Rolleston news june

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Inside this issue: Sky Tower Stair 2 Challenge cont... Free Child Restraint 2 Information Evening Brie Gullery 3 Representing NZ in Gymnastics Meals on Wheels Service 3 Extend to Rolleston Running For Mayor…. 4 Senior Chef Classes 5 Rolleston Probus 5 Who Gives Way? 7 Winter Driving 7 Rolleston School Update 8 Jones Road Auto 9 Celebrates 1st Birthday Music Club Turns One 9 Piping & Drumming 10 Pink Shirt Day 10 Rolleston Men’s Shed 10 Public Notices 10 Classifieds 11 Trades 11-12 Email Column 12

The information and opinions published are not necessarily those of the Rolleston News proprietors. Rolleston News is distributed to almost 3000 homes and businesses in the Rolleston area.

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If it’s newsworthy and you know about it - we’d like to know too !

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This year’s Firefighter Sky Tower Stair Challenge was the biggest ever, with 550 firefighters from across the country climbing to the top of Auckland’s iconic Sky Tower on Saturday, May 11th. Th e even t r ais ed o ver $471,000 for Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand (LBC). The firefighters raced up fifty one flights, or 1,103 individual Sky Tower steps, wearing full firefighting kit and breathing apparatus. This year, 140 brigades and stations from around the country were represented in the stair challenge, including teams from both Lincoln and Rolleston Volunteer Fire Brigades. There were also eleven international firefighters taking part from Australia and the USA. “It’s extremely pleasing to see the Firefighter Sky Tower Stair Challenge event grow year on year. We are always blown away by the amount of money brigades r aise and the preparation they put into their training. It’s fantastic to see the Sky Tower put to such great use,” said Skycity’s General Manager of Group Services. Phil Glen, Carl Dierck Steve Trigg, Reuben Costello and Pete

ISSUE 97 Wednesday 29th May 2013

Phil Glen accepting the challenge of helping to raise a total of $1million for Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand in the 2014 event. S a vag e f r om Ro l l es to n Volunteer Fire Brigade all attended the Sky Tower Stair Challenge, along with Hadlee Cade and Richard Reid from the Lincoln Brigade. The Rolleston contingent were ver y pleased with their performance at the event. “Carl did extremely well, and came in at thirteen minutes, making him the fastest in our group,” said Rolleston competitors’

spokesperson, Phil Glen. Glen “This is the fourth year we have competed, and everyone gets faster each year. The event is a real gut-buster. The average

heart rate is about sixty five beats per minute, but can go up to anywhere around two hundred,” Phil commented.

Continued on page 2….

Right here in Rolleston - we’re your local!

Looking for something different? Next edition will be distributed Wednesday 26th June 2013 Deadline: 5pm Thursday 20th June 2013

Welcome to Winter! Hot, tasty soup with a homemade bun, along with an award winning Riesling. Phone for a booking or just call in Winter Hours - Fri, Sat, Sun 11am - 5pm 796 Highfield Road, Aylesbury - Phone 03 318 1826

Gifts for everyone Beautiful flower bouquets & arrangements (free delivery in Rolleston) ♥ Gift baskets made to order ♥ ♥


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Wednesday 29th May 2013

Resale Boutique in Prebbleton Twice loved - New and Nearly New Label Clothing and Accessories Stocking gorgeous things for all seasons. We stock quality resale items, including footwear, jewellery & a gorgeous selection of 'Special occasion' garments Sz 10 - 24 A little bit of a Pandora's Box for that unique piece. Like us on facebook - Also Including - Juliarna’s Sewing and Alterations Shop 2, 561 Springs Road, Prebbleton - Phone 03 344 3038 Tues – Friday; 10am – 5pm, Saturday; 12pm – 4pm

Green Fee players are very welcome at the Weedons Golf Course Golf Clubs, Carts & Trundlers available for hire For details on our special introductory offer for new members contact Jan on

Phone 347 8519

on's Rollest t Closes lf Go Course

…. continued from front page. Firefighters wear full structure kit and breathing apparatus, weighing around 25kg to compete. Due to the nature of the material the kit is made of, there’s a very real risk of heat exhaustion or heatstroke, and it’s not unco mmon f or competitors to collapse on completion of the race. All this aside, the Rolleston team plan on doing it again next year, and have been issued with a formal challenge, or wero, from the LBC, to help raise $1 million for next year’s event. A Wero is the ceremony where a tradi tional Maor i warr ior challenges a rival leader to see if he’s friend or foe. The captain from each Brigade team was asked to represent his group in

the challenge, and Phil was nominated for Rolleston. The ceremony is carried out with the warrior approaching the leader of the group, and issuing the challenge, using full Maori war cr y, and at ti mes accompanied with a haka by the rest of his tribe. The Maori warrior then gives a koha (or gift), and if the rival leader picks up this gift, the chall eng e is consid er ed accepted. “I felt that this was a special honour for me. A very humbling and amazing experience to be a part of.” said Phil. Watch for Rolleston Volunteer Fire Brigade from October this year, when they will be out in force, seeking sponsorship and donations, to do their part in

Rolleston Brigade’s Carl Dierck competing in the 2013 Firefighter Sky Tower Stair Challenge. helping Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand reach their $1million fundraising target.

