Issue 4 The Ancient Ayurveda, India's First Business to Business Ayurveda Magazine

Page 21

Healthy Food Habits


Dr. Jayaram Krishna M.

Winter is the coldest season that starts from mid of November and lasts till February, the peak time being in December and January. During winter, you may have observed people commonly developing cold, flu like symptoms, tonsillitis, skin problems, an aggravated asthmatic attacks, sinusitis, joint pain etc. It is because the change from one season to other generates its impact in body. If you really wish to maintain good health and prevent diseases, you can choose the Ayurvedic foods and regimen, which ensures you proper digestive fire (Agni) which will be maintained well through the prescribed methods, thereby preserving your health. Winter is called as sheeta kaala as per Ayurveda. It is the period of maximum digestive fire. Due to the cold atmosphere outside, body tends to retain heat and the digestive fire become strong enough to metabolize heavy foods. . If adequate food supplements are not provided, it will harm your health. Ayurveda advocates certain important messages to be followed during winter. • Foods having Amla (sour) taste are ideal in winter. • Cereals and pulses, wheat or gram flour products, fresh rice, corn, etc are advised. • Ginger, Garlic, Haritaki (fruits of Harad), Pippali (fruits of pipli), sugarcane products,

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milk and milk products are to be included in the diet. Foods having Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent) as major taste are to be avoided. Laghu (light) and Shita (cold) foods are not advised in winter. In this season, you can take meats and soups added with salt, sour and sweet. A dish added with meat soups along with ghee is a good regimen to be followed. Wine, vinegar and honey could be included in food.

Eat seasonal fruits and vegetable as per your region and climate. Research has proved that the same food will carry different nutritional values depending upon when it is been produced. Apples, Oranges, grapes, Pomegranate, Guavas, Carrots, Mustard Leaves, Peas, Radishes, Beets, Fenugreek Leaves, Spinach etc are favourable during winter season. Some stuffs that are very much important during winter are discussed below. If these items are included in your diet, it may help you to combat the upcoming winter smoothly. Sweet potatoes contain more starch. They are rich in important nutrients like fibre, vitamin C, and potassium than regular potatoes. It is a good source of beta The Ancient Ayurveda | Nov-Dec 2020 | Page 20

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