MODULE Reviving the Children’s Traditional Game “Nyai Puthut” in Malang, East Java.
SINOPSIS One of the fading traditional arts is children’s traditional games. The loss of children’s traditional games is detrimental to the culture of Malang, as many of those games contain values and skills that are important for children’s development. One of such games is a called Nyai Puthut. The goals of this project are: (1) reintroduction of children’s traditional game “Nyai Puthut” to the people in Malang, (2) inventory of the moral message contained in the Nyai Puthut game, (3) appreciation and implementation of the values embedded in Nyai Puthut game in the daily life, (4) enhancement of artistic skills in the form of gestures and songs for the children, (5) enhancement of social skills, especially for the children and the people in Malang in general, (6) making available a documentation of Malang children’s traditional game “Nyai Puthut”in the form of videos.
OBJECTIVES To document, preserve and disseminate the traditional children game of Malang East Java called Nyai Puthut. CONTENT What is all about? Traditional customs and traditions of Timor island depicted in a drama performance.
Where is it collected from? Six villages in the City of Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Why is the knowledge important? The Nyai Puthut traditional game contains values and skills that are important for children’s development. This game needs to be preserved and taught to children, so that the interest in this traditional game grows. What is the available knowledge? The available local knowledge to be revived and documented in this project include Nyai Puthut is a game that involves spirits which are believed to have possessed the Nyai Puthut prop. For that reason, before the game is begun the children will sing together while forming a circle. At the same time the Nyai Puthut prop is placed at the center of the circle and on top of a loft, underneath which some damp leaves are burned (meant to summon spirits). Nyai Puthut game is one of the socio-cultural richness of Malang which currently is very rare and even close to extinction, since it has not been played for more than thirty years. Consequently, only the older generation who still knows it while the younger generation no longer knows and appreciates Nyai Puthut as a game. How does the knowledge work? The game of Nyai Puthut contains moral values which are important for children education. By playing this game the players, in this case, children will be exposed to traditional moral teachings which are still relevant to today’s world situation. This traditional game will also enhance the artistic skills in the form of gestures and songsamong the children who play it. Moreover this game will also improve the social skills of the participating children.
POSTSCRIPT It is interesting to note that despite having never heard of Nyai Puthut game, several community leaders of villages in the City of Malang still agreed to facilitate the reintroduction of the game. Reintroduction of the Nyai Puthut game was documented audio-visually. Moreover, the reintroduction has also attracted media attention, ranging from local newspapers, radio and TV stations. The Municipal Government has also paid ample attention to the Nyai Puthut reintroduction. CONTENT MATERIAL Drs. Cornelius Niwadolo, MM. and colleagues, Widya Karya Catholic University. Email: E-MODULE EDITOR Prof. Dr. Y. Budi Widianarko, University Network for Digital Knowledge (UNDK) Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU), Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur IV/1, Semarang 50234 – INDONESIA, email:
By Drs. Cornelius Niwadolo, MM Drs. Ratmoko Rini Susriyani, SS., M Hum
: Re-enactment of Children’s Traditional Game “Nyai Puthut” in Malang
Community Service Team Team Leader : Name : Drs. Cornelius Niwadolo, MM, NIDN : 0706055302 Functional Position : Asisten Ahli Department : Management Program Cellphone number : 082142541127 Email : Member (1) Full Name NIDN Name of Institution
: : Drs. Ratmoko : 0024096102 : Widya Karya Catholic University Malang
Member (2) Full Name NIDN Name of Institution
: Rini Susriyani, SS., M Hum : 0708077203 : Widya Karya Catholic University Malang
Length of Activty Budget Year Total Expense
: one year : 2013 – 2014 : Rp. 21.808.000,--
Acknowledged by Head of LPPM,
Malang, 20 March 2014 Team Leader,
Signed signed Dra.M.A.F.Suprapti, MM
Acknowledged by Rector,
Drs. Cornelius Niwadolo, MM
Rm.M.Agung Christiputra,O.Carm., MA
Contemporary progress in technology and environment has changed much of the culture in Malang, to the point of eroding the present’s generation interest in traditional artforms. One of the fading traditional arts is children’s traditional games. The loss of children’s traditional games is detrimental to the culture of Malang, as many of those games contain values and skills that are important for children’s development. One of such games is a game called Nyai Puthut which the community service program team believes is worthy to be preserved and taught to contemporary children in the form of game re-enactment. It is therefore this program, “Re-enactment of Children’s Traditional Game Nyai Puthut in Malang”, was conducted.
