Echo2nd july 2015

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Thursday 2nd July 2015

Volume 25, Issue 12


Around 4.30pm on Friday 12th June Lynette Webber was heading across the Selwyn Bridge to take 3 children to the Rolleston Pool. They never made it to the pool that day as their trip was cut short by a 3 metre long log of wood entering their windscreen whilst travelling 100km over the bridge.

Lynette describes the log as “coming completely out of nowhere with no warning whatsoever.” There was no one in front or behind of her car at the time of the accident so the only explanation was that someone heading in the other direction towards Leeston had an unsecured load and it landed right on her

What’s coming up?


July 04 - Leeston Children’s Market and Busking Festival together with the Farmers’ Market

July 16 - Leeston Bowls & Tennis Club AGM. July 31 - Housie Night at the Southbridge Town Hall.

windscreen. It’s possible that the driver of the offending car is still unaware that their lack of judgement in not securing their load had even caused an accident. Luckily Lynette managed to keep the car on the bridge as the log was pushing the steering wheel towards the edge of the bridge and she also managed to safely get across the bridge before the car shut down. The three children were naturally very shaken by the ordeal but were fine within a couple of days. The children were two of her own children, 11 year old Caleb and 8 year old Ethan and a friend, 11 year old Ben Smith. Luckily Lynette’s husband Allan Webber was only 2km down the road so he was very

quick to the scene. He managed to get the car out of sight from other cars within a very short time so as to avoid another accident. By then it was getting closer to 5pm on a Friday night which is a very busy time on Leeston Road. Lynette would like to thank the two men who were first on the scene for their help and assistance that night: their help was much appreciated! This accident could so easily have caused serious injury or multiple fatalities and serves as a very big reminder to everyone to ENSURE that you always check and recheck any loads you are travelling with. An unsecure load can cause a very serious accident.

Above: Caleb Webber with the log that caused the devastation.

36 Sir William Pickering Dr Burnside, Christchurch Contact Peter Quinn or Brian Palliser at our Christchurch Office on


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Pick up, ex river or we deliver. We cater for all your excavation and aggregate requirements with a wide variety of different sized equipment

2 Thursday 2nd July, 2015




Sunday 5th July 8:00am ~ Eucharist at St James’, Southbridge 9:30am ~ Eucharist & Sunday School at St John’s, Leeston 7:00pm ~ Eucharist at St Luke’s, Brookside

Station Street. Leeston Extream Kidz & TFC (Teens for Christ) every Sunday at 10:00am

Every Wednesday 10:00am Holy Communion & prayer for healing at St John’s, Leeston Sunday 12th July 8:00am ~ Eucharist at St Mary’s, Irwell 9:30am ~ All-age Eucharist at St John’s, Leeston 11:15am ~ Morning worship at St Mary’s, Irwell Vicar: Reverend Lynne Horwood - Ph 324 3801

Sunday, 5th July 10.00am Family Worship with café open after service. Sunday, 12th July 10.00am Family Worship with café open after service. Senior Pastors, Wayne & Nicky Watson Church Office, phone 3243-697 CATHOLIC CHURCH

St John the Evangelist, Leeston, & St Patrick's Lincoln. Leeston Mass will be celebrated in the St John Ambulance Rooms, Cnr High & Gallipoli Street Sunday, 10.00am. Thursday 5.30pm Lincoln Sunday Mass will be celebrated at St Stephen's Anglican Church, Lincoln at 8.30am Weekday Masses: 9.00am Parish Centre. Rolleston Sunday Mass 5.00 pm Church of the Resurrection, Rolleston. Parish Priest, Fr. Frank Kelly 3252-770 Parish Chairperson, Anna Carter 3243-206

THE ELLESMERE ECHO THE ELLESMERE DISTRICT’S ONLY PRIVATELY OWNED AND PRODUCED FORTNIGHTLY NEWSPAPER Contact ~ Kath Mentink Accounts, Advertising & Editorial Enquiries Phone ~ 741 2206 Cell ~ 021 109 3470 Fax ~ 741 2207 Email ~ 435 Southbridge-Dunsandel Rd RD 2, Leeston. 7682




BE AWARE OF ICE ON ROADS AND PATHWAYS. DUNSANDEL June 21 1532 June 26 1520 June 27 0557 2123 2337 June 28 0140

MVA ~ Main South Rd Landing zone req. ~ Old South Rd MVA ~ Main South Rd PFA ~ Synlait PFA ~ Synlait PFA ~ Synlait

LEESTON June 18 2235 June 26 0755 June 26 1922

Chimney fire ~ Market St Hedge Fire ~ Smythes Rd Grass fire ~ Willis Rd

SOUTHBRIDGE June 26 1503 Gorse fire ~ Feredays Rd June 26 1900 Grass & trees fire ~ Willis Rd June 26 1910 PFA call ~ Hastings St, Southbridge

Next issue of

The Ellesmere Echo Thursday 16th July 2015 DEADLINE IS THE FRIDAY PRIOR TO PUBLICATION

THE ELLESMERE ECHO DEADLINE AND PUBLICATION DATES FOR 2015 DEADLINE DATE 10th July 24th July 7th August 21st August 4th September 18th September

PUBLICATION DATE 16th July 30th July 13th August 27th August 10th September 24th September


Thursday 2nd July, 2015 3

Local Scene

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6th July As part of KidsFest, on the first Monday of the school holidays, Leeston Playcentre will be opening its doors to children keen to have some craft fun by making their own lantern. For a gold coin donation they can come along with their caregiver (older siblings welcome too) from 10am-12pm and make their own unique creation that they can take home at the end of the session. Leeston Playcentre is open from 9-12am Monday,

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, during the school term. They also host a 'Babies Can Play' session for under 2s on Tuesdays at 12.30-3pm. They are located at 4 May Street, Leeston and can be contacted on 324 4161. Playcentre is an internationally recognised Early Childhood organisation unique to Aotearoa New Zealand. Playcentre is an early childhood education service, run as a parent cooperative, so the sessions are run by the parents under the guidance of a quali-

fied supervisor. They are funded by the Ministry of Education and membership fees, but additional fundraising by the parents is always needed to top up the finances required to run the centre. Leeston Playcentre would love it if people could support their latest fundraising campaign, which will hopefully provide some much needed income: Raise some Dough for Leeston Playcentre On Tuesday 14 July Domino’s Pizza Rolleston will be raising funds for the Leeston Playcentre carpentry area. $1 from each pizza sold between 4pm - 8pm will be donated to this fund. All money raised will go towards a new outdoor carpentry area, to help children develop confidence, express creativity & develop fine motor skills. Who said carpentry was only for grown-ups?

