T. 215.663.2400 www.juganphila.com news@juganphila.com
공항 ......................................................................... 75 구두수선 .................................................................. 76 기원 ......................................................................... 76 꽃집 76 건 축 냉동/히팅 60 마루 ......................................................................... 61 배관 ......................................................................... 62 사이딩/루핑 ............................................................ 62 설계 64 알루미늄 .................................................................. 64 유리 ......................................................................... 64 전기 64 조경 ......................................................................... 65 종합건축 .................................................................. 66 주방 ......................................................................... 70 창문/도어 70 철공 ......................................................................... 72 타일 ......................................................................... 72 페인트 ..................................................................... 72 나 널싱홈(양로원) ........................................................ 78 노래방 78 농장 ......................................................................... 79 다 동물병원 .................................................................. 83 동양식품 .................................................................. 84 떡집 84
보험조정사 ............................................................ 134 볼링장 ................................................................... 134 부동산 .................................................................. 134
병 원 가정의학과 .............................................................. 99 내과 99 다리/발 ................................................................. 100 레이저 ................................................................... 100 마취과 ................................................................... 101 방사선과 101 산부인과 ................................................................ 101 성형외과 ................................................................ 101 소아과 102 안과/검안과 103 알러지과 ................................................................ 103 외과 ....................................................................... 103 이비인후과 103 재활의학과 ............................................................ 104 정신과 ................................................................... 104 종합병원 ................................................................ 104 척추신경/통증 106 치과 ....................................................................... 118 구강외과 ................................................................ 124 소아치과 124 치아교정 ................................................................ 125 치주보철과 ............................................................ 125 피부과 ................................................................... 125 사
사무기 ................................................................... 147 사우나 147 사진 ....................................................................... 147 산후조리 ................................................................ 147
약국 ....................................................................... 163
언론기관 ................................................................ 164
여행사 ................................................................... 165
연회장/예식장 165
요가 ....................................................................... 166
운송(이삿짐) .......................................................... 166
웨딩/웨딩드레스/신부화장 166
융자/모기지 .......................................................... 168
은행 ....................................................................... 169
이발관 ................................................................... 170
이불/혼수 171 이사 ....................................................................... 171
인쇄 ....................................................................... 171 인쇄(실크프린팅) 171
의 류
숙녀복/신사복 ....................................................... 169
스포츠웨어 170
아동복 .................................................................... 170 일반의류 ................................................................ 170 한복 170
자 동 차
딜러 ....................................................................... 172 트럭(렌탈) 174 바디 ....................................................................... 174 썬팅 ....................................................................... 176
유리 ....................................................................... 176 정비 176 토잉 ....................................................................... 178 자 장의 ....................................................................... 178 재봉기기 ................................................................ 180
학 교
공공기관 및 미주지역 영사관
주뉴욕총영사관필라델피아출장소 ....... (267) 807-1830
CONSULAR OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA 주필라델피아출장소장 정대섭 Daesup Chung (월~금 오전 9:00-12:00, 오후 1:00-5:00) 사건사고 신고: +1-267-670-2648/ kco_ph@mofa.go.kr 2 Penn Center, 1500 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1830, Philadelphia, PA 19102
주미한국대사관 ................................... (202) 939-5600
Korean Embassy 조태용 Tae-Yong Cho 2450 Massachusetts Ave. N.W. Washington, DC 20008
뉴욕총영사관 ....................................... (646) 674-6000
Korean Consulate General in New York 정병화 Chung, Byung Hwa 460 Park Ave. 6th Fl. New York, NY 10022
달라스총영사관 .................................... (972) 701-0180
Korean Consulate General in Dallas 김명준 Kim Myung-jun 14001 Dallas Parkway Suite 450 Dallas, TX 75240
로스앤젤레스총영사관 ........................ (213) 385-9300
Korean Consulate General in Los Angeles 김영완 Kim Young-wan 3243 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010
보스턴총영사관 ................................... (617) 641-2830
Korean Consulate General in Boston 유기준 Yoo Ki-Joon One Gateway Center, Suite 251. 300 Washington St, Newton, MA 02458
샌프란시스코총영사관 ......................... (415) 921-2251
Korean Consulate General in San Francisco 윤상수 Yoon Sang-soo 3500 Clay St., San Francisco, CA 94118 usa-sanfransisco@mofat.go.kr
시애틀총영사관 .................................... (206) 441-1011
Korean Consulate General in Seattle 서은지 Seo Eun-ji 115 W Mercer St. Seattle, WA 98119
공공기관 및 미주지역 영사관
시카고총영사관 ................................... (312) 822-9485
Korean Consulate General in Chicago 김정한 Kim Jeong-han NBC Tower Suite2700. 455 North Cityfront Plaza Drive. Chicago, IL 60611
앵커리지총영사관 ................................ (907) 339-7955
Korean Consulate General in Anchorage 상승만 Sang Seung-man 800 E. Diamond Blvd. STE 3-695 Anchorage, AK 99515
워싱턴총영사관 .................................... (202) 939-5653
Korean Consulate General in Washington D.C. 조태용 Tae-Yong Cho 2320 Massachusetts Ave, N.W. Washington D.C. 20008
애틀랜타총영사관 ................................ (404) 522-1611
Korean Consulate General in Atlanta 박윤주 Park Yoon-joo 229 Peachtree St, Suite 2100 International Tower, Atlanta, GA, 30303
휴스턴총영사관 ................................... (713) 961-0186
Korean Consulate General in Houston 안명수 Ahn Myung-soo 1990 Post Oak Blvd. #1250, Houston, TX 77056
뉴욕한국문화원 ................................... (212) 759-9550
Korean Cultural Service of NY 이 우 성 Lee, Woo Sung 460 Park Ave. 6th Fl, New York, NY 10022
대한무역투자진흥공사 ........................ (202) 857-7919
Korea Business Center 권평오 Kwonpyeongo 1225 Eye St NW. #920, Washington, DC 20005
한국관광공사 ....................................... (201) 585-0909
Korea Tourism Organization 안영배 An Yeongba 2 Executive Dr. Suite #750, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
한국무역협회 ....................................... (212) 826-0900
Korea international Trade Association 460 Park Ave. 14th Fl, New York, NY 10022
민주평통자문회의 필라협의회 ........... (856) 313-3232
The National Unification Advisory Council Philadelphia, U.S.A 성티나 Tina Sung 1818 Old Cuthbert RD #211, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
21 2023 Jugan
대필라델피아한인연합회 ..................... (215) 927-1580
Korean American Association of Greater Philadelphia 회장 샤론 황 Hartz, Sharon 1001 W 70th Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19126
대남부뉴저지한인회 ............................ (856) 520-8106
The Greater South New Jersey Korean American Association 회장 티나 성 Sung, Tina 1818 old Cuthbert Rd, #211, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
델라웨어주한인회 ................................ (302) 750-1166
Delaware Korean American Association 회장 조나단박 Jonathan Park 249 Philadelphia Pike, Suite 2. Wilmington, DE 19809
미동북부한인회연합회.......................... (609) 284-3865
Federation of Korean American Association of North Eastern 회장 이 주 향 Judy, Yoo 58 Equestrian Dr. Burlington NJ 08016 리하이벨리 한인회 ............................... (610) 433-1122
Korean Associantion of Lehign Valley 이 석 원 Lee, Sukwon 393 Linden St. Allentown, PA 18102
필라지역 한인회
Montgomery County Korean Seniors Association 윤희철 606 E. Main st. Peak Center, Lansdale, PA 19722
The Federation of Korean American Association of North Eastern in USA 이주향 Yoo, Judy P.O. Box 26 Burlington NJ 08616
미주한인회총연합회 ............................ (703) 391-7185
The Federation of Korean Association, USA 이 정 순 Lee, Jungsoon www.koreanfedus.org 11864 Sunrise Valley Dr. #200 Reston, VA 20191
남부메릴랜드한인회 ............................ (703) 200-9390 (703) 507-4492
Korean American Association of Southern Maryland 9256 Bendix Rd #206, Columbia, MD 21045 410-772-5393
노스캐롤라이나 샬롯한인회 ................ (704) 307-9584 전승현 1339 Charlotte, NC 28204
뉴저지한인총연합회 ............................ (201) 945-9456
Federation of Korean American Ass. of NJ 문경화 Moon Kyunghwa 21 Grand Ave #216-B, Palisades Park, NJ 07650
뉴욕한인회 .......................................... (212) 255-6969
The Korean American Association of Greater New York 챨스윤 Charles Yoon 149 West 24th St, 6th Fl. New York, NY 10011
달라스한인회 ...................................... (972) 241-4524
The Korean American Association of Dallas 회장 유성주 11500 N Stemmons Fwy #160, Dallas, TX 75229
델마바한인회 ...................................... (410) 422-3375
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 미주지역 한인회
로드아일랜드 한인회 ........................... (401) 368-0467
Korean American Society of Rhode Island P.O.BOX 9142, Providence RI
로스앤젤레스 한인회 ........................... (323) 732-0192
Korean-American Federation of Los Angeles 로라전 Laura Jeon 981 S. Western Ave, #100, Los Angeles, CA 90006
리치몬드한인회 .................................... (804) 874-3079
Korean American Association of Richmond 회장 김은호 2927 Polo Pkwy. Midlothian, VA 23113
마이애미 한인회 ..................................... (954) 336-0178
Korean American Association of South Florida 회장 김형규 4987 north university DR Lauderhill FL 33351
몽고메리한인회 .................................... (703) 946-9091
Korean American Association of Montgomery County 회장 이정민 9706 Eclipse Place Montgomery Village, MD 20886
메릴랜드총한인회 ................................ (443) 851-1180
The Korean American of the State of Maryland 회장 김인덕 P.O.Box 637 Rockville, MD 20848
멕시코주 한인회 ................................... (505) 271-1777
Korean American Society of New Mexico 윤태자 회장 9607 Menaul Blvd. NE Albuquerque. NM 87112
미네소타 한인회 ................................... (763) 440-9192
Korean Association of Minnesota 한 현 숙 Han, Huynsook 1331 County Rd D Cir E, St Paul, MN 55109
보스톤한인회 ........................................(781) 933-8822
Korean American Society of New England 한 선 우 Han, Sun Woo
170 Mystic Ave, Medford, MA 02155
버지니아 한인회 .................................. (703) 534-8900
K-A Society of Virginia 회장 은정기
6131 Willston Dr, Falls Church, VA 22044
북버지니아 한인회 ............................... (703) 534-8900
Korean American Association of Northern Virginia 우태창 Woo Teachang
6131 Willston Dr, Falls Church, VA 22044
샌프란시스코 한인회 ........................... (925) 858-3686
Korean American Association of San Francisco & Greater Bay Area 강승구 Kang Seunggoo 745 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
시카고 한인회 ...................................... (773) 878-1900
Korean American Association of Chicago 서이탁 Seo Yeetack 5941 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL 60659
아리조나 한인회 .................................. (602) 230-2019
Arizona Korean Association 우 영 린 Woo, Younglin 401 W. Baseline Rd. Suite 106, Tempe, AZ 85283
앤아버 한인회 ...................................... (734) 678-4095
Korean American Society of Ann Arbor 김 성 준 Kim, Sung Joon PO Box 3081, Ann Arbor, MI 49106
애틀랜타 한인회 ................................... (770) 263-1888
Korean American Society of the Greater Atlanta 김 의 석 Kim, Eui Suk 6930 Buford Hwy, Doraville, GA 30340
오레곤 한인회 ...................................... (503) 977-2617
Korean Society of Oregon 김 성 주 Kim, Sung Joo 7650 SW 81st Ave, Portland, OR 97223
오렌지 카운티 한인회 .......................... (714) 530-4810
Korean American Federation of O.C. 오 득 재 Oh, Deuk Jae 9888 Garden Grove Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92844
워싱톤지구한인연합회 ......................... (703) 354-3900
The Korean-American Association of Washington Metropolitan Area 회장 공석 7004-L Little River Tpke Annandale, VA 22003
웨스트버지니아 한인회 ........................ (304) 906-9292 West Virginia Korean Association 회장 한배철 302 Villa View Dr. Morgantown, WV 26505
중부 오하이오 한인회 ......................... (614) 668-8585
Korean American Society of Central Ohio 홍 문 국 Hong, Moon Guk P.O.BOX 20799, Columbus, OH 43220
커네티컷 한인회 ................................... (203) 257-2424
Korean American Society of Connecticut 이종원 Lee, Jong Won 2781 Dixwell Avenue, Suite 212, Hamden, CT 06518
콜로라도주 한인회 ............................... (303) 755-7274
Korean Association of Colorado 윤 한 규 Yoon, Han Kyu 1930 S Havana St, Ste #109&110, Aurora, CO 80014
클리블랜드 한인회 ............................... (216) 689-2999
Korean American Association of Greater Cleveland 김 승 규 Kim, Seung Kyu 1541 East 38th St. Cleveland, OH 44114
휴스턴 한인회 ...................................... (713) 984-2066
The Korean American Association of Houston 김기훈 Kim kihoon 1809 Hollister RD. Houston, TX 77080
북미주한인기독실업인협회체리힐 (856) 320-6712 CBMC of Cherry Hill 김 문 열 Moon Y Kim 900E. Clements Bridge Rd. Runnemede NJ 08078 펜주한인뷰티서플라이협회 .................(267)228-8169 Penn. Korean Beauty Supply Association 나 상 규 Na, Sang K. 1310 Tanglewood Dr. North Wales 19454 필라한인세탁인협회
필라한인청과협회 ................................ (267) 304-3210
Korean American Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Association of Phila delphia 회장 노옥수
남부뉴저지세탁협회 ............................ (609) 760-9950
변 지 상 Byun, Ji Sang 400 W. Main St. Maple Shade, NJ 08052
뉴저지세탁협회 .................................... (732) 283-5135
KCANJ 이 용 호 512 Lincoln Hwy. 2nd floor. Iselin, NJ 08830
52가한인상가번영회 ............................ (267) 250-9626
52nd Korean American Business Association 김 영 이 Kim, Young Yee 268 S. 52nd St. Philadelphia, PA 19139
공수특전동지회 ................................... (267)269-8001
The Association of Korea Special Force 박팔용 Park, Paul 6330 Palmetto St. Philadelphia, PA 19111
미주한국전통문화연구원 .................... (856) 236-6916
Korean Heritage Learning Institute 엄 종 열 Chongyull Um 1101 E. Gibbsboro Rd No.129 Lindenwold NJ 08021
민주평화통일자문회의 필라델피아협의회 ..... (856) 313-3232
Korean American Grocery Association of Philadelphia 이승수 Lee, Seung Soo P.O. Box 32117, Philadelphia, PA 19146
The Peaceful Unification Advisory Council Philadelphia Chapter 성 티나 Tina Sung 1818 Old Cuthbert RD #211, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 일송회 .................................................. (267)266-6022 Il Song Organization 김연수 209 Polo Dr. North Wales, 19454 재미한국학교 동중부협의회 ............... (856)979-5101 The National Association for Korean School Mid-Atlantic Chapter 김 정 숙 Kim, Chungsook 138 Lucerne Blvd. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
체리힐라이온스클럽 ........................... (609) 254-1009
Cherry Hill-Penn Korean Lions Club 유 캐 라 1993 Arena Dr, Trenton, NJ 08610
충효국민운동본부필라델피아지부 ...... (215) 917-4446
The Korea Loyalty & Filiat Piety People Movement of Philadelphia
펜주중국조선족동포회 (215) 782-3779
The Korean-Chinese Association of Pennsyvania 박 영 애 Park, Young Ae 5734 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
필라델피아여성회 ............................... (215) 635-5158
Korean Ameriacn Women’s Association of Greater Philadelphia 심 영 미 Shim, Youngmi P.O.Box 274, Gradyvilly, PA 19039
필라이북 5도 연합회 ....................... (215) 386-4042
The Greater Philadelphia Korean American Association of 5 Northern Providence 이 헬 렌 Helen Lee 3901 Market St. #1919 Philadelphia PA 19104
필라한인라이온스클럽 ........................ (215) 917-4446
Philadelphia Korean Lions Club 이 명 식 Lee, Myoung Sik 527 W. Olney Ave, Phila, PA 19120
월남참전전우회 ................................... (267) 616-8899
Korean American Veterans of the Vietnam War 하 동 한 Ha, Dong Han 5120 Centennial Station, Warminster PA 18974
펜실베니아 월남참전전우회 ................ (570) 664-4578
Pennsylvania Korean American Veterans of the Vietnam war 남 성 복 Nam, Sung Bok 940 N. 9th St. Stroudsburg PA 18360
필라해군동지회 .................................... (267) 475-7118
Rok NAVY Veterans 전 희 준 Jean, Hee Joon 5909 N. 5th st Philadelphia, PA 19120
필라해병대전우회 ............................... (267) 474-6765
Korean Marine Veteran’s Association of Philadelphia 김 형 환 Kim, Hyunghwan 1721 Winding Dr, North Wales, PA 19454
한미연구소(ICAS) ................................ (484) 231-8605
Institute for Corean American Studies www.icasinc.org 김 신 자 Kim, Syn Ja / 김 상 주 Kim, Sang Joo icas@icasinc.org 965 Clover Ct, Blue Bell, PA 19422
한미우호총연합회 ............................... (215) 837-1422
The Korean and American Friendship Society 김 태 환 Kim, Tae Hwan 2117 North American St, Philadelphia, PA 19122
CAMC .................................................. (484) 231-8604
Council For America My Country www.camcinc.org 김 상 주 Kim, Sang Joo E-mil: camc@camcinc.org 965 Clover Ct, Blue Bell, PA 19422
그레이스복지센타 ................................ (215) 549-3444
Grace Korean Center 김현희 101 E. Olney Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19120
뉴 비기닝스 데이케어센터 .................(267) 470-1753
New Beginnings Adult Day Center Brendan Hwang admin@newbeginningsadc.com 6423 Rising Sun Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19111
뉴비젼청소년커뮤니티센타 (215) 782-3789 New Vision Asian Youth Service 채 왕 규 Chae, Wang Gyu 36 Limekiln Pike, Glenside, PA 19038
뉴저지한미봉사센터 ........................... (856) 424-2333 Korean American Community Service Center of New Jersey 클라라 리 Lee,Clara 9 Split Rock Dr, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
로렐브룩 한인양로원 ........................... (856) 608-7378 (856) 608-7316
Korean Community at Laurel Brook Rehab 원장 성 원종 (John Sung) 3718 Church Road Mt. Laurel NJ 08054
몽고메리 노인복지센터 ........................ (215) 855-7997
Montgomery Adult Day Care Service Ext. 110 /118 천 정 숙 621 Cowpath Road, Lansdale, PA 19446
요크 한인 요양원 ............. (한국어직통)267-420-2360
York Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 215-424-4090 크리스 서 Chris Seo 7101 Old York Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19126
서재필기념재단 ................................... (215) 224-2000
The Philip Jaisohn Memorial Foundation 최정수 Choi Jungsoo 6705 Old York Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19126
Circle of Friends Adult Day ........ (267) 678-3268 Health Care Center Miya Yoon 윤미영 9405 Bustleton Ave Philadelphia PA 19115
알버릿지한인양로원 ............................ (201) 978-2638 (973) 835-3781
Arbor Ridge Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center 원장 성 원종 (John Sung) 261 Terhune DrWayne, NJ 07470
알버트 노인건강센터............................. (215) 782-837 Albert Senior Day Center 1400 Willow Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027
오로라 홈케어 (215) 833-1559
Aurora Home Care www.auroraathome.com 샤론 황 Hastz, Sharon H. sharon@auroraathome.com 520 Bustleton Pike Feasterville, PA 19053
오로라 홈케어 ........................................ (215) 833-1559
Aurora Home Care www.auroraathome.com 샤론 황 Hartz, Sharon H sharon@auroraathome.com 7320 Old York Road, Suite 200A, Elkins Park, PA 19027
아시안복지회관 ................................... (215) 456-1662
The Greater Philadelphia Asian Social Service Center 김 요 안 Kim, Yo An 4943 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
앗쌉 매니지먼트 .................................... (267) 586-8007 Asap Management Esther Ahn asapdme @gmail.com
에베레스트메디컬그룹 ......................... (267) 844-1357
Everest Medical Group 백 형 술 6787 Market St. Upper Darby PA 19082
우리센터 .................................................(267) 645-9654
Woori Center 이현옥 Hyeonock Mel Lee 501 N Broad St, Lansdale, PA 19446
원광복지회관 ....................................... (215) 884-8443 Won Community Service Center 김 복 혜 Kim, Bokhyae 423 Abington Ave, Glenside, PA 19038
위싱웰시니어데이케어 ......................... (609) 284-3865 Wishing Well Adult Day Health Care 이 주 향 원장 3450 Princeton Pike, Suite 120, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
제이슨 홈케어 ........................................ (215) 224-2137 Jaisohn Home Care 6705 Old York Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19126
제이슨 홈헬스 케어 ............................... (215) 866-0103 Jaisohn Home Health Care 6705 Old York Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19126
챌튼햄홈케어 (215)-690-4688 1349 W Cheltenham Ave Unit 102 Elkins Park PA 19027
케어 & 헬프 .......................................... (215)995-2046 Care & Help Home Care Agency www.4theseniors.com Judy Youn judy@carehc.com 4527 N Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19140
크로스선교회 ....................................... (267) 432-5165 Cross Misson 이 건 상 Lee, Kun Sang 1135 W. Cheltenham Ave, #104, Elkins Park, PA 19027
34 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
펜아시안 노인복지원 .......................... (215) 572-1234
PASSI Ken Yang 6926 Old York Rd., Philsdelphia PA 19126
펜아시안 상록회관 ............................. (215) 572-1234
PASSI Ken Yang 6926 Old York Rd., Philsdelphia PA 19126
필라델피아가정상담연구원 ................ (215) 869-5703
Korean Family Counseling Center 이 응 도 Lee, Eung Do 501 N. Broad St, Lansdale, PA 19446
한국여성봉사회 .................................... (267) 645-9654
Korean Women’s Center 박 명 희 Bhark, Myunghee 501 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446
한인지역개발봉사센터 ........................ (215) 276-8830
Korean Community Development Service Center 유 진 홍 Yu, Jin H 6055 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
델라웨어 골프협회 .............................. (302) 420-5768
