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Needs from the elderly people about the city.

This paragraph will show the needs from elderly people that we could use as a design strategy and motivation for the designing the “third place” in a care facility. The report of “Urban planing for an aging society” by NRP 541 has reported the needs of elderly people of city life. The report did the research “UrbAging- Planing and designing the urban space for an aging society” that focused on the existing public space and urban design through various needs from elderly people by the discussion.


One of the main needs of elderly people according to the research of “UrbAging- Planing and designing the urban space for an aging society”, we need a place where you can meet with another people to keep the contact with all kind of people that will be attractive and encourage people of all generation. Moreover there are many factor that to make a public space and a city due to the needs of elderly people that having a adequate offer of housing, goods and services of daily use in the neighborhoods, access to treatments, suitable places for meeting outdoor and

“Conviviality; Places that encourage meeting and socialization result attractive and encourage people of all ages to attend them.”

CRITERIA FOR THE ELDERLY PEOPLE CITY? SIMPLIFY THE COMPLEXITY TO ACT IN CONCRETE TERMS Marcello Martinoni 1, Alma Sartoris 2:Designing urban space for an ageing society: 2011: Institute for Contemporary Urban Project Academy of Architecture:

1 The national research programme "sustainable development of the built environment" (NRP 54)

indoor, ability to move independently and in particular a solid social network . And the research 2 clam that to strengthen the social network as helps and socialization.3 The report presented a criteria and a recommendation for the city and the elderly based on the analysis of the two existing projects with involvement of elderly people that could have needs from them. The name of this criteria is “The chart of age-friendly public space”. It has three categories that are “Management”, “Context” and “Space quality”. In the category of Management has three key wards that are : Governance, Participation and Transversality which are calming about the soft-wear (Fig:N01).

The chart of age-friendly public space2


The city for the elderly is a city for all. Considering the diversity of needs of older people brings benefits to all other people (children, young people, families, workers, entrepreneurs, ...). A renewed governance improve the quality of life and prevent ghettos and exclusions.


The city for the elderly is built with the elderly. Elders are an active part of the definition of priorities and projects. Being old means living in very heterogeneous way, actively involving elderly we can avoid using stereotypes and simplifications.


The sectorial coordinated interventions give coherence to the public action. The actors of urban management (construction, planning, services) consider the needs of older people in the application of sector policies (health services, public green management, public transport, construction, ...). The quality of life of elders results from personal circumstances, combined with public policies and private initiatives.


CONTEXT Fig:N01: CRITERIA FOR THE ELDERLY PEOPLE CITY? SIMPLIFY THE COMPLEXITY TO ACT IN Accessibility CONCRETE TERMS: Marcello Martinoni 1, Alma Sartoris 2:Designing urban space for an ageing society:2011: Institute for Contemporary Urban Project Academy of Architecture The different parts of the city are easily accessible through public transport and safe pedestrian ways. CRITERIA FOR THE ELDERLY PEOPLE CITY? SIMPLIFY THE COMPLEXITY TO ACT IN CONCRETE TERMS: Marcello The accessibility of public spaces is given by the absence of architectural barriers and the Martinoni 1, Alma Sartoris 2:Designing urban space for an ageing society:2011: Institute for Contemporary Urban presence of facilitated pedestrian crossings. Project Academy of ArchitectureInterventions for the construction or renovation of public spaces, buildings or roads must 3 NRP 54 “Sustainable Development of the Built Environment” : Urbaging: Designing urban space for an ageing consider the needs of persons with reduced mobility (pavements, slopes, ramps, signs for the visually impaired, flooring, handrails, pedestrian crossings, obstacles, ...). society »: 2009: Prof. Acebillo Josep Clear information allows people with reduced mobility to make up with their own resources or the aid of others persons (family, volunteers, public agencies, ...) to face foreseeable difficulties.


A good connectivity between public spaces can give an added value to the single components of the urban system.

The city for the elderly is a city for all. Considering the diversity of needs of older people brings benefits to all other people (children, young people, families, workers, entrepreneurs, ...). Master Thesis PreparationA renewed governance improve the quality of life and prevent ghettos and exclusions.


