KOSMOS Children's Books Spring 2016

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Kosmos Children's Books Spring 2016

Rights Catalogue


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The Th Th TThree h !!!!!!! – LLo Love ve C ve Chaos ha h ao (10+) Hip, Hip Hi p H Hop, op Ho op H Hound und an un and nd Hear He Heart eartt Flutter (10+)

Non-Fiction 5+ Dear Colleagues, dear Friends, We are pleased to present you well in time before the upcoming Children's Book Fair in Bologna and the London Book Fair a potpourri of non-fiction children's books for readers from 5 years and up and fiction books for readers from 8 years and up and invite you to browse through our catalogue. For our backlist please visit our website: www.kosmos.de, under the tab Business/Foreign Rights.



Look and Search


Children's World Atlas


Fiction 8+ I spy with my little e eye y ((4+) ye 4++)

Sophie and the Witch Next door


Stories with Lilly


I'd be happy to meet you for a personal chat in Bologna or London. As always, please contact e.kienzle@kosmos.de for appointment requests, orders of sample copies and questions about rights' availability.

Fiction 10+

I look forward to hearing from you,

Hip Hop, Hound and the Heart Flutter


Best regards,

Love is a Rhinoceros


The Three !!!


Elke Kienzle

Who W Wh ho iiss tthe he G he Greatest rea re atte esst He Here Here? re re? e? (5 ((5+) + +)

Fiction 14+

Foreign Rights Manager

The Legends of Andor


At the Bologna Children's Book Fair which will take place from April 4th - 7th, 2016 you will find us at the stand of German publishers in hall 30, stand B34. At the London Book Fair which will take place at the Exhibition Centre Olympia from April 12th - 14th, 2016 you will also find us at the stand of German publishers 6D35.

The Three !!! – TTh The he Se Secret ecrret e B Book ook (10+ oo (1 (10+) 100+++))





a n d up

First Field Guides


Our birds in full life-size

February 2016

Bärbel Oftring Andrea Köhrsen My First Birds Illustrated by Steffen Walentowitz 978-3-440-14624-8

February 2016

Daniela Strauß Who is the Greatest Here?

→ Our birds up close

→ Kosmos field guides for the littlest ones

→ The first non-fiction picture book with

→ Identify first animals and plants yourself

€ 14.99 40 pages, 2 of them to fold out, 35 colour photos hardcover, 26.5 x 26.5 cm 978-3-440-15122-8

fascinating life-sized photos of birds → 25 of the best-known bird species

→ Birds, Insects, Animals and Plants of the Wood, Pets

→ The author

Anywhere where birds can be observed children participate with rapt

Even the littlest ones are fascinated by animals and plants in their

The elementary school teacher and nature lover Daniela Strauß has been engaged in the observation and identification of birds for more than 20 years. Her intention is to sensitize and inspire other people, especially children, for the natural world and the world of birds.

attention. Too bad that sparrow, titmouse and robin fly away so quickly

surroundings. These four guides convey pleasure in local animals and

when you get too close. To provide children with a feeling for the actual

plants by using large-format illustrations that form the centre of each

size of the animals, this non-fiction picture book shows our birds in

page. Based on the detailed drawings, the different species can be easily

life-size. There are even fold-out pages for impressive specimen, such as


the common buzzard and brown owl. This makes it really easy to get to

A strong pictorial language is important for this young target group. The

know our birds.

pictures are accompanied by brief captions and a short informative text. To encourage active engagement, stickers and explorer pages complement the product. Four colouring pages at the end of each title invite children to colour the animals and plants according to their own taste.



Bärbel Oftring My First Animals and Plants of the Wood Illustrated by Steffen Walentowitz 978-3-440-15035-1

Bärbel Oftring My First Insects Illustrated by Julie Sodré 978-3-440-15034-4

Bärbel Oftring My First Pets Illustrated by Stefan Lohr 978-3-440-15036-8

€ 9.99 each 34 pages, 12 of them are third-pages 8 colouring pages 4 pages with stickers to take off and place in the book 4c all through hardcover, gloss laminated, 19 x 16.5 cm concealed wire-o-binding


Journey into the world of fantasy


Far-away lands – close up

March 2016

Manuela Ancutici I Spy With My Little Eye

Already available

→ Successful topic: look and search books with photos

€ 12.99 40 pages hardcover, 26.5 x 26.5 cm 38 look and search photos The Totally Crazy Alphabet 978-3-440-15124-2 The Totally Crazy Zoo 978-3-440-15125-9

→ The author Manuela Ancutici is a graphic designer with a special eye for the beautiful. For almost a year she browsed through flea markets with an incredible love for detail and an eye for pretty, crazy items in order to find the material for these books.