Delaware Korean Golf Association 이 명 식 Lee, Myung Sik 2 Longwood Lane, Newark, DE 19711
라이온스 아이스 하키 ......................... (856) 524-0026
Lions Ice Hockey Club 손 창 기 Son, Chang Ki 335 Hidden Dr, Blackwood, NJ 08012
블랙스톰 야구팀 .................................. (215) 840-1777
Black Storm Baseball Team 박 광 원 / 박 종 명
우정테니스회 ....................................... (267) 307-4547
Woo Jung Tennis Club 이 광 우 Lee, Kwang Woo 이글스 축구팀
필라낚시동호회 ................................... (267) 334-5637
Phila Dongho Fishing Club 강 우 재 Jay Kang 5925 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
필라등산동호회 ................................... (215) 651-5764
Korean American Hiking Club in Philadelphia 백 주 현 2308 Haverford Rd, Ardmore, PA 19003
필라레슬링협회 ................................... (215) 387-6733
Wrestling Association of Philadelphia 안 재 석 An, Jae Suk 4029 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104
필라배구협회 ....................................... (610) 275-4680 Volley Ball Association of Philadelphia 김 대 봉 Kim, Dae Bong 235 E. Penn St, Norristown, PA 19401
필라델피아 배드민턴 협회 ................... (610) 905-6400 문 선 희 400 N. Bethlehem Pike Ambler, PA 19002
필라델피아 산악회 ............................... (267) 374-6126
Korea Hiking Club 황 규 태 Hwang, Kyoo Tae
필라수영협회 ....................................... (215) 659-2300 Swimming Association of Philadelphia 전 용 준 Jeon, Yong Jun
필라유도협회 ....................................... (856) 728-0151 Ju Do Association of Philadelphia 박 희 정 Park, Hee Jung 5049 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
필라체육회 .......................................... (215) 965-0191
Korean American Atheletic Asso. of Philadelphia 김 경 택 Kim, Kevin 1135 W.Cheltenham Ave. Suite 208 Melrose Park, PA 19027
필라축구동우회 ................................... (267) 992-5462
Dongwoo FC 김 도 호 Kim, Do Ho 899 Horsham Rd. Horsham, PA 19044
35 2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
필라한인골프연합회 ........................... (267) 255-4422
Philadelphia Korean Golf Association 정 우 현 Chung, Woo Hyun 1617 W Cheltenham Ave, Elkins Park , PA 19027
필라한인시니어골프협회 .................... (215) 534-9064
Philadelphia Korean Senior Golf Association 회장 김광범 Kim, Kwang Bum 부회장 김선 8605 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19118
필라한인산악회 ................................... (267) 243-3902
The Philadelphia Alpine Club 장 동 건 Chang, Dong Kun 6300 Old York Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19141
필라한인야구협회 ............................... (267) 939-8300
Philadelphia Korean Baseball Asso. 이 기 욱 Lee, Kii Wook 753 W. Cheltenham Ave., Melrose Park, PA 19027
필라한인여성골프협회 ........................ (267) 918-2558
The Korean Women’s Golf Association of Greater Philadelphia 이 교 명
필라한인축구협회 ............................... (267) 205-9828
Korean-American Soccer Asso. of Great Phila 이 주 성 Lee, Joo Sung
필라한인테니스협회 ............................ (917) 684-0012
Korean Philadelphia Tennis Association 이 찬 우 John Yi
Philadelphia Honam Association 송기양 Song, Ki Yang 4252 Rising Sun Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140
강원도민회 .......................................... (610) 275-4680
Kang Won Organization 김 대 봉 Kim, Dae Bong 235 E. Penn St. Norristown, PA 19401
영남향우회 .......................................... (215) 549-1948
Young Nam Orgainzation 손 태 수 Son Tae Soo 5409 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 19120
건국대동문회 ....................................... (215) 924-5340
Kun Kuk Univ. Alumni 남 두 현 Nam, Du Hyun 6013 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
경기고동문회 ....................................... (484) 557-5692
Kyunggi High School Alumni 윤 희 용
경동고동문회 ....................................... (267) 205-4496
Kyung Dong H.S Alumni 김 공 배
경복고동문회 ....................................... (215) 888-9073
Kyung Bock H.S Alumni Assoc. 홍 순 학 Hong, Soon Hak 901 N. Penn S18-602, Philadelphia, PA 19123
경희대학교동문회 ............................... (267) 290-0405
Kyung Hee University Alumni of Philadelphia 안 민 환 Ahn, Min Hwan 고려대필라교우회 ................................... (267) 231-0032 Korea Univ. Alumni 노 모 세 1546 Cooper Dr Ambler PA 19002
단국공고 .............................................. (856) 220-3657 정 중 섭 Chung, Joong Sup 219 Laurel Rd. 1016, Voorhees Township, NJ 08043
배재고 동문회 ..................................... (215) 435-5848 Pai Chai H.S. Alumni 정 금 채 Chung, Kumchae 1124 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
보성중고동창회 ................................... (856) 427-0555
Bosung High School Alumni 김 헌 수 Kim, Hun Soo 30 Brookwood Rd, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
36 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 종교단체
서울고필라동창회 ............................... (267) 304-5553
Seoul High School Alumni Association 이 상 섭 Lee, Sang Sup 7 Pebble Dr, Horsham, PA 19044
서울대학교미국동창회 필라지부 ........ (215) 895-2125
Seoul National Univ. of MAlumni Asso. of Philadelphia 전 방 남 Jeon Bang Nam 3141 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
성균관대학동문회 ............................... (610) 277-7272
SungKyunKwan Alumni 이 경 선 Lee, KyungSun Hilltop Rd, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
숙명여자대학교동창회 ........................ (215) 932-1121
Sook Myung Women’s Univ. Asso. of Philadelphia 안 정 혜 Ahn, Chung Hye 5771 Cavalier Ct. East Bensalem, PA 19020
연세대동문회 ....................................... (267) 746-7845
Yonsei Univ. Alumni Association 김 요 셉 Joseph Kim 500 W.Cheltenham Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19126
양정고동문회 ........................................ (267) 467-8880
Yang Jung H.S. Alumni Assoc. 고영철 816 Creekview Dr. Penllyn, PA 19422
용산고동문회 ....................................... (215) 688-6840
Yong San H.S. Alumni Assoc. 장 대 홍 Jang, Dae Hong 770 Welsh Rd, #813, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
이화여자대학교동문회 ......................... (267) 266-0079
E Wha Women’s University Alumni of Philadelphia 박 영 진 Park, Young jin 6775 N. 5th St, Phila, PA 19126
중앙대동문회 ....................................... (609) 636-2404
Chung-Ang Univ Alumni 이 준 종 Lee, Jun Jong 4 Quaker St, Marlton, NJ 08503
청원(동대문) 중,고 동문회 .................. (267) 574-6988
Cheong Won High School Alumni
템플한인동문회 ................................... (215) 205-1021
Temple Univ. Korean Alumni Association 고 효 성 Ko, Christopher 2548 W. Lehigh Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19132
필라 R.O.T.C동문회 ............................ (267) 304-2341
Korean ROTC Federation in Greater Philadelphia 이 길 영 Lee, Gil Young 1135 W. Cheltenham Ave., Melrose Park, PA 19027
한성 중고 동창회 ................................ (215) 806-8942
Han Sung High School Alumni Asso. of Philadelphia 최 종 구 Choi, Chong Koo 108 S. 18th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
한양공고동문회 ................................... (215) 663-1719
Han Yang H.S. Alumni of Phialdelphia 최 영 환 Choi, Daniel P.O.Box 45111, Philadelphia, PA 19124
한국외대 및 대학원 동문회 ................ (215) 635-2800
Han Kuk Univ. of. Foreign Studies Alumni 송 주 영 Song, Ju Yong 902 Valley Rd, #250 Melose Park, PA 19027
국제커넬선교회 .................................... (215) 412-7199
Global Kernel Mission Fellowship 박 태 문 Park, Tae Moon 1471 North Wales Rd, Northwales,PA 19454
기독교전인치유사역연구원 ................. (267) 210-2219
CHMI 서 용 일 Suh, Yong Ill 1013 Cottman Ave, Phlia, PA 19111
남부뉴저지교회협의회 ......................... (856) 354-9960 The Council of Korean Churches of South New Jersey 전 동 진 Chon, Dong Jin(체리힐 장로교회) 1920 Old Cuthbert Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
대필라교회협의회 ................................ (215) 782-3789 The Council of Korean Churches of Greater Philadelphia 회장 최완규 www.ckcgp.org 36 Limekiln Pike Glenside PA 19038
델라웨어 교회협의회 ........................... (302) 235-5735
The Council of Korean Churches of Delaware 송 종 남 Song, Jong Nam(델라웨어 한인 감리교회) 717 Loveville Rd, Hockessin, DE 19707
대필라델피아원로목사회 ..................... (215) 694-5007 신 청 기 Abrahan Shin 102 Trotter Lane, North Wales Philadelphia PA 19454
대필라델피아 목사회 ........................... (267)475-5005
The Council of Korean Churches of Greater Philadelphia 강영호 835 Welsh Rd. Maple Glen, PA 19002
PGM 세계전문인 선교회 ...................... (610) 397-0484
Professionals for Global Missions E-mail: pgm@pgmusa.org www.pgmusa.org
필라가정사역훈련원 ............................ (215) 725-3618
Phila Family Traning Center 원 영 식 Won, Young Sik 7337 Rockwell Ave. Philadelphia,PA 19111
필라델피아밀알선교단 ......................... (267) 475-8637
Milal Mission in Philadelphia 이 재 철 Lee, Jae Chul 215-833-8070 423 Derstine Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446
필라델피아장로회 ................................ (215) 872-6310
루터교 한인선교회 ............................... (267) 468-0873 Lutheran Korean Mission E-mil: lamieng@yahoo.com 이 숭 훈 Lee, Henry 126 Tudor Dr. North Wales, PA 19454
미주세선회 ........................................... (215) 412-7199 Sehsun Global Mission 박 태 문 Park, Tae Moon 855 Welsh Rd. Maple Glen, Pa 19002
기독상조회(CCM) ................................... (773)777-8889 2315 Sanders Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062
The Elder’s Association of Philadelphia 최 승 찬 Choi, Seung Chan 1515 Sweetbriar Dr. Jamison, PA 18929
필라델피아한인성서연구원 ................. (215) 407-3898
The Korean Institute of Theology and Evangelism in Philadelphia 정 희 권 Jeong, Hee Kwon 1200 W Cheltenham Ave. Phiadelphia, PA 19126
필라찬양협의회 .................................... (215) 350-7788 P.U.M.P 조 주 은 Cho, Joo Eun P.O. Box 30097 Elkins Park, PA 19027
재미학생신앙운동 ................................ (215) 549-6880 Student for Christ in America 김 만 우 Kim, Manwoo 770-800 W. Tabor Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19120
중동선교후원회 .................................... (215) 549-6880 MEMA 조 승 Cho, Seung 770-800 W. Tabor Rd, Phila, PA 19120
중화민족복음선교회 (609) 298-2461 황 의 춘 Hwang, Eui Chun 147 Rt. 130 N. Bordentown, NJ 08505
평화기도원 ........................................... (609) 561-8542
Peace Prayer Counseling Center 김 종 철 Kim, Jong Chul 77 E. Fleming Pike, Hammonton, NJ 08037
한국기독교군선교회필라지회 .............. (215)646-3887
Rok Evangelical Association G.P Branch 최 형 관 Choi, Hyung Kwan 209 Crittenden Dr. Newtown, PA 18940 교회
갈릴리 선교교회 ................................... (215) 667-7077 하경빈 Ha, Kyungbin 2078 Waller Dr. Hungtingdon Valley, PA 19006
Calvary Church 홍 용 천 Hong, Yong Chun 1573 Old York Rd. Abington, PA 19001
(215) 659-3885
경향교회 ............................................... (215) 527-1858
Kyung Hyang Church 김 동 관 Kim, Dong Kwan 601 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446
구세군필라한인교회 ............................ (215) 742-8992
The Salvation Army Philadelphia Korean Corps. 박 도 성 Park,Do Sung 5830 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120
그레이스 교회 ...................................... (267) 266-6005
Grace Christian Church 민영선 min, Young Sun 30 W. Mt., Vernon Street, Lansdale, PA 19446
기쁜소식필라델피아교회 ..................... (215) 379-0501
Good News Philadelphia Church 김 기 호 Kim, Ki Ho 309 Township Line Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027
기쁨의 교회 ........................................... (610) 630-6300
Jubillee Pres Church 박 성 일 Park, S. Steve 1911 West Marshall St, West Norriton, PA 19403
낙원장로교회 ....................................... (215) 646-3887
Nak Won Pres. Church www.nakwonch.com 최 형 관 Choi, Hyung Kwan 3364 Susquehanna Rd, Dresher, PA 19025
남부뉴저지장로교회 ............................ (714) 356-1211 김성호 Kim, Sung Ho 3737 Church Rd., Mt., Laurel, NJ 08054 churchroad3737@yahoo.com
남부뉴저지한인연합감리교회 .............. (609) 641-3812
Korean U.M.C. of Southern N.J 김 희 련 Kim, Hee Ryun 801 N. Main St, Pleasantville, NJ 08232
뉴저지동부장로교회 ............................ (856) 804-1004
New Jersey Eastern Presbyterian Church 백영진 / Pastor Andrew Baek andrewbaek65@gmail.com 41 Warwick Road Stratford, NJ 08084
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
뉴져지벧엘장로교회..... (856) 866-9911/(609) 509-9968
Korean Bethel Pres. Church 김 지훈 목사 113 Apple Lane Mt.Laurel, NJ 08054
뉴저지생명샘교회 ................................ (856) 482-5299
New Jersey the Spring of life Church 조 종 만 Cho, Jong Man White Horse Pike W, Collingswood, NJ 08107
뉴저지성광교회 .................................... (609) 906-2205
Shining star presbyterian church 백 영 진 Baek, Andrew 822 S.Church St, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
뉴저지양지교회 .................................... (609) 652-6400
New Jersey Yang Ji Pres Church 장 두 만 Jang, Du Man 437 S. Pitney Rd, Galloway Twp, NJ 08205
뉴저지열방교회 .................................... (856) 419-1009
New Jersey All Nation Church 전 우 철 Jun, Woo Choul 61 Cooper Rd. Voorhees Township, NJ 08043
뉴저지중앙장로교회 ............................ (856) 313-7617
New Jersey Central Korean Presbyterian Church 김 석 태 Kim, Seog Tae 49 Mara Ct, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
뉴저지한인침례교회 ............................ (609) 893-9191
The Korean Baptist Church of NJ 문 종 성 Moon, Stephen 535 Lake Hurst Rd, Browns Mills, NJ 08015
뉴호프커뮤니티교회 (856) 252-7868
New Hope Community Church www.newhope-pca.org 이 진 석 James Jin Seok Lee 1989 RT. 70 East, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
늘사랑교회 ........................................... (856) 366-9548
Forever Love Baptist Church 김 완 재 Kim, Wanjae 201 N. Warwick Rd, Magnolia, NJ 08049
다민족 평화교회
(610) 504-6663
Korean Peace Church(PCUSA) 류 인 곤 Yoo, Inkon 42E. Germantown Pk, Plymouthmeeting, PA 19462
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 교회
델라웨어섬김의 교회 ........................... (302) 525-8000
The Church of Love in Delaware 손영준 Son, Young Joon 2712 Old Miltown Rd., Wilmington, De., 19808
델라웨어사랑의교회 ............................ (302) 521-4072
The Church of love in Delaware 강 성 대 kang sung dae 2712 Old Milltown Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808
델라웨어한인감리교회 ......................... (302) 235-5735
Delaware Korean United Methodist Church 송 종 남 Song, Jong Nam 200 Marrows Rd., Newark, DE 19801
델라웨어한인침례교회 ......................... (302) 345-9915
Delaware Korean Baptist Church 이 홍 Lee Hong 219 N. DuPont Hwy, New Castle, DE 19720
동산교회 ............................................... (215) 638-8835
Dong San Pres. Church 김 정 일 Kim Jung Il 905 Big Oak Rd. Yardley, PA 19067
두나미스감리교회 (215) 237-3529
Dunamis Korean Methodist Church 민 경 용 Min, Kyung Yong 2895 Bristol Rd. Bensalen, PA 19020
둥지교회 ............................................... (267) 241-0969
The Nest Presby. Church 김 정 도 Kim, Chong To 1001 W. 70th Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19126
레딩 순복음 교회 (484) 797-4514
Reading Full Gospel Church 이인자 Yi, In Ja 115 Woodrow Ave., Sinking Spring, PA 19608
로고스교회 ........................................... (215) 412-4399
Philadelphia LOGOS Church www.philalogos.org 안 용 권 Ahn, Yong Kwon 510 Bethlehem Pike, Colmar, PA 18915
로렐부룩홀리마운틴교회 ..................... (856) 608-7316
Laurel Brook Holy Mountain Church 성 종 선 John Sung, Pastor 3718 Church Rd. Mount Laurel NJ 08954
리하이벨리한인교회 ............................ (610) 799-1987
Korean Church of Lehigh Valley KCLV.org 조우제 1987 Schadt Ave, Whitehall, PA 18052
명성교회 ............................................... (267) 808-7788
Myung Sung CRC 강 선 만 Kang, Sun Man 144 Lawrence Rd, Broomall, PA 19008
목양장로교회 ....................................... (215) 659-5392
Willow Grove Korean Reformed Church 주 은 재 Joo, Eun Jae 1400 N. Hills Ave, Willow Grove, PA 19090
....................................... (610) 222-0691
Montgomery Presbyterian Church 최 해 근Choi Hae Keun 3260 Morris Rd, Lansdale, PA 19446
....................................... (732) 747-2991
The Faith Korean Presbyterian Church 김제권 Kim, Jay 1209 W. Front Street, Lincoft, NJ 07738
............................ (215) 945-1512
Bucks County Pres. Church 김 인 환 1550 Woodboume Rd, Levittown, PA 19057
........................................... (215) 639-1320
Bensalem Korean United Methodist Church 차 명 훈 Cha, Myung Hoon 2820 Mechanicsville Rd, Bensalem, PA 19020
벧엘장로교회 ....................................... (215) 549-1489
Bethel Korean Pres. Church 안 재 도 Ahn, Jae Do 6866-70 7th St, Philadelphia, PA 19126
브니엘장로교회 .................................... (215) 659-4177
Peniel Pres. Church 홍 슨 민 301 Woodlawn Ave, Willow Grove, PA 19090
블루벨한인장로교회 ............................ (215) 628-3333
Blue Bell Korean Pres. Church 조 정 칠 Cho, Jung Chil 775 Skippack Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
사도장로교회 ....................................... (215) 723-1351
The Apostles’ Pres. Church 장 석 기 Jang, Suk Gi 571 Penllyn Blue Bell Pike, Blue Bell, PA19422
사랑나눔교회 (267) 474-0740 Sarang Naum Community Church 90 E. Mt Pleasant Ave. Ambler, PA 19002
사랑선교교회 ....................................... (609) 654-5535
Agape Mission Center Church 조 인 철 / 신 귀 임 Charles E. Cho/Grace S. Cho 1989 Rt. 70 E. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
삼일교회 (215) 641-1004
Trinity Korean Pres. Church 배 현 기 Bae Hyun Kee 16 E. Park Ave, Ambler, PA 19002
선한가족교회 ........................................ (215) 626-3095
Good Family Church 강 귀 년 Kang, Kyu Nyun 57 W. Orvilla Rd. Hatfield, PA 19440
샬롬은목교회 ....................................... (215) 917-7194 Shalom Korean Pres. Church 신 청 기 Abraham C. Shin 102 Trotter Ln. North Wales, PA 10454 새소망침례교회 .................................... (201) 693-1137 New Hope Baptist church of Mechanicsburgh 강 유 준 Kang, Joshua 301 S. Sorting Hill. Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 새한장로교회 ....................................... (215) 668-3599 Se Han Pres. Church 고 택 원 Koh, Taek Won 6 Summit Valley Lane, Oreland, PA 19075 서현교회 ............................................... (215) 237-5581 이 선 일 Lee, Sun Il E-mil: philachongshin2011@gmail.com 204 Woodlawn Dr, Lansdale, PA 19446 선한가족교회 ....................................... (215) 885-2450 강 귀 년 Kang, Kyu Nyun 57 W. Orvilla Rd. Hatfield, PA 19440
46 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 교회
성광장로교회(필라) .............................. (215) 826-0705
Sung Kwang Pres. Church 손 석 배 Son,Suk Bae 34 N. York Rd, Willow Grove, PA 19090
성광장로교회(뉴저지) .......................... (856) 745-2769
Sung Kwang Pres. Church 조 영 일 Cho, Young Yil 822 South Church St, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
성도교회 ............................................... (215) 674-1133
Korean Saints Pres. Church 박 상 용 Park,Sang Yong 879 W. Street Rd, Warminster, PA 18974
성약교회 ............................................... (717) 581-0471
The Holy Covenant Korean American Pres. Church 김 종 철 Kim, Jong Chul 911 Rohrerstown Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601
성은장로교회 ....................................... (215) 745-2881
Korean Holy Grace Pres. Church 이 성 대 Lee, Sung Dae Levick & Oakley St, Philadelphia, PA 19111
시온장로교회 ...................................... (267) 237-6625
Zion Pres. Church 곽현영 Kwak, Hyun Young 1701 Green Lane RdLansdale, PA 19446
씨엘씨(C.L.C.)교회 .............................. (215) 530-4922
Christ Life Church E-mil: pastersamhwang@gmail.com 황삼열 Hwang, Sam Paster 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
알렌타운참빛교회 ................................ (610) 432-5108
Cham-Bit Church of Allentown 지 용 호 Ji, Yong Ho 5050 Airport Rd, Allentown, PA 18109
애틀랜틱장로교회 ................................ (267) 288-7390
Atlantic Korean Presbyterian Church 오 경 창 2110 Ocean Heights Ave, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
앰블러장로교회 .................................... (215) 654-7370
Ambler Korean Pres. Church 조 성 수 Cho, Sung Su 112 N. Spring Garden St, Ambler, PA 19002
양의문교회 ........................................... (610) 449-7799
The Sheep’s Gate Pres. Church 윤 상 철 Yoon, Sang Chul 1301 Maryland Ave, Havertown, PA 19083
세워주는교회 ....................................... (267) 242-1085 한 횡 재 1000 W. Main St, Lansdale, PA 19446
소망침례교회 ....................................... (610) 457-7172
Hope Korean Baptist Church 김 현 규 Kim, James Hyunkyu 1345 Market St, Linwood, PA 19061
소명성결교회 ....................................... (215) 354-6244
서 영 범 Seo, Young Bum 105 North Sproul Rd, Broomall, PA 19008 E-mil: Jejuslove625@yahoo.co.kr
순복음중앙교회 .................................... (267) 243-7833
Gaspel Central Church 강 승 호 Kang, Seung Ho 1330 Willow Ave, #101, Elkins Park, PA 19027
언약교회 ............................................... (267) 475-5005
Covenant Church 강 영 호 Kang, Young Ho 427 Stump Rd, North Wales, PA 19454
엘림교회 ............................................... (215) 542-1004
Penn Elim Pres. Church 백 의 흠 Baik, Eui Heum 703 Pen-Ambler Rd, Ambler, PA 19002
여호수아장로교회 ................................ (609) 518-7370
Joshua Pres. Church 이 만 수 Lee, Man Soo 1326 Monmouth Rd. (Rt. 537) Mt. Holly, NJ 08060
열린장로교회 ....................................... (215) 969-4519
Philadelphia Open Pres. Church 임 관 호 Yim, Kwan Ho 10121 Bustelton Ave, Phila, PA19111
2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
주님의교회 ........................................... (610) 517-8477
Lord’s Community Church 안 문 균 Ahn, Moon Kyun 551 Paxon Hollow Rd, Broomall, PA 19008
주사랑장로교회 .................................... (215) 698-9191
Messenger’s Presbyterian Church 이 상 열 Lee, Sang Yul 1946 Welsh Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19115
중앙펜실바니아한인장로교회 (717) 270-5377
The Central PA Korean Pres. Church 김 상 하 Kim, Sang Ha 1000 State Dr, Lebanon, PA 17042
진리등대장로교회 ................................ (267) 222-8706
Truth and Light Presbyterian Church 김 병 길 Kim, Byung Gil 1900 S. Valley Forge Rd, Lansdale, PA19446
참된교회 ............................................... (215) 385-2124
Cham Church www.chamchurch.com 이 철 희 Lee, Cheul Hee 20 West Sixth Ave, Conshohoken, PA 19428
체리힐동산교회 .................................... (856) 429-0495
Dongsan Presbyterian Church E-mail: bongstory@gmail.com 김문봉 Kim, Moon Bong 20 E. Kings High Way, Haddon Field, NJ 08033
체리힐새행전교회 ................................ (856) 419-1114 The Church in Acts E-mail: Ganadara58@gmail.com 최 무 림 Choi, Barnabas 1801 Burnt Mill Rd, Voorhees, NJ 08043
체리힐연합장로교회 ............................ (856) 505-3762
Cherry Hill Associated Presbyterian Church 박 권 섭 Park, Kwan Sub 515 Moorestown-Mt. Laurel Rd, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
체리힐장로교회 .................................... (856) 354-9960
Cherry Hill Pres. Church 전 동 진 Chun, Dong Jin 1920 Old Cuthbert Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
체리힐제일교회 .................................... (856) 424-9686
First Korean U.M.C of Cherry Hill 고 한 승 Koh, Han Seung 1995 E. Marlton Pike, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
체리힐 평강교회 ..................................
