SYNOPSIS This module is a documentary on the history, nutrition facts, and recipes of West Timor staple food. It presents the audio visual presentations of how local people cook some of the most famous local staple food. Interviews were conducted to gain in-depth information about the history, nutrition, the preparation, and the serving of food as well as information about herbal medicine from plants found in West Timor. As people are more familiar with the digital world, documenting local culture through audio visual media is a preferable method in preserving local knowledge and wisdom.
OBJECTIVES This module is aimed preserving the traditional staple food recipes in audio visual form, documenting traditional staple food from West Timor, broadening lecturer’s viewpoint of research and community services, and providing experiences to students in using different types of tools for filming using free open source software.
CONTENT What is all about? This module contains the documentation of traditional West Timor staple food. It describes the history, nutrition facts, preparations, and presentation of traditional staple food.
Where is it collected from? West Timor, Indonesia Why is the knowledge important? Young generation in West Timor needs to know the local knowledge in their culture. Traditional staple food in West Timor is an excellent example of how the local knowledge is transferred and handed down. In addition, the documentary will benefit those who are interested in the preservation of local culture in West Timor. What is the available knowledge? One of the most famous West Timor staple food is Daging Se’i (smoked beef/pork). Another well-known local staple food is Jagung Bose (Corn Porridge). In this module, readers will also learn about the ways charcoal and leaves are used in the cooking process. People of West Timor use certain trees as sources of cure against diseases such as malaria and diabetes. How does the knowledge work? The information about the history, nutrition facts, preparation, and presentation of West Timor staple food is documented through audio visual recordings. The revival of the local culture and knowledge through digital media will be easily accessed by young generation of West Timorese through their gadgets.
POSTSCRIPT This documentary is not only beneficial for those who wish to preserve the local knowledge through West Timorese staple food recipes, but also for those who want to practice creating documentaries or short movies using open source software. The accessibility of digitized forms of knowledge will be of great significance for preserving local heritage.
CONTENT MATERIAL Adri Gabriel Sooai, ST.MT., Widya Mandira Catholic University Jl A. Yani 50-52 Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur Cell: +6281331671717 e-mail:
E-MODULE EDITOR Cecilia Titiek Murniati, Ph.D, University Network for Digital Knowledge (UNDK) Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU), Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur IV/1, Semarang 50234 – INDONESIA, email:
The Mini Project Final Report (2013-2014)
The Audio Visual Documentation of Traditional staple food from West Timor: history, nutritious fact, preparation, presentation
Final Report prepared by: Adri Gabriel Sooai, ST.MT
Februari 2014
Executive Summary
Widya Mandira Catholic University
Fiscal Year
2013 – 2014
Title of Final Report
The Audio Visual Documentation of Traditional staple food from West Timor: history, nutritious fact, preparation, presentation
Goal or Purpose and Goal: Preserving the traditional staple food recipes in Objectives Audio Visual form. Objectives: documenting traditional staple food from West Timor. Widen Lecturer’s Viewpoint of Research and Community Services Topics, give experiences to students in using kinds of tools for filming using free open source software. Participants Students, Lecturers, Researcher from Computer Science and Natural Science Department from Widya Mandira Catholic University. Activity and Timeline
Preparation class on how to create a documentary film, interviewing, harvesting, gathering from food source, food processing practice, filming. Timeline: November 2013 until February 2014.
