KPHTH June 2013

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official publication of the pancretan association of america JUNE 2013


- July

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Ju ne

The First Ladies of the PAA


The Cretan Association of Akron, Ohio invites all PAA members and friends to attend the biennial convention this June 29 – July 5, 2013 in the heart of the Midwest – Akron, Ohio! WELCOME NIGHT  June 29, 2013  7:00 PM Annunciation Greek Community Center 129 S. Union Street, Akron, Ohio

CRETAN NIGHT  July 2, 2013  6:30 PM Tangier Restaurant 532 W. Market Street, Akron, Ohio

Adult Admission

Adult Admission

14 and Under

14 and Under

• Dinner*/Dance $55.00, Dance Only $25.00 after 9pm • Dinner*/Dance $25.00, Dance Only FREE

CRETAN PICNIC  June 30, 2013  1:00 PM

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge/Picnic Grounds 2610 Ley Drive, Akron, Ohio Adult Admission • $15.00

14 and Under


Gyro/Souvlaki Available for Purchase and Cash Bar

WOMENS BANQUET  July 2, 2013  7:00 PM Sheraton Suites – Banquet Room 1989 Front Street, Akron, Ohio

• Dinner*/Dance $75.00, Dance Only $25.00 after 9pm • Dinner*/Dance $25.00, Dance Only FREE

GRAND BANQUET July 3, 2013  6:30 PM John S. Knight Convention Center 77 E. Mill Street, Akron, Ohio Adult Admission

• Dinner*/Dance $115.00, Dance Only $25.00 after 9pm

14 and Under

• Dinner*/Dance $35.00, Dance Only FREE

FAREWELL NIGHT  July 4, 2013  6:30 PM Annunciation Greek Community Center 129 S. Union Street, Akron, Ohio

Adult Admission

Adult Admission

14 and Under

14 and Under

• Dinner*/Dance $55.00, Dance Only $25.00 after 9pm • Dinner*/Dance $25.00, Dance Only FREE

• Dinner*/Dance $55.00, Dance Only $25.00 after 9pm • Dinner*/Dance $25.00, Dance Only FREE

* Reservation Required

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Visit for registration information. Like us on Facebook at PAA 43rd National Convention.

Questions, contact Noula Kountis (330-328-1374 / 2

KPHTH | June 2013

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pancretan association of america Contributors

Headquarters: 32-33 31St Street, Astoria, NY 11106


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1. AMELIA CATAKIS Amelia is a member of the Cretan Club of Washington, D.C. Previously she served two terms as vice president of the chapter in the 1950s. She worked for the Marriott Corp. for more than 30 years before retiring in 1996. Amelia was also active in the American Dietetic Association, serving as president of their foundation. In addition, she was the first female on the board of trustees at Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

2. EUGENIA (GEANE) MANOUKARAKIS Eugenia is serving her second term as president of the Amalthia chapter in Chicago. She has been an active member of Amalthia for 47 years, also serving as vice president and general secretary. Born and raised in Rethymno, Crete, she immigrated to Chicago in 1967. She is committed to continuing to promote Cretan traditions.

3. MARIA STRATOUDAKIS Maria immigrated from Chania, Crete, with her husband Nick, a member of the Omonoia chapter. They live in New York City with their three boys, Terry, John and Peter, members of the Omonoia and Labrys chapters. She is a member of Pasiphae, and previously served as president, vice president and secretary. Currently, Maria is the PAA’s Women’s Executive Director, serving her second term.

4. MARY VASILAKIS Mary currently serves on the Archives Committee and is a trustee emeritus of the Pancretan Endowment Fund. She has been involved with the PAA since the 1948 Convention in Pittsburgh when the first PAA youth group was formed. Since then, she has held a number of chapter and national offices, including PAA general secretary, scholarship chair, PEF chair and Women’s Executive Director.

NATIONAL PRESIDENT: JOHN G. MANOS Tel. (630) 686-0600 • FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: TOM LANTZOURAKIS Tel. (909) 393-6457 • SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: stavros antonakakis Tel. (609) 929-6000 • THIRD VICE PRESIDENT: NIKOLAOS VERIKAKIS Tel. (419) 474-4287 • GENERAL SECRETARY: ERASMIA NOVOTNY Tel. (248) 807-0352 • Send Pancretan Association-related items to: 8530 Sharon Drive, White Lake, MI 48386 TREASURER: DR. james saklas Tel. (410) 956-8588 • WOMEN’S EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: MARIA STRATOUDAKIS Tel. (718) 357-6616 • GENERAL SUPERVISOR: JOHN G. SARGETIS Tel: (916) 966-6137 • LEGAL ADVISOR: JAMES MAROPOULAKIS DENNEY, Esq. Tel. (330) 545-4250 • AUDITOR GENERAL: JERRY MAKRIS Tel. (727) 446-0000 • PYA PRESIDENT: CHRIS V. MARANGOUDAKIS Tel. (917) 567-3988• YOUTH SUPERVISOR EAST COAST: MICHAEL E. DETORAKIS Tel. (330) 634-0109 • YOUTH SUPERVISOR WEST COAST: XANTHIPPI GELASAKIS Tel. (916) 207-1850 • DISTRICT GOVERNORS

District 1: DEMITRIS HATZIS Tel. (413) 563-6856 • District 2: ZAHAROULA MARMATAKIS Tel. (732) 777-0104 • District 3: STELIOS VITAKIS Tel. (216) 470-3323 • District 4: GEORGE STEFANAKIS Tel. (248) 926-0592 • District 5: GEORGE LIODAKIS Tel. (801) 597-6204• District 6: ROXANNE KOSTON Tel. (650) 368-7891• District 7: DIONISIA M. SOPHINOS Tel. (561) 848-1635 •

PAA CHAIRS PAA FOUNDATION, INC.: john marakis Tel. (586) 707-7279• Culture & Education: Haralambos (bob) markakis • INVESTMENTS BOARD: JOHN RUSSON Tel. (314) 542-0306 • SCHOLARSHIP FUND: DR. TERRY ZERVOS Tel. (727) 736-3032 • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: NICHOLAS POLYCHRONAKIS Tel. (347) 728-3704 • PANCRETAN ENDOWMENT FUND: DR. George papadantonakis Tel. (312) 932-0086 • PHILANTHROPIC FUND: evangelia alpogianis Tel. (773) 878-8901 • STRATEGIC PLANNING: HELEN RANNEY Tel. (248) 626-5516 • CRETAN ALUMNI NETWORK (CAN): diane kounalakis-baxter Tel. (650) 343-6214 • PAA Crete Representative: Ippokratis Beladakis Tel. 011 (30) 697 700 7675 • Monthly submissions should be sent no later than the 5th of each month. Visit for magazine policies and procedures or call Stavros Antonakakis, 2nd vice president, (609) 929-6000. Email your letters, photos, advertisements and news to: KM@PANCRETAN.ORG


Amalia Deligiannis Managing Editor


Katerina Makridakis KRI KRI EDITOR

Editorial Board & Advisory Committee Katherine Katsounakis Elena Manos Zaharoula Marmatakis Helen Ranney

Rema Manousakis Helene Semanderes

NIKOS katsanevakis editor emeritus

KPHTH (CRETE) | USPS 298-020 is published by the Pancretan Association of America (PAA) Inc., ten times a year. The annual rate is $20 member / $50 non-member / $80 international. Call (248) 807-0352 to subscribe.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Erasmia C. Novotny, 8530 Sharon Drive, White Lake, MI 48386. Periodical Postage Paid at Waterford, MI and additonal mailing offices. YEAR 84th - NO 838 June 2013





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official publication of the pancretan association of america JUNE 2013


President’s Message | Mήνυμα Προέδρου

official publication of the pancretan association of america JUNE 2013

5 Message From PAA President John G. Manos

The First Ladies of the PAA

Election Candidate | Υποψήφιος Εκλογών

Read about the PAA’s First Ladies 10

6 Terry Stratoudakis

6 Letters | Γράμματα

From the Board | Νέα Συμβουλίου

7 Women’s Executive Director Report for 2009-2013

26 Ενημέρωσης Συμβουλίου Παγκρητικής

J u ne

- July 5 29

9 Ζαχαρούλα Μαρματάκη

Cover Story | Εξώφυλλο

10 The First Ladies of the PAA


Profile | Προφίλ

18 Honorary First Lady Elena Skilitsi Venizelos

19 Επίτιμος Πρώτη Κα. Έλενα Σκυλίτση Βενιζέλου 20 Mary Nisos Catakis Turns 100 21 Anastasia Doukas is 100

25 Sportscaster Leah Rubertino 22

KRI KRI | ΚΡΙ ΚΡΙ My Crete | H Kρήτη Μoυ

24 Μία Σπουδαία Εορταστική Εκδήλωση Από

You may also follow us on: Facebook, YouTube and Linkedin

Τον Σοροπτιμιστικό Ὀμιλο Ηρακλείου

31 Cretan Cultural Matters

Special Report | Ρεπορτάζ

28 Τhe Iron Lady of the Greek Olympics Visits the Steel City


Chapter Profile | Προφίλ Συλλόγου

Πολλές γυναίκες έξυπνες στον κόσμο κατοικούνε, μα οι παντρεμένες σε Κρητικούς, Αγίες θα´γενούνε!

«ΑΜΑΛΘΕΙΑ» Σικάγου

Many smart women live on this earth, but those married to Cretans, Sainthood will they attain!

33 Ιστορία Κρητικού Γυναικείου Τμημάτος

Donors | Δωρητές

34 Donations

Calendar | Ημερολόγιο

34 PAA Chapter Events

Chapter News | Νέα Συλλόγου

35 PAA Chapter News

Στήν άμμο γράφω σ´αγαπώ, μά φαίνετ´ είναι κρίμα, γιάτ´έρχεται καί σβύνει το, τσή θάλασσας τό κύμα. “Love you,” I etched on sandy shores, but it just a shame, the sea waves come ashore, flood it, it’s never seen. ´Η νύχτα ώρες δώδεκα, μόνο τσί δύο κοιμούμαι, καί τσ´αλλες δέκα αγάπη μου εσένα συλλογούμαι. Though night extends twelve hours I only rest for two, the other ten, my precious love, I spend just thinking of you.


KPHTH | June 2013

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Election Candidate | Υποψήφιος Εκλογών

8 Zaharoula Marmatakis

P resident ’ s M essa g e

Recognizing Women T

John Manos PAA President

his issue of KPHTH is dedicated to the women of the PAA. Over the years, they have been the linchpin between our organization’s values and future generations of Cretan Americans. Throughout our history, they sacrificed much for us. They held our families together during the great wars, devastating economic hardships and changing cultural landscape. Beginning with our first General Supervisor, Women’s Chapters (as it was called then), Presbytera Stella Petrakis, they made an indelible impression on the PAA. Many more followed her and gave their time and effort to support the PAA and its goals to promote and preserve our heritage. They did all the “heavy lifting” to teach our children the “ithi kai ethima,” to preserve the traditions and cultural of our rich Cretan history. They kept our children from drowning in their new melting pot by making sure they attended Greek School, dance practice and by teaching them the secrets of the Cretan kitchen. We owe much to all of the First Ladies of the PAA, not only for the role they played in the lives of their families, but also for the strength and support they provided to their husbands while they served as leaders of the PAA. In most cases, these First Ladies mirrored the commitment of time, travel and dedication to the PAA that their

Μήνυμα Προέδρου

husbands made as they led our organization. I especially thank my wife, Elena, as she has stood by me every step of the way throughout my PAA journey. Many were the times that I would lean on her for her input and support on many projects and programs we undertook. I could have not done it without her, as I am sure was the situation for many presidents before me. We thank all of these First Ladies as well as all of the women that serve not only the PAA, but those that help at all levels of its districts and chapters. We appreciate all of you and know we could have not done it without you. We are blessed to have such dedicated mothers, wives and daughters. CONVENTION UPDATE Our convention is weeks away and we are very much looking forward to having you with us. The local organizing committee has been working hard on the programs for the business meetings, dinners and special events and are waiting to show you a great time. Now all we need is you! Don’t miss this one, as it promises to be one of the best conventions yet! Don’t forget, we are also celebrating the 100 years of Crete joining Greece, so we have some very special guests coming! K

Τιμώντας τίς Γυναίκες Τ ο παρόν τεύχος τού περιοδικού KPHTH είναι αφιερωμένο στις γυναίκες τής Παγκρητικής. Τα χρόνια που πέρασαν ήταν ο συνδετικός κρίκος, των αξιών τού οργανισμού μας με τις νέες γενιές τών Κρητικών τής Αμερικής. Οι γυναίκες γενικά εχουν παιξει μεγάλο ρόλο στην ιστορία μας, θυσίασαν πολλά για εμάς. Κράτησαν τις οικογένειες τήν περίοδο τών πολέμων, τής φτώχιας, και τών πολιτιστικών αλλαγών. Αρχίζοντας με την πρώτη «Γενική Επιθεωρητή των Γυναικείων Συλλόγων (όπως ονομαζόταν τότε), πρεσβυτέρα Στέλλα Πετράκη, οι γυναίκες άφησαν ανεξίτηλη εικόνα στην ιστορια τής ΠΕΑ. Πολλές ακολούθησαν, που έδωσαν το χρόνο τους στην προσπάθεια για τη στήριξη τής ΠΕΑ και τους

στόχους της, για την προώθηση και διατήρηση τής κληρονομιάς μας. Είχαν το βάρος να διδάξουν στήν νεολαία μας τα «ήθη και έθιμα», να διατηρήσουν τις παραδόσεις και τήν πλούσια πολιτιστική ιστορία της Κρητης. Κράτησαν τα παιδιά μας από το να χαθούν και να αφομιωθούν στήν μακρινή απο τήν Κρήτη χώρα που ζούμε, με το να τα στέλνουν στά Ελληνικά σχολεία, για μαθήματα χορού, και διδάσκοντάς τους τα μυστικά της Κρητικής κουζίνας. Επίσης, οφείλουμε πολλά σε όλες τις Πρώτες Κυρίες τής ΠΕΑ, όχι μόνο για το ρόλο που έπαιξαν στη ζωή των οικογενειών τους, αλλά και για τη δύναμη και την υποστήριξη που παρείχαν στους συζύγους τους, το διάστημα KPHTH | WWW.PANCRETAN.ORG


Γ ραμμα τ α

Μήνυμα Προέδρου

Ενημέρωσης Συνεδρίου Αγαπητά μέλη, το συνέδριό μας είναι σε λίγες εβδομάδες και θα χαρούμε να εχομε οσο γινεται περισσότερους απο εσας μαζί μας. Η τοπική οργανωτική επιτροπή έχει εργαστεί σκληρά για τό πρόγραμμα, τις συνεδριάσεις, και τις εκδηλώσεις. Μας περιμένουν για να μας φιλοξενήσουν και για να περάσομε μιά υπέροχη εβδομάδα μαζι. Τώρα το μόνο που χρειαζόμαστε είναι η συμμετοχή σας! Μην χάσετε το φετεινό συνέδριο, φαίνεται οτι θα είναι ένα από τα καλύτερα που έχομε πάει μέχρι τώρα! Μην ξεχνάτε, οτι γιορτάζομε επίσης τήν ένωση των 100 χρόνων της Κρήτης μέ τήν Ελλάδα και θα έχομε εκτλεκτούς καλεσμένους! K

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Terry Stratoudakis East Coast Youth Supervisor Candidate


Terry Stratoudakis

KPHTH | June 2013

his summer at the PAA National Convention in Akron, Ohio, I will run for East Coast Youth Supervisor. I am very enthusiastic about working with the youth. I met many of our youth at their conferences in New York, Los Angeles and, recently, in Salt Lake City. I look forward to working with this wonderful group. K



πού υπηρέτησαν ως Προέδροι τής ΠΕΑ. Στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις, αυτές οι Πρώτες Κυρίες αφιέρωσαν τον ίδιο χρόνο, έκαναν τα ίδια ταξίδια, και πρόσφεραν την ίδια αφοσίωση στην ΠΕΑ οπως και οι σύζυγοί τους κατά την διάρκεια τής θητείας τους. Ευχαριστώ, ιδιαίτερα, τη γυναίκα μου, Έλενα, η οποία στάθηκε δίπλα μου σε κάθε βήμα καθ ‘όλη τη διάρκεια τής προεδρίας μου στήν ΠΕΑ. Πολλές ήταν οι φορές που στηρίχτηκα πάνω της για την γνώμη της και την υποστήριξή της σε πολλές από τις ευθύνες που αναλάβαμε. Δεν θα μπορούσα να τα καταφέρω χωρίς αυτήν, όπως είμαι σίγουρος ότι έτσι ηταν και για πολλούς προέδρους πριν από μένα. Σας ευχαριστούμε όλες, Πρώτες Κυρίες τής ΠΕΑ καθώς και όλες τις γυναίκες που βοήθησαν και βοηθούν σε όλα τα επίπεδα των περιφερειών και τών συλλόγων. Σας ευχαριστούμε όλες σας και να ξέρετε ότι δεν θα μπορούσαμε να τα καταφέρναμε χωρίς εσάς. Είμαστε τυχεροί που έχομε τέτοιες ξεχωριστές μητέρες, συζύγους και κόρες.