(856) 630-4451
The Pyung Gang Presbyterian Church 박종옥 Park, Jong Ok E-mail: parksmen@hanmail.net 904 Cooper Rd., Voorhees, NJ 08043
체리힐 은혜 장로 교회 ........................... (856)383-0551
Grace Presbyterian Church 이요한 목사 325 South Whitehorse Pike Audubon NJ 08106
첼튼햄장로교회 .................................... (215) 635-5643
Cheltenham Pres. Church 최 정 권 Choi, Jung Kwon 7507 Tookany Creek Parkway, Cheltenham, PA 19012
초대교회 ............................................... (215) 869-5703
The First Generation Church 이 응 도 Lee, Eung Do 501 N. Broad St, Lansdale, Pa19446
코너스톤장로교회 ................................ (215) 412-3622
Cornerstone Pres. Church 나 현 상 Na, Steve 501 North Line St, Lansdale, PA 19446
크라이스트 라이프교회 ........................ (215) 530-4922
Christ Life Church 황삼열 Hwang, Sam 4110 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 크로스 교회 ........................................... (267) 912-5182
Cross Church 담임목사 박종현 주소: 615 Cowpath Rd. Lansdale, PA 19446 nhspjy@gmail.com
큰믿음 제일침례교회 ........................... (610) 352-4705 황 준 석 Hwang, Jun Seok 7055 Terminal Sq, Upper Darby, PA 19082 E-mil: p5hwang@hanmail.net
트렌톤한인장로교회 ............................ (609) 298-2461
Korean Pres. Church of Trenton 황 의 춘 Hwang, Eui Chun 147 Rt. 130 N. Bordentown, NJ 08505
포도원 교회 .......................................... (267) 474-5133 김병일 Kim, Byungil 5290 Township Line Rd., Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Bikim0691@gmail.com
50 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
포코노한인장로교회 ............................ (570) 595-8728
Pocono Korean Pres. Church 문 성 록 Moon, Sung Rock 1825 Cardinal Dr, Cresco, PA 19326
프린스톤한인교회 ................................ (609) 799-3400
Princeton Korean Presby. Church 오 성 진 Oh, Sammuel 500 Plainsboro Rd, Plainsboro, NJ 08536
필라감리교회 ....................................... (215) 654-9101
Philadelphia Korean Methodist Church 이 광 풍 Lee, Kwang Pung 1490 Dillon Rd, Ambler, PA 19002
필라델피아교회 .................................... (267) 575-9977
Philadelphia Presbyterian Church (215) 576-0191 이경종 Lee, Kyung Jong E-mail: logosnews@hotmail.com 1200 Easton Road. Roslyn, PA 19001
필라델피아사랑의교회 ......................... (215) 836-5446 Church of Love in Philadelphia www.colip.org 임 수 병 710 Bethlehem Pike, Erdenheim, PA 19038
필라델피아 제일 연합감리교회 ........... (215) 542-5686
The First Korean Methodist Church of Philadelphia 김 덕 신 Kim, Duk Sin 1100 Horsham Rd, Ambler, PA 19002
필라 등대교회 ...................................... (215) 690-4919
The Light House Korean UMC of Philadelphia 조 병 우 Cho, Byung Woo 137 N. Easton Rd, Glenside, PA 19038
필라서머나교회 .................................... (267) 307-1757
Smyrna Korean Church 박 등 배 Moses Deung B. Park 30 W. Mount Vernon St, Lansdale, PA 19446
필라선교교회 ....................................... (610) 715-9296
The Philadelphia Mission Church 245 Freeland Dr, Collegeville, PA 1942
필라세움교회 .......... (828) 767-2816 (828) 767-2508
Philadelphia Buildup SDA Church 담임목사 이승광 17 Tenby Rd. Havertown, PA 19083
필라소망성결교회 ................................ (267) 690-8378
Philadelphia Hope Evangeical Church 염 종 열 Yum, Chong Yul Rt 202 & Sumneytown Pike, Gwynedd, PA 19436
필라소망장로교회 ................................ (302) 898-6285
Phila Soh Mang Presby. Church 16 E. Park Ave, Ambler, PA 19002
필라순복음선교교회 (215) 997-8036
Philadelphia Full Gospel Mission Church 김 동 헌 Kim, Dong Hun 3502 Stanwood St. Philadelphia, PA 19136
필라시온성교회 ....................................(856) 571-3388
City of Zion Church 한 상 경 Han, Sang Kyung 654 Bethlehem Pike, Flourtown, PA 19031
필라아름다운교회 ................................ (610) 331-5901
Beautiful Church of Phila 이 영 훈 Lee, Young Hoon 2000 Bethel Rd. Lansdale, PA 19446
필라안디옥교회 .................................... (610) 828-6760
Antioch Church of Phila www.antiochurch.org 호 성 기 Ho, Sung Ki 1 Antioch Ave, Conshohocken, PA 19428
필라연합교회 ....................................... (215) 324-6112
United Church in Phila 최 이 열 David Rih Choi 140 W. Roosvelt Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19120
필라제일연합감리교회 ........................ (215)-542-5686
First Korean United Methodist Church of PA 담임목사 홍정균 1049 Davis Grove Rd, Ambler, PA 19002
필라임마누엘교회 ................................ (215) 476-0330
Emmanuel Church in Phila www.iemmanuel.org 김 태 권 Kim, Tae Kwon 4723-41 Spruce St. Philadelphia, PA 19139
필라 은혜와 진리 교회 ......................... (267) 328-7972
Phila Grace & Truth Church 이 명 주 Lee, Myung Joo 571 Penllyn Blue Bell Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
천주교회 51 2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
필라제일장로교회 ............................... (215) 646-9500
강 학 구Hakkoo Kang officefkpcp@gmail.com 400 N.Bethlehem Pike, Ambler, PA 19002
필라중앙교회 ....................................... (215) 253-0225
Philadelphia Central SDA Church 김경섭 Kim, Kyungsup 1620 Pine Rd, Huntingdon Valley Pa 19006
필라한마음 교회 .................................. (215) 917-3315
Phila Hanmaeum Church 김영천 Kim, Young Chun 4 Elm Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446
필라한빛성결교회 (267) 577-0392
Korean Evangelical Church 이 대 우 Lee, Dae Woo 1407 Hungtingdon Pike, Hungtington Valley, PA 19006
필라한인연합교회 ................................ (215) 927-0630
Korean United Church of Philadelphia 조 진 모 Cho, Jin Mo 1200 West Cheltenham Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19126
필라 한인장로교회 ............................... (215) 476-8000
Philadelphia Korean Presbyterian 5842-58 Hoffman Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19143
필라한인침례교회 ................................ (267) 515-1109
Philadelphia Korean Baptist Church 박 정 호 Park, Jeong Ho 104 Kent Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19082
하비스트한인교회 ................................ (267) 205-5583
Harvest Korean Church 김 대 승 Kim, dai Seung 328 Summit Ave, Jenkintown, PA19046
한미연합교회 ....................................... (267) 972-6544
The United Church of Korean & American 송 운 숙 Song, Un Sook 41 E. Linwood Ave., Maple Shade, NJ 08052
한인개혁장로교회 ................................ (215) 771-2224
Korean Reformed Pres. Church 오 창 훈 11047 Bustleton Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19116
한인휄로우쉽형제교회 ......................... (215) 869-2473
Korean Fellowship Church of the brethren 천 조 웅 Chun, Jo Woong 912 Fernhill Rd, Glenside, PA 19038
해리스버그한인장로교회 ..................... (717) 731-9220
Harrisburg Korean Pres. Church 강 송 중 Kang, Song Jung 1127 Slate Hill Rd, Camp Hill, PA 17011
헌팅돈벨리선교교회 ............................ (215) 321-7007
Huntingdon Valley Missionary Church 함 한 표 Ham, Han Pyo 408 Kathryn Ct, Yardley, PA 19067
헌팅돈벨리한인장로교회 ..................... (215) 947-2327
Korean Pres. Church of Huntingdon Valley 김 철 성 Kim, Jacob Chulsung 2660 Huntingdon Pike, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 희락장로교회 ....................................... (267) 393-3527 조 기 선 Cho, Ki Sun 1020 S.Valley Forge Rd, Lansdale, PA 19446 천주교회 남부뉴저지체리힐한인천주교회 .......... (856) 912-1355 St. Yi Yun Il John Korean Catholic Church 김도윤 (Rev. Francis Kim) chkcc.org 2001 Springdail Rd. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 말톤한인성당 ....................................... (609) 792-5391 Church of St. Joan of Arc 리치 Rich 100 Willow Bend Rd, Marlton NJ 08053 아틀랜틱시티한인천주교회 ................. (609) 641-7208 St. Peter’s Korean Church 김 성 흠 Kim, Sung Heum 21 W. Verona Ave, Pleasantville, NJ 08232
윌밍톤한인성당(델라웨어) ................ (302) 384-8869
St. Stephen’s Korean Catholic Community of Wilmington 우용국 (실비오) Silvio Y.K.Woo 2710-2712 Duncan Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808
천주교뉴타운스퀘어한인교회 (610) 259-2240
Korean Catholic Community of Newtown Sq. 하 영 래 Ha, Young Rae 651 E Springfield Rd, Springfield, PA 19064
천주교필라델피아한인교회 ................. (215) 927-1662
Korean Catholic Community Holy Angels Church 이 효 언 펠릭스(Lee Hyo Yn) 7000 Old York Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19126
트렌톤한인천주교회 ............................ (609) 695-6300
Church of the Korean Mission 배 인 호 Bae, In Ho 1130 Drunswick Ave, Trenton, NJ 08638 기도원 필라델피아 성모마리아 한인성당......... (610) 259-2240
Philadelphia Holy Mary Korean Catholic Church 이상용 사도요한Pastor John Lee 100 Media Line Rd. Newtown Square, PA 19073
가나안복지기도원 ................................ (215) 698-9191 9315 Banes St., 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19115
갈멜산 기도원 ..................................... (267) 243-9625
Mt. Camel Pray Church 김인옥 Kim, In Ok 6122 N. Lambert St. Philadelphia, PA 19138
안나산기도원 ....................................... (301) 874-2983 (397) 330-0334
Anna Prayer Counseling, Inc. 문석호목사 Sukho Moon 7910 Peters Rd, Frederick, MD 21704
알랜타운심지기도원 (610) 432-9755
Allentown Prayer House 양 승 인 Yang, Victoria 222 N. 4th St, Allentown, PA 18102
은혜수양관 .......................................... (717) 794-1443
Mount of Garce www.mountofgrace.org 방 화 성 Pang, Stephen H 12755 Buchnan Trail East Waynesboro, PA 17268
포코노 베다니 수양관 ......................... (570) 848-2963
Pocono Bethany Retreat Center 418 Maple Grove Rd, Moscow, PA 18444 불교
관음사 .................................................. (215) 924-4488
Kwanum Buddhist Temple 한 정 수 Han, Jung Su 6601 N. 3rd St, Phila, PA 19126 원각사
(215) 276-2211 Won Gak Sa 무 공 Moo Gong 627 W. Chelten Ave, Phila, PA 19126 화엄사
(215) 489-1118 Hwa Um Buddhist Temple 법 장 Bub Jang 10 Layle Lane, Doylestown, PA 18901 원불교
(215) 886-8443 Won Buddhist Temple of Phila 김 인 소 Kim, In So 423 Abington Ave, Glenside, PA 19038
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 가구수리
ML Sign 이 정 도 Lee, Jeong Do 3903 State Rd. Drexel Hill, PA 19026
네온간판 ............................................... (267) 210-5324
Evergreen Sign E-mail: evergreenledsign@gmail.com
믿음간판 ............................................... (267) 496-9037 최 대 식 Choi, Dae Sik 1312 Church Rd, Oreland, PA 19075
베스트간판 ........................................... (610) 909-8783
Best Sign 신 도 균 Shin, Do Kyun 103 S. State Rd, Upper Darby. PA 19082
베스트 인테리어 & 아트싸인 ............... (610) 202-9493
Best Interiors & Art Sign 심 종 태 Sim, Jong Tae 2586 Red Cliffe Rd, Broomall, PA19008
비전싸인 ............................................... (215) 924-2226
Award Concepts, Inc. 김 요 셉 Kim, Joseph 500 W. Cheltenham Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19126
아트사인 ............................................... (215) 869-3649
Art Signs 심 종 태 Sim,Jong Tae 2586 Red Cliffe Rd, Broomall, PA19008
에이원간판 ........................................... (215) 833-5676
A-One Sign 이 상 채 Lee, Sang Chae 700 W. Tabor Rd, Philadelphia,, PA 19120
코너간판 ............................................... (215) 437-1575
Corner Sign 천 영 찬 Chun, Young Chan 1434 Spirling St, Philadelphia, PA 19149
팔마간판 .............................................. (215) 924-2226
Palma Trophy 500 W. Cheltenham Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19126
62 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 건축(배관)
올솔루션 .................................................. (610)330-7401 401 Woodside Cir, Dresher, PA 19025 (610)368-3391
KIC 마루 .............................................. (856) 577-7189
KIC Floor, Inc 김 경 용 Kim, Kyung Yong 824 B Eastgate Drive, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
YD HARDWOOD ................................ (215) 545-5249
YD Hardwood Floors USA 1900 Washington Ave, ‘E’, Philadelphia, PA 19146
바다건축 .............................................. (267) 401-5541
Bada Construction 702 Karen’s Ct. North Wales, PA 19454
베스트 인테리어 & 아트싸인 ................ (610) 202-9493
Best Interiors Art Sign 심 종 태 Sim, Jong Tae 2586 Red Cliffe Rd, Broomall, PA19008
연변목수 .............................................. (267) 262-3129 840 Foulkrod St Philadelphia PA 19124
제일마루 .............................................. (267) 242-0868
First Quality Construction 허 남 희 Huh, Nam Heo 229 Sanford Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19082
클링하퍼카펫트/타일/마루 (215) 821-2165
Klinghoffer Carpet 백 주 현 Paik, Joo Hyun 2151 Byberry Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19116
Y.H.건축인테리어 ................................ (215) 939-6742
Y.H. Construction / Interior 박 윤 삼 Park, Yoon Sam 973 E. Townshipline Rd, Blue Bell, PA 19422
대원건설 (215) 485-3975
Dae Won Construction 박 원 득 Park, Won Dek 458 Volpe Rd, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
JY 베스트 루핑 ................................... (856) 955-1183
JY Best Roofing Jin Y Yoo jybestroofing@gmail.com 7307 Woodmont Cir. Macungie, PA 18062
그린종합건축 ....................................... (267) 471-6508
Green Siding & Looping 김기열 Kim, Ki Yul 2109 Nora’s Ct. North Wales. PA 19454
에코루핑 ............................................... (215) 420-7403
Economic Roofing Inc. www.economicroofs.com 조 정 환 1840 County Line Rd, Suite 110 Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
New Mang Chi 건축 ............................ (215) 778-4103
New Mang Chi Construction 장 기 환 Jang, Ki Hwan 220 Orchard Ave, North Wales, PA 19454
Y.H.건축인테리어 ................................ (215) 939-6742
Y.H. Construction / Interior 박 윤 삼 Park, Yoon Sam 973 E. Townshipline Rd, Blue Bell, PA 19422
아트건설 ............................................... (215) 616-0925
Art Siding & Roofing 나 상 규 Na, Sang Kyu 1310 Tangle Wood Dr, North Wales, PA 19454
올솔루션 .................................................. (610)330-7401 401 Woodside Cir, Dresher, PA 19025 (610)368-3391
오계절종합건축 .................................... (215) 361-3003
Five Seasons Construction, Inc 조 원 행 Cho, James 1519 Greenlane Rd, Lansdale, PA 19446
제일건축 ............................................... (267) 242-0868
The First Quality Construction 허 남 희 Jung, Jae Woo 229 Sanford Rd, Upper Darby, PA 1908
노리스타운글래스 ................................ (610) 272-9480
Norristown Glass Co, Inc. 박 혁 진 Park, Michael 409 W. Main St, Norristown, PA 19401
센츄럴유리 ........................................... (215) 222-3777
Central Glass, Inc. 4313 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104
에메랄드유리 ....................................... (215) 236-6767
Emerald Window www.emeraldwindowsinc.com 조 현 우 Cho, James H james@emeraldwindowsinc.com 2301 N. 9th St, Philadelphia, PA 19133
에이원 알루미늄&유리 ......................... (215) 722-1515 A One Glass & Metal Company Fax: (215) 722-6363 김 휘 재 Kim,Simon 6330 Palmetto St, Phila, PA19111
Mai’s Window Tinting.......................... (215) 380-5286 Mai’s Collison Center www.maicollisioncenter.com 이 혁 진 68 N. Maple Ave., Hatfild, PA 19440 JY Glass Works..................................... (215) 855-5051 Mai’s Collison Center www.maicollisioncenter.com JY Glass Works 김 휘 재 Kim,Simon 6330 Palmetto St, Phila, PA19111
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 건축(종합건축)
원스탑조경관리..................................... (215) 833-3534
One Stop Contractors 구 자 선 832 Jackson St. Philadelphia, PA
Ace 건축 ........................................ (267)210-0508
Ace construction 401 Roselyn St. Philadelphia, PA 19120
A&K건축 ............................................ (856) 246-2453
A&K Homes Inc. 이 상 용 Lee,Sang Y 1006 South Fork Landing Rd, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
Choice 주택수리 ................................. (267) 307-4286
Choice Remodeling 최 사 현 Choi, Sa Hyun 2950 Dekalb Pike, Norristown, PA 19401
뉴망치건축 ........................................... (215) 778-4103 ekcjang@gmail.com
유진건축 .............................................. (267) 347-3515
Yu Jin Remodeling Inc 3002 Stoney Creek Rd. Norristown PA 19401 jeho1230@yahoo.com
ECO 건축 ............................................ (215) 420-7403
ECO Construction www.economicroofs.com 조 정 환 Cho, John 1840 County Line Rd, Suite 110 Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
IK CONSTRUCTION INC ..................... (267) 600-7770 5314-24 N. 5th St. Phila PA 19120 Info.ikhq@gmail.com
New Mangchi 종합건축 ..................... (215) 778-4103
New Mangchi Construction 장 기 환 Jang, Ki Hwan 220 Orchard Ave, North Wales, PA 19454
OH빌더 ................................................ (215) 471-4266
O.H.Builders 오 훈 호 Oh, Hoon Ho 5813 Thomas Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19143
PJ종합건축 .......................................... (267) 258-2899
PJ Construction Company 조 정 현 Cho, Jung Hyun
올솔루션 .................................................. (610)330-7401 401 Woodside Cir, Dresher, PA 19025 (610)368-3391
US 건축 ............................................... (215) 620-8464 서강석 Suh, Kang S 5245 Howland Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124
Y.H.건축인테리어 ................................ (215) 939-6742
Y.H. Construction / Interior 박 윤 삼 Park, Yoon Sam 973 E. Townshipline Rd, Blue Bell, PA 19422
가나안건축 .......................................... (215) 257-9330
Ganaan Construction 정 태 상 Jung, Daniel 330 Farmers Ln, Sellersvill, PA 18960
건축사 문영필 ..................................... (215) 872-6420 Young Pil Moon, RA, NCARB 문 영 필 Moon, Young Pil 2701 Elroy Rd, K 18, Hatfield, PA 19440
고향건축 .............................................. (267) 312-8422
Hometown Builder 함 성 구 Ham, Sung Ku 229 Summer Ave, Horsham, PA 19044
고흥종합건축 ....................................... (267) 288-3737 박 연 수 Park, Yon Su 77 Browinstowe Rd, East Norriton, PA 19401
.............................................. 건축(종합건축) 67 2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
(267) 968-5500 Kyung Ki constructor 박 종 구 Pak, Jong Koo 5706 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120 나래건축
(267) 474-2177 Narae Contruction. 김 정 수 Kim, Jung Soo 711 W. Main St, Lansdale, PA 19446 대원건설
(267) 242-8989 Dream Construction 김 종 덕 Kim, Jong Duck 1408 Greeby St, Philadelphia, PA 19111 라온 리모델링
(215) 588-5897
(267) 226-2234 Man Nam Construction Inc. 차 광 요 Cha, Kwang Yo 6620 N. 5th St, #B8,
68 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
베스트 인테리어&아트싸인 (610) 202-9493
Best Interiors Art Sign 심 종 태 sim,Jong Tae 2586 Red Cliffe Rd, Broomall, PA19008
뷰우건축 .............................................. (215) 715-9635
BWWY Corp. 기 수 해 Ki, Soo Hae 1308 Willow Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027
성림건축 .............................................. (267) 251-2333
Sung Lim Construction 이 제임스 Lee, James 1124 Hellman St, Philadelphia, PA 19111
심스건축 .............................................. (215) 776-1940
Sims Construction 심 광 진
썬샤인종합건축 ................................... (267) 626-1331
Sunshine General Construction 유 장 승 Yu, Sun 7446 Ogontz Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19138
아세아종합건축 ................................... (215) 499-1194
Asia Construction 김 각 호 Kim, Kak Ho 2 Pikering Bend, Langhorne, PA 19047
오계절종합건축 ................................... (215) 361-3003
Five Seasons Construction, Inc. 조 원 행 Cho, James 1519 Greenlane Rd, Lansdale, PA 19446
오종합건축 .......................................... (267) 304-5311
Oh Construction 오 순 석 Oh, Soon Suk 125 West Ave, Elkins Park, PA 19027
우리건축 .............................................. (267) 467-4441 황 원 Hwang, Won 700 W. Tabor Rd, Phila, PA 19120
원스탑건축 ........................................... (215) 833-3534
One Stop Contractors 구 자 선 832 Jackson St. Philadelphia, PA
이목수 (267) 977-5894
Lee Capenter 이 규 성 Le, Kui Sung
제일건축 .............................................. (267) 242-0868
First Quality Construction 허 남 희 Huh, Nam Heo 1031 Wissahickon Ave, Blue Bell, PA 19422
조화건축 .............................................. (267) 307-7704
Cho Hwa Construction 이 종 기 Lee, Jong Ki 205 Stone House Lane, Wyncote, PA 19095
타워건축 .............................................. (267) 575-6240 Tower Construction 강 장 수 Kang, Jang Su 51 Fox Chase Dr, North Wales, PA 19454
포시즌리모델링 ................................... (267) 205-5891 4 Season Remodeling 문 태 영 Moon, Tae Young 203 Stratford Ct, Lansdale, PA 19446
페트라종합건설 ................................... (267) 918-8008 Petra Total Interior,Inc 곽 승 덕 Guo, Cheng De 255 E. Lincoln Hwy, APT 160, Penndel, PA 19047
필라디자인건축 ................................... (610) 322-0427
Philadelphia Design Construction Corp. 림 용 운 Rim, Yong Oon 8 Rockhill Rd, Newtown Square, PA 19073
필라건축 .............................................. (215) 833-6206
Phila Construction 조 한 돈 Cho,Han Don 613 N. 4th St, Phila, PA19120
한미종합건축 ....................................... (215)(215)327-8205 767-6111
Koam Inc.
한양건축 .............................................. (215) 833-9975
Han Yang Construction 김 동 수 Kim, Dong Soo 2106 Spartow Way, Bensalem, PA 19020
72 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
타일월드 ............................................... (215) 228-3700
Tile World Calvin C. Ahn 1978 W Hunting Park Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140
Cali Style Painting ................................ (267) 664-5071
Cali Style Painting 이 현 재 Lee, Hyon 128 Oakland Ave, Lansdale, PA 19446
대원페인트 ........................................... (215) 485-3975 Dae Won Painting 박 원 득 Park, Won Dek 458 Volpe Rd, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
무지개 페인트 .................................... (215)753-5665 Rainbow Paint 김종화
비스타페인팅&벽지 ............................. (215) 627-5482 Vista Painting, Co. 윤 근 석 Yoon, Keun Suk 327 S. 11th St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
IK TECH INC ................................. (267) 600-7770 Info.ikhq@gmail.com (267) 323-9369 5314-24 N. 5th St. Phila PA 19120
뷰우시스템 ................................... (215) 715-9635
BWWY Corp. 기 수 해 Ki, Soo Hae 2124 A John Rusell Circle, Elkins Park, PA 19027
빛나알람 ..................................... (215) 329-9455
Binna Security 김 영 찬 Kim, Young Chan 345 E. Chew Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19120
2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com 골프연습장
성은경보장치 (800) 745-9555
Escort Security Inc. 3007 Englewood St, Phila, PA 19149
에스에스알람 ............................. (215) 224-3332
Systronic Security Inc. 임 봉 Im, Bong 500 W. Cheltenham Ave, #203, Philadelphia, PA 19126 오메가시큐리티 (215) 300-0027
Omega Security 최 지 원 Choi, jay 714 Porter St, Philadelphia, PA 19148 한국알람 ..................................... (215) 782-3000
Hankuk Security Alarm Co 이 성 배 Lee, Sung Bae 427 W. Cheltenham Ave, Melrose Park, PA 19027
(267) 918-5540 Park’s Golf school 박 노 홍 Park, Nicklas 401 W. Cottman Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111
윤수아 골프레슨 (484) 695-2260
Sue Yoon Kakao ID: sueletsgolf sueletsgolf@gmail.com 이승춘 골프레슨 .................................. (484) 506-8587 이 승 춘 Sung C. Yi 500 Lower State Rd North Wales, PA 19454
매드골프 ............................................... (215) 357-1622 Mad Golfer 114 Street Rd, Southampton, PA 18966
(856) 424-2333 Grace Dating Services PO Box 2644, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 E-mail: gracedating@gmail.com 뉴저지 결혼 상담소
벌홈골프센타 ....................................... (215) 742-2380 Burholm Golf Club Ken Shin 401 W. Cottman Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111 포시즌골프연습장 ................................ (215) 348-5575
Four Seasons Golf Center 1208 Swamp Rd, Fountainville, PA 18923 피셔스 골프연습장 ............................... (215) 305-1299
Fishers Glen Driving Range 김 명 수 Kim, Myoung Soo 4717 Fishers Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19124 티스 골프연습장 ................................... (610) 834-0845 Tee’s Golf Center 707 Conshohocken Rd. Conshohocken, PA 19428 골프샵
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
Victoria 골프 패스북 ............................. (877) 847-5316
한국어전화 4Season’s Golf Center (215) 348-5575 www.victorygolfpass.com
매드골프프로샵 .................................... (215) 357-1622
Mad Golfer Pro Shop 114 Street Rd, Southampton, PA 18966
JC멜로즈컨츄리클럽 ........................... (215) 663-9866
JC Melrose Country Club 7600 Tookany Creek Pkwy, Cheltenham, PA 19012
노스햄턴벨리컨츄리클럽 .................... (215) 355-2234
Northampton Valley Country Club 299 Newtown Richboro Rd, Richboro, PA 18954
랭코카스골프클럽 (609) 877-5344
Rancocas Golf Club 12 Club Ridge Ln, Willingboro, NJ 08046
루루컨츄리클럽 ................................... (215) 576-7030
Lu Lu Country Club 1600Limekiln Pike, North Hills, PA 19038
메리온골프클럽 ................................... (610) 642-5600
Merion Golf Club 450 Ardmore Ave, Ardmore, PA 19003
메인랜드골프코스 ............................... (215) 256-9548
Mainland Golf Course 2250 Rittenhouse Rd, Mainland, PA 19451
맥코비런 .............................................. (215) 541-0161
Macoby Run 5275 McLean Station Rd, Green Lane, PA 18054
벤살렘 컨츄리클럽 .............................. (215) 639-5556
Bensalem Country Club 2000 Brown Ave, Bensalem PA 19020
벨라비스타골프코스 ............................ (610) 705-1855
Bella Vista Golf Course 2901 Fagleysville Rd. Gilbertsville, PA 19525
벨레우드 골프클럽 .............................. (610) 718-9100
Bellewood Golf Club 400 E. Schuylkill Rd, Pottstown, PA 19465
블루벨 컨츄리클럽 .............................. (215) 616-8100
Blue Bell Country Club 1800 Tournament Dr, Blue Bell, PA 19422
센터벨리골프크럽 ............................... (610) 791-5580
Center Valley Golf Club 3300 Center Valley Road, Center Valley, PA 18034
센터스퀘어골프클럽 ........................... (610) 584-5700
Center Square Golf Club Skippack & Whitehall, Worcester, PA 19490
스킵팩골프코스 ................................... (610) 584-4226 Skippack Golf Course Stump Hall & Cedars Rd, Skippack, PA 19474
스프링필드컨츄리클럽 ........................ (610) 543-9860
Springfield Country Club 400 West Sproul Road, Springfield, PA 19064
윈코트골프클럽 ................................... (610) 932-8900
Wyncote Golf Club 50 Wyncote Drive, Oxford, PA 19363
쥬니애타골프클럽 ............................... (215) 743-4060
Juniata Golf Course 1391 Cayuga Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124
캅스크릭골프클럽 ............................... (215) 877-8707
Cobbs Creek Golf Club 7200 Lansdowne Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19151
터틀크릭골프코스 ............................... (610) 489-5133
Turtle Creek Golf Course. 303 W Ridge Pike, Limerick, PA 19468
파이브폰드 .......................................... (215) 956-9727
Five Ponds Golf Club 1225 W. Street Road, Warminster, PA 18974
파인크레스트컨츄리클럽 .................... (215) 855-6112
Pinecrest Country Club 101 Country Club Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446
픽커링벨리골프클럽 ........................... (610) 933-2223
Pickering Valley Golf Club 450 S. Whihorse Rd, Phoenixville, PA 19460
호샴벨리골프클럽 ............................... (215) 646-4707
Horsham Valley Golf Club 500 Babylon Road, Ambler, PA 19002
Rosedale Memorial Park & Mausoleum 3850 Richlieu Rd, Bensalem, PA 19020
웨스트민스터묘원 ................................ (610) 667-0550
West Minster Cemetery Paul Machio 701 Belmont Ave, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
와이트마쉬공원묘원 .................... 영어 (215) 646-7500
Whitemaech Memorial Park & Mausoleum 1169 Limekiln Pike Ambler PA 19002
조지워싱턴메모리얼파크 (610) 828-1417
George Washington Memorial Park 이 원 호 Lee, Won Ho 80 Stenton Ave, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
포레스트힐공원묘지 ............................ (215) 673-4600
Forest Hills Cemetery John Case 101 Byberry Rd & Philmont Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19116
힐사이드공원묘지 (215) 884-0696
Hillside Cemetery John Lemon 2556 Susquehanna Rd, Roslyn, PA 19001
비전싸인 .............................................. (215) 924-2226
Award Concepts, Inc. 김 요 셉 Kim, Joseph 500 W. Cheltenham Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19126
앤드디자인 ........................................... (267) 774-9135 And Design sunwoojang83@gmail.com 장선우 Sunwoo Jang 7900 Old York Rd 112B Elkins Park, PA 10927
앤트트로피 .......................................... (215) 635-3213 ANT Trophy 정 현 재 Edward Chung 7406 N. Front St, Cheltenham, PA 19012
예람기획 ............................................... (215) 983-5587
YeRam Total Graphics 김태연 Kim, Taeyeon
주간필라............................................... (215) 663-9100 Korean Phila Times 7401 Old York Rd. Suite 2-1 Elkins Park, PA 19027 팔마트로피 (215) 924-2226 Palma Trophy 500 W. Cheltenham Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19126
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 구두수선
LaGuardia Airport 225 Park Ave South, New York, NY10003 버팔로
Buffalo Niagara International Airport www.buffaloairport.com 4200 Genesee St, Cheektowaga NY 14225 보스톤
Boston Logan International Airport www.massport.com
Boston Logan Airport, Boston, MA 02128 애틀란틱시티
Atlantic City International Airport www.acairport.com
Atlantic City Int’s Airport, Pleasantville, NJ 08232
35-06 Union Street #2FK., Flushing, NY 11354
(484) 868-3055 13 E Garden RD Broomall PA 19008 난꽃집
(215) 545-2155 Orchid Flower Shop 김 은 수 Kim, Eun Soo 1633 Chancellor St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rainbow Flower Shop 안 인 숙 An, In Sook 59 Garrett Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19082
(610) 734-2231
샘이네꽃집 ........................................... (856) 354-7673
Sam’s Flowers 이 정 미 Lee, Jung Mee 200 Burntmill Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
에덴꽃집 (215) 353-1437
Eden Flowers 최 문 자 Choi, Desinger Moon 3305 Dekalb Blvd, East Norriton, PA 19401
영스꽃집 ............................................... (215) 238-0788
Young’s Florist 정 금 채 Chung, Kum Chae 1124 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
장미꽃집 ............................................... (215) 238-1634
Rose 4 U( 메리야트 호텔 내 ) 최 은 영 Choi, Eun 1201 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
파라다이스화원 .................................... (215) 224-3434
paradise Flowers Inc. 박 영 란 Park, Young Ran 7603 Organtz Ave, Phila, PA19150
그레이스 한인 복지센타 ....................... (215) 549-3444
Grace Korean Center 김현희 One & Onley Sq. 101 East Onley Ave.