The goals of this program are: 1. Socialization or re-introducing the people in Malang to their traditional richness, in particular Malang children’s traditional game “Nyai Puthut”. 2. Knowledge of the moral message contained in the Nyai Puthut game. 3. Appreciation and implementation of the values contained in Nyai Puthut in the society’s daily life. 4. Enhancement of artistic skills in the form of gestures and songs for the children. 5. Enhancement of social skills, especially for the children and the people in Malang in general. 6. Making available a documentation of Malang children’s traditional game “Nyai Puthut”in the form of videos. The activities involved in this program are as follows: • Research in the form of survey to obtain the specifics of Nyai Puthut game.
• Interviews with informants that had the knowledge of the game. • Training of the children who would be participants of the game; this activity was preceded by approaching several local leaders to obtain their consent for the performance of the game in their locales and/or with their children. • Notifying the mass media as a means to heighten public’s awareness of the enactment of the game. • Re-enactment of the game (conducted twice in different locales). The program’s outputs are: • Video documentation of the re-enactment of Nyai Puthut game. • Media articles and shows which report the re-enactment. Total budget of the program amounted to Rp 21.808.000,-The hoped-for result of this program is new interest in traditional children’s games, in particular for the children and adults who have participated in the re-enactment. The experiences gained from doing the re-enactment would be integrated in students’ curriculum for Ilmu Sosial Budaya Dasar (Elementary Socio-Cultural Knowledge) class, so that students would know and appreciate the traditional games of their culture.
Malang, as a socio-geographical concept which is today is called Malang Raya (Malang Valley), consists of Malang Regency, Malang City, and Batu City. Malang is a part of East Java province within whose cultural perspective a few sub-cultures have developed, namely: Mentaraman Javanese sub-culture, Arek sub-culture, Pendalungan sub-culture, and Metropolitan sub-culture. As a part of Mentaraman Javanese cultural territory, Malang in the past was rich in various traditional games, whether they are games for adults or for children, as well as games that involved Spirits. One of children’s games known in Malang in the past is a game called Nyai Puthut or Nyi Puthut. Nyai Puthut game currently suffers the same fate as other children’s games in general, in which they have been abandoned and have even been (nearly) extinct due to changes in natural environment and time. Changes in natural environment mean that as a result of the multiplication of the population in Malang open spaces intended for public use have decreased. As a result of population growth, public spaces, house yards and farmlands have been converted into housing and industrial areas, as well as into office buildings and department stores. The use of electrical lightings has also greatly altered the environment which had previously depended on illumination from the sun and the moon. Changes in time mean that there have been changes in social behavioral pattern caused by the use of technology in daily life, especially in the fields of communication and transportation. Without exception, the aforesaid changes have affected children’s games.
Traditional children’s games that tended to be played in a group in an open space or in house yards, using media or tools made of materials that could be found in near vicinity such as wood, bamboo, tree branches, leaves, and ropes, in particular games that were played at night under the illumination of the moon, have been replaced by industrial game toys. The nature of children’s games has changed from communal into individual, and they are now played indoors under the illumination of electric lights. The scarceness of children’s games in Malang, in particular Nyai Puthut game, in addition to being caused by the abovementioned factors, is also caused by socio-political and socio-religious factors. The socio-political factor that caused the scarceness of traditional games is the 30 September Movement in 1965 which was made more severe by the oppressive and authoritarian New Order regime. The socioreligious factor is the development of religious living, especially Islam, which immediately judged traditional matters as heresy, and even called activities which involved spirits, such as is found in Nyai Puthut game, as idolatry. As indicated by the description above of changes in natural environment and time, Nyai Puthut game as a traditional game distinct of Malang is no longer known by children and adult people under 40 years old. II. NYAI PUTHUT GAME Nyai Puthut is a traditional children’s game which is played in open spaces (house yards or fields) at night during full moon and is played in a group led by a leader (usually a woman regarded as the society’s elder). Nyai Puthut is played using a prop or media in the form of a large female doll as a manifestation of the bidadari (apsara) whose function is as the entertainer, guide, healer, and problem solver in the game. The prop or media for Nyai Puthut is made of the following materials: 1. A basket commonly used to hold grass or a chicken cage