Αγαπητές συμπατριώτισσες και συμπατριώτες, Αγαπητές φίλες και φίλοι, Με ιδιαίτερη χαρά χαιρετίζω το 43ο Συνέδριο της Παγκριτικής Ένωσης Αμερικής. Θέλω να γνωρίζεται ότι με ιδιαίτερη συγκίνηση απευθύνομαι σε εσάς πoυ ζείτε μακριά από την Ελλάδα και την Κρήτη μας. Να ξέρετε ότι είμαστε περήφανοι για σας και χαιρόμαστε όταν ακούμε τις προόδους σε κάθε δραστηριότητά σας, τιμώντας έτσι τον τόπο σας και την καταγωγή σας. Η Κρήτη διαθέτει εξαίρετο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό, που έχει προσφέρει τεράστιο έργο, σε διάφορους τομείς για την πρόοδο και τον πολιτισμό σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Σήμερα η κρητική διασπορά στο γενικότερο πλαίσιο των παγκοσμιοποιημένων και οικουμενικών αγορών, οργανώνεται και λειτουργεί ως παγκόσμιο δίκτυο σε ένα οικουμενικό περιβάλλον. Γνωρίζω για το σημαντικό έργο που προσφέρει όλα αυτά τα χρόνια η Παγκρητική Ένωση Αμερικής και εύχομαι να συνεχίσει με τον ίδιο δυναμισμό την προσπάθειά της για τη διατήρηση της Ελληνικής και Κρητικής πολιτιστικής παράδοσης. Σήμερα η επιστροφή της Ελλάδας σε τροχιά ανάπτυξης αποτελεί πρωταρχική αναγκαιότητα. Η αξιοποίηση και ενίσχυση των στρατηγικών αναπτυξιακών πλεονεκτημάτων της Κρήτης στον τουρισμό, στον πρωτογενή τομέα, στον πολιτισμό, στο περιβάλλον, στην έρευνα και τεχνολογία αποτελεί την βάση της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης για την Κρήτη του μέλλοντος. Θεωρώ ότι μόνο με τη συμπόρευση, τη συνεργασία, τη συνέργεια και την ενότητα μπορούμε να πετύχουμε το στόχο μας. Είμαστε δίπλα σας και σας νιώθουμε δίπλα μας και θεωρώ ότι μαζί μπορούμε να κάνουμε πάρα πολλά για την Κρήτη μας. Με εκτίμηση, Σταύρος Αρναουτάκης Περιφερειάρχης Κρήτης

Ν ε α σ υ μβ ο υ λ ι ο υ


t has been a great privilege and honor to serve the Women’s Executive Director PAA board. My number one priority was to be in touch with all the PAA women’s chapters and encourage them to plan for the future. I strongly believe that “where there is a will, there is a way.” I was in touch with all women’s chapters and am glad to have visited all of them. I exchanged ideas between the chapters and held two meetings with the PAA women from all over the country: one in Detroit during our board meeting in January 2011, and one in Las Vegas during another board meeting in February 2012. By traveling from place to place for board meetings and leadership meetings, I met many great Cretans. As a result, I realized that everywhere in the United States there exists a Crete away from Crete. I received firsthand Cretan traditional hospitality, warm welcomes, Kritika glendia and much more. After every visit I felt more proud of my Cretan descent and I appreciated the PAA even more. The PAA women are very dynamic! They work with love and passion to guide and lead the youth on the right path, teaching them family values, Cretan history and culture. They are always the example to follow in the Greek community! The PYA is a vital part of the PAA and it’s very positive when young ladies lead their chapter. They travel to Kriti very often and they make friends here and there. They work together for philanthropic projects here and in Kriti. This year’s project is a clothing drive for the orphans in Crete. In cooperation with the third vice president, we established the membership drive to challenge all the PAA chapters to increase membership. I worked with former Third Vice President Lefteris Dramitinos from 2009 to 2011 and current Third Vice President Nikolaos Verikakis, 2011 to present, to accomplish this. In addition, at every convention we Μaria Stratoudakis

give tribute to the women of the PAA. During the Women’s Night dinner dance we present an award to the women’s chapter with the highest membership increase. At the national convention in Clearwater, Fla., in 2011, the award went to the Cretan Ladies Society “KPHTH” of Detroit. We will announce the next winner at this year’s national convention’s Women’s Night, in Akron, Ohio. Every month in KPHTH magazine, two pages are available for the PAA women to share their history, profile women, and publish Cretan traditional recipes, among other things. I encourage all the women to take advantage of this. Our ancestors had the vision for the future to build churches, Greek schools and organize Syllogous, to preserve and perpetuate the Cretan history, culture and bring together all Cretans across America under the PAA. I acknowledge the benefits of the PAA and I encourage every Cretan to be an active member of their local chapter, attend PAA National Conventions and serve on the PAA board. It is a long-term investment for our youth. We are obligated to show love and respect for each other and have a positive influence to our youth. My dream is a PAA that is bigger and stronger for the next generation. We are following the right path. I am lucky to have met and gotten to know all of you. Thank you for your support, love, respect and help during the past four years. Truly, the PAA is my extended family and I always will be proud of it and my Cretan descent. My special thanks to President John Manos and all the board members for working together as a family, for the benefit of our PAA and PYA. My congratulations to President Manos for being honored by the Ecumenical Patriarch with the title of “Archondas Eftaxias.” Axios! K

from the board

Women’s Executive Director Report for 2009-2013

Respectfully submitted, Maria Stratoudakis, PAA Women’s Executive Director KPHTH | WWW.PANCRETAN.ORG


Zaharoula Marmatakis

Women’s Executive Director Candidate


ear members, My name is Zaharoula Marmatakis. I was born and raised in Agios Dimitrios, a small village about five miles from Rethymnon and eight miles from the historic Arkadi. I am a member of the “White Mountains” of New Brunswick, N.J., and the PAA District 2 Governor, completing my second two-year term this year. My interaction with the Cretan community started in 1980, practically from my very first day in the United States. At the time, my husband, John, was president of the “Arkadi” Youth chapter of New Jersey. I initially served on my chapter’s board, as the KPHTH Magazine correspondent and later as general secretary. In 2001, I served on the 37th PAA National Convention Organizing Committee. Subsequently, I became the District 2 secretary. During the two terms of PAA President Manoli Velivasakis, I served on the KPHTH editorial board and was responsible for editing the Greek articles. In addition, for four years, I handled the ads for the Christmas edition, along with the billing and money received for the ads. Last year, I came back on the editorial board, editing and translating the Greek articles for KPHTH Magazine. In 2009, I had the honor of being elected District 2 Governor and was re-elected for a second term in 2011. That summer, I also produced and hosted the PAA Cretan Radio show in New York. I feel blessed that my children Alekos and Antonis love Crete. Both were members of the “White Mountains” dance group. They also have a great passion for Cretan music. Alekos plays lyra and Antonis plays guitar and lute. They often travel across the country to perform. Both have been active members of our local youth chapter, “Arkadi.” Alekos even served the PYA as East Coast vice president and cultural chair. My active participation in the Cretan community and involvement with the PAA has given me the op-


KPHTH | June 2013

portunity to meet great people and to build lifelong friendships in the United States and all over the world. As a result, the PAA has become a lifestyle for me and my family. I encourage all of you to get involved with your chapter and the PAA at any level you feel comfortable. Trust me, you will not regret it! We have the great fortune of being born or having origins from the island where the gods chose to have Zeus born! Crete, beyond its magnificent natural beauty, has a long history, brilliant culture, unique traditions and exceptional values. It has people with incredible bravery, determination, hospitality and a passionate love for their island. We carry on an enormous legacy and have a tremendous responsibility and sacred obligation to preserve, promote and pass on those values to future generations. This is the unwritten law the pioneers of our organization brought with them. We are where we are now because of the pioneers who had the vision to form our association and because of those people that kept it alive, strong and vibrant up to now. However, whether it will continue to thrive and excel depends on all of us! Women, because of our nature and role in the family, can greatly impact almost everything around us. Therefore, let’s help and support one another to keep the Cretan spirit alive in our hearts and in our families. Let’s motivate each other to inspire people around us and persuade our new generation to connect with their roots. Let’s support our wonderful and dynamic youth, share their concerns and encourage them to attract more individuals to our organization. We are the present, but our youth is the future! It would be a distinct honor for me to represent the women chapters of the PAA as Women’s Executive Director. If elected, I promise you that I’ll work responsibly and diligently with you and the PAA board members for the advancement of the women’s chapters, the PAA and PYA. K Sincerely, Zaharoula Marmatakis

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Υποψήφια Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια τής ΠΕΑ


γαπητά μέλη, Ονομάζομαι Ζαχαρούλα Μαρματάκη. Γεννήθηκα και μεγάλωσα στόν Άγιο Δημήτριο, ένα μικρό χωριό, έξι χιλιόμετρα περίπου από τό Ρέθυμνο και δέκα από το ιστορικό Αρκάδι. Είμαι μέλος τού συλλόγου «Λευκά Όρη» New Brunswick, N. J. και μόλις συμπληρώνω τήν 2η θητεία μου ως Κυβερνήτης τής 2ας Περιφέρειας τής ΠΕΑ. Η επαφή μου με το Κρητικό στοιχείο άρχισε το 1980, από τήν πρώτη μου σχεδόν ημέρα στήν Αμερική. Την περίοδο εκείνη, ο σύζυγός μου, Γιάννης, ήταν πρόεδρος τής Νεολαίας «Αρκάδι». Η ενεργή συμμετοχή μου, ξεκίνησε από τόν σύλλογό μου, ως μέλος τού συμβουλίου και ανταποκρίτρια τού περιοδικού ΚΡΗΤΗ. Αργότερα, ανέλαβα τήν θέση τής γενικής γραμματέα. Το 2001, διετέλεσα μέλος τής Κεντρικής Οργανωτικής Επιτροπής τού 37ου Συνεδρίου τής ΠΕΑ. Στή συνέχεια, υπηρέτησα ως γραμματέας τής 2ας Περιφέρειας. Επί προεδρίας τού κ.Μανώλη Βελιβασάκη, διετέλεσα μέλος τής επιτροπής τού περιοδικού ΚΡΗΤΗ, υπεύθυνη στά Ελληνικά και για τέσσερα χρόνια υπεύθυνη τής Χριστουγεννιάτικης έκδοσης για το συντονισμό τών διαφημήσεων και την παραλαβή και κατάθεση τών χρημάτων. Τον τελευταίο χρόνο, είμαι ξανά μέλος τής επιτροπής τού περιοδικού, υπεύθυνη και πάλι για τίς διορθώσεις και μεταφράσεις τών Ελληνικών κειμένων. Τον Μάιο τού 2009, είχα την τιμή να εκλεγώ Κυβερνήτης τής 2ας περιφέρειας και να επανεκλεγώ τόν Ιούνιο τού 2011. Εκείνο το καλοκαίρι, ειχα επίσης την χαρά και παράλληλα την καταπληκτική εμπειρία, να παρουσιάζω, την Κρητική ραδιοφωνική εκπομπή τής ΠΕΑ, στήν Νέα Υόρκη. Αισθάνομαι ευτυχής πού τα παιδιά μου, Αλέκος και Αντώνης αγαπάνε με πάθος τήν Κρήτη. Υπήρξαν και τα δύο μέλη τού χορευτικού τού συλλόγου «Λευκά Ορη». Ο Αλέκος παίζει λύρα και ο Αντώνης κιθάρα και λαούτο και ταξιδεύουν συχνά ανά την Αμερική για εκδηλώσεις. Είναι και οι δύο ενεργά μέλη τής Νεολαίας «Αρκάδι». Ο Αλέκος, υπηρέτησε στήν Παγκρητική Νεολαία, ως αντιπρόεδρος και υπεύθυνος τής πολιτιστικής επιτροπής. Η συνεχή πορεία μου ανάμεσα στο Κρητικό στοιχείο, μέ έφερε σε επαφή με σπουδαίους ανθρώπους. Εχω δημιουργήσει φιλίες ζωής σ’ολόκληρη την Αμερική