귀니드스케어널싱홈 ......................... (215) 699-5000
Gwynedd Healthcare & Rehab Center 수잔나 박 Park, Susannah 773 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446
노스펜 가정방문 간호협회 어덜트 데이센터 .............. (267) 263-2874 North Penn Visiting Nurse Association Adult Day Services 스테파니 탁 Stephanie Tak www.npvna.org 1290 Allentown Rd, Lansdale, PA 19446
라이프 앳 롤드 ...................................... (856) 675-3355
LIFE AT LOURDES 한국어 (856) 675-3684 2475 McClelan Avenue Pennsauken, NJ 08109 www.lourdesnet.org
몽고메리 노인복지센터 (215) 855-7997
Montgomery Adult Day Service Ext. 110 /118 천 정 숙
은혜가든 요양 양로원 .......................... (732) 721-8200
Mercy Garden Nursing Home Ext. 110 /118 박 성 민 Kathy Park 901 Ernston Rd., South Amboy, NJ 08879
로렐브룩 한인양로원 (856) 608-7378 (856) 608-7316
Korean Community at Laurel Brook Rehab 원장 성 원종 (John Sung) 3718 Church Road Mt. Laurel NJ 08054
알버트노인건강센터............................. (215) 782-8370
Albert Senior Day Center 1400 Willow Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027
알버릿지한인양로원 (201) 978-2638 (973) 835-3781
Arbor Ridge Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center 원장 성 원종 (John Sung) 261 Terhune DrWayne, NJ 07470
요크 한인요양원 ................................... (215) 424-4090 York Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 크리스서 Chris Seo 7101 Old York Rd Philadelphia, PA 19126
은빛요양원 뉴저지 중부지점 ............... (732) 770-0609 Gateway Care Center 139 Grant Ave. Eatontown, NJ 07724
은빛요양원 뉴저지 중서부지점 ............ (732) 770-0609 Gateway Care Center 114 Pittstown Rd Pittstown, NJ 08867
챌튼햄 널싱홈 (215) 927-7300
Cheltenham Nursing Center Paul Goldenberg Rose Johnson 600 W. Cheltenham Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19126
컨피던트 데이케어 ............................... (856) 414-9400
Confident Day Care Adult Day Health Center 53 Haddonfield Rd, Suite 312, Cherry Hill, NJ08002
컨피던트 홈케어 ................................... (856) 482-7072 Confident Care Corp 51 Haddonfield Rd, Suite 105, Cherry Hill, NJ08002
펜아시안 노인복지원 .......................... (215) 572-1234 PASSI Ken Yang 6926 Old York Rd., Philsdelphia PA 19126 한국 요양원.......................................... (201) 225-4718
Korean Asylum 김 호 진 Kim, Ho Jin 230 East. Ridge Wood Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652 노래방 조니 워커 라운지
(215) 925-1111 Johnnie Walker Lounge 1016-18 Race St. Philadelphia PA 19107
두바 노래방 .......................................... (215) 635-3822
DUBA 이 한 민 Lee, Han Min 1333 W. Cheltenham Ave., Elkins Park, PA 19027
로데오노래방 ....................................... (610) 352-3362
Rodeo Music Studio 남 주 현 Nam, Joo Hyun 7060 Terminal Square, Upper Darby, PA 19082
뮤타포차 ............................................... (215) 224-2244
Music Town 황 근 성 Hwang, Keun Sung 5501 N. Front St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
코코노래방 ........................................... (215) 412-4200
Ko Ko Music Studio 이 동 신 Lee, Dong Sin 1222 Welsh Rd, North Wales, PA 19454 농장
늘푸른농장 ........................................... (609) 548-1313
Evergreen Orchard Farm 김 종 일 Kim, Chong Il 1023 Yardville Allentown Rd, Hamilton, NJ 08620
샛별농장 (267) 312-7650 2917-21 Gottschall Rd Perkiomeville, PA 18074
코스모스농장 ..................................... (609) 929-0254
Cosmos Farm 이 대 현 Lee, Dae Hyun 2445 East Linden Ave, Atco, NJ 08004
퀘리힐 농장 .......................................... (215) 513-1514
Quarry Hill Farms 620 Quarry Road, Harleysville, PA 19438
NJ부자농장 (201) 923-2117 Rich Berry Farm 5 Pea Patch Rd. Pemberton, NJ 08068
아메코 ................................................... (610) 825-6747
Amekor 정 문 량 Chung, Mun R. 500 Brook Rd, #100, Conshohocken, PA 19428
에이스레이디스사롱 ............................ (215) 424-3914 Ace Ladies Salon 주 황 돈 Joo, Hwang Don 6319 Stenton Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19138 도매(가방)
(215) 247-8606 Kim’s Wig & Hand Bag 함 대 덕 Hahm, Dae Dug 1518 Wadsworth Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19150 패션익스프레스
(215) 224-1206 Fashion Express 윤 동 준 Yun, Dong Joon 1331 Olney Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19141
박 영광 Park, Yung 1801 Underworld Blvd, Delran, NJ 08075 PNK홀세일
(215) 739-7101 S & K Wholesaler 4001 G St, Philadelphia, PA 19124
와이트골드맨 ....................................... (215) 225-3000
White & Goldman, Inc. 이 덕 수 Yi, Duk Su 721 W. Sedgley Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140
제트로 ................................................... (215) 334-2100
Jetro Cash & Carry Wholesale Grocery 700 Pattison Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19148
퀸네일 & 뷰티서플라이 ...................... (215) 722-1771
Queen Nail & beauty Supply Laura Le 6129 Colgate St, Philadelphia, PA 19111
아시안뷰티 & 네일서플라이 ............... (215) 533-2200
Asian Beauty Nail Supply Inc. Henry Le & Nancy K Nguyen 5520 Whitaker Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19124
J&A 필라델피아 ................................... (267) 627-2525
J&A USA INC. 심희조 Shim, Ainsley 7320 Old York Rd. #207 Elkins Park, PA 19027
KPD 홀세일 ......................................... (215) 457-0185
KPD International Wholesale Inc. 최 재 복 Jackie Choi 4967 N. 7th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
벤스뷰티서플라이 (215) 365-5600 Ben’s Beauty Supply Dist, Co 임 병 주 Im, Byung Ju 6900 Lindbergh Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19142
빅맨트레이딩 ....................................... (215) 457-7473 Big Man Trading, Inc. 정 연 보 Chung, Yun Bo 5010 N. Mascher St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
K & J 도매상사 ..................................... (215) 225-5885 750 W. Sedgley Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19140
PNK 홀세일 .......................................... (215) 329-9644 PNK Wholesale Fax: (215) 329-9645 김 영 식 Kim, Young Sik 4313-39 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140
와이트골드맨 ....................................... (215) 225-3000 White & Goldman Fax: (215) 225-3002 이 덕 수 Yi, Dok S. 721 W. Sedgley Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140 도매(양말)
Kyung C 328 W. Wyoming Ave Philadelhia, PA 19140
Chong Kyo
N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA
Wine & Spirits
(609) 953-8773
wind & Spirits Discount Liquuors 175 Rt. 70, Sharp Run Plaza, Medford, NJ 08055
Wasco Beer 1025 Spring Garden St, Philadelphia, PA 19123
Roger Wilco Joseph Arkin 1001 Rt. 73 South, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 옥스포드맥주도매
Oxford Beer Distributor Inc. 정 균 Chung, Kyun 7517 Oxford Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111 카넬
(856) 665-3456
(856) 665-4202 Caral’s 5360 Route 38 & Mansion Boulevard Pennsauken,NJ 08109
(215) 455-3377 Golden Cross Trading Inc. 박 종 교 Park, Chong Kyo 5139 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120 뉴필라쥬얼리도매
New Phila Wholesales Inc. 김 선 희 Kim, Sun Hee 315 W Olney Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120 이스턴쥬얼리도매 ................................ (215) 424-7116
Eastern Accessory (215) 927-2879
임 철 수 Lim, Chul Soo 5645-47 N. 5th St. Philadelphia, PA 19120
동물 미용샵
더 글루밍 살롱 ....................................... (215)295-3348
The Grooming Salon Eunice Chung e03151996@gmail.com 332 W. Trenton Ave. Ste.108 Morrisville, PA 19067
Brookhaven 동물병원 ......................... (610) 874-1000
Brookhaven Veterinary Hospital 권 진 호 Kwon, Jin Ho 101 East Garrison Rd, Brookhaven, PA 19015
델라웨어카운티동물병원 ..................... (610) 352-6677
Delaware County Animal Hospital 이 희 철 Lee, Hi Chul 301 S. 69th St, Upper Darby, PA 19082 락스보로동물병원
Roxborough Animal Hospital 이 규 선 Yi, Kyu Sun 6712 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19128
(215) 482-3037
Animal Hospital of Warwick 동물병원 ..... (215)343-5300 Dr. Yong Keun Jeon 2370 York rd, Unit A, Jamison, PA 18929 센터스퀘어동물병원
(610) 277-3672 Center Square Compassion Veterinary Clinic Ravi Murarka D.V.M. www.compassionvetclinic.com 1030 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
H마트 레빗타운 ................................... (215) 949-1003
H-Mart Levittown 권 일 연 Kwon, Il yeon 1138 Bristol Oxford Valley Rd, Levittown, PA 19057
H마트 어퍼다비 ................................... (610) 734-1001
H-Mart Upper Darby 권 일 연 Kwon, Il yeon 7050 Terminal Sq.Upper Darby, PA 19082
H마트 체리힐 ................................... (856) 489-4611 H-Mart Cherry Hill 권 일 연 Kwon, Il yeon 1720 Rt. 70 East., Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
H마트 첼튼햄 ....................................... (215) 782-1801 H-Mart Cheltenham 권 일 연 Kwon, Il yeon 7300 Old York Rd., Elkins Park, PA 19027
H마트 필라델피아 .................................. (267) 338-1700
H -Mart Philadelphia 권일연 Kown,Il yeon 6201 N Front St #124, Philadelphia, PA 19120
새한식품 ............................................... (610) 272-9554
Sae Han Oriental Food Market 박 채 빈 Park, Chae Been 1349 East Township Line Rd, Blue Bell, PA 19422
아씨플라자 ........................................... (215) 631-9400 Assi Plaza, PA Inc 이 승 만 Rhee, Seung M 1222 Welsh Rd, North Wales, PA 19454
롯데마트 (에디슨) ............................... (732) 702-2350
Lotte Plaza Market at Edison 1199 Amboy Ave. Edison, NJ 08837
영스식품 ............................................... (302) 994-4664
Young’s Market 유 준 현 Yu, Jun Hyun 2017 Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington, DE 19805
시골장터 .................................................. (917)566-8282
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
SaeBit Korean Dance Troupe 박 선 영 Park, Sun Young 395 Kings Highway N. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
(215) 331-8156
C & L USA Inc. 이 은 황 Lee, Don 2701 Commerce Way Philadelphia, PA 19154
EMX(Il Yang) Trading Inc 황 만 옥 Hwang, Man Ok 6340 Ogontz Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19141
(610) 825-6747
Amekor Industries, Inc. 정 문 량 Chung, Mun R. 500 Brook Rd, #100, Conshohocken, PA 19428
애니인터내셔날 ................................... (267) 677-1050
Annie International Inc. 신 유 승 Kevin Shin 500 Church Rd, North Wales, PA 19454
MEK International, Inc. Peter Kim 105 Churchhill Cir, North Wales, PA 19454 www.mekusa.com
(215) 712-2490
(267) 255-4226
한미무용단 .......................................... (215) 927-4318
Korean American Dance Group 장 문 부 Chang, Moon Bu 6633 N. 3rd St, Philadelphia, PA 19126 미용실
309 Hair Salon ..................................... (267) 357-7730 김영자원장 Kim, Young Ja 1440 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales, PA 19454
Lexyis Hair Salon................................. (267) 613-8479 이춘희 Lee, Chun Hui 100 North Wales Rd. Landsdale, PA 19446
Belle Institute Inc. ................................. (215) 288-9080 심 비비안 Shim, Vivian 6534-36 Castor Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19149 www.internationalbeautyacademy.com
CONTE HAIR ....................................... (267)592-2484 Jessica 981 North Wales Rd. #12 North Wales PA 19454
S.O.C.헤어스튜디오 ............................ (610) 352-7196 Scissor Over Comb Hair Studio joon7024@yahoo.com 김 주 희 Kim, Joo H. 289 Montgomery Ave. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
가위소리 .............................................. (215) 855-4815 Scissor Sound 엄 안 나 Um Anna 19 West Main St, Lansdale, PA 19446
글래머 미용실 ...................................... (609) 267-7006 Glamour Beauty Salon (609) 304-3966 김 형 선 1200 Woodland RD. Easthampton. NJ 08060
2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
애니미용실 ....................................... (267) 310-762
Annie Hair Salon 정은미 Eun Mi Jung 31 Oakland Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446
까까보까 ............................................... (215) 368-3600
Kaka Boka 정 남 훈 Chung, Num Hun 810 Upper State Rd, North Wales, PA 19454
남미영헤어 ........................................... (610) 239-1399
Miyoung Hair Studio 남 미 영 Nam, Mi Young 1079 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
리 미용실 ............................................... (717)975-9254
Lee, Hair Salon Lee, Jeong 3140 Dickinson Ave., Camp Hill, PA 17011
모아뷰티홀 (215) 935-3333
More Beauty Hall 박 상 근 7300 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027(한아름 2층)
반달미용실 ............................................. (215)885-3577 8027 Old York Rd.Elkins Park, PA 19027
뷰티센스헤어살롱 (267) 600-1000
Beauty Sense Hair 김루디아 Kim, Lydia 7024 Terminal Sq, Upper Darby, PA 19082
샤넬파지티브미용실 ............................ (856) 435-0077
Schanel Positive 최 경 애 Choi, Kyung Ae 201 Kresson Gibbsboro Rd, Voorhees, NJ 08043
써니헤어 ............................................... (215) 935-1004
Sunny Hair 신 월 숙 Kim, Sunny 8027 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027
세븐 미용실 .......................................... (856) 667-1200
Seven Hair Linda Hah 2431 Church Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
새라미용실 ........................................... (610) 352-8811
Sara’s Hair Salon 이 근 옥 Lee, Geun Ok 111 Fairfield Ave, Upper Darby, PA 19082
세시봉미용실 ....................................... (267) 625-1389
C’est si bon 981 North Wales Plaza, PA 19454
소망헤어 ............................................... (856) 229-7826
So Mang Hair Salon 조 미 영 Cho, Mi Yeong E-mail: somanghopekim@gmail.com
스타 헤어 살롱 ..................................... (484) 995-6444
Star Hair Salon Park, Jung Ryo 1906 Darby Rd, Havertown, PA 19083
시너지 살롱 ......................................... (267) 625 -1389 Synergy Salon 981 North Wales Rd, North Wales Plaza North Wales, PA 19454
시크 미용실 .......................................... (215) 368-8998
Chic Hair 최영지 Choi, Young Ji 852 W. Main St., Lansdale, PA 19446
엠살롱 ................................................... (215) 412-4849
M Hair Salon 에스터 윤 Yoon, Ester 674 Bethleham Pike, Montgomeryville, PA 19012
예효정메이크업 .................................... (267) 304-0776 Helen Ye Make-Up 예효정 Helen Ye 1745 S Easton Rd. Doylestown, PA 18901
예담 미용실 .......................................... (267) 312-5600 나 금 향 806 W.2nd St, Lansdale, PA 19446
....................................... (215) 850-5271
Jung Dawn Beauty Salon 정 순 옥 Jung, Soon Ok 1349 W. Cheltenham Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027
Feldman Gates & Bossert ................. (215) 965-7898 이민전문로펌
EEO 21 법률상담소 ............................ (215) 947-0243
이 정 수 Lee, Chungsoo Fax: (215) 947-0343 148 E. Street Road, Suite 321 Feasterville, PA 19053 www.eeo21.com /chunglee@eeo21.com
겟슨변호사 .......................................... (215) 520-4000
Getson & Schatz, P.C. www.click4immigration.com Brian Getson E-mail: info@getsonschatz.com 230 S. Broad St. Suite 1001, Philadelphia, PA 19102
김승범변호사 ....................................... (215) 720-8818
Seungbeom Kim, Esquire 김 승 범 Kim, Seungbeom 300 Welsh Rd, Building One, Suite 100 Horsham, PA 19044
김경택변호사 ....................................... (215) 965-0191 Law Office of Kevin T. Kim Kevin Kim 1135 W. Cheltenham Ave, Suite 208, Melrose Park, PA 19027
단박변호사(필라) ................................. (215) 548-4470
Don W. Pak, Esquire www.koreanimmigration.net 단 박 Pak, Don W. dpakesq@aol.com 5901 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
단박변호사(뉴저지) ............................. (856) 874-9440
Don W. Pak, Esquire 단 박 Pak, Don W. 923 Haddonfield Rd. Suite 300 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
단박변호사(다운타운) ......................... (215) 569-2800
Don W. Pak, Esquire 단 박 Pak, Don W. 2000 Market Street, Suite 2750, Philadelphia, PA 19103
더글라스월트만변호사 ....................... (610) 372-1190
Douglas J. Waltman Attorney at Law 더글라스 월트만 Douglas J. Waltman 529 Court St # 211, Reading, PA 19601
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라
Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer Toddy, P.C ........ (215) 569-2800 데이빗 오 David Oh 1818 Market Street, 13th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-3638
Han Law ............................................. (609-300-7704) John Han 600 W Germantown Pike Suite 400, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
로버트 벌치 변호사 ............................. (610) 277-9700
Robert J. Birch,Attorney at Law 325 Swede St, Norristown ,PA 19401.
리챠드김 변호사 .................................. (855) 996-6342
Richard H. Kim, Esquire The Kim Law Firm, LLC 911 Arch Street, Suite 101, Philadelphia, PA 19107
마크샤퍼변호사 ................................... (215) 545-6285
Mark D. Shaffer ESQ Mark D. Shaffer 1500 Walnut St, Suite 2000, Philadephia, PA 19102
마크파인맨법률사무소 ........................ (215) 742-9050
Mark Feinman 마크파인맨 Feinman, Mark 8171 Castor Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19152
마티오니합동법률사무소 (215) 629-1600
Mattioni, Ltd Michael Mattioni 100 N Independence Mall W. Philadelphia, PA 19106
Mednick, Mezyk & Kredo, P.C. .......... (215) 285-2000 Fax: (215) 545-7752
안 매 리 Ahn, Mary 1500 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1030 Philadelphia, PA 19102
Mednick, Mezyk & Kredo, P.C. ........ (215) 285-2000 Fax: (215) 545-7752
안 매 리 Ahn, Mary 101 Greenwood Ave. Suite 203 Jenkintown, PA 19046
매튜골드스타인변호사 ........................ (215) 985-9494
Goldstein & McHugh, P.C. gmliquorlaw.com Matthew N. Goldstein E-mail: mg@gmliquorlaw.com 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 713A Philadelphia, PA 19106
92 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 변호사/법률사무소
바지오변호사 ....................................... (610) 328-9200
Catherine M. Baggiano, Esquire Baggiano, Catherine M. 491 Baltimore Pike, #665A, Springfield, PA 19046
박명석변호사 ....................................... (215) 635-2101
Myung Suk Park Attorney At Law 박 명 석 Park, Myung Suk 429 W. Cheltenham Ave, 2nd Fl, Elkins Park, PA 19027
박영근변호사 ........................................ (215) 564-2901
Law Offices of Young K. Park 박 영 근 Park, Young K. 2009 Chesnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
박우암&에이치슨변호사그룹 ............... (215) 635-1515
PAK & AITCHISON, P.C. 박우암 John Pak 1349 W. Cheltenham Ave Suite 103 Elkins Park, PA 19027
박재홍변호사(포트리) ......................... (201) 461-2380
J Park Law Firm 박재홍 Park, Jae Hong 140 Sylvan Ave 204 Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
박재홍변호사(체리힐) (201) 461-2380
J Park Law Firm 박재홍 Park, Jae Hong 1818 Old Cuthbert Road, Suite 109, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
박재홍변호사(뉴욕) ............................. (201) 461-2380
J Park Law Firm 박재홍 Park, Jae Hong 150-05 Northern Blvd. 2FL. Flushing, NY 11354
솔닉변호사 .......................................... (215) 481-9979
Solnick & Levin, LLC 김 패티 Kim, Patricia 215-359-5617 2851 Limekiln Pike Glenside PA 19038
쉬네이더변호사 ................................... (215) 751-2000
Schnader Attorney at Law 쉬네이더 Schnader Esq. 1600 Market St, Suite 3600 Philadelphia, PA 19103
신중식변호사 (뉴욕오피스) ................. (212) 594-2244
Joong Jay Shin Attorney at Law www.lawyer-shin.com 신 중 식 Shin, Joong Sik 16 West 32nd Street #502 New York, NY 10001
신중식변호사 (포트리) (201) 400-5540
Joong JAY Shin Attorney at Law www.lawyer-shin.com 신 중 식 Shin, Joong Sik 2160. N.central rd. #203G Fort Lee, NJ07024
신중식변호사 (필라오피스) ................. (215) 635-2800
Joong JAY Shin Attorney at Law www.lawyer-shin.com 신 중 식 Shin, Joong Sik 7300 Old York Rd, #201, Elkins Park, PA 19027
스탠리 변호사 ..................................... (267) 875-4240
Stanley Sinowitz .Esq (한국어 상담) 최병학 1628 John F Kennedy Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19103
아브라힘변호사 ................................... (215) 362-2478
Marcia Binder Ibrahim Attorney at Law www.good-lawyer.com Marcia Binder Ibrahim E-mail: mbi@good-lawyer.com 222 S. Broad St, Lansdale, PA 19446
안문영변호사 ....................................... (267) 222-8417 Ahn, Moon Young ESQ 안 문 영 Ahn, Moon Y. 142 E. Main St, Lansdale, PA 19446
안민환 변호사 ..................................... (267) 290-0405 Law Offices of Lally & Ahn 안민환 Ahn, Min Hwan 261 Old York Road, Suite #731, Jenkintown, PA 19046 www.ahnandlally.com
윤상진변호사 ....................................... (215) 384-6543 Yoon Sang Jin Attorney at Law 윤 상 진 Yoon, Sang Jin E-mail: dsyoon@fusemail.com 2521 Brown St, Philadelphia, PA 19130
이무경 변호사 ...................................... (215) 782-8800 Moo K. Lee, JD 이 무 경 Lee, Moo K. 525 Spring Ave., Elkins Park, PA 19027
GSGB합동법률사무소(필라델피아) .... (215) 391-4447
GSGB Attorneys At Law 1500 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Ste.1506 Philadelphia, PA 19102
잭 버나드 변호사 ................................ (215) 665-0666
Jack Bernard ESQ. 잭 버나드 Jack, Bernard 100 S. Broad, ST., Suite #1930, Philadelphia, PA 19110
정일형 변호사 ....................................... (610) 275-1220
Law Office of Joshua I. Chung 정 일 형 Chung, Joshua I. 619 Dekalb St, Norristown, PA 19401
조재형 법률사무소 ............................. (609) 642-4488 Cho Law Offices LLC jhc@jcholaw.com 조 재 형 Jae H. Cho (NJ & NY) 3490 US Route 1, Ste 7B, Princeton, NJ 08540
지미정 변호사 (필라) .......................... (215) 909-5204
Law Office of Jimmy Chong www.chonglawfirm.com 정 지미 Chong, Jimmy 1845 Walnut St. Ste 1300 Philadelphia, PA 19103
지미정 변호사 (랜스데일) ................... (215) 909-5204
Law Office of Jimmy Chong www.chonglawfirm.com 정 지미 Chong, Jimmy 100 W. Main Street, Suite 420, Lansdale, PA 19446
지미정 변호사 (윌밍튼) ....................... (302) 999-9480 Law Office of Jimmy Chong www.chonglawfirm.com 정 지미 Chong, Jimmy 2961 Centerville Road, Suite 350, Wilmington, DE 19808
진스버그 변호사 .................................. (215) 564-4585 Ginsburg & Associates Attormeys at Law 2112 Walnut St, Phila, PA19103
카탈디 변호사 (필라) ........................... (215) 300-0014 Law Office of Cataldi & Associates 에이미 성 Amy Sung 1818 Market Street 13th Fl Philadelphia PA 19103
코헨슬러&곤잘레스법률사무소 .......... (215) 854-0060
Cohen, Flur, González & Pinillos,P.C. Cohen, Sluhr & Gonzales 1608 Walnut Street, Suite 1108Philadelphia, PA 19103 www.cfg-law.com
황삼열변호사 ....................................... (484) 674-3250
Sam Youl Hwang Esquire. Ext.100 황 삼 열 Hwang, Sam Yul 107 W. Township Line Rd, East Norriton, PA 19403 병원(가정의학과)
(856) 520-8718 Kwak Family Medicine. PC kwakfamilymedicine.com 곽 지 훈 James J. Kwak kwak.family.medicine@hotmail.com 2301 Evesham Rd. Suite 505 Voorhees, NJ 08043 조희열가정의학과
(609) 387-0325 Doctor Office of Hee Yul Cho 조 희 열 Cho, Hee Yul 102 W. Broad St, Burlington, NJ 08016
에베레스트 메디칼 케어 ....................... (610) 853-2502
Everest Medical Care 이 소 빈 Lee, So Bin 2010 West Chester Pike, Suite 338, Havertown, PA 19083
김원희내과(캐스터) .............................. (215) 342-2015 김 원 희 Kim, Won Hee 309 Florence Ave #914N Jenkintown 19046 김종덕내과(챌튼햄) (215) 635-9000 Kim Chong Duck Internal Medicine 김 종 덕 Kim, Chong Duk 7300 Old York Rd, 203, Elkins Park, PA 19027 김인순내과
(215) 736-9500 Kim In Soon Internal Medicine 김 인 순Kim, In Soon 801 W. Trenton Ave, Morrisville, PA 19067
(610) 853-9328 Jefferson Health Care 박 경 빈 Park, Kyong Bin 525 W. Chester Pike, #102B, Havertown, PA 19083 나홍식심장전문의............................... (267) 627-6715 Doylestown Health Cardiology at Rockledge 나홍식 Hong S. Ra 821 Huntingdon Pike Meadowbrook, PA 19006
(609) 799-4644 Byung Ki Bang Internal Medicine
병 기 Bang, Byung Ki 9 Chalks Crossing Rd, Suite 720, Plainsboro, NJ 08536
서재필의료원(랜스데일) ......................... (215)997-2101 홍선화 Hong, Sun Wha, M.D., F.A.C.O.G 51 Medical Campus Dr, Lansdale PA 1944
서재필의료원(필라델피아) .................... (215)224-2000 홍선화 Hong, Sun Wha, M.D., F.A.C.O.G 6705 Old York Rd Philadelphia PA 19126
지능자산부인과(서재필) ...................... (215) 464-4800
Dr. Chi’s obstetrics 지 능 자 Nungja (Jenny) Chi, M.D. 9500 Roosebelt, Suite 404, Phila, PA 19114
김영진성형외과 ...................................... (02) 548-1588
Dr. Kim Young Jin 필라연락처 (267) 269-9200 김 영 진 Kim, Young Jin 서울시 강남구 신사동 585-13번지 재경빌딩 3층
벅스카운티성형외과 ............................ (215) 702-8600 Bucks County Plastic Surgery Bruce 540 N. Woodbourne Rd, #2, Langhorne, PA 19047
베이사이드레이저전문병원 ................. (718) 281-1100
Lase Skin Clilnic 최 태 식 Choi, Tae Shik 222-15 Northern Blvd, Bayside, NY 11361
에릭차성형외과 .................................... (212) 717-2222 Eric K. Cha M.D. 차 에릭 Cha, Eric K. Cha 1049 5th Ave, #2c, New York, NY 10038
이장환 성형외과 ................................... (610) 789-6703 John J.W. Lee, M.D., FACS 이 장 환 Lee, John 2050 W. Chester Pike, #100, Havertown, PA 19083
이현수 피부과 전문의(뉴저지) (201)886-9000
Lee Dermatology 이 현 수 Lee, Hyun Soo 500 Grand Ave, Suite 201, Englewood, NJ 07631
심재우소아과 (856) 327-0016 Pediatrician 심 재 우 Shim, Jae Uh 1000 N. High St, Millville, NJ 08332
최응룡소아과 ....................................... (610) 449-2332 Eung Ryong Choi, M.D. 최 응 룡 Choi, Eung Ryong 850 West Chest Pike, Suite 104, Havertown, PA 19083 병원(안과/검안과) 구현남안과
홍나라 검안 ......................................... (856) 879-0011