Total Budget
Rp. 20.000.000,- (Twenty Million Rupiah)
Final Report prepared Adri Gabriel Sooai, ST.MT. by NIDN: 0723057201 Lecturer in Computer Science Department, Faculty of Engineering, Widya Mandira Catholic University Jl A. Yani 50-52 Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur Cell: +6281331671717 e-mail:
Kupang, 28 Februari 2014
Adri Gabriel Sooai, ST.MT. NIDN: 0723057201
Abstract Local Knowledge is source for Research and Community Services that can be done by Higher Education Institution. Kinds of promotions and documentation about local knowledge can be found on printed media, audio visual and internet pages. According to the Director General of Higher Education Republic of Indonesia, The Research and community services conduct by Widya Mandira Catholic University are about only 10 to 15% from its total Lecturers each year. However, local knowledge offers many interesting topics for researchers and community services. Using its result, lectures can enrich study materials and improve the quality of learning process. This Mini Project gives an example on how to create local knowledge documentation in audio visual form, to open and increase lecturer’s viewpoint on research and community services topics. This Mini Project consist of Documentary Film about modification of traditional staple food from west Timor, it started with a conversation with the experts in Traditional Food and Organic Chemistry Researcher. Students involved in filming, food processing and Lecturers playing folk songs in acoustic for background music. Lesson learned from this Mini Project are Firstly: The involvement of students are in experiences using kinds of recording tools from the simplest and affordable to the sophisticated professional digital camera, and make compilation using Free and Open Source Software. Secondly: widen lecturer’s viewpoint about vast topics offers by local knowledge to conduct research and community services. Thirdly: Collaboration between fields of knowledge, enrich the learning process quality in University. Fourthly: a variety of local products produced by society can be utilized directly and increase their income. Lastly: the film is placed on the internet (YouTube) directly promotes local wisdom to the world. Key Words: Local Knowledge, Staple Food from West Timor.
Abstrak (Indonesian) Kearifan lokal merupakan sumber penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat yang dapat dilakukan oleh perguruan tinggi, berbagai bentuk promosi dan dokumentasi mengenai kearifan lokal banyak dijumpai pada media cetak, rekaman audio visual dan halaman internet. Penelitian dan Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan di Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira belum banyak dikerjakan, hal ini tercatat di situs Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia yaitu http://simlitabmas. bahwa hanya 10 sampai 15% dosen Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira yang melakukan penlitian dan pengabdian pada masyarakat setiap tahunnya. Dilain pihak berbagai kearifan local menawarkan banyak sekali topic penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat yang dapat dilakukan. Melalui hasil kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian, dosen dapat memperkaya bahan ajar untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar mengajar. Mini Project ini memberikan contoh sederhana tentang bagaimana mendokumentasikan kearifan local dalam bentuk audio visual, sehingga diharapkan mampu membuka dan menambah wawasan dosen tentang banyaknya topic penelitian dan pengabdian yang dapat dikerjakan. Mini Project ini berisi Film Dokumentasi tentang modifikasi makanan pokok dari timor bagian barat, diawali dengan wawancara para narasumber yang merupakan pakar dibidang makanan dan kimia organic, keterlibatan kegiatan mahasiswa melakukan proses dokumentasi, pengolahan makanan dan memainkan music tradisional dilakukan oleh dosen. Manfaat dari hasil mini project ini adalah, Pertama: bagi mahasiswa, mereka mendapat pengalaman dalam menggunakan berbagai peralatan rekam digital mulai dari yang murah dan sederhana sampai yang mahal, memanfaatkan software open source untuk mengolah film. Kedua: bagi dosen membuka wawasan mereka tentang luasnya topic penelitian pengabdian yang ada melalui kearifan local, Ketiga: kolaborasi antara bidang ilmu memberikan peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran di Universitas, Keempat: berbagai produk local yang dihasilkan masyarakat dapat dimanfaatkan dan secara langsung meningkatkan penghasilan mereka. Kelima: dengan ditempatkannya film ini di internet (youtube) secara langsung ikut mempromosikan kearifan local kepada dunia. Kata kata kunci: Kearifan Lokal, Makan Pokok Timor Bagian Barat.