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Bamboo stem Siwur, a traditional water dipper made of coconut shell Kebaya, a traditional women’s blouse-dress A long fabric A head-dress fabric Coloring materials (“enjet� chalk, or charcoal powder)
Players (the children) have to obtain materials used to make the Nyai Puthut prop not by asking or borrowing, but must be by stealing (from parents or neighbors). We need to emphasize here that the parents or neighbors, despite losing some possessions, usually did not find this stealing infuriating. They knew that the children only wanted to play a game, and when the Nyai Puthut game was completed the children would return the stolen things. A few days before the game, the prop should be completed and stored someplace (thought best to be stored in a cemetery). Nyai Puthut is a game that involves spirits which are believed to have possessed the Nyai Puthut prop. For that reason, before the game is begun the children will sing together while forming a circle. At the same time the Nyai Puthut prop is placed at the center of the circle and on top of a loft, underneath which some damp leaves are burned (meant to summon spirits). III. USEFULNESS AND URGENCY OF THE PROGRAM Nyai Puthut game is one of the socio-cultural riches of Malang which currently is very rare and even close to extinct, since it has not been played for more than thirty years. Consequently, only the older generation who still knows it while the younger generation, especially children, no longer knows and understands, moreover appreciates, Nyai Puthut as a game. For that reason, the Widya Karya Catholic University of Malang feels obliged to re-introduce, cultivate, and preserve Nyai Puthut game as one
of the cultural riches of Malang and as a form of community service to the people of Malang Raya. The significance of traditional children’s game Nyai Puthut is as a vehicle for education, in particular as a character development education for children as the succeeding generation, in order for them to remain rooted in Indonesian culture.
The goals and intended outcomes of the Re-enactment of Children’s Game “Nyai Puthut” in Malang are as follows: 1. Socialization or re-introducing the people in Malang to their traditional riches, in particular Malang children’s traditional game “Nyai Puthut”. 2. Knowledge of the moral message contained in the Nyai Puthut game. 3. Appreciation and implementation of the values contained in Nyai Puthut in the society’s daily life. 4. Enhancement of artistic skills in the form of gestures and songs for the children. 5. Enhancement of social skills, especially for the children and the people in Malang in general. 6. Making available a documentation of Malang children’s traditional game “Nyai Puthut” in the form of videos.
Based on the aforementioned introduction and program goals, the community service program “Re-enactment of Children’s Traditional Game “Nyai Puthut” in Malang”, was conducted with the following methodology: 1. Survey The survey was conducted in 2 (two) stages, which are: 1.a. First Stage: A survey is necessary to be conducted in this program with regard to the fact that Nyai Puthut game in Malang is already scarce, whether in public conversation or in real implementation. The survey was conducted on location or in a village whose residents had played Nyai Puthut in the past, in order to obtain information on the specifics of the game. 1.b. The second survey is for additional details needed for the reenactment of Nyai Puthut game. 2. Interview The interview was conducted with a number of people that according to some info had been involved in past activities of Nyai Puthut game, making them appropriate sources for the purpose of obtaining the specifics of the game.
3. Training The training was for the children who had been asked to participate in the Nyai Puthut game. They were trained to sing the songs necessary as accompaniment for the game. 4. Documentation This method is the documenting process of the entire community service activity.
I. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM The outline of the sequence of the program can be grouped into 3 (three) stages as follows: 1. Preparation Activity: a. First-Stage Survey was conducted to obtain informants or people who had been played or led the Nyai Puthut game in several locations, such as: 1) Segaran Village in Gedangan District, Malang Regency 2) Karanganyar Village in Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency 3) Pulungdowo Village in Tumpang District, Malang Regency 4) Madyopuro Village in Kedungkandang District, Malang City 5) Lesanpuro Village in Kedungkandang District, Malang City 6) Bandulan Village in Sukun District, Malang City The survey was conducted from October to November 2013, yielding information on the specifics of the Nyai Puthut game. b. Second-Stage Survey was conducted by approaching and coordinating with a number of people in order to obtain their approval to enact the Nyai Puthut game.