Dr. Hong’s Eye 홍 나 라 Hong, Nara 118 Barclay Shopping Center, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 병원(알러지과)
다니엘김안과(뉴욕) ............................. (718) 661-3800
Daniel Kim Lasik Center Kim, Daniel 41-61 Kissena Blvd, C-24, Flushing, NY 11355
다니엘김안과(뉴저지) ......................... (201) 461-3970
Daniel Kim Lasik Center Kim, Daniel 540 Bergen Blvd, Palisades Park, NJ 07650
얼티모 김안과 (215) 650-7785 Ultimo Eye Wear www.ultimoeyewear.com Timothy D. Kim OD 2321 Huntingdon Pike, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
이용택안과전문의 ............................... (215) 922-2455
Eye Health Associates, P.C. 이 용 택 Lee, Yong Taek 1100 Walnut St, Suite #603, Philadelphia, PA 19107
이정협안과 .......................................... (215) 935-6908 J.H.Lee O.D. & Associates 이 정 협 Lee, John H, 947 Old York Road, Abinton, PA 19001
알러지/천식센터 .................................. (718) 757-9129 Allergy and Asthma Care 구 민정 Ku, Min Jung 213 Haddon Ave, Haddonfield, NJ 08033 이혁엽 알러지 전문의 ......................... (215) 277-1469 HYOK YOP LEE, MD, F.A.A.A.A.I 1400 Willow Ave Elkins Park, PA 19027 병원(외과) 김현정외과
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 병원(재활의학과)
(610) 534-6370 Joong Jin Kim, M.D. 김 중 진 Kim, Joong Jin 1501 Lansdowne Ave, Suite #209, Darby, PA 19023 템플대학병원이비인후과
(215) 707-3663 Temple Hospital Ear, Nose, Throat Kresge Hall, #102 Tioga, Philadelphia, PA 19140
박성혜정신심리학 ................................ (267) 808-5764
Corner Stone Psychological Services, LLC 박성혜 Dr.Sunghye P. Sin,Psy.D 201 Glenwood Rd. Elkins Park, PA 19027
서재필기념의료원 (215) 224-2000 Jaisohn Medical Center 정신건강상담 6705 Old York Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19126
(215) 955-6000 Thomas Jefferson University Hospital 111 S. 11th St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Cheltenham Ave #201 Elkins Park PA 19027
유숙희정신과 ....................................... (215) 877-2000 Bermont Center 유 숙 희 Yoo, Sook Hee 4200 Mounment Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19131
이영빈정신과 ....................................... (856) 795-9991 이 영 빈 Lee, Young B. MD. 228 Kings Hwy, E. Hadonfield, NJ 08033
한창규정신과 ....................................... (610) 520-9131 University of Pennsyvania 한 창 규 Hahn, Chang Gyu 121 Coulter Rd, Ardmore, PA 19003
김지은 소아정신과
Kim, M.D. Child Psychiatrist
(215) 771-1434
지 은 Kim, Jieun M.D 503 Washington Av. Suite 2B, Newtown, PA 18940
(215) 771-1434 Jieun Kim, M.D. Child Psychiatrist 김 지 은 Kim, Jieun M.D 1012 N. Bethlehem Pike, Suite 202, Ambler, PA 19002 민재메디칼센터 .................................... (856) 428-0386 Meenjae Medical Center 장 영 순 Jang, Young S 500 S Burnt Mill Rd, Voorhees, NJ 08043
Jefferson Health NJ Comprehensive Breast Center .............................................................. (856) 218-2100 2211 Chapel Avenue Suite 301 Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 900 Medical Center Drive Suite 201 Sewell, NJ 08080
Doylestown Health Cardiology at Rockledge (267) 627-6715 나홍식 Hong S. Ra 821 Huntingdon Pike Meadowbrook, PA 19006
Temple University Hospital (215) 707-3603 서병세 Suh, Byung Se Broad & Tioga St., Philadelphia, PA 19140
서재필의료원(필라델피아).................... (215) 224-2000 Jaisohn Medical Center(Philadelphia) 김영남 Kim, Young Nam 김원명 Kim, Won Myong 제니퍼 서 Jennifer Suh 6705 Old York Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19126
굿모닝카이로프랙틱 ............................ (267) 317-2387
Good Morning Chiropractic 여 인 욱 Yeo, In Wook 8118 Old York Rd, Upper Lever, Suite E, Elkins Park, PA 19027
김승원카이로프랙틱(앰블러) ............... (215) 641-9808
Kim Seung Won Chiropractic 김 승 원 Kim, Seung Weon 1837 Norristown Rd, Maple Glen, PA 19002
김승원카이로프랙틱(챌튼햄) ............... (215) 276-1976
Kim Seung Won Chiropractic 김 승 원 Kim, Seung Won 6777 N. 5th, Philladelphia, PA 19126
김카이로프랙틱크리닉(챌튼햄) ........... (215) 782-1235
Kim Chiropractic & Rehab Center 김 상 혁 Kim, Sang Hyuk 921 W Cheltenham Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027
굿핸즈 통증클리닉(레빗타운) .............. (267) 594-4173
CTL 김 형 진, 황 상 우 1249 Woodbourne Rd. Suite A Levittown, PA 19057
굿핸즈 통증클리닉(해버타운) .............. (610) 789-3678 CTL 김 형 진, 황 상 우 525 West Chester Pike #103A, Havertown, PA 19083
굿핸즈 통증클리닉(노스웨일즈) .......... (267) 421-5191
116 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 병원(척추신경/통증)
마에스트로카이로프랙틱 ..................... (610) 270-8888
Maestro Chiropractic 유철호 Yoo, Chul Ho 2949 Swede Rd., East Norriton, PA 19401
신승묵 통증병원 한방병원 (랜스데일) ...(215)647-2188
Shin Family Chiro 신승묵 Shin Seungmook www.shinfamilychiro.com 1200 Welsh Road Suite #F2 North Wales, PA 19454
어드밴스드 카이로프랙틱 .................... (267) 342-6161
Advanced Chiropractic & Rehab Center 이효영 Lee, Hyoyoung 930 Susquehanna Rd, Ambler, PA 19002
유성진물리치료재활센터 ..................... (267) 763-1900
Yoo Physical Therpy & Rehab Center 유 성 진 1349 Cheltenham Ave #201 Elkins Park PA 19027
차영주카이로프랙틱 ............................ (215) 820-2581
Cha Chiropractic Center 차 영 주 Cha,Young Choo 1905 W.Cheltenham Ave Elkins Park PA 19027
차영주카이로프랙틱(아씨클리닉) ........ (215) 820-2581
Cha Chiropractic Center 차 영 주 Cha,Young Choo 1218 Welsh Rd., Suite C, North Wales, PA 19454
채형균카이로프랙틱(어퍼다비) ........... (610) 202-8118
Barun Spine & Chiropractic 채 형 균 Chea, Hyung Kyun 7050 Terminal SquareUpper Darby, PA 19082
채형균카이로프랙틱(챌튼햄) ............... (215) 224-0110
Barun Spine & Chiropractic 채 형 균 Chea, Hyung Kyun 69 E. Cheltenham Ave. Cheltenham, PA 19012
편한세상통증병원(랜스데일) ............... (215) 699-2000
Cho Chiropractic & Pain Management Center 조 남 수 Cho, David N. www.chocomfortzone.com 275 Dekalb Pike, #103, North Wales, PA 19454 편한세상통증병원(윌로우 그로브) ...... (215) 885-9989 Cho Chiropractic & Pain Management Center. 조 남 수 Cho, David N. www.chocomfortzone.com 2601 Easton Rd Willow Grove, PA 19090 편한세상통증병원(체리힐) ................... (856) 234-1200
LEE CHIROPRACTIC ACUPUNCTURE 이요한 Yo Han Lee www.chocomfortzone.com 1930 Marlton Pike East Suite F33 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
118 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 병원(치과)
프라임카이로프랙틱............................(267)607-1875 Prime Chiropractic Sebastian Shin 1349 W Cheltenham Ave Elkins Park PA 19027 해피카이로프랙틱
김규식치과(글로체스터) ..................... (856) 456-0164 Alden Kim, D.M.D 김 규 식 Kim, Kyu Sik 27 N. Broadway, Gloucester, NJ 08030 김용우치과 .......................................... (215) 342-0822
John Y. Kim Dentist Office 김 용 우 Kim, John Y. 1038 Knorr St, Philadelphia, PA 19111
김종규치과 .......................................... (215) 745-6123
Dr. Jong G. Kim D.D.S 김 종 규 Kim, Jong G. 6725 Castor Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19149
마운트 로렐치과 ................................. (856) 778-0022
Mount Laurel Dental Associates,LLC 다니엘 서 Daniel Suh 220 Union Mill Road, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
(610) 352-4091 Concord Dental, P.C. 강 태 호 Kang, Tae Ho 37 B Garrett Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19082
Moon’s Smile Clinic ........................... (215) 487-2347 문 대 욱 Moon, Dae Wook 8115 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19128
병원(치과) 119 2023 Jugan Phila
백치과 ................................................... (610) 272-2235
Ryan Baek Dental, LLC 백승욱 Baek, Ryan DMD 207 W. Germantown Pike, East Norriton, PA 19401
베를린치과 .......................................... (856) 767-7077
Berlin Dental Arts 강 성 문 Stephen M.Kang 7 Harker Ave.Ste.#1 Berlin NJ 08009
블루벨 패밀리치과 .............................. (610) 278-1110
Parkway Family Dentistry 박 인 국 Park, In Kook 1732 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
서완석치과 ........................................... (856) 234-5001
Mikko Dental www.mikkodental.com Wansuk Seo D.M.D 890 Union Mill Rd, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
손영진치과 ........................................... (302) 998-8283
Jeanette Y. Son Dentistry Jeanette Y. Son D.M.D., P.A. 2601 Annand Dr, Suite 8, Wilmington, DE 19808
스티븐 패밀리 치과 ............................. (610) 586-0190
Stephen’s Family Dentistry Stephen Huang 1 W. Ashland Ave, Glenolden, PA19036
아이 스마일 치과 ................................. (267) 668-8001
i Smile Dental Group 그레이스 Grace 6573 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia, PA
애플패밀리치과 (노스웨일즈/아씨) .... (215) 699-3700
Apple Family Dentistry 김 태 수 Lisa Kim 275 Dekalb Pike, Suite 101, North Wales, PA 19454
애빙톤스마일센터 ............................... (215) 558-4205
Abington Smile Center Kim Chong Yon 1501 Old York Road Abington PA 19001
유혜경치과(렌스데일) ......................... (215) 362-3000
Kobawoo Dental Center 유 혜 경 Yu, He Kyung 1222 Welsh Rd, Suite G, North Wales, PA 19454
아름다운치과 ...................................... (215) 635-6900
Yorktowne Dental Group 김 용 건 Kim, Yong Kun 123 Old York Rd, 1st floor Jenkintown, PA 19046
엘리트치과 .......................................... (610) 280-9899
Elite Dental Care E. Joan Sathe 100 Campbell Blvd, Suite102, Exton, PA 19341
124 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
이계정치과 .......................................... (856) 795-9007
Kingston Family Cosmetic Dental Center 이 계 정 Lee, kessy, DDS 1034 East Rt. 70, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
이국성치과(Abington) ........................ (215) 885-6020 Calvin K.Lee 818 Easton Rd, Glenside, PA 19038
이윤희치과 .......................................... (856) 779-8777
Dental Associates of Maple Shade www.drsophialee.com 이 윤 희 Sophia Lee, DMD 60 West Main St, Maple Shade, NJ 08052
장용수치과 ........................................... (215) 782-1606
Yong Soo Jang D.M.D 장 용 수 Jang, Yong Soo 7300 Old York Rd, Suite 211, Elkins Park, PA 19027
정영자치과 .......................................... (215) 635-0570
Young Ja Chong D.M.D 정 영 자 Chong, Young Cha 335 W. Cheltenham Ave. Melrose Park, PA 19027
최지은치과 .......................................... (215) 643-9858
Thomas E. Deem Family Dentistry 한국어 (617) 997-6467 최 지 은 Choi, Ji Eun 6198 Butler Pike, Suite 140, Blue Bell, PA 19422
참소아치과 ........................................... (610) 277-4811 Charm Pediatric Dentistry, LLC. 서 유 성 Suh Yoosung D.M.D. 1040 Dekalb Pike Suite100 Blue Bell, PA 19422
Creative Dental PC (484)231-1554
Dr. Konreddy J Reddy D.M.D 1537 Dekalb Pike Blue Bell PA 19422
콘쇼하켄치과 ....................................... (610) 828-3535
Conshohoken Dental Group 서 완 석 Seo, Wan Suk 200 W. Ridge Pike, #129, Conshohocken, PA 19428
플리머스 그린 치과 .............................. (610)278-6500
Plymouth Greene Dental 1000 Germantown Pike suite f-4, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
피카소치과 .......................................... (215) 657-2196
Picasso Dental Arts, LLC. www.picassodent.com 류 윤 정 Yoon Victoria Lyou 1550 Old York Rd, Ste 4, Abington, PA 19001
헬렌 노 치과 ........................................ (856) 520-8488
Simply Beautiful Smiles of Marlton Helen Ro DDS 750 Rt 73 S Suite 110 Martlon, NJ 08053
해바라기치과 ........................................ (267) 477-1711
Sunflower Family Dental Dr. Jin H Park, DMD / Dr. Young H Lee, DDS 1501 Lower State Road, Suite C North Wales, PA 19454
백치과 ................................................... (610) 272-2235 Ryan Baek Dental, LLC 백승욱 Baek, Ryan DMD 207 W. Germantown Pike, East Norriton, PA 19401
데미빗브레슬러치과 ............................ (215) 884-2900 David A. Bresler D.D.S & Associates David A. Bresler 1 Abington Plaza 101 Old York Rd, #301, Jenkintown, PA 19046
참소아치과 ............................................ (267) 575-0249 Charm pediatric Dentistry, L.L.C. 서 유 승 Suh, Yoo Sung 1040 Dekalb Pike Suite 100 Blue Bell, PA 19422
아이들치과 ........................................... (215) 635-5560
Children’s Dental Associates Stephen D. Cohen DDS 8118 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027
유혜경치과(렌스데일) (215) 362-3000
Kobawoo Dental Center 유 혜 경 Yu, He Kyung 1222 Welsh Rd, Suite G, North Wales, PA 19454
2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
최은희치과 ........................................... (856) 629-0577
Children’s Dental Associates 최 은 희 Choi, Eun Hee 1602 Liberty Place, Sicklerville, NJ 08081
나현덕교정치과 ................................... (610) 356-8710
Ra Dental Clinic 나 현 덕 Dr. Ra Hyun D. 3745 West Chester Pike, Newtown SQ., PA 19073
미코교정치과 (856) 840-6926
MIKKO ORTHODONTICS 890 Union Mill Road Mt. Laurel, NJ. 08054
블루벨 패밀리치과 ............................. (610) 278-1110
Blue bell Family Dentistry 김 순 주 Kim, Soon Ju 1732 Dekalb Pike. Blue Bell, PA 19422
우리교정치과 ...................................... (215) 782-8330
Woori orthodontics 박 원 우 Park, Won Woo 1333 W. Cheltenham Ave, Suite 202, Elkins Park, PA 19027
이국성치아교정전문의(젠킨타운) (215) 885-6020
Calvin K. Lee, D.M.D., M.S. 이 국 성 Calvin K. Lee One Abington Plaza 101 York Rd, #300, Jenkintown, PA 19046
이국성치아교정전문의(미디아) .......... (610) 565-5077
Calvin K. Lee, D.M.D., M.S. 이 국 성 Calvin K. Lee 1245 N. Providence Rd, Media, PA 19063
다나앤디치과 ....................................... (215) 536-7705
Donna Lee Endy D.M.D (610) 828-3535 이 다나 Lee Endy Donna 1402 W. Broad St, #102, Quakertown, PA 18951
백치과 ................................................... (610) 272-2235
Ryan Baek Dental, LLC 백승욱 Baek, Ryan DMD 207 W. Germantown Pike, East Norriton, PA 19401
아름다운치과 (215) 635-6900
Yorktowne Dental Group 김 용 건 Kim, Yong Kun 123 Old York Rd, 1st floor Jenkintown, PA 19046
고영재피부과 (215) 955-6680
Dermatology Office 고 영 재 Kouh, Young Chai 525 Jamestown Ave, #204, Philadelphia, PA 19097
레이저전문의료원 ................................ (718) 281-1100
Laser Skin Clinic 최 태 식 M.D Choi, Tae Shik 222-15 Northern Blvd, Bayside, NY 11361
이승정 피부과 ...................................... (267) 687-4437 Center City Dermatology, LLC www.centercitydermatology.com 이 승 정 Sena Lee, M.D., Ph.D. 1500 Walnut St, Suite 1240, Philadelphia, PA 19102
메트로피부과 (플러싱) ......................... (718) 886-9000
Lee Dermatology 이 현 수 Lee, Hyun Soo 41-61 Kissena Blvd, Concourse Level #5A, Flushing, NY 11355 메트로피부과 전문의(뉴저지) .............. (201) 886-9000
Lee Dermatology 이 현 수 Lee, Hyun Soo 500 Grand Ave, Suite 201, Englewood, NJ 07631
메트로피부과 전문의(브롱스) .............. (718) 292-9197
Lee Dermatology 이 현 수 Lee, Hyun Soo 220 E. 16th St. Bronx, NY 10451
메트로 피부과 전문의(엘머스트) ......... (718) 886-9000
Lee Dermatology 이 현 수 Lee, Hyun Soo 40-12 80th St. Elmhurst, NY 11375
126 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
필라델피아 모발이식 클리닉 ................ (267) 471-4018
카카오톡아이디: Newhair 191 Presidential Blvd. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
S & K쥬얼리 ......................................... (215) 467-7030
S & K Jewelry 이 석 태 Lee, Suk Tai 330 Oregon Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19148
그레고스 보석 ...................................... (215) 228-0880
Gregor’s Jewelers 조 앤디 Cho, Andy 2658 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19133
메이보석 ............................................... (215) 657-0160
May Jewelers 김 평 종 Kim, Pyung Jong 150 Park Ave, Willow Grove, PA 19090
미미보석(필라한아름) .......................... (215) 782-2220 Mimi Enterprises, Inc. 김 제이 Kim, Jay 7300 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027
미아스디팟 ........................................... (302) 798-2844 Mia’s Depots 변 동 래 Byun, Dong Rae Tri-State Mall Claymont, DE 19703
쌍동이보석 (215) 548-5011
Twin Jewelry 배 성 환 5632-34 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
장미보석 ............................................... (215) 276-9909
Rose Jewelers 이 덕 희 Lee, Duk Hee 5638 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
제이로버츠 보석 ................................... (856) 596-8600
Jay Roberts Jewelers
Jake Spigleman 515 Rt 73S Marlton NJ 08053
제이에스쥬얼리 .................................... (215) 387-6733
J.S. Jewelry 안 재 석 An, Jae Suk 4029 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104
커스텀 캐럿 .......................................... (267) 652-0061
Custom Carat 임선아 Im Sun Ah 1116 Horsham Rd. Suite6 Ambler, PA 19002
폴스금은보석상 .................................... (215) 224-6622 주 수 강 Joo,Soo Kyang 5624 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
피어싱플레이스플러스 ......................... (215) 592-0777
Piercing Place Plus 김 기 수 Kim, Ki Soo 10th Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
하나보석 .............................................. (215) 548-7660
Hana Jeweler 유 충 국 Yoo, Choong Kug 5629 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
꿈나무 유아원 ...................................... (215) 742-4311 Little Tree Learning and Caring 7024 Castor Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19149
둥지어린이집 ....................................... (215) 927-1947
The Nest Academy 김 정 도 Kim,Chong To 1001 W. 70th Ave, Phila, PA19126
시온유아원 ........................................... (215) 362-8064
Zion Nursery School 홍 크리스틴 Hong, Christin 501 N. Line St, Lansdale, PA 19446
필라한인보육원 .................................... (215) 457-7730
Rising Sun Childrens Center www.koreancenter.org 5224 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120
136 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 부동산
강병욱부동산 ....................................... (267) 476-7117
Remax Service, Inc 강 병 욱 Kang, Brian 794 Penllyn Pike, Suite 200, Blue Bell, PA. 19422
고효성부동산 ....................................... (215) 205-1021 Prudential 고 효 성 Ko, Hyo Sung 1600 N.Bethlehem Pike, #100, Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002
권형원부동산 ....................................... (215) 619-0626
BHHS Prudential Fox & Roach Realtors 권 형 원 Kwon, Helen 653 Skippack Pike, #200, Blue Bell, PA 19422
금강부동산 ........................................... (267) 226-7348
Coldwell Banker Commercial 김 혁 기 Kim. Chuck 300 W Cheltoham Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19126
김광성 종합업무 ................................... (609) 895-0081 Kim’s Complete Service 김 광 성 Kim, Kwang Sung 1 Woodfield Lane, Lawreaceville, NJ 08648
김만기부동산 ....................................... (215) 782-3666
Sky City Property 김 만 기 Kim, Man Ki 8043 Old York Rd, #100, Elkins Park, PA 19027 김성태 부동산 ...................................... (856) 625-5605 Keller Williams Realty Office:(856) 321-1212 Fax: (856) 321-1414 1814 Marlton Pike, Suite 200 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 김용환&김나영 부동산 ........................ (215) 643-3200 Remax 731 Skippack Pike Blue Bell, PA 19422 김용희부동산 ....................................... (610) 352-6400
Tom Kim Real Estate Inc. 김 용 희 Kim, Tom 7030 Terminal Sq Floor 1, Upper Darby, PA 19082 김윤식부동산
김원 부동산 .......................................... (484) 358-6040
Keller Williams 김 원 Kim, Won 2901 Emrick Blvd, Suite 100, Bethlehem, PA 18020
김일환부동산 ....................................... (215) 680-1015
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services 김 일 환 Kim, Il Hwan 721 Skippack Pike, Suite One, Blue Brll, PA 19422
김태조부동산 (215) 888-6331 Re/Max Services, Inc. 김 태 조 Kim, Stanley J. 794 Penllyn Pike, Suite 200, Blue Bell, PA 19422
김학범부동산 ....................................... (267) 242-9028
Remax Service, Inc 김 학 범 Kim, Hak Beom 794 Penllyn Pike, Suite 200, Blue Bell, PA 19422
김혁기부동산 (215) 583-7777 김 혁 기 Kim, Chuck 300 W. Cheltenham Ave. PA 19126
그레이스김부동산................................. (215) 822-8200 RE/MAX Legacy (215) 280-5709 그레이스 김 Grace Kim 1300 Horizon Dr. Ste 108 Chalfont, PA 18914
남상현부동산 ....................................... (267) 784-7931 Inifinty Top Achievers 남 상 현 Nam, Shawn 4201 Church Rd, Suite B, Mt.Laurel NJ 08054
노연희부동산 ....................................... (609) 560-2762 Weichert Realtors 노 연 희 Ro, Jodi 107 Taunton Blvd, Medford, NJ 08055
롱앤포스터(김그레이스) ...................... (215) 654-5876
Long & Foster 김 그레이스 Kim, Grace 860 Penllyn Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
롱앤포스터(김그레이스) ...................... (215) 654-5876 Long & Foster 김 그레이스 Kim, Grace 860 Penllyn Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
138 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
리사부동산 ....................................... (267) 312-9406
Lisa Kim Real Estate 1126 Horsham Rd. Maple Glen PA 19002
박영호부동산 ....................................... (215) 869-3009 Park Young Ho Realty E-mail: remaxpark@mail.com 박 영 호 Park, Young H. 1800 E. High St, Pottstown, PA 19464
베스트 부동산 ...................................... (215) 630-0033 서승준 Fax (215) 747-0542
Best Marketing Services 112 South 60th St. Philadelphia, PA 19139
서주갑부동산 ....................................... (856) 912-2777
Realty Mark Advantage 서 주 갑 Seo, Jacob 9000 Lincoin Dr. E #120. Marlton, NJ 08053
스티브김부동산 .................................... (215) 990-4250
Realty Mark Associates 김 형 태 kim, Steve 1500 JFK, Blvd, Ste #1510 Philadelphia,PA 19102
신디정부동산 ....................................... (267) 242-9227
Keller Williams Real Estate 신디 정 Cyndi Chong Licensed Sales Agent Realtor
심원모부동산 ....................................... (267) 210-1266
Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. 심 원 모 Shim, Robert 860 Penllyn-Blue Bell Pike Blue Bell, PA 19422
안은주부동산 ....................................... (267) 346-4602
Keller Williams Real Estate 안 은 주 Ahn, Eun J. 721 Skippack Pike, Suite1, Blue Bell, PA 19422
알리슨최부동산 .................................... (267) 808-2424
Remax Legacy 최 알리슨 Choi, Allison 200 Highpoint Dr, Suite 201, Chalfont, PA 18914
에이스부동산 ....................................... (215) 549-2100
Ace Realty 유 영 국 Yoo, Young Kuk 5731 N. 5th St, Phila, PA 19120
염종원부동산 ....................................... (215) 519-4008
JY Business Service 염 종 원 Yom, John 849 W. Street Rd, Warminster, PA 18974
오선미부동산 ....................................... (267) 255-4653
ReMax Properties LTD 오 선 미 Oh, Sunmi 210 Penns Trail, Suite 100, Newtown, PA 18940
와이커트 ............................................... (215) 815-8478
Weichert Realtors 쥬리 Julie Diioia 5 Farview Rd, Clifford, PA 18914
옥스포드프로퍼티그룹 ......................... (917) 831-7848
Oxford Property Group (New York & Manhatan) Kelly Han kelly@opgny.com 286 Fifth Ave. 8Fl, New York, NY 10001
윌리비지니스컨설팅 ............................ (267) 902-6001
Willee Business Consulting Inc 이 위 식 WIL,LEE 7305 Old York Rd.Elkins Park, PA 19027 (필라한아름 길건너편 2층)
유재범부동산 ....................................... (215) 266-6380 BHHS Prudential Fox & Roach 유 재 범 Yoo, Jae Bum 653 Skippack Pike, #200, Blue Bell, PA 19422
이숙자부동산 ....................................... (215) 882-2537 Barandon & Hollinger Real Estate Fax: (215) 663-0203 이 숙 자 Lee, Sook Ja 525 Ryers Ave, Cheltenham, PA 19012
이씨부동산 ........................................... (215) 635-0123 EC Century21 이 철 규 Lee, Chul Kyu 860 Welsh Rd, Maple Glen, PA 19002
이원근부동산 ....................................... (267) 939-0118 Century 21 이 원 근 Won Lee 905 Lenmar Dr, Blue Bell, PA 19422
이재관부동산 ....................................... (267) 474-1007 Prudential, Fox & Roach Realtor 이 재 관 Lee, Jay 1600 N. Bethlehem Pike, Lower Gwyneed, PA 19002
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
최민부동산 ........................................... (856) 313-2712
Century 21 CGW 최 민 Choe, Min 2167 Rt 70 W. Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
최영환부동산 ....................................... (215) 530-9893 Berkshire Hathaway Home Service 최영환 Daniel Choi 361 Highland Ave. Suite 303 Jenkintown, PA 19046
최현종부동산 ....................................... (215) 324-2858
Choe Real Estate www.choerealestate.com 최 현 종 Choe, Chailie 4719 N. Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19141
킴벌리손부동산 .................................... (215) 868-5593
Mega Realty 킴벌리 손 Kimberly Son 380 Red Lion RD, #104, Huntington Valley, PA 19006
케이황 부동산 ...................................... (215) 292-5934
Remax Action Realty 케이 황 Kay Hwang 1126 Horsham Rd. Maple Glen, PA 19002
한정화 부동산 ........................................ (267)461-6128
Julianna Lee / Patterson-Schwartz Real Estate julee@psre.com 7234 Lancaster Pike Ste 100A, Hockessin, DE 19707
포코노 부동산 ...................................... (570) 476-7777 Pocono Reality East Stroudsurg 하이딘 신 2725 Rimrock Drive, Stroudsburg, PA 18360
한만상부동산 ....................................... (267) 252-1210 BHHS Fox & Roach Realtor 한 만 상 Hahn, Man-Sang 721 Skippack Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
하상묵부동산 ....................................... (610) 348-9339 Ha Sang Mook Realtors 하상묵 Ha, Sang Mook 1800 E Lancaster Avenue Suite F, Paoli, PA 19301
한삼영부동산 ....................................... (215) 782-3666 Sky City Properties 한 삼 영 Han, Sam Young 8043 Old York Rd, #100, Elkins Park, PA 19027
한영래부동산 ....................................... (215) 542-1770 Fox & Roach, Realtors 한영래 Young Han 904 Moore Dr. Spring House, PA 19477