Description of Project West Timor has an average unemployment rate of 2.39%. 30% of the population lived below the poverty line in 1998; as of 2012, it stays at 30%. The economy is mainly agricultural, using slash and burn methods to produce corn, rice, coffee, copra and fruit [1] West Timor is saving a lot of charm, especially fans of sea food. Also squid and prawns fresh sweet aroma when burned emit very appetizing. Besides, travelers will also be presented with a special food in west Timor Capitol City Kupang, the Jagung bose. The food is made from a mixture of corn and vegetables and whole grains (usually green beans and peanuts). There is also Se’i, a bacon or smoked pork/beef and mixed with salt and spices so the taste was sweet and salty. Se’i gets its smokey taste from how it’s cooked. Normally after the meat is salted it is wrapped in a bunch of banana leaves together with some spices and is smoked over an open fire. Se’i was used during the war to preserve food this allowed the soldiers to carry it around with them wherever they went [2]. Se’i and jagung bose as a local food are sufficient to provide income for the people of Kupang city, there are many places that provides Se’i meat and Jagung bose with various flavors. Se’i and Jagung bose’s lovers are plenty, domestic and international tourist also loved the typical of food, although initially they unfamiliar with the food taste. The economic impact can be enhanced with better media promotion of these foods, and it needs an activity of documentation in audio-visual form. This mini project is to preserve traditional cultural heritage in the field of food, secondly, to promote western Timor tourism sector through digital media in the form of documentary film. On the other hand it gives an example on how to create local knowledge documentation in audio visual form, to open and increase lecturer’s viewpoint on research and community services topics. This Mini Project consist of Documentary Film about modification of traditional staple food from west Timor, it started with a conversation with the experts in Traditional Food and Organic Chemistry Researcher. Students involved in filming, food processing and Lecturers playing folk songs in acoustic guitar for background music
Activities First of all I debrief about this Mini Project, task distribution, what items will be filming, who will be the one to be interviewed according to the traditional food and process. Secondly, I assemble a list of question to be asked in the interview and decide which experts will be interviewed. The material in interview consists of: Best practice of Traditionalfood (Local Chef in Kupang City/West Timor). Preparation of hygiene food process(Researcher in Organic Chemistry). Kinds of local knowledge: such as traditional medicine including staple food. It took place on the sea side in Kelapa Lima Beach. This place been chosen because the beauty of Kelapa Lima Beach in Kupang City. In this task, two students operate the main camera alternately, the third student act as interviewer. Thirdly, the cooking class, in this session students demonstrated how to modified West Timor famous staple food named Daging Se’i on Garnishing and plating, to give a new impression. In this task, several students will be participating and each student take responsibility on specific job namely: • • • • •
Student 1: holds camera 1 overall scene. Student 2: holds close up detail scene. Student 3: conduct interview and narrator. Student 4: Practice on food processing Student 5: Practice on food processing
Fourthly, the fourth task was filming detail clip about the main topic. There are several sub topics named: 1. The detail properation and process of Jagung Bose (Corn Porridge) 2. The smoke / burn process of Daging Sei (Smoked Beef / Pork) 3. Snapshot of Kusambi Tree (Schleichera oleosa). The charcoal and leaves used in the process. 4. Snap shot of Kayu Ular Tree (Strcyhnos Ligustrin). Use to cure malaria and diabetic.
5. Snapshot of Faloak Tree (Sterculia Comosa Wallich). Use to cure “anything� acording to Timorese people 6. Snapshot of Merungga/Merungge/Marungga/Kelor (Moringa Oleivera). Use as soup. To obtain all these six sub topics, students used various recording tools, from smart phone, tablet computer, digital pocket camera, Digital Single Lens Resolution / DSLR Professional Camera. There was a simple train given by lecturer on how to optimize those tools, so it can fit in the main film. How to trick the insufficient light surround objects, how to hold those gadget steady, take several shoot for a single scene for about ten seconds each. They did it fine, and their work combined in the main film. Finally, all of the documentation needs to be compiled as one film. It needs Film Editing and Finalizing using free open source software under Linux Computer Operating System with KDENLIVE also free open source software, and will be in a Multimedia class, attended by all students. Participant Lecturers, students, vendors and some villagers, participate direct and indirectly in this projects. Lecturers are : 1. Emiliana M Meolbatak: Local Chef 2. Maximus M Taek: Researcher from Natural Science Department & Acoustic Guitar Player, playing Folk song for background music. 3. Yulianti Paula Bria: Singing Folk Song for background music & Make Up Artist. 4. Natalia Magdalena R. Mamulak: 5. Yohanes de Baptista Basan: Acoustic Guitar Player, playing Folk song for background music. 6. Paskalis Andrianus Nani: Acoustic Guitar Player, playing Folk song for background music.