Turn off Main South Road, onto Weedons Ross Road and we are situated on McClelland Road

“Do you have children in car seats? Do you know what age and size children should be when they change car seat type or no longer need a car seat?” All these questions, and many more, can be answered by Carolyn Bennison, Bennison Youth Road Safety Advisor for Selwyn District Council at a free child restraint information evening to be held on Thursday, June 6th, 7:30pm at the Rolleston Community Centre. “People often ask me questions about child restraints, like ‘when do I change seats?’ ‘how long do I need a booster seat for?’ ‘what type of seat should I get?’ to name a few,” said Carolyn, who is a certified Child Restraint Technician. “I’ve also seen some children in the wrong type of seat for their age and/or size, so I’ve decided to present a free child restraint information evening so people can find out what is the appropriate child restraint for their children and why,” she added. The session will cover topics such as: • the basics of child restraints

Emma Bennison (5) and Liam Bennison (21 months) safely buckled in their child restraint seats. an overview of the different types of restraints • child restraint safety statistics • when to change child restraints and why • things to be aware of, and much more. Carolyn will also show video clips of child crash test dummies that show why children need child restraints. Everyone who attends and completes an evaluation form goes in the draw to win an appropriate new child restraint valued at $300. •

She is encouraging anyone who wants to know more about child restraints to come along. Child restraints will be on display and free resources and information for parents, caregivers and children will also be available. To register, or to find out more, please contact Carolyn Bennison at Selwyn District Council on (03) 347 2944 or e-mail

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Wednesday 29th May 2013

Rolleston Rhododendrons

Fifteen year old, Brie Gullery of West Melton has just been selected to represent New Zealand at the Australian G y mn as ti cs N a ti on a l Championships in Rhythmic Gymnastics after trialling for a place, l ast weekend, in Auckland. Brie travelled to Auckland to trial for GymSports New Zealand judges and performed extremely well. The New Zealand team, of which Brie is now a member, travels to Australia for that country’s National Championships, held at the Sydney’s Olympic Park Stadium, in July. Brie is in her tenth year of co m p eti n g i n rh yth m i c gymnastics, starting out at the West Melton Hall when she was six years old. She is trained under the skill and proficient care of Alesha Berry (Kirwee) who has also represented New Zealand. Thankfully, the days of modern technology and utilising Skype and emails have enabled Alesha to continue training and coaching Brie for this amazing achievement, as Alesha is currently working in Japan. “It has been a tremendous help that Alesha’s mother, Bronwyn, Bronwyn is also specialised in this sport and her commitment and support of Brie has made this all possible,” said Brie’s

understandably proud mother Pamela Gullery. Gullery Brie trains twelve hours a week with the Delta Rhythmic Gymnastics Club in Avonhead and has represented Canterbury at the New Zealand Gymnastic Championships for the past five years. Brie attends Darfield

Many who m ay r equir e assistance, wouldn’t know that the Lincoln and Districts Community Care Association, Meals on Wheels service is now available for those living in the Rolleston district. Meals are delivered up to five days (weekdays) - but not Public Holidays; depending on client requirements. Meals consist of both a hot main course, plus a dessert, and are delivered by volunteers. To be eligible for either short term or long term meals clients need to be unable to prepare their own food because of either age, illness or disability. Lincoln and Districts Community Care Association can refer people for this service. Some folk may only require Meals on Wheels shortterm on discharge from Hospital. There is also the option of a cold meal which can be heated at night, should that be preferred.

The Meals on Wheels service also offers frozen meals (main course only), which can be purchased and kept frozen for future use eg weekends and public holidays. These are also suitable for families to purchase for any relatives unable to prepare meals for themselves, for whatever reason. To place orders or for further information call 325 2007. The Lincoln and Districts Community Care Association has been providing Meals on Wheels to their community for many years. Hot meals are currently delivered to Lincoln, Springston, Prebbleton, and Tai Tapu. But due to demand, they are now extending the coverage of this service to Rolleston. The association are working with Selwyn Central Community Care to provide the service to Rolleston and are seeking expressions of interest from indi vidu als inter ested in

Quality plants at good prices, starting at $25.00 Plant now ready for Spring flowering. Selection of Azalea, Iris and Pieris. Eftpos on site

1053 Goulds Road, Rolleston Ph 347 4033 Cell 021 040 7127

Fifteen year old Brie Gullery of West Melton who will cross the Tasman to represent New Zealand at the Australian Gymnastics National Championships in Rhythmic Gymnastics High School and as well as this New Zealand representation she also has to schedule study time for NCEA Level 1; an exciting year ahead and a busy one . The News wishes Brie all the best for her Australi an competition.

becoming delivery volunteers. They also seek clients in the new area wanting to have hot meals delivered. Those of all ages with an illness or a disability or those with age related issues may be eligible for subsidised meals.

150 Cashmere Rd P. 338 3334

Beautiful baby gifts, toys, clothing, linen, decor items, books, jewellery, cards & more. Gorgeous women's gifts for the new mum or a treat for yourself! Free gift wrapping, parking at the door Present this advertisement and receive 10% discount off your next purchase over $20.00 I look forward to meeting you in store!