“Whenever children say ‘LETS PRETEND’, a new landscape of possibilities is revealed. When children pretend, they try on new feelings, roles and ideas. They stretch their minds along with their imaginations.” – Curtis and Carter. I think I’m a little jealous when I see all the fun and fabulous dress-ups that are available nowadays. We have some awesome ones at the Toy Library and hope to add some lovely girly ones soon with some of the money we have just received from New Zealand Lottery Grants. When children are Dressing Up they “put on” different professions, roles and personalities right along with those clothes and accessories. What is it like to be a Mum? - although sometimes it’s better not to know what your child thinks it is like. Can I recreate what I’ve seen or experienced and make sense of my world? Children can explore social roles and expectations in a safe and fun environment with Dramatic Play and Dress ups. In fact studies are showing now that children who engage in this kind of play are more able to show empathy to others as they have had experience putting themselves in “someone else’s shoes”, and imagining how they might feel. Dramatic play also helps

children practise language because dressing up isn’t a silent activity. As they use different voices, talk through what they will do and share their play through storytelling, language is present. It can also show children how powerful words can be as they share the thoughts and impressions in their head so others can see them too. When children let their imaginations run wild they can become great problem solvers as adults. Creative thinking grows with use so trying to figure out how a fireman can rescue a cat from the tree or what can be used to complete their version of the “life” they’ve stepped into allows children practice these skills. What a boost to your child’s confidence and self-esteem to discover that they can become someone or something else just by using their imagination! MONDAY - 7.30-8.30 PM & SATURDAY - 10-11 AM Other times by Appointment - Contact Lisa the Librarian 027 603 6873 2015-2016 Membership Prices - 12 Month Rolling. *No Obligation - $80 - Helping *$35 PLUS 3 Helping sessions a year *Casual - $5 for two weeks.


OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 7.30AM - 5PM LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE UNDER 3s AND OVER 3s QUALIFIED TEACHERS 20 Leeston Lake Road. Leeston. All enquiries to - Hayley Strachan 324 4115


Thursday 2nd July, 2015

Local Scene


6 Thursday 2nd July, 2015


Local Scene

We are still looking for If you want to be insomeone who makes volved with our market jewellery to join our regu- please please email us at leeston.farmersmarket@gmail lar marketeers. .com

Hi there everyone. Our next market day is just a couple of days away on the 4th July, American Independence Day. However, instead of celebrating that, we are having a Kids’ Busking Festival, starting at 10am and finishing at 12md. It is open to all primary school children and high school students. If you like to sing or play an instrument, do magic tricks, juggle, or anything that people would enjoy watching, then this is just

the thing to kick off the school holidays, and earn some money too! It's free to take part and there are prizes to be won. If you're 12years old or younger you'll need to have your mum or dad, or other responsible adult with you. To register, email Sonia at

VANUATU DISASTER RELIEF DEPOT UPDATE We would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who donated to this appeal. What a fantastic response! We have collected six cubic metres of bedding, clothing, foot wear – and thanks to the kindness of Leeston School – enough shirts and books for at least two classes! AWESOME! We would also like to

thank Pete, Sonny and Rachael at Hamilton Seeds for the loan of the bale crates and bin needed to be able to organise the goods. Their support and manpower helped get this off the ground – so a big thanks again! The next step is to see the goods shipped and delivered safely. We are currently approaching different organisations

Regulars at the market currently are Jan and Brian Winchester from Southbridge. They have a variety of vegetables for sale at very reasonable prizes. So make sure you visit their stall to get farm fresh produce while they're still in season. for sponsorship for the shipping and if necessary (to ensure safe delivery) funding of 2 x adult air fares in order to receive the goods and distribute them ourselves. We are also working hard making contacts within the local Vanuatu communities to determine who we will donate to. We will keep you updated and share our successful delivery story with you when it happens! Thanks again. From the Vanuatu Disaster Relief Depot.

Thursday 2nd July, 2015



Local Scene LAMBIE FAMILY GET TOGETHER – 16 May 2015 Acknowledging 150 years of the Lambie Family in New Zealand Recently 55 descendants of John and Jean Drummond Lambie gathered at Sedgemere Hall to celebrate 150 years of the Lambie Family settling in New Zealand. Eldest was Ray Lambie (92) originally from Lakeside, and youngest was Hazel Quartly, granddaughter of Irene Lambie, originally of Sedgemere. A celebration cake was cut by the elders of the group including: Ray Lambie, Jean Lambie, Lorna Brannigan (nee Lambie), Bruce Lambie, and John McLachlan. The cake was baked by

Bill Lambie (son of Frank and Nancy Lambie of Sedgemere) and iced by Southbridge-based Margaret Lambie (wife of Bob Lambie). As well as locals, people came from the Northland’s Ohope Beach; Nelson, Blenheim, Oxford, Rakaia, Pendarves, Ashburton, and Christchurch. Two Ellesmere locals were honorary guests, previous neighbours of the Lambies at Lakeside: Mary Johnston and Colin Patterson.

How to Hug a Hedgehog: 12 keys for connecting with teens A teen’s job is to be difficult and most do it really, really well. What about parents though? You want to hug that hedgehog, right? But you don’t want to get hurt. No problem. With entertaining stories and 12 principles that open the cages, unlock the doors, gently tear down those walls, and get you talking, How to Hug a Hedgehog explores everything from communication to what you might have missed on the teen “warning label”. A relevant, timely and essential book for anyone wanting to build positive relationships with teenagers, How to Hug a Hedgehog provides 12 key principles on establishing and maintaining communication, overcoming adversity and building selfesteem. Best-selling parenting author Brad Wilcox teams with It’s OK to Cry author Jerrick Robbins to help you face your worst fears, effectively handle pressure and stress, and an-

swer the hardest question of all: “What happens if I fail?” AUTHORS: Brad Wilcox is an Associate Professor at Brigham Young University where he also works with such programs as Especially for Youth and Campus Education Week. He grew up in Ethiopia, Africa, and has also lived with his family in New Zealand and Chile. He is the best-selling author of many parenting books. He is a popular speaker and has presented internationally. He and his wife Debi have four children and three grandchildren. Jerrick Robbins is the oldest of seven children and has had his fair share of experiences that taught him the importance of strengthening the family. He has seen firsthand how families can grow closer together through enduring hardships. He treasures every opportunity to share the lessons he learned growing up with others. His short story, “It’s OK to Cry,” has been published in Lessons from My Parents: 100 Shared Moments that Changed Our Lives.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY “All Humans are infected with Guilt, Shame, Judgement, Condemnation & Fear. I choose to take that skin off, and have a new one: Beauty, Elegance, Excellence, Grace & Dignity.”

Carlos Santana LETTER TO THE EDITOR To Whom it may concern, The residents in Southbridge are starting to lose their patience with some Ellesmere College students that have no respect for other people’s property. These are children that should know better than to take mail out of boxes that don’t belong to them. Several residents have had mail ruined and important documents go missing. They are asking that parents please be vigilant in knowing where your children are and what they’re getting up to after school. We realise that once the children leave the school bus they are no longer the responsibility of the school but they are still wearing their uniforms and thus setting a poor example of the school’s ethos in the wider local community.

