. Tiga ratus enam utilitas perusahaan air minum (PDAM) di Indonesia hanya melayani hanya 33 juta (39%) orang perkotaan dan 9 juta (8%) masyarakat pedesaan, layanan itu juga dengan kualitas substandar. Sementara itu konsumsi air rendah yang tercatat (14m3 / bulan / rumah tangga) tapi kebocoran pipa rata-rata mencapai 40%. Dan setiap hari 400.000 m3 limbah domestik yang dibuang langsung ke sungai dan tanah tanpa pretreatment. Diperkirakan bahwa 70-75% dari pencemar air berasal dari dalam negeri. Pada tahun 2002, data dari Departemen Kesehatan menunjukkan 5.789 kasus diare dengan 94 kematian. Di sisi lain, hanya Tujuh kota dilayani oleh sistem pembuangan kotoran terpusat, melayani 973.000 penduduk (1,31% penduduk perkotaan atau 0,5% dari total penduduk di Indonesia).
Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008) 111 in “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” found several important facts of Toileting Culture in Indonesia. River and sewerage system were normally found polluted. And the water infrastructures were poor. The Three hundred and six water utilities companies (PDAM) in Indonesia only served only 33 million (39%) urban people and 9 million (8%) rural people, the service also with sub-standard quality. Meanwhile the low water consumption were noted (14m3/ month /house hold) but the average pipeline leakage of reached 40%. And every day 400,000 m3 domestic waste is dumped directly into rivers and land without pretreatment. It was estimated that 70-75% of water pollutant comes from domestic. In year 2002, data from Ministry of Health showed 5,789 case of diarrhea with 94 death. Meanhwile, only Seven cities were served by the centralized sewerage system, servicing 973,000 population (1,31% of urban population or 0,5% of the total population in Indonesia).
Beberapa kebiasaan bertoilet juga ditemukan layaknyapersembahan dari beberapa toilet. Ada beberapa jenis toilet diamati seperti toilet flush (parit terbuka, duduk, kait), toilet kering (parit terbuka, menggali tanah), atau langsung ke kanal. Meanhwile, minimal 8 liter air bersih per orang yang dibutuhkan hanya untuk membersihkan “tubuh” setelah jongkok. Kertas toilet ditemukan tidak cocok untuk orang Indonesia (Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., 2008). 112 .
Gambar 3. Contoh Toilet Rumah oleh Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008)114 .
Some toileting habits were also found such as the presents of several toilets. There are several types of toilets observed such as flush toilets (open ditch, sit, hook), dry toilets (open ditch, digging the earth), or direct to canal. Meanhwile, minimal of 8 liters the clean water per person was needed just to clean up the “body”after
paper was found unsuitable for Indonesian (Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., 2008) 113 .
Figure 3. Examples of House Toilets by Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008)115 .
Gambar 4. Contoh Toilet Umum di dalam Rumah oleh Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008) )116 .
Figure 4. Examples of Public Toilets in House by Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008)117 .
Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008) 118 juga menggambarkan Studi pada Persepsi Orang untuk Menggunakan Toilet kering, Pengenalan Bio-Toilet di Sekolah Agama. Sebagian besar Indonesia beragama Islam (88,22%). Oleh karena itu penerimaan untuk toilet kering (tanpa air) sangat tergantung dari pada aturan hukum Islam atau “Syariah”, Syariah berarti aturan Islam (way of life). LIPI menghasilkan kerjasama untuk memperkenalkan BioToilet (tipe S-50) dengan Daarut Tauhid Sekolah Agama (DT) untuk mempromosikan penggunaan toilet kering dan menghemat air. Sebuah unit modern bio-toilet telah dipasang untuk melayani satu orang asrama dan digunakan oleh LIPI untuk evaluasi kinerja.
Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008) 119 also described the Study on People Perception for Using Dry Toilet, Introduction of Bio-Toilet in a Religion School. Most of Indonesian are Moslem (88.22%). Therefore the acceptance for dry toilet (without water) depended heavily of on the Islamic rule of law or “Syariah”, Syariah means the rule of Islam (way of life). LIPI produced joint cooperation for introducing the Bio-Toilet (type S-50) with Daarut Tauhid Religious School (DT) to promote the use of dry toilet and conserve water. A unit of modern bio-toilet has been installed to serve one of its men dormitories and used by LIPI for performance evaluation.
Dalam asrama ini, 4070 40-70 siswa datang dari semua wilayah Indonesia bergabung untuk setiap 4-6 bulan. Para siswa DT belajar lebih banyak tentang bisnis dan kewirausahaan berdasarkan cara hidup Islam. Silabus mereka menekankan peningkatan kreativitas siswa pada kegiatan menghasilkan pendapatan dengan menggunakan informasi dan teknologi ramah lingkungan. Setelah siswa menggunakan bio toilet (BT) ditemukan bahwa hanya 59% responden dapat menggunakan BT selama mereka tinggal di sekolah. Hanya 40% dari siswa yang menggunakan BT, 60% darinya hanya jarang menggunakan BT. Seperti biasa, 56% dari siswa buang air besar 1 kali sehari, 38% buang air besar 2 kali sehari (Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., 2008) 120.
In this dormitory, forty to seventy 40-70 students arrived from
joining for every 4-6 months. DT the students learn more about business and entrepreneurship based on Islamic way of life. Their syllabus emphasised increasing student’s creativity on income generating
information and environmental friendly technology. After the students using bio toilet (BT) it was found that only 59% of respondents could use BT during their stay in school. Only 40% of the students who used BT, 60% were only seldom using BT. As normal, 56% of the students defecated 1 time daily, 38 % defecated 2 times daily (Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., 2008) 121.
Para siswa masih dapat menggunakan air untuk membersihkan tubuh mereka dengan menggunakan semprotan air. Semprotan air hanya dapat digunakan di daerah luar mangkuk BT. Sekitar 75% dari siswa masih membutuhkan 3 sampai 4 semprotan air. 10% siswa bisa menggunakan 1 sampai 2 semprotan air dan 15% siswa lebih dari 4. Penggunaan kertas toilet tidak dapat diterima bagi siswa. Sembilan puluh empat siswa tidak ingin menggunakan kertas toilet, karena mereka merasa masih haram (67%). 7% mengatakan bahwa kertas toilet hanya dapat digunakan dalam keadaan darurat, ketika tidak ada air. Sekitar 27% adalah doubtfull atau jarang menggunakan kertas toilet. Dan bahkan diperintahkan untuk langsung membuang kertas toilet ke BT, 63% dari siswa tidak pernah melemparkan kertas ke dalam mangkuk (Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., 2008) 122.
The students can still use waterto clean up their body by using water spray. Sprayed water can be used only in the outer area of BT-bowl. About 75% of the students still needed 3 to 4 water spray. 10% of students could use 1 to 2 water spray and 15% of students more than 4. The use of toilet paper was unacceptable for the students. Ninety four of the students did not want to use toilet paper, because they feel still unclean (67%). 7% said that toilet paper can be used only in emergency, when there’s no water. About 27% were doubtfull or uncommon to use toilet paper. And even was ordered to dispose toilet paper directly to BT, 63% of the students never throw paper to the bowl (Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., 2008) 123.
Dari semua responden dalam tiga sekolah-periode, hanya 21% yang mengisi kuesioner setelah menggunakan BT. Nyatanya 59% dari siswa (total 164 siswa) mrnggunakan BT selama sekolah mereka. Grup yang aktif ini berada di usia 20 - 25 tahun (79%). Sekitar 63% adalah siswa SMA dan 37% adalah mahasiswa. Hanya 9% menyebutkan bahwa BT kotor, 91% mengatakan “Itu cukup bersih untuk penggunaan” Sepuluh persen dari siswa mengeluh pada bau yang datang dari BT. 90% mengatakan dari tidak berbau ke bau aneh ringan (Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., 2008) 124.Meskipun penelitian menemukan banyak toilet kering diterima, lebih banyak lagi penelitian yang diperlukan untuk memvalidasi penerimaan toilet kering di masyarakat Indonesia. Karena semua literatur tersebut,
From all respondents in three school-periods, only 21% filled up the questionnaires after using BT. In fact 59% of the students (totally 164 students) used BT during their school. This active group was in age of 20- 25 years old (79%). About 63% were high school students and 37% were undergraduate students. Only 9% mentioned that the BT was dirty, 91% said “It was clean enough for usage” Ten percent of the students complained on the bad smell came up from BT. 90% said from odorless to a light strange smell (Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., 2008)
.Although the research
found many accepted dry toilet, more researches were needed to validate the acceptance of dry toilets among Indonesians. Because
literatures, the toileting culture
in Surabaya has become an
penting untuk dipetakan.
important issue to map out.
CHAPTER 3.PROJECT METHODS (BAB 3. METODE PROYEK) Sebuah proyek mini multidisipliner diperlukan untuk menggambarkan budaya toilet di Surabaya. Mini-proyek yang dilakukan beranggotakan seluruhnya 230 siswa dengan kolaborasi dari 8 dosen mengajar 5 mata kuliah dari 3 Jurusan, seperti: Arsitektur, Desain Komunikasi Visual dan Sastra Inggris. Pendekatan ini adalah untuk merekam perilaku bertoilet sesuai kearifan lokal (budaya) dan desain toilet di Surabaya yang unik.
A multidisciplinary mini project was needed to portray the toileting culture in Surabaya. The mini-project was conducted comprising all 230 students with collaboration of 8 lecturers teaching 5 subjects from 3 Departments, such as: Architecture, Visual Communication Design and English Literature. The approach was to record the local knowledge toileting behaviour (culture) and toilets design in Surabaya which are unique.
Lima mata kuliah yang terintegrasi dalam program ini adalah: Desain Inklusif, Audio Visual 1, Ilustrasi, Desain Komunikasi Visual 3 and Produksi Drama.
The five subjects integrated in the program are: Inclusive Design, Audio Visual 1, Illustration, Visual Communication Design 3 and Play Production,
Sementara itu langkahlangkah dari proyek mini (pengintegrasian pengajaran) proyek yang terlibat:
• Review Literatur Sederhana • Persiapan Silabus • Pemetaan Masyarakat / Lokasi • Wawancara dan Dokumentasi Foto • Pengambilan dan Pengeditan Video
of the mini project (teaching integration) project involved:
• Simple Literature Review • Syllabi Preparation • Community/
Mapping • Interview and Photo Documentation • Video Shooting and Editing
• Produksi Ilustrasi • Pemetaan Google • Pelaporan dan Desain Mahasiswa • Produksi Drama • Presentasi Internal • Evaluasi Silabus • Pelaporan Akhir
• Production of Illustration • Google Mapping • Students Reporting and Designing • Production of Drama • Internal Presentation • Syllabi Evaluation • Final reporting
Tinjauan Literatur dilakukan untuk memahami pentingnya budaya bertoilet dan desain toilet untuk orang Surabaya. Dan ditemukan bahwa proses bertoilet memainkan bagian penting dari semua orang Surabaya. Buku penting telah dipindai, sementara e-books yang dipelajari oleh dosen dan mahasiswa untuk fakta-fakta penting. Penemuan ini dipresentasikan pada Bab 2.
Literature Review was conducted to understand the importance of toileting culture and the toilet design for Surabaya people. And it was found that the toileting process played an important part of all Surabaya people. Important books were scanned, while the e-books were studied by lecturers and students for important facts. The findings were presented in the Chapter 2.
3.2. SYLLABI PREPARATION (3.2. PERSIAPAN SILABUS) Silabus telah dipersiapkan oleh tim secara individual. Tetapi mereka setelahnya mendiskusikannya dengan ketua tim dan mengadaptasikannya ke topik proyek dan tingkat kesulitan mata kuliah.
Syllabi were prepared by the team individually. But they were later discussed with the team leader and adapted to the project topic and level of difficulty of the subject.
Silabus Desain Inklusi dan Desain Komunikasi Visual sudah disiapkan untuk mengeksplorasi budaya bertoilet orang Surabaya. Sementara itu, silabus Ilustrasi, Audio Visual 1, dan Produksi Drama telah diarahkan untuk menerjemahkan budaya bertoilet dari Surabaya ke dalam presentasi yang artistik. Terakhir, silabus Desain Inklusi juga dirancang untuk menghasilkan desain toilet yang dapat diterima – dapat diakses – sehat – dan – fungsional. Silabus tersebut disampaikan dalam Bab 4.
The Inclusive Design and Visual Communication Design Syllabi were prepared to explore the toileting culture of Surabaya people. Meanwhile, the Illustration, Audio Visual 1, and Play Production syllabi were aimed to translate the toileting culture of Surabaya into artistic presentation. Lastly, the Inclusive Design syllabus was also designed to produce acceptable – accessible - healthy - and - functional toilet design. The syllabi were presented in Chapter 4.
Gambar 5. Diskusi Silabus
Figure 5. The Discussion of Syllabi
mitra dan lokasi contoh toilet telah dipetakan. Langkah ini dibantu
Library, Surabaya
Punya Cerita, Surabaya Tempo Dulu,
Muda Warga dan ini
bahwa bisa
menghasilkan eksplorasi sukses.
The possible partner communities and location of toilets example were mapped out. This step was assisted by C20 Library, Ayorek! Platform, Surabaya Punya Cerita (Story of Surabaya), Surabaya Tempo Dulu (Old Time Surabaya), Demaya - Desainer Muda Surabaya (Young Designer of Surabaya), Paguyuban Warga Strenkali Surabaya (Surabaya Riverside Communities Organisation), and other organisations. It showed that the collaborative approach could produce successful exploration.
Di sisi lain, izin penelitian sangat penting untuk eksplorasi. Dan surat
beberapa disiapkan
untuk masyarakat dan lokasi. Beberapa daerah yang diamati adalah
Tangkis, Kampung Gunung Sari, Terminal Bus Purabaya, Grand City Mall, Perumahan, Rumah Kos,
Taman Publik, Kereta api, dll. Karena wilayah yang luas, biaya transportasi
waktu eksplorasi diperlukan.
Gambar 6. Pemetaan Komunitas
Diskusi Lokasi
tentang atau
On the other hand, research permit was crucial for the exploration. And therefore some introductory letters were prepared for community and locations. Some areas that were observed are Bratang Tangkis Village (Kampung Bratang Tangkis), Gunung Sari Village (Kampung Gunung Sari), Purabaya Bus Terminal (Terminal Bus Purabaya), Grand City Mall (Mall Grand City), Residential (Perumahan), Rental Home (Rumah Kos), University (Universitas), School (Sekolah), Public Park (Taman Publik),Train (Kereta api)etc. Because of vast areas, the additional transportation costs and exploration time were needed.
Figure 6. The Discussion of Location or Community Mapping
3.4. INTERVIEW AND PHOTO DOCUMENTATION (3.4. WAWANCARA DAN DOKUMENTASI FOTO) Wawancara dan dokumentasi foto dilakukan untuk menggali dan mengumpulkan data dari budaya bertoilet di Surabaya. Wawancara dilakukan dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil yang terdiri dari 4 sampai 6 orang. The Desain Inklusi program diajarkan untuk siswa tahun ke-3 untuk menciptakan desain inklusif (desain toilet), oleh karena itu eksplorasi yang rinci diperlukan. Para siswa Desain Inklusi menjelajahi budaya toilet di rumah mereka (ibu, kakek yang disabel, pembantu) serta pengguna lainnya seperti siswa tunanetra di sekolah tunanetra, penduduk kampung, dan para pengunjung mall. Eksplorasi mengambil 2 bulan. Dan metode penelitian visual yang digunakan (menggunakan foto, video dan kuesioner). Kuesioner ini dijelaskan dalam Lampiran 7. Hasil deskripsi dibagikan dalam
documentations were conducted to explore and collect data of the toileting culture of Surabaya. Interviews were conducted in small groups consisting of 4 to 6 persons. The Inclusive Design course was taught for the 3nd year students creating inclusive design (the toilet design), therefore detail exploration was needed. The Inclusive Design students explored the toileting culture in their homes (mother, disabled grandfather, helpers) as well as other users such as the blind students in the blind school, the village residents, and the mall visitors. The exploration took 2 months. And visual research method was used (using photo, video and questionnaire). The questionnaire was described in the Appendix 7. The results of description were shared in the
Desain Komunikasi Visual 3 mata kuliah diajarkan untuk mahasiswa tahun ke-3 membuat website untuk pengetahuan lokal, oleh karena itu eksplorasi sederhana dilakukan. Dan dua belas kelompok Desain Komunikasi Visual 3 didistribusikan ke beberapa daerah Surabaya seperti Perumahan, Rumah Kos, Universitas, Sekolah, Taman Publik, Kereta Api, dll. Dan metode penelitian visual yang sederhanalah yang digunakan. Nantinya, hasil eksplorasi disajikan di dalam website yang mereka siapkan. Dan eksplorasi dan pengembangan website memerlukan waktu 2 bulan. Deskripsi rinci akan disajikan dalam Lampiran 2. Dan nama website adalah: • h t t p : / / p o n t e n o l o g y .
• h t t p : / / p o n t e n p o r e r . html • http://toilettesby.blogspot. com/ • http://wesee-wc.blogspot. com/ • http://pontentoedjoeh.wix. com/pontentoedjoeh • • h t t p : / / n d o d h o g s a n t a i . • http://kolonialtoilet.wix. com/home#!toilet-kolonial/ctnx
The Visual Communication Design 3 course was taught for the 3nd year students creating websites for local knowledge, therefore simple exploration was conducted. And twelve groups of Visual Communication Design 3 were distributed to several areas of Surabaya as Residential (Perumahan), Rental Home (Rumah Kos), University (Universitas), School (Sekolah), Public Park (Taman Publik), Train (Kereta api) etc. And the simpler visual research method was used. Later, the exploration results were presented in the websites prepared by them. And The exploration and website development took 2 months. The detail description would be presented in the Appendix 2. And the name of websites are: • http://pontenology.blogspot. com/ • http://pontenporer.blogspot. com/p/article.html • http://toilettesby.blogspot. com/ • http://wesee-wc.blogspot. com/ • http://pontentoedjoeh.wix. com/pontentoedjoeh • http://toiletalitas.wordpress. com/ • • home#!toilet-kolonial/ctnx
• http://knowingtoilet.wix. com/knowingtoilet • intro • latoilette • index.html • http://toiletissue.tumblr. com/
Gambar 7. Wawancara dan dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting
Figure 7. The interview and photo documentation of Toileting Culture
Gambar 8. Wawancara dan dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting
Figure 8. The interview and photo documentation of Toileting Culture
• index.html • http://toiletissue.tumblr. com/
Gambar 9. Asistensi dengan tutor hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting
Figure 9. The assistance with tutor interview and photo documentation of Toileting Culture
Gambar 10. Asistensi dengan tutor hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting
Figure 10. The assistance with tutor interview and photo documentation of Toileting Culture
Gambar 11. Asistensi dengan tutor hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting
Figure 11. The assistance with tutor interview and photo documentation of Toileting Culture
Gambar 12. Dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting
Figure 12. documentation Culture
The photo of Toileting
Gambar 13. Dokumentasi foto untuk Budaya Toileting
Figure 13. The photo documentation of Toileting Culture
3.5. VIDEO SHOOTING AND EDITING (3.5. SHOOTING DAN EDITING VIDEO) Setelah informasi budaya toilet dikumpulkan, video pendukung disiapkan. Karena waktu dan keterbatasan sumber daya, hanya 5 cerita toilet yang direkonstruksi. Ceritacerita sekitar budaya bertoilet di Sekolah Penyandang Tuna Netra, Kampung Gunung Sari dan Bratang tangkis, Grand City Mall dan Kereta Api. Videografi adalah fokus dari mata kuliah Audio Visual 1, karena itu skrip disiapkan oleh Ketua Tim dan Dosen. Di sisi lain, kreativitas dan fleksibilitas diberikan kepada mahasiswa untuk produksi dan editing.
