Kosmos Guides Spring 2016

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Kosmos Guides Spring 2016

Rights Catalogue

The programme Dear colleagues, dear friends, We are pleased to announce an assortment of new titles from our latest spring catalogue 2016 for illustrated guidebooks and non-fiction titles for nature lovers, hobby gardeners, amateur cooks, dog and pet holders, anglers, hunters, riders for all levels, and – last but not least – hobby astronomers and all those who are interested in cartography. We offer many beautifully designed, innovative and fascinating new releases and invite you to browse through our catalogue. Our backlist can be found on our website: www.kosmos.de, under the tab Business/ Foreign Rights. I'd be happy to meet you for a personal chat in London or Bologna. As always, please contact e.kienzle@kosmos.de for appointment requests, orders of sample copies and questions about rights.

Gi s

that give joy



Kosmos notebooks – provide a suitable setting for your own observations and notes


With the most important background information throughout the year


GARDENING ............................ 4 FOOD & DRINK ..................... 10 NATURE .................................. 12 BEE-KEEPING ....................... 18

July 2016

July 2016

Observation Book for Hobby Astronomers Observe, note, sketch, analyse

Observation Book for Bird Watchers

€ 19.99 256 pages, 20 b/w-illustrations, hardcover, 22 x 30 cm 978-3-440-15126-6

€ 14.99 200 pages, 30 b/w-illustrations, softcover, 10 x 15 cm 978-3-440-15128-0

I look forward to hearing from you, Best regards

SMALL PETS ............................ 20

Elke Kienzle Foreign Rights Manager

DOGS ....................................... 22

At the Bologna Children's Book Fair which will take place from April 4th - 7th, 2016 you will find us at the stand of German publishers in hall 30, stand B34. At the London Book Fair which will take place at the Exhibition Centre Olympia from April 12th - 14th, 2016 you will also find us at the stand of German publishers 6D35.

HORSES AND RIDING ............ 28 FISHING .................................. 32

July 2016

July 2016

Book of Catches for Rod Fishers Catch, note, analyse

Entry Notebook for Gardeners Observe, compare, plan

€ 12.99

€ 14.99

160 pages, 30 colour illustrations, softcover, 14.8 x 21 cm 978-3-440-15175-4

192 pages, 150 colour illustrations, softcover, 14.8 x 21 cm 978-3-440-15224-9

HUNTING ................................ 33


March 2016

March 2016

Stefan Binnewies Atlas of the Galaxies Astrophotography meets astrophysics

Kosmos World Atlas – Compact The current image of our earth

€ 50.-

240 pages, 120 colour photos, 200 maps and graphics hardcover, 22 x 30 cm 978-3-440-15126-6

€ 19.99

400 pages, 310 colour photos, 10 colour-drawings hardcover, 23.2 x 27.9 cm 978-3-440-15045-0

Dr. Michael König: After his PhD in Astronomy he participated in international research projects on extragalactical subjects, now he works in the IT industry. He owns a private observatory near Heidelberg, Germany, www.astro-images.de Dr. Stefan Binneweis works as a medical doctor near Cologne. For many years he is engaged in the Capella-Team, doing high-level astrophotography by using a 60 cm telescope, located in Namibia and in Greece. www.capella-observatory.com.


Coffee table book including the current scientific knowledge Galaxies are the jewels of the universe and popular targets of astrophotographers. This photo book shows more than 300 images of the most beautiful galaxies and uses them to explain the current state of science. From the Andromeda galaxy via galaxy clusters up to gravitational lenses: For the first time the nature of galaxies is described based on the worldwide best amateur photos. An understandable introduction to the world of galaxies and at the same time a comprehensive collection of reference images for astrophotographers.

Exploration of the Exoplanets The Messier Objects € 24.99 / 978-3-440-11743-9 € 24.99 / 978-3-440-14611-8



Well-arranged portraits of the continents and photo atlas about geology, nature and climate Authoritative yet accessible, general-purpose and practical, the Kosmos Compact Atlas of the World combines the optimal features of size, format, coverage, background information, scale and detail to make it the ideal reference atlas for every home. Fast access to information comes in a convenient form for all readers. Regions of greatest cultural or historical interest are presented at a detailed scale of 1:5 million, while remoter areas are mapped at a scale of 1:15 or 1:17 million. Thematic pages on geology, climate, population and culture for each continent and a 46-pages encyclopaedia of basic Geography round off the atlas.