Concerned Cit

8 Thursday 2nd July, 2015


Local Scene SOUTHBRIDGE 150TH: ‘People Stories’ Education in Southbridge The Benny children – Kate, Haig and Natalie, have attended both Southbridge Playcentre and Southbridge School. They are the fifth generation of Bennys to attend school in Southbridge. Natalie writes: My name is Natalie Benny. I am six. I go to Southbridge School. I like Southbridge School because I get to see my friends and we have a big school. We have two playgrounds. They are fun. I get to see my brother at school. Southbridge School is amazing. I also love going to the rugby grounds, so I can see my friends and get lemonade, and play on the playground. Graeme Benny, the Benny children’s grandfather, was the third generation to attend Southbridge School. Initially Graeme attended Leeston School, staying with his Grandparents, watch makers who owned a jewel-

lery shop opposite the current Carbon Gym building. In 1938-39 the Education Board put on school buses for country kids, and Graeme started at Southbridge School in Standard Three. The current junior block was Graeme’s first classrooms. The land between the School and the Church was owned by the Anglican Church where the large wooden, two storied Vicarage was sited, behind a large macrocarpa hedge. The Education Board owned a paddock further down Hastings St (the current home of the Roxburghs). It was decided that an ownership swap should occur. The Church land, being adjacent to the School, was of more use to the growing needs of the school. The former school paddock then became known as the Church Glebe land, and was cropped by voluntary labour to fundraise for the Church. A new vicarage was built on High St opposite the Church gates.


My name is Cam Ealam. I'm ten years old and I've lived in Southbridge all my life. I've got two sisters, one brother and an awesome mum and dad. My family have lived here for twelve years. My brother, sisters and I all go to Southbridge School.. I play for the Southbridge U11.5s rugby team. Although we have not won many games, we're always on the look out for more players. In summer I play for the Leeston Southbridge cricket team. The things I like about Southbridge are riding my bike around the village, exploring down at the beach, hanging out at the pool in summer time and lots more. Another thing I like about Southbridge is that your mates are really close by..

The Southbridge Garden Club held their Annual General Meeting recently. Isabel Cooper, President, presented her annual report in which she reported another successful year with a variety of topics during the year including growing trilliums, sharpening tools and the Seed Warehouse. On the bus trip the members had visited the Curator's garden at the Ashburton Gardens and a 12 acre garden followed by a nursery. As always there was a great turnout at the Christmas Party and on the garden walk, which had to be postponed until March, three delightful gardens in Southbridge itself were visited. The election of Officers followed Isabel's report, the only changes being Lesley Keppell being elected as Jnr Vice President and Lyn Clarke as Minute Secretary. The presentation of trophies were as follows: Novice Decorative Kasheen Walker Intermediate Decorative

Deanna Sycamore Open Decorative Isabel Cooper Most points flower, fruit and vegetables Lorraine Rasmussen Most points overall Kasheen Walker After a delicious finger luncheon members gathered together either to show a treasured item or to speak about disasters which had occurred in their gardens. It was amazing the number of mishaps from spraying with the wrong ingredients that had happened: from vegetables dying unexpectedly, footprints across a lawn, patches on a lawn and part of one member's garden dying just before their daughter's wedding. To top that off the bride-to-be sent her mother (who had been very upset) a sympathy card. We can all laugh over these mishaps a few years on but valuable lessons have also been learnt over the years.

Cam with a fish he caught at the Groynes on a school trip.


Photo above: Natalie and Haig Benny, with their Grandfather Graeme Benny (on right) and Sandra Opie and Andrew Benny who all attended Southbridge School.

Thursday 2nd July, 2015 9


Local Scene ELLESMERE A&P ASSOCIATION WINTER FEED COMPETITION RESULTS The Ellesmere A & P Association held their annual winter feed competition during the third week of May. The judges were Allister Moorhead, Michael Chaffey and Rangi Holland, who had a big task with over 60 entries. A new category was included this year to acknowledge the possible successes of double cropping, where two crops are completed over the season. Results Rape 1st John Morrish 2nd Graeme Odell Kale 1st Bob Davidson and winner of the SL and BE Chambers Trophy 2nd Matthew and Jennifer Davison 3rd Stu Litchfield 4th Warren Sheat 5th The Green Family, Glenmore Farm Autumn Saved Pasture 1st Ian Chatterton 2nd John Foster Turnips Chris Brown Fodder Beet 1st The Green Family and winner of the Ravensdown Trophy 2nd John Foster 3rd Darrochs Grazing 4th Rakaia Island Dairies 5th Ian Minson Cereal or cereal based 1st Killinchy Farms(Ray Magginnes) 2nd= Geoff Heslop

2nd= Mike Chaffey Mixed Winter Feeds 1st Chris Brown 2nd Hamish Millar Swedes Rakaia Island Dairies Autumn Sown Pasture (short rotation) Warwick Boon Autumn Sown Pasture (perennial based) Mike Chaffey Double Cropping 1st Warren Sheat 2nd= John Michael 2nd= Ian Minson The Association is extremely grateful for the tremendous support given by the sponsors, judges and farmers. To see the full results sheet, please go to our website or contact The Secretary, Annabel Smith, on 03 324 3807 or

Bob Davidson receiving his Trophy.


Thursday 2nd July, 2015


Local Scene SUDOKU 6 4


















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Life is busy at the Heritage Park. A project this size needs lots of preparation. Working Bees are held regularly on Tuesdays with winter hours delaying the start time to between 9 and 9.30am, stopping for lunch at 12 noon, then working through to about 3pm. A huge amount of cleaning up of the site has been completed plus restoring old and erecting new fencing, improvements to the gateway and landscaping begun. A new enclosed workshop for the Property team to operate from is now complete with power and lighting, and benches and equipment installed. Now attention can be focused on the installing of the stormwater system and on the preparation of the main building towards making it ‘fit for purpose’.

The girders need cleaning, the floor waterblasted and sealed to reduce dust, walls lined, a climate controlled room (to house soft items such as photos and documents) to be


Solution for the last issue

fers of items for display. Some of this work requires specific skills such as carpentry, weldbuilt, ing, renovations to the toilet electrical, or building. block completed, then However, there is also a setting up of displays – significant amount of both permanent and re- general labouring to be volving. done to get this project up Alongside all this, scrap and running. metal is being collected Tuesdays are operating and pick up trips being in an easy convivial Men’s made in response to of- Shed type atmosphere with some structure around what can be achieved each day. There is no formal commitment to attend all day and every week. People are turning up to help if and when they are available and for as long as they feel comfortable with. As the saying goes “many hands make light work” and all help is very

much appreciated. This is a great opportunity to have a yarn and a cuppa, stretch some muscles and be lightly or very involved in a community project. Some of the regulars have lived here for many years, while others are new to the area and looked for something light to get their teeth into. Most of the work currently is male orientated: however, they are partial to a hot scone, delivered unexpectedly. So if you want to know more or would like to help, just turn up or ring Kevin Taylor PH 324 3957 or John Winchester Ph 347 9982.