After the toileting culture information were collected, the supporting videos were prepared. Because of time and resource limitation, only 5 toileting stories were reconstructed. The stories were about toileting cultures in the Blind School, The Gunung Sari and Bratang Tangkis Village, The Grand City Mall and The Train. The videography was the focused of Audio Visual 1 course, therefore the script was prepared by the Team Leader and Lecturer. On the other hand, creativity and flexibility were given to the students for production and editing.
Kisah terakhir adalah pelatihan toilet yang dibuat oleh tim Sastra Inggris, dalam mata kuliah Produksi Drama.
The last story was the potty training that created by the English Literature team, in the Play Production Course.
Gambar 14. Video Budaya Toileting
Figure 14. The video shooting of Toileting Culture
Gambar 15. Video Budaya Toileting
Figure 15. The video shooting of Toileting Culture
Gambar 16. Video Budaya Toileting
Figure 16. The video shooting of Toileting Culture
Gambar 17. Video Budaya Toileting
Figure 17.Video Toileting Culture
Gambar 18. Video Budaya Toileting
Figure 18. Video editing of Toileting Culture
3.6. PRODUCTION OF ILLUSTRATION (3.6. PRODUKSI ILUSTRASI) Ilustrasi sederhana mengenai budaya bertoilet diproduksi secara manual. Mata Kuliah Ilustrasi diajarkan untuk mempersiapkan siswa tahun ke 2 untuk membuat konsep dengan sketsa.
The simple illustration of toileting culture was produced manually. The illustration course was taught for preparing the 2nd year students for creating concept with sketches.
Produksi ilustrasi dilakukan dalam waktu 3 minggu. Karena waktu dan keterbatasan kecakapan, ilustrasi terbatas hanya untuk menuliskan kondisi bertoilet budaya dengan presentasi grafis keren.
The illustration production was conducted in 3 weeks. Because of the time and skill limitation, the illustration was limited only to prescribe the condition of toileting culture with cool graphic presentation.
Gambar 19. Persiapan ilustrasi untuk Budaya Toileting
Figure 19. The illustration preparation of Toileting Culture
Gambar 20. Persiapan ilustrasi untuk Budaya Toileting
Figure 20. The illustration preparation of Toileting Culture
3.7. GOOGLEMAPPING (3.7. PEMETAAN DENGAN GOOGLE) Proses pemetaan Google juga dilakukan bersamaan dengan wawancara, foto, pengambilan video. Tim ini dilengkapi dengan smart phone untuk melakukan langkah ini. Untuk membuat pemetaan google efisien, konsultasi dilakukan kepada nara sumber Teknologi Informatika dari C20 Library dan Dosen Teknologi Informatika dari Universitas Widya Mandira.
The Google mapping process was also conducted simultaneously with the interview, photo, video taking. The team was equipped with the smart phone to conduct this step. To make the google mapping efficient, the consultation was conducted to Informatics Technology Person from C20 Library and Informatics Technology Lecturer form Widya Mandira University.
Mahasiswa Desain Inklusi dan Desain Komunikasi Visual 3 menyiapkan laporan eksplorasi. Ini yang kemudian diterjemahkan ke dalam desain dan cerita. Laporan tersebut kemudian diterjemahkan dan dipublikasikan di website UNDK Petra.
Students of Inclusive Design and Visual Communication Design 3 prepared exploration reports. These were later translated into the design and stories. The reports were then translated and published in the UNDK Petra website.
Proses pelaporan juga mencakup proses desain mahasiswa dan lokakarya desain toilet partisipatif, bekerjasama dengan C20 Library dan Ayorek!. Desain ini dilakukan dalam kelompok kecil dengan mempertimbangkan tujuh prinsip desain inklusif. Proses desain dipandu oleh dosen. Terakhir, lokakarya desain toilet partisipatif dilakukan dengan melibatkan 2 narasumber yang dipilih, yang mana adalah Bapak Tutus Setiawan SPd . (tuna netra) dan Bapak Ahmad Fauzi M.Hum. (penderita cerebral palsy) Para narasumber menjelaskan kebutuhan mereka akan desain toilet.
The reporting process was also incorporated the students’ design process and participative toilet design workshop, in collaboration withC20 Library and Ayorek!. The design was conducted in the small group with considering the seven principles of inclusive design. The design process was guided by the lecturer. Lastly, a participative toilet design workshop was conducted involving 2 selected resource persons, which were the blind person Mr Tutus Setiawan SPd. and cerebral palsy person Mr Ahmad Fauzi M.Hum. The resource persons described their needs for toilet designs.
Lokakarya desain partisipatif sebenarnya memperkaya pengetahuan siswa desain inklusi.
The participative design workshop actually enriched the knowledge of inclusive design students.
Gambar 21. Proses desain toilet berbasis - pengetahuan – lokal
Figure 21. The design process of local - knowledge - based toilet
Gambar 22. Proses desain toilet berbasis - pengetahuan – lokal
Figure 22. The design process of local - knowledge - based toilet
Gambar 23. Proses desain toilet berbasis - pengetahuan – lokal
Figure 23. The design process of local - knowledge - based toilet
Gambar 24. Nara sumber dalam proses desain toilet berbasis pengetahuan – lokal
Figure 24. The resource person in design process of local knowledge - based toilet
Gambar 25. Proses desain toilet berbasis - pengetahuan – lokal
Figure 25. The design process of local - knowledge - based toilet
3.9. INTERNAL TEAM PRESENTATION (3.9. PRESENTASI TIM INTERNAL) Presentasi internal dilakukan sebagai ujian tengah semester oleh mahasiswa dan dosen Desain Inklusi, Desain Komunikasi Visual 3, maupun Audio Visual 1. Proses ini dilakukan di kelas. Sharing tersebut ditemukan penuh wawasan. Dalam rangka untuk berbagi pengetahuan eksplorasi di kelas desain inklusi para mahasiswa dalam kelompok ditata ulang dan mereka harus berbagi dalam tim baru. Sharing tersebut ditemukan meningkatkan pengetahuan lokal para siswa.
Gambar 26. Presentasi internal BudayaToileting
Internal presentation was conducted as the mid-term test by the Inclusive Design, Visual Communication Design 3 as well as Audio Visual 1 students and lecturers. The process was conducted in the class. The sharing was found insightful. In order to share the exploration knowledge in the inclusive design class the group students were rearranged and they have to share within the new team. The sharing was found increase the local knowledge of the students.
Figure 26. The internal presentation of Toileting Culture
Gambar 27.Presentasi internal BudayaToileting
Figure 27. The internal presentation of Toileting Culture
Gambar 28.Presentasi internal Budaya Toileting
Figure 28. The internal presentation of Toileting Culture
Gambar 29. Presentasi internal Budaya Toileting
Figure 29. The internal presentation of Toileting Culture
Gambar 30.Presentasi internal Budaya Toileting
Figure 30. presentation Culture
The internal of Toileting
Gambar 31. Presentasi internal Budaya Toileting
Figure 31. presentation Culture
The internal of Toileting
3.10. PRODUCTION OF TOILETING CULTURE DRAMA (3.10. PRODUKSI DRAMA BUDAYA TOILETING) Sebuah Drama dinamai The Potty Training (Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet) dibuat dan dimainkan oleh tim Sastra Inggris, dalam Mata Kuliah Produksi Drama. Drama ini juga didukung oleh Tim Desain Inklusi dan Audio Visual untuk dokumentasi dan persiapan pengaturan (setting) panggung. Ini benar-benar menunjukkan kolaborasi besar di antara dosen dan mahasiswa.
A Drama called The Potty Training was created and played by the English Literature team, in the Play Production Course. The drama was also supported by the Audio Visual and Inclusive Design Team for documentation and stage setting preparation. This was actually showed great collaboration among lecturers and students.
Gambar 32. Persiapan panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Figure 32. The stage preparation of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
Gambar 33. Persiapan panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Figure 33. The stage preparation of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
Gambar 34.Persiapan panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Figure 34. The stage preparation of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
Gambar 35. Tata panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Gambar 36. Tata panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Figure 35. The stage of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
Figure 36. The stage of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
Gambar 37. Tata panggung Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Figure 37. The stage of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
Gambar 38. Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Figure 38. The Drama Play of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
Gambar 39.Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Figure 39. The Drama Play of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
Gambar 40. Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Figure 40. The Drama Play of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
Gambar 41. Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Figure 41. The Drama Play of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
Gambar 42. Tim yang terlibat dalam Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Figure 42. The team involved in Production of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
Gambar 43. Tim yang terlibat dalam Drama Budaya Bertoilet “The Potty Training” (“Pelatihan Menggunakan Toilet”)
Figure 43. The team involved in Production of Toileting Culture Drama “Potty Training”
3.11. SYLLABI EVALUATION (3.11. EVALUASI SILABUS) Silabus dievaluasi dalam rangka menciptakan perbaikan terhadap mata kuliah serta Program Petra UNDK. Evaluasi dilakukan secara internal maupun dalam Evaluasi Petra UNDK. The Silabus kemudian akan disajikan dalam sosialisasi Program Petra UNDK di website serta dalam Lokakarya (Workshop) UNDK pada tahun 2014.
The syllabi were evaluated in order to create improvement to the subjects as well as UNDK Petra Program. The evaluation was conducted internally as well as in the UNDK Petra Evaluation. The Syllabi later would be presented in the UNDK Petra Program socialisation in website as well as in the UNDK Workshop in 2014.
Gambar 44. Rapat tim koordinasi program dan evaluasi silabus
Figure 44. The team coordination and syllabi evaluation meeting
Gambar 45. Rapat tim koordinasi program dan evaluasi silabus
Figure 45. The team coordination and syllabi evaluation meeting
Gambar 46. Rapat tim koordinasi program dan evaluasi silabus
Figure 46. The team coordination and syllabi evaluation meeting
Gambar 47. Rapat tim koordinasi program dan evaluasi silabus
Figure 47. The coordination and evaluation meeting
Gambar 48. Rapat tim koordinasi program dan evaluasi silabus
Figure 48. The team coordination and syllabi evaluation meeting
team syllabi
3.12. FINAL REPORTING (3.12. PELAPORAN FINAL) Pelaporan Final disiapkan oleh UNDK Petra didukung oleh penerjemah dari Ayorek! Network (Jaringan Ayorek!). Laporan ini disusun bilingual agar dapat untuk berbagi program di Indonesia serta untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab ke Lembaga Amerika (United Boards), UNDK dan Unika Soegijapranata
Final Reporting was prepared by UNDK Petra supported by translators from Ayorek! Network. The report was prepared bilingually in order to be able to share the program in Indonesia as well as to fulfil the responsibility to United Boards, UNDK and Unika Soegijapranata.
3.13. BUDGET REPORT (3.13. PELAPORAN KEUANGAN) Laporan Anggaran dipersiapkan setelah mengkonsolidasikan seluruh pengeluaran. Penganggaran tersebut dikategorikan sebagai usulan anggaran asli dengan sedikit penyesuaian.
Budget report was prepared after consolidating all spending. The budgeting was categorised as the original budget proposal with slight adjustment.
CHAPTER 4.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (BAB 4. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN) 4.1. SYLLABUSOF INCLUSIVE DESIGN (4.1. SILABUS DESAIN INKLUSI) Silabus :Mata Kuliah ini mengajarkan prinsip desain yang memperhatikan kebutuhan pengguna. Prinsip – prinsip desain inklusi akan dapat diterapkan dalam desain lingkungan binaan agar aksesibel dan dapat digunakan oleh sebanyak mungkin orang. Dan sebuah proyek berskala kecil akan diberikan pada mahasiswa agar dapat menerapkan pendekatan desain inklusi secara langsung.
Kepustakaan :
• Clarkson, J., (ed.), (2003), Inclusive Design: Design for the Whole Population, Springer • Linda L. Nussbaumer, L., L, (2012), Inclusive Design: A Universal Need, Fairchild Books, • Pedoman Teknis Fasilitas dan Aksesibilitas pada Bangunan Gedung dan Lingkungan (Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No 30/PRT/M/2006) • html • ncsu/design/sod5/cud/
Syllabus : The course teaches principles of design that takes into account the user needs. The inclusive design principles will be applied in the design of the built environment that are accessible and can be used by many people as possible. And a small scale project was provided for students to directly implement the inclusive design approach.
References : • Clarkson, J., (ed.), (2003), Inclusive Design: Design for the Whole Population, Springer • Linda L. Nussbaumer, L., L, (2012), Inclusive Design: A Universal Need, Fairchild Books, • Pedoman Teknis Fasilitas dan Aksesibilitas pada Bangunan Gedung dan Lingkungan (Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No 30/PRT/M/2006) • html • ncsu/design/sod5/cud/
Sasaran : • Mahasiswa mengenal adanya spektrum kemampuan manusia yg berbeda-beda • Mahasiswa menyadari dampak dari spektrum ini terhadap kebutuhan aksesibilitas dan penggunaan karya arsitektur yang berbeda • Mahasiswa menyadari pentingnya proses desain yang terintegrasi (dengan mengutamakan pendekatan desain inklusi) • Mahasiswa memahami prinsip-prinsip desain inklusi dalam arsitektur • Mahasiswa mampu menyusun karakteristik kebutuhan pengguna secara spesifik • Mahasiswa mampu membuat observasi/riset sederhana tentang penerapan prinsip desain inklusi dalam lingkungan yang ada • Mahasiswa mampu mengevaluasi desain yang ada terhadap prinsip desain inklusi • Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan prinsip-prinsip desain inklusi dalam desain arsitektur sederhana (bagian tertentu dalam desain arsitektur)
Goals : • Students realise the spectrum of human abilities that vary • Students are aware of the impact of the spectrum to the accessibility needs and the different architectural design usage • Students recognize the importance of an integrated design process (with emphasis on the inclusive design approach) • Students understand the principles of inclusive design in architecture • Students are able to develop the characteristics of specific user needs • Students are able to make observations / simple research on the application of the inclusive design principles in the existing environment • Students are able to evaluate the existing design of the inclusive design principles • Students are able to apply the principles of inclusive design in a simple architectural design (certain parts of the architectural design)
Materi : • Pengantar ttg Desain Universal dan Desain Inklusi • Pengenalan Spektrum Pengguna Desain Inklusi • Prinsip Dasar Desain Universal • Prinsip Dasar Desain Inklusi • Kriteria – Kriteria dari Desain Inklusi • Proses Desain Inklusi • Observasi ke Sekolah atau Fasilitas Difabel Workshop Desain
Material : • Introduction on the Universal Design and Inclusive Design • Introduction on User Spectrum of Inclusive Design • Basic Principles of Universal Design • Basic Principles of Inclusive Design • Criteria of Inclusive Design • Inclusive Design Process • Observation to School or Difable Facilities • Design Workshop
4.2. SYLLABUS OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN 3 (4.2. SILABUS DESAIN KOMUNIKASI VISUAL 3) Silabus: Mata Kuliah ini mengajarkan siswa untuk melakukan penelitian (eksplorasi) pengetahuan - lokal sederhana dan mempersiapkan website dan media nonkonvensional lainnya. Dan penelitian ini penting untuk menjelajahi pengetahuan lokal. Di sisi lain, situs web yang disiapkan akan mampu menyebarluaskan pengetahuan lokal secara global.
Syllabus : This course teaches students to conduct simple local – knowledge research (exploration) and prepare website and other nonconventional media. And the research is important for exploring local knowledge. On the other hand, the website prepared would be able to disseminate the local knowledge globally.
Tujuan : Memberikan pengalaman dan pemahaman siswa Untuk informasi vernakular yang berarti lokal, tradisional dan asli pribumi. Vernakularterdiri dari proses-proses yang terjadi di masyarakat sesuai dengan perilaku, tradisi, dan budaya. Memberikan pengalaman dan keterampilan teknis bagi mahasiswa untuk mempersiapkan media digital konvensional (website) dan media non-konvensional (kampanye sosial).
Purpose : Provide experience and understanding of the studentfor vernacular information that means local, traditional and natives. The vernacular consisted processes happened in the communities according to behavior, traditions, and cultures. Provide experience and technical skill for students for preparing digital conventional media (website) and nonconventional media (social campaign).
Sasaran : • Mahasiswa memahami metode penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi pengetahuan lokal. • Mahasiswa mampu menyebarluaskan informasi ini secara digital dengan situs web • Mahasiswa mampu menyebarluaskan website dengan media non-konvensional (kampanye sosial) • Mahasiswa dapat menggunakan media digital (suara, foto, video) untuk penelitian visual
Goals : • Students understand research methods to explore the local knowledge. • Students able to disseminate this information digitally.with website • Students able to disseminate the website with nonconventional media (social campaign) • Students able to use digital media (sounds, photos, videos) for visual research
Materi : • Metode Penelitian Visual • Proses Eksplorasi • Pengembangan Situs Web • Pengembangan Media Non-Konvensional • Asistensi
Material : Visual Research Methods Exploration Process Website Development Non-Conventional Media Development Assistance
• • • • •
4.3. SYLLABUSOF AUDIO VISUAL 1 (4.3. SILABUS AUDIO VISUAL 1) Silabus : Mata Kuliah ini merupakan pemgembangan bidang fotografi. Dan mata kuliah ini mengajarkan teknik mengungkapkan ide gagasan melalui gambar bergerak. Meliputi konsep, tahapan, material, teknik pra-produksi, produksi sampai evaluasi proses tersebut. Tujuan : Memberikan pengalaman dan pemahaman pada mahasiswa proses rekam video dengan spesifikasi peralatan (kamera, komponen kamera, dan lensa) dan kemampuan rekam video kamera yang berbeda-beda disertai dengan teknik rekam video.
