Film narrative

Page 1


shot Film grammar

+ space 3 places


time sequence

2.4 Locator part two

In the research process it was important for me to understand that there exist various ways of filming angles for different situations as well as other little tips and tricks that were discovered in creative process.

getting the right proportions

The rule states that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equallyspaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections. the rule of thirds

pro·por·tion    [pruh-pawr-shuhn, -pohr-] –noun 1. comparative relation between things or magnitudes as to size, quantity, number, etc.; ratio. 2. proper relation between things or parts: to have tastes way out of proportion to one’s financial means. 3. relative size or extent.

Bruno Munari

Understanding proportions

Experimenting with proportions and body parts was an interesting idea to explore how differe§nt parts of body look as a whole or in close up.

Using and un derstanding proportion we can imp s orve our dra wing skills a nd build ep

ic buildings.

In search for inspiration

Exploring possible narrative

After doing some initial shots I intended to do a stop motion animation that would use 3 different shooting techniques to connect filming grammar in space or time but in the end after going through thousands of photos I came to realize that this can only be the part 1 for my ambitious goal.

3,716 2.26 3 5 2 1 1 0 -5

images GB’s evenings shooting days “glueing” cramped wrists slow computer square ass coffee morale

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