Languages available: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese simplified, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Japanese, Macedonian, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish

K Kosmos U Universal i l Atl Atlas € 99 / 978-3-440-14882-2


February 2016 Burkhard Bohne Garden Your City

€ 20.176 pages, 350 colour photos, brochure with flaps, 19 x 25.3 cm 978-3-440-14971-3


Gardening in the smallest space: on the balcony, in the backyard, in the communal garden


Self-sufficiency in the city in step-by-step photo series When the city becomes the garden: You are shown here how you can grow fruits, vegetables and herbs on your own small patch of green in the city – whether on a balcony, on a roof terrace, in the backyard, on an empty lot or in a mini garden. With simple tools, such as plant bags, do-it-yourself raised beds, vertical gardens or a sea of potted plants, you can design a space for your own harvest anywhere. For feeling good, relaxing and enjoying.

City Balcony and Roof Terrace € 19.99 /978-3-440-13460-3


R id Aid Rapid d ffor S Small ll G Gardens d € 14.99 ( 978-3-440-14682-8


February 2016

Already available

Robert Koch Window Box Gardening

Barbara Oftring 52 Projects for Urban Gardening

€ 12.99

€ 14.99

96 pages, 140 colour photos, softcover, 17 x 21.3 cm 978-3-440-15077-1

128 pages, 200 colour photos softcover with flaps, 18.5 x 21.5 cm 978-3-440-14695-8

The first book for the mini kitchen garden on the windowsill You can garden anywhere, even without a garden or balcony. Many people live in the city and would like to see their own vegetables, delicious lettuces or fresh herbs grow at the window. Th is book shows the variety of plants that can thrive in boxes, pots or bags. Whether strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, spices, edible flowers or fields for bees – windowsill gardening offers new opportunities for urban gardening.

Perfect Plants for Balconies and Terraces € 14.99 / 978-3-440-13373-6


The weekly companion book on the trendy topic Urban Gardening Gardening is vitality, also and even more so in the city. Many people feel the need to create gardening spaces on the window sill and balcony, or in the backyard, and to watch these grow. This personal book of ideas introduces a fascinating and easily duplicated project for each of the 52 weeks in the year, from window farming and tin gardening to vertical herb gardens and up to tea from the euro-pallet. With numerous ideas for handicrafts and decorations, plant tips and deadlines.

Gardening on Balcony and Terrace € 19.99 / 978-3-440-10843-7


February 2016

February 2016

Martin Staffler Vertical Gardening

Barbara Krasemann The Gourmet Garden

€ 12.99

€ 20,–

96 pages, 180 colour photos, 16 colour-drawings softcover, 17 x 21.3 cm 978-3-440-15092-4

144 pages, 125 colour photos hardcover, 19 x 25.3 cm 978-3-440-15070-2

3 Martin Staffler, landscape gardener and graduate engineer in landscape design, works with his own company, gartenfoto.eu, as a technical author and photo journalist for gardening magazines and gardening books. Several of his successful titles have already been published with KOSMOS, such as Small Gardens in the City or Living Outside.


Inventive plant ideas for small gardens, balconies and terraces


With step-by-step instructions


Fully exploit the gardening potential? Green walls offer a fantastic opportunity to grow flowers, cultivate vegetables and herbs, or make creative design elements from wood, terracotta pots or tiles. Whether pallet, plant bag or a ready-made plant system – vertical gardening is a lot of fun and incredibly variegated!

Raised Beds € 14.99 / 978-3-440-14560-9


Gardening Vertically € 19.99 / 978-3-440-14562-3

The perfect connection of two passions: gardening and cooking. Creative recipes from lime tree leaf moussaka to meadowsweet lassi All parts of a plant can be used. From the root to the leaves and flowers up to the seeds. Barbara Krasemann has a garden the size of a soccer field where she grows many local species and exotica. Many fantastic and creative ideas from your own harvest that delight eye and palate can be conjured onto the plate from ornamental and kitchen plants. The 45 recipes are complemented by plant descriptions to allow you to grow the plants in your own garden.

