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MODULE Prototype Jogjasiana SYNOPSIS The Prototype Jogjasiana is a project whose purpose is to set up a website containingvarious information, which is called object, about Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is a short term for Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, a special district equivalent to a province. Each object represents the uniqueness of Yogyakarta. Jogjasiana project was divided into 4 major activities : 1. preparation activity 2. surveying and collecting data 3. building the application and 4. testing and evaluation. OBJECTIVES The goals of Jogjasiana are to share and promote everything about Yogyakarta through a web application and building a simple knowledge representation of the objects.This project is intended as a prototype because the project will not be able to cover all things about Yogyakarta to be shared online through a web application. Students, local government, in this case Badan Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah (Library and Archive Board of Yogyakarta Special District). CONTENT What is all about? Jogjasiana is a project to promote and share wide range of information about Yogyakarta. In this stage, Jogjasiana is an ongoing project since the development of a web application will take time. The application has been developed and is available in http://jogjasiana.net. The website contains 6 categories of objects. They are: 1. Food (Makanan) 2. Artis (Seniman) 3. Performing Art (Pertunjukan Seni)

4. Visual Art (Karya Seni dan Arsitektur) 5. Culture Philosophy (Budaya dan Filosofi) 6. Customs and Traditions ( Adat dan Tradisi) Where is it collected from? Yogyakarta Why is the knowledge important? This project has introduced Yogyakarta further to students who are also the team members. They appreciate the local knowledge more and get more knowledge on how to process data, to appreciate others’ work, to collect data directly from the source as they went to some locations in Yogyakarta.

What is the available knowledge? The project will serve as an online information center about Yogyakarta. Jogjasiana will provide a wide range of information about Yogyakarta, especially information pertaining to: They are: 1. Food (Makanan) 2. Artis (Seniman) 3. Performing Art (Pertunjukan Seni) 4. Visual Art (Karya Seni dan Arsitektur) 5. Culture Philosophy (Budaya dan Filosofi) 6. Customs and Traditions ( Adat dan Tradisi) How does the knowledge work? In this initial phase of the project, students are the main benefactors. In

collecting various information about Yogyakarta, they have a greater appreciation of the local knowledge and a better understanding of data collection and data processing for the online application. POSTSCRIPT This is an on-going project. The initial stage of this project includes data collection and data processing. Therefore, the online web application is not yet readily available. The scope of information might be the biggest problem in this project. It is a challenge to present vast information about Yogyakarta in a short period of time. CONTENT MATERIAL E-MODULE EDITOR Cecilia Titiek Murniati, Ph.D, University Network for Digital Knowledge (UNDK) Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU), Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur IV/1, Semarang 50234 – INDONESIA, email: c_murniati@unika.ac.id


Jogjasiana Prototype: Jogja in Jogja Collection

Prepared by :

Umi Proboyekti, S.Kom, MLIS Budi Susanto, S.Kom, MT



Name of institution submitting the report Institution Activities

: Duta Wacana Christian University : Building Web Application about Yogyakarta : Jogjasiana

Total budget : US $ 2,000 (Rp. 20.000.000,-) School Year during which the project was implemented Fiscal year

: 2013/2014 (September 2013-January 2014)

Title of the project (should be consistent with proposal title) Title of proposal : UNDK Mini Project Proposal : Jogjasiana Prototype: Jogja in Jogja Collection Abstract of short summary of report The Prototype Jogjasiana is a project that builds a website contain data, we called them objects, about Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is a short for Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, a special district that is provinciallevel region. Each object represents the uniqueness of Yogyakarta. Jogjasiana is everything about Yogyakarta. The project is done by UNDK team from Duta Wacana Christian University (UKDW), led by two lecturers from Information Technology Faculty and involving 12 students of the IT Faculty. Jogjasiana website is meant to promote Yogyakarta to public in Indonesian language. In

the future, the plan is to invite users to contribute information on unique objects of Yogyakarta. Description of objects is based on UNESCO SKOS Thesaurus for the category and Schema.org for the metadata elements. Having presenting Yogyakarta unique objects, Jogjasiana yet has not reached its second goal: presenting simple knowledge representation. Obstacles in coordinating schedules among the team were time consuming. It hindered the project from reaching the goal. However, this project is meant to be an ongoing project after this project term ends. The team will continue to collect data or objects and develop the knowledge representation. Contact person and contact information ( address, telephone, fax, email) Name Address Telp Fax Email Name Address Telp Fax Email

: Umi Proboyekti, S.Kom, MLIS : Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo 5-25, Yogyakarta, 55224, Indonesia. : + 62-274-563929 Ext.211 : + 62-274-513235 : othie115@gmail.com : Budi Susanto, S.Kom, MT : Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo 5-25, Yogyakarta, 55224, Indonesia. : + 62-274-563929 Ext.314 : + 62-274-513235 : budsus@gmail.com

