Echo26th november 2015

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Thursday 26th November 2015

Volume 25, Issue 22



Its time to get your thinking caps on and come up with a creative idea for your float organizations within the district to do some or trolley. fund raising by having food and goods for sale. Please register your float, trolley or car by emailing

The theme this year The main road of Leeston will be is: ‘What does closed to traffic C h r i s t m a s from 5:30pm until mean to you?’ 10:30pm. This year there will So what's happenbe new things to see ing? Well, there will and new things to do. be the Santa Parade, There is an oppor- where the star attractunity this year for tion will make his apWhat’s coming up? Nov. 29 - Historical Society Tour. Dec. 02 - Start of the Great December sale The Shed. Dec. 05 - Leeston Market Day. Dec. 08 - Day Club Christmas Party at the Leeston Bowling Club. Dec. 09 - E.C.N.C AGM

HILL LEE & SCOTT 36 Sir William Pickering Dr Burnside, Christchurch Contact Peter Quinn or Brian Palliser at our Christchurch Office on


Serving the Ellesmere district for over 50 years

pearance and give the children an opportunity for any last minute requests. This will be followed by community groups taking part in ‘Carols by Starlight.’ Everyone will be congregating in the grounds of St David’s (The Co Operating Parish), where there will be a great choice of food and drinks for your family to enjoy. So don’t rush off after the parade. Bring along your rugs, seats, cushions and enjoy the festivities with your family and friends and make this a fun occasion.



2 Thursday 26th November, 2015




Sunday 29th November Advent 1 9:30 am Eucharist and Sunday School at St John’s, Leeston 11:15 am Advent Stir-Up Service at St Mark’s Sedgemere

Station Street. Leeston Kids’ Church every Sunday at 10:00am

25th October - 7th November = 14 days

Sunday, 5th December 10.00am Family Worship with café open after service

11 29 0 40

Sunday, 12th December 10.00am Family Worship with café open after service

Sunday 13th December Advent 3 8:00 am Eucharist at St Mary’s, Irwell 9:30 am Eucharist and Sunday School at St John’s, Leeston



St John the Evangelist, Leeston, & St Patrick's Lincoln. Leeston Mass will be celebrated in the St John Ambulance Rooms, Cnr High & Gallipoli Street Sunday, 10.00am. Thursday 5.30pm Lincoln Sunday Mass will be celebrated at St Stephen's Anglican Church, Lincoln at 8.30am Weekday Masses: 9.00am Parish Centre. Rolleston Sunday Mass 5.00 pm Church of the Resurrection, Rolleston. Parish Priest, Fr. Frank Kelly 3252-770 Parish Chairperson, Anna Carter 3243-206

DUNSANDEL Oct. 28 1818 Nov. 06 0857 Nov. 08 1924 1938 Nov. 13 1211 LEESTON Nov. 10 2032 Nov. 11 0743 Nov. 12 1837 2222 Nov. 13 2223 Nov. 20 1124 Rd

DEADLINE DATE 11th December 15th January 29th January



21st January 04th February

The Ellesmere Echo Wednesday 16th December 2015 DEADLINE IS THE FRIDAY PRIOR TO PUBLICATION

Pit fire - Norwood Rd Medical - Main South Rd Grass fire - Main South Rd Grass fire - Main South Rd Motorbike MVA - Knyvetts Rd Bon fire - Chamberlains Ford Pole fire - Drain Rd Car fire - Leeston Rd Medical call - Leeston Bon Fire - Chamberlains Ford Shed & hedge fire - Dunsandel Brookside

SOUTHBRIDGE Nov. 20 1026 Hedge fire - Dunsandel Brookside Rd 1028 Structure fire - Dunsandel Brookside Rd




Senior Pastors, Wayne & Nicky Watson Church Office, phone 3243-697

Wednesdays at 10:00 am Holy Communion and Prayer for Healing at St John’s, Leeston Vicar: Rev’d Lynne Horwood ph 324 3801


Sunday, 29th November 10.00am Family Worship with café open after service.

Sunday 6th December Advent 2 8:00 am Eucharist at St Jame’s, Southbridge 9:30 am Family Eucharist at St John’s, Leeston 7:30 pm Nine Lessons and Carols at St Luke’s Brookside



THE ELLESMERE ECHO THE ELLESMERE DISTRICT’S ONLY PRIVATELY OWNED AND PRODUCED FORTNIGHTLY NEWSPAPER Contact ~ Kath Mentink Accounts, Advertising & Editorial Enquiries Phone ~ 741 2206 Cell ~ 021 109 3470 Fax ~ 741 2207 Email ~ 435 Southbridge-Dunsandel Rd RD 2, Leeston. 7682


Thursday 26th November, 2015 3

Local Scene

4 Thursday 26th November, 2015


Local Scene FROM FAMINE TO FEAST The residents of Southbridge have gone from finding it hard at time to buy their basic groceries to now being spoilt for choice. There have been so many changes in the last few months down the main street of Southbridge, it’s been hard to keep up with it all. There was a change of ownership at the Southbridge Takeaways, Southbridge Tasty Meats and new management at the Southbridge Hotel. Then the 4Square reopened with a new owner and, last but by no means least, the End of the Line Café not only changed ownership but changed name. It is are now Southbridge Café and Dairy and is owned by Mike and Fiona Miller. They will be stocking quick turn-around grocery items

and will be open 6:30am to 6pm Monday to Friday and on Saturday from 8am to 6pm. They are not new to the area having lived here for the past 25 years. They are looking forward to extending their range and already offer a catering service, Smoko packs, milkshakes, lollies and chips along with a limited postal service. Fiona’s face will be very familiar to some as she has worked at the Leeston Dairy. This has given her valuable experience and now owning her own dairy is letting her put that experience into practice. The Millers feel that their dairy will compliment the other food outlet stores in Southbridge and are very grateful to the local community for the support that has been already very evident even in these early days.

Open for business. Mike & Fiona outside the dairy.

"Observe more, do less. Do less, enjoy more." – Magda Gerber

more the child will follow our lead instead of initiating and creating their own play experiences. They can learn to be self-reliant and confident in themselves and their abilities by making choices; planning and carrying out their own ideas and finding the joy in self-discovery. So how can we encourage Independent Play? Encourage independent play from an early age: babies are dependent not helpless so they need to have time to master their bodies and the world around them too. Ease into it if this is new to your child; join your child in play at first and when they are absorbed in the activity move away a bit and lessen your involvement. Babies and toddlers will often check in with you through eye contact or moving to you and that’s OK as you are the one who gives them reassurance and confidence to explore and feel safe. The most important thing is for the child to be in a “safe” play space so you can feel OK about stepping back and they are kept safe too. Set up a few toys or some interesting items to explore your child can pick an activity. Blocks, playdough, sand, water, roleplay toys or a collection of “junk” items are great choices as they are “open ended” and all those possibilities will keep children occupied longer. The child should choose

Teaching children to amuse themselves isn’t just important to the parents who need a wee bit of breathing space in a busy day; it is also essential to the child. Independent Play or Solitary Play is any play that a child engages in on their own. Early in life parents will need to supply the toys or set up an activity but by 3 children will usually be choosing their own activities. Be realistic about what length of time you can expect from your child to play by themselves though. It is well known that playing and interacting with your child builds relationships, strengthens bonds and fosters learning but Independent Play has many benefits too. Independent Play is self-directed and there is no right or wrong way so it encourages exploration which builds creativity and critical thinking skills like problem solving. Sit back and watch your child play. Parents fill in the blanks too often so stepping back allows the child to form their own ideas and discover what they like to do. The more WE are playing the Right is Ben with the new

how to play (within safe limits) and the pace of play which will help them develop persistence, problem solving and sustained concentration. Respect that they are engaged and try not to interrupt unnecessarily. Sometimes children will struggle with a toy but the learning happens between the moments of struggle and moments of accomplishment! Opening times: Monday 7.30 -8.30 pm or Saturday 10 – 11 am. We are behind Carbon Gym at 110 High St (follow the signs) or come in from Station St straight up the drive. For more information contact Lisa (Librarian) on 027 603 6873 or Sonia (Secretary) at ellesmeretoylibrary@hotmail.c Find us on Facebook ellesmereleestontoylibrary.