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→ Attention, concentration and memory are trained → Exceptionally creative photo ideas for never-ending

fun with searching

→ Interactive: with large world and Europe map, as

well as stickers for marking → For play: Country quartets game with more than

200 cards

Angelika Sust Heike Herrmann Children's World Atlas

€ 24.99 96 pages approx. 300 colour photos, 400 illustrations; 1 poster, flag stickers, country quartets game hardcover, 26 x 32.8 cm 978-3-440-14821-1

You would hardly trust your eyes to see how colourful and lively the scenes

Open it up and start on a fascinating journey around the globe in

in Manuela Ancutici's cheerful look and search photos are. And really: you

many images! Gorgeous maps fire the imagination. Interesting

can discover much more here than you'd expect at first glance. Common

comprehensive topics, such as the European parliament, the wonders

objects are shown in an entirely new context. The pretty, short rhymes get

of the world or volcanic activity, are also shown and explained. Five

→ The authors

little and big searchers on track. Each discovery is an event, new stories

w pa p age ges in iintroduce nttrro od duc uce e ea ach ch ccontinent's onti on tin ne ent's nt'ss m nt osst iim o mp po orrfold-out overview pages each most impor-

are created image by image, and your fantasy travels. Attention, vocabula-

dp lla an ntts, ts, s, a nd o nd ffffer er o dd d diittiie es, s, tant animals and plants, and offer oddities,

ry, concentration and memory are trained in the process, and boredom has

in nccttiv ive fe ffeatures. eat atur ures es. records and distinctive

Heik Herrmann has a graduHeike ate degree in biology and is a nature educator. In addition to natu working as a non-fiction book wor editor and author, she offers edit teacher training about experteac iencing nature with children. ienc

no chance.

Ang Angelika Sust studied chemistry and German studies. mis Today she is a freelance author Tod and has already designed and revised atlases. revi





and up

Stories with Lilly


A completely bewitched summer

Already available Already available Alexandra Maxeiner Me, Lilly and the Story with the Flamingos illustrated by Martina Badstuber

Sibylle Wenzel Sophie and the Witch Next Door illustrated by Joëlle Tourlonias

Me, Lilly and the Rest of the World € 9.99 / 978-3-440-13632-4

€ 9.99 256 pages approx. 25 b/w-illustrations hardcover, 15 x 21.5 cm 978-3-440-13288-3

→ The author Sibylle Wenzel is a script writer in Berlin for wellknown soaps. In 2014 she won the audience Bambi with the series In aller Freundschaft (Amicably). Sophie and the Witch Next Door is her first novel for children

€ 9.99 144 pages approx. 24 b/w-illustrations hardcover, 15 x 21.5 cm 978-3-440-14587-6

Rights sold: Brazilian, Swedish, Spanish for Latin America, Czech

→ A magical adventure for all girls who no longer

want to be "good" → Magical situation comedy, lovingly told

→ The charm and wit of seven-year old

Hannah will enchant both young and old → Family life: from a child’s point of view,

told charmingly and disarmingly funny

→ First novel by an award-winning script author

→ The author Alexandra Maxeiner is a successful author of books, plays and screenplays for adults and children. In 2011 she was awarded the literature prize for her non-fiction book All Family.

→ The illustrator → The illustrator Joëlle Tourlonias studied visual communications at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. She lives and works as a freelance illustrator in Düsseldorf.

Sophie's prospects for the summer holiday were more than

Lilly is a real pain in the proverbial, according to her sister Hannah, in

boring just now: Her mother thinks that a daughter from a good

any case. Whether it’s the family vote on the colour of the new house,

family must practice piano, ballet and mathematics on holiday,

on the hunt for a vampire or the first night with the new baby: Lilly

as well. But then the strangest things happen ... The new piano

the brat always has to be first! But when they move house, it’s a good

teacher definitely has no clue about music and Sophie's dog

job the guest mattress is in Hannah’s new room – because somehow

suddenly acts more than odd! When it disappears and the crazy

nothing is right without Lilly.