한옥희부동산 ....................................... (267) 307-3414 Berkshire Hathaway Home Services 한옥희 Han, Ok Hee 8043 Old York Rd, #100, Elkins Park, PA 19027
Lee http://cafe.naver.com/milkbabystudio
스튜디오원 ........................................... (267) 334-0877
One Video & Photo Studio 임 성 택 Lim, Sung Taek 1355 W. Cheltenham Ave, Elkins Park, PA 19027 산후조리 엄마랑 아가랑 산후조리
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
송서비스 .............................................. (215) 847-3984 Song’s Service 송 철 언 Song, Chul Eoun 1001 Waterford Rd, Yardley, PA 19067
스마일세탁장비 ................................... (215) 327-4177
Smile Dry Cleaning Machinary & Service 전 상 환 Chun, Sang Hwan 6620 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19126
커스텀머쉬너리 .................................... (301) 881-8855
Custom Machinery Company, Inc. 임정호 John Im 5000 Boiling Brook Pkwy, Lockville, MD 20852
클린터치 .............................................. (877) 248-3684 Clean Touch 김영철 1055 Virginia Dr. Fort Washington, PA 19034
파인드라이트리닝머쉬너리 ................. (215) 924-9924
Fine Dry Cleaning Machinery, Inc 남 현 우 Nam, Hyun Woo 5063 N 7th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
화성세탁장비 ....................................... (215) 472-3917 Hwasung Machinery USA John Rim 413 W. 63th St, Phila, PA 19151
송서비스 .............................................. (215) 847-3984 Song’s Service 송 철 언 Song, Chul Eoun 1001 Waterford Rd, Yardley, PA 19067
스마일 세탁장비 서비스 ..................... (215) 327-4177 Smile Dry Cleaning Machinary & Service 전 상 환 Chun, Sang Hwan 6620 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19126
Galaxy 와이어리스 .............................. (215) 927-3244 Galaxy Wireless 김 순 배 Kim, Soon Bae 5626 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
파이어프로텍션서비스 ......................... (215) 234-8830
Fire Protection Services Incorporated Camp Green Lane Rd, Sumneytown, PA 18084
(717) 794-1443 Mount of Garce www.mountofgrace.org 방 화 성 Pang, Stephen H 12755 Buchnan Trail East Waynesboro, PA 17268
포코노 워터겝 수양관 .......................... (570) 730-6262
Pocono Watergap Resort 171 Main St, Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 www.poconowatergapresort.com
DㆍH 스킨케어 ..................................... (267) 471-8989 DㆍH Skin Care Jay, Park 1222 Welsh Rd, North Wales, PA 19454 YS CLINIC & BEAUTY ......................... (215) 887-2138 ysclinic1@hotmail.com 1921 W Cheltenham Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027 2O NAIL BAR & SPA .............................. (267)766-2225 (267)766-2367 6135 Ridge Ave. Philadelphia PA 19128 루비데이스파 ......................................... (856) 452-5697 Ruby Day Spa 905 Rt. 70 West, Marlton, NJ 08053 리뉴어스메드스파 ................................ (856) 396-9030 Renewus Medspa Caroline Chung 1400 Route 70 East Cherry Hill NJ 08034
Botox Bar ............................................... (646) 884-1235 325 W. Germantown Pike East Norriton PA 19403
시크스킨케어 ........................................... (215) 368-899
Chic Skincare 최 영 지 Choi, Young Ji 852 W. Main Street Lansdale, PA 19446
메트로 피부과 전문의(뉴욕) ................. (718) 886-9000
Lee Dermatology 이 현 수 Lee, Hyun Soo 41-61 Kissena Blvd, Concourse Level #5A, Flushing, NY 11355
메트로 피부과 전문의(뉴저지) ............. (201) 886-9000
Lee Dermatology 이 현 수 Lee, Hyun Soo 500 Grand Ave, Suite 201, Englewood, NJ 07631
와이에스클리닉 ................................... (215) 887-2138
YS Clinic & Beauty E-mail: ysclinic1@hotmail.com Steve Kim 1921 W. Cheltenham Ave, Elkins Park, PA 19027
메이플글랜스파 .................................... (267) 460-8244
Maple Glen SPA Amy Kim E-mail:mapleglenspa@gmail.com 701 Limekiln Pike Suite 2 Maple Glen, PA 19002
아일랜드스파사우나 ............................ (732) 253-7379 Island Spa & Sauna 1769 Lincoln Hwy, Edison, NJ 08817
에이스 스파 .......................................... (215) 361-0772 ACE Spa 1801 N. Broad St, Lansdale, PA 19446
판타지오스파 ....................................... (856) 354-5000
Fantagio Spa 10 Ellis Street Haddonfield, NJ 08033 (Kings Court, Next to CVS)
내츄럴스파 ........................................... (215) 357-7484 Natural Spa 1776 Street Rd, Southampton, PA 18966
(215) 635-6170
제이미 스킨케어 ........................................... (267) 984-1467 Jamie’s Skincare 쥬디 김 Kim, Judy 146 N. Eagle Rd. Havertown, PA 19083 청담스킨케어
Chung Dam Skin Care 김 선 주Kim, Sun Joo 43E. Cheltenham Ave, Cheltenham, PA 19012
For U Spa ............................................. (856) 281-3865 Natural Spa 26 Rockhill RD. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
(215) 625-2888 The Tibet Steaming Palace 1012 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19017
153 2023 Jugan Phila
(215) 755-4000 Phohoa 1111-13 S. 11th St, Philadelphia, PA 19147 Pho’Saigon
(267) 773-7305 Pho’Saigon 1100 South Columbus Blvd, Unit 22, Philadelphia, PA 19147
스페이스 렌트(무도장)
Pho Thai Nam ..................................... (610) 272-3935 Thai & Vietnamese Cuisine 144 W. Germantown Pike, East Norriton, PA 19401
카페사이공 .......................................... (215) 744-4654 Cafe Saigon 827 Adams Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19124
Pho 75 ................................................. (215) 743-8845 Pho 75 823 Adms Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19147
Tien Thai Pho ...................................... (215) 885-4404 Thai & Vietnamese Cuisine Jenny 1533 Old York Rd, Abington, PA 19007
포비엣 ................................................... (215) 744-8437 Pho Viet 5520 Whitaker Ave., Unit E., Philadelphia, PA 19124
포신 레스토랑
(856) 988-1666 PhoXin Restaurant 147 Rt. 73 S., Marlton, NJ 08109 식당(뷔페) 히바치 (HIBACHI)
Hibachi Grill and Supreme Buffet 2051 Cottman Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19149
Hibachi Grill&Supreme Buffet ............. (856) 829-5988
Chinese, Japanese & American Cuisine Restaurant 1105 Route 130 South, Ste #8, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
Sangkee ............................................. (215) 782-3388
Asian Kitchen Jonn Kim 1333 W Cheltenham Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027
나브라사 (215) 956-0600
Na Brasa 680 N. Easton Rd., Horsham, PA 19044
필리데리야끼 .......................................... (267) 263-2629 1218 Welsh Rd a, North Wales, PA 19454
더원치킨 ............................................... (215) 535-1899
The ONE Chicken 723 Adams Ave. Philadelphia PA 19124
본촌치킨 ............................................... (267) 639-6686
Bonchon Chicken 1020 Cherry St Philadelphia PA 19107
카츠가이즈 ........................................... (215)403-7995
Katsu Guys 6775 N 5th St. Philadelphia PA 19126
페리카나치킨 ....................................... (267) 969-6956
Pelicana Chicken 4002 Spuce St. Philadelphia, PA 19104
아메리칸 스타 다이너 .......................... (215) 368-4848
American Star Diner 1200 Welsh Road, Noth Wales, PA 19454
샌드위치월드 (215) 455-0484
Sandwich World 이 광 열 Lee, Gwang Y 5022 Old York Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19141
존스다이너 ........................................... (215) 848-8877
John’s Dinner 유 경 원 Yoo, Kyung Won 119 Chelten Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144
크래프티크랩 ....................................... (267) 855-2722
Crafty Crab 1847 Street Road Bensalem PA 19020
OOKA .................................................
(215) 361-1119
Sushi Hibachi & Sake Launge 764 Bethlehem Pike, Montgomeryville, PA 18936
OSAKA (랜스데일) ............................. (267) 222-8308
Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Bar 1598 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446
교토일식 (215) 396-8700
Kyoto Japanese Cuisine 17 Bustleton Pike, Feasterville-Trevose, PA 19053
꼬지하루 .............................................. (215) 548-4290 430 W. Chew Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19120
노보루 .................................................. (215) 393-7100 Noboru 117 Garden Golf Blvd., North Wales, PA 19454
더 볼링 하우스 ..................................... (856) 751-2800
The Boiling House 1990 Marlton Pike East Cherry Hill NJ 08003
도쿄 ...................................................... (610) 222-4777
Tokyo Japanese Restaurant 김영미 Kim, Young Mi 4044 Skippack Pike, Skippack, PA 19474
마끼맨스시 .......................................... (215) 722-8800
Makiman Sushi 홍 피터 Hong, Peter 7324 Oxford Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111
미나도 .................................................. (610) 277-7375
Minado 김 채 국 Kim, Chae Kook 2917 Swede Rd, E. Norriton, PA 19401
156 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
미 림 .................................................... (215) 547-9793
Mirim 오 재 근 Oh Jae Keun 151 Woodbourne Rd, Langhorne, PA 19047
센교스시 .............................................. (856) 751-8599
Sengyo Sushi 2087 E. RT 70, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
스시킹덤 .............................................. (856) 983-1211
Sushi Kingdom 148 Rt 73 North Marlton, NJ 0805
스시하우스........................................... (267) 636-5186
Sushi House 1595 The Fairway, Jenkintown, PA 19046
어거스트문 .......................................... (610) 277-4008
August Moon 김 명 자 Kim, Myong Ja 300 E. Main St, Norristown, PA 19401
오키스시 .............................................. (215) 855-8299 Oki Sushi 1551 S. Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA 19446
키 센 .................................................... (215) 413-1606
Koi Asian Bistro 박 명 훈 Park, Leo 604 N. 2nd St, Philadelphia, PA 19123
타노시 ................................................. (215) 365-5412
Yanoshii Fine Japanese Cuisine 이종수 Lee, Jong Su 3 Easton Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090
토 모 .................................................... (610) 352-0200
ToMo Sushi & Sashimi 7050 Terminal Square, Upper Darby, PA 19082
후지마운틴 .......................................... (215) 751-0939
Fuji Mountain Japanese Restaurant 서 영 찬 Seo, Young Chan 2030 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
후지야마 .............................................. (610) 323-4900
Fujiyama Japanese Steak House 김종연 Jong Y, Kim 1495 Farmington Ave., Pottstown, PA 19464 식당(잔치음식/반찬)
이즈스시 .............................................. (215) 393-3800 Izu Sushi 322 1/2 W Main St., Lansdale, PA 19446
조아스시 .............................................. (215) 362-0520
Joa Sushi 임 일 희 Lim, Il Hee 571 S. Broad St. Lansdale,PA 19446
카부토 .................................................. (484) 322-2138
Kabuto Hibachi, Sushi & Lounge gokabuto.com 2650 Dekalb Pike East Norriton, PA 19401
쿠 모 .................................................... (215) 283-6066
Kumo Asian Bistro 1460 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales, PA 19454
맛집 ...................................................... (215) 635-0261 7320 Old York Rd. #106-A, Elkins Park, PA 19027
비비큐치킨 ........................................... (215) 368-3821 (아씨플라자 내) 1222 Welsh Rd North Wales, PA 19454
비비큐치킨 ........................................... (215) 992-2987 (챌튼햄 HMART 내) 7620 Old York Rd. 2F Elkins Park, PA 19027
새한식품 ...............................................
Saehan Sikpoom 박 채 빈 Park, Chae Been 1349 Township Line Rd, Blue Bell, PA 19422
(610) 272-9554
어거스트문 ........................................... (610) 277-4008 August Moon 김 명 자 Kim, Myong Ja 300 E. Main St. Norristown, PA 19401
2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
집반찬 .................................................. (215) 207-1130 6775 N. 5th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126
주영식품(무궁화김치) .......................... (267) 298-0054
Joo Young Food Inc 권혁민 Kwon, Hyuck Min 2150 W. Sedgley Ave., Phila, PA 19140
도라샵핫팟............................................ (732) 662-9888
Dolar Shop Hot Pot 2066 Lincoln Hwy, Edison, NJ 08817
상하이 .................................................. (267) 421-5236 Sang-hi Asian Fusion 이 동 신 Lee, Dong Shin 1222 Welsh Rd., North Wales, Pa 19454
용화루 .................................................. (215) 224-4414
Dragon Chinese Cuisine Bistro 전 순 배 Chon,Sun Pae 6779 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19126
라이라이가든 ....................................... (610) 277-5988
Lai Lai Garden Swei, Aaron 1144 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
밍스 ..................................................... (215) 674-8804 Mings www.mingschineserestaurant.com 왕 숙 연 Wang, Sook Yun 121 S. York Rd, Hatboro, PA 19040 마당....................................................... (267) 912-8802 Madang (215) 368-6879 1200 welsh rd north wales pa 19454 죠스페킹덕하우스 (856) 985-1551
Duck House Inc.
식당(중식) 157
하우스오브진 ....................................... (215) 848-7700
House of Jin 김 택 인 Kim, Tak In 234-236 W. Chelten Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144 식당(타이)
Thai Son ............................................. (856) 324-0838 5201 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19108
페낭 ...................................................... (856) 755-0188
Penang Malaysian & Thai Cuisine www.penangcuisine.com 480 RT 38 E. Maple Shade, NJ 08052
Nine Ting - Northeast ......................... (215) 315-8866 103 Franklin Mills Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19154
KPOT..................................................... (215) 709-9588 Hot Pot & Barbecue 789 Franklin Mills Circle Philadelphia, PA 19154 가나안분식 .......................................... (215) 548-8340 Canaan 이 유 환 Lee, Yu Hwan 5909 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
가야 레스토랑 ............................ (215) 654-8900, 8300 Gaya Restaurant 1002 skippack pike Blue Bell, PA 19422 고기 ...................................................... (215) 424-0385 Gogi BBQ 김태연 6783 N 5th StPhiladelphia, PA 19126
고려정 .................................................. (215) 927-4550 Kim’s Restaurant 5955 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 신발
소코리안그릴 .......................................(267)-766-6449
So Korean Grill 6201 N Front St. #120 Philadelphia, PA 19120
수라스프링하우스 ................................(267)-470-4310
Surah Korean Restaurant 1121 N. Bethlehem Pike Lower Gwynedd Township PA 19002
수라어퍼다비 (215)-902-9291
Surah Korean Restaurant 7038 Terminal Square Upper Darby PA 19082
어거스트문 .......................................... (610) 277-4008
August Moon Restaurant 김 명 자 Kim, Myong Ja 300 E. Main St, Norristown, PA 19401
오소 ..................................................... (267) 471-7359
Oso Fusion Restaurant 박 정 선 Park, Jung Sun 7410 Front St. Cheltenham, PA 19012
에덴식당 .............................................. (856) 489-5757
Eden Korean Restaurant 1428 Marlton Pike East, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
김치 ..................................................... (856) 437-6728 Kimchi 3747 Church Rd, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
종가집순두부 ...................................... (215) 924-0100 Jong Ka Jip Tofu 김 영 일 Kim, Young Il 6600 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19126
코리아가든 ........................................... (610) 272-5727
Blue Bell Korea Garden 최 길 숙 732 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
케이팟코리언비비큐&핫팟 .................. (215) 709-9588 K-Pot Korean BBQ and Hot Pot 789 Franklin Mills Circle Philadelphia PA 19154
토담골 .................................................. (610) 239-9260
Todamgol Restaurant 이 여 홍 1341 Township Line Rd. Blue Bell, PA 19422
팔팔코리언비비큐&핫팟 ...................... (215) 856-3676 88 Korean BBQ and Hot Pot 103 Franklin Mills Blvd Philadelphia PA 19154
짱가네 .................................................. (856) 343-8174
Korean Restaurant 2431 Church RD. Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
챔피언풋웨어 ....................................... (215) 726-5212
Champion Foot Wear 전 승 기 Chon, Sung Ki 621 S. Woodland Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19142
씨에치 인터내셔날 ............................... (267) 218-0373 C.H International USA Inc. 장 호 협 Chang, Ho Hyup 6830 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111
익스트림스포츠 .................................... (856) 964-2121
Extreme Sports 함 채 환 Ham, Chae Hwan 1618 Mt. Ephraim Ave, Camden, NJ 08104
핸섬풋웨어 ........................................... (610) 279-7176
Handsome Footwear 유 봉 열 Yu, Bong Yol 28 W. Main St, Norristown, PA 19401
죠셉스포츠 ........................................... (215) 535-2335
Joseph Sporting Goods 박 상 구 Park, Sang Koo 4652 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19124
뉴에이스신발 ....................................... (215) 848-4706
New Ace Sneaker & Shoes 지 흥 건 Henry Chi 56 W. Chelten Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144
신부화장 161 2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
Shapiro’s Corrective Shoes 임 채 훈 Lim, Che Hoon 217-219 S. Broadway, Camden, NJ 08103
Shoe Plus 박 진 숙 Park, Chin Sook 2631 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19133 스니커타운
Sneaker Town 석 기 창 Seok, Ki Chang 54 W. Chelten Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144 슈페리어슈리페어
Superior Shoe Repair 송 원 규 Song, Won Kyu 138 S. 15th St, Philadelphia, PA 19102 영스스니커시티
Young’s Sneaker City 이 용 래 Lee, Yong 2735 W. Girard Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19130 토토
(856) 541-8989
(215) 229-9550
(215) 438-5677
(215) 972-9680
(215) 886-8030 Lindy Property 캐롤린 Carolyn 207 Leedom St, Jenkintown, PA 19046 린우드가든아파트 ................................ (267) 415-7678 Lynnewood Gardens 1950 Ashbourne Rd Elkins Park, PA
(215) 236-2810
(215) 935-8686 Toe Toe
멜로즈스테이션아파트 (215) 635-1600
Melrose Station Apartment 902 Valley Rd, #27-B, Melrose Park, PA 19027
백요크아파트 ....................................... (215) 885-8300 100 York Apartments 100 Old York Road Jenkintown PA 19046
아담스런아파트 .................................... (215) 424-6900
Adams Run Aprtment 155 E. Godfrey Ave, Bldg D-1, Philadelphia, PA 19120
애비니얼아파트 .................................... (215) 699-9930
Avenel Apartment 1100 Avenel Boulevard, North Wales, PA 19454
엠베서더아파트 .................................... (215) 673-7707
Ambassador APT 김 덕 준 Kim, Douglas 828 Red Lion Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19115
162 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
Design Eyes 이 교 혁 Lee, Kyo Hyuk 47 W. Cheltenham Ave, Cheltenham, PA 19012
Lansdale Optical 1218 Welsh Rd., #A3B, PS 19450
(215) 635-4787
(215) 855-4205
보아비젼안경콘택트............................. (215) 635-2110
Voa Vision (DBA)온리안경 Olney Optical www.voavision.com 오 원 진 Oh, Won Jin 7300 Old York Rd. Suite 220A Elkins Park, PA 1 9027
서울안경 .............................................. (215) 885-5470
Seoul Optical 김 순 애 Kim, Soon Ae 1925 W. Cheltenham Ave, Elkins Park, PA 19027
어퍼다비안경원 ................................... (610) 352-2844
Upper Darby Optical Dr. Ke, Optometrist 51 Long Lane, Upper Darby, PA 19082
얼티모 김안과 ...................................... (215) 650-7785
Ultimo Eye Wear www.ultimoeyewear.com Timothy D. Kim OD 2321 Huntingdon Pike, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
옴니비젼 .............................................. (215) 977-7700
Omni Vision 윤 여 중 Yun, Yeo Joong 1103 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19107 야채
Ever Green Young’s Market .............. (215) 725-0936 정 성 도 Jung, Sung Do 7500 Verred Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19111
Klinghoffer Farms ................................ (215) 860-5510 홍 정 표 Hong, Jung Pyo 2150 S. Eagle Rd, Newtown, PA 18940
Ok Lee s Produce
(215) 922-0535 이 경 운 Lee, Kyung Un 12th & Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Produce Garden ................................. (215) 957-1095 이 춘 섭 Lee, Choon Sup 1543 W. State Rd, Warminster, PA 18974
Ahn’s Produce .................................... (215) 232-1522 안 희 건 Ahn, Hee Kyun 2153 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19121
Ardemore Farmers Market .................. (610) 642-0660 서 창 교 Seo, Chang Kyo 120 Coulter Ave, Ardemore, PA 19003
Produce Terminal
(610) 617-9822 노 금 수 Noh Kum Su 701 Montgomery Narverth, PA 19072
Young’s Produce
희 주 Kwon, Hee Joo 800 N. Eagle Rd, Havertown, PA 19083
Yoo s Fish & Fruit Market
장 현 Yoo, Jang Hyun 4064 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104
(610) 449-2122
C.N.A Tropical Market ......................... (215) 924-8340 김 혁 기 Kim, Hyuk Ki 6402 Wister St, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Fruit Basket .......................................... (215) 247-1807 윤 중 록 Yoon, Jung Rok 1520-22 Wadsworth Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19150
(215) 662-5415
(215) 329-4117 하 경 수 Ha, Kyung Soo 5035 N. Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19141
Haha’s Market
Kim, Kwang Sik 702 Dekalb Pike Blue Bell, PA 19422
Kim, Duk Joon
Old York Rd, Suite 210, Melrose Park, PA 19027
2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
허버츠파머시 (201) 333-4110
Herbert’s Pharmacy 김 종 만 Kim, Jong Man 753 Bergen Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07036
주간필라 ............................................ (215) 663-2400
Korean Phila Times (215) 663-9100 www.juganphila.com / news@juganphila.com 1364 Welsh Road A-260 North Wales PA 19454 미국최대한인포털뉴욕코리아 .............. (201) 674-5611 NEW YORK KOREA INC www.newyorkkorea.net newyorkkorea@naver.com 200 PROSPECT PARK W, BROOKLYN, NY 11215 미주중앙방송 ....................................... (215) 310-1723
Korean American Broadcasting Co. 1925 W. Cheltenham Ave, Elkins Park, PA 19027 썬데이토픽 ........................................... (215) 935-1111 Sunday Topic 신 재 열 Shin, Jae Yul 613 W.Cheltenham Ave Suite 102, Elkins Park, PA 19027 필라기독교방송
(215) 924-0691 The Korean American Christian Broadcasting 전 영 현 Abraham Y. Jeon 500 W. Cheltenham Ave Suite 301, Philadelphia, PA 19126 여행사 동부관광
언론기관 165
드림레져 ............................................... (267) 304-5553
Dream Leisure 이 상 섭 Lee, Sang Sup 7 Pebble Dr, Horsham, PA 19044
샤프 여행사 .......................................... (215) 688-3894 윤미라 Mila Yoon Sharpexpress@gmail.com 1222 Welsh Rd. #C2 North Wales, PA 19454
서울관광여행사 .................................... (856) 489-0606
Courtesy Travel, Inc 성 티나 Sung, Tina 1818 Old Cuthbert Rd, Suite 211, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
월드관광여행사 .................................... (610) 352-5422
Worldwide Travel Agency 최 경 준 Choi, Kyung Joon 4 Garrett Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19082
제니여행사 ........................................... (215) 782-1400
Jenny Travel 박 헬렌 Park, Helen jennietravel@hotmail.com
푸른투어(본사) ..................................... (201) 778-4000 Prune World Inc. Prttour.com 324 Broad Ave Ridgefield, NJ 07657
푸른투어(뉴욕지사) (718) 928-3333 Prune World Inc. Prttour.com 154-08 Northern Blvd #2B Flushing, NY 11354
푸른투어(서울지사) ........................... (82-2) 739-0890 Prune World Inc. Prttour.com 92 Saemunan-ro Jongno-gu, Seoul
하나투어 (215) 935-2500
Hana Tour 조 성 종 Cho, Shawn/이 그레이스 Lee, Grace 7320 Old York Rd, #226, Elkins Park, PA 19027
166 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
한미관광여행사 .................................... (215) 947-5250
Korean travel 지 미 숙 Chi, Michelle Mee 876 Red Wing Lane, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 연회장/예식장
멜로즈컨츄리클럽연회장 ..................... (215) 379-5300
Melrose Country Club 7600 Tukany Creek Pkwy, Cheltenham, PA 19012
바우하우스 연회장 (215) 699-4400 Bauhaus Banquet 101 Main Street, North Wales, PA 19454
알렌타운웨딩채플 ................................ (610) 432-9755 Allentown Wedding Chaple 양 승 인 Yang, Victoria 222 N. 4th, Allentown, PA 18102
어거스트문 (610) 277-4008 Agust Moon 유 명 자 Ryu,Myung Ja 300 E. Main St, Norristown, PA 19401
솔 클레식 필라테스 ............................... (917) 200-7142
Sol Classic Pilates 한소라 Sora Han 운송(이삿짐)
가람운송 ............................................... (215) 990-8573 Tony’s Moving 토니 329 E. Brinkehoff Ave, Palisades Park, NJ 07650
그레이스운송 ....................................... (215) 609-7858
Grace Express 서 은 택 Seo, Eun Taek
나라해운(상업용) ................. Toll Free: (201) 661-0622 Nara Logistics(Commercial) 박 종 운 Park, Jong Woon
범양해운 ............................................... (201) 755-0090 Pum Yang Logistics, Inc. 신 영 주 Shin, Young J. 85 Atlantic StHackensack, NJ 07601
(610) 275-7300 Presidential Centers Gus, Mandracchia 2910 Dekalb Pike, E. Norrtion, PA 19401
우진쉬핑 ............................................... (888) 423-2424
Woo Jin Shipping USA 원 영 상 Won, Young Sang 601 16th St. Carlstadt, NJ 07072