John Deere Lawn mower.


‘Tis the Season to Spiderproof your House! Exterior and Interior Out Buildings, Fences, Outdoor Furniture, Clotheslines etc. all included New Zealand made product, safe for Pets and Birds 12 Month Product Guarantee, Very Competitive Rates Approved Handler of Pesticides #212085 Ellesmere Window Cleaning & Spider Proofing Grant Clausen 027 221 5060, 3243-227 ~


Thursday 26th November, 2015

Local Scene THE MAYORALTY RACE BEGINS Selwyn District Councillor Pat McEvedy has announced his intention to stand for the role of Mayor of Selwyn in the elections in 2016, in doing so Councillor McEvedy believes he has the leadership experience and drive necessary to help Selwyn fulfil its exciting potential while maintaining the councils effectiveness and efficiency. While he acknowledges the challenges facing Selwyn he thinks the opportunity to grow the economy in Selwyn through tourism, small business and our research and education sector is enormous, this will help under pin our already strong agricultural industry, which puts our district in a strong position to continue to provide and maintain good services and facilities for our ever growing demand.

We need to do this while maintaining the character of our townships large and small throughout the district and making sure that people can continue to enjoy the great lifestyle that is the reason that they have chosen to live here in Selwyn. Background information: Pat McEvedy is an arable farmer in Southbridge where he is in business with wife, Lynley and son Matthew. His daughter, Tess, son-in-law Craig and granddaughter, Harper live nearby. For the past 5 years Pat has been a Councillor with the Selwyn District Council and has some pivotal roles such as representing the SDC and being the chair on the Selwyn-Waihora zone committee. This committee provides the rules and framework under which land and water will be used for the next 10-30 years.

He has had an active role in consultations around our environment throughout the Canterbury area. His interests have also covered Drainage, Water, Sewage, the Rakaia River Rating Board and many community organisations. He believes that this experience has helped him build on his previous Leadership and Governance experience gained before being elected to council and gives him a wide understanding of the Selwyn District. He also believes that he has good listening skills, an ability to take action and get results, Pat has a strong work ethic and is a positive person and this leaves him ready for the further challenge of standing for Mayor of Selwyn in the 2016 local body Elections.


6 Thursday 26th November, 2015



Hi everyone! Our next market is on the 28th of November, then every Saturday until the 19th of December. So there will be plenty of opportunity to buy locally made gifts from the market before Christmas arrives. Just 29 sleeps to go! For sending gifts overseas, the dates for postage, in time to reach their destinations for Christmas, are below. If you send them after that time it'll be more expensive: International Australia South Pacific, Asia Rest of the world U.S.A, U.K, Europe Par Avion Air Wed 9th Dec Fri 4th Dec Wed 2nd Dec Courier Mon 14th Dec Fri 11th Dec Mon 7th Dec Express Courier Wed 16th Dec Mon 14th Dec Fri 11th Dec Within NZ Standard Post, Standard parcel & Tracked parcel Fri 18th December Fastpost, Courier Parcel, Courier & Signature Parcel Wed 23rd December

ring. It's just $2.

We're not be having a market at the Christmas Fete this year, but there will be one the next day on Saturday the 5th of December. This will be a Children's market. This is a great chance for kids to earn some pocket money for the holidays, and of course all those Christmas presents they will be wanting to buy. So kids have a think about what you have that you can sell, or make, to take part in this last Children's market for the year. This is for children 12 years or under. Please have a responsible adult with you. Call Daphne on 3295519 to register - the evenings are the best time to

Handmade jewellery will be for sale at the market until Christmas. We've missed Keith and his jewellery this year, due to his ill health, so we're delighted that Ann has agreed to sell it on his behalf. The Market is now open from 9:30 to 12:30pm. If you are interested in being involved, please email

There have been a few frosts in recent weeks but the light evenings and gradually lighter mornings are a welcome reminder that summer is on its way, and with that The Southbridge Horticultural Society Annual Flower Show. The date for this season’s show is Friday February 12th 2016. Exhibits can be entered on the evening prior 7 to 8.30 pm, or between 8 am and 10.30am on the day. The show itself is open to the public between 2.30pm and 8pm. Anyone can enter the show and new exhibitors are welcome. There is no charge for entering any exhibit. The show has the following nine sections – Cut blooms, Dahlias, floral Art, Fruits, Vegetables, Industrial, Photography, Cookery and Home Produce. Whether you are a returning regular, or a newly starting novice, here are a few tips if you are wanting to get a bit of a competitive edge in this seasons show. Firstly, don’t underestimate the time it takes to get a number of entries in. Presentation can make the difference between a first and second placing so get there early and don’t leave it to the last minute. Sunflowers - if you are thinking of entering sunflowers then get them planted now. Sunflower entries are also a popular entry for school aged children. Judging takes into consideration

size and condition of the overall head which can be displayed in a bottle. Cut flowers - When entering the cut flower section committee hints are as follows; 1 Always read the schedule carefully, and check if it is asking for a collection or stem. 2 A collection can be any amount with a maximum of 12 blooms and not more! 3 Distinct colours – i.e different colours, not shades of similar colours. 4 Roses – one stem means one flower. A collection is a collection of single stems with one bloom per stem. Leaves are allowed. A floribunda rose has many flowers on the one stem. 5 Foliage and petals should be blemish free. For best results think about ‘dead-heading’ roses six weeks prior to the show. The judging for the Garden Competition takes place a few weeks prior to the show itself. Start thinking now about your street front planting if you think you would like to see your garden named in these results. There is no specific entry required for this competition. Any garden (large or small) that has won for three consecutive years will not be judged and will have a stand down period. Look out for other helpful hints in following issues. Schedules are available from early new year.


OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 7.30AM - 5PM LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE UNDER 3s AND OVER 3s QUALIFIED TEACHERS 20 Leeston Lake Road. Leeston. All enquiries to - Janene Prendergast (Neeny) 324 4115


DON’T DELAY AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT High St, Southbridge, Tel. 3242-243

Thursday 26th November, 2015


Local Scene CHRISTMAS AT PERIWINKLE! It's that wonderful time of the year again: only a few weeks until the man in the big red suit visits! Here at Periwinkle you will find a festive wonderland of fragrant candles and special gifts for your loved ones: Christmas foliages, berries, fruit, stunning seasonal ribbons, wreaths etc. to make it easy to set the scene for your festive home. Be inspired to create your own decorations or purchase a unique wreath, swag or table piece in store. Don't forget the yummy old fashioned sweets, gingerbread, fudge, delicate chocolate and Christmas goodies to add that festive cheer. Beautifully gift wrapped seasonal plants, pretty posies and bouquets are always available and Kim and her friendly team are very happy to help you choose or make up a special gift basket or bouquet. We are open every day

until Christmas and would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas, a safe New Year and a special thank you to everyone that has supported us during the year!