Vegetable Treasures € 16.99 / 978-3-440-14586-9

Anne Rogge and Jan Jankovic, are photo designers. In 2008 they were awarded the Gourmand Cookbook Award for their cookbook Fall Winter Vegetables, which was also published with KOSMOS.

Garden Bliss & Culinary Delight € 24.99 / 978-3-440-14668-2


March 2016 Gabriele Bickel My Garden Chemist's

€ 20.192 pages, 400 colour photos, hardcover, 19 x 25.3 cm 978-3-440-15063-4

Gabriele Bickel is a trained chemist's helper and pharmaceutical assistant. She combines her passion for and knowledge of herbs, health and art in her wonderful work as a herb witch. In that capacity she prepares choice hand-made herbal products, such as teas, salts, vinegars, bath salts, decorations, etc.


Healthy living with vegetables, fruit and herbs


The chemist from your own garden Naturopathy, self-sufficiency and healthy living in one book! Gabriele Bickel not only describes the plants that aid health and may help in case of discomfort, but also offers tips for use in the kitchen and for growing herbs, fruits and vegetables. With 50 recipes, for example mashed red beets, comfrey pancakes or blueberry smoothies.

Bi G d i Made Bio-Gardening M d Easy E € 19.99 / 978-3-440-11196-3



Februrary 2016

February 2016

Katharina Adams Berries and Fruits in the Garden

Dominik Große Holtforth Citrus Plants

€ 8.99

€ 8.99

80 pages, 110 colour photos, , 12 colour-drawings softcover, 17 x 21.3cm 978-3-440-15065-8

80 pages, 120 colour photos softcover, 17 x 21.3 cm 978-3-440-15123-5

Delicious and healthy – berries and fruits from the garden or from balcony and terrace Growing tasty fruits and berries is easy and processing them into juices or jams, for example, is simple. Here hobby gardeners learn everything worth knowing about successfully growing well-known species, as well as entirely new cultivations, and also get valuable tips about the delicacies that can be conjured from the harvest.

Wine from the Garden € 7.99 / 978-3-440-13598-3

Harvest on the Balcony € 7.99 / 978-3-440-13987-5


With care calendar to prepare the plants for Winter Lemons, oranges, limes, kumquats or grapefruit, as a bush or a small tree – citrus trees bring a holiday atmosphere onto balcony and terrace. The Mediterranean plants in a pail not only offer sweet-sour fruits, but also feature beguilingly scented blossoms. In this book you learn everything worth knowing about correct care, the most beautiful species, and how you get them safely through the Winter. With care calendar, which lists exactly what you have to do when.

Container Plants € 14.99 / 978-3-440-13157-2

M di Mediterranean G Gardens d € 7.99 / 978-3-440-13016-2


April 2016 Jörg Ullmann · Kirstin Knufmann Algae

€ 25.– 128 pages, 60 colour photos, hardcover, 19 x 25.3 cm 978-3-440-15093-1

Februrary 2016

January 2016

Markus Holzer Pasta Workshop

Matthias Mangold Swabian Cuisine

€ 25.-

€ 14.99

160 pages, 120 colour photos hardcover, 19 x 25.3 cm 978-3-440-14628-6

Jörg Ullmann is a biologist and algae farmer, and is the scientific and managing director of a micro algae grower in one of the worldwide largest photobioreactors. He is featured in printed media, on radio and TV with many contributions about algae in nutrition. He developed the recipes for this book together with his wife, cookbook author Kirstin Knufmann.


All important information and more than 50 recipes with the power food


Make pasta yourself with tools from the DIY store


Much worth knowing about tradition and Swabian products


Fashionable: healthy and ecological nutrition


Creative recipes for about 40 pasta types and many super-quick sauces

3 3

With more than 80 recipes

Power food algae: healthy, rich in high-quality protein and valuable nutrients, much dietary fibre, barely any fat and few calories. Not without reason are algae on the menu in Asian cooking every day: for soups and salads, for wrapping sushi rolls, cooked, fried or canned, dried as a spice or as a crunchy snack. And in the wake of vegan and raw food nutrition, they are also gaining in importance as food items here. Algae are mainly available as dried food from the fishmonger, but also fresh. Algae powder is successfully on the market as a super food and nutritional supplement.