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Wednesday 29th May 2013

Hororata’s Dr Olive Webb (ONZM) confirmed on Wednesday that she will be standing for the Mayoralty of Selwyn. “We must close the gap between Council and the people of Selwyn. That means going back to the basics - listening and talking with the community and not just announcing decisions that have already been made behind closed doors,” Olive commented. Dr Webb is a registered clinical psychologist and director of the Institute of Applied Human Services where she consults and coaches various organisations in New Zealand, Australia and the United States. She has a proven track record in business success and is no stranger to implementing change in a large s cale organisation. “As Mayor, I will establish a c om m u ni t y en g a gem e n t programme to which the Council is accountable. Selwyn is the fastest growing district in New Zealand,” Olive added. “How well are the new developments meeting our new residents’ needs?” “Our infrastructure needs a major review and a clear plan is vital for the future; one that is innovative, practical and affordable for this and future generations. Darfield is the largest town in New Zealand without a sewage system and the townships are too familiar with 'boil

water' instructions. This is unacceptable.” Olive believes the Council has been lacking in strategic direction with its business investments. “Consider the current draft Annual Plan. Can we really sell ten hectares a year of Izone land? What happens if we don't? Three years ago we buried KB Irrigation and JB Ferguson in Selwyn Holdings. Now Selwyn Holdings is to be liquidated. This flip-flopping suggests uncertainty and indecisiveness,” she added. Olive commented that Selwyn has a thriving economy based on the land and as farming has intensified so the burden on the environment has also intensified. “Our water must be clean and sustainable and w ell m ana ged . Farm in g communities must be central to discussions, research and decision making with Selwyn District Council, Ecan and Community Public Health. Other key stakeholders like Federated Farm ers, Young Farmers’ Clubs, Rural Women, The Country Women’s Institute and others, are all part of this work,” she said. Over the last six years, Selwyn District Council has accumulated a massive deficit, “this debt belongs to you and me. We are unlikely to get a bailout”, Olive said. “The problem,” she added, “is not just the debt but the financial processes that have produced it.

Sam Broughton has been a Selwyn District Councillor for the past three years, and was the first to challenge the current Mayor by announcing his intention to run for election later this year. His decision gives ratepayers the opportunity to see change at the top, with fresh perspectives that better reflect Selwyn’s new demography. “I believe that most people have an inkling that it’s time for som eone new to lead the district, as we face record setting economic and population growth,” Sam said. “My communication and listening skills will assist everyone to better engage in Council’s processes and decision making.” he added. Sam grew up on his family’s sheep farm in Selwyn before a stint exploring Europe and working in Christchurch, which reinvigorated his heart for home. He returned here and has been a

youth worker in Darfield for the past nine years. “Spending time out of the district reinforced all that I loved and missed about Selwyn with its open fields, rivers and mountains, townships of friendly people and of course my family.” As a Councillor, he considers the priorities facing Selwyn to be water use, communication and Council debt management. “We need to protect our drinking water and preserve our lakes and rivers for ongoing economic, recreation and environmental uses. The standar d of comm unication expected by residents is not being met by the Council and with debt increasing we must ensure sustainable income streams as we continue to service the repayments.” Sam’s commitment as Mayor would be to leave a legacy for the next generation. “We should be concerned with our

When I am Mayor we will review the way we do business, plug the growth of this deficit and reflect true fiscal responsibility.” “When I am Mayor, the people of Selwyn’s villages and townships will be partnered with Council to recover and reclaim their importance in Selwyn. “Residents and communities will be proud partici pant s in a thri vin g sensational Selwyn.” Candidate Facts: Age: 66 years Lives: Hororata Lived in Selwyn: over forty years Grew up in rural New Zealand Career Highlights: Made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2008; Thirteen years on Canterbury District Health Board; six years on Board of Access Home Health; Chair of Institute of Applied Human Services, pioneer researcher and ad voc ate f or peo ple wi th disabilities.


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Mayoral candidate, Sam Broughton and his wife, Liz. footprint and leave townships more beautiful, people more engaged, and road surfaces smoother than when we began.” “My attitude is pragmatic and I enjoy getting heads round a table before getting on with what needs to be done.” “Our district is changing, and if people would like me as Mayor they should tick the Sam box. If not, they should pick someone else and make their vote count,” Sam concluded.

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Wednesday 29th May 2013

SENIOR CHEF As folk get older, what they eat deserves more attention. Good nutrition is essential for good health. Often it can be difficult to manage nutrition when living alone and there may be the added obstacle of being socially isolated or finding it difficult to get to a grocery store or supermarket. A study of community-living older people in Christchurch identified that over 30% were at high risk of poor nutrition. Eating alone and difficultly with cooking were among the common risk factors. These findings concurred with other research which showed that for some older people, eating alone can have a negative effect on the quality of their diet, placing them at risk of poor nutrition. The Senior Chef programme ultimately helps older people stay in their own homes and be healthier, with a higher quality of life. The Ministry of Health and Canterbury District Health Board fund an eight week cooking

programme for adults over sixty five years, or over fifty years for Maori and Pacific, who live on their own, or with one other person, and need or want, to improve on skills. The course will also cover motivation around cooking for themselves, as well as managing their health. To make it even better, the programme is free to an yon e wh o w ish es to participate. Each session is three hours, during the day, once a week and includes topics like nutrition education, preparing and cooking a meal in pairs, and sharing the meal with the group. The cookbook, ‘Cooking for Older People’ was developed by the Healthy Eating Healthy Aging project team. It contains easy recipes that serve one or two people. This is also given to participants free of charge so they can use it throughout the course and become familiar with the recipes, as well as feel confident making them in their own home.