Syllabus : This development
course of
field. And the course taught techniques to reveal the ideas with moving image. Involving the concept, steps, materials, techniques of pre-production, production
process. Purpose : Provide experience and understanding of the student about video recording process with the specification of equipment (cameras, camera components, and lens) and the different ability to record video cameracomplemented to video recording technique.
Sasaran : • Mahasiswa memahami cara kerja kamera dan komponennya • Mahasiswa memahami spesifikasi kamera dan lensa (misal. ISO, exposure, shutter speed, focal length, frame rate, resolusi, dlsb.) • Mahasiswa memahami kemampuan rekam video kamera dengan memperhatikan setting rekam video dan jenis memory card • Mahasiswa mengenal adanya spektrum instrumen kamera rekam yg berbedabeda • Mahasiswa mengetahui dan menerapkan penggunaan komposisi dan teknik framing dalam produksi video. • Mahasiswa mengetahui dan menerapkan teknik dan setting (camera motion, lighting, sound recording, dan production) dalam produksi video. • Mahasiswa mengetahui hasil kualitas video yang berdeda-beda dari perbedaan spektrum instrumen kamera rekam yang digunakan • Mahasiswa mampu mengevaluasi hasil uji rekam video
Goals : • Students understand the workings of the camera and its components • Students understand the camera specifications and lens (eg ISO, exposure, shutter speed, focal length, frame rate, resolution, etc.) • Students understand camera video recording ability by noticed video recording settings and memory card types. • Students get to know any different camera recorder instruments spectrum • Students know and apply composition and framing techniques using on video production. • Students learn and apply the techniques and settings (camera motion, lighting, sound recording, and production) on video production. • Students know the results of video quality varies by camera recorder differences spectrum of instruments used • Students are able to evaluate the results of video recording trials
Materi : • Kamera DSLR dalam AV • Komposisi & Teknik Framing • Camera Motion • Lighting • Sound Recording • Non-Linear Editing&Digital Post-Production • Survey Project 2 • Produksi Project 2 • Produksi & Paska-Produksi Project 2 • Paska-Produksi Project 2
• • • • • • • • • •
Material : DSLR Camera in AV Composition & Framing Techniques Camera Motion Lighting Sound Recording Non-Linear Editing & Digital Post-Production Project 2 Survey Project 2 Production Project 2 Production & PostProduction Project 2 Post-Production
4.4. SYLLABUS OF ILLUSTRATION (4.4. SILABUS ILUSTRASI) Silabus: Mata Kuliah ini mengajarkan siswa untuk dapat menggambarkan konsep dengan visualisasi kreatif. Mata Kuliah ini juga meningkatkan keterampilan ilustrasi (gambar) para mahasiswa, yang kemudian akan dikembangkan secara digital dalam tahap lanjut.
Syllabus : This
students to be able to illustrate a
visualisation. The course also enhanced
(drawing) skill of the students, which later would be developed digitally in the further stage.
Tujuan : Memberikan pengalaman dan pemahaman mahasiswa untuk mengkomunikasikan konsep visual dengan kemampuan ilustrasi. Dalam rangka memahami budaya bertoilet dan kemampuan, tugas ilustrasi selama 3 minggu telah diberikan pada mahasiswa.
Purpose : Provide experience and understanding of the student to communicate the visual concept with illustration skill. In order to understand the toileting culture and the skill, a 3-weeksillustration-assignment was given to the students.
Sasaran : • Mahasiswa memahami keterampilan ilustrasi, yang mencakup budaya bertoilet. • Mahasiswa mampu menggambarkan budaya toilet secara kreatif. • Mahasiswa mampu mengkomunikasikan ide-ide yang tabu dengan ilustrasi.
Goals : • Students understand the illustration skill, including the toileting culture.. • Students able to illustrate the toileting culture creatively. • Students able to communicate the taboo ideas with illustration
• • • •
Materi: Proses Eksplorasi Sederhana Keterampilan Ilustrasi Praktek Ilustrasi Asistensi
• • • •
Material : Simple Exploration Process Illustration Skill Illustration Practice Assistance
4.5. SYLLABUS OF PLAY PRODUCTION (4.5. SILABUSPLAY PRODUCTION) Silabus: Mata kuliah ini mengajarkan Produksi Drama dan keterampilan bermain drama bagi para mahasiswa bahasa Inggris. Para siswa diajarkan untuk membuat drama sandiwara, mempersiapkan, menyutradarai dan menjalankan drama dengan sesuai. Drama ini akan menggambarkan pengetahuan lokal seperti budaya bertoilet Surabaya. Tujuan: Memberikan pengalaman dan pemahaman para mahasiswa untuk membuat sebuah drama sandiwara, mempersiapkan, menyutradarai dan menjalankan drama dengan sempurna.
Sasaran: • Mahasiswa mampu menulis drama sandiwara • Mahasiswa mampu mempersiapkan drama • Mahasiswa mampu menjalankan sandiwara dengan sempurna • Mahasiswa memahami dan mampu menyutradarai pemain
Syllabus : This course teaches a Play Production and drama playing skill for the English students. The students were taught to create a drama play, prepare, direct and execute the drama accordingly. The drama would picture the local knowledge such as toileting culture of Surabaya. Purpose : Provide experience and understandings of the students to create a drama play, prepare, direct and execute the drama perfectly.
Goals : • Students able to write the drama play • Students able to prepare the drama • Students able to execute the play perfectly • Students understand and able to direct player
Materi: • Proses Eksplorasi Sederhana • Menulis Drama Sandiwara • Persiapan Drama • Permainan Drama • Produksi Drama
Material : • Simple Exploration Process • Drama Play Writing • Drama Preparation • Drama Playing • Play Production
4.6. TOILETING CULTURE OF SURABAYA STORY AND PHOTOS (4.6. CERITA DAN FOTO BUDAYA TOILETING DI SURABAYA) Budaya Toilet Warga Surabaya telah didokumentasikan dalam berbagai website dan lampiran. Tetapi ada empat cerita penting yang perlu dipaparkan dengan lebih detail untuk mewakili eksplorasi budaya lokal ini yaitu:
• Budaya Toileting di Kawasan Pinggir Kali Surabaya • Budaya Toileting di Sekolah Tuna Netra • Budaya Toileting di Mall Grand City • Budaya Toileting di Kereta Api
Budaya di
Toileting Pinggir
Surabaya (Strenkali Surabaya) Disarikan oleh Gunawan T. ST. MSc. dari Kelompok DKV3
The Toileting Culture of Surabaya People has been documented in the several websites and appendices. But there are four main stories to be explained in detail to represent this local knowledge exploration, such as:
• Toileting Culture of Riverside Areas of Surabaya • Toileting Culture of the Blind School • Toileting Culture of Grand City Mall • Toileting Culture of Train
Riverside Areas of Surabaya Summarized by Gunawan T. ST. MSc. from Team DKV3
Ponten Tujuh dan Kelompok
Ponten Tujuh and Team Desain
Desain Inklusi Strenkali.
Inklusi Strenkali.
Budaya ke WC (water closet) atau “Toileting Culture” merupakan pengetahuan lokal di Strenkali (kawasan pinggir kali) Surabaya yang sangat menarik. Pertama ternyata terdapat perubahan pola WC yang langsung dibuang ke kali menjadi fasilitas ponten umum dan kemudian setelah menjadi ekonomi masyarakat lebih baik lagi menjadi fasilitas WC pribadi. Beberapa temuan ini didokumentasikan oleh Kelompok DKV3 Ponten Tujuh dan Kelompok Desain Inklusi Strenkali. Pertama – tama kebiasaan untuk membuang air langsung ke sungai awalnya memang terjadi di kawasan ini sejak tahun 1950-an. Tetapi perlahan – lahan kebiasaan ini ditinggalkan warga karena warga merasa terganggu atas bau dari tinja yang tidak hanyut pada saat musim kemarau menurut Bu Ni Nyoman Sariani atau yang akrab disebut Bu Komang, warga Kampung Bratang Tangkis.
local knowledge in Strenkali (river bank areas) Surabaya which is very interesting. First, there is a change on the habit of defecation directly on the river to be in public toilet. Now, as the economic condition of people is getting better, it turns to be private toilet. A number of findings were documented by Team DKV3 Ponten Tujuh and Team Desain Inklusi Strenkali. First, the habit of defecation directly on the river did occur in this area in 1950s. Such habit was slowly left as they felt disturbed by the smell of feces which was not flushed during dry season, according to Ms Ni Nyoman Sariani or more familiarly known as Ms Komang, a resident of Kampung Bratang Tangkis.
Pada awal tahun 19681990 dilakukan program Kampung Improvement Program di berbagai Kampung di Surabaya. Dan beberapa Kampung ini termasuk Bratang Tangkis mendapatkan fasilitas Mandi Cuci Kakus (MCK) Umum atau Ponten. Selain itu, beberapa kampung seperti Paguyuban Warga Strenkali Surabaya (PWSS)juga untuk mengadakan ponten umum dalam kerangka upaya penataan menata kampung dan jogo kali (menjaga kali). 126
In early 1968 to 1990 Kampung Improvement Program was held in a number of Kampung in Surabaya. Some of these Kampungs, including Bratang Tangkis, got public bathing, washing, and toilet facilities (in Indonesia, it is known as MCK). In addition, some kampungs such as Strenkali Surabaya community also built public restroom within the framework of kampung arrangement and jogo kali (keep the river clean). 127
Sejak 31 Mei 2002, warga kampung dalam PWSS secara swadaya bertahan dari upaya penggusuran yang beberapa kali. Dan akhirnya, pada 5 Oktober 2007, aspirasi PWSS ditanggapi oleh DPRD Jawa Timur dengan penyusunan Perda no. 9 tahun 2007 yang mewadahi berbagai ide dari para pemangku kepentingan yang berbeda. Pada pasal 13 Perda ini disebutkan bahwa di stren kali diijinkan kawasan permukiman terbatas dengan syarat harus dilakukan penataan kampung pinggir kali. Karena itu warga memulai membangun Rumah Contoh di Strenkali telah dirintis sejak tahun 2005, dan konstruksinya pada tahun 2008. Rumahrumah kampung yang tadinya membelakangi sungai diubah menjadi menghadap sungai. Perubahan ini diikuti dengan pembuatan jalan inspeksi selebar 3-5 meter yang mengorbankan sebagian besar rumah yang ada. WC yang asalnya berupa WC yang langsung membuang tinja ke sungai dipindahkan ke bagian belakang rumah yang menghadap ke jalan, sedangkan septik tank perlahan – lahan dibangun agar tidak mengotori sungai lagi. 128
Since May 31, 2002, residents of Strenkali Surabaya persistently stayed despite eviction effort several times done by the authorities. Finally, on October 5, 2007, aspiration of the residents was responded by Regional Parliametns of East Java indicated by arranging Local Regulation No. 9 2007. This regulation accomodated various ideas of different range of stakeholders. Of chapter 13 of the regulation, it is written that limited settlement is permitted in Strenkali under the condition that the arrangement is mandatory for kampung in river bank area. That was what encouraged people to design Exemplification House in Strenkali which had been commenced since 2005. Then the construction was started in 2005. All houses in the kampung which previously backed the river was changed to face the river. This change was followed by the construction of road as wide as 3 to 5 meters. It sacrificed most houses there. Toilet whose disposal channel directly linked to the river was moved to the rear side of the house facing the street. Septic tanks were built not to make the river dirty. 129
Ponten RT 07, Gunungsari, inisudahberdiri sejak duapuluhtahun yang lalu. Dan ponteninidibangunawalnya untuk mewadahi kebutuhan warga RT 07 Gunungsari untuk buang hajat dan mandi. Langkah ini ditempuh warga karena terbatasnya ekonomi warga untuk membuat WC sendiri buanghajatdanmandi di KaliMas. Selain itu juga terbatasnya lahan untuktangki septik (septictank) dan terbatasnya pasokan air bersih. Ponten ini dibangun dari usaha swadaya masyarakat cucimobilRT 07. Kemudian ternyata perlahan – lahan ponten ini juga menjadi usaha bersama yang dimanfaatkan warga sekitar seperti sopir angkot yang biasamangkal di Terminal Joyoboyo. Ponten ini memberikan tariff Rp1.000,- untuk buang air kecil (BAK) dan Rp 2.000,-untuk buang air besar (BAB). Hal ini diperuntukan untuk biaya pemeliharaan. Namun kenyataannya, berdasarkan cerita Pak Soewarto penjaga Ponten tersebut, seringkali pengguna ponten membayar secara sukarela saja.Ponten ini buka setiap hari antara jam 6 pagi sampai jam 6 petang, selanjutnya hanya 1 bilik ponten yang masih terbuka untuk pengguna umum.
Gunungsari, had been there since twent years ago. It was built to accommodate the need of RT 07 Gunungsari for defecation and bathing. It was done because of the financial limitation of the people there to build private toilet in their house. In addition, it was also because of the lack of area for the septick tank and also of clean water supply. This restroom was built voluntarily by the residents of RT 07. In fact, it slowly became a business serving public transportation’s driver who stopped at Terminal Joyoboyo.
The toilet ticket fee is IDR 1,000 for peeing and IDR 2,000 for defecating. It is intended as cleaning fee. But based on Mr Soewarto, it is often the case that the toilet users pay as they want. This restroom is open from 6 am to 6 pm. After the opening hour, only 1 cubicle is open for public.
Kenyamanan menunaikan BAK dan BAB di ponten ini cukup nyaman dan sejuk karena dinaungi pohon mangga yang besar, rindang serta berbagai tanaman perdu lainnya. Selain itu ponten ini dijaga secara baik sehingga bersih dan tidak tercium bau tidak sedap. Tentu saja karena kebersihannya dijaga oleh Pak Soewarto. Selain itu juga ada peraturan unik di ponten ini di mana pengguna harus melepaskan alas kaki. Ponten ini dilengkapi oleh kloset jongkok dan bak mandi beserta gayung, karena warga sekitar masih terbiasa dengan kebiasaan yang demikian. Sedangkan sumber air ini berasal dari sumur di depan ponten. Walaupun di belakang ponten terdapat Kali, namun kotoran BAB dan BAK dibuang ke septic tank yang dibersihkan setiap dua tahun sekali. Hal ini sesuai dengan komitmen Warga Strenkali Surabaya untuk menjaga kebersihan Kali Mas dan Kali Surabaya.
Gambar 49. Ponten Kampung Gunungsari
restroom is quite cozy and cool as the building is under the shelter of trees. Moreover, the cleanness of the restroom becomes the focus so that it is clean and has no disturbing smell. There is a unique rule in this restroom which requires the users to take off their shoes or flip-flops. The restroom is equipped with squat toilet, basin, and water dipper. It is because the residents there are accustomed to such. The water is from the well in front of the restroom. Though the river is behind the restroom, feces and any waste from this restroom is out to septic tank which is drained every two years. It suit to the commitment of Strenkali Surabaya residents to keep Kali Mas and Surabaya River clean.
Figure 49. Restroom of RT 7, Kampung Gunungsari
Di sisi lain, seperti Kampung Bratang Tangkis yang juga berada di sisi Strenkali . Ada dua warga Bratang Tangkis yang kami wawancarai yaitu Bapak Haryono Karno dan Bu Ni Nyoman Sariani sebagai perwakilan warga yang diamati.
On the other hand, similar to that of Kampung Bratang Tangkis which is located at the river bank, there are two residents of Bratang Tangkis interviewed, i.e. Mr Haryono Karno and Mrs Ni Nyoman Sariani.
Pak Haryono Karno dan Bu Ni Nyoman Sariani ternyata menginginkan menggunakan jenis toilet jongkok dengan gayung dan ember air, sekalipun diberi pilihan lain seperti toilet jongkok dengan sprinkler, toilet duduk dengan sprinkler, dll, Hal ini disebabkan karena mereka sudah terbiasa dan puas dengan toilet jongkok yang ada. Bahkan mereka merasa tidak nyaman bila diganti dengan model lain yang lebih modern. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa budaya Indonesia sebenarnya kurang sesuai dengan budaya WC kering seperti yang ada pada desain – desain WC modern. Penggunaan air menjadi komponen yang penting dalam membersihkan diri setelah BAB.
When given several toilet types to choose, Mr Haryono Karno and Mrs Ni Nyoman Sariani, in fact, prefer squat toilet type along with water dipper and bucket. It is likely that they have been accustomed to and satisfied with the existing squat toilet. Even they do not feel comfortable with the more modern type. It shows that dry toilet culture like in modern toilet design actually does not suit to Indonesian culture. Water is an essential element in cleaning the body part after defecation.
Mengenai keterbukaan toilet, Pak Haryono Karno dan Bu Ni Nyoman Sariani juga lebih memilih toilet dengan keadaan yang tertutup karena menurutnya itu lebih aman.Selanjutnya dalam cara mandi, mereka lebih memilih menggunakan gayung dengan ember/bak mandi daripada dengan alat-alat lainnya yang lebih modern.
Regarding the openness of the cubicle, Mr Haryono Karno and Mrs Ni Nyoman Sariani also prefer closed cubicle as they consider it safer. Furthermore, they prefer using water dipper for
modern equipments.
Kegiatan wudhu merupakan kegiatan yang wajib bagi umat Muslim sebelum beribadah. Namun Pak Haryono berpendapat berbeda, menurutnya tidak perlu tempat khusus yang biasa berupa pijakan kaki. Sedangkan untuk mencuci baju, Pak Haryono dan Bu Ni Nyoman Sarianimemilih dengan dibersihkan/dikucek dengan tangan dan dilakukan bersama anggota keluarga di bagian depan rumah. Hal ini menunjukkan keunikan interaksi sosial di antara keluarga dalam pekerjaan – pekerjaan rumah tangga ini. Sehingga posisi dan ukuran WC harus dapat mewadahi kegiatan ini.