한진택배 .............................................. (215) 635-9440
Hanjin Express, Inc. 정 성 훈 Jung,Sung Hun 7320 Old York Rd, #101, Elkins Park, PA 19120
현대해운익스프레스 ...........Toll Free 1-800-545-2424
HD Express USA, Inc (201)941-9500 528 Oritan Ave., Ridgefield, NJ 07657 www.hdexpusa.com E-mail: hdexusa@hotmail.com
168 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
탑글로벌해운 ...................................... (201)560-3304
Top Global Logistics topglobal7@gmail.com 85 Atlantic st. Hackensack NJ 07601
(877) 553-7040
Event Wedding Design eventandcreators.com 1135 W Cheltenham Ave, Melrose Park, PA 19027
마이도우터스웨딩 ............................... (215) 424-1999 My Daughter’s Wedding, Inc. Fax: (215) 424-5210 mydaughtersweddingshop.com / info@mydaughtersweddingshop.com 5642-44 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
메이크업써니 (703) 980-5995 MakeupSunny VA, MD, DC 지역 makeupsunny@yahoo.com
에슬리웨딩드레스 ............................... (215) 443-9594
Ashley Bridal & Formal 김 장 섭 Kim, Chang Sup 228 York Rd, Warminster, PA 18974
Boaz융자 (델라웨어) ............................ (302) 322-2426
Boaz Financial Inc. 데이빗 정 David Cheong 4 Alwyn Rd, Newark, DE 19713
김만기융자 ........................................... (215) 635-1969
Green Century Mortgage 김 만 기 Kim, Man Ki 8043 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027
Honest Title Agency................................ (856) 521-9300 Justin Kim 49 South Maple Avenue, Marlton, NJ 08053
볼로리융자 ........................................... (215) 971-5400
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage www.wellsfargo.com Bolo S. Lee 118 Old York Rd, Jenkintown, Pa19046
수지 배 융자 ........................................... (917) 881-4211
Tri State Mortgage Corporation 수지 배 Susie Bae sbae@tristatemortgages.com 2160 North Central Rd. Ste.206A. Fort Lee, NJ 07024
심선미융자 ........................................... (215) 833-4787 Gateway Funding Fax: (866) 963-4787 심 선 미 Sim, Sun Mi ssim@gatewayfunding.com 300 Welsh Road, Bldg #5, Horsham, PA 19044
원 파이넨스 .......................................... (443) 800-4023 E-mai l: onecredit1004@gmail.com (757) 708-6140
유나이티드융자 (267) 968-8949 United Mortgage 박 준 형 Park, Joon Hyung 1034 Sprucde St, Philadelphia, PA19107
이씨융자 ............................................... (215) 635-0123
Sonnie Ju www.getbeyond.com E-mail: sonnieju@gmail.com Boaz융자 (필라)
(215) 792-6313 Boaz Financial Inc. Fax: (302) 374-0265 데이빗 정 David Cheong E-mail: boazfinancial@aol.com 427 W. Cheltenham Ave, Elins Park, PA 19027
EC Mortgage 이 철 규 Lee, Chul Kyu 1360 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19432
제일융자 ............................................... (215) 635-2130
First Nation Mortgage & investment 이 병 철 Lee, Byung Chul 1001 W.Cheltenham Ave, #202, Elkins Park, PA 19027
정한진모기지론컨설턴트 ..................... (215) 792-7083 (302) 584-3334
정 한진 Han Chong Senior Morthgage Loan Consultant 2500 York Rd Ste,220 Jamison, PA 18929
프리덤융자 ........................................... (215) 782-2055
Freedom American Mortgage 우학균, Eric Woo 1135 W. Cheltenham Ave., Elkins Park ,PA 19027
크리스틴임몰기지 ................................ (610) 382-3122
Christine Lim Mortgage 크리스틴 임 Christine Lim 200 N Warner Road #205 King of Prussia PA 19406
크리스한 융자 ...................................... (215) 441-5430
Altimate Discount Mortgage 한 크리스 Han, Chris 616 N.Easton Rd, Willow Grove, PA 19090
한옥희융자 ........................................... (267) 307-3414
Green Century Mortgage Fax: (215) 307-3414 한 옥 희 Han, Ok Hee E-mail: hmmy130@gmail.com 8043 Old York Rd, #100, Elkins Park, PA 19027
한승 모기지 .......................................... (215)-238-6882
Hasen Financial Service 905 Arch Street 2nd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107 www.hansenmtg.com 은행
노아뱅크 (첼튼햄지점) (215) 424-5100 Noah Bank 본부장 엄희열 (609) 405-2519 7301 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027 www.noahbank.com
모아뱅크 (첼튼햄본점) ......................... (215) 224-6400
Bank of Princeton 470 W. Cheltenham Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19126
모아뱅크 (필라델피아지점) .................. (215) 923-6200 Bank of Princeton 921 Arch ST. Philadelphia, PA 19107
모아뱅크 (노스웨일즈 지점) ................. (215) 631-9911
Bank of Princeton 1222 Welsh Rd, North Wales, PA 19454
우리아메리카은행 (엘킨스팍지점) ....... (215) 782-1100 Woori America Bank 7320 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027
리베패션 ............................................... (215) 224-6616
Lebee Fashion 김 완 수 Kim, Wan Su 5913 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
영스 패션 .............................................. (215) 782-9200
Young’s Fashion 박은희 Park, Eun Hee 7300 Old York Rd., #108, Elkins Park, PA 19027
코암양복점 ........................................... (215) 855-8900
Ko-Am Custom Tailor Shop 김 한 봉 Kim, Han Bong 177 Montgomery Mall, North Wales, PA 19454
청담미씨 ........................................... (610) 277-9888 Chungdam Missy (267) 221-0716 1345 Townshipline Rd. Blue Bell, PA 19422
위 형 진 Wee, Hyung Jin Fax: (215) 455-5022 5021 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120 E-mail: hyungwi@aol.com
Simons Men’s
(609) 394-2606 이 철 희 Lee, Chul Hui Fax: (609) 394-4943 1611 N. Olden Ave, Trenton, NJ 08638
Asian Barber Shop 문 성 천 Moon, Sung Chun 6781 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19126 어퍼다비이발관
Upper Darby Barber Shop 이 성 수 Lee, Sung Soo 7100 W. Chester pike, Upper Darby, PA 19082 잔디이발관
Grass Barber Shop 박 상 근 Park, Sang Keun 7300 Old York Rd, #221, Elkins Park, PA 19027 캐스터이발관
Castor Barber Shop 노 흥 석 Ro, Heung Suk 1508 Magee St, Philadelphia, PA 19149 필라이발관
(610) 352-2870
(215) 935-3333
(215) 744-7202
(215) 782-1125 Philadelphia, Barber Shop 7408 N. Front St, #A, Cheltenham, PA 19012
172 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 이불/혼수
(215) 635-3213 ANT Trophy 정 현 재 Edward Chung 7406 N. Front St, Cheltenham, PA 19012
MK프린트 ............................................. (215) 740-7221 MK PRINT 고광일 Joseph Koh 1135 W. Cheltenham Ave #104 Elkins Park, PA 19027
카피로 .................................................. (484) 454-5238 Copiro, Inc. 이 종 국 Edward Lee 12 West Chester Pike, Havertown, PA 19083
팔마트로피 ........................................... (215) 924-2226
Palmer Award Concepts, Inc. 김 요 셉 Kim, Joshep 500 W. Cheltenham Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19126 인쇄(실크프린팅)
All American Screen Printing .............. (215) 634-2235 이 호 송 lee, James 495 E. Erie Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19134
T-하우스 .............................................. (215) 236-9820 T-House 김 영 철 Kim, Young Chul 619 W. Girard Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19123
팔마인쇄 ............................................... (215) 924-2226
Palmer Award Concepts, Inc. 김 요 셉 Kim, Joshep 500 W. Cheltenham Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19126
에이스 디자인 ...................................... (215) 324-5300
ACE DESIGN 5300 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 19120 자동차(딜러)
174 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
애큐라 리머릭 (610) 495-5888
Acura of Limerick 박 준 Park, Jun 77 Autopark Blvd., Limerick, PA 19468
드랙스힐닛산 ....................................... (610) 449-2800
Drexhill Nissan 5018 Township Line Rd, Drexel Hill, PA 19026
렉서스(체리힐) ..................................... (856) 638-2335
Lexus of Cherry Hill 엘렉스 왕 Alex Wong 1230 Route 73 south Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
랜스데일 기아 (215) 362-3301 Kia of Lansdale 1150 North Broad St, Lansdale, PA 19446
마세라티메인라인................................. (484) 804-4800
Maserati of the Main Line Paul Kim 215 W. Lancaster Ave. Devon, PA 19333
메트로종합딜러 ................................... (610) 495-5888
METRO Deal 박 준 Park, Jun 77 Autopark Blvd., Limerick, PA 19468
몰쉐비 .................................................. (856) 662-7000 Mall Chrysler Plymouth 75 Haddon Field Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
몽고메리빌 닛산 ................................... (267) 644-9174
Montgomery Ville Nissan 김 종 근 991 Bethlehem Pike, Montgomeryville, PA 18936
번스현대 ............................................... (267) 471-6043 Burns Hyundai www.BurnsHyundai.com 브라이언 한 500 W. RT 70, Marlton, NJ 08053
블루벨중고차매매 ................................ (610) 272-0200
Bule Bell Motor Cars, INC. 1601 Swede St, Blue Bell, PA 19422 www.bluebellmotorcars.com
Hyundai of Abington (215) 877-1800 박 재 권 1601 Easton Rd, Willow Grove, PA 19114
스프링필드현대 .................................... (267) 973-0406 Springfield Hyundai 754 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA 19064 www.SpringfieldHyundai.com
슬론토요다 ........................................... (215) 885-5400
Slone Toyota Jenkintown and Eastor Rd, Glenside, PA 19038
엘리트 아큐라 856-380-5144 김 성 훈 Sung Hoon Kim 538 Route 38 E. Maple Shade, NJ 08052
오닐닛산, 지엠시 .................................. (215) 519-4008 O’neil Nissan GMC 849 W. Street Rd, Warminster, PA 18974
오토렌더스 ........................................... (267)312-8071 Auto Lenders Chang Yu 305 W Lincoln Highyway Exton PA 19341
웨스트저먼BMW .................................. (215) 643-3322 West German BMW 525 N. Bethlehem Pike, Ambler, PA 19002 www.westgermanbmw.com
윌키렉서스 ........................................... (215) 803-1866 Wilkie Lexus 김 명 기 Kim, Myung Ki 568 W. Lancaster Ave, Haverford, PA 19041
체리힐다지 ........................................... (856) 665-9000 Cherry Hill Dodge 1708 W. Marlton Pike.Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
챔피온토요타 ....................................... (215) 742-9300
Champion Toyota 1546 Cottman Ave, Phila, PA 19111
....................................... 자동차/트럭(렌트) 175 2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
(571) 205-9949 College Park Honda www.CollegeParkHondaKorea.com 이 영 철 Lee Young 9400 Baltimore Ave, College Park, MD 20740 칼리지팍현대
(703) 309-5755 College Park Hyundai www.CollegeParkHyundaiKorea.com 이 철 Yi Phillip 9500 Baltimore Ave, College Park, MD 20740 코니셀리혼다
(267) 312-8071 Conicelli Honda www.conicellihonda.com 유 창 희 Yu, Chang 1200 Ridge Pike, Chonshohocken, PA 19428 톰슨렉서스
(215) 345-1110 Tompson Lexus 50 W. Swamp Rd, Doylstown, PA 18901 (Rt. 313 & 611) www.1800thompson.com
.......................................... (215)
21오토바디 ........................................... (610) 394-2121
21 Auto Body, Inc. 정 덕 영 Jung, Duk Young 21 William St, Lansdowne, PA 19050
J & S 오토바디 ..................................... (215) 457-4002
J&S Collision & Auto Body 허 주 석 Heo, Joo Suk 1420 Belfield Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140
New VIP 오토바디 ............................... (215) 329-4444
V.I.P Auto Center 죠슈아 안 601 W. Fisher Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120
델라웨어 리스 오토바디 ....................... (302) 482-2651
Delaware Lees Autobody 이 영 호 Lee, Young Ho 3601 Miller Rd, Wilmington, DE 19802
럭키오토바디 ....................................... (215) 635-5252
Lucky Auto Body I 이 진 기 Yi, Jin Gee 1617 Cheltenham Ave, Elkins Park. PA 19027
리스오토 ............................................... (610) 433-1122
Lee’s Auto Cell: (610) 730-7605 393 W. Lindel St., Allentown, PA 18102
리스오토 바디샵 ................................... (609) 387-0357
Lee’s Auto Body Shop 이 원 재 Lee, Kevin 4 Cooper St, Burlington, NJ 08016
서울오토바디 ....................................... (215) 457-4949
Seoul Auto Body 김 학 구 Kim, Hak Ku 5311 N. 6th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
아담스오토바디 ................................... (215) 456-0990
Adam’s Auto Body, Inc. 배 길 수 Bae, Kil Soo 4401-05 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140
어퍼다비오토바디 ................................ (610) 734-2119
Upper Darby Auto Body 임 봉 성 Lim, Bong Seong 7045 W. Chester Pike, Upper Darby, PA 19082
월드오토바디 ....................................... (610) 352-4474
World Auto Body 소 병 국 So, Boung Goog 7108 w. Chester Pike, Upper Darby, PA 19082
블루벨 우리자동차정비 ........................ (484) 751-5354
Blue Bell Uri Auto Body 889 Delkalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 E-mail: uriautoservice@gmail.com
유스자동차종합정비 ............................ (215) 457-7777 Yoo’s General Auto Service Fax: (215) 457-7475 유 춘 기 Yoo, Chun Ki 189 W. Duncannon Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120
제이슨리종합정비 ................................ (302) 654-4646
Jason Lee Auto Repair & Body Shop Fax: (302) 654-4611 제이슨 리 Jason Lee jasonleeauto@gmail.com 102 N. Union St, Wilmington, DE 19805
제일오토바디 ....................................... (215) 549-3500 Jeil Auoto Body 이 문 수 Lee, moon Soo 5515 N. 6th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120 하이텍세차장
(215) 743-6865 Hitech Car Wash 장 수 영 Jang, Su Yung 4090 Roosvelt Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19149
대보자동차정비 .................................... (215) 457-7000
Tabor Auto Collision Center 강 영 춘 Gang, Young Chun 700 W. Tabor Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19120
대이 오토케어 ...................................... (215) 855-7942
Dae Auto Care 오 대 인 Dae Oh 1054 E. Main St, Lansdale, PA 19446
라이징선종합정비 ................................ (215) 368-7500 Rising Sun Auto Inc. 오 영 Oh, Rich 541 N. Broard St. Lansdale, PA 19446
리스오토서비스 (610) 433-1122
Lee’s Auto Service E-mail: leesautoservicejc@gmail.com 이 석 원 Lee, Suk Won 393 W.Linden St, Allentown, PA 18102
리스오토바디 ....................................... (609) 387-0357
Lee’s Auto Towing Fax: (609) 239-0670
이 원 재 Lee, Kevin 4 Cooper St, Burlingyon, NJ 08016
블루벨자동차종합정비 ......................... (610) 272-0200
Bule Bell Motor Cars, INC. 1601 Swede St, Blue Bell, PA 19422 www.bluebellmotorcars.com
영스첼튼햄자동차정비 ......................... (215) 782-8588 Cheltenham Auto Service (215) 548-2602 강 영 호 Kang,Young ho 1415 Haines St. Philadelphia, PA 19126
유스자동차종합정비 ............................ (215) 457-7777
Yoo’s General Auto Service Fax: (215) 457-7475 유 춘 기 Yoo, Chun Ki 189 W. Duncannon Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120
윤스자동차정비 .................................... (215) 424-9600 Yoon’s Auto Repair Center Fax: (215) 548-2222 윤 영 석 Yoon, Young Suk 6701 N. 5th St, Philadelphia., PA 19126
제이슨리종합정비 ................................ (302) 654-4646
Jason Lee Auto Repair & Body Shop Fax: (302) 654-4611 제이슨 리 Jason Lee jamesautoinc@hotmail.com 102 N. Union St, Wilmington, DE 19805
제임스자동차정비 ................................ (215) 457-6688
James Auto Repair 연 제임스 Yon, James 198 W Ashdale St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
180 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 자동차(토잉)
Joon’s Auto Service 고 준 Ko, Joon 5331 N. 10th St, Philadelphia, PA 19141
(215) 455-1816
체리힐자동차정비 ................................ (856) 751-8100 Mobile One 이 관 우 1837 E. Marlton Pike, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
KO-AM Motors 황 병 탁 Hwang, Byung Tak 173 W. Roosevelt Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19120
(215) 455-2488
크리스찬브라더스오토모티브정비........(215) 375-7048
Christian Brothers Automotive Jens Rosmus 565 Dekalb Pike North Wales, PA 19454
하이텍 오토 리페어 .............................. (215) 455-1344
High Tech Auto Repair Thy Keo 1601 W. Belfield Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19141
형제자동차 ........................................... (215) 457-8040
Brother’s Auto Repair 오 근 모 Oh, Keun Mo 429 W. Duncannon Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120
골드스테인 장의사 ............................... (800) 622-6410
Goldsteins’ Rosenberg’s Raphael-sacks Inc. Goldstein www.goldsteinsfuneral.com 6410 N. Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19126
김기호예의원(뉴저지) .......................... (201) 313-0777
Kee Ho Kim Funeral Home 김 기 호 Kim, Kee Ho 1601 Palisade Ave, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
김기호예의원(필라) .............................. (215) 424-0404
Kee Ho Kim Funeral Home 김 기 호 Kim, Kee Ho 5800 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
모어 스니어 & 루지에로 예의원 ........... (484) 470-3231 Moore, Snear & Ruggiero Funeral Home 한국인 담당 김계호 300 Fayette St. Conshohocken, PA 19428 19 E. Germantown Pike East Norriton, PA 19401 224 West Main St. Trappe, PA 19426
시아바렐리장의사 ................................ (267) 625-0276
Ciavarelli Family Funeral Homes 박성남 Park, John 951 East Butler Pike, Ambler, PA 19002 516 Fayette Street, Conshohocken, PA 19428
조지워싱턴메모리얼파크 ..................... (610) 828-1417
George Washington Memorial Park 80 Stenton Ave, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
초이 장의사 .......................................... (215) 629-1923
Choi Funeral Home, INC. Jason Choi 247 N. 12th St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
White Marsh Memorial Park .............. (215) 646-7500 1169 Limekiln Pike, Ambler, PA 19002 재봉기기
2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
JM Sewing Machine, INC Fax: (215) 457-1292 Jairo Snazm 4909 N. Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19141 아취재봉기기상사
(215) 627-1768
Arch Sewing Machine Co, Inc. Orland, Anthony 659 Callowhill St, Philadelphia, PA 19123
(484) 744-7001 Phila sewing machine Co. John Kim 1499 66th Ave Philadelphia, PA 19126
재활용품(수거업체) 181
(856) 753-9430
순 님 Kim, Soon Rim 145 Rt. 73 N. Berlin, NJ 08009 애동제자(최보살) .................................. (215) 820-0472 Ae Dong Je Ja 5729 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19102
장여사 ................................................... (201) 363-1212
Jang Bo Sal Corporation 장 여 사 Jang, Yeo Sa 252 12th St, Paliside Park, NJ 07650
정보살 ................................................... (215) 604-1386
Chung Bo Sal 정 연 옥 Chong, Youn Ok 2168 Joshua Dr, Bensalem, PA 19020
브레드앤베이글 .................................... (856) 667-2333
Bread&Bagel 방 희 철 Bang, Hee Chul 1600 Church Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
모찌링도넛(젠키타운) ........................ 215-690-4276
Mochi Ring Donut Mochi Ring Donut@gmail.com 501 Old York Rd #3, Jenkintown, PA 19046
모찌링도넛(에디슨) ........................ 848- 437-1565
Mochi Ring Donut Mochi Ring Donut@gmail.com 1199 Amboy Ave, Edison, NJ 08837
솔라반떼 베이커리 (267) 627-2418 Sol Levante Bakery 이 영 수 Lee Young Soo 1923 Cheltenham Ave, Elkins Park, PA 19027
182 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록 조명
Agape Bakery 한 경 진 Han, Kyung Jin 1222 Welsh Rd, North Wales, PA 19454
Yum Yum bakery 구 성 곤 Koo, Sung Kon 7050 Terminal Sq, Upper Darby, PA 19082 파리바게트
Paris Baguette 심 선 기 Shim, Sun Ki 6773 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19126 파리제과
Paris Baguette 7300 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027 풍년제과
Poong Nyun Bakery 오 성 남 Oh, Sung Nam 6003 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
(215) 412-0478
Store Equipment Service 김 미 나 Kim, Mi Na 2106 E. Venango St, Phila, PA 19134
(610) 574-1990
(215) 276-2000
(215) 635-2790
(215) 424-3121
(267) 902-0840
데자부 .................................................. (215) 927-1300 DejaVu 박 광 원 Park, Kwang Won 5929 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
명동 (215) 917-4446 527 W,Olney Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120
비타민(구 보물섬) ............................... (215) 327-5454 Club Vitamin 5501 Front St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
숲빈 ...................................................... (610) 352-0611 한 수 경 Han Su Kyung 56 Garrett Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19082
장미 ...................................................... (215) 744-1916 Rose Cafe 6426 Castor Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19149
포차포차 ............................................... (610) 352-9500 Pocha Pocha 이 정 희 Lee, Joung Hee 7001 W. Chester Pike, Upper Darby, PA 19082
힐링포차 ............................................... (215) 224-7700 6201 Front Street, Philadelphia, PA 19120 창고
Store & Lock Self Storage ................... (609) 723-5430 심 용 섭 Sim, Yong Sup 51 Georgetown Rd, Wrightstown, NJ 08562
블루벨 컴퓨터 교육&수리 ..................... (484)681-4439
Blue Bell Computer Education & Repair 3309 Dekalb Pike, East Norriton, PA 19401 www.ibluein.com
에이팩스컴퓨터 .................................... (610) 695-0695
Apex Compu Corporation Jiash, Duan 3223 Phinexville Pike, Suite C, Malvern, PA 19355
오메가컴퓨터 ....................................... (215) 300-0027
Omega Computers LLC 최 지 원 Choi, Jay 714 Porter St, Philadelphia, PA 19148
이코솔루션 ........................................... (215) 856-9517
Eko Solutions LLC. 성 영 진 Sung, Justin 7305 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027
정스쇼포트 ........................................... (215) 886-0273
Chung’s Showport 정 세 영 Jung, Se Young 7844 B. Penn Rose Ave, Elkins Park, PA 19027
컴퓨터솔루션 ....................................... (215) 426-2426
Computer Solution Corp. 김 용 태 Kim, Yong Tae 1135 W Cheltenham Ave, #101, Melrose Park, PA 19027
컴퓨월드 ............................................... (610) 660-0620 Compu World 신 태 영 Sin, Tae Young 121 W. City Ave, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
KERUX MERCHANT SERVICE ...... (215) 960-5190 (267) 632-3252 김형진 keruxmerchant@gmail.com
오메가카드서비스 ......................... (267) 273-6678
Omega Card Services www.omegabnc.com 최 정 훈 Choi, Jung Hoon choi@omegabnc.com 701 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19106
이코솔루션 ................................... (215) 856-9517
Eko Solutions LLC. 성 영 진 Sung, Justin 7305 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027
크린터치 ...................................... (877) 248-3684
Clean Touch www.cleaners-software.com 김 영 철 Young C. Kim (215) 635-3555 1120 Easton Rd, Willow Grove, PA 19090
UMS (FLexgift Card) ..................... (267) 984-3655
United Merchant Services Joseph Yoon P.O.Box 14407, Phila, PA 19115 컴퓨터(웹디자인)
이코솔루션 .......................................... (215) 856-9517
(610) 734-0153 Computer153 최 한 수 Choi, Han Soo 7032 Terminal Sq, Upper Darby, PA 19082
Eko Solutions LLC. 성 영 진 Sung, Justin 7305 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027 타프 그룹
TAF Web Design www.tafjkgroup.com 3309 Dekalb Pike, East Norriton, PA 19401
JC음악학원 .......................................... (610) 924-9020
JC Music School www.jcmusicschool.com 최 준 Choi, Joon 8501 W. Chester Pike Upper Darby, PA 19082
심포니음악학원 .................................... (215) 362-2340
Symphony Music School 김 태 훈 Kim, Tae Hoon 768 Bethlehem Pike, Montgomeryville, PA 18936
예음피아노교실 .................................... (215) 869-5273
Ye Eum Piano Studio 김 은 아 Kim, Eun Ah 16 Canter Lane, North Wales, PA 19454
필라음악미술학원 ................................ (215) 635-2668
Phila Music School 차 기 훈 Cha, Ki Hoon 1400 Willow Ave, Elkins Park, PA 19027
63rd St. Hardware Supply Co. ........... (215) 476-4012 이 태 경 Lee, Charlie 504 N. 63rd St. Philadelphia, PA 19151
A-Z Hardware ..................................... (215) 476-8926 장 병 기 Jang, Byung Ki 411 S. 60th St. Philadelphia, PA 19143
Cooper Fitton Hardware ..................... (215) 438-1519 유 택 상 Yoo, Taik Sang 5601 Chew Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19138
Diamond Venango Hardware ............ (215) 229-4234 한 영 권 Han, Young Kwon 1701 W. Venango St. Phila., PA 19141
D.J.Hardware ...................................... (215) 232-5583 김 웅 기 Kim, Woong Ki 1525 Cecil B. Morre Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19121
Einhorn Joe Hardware ........................ (215) 324-8356 김 선 명 Kim, Sun Myong 4174 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19140
Frankford Hardware Co. ..................... (215) 744-7460 이 은 정 Lee, Eun Jung 4444 Frankford Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19124 Germantown Hardware ...................... (215) 229-7660 김 영 관 Kim, Young Kwan 3520 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19140
Howard Berger Co .............................. (215) 696-0727 백 만 흠 Peter Paik 1382 Uxbridge Way, North Wales, PA 19454 Nagelberg Hardware Store ................. (215) 236-4200 김 준 갑 Kim, Joon Gap 2721 W. Girard Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19130
Penn Hardware ................................... (215) 332-5110 허 용 구 Heo, Yong Ku 7404 Frankford Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136
R&H Hardware .................................... (215) 729-5854 손 인 호 Shon, Inn O 5506 Chester Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143
Seidman hardware ............................. (215) 423-4070 허 용 량 Huh, Yong Ryang 3360-70 Kensington Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19134
