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3-2 A situation in the world


世界保健機関では65歳以上の人が人口の7%をしまえた場合高齢化社会と定義してい る。


According to the WHO, the proportion of a society’s population that is comprised of persons age 65 or older is called the “aging rate”. If a society’s aging rate exceeds 7%, it is an “aging society”. If the rate surpasses 14%, it is an “aged society”; if over 21%, it is a “super-aged society”.8

OECD announce the percentage of age over 65 people.(Fig; ASW 01) Japan is the country which has highest percentage of elderly people that is 25.06% of whole population. And Italy marks second of the rate in th world that has 21.25%. Switzerlands still has 18%. And Europe average is 19.3%. So as a definition of WHO, Switzerland and Europe is "Aged Society”. Japan is categorized as a super-aged society. Now in japan is developing a lot of care facilities.

8 Statement by H.E. Mr. Yoshifumi Okamura; Ambassador and Deputy Representative of Japan to the United Nations ;

13 July 2016

Fig; ASW 01: Elderly population: Source: OECD Data: https://data.oecd.org/pop/elderly-population.htm

When a society has large number of the old people, social system needs more medical expense, care costs. Moreover supporting to those system are financed by tax. So if there are more young people as a worker and paying tax to the society, the social circulation could define "healthy" 9However in the tendency of developed country, young couple due to some reason of financial and changing of the life style they tend to refuse to have a child and family or to make a single family. And in all developed countries had a baby booms. In japan there were twice baby booms in the end of 1940's and 1970. Moreover the development of medical technology succeed to have more long life to the people So, what happing in Japan they are influence of baby booms and development of medical technology.

Fig; ASW 02: PopulationPyramid.net: World population pyramid: Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs

9 Aged population and social security 人口高齢化と社会保障 ; Yasushi Iwamoto ; 2004 ;

Hitotsubashi University

To Check the aging society we could use the population pyramid (Fig; ASW 02). The population pyramid that is divided by ages and sex. According to the Population Education broadly 10 dividing them, currently there are three types of population pyramid (Fig; ASW 03). 1st is named " Expansive" it is used to describe populations that are young and growing. 2nd one is named "Constrictive"(Fig; ASW 04). The type of constrictive population pyramid is used to explain that aew elderly and shrinking. 3rd one is named “Stationary"(Fig; ASW 05). It is used to explain the population that is not growing.

10 Population Education: https://www.populationeducation.org/content/what-are-different-


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