Ablution is a mandatory activity for Muslim before they pray. However, Mr Haryono argued that specific place for ablution is not necessary. In terms of washing the clothes, Mr Haryono and Mrs Ni Nyoman Sariani prefer washing using hands. It is done together by the member of the family in front of their home. It shows the uniqueness of social interaction within the family in household work. The position and size of the cubicle may need to be sufficient to accommodate such activity.
Untuk menyikat gigi, Pak Haryono menginginkan lubang untuk menyikat gigi sementara Bu Ni Nyoman Sariani menginginkan wastafel untuk tempat menyikat gigi. Dalam aspek berganti baju, Pak Haryono dan Bu Ni Nyoman Sariani lebih memilih melakukannya didalam kamar mandi/toilet karena lebih cepat.
For tooth-brushing, Mrs
Selain itu ada beberapa perbedaan pendapat antara kedua responden. Pak Haryono memilih mencuci piring sekaligus setiap 2 hari sekali (jumlahnya banyak), sementara Bu Ni Nyoman Sariani memilih mencuci piring lebih sering agar tidak tertumpuk.
wash basin. Regarding changing clothes,
and Mrs Ni Nyoman Sariani prefer doing it in the cubicle or bathroom as it is faster. There is another different opinion between the two respondents. Mr Haryono prefers dish washing once every 2 days (the number of dish is quite a lot) while Mrs Ni Nyoman Sariani prefers dish washing more frequently not to have a stack of plates.
Kedua contoh WC di rumah kedua responden ini juga didokumentasikan sebagai berikut:
the respondents’ house were
Gambar 50. WC di Rumah Pak Haryono Karno
Figure 50. Toilet in Mr Haryono Karno’s house
Gambar 51. WC di Rumah Bu Ni Nyoman Sariani yang berada di lantai 1 dan awalnya dibangun
Figure 51. Toilet in the first floor of Mrs Ni Nyoman Sariani’s house yang berada di lantai 1
Two types of toilet in documented as follows:
Gambar 52. WC di Rumah Bu Ni Nyoman Sariani di lantai 2 dan merupakan pengembangan berikutnya
Figure 52. Toilet in the second floor of Mrs Ni Nyoman Sariani’s house
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa budaya ke WC di kawasan pinggir kali (strenkali) Surabaya memiliki nuansa yang unik. Kebanyakan warga masih memilih WC jongkok dan gayung karena telah lama terbiasa dengan kondisi ini. Kebanyakan WC juga belum terdesain dengan fungsional karena berukuran kecil dan keterbatasan dana dari pemiliknya. Sementara itu juga WC dan tempat cuci menjadi tempat berinteraksi antar anggota keluarga maupun warga Kampung. Tetapi pola kepemilikan WC yang komunal akan bergeser ke WC pribadi karena peningkatan kondisi ekonomi keluarga. Kesimpulannya, perlu dilakukan sebuah kampanye dan bantuan perancangan bagi warga Strenkali agar dihasilkan WC yang sehat dan fungsional Budaya
Sekolah Tuna Netra Disarikan oleh Gunawan T.
Tugas Inklusi
Kelompok SMPLB-A YPAB.
A conclusion that can be drawn is that the toileting culture in river bank area of Surabaya has unique nuance. Many of the residents prefer squat toilet and water dipper as they have been accustomed to them. Most of the toilets have not been designed functionally for the sizes of cubicles are relatively small. It is also affected by the funding of the owner. On the other hand, the restroom and washing area can be the place where members of family in this kampung interact with each other. However, the communally-owned restroom is likely to shift to private toilet as the economic situation of people is improving. Thus,
assitance in designing healthy and functional toilet is necessary for Strenkali residents. Toileting Culture the Blind School
Summarized by Gunawan T. ST. MSc. from from Student’s Assignment in Inclusion Design class Team SMPLB-A YPAB.
Kelihatan daya pengelihatan merupakan pengalaman yang tidak menyenangkan bagi para Tunanetra. Di sisi lain, ketidak mampuan melihat menjadi suatu kelebihan bagi mereka karena berkembangnya kepekaan pada indra – indra lainnya walaupun hal ini tidak mereka inginkan.
Apparently, sight is something that blind people lacks of. It becomes advantage as their other senses are likely to be more developed.
Keterbatasan penglihatan Tunanetra secara umum terbagi atas tidak mampu melihat sama sekali (total blind) dan masih mampu melihat sebagian / samar – samar (low vision). Hal ini memang seringkali tidak dikenal oleh masyarakat umum. Perbedaannya ialah seringkali tunanetra buta menyeluruh (total blind) mengandalkan indra penciuman, pendengaran, perabaan dan lain – lain sepenuhnya untuk bergerak dan beraktifitas sehari – hari sehingga mereka membutuhkan rangsangan – rangsangan ini untuk melakukan aktivitas mereka dengan mudah.
Blindness is divided into total blind and low vision. It is something that common people may not know. It is often the case that total-blind people rely on other senses to do any daily activities. Hence, they need stimuli to the other senses to do daily activities easily. This is one thing that differs total-blind people from low-vision people.
Sebaliknya Tunanetra dengan penglihatan rendah (low vision) masih dapat menggunakan daya penglihatan mereka walaupun samar – samar. Hal ini biasanya menyebabkan dibutuhkannya perbedaan warna pada lingkungan mereka agar dapat bergerak / berkegiatan dengan mudah.
On the other hand, people with low vision are still able to use their vision though everything looks vague for them. It takes different colors in the environment to allow them see the object. So, they can do activities easily.
Eksplorasi ini bertujuan dari tugas ini adalah untuk mengetahui budaya penggunaan toilet bagi kaum tuna netra dengan 2 responden yaitu dua orang Siswa Tunanetra di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Luar Biasa Tipe A, Yayasan Pendidikan Anak Buta (SMPLB-A YPAB). Mereka adalah nara sumber yang tepat untuk menjelaskan budaya ke WC (toileting culture) bagi kaum difabel (penyandang cacat). SMPLB - A YPAB yang berkedudukan di Jl Gebang Putih no 5. Nama responden yang kami wawancarai adalah Rinda dan Ani. Rinda berusia 17 tahun dan Ani berusia 14 tahun. Keduanya saat ini sedang menempuh kelas VIII di SMPLB-A YPAB. Sebenarnya, Rinda tinggal bersama orang tuanya di kawasan Rungkut, Surabaya, sementara Ani tinggal dalam asrama putrid di SMPLB-A YPAB. Dari wawancara budaya toileting, Rinda dan Ani menyukai menggunakan toilet duduk. Hanya ada perbedaan antara Rinda yang menyukai tombol penyiram otomatis dan Ani yang menyukai sprinkler untuk membersihkan diri. Pilihan ini menunjukkan pentingnya kemudahan membersihkan tubuh setelah buang air besar (BAB) bagi para tuna netra, di antaranya tidak terlalu kerasnya air sprinkler sehingga tidak mengagetkan
This exploration is intended to identify the culture of using toilet by blind people with 2 respondents. They are students of Special Education Junior High School – Type A, Education Foundation for Blind Children (in Indonesia, the name is abbreviated as SMPLB-A YPAB). They are the considered as the appropriate participants to explain toileting culture for disabled people. The school is located on Gebang Putih Street no 5. The
Rinda dan Ani. Rinda is 17 years old and Ani is 14 years old. Both of them are at class VIII in SMPLB-A YPAB. Rinda lives with her parents in Rungkut, Surabaya, while Ani stays in girl dormitory of the school. The interview about toileting culture found that Rinda and Ani prefer using flush toilet. While Rinda prefers automatic flush, Ani prefers sprinkler to clean up. This choice indicates the importance of ease in cleaning self for blind people after defecating. One of which is the spray of water from the sprinkler not to be excessive so that it will not give them surprise.
Sementara ketertutupan, Rinda dan Ani mengharapkan toilet yang benar – benar tertutup, karena dapat menimbulkan perasaan aman dan nyaman ketika beraktivitas di dalam toilet. Sedangkan fasilitas mandi yang diinginkan oleh Rinda dan Ani ialah mandi dengan gayung dan bak. Hal ini juga disebabkan karena kesegaran dan pola kebiasaan mandi mereka. Shower juga ternyata kurang disukai karena kesulitan menebak besarnya aliran air dari shower tersebut.
In terms of openness, Rinda and Ani expect cubicle which is really closed as it can make them feel secure and convenient when they are inside the cubicle. While bathing facilities preferred by Rinda and Ani are water dipper and basin. It is affected by their bathing habit. Moreover, shower is less preferable because they cannot measure the spray from the shower which thus easily makes them surprised.
Rinda dan Ani juga menyukai berganti pakaian di dalam kamar mandi sehingga diperlukan sebuah ruang ganti pakaian yang berlantai kering dan memadai secara ukuran. Hal ini mengakibatkan pentingnya tersedia ruang ganti ini di dalam kamar mandi.
Rinda and Ani prefers
Sementara itu Rinda menginginkan adanya wastafel untuk menggosok gigi di dalam kamar mandi. Sementara Ani kurang menyukai wastafel dan membutuhkan gayung dan lubang drain di lantai ketika menggosok gigi.
change their clothes in bathroom so cubicle for changing room with dry floor is necessary. Consequently, changing room is needed.
Meanwhile, Rinda hoped that there is a sink in bathroom so that she can brush her teeth more
Rinda, Ani prefers water dipper and drain hole on the floor for teeth-brushing to sink.
Sedangkan untuk menunjang kegiatan ibadah, fasilitas wudhu yang diharapkan oleh Rinda adalah kran dengan pijakan kaki dan tempat duduk. Hal ini disebabkan karena perlunya menjaga keseimbangan badan pada saat wudhu. Sementara itu Ani hanya membutuhkan pijakan kaki karena masih dapat berdiri dengan seimbang tanpa kesulitan.
activity, the facilities for ablution expected by Rinda are water tap, footrest, and seat. She needs them to keep her balance during the ablution. On the other hand, Ani only needs footrest as she has no difficulty to stand in balance.
Aktivitas mencuci baju yang diinginkan oleh Rinda adalah dengan mesin cuci. Penggunaan mesin cuci sendiri dipilih karena dirasa lebih mudah digunakan dan praktis dibandingkan dengan menggunakan tangan/ gosokan. Kegiatan mencuci ini lebih nyaman dilakukan sendirian. Sementara itu Ani menginginkan mencuci dengan sikat karena dapat membersihkan dengan lebih bersih dan juga dilakukan sendirian.
Aktivitas mencuci baju yang diinginkan oleh Rinda adalah dengan mesin cuci. Penggunaan mesin cuci sendiri dipilih karena dirasa lebih mudah digunakan dan praktis dibandingkan dengan menggunakan tangan/ gosokan. Kegiatan mencuci ini lebih nyaman dilakukan sendirian. Sementara itu Ani menginginkan mencuci dengan sikat karena dapat membersihkan dengan lebih bersih dan juga dilakukan sendirian.
Sedangkan untuk aktivitas mencuci piring yang diinginkan oleh Rinda dan Ani ialah mencuci sedikit demi sedikit dan setiap hari. Hal ini disebabkan karena akan lebih ringan dan tidak menimbulkan bau tidak sedap atau kotoran tersisa.
To wash dish, Rinda and Ani want to do it regularly to make it easier for them and not to have a stack of plates. Besides, by doing it regularly, it prevents bad smell and any dirt stick on the dish.
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan terbatasnya pengelihatan Rinda dan Ani (atau tuna netra pada umumnya) maka diperlukan WC duduk yang lebih mudah dijangkau dan lebih aman. Pengadaan sprinkler, gayung, bak juga diperlukan untuk WC ini. Posisi peralatan mandi tersebut tidak boleh berpindah – pindah untuk memudahkan mereka bergerak di dalam ruangan. Sementara itu lantai yang licin, permukaan bak yang tajam, kran yang tajam dll yang membahayakan harus dihilangkan. Tentu saja hal ini tidak mudah dilakukan apalagi mengingat keterbatasan dana yang dimiliki SMPLB-A YPAB. Dalam kaitan ini sebuah desain fasilitas MCK (Mandi Cuci Kakus) yang lebih aman, nyaman dan mudah dipakai sangat diperlukan.
Gambar 53. Kondisi WC dalam MCK yang baru di SMPLB-A YPAB
Based on the interview, it can be concluded that because of their lack of vision, Rina and Ani needs flush toilet which is secure and reachable. Sprinkler, water dipper, and bucket are also necessary. The placement of these equipments should not move so they can easily move in the room. Moreover, any slippery floor,
sharp water tap, and any other possibly harmful things must be fixed. However, all of these are not easily done considering the lack of funding of the school. Nevertheless, toilet design which is more secure, convenient, and easy-to-use is necessary.
Figure 53. New toilet in yang baru di SMPLB-A YPAB
Gambar 54. Kondisi tempat cuci dalam MCK yang baru di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 54. New washing room in SMPLB-A YPAB
Gambar 55. Kondisi tempat mandi dalam MCK yang baru di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 55. New bathroom in SMPLB-A YPAB
Budaya Toileting di Mall Grand City Disarikan oleh Gunawan T. ST. MSc. dari Tugas Mahasiswa Desain Inklusi Kelompok Grand City dan Tim DKV3 Toilletesby.
Toileting Culture of Grand City Mall Summarized by Gunawan T. ST. MSc. from Student’s Assignment in Inclusion Design class - Grand City group and Team DKV3 Toilletesby.
WC (Water Closet) dalam fasilitas umum dan fasilitas komersial memiliki klasifikasi kemewahan dan kebersihan yang berbanding lurus dengan strata sosial pengunjungnya. Beberapa temuan ini ditemukan oleh Tim DKV3 Ternyata pusat pertokoan yang semakin mewah menyediakan WC atau toilet umum yang nyaman, wangi, terang dan dilengkapi dengan WC duduk dan sprinkler. Sementara pada pusat pertokoan yang lebih diperuntukan masyarakat menengah dan bawah dilengkapi dengan WC jongkok dan juga sprinkler. Hal ini yang mungkin menarik untuk dikaji lebih lanjut di Grand City. Grand City sebagai sebuah pusat pertokoan elit yang baru berdiri pada tahun 2011 memiliki fasilitas toilet yang mewah, wangi dan mudah bagi semua pengguna. Untuk menguji hal ini, dilakukan wawancara pada salah satu mahasiswa UK Petra yang sedang mengalami cidera dan harus menggunakan tongkat penyangga (kruk). Aloysius Kevin yang berusia 21 tahun pada bulan lalu mengalami cidera lutut karena olah raga sehingga mengalami keterbatasan gerak.
Restroom as public and commercial facility has luxury and cleanness classification which equals to the social strata of its visitors. Team DKV3 found that the more luxurious shopping centers are, the more convenient, fragrant, and bright the restrooms are. They are also equipped with flush toilets and sprinklers. On the other hand, shopping centers targeting middle and lower-middle class people facilitate people with squat toilets and sprinklers. This is an interesting point to be analyzed further in Grand City.
elite shopping center newly established in 2011, is equipped with luxurious and fragrant restroom with easy-to-use toilet. To examine this, an interview with
student who needed crutch was conducted. Aloysius Kevin who was 21 years old got injured knee when doing exercise last month.
Karena di Grand City Mall tidak digunakan untuk kegiatan mandi, mencuci, sikat gigi dll, maka pertanyaan hanya diarahkan untuk melihat tipe WC yang diinginkan, keterbukaan toilet, tempat berganti pakaian. Aloysius menyukai WC duduk yang menggunakan sprinkler. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kebiasaan ke WC yang ada di rumah dan juga kesulitan untuk berjongkok karena cidera lutut tersebut.
As Grand City does not serve bathroom, the questions to Aloysius were directed to see desired types of toilet, the openness of cubicle, and fitting room. He said that he likes flush toilet equipped with sprinkler. It is the similar toilet type to that of his house. Besides, the reason he liked it was because of the difficulty to squat due to his injured knee.
Pemilihan sprinkler dilakukan karena lebih bersih ketika membersihkan bagian tubuh yang kotor setelah BAB dan membersihkan kotoran yang ada di tutup kloset. Untuk keterbukaan toilet, Aloysius lebih menyukai kondisi toilet yang tertutup karena bersifat lebih privat, terutama untuk kegiatan BAB. Hal ini rupanya juga didasari karena Aloysius tidak menyukai ada distraksi dari luar kamar mandi.
For Aloysius, sprinkler is preferable because it is more effective in cleaning body part as well as toilet seat. In terms of openness, he preferred closed toilet as it is more private. Aloysius was also aware of distraction from outside the toilet.
Saat berganti pakaian, Aloysius lebih menyukai berganti pakaian di kamar tidur daripada di kamar mandi. Karena di kamar mandi ada kemungkinan baju kering terkena air, dan karena lemari naju juga terletak di kamar tidur, sehingga lebih leluasa memilih dan berganti baju. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ternyata Aloysius menyukai WC duduk dengan sprinkler karena kebiasaan di rumah dan juga keterbatasan fisiknya.
Aloysius said that he prefers bedroom to bathroom as the place where he changes his clothes. He stated that in bathroom, there is possibility that the clothes get wet. Besides, his wardrobe is in his bedroom so it is more convenient for him to choose which clothes to wear and change clothes there. In Aloysius’ case, his preference of flush toilet and sprinkler is affected by what he has at home and his physical limitation that time.
Selanjutnya artikel ini juga akan mengulas kemewahan dan fasilitas yang ada di Grand City sebagai pembanding eksplorasi di atas. Grand City memiliki macam toilet yang lengkap. Di dalamnya terdapat toilet duduk dengan sprinkler, toilet jongkok dengan sprinkler, dan toilet duduk untuk orang difabel (penyandang cacat) yang memiliki railing untuk membantu duduk dan berdiri di sampingnya, dan pintu masuk berupa pintu geser (sliding door) yang cukup untuk dimasuki kursi roda. Dan hal ini rupanya sangat mewadahi kebiasaan orang Indonesia yang suka WC jongkok dan WC duduk serta difabel. Hal ini merupakan contoh yang baik tentang desain WC yang ideal untuk fasilitas perdagangan yang mewah. Kebersihan dan tingkat penerangan di WC di Grand City ini juga sangat baik, sehingga pengguna merasa sangat nyaman bahkan dapat berlama – lama di dalam Mall. Hal ini juga ditunjang dengan tersedianya tisu, sabun cair dan alat pengering tangan yang sangat berguna.