8 Thursday 26th November, 2015


Local Scene ELLESMERE FARMER NAMED IN FINALISTS 24 industry leaders named as finalists in the 2015 Syngenta Growth Awards, included four from New Zealand An independent expert judging panel will select the winners, to be announced on December 1 Winners will have the chance to join an international study tour. Twenty-four of the most outstanding growers and farm advisers from across New Zealand and Australia have come a step closer to taking home top honours in the 2015 Syngenta Growth Awards after being announced as finalists today. The 2015 finalists are drawn from an initial pool of more than 65 high-calibre nominees from across New Zealand and every Australian state. Included in this list of 24 are four growers and advisers from New Zealand; Shane Butler (Ashburton), Bryan Hart (Pukekohe), David Birkett (Leeston) a nd La ch lan McKa y (Hastings). The Growth Awards are presented by Syngenta in partnership with Case IH and Fairfax Agricultural Media. They seek to acknowledge leading farmers and advisers, highlighting their outstanding contributions to agriculture across three award categories: Productivity; Sustainability; and Community & People. According to Syngenta Territory Head – Australasia, Paul Luxton, narrowing down the list of finalists was not an easy feat. “The growers and advisers who were nominated for this year’s Growth Awards had to be leaders in their fields to earn that nomination,” Paul said. “Selecting a shortlist from this cohort was challenging but it also served as a very encouraging reminder of the breadth of talent, dedication and commitment in our

SMART Watering are available on the Facebook page WateringSMART and website Irrigation programme,” says Andrew Curtis, IrrigationNZ smartwatering CEO. Simple things like choos“There are a lot of parallels between home garden- ing early mornings or eveers and farmers. Both need nings to water your plants, to know how much water setting a timer on the vegtheir plants and crops re- gie patch sprinkler, investiquire, have efficient systems gating rain tanks on the for application and be moni- roof, or selecting less watertoring soil moisture levels,” hungry plants are examples. says Mr Curtis. As part of the campaign, factsheets with tips on

SMART Watering Campaign

industry. Home gardeners, lifestyle “The goal of the Growth Awards is to recognise irrigators, small businesses, growers and advisers who sports grounds and schools are making a difference to will be the target of a new the industry through leader- water-saving campaign by ship, best practice and inno- IrrigationNZ, local bodies vation, and these finalists and industry partners. The SMART Watering are certainly doing that.” The other finalists include campaign teaches home five nominees from New gardeners and community South Wales, five from irrigation projects how to Western Australia, three apply water efficiently. Its from South Australia, three wider roll-out follows on from Victoria, two from from the successful SMART Queensland, one from Tas- Irrigation programme which mania and one from the encourages sustainably managed, accountable, Northern Territory. Winners will be selected responsible and trusted by an independent and irrigation practice. Selwyn, Waimakariri, expert panel drawn from across the industry, com- Ashburton and Timaru Disprising representatives trict Councils, Environment from WWF – Australia, the Canterbury and industry $96.60 National Farmers’ Federa- partners Water Supply Products and RX Plastics, have tion and Rimfire Resources. The winners will be an- joined forces with Irriganounced at the Growth tionNZ to help home gardenAwards dinner in Sydney on ers and community irrigaDecember 1, 2015, and will tion projects find ways to be invited to join a study make the best use of their tour of the United Kingdom water during what is predicted to be and Europe in 2016. another hot, The Growth Awards support the goals of Syngenta’s dry summer. Over the Good Growth Plan, which last year we tackles the challenges of have been producing more with less, educating protecting the viability of farmers on farmland and promoting how to save prosperous rural communiwater with ties. Under the plan, Synour SMART genta has made a range of specific commitments designed to improve crop productivity, enhance New Independent Hearing biodiversity, empowService for Ellesmere er smallholders, Free Screening Tests train farm workers and Available 3rd December strive for Ph 385 6036 fair labour conditions across the Wednesdays entire sup10:30am - 12 noon ply chain. At the Station 3 Station St, Leeston

(except holidays)

$2/family, 1st session free New Members Welcome!

Thursday 26th November, 2015 9


Local Scene LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, I would like to congratulate the school committee and all the other people associated with organizing the anniversary ,and all the children who dressed and performed in the assembly on the Friday afternoon. All the kids dressed in period costume looked fantastic: so did the teachers that dressed up. It must have been tough on the choir as I heard they had performed in Christchurch in the morning and only got back to Leeston about 12 o'clock to sing in the afternoon. It was a great pleasure to attend this and watch the excellent show provided by them on the

day. It was a great weekend to meet some old school classmates from so long ago. It was a great shame that a lot of the people that live locally said they did not come along because they reckoned it was only for the ones that moved out of the district. So once again a GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO THE ORGANIZERS for the excellent weekend with some of the old photos from years gone by on show. It's amazing to see what we looked like all those years ago. Yours sincerely, David Mackenzie.

ELLESMERE COLLEGE ENHANCING EXCELLENCE Enhancing Excellence is a programme in which students complete a project in their own time as part of our Gifted and Talented [GATE] group. The focus this year was helping meet community needs. This year the following students were selected for the Enhancing Excellence programme: Millie Birkett, Angelina Miller and Nyah Mckenzie, Jamie Farrant, Hannah Robertson, Katelyn Twiss, Daniel Smith, Amber Lemon, Jake Johnson, Emma Johnson, Amelia Carlyle and Elise Murray. Three of us have been chosen to show the community our finished products and what we made. Millie Birkett I decided to make a cook book for the community. I decided to make my cookbook because I am very passionate about cooking and I wanted to use that passion to create my cook book. The idea for my cook book was to make people want to cook more food. After winning the muster chef in 2013 my passion for cooking increased and made me cook more for my family. I loved developing my cook book step by step, seeing it get better and better. I enjoyed this activity lots because it was lots of fun, and helped me progress my passion in my cooking.

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Nyah Mckenzie and Angelina Miller Our project was aimed at helping the lonely oldies. We decided to do this because, while lots of the elderly have visitors, there are also a lot that are left alone with no visitors or companionship. In rest homes they do have other residents and staff but some still do not get visitors. Out in the community some hardly ever get to see other people. So we wanted to

come up with ideas that children could do to keep the elderly happy in a rest home or in the community. Our mentor told us that children need to learn the value that the elderly can bring to us and our communities.

then put in so that people would know where seeds were being sown and the beds were given numbers. The following crops were sown: potatoes, strawberries, celery, kale, broccoli and tomatoes. Pumpkin, watermelons and courgettes were planted on the banks of the paddock. Six people were involved and the project was very successful. I hope that the Leeston Green Thumbs Project plans to continue for many years and I would like to give a big thank you to all the people who helped me achieve my goals.

Jamie Farrant I started “The Green Thumbs Project” which aimed to bring together a group of likeminded people who wanted to grow fresh spray and chemical free vegetables. We started by plowing an overgrown paddock. Mum then borrowed a tractor and Lindsay Cook I rotary hoed the soil before we dug the beds. Lines were

Top left Nyah Mckenzie and Angelina Miller, Right: Millie Birkett. And her cookbook. Left: Jamie Farrant and below preparing the seed beds.


Thursday 26th November, 2015


Local Scene ELLESMERE HISTORICAL SOCIETY TOUR OF SEDGEMERE - LITTLE RAKAIA The Society’s annual local tour will take place on Sunday 29 November 2015. A f t e r meeting at the Southbridge Hall carpark at 130 pm it will visit Beachcroft, Altonbrook, Brooklands and Blackwater and will conclude with afternoon tea at the Sedgemere Hall. Enquiries to Roger Gilbert phone 324 3648 The area is known for its fertile soils with a number of streams and waterways running into the Little Rakaia which drained the land from near Coopers Lagoon to the Rakaia River. A number of drainage culverts now take the water out to sea. A paper road, the Taumutu Rakaia Road, also ran from Taumutu along the coast to the Rakaia and then along the north bank of the River towards Dobbins Ford. At one time Whites Bridge gave access to the beach across the Little Rakaia near the end of the North Rakaia Road. Edward Lee and Edward

Jollie drove sheep from Nelson through the Molesworth country to North Canterbury in 1852 and then farmed Mt. Parnassus before coming to Ellesmere and buying 800 hectares between the Hia Hia or Lee River and Jollies Brook in 1862. They soon divided the land into 400 hectare blocks, Jollie calling his Beachcroft and Lee named his Brooklands. The Omuku or Tent Burn was the boundary between the farms. Both later added more land to their holdings. Jollie came to New Zealand as a surveyor for the New Zealand Company in 1841. In 1849-50 he worked with Captain Thomas to produce the plans for Christchurch, Sumner and Lyttelton. He was MP for Cheviot for a short period and became Provincial Secretary for the Canterbury Provincial Council. Lee supervised the property for Jollie when he was absent on Provincial Council business. Edward Ruddock was an early manager for Jollie on Beachcroft and then bought the nearby

Below a photo of the cottage at Beachcroft and abovethe homestead at Brooklands.