The Insect Cookbook € 14.95 / 978-3-440-14846-4


144 pages, 119 colour photos softcover, 18.5 x 21. cm 978-3-440-15172-3

Who would have thought that a trowel and a screwdriver could be the most important tools for making orecchiette? Or that a hammer would give gnocchi the perfect form? Markus Holzer knows just how you can make 40 different types of pasta from noodle dough using these accessories from the DYI store. He shows in ten detailed construction instructions exactly how you can do so: From charcoal tagliolini via herb fazzoletti and on to sweet pasta creations The sauce then provides the finishing touch.

Mediterranean Indulgence € 14.95 / 978-3-440-13794-9

English language edition Swabian cuisine is one of the best and most popular in Germany, and has much to offer. This book presents a variety of down-to-earth, hearty meals with exquisite, creative variations. This culinary journey through Swabia is complemented by entertaining and interesting insights into Swabian food culture.

C Country t C Cuisine i i off P Provence € 14.95 / 978-3-440-13008-7


February 2016

April 2016

Carmen Mayr Delicious Wild Plants and Berries

Adelheid Lingg Trees and Their Healing Powers

€ 20,–

€ 24.99

200 pages, 200 colour photos, 60 colour-drawings, hardcover, 19 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14573-9

192 pages, 190 colour photos hardcover/half-linen, 19 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14993-5

Carmen Mayr is a wild herb guide and an expert for medicinal plants. The mother of three children has fed her family the wild plants of her home for many years and so was able to forego a number of visits to the doctor.


Holistic approach: attentive collecting, deliberate savouring, careful canning


Heal yourself with buds, blossoms, leaves and fruits


Portraits of 33 local wild plants with all important information


Knowledge about the healing power of trees

Interest in the topic edible plants is reaching increasing numbers of people. Healthy food from nature not only provides us with important minerals, but also with vitality. Harvesting wild garlic, goutweed or blueberries is already pure slow-down and lets us participate in the power of nature. Conscious and attentive collecting causes you to connect with the plants and to process them carefully and lovingly – for fresh enjoyment in Spring, Summer and Autumn, and for delicious meals in Winter.

Our Edible Wild Plants € 14.99 / 978-3-440-13605-8


Field Guide to Edible Wild Herbs and Berries € 9.99 / 978-3-440-13072-8

The plant confidante and naturopathic specialist Adelheid Lingg has taught seminars on medicinal plants for 30 years.

For many people their relationship with trees has special importance. Trees are friends, helpers and healers. Adelheid Lingg has a special instinct for the connection of nature, plants and healing power. In her new book we accompany the plant confidante through nature, participate in her relationship with trees and learn which plant parts from the 25 most important local trees can be harvested when and how they can be prepared as remedies.

Medicinal Plants for Health € 29.99 / 978-3-440-14800-6

The Year in Medical Herbs € 19.99 / 978-3-440-14547-0



for the jacket pocket


The successful Kosmos field guide series in the practical format

3 3

More than 750,000 copies sold

3 3

All species are presented in brilliant photos.

Up to 170 species per volume and all typical characteristics at a glance

The proven colour-code helps the reader to quickly identify the species for which he is looking.


As an extra all typical characteristics are shown at a glance.


18 titles available in this series

Volker Dierschke What Garden Bird is That?

Joachim Mayer What Tree is That ?

Eva-Maria u. Wolfgang Dreyer Which Wild Flower is That?




February 2016 each € 5.99 128 pages, 180-200 colour photos, 23 b/w-illustrations, softcover 9.4 x 17.3 cm



Manuel Werner What Mountain Flower ist That?

Eva-Maria Dreyer What Wild Herbs and Berries Are These?

B. Bruder · K. Sieber Which Healing Stone ist This ?





Already available Eugène Reiter Klaus Hackländer Time of Love

€ 68.– 400 pages, 750 colour photos hardcover with dust jacket, 29.5 x 29.5 cm 978-3-440-14680-4

3 3

March 2016

March 2016

Heiko Bellmann Natural Cosmetics

Heiko Bellmann The Kosmos Butterfly Guide

€ 19.99

€ 29.99

200 pages, 195 colour photos, 46 colour pictures softcover with flaps, 17 x 21.3 cm 978-3-440-13449-8

448 pages, 1.165 colour photos, 7 colour-drawings softcover with flaps, 13.2 x 19.3 cm 978-3-440-14618-7

Make your own ointments, oils and essences All-natural beauty products from native plants Natural cosmetics are no longer a secret. However, many products contain artificial additives despite claims to the contrary. With plenty of tips and expert guidance, Myriam Veit demonstrates her vast knowledge of tried and tested natural products. Anyone can make their own ointments, creams or balms. We find out how to make the most of the power of our native plants, their subtle essences and essential oils: 50 recipes for daily beauty care and well-being.

