15 minute read

THE PANDEMIC... THE STRESS... AND MORE... — Dr Sruthi Sreedharan


Dr. Shruthi Sreedharan (M.D. Scholar)


Department of Panchakarma, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala


Let’s take a quick flashback. Imagine yourself as a teenager say around 13 years old, and its a calm December evening and you are at your friend's place, discussing some Christmas holiday homework. Obviously no discussions among friends are over without some chit chat. So you guys keep on talking and by chance when you look out of the window, you realize that it's getting dark.

Now that annoyed face of your Mom, flashes before your eyes and you just want to get back home, so that you are not scolded. You jump out of your friend’s couch and rush out of her house right into the street. You are now pacing back home that is just 2-3 houses apart in the same lane. You take few more steps ahead and suddenly you realize that… it is too dark and there is no one walking or talking or cycling anywhere around you. The entire street is empty and the doors of the houses on the either sides of the road are closed. May be, to avoid the evening attack of the mosquitoes. Anyways, in short there is no one in the vicinity.

Suddenly, there is a shift in your feelings. You get those butterflies, deep down your gut and you realize that you are breathing faster, your heart is pounding right in your throat and your mouth is dry, there is a kind of insecurity that’s burping from somewhere within and you hesitate to look around, especially to look back. There is some kind of a fear in the air, a fear of the unknown. So you walk faster and faster, and there you are, right in front of your house. You open the gate and you don't even bother to close the gate behind you, then you literally run to the veranda and even before you press that calling bell, your Mom stands right in front of you with opened doors and seeing her face, you feel at the height of security and hence, you breathe in life.


I guess it won’t be wrong, if I say that it’s quite likely that we do encounter incidents like the one mentioned above at some or other point of time in our lives. Putting it a bit scientifically, what just happened to that girl is nothing but the ‘Primitive Human Response to Stress’. I address it as primitive because this is the mechanism which has helped the human race to survive through all the ages of early man era, when he was a hunter and gatherer in the deep dense forests on this planet, millions of years ago.

Where he had to hunt to feed his family, and meanwhile an encounter with the wildest of the animals was literally inevitable. There exists a much discussed example of, the man hunting a rabbit for his family and a tiger trying to follow him either for the rabbit or for his life, and in both the cases, what he could do is to just run and escape, as fighting back with the beast is never a smarter option, and his children back at home sit hungry waiting desperately for the feed he brings and above all he must run for his survival.

Pandemic Story So in short, this is a support mechanism of the human body to safeguard itself from some kind of a danger. But to thrive in such a situation successfully, the human body needs abundant supply of energy, and a very crucial reaction time, wasting a second may be the soul reason for losing one’s life. Where does such ultra higher level of alertness, and decision making and physical energy get sourced from? To be very precise the answer to this question is that, it all comes from your own body and we have a very perfect ‘Energy Storage Reservoir System’, of which we are actually unaware.


Now, let me explain the mechanism of ‘Response to Acute stress’ in short. So, when there is a danger, technically addressed as encountering a stressor, this stressor could be either mechanical or psychological. The body reacts to this stress, and there are two kinds of responses that are possible. Either the body has to defend it that is to fight against it or to escape away from it. The only condition that applies here is that, whatever it may be, it has to happen instantaneously. There is no fraction of time to be wasted. In both the cases the body has to do a lot of physical workout in order to maintain the homeostasis of the body. There is a superlative demand of extra energy, that too at a very short notice.


Your brain senses a danger. The nervous system takes up the action. The brain and the spinal cord create the ‘Structural- Central Nervous System’, but in this situation the show stealer is the ‘Functional Nervous System’ called the ‘Autonomous Nervous System’, which has a sub division called the ‘Sympathetic Nervous System’, which comes into action here and commands the Adrenal Glands to secrete hormones, like Adrenaline and Nor adrenaline immediately and Cortisol later.