The city for the elderly is built with the elderly. Elders are an active part of the definition of priorities and projects. Being old means living in very heterogeneous way, actively involving elderly we can avoid The category of Context (Fig:N02) has three key wards that are : Accessibility, Connectivity and using stereotypes and simplifications. Intensity which are calming about the way of localization. In the last, it is a category of Space Transversality quality (Fig:N03) that has four key wards that are : Conviviality, Flexibility Security and Comfort The sectorial coordinated interventions give coherence to the public action. The actors of urban management (construction, planning, services) consider the needs of older which are calming about requirements for the space. Those are showed a possibility to applicate people in the application of sector policies (health services, public green management, public for the designing of the care facilities. transport, construction, ...). The quality of life of elders results from personal circumstances, combined with public policies and private initiatives.

CONTEXT Accessibility

The different parts of the city are easily accessible through public transport and safe pedestrian ways. The accessibility of public spaces is given by the absence of architectural barriers and the presence of facilitated pedestrian crossings. Interventions for the construction or renovation of public spaces, buildings or roads must consider the needs of persons with reduced mobility (pavements, slopes, ramps, signs for the visually impaired, flooring, handrails, pedestrian crossings, obstacles, ...). Clear information allows people with reduced mobility to make up with their own resources or the aid of others persons (family, volunteers, public agencies, ...) to face foreseeable difficulties.


A good connectivity between public spaces can give an added value to the single components of the urban system. A dense and qualities network of routes promotes pedestrian mobility and leisure. The routes are attractive if they are safe and scattered with pleasant spaces (benches, water, green, shadow, cleaning, ...) suitable for a break and/or a meeting.


The desirable intensity of a public space depends on the diversity of its functions and its position in the urban context. 2 For other versions of the chart (italian, french, german) see www.urbaging.ch

The intensity degree of use of a public space can be stimulated according to its characteristics (context, type, ...). The intense use of space, in a virtuous process, motivate further attendance.

SPACE QUALITY Conviviality

Places that encourage meeting and socialization result attractive and encourage people of all ages to attend them. A friendly space presents high security conditions.


Public spaces and their furnishings are designed to allow the realization of temporary events (market, concert, show).


The perceived sense of security in an area depends on structural conditions (promiscuity among means of transport, cars or bicycles, dark and narrow alleys, hidden corners, safe pedestrian crossings, ...), on the individual experiences (perceived number of criminal acts)

Fig:N02: CRITERIA FOR THE ELDERLY PEOPLE CITY? SIMPLIFY THE COMPLEXITY TO ACT IN CONCRETE TERMS: Marcello Martinoni 1, Alma Sartoris 2:Designing urban space for an ageing society:2011: Institute for Contemporary Urban Project Academy of Architecture

The intensity degree of use of a public space can be stimulated according to its characteristics (context, type, ...). The intense use of space, in a virtuous process, motivate further attendance.

SPACE QUALITY Conviviality

Places that encourage meeting and socialization result attractive and encourage people of all ages to attend them. A friendly space presents high security conditions.


Public spaces and their furnishings are designed to allow the realization of temporary events (market, concert, show).


The perceived sense of security in an area depends on structural conditions (promiscuity among means of transport, cars or bicycles, dark and narrow alleys, hidden corners, safe pedestrian crossings, ...), on the individual experiences (perceived number of criminal acts) and on the presence of preventive measures (video surveillance, patrols, objective information, ...).


The adequate furnishing of a public spaces allows an appropriate, safe and pleasant use of it. The number and quality of the benches are sufficient and their exposure takes in consideration weather variations (sun, wind, ...) and their context. The organization of public space takes in consideration the impact of environmental pollution (noise, air quality). Drinkable water and the possibility of using it as a tool for the game is enhanced. Toilets of quality and free of charge are available.

Fig:N03: CRITERIA FOR THE ELDERLY PEOPLE CITY? SIMPLIFY THE COMPLEXITY TO ACT IN CONCRETE TERMS: Marcello Martinoni 1, Alma Sartoris 2:Designing urban space for an ageing society:2011: Institute for Contemporary Urban Project Academy of Architecture

Strategic recommendations for age friendly public space

Following the structure of the Chart we describe with more details the different criteria.


Governance: the city for the elderly is a city for all UrbAging focuses on the needs and requirements of elderly people in public space, but the city for the elderly should remain a city for all. Consider the specific needs of older people in their diversity, taking particularly into consideration the range of needs of the weakest, benefits at the same time many

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