The Herbal Knowledge of Pharmacists € 19.99 / 978-3-440-14518-0



The comprehensive butterfly guide with caterpillars and the plants on which they feed

3 3

Unique photos – exclusively in this book Scenes from the world of animals, which we otherwise never see

Which caterpillar turns into which butterfly? Why do the same caterpillars always sit on a particular plant? What do the pupae look like? With this butterfly guide you can answer these questions year round and at all developmental stages of the butterfly. In more than 1100 colour photos, – often up to three photos per species – he shows all the glory of these gorgeous insects. Who belongs to whom can be found unequivocally and quickly by using the cross links.

Love in the animal kingdom has very different facets, but the big feelings are not all that different from those in us humans. Wooing, mating, raising of the offspring, and nurturing and caring of the young – Eugène Reiter captured with his camera moving moments that have never been seen in photos in this way. His images tell more than stories ever could and reach any viewer. Love in the animal kingdom is a success story that leaves no one unmoved.

The New KOSMOS Insect Giude € 24.90 / 978-3-440-11924-2

They Are Back —Bear, Wolf and Lynx € 29.99 / 978-3-440-14593-7

For decades photographer Eugène Reiter was a passionate hunter. Years ago he finally exchanged the rifle for the camera to dedicate himself solely to his second great passion, wild animal photography. The author, Dr Klaus Hackländer, is a behavioural ecologist and professor for wild animal ecology and wild animal management. Reproductive strategies in the animal kingdom are the focus of his research.


March 2016

February 2016

Sebastian Spiewok Bee-Keeping as a Hobby

Joana Kelén Death of a Queen

€ 12.99

€ 20.-

96 pages, 80 colour photos, hardcover, 17 x 21.3 cm 978-3-440-14947-8

Dr. Sebastian Spiewok is a biologist, has researched bees in the United States, South Africa and Australia and is since 2008 an editor of the German Bee Journal.

64 pages, 50 colour-and 50 b/w-drawings softcover with flaps, 23.5 x 34 cm 978-3-440-15121-1


The handbook for the perfect start of the hobby Bee-keeping is becoming increasingly popular, because there are plenty of reasons for it – whether as a counterpoint to a job, active protection of nature and animals, or one's own harvest of unpolluted honey. Beginning hobby bee-keepers can find the necessary knowledge for bee-keeping here, from purchasing to care, honey extraction and all related activities. With numerous professional tips and step-by-step instructions.

Home-Made From Honey, Wax & Co. € 14.95 / 978-3-440-14658-3


3 3

A defence for a bee-friendly world With gorgeous modern illustrations The bee is increasingly becoming a focus of the public, because life in the beehive has become jumbled with unforeseeable consequences for humans. Joana Kelén has embraced this topic. She tells of Maja's birth, goes on a honey-sweet tour of the world and describes the race against time. At the end there is Goodbye Maja! and the question: Why are bees dying like flies? A wonderful book for all friends of nature and those new to bee-keeping, which teaches the reader in a modern way the world of bees and the threat to the bee colony.

Joana Kelén is a communications designer and often deals with ecological and socio-political topics in her work. In her bachelor thesis, for example, she broached the issue of dying bees and learned bee-keeping herself for this purpose. In technical matters she is supported by an organic bee keeper. She recently graduated with a master of arts in design from the Zurich College of Arts.

Bee-Keeping Through the Year € 16.99 / 978-3-440-11230-4


Our Successful Pet Series

February 2016 Claudia Sissi Jung Budgerigars

starts anew

€ 12.99 144 pages, ca. 200 colour photos, softcover with flaps, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14706-1

Unbeatable knowledge Exhaustive expert knowledge based on practice offers all pet owners security when dealing with the animal.