This survey was conducted from November 2013 to March 2014. At the end of the survey, only two community leaders agreed to have the Nyai Puthut game re-enactment in two locations: the Madyopuro Village Kedungkandang District Malang City, and Karanganyar Village Poncokusumo District Malang Regency. After the leaders from the two locations above approved the enactment of Nyai Puthut, the following steps were then taken: A. Preparation for the enactment at Madyopuro Village: 1) Coordination with the local leader Mr. Sutrisno who was also the Committee Chairman of Madyopuro 6th State Elementary School (SDN 6 Madyopuro), as well as with the performing artists of the Kuda Lumping Performance Arts in Madyopuro. 2) Request for the approval of the principal of SDN 6 Madyopuro to engage the students of SDN 6 in the enactment. The principal gave his full consent enthusiastically. 3) Traditional game song and dance training for the fourth and fifth grade students of SDN 6 Madyopuro from November 9 to the final rehearsal on November 16, 2013. 4) Preparation of the props and logistics for the Nyai Puthut enactment on November 16, 2013 at Madyopuro and Karanganyar villages, as well as inviting the Kuda Lumping Performance Arts to the enactment to enliven it. B. Preparation for the enactment at Karanganyar Village Poncokusumo: Despite having never heard of Nyai Puthut game, the community leaders of Karangnyar Village Poncokusumo District still agreed to facilitate the enactment of the game, while the rest of the preparations were handed over to the Community Service Team, including the engagement of the students of SDN Madyopuro who had previously participated in the Nyai Puthut game on November 16, 2013.
The steps conducted are as follows: 1) Re-coordination with the community leader Mr. Sutrisno who was also the Committee Chairman of SDN 6 Madyopuro, as well as with the artists of the Kuda Lumping Performing Arts in Madyopuro. 2) Request for the approval of Kepala SDN 6 Madyopuro to engage the students of SDN 6 Madyopuro in the second enactment, over which the principal gave his full approval. 3) Traditional game song and dance training for the fourth and fifth grade students of SDN 6 Madyopuro from February 24 to the final rehearsal on March 14, 2014. 4) Preparation of the props and logistics for the enactment of the Nyai Puthut game on Saturday, March 15, 2014, as well as inviting the Kuda Lumping Performance Arts to the second enactment to enliven it.
2. Implementation of the Activity: The main activity in this Community Service Program is the reenactment of the traditional game Nyai Puthut, which was held two times on: 1. Day and Date : Saturday, November 16, 2013 Time : 07.30 PM - 09.45 PM, West Indonesia Time Location : RT 5 – RW 5 Madyopuro Village Kedungkandang District, Malang City. 2. Day and Date : Saturday, March 15, 2014 Time : 07.30 PM - 09.45 PM, West Indonesia Time Location : Karanganyar Village, Poncokusumo District Malang Regency.
3. Results and Discussion of the Activity The sequences of the activity, from the preparation until the reenactments of the Nyai Puthut game, can be described as follows. As usual with children’s games, the game includes the following things: a. Socialization vehicle for children to mingle and be acquainted wth each other. b. An actualization of the expressions of joy c. An actualization of communication and motion skills d. Socialization of values and/or norms that apply to the environment e. Education vehicle to familiarize children with plants, animals, past history, the nature On the whole, what can be formulated from the traditional game Nyai Puthut is that a number of local knowledge values within the game are still relevant for application and conservation, for the sake of the younger generation in fulfilling their nation’s development based on Indonesian values. What we mean by the primacy of these values are as follows: a. Psychological Development Aspect Children are human beings that are still in the early stages of psychological development. A child’s psychological development would be able to develop fully and proportionally through playing games together with his peers. b. Individual Aspect Through playing games together with his peers, a child would be able to know or feel his individual entity, that he is different from other children.
c. Social Aspect To play Nyai Puthut cooperation is needed in collecting materials and making the tools or game media; moreover, such cooperation is needed in playing the game itself. d. Natural Aspect Nyai Puthut game uses media made of bamboo, coconut shells, branches and leaves, and is played during full moons. Therefore, children would understand the usefulness or the benefits of the things provided by nature; in that way children would appreciate and safeguard the plants that provide the materials for their games. Since Nyai Puthut involves invisible spirits, children would understand that in this universe beside humans, animals, and plants there are also creatures that are invisible to the eye, and these creatures could help children in their game by becoming the joy of the game or making both children and adults happy. Therefore, the children would be sure to develop acknowledgement and appreciation for and communication with creatures other that humans, animals, and plants. It is even unnecessary to summon the spirits by burning joss sticks or incense but suffice to burn just some leaves. This means that spirits do not have to be revered or even worshipped by humans. e. Environmental or Geographical Aspect Through Nyai Puthut game children would be familiar with their geographical surroundings; moreover, Nyai Puthut game is not known in other region, so when the children grow up they would realize that their own region is different from others, including the children’s games.
f. Artistic Aspect Nyai Puthut is always accompanied by songs or dolanan (play) songs. This means children would learn to sing and know children’s songs. g. Educational Aspect The children’s songs in Nyai Puthut, as is common with traditional songs, have in their lyrics educational content such as ethics, history, social instructions, culture, geography, and others.