Furthermore, this article also
facilities in Grand City as a comparison of findings above. Grand City is equipped with a number of toilet types. There are flush toilet with sprinkler, squat toilet with sprinkler, and flush toilet for disabled people with railing to help people sit and stand in addition to sliding door which is wide enough for wheelchair to enter. The toilet types in Grand City are able to
people’s preference of squat and flush toilets as well as toilet for disabled people. It is a good example of ideal restroom design for luxurious shopping centers. Cleanness
of restrooms in Grand City is excellent that people feel like staying in the mall. The availability
soap, and hand dryer adds the convenience of this mall.
Beberapa temuan mengungkapkan kemungkinan berbagai aktivitas menarik seperti mengobrol, berdandan, berpotret bersama di dalam WC yang mungkin dilakukan terutama oleh kaum Hawa. Hal ini juga mungkin terjadi di WC seperti ini karena kondisi kebersihannya. found several activities that may be done in the restroom such as chit-chat, make-up, or take a picture which is usually done by girls. All of these are possibly because of the cleanness of the toilets.
Keterbukaan WC di Grand City ternyata sangat baik, walaupun masih mungkin terdapat gangguan visual di antara toilet yang hanya dipisahkan oleh partisi tipis. Partisi juga tidak menutup sampai ke plafon, sehingga suara dan bau satu bilik bisa menyebar ke bilik yang lain. Kemungkinan prilaku negatif seperti orang mengintip dapat mengurangi kenyamanan pengguna WC ini. Sebaliknya keamanan pengguna yang mungkin jatuh atau pingsan dapat ditingkatkan dengan mudahnya pengawasan karena partisi ini tidak menutupi seluruhnya.
Openness of toilets in Grand City is fine, though visual distraction may still occur due to thin partition. The partition does not reach the ridge so that any sound and smell from one cubicle is likely to spread to the others. The possibility of people peeking may cause the inconvenience to the people using the toilet. On the other hand, such partition gives ease in monitoring people who may fall or faint so help can be done immediately.
Sementara itu ternyata tempat berganti baju dengan lantai kering ternyata tidak tersedia. Sehingga tempat khusus berganti pakaian dapat ditambahkan agar dapat meningkatkan kenyamanan pengguna bangunan yang mungkin membutuhkan hal ini setelah berolahraga atau beraktivitas di luar bangunan.
Despite the excellent facilities mentioned, changing room with dry floor is not available. Thus, specific room for people to change clothes can be added to increase the comfort for people who have finished work out in the gym of the mall or any activities outside the mall.
Sebagai kesimpulan WC di Grand City ini sangat baik karena memperhatikan budaya toileting orang Indonesia yaitu WC jongkok, WC duduk dan WC untuk difabel. Selain itu juga kebersihan WC ini dapat menjadi contoh bagaimana fasilitas WC umum seharusnya dirawat dan memberikan dampak positif bagi pengunjung bahkan mungkin juga meningkatkan citra Grand City bahkan keuntungan Mall tersebut secara tidak langsung. Praktik – praktik seperti ini harus terus dikembangkan agar citra WC yang negatif dapat dihapuskan.
As a conclusion, restroom facilities in Grand City are among the best of its kind as it is very concerned with the Indonesian culture in terms of toilet types, i.e. flush toilet, squat toilet, and toilet for disabled people. Moreover, the cleanness of the restroom can be a good example of how public toilet is supposed to be taken care and it may inspire the visitors as well as increasing the image of Grand City. Thus, it indirectly benefits the mall itself. Such practices should be maintained so that the negative image of public toilet can be diminished.
Gambar 56. Fasilitas Toilet di Mall Grand City
Figure 56. Toilet in Grand City Mall
Gambar 57. Fasilitas Toilet di Mall Grand City
Figure 57. Toilet in Grand City Mall
Gambar 58. Fasilitas Toilet Difabel di Mall Grand City
Figure 58. Toilet for Disabled People in Grand City Mall
Gambar 59. Pintu Geser pada Fasilitas Toilet di Mall Grand City
Budaya Toileting di Kereta
Mengapa Toilet? Ada Apa Dengan Toilet Kereta Api? Posted on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 by wesee wc Seringkah Anda galau jika ingin ke toilet? Kenapa Anda galau? Pasti Anda galau kerena melihat di mana lokasi anda membutuhkan toilet. Apakah Anda yakin langsung menggunakan toilet yang ada di sekitar Anda??
Figure 59. Sliding Door of the Toilet in Grand City Mall
Toileting Culture of Train Why Toilets? What Happen with Train Toilets? Posted on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 by wesee wc Do you often feel anxious when you want to go to toilet? Why do you feel anxious? You must be anxious because you just see the location of the toilet that you need. Are you sure you will use any toilet straightaway?
Tidak dapat dipungkiri, toilet merupakan fasilitas yang sangat diperlukan bagi masyarakat umum, dimanapun dan kapanpun. Dan sering kali kita jumpai fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi di dalam toilet. Keberagaman fenomena dan kebiasaan masyarakat dalam penggunaan toilet menjadi daya tarik bagi kami untuk diamati. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh keadaan atau kondisi dari toilet itu sendiri.
public’s highly-needed facility, everywhere And
everytime. we
some phenomena take place in the toilet. The diversity of the phenomena and public’s customs in toilet usage become an observe-appeal for us. It is influenced by the state or condition of the toilet itself.
Pernahkah Anda naik Kereta Api di Indonesia? Kereta api merupakan sarana transportasi umum yang cukup ramai digunakan masyarakat dari berbagai macam lapisan masyarakat dan untuk bepergian jarak jauh maupun dekat. Keberagaman dari pengguna toilet kereta api menjadi motivasi kami untuk meneliti lebih lanjut. Sebagaimana kita tahu bahwa pada umumnya toilet kereta api tidak mendapatkan nilai positif dari masyarakat luas.
Have you ever ride on train in Indonesia? Train is a public transportation which is quite used widely by public from any social status, to travel to near or far distance. The diversity of train toilet users became our motivation to research the matter further. As we know that in general train toilets do not possessed a good reputation from the public.
Selain itu, toilet merupakan sebuah indikator kebersihan, seseorang menilai sebuah tempat bersih atau tidaknya, terawat atau tidaknya dari toilet, jika hal sekecil dan se-private toilet saja bersih pasti tempat lainnya yang lebih terlihat bersih juga.
Beside that, toilet is a hygiene indicator; people tend to assess the sanitation and the maintenance-wellness of a place from its toilet, if a space as small and private as toilet is clean so the more visible spaces will more likely to be clean, too.
Dengan adanya ini kami berharap kereta api dapat menjadi tempat yang nyaman bagi penggunanya baik pengguna domestic maupun mancanegara.
Given this research we hope train can be a comfortable place for its passengers, both the domestic and the foreign ones.
Berani Murah, Berani Ambil Resiko.. Posted on Friday, September 27, 2013 by wesee wc Saat kami naik kereta api, kami mendapatkan nomor tempat duduk yang letakknya tepat dibelakang toilet kereta api. Kami pun merasa beruntung karena kami dapat mengamati toilet dengan cukup dekat. Ketika perjalanan pulang pun, kami mendapatkan lokasi yang sama. Sempat kami berpikir, how lucky we are!
Dare to Get the Cheap One, Dare to Take the Risk Posted on Friday, September 27, 2013 by wesee wc When we get on the train, we got the seat that are just behind the train’s toilet. We feel lucky because this way we can observe the toilet close enough. On the way home, we also got the same seat location. That’s made us think, how lucky we are!
Namun, saat kami berbincang ke salah seorang penumpang, kami menemukan jawaban dari keberuntungan kami, ternyata hal ini berhubungan dengan pemesanan tiket kereta sebelumnya. Saat kami memesan tiket kereta api di stasiun, kami ditawarkan berbagai macam pilihan harga pada jenis kereta dan jurusan yang sama. Kami tidak sempat menyakan apa perbedaannya, dan secara otomatis kami memilih tiket dengan harga yang paling murah. Ternyata, keberagaman harga tiket kereta api tersebut bergantung pada nomor letak bangku. Semakin murah harga tiketnya, semakin dekat letak bangku dengan toilet kereta.
However, when we talked to one of the passenger, we found answer to our luck, it turns out that it was associated with the train ticket’s booking previously. When we booked the ticket at the train station, we are offered a wide range of price option on the same train and the same destination. At that time we did not have enough time to ask the ticket clerk about the difference, and we just picked the cheapest one straightaway. It turns out that the diversity of the ticket price depend on the seat number. The cheaper the price, the closer it is to the toilet.
Hal ini menggelitik kami, mengapa demikian? Apakah lokasi toilet yang berdekatan dengan tempat duduk akan merugikan bagi penumpang? Ya.. itu jawabannya. Banyak penumpang yang merasa kurang nyaman jika berada di dekat toilet, ketidaknyamanan ini disebabkan bauyang sangat tidak sedap. Alasan ini tentunya disadari oleh pengelolah PT. Kereta Api Indonesia, sehingga menerapkan system ini. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengelolah kereta api tidak mencari solusi dari ketidaknyamanan tersebut, namun mencari solusi agar penumpang mau dan tetap betah duduk di dekat toilet dengan kondisi tersebut (dengan memberikan harga lebih murah).
This fact tickle our curiosities, why it could be so? Does the seats located near the toilets will disserve the passengers? Yes...that is the answer. Many passengers feels uncomfortable if they are near the train’s toilet, this uncomfortability is caused by the very unpleasant smell comes from the toilet. This reason is certainly realized by the management of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Indonesia Railways), so they apply this system. It shows that the railway management do not find any solution regarding this uncomfortability, instead they have a solution that is making people would sit near the toilet in that condition (by offering cheaper ticket price).
Bagaimana pengalaman Anda?
How about experience?
MENILIK TRADISI DAN EKSPRESI UNIKMU Part I Posted on Sunday, September 29, 2013 by wesee wc
Looking at Tradition and Your Unique Expression Part I Posted on Sunday, September 29, 2013 by wesee wc
Fenomena unik dari perilaku penumpang kereta api, khususnya kaum wanita dalam menggunakan toilet menjadi suatu kebiasaan atau tradisi. Kebiasaan ini diwariskan secara turun-temurun baik disadari maupun tidak disadari bagi pengguna toilet.
Unique phenomenon from train passengers’ toilet behavior, especially women has become a custom or tradition. Those customs then passed down from generation to generation among toilet users either consciously or unconsciously.
Seperti apakah perilaku yang menjadi sebuah kebiasaan tersebut? Berikut ini sebuah gambaran yang sering kita lihat dalam toilet kereta bagi para penumpang wanita yang akan menggunakan toilet kerta api.
MENILIK TRADISI DAN EKSPRESI UNIKMU Part II Posted on Saturday, October 05, 2013 by wesee wc Pengguna kereta api sangatlah beragam, mulai dari pengguna wanita dan pria, dari berbagai macam usia dan kalangan. Dan tidak sedikit dari mereka yang membutuhkan toilet kereta, terutama para wanita. Wanita mana sih yang bisa jauh dari toilet? Namun sebagian besar penumpang wanita mau menggunakan toilet kereta api. Walaupun tidak dipungkiri, mereka tetap menggunakannya dalam keadaan yang sangat terpaksa. Perilaku setiap penumpang dalam menggunakan toilet kereta sangatlah beragam. Perilaku mereka bergantung pada mind-set mereka mengenai toilet itu sendiri.
What kind of behavior which then turn into custom? Here is a visualization of female toilet users that we often found in train toilets.
Looking to Your Tradition and Unique Expression Part II Posted on Saturday, October 05, 2013 by wesee wc Train passengers are very diverse—women, men, various ages and social status. And not a few of them who need train toilet, especially the women. What on earth that women can be miles away from toilet? Most of women passengers would like to use train toilets. Although it cannot be denied that they use it only wwhen they really have to. The passengers’ habits in using the toilet is also varied. Their behavior depends on their mindset towards the toilet itself.
Keunikan perilaku para penumpang dalam menggunakan toilet kereta, menjadi sebuah kebiasaan yang terus berlangsung. Seperti apa keunikan yang menjadi kebiasaan para penumpang, khususnya bagi kaum wanita?
The uniqueness of the passengers’ behavior in using train toilets became an ongoing habit. What kind of uniqueness that becomes passengers’ habit, especially women?
Kebiasaan yang pertama ialah membawa tissue kering. Mereka mengatakan bahwa tissue tersebut digunakan untuk membersihkan tubuhnya. Mereka mengantisipasi ketidaktersediaan air dalam toilet, namun mereka tetap lebih memilih menggunakan tissue kering atau tissue basah daripada air dalam toilet untuk membersihkan tubuhnya. Selain tissue, kebiasaan lain yang kami temukan ialah, wanita yang membawa botol air mineral kedalam toilet. Besar kemungkinan, ia menggunakan air mineral untuk membersihkan tubuhnya. Kebiasaan-kebiasaan ini secara tidak langsung akan menjadi sebuah tradisi bagi kebanyakan pengguna toilet. Dengan demikian, ketidakpercayaan masyarakat terhadap kelayakan toilet masih sangat kurang dengan adanya fenomena kebiasaan di atas.
The first habit is carrying some tissues. They said that those tissues are used for cleaning their body parts. They anticipate the absence of water inside the toilet, but they still prefer to use dry tissue or wet tissue to clean their body in the toilet. Besides tissue, another habit that we found is that women carry a bottle of mineral water to the toilet. Probably they use the mineral water to clean their body. These habits undirectly became a tradition for the majority of toilet users. Thus, the public’s distrust towards toilet feasibility are still very low, considering the habits mentioned above.
BEDA HARGA BEDA TOILET! Posted on Wednesday, October 09, 2013 by wesee wc
Different Toilet, Different Price! Posted on Wednesday, October 09, 2013 by wesee wc
Tidak hanya kenyamanan di dalam gerbong kereta saja yang yang membedakan antara kereta api kelas bisnis dan kelas eksekutif. Toilet kereta api juga dijadikan sebuah indicator dalam pembedaan kelas tersebut. Kami dengan seksama memperhatikan perbedaan apa yang terdapat dalam toilet kereta api kelas bisnis dan eksekutif.
Train coach’s coziness is not the only differentiating factor between business class and executive class train. The train’s toilet also become an indicator in this class differentiation. We carefully observed the differences between what is provided in business class’ train toilets and executive class’ train toilets.
Perbedaan antara kedua toilet tersebut cukup signifikan, diantaranya:
The differences between both toilets are quite significant, such as :
1. Sistem pembuangan langsung dan tidak langsung Sistem pembuangan dalam toilet kelas bisnis bisa dikatakan dibuat secara alami.
1. Direct and indirect sewage system Sewage system in business class’ train toilets can be considered as made naturally.
Kotoran dari pembuangan akan dikeluarkan secara langsung melalui mulut WC menuju ke bawah toilet, yaitu rel kereta. Dengan demikian, kotoran tersebut akan tercecer keluar dari gerbong kereta api. Sehingga terdapat tulisan dalam pintu toilet yang menghimbau para pengguna toilet untuk menggunakannya saat kereta berjalan. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar kotoran sisa pembuangan tidak mengumpul di suatu tempat saat kereta berhenti. Namun, sistem ini dirasa cukup jorok dan membahayakan bagi penumpang. Mereka mengkhawatirkan bila ada penumpang yang menggunakan toilet kelas bisnis dan memiliki penyakit khusus menular, kotoran yang tercecer di dalam toilet dan rel kereta (luar toilet) akan menjadi perantara penyebaran bakteri dan virus yang akan menularkan kepada orang lain. Hal ini dianggap sangat berbahaya dan tidak baik.
Waste from the disposal will be directly taken out through the toilet bowl to the space beneath it, that is the railway. Thus, the waste will be scattered out from the train coach. That’s why there’s a signage at the door which tells us to use it only when the train runs. This is done so that the disposed waste do not accumulate in one place when the train stopped somewhere. But this system is considered quite grossy and dangerous for the passengers. It is concerned that if there are passengers who use business-class toilet and suffered from a certain infectious disease, the waste scattered in train’s toilet and on the railway will be the intermediary of the spread of bacteria and viruses that will infect others. It is considered very dangerous and not good.
Gambar 60. Toilet Bisnis
Figure 60. Business Toilet
Gambar 61. Toilet Ekskutif
Figure 61. Executive Toilet
Sedangkan dalam toilet eksekutif, terdapat penampungan pembuangan dari sisa kotoran. Sisa kotoran dari WC tidak langsung tercecer keluar begitu saja, namun terdapat penampungan yang sebagaimana layaknya sebuah toilet pada umumnya. 2. Kelengkapan toilet Pada toilet kelas bisnis tidak ditemukan beberapa item dalam toilet yang semestinya, seperti tissue, timba, dan gayung. Pada toilet kelas eksekutif kami menemukan tissue, timba dan gayung yang mungkin digunakan oleh penumpang yang memerlukannya. Rule Violations Posted on Sunday, October 13, 2013 by wesee wc Toilet merupakan salah satu fasilitas terpenting dalam sebuah transportasi. Namun demikian, sering dijumpai pelanggaran atau penyimpangan dalam penggunaan fasilitas transportasi, salah satunya ialah toilet dalam kereta api.
Meanwhile, in executiveclass toilets there are particular tanks to temporarily contain the disposal of the waste. The waste from the toilets do not scattered out straightaway, but there’s a specific container just like a toilet should have generally. 2. Toilet supply In business-class toilets we cannot find some common toilet stuffs such as tissue, bucket, and dipper. In executive-class toilets we find tissue, bucket, and dipper which can be used by the passengers when they need it. Rule Violations Posted on Sunday, October 13, 2013 by wesee wc Toilet is one of the most important transportation facility. However, violations or deviations in transportation facility usage such as in train toilets are frequently been found.
Ekspresikan dirimu! Tapi lihat tempatnya…
Express yourself! But still, regard the place, please...
Vandalisme adalah merusak fasilitas. Vandalisme kita temui dalam toilet kerta api, yaitu mencorat-coret dinding toilet. Dari beberapa toilet yang tersedia digerbong-gerbong kereta api mulai dari kelas eksekutif sampai kelas bisnis, kami menemukan satu toilet yang terdapat coretan.
Vandalism is damaging any facility. Vandalism can be found in train toilets, which appear in the form of scribbles on the wall. From a few toilets available in the train coach ranging from executive class to business class, we found one toilet which has scribbles in it.
Gambar 62. Coretan di salah satu tembok toilet kereta
Figure 62. Scribbles on on of train toilet’s wall
Tahu? Tidak tahu? Atau pura-pura tidak tahu?
Aware? Unaware? pretending to be unaware?
