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As we analyzed he demographic tendency of Switzerland and development of the care families, it will show us a necessary of more quantities of care facilities for elderly people in Switzerland. This investigation did take a case studies of Assisted living in Switzerland. At the moment the project of Net Age and Südpark have not designed to crate a space such as a third place in the project. However Le Cite has a advantage to have a third place out side of the project that is have good point of the location and could connect to the society easily. Maison Milavez is a unique project and has good points of multigenerational habitants and a semipublic cafeteria where people living around the project can use it. This project is located in a good place too. As a result Two of them the facilities have good equipment and also good life quality. However it does not have enough contact with a society, neighbor or local community. And another two of them have third place effecting from the advantage of location. Furthermore some times care facility need to close from out side because of the security. However because of the security demands and to realize a quiet situation occurs a place where is difficult to have a relationship with this place. In conclusion to try to realize a third place in an assisted living could be a active place it is not for elderly people but also for another kind of generation and people. When it could realize that, we could have lot of benefit for our future of our society.
For the next step is going to design a assisted living with third place in a real situation. And to adapt to this knowledge into the project. It is going to have lot of potential.