αλλά και ανά τον κόσμο. Ως εκ τούτου, η Παγκρητική εχει γίνει τρόπος ζωής για μένα και την οικογένειά μου. Παροτρύνω όλες και όλους να ασχοληθήτε με τούς συλλόγους και τήν ΠΕΑ σέ οποιοδήποτε επίπεδο νομίζετε οτι είναι κατάλληλο γιά εσάς. Πιστέψτε με, δεν θα το μετανοιώσετε! Είχαμε τήν ιδιαίτερη τύχη να γεννηθούμε ή να έχομε καταγωγή από το νησί πού διάλεξαν οι Θεοί να γεννηθεί ο Δίας! Το νησί πού πέρα και πάνω από την ασύγκρητη φυσική ομορφιά του, έχει μακρόχρονη ιστορία, λαμπρό πολιτισμό, ιερά ιδανικά, ήθη και έθιμα μοναδικά. Εχει ανθρώπους που έχουν μεγαλουργήσει στα Γράμματα και στις Τέχνες, ανθρώπους μέ απίστευτη γενναιότητα, λεβεντιά, αποφασιστηκότητα, αρχοντιά, ευαισθησία, φιλοξενία, και αστήρευτη αγάπη για το τόπο τους. Φέρομε λοιπόν στούς ώμους μας μιά τεράστια κληρονομιά και έχομε ιερή υποχρέωση να τήν τιμήσομε, να τήν διατηρήσομε και να τήν παραδώσομε στούς νεώτερους. Αυτός είναι ο άγραπτος νόμος τον οποίον έφεραν μαζί τους οι πρωτοπόροι μας. Το σημείο στο οποίο βρισκόμαστε εμείς σήμερα, το χρωστάμε σέ εκείνους πού είχαν το όραμα και ξεκίνησαν τήν οργάνωσή μας και σ΄εκείνους πού την κράτησαν ζωντανή και δυνατή μέχρι σήμερα. Το άν όμως, θα συνεχίσει να ζεί και να διαπρέπει, εξαρτάται από εμάς, από όλους εμάς! Οι γυναίκες, λόγω τής φύσης μας και τού ρόλου μας στήν οικογένεια και τήν κοινωνία, έχομε την δύναμη να επηρεάζομε το περιβάλον γύρω μας. Για αυτό λοιπόν, ας βοηθήσομε, ας εμψυχώσομε η μία τήν άλλη για να κρατήσομε ζωντανή τή φλόγα τής Κρήτης στην καρδιά μας, και να την μεταφέρομε στά παιδιά μας και στα παιδιά τών παιδιών μας. Ας στηρίξομε τήν δυναμική Νεολαία μας, ας μοιραστούμε τίς ανησυχίες τους και ας τούς παροτρύνομε να προσελκύσουν όσο γίνεται περισσότερους νέους στήν οργάνωσή μας. Εμείς είμαστε το παρόν, αλλά η νεολαία μας είναι το μέλλον! Θα είναι τιμή μου να αντιπροσωπεύσω τα γυναικεία τμήματα της Παγκρητικής ως Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια. Αν εκλεγώ, σάς υπόσχομαι ότι με υπευθυνότητα και συνείδηση θα συνεργαστώ μέ ολους τούς γυναικείους συλλόγους και οχι μόνο, καθώς και τα μέλη τού συμβουλίου τής ΠΕΑ για το καλό τής οργάνωσης. K Με εκτίμηση, Ζαχαρούλα Μαρματάκη KPHTH | WWW.PANCRETAN.ORG

E lection C andidate

Ζαχαρούλα Μαρματάκη


The First Ladies of the PAA T

he June 2013 issue of KPHTH Magazine is dedicated to women—more specifically, the “First Ladies” of the PAA. Our organization is very fortunate to have been blessed with dedicated First Ladies, who, in their own respect, lead by the example of love and, for this, the PAA is indebted to them. Although the unofficial title of “First Lady,” “First Couple” and “First Family” have recently become popular, it does lend itself to an understanding of the presidency: It’s a collaborative effort. Of course, leadership is the core component of a presidency, but great leadership is magnified through the support, dedication and love of family. While researching the First Ladies we came across something interesting. In the PAA’s early years, little was recorded about them. For example, for some we can’t determine their first or maiden names. Although it appears that in the past the First Lady was seen and not heard, their position wasn’t an easy one. The position carries a huge commitment, a deep dedication, a great deal of patience, an outgoing personality and the willingness to surrender one’s privacy. However, as you read the excerpts from our First Ladies below you will come to understand and appreciate that if they had to do it over again, they definitely would!

Elena Manos 2011-2013


s the upcoming 43rd PAA Convention in Akron, Ohio, approaches, the Manos household has been preparing for several months, but all the while, we cannot help but feel the bittersweet emotions. As the wife of the PAA president, I have been asked to write about my experiences as the First Lady of the PAA. Personally, my mind cannot help but rewind to eight years ago, when my husband was first elected to the executive board as second vice president of the PAA. I must admit that our lives have not been the same ever since, and never will be again. As John accepted the challenges of his positions, our three children, Patricia, George and Lainey, and I did as well. We lived and breathed


KPHTH | June 2013

the KPHTH Magazine in our house for four years. I remember as the time neared to make calls for the Christmas issue every year, John would email each child a list of members that they would have to call to sell them ads. It was always a group effort to try and help as much as possible for a successful KPHTH Christmas issue. My part was to sell ads to our family and friends at our local chapters. As we started to travel throughout the country for board meetings, leadership conferences and various other events, I met the wonderful people of the PAA. What truly inspired me to love this organization was that every city and local chapter we visited had something different and unique to offer. Having the honor of being the First Lady for the past two years has given me a rare


Over the last two years I have been asked by many how does it feel to be the “First Lady,” and how I feel now that my husband is president. My answer has been the same to all: “Nothing has really changed, John just went from sitting to the left and right of the tables at board meetings, to right smack in the middle.” I want to take this opportunity and thank all of you for allowing and trusting my husband, my family and me to serve this great organization. I would also like to thank all of those who have shared such endless, kind words about my husband and family. As a mother and a wife, these words have been ever so inspiring and meaningful to all of us. If I had to write a list, it could go on forever. You know who you are, and I will remember your love and kindness always.

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opportunity not afforded to many. My love of the PAA grew with every new city and chapter we visited. The “Kpitiki filoxenia” of these experiences will stay with me forever and I will treasure each and every one of them. The love and respect we have received over these years and the friendships we have made is what I will take away from this wonderful experience and treasure in my heart for the rest of my life. The people we have met, the friendships we made, the bonds we formed, the Koumbaroi we made and the family we discovered was certainly not something that could have happened without the PAA. From the day we became a part of this wonderful organization we call PAA, we have realized even more what it means to be a Cretan, a Greek and a Greek American.

Rema Manousakis 2009 - 2011


y experience as First Lady was particularly unique. Being a Palestinian and married to a Cretan brought me many rewards. The most prominent pertained to cultural and traditional similarities. Needless to say, I felt right at home being a part of the PAA, since, from the beginning, I was embraced as one of their own. Having served on the board on several different committees for many years and subsequently as Scholarship Chair before and during my husband’s administration, I was very familiar with the inner workings of the PAA. The obvious gratification of serving as First Lady came in the form of meeting so many warm and hospitable members who opened their homes and their hearts to us, as we traveled all over the country. But the greatest reward was less obvious; it was in knowing that I was part of the process of helping to achieve a dream of my husband’s; that of working for an organization he so passionately loves. His work ethic during his administration was infectious to all who worked with him. Was it a lot of work? Of course it was! But nothing will replace the joy and admiration I felt when my husband assumed his position as president of the PAA at the 2009 Convention in Crete, his beloved “home” no matter where he resides in the world.



Orsa Velivasakis 2005-2009


t was truly a pleasure and a distinct honor to serve the Cretans of the PAA as First Lady. Being at the side of my husband and seeing all the love and respect in whatever city, state or country we were, was just pure awe! The memories of all of the events and activities will always be close to my heart. Although sometimes the pace of our travels was rather hectic and certainly taxing, it was always so nice to meet and make friends at the various districts and chapters. New York was our home base, but no matter where we traveled within the United States or Greece, we were always welcomed with open arms and true Cretan hospitality. There are so many fond memories, but some special ones, which I will always cherish, are associated with two special events: the 2007 Awards Gala in New York City and with the 2009 Cruise Convention. The 2007 Awards Gala may very well be one of the greatest celebrations that the Pancretan has ever undertaken in its history! More than 1000 people from all over the U.S. attended this special Awards Gala, to honor our beloved PAA along with our two honorees: former Prime Minister Constantine Mitsotakis and Philanthropist Angelos Tsakopoulos with the Kazantzakis Award. No doubt the PAA reached a new level of prestige and honor among the Omogenia. At the 2009 Convention, from the events in Athens, to the final port, every moment was spectacular! Meeting the dignitaries, receiving honors on behalf of the PAA at the Hellenic Parliament, the blessed reception by His Eminence the Archbishop Irineos of Crete at Agios Minas, honoring the president of the Hellenic Republic Karolos Papoulias, spending time with His Holiness the Patriarch of Alexandria and visiting the Pyramids are memories etched in my heart forever. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for their support and giving me the opportunity to be a Cretan.

Helene Semanderes 2001-2005


hen Stavros was elected PAA president in 2001, our children aged 11, 8 and 6 were still in elementary school. Stavros traveled nearly every weekend to chapter events throughout the U.S. We were fortunate to be able to join him on many occasions. The most memorable were the summers in Crete. It was during such trips that our kids forged relationships that would come to shape their lives in later years. In that period, I amassed a collection of photos of PAA events and became quite a photographer, clinging to my camera like a security blanket. However, everything has its price. Stavros’ busy PAA schedule frequently kept him


KPHTH | June 2013

from attending soccer and basketball games, the occasional school plays and the Boy Scout meetings. I had to take on the role of mom and dad combined. But, in the end, my great family support structure and my love of Cretan culture saw me through any setbacks. Now, at a moment’s notice, I can enjoy my boys playing the lyra and laouto and singing mandinades or watching my daughter dance to the Cretan tunes. I can also visit virtually any U.S. city and find a PAA friend. Ultimately, I can say, it was all worth it, for the rewards of today are much greater than the sacrifices of yesterday.



έσα από την ενεργή της συμμετοχή στην ΠΕΑ η Ελένη Καπελώνη γνώρισε τον Σταύρο Σημαντήρη με τον οποίο ήλθαν σε κοινωνία γάμου το 1988. Η Ελένη κατάγεται από τις Κουρούτες Αμαρίου, Ρεθύμνο. Μετανάστευσε σε ηλικία έξι ετών από την Ελλάδα στην Νέα Υόρκη. Μεγάλωσε στην Αστόρια, ανήκε στούς συλλόγους «ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ» και «ΜΙΝΩΣ» και ήταν μέλος στα χορευτικά συγκροτήματα τους. Έλαβε υποτροφία από την ΠΕΑ και απεφοίτησε από το New York University. Υπηρέτησε το σύλλογο του Πίτσμπουργκ «Αρκάδι- Μάλεμε», ως γραμματέας και Πρόεδρος, και τώρα διδάσκει το χορευτικό συγκρότημα τού συλλόγου, περίπου 30 παιδιά, κάθε Δευτέρα στο σπίτι της. Οι ικανότητες της και ο ενθουσιασμός της για τον πολιτισμό μας, ενισχύει και εμπνέει όλα τά μέλη της ΠΕΑ. Το λαμπρότερο επίτευγμα του ζεύγους είναι που τα τρία τους παιδιά, Νικόλαος, Χρήστος, και Ειρήνη είναι υπερήφανα για την Κρητική τους καταγωγή. Ξέρουν Ελληνικά, μιλούν και χορεύουν Κρητικά, ο Νίκος παίζει λύρα και ο Χρήστος λαγούτο και κάθε βράδυ ακούς λυρομπάτουρα στο Πίτσμπουργκ στο σπίτι του Σημαντήρη! Ως Ήπατος Πρόεδρος της ΠΕΑ για δύο περιόδους από το 2001 έως το 2005, πολλαπλές μεταρρυθμίσεις έγιναν με την βοήθεια τής Ελένης, με στόχο ο εκσυγχρονισμός της Οργάνωσης και η

διάσωση της πολιτιστικής Ελληνοκρητικης μας ταυτότητας στο Νέο Κόσμο. Οργανώθηκαν περιοδίες από διάφορες συναυλίες και Θέατρο από την Κρήτη σε διάφορες πόλεις τών ΗΠΑ. Τα καλοκαιρινά προγράμματα Νεολαίας της ΠΕΑ στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτη ενισχύθηκαν με υποτροφίες. Το όνειρο πολλών Κρητών που άρχισε από το 1982 πραγματοποιήθηκε το 2005 με την δημιουργία τής Ενωσης τού «Παγκοσμίου Συμβουλίου Κρητών». Οι κ. Σημαντήρης εκλέγει πρώτος Πρόεδρος του ΠΣΚ. Τελειώνοντας την θητεία του, η Οργάνωση τον αναγνώρισε ως Επίτιμο Πρόεδρο και βέβαια γιά μας θεωρούμε τήν Ελένη Επίτιμη Πρώτη Κυρία. Το σημαντικότερο βήμα για την σύνδεση τών ερχόμενων γενεών Κρητών της Διασποράς με της ρίζες των έγινε το 2005 με την δωρεά 30 στρεμμάτων γης από την εκκλησιά Αγίου Ελευθερίου Ατσιποπουλου στη ΠΕΑ για την δημιουργία ενός κέντρου διαμονής τον Κρητών της Αμερικής η και γενικότερα των Κρητών της Διασποράς όταν έρχοντε στην Κρήτη. Το ρητό «Στην Κρήτη Νοικοκύρηδες και όχι Μουσαφίρηδες» τα λέει όλα. Το κέντρο αυτό απέχει 1500 μέτρα από το Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης και θα είναι ιδανικό για την στήριξη προγραμμάτων για την Νεολαία της Διασποράς. Η Ελένη συνεχίζει να είναι ενεργό μέλος τής ΠΕΑ.

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Eλένη Καπελώνη Σημαντήρη 2003-2008 Επίτιμη Πρώτη Κυρία Παγκόσμιο Συμβούλιο Κρητών

Roula Tsikoudakis 1997-2001


ver since I met and married my husband, Manoli, in Crete, in the summer of 1985, I realized his love for the island of Crete, and for the Pancretan Association of America. My husband Manoli was one of the youngest presidents to serve the PAA when he became president at the 1997 convention in Washington D.C. At the time, our three children were the ages of 10, 8 and 5. As you can imagine, I was very busy raising them and providing for them, while Manoli was traveling a lot and taking care of PAA KPHTH | WWW.PANCRETAN.ORG


business. I was never a person who liked politics, or much publicity for that matter. I was a private person who put my family first before anything else. I stood by Manoli and supported him with all my heart and I will always remember his love and dedication for the organization, his many trips away from home, and the many calls, emails, meetings, etc., that he had to attend to. Being the first lady of a PAA president is not easy, but along the way, I met very nice people and had very good times during conventions, conferences and various Cretan affairs throughout the United States. I will always be grateful to all of our friends and those who supported us during Manoli始s presidency.

Margo Chryssis 1995-1997


he time that George was president of the PAA was a happy period for him and our family. I recall how passionate he was about the PAA and how seriously he took his term in office. He was particularly interested in empowering the youth in order to develop the next generation of PAA leaders. I also remember vividly the many invitations that he received while in office to visit chapters around the country. He always tried to respond positively and we traveled together coast-to-coast to many different cities to attend local Cretan events or to participate in PAA business. It was a memorable experience for me, as I am not Cretan, to get immersed in the traditions of the Cretan culture and to meet many wonderful people who became friends. I will always remember and cherish this special time of my life and I wish the PAA and its members continuing success and forward progress.

Margo Tzitzikas 1992-1995


uring my time as First Lady of the PAA in the early 1990s, while my husband served two terms, I was able to meet so many wonderful and hospitable members in communities across the United States. I was not only afforded the opportunity to visit chapters and cities where I had not previously been, but many fond memories and warm friendships were developed along the way. I feel my life has been enriched by the many events in which I participated and the many friends with whom we continue to have contact. The one trip that stands high above all else for me is the 1993 Odyssey to Crete, which made me so proud of our PYA participants. The PAA has given us cultural pleasures, and I wish the Association a long life with many successes.