Sistem pembuangan dalam toilet kerta api kelas bisnis yang kita temui, ialah pembuangan secara langsung, sehingga pembuangan dari dalam jambang, akan langsung keluar ke rel kereta. Dengan demikian terdapat larangan untuk menggunakan toilet saat kereta berhenti.
Sewage system in business-class train toilet that we saw is a direct disposal, so the waste from the toilet will be go straightaway out from the train to the railway. That’s why there’s a prohibition to use toilets when the train stops.
Kenapa? Hal ini agar sisa pembuangan tidak tercecer di suatu tempat saat kereta berhenti, yaitu stasiun. Kalau hal ini terjadi, pasti dapat dibayangkan sisa pembuangan yang tercecer di stasiun akan menimbulkan masalah yang cukup serius.
Why? It is meant to avoid the waste to scattered anywhere the train stops, which is in train station. If it happens, you can imagine yourself how the scattered waste can caused serious problem.
Gambar 63. Pipis yang belum disiram...
Figure 63. Unflushed pee...
Hal ini menjadi daya tarik bagi kami untuk menayakan ke beberapa penumpang mengenai himbauan larangan tersebut. Dari hasil wawancara kami, 77% mengatakan tahu tentang hal tersebut dan sisanya 23% mengakatan tidak tahu. Salah satu yang tidak tahu ialah penumpang macanegara, hal ini disebabkan himbauan yang hanya berbahasa Indonesia. Dengan hasil demikian, besar harapan kami bahwa sebagian besar penumpang akan menggunakan toilet saat kereta berjalan. Namun, saat kami turun di stasiun tujuan kami, mata kami terbelalak ketika melihat air turun dari bawah kereta api, tepat diposisi toilet kereta. Air tersebut pasti berasal dari air sisa pembuangan pengguna toilet. Air yang keluar, terhempas di lantai toilet, sungguh menjijikan.. Ternyata walaupun sebagian besar penumpang tahu akan larangan tersebut, tetap saja ada yang melanggarnya.
We also attracted to ask some passengers about that prohibition. From our interview, 77% says that they are aware of that prohibition and the rest 23% admit that they didn’t know that. One of the passenger who do not know is a foreign passengers, since the prohibition is written in Bahasa Indonesia. With that result, we strongly hope that the majority of the passengers will use the toilet while the train is running. However, when we got off the train at our destination, our eyes widened when we see water coming down from under the train, right in the train toilet’s position. That water must come from the user’s disposal. The water that comes out and splashing on the toilet floor is really disgusting... it turns out that eventhough most of the passengers aware of the prohibition, the rule violation is still exist.
Penggunaan toilet saat kereta berhenti di stasiun
The toilet usage when the train stops
Gambar 64. Tanda larangan penggunaan toilet saat kereta berhenti
Figure 64. Toilet use restriction sign when the train stopping
Siapakah yang salah? Sistem toilet yang langsung? Bisa jadi.. Sistem Informasi yang kurang jelas? Bisa jadi.. Kesadaran penumpang yang masih rendah? Bisa jadi.. Sistem informasi dan juga kesadara, penumpang inilah yang perlu dibenahi dan ditingkatkan kembali guna kenyamanan bersama. TEROR DI REL KERETA Posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 by wesee wc Sistem mengenai pembuangan kotoran secara langsung dan tidak langsung pada toilet kereta api, menjadi sebuah topik menarik bagi kami untuk kami gali lebih dalam. Berikut ini ulasan bersama dengan Ir. Ahendra mengenai system pembuangan langsung dan tidak langsung toilet kereta api yang secara tidak sadar berdampak cukup besar bagi lingkungan sekitar.
Who, or what, is wrong
The direct toilet system? Maybe... Unexplicit information system? Maybe... The passengers’ low awareness? Maybe... The information system and passengers’ awareness are the ones that need to be improved and upgraded for the sake of common comfort. Terror on the Railway Posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 by wesee wc Train toilet’s direct and indirect sewage system became an interesting topic for us to dig it deeper. Here’s our discussion with Ir. Ahendra about train toilet’s direct and indirect sewage system which unconsciously affected its surrounding environments in quite significant degree.
Sistem pembuangan langsung Sistem pembuangan ini menggunakan sistem pembuangan secara sederhana, dimana tidak ada sebuah penampungan untuk proses penguraian kotoran dari kloset. Sistem pembuangan ini teryata memiliki dampak negatif yang cukup membahayakan, yaitu dampak kesehatan. Mengapa demikian? Pemandangan sebuah suasana keramaian didekat rel kereta api sudah menjadi sebuah hal yang biasa kita jumpai di Indonesia. Keramaian tersebut merupakan hiruk pikuk suasana pasar yang berlokasi sangat dekat dengan rel kereta api, perumahan warga yang berhimpitan dengan dinding gerbong kereta yang melintas, candatawa anak kecil yang bermain di sekitar rel kereta, dan sebagainya. Tak dapat dihindari, banyak warga yang beraktivitas sangat dekat dengan rel kereta bahkan mereka berlalu lalang di rel kereta. Dan ternyata, merekalah yang terancam akan dampak dari system pembuangan ini. Mengapa?
Direct sewage system This
uses a simple disposal system, where there’s no container for the decomposition of the waste from the closet. This kind of sewage system is proved to have a considerably harmful effect to health.How come? A view of crowded area near railway is very common to be found in Indonesia. Those crowd could be a market which located very close to the railway, residents’ houses which coincide with the passing train coaches, the laughter of little children playing around the train tracks, and many more. Unavoidably, there are many residents doing their activities very close to the railway or even pass it by frequently. And it turns out that they are threatened by the impact of the disposal system. Why?
Penggunaan toilet yang hanya boleh digunakan saat kereta berjalan, mengakibatkan sisa kotoran yang keluar dari kloset akan tercecer begitu saja dibawah toilet kereta api, yaitu di sepanjang rel kereta api. Tentu saja dari beragamanya penumpang kereta api yang menggunakan toilet, tidak dapat luput dari penumpang yang memiliki penyakit tertentu. Kotoran yang dikeluarkan oleh penumpang yang memiliki penyakit menular, secara otomatis akan tercecer juga di rel kereta api. Sehingga kotoran tersebut akan menjadi perantara penyebaran virus dan bakteri yang berasal dari penumpang itu.
The toilets which can only be used when the train is running, caused the waste that come out from the closet to be scattered straightaway beneath the train’s toilets, that is along the train track. Of course from the diversity of the passengers who use the toilets, passengers who has particular disease become unavoidable. The waste that is disposed by passengers with infectious disease automatically will also be scattered on the railroad. Then, those waste will be the medium of the viruses and bacteria spread from that passenger.
Dengan demikian kotoran tersebut akan menyebarkan penyakit bagi warga atau orangorang yang beraktivitas didekat rel kereta api. Bahaya penularan penyakitpun tak dapat dihindari.
Thus, the waste will spread the disease to the residents or people who do their activities near the train track. The danger of disease’s transmission is unavoidable.
Sadarkah anda mengenai hal ini?
Do you realize this be-
Gambar 65. Rel Kereta Api
Figure 65. The Railway
Sistem Pembuangan tidak langsung Sistem pembuangan tidak langsung menggunakan sebuah penampungan yang dapat menguraikan kotoran dalam kloset. Sistem ini dianggap layak dan sewajarnya diterapkan dalam toilet manapun. Di dalam penampungan ini, terdapat cairan khusus yang digunakan untuk menguraikan kotoran dengan baik dan ditujukan untuk menghilangkan bakteribakteri didalam kloset tersebut. Pernakah Anda menyadari ini semua? Sesuatu hal kecil dapat mengancam kehidupan banyak orang.
Gambar 66. Toilet Kereta Api
Undirect sewage system Undirect sewage system utilize a container which can decompose the waste in the closet. This system considered feasible and reasonable to be applied to any toilets. Inside the container, there is a special liquid that is used to decompose the waste appropriately and also intended to eliminate bacteria in that toilet. Have you ever been aware with all of this matter? How small things can threatened the lives of many people.
Figure 66. The Train’s Toi-
Kritik dan Saran Posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 by wesee wc Kelayakan sebuah fasilitas yang diberikan akan menciptakan suatu perasaan nyaman bagi penggunanya. Hal ini sangat diharapkan bagi pengguna toilet kereta api atau penumpang kereta api pada umumnya. Kelayakan toilet dalam kereta api dinilai penumpang masih sangat kurang. Hal ini ditunjukkan banyaknya penumpang yang merasa tidak nyaman dalam penggunaan toilet kereta api, yang disebabkan beberapa factor. Faktor-faktor tersebut antara lain mengenai kebersihan dan fasilitas air yang kurang memadai. Ketidakbersihan toilet kereta api sering dibuktikan dengan bau yang tidak sedap dan sisa kotoran pengguna yang tidak dibersihkan. Atas ketidaklayakan ini, penumpang berharap bahwa toilet segera dibenahi. Hal utama yang perlu dibenahi ialah masalah kebersihan toilet dan juga fasilitas yang memadai (saluran air). Pembuangan langsung yang diterapkan juga diharapkan diganti dengan adanya penampungan sisa kotoran. Beberapa penumpang juga mengharapkan WC jongkok diganti dengan menggunakan WC duduk.
Posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 by wesee wc The properness of a facility will create a cozy atmosphere for its users. It is highly desirable by train toilet’s users or other passengers in common. Train toilet appropriateness considered not enough by its passengers. It is shown from the numerous quantity of passengers who admitted their uncomfortability while using train toilets, which caused by several factors. Those factors, among others, are about its hygiene and inadequate clean water facility. The uncleanliness of train toilets frequently proven by its unpleasant smells and the residue of the waste which left uncleaned.
For this unappropriateness, passengers hope that this toilet matters will immediately be fixed. The main thing that needs to be fixed is the problem of hygiene and adequate facility (water channel). Direct sewage system applied also expected to be replaced with septic tank to contain the waste. Some passengers also expecting squat toilets to be replaced with flush toilets.
Perbedaan harga yang cukup signifikan menjadi pilihan yang harus dibayar untuk mendapatkan suatu kenyamanan. Namun, apakah semua fasilitas juga harus dibedakan berdasarkan harga?
What do you think? The quite significant price difference become an option that must be payed by the passengers in order to get the extra comfort. But, do every facility must be differentiate according to its price?
4.7. TOILETING CULTURE OF SURABAYA VIDEO (4.7. VIDEO BUDAYA TOILETING DI SURABAYA) Empat cerita budaya bertoilet dijelaskan secara rinci di atas yang telah diambil dan diedit memproduksi 4 video pendek budaya bertoilet.
The four stories of toileting culture explained in detailabove were shot and edited producing 4 short videos of toileting cultures.
Karena 8 tim (terdiri 4 mahasiswa Audio Visual 1) yang ditugasi, cerita dikembangkan lebih lanjut oleh mahasiswa yang difasilitasi oleh tutor.
Because of8 teams (consisting 4 Audio Visual 1 students) were assigned, the stories were further developed by the students facilitated by the tutors.
Budaya Bertoilet Area Strenkali dijabarkan lebih lanjut dan diambil di Gunungsari dan Bratang Tangkis. Meskipun menghadapi beberapa kesulitan, video ditemukan menarik.
The Toileting Culture of Riverside Areas were further elaborated and shot in Gunungsari and Bratang Tangkis. Although facing some difficulties, the videos were found interesting.
Budaya Bertoilet Sekolah Tunanetra diambil dengan melibatkan siswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Mereka menampilkan reka ulang proses bertoilet 2 siswa tunanetra.
The Toileting Culture of Blind School was shot involving male and female students. They perform re-enactment of toileting process of the 2 blind students.
Budaya Bertoilet Grand City Mall diambil dengan reka ulang Mahasiswa Audio Visual sebagai orang pengunjung berkebutuhan khusus (penyandang cacat) dengan kruk dan pengunjung normal. Ceritacerita itu sangat menarik.
The Toileting Culture of Mall Grand City was shot with re-enactment of Audio Visual Student as a difable (disabled) visitors with crutch and normal visitors. The stories were very interesting.
Budaya Bertoilet di Kereta
The Toileting Culture of
Api juga adalah reka ulang dan
the Train was also re-shot and
menjadi sangat menarik.
became very interesting.
Kritik dan Saran Posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 by wesee wc
Critics and Suggestions Posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 by wesee wc
Kelayakan sebuah fasilitas yang diberikan akan menciptakan suatu perasaan nyaman bagi penggunanya. Hal ini sangat diharapkan bagi pengguna toilet kereta api atau penumpang kereta api pada umumnya. Kelayakan toilet dalam kereta api dinilai penumpang masih sangat kurang. Hal ini ditunjukkan banyaknya penumpang yang merasa tidak nyaman dalam penggunaan toilet kereta api, yang disebabkan beberapa factor. Faktor-faktor tersebut antara lain mengenai kebersihan dan fasilitas air yang kurang memadai. Ketidakbersihan toilet kereta api sering dibuktikan dengan bau yang tidak sedap dan sisa kotoran pengguna yang tidak dibersihkan.
The properness of a facility will create a cozy atmosphere for its users. It is highly desirable by train toilet’s users or other passengers in common. Train toilet appropriateness considered not enough by its passengers. It is shown from the numerous quantity of passengers who admitted their uncomfortability while using train toilets, which caused by several factors. Those factors, among others, are about its hygiene and inadequate clean water facility. The uncleanliness of train toilets frequently proven by its unpleasant smells and the residue of the waste which left uncleaned.
Atas ketidaklayakan ini, penumpang berharap bahwa toilet segera dibenahi. Hal utama yang perlu dibenahi ialah masalah kebersihan toilet dan juga fasilitas yang memadai (saluran air). Pembuangan langsung yang diterapkan juga diharapkan diganti dengan adanya penampungan sisa kotoran. Beberapa penumpang juga mengharapkan WC jongkok diganti dengan menggunakan WC duduk. Bagaimana
For this unappropriateness, passengers hope that this toilet matters will immediately be fixed. The main thing that needs to be fixed is the problem of hygiene and adequate facility (water channel). Direct sewage system applied also expected to be replaced with septic tank to contain the waste. Some passengers also expecting squat toilets to be replaced with flush toilets.
What do you think?
anda? Perbedaan harga yang cukup signifikan menjadi pilihan yang harus dibayar untuk mendapatkan suatu kenyamanan. Namun, apakah semua fasilitas juga harus dibedakan berdasarkan harga?
The quite significant price difference become an option that must be payed by the passengers in order to get the extra comfort. But, do every facility must be differentiate according to its price?
4.8. TOILETING CULTURE OF SURABAYA ILLUSTRATION (4.8. ILLUSTRASI BUDAYA TOILETING DI SURABAYA) Ilustrasi yang dihasilkan benar-benar menunjukkan dengan jelas bagaimana budaya bertoilet Surabaya yang dirasakan oleh mahasiswa Ilustrasi.
The illustration produced actually showed clearly how toileting culture of Surabaya perceived by the Illustration students.
Gambar 67. Contoh Ilustrasi Budaya Bertoilet
Figure 67. Example of Toileting Culture Illustration
Gambar 68. Contoh Ilustrasi Budaya Bertoilet
Figure 68. Example of Toileting Culture Illustration
Gambar 69. Contoh Ilustrasi Budaya Bertoilet
Figure 69. Example of Toileting Culture Illustration
Gambar 70. Contoh Ilustrasi Budaya Bertoilet
Figure 70. Example of Toileting Culture Illustration
4.9. TOILETING CULTURE OF SURABAYA DRAMA (4.9. DRAMA BUDAYA TOILETING DI SURABAYA) Potty Training Dipersiapkan oleh Meilinda dan Stefanny Irawan.
Potty Training Prepared by Meilinda and Stefanny Irawan
Potty Training adalah naskah dan pementasan sekitar 10 - 15 menit yang mempresentasikan garis besar temuan penelitian tim UNDK tentang budaya penggunaan toilet di Surabaya. Potty Training terdiri dari empat scene pendek yang mewakili budaya bertoilet di Surabaya baik di toilet umum maupun pribadi oleh masyarakat dari berbagai strata sosial ekonomi.
“Potty Training” is a 10-to15-minute theatre performance which shows the general findings of the research conducted by UNDK-recipient team in Petra Christian University regarding toilet culture in Surabaya. “Potty Training” consists of four short scenes that represent the toilet culture in Surabaya, both in public and private toilets, by people from different socioeconomic classes.
Sinopsis Scene 1: Seorang mahasiswi kelas menengahke-bawah yang terburu-buru buang hajat ketika di terminal bemo dan harus menggunakan toilet umum. Dia memilih tidak menggunakan air yang tersedia di ember, namun menggunakan tisu yang dibasahi oleh air langsung dari kran.
Synopsis Scene 1: A college student from middle-to-lower class is in a hurry to use a public toilet in a local bemo (a type of public transportation in Surabaya) station. She chooses the squat toilet and, instead of using the water in the bucket to clean herself when she is done, she wets a tissue with the water coming straight from the tap.
Scene 2: Seorang lakilaki muda kelas menengah yang menggunakan toilet di rumahnya. Karena lama terbiasa dengan toilet jongkok, dia tetap berjongkok meski yang digunakannya adalah toilet duduk. Dia menggunakan air dari selang semprot dan sabun untuk membersihkan dirinya. Scene 3: Seorang perempuan kelas atas menggunakan toilet di mall. Karena meragukan kebersihan toiletnya, dia mengelap dudukan toilet dengan tisu dan cairan pembersih tangan yang dibawanya. Sehingga dia meletakkan tisu pada toilet Kemudian dia mengalami kesulitan dengan bidet spray sehingga bagian belakang pakaiannya basah. Scene 4: Seorang laki-laki muda kelas bawah menggunakan toilet di rumahnya. Dengan santai dia jongkok berlamalama sambil baca koran. Setelah menggunakan air di ember untuk membersihkan dirinya, dia juga menggunakannya untuk membersihkan lantai toilet. Konsep Artistik Potty Training Pendekatan akting: Pementasan berkonsep semi pantomim. Tidak ada dialog antar pemain. Pemain juga akan memakai riasan pantomim
Scene 2: A middleclass young man is using the toilet in his house. Since he is accustomed to the squat toilet, he squats whenever he uses a toilet, no matter the type of toilet he is actually using. He uses the water from the spray and soap to clean himself. Scene
young woman is using a toilet at the mall. Doubting the hygiene of the toilet, she wipes it with the sanitizer that she brings in her bag. However, she does not think it is enough. So she places some tissue on the toilet seat. She uses the bidet spray to clean herself, but it wets her skirt instead. Scene 4: A 40-something man from the lower class is using his toilet at home. He squats comfortably and reads the
himself with a lot of water from the bucket. The artistic concept Acting approach: This performance is using a mimelike approach. The actors use no dialogue. They will also use mime makeup.