Martina Badstuber has studied communication design since 2004, and is an author and illustrator of children's books.

neighbours are even weirder than Sophie would ever have imagined, the most magical, exciting and crazy summer of all times


begins for her.





My Life as a Twin

The longest (most embarrassing) love letter of the world


and up

Already available

Uli Leistenschneider Love is a Rhinoceros illustrated by Isabelle Göntgen

February 2016

Karen-Susan Fessel Hip Hop, Hound and Heart Flutter My Life as a Twin

€ 9.99 208 pages hardcover, 15 x 21,5 cm 978-3-440-14630-9

€ 13.99 → Unusual twin story, told speedily and

comically → Realistic figures – without stereotypical

→ Girls on “First Love” in a sassy, amusing novel → Fresh, unconventional illustrative style → Hundreds of enthusiatic readers’ votes

roles and clichés Lea is in love for the first time – with Jan. But how can she possibly talk to her Milla is 12, loves hip hop and dogs and is a twin – not the sign of the

great love, when it feels as if she has a whole herd of rhinos in her stomach,

→ The author

zodiac, but a real one! Her twin brother Mika dances ballet, lets his

instead of just delicate butterflies? Lea is cartoonist for the school newspaper

Karen-Susan Fessel is a freelance writer, journalist, editor and lecturer for writing seminars. She has won numerous awards for her novels.

hair grow and simply is her exact opposite in everything.

and she decides to write – and draw – the longest and most embarrassing love

Milla's biggest wish: Her own dog! But she can only convince her

letter in the world. But this must never,, never ffall into the hands off JJan.

father with Mika's help. In return, she can support Mika on the subject of girls. She already has a watertight plan – that is, theoretically.


256 pages approx. 200 two-colour illustrations hardcover, 14.8 x 21 cm 978-3-440-14622-4

Love is a Rhinoceros € 12.99 / 978-3-440-13356-9

Rhinos also Have Feelings € 13.99 / 978-3-440-14325-4

Rights sold: Czech, Lithuanian, Spanish for Latin America, Turkish

Uli Leistenschneider, children’s book editor and successful horse book author, has incorporated many of her own humerous experiences from her teen years into this story. Isabelle Göntgen, a graduate designer, worked for an advertising agency, then became a freelance illustrator in 2006.





and up

→ The Three !!!, Gorilla in Distress

Caution: Girl Power

The little gorilla girl Sunima was abducted. Can the zoo director raise the ransom or do Kim, Franzi and Marie find the culprit out first?

→ A series of success: more than 1 million books

sold! → The latest topics keep the stories up to date

with its target group The Three !!! is a classic detective series for girls age 10 and up. Kim, Franziska and Marie are three hobby detectives from an unnamed city. Playfully, the three girls get mixed up in fascinating cases they solve with intelligence, courage, and humor. In their cases The Three !!! deal with all criminology topics, with apparently

→ The authors Henriette Wich studied German and philosphy and worked as editor at various children's book publishers. Thereafter, she realized her big dream to write herself. Today, Henriette Wich is the successful author of a number of children's and young adult books.

supernatural phenomena and also with spooky stories. To solve their cases

March 2016

they do not require unsual skills. Dangerous situations do not exceed the boundaries of educationally justifiable stories. All cases are bloodless and free of brutality.

€ 8.99 144 pages hardcover, 13.2 x 19.5 cm

The brand The Three !!! is timelessly modern. The stories take place in the immediate present. The focus is the three girls' friendship. They trust each other one hundred percent

↑ The Three !!!, The Secret Perfume

Maja von Vogel studied German and French and worked as a children's book editor before she became a very successful freelance author and translator.

and can depend on each other. Team

A very special scent disappears from the

spirit is in demand. Their world is mostly

small new perfume store. The Three !!!

familiar to the reader. The reader can

investigate and finally uncover the secret of

quickly orient herself in each volume.

the tears of the soul perfume.