The classes are social, relaxed and informative, with practical sessions on food groups, s u p er m ar k et s h o p p i n g , budgeting, meal planning, food safety, etc. The eight week programme provides older adults with the opportunity to improve their cooking skills and knowledge, and encourages them to socialise and share meals as a group. Rolleston already has one course up and running successfully, but with community i n ter es t an d con fi r m ed numbers, another could be scheduled for July/August.

April was a busy month for the Rolleston Combined Probus Club, with a number of guest speakers joining them, including a member of Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB). The purpose of this visit was to talk about the Senior Chef course that has been running in Rolleston. The classes are now part way through, and have proven to be very popular. The main speaker for April was Ian McClelland, McClelland an Air Accident Inspector. He gave an extremely interesting talk on his role in transport accidents. “He added quite a lot of humour to his talk and everyone found it very interesting.” commented Probus President, Neil Bennett. Bennett Another busy month has foll ow ed wi th num erous activities and guest speakers in May, starting with ‘Mini Moments’. Three members of the group were chosen, and given an old coin. They then had to answer three questions regarding the date on the coin. 1. Where were you living then? 2. What were you doing in that year? 3. What were you wearing? This was very much enjoyed by

members, and will definitely be done again. The main speaker for May’s meeting talked about his ‘Scrap Metal’ business. Far being ‘boring’ - the group found it fascinating. “Most people wouldn’t realise the complexity of such a business. It’s not as easy as just dropping off a bit of scrap and having them send it away for you, to be melted down, and come back as a Japanese car,” Neil joked. “There are machines now for separating all the different precious metals that may be in your old TV set, etc and it’s this separation that provides the ‘jam’ on top, so to speak.” The group also found the demonstration of a ‘hand-gun’ piece of equipment that could identify what metals were present in a piece of scrap, when the instrument was pointed at it, extremely interesting. On May 28th the group visited the SPCA and this was followed by a luncheon at the Hornby Working Men’s Club and a visit to Knitworks. June events are already

confirmed with the main speaker for June 11th’s meeting, coming from the Canterbury Charity Hospital. Also in June will be the annual Mid-Winter Lunch, on Tu es d ay J un e 25th at Racecourse Hotel. For more information about the Rolleston Combined Probus Club, contact: Neil Bennett (President & Publicity), 03 347 3173, Leny Gisberts (Secretary), 03 347 1377.

Cooking classes for those over 65 Please contact: Senior Chef Coordinator P: (03) 337 7781 E: W:

Anyone not ready to commit to the eight week course, but who would like the cookbook, ’Cooking for Older People’, can purchase it by ordering through the website ( for just $10 - further information and expressions of interest can also be made through this website.

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Wednesday 29th May 2013

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Wednesday 29th May 2013

Many people don’t know the right answer to the question above. The correct answer is: pedestrians. A crossing point is an area that has been deemed by the Council as a safe place to cross the road. It has kerb extensions, and some also have a small traffic island in the middle of the road with a handrail. Pedestrians need to stop, look and listen before crossing the road, just like they do when crossing any other section of road, as vehicles have the right of way. The only time that drivers should stop for pedestrians is: on pedestrian (zebra) crossings; on the “green man” at traffic lights; and at school road patrols when

one or both STOP lollipops are extended into the road. Drivers should remember they have the right of way, but also be cautious when approaching crossing points due to the fact there is confusion about who gives way. “Vehicles often stop for me at crossing points when I’m out walking with my children,” said Carolyn Bennison, Bennison Youth Road Safety Advisor for Selwyn District Council. “I just wait and wave them on, and I let my kids know that cars are not supposed to stop, so they are learning too,” she said. “Recently I was walking along Springs Road in Prebbleton when I saw a truck stop for a family to cross the road at the

Do you know who should give way at a crossing point like the one pictured above?

Winter officially begins on June 1st. Winter brings more challenging driving conditions including rain, fog, and ice on the roads as well as snow quite often. Daylight hours are also shorter and visibility is often poor during the morning and evening rush hours when many people are on the roads. Selwyn Road Safety Coordinator Ngaire Tinning said that over winter it’s really important for drivers to slow down and adjust their driving to the more dangerous conditions. “Driving behaviour plays a big part in safety during winter and on wet, slippery, roads driving too fast can easily lead to a crash, especially on bends,” she commented. During the months of June August from 2008 - 2012 there were a total of 324 crashes on Selwyn roads. Of all the crashes that occurred during winter over the last five years, 54% were due to loss of control on straight roads and bends. 25% of crashes occurred in wet conditions and 18% in icy conditions. Ngaire added that many Selwyn residents report that they see

drivers not using their lights in rain and fog, while others say they have observed cars passing them at speed, including on roads where there is not enough visibility to overtake safely. This winter, Selwyn roading contractors will be watching many roads during the winter for icy conditions to make them safer for everyone by laying grit. “However,” Ngaire added,. “motorists still need to be very careful even if roads are covered with grit, as these roads only have a 40% improvement in skid resistance.” “Winter driving does not have to be dangerous or intimidating,” she said. “If you can start your journey five minutes earlier than usual, so that you can travel more slowly plus prepare your vehicle by defrosting it and checking that your tyres are in good condition, you will have a much safer journey.” Selwyn District Council is providing motorists in the district w i th f r e e w i n d s c r e e n cloths. These are available from all Council library/service centres. Ice scrapers will also be available from early June from these same locations.