Descriptions of activities and participants, including problems encountered and solutions attempted: Jogjasiana is a project that promotes and shares everything about Yogyakarta. We proposed the project as a prototype because the project will not be able to cover all things about Yogyakarta to be shared online through a web application. The project is planned to be continued after the term of this project ends in order to give more benefits to the

public, students for their graduation project, and local government, in this case BPAD (Badan Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah ) DIY - the Library and Archive Board of Yogyakarta Province. Jogjasiana project was divided into 4 major activities : 1. preparation activity 2. surveying and collecting data 3. building the application and 4. testing and evaluation. The project was intended to connect two ongoing courses: Semantic Web and Management Knowledge. However the later course was cancelled due to student’s lack of interest. After we observed further about the project requirement, we decided not to connect the project with Semantic Web course directly. However some students from the course were recruited as the team members. In recruiting project team members, we opened this opportunity to students of Information Technology. From the recruitment, we got 12 students with required skillsets criteria: writer, photography, multimedia, and software developer. Three of them were taking Semantic Web course. Thus the 12 students became the partners of 2 lecturers from Information Technology Faculty : Umi Proboyekti ( IS dept) and Budi Susanto ( Informatics dept). The preparation activities were completed in the first meeting with the whole team members from briefing, planning and task assigning. The team were divided into 3 groups with one or two photographers in each group to survey objects, promote, and collect the data. Afterward all the survey results were discussed together with the whole team, and then scheduled to collect data in form of photos and information of the objects. This activities consumed a lot of time because some of the students were having classes, doing their assignments and taking exams. Some information were easily collected from the Internet, however some objects were not, like Masjid Pathok Negoro. Due to some obstacles in making the schedules, we decided to change the strategy in collecting objects. The parallel strategy were suitable to catch up with tight schedules due to the Christmas and New Year break: the team were divided into 4 groups: writers started to write the description of the collected objects, the photography team were

collecting more pictures and at the same time recording the video, I set categories of objects and metadata elements based on UNESCO SKOS and Schema.org, and developer group, led by Budi Susanto, designed the application. This strategy worked well and the project showed more progress. There were three internal workshop that was held: workshop for user interface development, workshop for RDF, and workshop for metadata. The first two workshops includes the software developers and the material was to design and develop the application. The last one was for the writers in order to equip them with the knowledge in describing the objects and knowing about metadata. These internal workshops were tutored by Budi Susanto and Umi Proboyekti. These workshop were different from the original plan reported in the proposal. Due to the change of the strategy, the photography team worked on the videos were already had the experiences in making video. Therefore there was no need for making multimedia workshop. The last activity was testing and evaluation. The team had Jogjasiana website tested by giving comments and feedbacks about the user interface and the content. The team shared their feedbacks through Jogjasiana Facebook group and Google Drive. Other than internal evaluation, we also invited friends from Jen Art, professional photographer to give feedback for the project as well as to seek possibilities for them to contribute in our project. We were so pleased that one of them, Jenar Budi Santoso was willing to share his experience in seeking unique objects in Yogyakarta with students in order to continue this project. Extent to which goals and objectives were achieved, including qualitative evaluations The goals of this are to share and promote everything about Yogyakarta through a web application and building a simple knowledge representation of the objects. The application is called Jogjasiana. It is a prototype of a real Jogjasiana which is meant to share everything about Yogyakarta to public. The application is developed and available

in http://jogjasiana.net . The website contains 6 categories of objects : 1. Food (Makanan) 2. Artis (Seniman) 3. Performing Art (Pertunjukan Seni) 4. Visual Art (Karya Seni dan Arsitektur) 5. Culture Philosophy (Budaya dan Filosofi) 6. Customs and Traditions ( Adat dan Tradisi) Each object is described according to specific metadata assigned to each category. The category is adapted from UNESCO SKOS for heritage culture, and the metadata elements are according to schema. org. While the first goal is achieved, the second goal has not progressed as it should be. The obstacle of building a simple knowledge representation is the availability of complete objects. The knowledge representation is built upon complete objects where we find the relation among objects. The situation that was time consuming from collecting and describing data become a hindrance for the team to show progress in developing the simple knowledge representation. Therefore in this project the simple knowledge representation is not achieved and locate it to the further development. Overall impact of the project and future implications This project has introduced Yogyakarta further to students who are also the team members. They appreciate the local knowledge more and get more knowledge on how to process data, to appreciate others’ work, to collect data directly from the source as they went to some locations in Yogyakarta. Since the web has just been available in short time, there have no feedbacks yet. However the website provides feedback for public about the website and the content. We are open for other to contribute objects of Yogyakarta to be presented in Jogjasiana. As we are going to present the website to BPAD in order to give them some ideas of how they can present about Yogyakarta, we hope that we can work together with BPAD in

promoting Yogyakarta through Jogjasiana. This project is an ongoing project, therefore the unreached goal will be prioritized in continuing this project beside adding the object to Jogjasiana. Available objects or data in Jogjasiana are only for starter and going to grow with different participant. It also means that we will continue to finish the simple knowledge representation and to reach some future developments : 1. Workshop on Photography and journalistic for more data collection: This is an open workshop for students who are interested as data contributors 2. Further RDFS knowledge representation for Jogjasiana development. In this plan, we want to invite everyone who concerns about open data and linked data on the Internet. 3. Enriching and updating Jogjasiana contents. In this context, we will also invite some organizations or individuals who have information and/or materials about Yogyakarta. In some cases we also help non profit cultural organization, like Museum/ Community, to publish their information in Jogjasiana.

link http://jogjasiana.net

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