Appropriate to the animal Fashionable: The needs of animals are emphasised – from keeping animals in groups through enclosures close to nature and feeding appropriate to the species up to creative ideas for activities – because each keeper wants to do right by his animals.

Understand, discover, experience With large emotional photos, personal reports and pages of fascinating coverage

February2016 Anne Warrlich Dwarf Rabbits

€ 12.99 144 pages, ca. 200 colour photos, softcover with flaps, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14703-0

February 2016 Anne-Katrin Mausolf Kittens

€ 12.99 144 pages, ca. 200 colour photos, softcover with flaps, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14705-4



April 2016

March 2016

Martin Rütter Language Course With Martin Rütter

Günther Bloch · Elli H. Radinger The Human-Dog Code

€ 19.99

€ 19.99

160 pages, ca. 200 colour photos, hardcover, 19 x 24 cm 978-3-440-12759-9

176 pages, ca. 80 colour photos, hardcover, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-13410-8

Martin Rütter is the best-known dog trainer in Germany and his guidebooks are best sellers. He is known to an audience of millions from his coaching show and live tours.

3 3

The key to successful communication

Detailed knowledge about human and dog living together


Newest findings about the behaviour of dogs

Understand dogs with the dog expert Are dogs always friendly when they wag their tail? Does a dog yawn because it is tired? Why do dogs bow in front of others of their species? With the dog language course you can understand dog behaviour step by step: From using body language through mimicry up to making noises, Martin Rütter shows all facets of communication and so manages to awaken the awareness of your own form of expression and to open your eyes to the signals of dogs.

Dog Training with Martin Rütter € 19.99 / 978-3-440-13983-7



Puppy Training with Martin Rütter € 19.99 / 978-3-440-12273-0

As pack animals dogs want to know how to follow the human. The human, in turn, wants to understand how his four-legged friend works and is willing to try out numerous training methods – often without success. But how does the dog owner find a reliable way when dealing with his dog?

Lupine for Dog Owners € 19.99 / 978-3-440-12264-8

Günther Bloch has held specialist seminars for dog people in Germany and elsewhere for decades. He learned about many typical rules in social behaviour from wild dogs in Italy, on Native American reservations and in his dog kennel with group keeping. Elli H. Radinger is a specialised journalist and author with a focus on wolf and dog. She explains the social behaviour of dogs in expert presentations and readings.

Ape meets Wolf € 19.99 / 978-3-440-13206-7


The number 1 in the dog series – now completly new Concentrated authority Recognized dog trainers, experienced veterinarians and breed experts offer answers to all questions about the dog.

New approach Emotional pictures and fascinating reports excite all dog owners.

February 2016

February 2016

Johanna Esser Body-Language of Dog and Human

Anja Möller · Astrid Braun Labrador Retriever

€ 14.99

For a harmonious together Many tips about needs and special characteristics help to form a happy relationship between human and dog

128 pages, ca. 150 colour photos, softcover with flaps, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14532-6

April 2016


€ 14.99 128 pages, approx. 180 colour photos, softcover with flaps, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14935-5 (so far: 11178-9)

March 2016

Danja Klüver BARF – Raw Feeding for Dogs

Rike Geist Australian Shepherd

€ 14.99

€ 14.99

128 pages, ca. 150 colour photos, softcover with flaps, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14796-2

128 pages, ca. 150 colour photos, softcover with flaps, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-12549-6


April 2016 Petra Führmann · Iris Franzke, Nicole Hoefs Training Programme for Dogs

€ 24.99 208 pages, 400 colour photos hardcover, 19 x 25.3 cm 978-3-440-13412-2

Petra Führmann and Nicole Hoefs are both experienced dog trainers and successful book authors. Nicole Hoefs is also a German studies and history scholar.

3 3 3

February 2016

Viviane Theby The Kosmos Puppy Book

Eva-Maria Krämer Dog Breeds

€ 20,–

€ 9.99

192 pages, 200 colour photos hardcover, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14775-7

176 pages, ca. 340 colour photos softcover with flaps, 17 x 21.3 cm 978-3-440-14292-9

The comprehensive training guide



With different approaches – the right method for each human-dog team

Ideal selection, training and activities from the start

Which dog suits me? Here everyone can find the right dog


With socialisation sounds for downloading


With the 60 most popular dog breeds

With practical instructions and detailed training plans The Kosmos training program is considered the definitive book for successful dog training and includes all exercises you need during the life of your dog. The special characteristic of this book: Different training methods are shown for each exercise; this means the method appropriate to each specific human-dog-team is included. Didactically clear, based on step-by-step sequences and featuring training plans, success is guaranteed.