crossing point. This was actually very dangerous as it was 5pm on a weekday and there were five cars behind the truck. The cars had very little warning that the truck was about to stop and this could have easily resulted in a crash,” Carolyn added. She also commented that if a vehicle stops for walkers at a crossing point, pedestrians should wave them on.


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Wednesday 29th May 2013


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Family owned and operated Business with over 30 years of local knowledge Large experienced team with a variety of equipment to tackle any job Postdriving/Fencing Cultivation/Direct Drilling Ripping tree lines/pipe laying Lawn Laying & Maintenance Landscaping & Irrigation Suppliers of Screened soil Haymaking/Baleage Driveway excavations 1½ tonne to 20 tonne Excavators Shingle cartage Shelter belt cleanups - Mulching & Loader service Fertiliser Spreading - 4 x 4 truck with G.P.S accuracy Free advice & quotes part of the friendly service

Ph: Carol 347 8555

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Flat Stanley is a 1964 children's book written by J eff Brown and originally illustrated by Tomi Tom Ungerer. Ungerer It is the first in a series of books featuring Stanley Lambchop. Stanley Lambchop and his younger brother, Arthur are given a big bulletin board by their father to display pictures and posters in their room. He hangs it on the wall over Stanley's bed. During the night the board falls from the wall, flattening Stanley in his sleep. He survives, making the best of his altered state, and soon he is entering locked rooms by sliding u n d er th e d o o r , an d enter taining his younger brother, by being used as a kite. A special advantage of Flat Stanley’s ’flatness’ is that he

can now visit his friends by being mailed in an envelope. Stanley even helps catch some art museum thieves by posing as a painting on the wall. Eventually, Stanley is tired of being flat and Arthur changes

Rolleston School recently held their annual book week and this year, their theme was New Zealand books. The school book week held a variety of special book themed activities, such as dress up day, reading rotation and whanau interchange. All the students at Rolleston School enjoyed the reading rotation where teachers moved around different classes and read a favourite book to the pupils. Dress-up day had everyone excited, as well as carefully thinking about what character to present themselves as. There were some amazing costumes and prizes were also handed out for creativity in the poster/ diorama competition. Emily, CharlieCharlie-Belle and Bailey Faas, were prizewinners for this

section and the school was very lucky to have lots of book vouchers to giveaway, kindly donated by the Scorpio Book Shop. During the week, the school Book Fair sold an extremely large amount of reading matter, allowing the library committee to choose almost $700 worth of free books for the school library. Staff and students alike are already planning and looking forward to the next book week.


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him back to his proper shape using a bicycle pump! Last term, students from Room 15 at Rolleston School were part of the world wide phenomenon that is Flat Stanley.

Believe it or not, these photos of Rolleston School’s Flat Stanleys are REAL! They were taken when Flat Stanley was waiting to visit Queen Elizabeth when she opened parliament recently.

Rolleston School recently held their annual senior cross country with about two hundred children competing.

Emily and Charlie-Belle Faass

Year 6 Boys 1st Nathan Binks 2nd Regan Mills 3rd Carter Emtage-McIntyre Year 7 Girls Despite the terrible weather, 1st Emma Bryce this went ahead with the 2nd Aaliyah Bryce following placegetters: 3rd Ana Hoju Year 5 Girls Year 7 Boys 1st Zoe McMeeken 1st Caleb McStay 2nd Madison Pywell 2nd Blair Ryall 3rd Caitlin Britt 3rd Scott Watson Year 5 Boys Year 8 Girls 1st Caleb Margetts 1st Courtney Phillips 2nd Oliver Cosgrove 2nd Natasha Reiri 3rd Connor Bruce 3rd Ella Jones Year 6 Girls Year 8 Boys 1st Emma Fisken 1st Keanan Pluck 2nd Baylee Williams 2nd Hamish Brown 3rd Sarah Gillespie 3rd Connor Kearns

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Wednesday 29th May 2013

Jones Road Auto was a well established Rolleston business and operated for twelve years, prior to coming under the new ownership of Nigel and Lisa Fleck last year. Nigel is a qualified mechanic with eighteen years experience, while Lisa is a qualified financial adviser. So, it’s easy to see why they are successful, focussed and professional, plus know a thing or two about marketing their talents. The couple have three children, (aged fourteen, two and one years old), and while Lisa is originally from Greendale, Nigel hails from Southland. Both now live in the Rolleston area, with their family. The business now boasts a team of five mechanics as well as two office staff. The employees at Jones Road Auto are almost all local too and only one employee travels from out of the area. Included in their team is a European car specialist and Nigel and Lisa have seen a steady growth in the number of Euro cars that are being looked after in the workshop. . The business has four Warrant of Fitness (WOF) inspectors and a dedicated WOF testing lane. Warrants can be done while customers wai t (i n a comfortable waiting room, with current magazines to peruse