Fieldmont on Adams Road. In the 1860s Jollie built the first homestead, a cottage which is still standing, and stabling and planted about 40 hectares of trees, mainly gums and radiate pines. He moved to the North Island in the 1880s. David McMillan bought Beachcroft in 1886 and after his death in 1904 his son, John, subdivided the farm. Bernie McEvedy bought the homestead and David McClelland bought Dalkeith part of which was sold to SG and HH Heslop in 1926. The Southbridge Timber Co. milled much of the timber on Beachcroft for Bernie McEvedy in 1916. Gray Allan from North Otago bought the property in 1938. Grandson Robbie now farms Beachcroft. He and Jenny are at present building the third homestead. Edward Lee was the first chair of the Ellesmere Road Board and was a member of the North Rakaia Board of Conservators. He played an active part in the development of the district. He was MP for Selwyn for a short period before his death in 1883. He subdivided Brooklands in 1878. Robert McIlraith bought the home block and started building the homestead which is still there today. Some of the pit sawn timber weatherboards can still be seen. Grandson, Alistair and Paula farm the property today and have developed a reputation as fine stud breeders. Daniel Inwood had the first flour mill on the Canterbury Plains at Fendalton and then owned the City Mill on the Avon River. In 1862-63 he freeholded more than 600 hectares on the north- easten side of the Lee River for his sons. William farmed Waihora and dug a millrace which can be seen from Milltown Road. The flour mill began in 1870 the same year as the flour mill at Milltown started.

James developed Waikewai and had a waterwheel which was used for cutting chaff. A grandson, John, at Alton also used the water of the Waikewai for an electricity plant. Robert trained as a lawyer and farmed Altonbrook. He added part of Lee’s Brooklands to the Inwood land. He had a water wheel on the Lee River. Wattie Lochhead bought Altonbrook and later his sons Duncan and Robin farmed it. Lyall and Val McMillan own the farm today. Peter McEvedy farmed Blackwater beside Lee’s Brooklands

from the 1860s. He purchased the homestead block of 100 hectares in 1874 and later added more land to it. In the 1880s he began farming Wedderburn on the south side of Jollies Brook and bought about 130 hectares in 1893. He took stock and implements along the beach between the properties. Wedderburn remains in the family and Chris and Margaret McEvedy farm it today. Blackwater was sold in 1969 to David Adams. Ian and Janie Baxter are the present owners.



Thursday 26th November, 2015 11

Local Scene FITTING MEMORIAL FOR A PASSIONATE FARMER in the Grain & Seed Section for the Best Header Threshed sample. Was awarded to ID & JE Baxter. The second cup also resulted from another of Geoff’s passions which was vintage machinery. The Geoff McFadden Vintage Cup was awarded to Allan Familton. Ironically this year Geoff’s much loved Allis G Tractor was entered and this won the CA McPherson Cup for the Best Individual Machinery Exhibit. The family are adjusting to life without Geoff but they are pleased that there will be a constant memorial to the man that Geoff McFadden was.

Understanding the New Rateable Valuations Rateable Values in the Selwyn District are renewed every 3 years and the new figures out now show a 21.8% increase since July 2012 across the district. I have been asked by both buyers and owners if the updated RVs are a true indication of a property’s value. The short answer to that is ‘sometimes:’ it will vary depending on the property and ultimately the market will decide. To calculate rateable value, the Council undertakes a mass appraisal valuation exercise comparing recent sales in your area to the property being valued. The Council holds information for each individual property such as property

type, location, land area, floor area, zoning, consented work (such as renovations), and many other factors, for the most part their conclusions are statistically sound based on relevant comparisons from the area. The Council are very clear that the rateable valuation process is not done to provide values for marketing, sales or any other purposes. While the RVs are usually a good guide, not all factors are considered in the RV for example, work carried out that didn't require a consent, redecoration, chattels and appliances, farm developments, and the condition of the land or buildings. For this reason, if the valuer has not seen the property then the RV is purely based on statistics. There are many variables

ELLESMERE GOLF RESULTS Results 14 November 2015. A Stableford event was held, with fine weather and a good crowd. Congratulations to Paul Ward, Ray Anderson and Win Jones on outstanding rounds. Ladies: 1. Joanne Harkerss, 83.10.73 and 37 points ocb. 2. Jane Pangborn, 37. Senior Men: 1. Ray Anderson, 77.12.65 and 43 points. 2. Ian Fever, 40 ocb. 3. Darryl Joyce, 40. 4. Blair Franklin, 39 ocb. Intermediate Men: 1. Paul Ward, 80.17.63, and 46 points. 2. Win Jones, 45. 3. Bob Neil, 42. 4. Alan Miller, 41. 5. Ian Connor, Cont. on page 15






Geoff McFadden loved, breathed and lived for farming. He and Chris lived at Crossgates for 25 years until his untimely death. Now Chris and her sons are carrying on in the pattern that Geoff had set for them. Not only was Geoff passionate about farming but he was very much a people person and loved helping out where ever he could. The A & P Show was an annual highlight and he was involved for a number of years before becoming the Head of the Grain & Seed Section about 10 years ago. The McFadden family decided to donate two cups this year. The Geoff McFadden Cup

in calculating a likely selling price for a property and ultimately the market will decide (which is always in a fluid state). If you are unsure of where your property may sit in the market a good real estate agent or registered valuer will apply both the sales data and the individual characteristics of a property to establish a likely market value. With the next RVs out in July 2018 will we see another 21.8% increase?

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R.D. 2, Leeston. Ph. 027 534 9161


Thursday 26th November, 2015


Local Scene YEAR 8 CAMP This year 2015 Ellesmere College held its first ever year 8 camp to Pudding Hill Lodge. It was a three day camp in amongst the mountains and forests at the foot of Mount Hutt. It was the 9th of November the day we arrived to the middle of nowhere. Once we had all settled into the new environment, grabbed some delicious dinner, and had a good night's sleep we were more than ready for the day ahead. The weather that day was perfect to start off our first activities. For the first activity, group 3 (Blake, Dom, Jack, Louis, Elijah, Ryan, Grace, Daisy, Annabelle, Georgia, Victoria, Mary, Tessa, Ione, and myself) had pioneering. None of us really knew what pioneering was until we saw the big logs, and ropes. The activity leader Matt showed us the two most important rope knots explained to our group what we had to do. That was to choose out of a range of challenges to earn the most points. As a group we decided to just start off with making a stretcher and carrying all of our teammates over a certain distance. We all sat around sharing and showing ideas on how to build a sturdy stretcher. Suddenly we all started throwing logs together and tying knots anywhere we could find. After around 10 minutes we had finished our stretcher and we began carrying people on it. We started with the heavier people first, because that was when the stretcher was at its strongest. We successfully completed that challenge and had 15 minutes left for another

activity. We quickly decided on building a bridge going over a wooden fence. Group 3 all rushed over to the fence carrying leftover logs and rope from the previous challenge. We were all trying as hard as we could to build a strong bridge so it wouldn't be wobbly when we all walked over it. To make it even more challenging nothing was allowed to touch a metre from the fence on the ground on both sides. We thought we had made a good enough bridge so we all started climbing over it. I was the last one to go over the bridge and I was very nervous because everyone had made it over so far without falling off. Fortunately I didn't let the team down and I managed to get over the bridge in a breeze! But we still had to take the bridge 30 SECONDS!!! Everybody was pulling and tugging on the rope trying to get it all off the fence!! But a rope got caught on a nail that was poking out of the fence. Eventually the rope sorted itself out and we had completed the challenge!! Everybody was cheering and celebrating!! At the end of pioneering we ended up with a total score of 15 points!! We soon had to move onto Archery and air rifles! I was particularly looking forward to this activity because I had missed out on it at year 7 camp. Mr Ward (our Deputy Principal) and Steph Mower were in charge of this activity and Mr Ward began explaining how to use the bow and arrow. But suddenly we were interrupted and told that we went to the wrong activity. So