7. Patrisius Batarius: Acoustic Guitar Player, playing Folk song for background music. 8. Donatus Joseph Manehat: gave direction in cooking class scene. Supporting Staff: 1. Pius Be: 2. Vincentius Nensi Students: 1. Angel Jeniafny Guntur: Chef Artis, Chef Artis, Camera Operator sub topic movie 2. Polatitha Arnita Ndoen: Anchor 3. Putry Joseph: Chef Artis, Camera Operator sub topic movie 4. Piva Bano: Camera Operator 5. Vera Netha Gaelomi: Camera Operator, Chef Artis 6. Marino Wiliams: Camera Oeprator 7. Libertus Meka, etc: Handy Man Villagers: 1. Ari Marga (path finder to the “Kayu Ular Tree”) Vendors: 1. Pasar OeBa / Traditional Market place (provides vegetables) 2. HyperMart (provides kinds of utensil used in the film) 3. Aroma Daging Se’i (provide well done Daging Se’i) 4. Bambu Kuning Daging Se’i (allow students to film the process of Daging Se’i) 5. On The Rock Hotel (rent place at sea side) 6. Gid’s Photography (provides technical assist during filming) 7. SBP Internet Service Provider ~ Carlo Dasanov (provides internet access to upload films) University: 1. Provide Room for Cooking Class filming 2. Provide Room for Recording Folk Song in Acoustic form.
Project Outcome There are several outcome produced from this Mini Project, namely Documentary Film of Traditional Staple food and kinds of traditional herbal medicine raw material, a text book on how to create a simple documentary film. The book is still in progress, not finished yet. It will be a additional book to enrich the Multi Media Class in Computer Science Department. There will be a seminar attended by all students to see the documentary film and how to process the film using free and open source software. Goal and Objectives Achieved As mention above the, Goal of this Mini Project is preserving the traditional staple food recipes in Audio Visual form. Objectives: documenting traditional staple food from West Timor. Widen Lecturer’s Viewpoint of Research and Community Services Topics; give experiences to students in using kinds of tools for filming using free open source software. “Incidentally, I made mistakes by embedding songs as background music that has Intellectual Property Rights, and when I uploaded the first film on to the YouTube, they warn me, I canceled and deleted the first movie and ask my fellow lectures to play folks song from several area in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province using Acoustic Guitar” then this project has a new objectives achieved “several Folk Songs include in the Film in an Acoustic Guitar form. Qualitative There are several qualitative achievements from this Mini Project: students have new choice in making their projects (digitalized things which local knowledge as the source). Fellow lectures enthusiast to work together because this enrich them in experiences.
Quantitative An increase in documentation form, first it as only in pictures and unorganized parts of movie, now in complete documentary film. There will be literatures based on experiences to the next project and teaching materials. There are several measurable items in this Mini Project, 1. Preserving the traditional staple food recipes in Audio Visual form 2. Widen Lecturer’s Viewpoint of Research and Community Services Topics 3. Give experiences to students, plus 4. Using Acoustic Folk song If each item weighted 25% then this Mini Project gain 100% success Overall Impact of the project There will be changes on how each lecturer teaches, first of all: how the lecturer is able to see the connection between the subject and the environment, further give direction to the students to explore the environment, documenting it, and answer questions that arise from the exploration results, and present possible answers. Future Implication There will be a big leap in teaching materials and method in Widya Mandira Catholic University, from paper based to documentary movie based. Lecturers will guide their student to create their own learning material by filming it on the field, laboratory, offices and many places. By doing that, all will gather in class room only to watch each other presentation, and enrich each other, the class will vivid in research atmosphere. Everyone will be busy to prepare their mini project, the small step to be a research university has begun.
Addendum 1: Lesson Learnt about Intellectual Property Rights
YouTube warn me of my mistakes and I deleted the first movie, I render new movie and used Folk songs played by my fellow lectures using Acoustic Guitar
Addendum 2: Using Free Open Source Software to Edit Movie
Joining Movie Clip, Embedding Sound, Rendering using Free Open Source Video Editor Software, KDENLIVE 0.9.6 on Linux Mint 15 Operating System 64bit.
Editing Movie can also use YouTube free movie editor but it needs fast internet connection
Addendum 3: Translation in English
Addendum 4: Folk song Recording
The students in actions
References 1. 2. accessed July 2013