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Thursday 2nd July, 2015 11


Local Scene ELLESMERE COMMUNITY CARE ORGANISATION CHANGES AHEAD!!! At the end of 2014 the Ellesmere Lions along with the Lloyd Morgan Trust gave a very generous donation to the Ellesmere Community Vehicle Trust. This enabled the Vehicle Trust to purchase a new Toyota Yaris, for the use of those in Ellesmere needing transport to appointments and treatment. There hasn’t been any public transport in the Ellesmere area for many years, Ellesmere Community Care Organisation (ECCO) Volunteers have

used their own cars to take people to wherever they required. These Volunteers now use the Community Car based in Leeston and this is proving a great success. Over 4000kms have been travelled carrying 72 people – all extremely grateful for this door-to-door service. Most have no family members available to help them get to their appointments. No payment is required, but a donation towards the cost is welcome. Because of increased use, a change of point of contact is being made. All phone calls to ECCO, regardless of type of need now will go to the Leeston Medical Centre 324 3850

John Christey of the Ellesmere Lions handing the keys of the new car to Lois Birkett.

and you will be directed on to the right ECCO member. From there your need/requirement will be met, and you will be matched with an available driver. There is an ongoing need for more

Volunteer drivers, - This is a very valuable contribution to make to serve your community. Anyone wishing to find out more, please contact Lois on 324 3884 Ellesmere Community Care Organisation is grateful to the Ellesmere Lions, and the Ellesmere Community Vehicle Trust for the use of their Community Car. For two

years the Vehicle Trust has been also operating a 10-seater MiniVan for outings of any type for residents of Ellesmere. Many happy trips have been enjoyed to the Movies, Concerts, Dinner, Rangiora, Ashburton, Sumner, Lyttleton and other places of interest. If you would like to make use of this MiniVan, using an approved Volunteer driver, contact Judith on 324 8227. These vehicles are for your use as a member of the Ellesmere Community. Remember the new contact for ECCO Leeston Medical Centre ph 324 3850


Thursday 2nd July, 2015


Local Scene Reason 2) Your property will get more exposure If there are people looking for property and there are fewer properties on the market, then the properties that are on the market will been seen more often and for longer. 5 Reasons to Sell in Winter If Sam walks into a bar and he is the only man there among ten women, then his chances of "picking up" are greater than if there were ten men and only one women. Even if Sam is looking a little pasty and he has the winter blues, simple statistics suggest that he has better odds in the first scenario. The same applies to selling your property, if your property is on the market and it is the only property on the market, then all of a sudden it's looking pretty darned attractive, even if it’s not quite looking it’s very best. With regard to Real Estate, the closest way to imitate this situation would be selling in winter. Not as many people list property in winter and the properties that are listed don’t have to

compete for attention. Sure there are cases when selling in winter is not appropriate: for example you are leaving at the end of a school year, or at the end of a financial year, or dairy season. Nonetheless there is some solid logic to list in winter, below are a few of reasons. Reason 1) Buyers are still active in winter The Real Estate institute provided some data showing that the level of buyer activity and hits on major websites is relatively consistent throughout the year, whereas the number of properties listed have 2 major peaks, in Feb/March and in Sept/October. In this regard the behaviour of sellers is completely out of line with buyer activity, opening up a window of opportunity to sell in the middle of winter.

Reason 3) Buyers looking in winter are serious buyers If someone is actively looking for property in the middle of winter, then they are probably genuinely looking and less likely to be tyre kickers. Reason 4) Buyers can see your property at its worst Purchasers can feel confident buying in winter knowing that if it passes the winter test then chances are it will look good in spring and summer. Reason 5) You will be able to buy during the spring abundance. If you get your property sold during winter, it will give you the opportunity to look for a new property when an influx of properties are coming to the market. Conclusion If Sam wants to pick up a girlfriend then he needs to consider which environment will give him the best odds. The same goes for property sellers. Don’t rule out selling in winter when there are still many people actively looking for property, but yours could be one of fewer properties on the market.

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Thursday 2nd July, 2015 13


Local Scene CYBER-BULLYING LEGISLATION By the time you read this the Harmful Digital Communications Bill is likely to have been enacted as legislation in this country. This legislation is intended to deter, prevent, and mitigate harm caused to individuals by digital communication. (“Digital communication” means any form of electronic communication and includes any text message, writing, photograph, picture, recording, or other matter that is communicated electronically). The legislation will provide significant penalties for anyone that bullies another person via digital communication – up to two years in prison or a $50K fine. Well and good that something is done to stop all these droopy-eyed kids roaming around like zombies with their cellphones in their hands spaced out on texts and apps from using their favoured communication mediums to bully and harass other kids they don’t like. We’ve seen plenty of on-line bullying occur in New Zealand, and anyone that spreads an embarrassing picture of their ex on the internet or harasses someone they don’t like with public threats or lies probably deserves being tarredand-feathered. Nevertheless, the legislation is, at best, harebrained. There are no exemptions for journalists or cartoonists as communicators and prominent New Zealanders, as potential “victims,” are protected by

the legislation. A person commits an offence under the legislation “if the person posts a digital communication with the intention that it cause harm to a victim; and posting the communication would cause harm to an ordinary reasonable person in the position of the victim; and posting the communication causes harm to the victim.” The “harm” spoken of is further, although vaguely, defined as “serious emotional distress.” So, if someone publishes something with the intent of hurting another’s feelings, a reasonable person in the victim’s shoes would have their feelings hurt, when the publication is made and the victim’s feelings are hurt the publisher is in trouble. There is no public interest defence, so if the “victim” happens to be a Minister of the Crown and happens to slide a brown paper bag full of taxpayer money in the

direction of the CEO of some multinational corporate conglomerate in hope of some political favour and someone finds out then that someone is in all likelihood prevented from publishing anything critical of that Minister because the Minister could reasonably be expected to have their feelings hurt by that publication. It doesn’t matter that the publication would reasonably address suspicions of corruption because, legislatively, the hurt feelings are more important. It is quite a sorry state of affairs if this is the best legislation our politicians can produce to combat pimply-faced schoolyard bullies trolling other kids online after a year-and-a-half, three readings in the House, Law Commission recommendations, and Committee reviews. The legislation has potential to make satirists, journalists, and cartoonists criminals, while accountability is consigned to the museum and a security detail of Care Bears cluster around

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the feelings of our governing class lest they be hurt. This article has been prepared by Craig Wakelin, a Solicitor with Ronald Angland & Son, Solicitors, who may be contacted on Tel: 03 324-3033 or e-mail:

Library Card Competition Winners Announced Three Selwyn Library members have been rewarded for their efforts in the Selwyn Libraries ‘Design Your Library Card’ competition that ran throughout April and May. Three artists received the highest number of votes in their respective categories. Bailey Faass won the children’s category, Brittany Glassey won the teen category, and Eleana le Roux won the adult category. The competition encouraged Selwyn residents, including school children and members of arts groups, to draw, paint, photograph or digitally design the next set of Selwyn library cards and key tags. Selwyn Libraries Manager Vicki Carlyon was delighted to receive the first entry on day three of the competition and was pleased with the number of entries and the

artistic talent in Selwyn. 52 entries were received, with over 1,500 people voting for their favourite card. “I was interested to hear Rolleston School brought several classes down to the library to vote for their favourite design and I’d like to encourage local schools to visit our libraries again soon and participate in our upcoming reading challenge.” The theme for the design competition was ‘Why I love my Library.’ Judges from the arts and library community selected three finalists in the child, teen and adult categories. The public then voted for their favourite entry on the Selwyn Library Facebook page, or at their local library. Each of the three winners took home a new Android tablet. Six other finalists received a $20 voucher from The Drawing Room. There were also spot prizes drawn throughout the competition. Bailey Faass won a $20 voucher from The Drawing Room for receiving the most library votes, and Brittany Glassey also won a voucher for receiving the most Facebook likes. The existing library card design will continue to be printed and Bailey and Brittany’s designs will also be available later this year as library cards.