we had to walk over to outdoor cooking! This meant that we had missed out on 20 minutes of outdoor cooking!! As we were walking over I heard that people were very frustrated and comments that you may not want to hear! Since we had missed out on 20 minutes we weren't able to learn how to start the outdoor fire or cook our kebabs. Anyway we did what we could in the time we were given. That was wrapping potatoes in tin foil and placing them in the fire’s embers. Also we were given 7 marshmallows that we roasted to charcoal!! Next Bridget announced that we were going to be doing a water balloon competition. We all had to pair up with someone and then we were given a water balloon. Tessa and I did a few good throws until the balloon slipped through my fingers and it popped on the ground and we were the first group out! The remaining pairs kept playing until we had a winner. We were down to our final two team and Dan and Ryan were victorious!! Since they won they had to choose between carrying on or throwing the balloon at Bridget or Liv. Boys being boys they chose to throw their balloon at Bridget!! She was saturated!! That concluded our activity and our day!! It was a very tiring, educational, and hot day! But loads of fun! All in all I enjoyed camp but it was very tiring and if I had the opportunity to go on it again I would possibly go! By Emily Carter

Photos from top to bottom: Brianna Stainger NZ snipper!! Georgia Breading (blindfolded) cautiously making her way around the lifeline watched by Amber Nepia and Charlie Robinson, Katie Gluyas and Genevieve McCorkindale.

Property | Family |Wills Trusts |Estates |EPAs |Rural Business |Traffic |Employment Leeston (03) 324 3033

Email: |

Solicitors of Selwyn since 1965


Thursday 26th November, 2015 13

Local Scene ELLESMERE PONY CLUB On the 7th of November Ellesmere Pony Club held their 56th annual show. With entries up 35% from the previous year and the weather co-operating we were in for a fantastic day. This year as well as having our normal showing classes in the morning and round the ring hunter in the afternoon, we introduced a new novelty section. This included a family ride, pairs class and Fancy Dress for all

ages. A lot of thought and effort went into all of the costumes with fantastic results. Our Judge Mrs Boal and Iain the steward also got into the fun with costumes. The pony club would like to thank the volunteers from the community who help year after year to make our day a success. Thanks to TU Images for the photos. We look forward to another fantastic show next year.

23rd Nov. until 6th Dec.

Scenes from the day taken by TUImages

LEESTON 68 HIGH STREET. LEESTON. PH 324 4333 Open 6 days from 10am until 9pm & Sundays 10am until 8pm Deliveries made within 5 kms. Conditions apply

ELLESMERE COLLEGE YEAR 9 & 10 RUGBY TRIP The Ellesmere College Year 9&10 rugby team have been busy fundraising for their trip to Sydney, which takes place in April 2016. The boys and families have stacked firewood, deconstructed fencing, catered for the Leeston Bowling Club dinners, sold hundreds of raffle tickets and prepared and sold bowls of

nachos at various events. With all of the support from the locals, the team will play rugby against teams from Sydney, be billeted out and spend time getting around Sydney. During the Leeston Christmas Parade the boys will be selling their home made mince nachos for $5 per bowl. Every purchase goes into the draw to win a bean bag, kindly donated by Bean Bags& Beyond. In the meantime, we have a meat raffle the boys are

selling tickets for. These are

$5 per ticket with 1st prize being 1 side of beef, 1side of lamb and 1 side of pork. There are 8 prizes in total. This raffle closes on November 30th, so if anyone would like a ticket phone 3242 263 (Louise) and I'll direct a boy your way. Thank you for all your support.


Thursday 26th November, 2015


Ellesmere Sport LEESTON CYCLING CLUB The Leeston Cycling race on the 5th of November was again raced on the alternative course “out and back” towards Dunsandel due to roadworks on Leeston Lake Road. Riders were still learning the course and how to handle the wind on it, but most riders crossed the line in two bunches about 30 seconds apart in the senior race. As covered in the last issue, father and daughter Jay & Henrietta Christie rode away from their fellow riders to dominate the Social & Development race. Since that performance they’ve successfully made the jump to the Senior field. Results, Race 5, 5/11/15 :Social & Development race – 1st & fastest time

Jay Christie 31:58, 2nd Henrietta Christie 32:06, 3rd Geoff Allan 32:51, 4th Russell Ward st, 5th Lachlan Bensemann 33:09, 6th Alan Gash 36:00, 7th Andrew Lambie 36:07, 8th Sandy Harper 34:37, 9th Nigel Thomas st, 10th Mike Morley -Bunker 38:52, 11th Jo Allan 42:53, 12th William Gash 41:31. Senior race, 25 starters – 1st Steve Woods 25:31, 2nd Mike Wilson 29:31, 3rd Jason Revell 25:31, 4th Gareth Morgan st, 5th Nigel McCartin 27:46, 6th Steve Caldwell 25:31, 7th Tracey Clark 27:46, 8th Derek Smith 25:31, 9th Emma Smith 27:46, 10th Malcolm Pearce st, 11th & fastest time Lee Johnstone 24:21. Only small fields arrived

for the race on 12th of November with weather threatening, and first across the line in the senior race was Jake Marryatt. His ride won’t count towards the points series however, after he was “motorpaced” back into the race after taking a wrong turn early and even getting off his bike to talk to organisers to get the ok to do that. The rest of the field crossed not long after him and Jason Revell led the sprint in. Results, Race 6, 12/11/15 :Social & Development race – 1st & fastest time Geoff Allan 34:24, 2nd Lachlan Bensemann34:25, 3rd Andrew Lambie 34:38, 4th Nigel Thomas st, 5th Sandy Harper st. Senior race, 22 starters – 1st Jason Revell 25:21, 2nd & fastest time Daryl

Queen 25:21, 3rd Andrew Jones 25:51, 4th Tracy Clark 27:46, 5th Andy Timmings 25:21, 6th Jonno Gee st, 7th Mike Wilson 27:46, 8th Des Keogh st, 9th Emma Smith st, 10th Derek Smith 25:51. On the 19th of November a strong NE’er hammered the fields and none of the bunches started with full numbers. Riders were spread out, largely finishing in ones and twos. Jake Marrayatt again showed how well he’s riding, and perhaps having battled the strong winds in the Tour of Southland helped him out on the night. He finished first across the line and also took fastest time. The field also saw the appearance of Linda Villumsen, the current NZ Champion and also the current World Time Trial Champion. It’s believed to be the first time the NZ Champion’s jersey has ever ridden out

at Leeston. Linda is just getting back into training after a break following riding in the USA and Europe over our winter and she rode in the middle bunch of the race. She’s indicated she’ll be back out to Leeston over the coming weeks as she starts building up to defend her title at the NZ Champs in January.

Photo - Linda Villumsen, current NZ Road Race Champion, current World Time Trial Champion and also Gold Medallist at the last Commonwealth Games.