• Aktor: Potty Training menggunakan tiga aktor (dua perempuan dan satu lakilaki). Karakter perempuan di scene 1 dan 3 diperankan oleh aktor perempuan yang sama, dan karakter laki-laki di scene 2 dan 4 diperankan oleh aktor laki-laki yang sama. Aktor perempuan satu lagi berperan menjadi karakter figuran yaitu petugas kebersihan/cleaning service yang hadir di setiap scene.
• Actor: “Potty Training” uses
• Pergantian scene, set, dan properti: Pementasan ini menggunakan alur sambung dari satu scene ke scene berikutnya tanpa ada pemotongan berupa black out. Pergantian set dilakukan secara simbolis dengan mengganti properti yang menggambarkan lokasi sekaligus strata sosial ekonomi yang ingin ditampilkan. Penggantian properti akan dilakukan oleh karakter petugas kebersihan.
• Scene changes and properties:
four actors, two males and two females. The main female characters in scene 1 and 3 are performed by the same female actor. The two male actors are performing different roles, one in scene 2 and the other in scene 4. The other female actor functions as the narrator and an extra as a cleaning service staff in scene 1 and 3.
The changes from one scene to another are done without blackout. A scene is transformed into the next one symbolically by placing properties that represent the desired location and socio-economic class. These symbolic changes are mainly conducted by the extra (cleaning service staff). •
• Kostum: Pemain akan menggenakan baju senam (atasan lengan panjang dan bawahan celana panjang) warna hitam yang berfungsi sebagai kulit kedua mereka guna mengeliminasi kekhawatiran bahwa daerah pribadi mereka akan terekspos ketika berakting. Selain itu pemain akan mengenakan kostum sesuai dengan peran masing-masing.
• Costume: The actors, except
• Sound: Selain melalui properti, pementasan ini menggunakan efek suara untuk menghadirkan ambiance atau suasana yang sesuai dengan lokasi tiap scene, contohnya: di scene pertama digunakan suara lalu lintas, klakson, serta kenek yang berteriak nama terminal kendaraan.
• Sound: Other than using the
the narrator/cleaning service staff, wear black, long-sleeved leotard-like outfit and tights as their second skin, so there will be no risk of exposing their private parts while they are performing. They also wear other costumes suitable for their corresponding role on top of their second skin.
properties, “Potty Training” uses sound effects to create a certain ambiance that fits each scene. For example, there are the sound of traffic, car honks, and the bemo conductor yelling out the name of the station.
• Elemen interaktif: Ketika dipentaskan secara langsung di hadapan penonton, pementasan ini diharapkan memuat unsur interaktif. Pemain figuran (petugas kebersihan) akan membuka pertunjukan dengan memberikan sedikit penjelasan tentang pementasan ini lalu meminta penonton untuk tidak ragu menjentikkan jari bila mereka melihat budaya penggunaan toilet mereka ditampilkan dalam scene. Selain melibatkan penonton dalam pementasan, hal ini juga bisa memberikan gambaran seberapa relevan budaya bertoilet yang ditunjukkan di pementasan ini dengan keseharian para penonton. • Kegiatan ini melibatkan 5 mahasiswa sebagai actor dan tim produksi • Shooting diselesikan pada tanggal 22 November 2013. The video akan disiapkan pada Pameran Februari 2014. • Penampilan Teater akan diadakan pada Februari 2014 pada saat pameran.
• Interactive element: When performed live in front of an audience, we expect this performance to be a little interactive. The narrator/cleaning service staff opens the show by giving a brief explanation of the performance and she will ask the audience to snap their fingers if they see their toilet habit in any of the scene. Besides being a form of interactivity with the audience, this activity may also show how relevant the findings of this research are to people’s everyday life.
• It involved five students as actors and production team. • The shooting finished on November 22th, 2013. The video will be ready for February 2014 Exhibition • There will be Theatre Performance for February 2014 during Exhibition.
4.10. TOILET DESIGN BASED ON TOILETING CULTURE OF SURABAYA (4.10. DESAIN TOILET BERDASARKAN BUDAYA TOILETING DI SURABAYA) DESAIN TOILET/ FASILITAS MANDI CUCI KAKUS (MCK) DI SMPLB-A YPAB Dari hasil wawancara, disimpulkan beberapa hal di bawah desain toilet bagi penyandang tuna netra di SMPLB YPAB membutuhkan: • Penggunaan toilet duduk • Penggunaan bak dan gayung yang mudah diraih (disesuaikan dengan ruang gerak) • Menghindari adanya benda-benda yang mengganggu mobilitas maupun membahayakan • Pentingnya desain yang permanen untuk memudahkan penggunaan fasilitas • Selain memasukkan aspekaspek kebutuhan pengguna, dalam pendesainan toilet ini juga digunakan teori 7 principles of universal design, yang kemudian disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan khusus tuna netra.
DESIGN TOILET / INTEGRATED BATHING WASHING AND TOILET FACILITY IN SMPLB YPAB From the interview, it was concluded that the toilet design for persons with visual impairment in Special Junior High School - A YPAB required: • The use of a sitting toilet • The use of the tub and scoop easily achieved (adapted to moving space) • Avoid objects that interfere with mobility and harm • The importance of the permanent design for easy use of the facilities • In addition to including aspects of user needs, in designing a toilet is also used theory 7 principles of universal design , which is then adapted to the special needs of the blind.
Gambar 71. Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 71. Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB
Gambar 72. Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 72. Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB
Gambar 73. Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 73. Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB
Gambar 74. Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 74. Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB
Gambar 75. Desain Toilet yang fleksibel untuk duduk dan jongkok di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 75. Toilet Design which flexible for sitting and squatting in Special Junior High School - A YPAB
Gambar 76. Desain Toilet dilengkapiwastafel dan loker di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 76. Toilet Design with wash-bowl and locker in Special Junior High School - A YPAB
Gambar 77. Railing di Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 77. Railing Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB
Gambar 78. Ujung bak yang lengkungdan garis berwarna merah untuk membantu rekan tuna netra low vision untuk berorientasi di Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 78. The cuved-edges of water container and red lines to assist low vision blind colleagues to orient in Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB
Gambar 79. Tempat mandi dengan material lantai antislip di Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 79. The bathing area with non-slippery floor material in Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB
Gambar 80. Pilihan mandi yang disediakan (dengan gayung atau shower) pada Desain Toilet di SMPLB-A YPAB
Figure 80. The bathing choice provided (with bailer or shower) in Toilet Design in Special Junior High School - A YPAB
DESAIN TOILET/ FASILITAS MANDI CUCI KAKUS (MCK) DI STRENKALI SURABAYA Kami lebih membahas ke toilet yang ada di dalam kawasan pemukiman tersebut, baik toilet pribadi ataupun toilet umum dengan fasilitas yang memadai dengan biaya sekecil mungkin. Guna mendesain toilet untuk warga maka dilakukanlah observasi terhadap kebiasaan dan kebutuhan terhadap warga sekitar stren kali, dan menghubungkannya dengan prinsip-prinsip Desain Universal. Toilet merupakan salah satu kebutuhan terpenting bagi seluruh orang. Baik bagi kaum minoritas hingga kaum berada, individu berbadan sehat maupun difable, baik muda maupun tua.
DESIGN TOILET / INTEGRATED BATHING WASHING AND TOILET IN RIVERSIDE VILLAGES OF SURABAYA We further discuss the toilet is in the residential area, either private or public restroom toilets with adequate facilities at the least cost. In order to design a toilet for the people we conducted observations on the habits and needs of the local riverside village resident’s, and connect it with the principles of Universal Design. The toilet is one of the most important needs for all people. Good for minorities are up to the individual, able-bodied or difable, both young and old.
Desain Toilet Pribadi di Rumah Pak Haryono (Penduduk Setempat) • Luas: 1m x 1,25m • Komponen dalam toilet (dan material) : • Bak mandi (bambu dicor beton) • Kloset jongkok (kloset bekas) • Papan kloset duduk (papan plastik bekas) • Gayung (gayung plastik bekas) • Kran bak mandi • Kran wudhu • Avur • Komponen luar toilet (dan material) : • Wastafel (cor-coran beton) • Kran wastafel
Personal Toilet Design at Home Pak Haryono ( Local Population • Area: 1m x 1,25 m • Components in the toilet ( and material ) : • Tub ( bamboo cast concrete ) • Squat toilet ( toilet used) • Board toilet seat ( plastic board used) • Bailer ( used plastic bailer ) • Bathtub faucet • ablution faucets • Avur • Components outside the toilet (and material) : • Sink (cast - in -situ concrete) • sink faucet
Gambar 81. Desain Toilet Pribadi di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya
Figure 81. Personal Toilet Design in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
Gambar 82. Desain Toilet Pribadidi Kampung Strenkali Surabaya
Figure 82. Personal Toilet Design in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
Gambar 83. Toilet Jongkok (yang dapat diubah jadi duduk) di Desain Toilet Pribadidi Kampung Strenkali Surabaya
Figure 83. Squatting toilet (that could be converted for sitting) in Personal Toilet Design in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
Gambar 84. Toilet duduk (yang ditransformasikan dari toilet jongkok) di Desain Toilet Pribadi di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya Penerapan prinsip fleksibilitas diterapkan dalam desain toilet ini. Dapat dilihat closet yang fleksibel bisa untuk jongkok ataupun duduk. Tempat wudhu memiliki space yang cukup sehingga krannya tidak mengganggu pengguna saat mandi. Perbedaan level 5cm di depan pintu WC dibuat berupa ramp agar tidak membahayakan. Wastafel diletakkan di luar agar dapat dipakai untuk sikat gigi saat kamar mandi sedang digunakan untuk mandi.
Figure 84. Sitting toilet (transformed from squatting toilet) in Personal Toilet Design in Riverside Villages of Surabaya Application
principle of flexibility is applied in the design of these toilets. The closet designed could be use flexibly for squatting or sitting. Ablution place has enough space so the tap donot interfere with the user while bathing. 5cm level difference in front of the toilet door was designed with a ramp so as not to create danger. The sink is placed outside in order to be used for bathroom toothbrush currently being used for bathing.
Pada desain yang kami buat, beberapa prinsip memang tidak bisa terpenuhi, seperti misalnya prinsip Equitable Use dan prinsip Size And Space For Approach And Use , pada dasarnya kedua prinsip ini tidak dapat terpenuhi dalam desain disebabkan ukuran ruang (space toilet) yang tersedia sangat kecil / sempit sekali, yakni hanya 1m x 1,25m. Hal ini dikarenakan keterbatasan ekonomi narasumber di Stren Kali Suranbaya ini.
In our design, some principles can not be met, such as the principle and the principle of Equitable Use Size And Space For Approach And Use, basically these two principles can not be met in the design due to the size of the space (toilet space) available very small / narrow one , which is only 1m x 1.25 m . This is due to limited economic resource persons at Riverside Areas of Surabaya.
Masalah lainnya yang menjadi pembelajaran kami ialah penggunaan material untuk setiap komponen arsitektur yang ada dalam toilet ini. Kami mengutamakan adanya penggunaan barang-barang bekas seperti kloset jongkok bekas dan kran bekas yang masih layak digunakan. Bak mandinya menggunakan bahan bambu yang dicor beton dan wastafelnya menggunakan cor-coran beton. Penggunaan material-material recycle dan reuse ini tentunya sangat menghemat pengeluaran atau sesuai dengan prinsip ‘Desain yang Ekonomis’.
Other issues become our study is the use of materials for each component of the architecture is in the toilet. We favored the use of used goods such as former squat toilets and faucets former still worth using. The tub using bamboo material casted concrete and concrete sink using concrete. The use of materials that recycled and reused is certainly very cost-saving or the principle of ‘ Economical Design’.
Desain Toilet Umum di KAMPUNG Stren Kali surabaya
Design in the public toilet Riverside villages of Surabaya
Gambar 85. Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya
Figure 85. Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
Gambar 86. Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya yang memfasilitasi pengguna kursi roda
Figure 86. Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya that facilitated the wheelchair users
Gambar 87. Toilet Jongkok (yang dapat diubah jadi duduk) di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya
Figure 87. Squatting toilet (that could be converted for sitting) in Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
Gambar 88. Platform toilet duduk di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya
Figure 88. Sitting toilet platformin Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
Gambar 89. Contoh penggunaan toilet duduk (yang ditransformasikan dari toilet jongkok) di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya
Figure 89. Usage example of sitting toilet (transformed from squatting toilet)Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
Gambar 90. Tempat cuci dan wudhu di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya
Figure 90. Washing and ablution area in Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
Gambar 91. Railing untuk membantu orang tua pengguna Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya
Figure 91. Railing for the elderly user in Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
Gambar 92. Tanda untuk menurunkan platform di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya
Figure 92. Signage for lowering down the platform in Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya
Gambar 93. Wastafel di Desain Toilet Umum (MCK Umum) di Kampung Strenkali Surabaya.
Figure 93. Wash-bowls in Public Toilet Design (Integrated Bathing - Washing - Toilet) in Riverside Villages of Surabaya.
4.11. GOOGLE MAP OF TOILETING CULTURE OF SURABAYA (4.11. PETA GOOGLE UNTUK BUDAYA TOILETING DI SURABAYA) Peta Google ini disusun dari beberapa data yang kami sarikan dalam blog kami ditampilkan terkait dengan peta ini. Beberapa informasi penting tersebut ialah: • toilet-in-grand-city-surabaya-toilet-di-grand-citysurabaya/ • toilet-for-the-blind-insmplb-a-ypab-toilet-untuktuna-netra-di-smplb-a-ypab/ • toilet-in-riverside-villagesin-surabaya-toilet-di-kampung-strenkali-surabaya/ • weird-but-real-toilet-toiletaneh-tapi-nyata/ • school-toilet-toilet-sekolah/
Google Maps is composed of some of the data that we extracted in our blogs referred by the map. The several informations are: • toilet-in-grand-city-surabaya-toilet-di-grand-citysurabaya/ • toilet-for-the-blind-insmplb-a-ypab-toilet-untuktuna-netra-di-smplb-a-ypab/ • toilet-in-riverside-villagesin-surabaya-toilet-di-kampung-strenkali-surabaya/ • weird-but-real-toilet-toiletaneh-tapi-nyata/ • school-toilet-toilet-sekolah/
• colonial-toilet-majapahithotel-toilet-kolonial-hotelmajapahit/ • • toilet-in-residential-toiletdi-perumahan/ • throwing-away-smokevs-throwing-away-fecesbuang-asap-vs-buanghajat/ • public-toilet-in-bus-terminal-fenomena-pontenumum-di-terminal-surabaya/ • public-toilet-along-the-kaliwaron-kalikepiting-roadponten-di-sepanjang-jalankaliwaron-kalikepiting/ • public-toilet-in-riversidevillages-gunungsari-ponten-di-kampung-strenkaligunungsari/
• colonial-toilet-majapahithotel-toilet-kolonial-hotelmajapahit/ • • toilet-in-residential-toiletdi-perumahan/ • throwing-away-smokevs-throwing-away-fecesbuang-asap-vs-buanghajat/ • public-toilet-in-bus-terminal-fenomena-pontenumum-di-terminal-surabaya/ • public-toilet-along-the-kaliwaron-kalikepiting-roadponten-di-sepanjang-jalankaliwaron-kalikepiting/ • public-toilet-in-riversidevillages-gunungsari-ponten-di-kampung-strenkaligunungsari/
• comparison-between-cityof-tomorrows-and-maspion-squares-restroom-perbandingan-toilet-umumcity-of-tomorrow-denganmaspion-square/ • comparison-of-publictoilets-between-bungkulpark-and-pelangi-park/ •
• comparison-between-cityof-tomorrows-and-maspion-squares-restroom-perbandingan-toilet-umumcity-of-tomorrow-denganmaspion-square/ • comparison-of-publictoilets-between-bungkulpark-and-pelangi-park/ •
Gambar 94. Peta Google untuk Budaya Toileting di Surabaya
Figure 94. Google Map of Toileting Culture of Surabaya
4.12. TOILETING CULTURE OF SURABAYA EXHIBITION(4.12. PAMERAN BUDAYA TOILETING DI SURABAYA) Setelah menyelesaikan program ini, pameran akan diadakan di bulan Februari - Maret 2014 di Universitas Kristen Petra dan mungkin beberapa tempat umum di Surabaya untuk memamerkan karya ini. X-Banner terdiri atas dokumentasi Budaya Bertoilet, Pameran Ilustrasi “Kampanye Bertoilet Sehat”, Video Budaya Bertoilet, Model Desain Toilet Inklusif untuk Indonesia. Dan terakhir Pertunjukan Teater yang melambangkan Budaya Bertoilet akan ditampilkan dalam pameran yang akan berada di acara yang sama dengan Lokakarya dan Pertemuan Tahunan UNDK.
After completeing the program, an exhibition would be held in February – March 2014 in Petra Christian University and perhaps several public places in Surabaya to exhibit this work. The X-Banner consisting documentation of Toileting Culture, Exhibition of “Healthy Toileting Campaign” Illustration, Video of Toileting Culture, Design Model of Inclusive Toilet for Indonesian. And lastly the Theatre Performance symbolizing the Toileting Culture would be performed in the exhibition that would be in the same event with UNDK Workshop and Annual Meeting.
Selain itu, materi yang dihasilkan ini akan disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat Surabaya dalam program pengabdian masyarakat yang didukung oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat yang akan dilakukan pada Bulan Januari – Juli 2014.
Beside that, the material produced would be disseminated to people of Surabaya in community outreach program supported by Institute of Research and Community Outreach that would be executed in January – July 2014.
CHAPTER 5.CONCLUSION (BAB 5. KESIMPULAN) Dapat disimpulkan bahwa budaya bertoilet masyarakat Surabaya sangat unik karena berhubungan dengan konteks ekonomi, sosial, serta lingkungan kota. Dan sebagaimana yang sampaikan oleh Greed, C., (2003)130.
It could be concluded that toileting culture of Surabaya people was very unique because related to the economic, social, as well environmental context of the city. And as presented by Greed, C., (2003) 131.
Para pengguna toilet di Surabaya ditemukan di beberapa lokasi yang bervariasi, karena latar belakang sosial-ekonomi dan pengaturan lingkunganekonomi-sosial.