The Rolleston Music Club, commonly known as ‘First Friday’ celebrates its first birthday on Friday, June 7th. The Club first started as a postearthquake measure to offer local m usicians and li ve m usic enthusiasts a place to go. Due to a number of venues being lost in the earthquakes, it was doubly important to locate a venue for musicians who were just starting out; somewhere to “cut their teeth”, so to speak, and hone their skills. The group meets on the first Friday (hence the name) of each month at the Rolleston Rugby

plus complimentary hot drinks!) and no appointments are necessary - just like a testing station! Jones Road Auto also has six loan cars available to clients and they offer a local pick up and drop off service too. Being MTA approved gives peace of mind to their customers, as this means that all work done is covered by the Associations warranty, and staff abide by the MTA Code of Ethics and Customer Promise. Recently Nigel and Lisa and the team at Jones Road Auto were a w a r de d a R ol l e s to n Envirotown Gold Award for their environmental awareness and practice, in the operation of the workshop. As part of their first birthday celebrations the couple are offe ri ng an i nnovati ve workshop open morning. “We’re working on building our reputation as a trusted service provider to our customers by being transparent.” commented Nigel. “What better way to do that than by letting the public in to see just what we do and exactly how we do it.” On the day there will be a sausage si zzl e runni ng throughout the morning, a bouncy castle for the children and a classic car show as well as great spot prizes. A fundraiser onsite will be raising money for Weedons School, and Nigel and Lisa would like to encourage as much support for them as possible. Early on in their business venture, Nigel and Lisa took the time and effort to get to know their customers personally, and looking back now, the pair can be justifiably proud of all they’ve achieved.

Clubroom s from 7pm until midnight. Generous support has been received from CJ’s Music Works in Rolleston, and Penny Lane Records. The CD’s donated to the Club are raffled each month and that, along with the small $2 door fee, covers running costs etc. A huge range of bands, solo artists, duos and even a perf orm ance poet make appearances. The monthly Club has indeed proved popular, not only with performers but with supporters as well. Many attend to not only enjoy the music, but also the

Putting the service into automotive servicing

1st Birthday Celebrations Sat 8th June, 9 - 12noon • Bouncy Castle • Sausage Sizzle (fundraiser for Weedons School) • Classic car Show • Spot Prizes - main prize draw at 11am (prizes include tools, car stereo, GPS unit & lots more!) • Workshop open for viewing - bring the family, talk to Nigel or the staff and see what we do!

• WOF while you wait

• Full mechanical repairs & servicing on all makes & models of vehicles • Five mechanics on site

Jones Road Auto 851 Jones Rd, Rolleston Phone 347 4020

The Jones Road Auto team, L-R: Jonathan, Charitee, Mark, Lisa, Nigel, Matt and Roy.

great facilities offered at the Rugby Clubrooms plus hot food and a full bar. It’s also proven to be a huge confidence booster. There have been a number of achievements amongst members; including a trip to Auckland for X Factor main auditions; another local band has made it into the Christchurch Regional Finals for New Zealand’s Battle of the Bands (yet to come); and members of a Dunedin band who attend the Club have made the regional finals for the Otago leg, (also yet to come). The nights are hosted by Duncan

Sole’s small side line interest called ‘Ministry of the Mind Music’ and he kindly provides all the g e a r f o r t h e n i g h t’ s entertainment, so that all anyone has to do is turn up! Provided permission is granted, each act is videoed and online at www. f a c e b o o k . c o m / p a g e s / Ministry-of-the-Mind-Music. This is a great tool for artists and their friends as well as working well for a musical CV, should one Duncan Sole of Rolleston Music be required. Club sets up equipment. On Friday, June 7th the First Friday will hold their first birthday contributions to the Club - there bash. As well as showcasing the will of course be cake - which no artists who have made regular birthday should be without!

Page 10

Wednesday 29th May 2013 CELEBRANT

Rolleston Piping & Drumming School Taking enrolments now! Contact: Malcolm Johnson 347 2457

The first intake of students for the Rolleston Piping & Drumming School. L to R: Richard Hurt, Alistair Morris, Jack MacDonald, Zac Haywood, Barry Shaw (tutor), and Charlie Moorhead. The school is still enrolling both piping and drumming students (see advertisement in this issue for further details). The school’s piping tutor, Barry Shaw has taught for twenty three years at St. Andrew’s College in Christchurch and he, along with the equally well qualified drumming tutor look forward to starting a vibrant young squad of pipers plus side and tenor drummers.