You might have heard about the ‘Adrenaline Gush’ used commonly among us. This so called gush is known as the ‘FIGHT OR THE FLIGHT RESPONSE’ of the human body towards stress. When these bio chemicals or the hormones are released into the circulating blood certain changes occur in the body. Like –

• Increased respiratory rate and increased heart rate. This meets the extra energy demand by rapidly supplying high volumes of oxygenated blood to the tissues that are in constant work, say the skeletal muscles that play the major role in both ‘Fight’ and ‘Flight’. Also to collect the high amounts of carbon dioxide expelled by these cells in the course of this fast trade. • The increased rate of metabolism acts on the store houses of fats and proteins. It’s always a wonder to note that how this body meets that high demand of extra energy for the instantaneous transformation into the state of fight or flight. It’s these rich storage chambers of the body which sponsor the entire event. • The main function of the hormone called the cortisol is to breakdown the fats and proteins like glycogen to establish that continuous supply of glucose to the vigorously working tissues.

• The blood vessels also attain a temporary change in the structure by becoming dilated and a little hardened to cope up that high volume, high speed blood flow. • The peripheral blood vessels on the other hand become constricted, so that more blood is supplied to the core part of the body, which is the reason for your hands and feet to become ice cold in such situations. • The salivary glands usually secrete saliva both to lubricate the food down the throat and also to digest the carbohydrates, which starts right in the mouth. But at the time of stress there is no role of this salivation. That’s why your mouth becomes dry and also sometimes you feel a block in your throat.

So, in short there is a continuous gush of highly oxygenated, glucose rich blood through the dilated, hardened blood vessels, under high pressure. Perfect!!! by this automated mechanism of the body you can easily combat stress and come out of it successfully.


So, this was ‘Acute Stress’. Now just imagine, if this stress response mechanism gets activated quite often, say day after day, all the above changes take place in the body, such that there is very little or rather, no time for the body to come back to the normal mode, for the body to repair and replenish itself.

Isn’t it this, which is happening these days? In this latest era, the era of ‘Pandemic’, the entire humankind on this planet is panic stricken. There is nothing other than pain, distress, disease, helplessness and death in the air. Yes, ‘Death’, something that is feared by anything living on this earth, called the ultimate fear of the living beings. Death, either of self, or of the loved ones or of the fellow beings, which is so commonly witnessed by the common man these days, thanks to the advancements in the information and broadcasting industry.

So, today man on this earth is in continuous stress, irrespective of age and class. So, here the story takes a turn from the ‘Protective Acute Stress Response’ to the ‘Destructive Chronic Stress Sequel’. Pandemic Story


Now let’s briefly check, what exactly is the effect of this chronic stress on the human body? The blood vessels carry constantly high volumes of blood to the needy places. • In due course under this constant dilatation and pressure, the blood vessels slowly become hard and also there are structural changes in the vessel walls leading to accumulation of plaque. • The result is nothing but ‘Hypertension’, which is the high blood pressure. • Various vascular diseases or the ‘Diseases of the

Blood Vessels’. • An array of ‘Heart diseases’ as the heart is strenuously pumping at above normal rates, day in and day out. • Because of the continuously circulating sugar in blood, much of which is unused as, no tiger is running behind us, in the long run insulin resistance develops leading to ‘Hyper Glycemia’ or simply Diabetes. • Chronic stress weakens the immune system, making us prone to various spectrum of diseases and infections. • Various studies prove that, chronic stress is capable enough to reduce the response of the individual towards prophylactic vaccinations. • Another adverse affect is delayed wound healing. • The memory power is affected badly leading to short term memory loss. • Every case of chronic stress is generally presented with a history of some or other kind of a chronic pain. • Stress induced sexual dysfunctions are not uncommon today, both in males and females. • Frequent mood swings, which affect the validity of the relationships. • Long standing stress response has even been found to have certain structural changes in the very crucial structures in the body. • Shortening of the telomeres at the ends of the

DNA is observed. Also there is shrinkage in the size of the hippocampus, which is a structure in the brain responsible for memory.

Pandemic Story


So, taking all the things together we ultimately realize that this state of chronic stress finally reduces you merely into a ‘Bag of Diseases.’

Now we know that the situation is grave, but what is the possible remedy? The greatest challenge here is that the external stimulus which triggers this entire chain of reactions is obviously out of our control. Along with that, adding fuel to the fire, the reactions of the body towards this kind of stimuli is a self run mechanism of the body controlled by the Autonomous Nervous System, which is not at all in the conscious control of the body.

So, in that case are we totally helpless in such a situation? Entangled in the complex circuits of the natures creations? If asked so, the answer is NO, we are not helpless. If God has sent you to the Earth with a peculiar lock in one hand, then definitely he has given a key in the other too. The only thing is that you have to recognize the right key and use it most appropriately.