KPHTH | June 2013



oth my parents came from Crete and were members of our local Cretan organization, which would later become the PAA “White Mountains” Chapter of New Brunswick, N.J. Upon coming to America, my husband, George was introduced to the White Mountains chapter. It wasn’t long before his enthusiasm and passion for the PAA became contagious and he soon realized that he had picked the right girl to accompany him on what was later to become a lifelong journey for us both. As our children grew, we had more time to devote to the organization. With the support of the chapter, George ran and was first elected District Governor. His efforts earned the confidence of many great National Board members before him and with their support he was eventually honored with the presidency. Throughout his years on the national board, I had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people. We traveled nearly every weekend fulfilling George’s vision of expanding the organization and ensuring that he touched every chapter with a personal visit. We opened our home and shared

the Cretan “Filoxenia” with countless people that soon became cherished friends and much like family. Without a doubt, some of the happiest years shared with my husband were those we shared together with the PAA. To many, the association was thought to be a social club; others never knew the philanthropic efforts embedded in the early chapters that helped so many Cretans start a new life in America. While George was busy attending meetings, I got to share my knowledge and the stories my father shared with me of the hardships the early immigrants endured and how the PAA opened doors for so many sick and needy. My advice to the younger generations of Cretans is to not let the wonderful heritage you were lucky to be born into die. The PAA has always been the envy of many other Greek organizations. Be proud of who you are and pass the torch to future generations. If you do, I am confident that you, too, will fondly remember your days in the PAA as some of the best years of your lives, just as I do.

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Helen Vardakis 1988-1992

Mary Pologeorgis 1986-1988


Μαρία Πωλογεώργη γεννήθηκε στο Cleveland OH, από τους Ιωσηφ και Χρυσή Τζορτζίνη (Joseph and Chrissi Tzortinis). Οι οικογένεια της αργότερα μετακόμισε στην Νέα Υόρκη και έγινε ενεργό μέλος του Συλλόγου Κρητών «Ομόνοια» και της Ελληνικής παροικίας. Από πολύ νωρίς έγινε μέλος του Συλλόγου Νεολαίας «Λάβρυς». Διατέλεσε Πρόεδρος στην Πασιφάη συνολικά επτά έτη για δύο περιόδους. Κατά την προεδρία της ο Σύλλογος Κρησσών «Πασιφάη» έκαμε μεγάλο φιλανθρωπικό και εκπαιδευτικό έργο με αποκορύφωμα την οικονομική «Υιοθεσία» δυο ορφανών κορασίδων της Κρήτης. Η συμβολή της στην ομάδα εργασίας για την δημιουργία του ειδικού αφιερωματικού τόμου της Παγκρητικής Ένωσης Αμερικής για τους Κρήτες Βετεράνους ήταν αυτό που έκανε δυνατή την έκδοση. Στο Συνέδριο του 2003 στο Chicago IL εκλέγεται Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια Γυναικείων Τμημάτων της Παγκρητικής Ένωσης Αμερικής. Κατά την θητεία KPHTH | WWW.PANCRETAN.ORG


της εργάσθηκε επιμελώς στον φιλανθρωπικό τομέα και ειδικότερα για την οικονομική υποστήριξη του Κέντρου Ημερησίας Φροντίδας Απασχόλησης Ατόμων με Αναπηρία στα Χανιά και του Ορφανοτροφείου Παναγίας Καλυβιανής στο Ηράκλειο. Στην επαγγελματική καριέρα η Μαρία διετέλεσε Εκτελεστική Γραμματέας στην Westinghouse Electric International Company για 42 συναπτά έτη από όπου και συνταξιοδοτήθηκε. Σήμερα η Μαρία ζει στο St. Petersburg, FL και είναι ακόμα ενεργό μέλος του οργανισμού “All Children’s Hospital Guild” St. Pete Beach Branch.


hrough all of George’s official duties with the PAA, Mary was at his side and making her own significant contributions to the PAA. She served the Cretan women’s chapter “Pasiphae” of New York for seven years as president. During her tenure as president, Mary was instrumental in “adopting” two orphans in Crete: Vasilaki in Chania and Pantelitsa in Rethymnon. In Florida, she served as secretary to the Orange Blossom Chapter. Mary was elected PAA Women’s Executive Director at the 2003 convention in Chicago. During her term she worked diligently with the PAA women’s chapters to raise funds for a day care center in Hrisopigi, Chania, and an orphanage in Kaliviani, Herakleon. She retired from Westinghouse Electric International Company after 42 years of dedicated service.

Helen Kariotakis 1984-1986


y husband Emmanuel “Mike” Kariotakis was very honored to have served as president of the PAA from 1984 to 1986. As his wife, I was very proud of him. It gave us both the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful, philanthropic organization. The PAA is responsible for maintaining the Cretan culture and traditions established by our founding fathers as well as promoting our heritage and love for the island of Crete. The scholarship program for our youth by the PAA is something we both supported. It also gave us the opportunity to meet other Cretans from all over the country that have become lifelong friends. My husband’s involvement in the PAA brought much joy to our lives, as well as the lives of our children.

Former PAA First Ladies, Deceased 1929-1930



from New York, New York President Vladimiros Constantinides

from Salt Lake City, Utah President Spiros Kounalis

from Washington, D.C. President Louis Calliyannis

Mrs. Constantinides*

Blenda Kounalis

Mrs. Calliyannis*


1942-1946; 1954-1958

1948-1950; 1936-1940

from Chicago, Illinois President John N. Volikos

from New York, New York President George Constantoulakis

from Pittsburgh, Pa. President Nicholas Kalimerakis

Mrs. Volikos* 16

KPHTH | June 2013

Eleni Constantoulakis

Anna Kalimerakis


Callie Lentzas Elliott 1982-1984 C over S tor y


eflecting upon the years of my husband’s presidency, and the surrounding years as a high level officer of the PAA, they were years of some of the most pleasant and rewarding times of my life, but, some of the most physically demanding times as well. At that period of our lives we had a young family with all the stresses you can imagine of coordinating schools and extracurricular activities for our four children and, in addition, the demands of the extensive travel requirements upon my husband and me. There are always challenges and pressures upon every president of the PAA. But during Mike’s presidency these were particularly accentuated because he undertook two major projects; one working directly with the Greek government to build a Greek Pavilion at Epcot of Disney World, and the other to organize the Cretans of the globe into the World Pancretan Federation, rallying the Cretans from Canada, central Europe, South Africa, Australia and Greece. We traveled to virtually every one of these, kids and all. It was a true labor of love. In the process, our children and I met and made lifelong friends throughout the U.S. and much of the world. My stresses and labor of keeping up and supporting the president were extremely well rewarded by the wonderful Cretans and non-Cretans, from everyday citizens to prime ministers, that I met or hosted at our home in Orlando, Fla. It was a fulfilling and blessed time with wonderful memories to last me a lifetime!

Ethel R. Stamis (Stamatakis) 1970-1974


y most memorable experience as the wife of PAA President Constantine Stamis was meeting the many fine men and women throughout the country and abroad. The Cretans are a special breed with a strong sense of identity and have imparted their rich cultural heritage to their children. They know who they are. Also, I saw how many people’s lives were changed through the organization’s philanthropy. Presently, they are to be commended for helping their brothers and sisters in Crete in this time of crisis. I shall always treasure the personal friendships that were formed during my husband’s tenure and beyond.


Christine Pavlakis

Ann Tsourounis



from San Francisco, California President Nick Delis (Delakis)

from Modesto, California President Gus S. Pallios

from Denver, Colorado President Emanuel Pavlakis 1950-1952

Joanne Mamalakis

from Chicago, Illinois President Marcos Mamalakis

Pearl Delis



from Boston, Massachusetts President Costas Finokalos

from Boston, Massachusetts President Costas Maliotis

Mrs. Finokalos*


Mary Maliotis

from Washington, D.C. President Emmanuel Tsourounis

Despina Pallios

* Name of the former first lady is unavailable. If you know a former first lady’s name, please email the information to

Honorary First Lady Elena Skilitsi Venizelos


Photos Courtesy Venizelos Foundation

he great son of Crete, Eleftherios K. Venizelos, is the sole honorary president of the Pancretan Association of America and is recognized in Article 7 of the PAA’s constitution. After the death of first wife Maria Katelozou Venizelos, he married Elena Skilitsi. Both women influenced him greatly. Since the PAA didn’t come into exisElena Skilitsi Venizelos tence until 1929, Venizelos’ second wife, Elena, would be considered the PAA’s honorary First Lady. Elena Skilitsi Stefanovic was born in 1874 in London. The Skilitsi family came from Chios and was one of the wealthiest in the Greek community of London. She was intelligent, educated, multilingual and liberated, with a passion for traveling and reading. Her admiration for Eleftherios started in September 1910 while reading his speech on domestic policy. Two years later she met him personally. Through frequent social events she became fascinated by him. During the First World War and following the establishment of the government in Thessaloniki, Elena was often by Eleftherios’ side. On Sept. 15, 1921, in Highgate, London, in the house of Sir Arthur and Lady Crosfield, Elena and Eleftherios married. The police, who feared for their lives, forbade Venizelos from being married in a church. A month later the couple traveled to America, warmly welcomed by Greeks and Americans. On a trip to Switzerland in 1924, Elena visited a hospital, run by her friend Professor Rossier. Fascinated by the modern facility, she decided to spearhead a similar hospital in Greece. With the support of the president of the Greek Red Cross, Ioannis Athanassakis, and the help of Professor Rossier, the “Marika Eliades” hospital was completed in 1932. It was inaugurated on Feb. 16, 1933, and quickly gained the reputation of the first of its kind in the Balkans. In the hospital gardens is the chapel of St. Eleftherios and Helen.


KPHTH | June 2013

Venizelos returned to politics between 1928 and 1932. These were intense years for Greece—years of major reconstruction and modernization, which fueled Elena’s charitable ambitions. Some of her major projects included the Skylitseio Hospitals in Chios and Athens, the Marika Eliades and Red Cross Hospitals, the Virginia Skilitsi School of Nursing and a school for children with special needs. In Chania, Elena spearheaded the Venizelio Stadium and the Venizelio Conservatory. She also contributed to the creation of the Patriotic Foundation, which cared for refugees from Asia Minor and offered scholarships for students from Chania to study abroad. In 1933, when an assassination attempt was made on Eleftherios Venizelos, Elena was slightly injured. A year later, in March 1936, he passed away at his home in Paris and was buried in Chania. Twenty years after the death of her husband, Elena wrote her memoirs titled, “In the Shadow of Venizelos.” After his death in 1936 she wrote: “Now that I reside in the shadow of Venizelos’ shadow, the vivid colors of action have taken on the more subtle hues of meditation. I had lived with him and for him....” Elena Skilitsi Venizelos died in Paris on Sept. 7, 1959. Although her death came with few accolades, her generosity and kindness made their mark on Cretan history. K Historical information for stories made available by the National Research Foundation “Eleftherios K. Venizelos” – Chania May 2009. Maria Eleftheriou-Katelouzou was the daughter of Sophocles Eleftheriou - Katelouzou, a wealthy local merchant and Pipina Stafrakoglou. Maria met Venizelos in 1885 when he was 21 and she was 15 years old. They were engaged on Jan. 9, 1889. After their marriage took place the newlyweds lived in Chalepa, Chania, and had two children: Kyriakos in 1892 and Sophocles in 1894. Mary, after the birth of their second son, died of puerperal fever (sepsis). Maria Katelozou and Eleftherios Venizelos



Έλενα Σκυλίτση Στεφάνοβικ γεννήθηκε στο Λονδίνο το 1874. Η οικογένεια Σκυλίτση, που καταγόταν από τη Χίο, υπήρξε από τις πλουσιότερες της ελληνικής παροικίας του Λονδίνου. Η ίδια υπήρξε έξυπνη, μορφωμένη, πολύγλωσση, απελευθερωμένη, με πάθος για τα ταξίδια και το διάβασμα. Ένας διαλυμένος αρραβώνας στα είκοσι χρόνια της την προσγειώνει και την κάνει αδιάφορη, σχεδόν, με την προοπτική του γάμου. Ο θαυμασμός της για τον Ελευθέριο Βενιζέλο ξεκινάει τον Σεπτέμβριο του 1910 όταν διαβάζει έναν λόγο του περί εσωτερικής πολιτικής, ενώ δύο χρόνια αργότερα τον γνωρίζει και προσωπικά. Στις συχνές κοινωνικές τους επαφές γοητεύεται ιδιαίτερα από την παρουσία του. Κατά τη διάρκεια του Α΄ Παγκόσμιου Πόλεμου και τη δημιουργία από τον Ελ. Βενιζέλο της Κυβέρνησης της Θεσσαλονίκης η Έλενα επιδοκιμάζει τις επιλογές του και βρίσκεται έμπρακτα στο πλευρό του. Δημοσιογραφεί, συγκεντρώνει υλικό για τις ανάγκες του στρατού, οργανώνει εκδηλώσεις και εκθέσεις, στέλνει στη Θεσσαλονίκη μέχρι και εξοπλισμένο νοσοκομείο αξίας 1.000 λιρών, το οποίο όμως τορπιλίστηκε κατά τη μεταφορά του. Αμέσως μετά τις εκλογές του Νοεμβρίου του 1920 και την ήττα του Βενιζέλου σε αυτές η Έλενα, που παρακολουθούσε τις εξελίξεις από το ξενοδοχείο «Μεγάλη Βρετανία» και γνωρίζοντας την έξαψη των πολιτικών παθών στην Ελλάδα, μαζί με πολιτικούς του φίλους τον πείθουν να επιβιβαστεί στη θαλαμηγό «Νάρκισσος» με προορισμό τη Νίκαια της Γαλλίας. Εκεί, ο Βενιζέλος φιλοξενείται από την κυρία Ζερβουδάκη, μητέρα της αρραβωνιαστικιάς του γιου του Σοφοκλή, η οποία και του μιλάει για τα αισθήματα της Έλενας. Στη Νίκαια αποφάσισαν «να αντιμετωπίσουμε ως ζεύγος ό, τι είχαμε ξεκινήσει να αντιμετωπίζουμε ως φίλοι». Στις 15 Σεπτεμβρίου του 1921 στο Highgate του Λονδίνου παντρεύονται σε πολύ στενό φιλικό κύκλο στην αίθουσα μουσικής του σπιτιού του Sir Arthur και της Lady Crosfield, καθώς η Αστυνομία, φοβούμενη για τη ζωή του Βενιζέλου, απαγόρευσε την τέλεση του γάμου στην εκκλησία. Ένα μήνα μετά το ζευγάρι ταξιδεύει στην Αμερική, όπου δέχεται μοναδικές εκδηλώσεις αγάπης από τον αμερικανικό λαό και τους Έλληνες της χώρας. Το 1924 σε ένα ταξίδι της στην Ελβετία επισκέφτηκε ένα πρότυπο μαιευτήριο, το οποίο διηύθυνε ο φίλος της καθηγητής Rossier. Γοητευμένη από τη μοντέρνα