Games to Train your Dog € 14.99 / 978-3-440-13389-7


April 2016

Who does not wish for this: a friendly dog that is easy to lead and accompanies us everywhere? But the young dog is still a blank page. Viviane Theby clearly explains the complex development steps from puppy to young dog, and shows which switches are already set at the breeder. She expands on the needs of the small dog, explains how to get it used to its new home and environment, and how to teach it playfully the first signals and rules for a relaxed life together.

The Kosmos Puppy School € 24.99 / 978-3-440-13084-1

From Chihuahua to Great Dane, from Whippet to Saint Bernard – this book shows the entire variety of pure-bred dogs. With photos typical for the breed, size scale and authoritative information about origin, keeping and needs of each breed, everyone easily finds the dog that really suits him. Add-on: 60 dog breeds are introduced in film portraits.

Fascinating Dog Breeds € 39.99 / 978-3-440-11978-5


March 2016 Tuuli Tietze Riding with Visualizations

€ 29.99 160 pages, 200 colour photos, 20 colour-drawings, hardcover, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14481-7

Dr Tuuli Tietze’s courses are directed at dressage and pleasure riders and are extremely popular. She is well-known for being a mind coach and for her series of SMARTreiten instructional films and online seminars. She has trained her warmbloods to compete at fourth level dressage.

May 2016

Bent Branderup The Logic Behind Bend

Karin Müller Hipposophia

€ 29.99

€ 19.99

128 pages, 60 colour photos, hardcover, 24 x 22 cm 978-3-440-14498-5

192 pages, softcover,13.5 x 21.5 cm 978-3-440-15162-4


How visualization influences riding performance


Bent Branderup – the most wellknown dressage master of our time


Instructions on how to apply aids and do exercises


The wisdom of old dressage masters with a modern twist

More and more riders realize that success in horseback riding starts with mental images. But how is it possible for horses to understand the human imagination? And which mental images are suited for which exercises? Dressage trainer and riding instructor Tuuli Tietze explains the essential basics of mental communication and presents strong practical advice on how to use mental images.

Every Thought is a Power € 36.99 / 978-3-440-14610-1


March 2016

Bent Branderup, grand master of dressage, explains how traditional knowledge is still valid today when it comes to training horses and riders. He also shows in how far this knowledge is compatible with modern research on the biomechanics of the horse. In this way, Branderup gives answers to some of the questions that have come up with regard to modern dressage: Why do we need to pay utmost attention to keeping our horses flexible? How is flexibility achieved and improved? Which advantages does flexibility bring in terms of rideability and health?

Ride Horses Healthily € 39.99 / 978-3-440-14406-0


Including expert reports, case studies and scientific research Many people are looking for ways to live a healthy, holistic life – and horses can be of great help in this regard. If you have ever been in a horse barn and experienced its peaceful atmosphere, you will know that horses and being in their company is good for us! While horses give us strength and further our personal growth, we can also give back to them. In this way, we create mutual support and growth. This book is the first to describe in detail how the barn can become a place of healing and which parts humans and horses play in this. The results are supported by scientific research.

My Horses Have a Say € 29.95 / 978-3-930953-91-2


Januar 2016

Januar 2016

January 2016

Janurary 2016

Dr. med. vet. Ina Gösmeier Acupressure for Horses

Britta Schöffmann Dressage School

Sigrid Schöpe Groundwork Using Poles and Cones

Isabelle von Neumann-Cosel Die besten Übungen Riding Position and Riding Aids

€ 26.99

€ 29.99

€ 9.99

160 pages, 187 colour photos, , 3 colour-and 2 b/w-Illustrations, hardcover, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14925-6

216 pages, 188 colour photos, 24 colour illustrations hardcover, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14427-5

96 pages, 150 colour photos, softcover, 17 x 21.3 cm 978-3-440-14477-0

112 pages, 138 colour photos, softcover with flaps, 17 x 21.3 cm 978-3-440-13133-6