4. Followup of the Activity The follow-ups of the main activity, the first enactment of the Nyai Puthut game as mentioned above, are as follows. a. Dissemination of the enactment to the society which was conducted in the following ways: 1) Directly to the society through informal discussions and the residents’ gatherings. 2) Indirectly through both print and electronic mass media, and local radio and TV stations in Malang, such as: a) Article in Metro News b) TV show “Seni dan Tradisi (Art and Tradition)” on Dhamma TV c) TV show “Jathi Show” on Dhamma TV d) Radio program “Apresiasi Sosial – Budaya (Social and Cultural Appreciation)” on RRI Progama 2 RRI Malang. b. Cooperation with the Department of Education and Culture at Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City. c. Preparation of the script for Nyai Puthut game.
The results achived from the Community Service Program “Re-enactment of Children’s Traditional Game Nyai Puthut in Malang” are as follows: 1. Enhanced social skills for fourth and fifth grade students of Madyopuro 6th State Elementary School, Kedungkandang District, Malang City. 2. Self-confidence and/or skills to perform Nyai Puthut game in an open space and in front of an audience. 3. The skill to sing children’s songs of the past. 4. Documentation in the form of videos on Nyai Puthut game. 5. Mass media broadcast and news about Nyai Puthut performance. 6. Establishing cooperation with local mass media: newspaper, radio stations, and TV. 7. Establishing cooperation with local government in Malang.
1. Conclusion From the activity of Re-enactment of Children’s traditional game Nyai Puthut in Malang, it can be concluded that: a. Children’s traditional games which used to be around in many regions in Indonesia, especially Nyai Puthut game in Malang, are revealed to be educational vehicle for children as they contain values that are very important for the children to develop into good and responsible citizens with regard to other people and the culture of their surroundings. b. A major transformation has happened to the conditions of the local regions and the behavioral patterns of the people of Malang, due to changes in natural environment and time. c. The majority of people in Malang, particularly children, no longer knows or be familiar with traditional games which used to grow and develop in Malang, and have instead become more familiar with modern industrial games which are played individually and indoors. d. The social solidity of the society, especially children, is very small and fragile, endangering the sustainability of the existence of Indonesian nation that is pluralistic and known to be affable and virtuous. e. The people and local government of Malang have little concern for the socio-cultural riches that once graced the localities in Malang.
2. Suggestions a. Institutions of higher learning, through the implementation of Tridharma should be familiar with the socio-cultural riches of their own neighborhoods, in order to be able to stand firm on the foundation made of the riches and their own environments, in addition to being open to the developments of science and outside technologies. b. Institutions of higher learning, through the implementation of Tridharma should re-discover, renovate, and preserve the sociocultural riches of their neighborhoods, for the sake of a regionalvisaged Indonesia. c. Local governments, through related departments within them, should re-discover, renovate, and preserve the socio-cultural riches of their regions; in order for their regions to keep an Indonesian visage. d. The society itself should re-discover, renovate, and preserve the socio-cultural riches of its locality for the sake of itself and the groups within it in order to keep an Indonesian visage. e. In Malang itself re-socialization and re-enactments of children’s traditional games like Nyai Puthut should be conducted in order to attain a society and local government of Malang which are based on local knowledge in addition to reformations of values and modern appliances from the outside. This Report of Community Service Program titled “Re-enactment of Children’s Traditional Game Nyai Puthut” in Malang is therefore concluded. Malang, 20 March 2014 Team Leader, DRS. CORNELIUS NIWADOLO
TIME October 1, 2013
October 3, 2013
ACTIVITY Interview with Mr. Asmoro at Bumiayu Village, Malang City, to get info on the specifics of Nyai Puthut and locations that performed the game in the past.