Thursday 2nd July, 2015


Ellesmere Sport Sights Set On Return To World Stage. lenge at Little River in 2009.His time placed him 10th.He was the first member of the Southbridge Fire Brigade to compete in this event. In 2010 he finished 3rd at both the Mid-Canterbury and Canterbury Challenges. 2011 was to be the year Steven, then 20 years old, who had shown enormous potential, started to produce top consistent results. He won his first Canterbury Title at Darfield, then teamed up with his Father and Brother to finish 2nd in the Team Relay. At Ashburton he became the South Island Champion, again teaming up with his father and brother, finishing 3rd in the Team Relay. He won the Mid-Canterbury Challenge at Burnham, also being a member of the winning Relay Team. In October 2011, Steven competed in his first National Title, finishing 3rd in both the Individual and Relay Team Categories. 2012 Steven defended his Mid-Canterbury Title, also part of the winning Tandem and Team Relay Events. He successfully defended his Canterbury Title, also winning Tandem and Relay Events. No National event was held. 2013 was a continuation of 2012,defending his MidCanterbury Title, winning Tandem and Team Relay Events. At the National Title in Wellington he finished 4th in the Individual section, with a time of 2.04mins and teamed up with his brother to finish 3rd in the Tandem. In October, Steven travelled to the World Firefighter Combat Challenge in Las Vegas, USA, earning a personal best time of 1.43 mins. 2014 Steven defended his South Island Title at Hanmer,2nd in the Tandem, and 1st with the Relay Team. At the National Title in Wellington, Steven, now 22, produced the run of his life to beat 92 other competitors, running the course in a new NZ PB of 1.46.He also teamed up with Brother Hamish to win the Tandem Title,

Steven, Wayne and Hamish Maw. and then was part of the winning National Team Relay Event. Steven also won the Inaugural Rendezvous Stair Challenge. He set his goal for the World Combat Challenge to be held in Phoenix early November, to go faster than he ever had gone before, to go under 1.40min,a time that would see him qualify for the prestigious Lions Den. He decided he wanted to make the Lions’ Den before Phoenix, so took a risk, travelling to Tyler, Texas and compete in the US Nationals: if he could go under 1.40 he would then be inducted at a ceremony with his mentor, Tom Reid at the Worlds. Arriving at Tyler 26 hours later at 10.30pm, he found he was the last person at the airport, and told he would have to go outside and wait for a Taxi. The next day in his one and only chance, he covered the course in 1.36.57,going under the magic mark and finishing an outstanding 14th. At the World Challenge in Phoenix all his individual runs were under Lions’ Den time, culminating in a personal best 1.34.11 at the World Finals. 2015 started with defending his Mid-Canterbury and South Island Titles, as well as the new New Zealand record, and in May at the NZ Nationals was first cross the line but incurred a 2 second technical penalty which placed him a close 2nd.He now turns his attention to the Canterbury Combat Challenge to be held in Southbridge, Saturday 26th September and then to the USA. WAYNE MAW wished the combat challenge was around when he was Stevens age. After

Steven started competing, then Hamish joined his brother and formed a Tandem Team, Steven suggested Wayne should compete and they could form a 3 man Relay Team. Wayne’s first competition was Canterbury at Darfield, April 2011,where a first up second placing with Hamish in the Tandem category was enough to get the "bug". The 3 Maws ran for the first time together in the Relay, again finishing 2nd.A week later the 3 Man Team was again in action, this time on the big tower at the South Island champs at Ashburton: racing against five man teams they finished 3rd.Wayne ran tandem events mainly with Hamish and Relay events, with the team now starting to grow. He was part of Two South Island winning relays and the 2014 National winning team. This year he was part of the team that ran the fastest time at the Nationals but a penalty saw them finish a very close 3rd.The highlight of his combat career to date was competing at the World Challenge at Phoenix last year, and in his first ever


The Firefighter Combat Challenge has become a huge part of Maw Family life over the past 7 years, with Wayne, Steven and Hamish competing and Karen supporting the boys wherever they compete, around New Zealand or overseas. Both Steven and Hamish have won Canterbury Individual Titles and well as winning many Tandem and Relay Events. 2014 was to be a year that will not be forgotten for many years as Steven won the individual National title, Steven and Hamish the National Tandem and then joined Wayne, Ed Love and Craig Clark to win the National Relay, Southbridge became the first brigade in New Zealand to win all three at the same Competition. Hamish ran under 2 minutes at this years’ Nationals for the first time, the 9th fastest recorded time in New Zealand. Steven set a new National record defending his South Island title at Hanmer in February. With Steven motivated to be the best in his sport ,the World Challenge saw him achieve his long time goal in making the Lions’ Den and running a new personal best on Finals day. He also ran against Wayne when he achieved a Lions’ Den time, making them the first Father/ Son in New Zealand to achieve this feat. In October this year they return to the World stage, travelling to Montgomery, Alabama for the week long Event. Steven has set a hefty goal of running under the magic 90 seconds, unheard of a few years ago. Wayne will be inducted into the Lions’ Den, joining his Son and 9 other Kiwis who have achieved this. They will be representing their Country as part of a 10 member team, the strongest ever assembled to compete at this World Event. We take a closer look of one Maw at the start of his Combat Career and another nearing the end. STEVEN MAW competed in his first Firefighter Combat Chal-

individual run, running against Steven and going under Lions Den time. This was one of his proudest days as a firefighter. He also competed with Steven in the tandem event and was the flag bearer at the Opening ceremony. A very proud Father of both his boys’ achievements to date, being able to compete with them has been something very special. Wayne’s motto is "The only thing standing between you and your GOALS.......are the excuses you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve them". Wayne and Steven would like to thank everyone who has given them support as they get set for the Event. They couldn't achieve this without the kind and generous assistance of various businesses, organizations , the local Community and the Southbridge Brigade, who they are very proud to represent. Both are very motivated and committed to doing the very best they can.

Cow track lime supply & lay  Farm Tracks & driveways On-site crushing of shingle Supply & installation of irrigation pipe All shingle supplies Truck & trailer hire Grader & digger work Direct drilling Roller drilling

R.D. 2, Leeston. Ph. 027 534 9161


Thursday 2nd July, 2015



CLUB DAY On the 13th June was Leeston Rugby Football Clubs’ Club Day. With the sun shining and the fields looking in pristine condition, Leeston was set for a great day. The day featured our 3 ripper teams, 3 u8.5s teams, u10s team, u11s team, u13s team and finished with the u14s team. All had great games and great sportsmanship was shown throughout the day. All players were given a gift from Leeston of a drink and a chocolate bar. This was very well received by all the opposition teams. Thank you to all the Leeston players for making it a great day. At 3:00 we had a feature game of Leeston women v S o u th b r id g e wo me n . Teams fielded first time players and some past and present players. This was a

game that showed grit and determination of both teams. Southbridge just taking it away in the second half 30-20. Thank you so much to all the women who put their bodies on the line. The comments from the sideline, after the game, were full of praise for putting on such a good game. Special thanks to Southbridge for helping us entertain the crowds for our club day. Thank you to all of our sponsors for their ongoing support. Also to Bridget Roxburgh, Tom Bachelor, Pete Lowery, Glenn Smith and Super Liquor Leeston thanks for your contributions to the day. They were much appreciated. A huge thank you to everyone who gave up their time to make Leestons’ Club day such a success.