εγκατάσταση αποφάσισε να προσφέρει στην Ελλάδα ένα υποδειγματικό μαιευτήριο και να του δώσει το όνομα της στενής φίλης της Μαρίκας Ηλιάδη, την οποία μόλις είχε χάσει. Ο ενθουσιασμός του προέδρου του Ελληνικού Ερυθρού Σταυρού Αθανασάκη και η βοήθεια από τον καθηγητή Rossier και τον αρχιτέκτονα G.Epitaux επέτρεψαν στο εγχείρημα να ολοκληρωθεί το 1932. Στις 16 Φεβρουαρίου 1933 εγκαινιάστηκε το μεγάλο κεντρικό κτίριο, το οποίο γρήγορα απέκτησε τη φήμη του πρώτου στο είδος του σε όλα τα Βαλκάνια. Στον κήπο βρίσκεται και ο Ι.Ν. των Αγίων Ελευθερίου και Ελένης, όπου μετά το θάνατο της Έλενας, σύμφωνα με επιθυμία της, φυλάσσεται εντός ληκύθου η καρδιά της. Κατά την τετραετία 1928-1932 οπότε ο Βενιζέλος επιστρέφει στην πολιτική πέρα από την έντονη δραστηριότητά του στο εσωτερικό της χώρας για την ανασυγκρότηση και τον εκσυγχρονισμό της περιοδεύει και στο εξωτερικό, όπου πάντα τον συνοδεύει η σύζυγός του Έλενα. Το κυριότερο, ωστόσο, έργο της Έλενας Βενιζέλου παραμένει το φιλανθρωπικό. Κάποια από τα σημαντικότερα έργα της αξίζει να σημειωθούν. Στο Παρίσι συμβάλει για την ανέγερση νοσοκομείου του Ερυθρού Σταυρού, στο Λονδίνο δωρίζει γήπεδο αξίας 1.000 λιρών σε γηροκομείο, στη Χίο ιδρύει το Σκυλίτσειον Νοσοκομείο Χίου ενώ στην Αθήνα, πέρα από το μαιευτήριο «Μαρίκα Ηλιάδη» συμβάλει για την ανέγερση του νοσοκομείου του Ερυθρού Σταυρού, ιδρύει τη Σχολή Νοσοκόμων – Μαιών Βιργινίας Σκυλίτση και σχολή για παιδιά με ειδικές ανάγκες. Ακόμη, δωρίζει στο ελληνικό δημόσιο το οίκημα της ελληνικής πρεσβείας στο Λονδίνο και φροντίζει ιδιαίτερα τους πρόσφυγες από τη Μικρά Ασία. Στα Χανιά, ιδιαίτερη πατρίδα του συζύγου της, προσφέρει το Βενιζέλειο Στάδιο, το Βενιζέλειο Ωδείο, τις παιδικές εξοχές Αγίων Αποστόλων, το άνοιγμα του δρόμου του Θερίσου (Βιργινία Σκυλίτση), συμβάλει για το Πατριωτικό Ίδρυμα περίθαλψης προσφύγων, το Υδραγωγείο Μουρνιών, ενώ προσφέρει υποτροφίες σε Χανιώτες φοιτητές για σπουδές στο εξωτερικό. Είκοσι χρόνια μετά το θάνατο του Βενιζέλου γράφει το μικρό αυτοβιογραφικό της βιβλίο με τις αναμνήσεις της ζωής της με τον Βενιζέλο με τον τίτλο «Στη σκιά του Βενιζέλου». Η Έλενα Σκυλίτση Βενιζέλου πέθανε σ’ ένα διαμέρισμα ξενοδοχείου στο Παρίσι στις 7 Σεπτεμβρίου του 1959. Ο θάνατός της πέρασε στα «ψιλά» των εφημερίδων με τη γενναιόδωρη, ωστόσο, προσωπικότητά της έγραψε τη δική της ιστορία. K KPHTH | WWW.PANCRETAN.ORG

P rofile

Επίτιμη Πρώτη Κυρία Έλενα Σκυλίτση Βενιζέλου


Celebrating Centenarians Mary Nisos Catakis Turns 100 AMELIA CATAKIS

Mary Nisos Catakis


y mother, Mary Nisos Catakis, turns 100 on June 13. She was born in Ano Archanes, Iraklion, Crete. She emigrated to the United States in 1920 with her mother, Styliani, and older sister, Kalerne. They settled in Hopewell, Va., where her father, John, had established himself in business. Her older brothers remained in Crete to fulfill their military duty. A younger brother, Michael, was born in the United States. In January 1932, Mary married my father, George N. Catakis, who was from Rodakino, Rethymnon, and moved to Washington D.C. When the Cretan Club of Washington was organized with the help of Mark Mamalakis, my parents worked diligently to raise money for their projects, especially through World War II. After the war, my parents hosted many visitors from Crete and Greece, including Sophocles Venizelos, who was the son of Eleftherios Venizelos, former prime minister Emmanuel Tsouderos and his wife, and Archbishop Irineos of Crete, among others. My parents also helped Greek soldiers and their families when they were sent to Walter Reed Army Medical Center for treatment. Mother especially helped the wives. When children with cardiac problems started com-


KPHTH | June 2013

ing to the National Institute of Health, she helped with translations, shopping and comfort. She has been a member of the Philoptochos of Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral for more than 50 years. She volunteered to help with the cooking and baking at the bazaars and festivals. She also coordinated luncheons and receptions for many church visitors. Along with that, she taught Greek (and Cretan!) dancing to the teenagers. When the Cretan Club was reorganized, she was back in the middle of the activities again, and this is where I became involved, becoming vice president for two terms in the late 1960s. My father was elected supreme treasurer of the PAA in the 1950s. As a result, my mother hosted all the meetings in our home – then President Louis Kalliyiannis lived here in D.C. too! About that time, my grandparents became quite ill. She traveled to Hopewell three or four days of every week until they died. My mother is the most loving, caring and generous person I know. We have been blessed by walking in her footsteps! K

Amelia Catakis, Mary Catakis and Rev. Dr. Steven P. Zorzos, acting dean at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Washington, D.C.



Anastasia Doukas is 100 Despina Rodarakis*


s one of the most faithful members of the Sister- deeply moved when she was recognized as “Woman of hood Eleutheria, Mrs. Anastasia Doukas recently the Year” by her chapter in 2000. Anastasia went back celebrated her 100th birthday. Anastasia, née Vlataki, to visit Crete two times and met the rest of her nieces was born in 1912 in the beautiful village of Melambes and nephews. She also fondly recalls a cruise to Mexico near Rethymnon, Crete. Her with her dear friend, the late Helen mother died when she was still Lagonikaki (Lagos). very young, leaving behind Her favorite hobbies are gardenseven children: Chrysi, Maria, ing, cooking and reading religious Sophia, Anastasia, Eleni, Vasibooks. As president, vice president liki and Manoli. and as member of the Sisterhood In 1961, Anastasia became Eleutheria, I had the pleasure of engaged to Efthimios Doukavisiting with her many times and kis. They married on June 18, enjoyed the bounty of her garden, 1961 at the Church of Four including beans, pumpkins, radMartyrs in Rethymnon, Crete. ishes, olives, and most of all, her Anastasia was 49; Efthimios Cretan hospitality! was 64. On Oct. 18, 1961, We loved to listen to Anastasia tell the couple arrived in New beautiful stories about life in Crete, York and ultimately moved about her family, to look at pictures to Modesto, Calif., where her and to hear about the lives of saints sister, Vasiliki Myrtakis, lived and their miracles. Her faith in God and was married. They settled was and is unmistakable. (She is the Anastasia Doukas in Livingston, Calif. Efthimios granddaughter of one of the 4 Marwas retired; Mary worked at Banquet Foods until she tyrs of Crete — St. Emmanuel of Rethymnon.) retired in 1972. During my visits with Anastasia, I never tired of Unfortunately Efthimios passed away seven years listening to Anastasia’s mantinades. In recent years, after they married, and the couple had no children. I started writing down the mantinades that AnastaTen years later, she moved to Modesto, California, sia told me when we saw each other. These mantinto be near her sister and nieces and nephews, whom ades were compiled in a book and given to her for her she loves dearly. 100th birthday. K Anastasia is a member of the Church of Modesto, the *This article was excerpted from a book, which was compiled by forPhiloptochos, and the Sisterhood Eleutheria. She was mer Sisterhood Eleftheria President Despina Rodarakis.





Μερικές Aντιπροσωπευτικές Mαντινάδες: Κάθε πού λέω σ’αγαπώ, γεννιέται ένα αστέρι Κι έχει γεμίσει η νύχτα φώς και μοιάζει μεσημέρι.

Πλούτη δεν σού’δωκε ο Θεός, μά κάλλη έδωκέ σου Γι αυτό μήν τηνε βλαστημάς τή τύχη σου ποτέ σου

Σ’αυτό το ψεύτικο ντουνιά, πρέπει κανείς γιά νάναι Γί πλούσιος, γί όμορφος, γιά νά τόν αγαπάνε.

Πρίν τελειώσεις μιά δουλειά, μήν λές λόγια μεγάλα Πολλά σκοπεύεις στήν αρχή, στό τέλος βγαίνουν άλλα. 21

PYA President’s Message Fellow Cretan Youth, President Chris V. Marangoudakis (917) 567 - 3988 West Coast Vice President Pete Saltas • (801) 573 - 1827 East Coast Vice President Chris D. Marangoudakis (917) 807 - 9501 Treasurer Yianni Koulakis • (818) 434 - 4030 Secretary Joanna Boutzoukas • (727) 599 - 4646 Kri-Kri Editor Katerina Makridakis • (330) 554 - 6340 IT Chair Jeff Chipian • (801) 597- 3889 Fundraising Chair Andreana Masters • (248) 520 - 7008 Public Relations Chair Maria Kiagias • (312) 576 - 8997

Being that this is the last issue of KPHTH magazine for the 2011-2013 PAA/PYA term, I would like to say thank you to all of the members who supported the youth throughout the past two years. This was my first term as president of the PYA, and it was a fantastic experience. Over the past two years, I learned a lot about being a leader in this organization, and I had the opportunity to meet an abundance of new people that made a lasting impression Chris V. on me. Marangoudakis Being PYA president has been a great experiPYA President ence, but unfortunately, I will not be able to run for another term. The PYA is full of many great potential leaders that all deserve the chance to be president at some point. Whether I am president or not, I am always here for the PYA to offer my help, advice, or whatever else they may need. I would like to close by thanking the PAA board for the honor of working with them for the past two years, and for all the help they have given us. Last, but not least, I would like to thank the PYA board. Throughout the term, our board showed great camaraderie, and was always there to help one another. The board showed great participation and dedication to this organization, and I commend them for that. Thanks again to everyone, and see you in Akron, Ohio!!! Sincerely, Chris V. Marangoudakis PYA President

Cultural Chair Alekos Marmatakis • (732) 207 - 2397 Special Events Chair Mary Papadakis • (801) 864 - 5270 West Coast Youth Supervisor Xanthippi Gelasakis • (916) 207 - 1850 East Coast Youth Supervisor Michael Detorakis • (330) 283 - 7592


KPHTH | June 2013

Are you a part of the PYA Network?

My name is Stavros Michael Stathoudakis, and I am 26 years old. I have been a member of Apogoni Ths Kphths of Modesto, Calif., for 12 years, holding the position of treasurer since 2007. I have participated in several youth conferences over the years and helped host two of our own conferences in 2004 and 2010. The Pancretan Association of America is very important to me. It has helped me continue my heritage and succeed throughout life, including awarding me several scholarships throughout my college education. I am currently a pharmacy manager for CVS/pharmacy, a company I have worked for since I started as a clerk at the age of 18. After graduating from the University of the Pacific: Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in May 2011 with a Doctorate of Pharmacy, I received my license to practice from the California State Board of Pharmacy. From the time of licensure, my pharmacy supervisor had kept a keen eye on me and constantly inquired whether I felt prepared enough to take over a position as pharmacy manager. A year and two months after starting my career as a pharmacist, I was offered the position of manager at a 24-hour store in Modesto. The store was in dire need of proper management, and with a caring and motivational approach, I have been able to lead the pharmacy team to become successful. My pharmacy supervisor is currently working with me in preparing to oversee and train the incoming pharmacy graduate interns and help coach them into becoming successful pharmacists in the months prior to receiving their own licensure.

May 11, 2013


Astoria, NY

2 1) Christos Mavroudis, Christos Semanderes, Elena Petrakis, George Manoukarakis, Anastasia Koudellou Katerina Petrakis, Erene Semanderes, Angie Kavalos, Nikoli Semanderes, Despina Michelakis, Terry Stratoudakis, and Konstantinos Kapelonis. 2) Christos Mavroudis, Elena Petrakis, Katerina Petrakis, Erene Semanderes and Christos Semanderes. 3) Young talent takes the stage! 4) Elena Petrakis, Helene Semanderes, and Katerina Petrakis.





KPHTH’S future 40

Stavros Stathoudak​is



M y C rete

Η K ρή τ η μ O Y

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1 Photos courtesy Soroptimist International


1. Ο Σοροπτιμιστικός Όμιλος Ηρακλείου με το ζεύγος Σμαραγδή. 2. O εκπρόσωπος της Παγκρητικής Αμερικής στο βήμα. 3. Παράδοση τιμητικής πλακέτας στη μεγάλη δωρήτρια του οικοπέδου από τον Πρόεδρο των SOS.

Μία Σπουδαία Εορταστική Εκδήλωση Από Τον Σοροπτιμιστικό Ὀμιλο Ηρακλείου ΆΝΝΑ ΑΡΜΑΟΥ, Η ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΑΣ


ε μεγάλη επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε από τον Σοροπτιμιστικό Όμιλο Ηρακλείου «ΑΡΕΤΟΥΣΑ» διπλή εορταστική εκδήλωση αφιερωμένη αφενός στα Παιδικά Χωριά SOS και αφετέρου στον εορτασμό της Ημέρας της Γυναίκας. Στην κατάμεστη αίθουσα στο Κτήμα Καλαθάκη, παραβρέθηκε πολύς κόσμος για να ενισχύσει τον στόχο του Ομίλου για ίδρυση Παιδικού Χωριού SOS στην Κρήτη. Δεδομένου ότι η ιδέα των Παιδικών Χωριών SOS ξεκίνησε από την Αυστρία, την εκδήλωση τίμησε με την παρουσία της η Πρέσβης της Αυστρίας κ. Melitta Schubert , ενώ παραβρέθηκαν ο Αντιπεριφερειάρχης κ. Νίκος Καλογερής, ο Δήμαρχος Ηρακλείου κ. Γιάννης Κουράκης, ο Πρόξενος της Αυστρίας στο


KPHTH | June 2013

Ηράκλειο κ. Ζαχαρίας Μπαντουβάς και πολλοί εκπρόσωποι από τον επιχειρηματικό κόσμο και τους κοινωνικούς φορείς της πόλης μας. Τόσο ο Πρόεδρος των Παιδικών Χωριών SOS Ελλάδος καθηγητής Αναστάσιος Βρεττός όσο και ο Γενικός Διευθυντής κ. Γιώργος Πρωτόπαπας, παρουσίασαν το έργο του Κέντρου Στήριξης Παιδιού και Οικογένειας των Παιδικών Χωριών SOS, που λειτουργεί στο Ηράκλειο, επί της οδού Θεοκρίτου 5 στα Καμίνια και τόνισαν την ολοένα αυξανόμενη ζήτηση για υποστηρικτικές υπηρεσίες. Έτσι, ενώ σήμερα υποστηρίζονται 135 οικογένειες και 250 παιδιά, υπάρχει λίστα αναμονής για 100 παιδιά ακόμη, ενώ τουλάχιστον 25 παιδιά ηλικίας από λίγων μηνών μέχρι 16 ετών θα έπρεπε να απομακρυνθούν από το