DETAILS Information obtained: 1. Specifics of Nyai Puthut game and the locations that had performed the game, namely: a. Bandulan and Madyopuro, Malang City b. Segaran village -Gedangan; Pulungdowo - Tumpang; Karanganyar – Poncokusumo in Malang Regency 1. Information on the specifics of Nyai Puthut,
Interview with Mr. Mislan and Mr. Misyanto at Segaran village, Gedangan District, 2. Unwilling or did not have the courage Malang Regency, to enact the game. on the specifics of Nyai Puthut as well as assessing their willingness to enact the game.
NO. 3.
October 16, 2013 Interview with Mr. Sutrisno at Madyopuro village- Kedungkandang, Malang City, as well as assessing his willingness to enact Nyai Puthut game October 17, 2013 Assessment survey at Lisanpuro village – kedungkandang Malang City, on the willingness to enact Nyai Puthut October 24, 2013 Coordination for the enactment of Nyai Puthut at Madyopuro, Malang City November 1, Appeal for the approval of the 2013 principal of SDN 6 to engage the students for a participation in the enactment of Nyai Puthut November 2, Assessment survey for the 2013 willingness to enact Nyai Puthut at Karanganyar village -Poncokusumo – Malang Regency
DETAILS 1. Has heard the game before, but did not know it. 2. Willingness to facilitate the enactment of the game. Never heard of Nyai Puthut, but were willing to facilitate the enactment of the game. An agreement was produced to prepare for and enact Nyai Puthut game. Approval was granted and fourth and fifth grade students were involved in the preparation and enactment of Nyai Puthut Did not know Nyai Puthut, but were supportive and willing to facilitate the enactment of the game at Karanganyar village.
NO. 8.
TIME November 3, 2013
November 7, 2013
November 7, 12, 14, 2013
November 13, 2013
November 14, 2013
November 16, 2014; 11.00 AM
Assessment survey for the willingness to enact Nyai Puthut at Pulungdowo village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency Coordination with the principal of SDN 6 Mdyopuro about training schedule and enactment of Nyai Puthut. Song and dance training as accompaniment to the enactment of Nyai Puthut Printing banners for the game enactment to promote it as children’s educational vehichle. Procurement of the requirements for the game enactment Final rehearsal for the participants of the enactment
Did not know and was unwilling to have the enactment of the game.
Agreement over the training schedule and enactment of the game.
Training was led by the leader of the game, together with the Community Service Team. Conducted by Community Service Team
Community Service Team, trainers and leaders of the game. Elementary school students, Community Service Team, trainers and leaders of the game.
November 16, 2014; 07.00 – 10.00 PM
November 25, 2013 – January 2014
February 3, 2014
March 1, 2, 9, 12, 2014
March 13, 2014
March 12 – 14, 2014
ACTIVITY Enactment of the game.
Elementary school students Community Service Team, trainers, leaders of the game, observed by the village population. Editing of the video Community Service documentation of Team. the enactment and preparation of the activity report. Coordination for Agreement over the preparation and training schedule and implementation of second enactment of the second Nyai the game. Puthut enactment on March 15, 2014, at Karanganyar village, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency Song and dance Elementary school training to students, Community accompany the Service Team, second Nyai Puthut trainers and leaders enactment. of the game. Printing banners Community Service for the second Nyai Team Puthut enactment. Procurement of the Community Service requirements for Team the second Nyai Puthut enactment.
DETAILS Elementary school students, Community Service Team, trainers, and leaders of the game. Elementary school students, Community Service Team, trainers, and leaders of the game, observed by the village population Community Service Team
March 14, 2014
Final rehearsal for the second Nyai Puthut enactment.
March 15, 2014
Second enactment of Nyai Puthut.
March 16 – 19, 2014
March 26, 2014
April 2014
Preparation of the report of the Community Service Program activity results. Delivery of the report Socialization of Nyai Puthut game through mass media.
Field Team Community Service Team and Dhamma TV
• • • •
APPENDIX 3 GAME SONGS 1. PADHANG BULAN Yo pra kanca dolanan ing njaba Padhang bulan – padhange kaya rina Rembulane…..wis ngawe – awe Ngelingake, Ojo turu sore – sore.