As I told before, all the ‘Fight and Flight’ responses are controlled by the Sympathetic Nervous System, which in turn is a part of the Autonomous Nervous System. Till this point we are in the problem, but what if I say that this information is incomplete and there is little more to say.


The above mentioned Autonomous Nervous System has two parts, one is the Sympathetic Nervous System, which we discussed so far. But there is another part called the ‘Para Sympathetic Nervous System’, which is entirely opposite to that of the Sympathetic Nervous System.

So, this Para Sympathetic Nervous System, otherwise known as the ‘REST AND DIGEST’ mechanism, also has an army of hormones to back itself. These hormones which are collectively called the ‘Happy Hormones’ include Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphines. These hormones act opposite to the Adrenaline and Noradrenaline.

There are so many studies carried out and plenty of research papers published which prove that physical exercises done on a regular basis increases the amount of endorphins secreted in the body. In the same way various mental relaxation techniques like meditation and practicing mindfulness are set to release hormones like Serotonin and Dopamine. Like that showing love and empathy towards fellow beings and maintaining good, healthy social relationships are said to be the key of releasing the hormones like Oxytocin and Serotonin. Thus, it is possible to bathe the body in a cascade of these happy hormones.

THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE OF ALL TIMES… Man is said to rule the planet for millions of years now. This position is definitely attained by him because he has proved himself superior to all other creations, not by his size or the power, but by his mental abilities. But these mental abilities have to be cautiously applied very precisely in peculiar situations with utmost attention and care, and man has been doing this for ages and proving himself day after day.

You may be wondering, all of a sudden why have I made an attempt to count the superior abilities of the Human Being. It’s because human psychology says that, ‘The man when motivated, can move the mountains.’ And here the point is that for the above mentioned ‘Rest and Digest’ system to roll into action the body must be in a state of rest or relaxation.

Hence, that itself is the greatest hurdle, I am sure at this point you may be thinking that, ‘How impractical! How could someone in a state of stress be relaxed? Here I have a very minute but crucial check that could be experimented easily.

Say in a situation of stress, either you yourself or a loved one of yours asks you to calm down for a second and stay at one place and take three to five long deep breaths. What do you notice? You can see that your breathing rate , which was much higher has come down to normal, your heart that was beating like anything has calmed down, you are in a state of little relaxation and you are at least in a state to think, what to do next?

So, there is the point. This is the gap where we can make an intervention. When this self run mechanism of increased respiratory rate and heart rate

could be pulled back to normal merely by few consciously initiated deep breaths then we are at a point of success for sure.

So, now we know that there is an enemy, and we know that it can be defeated, we also know how it could be defeated and we have the weapon. So what is the delay? We just have to fight back. We just have to replace the Fight or Flight responses with the Rest and Digest mechanism. But all this is possible only when we take the initiatives ourselves. The human will-power is the only key for him to conquer stress and rule over his life.


• Regular physical exercise. • Practicing proper, balanced, wholesome diet. • Mental relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, mindfulness exercises. • Yoga asanas provide both mental and physical relaxation and health. • Movement meditation techniques like Tai Chi, and other forms of martial arts concentrating on the breath control and energy relocation. • Guided imagery and guided meditation, especially for the little children and elderly.


All of us may agree that as there are two sides to a coin, there are also two ways to view a thing. The very famous example of the glass which is half full or half empty is inevitable to be mentioned here. In the light of the present scenario, I cannot stop myself from saying that even though it is a state of global distress, there is a golden opportunity in between these moments, that could be harnessed in the best ever way. That is the period of quarantine, the period of isolation, where you are either alone or with your immediate family. In both the cases, I believe this is the greatest ever chance to actually reinvent your, physical, mental and spiritual self.

So, view this period of quarantine as the opportunity to completely fill your half filled glass of health with positive vibes and invest in at least one new habit, which stays with you for a lifetime. My personal advice is nothing else but Yoga, which in itself is so wholesome and so complete.

Thus, I wish each one of you to come out of this pandemic as a warrior and much more than that to stand up in this life as a winner. So that we, living in this era could leave our foot prints on the sands of time. Because ultimately man has to conquer this pandemic.





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36 | Issue 7 | May-Jun 2021 | The Ancient Ayurveda

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