The standard reference book – complete revision


From basic exercises to upper level dressage


Keeping it interesting – include poles and cones in your daily work


Gentle treatment – easy to apply even for amateurs


Scan QR code and access exclusive videos of dressage exercises


The perfect way to prepare for shows and tests

Acupressure works according to the same principles as acupuncture, yet can be learned and applied by non-professionals. This gentle treatment method can improve the horse’s health, relieve minor non-serious illnesses and be of help when it comes to common issues such as anxiety and muscle tension. Based on numerous case studies, the reader will learn how to confidently classify a horse based on acupressure’s horse types and how to treat each horse according to their needs.

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Homeopathy for Horses € 9.99 / 978-3-440-12942-5

In this book, the reader will find all official dressage exercises with detailed descriptions. Find out how to ride exercises correctly, avoid mistakes and achieve goals step by step. A reference book that addresses both beginner issues as well as the most advanced questions – including numerous images and exercises featuring team world champions Kristina Bröring-Sprehe and Isabell Werth, among others.

The Dressage Session € 29.99 / 978-3-440-11389-9

Groundwork is the foundation of all activities related to horseback riding. This book explains the basics starting with lead training and reaching all the way to complex exercises requiring excellent body language skills, coordination and cooperation between horse and rider that is based on trust. Including poles and cones into the process makes working in an arena fun and helps both horse and rider in executing exercises precisely.

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Correct position and posture – careful and gentle application of the aids – better performance The rider needs to sit correctly and in balance in order for the horse to understand the signals given to him. This is the only way to achieve a level of communication that is both extremely gentle and almost invisible to the onlooker. This book features exercises for all performance levels which can be applied right away. Renowned trainer and author Isabelle von Neumann-Cosel presents innovative exercises that help you achieve better body awareness and a feeling of success.

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January 2016

January 2016

April 2016

Februrary 2016

Tobias Hoffmann Rod Fishing for the Clueless

Thomas Gretler Das Angelbuch für Kids

Hubert Kapp · Stefan Mayer Shot and First Shot

Ernst G. Siebeneicher-Hellwig Making Knives Like the Professionals

€ 12.99

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112 pages, 120 colour photos, hardcover, 16 x 22 cm 978-3-440-14870-9

84 pages, 90 colour photos, 16 colour-drawings, DVD hardcover, 17 x 24 cm 978-3-440-14932-4

144 pages, 80 colour photos, 10 colour-drawings hardcover, 16 x 22 cm 978-3-440-15052-8

144 pages, 200 colour photos, 45 b/w-Illustrations hardcover 16 x 22 cm 978-3-440-14985-0

Finally a clue about rod fishing The compact, modern, practical book for beginners In this book modern rod fishers learn everything they need to know for the perfect start: What equipment do I need? Which rod fishing techniques exist and which one is right for me? All topics are explained here in a way that is easy to understand and with specific photos.

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The practice of first shot examination


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Rod fishing is cool and fun. And so that rod fishing success doesnt have to wait too long, Thomas Gretler explains what kids must know about rod fishing in an understandable and amusing way: Fish behaviour, types of water bodies, equipment, rod fishing techniques and much more. So that every beginner can soon compete with the old hands by the water. In addition, there are fish briefs for on the go.

Each year numerous shots are fired on hoofed game. If animals are sometimes missed or even injured, it is up to the hunter: Only his correct behaviour during the first shot and his right decisions can avoid unnecessary suffering for the animal and keep valuable game from rotting. Experienced professionals explain in this book how the hunter proceeds and the errors he must avoid.

For enthusiasts, knives are not only tools of daily use, but aesthetic witnesses of hand-crafted art. Numerous fans of knives dream of building a knife for themselves which is suited to their personal use and designed according to their aesthetic ideas. A well-known knife maker shows how you can do so: From selecting the material to assembly up to the final touch, he provides information about building your own perfect individual knife.

Fishing Locations Guide € 14.99 / 978-3-440-12741-4

Training the Hound € 44.99 978-3-440-09914-8

Sharpening Knifes Like a Pro € 9.99 / 978-3-440-10856-7

On the Blood Track € 24.99 / 978-3-440-13196-1

Hunting Weapons € 24.99 / 978-3-440-14495-4

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