Thursday 26th November, 2015 15


Ellesmere Sport ELLESMERE BOWLS SUB-CENTRE Ellesmere Cup Round 5 27/10/15 Akaroa 25 v Dia/Harbour 13 Leeston 1; 24 v Lincoln 1: 11 Lincoln 4 ; 12 v Dunsandel 19 Leeston 2; 9 v Lincoln 3; 22 Lincoln 2; 19 v Tai Tapu 8 Ellesmere Cup Round 6 3/11/15 Lincoln 2; 13 v Akaroa 24 Dunsandel 12 v Leeston 1; 16 Lincoln 1; 18 v Leeston 2; 15 Tai Tapu 10 v Lincoln 4; 26 Lincoln 3; 26 v Dia/ Harbour 18 Chatterton Cup Round 5 Leeston 1; 4 v Southbridge 4 Lincoln 3; 4 v Lincoln 1; 4 Lincoln 2; 0 v Lincoln 4; 8

31/10/15 Dunsandel 0 v Dia/Harbour 8 Tai Tapu 2 v Leeston 2; 6 Akaroa Bye

Chatterton Cup Round 6 Leeston 2; 6 v Leeston 1; 2 Tai Tapu 2 v Southbridge 6 Akaroa 6 v Lincoln 4; 2

7/11/15 Dunsandel 2 v Lincoln 3; 6 Dia/Harbour 4 v Lincoln 1; 4 Lincoln 2 Bye

Rooster Round 4 31/10/15 Lincoln 3; 2 v Lincoln 2; 4 Dunsandel 4 v Tai Tapu 2 Southbridge 2 v Lincoln 1; 4 Lincoln 4 ; 2 v Leeston 4 Rooster Round 5 7/11/15 Lincoln 2; 2 v Dunsandel 4 Leeston 4 v Lincoln 3; 2 Lincoln 1; 4 v Lincoln 4; 2 Tai Tapu 2 v Southbridge 4 Points update Chatterton Cup Akaroa 26/Bye Dia/Harbour 30/Bye Dunsandel 11/Bye Leeston 1; 18 Leeston 2; 35 Lincoln 1; 16 Lincoln 2; 11/Bye Lincoln 3; 15 Lincoln 4; 31 Southbridge 29/ Bye Tai Tapu 18/Bye

Rooster 20 12 16 14 4 6 10 14

Ellesmere Cup 2 Wins 1 Win 3 Wins 5 Wins 1 Win 2 Wins 4 Wins 2 Wins 2 Wins 3 Wins

Chatterton Cup Round 7 14/11/15 Leeston 2; 7 v Lincoln 3; 1 Lincon 4; 6 v Dunsandel 2 Tai Tapu 0 v Leeston 1; 8 Lincoln 2; 0 v Akaroa 8 Southbridge 4 v Dia/ Harbour 4 Lincoln 1; Bye Rooster Round 6 14/11/15 Lincoln 4; 0 v Lincoln 2; 6 Tai Tapu 2 v Lincoln 1; 4 Leeston 2 v Dunsandel 4 Lincoln 3; 6 v Southbridge 0

ELLESMERE COLLEGE YEAR 10 GIRLS VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT During the first weekend in November the Ellesmere College year 10 girls Volleyball team took part in the Canterbury Championships at Pioneer Stadium. Considering it was their first volleyball tournament the girls played extremely well and learnt lots of new things which will help them improve their volleyball knowledge and skills for the future. They won their final game and were placed 13th in the first division. While they were hoping for greater success, the team was still very proud of how they played. Each game was very tough as some of the teams had been to nationals and played in big tournaments. When playing St Margaret's, a team that had been unbeaten for most of

the tournament, they were pleased to win a set against them. Burnside was the first team they faced and although playing very well, eventually they were beaten even though they played really well against them. The tournament brought the girls closer together as a team and they jelled more and more with each game. They are very thankful to Mrs D'Arcie Ley for taking the time to be their coach and their parents for coming, supporting them and providing transport. The girls loved the tournament and can't wait for our next one. The team consisted of Paris Nurse, Sophie Allan, Eve Wellby, Georgia Higgins, Jamie Dickson, Bonnie McGrath, Martina Cepeda, Mel Poole and Abbey Millar.

ELLESMERE GOLF RESULTS Cont. from page 11 40. 6. Evan Harrison, 39. Nearest the Pin: #2 Ted Mikiel. #14 Heather Templeton. Twos: #2 Alan Miller, Jane Pangborn. #14, Howard Lemon. Nett Eagle Jackpot: 5, Mary Rykers. Watering Tournament held on 28 October Men : 0 – 17 Grade: Noel Lowery 1st 43 points, Peter Burnett 2nd, Rick Nicolls 3rd , Owen Roberts 4th, Bruce McDonald 5th, Roo Beldham 6th, Jane Pangborn 7th, Dave Anderson 8th, Men 18 – 36 Grade: Brian de Lore 1st 46 points, Evan Harrison 2nd , Bob Neill 3rd, Lance Innes 4th, Bill Whelan 5th, R Condick 6th, John Christey 7th, Ian Smith 8th, Nearest the Pins: No 2 Dave Anderson, No 9 Bruce Bampton, No 11 Barry Harkersss , No 14 Michael Williams Twos: Roo Beldham #2, Bruce Bampton #9, Max Ferris #11, Barry Harkerss#11, Bruce McDonald #14,


Thursday 26th November, 2015


Ellesmere Sport ELLESMERE MOTOR RACING CLUB The Speedway season fires into action all around the country at this time of the year but at Ellesmere, the only flag being waved is the red one as Sue calls in the volunteers for a wellearned lunch break. Ellesmere Speedway has embarked on a major upgrade project which initially was intended for the off season, only to be extended for a full year to complete the work. The decision was not taken lightly but is the correct one given the scale being undertaken. Many eyes are on this ambitious project as this small club forges ahead with positivity in securing this race facility for the future. I affectionately called them the “Paddock Racers” as through my younger days I followed them around from farm to farm as the search continued for a small piece of land for the ‘Good Old Boys’ of “Hazzard County” to stay off the streets and have some fun. History is documented where those terms came about when in 1981 the Ellesmere club moved to its current permanent site. There has been many a great day had at Ellesmere with some meetings being the first in the country, (caravan derby) and others outshining the performances of some wellestablished tracks ( Pacific Sprint Car/Modified series). The club introduced the Mini Rod Class which was soon renamed Mini Sprints. This section was a welldefined home grown class for Ellesmere until the restricted rules were opened up seeing the Ellesmere’s Mini Sprints demise in the Mainland. Modified Sprints took over, not as

many in numbers and they continue to put in some appearances at Ellesmere. The success of local lad Tom Lumsden competing in the Lightening Sprints class in Australia with several other boys, where they run both the motor cycle and car engine variations in the same class gives us some hope that it could be repeated here in the future. The Ellesmere club has always been great supporters of both the Ruapuna (formerly Templeton Speedway) and Woodford Glen and many great names from around the country have raced at here. In recent times, a long time Ellesmere speedway competitor, Dave Kerr, has once again flown the local flag by picking up the 3NZ in his locally backed midget. Over the years there has been many improvements made to the facility but only the original construction of the track could compare to this upgrade. The track graded back, fence pulled down, catch ditch filled, outer perimeter levelled, concrete wall constructed, new safety fence, race lights and raised car park embankment are all tasks to be done around the complete track and even, they tell me, eventually a new control tower facility are all part of the plans. Ambitious, possibly, but it is being done right. Ellesmere is a member of the CTRA race group which suits the club nicely: affordable but with the allimportant safety features for competitors and spectators alike. The upgrade sees the club possibly move ahead of what is expected as far as competitor and spectator safety is concerned at CTRA track level,

equalling in many cases the standards set by SNZ for its contracted members. It’s a friendly place and Ellesmere relies on the support of some of the SNZ classes as well as some bike ATV and MX competitors throughout its season. It’s a costly venture but the club has been very frugal in accumulating some funds as well as obtaining grants from Pub Charities and Community Trusts to help out. Many local businesses and a small hard core group of members have been very loyal with their support and volunteered hundreds of hours of time that is required as they work to have the track opened for business in October 2016. While it had always been envisaged that one day Ellesmere may have a concrete wall replacing the catch ditch, President Rob Roxburgh admitted that being able to purchase some of the concrete sections and moulds from the defunct Temuka Club, has really given this project a major kick start. Ellesmere had a good relationship with the Temuka club back in the South Island Federation days and actually ran a fund raising meeting for them when they lost their track in a severe flood of the area decades ago, so they could rebuild. They struggled with costly consent issues for years trying to find a site that suited everyone, before giving it all away. A feature fans all around the country need to appreciate. Holding on to a racing facility may well be easier than finding a new site like the one Ellesmere had the good fortune to secure back in 1981 on Domain Board Reserve Land.