W E D D I N GS , Ci vi l Un i on Ceremonies, Renewal of Vows, Naming Ceremonies, Funerals & Unveilings. Jenni Gibson phone/fax: 324 8332 M o b i l e: 021 723 089

Deadline: 5pm Thurs 20th June AUTOMOTIVE

N ew Zealand has b een celebrating Pink Shirt Day since 2009, and the event grows stronger every year. This year, a r an g e o f p eo p l e an d organisations have come together to help organise and

The Rolleston Men’s Shed initiative is progressing well and the last two months have seen some dramatic changes. The group have now acquired some land and have been able to purchase a building, which is to be shifted onto it. “The paperwork is with the Selwyn District Council (SDC), but will take some time to get through all the processes required by them,” said Men’s Shed spokesperson Neil Bennett. Bennett “Once the necessary permits and paperwork is received, the building will be shifted and an extension built on, to give a bit of extra space for future

projects.” “In the mean time, there is plenty of coffee being consumed, while all the donated machinery that has been acquired is being prepared and repainted,” Neil added. The group has also submitted applications for funding to s e ve r al o r g an i s a t i o n s . “However,” said Neil, “it appears this may be held up until the permits have been granted by SDC.” “It’s wonderful to see the large number of requests being received each week from men wishing to join. Plus a number of lo cal p eopl e h ave als o

celebrate Pink Shirt Day. On Friday, May 17th, students at Clearview School held their own Pink Shirt Day and went to school dressed in pink to demonstrate that they do not tolerate bullying.

• WOF while you wait • Full mechanical repairs

and servicing on all makes and models of vehicles • 5 mechanics on site. Putting the service into automotive servicing

Jones Road Auto 851 Jones Rd, Rolleston Phone 347 4020

812 Jones Road, Rolleston

Pink Shirt Day is a national campaign aimed at raising awareness about the power to prevent bullying. Pink Shirt Day aims to reduce bullying by celebr ating di versity and promoting the development of positive social relationships. An annual even t cel ebr ated throughout New Zealand and the world, Pink Shirt Day helps to create a New Zealand where all people feel safe, valued and respected. The event began in Nova Scotia, Canada, in 2007, when a group of students stood up to defend a young person who was bullied because he was wearing a pink shirt. The students took a stand by all wearing pink shirts to show solidarity, and handing out pink shirts to their classmates.


Tyres from $20 Engines from $200 Lights from $20


for yo Scrap l M eta

Lots of other parts available Cash paid for your dead or alive crashed or rusty van, car, 4X4, truck etc Free Phone 0800 248 639 PUBLIC NOTICES

PUBLIC NOTICES Rosewood Livery is a friendly yard where all levels of horse and rider are welcome.

Children's riding lessons: $20 half hour, $35 hour Qualified and experienced instructor Learn to groom, tack up and ride one of our well schooled ponies After 10 lessons the 11th is free!

Senior students dressed to impress. L to R: Jordan Gillan, Jackson Cunneen, Danyon Rosborough, Charlotte Connelly, Greg Dold, Connor Carroll and Ethan Costello .

approached current members with offers to assist in any future projects. This has been really positive for the group,” Neil said. The Men’s Shed group thank everyone for the kind donations of equipment received so far. They are still hoping to attract donations of hand tools. If anyone has any redundant ones lying about in their sheds, they would love to receive them. Anything is gratefully accepted. Please contact Neil if you are able to assist or if you have any queries. Phone: 03 347 3173, Mobile 027 430 3076 or Email:

Phone Kate 03 347 6678 or 021 113 6370 E:

Ready to catch the next wave? Canterbury Swim School is taking bookings for swimmers of all ages – babies through to adults for its new complex off Buchanans Rd, opening mid June. Until then we’ll be at McKenzie Residential School, Yaldhurst Rd. Phone 342 4664 or visit

Page 11

Wednesday 29th May 2013 CLEANING FENCING PROFESSIONAL Touch Cleaning. SUMMERFIELD Fencing - in your For a great clean, domestic or area now. Lifestyle. Farm. co mm er ci al . 13 year s Sheep. Cattle. Horse. All types experience. Please phone of animals. Fences. Yards. Penny 027 315 2008 or a/h sheds. Arenas. Shelters. Runs. 27 yeas contract fencing. 03 303 5023. John is available to help with design and planning. Phone COUNSELLING Carol and John Summerfield E A P Su p p o r t S er vi c es 03 312 4747. Private and confidential employee support services FOR SALE available. I have 10 years BAGGED Pinecones for sale. experience providing EAP Big, dry cones. $5 and $7 per support, 25 years as a Human bag depending on bag size. Resources practitioner and Be in quick, place orders. We I am also a qualified Career deliver to Rolleston weekly, Counsellor. Ph Jenni Gibson call for details.. Phone Grace, 324 8332 or 021 723 089. Danielle and Caleb on 03 318 8922. DOGS

FREE RANGE POOCHES Going to the Coast? Can’t take your Dog?

Phone 027 439 9116

18 years Vet’s Nurse Exp Phone: 027 227 4355 or 318 4172 - Springfield

HEALTH & BEAUTY BODI BRONZ Spray tanning. Alesha Agnew - Organically Certified DHA. One off spray tans, special occasions. Phone 021 039 5880 or MOTORCYCLES

Deadline: 5pm Thurs 20th June

H A RL EY Davids on 1200 sportster 2009. Immaculate, Black . Pho n e Caro l 03 318 0880.



AC & EA WAKELIN FIREWOOD SUPPLIERS Phone 03 318 1484 or 021 260 4520 FIREWOOD

RK Firewood is back. Are you ready for winter? Available now - Old Man Pine, Bluegum & Oregon. All top quality, dry, clean wood. Eftpos available. Please phone Rini Contracting 027 451 7300.