Sportscaster Leah Rubertino P

P rofile

οικογενειακό τους περιβάλλον. Οι επικεφαλής των Παιδικών Χωριών, με μεγάλη χαρά ανακοίνωσαν την οριστική απόκτηση με δωρεά οικοπέδου στη Φοινικιά, όπου θα ανεγερθεί το Παιδικό Χωριό SOS και βράβευσαν, μέσα σε κλίμα συγκίνησης, τους δωρητές της έκτασης ανακηρύσσοντάς τους ως ευεργέτες των Παιδικών Χωριών SOS. Η Πρέσβειρα της Αυστρίας παρουσίασε την πορεία των Παιδικών Χωριών SOS που λειτουργούν σε 133 χώρες με εκατομμύρια πολίτες ως υποστηρικτές σε όλο τον κόσμο και προσφέρθηκε να είναι αρωγός στο Παιδικό Χωριό της Κρήτης. Στη συνέχεια, ο εκπρόσωπος της Παγκρητικής Ένωσης Αμερικής κ. Ιπποκράτης Μπελαδάκης, σε μια συμβολική κίνηση, παρέδωσε στην Πρόεδρο του Ομίλου κ. Ελένη Μπρεδάκη-Μαρινέλλη επιταγή 2500 δολλαρίων εκ μέρους των ομογενών της Αμερικής για την ίδρυση του Παιδικού Χωριού SOS στην Κρήτη, η οποία δόθηκε στον Πρόεδρο των Χωριών SOS. Στο δεύτερο μέρος της εκδήλωσης και στο πλαίσιο του εορτασμού της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας της Γυναίκας, η Πρόεδρος του Ομίλου απένειμε τιμητική πλακέτα στην κ. Ελένη Σμαραγδή ως Γυναίκα που έχει υπηρετήσει με επιτυχία την Τέχνη και την Επιχειρηματικότητα αλλά και έχει εμπνεύσει και στηρίξει τον σύντροφο της ζωής της, σκηνοθέτη κ. Γιάννη Σμαραγδή. Ιδιαίτερα γλαφυρή και συγκινητική ήταν η αναφορά του κ. Γιάννη Σμαραγδή στη τιμώμενη σύζυγό του. Μέσα στο ίδιο κλίμα χαράς και συγκίνησης, τα Παιδικά χωριά SOS Ελλάδος τίμησαν τον κ. Γιάννη Σμαραγδή για τη στήριξή του στο έργο τους. Τέλος, έγινε η κλήρωση του πίνακα της ζωγράφου Λ. Αμπαδογιάννη, προσφορά του Δήμου Π. Φαλήρου για το σκοπό του Ομίλου και η τυχερή της ημέρας τον παρέλαβε με πολλή χαρά. Επίσης η Πρόεδρος της Σοροπτιμιστικής Ένωσης Ελλάδος κ. Μαρία Πυργάκη, με θερμή επιστολή της, συνεχάρη τον Όμιλο του Ηρακλείου για το έργο του. Βέβαια, το αποκριάτικο κλίμα έδωσε θέση σε κέφι και χορό με την ορχήστρα του Βαγγέλη Μπιτζαράκη, που κράτησε μέχρι αργά. Ο Σοροπτιμιστικός Όμιλος Ηρακλείου ευχαρίστησε θερμά τους συμπολίτες μας που είναι αρωγοί στην προσπάθειά του, τα ΜΜΕ της πόλης μας που στηρίζουν το έργο αυτό, καθώς και όλους τους χορηγούς της εκδήλωσης. K

urposeful living is not new to Leah Rubertino, a sports reporter at WBTV in Charlotte, N.C. Early in her career, while working as a sports reporter in South Dakota, she volunteered her time with Girls, Inc., conducting a girls’ self esteem and healthy living workshop developed by her mother, Frosini Pagonakis Rubertino. Now while in Charlotte, Leah volunteers at the Levine Children’s Hospital on the pediatric unit, for the American Heart Association and the Alzheimer’s Association. Recently, Leah was also recognized for saving a man’s life at Knight’s Stadium in Fort Hill, S.C. Leah is proud of her Greek heritage and feels that living with intention is something that was instilled in her as a child growing up in the strong Greek community of Cleveland, Ohio. As a young girl, she organized the other children on her street, Firwood Road, and called them the “Firwood Gang.” The Firwood Gang cleaned out their closets and donated the clothing to children less fortunate. As we can see, this was only the beginning! K

Leah Rubertino and her yiayia Mary Pagonakis.





1. (left to right) John Solanakis; District 4 Governor George Stefanakis; John Marmatakis; District 7 Lt. Governor James Boutzoukas; PAA President John Manos; PAA General Supervisor John Sargetis; PAA Foundation Chairman John Marakis; Terry Stratoudakis; Nick Stratoudakis. 2. Left to right: Elena Manos; Olga Markakis; PAA Women’s Executive Director Maria Stratoudakis; PAA President John Manos; District 6 Governor Roxanne Koston; Philanthropic Fund Chair Evangelia Alpogianis; Orsa Velivasakis.

Ενημέρωσης Συμβουλίου Παγκρητικής Συνεδρίασης Συμβουλίου Παγκρητικής στη Νέα Υόρκη ΜΑΡΙΑ ΣΤΡΑΤΟΥΔΑΚΗ, ΕΚΤΕΛΕΣΤΙΚΗ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΤΡΙΑ ΤΩΝ ΓΥΝΑΚΕΙΩΝ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΩn ΠΕΑ


τελευταία συνεδρίαση τού παρόντος Δ.Σ. τής Παγκρητικής Ένωσης Αμερικής, έγινε το Σάββατο 11 Μαίου 2013, στην Astoria New York. Η κυβερνήτης της περιφέρειας κ. Ζαχαρούλα Μαρματακη καλοσώρισε τα μέλη τού συμβουλίου στέλνοντας Welcome bags στα δωμάτιά τους. Την Παρασκευή τό βράδυ είχαμε καλοσώρισμα στόν σύλλογο Κρητών ΝΥ ΜΙΝΩΣ. Άφθονη τσικουδιά, κρητικό κρασί, πλούσιο δείπνο καί Κρητική μουσική από τά παιδιά τού συλλόγου, Μιχάλη Μαυρουδή, Σηφάκης, Φουρναράκης καί παραδοσιακούς Κρητικούς χορούς από τό μικρό χορευτικό τού συλλόγου. Τό γλέντι κράτησε μέχρι τίς πρωινές ώρες. Τήν επόμενη μέρα η συνεδρίαση έγινε, στη αίθουσα τού συλλόγου ΜΙΝΩΣ, μέ πρωινό, κέρασμα από τήν οικογένεια Στρατουδάκη καί γεύμα, κέρασμα απο τον σύλλογο ΜΙΝΩΣ. Η συνεδρίαση άρχισε μέ προσευχή. Μάς καλωσόρισε η κυβερνήτης τής 2ας περιφέρειας κ. Ζαχαρούλα Μαρματάκη μέ τίς ανάλογες μαντινάδες. Ο πρόεδρος τής Π.Ε.Α. κ. Γιάννης Μάνος ευχαρίστησε τόν σύλλογο τού Μίνωα γιά τό καλωσόρισμα καί τήν φιλοξενεία τους, τήν


KPHTH | June 2013

Κυβερνήτη κ. Μαρματάκη καί τήν Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια τών Γυναικείων συλλόγων τής Π.Ε.Α., κ. Μαρία Στρατουδάκη γιά τήν διοργάνωση τού Σαββατοκύριακου. Συζητήθηκαν όλα τά θέματα πού αφορούν τήν ΠΕΑ, έγινε παρουσίαση τού προγράμματος τού 43ου Συνεδρίου της Π.Ε.Α. στό Akron Ohio, 6-29-13/7-413 από τή υπεύθυνη τού συνεδρείου Νούλα Κουντής. Τίς τελευταίες εξελίξεις γιά τό Μινωικό Χωριό στό Ατσιπόπουλο, παρουσίασε η σύμβουλος Αρτεμισία Copeland. Μετά τό πέρας τής συνεδριάσεως καί αφού πρώτα πήραμε όλοι τά αναμνηστικά μας δώρα από τήν κ. Ζαχαρούλα Μαρματάκη, συνεχίσαμε τό βράδυ μέ τόν ετήσειο χορό μετά δείπνου, τού συλλόγου τής νεολαίας Λάβρυς, στό Κρητικό σπίτι τού συλλόγου Ομόνοια. Μάς διασκέδασαν ό Μάρκος Ρενιέρης, Γιάννης Πολυχρονάκης καί ο Χάρης Φυτράκης. Τά τρία χορευτικά τού συλλόγου μάς παρουσίασαν Κρητικούς παραδοσιακούς χορούς καί η έκπληξη τής βραδιάς ο μικρός Πατεράκης, ταλέντο στό χορό καί στό βιολί έπαιξε γιά νά χορέψη ή παρέα. Συγχαρητήρια στά παιδιά, στούς γονείς καί στούς δασκάλους, Βαγγέλη Κουριδάκη καί Μιχάλη

N ea σ υ μβ ο υ λ ι ο υ


1: Board members discuss PAA news during the New York Board Meeting. 2. Left to right: former Pasiphae President Christina Diamantakis; former PAA Women’s Executive Director Helene Moussourakis Nakis; PAA Women’s Executive Director Maria Stratoudakis; PAA President John Manos; Elena Manos; District 2 Governor Zaharoula Marmatakis.

Παπουτσάκη μέλη τού συλλόγου Ομόνοια, πού διδάσκουν αφιλοκερδώς τούς Κρητικούς χορούς στά παιδιά. Τίς πρωινές ώρες συμπλήρωσε τό κέφι μας, τό νοστιμότατο πιλάφι που μάς ετοίμασε ό Νίκος Χαρτζουλάκης μέλος τής Ομόνοιας καί τά καλιτσούνια τής κ. Μαρίας Ζαχαριάς. Τό γλέντι τελείωσε τό πρωί τής Κυριακής. Τό μεσημέρι τής Κυριακής παραβρεθήκαμε στήν εκδήλωση γιά τήν γιορτή τής μητέρας πού επιμελήθηκε καί παρουσίασε ο κ. Μανώλης Κουρουπάκης Αντιπρόεδρος τής Ομονοιας, στό Κρητικό Σπίτι τής Ομονοιας. Προσφέρθηκε γεύμα σέ όλους τούς παρευρισκομένους ένα λουλούδι σέ κάθε μητέρα καί κόψαμε τούρτα. Εδώ τελείωσε τό τριήμερο τής τελευταίας συνεδριάσεως τού παρόντος Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου τής ΠΕΑ. Ο πρόεδρος κος Γιάννης Μάνος καί όλα τά μέλη τού Δ. Συμβουλίου ευχαριστούμε από καρδιάς τούς προέδρους, Ομόνοια Κωστή Καπελώνη, Μίνως Στρατή Μαμαλάκη όλα τά μέλη τών συλλόγων καί τή νεολαία γιά τήν Κρητική φιλοξενία πού μας πρόσφεραν. Καλή αντάμωση στό Akron OHIO καί αργότερα στήν Κρήτη. K

from the B oard


DIAS INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC STUDIES SUMMER ACCREDITED COLLEGE COURSES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CRETE July 7 to August 10, 2013 Each student can take two courses and earn 8 to 10 Credits* pre-approved by their HOME UNIVERSITY. Courses taught in English. 1. PREMED BIO-SCIENCE Medical School, Heraklion DIAS Organizing Director K. Drosatos PH D, Professor at Columbia University Courses Molecular Biology (Credits 4 w/ laboratory credits 6) Prof. C. Tsatsanis Director of the Premed-Bioscience DIAs Program of the UOC 2. SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY, Rethymno Courses: Field Archaeology. Excavations at Eleutherna. Professor N. Stamplidis (Credits 6) Pre-History (Credits 4) Ancient Greek. (Credits 4) Modern Greek (Credits 4). *Credits are secured by pre-approval from student’s home university. A minimum of 45 hours of strictly academic teaching is required per course. Each student can take two academic courses and earn 8-12 credits in 5 weeks! All courses are taught in English, according to the standards of the American Universities.

WEEKEND EDUCATIONAL EXCURSIONS 1st Weekend: 2 day excursion at Knossos and Museum – Next day Phaestos-Gortys-Matala 2nd Weekend: 3 day excursion at Santorini (Thera – CalderaAcrotiri and by boat to Volcano 3rd Weekend: 2 day Excursion at Samaria Gorge – Overnight Stay at Agia Roumeli Cretan Music Party - Night beach campfires – Next Day by boat to Chora Sfakion 4th Weekend: Anogia- Idaion Cave-Ascend and sleep on top of Psiloritis DIAS CULTURAL PROGRAM (optional—no charge): In Greek folk DANCE intensive courses. In MUSIC at “Odeion Mountakis” Hands on musical instruments (Lyra, Laouto, Mandolino)

FOR APPLICATION VISIT: Visit the DIAS web site at or Send e-mail: OR CALL: DR. John Nathenas, President of DIAS at Tel: 516 -624-9015 OR CELL: 516-606-0533 DIAS OFFERS THE BEST SUMMER PROGRAM IN GREECE This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Do not miss it!


Photos Courtesy

Left to Right: Cleopatra Adelianakis, Christos Semanderes, Andreas Kamouyerou, Gianna Angelopoulos Daskalaki, Anthony Adelianakis, Nikoli Semanderes, Rio Maropis, Marina Maropis, Erene Semanderes

The Iron Lady of the Greek Olympics Visits the Steel City MARY VASILAKIS


arch 28, 2013, was proclaimed “Her Excellency Ambassador Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki Day” by the Mayor of Pittsburgh, Luke Ravenstahl, who welcomed her to the city and thanked her for her dedicated commitments and perseverance on behalf of Greece and its people. The Cretan born Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, who was invited to present a lecture at the University of Pittsburgh European Union Center of Excellence, is an Olympic organizer, ambassador of the Greek state, lawyer and former member of the Greek Parliament. In 1998, Greece appointed her ambassador-at-large for her service leading Greece’s successful bid to host the 2004 Olympic Games. In 2000, when slow progress and gridlocked bureaucracy put Athens in danger of losing the Olympic Games, she was asked to assume the presidency of the 2004 Committee, which was at the time behind schedule and over-budget. Under her leadership, Athens made up for lost time and gave the world what IOC President Jacques Rogge called: “an unforgettable, dream Games.” Today, Ambassador Angelopoulos-Daskalaki is an active member of the Clinton Global Initiative and serves as vice chairman of the Dean’s Council for Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Former President Bill Clinton has said of her, “From Crete to Athens and Zurich to London, Gianna Angelopoulos has made a career of turning ideas into action.” Her University of Pittsburgh lecture, “For the


KPHTH | June 2013

Glory of Greece: Looking Forward by Looking Back,” examined ways in which her country could close the gap between its promise and performance. “Why is it,” she asked, “that so many Greeks abroad succeed, while at home in Greece they are held back?” She recalled the experiences of her grandfather, who came to America in the early 1900s to work in the steel mills of Gary, Ind., and returned to Crete after earning enough money for his family to survive and prosper, and she thanked America for giving him that opportunity. Later that evening she was honored by the Greek American community of the greater Pittsburgh region at a gala dinner event organized by the American Hellenic Foundation of western Pennsylvania, which was chaired by Dr. Nick Giannoukakis. As a nod to the ambassador’s Cretan heritage, included on the program was a musical tribute by the youth of the Arkadi-Maleme Chapter of the PAA, who rose to the occasion with a near professional, polished performance. With Nicholas Semanderes on the lyra, and Christos Semanderes on the laouto, Anthony Adelianakis delivered several mantinades specially written for Angelopoulos-Daskalaki. She responded with delight at the mention of Embaros, her native village. Then, Nicholas Semanderes electrified the entire audience with his surprisingly strong and passionate singing of verses from Erotokritos. ArkadiMaleme dancers Cleopatra and Anthony Adelianakis,