LEESTON U11.5 This year the under 11.5s are a enthusiastic group made up evenly of year 6 and year 7 boys. Their goal was to make the top 8 which was achieved by winning 5 out of 8 games. The teams’ strengths are a sharp back line with lots of pace and good general skills. The forwards have improved steadily each week and are becoming an effective unit particularly as

some of the bigger boys get fitter and are able to dominate around the rucks. As we move to the business part of the season the team has set a new goal of making the semi finals. To do this they will need to win two further games: this seems very achievable after last weeks’ game where they pushed the top team close and scored more points in the second half. The coaches are Tony Poole Alan Webber and Glen Smith.

ELLESMERE RACEWAY Final meeting for the season saw the ¼ midgets take to the track for their CTRA title. It was great to see a few more cars compete. There were no Quads or MX as both these classes had events on elsewhere which affected numbers. It was an improvement across some of the fields that were required as the club pushes ahead with some major redevelopment work. There was only one point separating the first three ¼ midgets home where Jayden Bradley from Nelson held two of the locals, Brad Clive and Montana Jamieson for the win. Jamieson won the first heat while Clive struggled a little to come home in 5th. Clive may rue that result as the next two heats were his. Jamieson came in 3rd and 4th as Bradley picked up three 2nd places. Productions raced for the Ellesmere Champs where one of the Clubs’ regular helping hands Gavin Henson pulled it off with two wins and a second. He was pipped from a trifecta of wins by Brendon Cording who took out the final heat earning enough points with this late run to finish third overall. Mike Meier was nearly as consistent as Henson finishing in the top three each time to claim second in the Production class. Tom Lumsden, driving one of the Daly cars, showed how he obtained top place in a recent Australian visit setting a scoring pace around the track to head home fellow speedway enthusiast Ben Gilmore by one point. Lumsden was only undone by his own car in the first heat overdriven by Kate Warren who took this win and third overall. The Everetts had a couple of good runs in the Vintage

midget section with the Murray Smith owned VW2200’s. It was good to see Barry Low get the late Gordon Roxburgh Pontiac up on the pace in a couple of runs too. There was a collection of older style midgets of the homemade era that had some fun too. TQs put on some fast action with little separating NZ 1 Mat Leversledge, Scott Baily and Ryan Chapman on the day with it being even stevens a little further back between Daniel McKinlay and Mark Morris. It was Leversledge from Baily and Chapman at the head of the field after the days’ running was completed. A handful of street stocks and mini stocks fronted and while Chris Miles was the street stock man, a good battle developed between David Pickles and Grant Hansen all day. The six cylinder sprints saw Bruce Paul win the Ellesmere Champs and well deserved too, from the adaptable Blair Low who Erwin Paul put in his car. Bob Lambie came home third while it was a better showing from Glen McKay as he gains some more lap time in his car. This was actually the feature of the meeting as Ellesmere shuts down for its redevelopment work on a concrete wall, improved safety fence and spectator banking. (See FB for progressive photos) The sagging sprint field was joined by the six shooters for

their first run at Ellesmere. It has been a long time coming and while they started behind the sprint cars, both provided a complete field of cars to watch and some very good racing. The best of the 6s stayed at the front end while the shooters’ top cars were well into it cutting and dicing through the field. It was Kris Jemmett's car who slightly edged out the six convert Richard Stubbs at the end of the day from Peter Keith and Gene Spooner. Many favourable comments were heard about running these cars together. While some might perceive the straight six may have a little more power and sound better, they tend to be older style cars and more difficult to handle. The more modern chassised shooters on the other hand do handle well once set and driven right. The two mix in well and I see no problems here. Sprint titles can still be reserved and run if they can maintain a field ( we know the cars are about ) while the shooters are a class that has grown in numbers and look good at Ellesmere, a track reasonably close for the Christchurch competitors in this class.


Thursday 2nd July, 2015


Ellesmere Sport COLLEGE SUCCESS AT QUAD TOURNAMENT Ellesmere College came out on top of the overall points table bringing the shield back to its rightful place in Leeston which allowed for a jovial and happy journey home on the bus from Geraldine. It was a tightly contested Quad tournament with Ellesmere College just edging ahead of Darfield High School and Mt Hutt College with the hosts. A fantastic day was had by all and the weather was kind to us. The Ellesmere College Netballers were outstanding being unbeaten in all three of their games. The Football team came away with two wins including a come from behind victory versus host Geraldine with an impressive 5-3 victory. Individual brilliance from Iain Wright saw him slot four goals home in that game. The Rugby boys managed only one win but

they secured a very large victory in their last game against Mt Hutt College. Thank you to our staff members/ coaches and parents who attended the day; Chris O’Connell and Leanne Shirtcliff (Football); Brendan Barns and Miru McClean (Rugby) and Hannah White-Kay (Netball). Well done to Elsie Wa- Above the EC football team and below Abigail McCullagh. die who came on the trip as a Netball Referee and Hugh McKenzie who refereed Football—they both did an admirable job!! Thanks also to Karen Palmer our Sports Coordinator who did the planning and organisation for the day.

Results and placings from the three sports played:

Above Iain Wright playing Geraldine High School and below Ben McEwan in the same game.

Overall Results

KidsFest returns to Selwyn for school holidays The ever popular KidsFest is returning to Selwyn in July. More than 100 events and activities for children will be happening in Selwyn as part of KidsFest, which runs from 4 - 18 July during the school holidays. “This year we have the biggest line up of activities ever in Selwyn and there are heaps of great events to keep kids entertained when the weather is cold,” says Selwyn District Council’s Recreation Advisor Dave Tippett. “These include discomania, a high ropes challenge, moviemania, a kids market, kite making, geocaching treasure hunts using GPS and a pool party.” Other KidsFest events in Selwyn include miniature pony fun, ski fun, learn to skateboard, craft sessions, a roller disco, hip hop classes and lots more. “KidsFest events are organised by Selwyn community groups, the Council and local facilities. Each year KidsFest is becoming bigger and better with more exciting activities being offered across the district,” says Mr Tippett. Some KidsFest events are free and others are low cost. Booking is required for many events. KidsFest started in 1992 and now runs in Selwyn, Christchurch City and Waimakariri. For information on KidsFest events and bookings visit, or pick up a booklet from a Selwyn library.

Thursday 2nd July, 2015



Ellesmere Sport ELLESMERE GOLF RESULTS Nett Eagle Jackpot: #1, not struck.

Results 13 June 2015. A stroke event was held for men and ladies played a stroke and putting competition. Congratulations to Paul Ward on his excellent round. Also, well done to the Ellesmere Shield team, finishing fourth overall. Ladies: 1. Heather McKinnon, 89;14;75 and 35 points. 2. Phillipa Foulds, 33. 3. Elizabeth Osborne, 32. Senior Men: 1. Bill Joyce, 80:15:65. 2. Aaron Chapman, 66 ocb. 3. Kevin Gwatkin, 66 ocb. 4. James Cochrane, 6. 5. Peter Burnett, 68 ocb. Intermediate Men: 1. Paul Ward, 80;17;63. 2. Stu Chamberlain, 66 ocb. 3. Jason McMillan, 67. 4. Rob McMurray, 68 ocb. 5. George Murphy, 68 ocb. 6. Ken Hearn, 68. 7. Roger Boon, 69 ocb. Nearest the Pin: #2 (Leeston Hammer Hardware hole) Darryl Joyce, #14, Noel Lowery. Twos ($10): #2 B Bampton, I Connor, C Robinson. #9 W Joyce, H Lemon, P Ward.