Providing you with quality advice for Mortgages Refinancing & Re-fixing Loans, Mortgage Protection, Life/Trauma, Income Protection & Health Insurance Contact: 03 3477 205 / 0275 391 006 Disclosure Document Available on Request



WORK AVAILABLE NOW ! Morning shift - 7:30am - 4:00pm Monday to Friday If you have reliable transport and are available now, please give Mark McGauley at Kelly a call on 03 347 1180 or 027 503 0190 or email your CV to

STORAGE KENNEDYS - Purpose built. S ecu r e. Ch eap r ates . Rolleston. Please phone (03) 347 9464 or 027 223 8777 or contact us by email: TRADES H AN D YMAN - Mik e th e H and ym an s er vi n g all handyman, lawnmowing and general work, Selwyn area. Phone 0800 287 828 or 03 347 7437.

Upholsterer Recover: Lounge Suites Dining Chairs Squabs etc Free Quotes Based in Weedons


$40 DRIVEWAYS LIFESTYLE, LIFESTYLE farm tracks, yards and dairy lanes our speciality. Screened rotten-rock, it’s local and lasts better. Springfield Quarry phone 318 4132.



Breeding & Boarding Find us on Facebook


Phone 03 980 4979 Community Support Workers

Whitby Pumps

NZCare Group is one of the largest providers of support services to people with an intellectual disability. We are seeking dedicated, enthusiastic people to work as full time, part time, and casual Community Support Workers across our services in Christchurch. In this busy and varied role you will work as part of a close-knit team to support people with all aspects of daily living – including support with personal cares, cleaning, promoting independence, and accessing the community! A huge part of this role is supporting people to achieve their goals and live an ordinary life – if you want to make a difference, this is the position for you! Experience and qualifications are not necessary; you just need to be fun loving, dedicated, and willing to learn. To apply, please go to, or call Georgia Fretwell on 03 363 2815 for further information.

Specialists in pump and water solutions


0274 953 712

Mature Pine:

3 mtrs $170 6 mtrs $330 9 mtrs $490 12 mtrs $655 15 mtrs $810 Hardwoods available Certified truck for measurement WINZ quotes welcomed

REAL ESTATE FOR private sale. 3 bedroom brick home. 1273 Courtenay Rd, Kirwee. 2 mins to School. J ust been redecorated. Gas fire & heatpump. Well fenced. Large permanent material 4 car garage. Further particulars phone 03 349 9949.

EXPERIENCED CALF REARERS SOUGHT We have two roles available for the 2013 season

Sole Charge Calf Rearer You’ll have experience in calf rearing with a great attitude towards people, animals and pride in your work.

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Senior Calf Rearer Supervision of 3 – 4 calf sheds. Must be a people person with a keen eye for animal health. Must be results driven with great problem solving skills. General farm skills preferable. Contact Dana on 03 318 6979 or with cv and/or references.

● ●

Garden Lighting House Re-Wire Telephone Extensions Kitchen Re-Fit New Builds/Extensions Spa Pool Installation Shop Fitting Office Re-fits Mitsubishi Heat Pumps Electrical Safety Certificate

Mobile: 021 22 77 275 Ph: 379 6644 Fax: 379 6645 11 Allingham Lane Rolleston

Page 12

Wednesday 29th May 2013

Gum Leaf gutter guard has been proven on 1000’s of homes across Australia & New Zealand for the last 12 years. Quality materials: BHP Colorbond steel mesh with unique patented louvre which will even keep out pine needles. Will not rust or sag with age or load. Colour matched to your existing roof colour. 10 Year warranty for total peace of mind.

Call Rohan Rudd for a no obligation assessment and quote any time, any day, except Sunday

0800 486532 or 03 9828850

Need some help with: • • • • • •

Aerials/Dishes TV/DVR Set-up Wall Mounting Freeview/Decoders Cabling Phone JacksMulti-room

• • •

Systems Hook-ups Pre-wire (All Types) All Installations of TV, Freeview, Home Theatre, Hi Fi

Ph Simon 027 430 1211 / 03 317 8091 Get me to do your ‘dishes’

CASH PAID for scrap metal Brass Copper Lead Steel Dead or Alive


For all your Plumbing Requirements

Trucks, Vans & Machinery Free dumping of Whiteware

Rolleston Automotive Dismantlers Ltd

New Housing * Spouting * Roof Repairs * House Alterations * Hot Water Cylinders * Installing Solar Hot Water STEVE TE HAARA PO Box 37041 Halswell PHONE: 347 3006 FAX: 347 3008 MOBILE: 027 243 6974 EMAIL:

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Ph 0800 765 758 Mob 0274 339 104 A/H 347 9282 81 Main South Road, Rolleston


Washing Machine Repairs Hire Machines Reconditioned Machines

67 Burnham Rd, Burnham Phone 03 347 6768 Mobile 027 432 8651

Andy’s Furniture Repairs Stripping, Re-polishing Repairs to all wooden furniture

Phone 03 3431665

Thank God for the church ladies with typewriters. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced at church services: • The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.

Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children. • The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.' • Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands. • For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. • Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all the help they can get. • Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones. • Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered. • This evening at 7pm there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.

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