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Personal mandinades recited to Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki at the event:

Γένος και θρέμμα Κρητικιά η Γιάννα Δασκαλάκη κι από γενιά αρχοντική κι από μεγάλο τζάκι

S P ecial R eport

Rio and Marina Maropis, Andreas Kamouyerou and Erene Semanderes closed the musical tribute with several Cretan dances. At this point, the Ambassador spontaneously joined the group to dance the Maleviziotiko with a style and expertise that comes from having lived in that particular area of Crete. Later, in her remarks to the audience, the ambassador expressed amazement at finding such Cretan spirit in Western Pennsylvania, and more so because these are first and second generation young Cretan Americans. Among the many awards given to AngelopoulosDaskalaki that evening was a bound copy of the PAA 75th Anniversary Album presented by Former PAA President Stavros Semanderes with the inscription as follows: Presented to Mrs. Gianna Angelopoulou Daskalaki, Ambassador at Large of the Hellenic Rebublic, during her visit to Pittsburgh, PA, USA by the Cretan Association of Pittsburgh, “Arkadi-Maleme”, a memento of the history, struggles, and achievements of her compatriots in America, March 28, 2013. Event Chairman Dr. Gianoukakis noted the next day: “If someone had told me 24 hours ago that Mrs. Angelopoulos would be dancing the Maleviziotiko in Pittsburgh, I would have looked at them cross-eyed! What happened last night at the dinner in her honor was nowhere near the grandiosity of the closing ceremonies of the Athens Olympics, but it was a demonstration of what can happen when our commu-

Με γνώση και με δύναμη και με πολύ εξυπνάδα τσ’ αγώνες τσ’ Ολυμπιακούς έφερε στην Ελλάδα Μεγάλο το κατόρθωμα για τη μικρή πατρίδα απού στο χάρτη φαίνεται σα μια μικρή κουκίδα Να σε καλά να χαίρεσαι αυτό το μεγαλείο κ’ επιτυχία ευχόμαστε να έχει το βιβλίο


1. Stavros N. Semanderes presents the PAA 75th Anniversary Book to Gianna Angelopoulos Daskalaki. 2. Gianna Angelopoulos Daskalaki dancing to lyra and laouto with the Pittsburgh Cretan Youth. KPHTH | WWW.PANCRETAN.ORG


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S P ecial R eport

nity comes together, with selfless love and service to offer its very best.” From Pittsburgh, Angelopoulos-Daskalaki went on to Los Angeles where she was honored by the American Hellenic Council with the Aristeio Award on March 31. Her first book, “My Greek Drama: Life, Love and One Woman’s Olympic Effort to Bring Glory to her Country,” was published by Greenleaf Book Group Press in May 2013. K

CAN You Believe It?

Introducing the first-ever PAA Cretan Alumni Network Professional/Business Directory. This directory is available to all PAA/PYA members as well as CAN members throughout the United States and around the world. For a small fee, we hope you will list your business/profession. We developed this online site because so many members wanted to connect with fellow professional and business owners throughout the world. Need to find a dentist, painter, web master, or PR professional? Want to find a car service in New York, Los Angeles or Chicago? As Cretans, we want to help each other out. This is what this Professional/ Business Directory is all about. Fees start as low as $25.00 for a full year listing. All funds will benefit the PAA and the Cretan Alumni Network. The directory will go live September 2013. Just visit the PAA website at and click on the CAN Professional Directory link on the homepage. It’s that easy! Thank you, Your CAN Committee

Cretan Alumni Network • Get Connected, Stay Connected


KPHTH | June 2013

Η K ρή τ η μ O Y

Heritage Tourism as Sustainable Development JAMES STRATIS

Kcorporation dedicated to the conservation and

ommos Conservancy is a U.S.-based non-profit

the interpretation of the prehistoric port town of Kommos, in south central Crete. Kommos is generally believed by scholars to be the port city to Phaistos and Agia Triada, an important Minoan counterpart to King Minos’s Knossos. The town was occupied for more than 1,500 years from the Middle Minoan through Roman periods, and it contains artifacts from a wide variety of cultures, both those that resided in Kommos and those that traded with Kommos. After 30 years of excavation and scholarship, Kommos has significantly contributed to eastern Mediterranean studies associated with trade and culture. Going forward, the Conservancy’s goal is to preserve Kommos and open it to tourists as an archaeological park on par with Knossos, the second most-visited archaeological site in Greece and, according to Travel and Leisure Magazine, the 23rd most visited such site in the world. To that end, the Conservancy has completed a conservation and development plan and acquired preliminary approval of the plan from the Greek Ministry of


M y C rete

Cretan Cultural Matters

Culture. Putting the plan into action will not only help the Conservancy partners realize their shared vision for Kommos, it will also stimulate the local economy. For the past 10 years, the conservation work at Kommos has relied on local Cretan residents to supply materials and expertise and, thus, has served and will continue to serve as a source of jobs in a country embroiled in an economic crisis on par with that of the Great Depression in the United States. When completed, the archaeological park will educate visitors by sharing the insightful scholarship produced by University of Toronto Professors Emeritus Maria and Joseph Shaw and their colleagues, who have spearheaded decades of excavation, study and 3 publication at Kommos.


1.The Kommos archaeological site along the Libyan Sea at the western edge of the Mesara with Mt. Ida in the background. 2. A view north over the Greek altars and temples to the Minoan central hillside above. 3. A snake tube artifact from the site. 4. A roof shelter designed to protect the three fragile Greek temple buildings by the Greek architect Sonia Mavrommati. 5. The schematic master plan for the Kommos Archaeological Park. KPHTH | WWW.PANCRETAN.ORG


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Even now, as a first step in public education, the Conservancy maintains internet sites, publicly accessible photographic records and social media. The Conservancy is also expanding its board of directors, welcoming, among other new additions, a representative of the Pancretan Association of America, actively pursuing grants, employing workers on the site, and staffing booths at Greek festivals in order to enhance public awareness about Kommos. And there are plans for other means to get the word out and solicit financial support for this important cultural site. In short, the infrastructure is in place and now is the time to help Greece build up its culturalheritage industry in a sustainable manner through careful planning that will result in a demonstrable public benefit. K Visit for more information.


όλα τα αστέρια μαζί

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SAP= Free Spanish audio feed. 1=Requires purchase of additional dish antenna. 2= Available at no cost to all DISH Network customers. Additional fees may apply for existing DISH Network customers to upgrade their dish antenna.

τηλεφωνήστε τώρα

Απαιτείται συνδρομή στο International Basic package των $10 ανά μήνα ή στο America’s Top package.

Η προσφορά του Digital Home Advantage απαιτεί 24μηνη δέσμευση και ικανοποίηση πιστωτικών προϋποθέσεων. Αν η υπηρεσία ακυρωθεί πριν από τη λήξη της δέσμευσης θα υπάρξει χρέωση $17.50 ανά μήνα μέχρι το τέλος της σχετικής δέσμευσης. Η προσφορά προγραμμάτων (credits) για τα Αμερικανικά κανάλια ισχύει κατά τους πρώτους 12 μήνες. Όλες οι συσκευές είναι ενοικιαζόμενες και θα πρέπει να επιστραφούν στο DISH Network μετά την ακύρωση της συμφωνίας αλλιώς θα υπάρξει ανάλογη χρέωση για τις συσκευές που δεν έχουν επιστραφεί . Ισχύει το όριο των 6 συχνοτήτων σήματος (tuners) ανά λογαριασμό. Προκαταβολικές και μηνιαίες χρεώσεις μπορεί να ισχύουν ανάλογα με το τύπο και αριθμό δεκτών (receivers) Τα προγράμματα HD απαιτούν συσκευές τηλεοράσεως με ικανότητες HD. Όλες οι τιμές και τα πακέτα προγραμμάτων μπορεί να αλλάξουν χωρίς προειδοποίηση. Για καινούργιους και πρώην πελάτες της DISH Network που πληρούν συγκεκριμένες προϋποθέσεις μόνο και η προσφορά υπόκεινται στους όρους του Promotional and Residential Customer Agreement. Επιπρόσθετοι περιορισμοί μπορεί να ισχύσουν. Η προσφορά λήγει 1/31/12. ©2011, DISH Network L.L.C. All rights reserved.

αμέσως μετά από τη γέννησή τους .


1. Η πρεσβυτέρα Πετράκη, με μέλη του συλλόγου «ΑΜΑΛΘΕΙΑ» σε αναμνηστική φωτογραφία της δεκαετίας 1940. 2. Η τωρινή πρόεδρος του συλλόγου Ευγενία Μανουκαράκη, με τις πρώην προέδρους Ε. Αλπογιάννη, Μ. Μπεσμπέα και Ε. Χομπιτάκη και με μέλη του συμβουλίου, σε πρόσφατη Χριστουγεννιάτικη εκδήλωση

Ιστορία Κρητικού Γυναικείου Τμημάτος «ΑΜΑΛΘΕΙΑ» Σικάγου

C hapter profile


πρ ο φ ι λ σ υ λ λ ο γ ο υ

(Η τωρινή πρόεδρος του συλλόγου Ευγενία Μανουκαράκη, με τις πρώην προέδρους Ε. Αλπογιάννη, Μ. Μπεσμπέα και Ε. Χομπιτάκη και με μέλη του συμβουλίου, σε πρόσφατη Χριστουγεννιάτικη εκδήλωση) (Η πρεσβυτέρα Πετράκη, με μέλη του συλλόγου «ΑΜΑΛΘΕΙΑ» σε αναμνηστική φωτογραφία της δεκαετίας 1940)

Στις 16 Μαρτίου του 1930, στην εκκλησία του Αγίου Κωνσταντίνου στο Σικάγο, με την πρωτοβουλἰα της Πρεσβυτέρας Στέλλας Πετρἀκη , οι τότε Κρήσσες της περιοχής Σικάγου αποφάσισαν κατὀπιν ανταλλαγής σκἐψεων να ιδρύσουν γυναικείο Σὐλλογο με την επωνυμία : “Σύλλογος Κρησσών Κυριών και Δεσποινίδων - Αμάλθεια”. Η ονομασία που δόθηκε στο σύλλογο είχε ένα συμβολισμὀ αγάπης και στοργής . Αγἀπη τον Μαρτίου τόπο καταγωγής Κρήτη στην και στοργή για τους παραμένει και σήμερα φιλαθρωπικός. Θεωρείται δε τιςγια16 του την 1930, εκκλησία συμπατριώτες, ίδια με τη στοργή με την οποία η Αμἀλθεια-κατσίκα της του Αγίου Κωνσταντίνου στο Σικάγο, με την από τα πλέον οργανωμένα και δυναμικά σωματεία μυθολογίας - ἐτρεφε το νεογέννητο Δία στο βουνὀ Ιδαἰο Άντρο στην Κρήτη. του Σικάγου λόγω της συνεχούς παρουσίας του στις πρωτοβουλία της κρύψει Πρεσβυτέρας Στέλλας Σύμφωνα με το μὐθο, τον είχε εκεί η μητέρα του Ρέα Πετράκη, για να τον γλυτὠσειοιαπο τον πατἐρα του Κρὀνο, ο οποἰος ἐτρωγε τα παιδιἀ του τότε Κρήσσες της περιοχής Σικάγου αποφάσισαν εκδηλώσεις της ομογένειας. Παρείχε και παρέχει



κατόπιν ανταλλαγής σκέψεων να ιδρύσουν γυναικείο Σύλλογο με την επωνυμία : “Σύλλογος Κρησσών Κυριών και Δεσποινίδων - Αμάλθεια”. Η ονομασία που δόθηκε στο σύλλογο είχε ένα συμβολισμό αγάπης και στοργής. Αγάπη για τον τόπο καταγωγής την Κρήτη και στοργή για τους συμπατριώτες, ίδια με τη στοργή με την οποία η Αμάλθεια κατσίκα της μυθολογίας - έτρεφε το νεογέννητο Δία στο βουνό Ιδαίο Άντρο στην Κρήτη. Σύμφωνα με το μύθο, τον είχε κρύψει εκεί η μητέρα του Ρέα για να τον γλυτώσει απο τον πατἐρα του Κρόνο, ο οποίος έτρωγε τα παιδιά του αμέσως μετά από τη γέννησή τους. Η Αμάλθεια, άλλοτε περιγράφεται στη μυθολογία ως νύφη Υάδα και άλλοτε ως κατσίκα απο το κέρας της οποίας τρεφόταν ο Δίας με γάλα και μέλι.Το κέρας της Αμάλθειας καθιερώθηκε ως το σύμβολο της αφθονίας των αγαθὠν και της ευημερίας του ανθρώπου. Ο σκοπός του ιδρυθέντος Συλλόγου ήταν και

βοήθεια στα μέλη του που έχουν ανάγκη. Στέλνει χρήματα στα ορφανοτροφεία της Κρήτης. Οργανώνει εκδηλώσεις και συγκεντρώνει τα μέλη σε τακτικές και έκτακτες συνεδριάσεις για να βοηθήσει στη διατήρηση της γλώσσας, των παραδόσεων, των ηθών και των εθίμων της γενέτειρας και Μητέρας Κρήτης. Ο σύλλογος καταβάλλει προσπάθειες για να διδάσκονται τα Κρητικόπουλα χορούς και τραγούδια της Κρήτης. Με πολλές δραστηριότητες και εκδηλώσεις, πρωτοστατεί στο να διατηρηθεί η Ελληνική μας ταυτότητα στις νέες γενιές. Στηρίζει ηθικά και υλικά τα οικονομικά, φιλανθρωπικά και πολιτιστικά προγράμματα της Πακρητικής της οποίας είναι μέλος από την ίδρυσή του. Γενικά, επιτελεί ένα αξιόλογο έργο και όλα τα μέλη προσπαθούν με κάθε τρόπο να οδηγήσουν το σύλλογο σε ανώτερα επίπεδα με στόχο πάντα τη διατήρηση της εθνικής και θρησκευτικής ταυτότητας και για τη στήριξη του κολοσσιαίου έργου της Παγκρητικής Αμερικής. K



April 23, 2013 - May 30, 2013 Name




05/17/2013 Anonymous Philanthropic CRETE RELIEF 9,500.00 Total PHILANTHROPIC-GENERAL 9,500.00 Total Service 9,500.00

TOTAL $9,500.00 If you would like to make a donation to the PAA General Fund or to one of our other funds or programs, you may do so by sending your donation to: PAA, 8530 Sharon Drive, White Lake, MI 48386. If you choose, you may make your donation in honor of or in memory of someone. (For a donation of $10,000 or more to a fund, a named perpetual scholarship/donation will be made.) For more detailed information, or if you have any questions, please contact any member of the Board of Directors responsible for managing these funds or programs. They can be found on our website: or on page 3 of this magazine.

5 Chicago, Ill.

2 Troy, Mich.

Eleni Dilis (586) 419-2992

29-30 Akron, Ohio

43rd National PAA Convention

Noula Kountis

17 Brooklyn, N.Y.


hosted by The Cretan Sisterhood of New York at the Rex Manor

Evanthia Kourtakis Basias (718) 645-7313

Chicago, Ill. 9 Turlock, Calif. 22Klidonas at

Annual Modesto Parish Picnic

Fundraiser at City Porch Restaurant on Navy Pier. Hosted by PAA Philanthropic Committee

43rd National PAA Convention

Noula Kountis


Piscataway, N.J. Celebration of Crete’s Unification with Greece hosted by the White Mountains of New Jersey Details to come.