Ellesmere Women’s Golf Results May 19th. Taylormade Stableford 1st D. Boon. 44. 2nd. A. Chapman 38. 3rdW. Grant 37 (ocb) 4th. J. Walter 37 5th R. Reese 36 Nearest the Pin. L. Chambers. June 2nd. LGU Competition Lorna Smith Trophy Best Nett S. Chamberlain. 68 0-25 1st H. McKimmie 71 2nd L. Chambers. 76 26+ 1st. S. Chamberlain 68 2nd B. Chamberlain 71 3rd W. Grant (ocb) 73 4th A. Chapman 73 5th J. Walter 73 Nearest the Pin. N. Groundwater. June 9th.1st Eclectic Round. 1st. L.Chambers 103-29-74 2nd.P. Foulds 102-28-74 3rd.J.Walters. 111-36-75. 4th.S.Whelan 91-15-76 5th.S. Mugford.106-29-77 6th B. Chamberlain 110-3278

L.Chambers 29. Nearest the Pin. G. Lambert. 9 Hole Golf May 19th Taylormade Stableford. 1st. D. Brook 22. 2nd. M. Jones 17 3rd K. Winter 16 4th G. Taylor 15 5th J. Symes 12 6th M.McPherson.12 7th P. Clark 12. June 2nd “Hate – ‘em”Competition 0-20 1st. G. Taylor 39 Nett 2nd. K. Winter 43 “ 21-28. 1st. R. Dellit 40 Nett 2nd. J. Symes 42 “ Nearest the Pin. H. Crowhen. June 9th Reid Trophy Stableford. 0-20 1st. M. Jones 17 2nd. K. Winter 16. 21-28 1st. A Harvey 19. 2nd D. Brook. 17. Nearest the Pin P. Clark. June 16th. Putting. 0-20 1st G. Taylor 14 2nd. S Brown 15. 21-28 1st. D. Brook 14. 2nd. R. Dellit 17.

Nearest the Pin. S. Whelan.

Nearest the Pin R. Dellit.

June 16th.Medal,HPMT &Putting. 0-24 1st H. McKimmie 87-14-73 2nd. L. Chambers 96-20-76.

Results 20 June 2015.

25+ 1st. S. Mugford 105-29-76 2nd.P. Foulds 104-28-76 3rd. A. Chapman 106-29- 77 Putting. S. Mugford, H.McKimmie,

A pairs stableford event was held for men and ladies who played a stroke competition. The club was pleased to host some players from the Methven Golf Club, who were unable to play at their course due to snow.

Ladies: 1. Jane Pangborn, 39 by lot. 2. Jeanette Allen, 39. Mens Pairs, 2BBB stableford: 1. Noel Lowery and Graham Gunn, 50 pts. 2. Grant Clausen and Grant Chesterman, 48 ocb. 3. Stu Chamberlain and Simon McCormick, 48 ocb. 4. Chris Robinson and Piers Rolton, 48. 5. Peter Burnett and Chris Fox, 47. 6. Brian Osborne and Russell Chapman, 46 ocb. Nearest the Pin: #2 (Leeston Hammer Hardware hole) Steve Vivian, #14, Simon McCormick.

Longest Putt: #18, Stu Wilson. Twos ($4): #9 Gavin Milne, Gary McGill, Noel Lowery. #11 Aaron Chapman, Max Ferris, Win Jones, Graham Gunn. #14 John Templeton, Max Ferris, Richard Taiaroa, Murray Maw, Simon McCormick. Nett Eagle Jackpot: #4, $13 each to Gavin Milne, Nigel Chamberlain and Ray Anderson.

Friday Night Youth CONTACT: EVERY FRIDAY MAT HOOPER 7:30PM UNTIL 021 964 9:00PM @ 008 The Station - Leeston VIBE is now only open to Yr9 upLife Church wards. An exciting programme for Yr 7 & 8 starting soon!!!!

18 Thursday 2nd July, 2015



Wednesdays 10:30am - 12 noon At the Station 3 Station St, Leeston

(except holidays)

$2/family, 1st session free New Members Welcome!

Race cleaning Land clearing Hedge & Stump removal Site works Driveways & lanes Laser work Irrigation works Landscaping Drainage work Wheeled Digger Owner/ Operator Phone Scott on 027 272 3447 Email


Thursday 2nd July, 2015


Public Notices TAKEN TAKEN from Leeston School between 13th / 14th June, 2 gate pins, 30 cms long, green metal rods. If found please return to school office. Thank you. LOST


LEESTON BOWLS TENNIS CLUB TENNIS SECTION AGM 16/7/15 TO BE HELD AT THE CLUB ROOMS Lost Leeston area, maybe heading for Dunsandel. Responds to Lennon or “Princess” Please Ph 027 908 5938


Units coming available at Leeston Rental Storage. Ph Stu 3243684 or 0273432309

The Shed Good used clothing. Behind the Co-operating church, St David’s Leeston (Fund raising for world mission projects) Open Wed/ Thurs 10am - 12md

TOP TEAM IS BACK Get your team sorted Southbridge is celebrating 150 years – Labour Weekend

The traditional Labour Day sports is going to be held again on Labour Monday 6 Team Members (12years and above) 4 Categories; Sports Clubs High School Businesses Social

Team numbers are limited, so first in first served Any questions or to enter call Wayne Palmer on 0275605550 or E-mail


Anyone requiring the services of ECCO, from now on please make contact through the Leeston Medical Centre Ph 324 3850 From there you will be directed to the appropriate ECCO member to assist you with your needs. Any enquiries to Lois ph 324 3884


ALTERATIONS, clothing repairs, trousers, hems etc. Little Boutique, Leeston. Ph. Christine 027 228 7641. DISC brakes - we can machine your discs on or off the car. Also 4WDs. Jack’s Service Centre (2011) Ltd. Ph 324 3903 HEATERS: Wide range now available at Leeston Hammer Hardware. Ph 324 3559 HYDRAULINK - We fix while you wait -Great range of stock available. Cochranes Ph 324 3791. LPG - We also fill LPG bottles - Primus, 9kg, 45kg & Fork lift bottles. And fill all vehicles. Jack’s Service Centre (2011) Ltd, Ph. 3243-903. SKORTS made to measure at Little Boutique, High St, Leeston. Ph. Christine 027 228 7641. SODA STREAM gas cartridges—refills avail able at Hammer Hard ware. TIMBER Rough sawn and dressed, all sizes at Leeston Hammer Hard ware Ph 324 3559 TYRES - For all your complete tyre needs, see us at Baylis Bros. Bridgestone (Lsn).

The Leeston Volunteer Fire Brigade are compiling a list of names and numbers for emergency contacts for buildings in the district. This is to help them if they need to call someone for access etc. if you can help please contact Matt Walker on 324 8240 or 027 514 8288


WONDERFILLED Cakes dreamed up just for you. Kathryn Sutherland 0274 516 550, ph. 3243-497.