Mira Sol doesn't want to reveal her true name, as she loves secrets. She lives in Frankfurt and Madrid.

hometown, only during vacations do

Most cases take place in The Three !!!'s the three detectives travel – under

Ann-Kathrin Heger The Three !!! Gorilla in Distress Volume 58 978-3-440-15000-9

Mira Sol The Three !!! The Secret Perfume Volume 59 978-3-440-14997-3

adult supervision – within Germany or Europe. The volumes are not based on each other.






a n d up

The Three !!! – The Secret Book → 10 years "The Three !!!" – more than 3 milli-

on volumes sold → Uncover the secret of the locked pages

→ Awesome detective experience: the enclosed reflective foil helps to solve the case

During a night of reading at the old library Kim, Franzi and Marie meet timid Antonia. When a scavenger hunt is on, life

→ The author Mira Sol doesn't want to reveal her true name, as she loves secrets. She lives in Frankfurt and Madrid.

becomes really exciting. The four girls find a mysterious old book among the dusty volumes! Are the entries really by a woman magician from a time long ago? And what is the story behind the treasure that is mentioned in the book? The Three !!!, together with Antonia, set out to solve the puzzle and track down a wonderful secret....

→ The illustrators Ina Biber Karin Helmreich


March 2016

Mira Sol The Three !!! The Secret Book

€ 12.99 192 pages approx. 90 b/w-illustrations by Karin Helmreich, with reflective foil hardcover with sealed pages, 13.2 x 19.5 cm 978-3-440-14927-0



My Journal – Strictly Confidential

a n d up


The Three !!! – Love Chaos


Dein Tagebuch!

March 2016

Maja von Vogel The Three !!! Love Chaos!

€ 9.99 160 pages hardcover, 13.2 x 19.5 cm 978-3-440-14998-0

→ The author

→ The special volume with a die-cut heart on the cover

→ The cool journal for all The Three !!! fans!

→ 160 pages girl power, thrill and a fluttering heart

→ Completely in colour, richly illustrated special pages, with pencil

March 2016

The Three !!! My Journal

Franzi has butterflies in her stomach, but her heartthrob flirts with someone

Keeping secrets, recording the little things during daily life,

else! Fortunately there is a new case for The Three !!!. Franzi's favourite tea-

exchanging letters with your best friend, and even writing

€ 9.99

cher is blackmailed by two students! What is behind this, and will everything

your own stories – this beautifully designed journal invites

end well between Franzi and her heartthrob, after all?

you to do all these things and much more. On special pages

160 pages approx. 60 colourillustrations and vignettes, pencil with metallic gleam, hardcover with rubber band, 12.8 x 17.5 cm 978-3-440-15097-9

Kim, Franzi and Marie encourage you to think about personal questions, such as friendship, self-confidence or zest for life.

Maja von Vogel studied German and French and worked as a children's book editor before she became a very successful freelance author and translator.

→ The illustrator Ina Biber is a free-lance illustrator. She works for publishing houses and magazines. Her favourites are, however, The Three !!!.

→ The illustrator Ina Biber


My Friends € 9.99 978-3-440-13387-3

Your Style! € 14.99 978-3-440-14076-5

← ← ← already available




a n d up


The novel for the game bestseller → The prequel for the award-winning game

"The Legends of Andor" → Fascinating novel for the huge community of fans → Exclusive and only in the book: Legend map for

the game Terrible things are happening in the land of Andor. The Gors are attacking the inhabitants of the Watchful Forest relentlessly and cruelly and plunder the archive at the tree of songs. Cavern, the kingdom of the dwarfs, is also beset by a dark power. Archer Chada sets out all by herself to ask King Brandur for help. Who or what is behind all these attacks? Will Chada ever reach Rietburg Castle? And what do the mysterious lines in the long-

October 2015 Octobe

forgotten legend mean? A desperate struggle against the evil powers who Stefanie Schmitt developed the

endanger the peace of Andor begins for Chada and her companions.

story line of The Legends of Andor, Stefanie Schmitt The Legends Lege of Andor – the Song of the King illustrated by Michael illustrate Menzel

which was the connoisseurs game of 2013, together with her husband, game author Michael Menzel.

€ 16.99

more than 250,000 copies sold worldwide


The he Lege L Legends egends d off A Andor ndor d Art.-Nr. 69174

336 pages approx. 47 b/w-illustrations hardcover, 15 x 21.5 cm 978-3-440-14558-6

→ Entdecken Sie die brisanten Themen des 21. Jahrhunderts – die starken Themen von 21st century thrill! ← ← ← Already available www.21st-century thrill.com


CONTACT Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG Elke Kienzle | Pfizerstraße 5 - 7 | 70184 Stuttgart | Germany Phone | +49 (0) 711 2191 - 255 Fax | +49 (0) 711 2191 - 413 e.kienzle@kosmos.de www.kosmos.de Rights Catalogues as pdf-downloads under www.kosmos.de

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