2. JAMURAN Jamuran, yo ge ge thok Jamur opo, yo ge ge thok Jamur gajih mendhidhih sak oro – oro Sira bedhek jamur opo …?
3. UYEG – UYEG RANTI Uyeg – uyeg ranti.., Ono bebek pinggir kali Nuthuli pari sak uli Cicit cuwit…, kembang…opo?
4. CUNGKUP Cungkup, cungkup milang konde Milang… harum Harum sumbaratan Dak sengguh maesan Cacahona kayu raga Reya –reyo sopo nggawa Sir, sir, pong dhele kopong Sir, sir, pong dhele kopong
5. WIDORO LAYUR Widoro – widoro layur Widarane lagi semi Ayo ben podho nyirami Ayo ben podho nyirami Widoro – widoro layur Widarane lagi kembang Ayo ben podho sundhulan Ayo ben podho sundhulan Widoro – widoro layur Widarane lagi pentil Ayo ben podho rujakan Ayo ben podho rujakan Widoro – widoro layur Widarane lagi mateng Ayo ben podho ngundhuhi Ayo ben podho ngundhuhi Digendong mrosot Digembol mrojol Adhuh biyung ngicak eri Adhuh biyung ngicak eri
6. LINTANG SIJI Lintang – lintang siji Lintang – lintang siji Ayang – ayangane Dorowati Prabu Raden Dorowati Prabu Raden Dorowati Tlethik, udan srikandhi Ore – ore rambut, Sido ngore raden Bapak mondhong gemak Ari bapak …Pucung.
7. PUTHUK DHUWUR Puthuk dhuwur, gunung; lumpang dowo, lesung Ulo ireng, dumung; Pethel gedhe, wadung Nomo kulo kamit Kulo dados dokter Lamun ndiko sakit Kulo langkung pinter Nyuwun kaleresan; angsal jampi wudun Sampun tigang wulan ; mboten mantun – mantun.
8. KRUPUKAN Krupukan, krupukan Minta jalan kandang sapi Bayarnya sekati, Sekatinya empat puluh Ketan Sake yang – gulo sak klopo Milih lintang opo mbulan..?
MAIN SONGS TO ACCOMPANY NYAI PUTHUT GAME: 1 ILIR – ILIR Lir ilir …, tandure wis sumilir Tak ijo royo – royo, Tak sengguh kemanten anyar Cah angon…. Penekna … blimbing kuwi Lunyu – lunyu penekna Kanggo basuh dodot ira, Dodot ira… kumitir bedhah ing pinggir Dondomona, jrumatona kanggo seba mengko sore Mumpung jembar …. kalangane Mumpung padhang… rembulane Yo surak... aaa, surak.. hore
2. GOTONG ROYONG Gotong royong – rotong royong kerja sama, Meringankan bebannya Saudara kita Ini cara kerja dari bangsa kita Yang hidup sejak jaman dahulu kala Pedoman kita Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Tak memandang drajad pangkat dan kulitnya Dari kota sampai ke pelosok desa Kita semua janganlah terpecah-belah Holopis kuntul …Holopis kuntul Holopis kuntul … Holopis kuntul Holopis kuntul baris
3. MALANG KOTA INDAH Malang Kota Indah Republik Indonesia Di antara gunung – gunung pemandangan indah Banyak wisatawan berkunjung ke kotaku Sayuran dan buah-buahan melimpah ruah Ayo rek…ayo rek, galang kebersihan Ayo rek… ayo rek, galang ketertiban Satu tujuanku – Satu Semboyanku Malang Namaku – Majulah Negriku
4. KAKI PUTHUT – NYAI PUTHUT Kaki Puthut – Nyai Puthut Krenjang era, suro teko Kaudanan – kepanasan Nyai Puthut, jumbla – jumbla lir kinantu, Sabuk silir – lir ginantu Gleyang - gleyang layone Layone Putri Maukung Dede dewa lan suksma Widadari tumuruna Suraka, surak horeee Sekar dhadhap, Medhab – medhab ing alam donya Ora ugo, ora semaya Adol gulo ndang dledhagno Lakune esek –esekan Surake surak horeee.
Kembang menur Klembak – klembak pinggir sumur Dede kembang Menur Nyai Puthut wedhak pupur Suraka surak horee. Kembang mlathi Klembak – klembak pinggir kali Dede kembang mlathi Nyai Puthut jungkat suri Suraka surak horee.
5. LIR GUMILIR Lir gumilir, Gumilir anyar katon Kakang – kakang padha ngilira Temonona dhayohira Dhayohir ngundang dewa Dede dewa lan suksma Widadari tumuruna Suraka, surak horee Uluk – uluk, perkutuk bisa muluk Uluk …na, widodari tumuruna Surako, surak, horee