Thursday 2nd July, 2015


Public Notices SITUATIONS VACANT Volunteer Ambulance Officers Leeston  Do you have 6 – 12 hours free during the day/night? Ever thought about becoming an Ambulance Officer? St John is recruiting for volunteers to join their Leeston team in providing an invaluable service to the community. Being a Volunteer Ambulance Officer is exciting, rewarding and a great way to ‘give back’ by contributing to the welfare of your local community. In return for your time St John offers you NZQA recognised training from New Zealand’s leading provider of pre-hospital emergency care. The role requires the Volunteer to be committed, trained and motivated to respond as part of a skilled professional team. You will work alongside both paid and volunteer staff and interact with health professionals and people in your community.


 A full NZ driver’s license for at least 12 months    Clean drivers and police checks C    Computer literacy – as online study is part of our training requirement. For expression of interest please go to our website: https:// (Job code 23779) or to find out more, please contact: Jacqui Hamilton Station Manager Leeston Ph. 027 2940224 Email:



Pea Straw For Sale Ellesmere Lions now have pea straw for sale. Small bales $6 and medium squares $50 per bale, this includes delivery. Help the Lions continue with their current fund raising projects. Please contact Jock Lill on 3242723 or any Lions member. WORK WANTED

NANNY AVAILABLE: FOR WORK ON A CASUAL OR ONE DAY ONLY BASIS. PLEASE CONTACT HANNAH MENTINK ON 0277266015 OR 03) 324 4100 Hey my name is Bex. I’m currently looking for work to keep me busy through the winter period. Anything considered, something local would be great. Please phone me on 0273990556 or 0221736285

POPPITA’S PIZZA & PASTA New Winter hours!!!

Thursday through to Sunday 5-8 pm

Dine in or take away, BYO

87 High Street, Leeston Ph: (03) 4239161 Like us on Facebook!

Open 7am to 5pm daily New Menu and Delicious Deli food Free Wi-Fi Larger group bookings available day or evening Ph 03) 325 4037


Weddings, Civil Union Ceremonies, Namings, Renewal of Vows & Funerals. Jenni Gibson Ph: 324 8332 Mobile: 021 723 089




Calf Rearers Required Killinchy area both full and part time positions available Contact Karl Dean 324 4124

Time to put your thinking caps back on and get those creative juices flowing again. This years theme for the annual A & P Show is:

“SOIL, WATER and LIGHT” The show will be held

on Saturday October 17th 2015. Your mission, should you to choose to do it, is to create something from these elements. Further details and classes will be announced in the following Ellesmere Echo.

Thursday 2nd July, 2015 21


Trades & Services ELECTRICAN




Matt Mitchell  Domestic  Commercial  New Builds  Refurbishments  Heat Pump Installations (03) 3291 677 021 0267 8732

Oregon or Macrocarpa Log-burner Mix Old Man Pine Blue Gum Phone 329 7066 or 027 224 3301


Dry pine 3cm $195, 6cm $375. Bluegum OMP 50/50 mix $475 Ph 027 297 7563. HAIR STUDIO

Can deliver 9 cu.m at one time


Macrocarpa and oak trees/logs wanted Anything considered: Good, Bad or Ugly Ph Tim @ Ellesmere Timber Ltd 027 223 1100

Open Tuesday to Saturday. Late Nights, Tues & Thurs


Ellesmere Appliance Service Ltd For all appliance Repairs contact Jim Roxburgh Phone/fax 3243-608 or 027 62 44 602

Selwyn Glass


•Broken window repairs •Cat doors •Replace Sliding door rollers •Re-puttying windows •Draughty windows •Fly screens repairs •Insurance claims Ed Johanson, Phone: Ph 3242-930 or 021 269 1035 HIRE & GARDEN SUPPLIES



$40 per day



MARQUEE EVENTS 03 324 3707

TRAILERS….. Waterblaster, Steam cleaner, Carpet-cleaner.

Baylis Bros (Lsn) Ltd, ph. 3243-629.

22 Thursday 2nd July, 2015







Ellesmere Window Cleaning

Upstairs - Downstairs - In and Out Residential - Commercial - Out and About Whatever you need we can sort you out

Also now - Spider Proofing

Exterior and Interior Ph 3243-227 Grant 027 221 5060 or Penny 027 895 5943

Hedge Trimming & Garden Maintenance   


 

Hedge Trimming Small Trees & Shrubs Topped, Shaped or Removed Trenching & Digging Buckets Garden Maintenance Wood Splitter for Hire


Canterbury Waterproofing Ltd For all your needs for:


Owner operator

Phone: (03) 325 4664 Mobile: 021-500-519 TRUCK SPARE PARTS

• Residential & Rural Drainage • Excavation & Driveways • Effluent Disposal System Design

Residential and Commercial Painting Concrete Crack Repair Systems Waterproofing and Roof Membranes Floor Coatings Plaster Cladding Systems

Mob. 027 432 5106, AH 3242-543

To discuss any of your requirements please contact us:

Tractor parts & service on-site or in workshop.





PIANO LESSONS Children and Adults Ph: Kate on 324 3735 027 426 1988

Stew or Nick, 324 2406 101 High Street, P.O. Box 1, Southbridge

Professional Packing Service Local , National & International Moves  Complete Door to Door service  Secure Storage Available  Full Comprehensive Insurance 

Need spouting or downpipes replaced? CALL :-


Ph : 03 344 6164


Phone Leonie

3243-576 SIGN WRITER


For professional service, peace of mind and a great deal!

Phone 0800 50 1993 for a free quote. Contact - Streamline Spouting


For all your spouting and rainwater collection needs, we do continuous colour steel spouting with snow straps and downpipes.

We also undertake gutter-cleaning and repairs to other types of gutters.

Call us for free quotes on 021 875 462


Need help? Phone Nick Coe


Thursday 2nd July, 2015





IMPACT Painting & Decorating No Job too Big, no Job too Small, no Job too Tough. Call us today for a FREE quote, suggestions and assistance on any job. From Land Clearing, Stump/Hedge Removal, Drainage, to a Stock Underpass and more!

Fully-qualified tradesmen specialising in Commercial and Residential Properties Interior and Exterior Roofs Free quotes

Michael McAulay

(03) 3243-258; 027 244 8052

Office: 03 324 3744 Greg: 0276 752 658



HYDRAULIC Hydraulic Hose Repair

A. & S. MOTORS Ltd Southbridge 3242-515 A.H. 3242-029

Harts Road, Lakeside RD3, Leeston HEALTH & WELLBEING



WANT TO RIDE but haven’t a horse? Try riding with us. Ph. 324-3667 evenings. Ph: Brigette on 022 073 0398

PAINTING Exterior ~ Interior ~ Wallpapering ~ Decorating

Bill Speirs, Southbridge 3242-567


RAKAIA SQUASH CLUB Welcomes new members. 3 courts, modern facilities. Contact Rachel 0275303503



CARR’S Ph. Rodney 3242-999


BEN FEARNLEY 027 308 7211 A/H 324-3339

Servicing the Selwyn District


ELLESMERE BINS To your door wkly, frtly, mthly or casuals. Also trailer hire & empty Phone Mark Luxton 3242-720 Or 0275 30 24 72



LOGFIRE INSTALLATIONS Showerdomes Tiling Adrians Building Services - (03) 324-3125 Locally based, NZ Home Heating Installer 10+ years


Thursday 2nd July, 2015


Rural Scene

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