Extra moulds were made and used as the concrete sections were placed around the track, tied in and other panels poured in place. Railway irons have been driven in the ground with PVC pipe tided next to them in 200 litre drums filled with concrete to support the new safety fence poles. These drums and concrete fence have been tied back down to old concrete power poles before they are covered with embankment material. The progress has been identified by stages with many photos’ on the clubs Facebook page and web site as well as the few shown here. Massive thanks are owed to the small team of volunteers. Initially work was planned over the weekends but this was going to take too long and was subject to some weather conditions. Some of the team were on hand doing up to three concrete pours

per week and progress now sees the wall all in place. Plenty to do still as entry and exit gates need to be manufactured, fence poles, wire and catch ropes erected. Speaker systems and lights to be reinstalled plus a massive amount of back filling to be done and settled. Then the team needs to reinstate the track surface to its former glory. The club is hopeful by the comments that are floating around, the upgrade will attract some more competitors that will help boost some numbers in its regular classes. Variety is something Ellesmere will continue to offer with invited classes on occasions supporting its regular car/ bike events. Of course the track will be available for private and corporate hire as well as training which will continue to see the facility well used. Roll on October 2016.

Thursday 26th November, 2015 17


Local Scene SUDOKU


4 2

3 1



5 3



8 8

5 8













2 8



Solution for the last issue






"If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success". John D. Rockefeller SPOT THE HERON!!!! This picture will appear in any place, shape or size throughout the Echo. See if your observations skills are 20/20. The right amount will be in the next Echo. There were 6 herons in the last issue.

Race cleaning Land clearing Hedge & Stump removal Site works Driveways & lanes

23rd Nov. until 6th Dec.

Laser work Irrigation works Landscaping

LEESTON 68 HIGH STREET. LEESTON. PH 324 4333 Open 6 days from 10am until 9pm & Sundays 10am until 8pm Deliveries made within 5 kms. Conditions apply

Wheeled Digger Owner/ Operator Phone Scott on 027 272 3447 Email


Thursday 26th November, 2015


Situations Vacant Employment Opportunity Due to retirement we have an opening for a person or persons to join our friendly service station team for our shop and forecourt. This position will entail: giving full forecourt service, filling LPG cylinders, cashier, maintaining merchandised displays, daily maintenance of showroom, selling products and services, have good keyboard skills, providing excellent customer services.

nairn Electrical Ltd PART TIME 9am-3pm 4 days a week - 22 hours ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ADMINISTRATOR Our company is seeking a person to join our administration team who will take responsibility for the accounts payable in our Leeston based office. The successful applicant will be responsible for daily receipting of creditors invoices, reconciliation of accounts, monthly payment runs and general office support when required. Some experience in accounts payable and excel would be an advantage, however full training and support will be given. The successful applicant will have the following skillsSome experience in office administration Ability to follow processes and learn new systems  Strong attention to detail  Good time management and organisational skills Able to work autonomously and as part of the team

STOREMAN POSITION – RAKAIA A full time position has become available in our busy Rakaia grain store. Duties include product intake, seed dressing, picking orders, physically loading containers, forklift operation, serving customers and general store duties. Applicants will need to be physically fit, heavy lifting is required, be able to use their initiative and have a positive attitude. Knowledge of the grain and seed industry would be an advantage but not necessary as full training will be given. To apply or need further information, please contact Greg (03) 302 7319 or 027 239 4977.


The successful applicant will demonstrate:A positive attitude and a friendly disposition Flexibility and adaptability Self-motivation, honesty and reliability  

If this position sounds like you then please email or post your CV and application letter to:Accounts Payable Administrator C/- Nairn Electrical PO Box 15 Leeston, 7656 Applications close Friday 11th December 2015

Cleaner / accommodation overseer wanted.

Est 10 + hrs / week from now through until June Cleaning and overseeing staff farm house accommodation. Will involve laundering bedding etc weekly either on or off site. We will also looking for a handyman/person for the odd maintenance task. Call Ben on 0274 884946 or

SOUTHBRIDGE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB EST 1876 2016 Coaches and Managers Positions for Division 2 Applications are called for the following grade Division 2 The Southbridge Rugby Football Club is looking to bolster its coaching resources and is calling for expressions of interest. Please send your Coaching CV outlining your coaching experience and relevant skills that you can bring to this position. Southbridge Rugby Club will make considerable development opportunities available to our coaching team. Please notify the SRFC club manager as soon as possible to ensure that you are not over looked during the selection process Applications are to be sent to Chris McMillan: or to PO Box 7 Southbridge 7602 The successful applicants will become part of a successful club with a friendly and vibrant culture, and a strong membership base. Any enquires please contact Chris McMillan: 0274399773 or email as above

We seek a person who is: Honest Reliable Enthusiastic Energetic Good appearance Good communication skills Have computer skills Some Weekend and Public Holiday work may be required. This is a fulltime position. We would look at a job share. Full training will be given. Applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. Written applications together with CV. should be forwarded to: PETER BAYLIS BAYLIS BROS. (LEESTON) LTD 105 HIGH STREET LEESTON. By the 4th December 2015

Part-time Piggery Stockperson Southern Pork is a modern 450 sow indoor piggery operation located near Dunsandel. We require a part- time person to assist with general duties. These duties would include stock work, hosing, water blasting and maintenance. Previous experience with pigs is not essential. Applicant must have own transport, be honest & reliable and be selfmotivated. Hours of work between Monday and Friday, hours per day can be negotiated. Contact Jason on 0276077620.


Thursday 26th November, 2015 19

Public Notices FOR SALE


SOUTHBRIDGE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB EST 1876 Coaches and Managers JAB Grades for 2016 Applications are called for Under 7 grades through to Under 18. Please submit your expressions of interest

Luscious sweet cherries are coming…

Southbridge Swimming Pool Maintenance / Handyman required Local jack of all trades is what we are after Hours to be negotiated. Ph: Brenda 324 2356

Avalon Cherries 501 Leeston Dunsandel Rd Phone Marsha on 324 4088 To place your Christmas order now!

Applications are to be sent to Louise Christey: or to Chris McMillan: or post to the PO Box below. For further information please contact Louise as above or 027 2173202 The successful applicants will become part of a successful club with a friendly and vibrant culture, and a strong membership base. Southbridge Rugby Football Club P.O. Box 7, Southbridge 7602

Ellesmere A&P Association Treasurer / Secretary This role is a varied Sole charge role that would be suited to someone with general administrative office and accounts experience with a keen interest in Agriculture. The successful applicant will be responsible to the President of the Association and will largely self-manage both time and workload. The Key competences of this role are to provide effective and efficient Administrative, secretarial, financial and promotional support to the Association to ensure a successful show. This role has a high level of contact with members of the Association and the General public, it is expected that the person fulfilling this role will have excellent communication skills and will be able to maintain a high level of courteous service at all times, even under pressure situations. Previous administrative and accounts experience in the following tasks would be beneficial: Filing Minute taking Database maintenance Scheduling Taking bookings Account reconciliation Account receivables Accounts payables GST PAYE IRD relations Account preparation Hours of Work are varied, but are based on 15 hours per week. Around show time (August – October) the role becomes a Full-time position. September and October also include significant evening and weekend work in preparation for the show (negotiable around other employment commitments). Other months are dictated by workload and will be managed appropriately. There will be one 2hour (approx.) meeting per month March – November that will be held in the evening and will require the attendance of the Secretary, as well as numerous sub-committee and local district meetings. For this reason the successful applicant will need to have flexibility in availability. Remuneration for this position will be an agreed annual salary, to be confirmed with the successful applicant. If this position sounds like you, please send your C.V and covering letter to Chris Tod

