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Rasasasthra though it was originated and developed as a separate Science in the beginning, during the due course it completely merged with Ayurveda. It is not considered as one of the eight main branches of Ayurveda, however it gained so much importance that it has become an indispensable part of Ayurvedic treatment. The basic idea of Rasasasthra OR Indian Alchemy was to covert a lower metal in to a higher metal ie. Dhatuvadha and in due course the same concept of converting a weak body OR diseased body into a strong one has developed ie Dehavadha. Rasasasthra was developed to prepare such medicines, which will increase longevity of life, keep the healthy status of the body constant so that a person can serve the god longer and attain salvation.


Rasaushadis possess some unique character than herbal medicines like it gets effective in less dose, it does not processes any taste, immediate action & more potent. Mainly metals and mineral drugs are used to prepare Rasaushadies. Apart from these the drugs with animal, aquatic & plant origin are also used.

The pharmaceutical procedures involved in the preparation of Rasaushadies are quite complex and lots of repetitions are done to get the final product. During the pharmaceutical procedures, the metallic OR mineral drugs are treated with herbal drugs in the form of swarasa, kalka etc. Therefore, the final Rasaushadies will be going to be a complex herbomineral compound. 26 | Issue 7 | May-Jun 2021 | The Ancient Ayurveda Shodhana (purification) and marana (conversion in to absorbable form) are the two pharmaceutical procedures mandatory for Rasaushadies. Shodhana process is not merely a purification process; it also imparts some other medicinal qualities to the drugs. In the same way marana process, is also not mere conversion in to smaller and absorbable particles. It also imbibes some more qualities of the herbal & other drugs in which it has processed.

Basically Rasaushadies can be divided in to four categories depending upon the effect on Agnisamskara. 1. Khalvi Rasayana 2. Parpati Rasayana 3. Koopipakva Rasayana 4. Potali Rasayana Bhasma cannot fait in these categories since only a single metal OR mineral is converted in to absorbable form of it (exception are there like Trivangabhasma etc.)

1. Khalvi Rasayanam:- This is the simplest form of

Rasaushadi. Where the metals or minerals are converted in to bhasma form first and the Bhasmas are mixed with herbal powders in definite proportion and titrated in a mortal & pestle with specific liquids (Bhavana dravya) when it become a consistency it is rolled in to pills with specific size. About 80% of the Rasaushadies are khalvi rasayanas.

Eg:- Arogyavardhini Rasa, Tribhuvana keerthi

Rasa & Brihatvata Chinthamanirasa etc.

2. Parpati Rasayana:- Here the basic metallic & mineral bhasma are mixed with Khajjali & then melted. The molted khajjali is suddenly poured to an even surface and pressed to form a crisp wafer called parpati.

Eg:- Rasaparpati, swarnaparpati

3. Koopipakwa Rasayana:- The basic raw materials (Khajjali with other mineral drugs) are heated for a specific time in a glass bottle with kramagni(mridhu, madyama and threevragni) to get the final product. The pharmaceutical procedures in the preparations of koopipakva rasayana demands experience and expertisation in this field. The final product is usually of sindoora varna and are commonly called as sindooram.

Eg:- Rasasindooram, makaradwaja (chandrodaya Rasa) etc.

4. Potali Rasayana:- As per the classic the ingredients of the preparation are made in to a small pyramid like structure and heated in molted sulphur. Presently these types of preparations are prepared by experienced vaidhyas only. Another procedure is also in practice were all the ingredients are grounded in khalvayanthra and rolled into pills. Still the name potali rasayana is retained.

Eg:- Hemagarbha potali rasa, Hamsagarbha patali rasa etc.

As Rasaushadies, are very effective in almost all the critical conditions& present day Rasaushadies are gaining much popularity among the Ayurvedic practitioners because of its efficacy & low cost. At the same time the question about the toxicity is also emerging out. The toxic effect of Rasaushadi is not a myth rather it is a reality. The classical Rasasushada books clearly explain about the toxic effect of improperly prepared Rasaushadi.

In olden day the vaidhyas OR physicians were used to prepare the medicine by themselves OR under direct supervision with maximum care in shodhana & marana procedures and there by the safety of final product was assured. Present days the practitioners do not have direct observation on these preparations because it was prepared somewhere and the physician’s duty is restricted only in prescribing these medicines. Hence there arises the safety issue.

The toxic effects of Rasaushadies mainly happen in the following ways. 1. Improper & incomplete shodhana & marana procedure 2. Excessive dose 3. Prolonged use.

Proper standardization techniques should be made mandatory for the Rasaushadies, so that the first problem can be handled properly for some extent. So many tests have been explained for Rasaushadies to know the state of a final product & most of them are subjective parameters like varitharam, Rekhapuranan etc. With the help of modern equipments these subjective parameters can be converted in to objective parameters like Rekhapooranam to particle size etc. Before prescribing a Rasaushady the reputation of the pharmaceutical company is also be noted so that it can be assured that the patients gets safe and effective drugs.

Before prescribing any Rasaushady it will be noted that the Dose & durations of the treatment is fixed. The prescriptions should not be allowed to be repeated without doctor’s consultation.

There are some simple Rasaushadies which did not demand elaborate procedures made with simple ingredients and it should have to be brought in to mainstream. For example, Laghusoothasekara Rasa, Kaphaketu rasa etc, the pharmaceutical procedures involved in the preparations are simple and effective therapeutically as well as cost wise.

There is no need to be panic about the toxicity of Rasaushadies. Rasaushadies are going to be toxic only if proper pharmaceutical procedures are not followed carefully. As it is said, ‘A drug known in respect of its name, form & properties OR even if known improperly administered leads to bad consequences.’

Prof.Dr.Muraleedharan A.K.

MD (Ayu)

Principal & HOD, PG Department of Rasasastra & Bhaishajyakalpana, MVR Ayurveda Medical College Kerala The Ancient Ayurveda | May-Jun 2021 | Issue 7 | 27

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