Takis Psarakis (908) 256-6813

Hosted by the Ladies of Amalthia

Mike Stagakis (510) 325-6308

Evangeline Alpogianis (773) 878-8901

1-5 Akron, Ohio

the former Cretan House

hosted by the Cretan Clubs of Modesto: Lefka Oree, Sisterhood Eleftheria and Apogoni tis Kritis

Mike J. Kordazakis (209) 551-6693



at Muses Taverna, hosted by Cretan Ladies Society of Detroit


80th Anniversary Luncheon

A Taste of Wine, A Gift of Giving


donations & E vents

δωρ ε ές και ε κδη λ ώ σ ε ις

Geane Manoukarakis (847) 827-6816

9 Piscataway, N.J. 16 Southpointe, Pa. Kritiko Glendi

hosted by the White Mountains of New Jersey, 7 p.m. at St. George Greek Orthodox Church

Annual Dinner Dance

hosted by “Arkadi-Maleme”

Helene Semanderes (724) 746-2878

Soula Kantilierakis (732) 819-0563 Takis Psarakis (908) 256-6813

Does your chapter have an event coming up? Let us know! Email your events to so we can help promote them.

Send Your chapter news to

REMEMBER: When you send your chapter news, please send high-resolution color images of at least 300 dpi., and 4x5 inches, with a caption that identifies the people in the images. DO NOT embed photos in MS Word files. Contact second Vice President Stavros Antonakakis at (609) 929-6000 if you have questions or if you would like to advertise in KPHTH Magazine. Thank you.


KPHTH | June 2013

Νεα συλλογου

COLLEGE GRADUATION Panayotis Constantine Papas, son of Katerina and Bill Papas, graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in biomedical engineering. Panayotis will continue his graduate studies at OSU. Congratulations! Panayotis and Elizabeth Papas


Elizabeth Matina Papas, daughter of Katerina and Bill Papas, graduated from Revere High School. Elizabeth will attend Ohio University, pursuing a degree in business. Congratulations Elizabeth! Jannike Papas Heide, daughter of Drs. Jan Heide and Maria Papas Heide, graduated from Verona Area High School in Verona, Wis. Jannike will attend The University of Wisconsin-Madison. Congratulations Jannike! Jannike Papas Heide

Katerina Linz, daughter of Emerald and Joe Linz, graduated from Wooster High School. Katerina will attend Ohio Northern University, The Raabe College of


Pharmacy to pursue a major in pharmacy. Congratulations Katerina! Athanasios Christopher Nicolazakes, son of Drs. Alexandros and Heather Nicolozakes, graduated from Wooster High School. Athanasios plans to attend The Ohio State University and study biomedical engineering. Congratulations Athanasios!

C hapter N ews


Athanasios Nicolazakes


The members of the Pancretan Association of Akron are looking forward to hosting the 2013 National Convention. More information will be posted on the PAA website and in future KPHTH magazines. Mark your calendars for June 29 – July 5, 2013. If you are making travel arrangements, the two nearest airports are Cleveland Hopkins International Airport and the Akron-Canton Airport. Please Note: Picnic location has changed to the following: Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7, 2610 Ley Drive; Akron, Ohio. TOULA DETORAKIS ELEFTER, Corresponding/Recording Secretary

Katerina Linz


atlanta, Georgia

Left to right: Nouna Coralia Wolff, baby Elly, parents Anna and Jeremy Simpson

BAPTISM CONGRATULATIONS Family and friends came together to join PAA members Anna and Jeremy Simpson in celebrating the baptism of their daughter Elizabeth Artemisia (“Elly”) on May 11, at the Marietta, Ga., Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church. The godmother was Coralia Wolff, a newly initiated youth member of the Samaria Chapter, and she is the daughter of members Smaragda and Steve Wolff. The proud grandparents are John and Beth Doulgerakis and Chuck and Jackie Simpson. Also attending were Elly’s older brother John Bennett, uncle Emmanuel Doulgerakis and his wife Natalie. Officiating at the baptism ceremony was Fr. Panayiotis Papageorgiou. The guests enjoyed a lovely luncheon reception at Bistro VG in Roswell. Congratulations to the family; we are so happy for you. Να σας ζήσει και να την δείτε όπως επιθυμείτε! DEMETRI MAZACOUFA, PRESIDENT



C hapter N ews

Νεα συλλογου


Chicago, Illinois


On March 18, Kathara Deftera was observed and celebrated at the Cretan Syllogo. The ladies of Amalthia hosted a dinner attended by approximately 200 people. The assortment of food was plentiful and enjoyed by all. On April 7, a Greek Journey in the Windy City was held at Chicago’s Navy Pier. The event was filled with Greek food and music. We were very proud of our Cretan Dance group as they were one of the performances for this event. As al-

ways their performance was spectacular and had everyone on their feet. Congratulations to our dancers. ΣΥΛΛΥΠΗΤΗΡΙΑ Ο σύλλογος εκφράζει θερμά συλλυπητήρια στις οικογένειες τής κ. Βαλαβάνη και της κ. Ποταμιανου οι οποιες πρόσφατα απεβίωσαν και οι οποίες υπήρξαν για αρκετα χρόνια ενεργά μελη τού συλλόγου μας. Προσέφεραν ηθική και υλική βοήθεια. DIANE NOUHAKIS


Congratulations to Emily and Matthew Kaminski on the christening of their daughter Serena Jane Kaminski, who was baptized on March 30, at Holy Trinity Church in Grand Rapids, Mich. Godparents are Irene Kavalos and Jeff Clark. The proud grandparents are Demitris and Sophia Kavalos. Na sas Zisi, ke nifoula na tine dite.


Την Κυριακή της 14ης Απριλίου 2013, το κέντρο του Ντιτρόϊτ θύμισε και πάλι Ελλάδα. Η Ελληνική κοινότητα του Μίσιγκαν μαζεύτηκε στην οδό Μονρόε για να απολαύσει μία από τις σημαντικότερες εκδηλώσεις του Ελληνισμού. Από τους παρελάσοντες ξεχώρησαν και φέτος πάλι οι Κρητικοί μας συλλόγοι «Ψηλορείτης», «Κρήτη» και «Λεβεντογέννα». Μετά το πέρας της παρελάσεως παρουσιάστηκαν παραδοσιακοί χοροί από όλους τους Ελληνικούς αντιπροσωπευτικούς συλλόγους, όπου τη προσοχή και φέτος έκλεψε με τη ζωντάνια του το σωματείο της νεολαίας μας «Λεβεντογέννα». Συγχαίρουμε

KPHTH | June 2013

Congratulations to our chapter vice president and archives chair of the New Hellenic Museum of Michigan, Erasmia Novotny, and her committee, many of whom belong to our chapter: Alexis Malis, Argie Parasirakis Eldridge, Helen Ranney, Joanne Stefanou and Kristina Stefanou. They did an outstanding job preparing for the grand opening of the museum during Greek Independence Day Parade weekend. A great addition to our Greek community. GET WELL

Get well wishes to former Cretan Ladies Presidents Diamanto Verykokakis and Terri Stefanakis. We wish you both a speedy recovery.

Detroit, Michigan




ολους και ιδιαιτέρως τον Κωνσταντίνο Νοβότνι, μέλος του Συλλόγου της νεολαίας μας, ο οποίος με την εκπληκτική φωνή του τίμησε την εκδήλωση με την εκφώνιση των Εθνικών Υμνων Αμερικής και Καναδά. Συγχαρητήρια σε όλους που συμμετείχαν, και του χρόνου πάλι με υγεία! ΠΑΣΧΑΛΙΝΟΣ ΕΟΡΤΑΣΜΟΣ ΛΑΜΠΡΗΣ Την Κυριακή της 5ης Μαΐου 2013, τελέστηκε Πασχαλινός Εορτασμός της Λαμπρής στο Γκρος Πόιντ Ουίντμιλ Παρκ του Μίσιγκαν. Υπεύθυνοι διοργανωτές για την επίτευξη αυτού του ευχάριστου και πετυχημένου γεγονότος ήταν οι κυρίες Αμαλία Κοτσιφάκη, Ειρήνη Ελ Αλί και Μαρία Δήμος, καθώς και ο πρώην αντιπρόεδρος μας Τάκης Μανουσακάκης. Μεγάλη ήταν η παρουσία των

Νεα συλλογου




Zoe Christine Roumbakis

Gregory Arthur and Christianna Sampson


ΠΕΡΑΣΤΙΚΑ Ευχόμαστε περαστικά και για μια γρήγορη ανάρρωση στις κυρίες Βαρβάρα Πατεράκη, Ελευθερία Στεφανάκη, και Καλλιόπη Περβολαράκη! ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ MΕΛΑΜΠΙΩΤΗΣ, ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤEΑΣ

Menas and Sarah Roumbakis would like to introduce you to their beautiful daughter, Zoe Christine Roumbakis, born on Feb. 21, and coming in at 19.5 in. and 7 lbs., 4 oz. She is the first granddaughter of Emmanuel and Georgia Roumbakis. Congratulations! Να σας ζήση!

ENGAGEMENT After many years of dancing in the Arkadi-Maleme chapter dance group, Christianna Sampson decided to further her love of Greek dancing by joining the Grecian Odyssey Dance Group of Pittsburgh, where she met Gregory Arthur, who also shares a love for Greek dancing. On May 24, Christianna formally became engaged to Gregory at the Holy Dormition of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church in Oakmont, Pa., and plans to wed at the All Saints Greek Orthodox Church in

Canonsburg, Pa., on Oct. 11, 2014. One hundred and fifty of Christianna’s and Gregory’s closest friends and family attended this beautiful occasion. We wish them many Happy Years! Kala Stefana!

C hapter N ews

μελών που θέλησαν να γιορτάσουν τη Λαμπρή παρέα με τους στενούς τους φίλους, μικρούς και μεγάλους. Εκ μέρους του συμβουλίου στέλνουμε ένα μεγάλο μπράβο σε όλους. Χριστός Ανέστη, Χρόνια Πολλά και του χρόνου πάλι με υγεία!

BAPTISM On Sunday, May 26, family and friends gathered to witness the baptism of Maria “Mia” Bittner. The very worthy godmother was Jamie Ligerakis. Parents Sylvia (Savakis) and Joe Bittner had an extravagant reception at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in New Castle, Pa., with the colorful theme, “Under the Sea.” The musical evening began with Dimitris Kountis from Akron, Ohio, who sang timeless Greek songs followed by the Semanderes brothers, Nikoli and Christos from Washington, Pa., who entertained everyone with Cretan lyra and laouto. Proud grandparents are Terri and Tempa Bittner and George and Maria Savakis. Να ζήση το νεοφώτιστο! Maria “Mia” Bittner

Salt Lake City, Utah

ELECTIONS Minos held elections on Feb. 19. The following were elected: President George Tsoutsounakis, Vice President Ted Sargetakis, 2nd Vice President Spiro Papadakis, Secretary Niko Kambouris, and Treasurers George Limantzakis and Anthony Feotis. SCHOLARSHIP FUND In 2009, the Minos Chapter of Salt Lake City started a scholarship fund for our local youth chapter, Minotavros. We dedicated all proceeds from our community’s Annual Picnic/Golf Tournament to go toward this reserve. After four years of hard work, many volunteers and sponsors, we have accumulated more than $10,000. Unfortunately no awards have been distributed thus far. Our intent was to award annual scholarships locally. However, after careful consideration, we feel our money will go

Top Row: Dimitri Tsagris, Jim Sifantonakis, Jim Fuskandrakis, Eftihis Katsanevakis, Nick Koukouvitakis, Nick Paras, John Pananos. Sitting: George Limantzakis, Niko Kambouris, George Liodakis, George Tsoutsounakis, Ted Sargetakis.



C hapter N ews

Νεα συλλογου further and the scholarships will be awarded more consistently if we participate in the PAA’s national program. The Minos Chapter of Salt Lake City has sent a check for $10,000 to the Venizelion Scholarship Endowment Fund. GEORGE TSOUTSOUNAKIS, PRESIDENT



MEMBERSHIP We welcome to our chapter new member Maria Justice from Dallas, Texas. Maria is the daughter of members Argiro and Johnny Justice of Austin, Texas. HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Best wishes to Popi Lee Winters for her birthday. We wish you good health, happiness and success for the rest of the year and always.

Popi Lee Winters

ANNIVERSARY Happy 47th wedding anniversary to Johnny and Argiro Justice and best


wishes for a happy and healthy long life together. 43RD BIENNIAL CONVENTION

On behalf of the Ariadne chapter of San Antonio Texas, I would like to wish the Cretan Association of Akron, Ohio, a successful and productive convention. SUGGESTION Dear friends, when you send an e-mail to anyone, include the following statement at the end of your message: “Greece is beautiful. Plan to visit Greece this summer.” Include a nice picture from any part of Greece as well. Eleftheria Winters, President


PALM SUNDAY LUNCHEON The Cretan Ladies Society “Proodos” Chapter celebrated Palm Sunday with their annual fish luncheon at the syllogo on April 28. Approximately 150 members and friends enjoyed a baked scrod dinner with taramosalata, wine, peas, pilafi, salad, coffee and dessert. All proceeds from the luncheon are used for scholarships. Chairpersons of the event were Maria Tsitsirides, Mary Perakis and Besi Mavredakis. Our thanks to the kitchen crew, the board members, and Afrodite Varypatakis, who whips up an amazing taramosalata every year. President Evangelia Papamarkakis took this opportunity to thank Eleni Psilakis for making professional sashes for the club. Eleni was presented with flowers and a gift. Our thanks, as well, to the Minos-Crete chapter members for their help and support. 1

TAVERNA NIGHT May 18 was the scene of Taverna Night sponsored by “Proodos” at the syllogo. Music by DJ Nick Nakis and a delicious roast pork dinner by our master chefs Michael Papamarkakis and Elias Bouzakis set the tone for a fun night. Always there to give a hand and set up and tend bar was John Kontekakis. We were honored to have in attendance PAA Women’s Executive Director Maria Stratoudakis and her husband Nikos. Maria holds a special place in our hearts as she started her bid to become Women’s Executive Director at a Springfield event. It was only fitting that she end her tenure at one of our events. We thank her for her support over the years. First District Governor Demitris Hatzis and his wife Patricia honored us with their presence and we thank them as well for their dedication and encouragement. 2


1. Board members present a gift and flowers to Eleni Psilakis for making sashes for the club. (left to right) Tina Katsounakis, Maria Tsitsirides, Georgia Doulakis, Besi Mavredakis, Mary Tzambazakis, Ruby Perakis, Eleni Psilakis, Evangelia Papamarkakis, Demetra Tsesmelis, Mary Perakis 2. Nikos Stratoudakis, Demitris Hatzis, Patricia Hatzis and Maria Stratoudakis. 3. The Kantos family enjoys the luncheon. 38

KPHTH | June 2013

odyssey yyyy

PYA ’s & ’s If you have anything from these eras, please contact For Odyssey - Diane Kounalakis: (((() PYA of the o’s and ’s - John Feotis: (((() General Archives information - Erasmia Novotny: (((() ----KPHTH | WWW.PANCRETAN.ORG



Congratulations to the Pancretan Association of America

on your 43 Biennial Convention rd

Many Thanks to the PAA President and the National Board for a Successful Two Years! John Bertakis • Andy Eliopoulos • John Manos 40


KPHTH | June 2013


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