The toilet users of Surabaya
Kemiskinan menyebabkan budaya bertoilet yang tidak sehat, yang mana orang membuang air besar langsung ke sungai. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, budaya yang tidak sehat secara bertahap berubah karena adanya Program Perbaikan Kampung / ​​Kampong Improvement Program (KIP), meningkatya kesadaran masyarakat, serta peningkatan ekonomi.
were found in several locations varied, due to social - economic background and economic – social - environmental setting. Poverty caused unhealthy toileting
people defecated directly into the river. But through time, the unhealthy cultures were gradually changed because of Village Improvement Program/ Kampong
Programs (KIP), increase of community awareness, as well as economic improvement.
Budaya bertoilet jongkok-danbasah ditemukan ada pada warga Surabaya di kelurahan / kampung berpenghasilan rendah dan sektor informal dari Surabaya. Orang-orang berpenghasilan rendah telah menggunakan toilet jongkokdan-basah karena kemampuan mereka. Mereka juga melakukan ini karena keyakinan bahwa air dapat menambah kesucian dan kebersihan mereka.
Squatting – and - wet - toileting culture was found present in Surabaya residents in low income urban villages / kampong and informal sectors of Surabaya. The lower income persons were used to the squatting – and - wet toilets because their affordability. They also conducted this because of the belief that water can increase their sacredness and sanitation.
Di sisi lain, budaya bertoiletduduk-kering ditemukan hadir di penduduk berpenghasilan tinggi. Toilet-duduk-kering digunakan karena terjangkau bagi mereka. Selain itu, masyarakat dengan pendapatan yang lebih tinggi menerima pendidikan formal dan merasa bahwa toilet duduk lebih modern. Oleh karena itu, rumah-rumah mereka dirancang dengan toilet duduk.
On the other hand, the sitting – dry – toileting culture was found present in the higher income residents. The sitting – dry – toilets were used because of they were affordable to them. Besides that, the higher income community received formal education and perceived that the sitting toilets were more modern. Therefore, their houses were designed with the sitting toilets.
Sayangnya, banyak toilet umum di ruang komersial mewah-masa kini Surabaya hanya melayani budaya toilet Barat. Ini membuahkan disalahgunakannya toilet duduk, seperti berjongkok di atas mereka. Pola ini juga disebabkan oleh kondisi yang buruk toilet umum, tutup toilet kotor. Para wanita khususnya takut akan penularan penyakit dari situasi seperti ini.
Unfortunately, many public toilets in as high end commercial spaces of Surabaya only catered the Western toileting culture. This produced misused of sitting toilet, such as squatting on top of them. The pattern was also caused by the poor condition public toilets, the dirty toilet covers. The ladies especially were afraid of disease transfer from this.
Di sisi lain, beberapa tempat komersil seperti Grand City Mall telah melayani toilet basah-danjongkok. Dan itu adalah contoh positif bagaimana toilet jongkok dan duduk disediakan dengan merata. Kebersihan Grand City Mall toilet juga dijaga dengan baik.
On the other hand, some commercials such as Grand City Mall have catered the squatting - and - wet toilets. And it was a positive example how the squatting and sitting toilets were provided equally. Cleanliness of the Grand City Mal toilet was also kept well.
Kondisi toilet Surabaya di mana sebagai Residensial (Perumahan), Rumah Sewa (Rumah Kos), Universitas, Sekolah, Taman Publik, Kereta Api, didokumentasikan. Dan hal itu diterbitkan dalam website. Beberapa ilustrasi, video, dan drama juga diproduksi untuk beragam bertoilet sehat untuk Surabaya.
The condition of toilets of Surabaya as Residential (Perumahan), Rental Home (Rumah Kos), University (Universitas), School (Sekolah), Public Park (Taman Publik), Train (Kereta api) were documented. And it was published in the websites. Some illustrations, videos, and dramas were also prouced for diverse healthy toileting for Surabaya.
Dan suatu strategi desain inklusif untuk memberikan toilet lokal yang ramah tetapi juga sehat dan dapat diakses. Desain memfasilitasi kesetaraan dan budaya bertoilet yang fleksibel. Tiga prototipe desain inklusif diproduksi. Mereka adalah toilet sekolah-buta, toilet umum kelurahan (kampung) dan toilet pribadi kelurahan (kampung) rendah - biaya. Dan toilet yang dirancang melibatkan sekelompok kecil orang di Design Workshop (Lokakarya Desain) pada Oktober 2013.
And an inclusive design strategy to provide locally friendly toilets but also healthy and accessible. The design facilitated equality and flexible toileting cultures. Three design inclusive prototypes were produced. They were the blindschool toilet, low - cost urban village (kampong) public toilet and urban village (kampong) private toilets. And the toilets were designed involving the small group of people in Design Workshop in October 2013.
Pengetahuan lokal akan Budaya Bertoilet telah mempengaruhi banyak aspek pemahaman, dosen, mahasiswa dan akhirnya masyarakat. Budaya bertoilet yang tidak sehat masyarakat Surabaya harus diubah secara bertahap dengan kampanye-yang dapat diterima-secara sosial.
The local knowledge of Toileting Culture had affected many aspect of the understanding, of lecturers, students and finally the public. The unhealthy toileting culture of the Surabaya people had to be changed gradually with socially -accepted - campaign.
Mengenai proses eksplorasi budaya toilet, rentang waktu proyek tersebut terlalu pendek. Dianjurkan untuk memiliki satu - tahun program multidisiplin di masa depan. Adapun tujuan berhasil diraih kecuali produksi komik dikarenakan keterbatasan waktu. Jadi dianjurkan program satu tahun terdiri dari semester eksplorasi budaya dan satu semester produksi perangkat digital / multimedia seperti program saat ini. Mudahmudahan, pengetahuan lokal yang menarik dari Surabaya dapat ditingkatkan dalam program UNDK masa depan.
Regarding the toileting culture exploration process, the project time span was too short. It was recommended to have a one – year multidisciplinary program in the future. The purposes were achieved except of comic production because of time limitation. So it was recommended one year program consisting of semester of culture exploration and a semester of digital tools/ multimedia production such as the current program. Hopefully, the Surabaya interesting local knowledge could be enhanced in the future UNDK program.
REFERENCES (DAFTAR PUSTAKA) Books and Journals (Buku dan Jurnal): Asano, Yoshiharu (2002) ‘Number of Fixtures: Mathematical Models.’ Faculty of Architecture and Building Engineering, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan. Borden, I. et al. (Eds.) (2001). The unknown city: Contesting architecture and social space. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Cavanagh, Sue and Ware, Vron (1991) At Women’s Convenience: A Handbook on the Design of Women’s Public Toilets. WDS (Women’s Design Service), London. Cummings, W., (2000), Squat Toilets and Cultural Commensurability, in Journal of Mundane Behavior, published Interdisciplinary Social Science, University of South Florida. DfEE (Department for Education and Employment) (2001) Inclusive School Design: Accommodating pupils with special educational needs and disabilities within mainstream schools. DfEE, HMSO, London. Football Foundation (2003) Facilities for Disabled Spectators at Stadia: with reference to the Disability Discrimination Act 1993: Draft for Consultation. The Football Foundation, London, Goldsmith, Selwyn (2000) Universal Design. Architectural Press, London. Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP Hamzah, Hasan and Hooi, Yoke-Meng (2001) ‘Toilet design for Moslem users’, paper presented at the World Toilet Summit, Singapore, 19–21 November. Harvey, D. (1975) Social Justice and the City. Arnold, London.
Healey, P. (1997) Collaborative Planning: Shaping Places in Fragmented Societies. Macmillan, London. Inglis, Simon (1993) Toilet Facilities at Stadia: Planning, design and types of installation. London: Sports Council in association with the Football Trust, London. Jones, Greta (1986) Social Hygiene in 19th Century Britain. Croom Helm, London.; JTA (1996b) The History of Night Soil Treatment. JTA, Tokyo. Kanter, Rosabeth, Moss (1977) Men and Women of the Corporation.Basic Books, New York. Kira, Alexander (1976) The Bathroom. Penguin, Harmondsworth, and Cornell University Press. (Also see ‘Four vases do not make a bathroom: an interview with A.K.’ by Tim Ostler, in World Architecture, Product Focus, No. 51, pp. 132–3, November 1996, on 30th anniversary of the book.) Laporte, Dominque (2000, originally 1968) History of Shit.MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.; Lefebvre, H. (1991). The production of space. Cambridge: Blackwell. Matthews, Robert (2000) ‘Ladies in waiting: a simple formula could bring relief to scores of women this summer’ in New Scientist, 29 July PCS (2002) The Toilet Issue. Special issue of Post Colonial Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2, July, pp. 135–228. Roberts, M. and C. Greed (2001) Approaching Urban Design. Pearson, Harlow. Rogers, Lord R. (2000) Towards an Urban Renaissance: The Urban Taskforce (Final Report). Routledge, in association with DETR, London. Shaw, Hillary (2001) ‘Food deserts’, PhD thesis, School of Geography, University of Leeds.(Also see letter in Times Higher, 26 January, p. 15, and, which provides summary.)
Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf WGSG (Women and Geography Study Group of the Institute of British Geographers) (1997a, originally 1984) Geography and Gender. Hutchinson, London. Wigglesworth, S. and Till, J. (Eds.) (1998).The everyday and architecture. Architectural Design, Academy Press. Wright, L. (1960) Clean and Dirty: The Fascinating History of the Bathroom and the W.C. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London. Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011), Collective Spatial Strategies in Urban Kampung Communal Toilet, Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies, Volume 3, Number 7, January 2012, cE-Bs, FAPS, UiTM. Website: DdkB0wvg.dpuf kip_as_model_of_comm_participation.pdf
Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011), Collective Spatial Strategies in Urban Kampung Communal Toilet, Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies, Volume 3, Number 7, January 2012, cE-Bs, FAPS, UiTM.
10 Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011), Collective Spatial Strategies in Urban Kampung Communal Toilet, Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies, Volume 3, Number 7, January 2012, cE-Bs, FAPS, UiTM. 11 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 12 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 13
14 15 Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011), Collective Spatial Strategies in Urban Kampung Communal Toilet, Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies, Volume 3, Number 7, January 2012, cE-Bs, FAPS, UiTM. Lefebvre, H. (1991). The production of space. Cambridge: Blackwell. Borden, I. et al. (Eds.) (2001). The unknown city: Contesting architecture and social space. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Wigglesworth, S. and Till, J. (Eds.) (1998).The everyday and architecture. Architectural Design, Academy Press. 16 Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011), Collective Spatial Strategies in Urban Kampung Communal Toilet, Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies, Volume 3, Number 7, January 2012, cE-Bs, FAPS, UiTM. Lefebvre, H. (1991). The production of space. Cambridge: Blackwell. Borden, I. et al. (Eds.) (2001). The unknown city: Contesting architecture and social space. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Wigglesworth, S. and Till, J. (Eds.) (1998).The everyday and architecture. Architectural Design, Academy Press. 17 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
18 Rogers, Lord R. (2000) Towards an Urban Renaissance: The Urban Taskforce (Final Report). Routledge, in association with DETR, London.
19 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
20 Rogers, Lord R. (2000) Towards an Urban Renaissance: The Urban Taskforce (Final Report). Routledge, in association with DETR, London.
21 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 22 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 23 Harvey, D. (1975) Social Justice and the City. Arnold, London.
24 Harvey, D. (1975) Social Justice and the City. Arnold, London. 25 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 26 Cavanagh, Sue and Ware, Vron (1991) At Women’s Convenience: A Handbook on the Design of Women’s Public Toilets. WDS (Women’s Design Service), London. 27 Shaw, Hillary (2001) ‘Food deserts’, PhD thesis, School of Geography, University of Leeds.(Also see letter in Times Higher, 26 January, p. 15, and www.geog.leeds., which providessummary.) 28 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 29 Cavanagh, Sue and Ware, Vron (1991) At Women’s Convenience: A Handbook on the Design of Women’s Public Toilets. WDS (Women’s Design Service), London. 30 Shaw, Hillary (2001) ‘Food deserts’, PhD thesis, School of Geography, University of Leeds.(Also see letter in Times Higher, 26 January, p. 15, and www.geog.leeds., which provides summary.) 31 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 32 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 33 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 34 Kira, Alexander (1976) The Bathroom. Penguin, Harmondsworth, and Cornell University Press. (Also see ‘Four vases do not make a bathroom: an interview with A.K.’ by Tim Ostler, in World Architecture, Product Focus, No. 51, pp. 132–3, November 1996, on 30th anniversary of the book.) 35 Asano, Yoshiharu (2002) ‘Number of Fixtures: Mathematical Models.’ Faculty of Architecture and Building Engineering, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan. 36 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 37 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An
imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 38 Kira, Alexander (1976) The Bathroom. Penguin, Harmondsworth, and Cornell University Press. (Also see ‘Four vases do not make a bathroom: an interview with A.K.’ by Tim Ostler, in World Architecture, Product Focus, No. 51, pp. 132–3, November 1996, on 30th anniversary of the book.) 39 Asano, Yoshiharu (2002) ‘Number of Fixtures: Mathematical Models.’ Faculty of Architecture and Building Engineering, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan. 40 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 41 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 42 Goldsmith, Selwyn (2000) Universal Design. Architectural Press, London. 43 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 44 Goldsmith, Selwyn (2000) Universal Design. Architectural Press, London.
45 Laporte, Dominque (2000, originally 1968) History of Shit. MIT Press,Cambridge,
Mass.; PCS (2002) The Toilet Issue. Special issue of Post Colonial Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2, July, pp. 135–228.
46 Jones, Greta (1986) Social Hygiene in 19th Century Britain. Croom Helm, London.; Wright, L. (1960) Clean and Dirty: The Fascinating History of the Bathroom and the W.C. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London. quoted in Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
47 Laporte, Dominque (2000, originally 1968) History of Shit. MIT Press,Cambridge,
Mass.; PCS (2002) The Toilet Issue. Special issue of Post Colonial Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2, July, pp. 135–228.
48 Jones, Greta (1986) Social Hygiene in 19th Century Britain. Croom Helm, London.; Wright, L. (1960) Clean and Dirty: The Fascinating History of the Bathroom and
the W.C. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London. quoted in Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
49 JTA (1996b) The History of Night Soil Treatment. JTA, Tokyo.Kanter, Rosabeth, Moss (1977) Men and Women of the Corporation.BasicBooks, New York. 50 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
51 JTA (1996b) The History of Night Soil Treatment. JTA, Tokyo.Kanter, Rosabeth, Moss (1977) Men and Women of the Corporation.BasicBooks, New York. 52 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 53 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 54 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 55 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 56 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 57 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 58 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 59 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 60 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 61 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An
imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 62 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 63 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 64 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 65 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 66 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 67 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 68 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 69 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 70 Healey, P. (1997) Collaborative Planning: Shaping Places in Fragmented Societies. Macmillan, London. 71 Roberts, M. and C. Greed (2001) Approaching Urban Design. Pearson, Harlow. 72 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 73 Healey, P. (1997) Collaborative Planning: Shaping Places in Fragmented Societies. Macmillan, London. 74 Roberts, M. and C. Greed (2001) Approaching Urban Design. Pearson, Harlow. 75 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 76 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
77 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 78 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 79 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 80 Matthews, Robert (2000) ‘Ladies in waiting: a simple formula could bring relief to scores of women this summer’ in New Scientist, 29 July 81 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 82 Matthews, Robert (2000) ‘Ladies in waiting: a simple formula could bring relief to scores of women this summer’ in New Scientist, 29 July 83 WGSG (Women and Geography Study Group of the Institute of BritishGeographers) (1997a, originally 1984) Geography and Gender. Hutchinson,London. 84 Hamzah, Hasan and Hooi, Yoke-Meng (2001) ‘Toilet design for Moslem users’, paper presented at the World Toilet Summit, Singapore, 19–21 November. 85 WGSG (Women and Geography Study Group of the Institute of BritishGeographers) (1997a, originally 1984) Geography and Gender. Hutchinson,London. 86 Hamzah, Hasan and Hooi, Yoke-Meng (2001) ‘Toilet design for Moslem users’, paper presented at the World Toilet Summit, Singapore, 19–21 November. 87 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 88 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 89 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 90 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 91 Inglis, Simon (1993) Toilet Facilities at Stadia: Planning, design and types of in-
stallation. London: Sports Council in association with the Football Trust, London. 92 Football Foundation (2003) Facilities for Disabled Spectators at Stadia: with reference to the Disability Discrimination Act 1993: Draft for Consultation. The Football Foundation, London, 93 Inglis, Simon (1993) Toilet Facilities at Stadia: Planning, design and types of installation. London: Sports Council in association with the Football Trust, London. 94 Football Foundation (2003) Facilities for Disabled Spectators at Stadia: with reference to the Disability Discrimination Act 1993: Draft for Consultation. The Football Foundation, London, 95 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 96 DfEE (Department for Education and Employment) (2001) Inclusive School Design: Accommodating pupils with special educational needs and disabilities within mainstream schools. DfEE, HMSO, London. 97 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 98 DfEE (Department for Education and Employment) (2001) Inclusive School Design: Accommodating pupils with special educational needs and disabilities within mainstream schools. DfEE, HMSO, London. 99 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 100 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 101 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 102 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 103 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 104 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
105 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 106 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 107 Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011), Collective Spatial Strategies in Urban Kampung Communal Toilet, Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies, Volume 3, Number 7, January 2012, cE-Bs, FAPS, UiTM. 108 Yatmo, Y.A., Atmodiwirjo, P., (2011), Collective Spatial Strategies in Urban Kampung Communal Toilet, Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies, Volume 3, Number 7, January 2012, cE-Bs, FAPS, UiTM. 109 Cummings, W., (2000), Squat Toilets and Cultural Commensurability, in Journal of Mundane Behavior, published Interdisciplinary Social Science, University of South Florida. 110 Cummings, W., (2000), Squat Toilets and Cultural Commensurability, in Journal of Mundane Behavior, published Interdisciplinary Social Science, University of South Florida. 111 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 112 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 113 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 114 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf
115 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 116 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 117 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 118 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 119 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 120 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 121 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 122 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 123 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in
conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 124 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 125 Sintawardani, N., Astuti, J.T., (2008), “Culture’s barriers on introducing dry toilet technology in Indonesia” Power point presentation, Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences accessed in conferences/conf_7_projects/pdf/7th_nenijovi.pdf 126 127
128 129 130 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 131 Greed, C., (2003), Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets, Architectural Press, An imprint of Elsevier , Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP