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Kaya chikitsa is the most important clinical branch among eight major branches of Ayurveda which are –known by the term “Ashtanga Ayurveda” collectively. Kaya Chikitsa is clinical skill oriented and most broad branch of Ayurveda system of medicine and may be called as backbone in clinical practice of Ayurveda. The nomenclature ‘Kaya Chikitsa” is composed of two words- “Kaya” and “Chikitsa”. The term Kaya refers to Deha (body) and Agni (Digestive fire of body) and chikitsa mean ‘treatment’. The literal meaning of the subject is the clinical specialty of Ayurveda dealing with the treatment of diseases involving whole body (sarvanga sanashrit vyadhinaam) viz. skin diseases, metabolic disorders, fevers, psychiatric disorders, neurological disorders etc. : as per ayurveda, the root cause behind almost all these diseases is Malfunctioning of Agni ( force responsible for digestive processes and metabolism in the body). So, the main treatment approach (chikitsa) in Ayurveda targets at correction of abnormal state of Agni and hence the nomenclature of the subject.


As per Ayurveda science, the living body is not only a physical body but Mana or satva (mind), Atma (soul) and Indriya (sensory organs) all together. So for attaining healthy state and also for treatment purposes, ayurveda medicine focus on measures and drugs which not only balances dosha, dhatu and mala of the body but also maintain the proper functioning and coordination of mind with body and soul along with proper functioning of sense organs. That is why; the treatment in Ayurveda has Holistic approach and hence called as “Holistic Medicine”.

Preventive medicine is also recognized as an important subject which also come under Kayachikitsa . As for the proper treatment of diseases, proper diagnosis of the condition is mandatory, so diagnostic procedures (Rogi pariksha) also forms important part of it and taught as clinical/ Bedside medicine. Kaya chikitsa deals with the general and specific therapeutic principles of a vast range of disorders affecting almost each and every organ system like Gastrointestinal, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, Genitourinary, Endocrine system, Nervous system etc. Some important fundamental and specific therapeutic principles applicable in treatment of diseases are discussed below-

1. Prevention from diseases (Swasthsya Swathya rakshanam) has given more importance in

Ayurveda than cure.

2. Everything in this universe is made up of five basic elements viz. Akaash, Vayu, Agni, jala and prithvi called as “Panchmahabhoota” (Yat pinde tat brahmande)- it is most important fundamental principle of treatment.

3. The human body should be treated not only physically, but also panchmahabhoot (five basic elements), mind, soul and senses – so treatment aims at treating all together for complete relief from ailments.

4. Nidana parivarjan (abstinence/ avoiding of causative factors) is basic factor in prevention and cure of all diseases.

5. “Naanaushdhibhootajagate kinchitah”- means everything in this universe has some medicinal value.

6. There are three basic treatment approaches- drugs (Pharmacological), spiritual and psychological.

7. Body is made up of Dosha (three basic humours in body), Dhatu (tissues) and Mala (waste products of digestion and metabolism) which are

Panchbhootatamaka (means physiological and anatomical forms of panchmahabhoota in body).

Equilibrium and imbalance in these is responsible for normal functioning of body and occurrence of diseases respectively.

8. The prime and most important pathological factor behind every disease is derangement or weak

Agni (digestive fire).

9. Four pillars of treatment (Chikitsa Chatushpada) – Very unique principle of ayurvedic medicine.

They include efficient physician, potent drugs, good attendants and obedient and strong patient – all perfect fours’ are mandatory for perfect & successful treatment. 10. The Ayurveda treatment strategy is to bring dosha, dhatu, Mala back in balanced physiological condition and in the meantime psychological and spiritual happiness.

11. Perfect treatment (Visshudh Chikitsa) - A unique principle of Ayurveda system of medicine which make it holistic and best therapy is -“a perfect treatment is that which cures one ailment without vitiating body’s normal physiological functions and producing other new disease or side effect”.

The preventive medicine is an important branch of Kaya chikitsa which focuses on development of immunity in the people by suggesting various measures related to diet and routine life style, use of Rasayan (immunity enhancing) drugs and ethical codes& conduct (behavioural modifications and spiritual upliftment) called as Sadvritta or Aachar rasayana. Ayurveda also accepts the theory of Karmaja Roga (diseases caused by evil deeds). So, the branch Aachar Rasayana is very important which deals with spiritual upliftment.

The importance of Yoga and Pranayama is also well known for their role in prevention and cure of diseases along with getting supreme objective of human life as Moksha.

We can say that Kaya chikitsa subject is a very vast, skill-based, practical, patient-oriented / clinical subject which may be called as the backbone of Ayurveda system of medicine. There is nothing greater than contributing to society by playing role in the prevention and cure of diseases.

Dr. Anamika Soni

Associate Professor, P. G., Department of Kaya Chikitsa, Government Akhandanand Ayurved College, Ahmedabad

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