Tabor Hardware ................................... (215) 924-0967 정 창 교 Chung, Chang Kyo 5512-14 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120
(267) 626-3095 Beautiful Senior School 강귀연 Kang, Kyu Nyun 901 Cypress Ave., Elkins Park, PA 19027
(215) 782-8370 Fax: (215) 782-8371 Albert Senior Day Center 1400 Willow Avenue, Elkins Park, PA 19027
교육 .............. (215) 782-8370 Fax: (215) 782-8371 Albert Home Care 1400 Willow Avenue, Elkins Park, PA 19027
제일노인대학교 .................................... (215) 549-6880
The First Senior Citizen Association 강 학 구 Kang, Hak Koo 770-800 W. Tabor Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19120
펜아시안 노인복지원 .......................... (215) 572-1234
PASSI 6926 Old York Rd., Philsdelphia PA 19126
애빙턴 프렌즈 스쿨 ............................ (215) 576-3986
Abington Friends School www.abingtonfriends.net 이 정 우 Lee, Jung Woo 575 Washington Ln, Jenkintown, PA 19046
귀니드멀시칼리지 ............................... (215) 646-7300
Gwynedd-Mercy College 1325 Sumneytown Pike, Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 www.gmc.edu
그라츠칼리지 (215) 635-7300
Gratz College 7605 Old York Rd, Melrose Park, PA 19027 www.gratz.edu
뉴만칼리지 .......................................... (610) 459-0905
Neumann College 1 Neumann Dr, Aston, PA 19014 www.neumann.edu
델라웨어밸리커뮤니티칼리지 .............. (215) 489-4357
Delaware Valley College 700 E. Butler Ave, Doylestown, PA 18901 www.devalcol.edu
드렉셀유니버시티 ................................ (215) 895-2000
Drexel University 3141 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 www.drexel.edu
라셀유니버시티 ................................... (215) 951-1000
LaSalle University 1900 W Olney Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19141 www.lasalle.edu
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
랭캐스터바이블칼리지(커츠대학교) ... (215) 329-5400
Lancaster Bible College at CUTS www.cuts.edu 이동진 Lee, Dongjin 1300 W. Hunting Park Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140
매너칼리지 .......................................... (215) 885-2360
Manor College 700 Fox Chase Rd, Jenkintown, PA 19046 www.manor.edu
몽고메리카운티커뮤니티칼리지 ......... (215) 641-6300
Montgomery County Community College 340 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 www.mc3.edu
벅스카운티커뮤니티칼리지 (215) 968-8000
Bucks County Community College 275 Swamp Rd, Newtown, PA 18940 www.bucks.edu
빌라노바유니버시티 ............................ (610) 519-6000 Villanova University 800 E. Lancaster Ave, Villanova, PA 19085 www.vilanova.edu
세인트죠셉유니버시티 ........................ (610) 660-1000 St. Joseph’s University 5600 City Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19131 www.sju.edu
아카디아 유니버시티 .......................... (877) 272-2342 Arcadia University 450 S. Easton Rd. Glenside, PA 19038 www.arcadia.edu
어사이너스칼리지 ............................... (610) 409-3000 Ursinus College 601 E. Main St, Collegeville, PA 19426 www.ursinus.edu
와이드너유니버시티 ........................... (888) 943-3637
Widener University 1 University Pl, Chester, PA 19013 www.widener.edu
웨스터민스터신학교 ........................... (800) 373-0119 Westminster Theological Seminary 2960 W. Church Rd, Glenside, PA 19038 www.wts.edu
웨스트체스터유니버시티 .................... (610) 436-1000
West Chester University West Chester University of Pennsylvania West Chester, PA 19383
유펜 ...................................................... (215) 898-5000
University of Pennsylvania 3451 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 www.upenn.edu
체스넛힐칼리지 ................................... (215) 248-7001
Chestnut Hill College 9601 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19118 www.chc.edu
라셀유니버시티 ................................. (267)-551-3600
KERNEL UNIVERSITY 김 우진 교수 7848 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027 www.kernel.edu
커츠대학교 .......................................... (215) 329-5400
Center for Urban Theological Studies www.cuts.edu 이 동 진 Lee, Dongjin 1300 W. Hunting Park Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140
크리스토퍼닥크리스찬 스쿨 ............... (267) 346-4557 Christopher Dock School www.dockhs.org 황수연 Hwang, S 1000 Forty Foot Rd., Lansdale, PA 19446
타일러스쿨오브아트 ............................ (215) 777-9000
Tyler School of Art-Temple University 2001 N. 13th St.Phila, PA 19122 www.temple.edu/tyler
템플유니버시티 (215) 204-7000
Temple University 1801 N. Broad St, Piladelphia, PA 19122 www.temple.edu
템플유니버시티엠블러 .......................... (215)283-1200
Temple University-Ambler 580 Meetinghouse Rd, Ambler, PA 19002 www.ambler.temple.edu
펜스테이트애빙턴 ................................ (215) 881-7300
Penn State Abington 1600 Woodland Rd, Abington, PA 19001 www.abington.psu.edu
펜실바니아인스티튜트오브테크놀러지 .. (610) 892-1000
Pennsylvania Institute of Technology 800 Manchester Ave, Media, PA 19063 www.pit.edu
글로벌미션수쿨 ................................... (215) 782-1117 (267) 575-5617
ABA Language Institute 이사장 김경순 목사 1001 W,Cheltinham Ave, Ste.100 Melrose Park, PA 19027
뉴저지크리스천아카데미고등학교 (609) 738-2121 NJ United Christian Academy 신 정 하 Shin, Jeong Ha 73 Holmes Mill Rd, Cream Ridge, NJ 08514
펜실베니아총신대학 ......................... (215) 591-0771 김 동 욱 Kim, Dong Uk 1245 Limeklin Pike, Ambler, PA 19002
필라총신대학신학교 (215) 237-5581 Phila Chong Shin College & Theological Seminary 이 선 일 Lee, Sun Il 501 North Line St, Lansdale, PA 19446
필라장로회신학대학교 ..................... (215) 533-8612
Philadelphia Theological Seminary 조 신 일 Cho, Sin Il 6410 Castor Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19149
훼이스신학대학원 ............................ (267) 471-8880
Faith Theological Seminary 김 정 아 Kim, Chong A 1001 W. 70th Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19126
SYNC Institute 8033 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027
(215) 635-2329
190 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
마사지 테라피 전문학교 (267) 312-7018
HR School of Alternative Therapy 1001 W. Cheltenham Ave, 2nd Floor, Elkins Park, PA 19027
완전운전 ............................................... (215) 558-0554
ABC Driving School 8802 Duveen Dr, Glenside, PA 19038
원불교 한의대 ................ 클리닉 직통: (215) 884-9340
Won Institute 학교 직통: (215) 884-8942
137 S. Eastern Rd., Glenside, PA 19038
낙원한국학교 ....................................... (215) 540-5866
Nak Won Korean School 최 형 관 Choi, Hyung Kwan 3364 Susquehanna Rd, Dresher, PA 19025
뉴호프 아카데미 토요학교 .................. (856) 308-4900
New Hope Academy 이 진 석 1989 Marlton Pike East, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
대한한국학교 ..................................... (856) 489-1188
Dae Han Korean School 엄 승 용 Um, Seung Yong 323 Rt. 73 S. Voorhees, NJ 08043
리하이밸리한국학교............................. (610) 504-2725 1987 Schadt Ave. Whitehall, PA 18052
벅스카운티한국학교 ............................ (215) 945-1512
Bucks County Korean School 김 풍 운 Kim, Paul W. 1550 Woodbourne Rd, Levittown, PA 19057
블루벨한국학교 ................................... (215) 628-3333
Blue Bell Korean School 권 영 선 Kwon, Young S. 775 Skippack Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
새생명교회한국학교 ............................ (610) 446-1602
New covenant United Methodist Church 박 상 홍 Park, Sang Hong 2600 Bond Ave, Drexel Hill, PA 19026
양의문교회한국학교 (215) 688-1004
The Sheep’s Gate Pres. Korean School 허화진 1301 Maryland Ave., Havertown, PA 19083
연합교회한국학교(금, 토) .................... (215) 927-0630
KUCP Korean School 조 진 모 Cho, Jinmo 12th St. Cheltenham Ave, Philadelphia, PA 1912
영생한국학교 ....................................... (215) 542-6830
Young Sang Korean School 이 용 걸 Yi, Yong Kol 706 Witmer Rd, Horsham, PA 19044
원광한국학교 ........................................ (215) 886-6443 김 복 혜 Kim, Bokhyae 423 Abington Ave, Glenside, PA 19438
임마누엘한글학교 ............................... (610) 541-7974
Emmanuel Korean School 김 태 권 Kim, Tae Kwon 4723 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19139
트렌톤한국학교 ................................... (609) 298-2461
Korean American Institute of Trenton 허 우 강 Huh, Woo Kang 147 Rt. 130 N. Bordentown, NJ 08505
몽고메리한글학교 ................................ (610) 222-6091
Korean American Institute of Trenton 최 해 근 Choi, Hae Geun 3260 Morris Rd., Lansdale, PA 19446
필라안디옥한국학교 ........................... (610) 828-6760
Antioch Korean School 호 성 기 Ho, Sung Kee One Antioch Ave, Conshohocken, PA 19428
필라제일한국학교 ............................... (215) 549-6880
First Korean School of Philadelphia 강 학 구 Kang, Hakku 700-800 W. Tabor Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19120
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
Y2아카데미........................................... (201) 947-9447
Fort Lee (NJ) 2175 Lemoine Avenue (5thFloor) Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Y2아카데미........................................... (732) 777-9253
Marlboro (NJ) 475 County Road 520, Suite #200, Marlboro, NJ 07746
Y2아카데미............................................(732) 777-9253
Princeton (NJ) 29 Emmons Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540
Y2아카데미............................................(973) 814-9227
Parsippany (NJ) 108 US-46 2nd Floor, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Y2아카데미............................................(302) 669-9253
Hockessin (DE) 1127 Valley Rd. Hockessin, DE 19707
Y2아카데미............................................(215) 412-9253 North Wales (PA) 1218 Welsh Road North Wales, PA 19454
Y2아카데미 (610) 601-5501 Paoli (PA) 42 E. Lancaster Avenue Paoli, PA 19301
Y2아카데미............................................(215) 943-9253 Levittown (PA) 1108 South Wood bourne Road Levittown, PA 19057
Y2아카데미............................................(919) 597-0748
Cary Campus(NC) 4085 Davis Drive Morrisville, NC 27560
Y2아카데미............................................(919) 597-0748
Chapel Hill (NC) 1804 M.L.K Jr Blvd Chapel Hill NC 27514
Y2아카데미............................................(443) 574-5249
Ellicott City (MD) 8659 Baltimore National Pike Chantilly, VA 20151
Y2아카데미..............................................(703) 828 4877
Chantilly (VA) 4090 Lafayette Center Dr, SuiteC Chantilly, VA 20151
고러닝센터 ........................................... (267) 945-0554
Go Learning Center www.golearningcenter.com 1515 Dekalb Pike Suite 101 Blue Bell, PA 19422
고러닝센터 ........................................... (609) 582-2854 Go Learning Center 750 New Jersey 73 Suite 206, Marlton, NJ 08053
뉴캐슬 아카데미 ................................... (302) 824-3138
New Castle Academy 변 성 철 Chris Pyun 4758 Limestone Rd, Suite B, Wilmington, DE 19808
대성학원(랜스데일본원) ...................... (215) 699-8734 Daesung Academy 박 상 수 1256 Welsh Rd, Suite #100, North Wales, PA 19454
대성학원(어퍼다비분원) ...................... (610) 713-9990 Daesung Academy 박 상 수 60A Garrett Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19082
대성학원(웨인분원) .............................. (215) 983-8499 Daesung Academy 박 상 수 1100 W. Valley Rd Wayne, PA 19807
매스나지움(로즈몬트) .......................... (610) 526-1607
Mathnasium of Rosemont Director: Dan Geraghty 1149 E Lancaster Ave Bryn Mawr PA 19010
매스나지움(블루벨) .............................. (267) 598-5100
Mathnasium of Blue Bell Director: Alex Dzurick 970 Dekalb Pike 245 Blue Bell PA 19422
매스나지움(호샴) .................................. (215) 857-2333
Mathnasium of Horsham Director: Daniel Wu 303 Horsham Road E Horsham PA 19044
매스나지움(버킹햄) .............................. (215) 302-6174
Mathnasium of Buckingham Director: Taylor Berkeley 163 Carousel Lane. Lahaska, PA 18931
매스나지움(체리힐) .............................. (856) 874-0050
Mathnasium of Cherry Hill Director: Rebecca Gorelick 1892 Marlton Pike East Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
매스나지움(해던필드) .......................... (856) 858-6284
Mathnasium of Haddonfield Director: Stephanie Sobotta 676 West Cuthbert Blvd. Haddon Township, NJ 08108
매스나지움(파올리) ............................. (610) 644-2306
Mathnasium of Paoli Director: Susan Hunt 36 Chestnut Rd, #2 Paoli, PA 19301
블루벨 인바이로보틱스 랩 ..................... (267) 742-0135
Blue Bell Envirobotics Lab. LLC 768 Bethlehem Pike Suite 206 Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002
................................ (215) 782-1773
Korean American Education Center 안 헬렌 Ahn, Helen 1400 Willow Ave, #C-3, Elkins Park, PA 19027
헬렌스엘리트아카데미 ........................ (215) 782-1773
Helen’s Elite Academy 안 헬렌, Ahn, Helen 1400 Willow Ave, #C-3, Elkins Park, PA 19027
아이비학원 ........................................... (215) 782-1000
IVY Advantage Academy 알버트 박 1349 W. Cheltemham Ave, Elkins Park, Pa19022
인투프렙학원(멜번)............................... (610) 352-2323 Into Prep (Malvern) 구 본 영 42 lioyd Ave Malvern, PA 19355
인투프렙학원(어퍼다비)....................... (610) 352-9253 Into Prep (Upper Darby) 구 본 영 7030 Terminal Sq. Upper Darby,PA 19085
인투프렙학원(베른마우어).................... (610) 352-9253 Into Prep (Byrn Mawr) 구 본 영 220 N. Merion Ave. Byrn Mawr, PA 19015
에듀유학원 ........................................... (215) 767-8480
Eduhakus 이 은 숙 Laura Lee 320 Country Club Dr, Lansdale, PA 19446
U & I Montessori ............................ (215) 500-8360 102 Bradford Ct North Wales PA 19454
엑셀학원 ............................................... (215) 635-5780
Accel Academy 박 인 Pak, In 1329 W. Cheltenham Ave, Melrose Park, PA 19027
이현일 기타학원 ................................... (617) 230-8274
Guitar Academy 이 현 일 Lee, Hyunil 1418 Heron way. Chalfont, PA 18914
인델리짐 ............................................... (215) 782-1000
Intellegym 111 Buck Rd Suite 800, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Y2K아카데미 (체리힐) .......................... (856) 661-0010
Yale Academy of Cherry Hill 양 태 권 Yang, Tae Kwon 1212 Haddonfield Rd. Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Perfect Square ..................................... (215) 292-5934
Optima Learning Center 윤 경 Kay Yun 1311 West Church Rd, Wyncote, PA 19095
원스탑 에듀케이션 ............................... (301) 367-0880
One Stop Education 1959 Gallow Rd, Suite 208, Vienna, VA 22182
쿠몬학원 ............................................... (856) 751-4533
박 영 주 Park ,Young Joo 1900 Greentree Rd, #12, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
체리힐 C.C.B 아카데미 ........................ (856) 979-7071
Cherry Hill C.C.B Academy 1165 Marlkress Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 학원(무용)
뉴저지고전무용단 ................................ (267) 255-4226
South NJ Korean Dance Troup 박 선 영 Park, Sun Young 395 Kings Highway N. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
새빛무용단 ........................................... (267) 255-4226
South NJ Korean Dance Troup 박 선 영 Park, Sun Young 395 Kings Highway N. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
한미무용단 .......................................... (215) 927-4318
Korean American Dance Group 장 문 부 Chang, Moon Bu 6633 N. 3rd St, Philadelphia, PA 1912
제일미술학원 ....................................... (267) 481-1586
Cheil Art School 전 수 경 Jun, Soo Kyung 1081 Carriage Ln., Blue Bell, PA 19422
첼튼햄음악미술원 ................................ (215) 635-6311 Cheltenham Music & Art 장 문 자 Jhang, Moon JA 7425 Old York Rd, Melrose Park, PA 19027
타프 JK Art Lesson .............................. (215) 740-2887 TAF JK Education 3309 Dekalb Pike, East Norriton, PA 19401 www.tafjkeducation.com 필라음악미술학원
(215) 635-2668 Phila Art School 차 기 훈 Cha, Ki Hoon 1400 Willow Ave, Elkins Park, PA 19027
아메리칸 미용학원 ............................... (215) 331-1515
American Beauty Academy 6912 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19135
에이스트레이닝스쿨 ............................ (215) 366-5706
ACE Training School Han Ryoo E-mail:acetrainingschool@gmail.com 319 Easton Road Unit B Willow Grove PA 19090
인터내셔널 뷰티아카데미 .................... (215) 288-9080
International Beauty Academy 비비안 심 Vivian Shim www.internationalbeautyacademypa.com 6534 Castor Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19149
퀸 뷰티아카데미
(267) 344-8451
Queen Beauty Academy www.queenbeautyacademy.com info@queenbeautyacademy.com 6133 Colgats Street, Philadelphia, PA 19111
꿈 미용학교
Dream Beauty Academy 1516 Butler Pike, Conshohoken, PA 19428 학원(영어/ESL) 어퍼모어랜드라이브러리
(215) 659-0741 Upper Moreland Free Public Library 109 Park Ave, Willow Grove, PA 19090 에이플러스튜터링
(215) 619-0333 A Plus Tutoring Service Gwynedd 505 York Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046 원광어린이영어이프로그램
헌팅톤러닝센타 ................................... (215) 887-0801
Huntington Learning Center 947 Old York Road, Abington PA 19001
헬렌스엘리트아카데미 ........................ (215) 782-1773
Helen’s Elite Academy 안 헬렌, Ahn, Helen 8080 Old York Rd, Suite 204, Elkins Park, PA 19027
국제운전면허센터 ................................ (215) 324-3576
International Driver’s License www.iadc-center.com info@iadc-center.com 5426 N. 5th Steet, Philadelphia., PA 19120
락앤심포니............................................ (267) 421-5501 (215) 762-5307
Rock & Symphony 김 태 훈 Kim, Tae Hoon 762 E. Main St, Lansdale, PA 19446 안정혜피아노교실
(215) 932-1121 Ahn’s Piano 안 정 혜 Ahn, Chung Hye 5771 Cavalier Ct, East Bensalem, PA 19020
(856) 424-2333 Young Piano Studio PO Box 2644, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
학원(태권도) 197 2023 Jugan Phila Directory www.juganphila.com
Diana Kim음악학원 ............................. (215) 653-0998
Diana Kim Music Studio 김 다이앤 Kim, Diana 303 Lincoln Dr, West Ambler, PA 19002
JC음악학원 .......................................... (610) 924-9020
JC.Music School 최 준 Choi, Joon 8501 West Chester Pike, Upper Darby, PA 19082
곽스태권도 ........................................... (610) 277-7771 Kwak’s Tae Kwon Do School 곽 병 열 Kwak, Byung Yul 1510 Dekalb Pike Blue Bell, PA 19422
구세군 태권도센터 ............................... (215) 742-8992 신 동 환 Shin, Dong Hwan 5830 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120
김형태 태권도 도장 .............................. (215) 635-2525
Tiger Gym 김 형 태 Kim, Hyhung Tai 1135 W. Cheltenham Ave, #6, Melrose Park, PA 19027
드래곤 태권도 도장 .............................. (610) 363-7575
Dragon Gym Corp 고 재 덕 Goh, Chae Teok 267 S. Whiteford Rd, Exton, PA 19341
리스 태권도 .......................................... (856) 354-0098
Lee’s Martial Arts 484 Evesham Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
백스 태권도 학교 .................................. (215) 885-3000
Abington Paek’s Tae Kwon Do School 김 인 호 Kim, In Ho 1907 Susquehanna Rd, Abington, PA 19001
스카이 태권도(노스웨일즈) ................ (267) 222- 8807
Sky Martial Arts www.gothesky.com 케이 김, Kim, Kay 1200 Welsh Rd Suite K North Wales, PA 19454
스카이 태권도(워링턴) ....................... (215) 918- 1100
Sky Martial Arts www.gothesky.com 케이 김, Kim, Kay 640 Easton Rd Warrington, PA 18976
스카이 태권도(웨인) ........................... (484) 367-7127
Sky Martial Arts www.gothesky.com 케이 김, Kim, Kay 530 W Lancaster Ave Wayne PA 19087
스카이 태권도(드레셔) ....................... (267) 460- 8314
Sky Martial Arts www.gothesky.com 케이 김, Kim, Kay 1650 Limekiln Pike Dresher, PA 19025
신스 태권도 .......................................... (215) 468-1111 Shin Karate Ins’t Inc. 709 W. Oregon Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19148
양스 마샬아트스쿨 ............................... (215) 661-1884
Yang’s Marshall Arts School 양 봉 필 Yang, Bong Pil 127 South Main St, Suite2, North Wales, PA 19454
황스태권도 ........................................... (610) 446-8119 Hwang’s Tae Kwon Do Institute 황 태 범 Hwang, Tae Bum 7914 W. Chester Pike, Upper Darby, PA 19082
AGM College Planning ....................... (571) 408-0470 리차드 명 Myung, Richard E-mail: info@agmcollege.com Los Angeles, CA: 213-500-1395 Buena Park, CA: 949-527-5500 Irvine, CA: 949-527-5500 Atlanta, GA:877-212-0011 Manhattan, NY: 646-706-1400 Fort Lee, NJ: 877-212-0011 Chicago, IL: 847-749-0916 아이보리타워........................................ (856) 313-7624 Ivory Tower College Financial Aid Service Fax (215) 689-0805 조 수 희 Cho, Su hue
Perfect Square .................................... (215) 292-5934
Optima Learning Center 윤 경 Kay Yun 1311 West Church Rd, Wyncote, PA 19095
(267) 957-4073
Acupuncture 김고은 Kim, Goeun 930 Susquehanna Rd, Ambler, PA 19002 부부한의원 ........................................... (484) 684-7989 J&S Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 이 성 득 Rhee, Soung Deuk 2 E. Valley Creek Rd, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 심윤경한의원 ....................................... (267) 307-3114 Shim Acupuncture 심 윤 경 Shim, Kristine 49 W. Cheltenham Ave, Cheltenham,
(215) 997-7878 변 광 이 3425Limekiln Pike #2 Chalfont, PA 18914 영광한의원
(215) 924-0688 유 해 숙 Yoo, Hae Sook 5919 N. 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19120 편한세상통증병원(체리힐)
(856) 234-1200 LEE CHIROPRACTIC ACUPUNCTURE 이요한 Yo Han Lee
1930 Marlton Pike East Suite F33 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
체리힐한의원 ....................................... (856) 667-3018
김 동 호 Kim, Dong HO 1020 Kings Hwy. N., #101 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
노스웨스트예약문의(한국어) ............... (800) 692-1165 Northwest Airlines 델타항공 ............................................... (800) 221-1212
Delta Airlines P.O. Box 20706, Atlanta, Georgia 30320 대한항공예약문의(24시간) .................. (800) 525-4480
Korean Air 1813 Wilshire Blvd, 3rd Fl, Los Angeles, CA 90057 아시아나항공 (예약및도착안내)
(800) 227-4262 Asiana Air 540 Madison Avenue, 14th Fl, New York, NY 10022
www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라 한인록
박일호 공인회계사 ............................... (215) 635-3700 Prime Accounting & Tax Services plcprimetax@gmail.com 박 일 호 공인회계사 Paul Park, C.P.A 7375 Old York Rd. Elkins Park, PA 19027
박희중 공인회계사 .............................. (215) 782-2121
Hee Jung, Park C.P.A 박 희 중 Park, Hee Jung 1001 W. Cheltenham Ave, #200, Melrose Park, PA 19027
신승범 공인회계사 ............................... (302) 636-9009 Shin & CPAs, Inc tax@shin-cpas.com 신승범 Seungbum Shin 2006 Limestone Rd. Ste. 10 Wilmington, DE 19808
우리 CPA .............................................. (610) 449-8824 이승훈 & 박진우 C.P.A 8908 West Chester Pike Upper Darby PA 19082
유동주 공인회계사 .............................. (610) 352-5533 Don Yoo & Co. C.P.A 유 동 주 Yoo, Dong Joo 6449 Market St, Upper Darby, PA 19082
유택환 공인회계사 .............................. (215)635-5514 Yoo, Tae k Hwan C.P.A 유 택 환 Yu, Tae k Hwan 429 W. Cheltenham Ave, Melrose Park, PA 19027
윤명희 공인회계사 ............................ (215) 647-2002 Myoung H Yun, CPA 921 N Bethlehem Pike, Bldg. A STE 202 Ambler PA 19002
이근진 공인회계사 ............................... (609) 452-8282 Geun J. Lee. C.P.A이 근 진 Lee, Geun Jin 3490 US Rt-1 Bldg, 7C, Princeton, NJ 08540
이무경 공인회계사 ............................... (215) 782-8800 Moo K. Lee, C.P.A 이 무 경 Lee, Moo K. 525 Spring Ave., Elkins Park, PA 19027
이주연 공인회계사 ............................... (610) 352-3060 Good News Co. 이 주 연 Lee, Ju Yuen C.P.A. julee@cpa.com 25 Washington Lane Suite 9A Wyncote PA 19095
204 www.juganphila.com 2023 주간필라
장우균 공인회계사 ................... ........... (215) 635-6463
Woo Kyun Chang & Co. C.P.A 장 우 균 Chang, Woo K. 753 Cheltenham Ave, #B, Melrose Park, PA 19027
정덕준 공인회계사 ............................... (215) 646-8830
James Duck Joon Chung, Inc. C.P.A 정 덕 준 Chung, James 1120 Romsey Dr, Blue Bell, PA 19422
최환 공인회계사 (302) 636-9009 Whan Choi & Co. C.P.A 최 환 Choi, Hwan 2006 Limestone Rd. Unit 10 Wilmington, DE 19808
허상훈 공인회계사 ............................. (215) 635-5559 Sanghoon Lucas Huh, C.P.A 허상훈 Sanghoon Lucas Huh 7848 Old York Rd, Suite 101, Elkins Park PA 19027
김홍길 공인세무사 .............................. (215) 635-7536 김 홍 길 Kim, Hong Kil 1135W. Cheltenham Ave, #204 , Melrose Park, PA 19027
이상섭 공인세무사 .............................. (215) 224-1803 Mike S. Lee & Associates, Inc. 이 상 섭 Lee, Sang Sub 5940 N. 5th St, Phila, PA 19120
마재진 공인세무사 .............................. (484) 674-5572 J Tax & Accounting Service Jmtax153@gmail.com 마 재 진 Jaejin Ma, EA, MBA 1166 DeKalb Pike Suite 103 Blue Bell, PA 19422
신양수 공인세무사 .............................. (215) 661-9130 Rechard Y. Sin. P. A. 신 양 수 Sin, Richard Y. 205 S. 8th St. North Wales, PA 19454
유지은 공인세무사 .............................. (215) 317-1292 JY Accounting & Associates P.C. 유지은 Jee Eun Yoo 1375 horseshoe Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422
한상용 공인세무사 .............................. (610) 668-8338 Public Accountant 한 상 용 Han, Sang Yong. 111 Preidential Blvd, #235, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
홍인선 공인세무사 .............................. (215) 635-1118 G.Tax Consulting Group 홍인선 Hong In sun 7320 Old York Rd. #212 Elkins Park, PA 19027
회계/세무 (법인)
우리 TAX PC .................................. (610) 449-8824 이승훈 & 박진우 8908 West Chester Pike Upper Darby PA 19082
리윤 CPA INC. (215) 647-2002 Tax, Accounting & Payroll Services 윤명희 Myoung H Yun 921 N. Bethlehem Pike Bldg. A, Ste.202 Spring House, PA 19477