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The literal meaning of Sanskrit word ‘trataka’ is gaze steadily. Trataka is a meditation technique which involves focusing eyes through intent, but relaxed gazing. The technique involves gazing or fixing the eyes on one point, object or candle flame. Trataka is included under shad karma(6 cleansing techniques).Hath yoga pradipika mentions that practice of trataka eradicates all eye diseases, eye fatigue and removes lethargy. Due to its immense benefits, it is mentioned in Hathayoga pradipika, to keep trataka carefully as a secret like a golden casket.

Trataka is of two forms: • Bahiranga trataka • Antaranga trataka

Eyes are the window, through which we see the

world. Hence for creating a better vision, we need to care, protect and strengthen our eyes. The present covid situation urges us to spent more time in digital environment and this create stress and burden in our eyes.

Due to faulty lifestyle, increased screen time, artificial lighting, and pollution, vision problems are increasing day by day. Eye strain, reduced vision and Computer vision syndrome are the after effects of this digital era.

Bahiranga Trataka:

This is external trataka or external concentrated gazing. Focus on a single object without blinking until eyes pain or begin to water. The object slowly becomes imprinted in mind.

What should we focus?

— Candle flame — Flower — Statue of god — By gazing at the tip of nose — Black dot in white wall

You may select any single object or a dot and concentrate your vision on to it.

Role of yoga in improving vision:

Yoga is a science which helps in improving our physical as well as mental wellbeing. Yogasanas, pranayama and meditation, as a whole, plays an important role in improving eye health. But this article, unfolds a specific yogic exercise called TRATAKA.

Candle Gazing:

It is the most common and simple form of trataka.

Steps-: 1. Select a dark room. Light a candle and place it at eye level 2. You may sit in a comfortable meditative posture.

Keep your spine straight. 3. Steadily gaze at the middle part or upper part of the flame without blinking. (The tip of the flame may flicker, hence middle part is better) 4. This can be discontinued when tears start flowing or when eye fatigue is felt. 5. When eyes get tired, slowly close the eyes and internal trataka can be performed.

Note: Time duration will be different in each person. Stop the procedure when you feel fatigue or when eyes are filled with tears. Do not over strain your eyes

Antaranga Trataka:

This is internal gazing. It involves clear and stable inner visualization of an object. After bahiranga trataka, close your eyes. Then gaze at the afterimage of the candle flame (or any object) in your mind.

Who cannot do?

Persons with glaucoma, astigmatism and those who have just undergone eye surgeries can avoid trataka with candle flame. They may choose any other object.

Post procedure:

After the trataka procedure, small level of eye strain is felt. To reduce that, a post procedure is necessary. 1. Palming 2. Eye wash


Gently rub the palms together to produce heat and place the palms on the eyes in the form of a cup. Duration-15 seconds


Helps in relaxing the eyes

Eye wash:

Take 2 eyecups. Pour clean filtered water into it. Slowly dip both eyes into the eyecups and start blinking. You may do it for 30-40 seconds and then slowly close your eyes. Keep your eyes closed for about a minute.

What are the benefits?

— Cleans, heals and invigorate eyes — Cleanses the tear glands — Improve vision — Reduce eye strain and eye fatigue — Delay age related eye problems — Strengthen eye muscles — Improve concentration and relieve nervous tension — Relax and rejuvenate eyes.

Our eyes help us see and navigate in our daily life, so protecting them is paramount. Emerging infections, pollutions, irregular sleep patterns, excess screen time and poor diet pattern affect the eyes and result in degenerative problems. Thereby, to revive and strengthen our eyes, trataka is an ideal choice. Trataka is a simple yogic procedure that can be done to ensure eye health. Hence make trataka,a part of your daily routine and thereby Lift the burden from your eyes and make your vision better and beautiful.

Take care of your eyes……

Dr. Ayana R (MD [Ay])

Asst. Professor, Shree Swaminarayan Ayurveda College, Kalol, Gujarat

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