Open 7am to 5pm daily New Menu and Delicious Deli food Free Wi-Fi Larger group bookings available day or evening

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. Ph 324 2021

New exciting competition THE ELLESMERE ECHO

Best Christmas Decorated House All houses need to be registered before the 4th December and the winners will be announced in the Echo on the 16th December. To register: send your name and the address of the house to Judging will take place during the week of the 7th December


Thursday 26th November, 2015


Local Scene EVENT


ATTENTION DAY CLUB MEMBERS Christmas Breakup 8th December 9:30am onwards. Will be held at the Leeston Bowling Club rooms Ellesmere Pottery Club The Ellesmere Pottery Club is holding a workshop on 29th November with Ceramic Artist, Jane McCulla who will share some of her techniques with us, thanks to funding from Creative NZ. Bookings essential, Ph Sally Simmons on 3242070 or 0273409380 for more information. Ellesmere Historical Society Tour of Sedgemere – Little Rakaia homesteads and historic places

WANTED Paddocks wanted for hay. Ph 325 4326 or 027 333 5492 Sheep grazing wanted. Ph 027 211 6948

Peppermint geranium plants or cuttings wanted. Ph 324 4244

Friday Night Youth EVERY CONTACT: FRIDAY MAT 7:30PM HOOPER UNTIL 021 964 9:00PM @ 008 The Station - Leeston VIBE is now only open to Yr9 upLife Church wards. An exciting programme for Yr 7 & 8 starting soon!!!!


ALTERATIONS, clothing repairs, trousers, hems etc. Little Boutique, Leeston. Ph. Christine 027 228 7641.

SKORTS made to measure at Little Boutique, High St, Leeston. Ph. Christine 027 228 7641 BROAD BEANS $2 a bag SODA STREAM cartridges, (1kg) 25 Darcy Street Ph syrups & refills available at 3243080 Leeston Hammer Hardware. Ph 324 3559 CELL PHONE, iGear accessories at Leeston Hammer Hardware. Ph 324 3559 TYRES - For all your complete tyre needs, see us CHRISTMAS CARDS & at Baylis Bros. Bridgestone Wrap available at Takenote (Lsn). Leeston. WATCH BATTERIES, Sale CHRISTMAS DECORAand fitting. Takenote TIONS available at Leeston. Takenote Leeston. WORK WANTED

LEESTON LAWN MOWING SERVICE Ph 324 3904 or 0220727841

Sunday 29 November 2015 Leaving the Southbridge Hall carpark at 1-30 pm Enquiries to Roger Gilbert phone 324 3648

The Shed Good used clothing. Behind the Co-operating church, St David’s Leeston (Fund raising for world mission projects) Open Wed/ Thurs 10am - 12md The Shed will be closing for the year on the 17th December and re-opening on the 13th January 2016


“I’LL DO THE HOUSEWORK” Phone Joanne B 0274208134 FOR RENT

Historic renovated one bedroom house in Sedgemere. Very spacious. Suit executive couple. $360 per week. Ph 324 2929

CHRISTMAS BOOK mailer out soon Takenote Leeston. DIARIES & CALENDARS 2016. Full range at Takenote Leeston. DANIEL CARTER “My Story” biography. On sale from the 13th Nov. Takenote Leeston. DISC brakes - we can machine your discs on or off the car. Also 4WDs. Jack’s Service Centre (2011) Ltd. Ph 324 3903 HYDRAULINK - We fix while you wait -Great range of stock available. Cochranes Ph 324 3791. LPG - We also fill LPG bottles - Primus, 9kg, 45kg & Fork lift bottles. And fill all vehicles. Jack’s Service Centre (2011) Ltd, Ph. 3243-903. NEW CLASSIQUE White Free Standing oven $500 at Leeston Hammer Hardware. Ph 324 3559 NEW RANGE of craft products at Takenote Leeston. PHOTOCOPYING & scanning at Takenote Leeston.


Thursday 26th November, 2015 21





RAKAIA SQUASH CLUB Welcomes new members. 3 courts, modern facilities. Contact Rachel 0275303503

Oregon or Macrocarpa Log-burner Mix Old Man Pine Blue Gum


Phone 329 7066 or 027 224 3301

Can deliver 9 cu.m at one time


$800 9cu.m


Open Tuesday to Saturday.

Selwyn Glass •Broken window repairs •Cat doors •Replace Sliding door rollers •Re-puttying windows •Draughty windows •Fly screens repairs •Insurance claims


Ed Johanson, Phone: Ph 3242-930 or 021 269 1035 BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANCE






Phone 3242-642

$40 per day Ph: Brigette on 022 073 0398


MARQUEE EVENTS 03 324 3707

BRICK & BLOCK LAYER PLUMBER EXCEL BRICK & BLOCK CODY RAHUI Brick & Block Layer Ph 0278243384 New Homes Retaining Walls, Block Fences & Letter Boxes Foundations, Block Repair Work

TRAILERS….. Waterblaster, Steam cleaner, Carpet-cleaner.

Baylis Bros (Lsn) Ltd, ph. 3243-629.


Thursday 26th November, 2015


Trades & Services HEDGE TRIMMING





Tractor parts & service on-site or in workshop. A. & S. MOTORS SOUTHBRIDGE

• Residential & Rural Drainage • Excavation & Driveways • Effluent Disposal System Design Mob. 027 432 5106, AH 3242-





LOGFIRE INSTALLATIONS Showerdomes Tiling Adrian’s Building Services - (03) 324-3125 Locally based, NZ Home Heating Installer 10+ years




Need spouting or downpipes replaced? CALL :-

For professional service, peace of mind and a great deal!

Phone 0800 50 1993 for a free quote.

Phone Leonie

3243-576 SIGN WRITER Professional Packing Service Local , National & International Moves  Complete Door to Door service  Secure Storage Available  Full Comprehensive Insurance 


Ph : 03 344 6164


MUSIC TUITION PIANO LESSONS Children and Adults Ph: Kate on 324 3735 027 426 1988


Thursday 26th November, 2015 23




IMPACT Painting & Decorating No Job too Big, no Job too Small, no Job too Tough. Call us today for a FREE quote, suggestions and assistance on any job. From Land Clearing, Stump/Hedge Removal, Drainage, to a Stock Underpass and more!

Office: 03 324 3744 Greg: 0276 752 658

Fully-qualified tradesmen specialising in Commercial and Residential Properties Interior and Exterior Roofs Free quotes Michael McAulay

(03) 3243-258; 027 244 8052



HYDRAULIC Hydraulic Hose Repair

A. & S. MOTORS Ltd Southbridge


3242-515 A.H. 3242-029

Harts Road, Lakeside RD3, Leeston


WANT TO RIDE but haven’t a horse? Try riding with us. Ph. 324-3667 evenings.

Canterbury Waterproofing Ltd

For all your needs for:

Residential and Commercial Painting Concrete Crack Repair Systems Waterproofing and Roof Membranes Floor Coatings Plaster Cladding Systems To discuss any of your requirements please contact us: Stew or Nick, 324 2406 101 High Street, P.O. Box 1, Southbridge


LAWN AND GARDEN SOLUTIONZ - Lawn Mowing - Gardening -Section Tidying

- Lawn Fertilising - Bark/Straw Mulching - Shrub Pruning

(Rose pruning in season)

Phone James - 324 2780 Satisfaction Guaranteed


BEN FEARNLEY 027 308 7211 A/H 324-3339



MB FENCING CONTRACTING Selwyn Area & Surrounds

All types of rural fencing, latest equipment. All work guaranteed FREE QUOTES

PH. (evenings) 324 4111 or 0273 395 695


24 Thursday 26th November, 2015


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